File Name,Description,Creation date,"Supporting documentation file names (this should be enclosed separately and include any abbreviations, codes or notations used)",Software used,Software version OLQ1314_microliths_catalogue,"List of microliths (which were catalogued separately to all other flint - see different spreadsheet) from Old Quay, St Martin's, Isles of Scilly, excavated 2013-2014",18/01/2017,not applicable,Microsoft Excel,2013 ,,,,, Sheet Name,Sheet Description,Number of rows,Field name (Please start a new cell for each row),"Field description (inc. units of measurements, description of codes, etc. used within each field).", OLQ1314_microliths_catalogue,"List of microliths (which were catalogued separately to all other flint - see different spreadsheet) from Old Quay, St Martin's, Isles of Scilly, excavated 2013-2014",81,Illustration No.,"All of the microliths were illustrated - see Figures 3.22-3.24 in Garrow, D. & Sturt, F. 2017 Neolithic Stepping Stones: Excavation and survey within the western seaways of Britain, 2008-2014. Oxford: Oxbow", ,,,Context,Context number, ,,,Spit,Spits = vertical spatial sub-divisions of stratigraphic contexts, ,,,Feature No.,Feature number in which associated context number is located (where relevant), ,,,Trench,Trench in which associated context was located, ,,,Square,Square = horizontal spatial sub-divisions of stratigraphic contexts, ,,,Microlith group,"Type of microlith (for further details see Hugo Anderson-Whymark's report on the microliths in Garrow, D. & Sturt, F. 2017 Neolithic Stepping Stones: Excavation and survey within the western seaways of Britain, 2008-2014. Oxford: Oxbow)", ,,,Small Find No,Unique ID given to individual microliths in post-ex analysis, ,,,Year,Year excavated, ,,,Form of retouch on grand troncature,"Form of retouch on grand troncature (for further details see Hugo Anderson-Whymark's report on the microliths in Garrow, D. & Sturt, F. 2017 Neolithic Stepping Stones: Excavation and survey within the western seaways of Britain, 2008-2014. Oxford: Oxbow)", ,,,Form of retouch on petite troncature,"Form of retouch on petite troncature (for further details see Hugo Anderson-Whymark's report on the microliths in Garrow, D. & Sturt, F. 2017 Neolithic Stepping Stones: Excavation and survey within the western seaways of Britain, 2008-2014. Oxford: Oxbow)", ,,,Form of retouch on petite base,"Form of retouch on petite base (for further details see Hugo Anderson-Whymark's report on the microliths in Garrow, D. & Sturt, F. 2017 Neolithic Stepping Stones: Excavation and survey within the western seaways of Britain, 2008-2014. Oxford: Oxbow)", ,,,Form of retouch on grande base,"Form of retouch on grande base (for further details see Hugo Anderson-Whymark's report on the microliths in Garrow, D. & Sturt, F. 2017 Neolithic Stepping Stones: Excavation and survey within the western seaways of Britain, 2008-2014. Oxford: Oxbow)", ,,,LENGTH mm,Length of artefact (milimetres), ,,,BREADTH mm,Breadth of artefact (milimetres), ,,,THICKNESS mm,Thickness of artefact (milimetres), ,,,Damage to tip,Presence of damage to artefact tip where identified, ,,,Microburin product,Type of microburin product, ,,,Flake or Blade blank,Was the artefact made from a flake or blade blank?, ,,,Bulb position (in relation to microlith viewed in typical orientation),Bulb position (in relation to microlith viewed in typical orientation), ,,,Broken,Was the artefact broken?, ,,,Burnt,Was the artefact burnt?, ,,,Lateralisation,Side of lateralisation, ,,,Comments,Additional comments,