Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture

Durham University, 2019. (updated 2020)

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  • ADS Collection: 351

Hexham 05, Northumberland

1_0918.jpg Object Type Cross-shaft and part of cross-head [1]
Measurements H. 37.1 cm (14.6 in); W. 26 cm (10.25 in); D. 14 cm (5.5 in)
Stone Type Sandstone
Plate Numbers In Printed Volume 918,919,920,921
Corpus Volume Reference 178
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Thumbnail of Hexham 5A <br \>Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
Hexham 5A
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
Hexham 5A
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
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Hexham 5A (Plate no. 918)
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
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Thumbnail of Hexham 5B <br \>Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
Hexham 5B
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
Hexham 5B
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
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Hexham 5B (Plate no. 919)
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
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Thumbnail of Hexham 5C <br \>Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
Hexham 5C
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
Hexham 5C
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
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Hexham 5C (Plate no. 920)
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
JPG 2 Mb
Thumbnail of Hexham 5D <br \>Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
Hexham 5D
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
Hexham 5D
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
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Hexham 5D (Plate no. 921)
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture, University of Durham
JPG 1 Mb
National Grid Reference of Place of Discovery
Present Location
Niche in north wall of modern nave of abbey
Evidence for Discovery
Found in May 1908 in foundations of apse of modern choir
Church Dedication
St Andrew
Present Condition
Damaged but comparatively unworn
Tenth century
Earliest Date
Latest Date
Geological Period
Head, type A9. A (broad): The base of the head is very damaged but seems to contain two confronted animals whose front legs are crossed. The one on the left seems to have a long looped tail. Below, the shaft is edged with a wide flat-band moulding, and an inner roll moulding encloses one and one half registers of pattern C with outside strands. B (narrow): Below the arm moulding is a bar terminal, a pattern D loop, and the start of a four-strand plain plait. C (broad): The cross-head is edged with a wide flat-band moulding and is filled with irregular plait-work with V-bends. Below, two panels are contained in inner roll mouldings (i) A simple four-strand plain plait. (ii) contains a curved feature with double incised outlines. This could be a coiled ribbon animal or it could be the top of an arch as shown by Collingwood (1925, fig. 15). D (narrow): The inner curve of the cross-arm is plain but the ends of the arm are enriched by a bold triple moulding. Below, a panel of four-strand plain plait with a pattern D loop and bar terminal is contained within a wide flat-band moulding.
The dressing of the stone is competent and the cutting of the interlace is in a good, confidently chiselled, technique. There is an understanding of the simple interlace patterns which were popular with the Lindisfarne/Durham school. The use of side panels of plait-work inset between wide flat borders is found on late work at Lindisfarne, as are the two confronted animals, seated in the cross-head of Lindisfarne 2. The pattern on face A is also found at Durham and at Alnmouth (Introduction, p. 18).
Hodges and Gibson 1919, 67; Hodges 1921-2, 294; Collingwood 1925, 85-6, fig. 15; Collingwood 1927, 154, fig. 180; Pevsner 1957, 176; Adcock 1974, 333-7, pl. 166A-C; Cramp 1974, 137, 173, pl. 24D-F
1. The following are general references to the Hexham stones: (—) 1855-7a, 45-6; Rowe 1877, 62-3; Allen 1889, 230; Bailey 1980, 79, 81, 83.
Monument Form: Standing Monument
Monument Type: Cross
Monument Feature: Animal, Head, Shaft
Monument Period (MIDAS term): Early Medieval
Horizon: Post 920, Pre 920

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