ID,BURIALS_SUMMARY,BURIAL_START_D,BURIAL_END_D,NUMBER_BURIALS,CREMATION,INHUMATION,MALE,FEMALE,NEONATE_INFANT,CHILD,ADULT,BURIAL_PRONE,BURIAL_DECAP,BURIAL_FLEXED,BURIALS_GRAVE_GOODS,BURIALS_COFFIN,CREMATION_URN,DISARTIC,ANIMAL_BONE,ASSOC_SETTLEMENT,ASSOC_ENCLOSURE,GRAVE_GOODS 1001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1002,No human remains recorded from site.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1003,"14 cremation burials discovered, but only 3 late Roman graves analysed - remainder undated or too fragmentary. One 2nd century burial within box with associated gold terminal. All burials separate from main area of settlement, many in a loose concentration. Roman cremations also discovered to north of site in 1900, accompanied by flagons, urns, samian platters and glass bottles.",150,410,14,14,,,,,,3,,,,3,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 1004,"A small cemetery in use from early 1st century AD before establishment of settlement. 21 graves within enclosure dating from mid 1st C. 1 inhumation also early Roman in date. Most graves contained unburnt grave goods, including pottery, 4 brooches and toilet equipment. Skull fragments excluded from 2 burials.",1,150,28,27,1,6,11,,,24,,,,25,1,19,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 1005,No human remains,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1006,"No human remains recorded from site, but a single undated cremation burial was recorded c 160 m to the south of the main excavation area.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1010,An undated inhumation burial recovered and two disarticulated human bones also found. Possibly part of a larger cemetery. Three smashed complete pots near villa possible part of cremation cemetery? Limited analysis undertaken.,,,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 1011,"Six LIA/ER cremation burials from CAG excavations with ceramic vessels, only two of which contained the cremated bone. Another urned and boxed cremation found by CEU, along with 7 LR inhumations (almost no bone remained) in a small cemetery. The inhumations were accompanied by a bead necklace, brooches, bracelets and pottery.",1,300,14,7,7,,,,,,,1,,12,4,3,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 1012,"557 human bones recorded from site including one MIA adult burial (not included here), one infant & foetal burial from LIA/ER phase, and another foetal burial from early 4th C associated with animal bone and a coin hoard. Many isolated fragments, mostly skull.",1,300,3,,3,,,3,,,,,,,,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1014,"A total of 11 cremation burials found within the late Iron Age-early Roman settlement. Seven adults formed a single-phased group associated with a series of small rectilinear enclosures, two others (adult female) each lay within individual square mortuary enclosures some distance to the south-west, whist a single adult female lay in a partially silted droveway ditch to the north-east. The burials comprise the remains of four urned, six unurned and one burial of uncertain form. One possible multiple burial. Four female and one male, 10 adult, 1 sub-adult, 1 infant. 5 with animal bone, 2 with iron nails (box/casket burials?). Also remains of three in situ inhumation burials, and one deposit of disarticulated human bone nearby (adult, 2nd-3rd C AD context). One burial (juvenile, 9-10 years) was dated to the LIA/ER period, while two were late Roman (juvenile & adult male). All flexed/crouched, 1 in coffin, 2 with grave goods (one with hobnails).",1,350,14,11,3,2,5,1,3,11,,,3,7,1,4,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 1015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1016,A LIA/ER 'Aylesford' type cremation cemetery (7 burials) associated with DCS settlement. Further cremation burials (36) in 1st-2nd C on SCS/DFS sites.,-50,125,43,43,,2,2,,2,19,,,,25,,13,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 1017,"Two cemeteries associated with the villa estate - a small ER cremation cemetery 100m SSW of site on floodplain (no details) & small (25 graves, 1 possibly a cenotaph) LR inhumation cemetery. Also adult cremation, infant inhumation and deposits of burnt and unburnt human bone found elsewhere on the site.",75,370,33,7,26,9,9,2,3,21,,5,1,6,8,6,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 1018,Small ER cremation cemetery adjacent to a boundary ditch. Two graves contained pottery. Badly truncated.,50,125,5,5,,,,,,5,,,,,,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1021,"Small LIA-ER mixed rite cemetery. Grave goods included shoes, pots and metal objects.",1,250,11,6,5,4,1,,1,9,,,,8,2,4,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 1022,No human remains recorded but cremated animal and unidentified bone found in enclosure ditch.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1023,"4 LIA & 4 ER cremation burials in two groups to N & S, plus 2 isolated ER cremations, 1 buried in a box.",1,100,10,10,,,,,,6,,,,4,,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 1024,A single 1st century AD cremation,1,100,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 1025,"11 north-south inhumation graves, but no bone surviving. Only grave good is one Oxford CC cup, and hobnails in 3 graves.",350,410,11,,11,,,,,,,,,1,3,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 1026,"A small but rich LIA cremation group, one within enclosure, and a single LR cremation grave, plus skull fragment in LR enclosure along with parts of cow and horse skulls.",1,410,4,4,,1,,,,3,,,,4,,1,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 1027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1028,"Possible LIA inhumation cemetery indicated by group of 8 grave shaped pits, though no bone survived. Grave good present. Also small (5) LR cremation cemetery, without associated settlement.",1,350,13,5,8,,,,,,,,,5,,3,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 1029,"1st C AD inhumation cut into ditch, and small enclosed later 1st-2nd C cremation cemetery (14 graves) in same place. Cremations included casket burials. 5 other cremations outside cemetery. No information on human remains.",50,160,20,19,1,,,,,,,,,16,1,8,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 1030,Potential LIA cremation cemetery/pyres suggested by one cremation burial & small deposits of burnt bone in other features. 2 LR inhumation graves aligned of ditch boundaries.,1,400,3,1,2,2,,,,2,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 1031,"Three main cremation cemeteries (17, 17 & 18) and other burials distributed across the fringes of the occupation area. Most LIA-ER in date. 1 4th C burial. Most accompanied by 1+ pottery vessels & a no. in wooden boxes. 2 burials contained animal bone and 3 burials contained high quality grave goods including mirror, glass vessels & pierced gold coin.",1,350,56,56,,5,9,2,14,24,,,,32,,19,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 1032,"Cremated human bone came from 29 contexts within the MTCP site, 27 dated LIA-early Roman: 15 urned cremations, 21 adults, 7 subadults, 2 infants (3 multiple graves), 5 female, 6 male, 8 with animal bone (burnt & unburnt including bird & piglet), 4 with copper alloy frags (pins & Brooches), 1 with hobnails, 1 with worked bone objects. Also two mid Roman cremations: 2 adult females, 1 urned, 1 with animal bone. Also evidence for 5 inhumation burials, though 3 of these were disturbed and redeposited (disarticulated so not recorded here as burials). One of these (an adult) is dated to the LIA, while the other 4 are late Roman (2 adult, 2 sub-adult; in situ adult and sub-adult). The two inhumation burials from the MTCP site are within the general vicinity of one another.",1,400,31,29,2,6,7,2,8,24,,,,14,,16,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 1033,12 infant bones (min 3 individuals) from the 4th C levelling layers and one infant burial from 3rd-4th C well.,275,325,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 1034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1035,Small LIA-ER cremation cemetery in centre of large open space. Extent of cemetery not fully realised. Reasonably rich grave goods. Disturbed by metal detectorists. 