The Silchester Project: Roman Town Insula IX The Development of an Urban Property c. AD 40-50 - c. AD 250

Amanda Clarke, Michael Fulford, Michael Rains, 2007. How to cite using this DOI

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Amanda Clarke, Michael Fulford, Michael Rains (2007) The Silchester Project: Roman Town Insula IX The Development of an Urban Property c. AD 40-50 - c. AD 250 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Primary contact

Prof Michael Fulford
Professor of Archaeology
School of Archaeology, Geography and Environmental Science
University of Reading
PO Box 227
Tel: 0118 3788048

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Amanda Clarke, Michael Fulford, Michael Rains (2007) The Silchester Project: Roman Town Insula IX The Development of an Urban Property c. AD 40-50 - c. AD 250 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Query - Results

Full Record for Context Number 1141

Context Number: 1141
Description: Broken tile foundation for robbed out wall 1797 forming a continuation of 1140/1188, House 1.
Notes:Broken tile foundation sitting within shallow broken up construction cut (hence 2 numbers [3667] & [3668], latter being the SE segment - more irregular but obviously the same construction phase. Completely removed in 2002 Plan numbers 11.06
Composition: One course of broken roof and floor tiles measuring c15-25cm as a foundation raft with the face running SE-NW. 2.36m x 0.6m
Above: 4557
Below: 4577
Small Finds: 6412  6411  6413 

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