Oxford Expedition to Egypt: Scene-details Database

Linacre College, Oxford, 2006. https://doi.org/10.5284/1000009. How to cite using this DOI

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Linacre College, Oxford (2006) Oxford Expedition to Egypt: Scene-details Database [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1000009

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Linacre College, Oxford (2006) Oxford Expedition to Egypt: Scene-details Database [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1000009

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OEE Scene Details Database Bibliography PDF 84 Kb

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Displaying results beginning with the letter B:

Bacharach et al, Near Eastern Civilizations through Art (1977)
Badawy, Iteti (1976)
Badawy, Nyhetep-Ptah and Ankhmahor (1978)
Baer, Rank and Title in the Old Kingdom (1960)
Baines and Malek, Atlas (1980)
Bakir, ASAÉ Cahier 18 (1952)
Balcz, in ZÄS lxvii (1931)
Barracco, Catalogo del Museo di Scultura Antica (1910)
Barsanti, in ASAÉ i (1900)
Bárta, Abusir V (2001)
Basel. Münzen und Medaillen (1972)
Basel. Geschenk des Nils (1978)
Baud, Famille royale (1999)
Berlin. Kunst der Welt in den Berliner Museen (1980)
Berlin. Ägyptisches Museum (1983)
Berlin. Ägyptisches Museum (1991)
Berman, Catalogue of Egyptian Art (1999)
Bisson de la Roque, Abou-Roasch I (1924)
Bisson de la Roque, Abou-Roasch II (1925)
Blackman, Meir I (1914)
Blackman, Meir IV (1924)
Blackman and Apted, Meir V (1953)
Borchardt, Ne-user-re (1907)
Borchardt, Sa3hu-re II (1913)
Borchardt, Cat.Caire I (1937)
Borchardt, Cat Caire II (1964)
Boston. Masterworks from the Age of the Pyramids (2002)
Bothmer and Keith, Brief Guide (1970)
Breasted, Geschichte Aegyptens (1936)
Breasted, in Bull. Los Angeles County Museum i [2] (1947)
Brooklyn Museum. Masterpieces in the Egyptian Galleries (1934)
Brooklyn Museum. The Brooklyn Museum Annual xi [2] (1970)
Brovarski, The Senedjemib Complex I (2001)
Brunner-Traut, Seschemnofers III (1977)
Brussels. Collection Adolphe Stoclet I (1956)
Brussels. Van Nijl tot Schelde (1991)
Budapest. Egyiptomi muvészet (1975)

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