6 contained no cremated bone.,-25,125,19,19,,,1,,1,8,,,,9,,13,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 1036,"Unusual linear ER mixed cemetery spread along 100m within prehistoric ditch (which continued outside of excavation area). Higher no. of coffins than usual for ER period. One inhumation rich with grave goods (5 brooches, 4 pots, wooden vessel and glass unguent vessel).",50,100,16,2,14,6,6,1,1,12,,,13,5,6,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 1037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1040,3 unurned LIA cremation burials adjacent to trackway. One burial with bracelet & brooch.,1,50,3,3,,,1,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 1041,Small part of a probably much larger cremation cemetery associated with the 'small town'.,100,200,5,5,,,1,,,4,,,,5,,3,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 1042,"A single well furnished unurned cremation burial 25m S of the road, with 8 vessels, a pigs skull, sheep rib foetal piglet and domestic fowl. Ox skull fragments in one of the pots. Other burials in the vicinity of the road.",50,60,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 1043,"Two 1st C AD inhumations (one inserted into the earlier grave with possible boundary fence to the north), two early 2nd C cremations, one later 2nd C cremation and one undated inhumation thought to be Roman. Also cremated human bone in silted up ditch.",50,200,6,3,3,1,2,,1,2,,,,1,1,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 1044,"4 known cemeteries, of which only 2 recorded (40 & 95 burials), and only 1 in detail (stats here). Burials started 1st C AD & probably continued in use well into 5th C. Earliest inhumations late 2nd C (& some in 'vaults', but cremations spanned 1st to 4th C. 4 cremations in wooden boxes. Hobnailed boots in 13 graves. Very poor preservation so no skeletal analysis.",70,450,95,35,60,,,,,,,,,49,33,19,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 1045,No burials but pit under temple ambulatory wall contained human bone.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1046,Four cremation burials in vicinity but all undated and probably prehistoric.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1047,No burials unlike Chequers Lane (record 1029) immediately to the north.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1052,One disturbed inhumation grave. Date uncertain,50,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 1053,"Series of LIA and roman burials across the site. 6 areas of mixed LIA burials (50 in total) including enclosed cremation cemetery, inhumation cemetery and small groups of 1st C BC barrows with cremation burials. Largest, unenclosed cemetery of at least 30 cremations. In Roman period, 4 cemeteries of 1st to 4th C date including late 4th C gypsum inhumation (adult male) in stone coffin. Also other more scattered burials (192 in total, 88 cremation). Grave goods include hobnailed shoes, complete pots, brooches (just with cremations) and bracelets (just with inhumations).",-100,400,236,126,110,29,10,6,18,79,,,20,96,63,46,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 1054,"Group of four cremation burials from late 2nd to late 4th C AD, post-dating demolition of rectangular building. Also fragment of adult humerus & infant cranium.",200,400,4,4,,,,,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 1055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1056,"One isolated mid 2nd C cremation burial & small cemetery of 5-7 late 2nd/3rd C cremations and up to 3 possible inhumations, though no bone survived. One possible grave had a crossbow brooch.",150,300,10,7,3,,1,,,4,,,,9,2,3,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 1057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1060,"A single inhumation and two cremation burials dating to the early Roman period. Inhumation was infant burial, accompanied by two miniature vessels. One cremation within a box, the other un-urned or boxed and possibly accompanied with a glass bead. This burial was of a child and possibly also an infant. Also 19th excavations of a large cremation cemetery 1km to the west of the site.",60,125,3,2,1,,,2,1,,,,,,,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 1061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1064,"Three LIA urned cremation burials and a number of other concentrations of burnt human bone, though uncertain if these were formal burials. Burial urns in pairs (a 4th pot contained no bone so assumed to be grave good).",1,50,3,3,,1,,,,1,,,,1,,3,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 1065,"Three grave-shaped pits of early to mid Roman date, but no skeletal material except piece of human skull - perhaps bodies removed? 3 other infant bones found.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1066,"No human remains from excavation, though small 1st/early 2nd C cremation group found adjacent in 1913. Other burials also found in vicinity.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1067,"Potential rich barrow cemetery lies 0.5km in front of the villa, though not investigated. No human remains of Roman date encountered during excavations.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1068,Two un-urned cremation burials excavated and 1st C AD urned cremation cemetery lay 30m to the west.,,,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1069,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1070,"Five cremation burials, possibly part of larger cemetery, and high status cremation under burial mound 100m to east.",100,150,6,6,,,1,,,3,,,,5,,6,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 1071,"Small part of probably a much larger cemetery along the road to the south of the main occupation. 5 cremations marked by a post. Single inhumation covered with remains of sandstone slab. Where dated, most cremations seemed 2nd C. No osteological analysis.",100,400,46,45,1,,,,,,,,,43,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 1072,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1074,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1075,"No human remains recovered, though structure thought to have been a grand mausoleum.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1076,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1077,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1078,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1079,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1080,Incomplete remains of a single infant burial placed in inverted pot.,1,100,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 1081,"Six cremation burials, located c 300m NW of the excavated settlement. Four urned cremations and two pits with cremated bone. Associated with these features was a rectangular pit containing pyre debris. Two other small circular pits with charcoal fills are probably also features with pyre debris. Aside from urns, only other finds comprised fragments of either structural nails or hobnails. Inhumation burials marked on plan but no further details.",50,125,6,6,,,,,,6,,,,,,4,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 1082,No data,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1084,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1085,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1086,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1087,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1088,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1089,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1090,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1091,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1092,Human