Day of Archaeology Archive

Lorna-Jane Richardson, Matthew Law, Andrew Dufton, Kate Ellenberger, Stuart Eve, Tom Goskar, Jess Ogden, Daniel Pett, Andrew Reinhard, 2018. (updated 2021) How to cite using this DOI

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Lorna-Jane Richardson, Matthew Law, Andrew Dufton, Kate Ellenberger, Stuart Eve, Tom Goskar, Jess Ogden, Daniel Pett, Andrew Reinhard (2021) Day of Archaeology Archive [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Lorna-Jane Richardson, Matthew Law, Andrew Dufton, Kate Ellenberger, Stuart Eve, Tom Goskar, Jess Ogden, Daniel Pett, Andrew Reinhard (2021) Day of Archaeology Archive [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Results page

Your search has returned the following results. Click on the title to view the Day of Archaeology article and any related files.

Records 1 - 20 of 36

Reconstructing a dolmen
Goskar, Tom (2014)

Planning a 1:1 reconstruction of an Early Neolithic long house
Gramsch, Alexander (2014)

Friday Finds
Hedge, Rob (2014)

A Life in a Day
James, Arwen (2014)

Day of Archaeology 2014: A life of lithics, balance and luck
Hoggard, Christian (2014)

From Riveting Romans to Saints, Sailors & Pilgrims
Boyle, Samantha (2014)

University field schools - the best way to gain field experience or maybe not?
Wooldridge, Kevin (2015)

Crafting Stories of the Past: Strathearn Environs and Royal Forteviot (SERF) project 2015
Poller, Tessa (2015)

ScARF is 3 years old!
Emma (2015)

Digging Diaries - The House As Old As Stonehenge
Minihan, Denis (2015)

My career is in ruins
Reavill, Peter (2015)

Researching the Human Remains at Hampshire Cultural Trust
Cultural Trust, Hampshire (2015)

Dirty pots reveal cooking practices of early farmers in Neolithic Poland
DavidAltoft, (2015)

C.R Archaeology Friday
Rees, Catherine (2015)

Eclipse of the Crescent Bone: zooarchaeology in Eger, Hungary
Johnson, Emily (2015)

Commercial geophysics for archaeology - a day at my desk
Roseveare, Martin (2015)

A transition period in the life of an archaeologist
Posluschny, Axel (2016)

A-Sitting On A Tell (Or: Just Another Day in the Field)
Jens (2016)

Archaeological Geophysics in Northern Mongolia
Moffat, Ian (2016)

Into the Bronze Age, commercial excavations at Llanfaethlu Anglesey
Rees, Catherine (2016)

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