Low Shipley Farm, Eggleston, County Durham: Archaeological Building Recording (OASIS ID: archaeol3-259208)

Archaeological Services Durham University, 2019. https://doi.org/10.5284/1058989. How to cite using this DOI

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Archaeological Services Durham University (2019) Low Shipley Farm, Eggleston, County Durham: Archaeological Building Recording (OASIS ID: archaeol3-259208) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1058989

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Archaeological Services Durham University (2019) Low Shipley Farm, Eggleston, County Durham: Archaeological Building Recording (OASIS ID: archaeol3-259208) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1058989


Low Shipley Farm, Eggleston, County Durham: Archaeological Building Recording (OASIS ID: archaeol3-259208)

This archive represents recording work (Lvl1/2) carried out in connection with a planning application for the conversion and extension of a barn to a cottage at Low Shipley Farm, Eggleston.

No features or fittings survive of historical significance, apart from the gable dovecote on the south-west gable end. The modern drinking trough in the north-east interior room attests to recent livestock watering and shelter. The plaster render on the interior walls indicates that this was also a primary function in the mid-20th century. Further, the wide entrances on the south-east elevation and the ventilation holes visible in the south-west interior room indicate that the building was designed for the shelter of livestock prior to 1859. The Ordnance Survey 1st edition of that year also shows two small yards corresponding to the wide south-east elevation entrances, further supporting an attribution of animal management. With the exception of the roof, where both the cladding and the truss appear to be modern, the building fabric appears to be all of one phase, with occasional evidence for minor repairs. In the absence of diagnostic features or supporting documentary evidence, the building appears on the Ordnance Survey 1st edition County Series of 1859 and is probably early 19th century in date.

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