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Surrey Archaeological Society
Research Centre
Hackhurst Lane
Abinger Hammer
Tel: 01306731275
This new study of the prehistoric pottery assemblages from the Surrey hillforts of Hascombe, Holmbury and Anstiebury repositions them within the context of a growing Surrey and regional pottery database. The assemblages, which incorporate material belonging to three prehistoric and one Romano-British pottery tradition, suggest a chronology for the hillforts quite different to that advanced by their excavator. In addition, evidence for the long-distance movement of fancy decorated jars into and out of the county demonstrates the probable existence of a network of previously unsuspected regional connections, which reach as far as the West Country, while an exploration of the use and discard history of pottery at Hascombe indicates that there were discrete activity zones and middens on site. The positive results of the study suggest that a new and fuller understanding of the Surrey Iron Age is within our interpretative grasp.