Trent Valley Gravels Geophysics Assessment

David Knight, Mark Pearce, Alison Wilson, 2007. How to cite using this DOI

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David Knight, Mark Pearce, Alison Wilson (2007) Trent Valley Gravels Geophysics Assessment [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

Data copyright © Dr David Knight, Prof Mark Pearce, Alison Wilson unless otherwise stated

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Prof Mark Pearce
Department of Classics and Archaeology
University of Nottingham
University Park
Tel: 0115 9514820

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David Knight, Mark Pearce, Alison Wilson (2007) Trent Valley Gravels Geophysics Assessment [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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The Trent Valley Gravels Geophysics Assessment was funded by the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF) as administered by English Heritage.

This research project was developed to assess the effectiveness of geophysical survey methods in an area focused upon the East Midlands, with the addition of Peterborough, Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent. Particular emphasis is placed upon the performance of geophysical survey in the Trent and Nene Valleys. The project outcome is a database of past geophysical survey events in the study area up to the end of 2005, together with a detailed archive report and a published synthesis of the results. The database has been integrated into the English Heritage Geophysical Survey Database, and enhances that resource by approximately 800%. The detailed archive report is available for download.

In order to assess the effectiveness of geophysical surveys, their results are compared to subsequent evaluations and excavations. The conditions under which each survey was conducted are recorded in order to assess the effectiveness of geophysical techniques under different conditions. The project's objective is to assist curators and archaeological contractors in the preparation of archaeological schemes of treatment and ensure more effective use of geophysical methods. The benefits of this project are numerous. If geophysical surveys can be more accurately targeted to areas where they are likely to provide clear results, curators will be better placed to recommend them as an effective risk management method. This will enhance their effectiveness as an evaluation method, and hence will add significantly to their value from the perspective of curators, archaeological contracting organisations and developers.

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