National Mapping Programme: The Leadon Valley Sand and Gravel Aggregate Area (Leadon Valley ALSF)

Russell Priest, S Crowther, Amanda Dickson, 2009. How to cite using this DOI

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Russell Priest, S Crowther, Amanda Dickson (2009) National Mapping Programme: The Leadon Valley Sand and Gravel Aggregate Area (Leadon Valley ALSF) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Archaeology Service
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Russell Priest, S Crowther, Amanda Dickson (2009) National Mapping Programme: The Leadon Valley Sand and Gravel Aggregate Area (Leadon Valley ALSF) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Introduction page image - Lassington shrunken Medieval village

The Leadon Valley Sand and Gravel Aggregates Area National Mapping Programme (NMP) (ASLF Project 4832) was carried out by the Archaeological Service of Gloucestershire County Council on behalf of English Heritage. The survey was funded through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF) and was carried out to National Mapping Programme (NMP) standards.

Using aerial photographs, the project sought to identify and assess historic and archaeological assets within the potential aggregate producing area of the Leadon Valley, an area with an apparent low density of archaeological records (see EH ALSF 3346 Aggregates Landscape of Gloucestershire report). The information obtained from this survey will be essential to understanding the extent and nature of the archaeological resource visible on aerial photographs, and hence identify some of the likely archaeological impact of proposed aggregate extraction or other development plans.

Aims and objectives of the project were formulated with reference to the criteria published by English Heritage for Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF) projects. The project was designed to fulfil two of the three main criteria set out by English Heritage. These were:

A. Projects to increase the understanding and dissemination of knowledge gained from previous work undertaken on aggregate extraction landscapes: both to the local communities and the wider academic and public. This work will also improve our ability to predict future impacts in such environments (see B).

B. Projects aimed at developing the capacity to manage the impact of aggregate extraction on historic landscapes in the future. To develop reliable predictive information to enable curators, planners and the industry to better manage the impact of future extraction on the historic environment.

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