Ager Tarraconensis Field Survey Project

S J Keay, Martin Millett, 2003. How to cite using this DOI

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S J Keay, Martin Millett (2003) Ager Tarraconensis Field Survey Project [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Prof Martin Millett
Faculty of Classics
University of Cambridge
Sidgwick Avenue
Tel: 01223 337733

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S J Keay, Martin Millett (2003) Ager Tarraconensis Field Survey Project [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Fieldwalking near Constanti

The Ager Tarraconensis project was located in the landscape that forms the hinterland of Tarragona. Tarragona is the provincial capital of the Camp de Tarragona region that lies on the north east Mediterranean coast of Spain. This landscape was the subject of field-walking survey between 1985 and 1990. The survey investigated the development of the classical landscape in the hinterland of Tarraco, the Roman provincial capital of Hispania Citerior (Tarraconensis).

Right: Fieldwalking near Constanti
Below: Fieldwalking, Ager Tarraconensis 1990

Fieldwalking, Ager Tarraconensis 1990

The project recieved support from the university departments of archaeology at Durham and Southampton. Funds for the project were provided in England by The British Academy, The Society of Antiquaries of London, The M. Alwyn Cotton Fund, The Cravan Fund and the Universities of Durham and Southampton. Funding, permits, access to archives and encouragement also came from the Servi de Arquelogia, Department de Cultura, Generalitat de Catalunya.

The Ager Tarraconensis fieldwork was published in the Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series Number Fifteen (1995) entitled A Roman Provincial Capital and its Hinterland: The Survey of the Territory of Tarragona, Spain, 1985-1990.

Several papers have discussed interim interpretations of the data but the above supercedes these:

Keay, S.J. 1987 "The impact of the foundation of Tarraco upon the indigenous settlement pattern of the Ager Tarraconensis," Primeres Jornades Internacionals d'Arqueologia Romana (Museu de Granollers 5-8 Febrer de 1987) 53-58

Keay, S.J. 1991 "The Ager Tarraconensis in the late empire: a model for the economic relationship of town and country in eastern Spain," in G.Barker & J.Lloyd (eds.), Roman Landscapes 79-87

Keay, S.J., Carreté, J.-M. & Millett, M. 1989 "Ciutat i camp en el mòn romà: les prospeccions l'Ager Tarraconensis," Tribuna d'Arqueleogia 1988-89, 121-29

Keay, S.J. & Millett, M. 1991 "Surface survey and site recognition in Spain: the Ager Tarraconensis and its background," in A.J. Schofield (ed.), Interpreting artefact scatters (Oxford) 129-40

Millett, M. 1991 "Pottery: population or supply pattern? The Ager Tarraconensis approach," in G.Barker & J. Lloyd (eds.) Roman Landscapes 18-26

Millett, M. 1991 "Roman towns and their territories: an archaeological perspective," in J. Rich & A. Wallace-Hadrill (eds.) City and countryside in the ancient world (London) 169-89

Schofield, A.J., Keay, S.J., Millett, M & Carreté J.-M. 2000 'Prehistoric settlement in the Tarragona region of North-East Spain: results from the Ager Tarraconensis survey' Lithics 20 33-47

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