Sussex Archaeological Collections: Relating to the history and antiquities of the counties of East and West Sussex

Sussex Archaeological Society, 2000. (updated 2022) How to cite using this DOI

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Sussex Archaeological Society (2022) Sussex Archaeological Collections: Relating to the history and antiquities of the counties of East and West Sussex [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Sussex Archaeological Society
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Sussex Archaeological Society (2022) Sussex Archaeological Collections: Relating to the history and antiquities of the counties of East and West Sussex [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

New evidence of a Romano-British settlement at Upper Wellingham, East Sussex


The results of a magnetometer survey in 2011 at a farm in the Upper Ouse Valley near Barcombe Mills, by David Staveley on behalf of the Culver Archaeological Project, has revealed evidence of an unknown Romano-British settlement and ditched enclosure. The geophysical images have been supplemented by finds from metal detecting, including a long sequence of Roman coins. This paper includes the geophysical survey images and a summary of the artefact data accumulated to date. It also seeks to interpret what this initial evidence might suggest, given the site's location and comparisons with the excavated roadside settlement at Westhawk Farm in Kent.

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