Data copyright © High Speed 1 unless otherwise stated
This work is licensed under the ADS Terms of Use and Access.
Senior Project Manager
Oxford Archaeology (South)
Janus House
Osney Mead
Tel: 01865 263800
Fax: 01865 793496
At its basic level, Phase 1 of the CTRL archive consists of a number of individual archives each reflecting a separate archaeological intervention such as evaluation reports, building recording survey and interim statements on set piece excavation work. Phase 2 material consists of a series of post excavation assessments, Principal Site Reports and Integrated Site Reports. The latter set of reports draw together a linked number of interventions, focused on a number of the more important sites. This Phase 2 release of information also includes the individual specialist site reports on, for example, ceramic, flintwork and environmental evidence. Scheme wide syntheses are also included.
NB: in some cases, the 'sign-off' flysheets of the reports are not signed. This reflects the fact that the Word documents were scanned as opposed to the pdf versions; it does not represent a lack of quality assurance.
To access these site archives and reports select a search option from the grey menu bar at the top of the screen or view the full site list. Sites and reports are displayed by their title, which often contains the site name and code, and are ordered alphabetically. Many 'sites' had a number of interventions over time.
The Overview section contains a number of strategy and route wide documents, for example the CTRL Research Strategy, the original Written Schemes of Investigation, the synopsis for the monograph and the scheme wide specialist reports. It also contains an image gallery of key project photographs.
The map search allows users to search for sites based on their location along the route of the CTRL. The map search page initially displays the entire route of the rail link from which a user can select an individual section to 'drill down' to a more detailed map. Once a detailed section has been selected, users can either select an individual site, shown as a coloured dot with the relevant site name, or navigate to another detailed section by using the arrows around the edges of the map image. Each dot has been assigned a particular colour with blue showing evaluations, red showing excavations and black showing integrated site reports. These dots do not represent all the reports available on a particular site, but only the top level of reporting. By clicking the relevant name, or dot, the user will be taken to a 'results page' that lists all the reports pertaining to that site. This map search also shows those sections of the project area associated with particular scheme wide watching brief reports. These are coloured and access to the reports can be acquired by clicking the name of the report. These scheme wide watching brief reports, along with a list of scheme wide reports, will also appear within the results list when a particular site is accessed. Map Search.
The period search allows a user to select a site based on the date of material and/or features found there by clicking on the relevant image e.g. selecting 'Roman' will produce a list of all sites on which Roman features or material where found. Period search.
The advanced search allows the user to search the CTRL archive on a number of criteria that can be used in a variety of combinations. The 'site details' section allows a search to be carried out on site name, intervention type and unit responsible. The materials/features section allows a user to search for specific finds or feature types, which can be further focused by selecting a specific period. The various elements of both sections of the advanced search can be used in any number of combinations to both widen and narrow searches of the CTRL archive. Advanced search
The site list allows users to scroll through a simple list of all site interventions along the route of the CTRL. Site List.
As a result of using the advanced search, map search or the full site list, the user will be presented with a list of site reports ordered alphabetically. To access the full site archive, click on the 'Intervention type' button to the right of the report title.
When an individual archive is accessed a new dark grey menu bar appears at the top of the screen beneath the previous menu bar. This new menu allows the user to read the introduction and overview to that specific intervention and, importantly, to access downloads associated with it. A user can also view help files associated with downloads, download relevant viewers required to use the data and submit a help request to the ADS from this new menu bar.
A number of documents are also available for download which support various aspects of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link archive: