File Name,Description,Creation date,Software used,Software version,Entity relationship diagram file name (this should be enclosed separately),Supporting documentation file name (this should be enclosed separately), roman_rural_settlement.accdb,The project database of the Leverhulme funded Roman Rural Settlement of Britain project,,Micosoft Access,2010,metadata_rrs_erd,metadata_fanual_ageing_conversion, ,,,,,,, Table Name,Table Description,Primary Key,Foreign Key,Field Name,"Field Description (inc. units of measurements, description of codes, etc. used within each field).",Field Data Type,Field Length rrs_core_data,"Table for recording details about the record, such as coordinates, types of investigation and excavator. Has a 1-1 relationship with the table site_data which records thematic details",ID,,ID,Primary key (also acts as the main reference within the project),NUMBER,8 ,,,,COUNTY,Modern ceremonial county,VARCHAR,100 ,,,,REGION,Project region,VARCAHR,100 ,,,,SITE_NAME,Site name,VARCHAR,255 ,,,,FIELDWORKER,"Name of individual or organisation responsible for fieldwork. Note: has been used to record multiple values, in which case a : separator has been used.",VARCHAR,100 ,,,,AREA,Size of area of investigation (in hectares) if known,NUMBER,5 ,,,,X_REF,Easting - uses OSGB and is 6 digit. Note that this has been stored as a text value to retain the leading 0 present for 6 figure references in the extreme south of the country,VARCHAR,6 ,,,,Y_REF,Northing - uses OSGB and is 6 digit. Note that this has been stored as a text value to retain the leading 0 present for 6 figure references in the extreme south of the country,VARCHAR,6 ,,,,NOTES,Any notes made by the project on accuracy of recorded fields,VARCHAR,30 ,,,,,,, rrs_site_data,"Table for recording details about the settlement morphology, dates of occupation etc",ID,,ID,Primary key,NUMBER,8 ,,,,DATE_START,Start of occupation of the site (if recorded). Note that negative values = BC,NUMBER,22 ,,,,DATE_END,End of occupation of the site (if recorded). Note that negative values = BC,NUMBER,22 ,,,,SETTLEMENT_SIZE,"Estimated settlement size based on available information, is based on a restricted wordlist. Note ha = hectares",VARCHAR,20 ,,,,RURAL_SETTLEMENT_FORM,"Form of settlement as classified by the project. Enclosed: Rural settlement where all or the majority of domestic and associated activity were contained within one or two enclosures. Internal space not sub-divided to a significant degree. Unenclosed: Rural settlement where there does not appear to be any archaeologically traceable physical boundary enclosing the main domestic core. Complex: Rural settlement where there appears to be significant differentiation of space, either as a system of conjoined enclosures or as a significant outer enclosure with many internal sub-divisions. Differentiation of space tends to reflect different activity areas, e.g. domestic, storage, agricultural processing, industrial, livestock enclosures etc. Unclassified: The form of the rural settlement could not be determined due to insufficient area excavated, extensive truncation or the lack of a site plan.",VARCHAR,20 ,,,,DOMESTIC_OCCUPATION,Evidence of domestic occupation = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR,5 ,,,,NO_CIRCULAR_BUILDINGS,Number of circular buildings,INTEGER,22 ,,,,NO_RECT_BUILDING,Number of rectangular buildings,INTEGER,22 ,,,,OTHER_BUILDINGS,Evidence of other forms (i.e. not circualr or rectangular) of building = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR,5 ,,,,PADDOCKS,Presence of enclosures thought likely to have been used for enclosure of animals = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR,5 ,,,,MULTI_ROOM_BUILDING,Presence of at least one building within the area of investigation that is divided into two or more rooms = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR,5 ,,,,VILLA_BUILDING,Building formally classified as a Villa = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR,55 ,,,,AISLED_BUILDING,Presence of at least one building defined by two rows of aisle posts = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR,5 ,,,,MASONRY_BUILDING,"Presence of at least one building where stone has been used in the construction, at the very least as part of the foundations = TRUE/FALSE",VARCHAR,5 ,,,,TOPOGRAPHY,Informal description of the overall topogrpahy of the site. Uses a restricted wordlist: hill; river valley; coastal; plateau,VARCHAR,20 ,,,,AGRICULTURAL_ECONOMY,Broad overview of agricultural economypastoral; arable; mixed; uncertain. Can be null,VARCHAR,10 ,,,,TRACKWAY,Presence of at least one trackway