AustArch: A Database of 14C and Luminescence Ages from Archaeological Sites in Australia

Alan Williams, Sean Ulm, 2014. How to cite using this DOI

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Alan Williams, Sean Ulm (2014) AustArch: A Database of 14C and Luminescence Ages from Archaeological Sites in Australia [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Alan Williams
Fenner School of Environment and Society
Australian National University
ACT 0200

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Alan Williams, Sean Ulm (2014) AustArch: A Database of 14C and Luminescence Ages from Archaeological Sites in Australia [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Records 1 - 25 of 5044

Lake Garnpung (GL-13) Burial 11910 335 Radiocarbon NZA 163 Webb 1989, Johnston & Clark 1998
Lake Garnpung (GL-24) Burial 18635 532 Radiocarbon NZA 159 Webb 1989, Johnston & Clark 1998
Lake Garnpung (WL 122) Burial 16535 535 Radiocarbon NZA-164 Pardoe, 1993
Lake Mungo (WOC-1) Burial 15780 430 Radiocarbon NZA 160 Webb 1989, Johnston & Clark 1998
Lake Mungo (WOC-1) Burial 16940 635 Radiocarbon NZA 231 Webb 1989, Johnston & Clark 1998
Lake Mungo (WOC-1) Burial 19030 +1410/-1200 Radiocarbon ANU 618A Bowler et al. 1972, Johnston & Clark 1998
Lake Mungo (WOC-1) Burial 24710 +1270/-1100 Radiocarbon ANU 618B Bowler et al. 1972, Johnston & Clark 1998
Lake Mungo (WOC-1) Burial 24745 2400 Radiocarbon NZA 246 Webb 1989, Johnston & Clark 1998
Lake Mungo (WOC-1) Burial 25120 1380 Radiocarbon NZA 230 Webb 1989, Johnston & Clark 1998
Lake Nitchie Burial 3290 85 Radiocarbon NZ 1226 Macintosh 1971
Lake Nitchie skeleton Burial 6820 200 Radiocarbon NZ-1225 Pardoe & Webb, 1986, Pardoe, 1993
Lake Tandou Burial 12530 +1630/-1,350 Radiocarbon ANU 705 Balme and Hope 1990
Lake Victoria Burial 750 170 Radiocarbon ANU-421 Blackwood and Simpson 1973; Polach et al. 1978
Lindsay Island Burial 4110 120 Radiocarbon ANU-7500 Pardoe, 1993
Lindsay River Burial 2130 85 Radiocarbon ANU-420B Polach et al., 1978
Lindsay River Burial 4550 185 Radiocarbon ANU-420C Polach et al., 1978
Lindsay River Burial >3580 370 Radiocarbon ANU-420D Polach et al., 1978
Lindsay River Burial Modern Radiocarbon ANU-420A Polach et al., 1978
Lyrra Paddock (Site 16A) Burial 5900 550 Radiocarbon Gak-1430 Blackwood & Simpson, 1973 cit. Godfrey et al., 1996.
Lyrra Paddock (Site 16B) Burial 4170 300 Radiocarbon Gak-1432 Blackwood & Simpson, 1973 cit. Godfrey et al., 1996.
Lyrra Paddock (Site 16B) Burial 4400 220 Radiocarbon Gak-1433 Blackwood & Simpson, 1973 cit. Godfrey et al., 1996.
Lyrra Paddock (Site 16B) Burial 5350 290 Radiocarbon Gak-1431 Blackwood & Simpson, 1973 cit. Godfrey et al., 1996.
Mallee Cliffs Burial 2430 260 Radiocarbon ANU-5787b Pardoe, 1988, 1993
Mallee Cliffs (MC1) Burial 6610 190 Radiocarbon ANU-5787a Pardoe, 1988, 1993
Maynards Dune Murray River Burial 940 350 Radiocarbon ANU 8651B Pardoe 1995

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