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Council for British Archaeology
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With contributions by:
Mike Anderton, John Beavis, Jonathan Coad, Wayne Cocroft, Colin Dobinson, William Foot, Doreen Grove, Vince Holyoak, David Hunt, Andrew Johnson, Jeremy Lake, Annabel Lawrence, James O'Neill, Ian Oxley, Bill Reid, Andrew Saunders, and Roger J C Thomas
ISBN 1 902771 37 0
The need has been identified for a clear and coherent statement of the state of knowledge and future research priorities relating to the study and management of twentieth-century military remains in Britain. This is a large and diverse subject whose research might variously involve the use of documents, oral history and secondary sources, alongside physical remains in the form of, for example, archaeological and architectural evidence (terrestrial and maritime), wall art and graffiti, and the character or 'personality' of militarised areas. Over the last three decades much valuable work has been undertaken in these related fields by amateur and professional researchers, culminating in national strategic studies such as the Defence of Britain Project and projects commissioned by English Heritage's Monuments Protection Programme (MPP), Historic Scotland and RCAHMS, and other heritage agencies. At the conclusion of these related studies it is timely that we address the state of knowledge, and consider for the first time future research and priorities. Consequently, this report is divided into three sections:
Modern Military Matters. Studying and managing the twentieth-century defence heritage in Britain: a discussion document (CBA Occassional Papers 24) | 2 Mb |