or droveway or metalled road associated with the site,VARCHAR,5 ,,,,STRUCTURED_DEPOSITS,Presence of structured deposition = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR,5 ,,,,EARLY_SAXON_ACTIVITY,Presence of anglo-saxon activity = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR,5 ,,,,SITE_SUMMARY,A free text description of the site,CLOB,4000 ,,,,,,, rrs_site_t_major,Table for recording multiple classifications for the major purpose of the site,STMID,ID,STMID,Primary key,INTEGER,22 ,,,,ID,Foreign key (table = site_data),INTEGER,8 ,,,,SITE_TYPE_MAJOR,Broad category of site classification based upon perceived function. Note: a site may have more than one category,VARCHAR,35 ,,,,,,, rrs_site_t_minor,Table for recording multiple classifications for the minor purpose of the site,STMID,ID,STMID,Primary key,INTEGER,22 ,,,,ID,Foreign key (table = site_data),INTEGER,8 ,,,,SITE_TYPE_MINOR,Sub-category of site classification based upon perceived function. Note: a site may have more than one category,VARCHAR,35 ,,,,,,, rrs_non_domestic_structures,Table for recording multiple classifications for various non-domestic structures,NDSID,ID,NDSID,Primary key,INTEGER,22 ,,,,ID,Foreign key (table = site_data),INTEGER,8 ,,,,NON_DOMESTIC_STRUCTURE,"Non-domestic structures: Bathhouse: A building or part of a building with heated room(s) interpreted as being used for personal bathing/cleansing. Storage: Structure(s) interpreted as being used for storing commodities (e.g. granary). Well: A pit dug for water supply believed to have been used for human consumption and often lined with stone or wood. Corndrier: A structure used for roasting germinated cereal grains for the production of malt and the parching/drying of grain for consumption and storage. Kiln: A thermally insulated oven used for production of pottery and ceramic building material. SFB: Sunken-featured building. A building with a lowered floor, usually dating to the early Anglo-Saxon period, though also found in some Roman settlements. Workshop: a building or structure interpreted specifically as being used in an industrial and/or craftworking capacity. Mill: A building or structure associated with large scale grinding of cereal grains.",VARCHAR,25 ,,,,,,, rrs_publications,Table for recording the published (or on occasion online) resources used ion the creation of a record,PID,ID,PID,Primary key,NUMBER,6 ,,,,ID,Foreign key (table = core_data),NUMBER,8 ,,,,TITLE,Title of the book or article,VARCHAR,255 ,,,,AUTHOR,Author. Note that this is unstructured and multiple authors can be in this field,AUTHOR,100 ,,,,VOLUME,"Volume of monograph or journal article, if relevant",VARCHAR,150 ,,,,YEAR,Year of publication,VARCHAR,15 ,,,,PAGES,Pages of article or source (if relevant),VARCHAR,20 ,,,,BIAB,An attempt to record the BIAB reference for the source. Used sporadically!,NUMBER,8 ,,,,PUBLISHER,Name of the publishing body,VARCHAR,255 ,,,,TYPE,"Classification of resource, primarily to facilitate styling in rendered output: JOURNAL;MONOGRAPH; SERIES; BOOK; THESIS;WEBSITE",VARCHAR,20 ,,,,JOURNAL_SERIES,"If part of a larger series, for example BAR Reports, then the name of this series",VARCHAR,255 ,,,,URL,"Hyperlinks to Open Access e-prints or, where used, online resources",VARCHAR,200 ,,,,NOTES,"Any notes about the resource, for example if in draft format only when consulted",VARCHAR,100 ,,,,COPYRIGHT,Any specific copyright information that should be stored with the record,VARCHAR,255 ,,,,,,, rrs_grey_literature,All non-published fieldwork reports used by the research project,GLID,ID,GLID,Primary key,NUMBER,6 ,,,,ID,Foreign key (table = core_data),NUMBER,8 ,,,,OASIS,"If located, the OASIS identifier of the record equivalent to this report. Note - may be one to many",VARCHAR,50 ,,,,ADSID,Unique ID of the ADS Library of unpublished fieldwork reports,NUMBER,8 ,,,,DOI,Digital Object Identifier expressed as a handle,VARCHAR,100 ,,,,URL,"If the object is not held by the ADS, hyperlink to resource",VARCHAR,255 ,,,,NOTES,Any considerations noted during recording,VARCHAR,30 ,,,,FULL_REF,Concatenation of bilbiographic reference as held by the ADS,CLOB,4000 ,,,,,,, rrs_plans,Table that records the digitised plans made by the project to aid classification of site morphology. Tbale records the original source (via reference of foreign keys belonging to the grey_literature and publications tables) as well as relevant permissions from the orignial publisher,PUID,ID,PUID,Primary key,NUMBER,6 ,,,,ID,Foreign key (table = core_data),NUMBER,8 ,,,,PLANNAME,Name of file - does not include extension,VARCHAR,25 ,,,,GREYLITID,"If source was 'grey