Column_name,Column_Datatype,Column_Length,Column_Description SiteCode,nvarchar,24,An event identifier for each site that is usually assigned by an organisation external to the archaeological contractor SampleNo,int,4,Unique number assigned to each sample within an event code CtxtNo,int,4,The unique identifier describing the deposit from which the samples were taken ParentSampleNo,int,4,A series of samples will share the same value in this field and that value will be one of the numbers of the constituent samples in the series. The value will equal SampleNumber if not part of the series SampleType,nvarchar,30,Controlled value field that describes the type of sample referred to by the record SamplePurpose,nvarchar,50,Controlled value field that describes the purpose of the sample ReasonCollected,ntext,16,Free text description of the purpose for which the sample was intended on site NumberOfBoxes,smallint,2,A quantification of the size of the sample in boxes collected. Strictly this appears to only be used with bulk samples as a check on whether all the soil to be processed is available RelativeDepth,nvarchar,50,Free text format description of the relative depth of the location sampled measured from the top of the intervention in metres WholeOfDeposit,nvarchar,6,Indicates that the entire deposit was sampled DateProcessed,smalldatetime,4,The date the sample was processed as recorded on the sample record form TypeOfProcess,nvarchar,40,The type of process applied to a sample. This typically is only recorded in the database for samples processed by internal environmental departments. External specialists will provide a blanket statement of any processing they undertook Retention,nvarchar,20,Indicates if a sample was deliberately discarded FlotMeshSize,int,4,The size of the mesh measured in microns. A typical mesh size is 250 microns VolumeFloated,decimal,5,The volume of material floated in litres. Decimal places are not normally required but occasionally used for very small quantities of material if existing data is to be believed VolumeWetSieved,decimal,5,The volume of material wet-seived in litres WeightProcessed,decimal,5,The weight of material processed in kilogrammes. Default value not set since this value appears to apply to a certain undetermined set of samples TotalVolumeProcessed,decimal,5,The total volume of material processed NA2CO3_Used,nvarchar,6,Indicates that the chemical NA2CO3 was used to help break down the soil matrix ProcessingComments,ntext,16,Free text description of the processing and a summary of material types recovered in any residue FlotVolume,decimal,5,The size of any flot measured in millilitres PercentOrganic,smallint,2,An estimate of the percentage of organic material observed in waterlogged samples PlantNotes,ntext,16,Free text field containing working notes on plant remains located in assessing or analysing the sample. Typically only filled in when a sample has been internally assessed InsectNotes,ntext,16,Notes on the insect remains recovered from a sample. Typically created when a sample is internally assessed ResidFract10,nvarchar,20,Describes the process applied to a 10mm residue ResidFract104,nvarchar,20,Describes the process applied to the 10 to 4mm residue ResidFract42,nvarchar,20,Describes the process applied to the 4 to 2 mm residue ResidFract2,nvarchar,20,Describes the process applied to the 0.5 to 2 mm residue Chaff,int,4,"Estimate of quantification of the material type in the field name. Usually estimated on a 4 point scale: 1 = 1 to 5 examples, 2 = 6 to 25 examples, 3 = 26 to 100 examples, 4 = 101 to 1000 examples" Contamination,int,4,"Estimate of quantification of the material type in the field name. Usually estimated on a 4 point scale: 1 = 1 to 5 examples, 2 = 6 to 25 examples, 3 = 26 to 100 examples, 4 = 101 to 1000 examples" Flot Charcoal,int,4,"Estimate of quantification of the material type in the field name. Usually estimated on a 4 point scale: 1 = 1 to 5 examples, 2 = 6 to 25 examples, 3 = 26 to 100 examples, 4 = 101 to 1000 examples" Grain,int,4,"Estimate of quantification of the material type in the field name. Usually estimated on a 4 point scale: 1 = 1 to 5 examples, 2 = 6 to 25 examples, 3 = 26 to 100 examples, 4 = 101 to 1000 examples" Material Other,int,4,Estimate of quantification of the material type in the field name. A value of 1 indicates presence was noted Mineralised,int,4,Estimate of quantification of the material type in the field name. A value of 1 indicates presence was noted Molluscs,int,4,"Estimate of quantification of the material type in the field name. Usually estimated on a 4 point scale: 1 = 1 to 5 examples, 2 = 6 to 25 examples, 3 = 26 to 100 examples, 4 = 101 to 1000 examples" Other Charred,int,4,Estimate of quantification of the material type in the field name. A value of 1 indicates presence was noted Residue Charcoal,int,4,"Estimate of quantification of the material type in the field name. Usually estimated on a 4 point scale: 1 = 1 to 5 examples, 2 = 6 to 25 examples, 3 = 26 to 100 examples, 4 = 101 to 1000 examples" Tubers ,int,4,Estimate of quantification of the material type in the field name. A value of 1 indicates presence was noted Weeds,int,4,"Estimate of quantification of the material type in the field name. Usually estimated on a 4 point scale: 1 = 1 to 5 examples, 2 = 6 to 25 examples, 3 = 26 to 100 examples, 4 = 101 to 1000 examples"