Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Transactions

Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, 2015. (updated 2023) How to cite using this DOI

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Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society (2023) Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Transactions [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society (1952) Series: 2, Volume 52.

Table of Contents

Anon. (pp. i-iv)
PDF 974 Kb
Anon. (pp. v-viii)
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Rules of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society
Anon. (pp. ix-v)
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Further excavations at Broomrigg, near Ainstable.
Miss K. S. Hodgson (pp. 1-8)
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Report of the Cumberland Excavation Committee for 1947-49
Anon. (pp. 9-40)
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1. The Roman fort at Drumburgh.
F. G. Simpson and I. A. Richmond (pp. 9)
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2. Turrets and milecastles between Burgh-by-Sands and Bowness-on-Solway.
F. G. Simpson, Miss K. S. Hodgson and I. A. Richmond (pp. 14)
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3. Milecastle 79 (Solway).
I. A. Richmond and J. P. Gillam (pp. 17)
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Appendix: The figured samian ware.
Grace Simpson (pp. 38)
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A newly-discovered Roman road from Drumburgh to Kirkbride.
R. L. Bellhouse (pp. 41-45)
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Excavations in High House paddock, Cumberland.
Brenda Swinbank (pp. 46-54)
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St. Bega and her bracelet.
Canon C. E. Last (pp. 55-66)
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Sir Ifor Williams (pp. 67-69)
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Two tax accounts of the diocese of Carlisle, 1379-80.
J. L. Kirby (pp. 70-84)
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The repairing of Crummock bridge, Holm Cultram, 1554.
Professor G. P. Jones (pp. 85-100)
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Prince Charles Edward's House, Brampton.
C. Roy Hudleston (pp. 101-105)
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John Wesley's travels in Westmorland and Lancashire North-of-the-Sands.
the late T. A. Bainbridge (pp. 106-113)
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Addingham Churchwardens' Accounts, vol. I (1690-1848).
Rev. F. B. Swift (pp. 114-125)
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Joseph Robinson, turnpike road surveyor, 1772-92.
Norman Dees (pp. 126-130)
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The historic crossings of the river Eden at Stanwix, and their associated road-systems.
Robert Hogg (pp. 131-159)
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Appendix: Bone dart-head from Carlisle.
Professor V. Gordon Childe (pp. 155)
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North-West Coast railway politics in the Eighteen-Sixties.
Sidney Pollard (pp. 160-177)
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Various. (pp. 178-193)
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Implements from Plain Furness.
F. Barnes and J. L. Hobbs. (pp. 178)
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A Bronze Age burial on Little Mell Fell.
C. Roy Hudleston (pp. 178-180)
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A perforated pebble from Millom rural area.
the Hon. Marjorie Cross (pp. 180-181)
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A mark on a stone in Swinside Circle.
the Hon. Marjorie Cross (pp. 182)
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The "pygmy cup" from Old Penrith.
Eric Birley (pp. 182-183)
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A Roman cremation-burial at Old Penrith.
C. Roy Hudleston (pp. 183-184)
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Hadrianic inscription from Castlesteads.
Eric Birley (pp. 184-185)
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An inscription from Old Penrith.
Eric Birley (pp. 185-186)
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Roman candlesticks.
W. V. Wade (pp. 187-188)
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An amphora stamp from Cumberland.
J. R. K. Thomson (pp. 188-189)
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A collection of Romneyana.
F. Barnes (pp. 189)
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Holy Wells of West Cumberland. A correction of a paper published in CW2 xliv 1-15.
M. C. Fair (pp. 190-191)
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Medieval masons' marks.
Mary C. Fair (pp. 191)
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Excavation Work at St Bees.
Canon C. E. Last (pp. 192)
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Possessions of the Knights Hospitaliers.
Capt. J. C. Maples (pp. 192)
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Medieval pottery at Ninekivks, Brougham.
Rev. C. M. L. Bouch (pp. 193)
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A clay pipe found at Brougham castle.
A. Priestman (pp. 193)
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Proceedings: April to September, 1952
Anon. (pp. 194-209)
PDF 4 Mb
Recent Publications
Anon. (pp. 210-219)
PDF 3 Mb
In Memoriam
Anon. (pp. 220-223)
PDF 1 Mb
List of Members
Anon. (pp. 224-242)
PDF 4 Mb
Notice to contributors of Articles
Anon. (pp. 243-244)
PDF 917 Kb
Statement of Accounts for the year 1951-52
Anon. (pp. 245-247)
PDF 1022 Kb
General index
Anon. (pp. 248-255)
PDF 2 Mb
List of the Society's publications
Anon. (pp. 256)
PDF 1 Mb

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