literature', the relevant ID of the parent record in the table grey_literature",NUMBER,6 ,,,,PUBLID,"If source was 'grey literature', the relevant ID of the parent record in the table publications",NUMBER,6 ,,,,PERMISSION,"Records if permission was obtained from publisher to reproduce as part of the web interface. Records that have 'no' are retained as a record of this plan existing, but the file has been removed from the archive",VARCHAR,5 ,,,,,,, rrs_associd,"An attempt to record all extant identifiers relating to a particular record. For example HER monuyment IDs, OASIS IDs, Museum accession IDs",PRN,ID,PRN,Primary key,NUMBER,6 ,,,,ID,Foreign key (table = core_data),NUMBER,8 ,,,,TYPE,"HEREV= HER event number; HERID=where the role of the HER identifier was not known, it was retained;HERMON= HER monument identifier;MUSEUM= Museum accession ID; HERSO = HER source id; OASIS = OASIS record identifier; PLANNING = Planning application reference;SAM = Scheduled Ancient Monument Number; SITE= A site identifier/working code; UNIT = A unit or organisation project number",VARCHAR,50 ,,,,DESCR,The identifier,VARCHAR,100 ,,,,HGATEID,Used to record the Heritage Gateway identifier for a particular resource. Has been used to append a HG URL with resource + monument identifier to create a hyperlink to the online record,VARCHAR,50 ,,,,URL,The URL of an external resource ,VARCHAR,255 ,,,,HER_NAME,The name of the HER - only used for HER related identifiers,VARCHAR,100 ,,,,,,, rrs_brooch_data,Descriptions and totals of brooches identified,ID,,ID,Primary key - has a 1-1 relationship with table core_data,NUMBER,8 ,,,,BROOCH_SUMMARY,Free text description of the brooches recorded,CLOB,4000 ,,,,BROOCH_TOTAL,Total number of brooches,NUMBER,6 ,,,,KNOTENFIBEL,Number of brooches of type Knotenfibel,NUMBER,6 ,,,,LA_TENE,"Number of brooches of type La Tene I, II and III",NUMBER,6 ,,,,NAUHEIM,Number of brooches of type Nauheim,NUMBER,6 ,,,,LANGTON_DOWN,Number of brooches of type Langton Down,NUMBER,6 ,,,,THISTLE_ROSETTE,Number of brooches of type Thistle/Rosette,NUMBER,6 ,,,,EYE,Number of brooches of type Eye,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COLCHESTER,Number of brooches of type Colchester,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COLCHESTER_DERIV,Number of brooches of type Colchester derivative/Dolphin,NUMBER,6 ,,,,SIMPLE_GALLIC,Number of brooches of type Simple Gallic,NUMBER,6 ,,,,NAUHEIM_DERIV,Number of brooches of type Nauheim derivative,NUMBER,6 ,,,,HOOK_NORTON,Number of brooches of type Hook Norton,NUMBER,6 ,,,,AESICA_FANTAIL,Number of brooches of type Aesica/Fantail,NUMBER,6 ,,,,AUCISSA_BAGENDON,Number of brooches of type Aucissa/Bagendon,NUMBER,6 ,,,,HOD_HILL,Number of brooches of type Hod Hill,NUMBER,6 ,,,,APPLIED_HOOK,Number of brooches of type Applied Hook,NUMBER,6 ,,,,INITIAL_T_SHAPED,Number of brooches of type Initial T-shaped,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DEVELOPED_T_SHAPED,Number of brooches of type Developed T-shaped,NUMBER,6 ,,,,EARLY_PLATE,Number of brooches of type Early Plate (1st-2nd C),NUMBER,6 ,,,,POLDEN_HILL,Number of brooches of type Polden Hill,NUMBER,6 ,,,,TRUMPET_DERIVED,Number of brooches of type Trumpet/derived,NUMBER,6 ,,,,HEADSTUD,Number of brooches of type Headstud,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DRAGONESQUE,Number of brooches of type Dragonesque,NUMBER,6 ,,,,ZOOMORPHIC_PLATE,Number of brooches of type Zoomorphic plate,NUMBER,6 ,,,,HORSE_RIDER,Number of brooches of type Horse and Rider,NUMBER,6 ,,,,ENAMELLED_BOW,Number of brooches of type Enamelled bow brooch,NUMBER,6 ,,,,LATER_PLATE,Number of brooches of type Later Plate (2nd C),NUMBER,6 ,,,,TUTULUS,Number of brooches of type Tutulus,NUMBER,6 ,,,,WROXETER,Number of brooches of type Wroxeter,NUMBER,6 ,,,,SHEATH_FOOTED,Number of brooches of type Sheath Footed,NUMBER,6 ,,,,KNEE,Number of brooches of type Knee,NUMBER,6 ,,,,P_SHAPED,Number of brooches of type P Shaped,NUMBER,6 ,,,,CROSSBOW,Number of brooches of type Crossbow,NUMBER,6 ,,,,PENANNULAR,Number of brooches of type Penannular,NUMBER,6 ,,,,UNCLASSIFIED_BOW,Number of brooches of type unclassified bow,NUMBER,6 ,,,,UNCLASSIFIED_PLATE,Number of brooches of type unclassified plate,NUMBER,6 ,,,,UNCLASSIFIED,Number of brooches of type unclassified,NUMBER,6 ,,,,,,, rrs_burial_data,"Description, totals and classifications of burial practices",ID,,ID,Primary key - has a 1-1 relationship with table core_data,NUMBER,8 ,,,,BURIALS_SUMMARY,Free text descritpion of the burials,CLOB,4000 ,,,,BURIAL_START_D,Start of use of the site (if recorded) for funerary activity. Note that negative values = BC,NUMBER,6 ,,,,BURIAL_END_D,End of use of the site (if recorded) for funerary activity. Note that negative values = BC,NUMBER,6 ,,,,NUMBER_BURIALS,Totla number of burials,NUMBER,6 ,,,,CREMATION,Number of cremations,NUMBER,6 ,,,,INHUMATION,Number of inhumations,NUMBER,6 ,,,,MALE,Number of male inhumations,NUMBER,6 ,,,,FEMALE,Number of female inhumations,NUMBER,6 ,,,,NEONATE_INFANT,Number of neonatal/infant (classed as between 1 and 3 years of age) burials,NUMBER,6 ,,,,CHILD,Number of child/adolescent (classed as between 4 and 17 years of age) burials,NUMBER,6 ,,,,ADULT,Number of adult (classed as over 18 years of age) burials,NUMBER,6 ,,,,BURIAL_PRONE,Number of burials where thebody position was prone,NUMBER,6 ,,,,BURIAL_DECAP,Number of burials with decapitations,NUMBER,6 ,,,,BURIAL_FLEXED,Number of burials where thebody position was flexed,NUMBER,6 ,,,,BURIALS_GRAVE_GOODS,Number of burials with grave goods,NUMBER,6 ,,,,BURIALS_COFFIN,Number of burials with coffin fittings,NUMBER,6 ,,,,CREMATION_URN,Number of cremation burials within an urn or box,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DISARTIC,Presence of disarticulated human bone = yes/no,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,ANIMAL_BONE,Animal bone within the grave = yes/no,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,ASSOC_SETTLEMENT,Associated settlement = yes/so,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,ASSOC_ENCLOSURE,Associated enclosure = yes/no,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,GRAVE_GOODS,Presence of grave goods = yes/no,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,,,, rrs_coin_data,"Description, totals and classifications of coins",ID,,ID,Primary key - has a 1-1 relationship with table core_data,NUMBER,8 ,,,,COINS_SUMMARY,Summary of the coins,CLOB,4000 ,,,,COINS_LIA,Number of coins of date: LIA,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_27BC_AD41,Number of coins of date: 27BC - AD41,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD41_54,Number of coins of date: AD 41-54,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD54_69,Number of coins of date: AD 54-69,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD69_96,Number of coins of date: AD 69-96,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD96_117,Number of coins of date: AD 96-117,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD117_138,Number of coins of date: AD 117-138,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD138_161,Number of coins of date: AD 138-161,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD161_180,Number of coins of date: AD 161-180,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD180_193,Number of coins of date: AD 180-192,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD193_222,Number of coins of date: AD 192-222,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD222_238,Number of coins of date: AD 222-238,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD238_260,Number of coins of date: AD 238-259,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD260_275,Number of coins of date: AD 259-275,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD275_296,Number of coins of date: AD 275-294,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD296_317,Number of coins of date: AD 294-317,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD317_330,Number of coins of date: AD 317-330,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD330_348,Number of coins of date: AD 330-348,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD348_364,Number of coins of date: AD 348-364,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD364_378,Number of coins of date: AD 364-378,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD378_388,Number of coins of date: AD 378-388,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD388_402,Number of coins of date: AD 388-402,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD402_445,Number of coins of date: AD 402-445,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD445_498,Number of coins of date: AD 445-498,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_AD498_565,Number of coins of date: AD 498-565,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_UNID_1,Number of coins classified as unidentifiable beyond broad 1st-2nd century,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_UNID_2,Number of coins classified as unidentifiable beyond broad 3rd-4th century,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COINS_TOTAL,Total number of coins,NUMBER,5 ,,,,,,, rrs_geology,"Table to record geology types - these are only informal