Data copyright © Dr Justin Dix unless otherwise stated
This work is licensed under the ADS Terms of Use and Access.
Ocean and Earth Science
University of Southampton
Avenue Campus
SO17 1BJ
Tel: 023 8059 3057
The Modelling Exclusion Zones for Marine Aggregate Dredging project is funded through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund as disbursed by English Heritage. The project investigates the potential impact of aggregate dredging on submerged archaeological sites (principally but not exclusively wreck) through an enhanced understanding of the physical processes of site formation. This information will be used in turn to define exclusion zones around such sites both within and adjacent to licensed aggregate dredging areas, as well as any proximal inter-tidal sites.
These aims are achieved by integrating knowledge and approaches from a variety of different disciplines including: archaeological site formation studies; sediment and fluid dynamics (both in the field and the laboratory)l; numerical modelling of dredge plume and coastal zone impacts; and direct experiential knowledge from the dredging industry. The results from these studies will provide accurate, appropriate and most importantly cost-effective recommendations for defining exclusion zones in the future. This will include the potential of modelling sites pre-dredge to quantatively assess the impact of downstream effects of dredging. The knowledge gleaned from this research should also provide invaluable information on the impact of a range of other seabed based industries on our submerged cultural heritage. In particular it may be able to answer recent concerns on the impact of offshore windfarms and maintenance dreding on marine archaeological sites.