remains identified in three contexts. A skull (adult female) was found in a ER ditch. Above the skull within the ditch was the cremated remains of an adult individual and a pot - perhaps the same individual? One other isolated cremation deposit.,50,100,2,2,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 1093,"Eight Roman cremation burials were revealed throughout the site, mainly early to mid Roman, though also one late Roman. Five of the burials contained ancillary vessels, most commonly a small flask and a beaker, although one also included a samian dish. Also two inhumations (adult and infant) and disarticulated human bone A human skull was placed in the terminus of one of the M-LIA enclosure ditches.",50,400,10,8,2,,,1,,9,,,,5,,7,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 1094,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1095,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1096,Cremated human bone was recovered from an isolated grave 3052 - the bone appeared to be contained within a shelly-ware jar dating to the late Iron Age or early Roman period.,1,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1097,One tiny fragment of burnt human bone that is probably Roman in date.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1098,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1099,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1100,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1101,A single urned adult cremation burial.,50,100,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1102,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1103,"Circumstantial evidence for at least one and possibly two disturbed and redeposited cremation groups, judging by the complete pots in the pits. However, no cremated bone.",100,150,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1104,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1105,"A total of seven in situ cremation burials (all with evidence for a single body), along with cremated remains from two pyre sites and other redeposited cremation debris. Main 'themed' burials comprised: warrior, inkwell, doctor, mirror and brooches. Burnt animal bone found in close association with the human bone at the pyre site and with some graves. Very rich grave goods.",-50,60,7,7,,,1,,,6,,,,7,,1,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 1106,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1107,A single cremation burial comprising the remains of an adult of undetermined sex interred in an urn and accompanied by an accessory vessel was located on the floodplain in an otherwise isolated position.,-100,100,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 1108,"A total of five cremation burials were uncovered during the excavation, in addition to a single example that had been recorded during the evaluation. Four burials were on the valley side with one on the lower slope. Two lay within an enclosure. Only two urned burials and one with ancillary vessels.",75,150,6,6,,,,,,6,,,,1,,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 1109,"A range of cremation and inhumation burials but limited report. Two urned LIA cremation burials (with 3 ancillary vessels) along with 33 pyre features (main cemetery must lie elsewhere). 19 Roman cremation burials from four areas dating from mid 1st to late 2nd C AD. Most had 1-2 ancillary vessels, but richest was child's grave. Gaming counters in one grave. Also inhumation burials (unspecified number but minimum of 3) including lead and stone coffins. A prone adult female inhumation found in 'refuse' pit and detached arm placed in another pit.",-25,250,24,21,3,,,,2,22,1,,,16,2,15,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 1110,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1111,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1112,"No data, though finds of near complete vessels and a glass tettine suggests possible disturbed burials.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1113,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1114,"A total of 115 cremation burials were excavated (at a density of one burial per 3.75m sq), with only four cases of intercutting indicating grave markers. Considerable variety of burial practices including a few quite rich burials in wooden caskets with many grave goods. A total of 69 urned cremations and a further 20 possibly urned. Large jars often used as cinerary urns with ancillary vessels (from 0 to 6, have 1.6 pots per grave) including platters, jars, beakers, cups and flagons. Two graves contained two urns each. Many graves contained fragmentary burnt artefacts - pyre offerings. Bird bone in one grave.",50,120,115,115,,,,,,,,,,85,,89,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 1115,"A single adult inhumation burial, accompanied by a small knife.",150,300,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 1116,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 1117,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2001,"A total of 27 to 34 graves (some disturbed in 4 different groups in hill top cemetery surrounded by enclosure and associated with rectangular structure, possibly used in the mortuary process. Mostly inhumation.",-100,200,34,2,32,13,7,,3,24,,,1,7,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 2002,"No burials but 5 human bones recovered from LIA contexts, 3 of neonates.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2003,"Three inhumation burials on periphery of settlement area, all believed to be of Roman date but chronology not secure. One crouched burial was also decapitated. Also remains of minimum of 6 individuals (5 adults, 1 juvenile) from disarticulated bones in pits, possibly part of disturbed cemetery.",200,400,3,,3,,1,,1,2,,1,1,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2006,Five LR inhumation burials on western side of Ermine St - possibly part of a larger cemetery. One body had two shale bracelets.,250,350,5,,5,3,1,1,1,3,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2007,"No cemetery but 4 adult human cranium fragments recovered, one showing evidence for trepanning.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2008,"LR inhumation cemetery of 24 graves and disarticulated bone, particularly concentrated in one area, possibly a second cemetery to the north. Over half adults had signs of osteoarthritis. Two burials without skulls, one of which had two different disarticulated skulls in upper fill of the grave. Many dental problems. Cemetery in two phases. Phase 1 all males W-E, females E-W. One male in lead coffin with grave goods and animal bone. Phase 2 (10 burials) all lay with head to S. 4 burials in one grave.",250,400,24,,24,9,9,2,1,21,,2,,2,24,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 2009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2010,A single cremation burial on periphery of settlement.,300,400,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2011,One mid Roman and two late Roman inhumation burials on periphery of settlement. LR burials comprised young adult female and Neonate buried close together.,200,400,3,,3,1,1,1,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2012,Small cemetery of 9 N-S inhumation graves in corner of abandoned farmstead. Date uncertain though thought to be late Roman. Also remains of 4 new-born infants.,200,400,9,,9,3,5,1,1,7,,1,,,2,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 2013,Only a single adult burial from the excavations - a female inhumation thought to be late or sub Roman. Also presence of at least one adult bone and two infant burials of similar date.,400,500,3,,3,,1,2,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2014,"A single adult inhumation burial, accompanied by a complete colour coat beaker. Also infant remains from other features.",250,325,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2015,"A single adult inhumation burial (female, at least 50 years) in grave cut into earlier ditch. Only grave good was a finger ring. Also infant bones.",175,250,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2017,"No human burials, but LIA adult pelvic bone found.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2021,"Seven known (possibly more originally) barrows over individuals (cremations), but likely that part of extensive cemetery within a villa estate - 15 skeletons discovered early 20th C. 4 cremations & 2 inhumations discovered in 2004 evaluation at Bartlow Park.",100,400,28,11,17,,,,,,,,,,,4,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2022,1 cremation burial near to site of the kilns,25,60,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 2023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2024,"A number of graves found, most in a distinct unenclosed cemetery with 16 inhumations and 3 cremations, dated mid-late 1st C AD. Mature females dominated. Outside cemetery were 6 contemporary inhumations. All cremations contained grave goods. Also in cemetery was grave-shaped pit with ABG (calf).",50,100,25,3,22,7,10,,4,21,4,1,4,6,,3,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2026,Three burials (2 infants) and other humans remains recovered from 12 contexts (LIA and RB). Human skull with fractures from pit associated with roundhouse.,-100,150,3,,3,,,2,,1,,,1,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2027,"Two adult inhumation burials at western end of settlement of 2nd-3rd C date, and small cremation cemetery of 3 urned burials found 135m N of main settlement area. Pyre goods in graves comprise domestic fowl bone, hobnails, a coin (AD 145-75), brooch and glass.",100,250,5,3,2,,1,,,4,,,,3,,3,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2029,"A single unfurnished cremation burial dated to mid-late 1st C AD adjacent to eastern settlement boundary. The only other burials comprised two probable 3rd-4th C inhumations, one a child, the other adult.",50,350,3,1,2,,,,1,2,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2030,"No data but the small enclosures on site were interpreted as remains of arras type burials, with central burial truncated.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2031,Disarticulated bone found but no burials.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2032,"Five inhumation burials, 4 of M-LIA date and one of LR date. Only grave good was a copper alloy ring from the LIA grave. Also disarticulated bone, including 2 fragments from a neonate.",-100,400,5,,5,1,2,,1,4,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2035,Two inhumation burials just outside the M-LR enclosure. One N-S the other E-W. The female was placed in coffin and accompanied by 2nd-3rd C pottery vessel.,200,300,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2036,"Four LR inhumation graves, three of them crowded into a small section of the main enclosure ditch. The 4th lay to the north. Bodies lay in a variety of positions and grave goods included two copper alloy fingers rings, hobnails, and pottery. Isolated male burial had no trace of a skull.",300,400,4,,4,3,1,,,4,,1,3,3,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2038,No burials but an undated skull fragment was recovered.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2041,A complete burial from upper fill of ditch and parts of 3 other bodies from lower fills of another ditch. Skull of 4-year old showed evidence of sword cuts.,-100,100,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 2042,"No burials, but human remains recorded from six deposits, including postholes, latrine pits and a ditch. Three deposits were infants.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2043,"Substantial late Roman inhumation cemetery, probably part of the nearby villa estate. Inhumations generally in extended supine position, oriented WSW-ENE. No evidence for use of coffins and grave goods only in two cases. 4 burials lay outside the cemetery group, one of which was prone. Burials may extend into the 5th C. Cemetery extended north beyond excavation area. No apparent organisation of cemetery. Iron Age coin found inside skull of child burial. Another skull contained an iron nail and a puddle of frozen lead.",350,400,72,,72,6,9,5,10,26,2,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 2044,"Four burials excavated on site (4 more unexcavated), two of which are of certain early Saxon date. One disturbed burial may have been associated with the masonry structure in the final enclosure (late 1st/early 2nd C AD), though it could have been later in date, perhaps even Saxon. This is the only burial recorded here as possibly being of Roman date.",100,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 2045,"Human bone was recovered from three contexts. A disarticulated human molar and part of a long bone, were present in the subsoil; Part of the shaft of an adult sized humerus was recovered from a cobbled surface; a partial skeleton was recovered from a grave-shaped pit sealed by a 3rd C AD cobbled surface (its date is uncertain).",200,300,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2047,"A mixed cremation and inhumation cemetery on the southern periphery of the settlement and 1 inhumation burial outside of this group. All cremations 2nd-3rd C and all in urns. Two contained hobnails and one an ancillary beaker. All inhumations 3rd-4th C. Some intercutting. 1 with hobnails, two others with a single bracelet and one with five bracelets. Also separate tibia. Dog ABG in one grave.",100,400,21,5,16,10,6,1,1,17,2,,3,7,4,5,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2050,A single mid-late 1st C AD inhumation burial in a ditch. Grave goods comprised a Colchester iron brooch.,50,100,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2052,A double N-S burial in a ditch to the north of the main excavation area found during a watching brief and believed to be Roman. Also fragments from two other individuals. The adult burial had an iron knife under the spine.,200,400,2,,2,1,,,1,1,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2053,"Bones of 24 individuals examined, including 7 burials and a quantity of scattered bone (including 4 juveniles and 1 infant). Burials inserted in remains of villa but are of uncertain date.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2054,"A single cremation mentioned in the pottery report. No details. Also skeleton of a 50-60 year old male found face down in flood silts. He had a Dolphin brooch suggesting a first century AD date of death. Also remains of two infants and a foetus in mid Roman contexts, along with 12 adult fragments.",50,100,2,1,1,1,,,,1,1,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2058,"A defined cemetery area within an enclosure, comprising 7 inhumations, followed by 55 urned cremations. All apparently dating to the 2nd C AD (cremations probably later 2nd C AD). Most of the cremation burials were relatively simple with few grave goods (though 93 ceramic vessels from graves mentioned, presumably inclusive of urns), but details currently lacking in interim information.",100,200,62,55,7,,,,,,,,,,,55,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 2059,"Three burials, two in stone coffins, one buried between them disarticulated in a box. All aged 30-45 years.",300,400,3,,3,2,1,,,3,,,,2,2,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 2060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2061,"Only burial noted comprised that of a neonate, lying near to the stone building.",125,225,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2062,"Five