classifications used by the project, bot authority terms",GEOLID,ID,GEOLID,Primary key,NUMBER,22 ,,,,ID,Foreign key (table = site_data),NUMBER,8 ,,,,GEOLOGY,Wordlist = gravel; clay; brickearth; chalk; limestone; alluvium; ironstone; sand; granite,VARCHAR,50 ,,,,,,, rrs_other_finds,"Description, totals and classifications of all other finds not recorded in the brooch, coins, plant or zooarch tables. Fileds a re split between those that record specific numbers of a certain type of object, and boolean fields to record the presence or absence of a particualr type of artefact or industry on the site",ID,,ID,Primary key - has a 1-1 relationship with table core_data,NUMBER,8 ,,,,POTTERY_SUMMARY,Summary of the pottery for this record,CLOB,4000 ,,,,BRACELETS,Number of bracelets,NUMBER,6 ,,,,FINGER_RINGS,Number of finger rings,NUMBER,6 ,,,,HAIRPINS,Number of hairpins,NUMBER,6 ,,,,NAIL_CLEANER,Number of nail-cleaner strap-ends,NUMBER,6 ,,,,HAWKES,Number of Hawkes and Dunning type buckles,NUMBER,6 ,,,,OTHER_DRESS,Number of other dress accessories,NUMBER,6 ,,,,SHOES,Number of leather shoes,NUMBER,6 ,,,,COSMETIC,Number of toilet/cosmetic instruments,NUMBER,6 ,,,,LR_NAIL,Number of late Roman nail-cleaners,NUMBER,6 ,,,,MILITARY,Number of military fittings and weaponry,NUMBER,6 ,,,,WRITING,Number of writing equipment,NUMBER,6 ,,,,EQUINE,Number of equine/transport objects,NUMBER,6 ,,,,RELIGIOUS_O,Number of religious objects,NUMBER,6 ,,,,KNIVES,Number of knives/tools,NUMBER,6 ,,,,AGRICULTURAL,Number of agricultural tools,NUMBER,6 ,,,,FURNITURE,Number of household objects and and furniture fittings,NUMBER,6 ,,,,SECURITY,Number of Security,NUMBER,6 ,,,,RECREATION,Number of Recreation,NUMBER,6 ,,,,WEIGHING,Number of objects associated with weighing,NUMBER,6 ,,,,FIBRE,Number of Fibre processing (wool combs),NUMBER,6 ,,,,SPINNING,Number of spinning (spindlewhorls),NUMBER,6 ,,,,WEAVING,Number of weaving (loomweights),NUMBER,6 ,,,,SEWING,Number of sewing (needles),NUMBER,6 ,,,,QUERNSTONES,Number of quernstones,NUMBER,6 ,,,,MILLSTONES,Number of millstones,NUMBER,6 ,,,,VESSEL_GLASS,Number of glass objects,NUMBER,6 ,,,,CBM,Weight of cermamic building material (kilograms),NUMBER,6 ,,,,PEWTER,Number of pewter objects,NUMBER,6 ,,,,JET,Number of jet objects,NUMBER,6 ,,,,SHALE,Number of shale objects,NUMBER,6 ,,,,IRON_SLAG,Evidence of iron slag = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,HOBNAILS,Evidence of hobnails = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,SALT,Evidence for salt production? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,BONE,Evidence for bone-working? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,METAL,Evidence for metalworking? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,W_STONE,Structural worked stone? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,PLASTER,Painted plaster? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,WINDOW,Window glass? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,MOSAIC,Evidence for tesselated floor/mosaic? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,TILED_ROOF,Evidence for tiled roof? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,BRIQUETAGE,Briquetage recorded? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,INSCRIPTIONS,Inscriptions recorded? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,LIGHTING,Lighting objects recorded? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,HYPOCAUST,Evidence of a hypocaust? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,CHRISTIANITY,Evidence of Christianity? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,GLASS_OBJECTS,Number of glass objects,NUMBER,6 ,,,,,,, rrs_plant_data,"Overarching table to record details of the palaeobotanical evidence relating to the entire occupation/use of the site. If possible, individual phases are recorded in the table plant_phase_data ",ID,,ID,Primary key - has a 1-1 relationship with table core_data,NUMBER,8 ,,,,PLANT_SUMMARY,Summary of the plant remains for this record,CLOB,4000 ,,,,SPELT_WHEAT,Level of recorded spelt wheat: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,EMMER_WHEAT,Level of recorded emmer wheat: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,FREE_THRESHING_WHEAT,Level of recorded free-threshing wheat: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,BARLEY,Level of recorded barley: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,RYE,Level of recorded rye: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,PULSES,Level of recorded pulses: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,FRUITS,Level of recorded fruits: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,FLAX,Level of recorded flax: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,OATS,Level of recorded oats: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,EVIDENCE_MALTING,Evidence for malting? