The Stratigraphic Data The most important file in this directory is StratigraphicModel.csv which provides the contextual information for the retrieval of the finds and environmental samples. The structure of the file is described in StratigraphicModel_readme.txt and intended usage is diagrammed in StratigraphicModel_Diagram.pdf. Additional files give the database data describing the individual contexts recorded on site: This data covers 1: Relationships with other contexts: StratigraphicRelationships.csv 2: Free text descriptive and interpretative data about each context: ContextFreeText.csv 3: Links to images (sections and digital photographs) for each context: CtxtImages.csv 4: all other fields on the context sheets: ContextData.csv Higher level interpretative organisation is given in the files Entities.csv for entities and InterpretativeGroups.csv for interpretative groups The file VoidedContexts.csv lists the Contexts that were registered by site staff and which were then deleted as not describing the archaeology. Codepage for the csv files is ANSI.