Electronic Journals:

The Ancient History Bulletin

is online. Articles about aspects of ancient history research.


Internet Journal of History, Archaeology & Art History. It is an attempt to bridge the gap between professional historians and archaeologists and their specialized research, on the one hand, and the general public, the true history and archaeology lovers, on the other.


is online. Full index and abstracts available.

The Center for Old World Archaeology and Art

Electronic publication outlet, includes "The Archaeology of Sicily, Italy, Greece and the Near East"

iNtergraph: journal of dialogic anthropology

iNtergraph is an experimental journal dedicated to exploring the use of new communication technologies in fostering a more open-ended and critically engaged anthropology which transcends disciplinary boundaries.

Contributions for future issues are sought.

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin

Number 12 is online. Rock art information, including directions for subscribing to the EuRockArt email list.

Previous electronic journal lists