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,EVIDENCE_IMPORTED_FOODS,Evidence for imported foods? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,EVIDENCE_HORTICULTURAL_CROPS,Evidence for horticultural crops? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,EVIDENCE_HAY_MEADOWS,Evidence for hay meadows? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,DATE_START,Start date (if recorded) as relating to the palaeobotanical evidence. Further phasing is contained in the table plant_data_phase. Note that negative values = BC. ,NUMBER,22 ,,,,DATE_END,Enddate (if recorded) as relating to the palaeobotanical evidence. Further phasing is contained in the table plant_data_phase. Note that negative values = BC. ,NUMBER,22 ,,,,,,, rrs_general_environment,Table to record a generic classification of the site environment based on interpretation of the environmental data (see table plant_data),GEID,ID,GEID,Primary key,NUMBER,22 ,,,,ID,Foreign key (table = plant_data),NUMBER,8 ,,,,ENVIRONMENT_TYPE,grassland/open; wetland; woodland,VARCHAR,50 ,,,,,,, rrs_plant_data_phase,Table used to record invididual phases evident within the palaeobotanical evidence. Number of phases varies between records but should never exceed 4,PPID,ID,PPID,Primary key,NUMBER,6 ,,,,ID,Foreign key (table = plant_data),NUMBER,8 ,,,,PLANT_PHASE,Broad phase - indicated by abbreviation (LIA = Late Iron Age; ER = Early Roman; MR = Middle Roman; LR = Late Roman) and relevant centuries BC and AD,VARCHAR2,255 ,,,,SPELT_WHAT,Level of recorded spelt wheat: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,EMMER_WHAT,Level of recorded emmer wheat: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,FREE_THRESHING_WHEAT,Level of recorded free-threshing wheat: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,BARLEY,Level of recorded barley: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,RYE,Level of recorded rye: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,PULSES,Level of recorded pulses: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,FRUITS,Level of recorded fruits: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,FLAX,Level of recorded flax: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,OATS,Level of recorded oats: minor;moderate;abundant,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,EVIDENCE_MALTING,Evidence for malting? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,EVIDENCE_IMPORTED_FOODS,Evidence for imported foods? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,EVIDENCE_HORTICULTURAL_CROPS,Evidence for horticultural crops? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,EVIDENCE_HAY_MEADOWS,Evidence for hay meadows? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,,,, rrs_zooarch_data,"Overarching table to record details of the zooarchaeological evidence relating to the entire occupation/use of the site. If possible, individual phases are recorded in the table zooarch_phase_data. Note [ABGs to be counted as '1' in the NISP counts; no. of ABGs to be counted as such, not by number of specimens within each ABG]",ID,,ID,Primary key - has a 1-1 relationship with table core_data,NUMBER,8 ,,,,BONE_SUMMARY,Summary of the zooarchaeological remains for this record,CLOB,4000 ,,,,TOTAL_FRAGMENT,Total number of bone fragments (if recorded),NUMBER,6 ,,,,SIEVED,Assemblage sieved? TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_NISP,Sheep/Goat NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_ABGS,Sheep/Goat ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,CATTLE_NISP,Cattle NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,CATTLE_ABGS,Cattle ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,PIG_NISP,Pig NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,PIG_ABGS,Pig ABGS,NUMBER,6 ,,,,HORSE_NISP,Horse NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,HORSE_ABGS,Horse ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DOG_NISP,Dog NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DOG_ABGS,Dog ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,CAT_NISP,Cat NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,CAT_ABGS,Cat ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,RED_DEER_B_NISP,Red deer NISP (bone),NUMBER,6 ,,,,RED_DEER_A_NISP,Red deer NISP (antler),NUMBER,6 ,,,,RED_DEER_ABGS,Red deer ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,ROE_DEER_B_NISP,Roe