West Yorkshire Archaeological Service Geophysical Survey Archive

Archaeological Services WYAS, 2002. https://doi.org/10.5284/1000335. How to cite using this DOI

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Archaeological Services WYAS (2002) West Yorkshire Archaeological Service Geophysical Survey Archive [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1000335

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LS27 7JQ
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Archaeological Services WYAS (2002) West Yorkshire Archaeological Service Geophysical Survey Archive [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1000335

Object ID 1559894
Object Title Cross Lane, Drighlington, West Yorkshire, Foul Sewer Requisition. Geophysical Survey Report
File name ams.pdf
Format PDF
Format Type Acrobat PDF/A - Portable Document Format 1a
Checksum e223e61e64edbf8c247ed5d4b68c93f4
Created 01-Jan-2000
Last Modified 29-Nov-2011
File size 295 Kb
Title Cross Lane, Drighlington, West Yorkshire, Foul Sewer Requisition. Geophysical Survey Report
Date 2000
Publisher HS2 Ltd
Published (place) Wakefield
Pages pp. 14
Abstract A geophysical survey, covering 3 hectares, was carried out along the proposed route of a foul water sewer. Anomalies caused by infilled field boundary ditches and modern/medieval ploughing have been identified. A large, isolated, dipolar anomaly could locate a bell pit. It is possible that several of the linear anomalies may have an archaeological origin but without other supporting evidence a more definitive interpretation cannot be given.

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