Stone in Archaeology Database

Reigate Stone

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Local Name(s): Reigate Stone,
Malm Rock,
Example of Reigate Stone
Stone Group: Sedimentary
Stone Type: Sandstone
Era:   Mesozoic
Period:   Cretaceous
Epoch:   Lower
Geological Sub-Divisons:

Gault. Upper Greensand.

General Colour Description:

It varies in colour from light grey to olive green depending on the amount of glauconite in the beds (Lockwood 1993/4: 19).

Hand Specimen Description:

A fine grained, compact, well sorted, calcareous sandstone. It is mid-way between a sandstone and a limestone. It comprises fine quartz sand grains cemented in a calcite matrix. The presence of tiny flecks of muscovite mica and its amorphous silica distinguishes it from Kentish Ragstone. It has an open pore structure which makes it a popular choice for carving and the stone as a whole has no discernible bedding planes. In decay, it has a typical scaly appearance caused by dissolving of the matrix and fragmentation of the crust into small flakes (Lockwood 1993/4: 19).

Stone Identifiers: Calcareous,  Micaceous.
Reacts dilute to HCl? Yes