deer NISP (bone),NUMBER,6 ,,,,ROE_DEER_A_NISP,Roe deer NISP (antler),NUMBER,6 ,,,,ROE_DEER_ABGS,Roe deer ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DEER_UNSPEC_NISP,"Deer unspecified NISP. Note that this may include either species, bone or antler, as some reports may not be explicit",NUMBER,6 ,,,,HARE_NISP,Hare NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,HARE_ABGS,Hare ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,OTHER_MAMM_NISP,Other wild mammal NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,OTHER_MAMM_ABGS,Other wild mammal ABG,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DOM_FOWL_NISP,Domestic fowl NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DOM_FOWL_ABGS,Domestic fowl ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,WETLAND_FOWL_NISP,"Wetland fowl (ducks, geese and waders) NISP",NUMBER,6 ,,,,FISH,Fish = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,FISH_NISP,Fish NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,MARINE_SHELL,Marine shell = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,EGG_SHELL,Egg shell = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,ABGS_IN_NISP,,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,DATE_START,Start date (if recorded) as relating to the zooarchaeological evidence. Further phasing is contained in the table zooarch_data_phase. Note that negative values = BC. ,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DATE_END,End date (if recorded) as relating to the zooarchaeological evidence. Further phasing is contained in the table zooarch_data_phase. Note that negative values = BC. ,NUMBER,6 ,,,,OTHER_WILD_FOWL_NISP,Other wild fowl NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,,,, rrs_zooarch_data_phase,Table used to record invididual phases evident within the zooarchaeological evidence. Number of phases varies between records but should never exceed 4,PZID,ID,PZID,Primary key,NUMBER,6 ,,,,ID,Foreign key (table = plant_data),NUMBER,8 ,,,,PHASE,Broad phase - indicated by abbreviation (LIA = Late Iron Age; ER = Early Roman; MR = Middle Roman; LR = Late Roman) and relevant centuries BC and AD,VARCHAR2,255 ,,,,PHASE_FRAGMENT,Total number of bone fragments (if recorded),NUMBER,6 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_NISP,Sheep/Goat NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_ABGS,Sheep/Goat ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,CATTLE_NISP,Cattle NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,CATTLE_ABGS,Cattle ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,PIG_NISP,Pig NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,PIG_ABGS,Pig ABGS,NUMBER,6 ,,,,HORSE_NISP,Horse NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,HORSE_ABGS,Horse ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DOG_NISP,Dog NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DOG_ABGS,Dog ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,CAT_NISP,Cat NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,CAT_ABGS,Cat ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,RED_DEER_B_NISP,Red deer NISP (bone),NUMBER,6 ,,,,RED_DEER_A_NISP,Red deer NISP (antler),NUMBER,6 ,,,,RED_DEER_ABGS,Red deer ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,ROE_DEER_B_NISP,Roe deer NISP (bone),NUMBER,6 ,,,,ROE_DEER_A_NISP,Roe deer NISP (antler),NUMBER,6 ,,,,ROE_DEER_ABGS,Roe deer ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DEER_UNSPEC_NISP,"Deer unspecified NISP. Note that this may include either species, bone or antler, as some reports may not be explicit",NUMBER,6 ,,,,HARE_NISP,Hare NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,HARE_ABGS,Hare ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,OTHER_MAMM_NISP,Other wild mammal NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,OTHER_MAMM_ABGS,Other wild mammal ABG,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DOM_FOWL_NISP,Domestic fowl NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,DOM_FOWL_ABGS,Domestic fowl ABGs,NUMBER,6 ,,,,WETLAND_FOWL_NISP,"Wetland fowl (ducks, geese and waders) NISP",NUMBER,6 ,,,,FISH,Fish = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,FISH_NISP,Fish NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,MARINE_SHELL,Marine shell = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,EGG_SHELL,Egg shell = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,10 ,,,,OTHER_WILD_FOWL_NISP,Other wild fowl NISP,NUMBER,6 ,,,,,,, rrs_faunal_ageing_data,"Overarching table to record details of the faunal ageing relating to the entire occupation/use of the site. If possible, individual