possible adult cremation burials and 14 adult inhumation burials distributed around the settlement, along with 8 neonatal burials and disarticulated bone.",120,400,27,5,22,4,8,8,,19,,1,3,2,4,3,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2064,"An urned Roman cremation burial (in a wooden box) dating to later 1st C AD was previously found at Eynesbury (PCAS 1968, 16). Grave goods included two small glass vessels, a bone needle, and a brooch.",50,100,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 2065,"One LIA/ER and 2 possible LIA cremation burials found, along with disarticulated bone, including infants.",-100,100,3,3,,,,,,3,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 2066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2068,"A Roman cremation cemetery was excavated adjacent to the site of the destroyed temple. Initial evaluation revealed one cremation burial and three others revealed in subsequent excavation. All un-urned with no grave goods, though two had charred wood and nails - presumably from pyre material.",100,400,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2069,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2071,"A grave cut with the skeleton of a young adult female was found just beyond one of the enclosures within the Northants evaluation. A small mid 2nd-4th C inhumation cemetery comprising 23 burials was established along the western side of the main settlement enclosure. The burials formed two distinct groups, with the northern group interred either side of the settlement boundary and the southern group all positioned within the settlement boundary. Includes two neonates, one of which was placed in an adult's lap. Also another isolated burial buried to the south of the site - a meningitis victim. Disarticulated skull came from the enclosure ditch. Grave goods comprised hobnailed shoes, bracelet and finger rings, along with pottery sherds from the grave fills.",100,400,25,,25,12,5,2,,23,,1,,8,6,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2072,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2073,"A late Roman grave found, cut by the foundations of a late Roman building.",300,350,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2074,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2075,Disarticulated human remains were found in two fills dating to the late Iron Age in the settlement enclosure ditch. Fragments comprised an adult skull and the partial remains of a neonate skeleton. Eighteen neonate burials contemporary with the construction and use of the villa were identified within the courtyard area. Thirteen other in-situ inhumations were identified across the site (including 7 cutting into the villa) and 10 instances of disturbed disarticulated burials (adult and neonate) were found.,1,400,31,,31,4,6,18,1,12,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2076,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2077,"A single later Roman flexed inhumation of a 5-6 year old child in a square grave, possibly in box/coffin. Hobnails found at feet.",250,350,1,,1,,,,1,,,,1,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2078,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2079,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2080,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2081,"No human remains, but a Roman cemetery discovered close by during 19th century quarrying.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2082,"One right femur, one left femur and one left tibia, from a linear feature cut by a late Roman ditch. Uncertain date.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2084,A single urned cremation burial of a young adult.,100,200,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2085,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2086,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2087,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2088,"Remains of a walled cemetery revealed, 350m SE of the villa. Previously discovered in the 19th C, as a walled enclosure, 34.7 x 24.7m, containing rich cremation graves (80) and later inhumations (250), along with possible ustrina. A single inhumation grave recovered from Time Team excavations. Also a 2nd C barrow surrounded by enclosure ditch lay 1.2km south of villa at Limlow Hill (HER 03293).",50,400,330,80,250,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 2089,"The presence of at least one Late Romano-British mortuary deposit (probably a cenotaph) has been recorded to the west of the site, together with a cairn overlying an (?undated) infant burial.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2090,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2091,"Some sheep/goat skull fragments were found in association with several human bones, indicating the possibility of human burial at the site.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2092,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2093,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2094,Four inhumation graves and three urned cremation burials grouped in one part of the western enclosure. Cremations buried with grave goods and chicken bones. One of the inhumations comprised a prone decapitation and dated mid 2nd to mid 3rd C. Four other cremation deposits and three other inhumations found at the site (two prone). Inhumations generally older men with a wide range of infirmities.,120,325,14,7,7,8,1,,,11,3,1,,3,2,3,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2095,A single inhumation grave of a prone adult female in-between the two enclosures.,120,300,1,,1,,1,,,1,1,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2096,"A 3rd C enclosure ditch (possibly associated with a shrine) was notable for the female inhumation burials which it contained. Most of these were destroyed without record but the following were noted: an inhumation lying north-south wearing bracelets; an inhumation wearing jet or shale bracelets; an inhumation with bronze bracelets, buried with a new-born child; a third century inhumation lying north-south over an oven and lying just outside the east ditch.",200,300,4,,4,,4,1,,4,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 2097,"An Early Roman (mid to late 1st C) cremation cemetery (and a no. of isolated cremations) followed by three distinct later Roman inhumation cemeteries (and a single later Roman cremation). Where burial position can be ascertained, around a third were prone and nearly the same percentage were decapitated. Miniature beakers in many of the inhumation graves. Five graves were enclosed by a small ditch.",50,400,67,12,55,,1,,,10,12,15,,16,,6,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 2098,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2099,"A single grave of an adolescent aligned with one of the enclosure boundary ditches. To the south-east, in the area of the site excavated in 1994 (The Mid-Field Arm) were three more adult inhumations, in the area of 8 rich LIA cremation burials. One of these burials had a 1st-2nd C AD finger ring. Five of the LIA cremations were in ring ditches and a few were accompanied by rich grave goods including pottery and metalwork.",1,300,12,8,4,,1,,4,9,,,,5,,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 2100,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2101,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2102,"Two human burials belonging to the mid Roman phase were found close together. One was a mature, possibly middle-aged adult male, in a crouched position. The other burial was an adult female aged about 20 years. She was buried on her right side and slightly crouched. Also two infant burials.",100,250,4,,4,1,1,2,,2,,,2,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2103,"A LIA cremation and 15 2nd century cremation burials, buried with samian pottery. Four female