Cheshire Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC)

Robert Edwards, 2013. How to cite using this DOI

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Citing this DOI

The updated Crossref DOI Display guidelines recommend that DOIs should be displayed in the following format:
Sample Citation for this DOI

Robert Edwards (2013) Cheshire Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Data copyright © Cheshire Archaeology Planning Advisory Service, Historic England unless otherwise stated

This work is licensed under the ADS Terms of Use and Access.
Creative Commons License

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Primary contact

Robert Edwards
Historic Environment Records Officer
Cheshire Archaeology Planning Advisory Service
The Forum

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Digital Object Identifiers

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are persistent identifiers which can be used to consistently and accurately reference digital objects and/or content. The DOIs provide a way for the ADS resources to be cited in a similar fashion to traditional scholarly materials. More information on DOIs at the ADS can be found on our help page.

Citing this DOI

The updated Crossref DOI Display guidelines recommend that DOIs should be displayed in the following format:
Sample Citation for this DOI

Robert Edwards (2013) Cheshire Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Post Medieval Field Systems of the Peak Fringe

The Cheshire HLC project recorded the visible evidence of human history, which forms the modern landscape. This has been achieved by identifying landscape attributes from a range of historical maps. These attributes are categorised into a series of Groups, Types and Sub-types and their extent mapped and analysed using a Geographic Information System (GIS). This work enabled the historic character of any given area to be presented cartographically together with the historic processes which formed it.

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