Field1 "AA Archaeological Aspects" "AOC AOC Archaeology Ltd and AOC Archaeology Group" "ARCUS Archaeological Research and Consultancy, University of Sheffield" "ASE Archaeology South-East (formerly SEAS and UCLFAU)" "ASL Archaeological Solutions Ltd" "ASWYAS Archaeological Services: West Yorkshire Archaeology Service" "BAG Bexley Archaeology Group" "BC or BBC Birkbeck College" "BCWAS Beddington, Carshalton and Wallington Archaeological Society" "BEAMS Built Environment Advisory and Management Service Ltd" "BM British Museum" "BMS Bromley Museum Service" "BUFAU Birmingham University Field Archaeology Unit and Birmingham Archaeology" "CA Compass Archaeology" "CAN Canterbury Archaeological Trust" "CAT Cotswold Archaeological Trust" "CDHAS Carshalton and District Historical and Archaeological Society" "CEB Colin and Eileen Bowlt" "CEMS Centre for Extra-Mural Studies, Birkbeck College" "CEU Central Unit" "CGMS CGMS Consulting" "CKCA Christopher K Curry Archaeology" "CMG Carew Manor Group" "CNHSS Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society" "COLC Colchester Archaeological Trust" "COT Cotswold Archaeology" "DEMA Dept of Extra-Mural Archaeology Birkbeck College" "DGLA (N) Dept of Greater London Archaeology (North)" "DGLA (S+L) Dept of Greater London Archaeology (South and Lambeth)" "DGLA (SW) Dept of Greater London Archaeology (South-west)" "DGLA (W) Dept of Greater London Archaeology (West)" "DIA Donald Insall Associates Ltd" "DOE Dept of the Environment" "DUA Dept of Urban Archaeology" "EAS Enfield Archaeological Society" "ECC Essex County Council" "ECCFAG Essex County Council Field Archaeology Group" "EH English Heritage" "ENT Entec UK Ltd" "FA Foundations Archaeology" "FHHS Fulham and Hammersmith Historical Society" "FHT F. H. Thompson (1939–51)" "FRA Framework Archaeology" "GAP Gifford and Partners Ltd" "GL Genius Loci Cultural Project Consultants" "GM/PM Guildhall Museum/ Peter Marsden" "GME Gordon Milne" "GS Greenford Society" "GSBP GSB Prospection" "HA Headland Archaeology Ltd" "HADAS Hendon and District Archaeological Society" "HAP Halpern and Partnerships" "HAT Hertfordshire Archaeological Trust" "HBMC Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission" "HN The Heritage Network Ltd" "ILAU Inner London Archaeological Unit" "IPRG Isleworth Pottery Group" "JIS John Innes Society" "JS John Schofield" "JSAC John Samuels Archaeological Consultants" "KARU Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit" "KHC Keevill Heritage Consultancy" "KUTAS Kingston Upon Thames Archaeological Society" "LAMAS London and Middlesex Archaeological Society" "LARF London Archaeological Research Facility" "LAS Lindsey Archaeological Services" "LB London Borough of Southwark" "LCC London County Council" "LH Lesley Howes" "LHA Lang Hall Archaeology" "LM London Museum" "L–P or LPA LP Archaeology" "LPE Lawson Price Environmental" "MAL Moxley Architects Ltd" "MB Martin Bates" "MBC Maureen Bennell Consultancy" "MHS Merton Historical Society" "MOL Museum of London" "MOLA Museum of London Archaeology (formerly MoLAS)" "MoLAS Museum of London Archaeological Service (subsequently MOLA)" "MT Malcolm Tucker" "MW Mike Webber" "MWP Mills and Whipp Partnership" "NA Northamptonshire Archaeology" "NAA Northern Archaeological Associates" "NC Nathalie Cohen" "NCCA Northants County Council Archaeology" "NCM Nottingham City Museum" "NMS Newham Museums Service" "NPEC Nonsuch Park Excavation Committee" "NTA Norton Thompson Associates" "OAU Oxford Archaeology Unit and Oxford Archaeology" "ODAS Orpington and District Archaeological Society" "OUAS Oxford University Archaeology Society" "PA Phoenix Archaeology" "PAA Parson’s Archaeology" "PCA Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd" "PEM Passmore Edwards Museum" "PHS Pinner History Society" "PSC Perry/Skelton Consultancy" "RAS Richmond Archaeological Society" "RHFAG Rochford Hundred Field Archaeology Group" "RN&ELS Ruislip, Northwood and Eastcote Local History Society" "RPSC RPS Clouston" "SAEC Southwark Archaeological Excavations Committee" "SARC Southwark Archaeological Research Committee" "SAS Sutton Archaeological Services" "SCAU Surrey County Archaeological Unit" "SELAU South-East London Archaeological Unit" "SHC Skelton/Howes Consultancy" "SLAEC Southwark and Lambeth Archaeological Excavating Committee" "SWLAU South-West London Archaeological Unit/Team" "SYAS Surrey Archaeological Society" "TPAT Trent and Peak Archaeological Trust/Unit" "TR Tempus Reparatum" "TVARC Trent Valley Archaeological Research Committee" "TVAS Thames Valley Archaeological Services" "TWA Trust for Wessex Archaeology" "UCL University College London" "ULAS University of Leicester Archaeological Services" "UMAU University of Manchester Archaeological Unit" "UN Unaffiliated" "UNISEARCH University of Surrey Extra Mural" "WA Wessex Archaeology" "WEB W. E. Black Ltd" "WHS Wandsworth Historical Society" "WLAFG West London Archaeology Field Group"