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Excavation of a 14 hectare site at Latton Lands, Wiltshire in advance of quarrying was undertaken by Oxford Archaeology on behalf of Cotswold Aggregates between 2001 and 2004. The excavation produced evidence of multi-period occupation dating from the late Neolithic/early Bronze Age to the post-medieval period. The site is located immediately to the south of Ermin Street Roman road. Previous (published) excavations to the west of the site exposed a Bronze Age settlement, and a scheduled Romano-British settlement site (SAM 899) lies directly to the south-east. The recent fieldwork produced an unanticipated density of deposits and quantities of artefactual and ecofactual material, particularly of Iron Age date. The presence of intensive Iron Age activity adjacent to the Bronze Age settlement and the Romano-British site is highly significant in regional terms as few sites of similar date and type have been identified in the vicinity.
The English Heritage disbursed Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF) programme provided funding for the analysis and publication of the excavation results, along with the dissemination of the report in the local archaeological journal, Wiltshire Studies.