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OEE Scene Details Database Bibliography | 84 Kb |
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Reference |
Saad, ASAÉ Cahier 3 (1947) |
Sachs, Musikinstrumente (1921) |
Saleh, Three Old-Kingdom Tombs at Thebes (1977) |
Säve-Söderbergh, Hamra Dom (1994) |
Schäfer, Principles of Egyptian Art (1974) |
Scharff, in MDÄIK 8 (1939) |
Schneider, Horemheb II (1996) |
Schürmann, Ii-nefret (1983) |
Scott, Ancient Egyptian Art at Yale (1986) |
Scott-Moncrieff, Hieroglyphic Texts I (1911) |
Seipel, Bilder fur die Ewigkeit (1983) |
Sharawi and Harpur, in JEA 74 (1988) |
Silverman (Ed.), Essays offered in Memory of Klaus Baer (1994) |
Simpson, Qar and Idu (1976) |
Simpson, Sekhem-ankh-ptah (1976) |
Simpson, Kawab, Khafkhufu I and II (1978) |
Simpson, Western Cemetery I (1980) |
Simpson, Kayemnofret (1992) |
Smith, in AJA xlvi (1942) |
Smith, HESPOK (1946) |
Smith, in JNES xi (1952) |
Smith, in Bull. Boston Musuem lvi [304] (1958) |
Smith, Art and Architecture (1958) |
Smith, Interconnections in the Ancient Near East (1965) |
Sotheby's. Auction and Exhibition, December 7-13 (1991) |
Sotheby's. Antiquities and Islamic Works of Art, June 5 (1999) |
Sowada et al, Teti Cemetery at Saqqara IV (1999) |
Steindorff, Das Grab des Ti (1913) |
Steindorff, Catalogue of Egyptian Sculpture (1946) |
Strudwick, Administration of Egypt (1985) |