phases are recorded in the table faunal_ageing_phase_data. For details on the age categories, please see the accompanying file: faunal_ageing_conversion",ID,,ID,Primary key,NUMBER,8 ,,,,AGEING_SUMMARY,Ageing summary,CLOB,4000 ,,,,NEONATAL_CATTLE_BONES,Neonatal cattle (bones) = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,NEONATAL_SHEEP_GOAT_BONES,Neonatal sheep/goat (bones) = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,NEONATAL_PIG_BONES,Neonatal pig (bones) = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,NEONATAL_UNKNOWN_BONES,Neonatal unknown (bones) = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,NEONATAL_HORSE_BONES,Juvenile horse (bones) = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,NEONATAL_DOMESTIC_FOWL,Juvenile domestic fowl (bones) = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,CATTLE_NEONATE,Cattle neonate,NUMBER,22 ,,,,CATTLE_JUVENILE,Cattle juvenile,NUMBER,22 ,,,,CATTLE_SUB_ADULT,Cattle sub-adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,CATTLE_YOUNG_ADULT,Cattle young-adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,CATTLE_ADULT,Cattle adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,CATTLE_ELDERLY,Cattle elderly,NUMBER,22 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_NEONATE,Sheep/Goat neonate,NUMBER,22 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_JUVENILE,Sheep/Goat juvenile,NUMBER,22 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_IMMATURE,Sheep/Goat immature,NUMBER,22 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_SUB_ADULT,Sheep/Goat sub-adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_ADULT,Sheep/Goat adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_ELDERLY,Sheep/Goat elderly,NUMBER,22 ,,,,PIG_NEONATE,Pig neonate,NUMBER,22 ,,,,PIG_JUVENILE,Pig juvenile,NUMBER,22 ,,,,PIG_IMMATURE,Pig immature,NUMBER,22 ,,,,PIG_SUB_ADULT,Pig sub-adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,PIG_ADULT,Pig adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,PIG_ELDERLY,Pig elderly,NUMBER,22 ,,,,DATE_START,Start date (if recorded) as relating to the faunal ageing evidence. Further phasing is contained in the table faunal_ageing_data_phase. Note that negative values = BC. ,NUMBER,22 ,,,,DATE_END,End date (if recorded) as relating to the faunal ageing evidence. Further phasing is contained in the table faunal_ageing_data_phase. Note that negative values = BC. ,NUMBER,22 ,,,,,,, rrs_faunal_ageing_data_phase,Table used to record invididual phases evident within the faunal ageing evidence. Number of phases varies between records but should never exceed 4,,,FPID,Primary key,NUMBER,6 ,,,,ID,Foreign key (table = faunal_ageing_data),NUMBER,8 ,,,,PHASE,Broad phase - indicated by abbreviation (LIA = Late Iron Age; ER = Early Roman; MR = Middle Roman; LR = Late Roman) and relevant centuries BC and AD,VARCHAR2,255 ,,,,NEONATAL_CATTLE_BONES,Neonatal cattle (bones) = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,NEONATAL_SHEEP_GOAT_BONES,Neonatal sheep/goat (bones) = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,NEONATAL_PIG_BONES,Neonatal pig (bones) = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,NEONATAL_UNKNOWN_BONES,Neonatal unknown (bones) = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,NEONATAL_HORSE_BONES,Juvenile horse (bones) = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,NEONATAL_DOMESTIC_FOWL,Juvenile domestic fowl (bones) = TRUE/FALSE,VARCHAR2,25 ,,,,CATTLE_NEONATE,Cattle neonate,NUMBER,22 ,,,,CATTLE_JUVENILE,Cattle juvenile,NUMBER,22 ,,,,CATTLE_SUB_ADULT,Cattle sub-adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,CATTLE_YOUNG_ADULT,Cattle young-adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,CATTLE_ADULT,Cattle adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,CATTLE_ELDERLY,Cattle elderly,NUMBER,22 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_NEONATE,Sheep/Goat neonate,NUMBER,22 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_JUVENILE,Sheep/Goat juvenile,NUMBER,22 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_IMMATURE,Sheep/Goat immature,NUMBER,22 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_SUB_ADULT,Sheep/Goat sub-adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_ADULT,Sheep/Goat adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,SHEEP_GOAT_ELDERLY,Sheep/Goat elderly,NUMBER,22 ,,,,PIG_NEONATE,Pig neonate,NUMBER,22 ,,,,PIG_JUVENILE,Pig juvenile,NUMBER,22 ,,,,PIG_IMMATURE,Pig immature,NUMBER,22 ,,,,PIG_SUB_ADULT,Pig sub-adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,PIG_ADULT,Pig adult,NUMBER,22 ,,,,PIG_ELDERLY,Pig elderly,NUMBER,22