Land at Riverton Road, Puriton, Somerset. Archaeological Excavation.

Cotswold Archaeology, 2019. How to cite using this DOI

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Cotswold Archaeology (2019) Land at Riverton Road, Puriton, Somerset. Archaeological Excavation. [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Cotswold Archaeology (2019) Land at Riverton Road, Puriton, Somerset. Archaeological Excavation. [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


Land off Riverton Road Archaeological Excavation: Area 1, looking north-west
Land off Riverton Road Archaeological Excavation: Area 1, looking north-west

A programme of archaeological investigation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology between August and October 2017 at the request of Taylor Wimpey at Land off Riverton Road, Puriton, Somerset. In compliance with an approved WSI, two excavation areas (Area 1 and Area 2), a total of c.0.68h was excavated across the development area.

The majority of the features dated to the Middle to Late Iron Age though this broad period has been subdivided into four phases of activity. The main focus of activity throughout the later prehistoric period appears to have been towards the north-west corner of Area 1 and was dominated by two ditched enclosures, probably exploited for settlement purposes. Approximately north/south aligned ditches at the east of Area 1 probably represented elements of an extensive field system contemporary with the enclosures. A number of linear features in Area 2 may also have represented contemporary elements of the field system, though the ditches in this area were rather more irregular and may have represented differential activity.

The Roman period was represented by two parallel ditches, a probable cremation pit, a scatter of isolated pits and a ditch, along with recutting of at least one of the ditches within the Iron Age enclosure complex.

A number of clearly post-Roman features were identified across Areas 1 and 2, which produced finds assemblages suggesting all of the features were broadly contemporary, however these have been divided into earlier, approximately north/south aligned plough furrows and later, broadly east/west aligned boundary ditches.

The site is of local significance and it is proposed that a short report is published in the Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society.

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