adult and three infant inhumations are dateable to the 3rd century. Three of the adults were prone and one of these was buried with a silver coin upon which a fragment of linen has been preserved. Other grave goods include bracelets and a fine bead necklace.",1,300,23,16,7,4,4,3,,20,3,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2104,A mortuary enclosure with a LPRIA urned cremation (with ancillary vessel) and two 2nd century inhumations lay to the north of the main settlement. One inhumation is associated with a Nene Valley beaker which dates from the later 2nd century. Two bone spindle-whorls were deposited just below the head of one inhumation (a mature woman). The other burial was a woman who was wearing five rings on two fingers of her left hand. The substantial remains of two pots were placed within the enclosing ditch.,50,200,3,1,2,,2,,,3,,,,3,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 2105,"A single 2nd century urned cremation burial of a young adult. The cremated bone was within a hand made urn, with a wheel made ancillary cup set to the north of it.",100,200,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 2106,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2107,A single undated inhumation recovered from the top of a Roman ditch.,,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2108,A single inhumation grave adjacent to a boundary ditch. Skull missing and presumed to have been decapitated.,100,300,1,,1,1,,,,1,,1,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2109,Infant burials were reportedly found during the excavations of the main villa complex and an inhumation cemetery also previously excavated.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2110,"Eight cremation burials (7 urned, one with remains of two individuals) and two neonate inhumations were identified in a late 1st to late 2nd C cemetery within the northern edge of the main settlement enclosure. Four graves contained ancillary vessels, including glass flask in one grave. Potential pyre site 15m to the east of the burials. Animal bone (sheep and chicken) associated with 7 cremation burials. In the late Roman period at the southern end of the site, occupying a corner of the southern field system was an inhumation cemetery (29 graves, 30 individuals), with origins associated with a late 2nd/early 3rd C urned cremation. Seven individuals were accompanied by grave goods including bracelets, finger rings, a glass bead necklace, ceramic vessels and a small cache of glass fragments (also hobnailed shoes in 7 graves). One truncated burial in the surrounding ditch was prone and flexed and one burial lay outside the enclosure.",80,400,41,9,32,6,12,6,5,35,1,,2,11,9,8,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 2111,The burial of a neonate was identified in a small pit in the north-west of the main excavation. This was radiocarbon dated to AD 250 - 450.,250,450,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2112,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2113,"A small Roman cemetery was revealed with an associated low barrow mound. 21 individuals were identified from the cemetery, 18 inhumations and 3 cremations. 11 pre-dated the raising of the mound, 5 post-dated it (all female) and 5 are unphased. All burials broadly contemporary. One urned cremation in a wooden box. Grave good form 4 graves included a bone comb, bone pin, and pottery vessels.",100,200,21,3,18,4,6,,2,16,,1,2,4,,3,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 2114,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2115,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2116,"A possible cremation burial, adult inhumation and two neonate burials.",-50,50,4,1,3,,,2,,2,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2117,"Two high status cremation burials dating to the latest PRIA placed in pits in Area C in vicinity of LIA settlement. One was contained in a wooden box along with at least 11 vessels, mostly imported finewares, a glass vessel and a toilet set. The other burials contained six vessels and 11 metal artefacts. In the same area were two further urned cremations and an inhumation burial, all enclosed in the early Roman period. To the south (Area E) were four LIA neonate burials and an adult inhumation. In early Roman period were four inhumations burials (with two skeletons in one grave). In late Roman period the disarticulated remains of several adults were found in the inner ditch of the double ditched enclosure in Area F, along with five bracelets and animal bone.",30,50,14,4,10,3,3,4,,11,,,2,3,,3,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 2118,"18 LIA-ER features contained cremated human bone, including one urned burial (Note: not all of these may be formal cremation burials). In addition were 12 inhumation burials of M-LIA to ER date, in four small cemetery groups and isolated burials. Many of these burials were flexed (numbers unstated in interim draft, but '5' indicated here).",-100,100,30,18,12,,,,,,,,5,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2119,A single LIA cremation burial with accompanying imported pottery and an Aucissa brooch.,10,40,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 2120,A substantial later Iron Age to early Roman mortuary enclosure contemporary (though not all enclosed) with five inhumation burials and the partial remains of two infants were discovered in pits in one corner. Other burials across the site.,-100,150,7,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 2121,"Perinatal bones were recovered from a boundary ditch associated with a corncrake skeleton, domestic fowl, domestic goose, cattle, pig and fish bones. Also an articulated neonate placed on its left side was recovered from a ditch.",100,300,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2122,"Cremation and inhumation burials revealed in pits and ditches of the field system excavated just the SW in earlier excavations, but no remains from this excavation.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2123,"No burials, but the tibiae and ulnae of two individuals were found in the field ditches.",50,250,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2124,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2125,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2126,A crouched prone female inhumation burial cut into the silted up ditch of the early Roman road. Also disarticulated remains of a further adult from another part of the roadside ditch.,75,150,1,,1,,1,,,1,1,,1,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2127,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2128,"Two mid 1st C AD inhumation burials found between boundary ditches and building enclosure. The female was buried with a pedestal tazza, a beaker and a Colchester brooch. Also disarticulated adult bones found within excavated area. Lying c 120m SE was a substantial rural cremation and inhumation cemetery (ID 2129).",40,60,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 2129,"Significant rural cemetery. Initial urned cremation burial followed by 6 later urned cremations (all adult) and 42 inhumations, with disarticulated bone from a further 14 contexts. Includes 5 adult decapitation burials. Six cremation burials contained burnt animal bone. Grave goods include pottery vessels (8 graves), brooches (2), rings (3), bead necklace (3) and hobnailed shoes (4).",100,300,49,7,42,15,13,3,6,40,,5,4,16,4,7,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 2130,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2131,"A small cremation cemetery lying just north (27m) of the settlement and assumed to be associated with it. It is probably sited in relation to a prehistoric ring-ditch. There is evidence for 5 urned cremation burials, dated c AD 40-100 (2 more closely dated AD 40-70). Three burials contained secondary