Trent Valley Palaeolithic Project

Mark White, Andy J. Howard, David Bridgland, 2008. How to cite using this DOI

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Mark White, Andy J. Howard, David Bridgland (2008) Trent Valley Palaeolithic Project [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Dr Mark White
Department of Archaeology
Durham University
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Tel: 0191 3743625

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Mark White, Andy J. Howard, David Bridgland (2008) Trent Valley Palaeolithic Project [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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The Trent Valley Palaeolithic Project (TVPP) aimed to provide an improved understanding of the geoarchaeological history of the Trent Valley and areas formerly drained by the Trent, and through this to gain a better understanding of the settlement and cultural history of this region of the Palaeolithic world. The Project has combined archaeological reappraisalof existing museum collections with monitoring and geoarchaeological investigation of operational gravel quarries and excavation of key geological deposits in order to facilitate a better understanding of the Quaternary geological context of the Paleolithic resource in this region.

In addition, the Project has undertaken programmes of OSL and AAR dating to underpin the geoarchaeological investigations and provide a robust, chronostratigraphic model for landscape evolution. In summary, it ws intended to greatly improve our understanding of ancient human settlementat the northwestern fringe of the occupied Pleistocene world (British East Midlands) and in doing so help curatorial archaeologists in the Trent Valley region monitor and evaluate the potential of the intensely quarried aggregate resources.

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