Berkshire Archaeological Journal

Berkshire Archaeological Society, 2008. How to cite using this DOI

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Berkshire Archaeological Society (2008) Berkshire Archaeological Journal [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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19 Challenor Close
Reading, Berkshire
RG40 4UJ

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Berkshire Archaeological Society (2008) Berkshire Archaeological Journal [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Cover for Volume 41

Journal 41: 1937

Author Title Downloads
E.W. Dormer Cover & Table of Contents: Part I PDF 59 Kb
anon. Berkshire Archaeological Society 1937 PDF 665 Kb
Rosalind M.T. Hill A Berkshire Letter Book PDF 3 Mb
F.M. Underhill Notes on Recent Antiquarian Discoveries in Berkshire PDF 1 Mb
P.S. Spokes Coats of Arms in Berkshire Churches PDF 1 Mb
E. Carleton Williams Some Notes on the Whistler and Simmons Charities at Goring PDF 732 Kb
anon. Local History Recording Scheme : Berkshire Branch PDF 79 Kb
B. Long Reviews PDF 135 Kb
E.W. Dormer Cover & Table of Contents: Part II PDF 58 Kb
E. Dormer The Stream called the Hallowed Brook at Reading PDF 2 Mb
Curator of Reading Museum A Find of Stuart Coins at Childrey Manor, Berks PDF 423 Kb
P.S. Spokes Coats of arms in Berkshire Churches PDF 2 Mb
A.I. Browne A Schedule of Wills proved in the Court of Faringdon Peculiar 1550-1636 PDF 367 Kb
G. Ward Roman Horse Shoes and 'Ox Shoes' from Silchester PDF 721 Kb
E.A. Greening Lamborn The Wantage Crosses PDF 121 Kb
Samuel Cooper Tanfield Vachell, M.P. for Reading, 1645 - Photograph of miniature PDF 362 Kb
anon. Reviews PDF 23 Kb

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