ceramic vessels. Also an isolated cremation burial in a box/casket lying 60m north of the settlement. Disarticulated human bone found in an enclosure ditch.",40,100,6,6,,,,,,,,,,3,,6,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2132,"Three cemeteries were excavated in 2012/13 (cremation and inhumation); A mid-late 1st C AD group of cremation burials came from the NE excavation area (RB2A), prior to the construction of the enclosure complex in this area and c 100m m from nearest contemporary occupation (RB2B). There were at least four burials, two contained within circular ditches (an Iron Age coin found in ring ditch). These urned burials were quite truncated (one accompanied by jar, flagon & beaker, other with a copper alloy brooch), while one of the other burials was less disturbed: articulated sheep ribs lay under 4 similar pots (cremated bone spread in these pots and outside; also an iron disk found). The final urned burial also badly truncated. The circular ditches contained later burials - an urned adult cremation and child inhumation in one and a child inhumation in the other. These probably date late 1st-2nd C AD. Other later burials in this area comprise two inhumations (one with hobnail; one very disturbed) within an enclosure. Further cremation burials lay to the north in Area RBD2. Two early burials lie in deep pits dated mid 1st C AD - they may be related to two small enclosures nearby. Dated somewhat later was a small cemetery of 12 cremation burials and 2-3 inhumations. All cremations laced in substantial coarseware vessels with 7 having inverted samian lids. 9 contained secondary ceramic vessels and hobnails & knife found in one grave; cremations dated later 1st to later 2nd C AD. Inhumations probably after this (late 2nd-3rd C AD), and one had evidence for a coffin. A small inhumation cemetery (11-12 burials) located within one corner of a larger enclosure in Area 2BC (one burial picked up in evaluation); another inhumation lay just to the south aligned with enclosure ditch. These burials date mid 2nd-mid 3rd C AD and are aligned SSE-NNW in possible rows, though not well defined. All supine, 11 with evidence for coffin nails, 11 with hobnails, 6 also with colour coat beakers, one with copper alloy finger ring. One probable decapitation, with head by feet. Also disarticulated adult bone in ditches of RB2B enclosure ditches suggesting excarnation. Fragments of skull came from a waterhole north of the main settlement during the evaluation. Another possible cemetery of this settlement was excavated at Girton College in the 19th C, comprising two rich 2nd C cremation burials (with glass vessels, samian dishes & lampstands), and two later inhumations with ceramic vessels, one decapitated.",50,300,43,21,22,1,,2,,20,,2,,26,12,20,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 2133,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2134,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2135,A single inhumation grave just beyond the northern fringes of the settlement. Uncertain date.,100,400,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2136,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2137,A fragment of a human jaw bone was recovered from a Romano-British ditch.,150,300,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2138,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2139,"One certain cremation burial of an adolescent/young adult adjacent to Akeman St road, accompanied by pottery vessels. Cremated bone found in discrete cluster, probably contained in a bag. 40m away another group of pottery from a shallow scoop may represent a 2nd cremation burial.",50,60,1,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 2140,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2141,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2142,Two probable human bones were found during the evaluation phase,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2143,Infant remains found in a late Iron Age context.,-100,50,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2144,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2145,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2146,No burials but human bone was found from two contexts,300,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2147,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2148,"Two inhumation cemeteries, but no details in report.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2149,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2150,A single infant humerus was recovered from a Phase 3b Ditch (3rd to 4th centuries).,270,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2151,4 inhumation burials revealed within one trench with Roman settlement.,100,400,4,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2152,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2153,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2154,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2155,"Discovery of Roman burials at the west end of the College fronting Grange Road suggests the presence of a Roman cemetery in this area, but none revealed in Watching Brief.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2156,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2157,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2158,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2159,"One pit had been used to dump the partial remains of an adult human, chiefly a leg, mixed in with the partial remains of a pig (mainly the jaw).",100,300,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2160,A small cremation pit is likely to be of Roman date. A fish bone came from a sample of the cremated material.,1,200,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2161,An adult male inhumation burial inserted into upper levels of an enclosure ditch.,200,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 2162,A mortuary enclosure within the settlement containing a single coffined early Roman adult male inhumation accompanied by a small pottery vessel and hobnails. The truncated remains of two further burials found alongside the trackway along with disarticulated bone - a small roadside cemetery?,70,150,3,,3,2,1,,,3,,,,1,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 2163,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2164,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2165,An inhumation burial previously found in the ditch and an urned cremation burial recovered in 2009 excavation. Also disarticulated femur.,-50,75,2,1,1,,,,,2,,,,,,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2166,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2167,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2168,"Human remains exposed along the southern edge of a river channel were from at least two individuals, with a radiocarbon date from one placing their disposal in the 2nd or 1st century BC. The partial articulation of the bones suggests they may have been complete or partially complete skeletons when they were laid in the soft silts at the edge of the channel. Remains suggest relatively young adult or small female individuals.",-100,1,2,,2,,2,,2,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2169,"A small Romano-British ditched enclosure may have lain at the core of funerary activity. At least one contemporary burial was recorded within the enclosure, with a small charcoal-rich feature and circular pit/posthole to either side of this burial possibly being funerary-related. Also other pottery vessels found in situ - possible other inhumation/ cremation burials? The remains of a neonate skeleton were recovered from a small pit and may be Roman.",50,100,2,,2,,,1,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 