There are a number of people who deserve thanks for this article, although of course, any mistakes it may contain are my own responsibility. Jonathan Bateman gets the biggest thanks. It is fair to say that his ideas and designs have totally transformed my words. Anna Badcock came to the rescue with a fantastic selection of photos of the Western Isles and Skye; the only difficulty was choosing so few of them. Judith Winters and Mel Giles have both been very supportive, sometimes showing more faith than I did. Bill Bevan, Mark Edmonds and Paul Masser have read or made comments on parts of this paper – I still appreciate their generous critiques. Finally, a thanks to my parents, without whose support this would not have been possible.
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Mellars, P. 1987 Excavations on Oronsay, E.U.P., Edinburgh
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Graeme Warren is a freelance archaeologist affiliated to Sheffield University, in other words, an unemployed ex post-grad. He likes prehistoric things, particularly in Northern Britain, and is sometimes found in dabbling in theoretical waters that are probably too deep for him. He hopes to be doing a PhD next year, but when he grows up he really wants to go and play in the Himalaya. If anyone knows any ways of getting grants for ethnographic work in Tibet he'd appreciate it...
© Graeme Warren 1997
© assemblage 1997