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OEE Scene Details Database Bibliography | 84 Kb |
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Reference |
Bacharach et al, Near Eastern Civilizations through Art (1977) |
Badawy, Iteti (1976) |
Badawy, Nyhetep-Ptah and Ankhmahor (1978) |
Baer, Rank and Title in the Old Kingdom (1960) |
Baines and Malek, Atlas (1980) |
Bakir, ASAÉ Cahier 18 (1952) |
Balcz, in ZÄS lxvii (1931) |
Barracco, Catalogo del Museo di Scultura Antica (1910) |
Barsanti, in ASAÉ i (1900) |
Bárta, Abusir V (2001) |
Basel. Münzen und Medaillen (1972) |
Basel. Geschenk des Nils (1978) |
Baud, Famille royale (1999) |
Berlin. Kunst der Welt in den Berliner Museen (1980) |
Berlin. Ägyptisches Museum (1983) |
Berlin. Ägyptisches Museum (1991) |
Berman, Catalogue of Egyptian Art (1999) |
Bisson de la Roque, Abou-Roasch I (1924) |
Bisson de la Roque, Abou-Roasch II (1925) |
Blackman, Meir I (1914) |
Blackman, Meir IV (1924) |
Blackman and Apted, Meir V (1953) |
Borchardt, Ne-user-re (1907) |
Borchardt, Sa3hu-re II (1913) |
Borchardt, Cat.Caire I (1937) |
Borchardt, Cat Caire II (1964) |
Boston. Masterworks from the Age of the Pyramids (2002) |
Bothmer and Keith, Brief Guide (1970) |
Breasted, Geschichte Aegyptens (1936) |
Breasted, in Bull. Los Angeles County Museum i [2] (1947) |
Brooklyn Museum. Masterpieces in the Egyptian Galleries (1934) |
Brooklyn Museum. The Brooklyn Museum Annual xi [2] (1970) |
Brovarski, The Senedjemib Complex I (2001) |
Brunner-Traut, Seschemnofers III (1977) |
Brussels. Collection Adolphe Stoclet I (1956) |
Brussels. Van Nijl tot Schelde (1991) |
Budapest. Egyiptomi muvészet (1975) |