Duttons for Buttons, York: Building recording (OASIS ID: yorkarch1-373460)

York Archaeological Trust, 2020. https://doi.org/10.5284/1059290. How to cite using this DOI

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York Archaeological Trust (2020) Duttons for Buttons, York: Building recording (OASIS ID: yorkarch1-373460) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1059290

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York Archaeological Trust (2020) Duttons for Buttons, York: Building recording (OASIS ID: yorkarch1-373460) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1059290


Duttons for Buttons, York: Building recording (OASIS ID: yorkarch1-373460)

A level 2 building recording of external timbers that were exposed during work to improve and repair the façade. On 10th October 2019 York Archaeological Trust undertook a course of Building Recording at Duttons for Buttons, 32 Coppergate, York, YO1 9NR (NGR SE 60444 51728). The works involved a Level 2 recording of external timbers exposed during improving and repair of the façade.

The work was undertaken for Mason Clarke Associates on the behalf of Duttons for Buttons as part of superficial works to improve and repair the external façade of the property. The timber frame of the first-floor jetty, along with later alterations, were exposed during the removal of the modern render.

Duttons for Buttons inhabits 32 Coppergate which was originally a larger 15th century timber framed building, which also comprised 28 and 30 Coppergate. The property is Grade II* Listed and sits within an area of archaeological and historical significance. The building at 28 and 30 Coppergate features a shallow first-floor jetty and a second-floor jetty. At 32 Coppergate the first-floor has a deep jetty the depth of the second-floor jetty which is either a later extension or original porch feature.

The exposed timbers were primarily from the first-floor jetty and included the bressummer. Two phases of lath-and-plaster wall render were also identified as well as the original plaster and brick infill and the later modern cement render. On the ground floor a timber post and post past were exposed to the left of the shop frontage. The post supported a first-floor beam and had been repaired with the addition of smaller timber planks and posts. In general, there was deterioration in a number of the timbers, particularly from woodworm. This was most visible in the ground floor timbers where the original post had rotted away nearly entirely at its base.

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