Sussex Archaeological Collections: Relating to the history and antiquities of the counties of East and West Sussex

Sussex Archaeological Society, 2000. (updated 2022) How to cite using this DOI

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Sussex Archaeological Society (2022) Sussex Archaeological Collections: Relating to the history and antiquities of the counties of East and West Sussex [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Jaime Kaminski
Sussex Archaeological Society
Barbican House
169 High Street

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Sussex Archaeological Society (2022) Sussex Archaeological Collections: Relating to the history and antiquities of the counties of East and West Sussex [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Suburban development on the Stanford Estate in Brighton and Hove in Sussex c1869-1939


Two generations of the Stanford family built up an estate and a further two then lived off the proceeds of its sale for housing. Between 1869 and the late 1930s, this estate developed as a substantial area of Victorian, Edwardian and Interwar housing aimed largely at the 'middle classes' of Brighton and Hove; most sold steadily and have survived. The estate made the mistake of insisting on huge houses beside the sea in Hove, believing that there was a very profitable market for them. That scheme proved hard to sell and a considerable number have been demolished. This brief study examines the development of this thousand-acre estate and the disposition of the profits.

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