2170,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2171,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2172,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2173,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2174,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2175,Iron Age enclosure ditch contained adult male inhumation grave which gave a radiocarbon date of 20BC - AD130. Nails indicate a coffin.,-20,130,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2176,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2177,"A group of five burials, recorded within the angle of the southwest corner of the enclosure, is thought to be of Roman date, although this is based on burial style and location rather than direct dating evidence. None of the graves contained grave goods. One of the skeletons (a child aged 7-9 years) was prone and decapitated. Another adult female was also a decapitation burial. A grave containing a probable sheep skeleton was recorded to the east of the human burials within the cemetery. Also infant burial outside enclosure, 30m SE of the five graves.",200,400,6,,6,2,2,1,1,4,1,2,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 2178,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2179,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2180,A small group of late Roman inhumation burials revealed near to the site of the pottery kilns.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2181,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2182,"A cemetery adjoining the farmstead (within an enclosed area), containing one cremation and at least 50 inhumations, many with evidence for coffins, and two in stone cists. Most of these were arranged in four distinct rows, aligned east-west with the heads towards the west. Some grave-plots re-used several times. Grave goods were rare - a bronze finger ring, bracelet, bone comb and small beaker. Rodent bone found between one skeleton's jaws. The cremation was contained in two Nene Valley pots (late 2nd/early 3rd C AD), which had once probably been enclosed in a wooden casket.",200,350,51,1,50,21,15,1,7,42,,,,3,17,1,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 2183,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2184,"A total of 71 inhumation burials were recorded in the SW settlement, mostly within three enclosed cemeteries. The largest cemetery contained 45 inhumations in a rectangular ditched enclosure deliberately sited across the trackway to the south. Nine inhumation burials lay to the rear of the ladder enclosure system to the NE. Most burials were supine extended, though variations comprise 8 flexed (also others slightly flexed or with one leg flexed not included here), one prone (also flexed) and four decapitations (one with 4th century pot placed where head should be; another with 3rd-4th C pot near decapitated head; third decapitation burial was of juvenile; no further info on fourth). 25 with coffin nails & 48 with grave goods. Of these: 18 with pottery vessels; 7 with hobnails; 1 with brooch; 1 with iron stylus; 1 with bone needle; 3 with copper alloy/shale bracelets; 1 with bone hairpin; 1 with iron armlet; 2 with animal bone (small mammal & piglet); 1 with bone bobbin; 1 with annular iron ring; 1 with pewter cup; 2 with copper alloy finger ring; 1 with coin; 1 with bone gaming pieces; 1 with copper alloy earring. At least 9 child/juveniles noted in interim list. Others assumed to adult. The dating evidence from the burials is generally between the 2nd and 4th C AD, with an emphasis on the 4th C AD. Of those with specific dated grave goods: 12 with specific 2nd C (or 2nd/3rd C) objects 11 with 4th C (or 3rd/4th C) objects.",100,400,80,,80,,,,,,1,4,8,48,25,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 2185,A large pit contained an adult male human skull and vertebrae in one of its mid fills - suggested as a 'foundation deposit' associated with the beginning of pottery manufacture at the site. Analysis indicates that at least two blows may have occurred to execute a successful decapitation.,50,100,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2186,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2187,"Human bone identified in 5 contexts, though only two (both neonates) potentially early Roman on stratigraphic grounds. One lay in a pit along with a few cereal grains and charcoal deposits. The other was in a pit associated with a young (4 months) dog. A single extended adult burial remains undated.",50,200,2,,2,,,2,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2188,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2189,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2190,"One of the field/enclosure ditches contained a poorly preserved human skeleton radiocarbon dated to the late 3rd-early 5th C AD (260-420 cal AD), in the partially silted fill. The skeleton was laid in an extended supine position with head to the south, and was of an adult female (35-45 years).",260,420,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2191,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2192,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 2193,"A cremation burial lay to the south of an early Roman settlement and was probably contemporary. Four copper alloy fragments (including a strip) came from the grave, which was largely unexcavated. Also a seemingly isolated inhumation burial lay further to the north, but was not dated.",50,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 2194,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3002,"Area of burial activity centred upon the earlier Bronze Age barrow cemetery, spanning the earlier 1st C BC to the later 2nd C AD. 8-11 cremation burials and one LIA decapitation inhumation burial (adult male). Also two isolated cremations located 700m to the south and unburnt human remains found in various features. A single inhumation dated to the later Roman period - a shallow grave of a subadult.",-75,175,15,13,2,2,4,,4,10,,1,,,,3,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3003,"A number of burials were found in one of the excavation in the north of the development area, including 4 late Roman inhumations found to the NW, one in a lead-lined coffin and 14 burials found to the north by the road. Most of the burials appear to have been wrapped in simple cloths or burial shrouds. All supine with only three having grave goods - a flagon, finger ring and a bracelet.",300,400,18,,18,,,,,,,,,3,3,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 3004,A single adult female skeleton was recovered from the fill of a well. Another skeleton was revealed in a nearby pit.,100,400,2,,2,,1,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3006,A single cremation burial. The recovery of three nails and two smaller tacks suggests the cremation had been placed in a box prior to burial,50,400,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3009,A single isolated late Roman decapitation inhumation burial. No further information.,300,400,1,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3011,A redeposited cremation burial contained within a 2nd century sand-tempered vessel recovered from late 2nd C flood defence ditch.,100,200,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3012,"Large numbers of burials ranging from c 100 BC to AD 550 spread in 22 cemeteries (c 2000 burials) around the settlement, as well as individual burials within the occupied area. Data presented here derives from 1928-9 excavations at Walls Field cemetery (320 burials, nearly all urned cremations, dating from later 1st to 3rd C, most 2nd C AD) and excavations 1968-72 within 3 cemeteries (The Tene, Upper Walls Common, Walls Field - 50 burials) and within the settlement (7 adult burials, 22 neonate burials and many deposits of disarticulated adult and infant bone). Earliest burial comprises rich Welwyn type cremation with amphora, fire dogs and metal vessels, along with 3 other cremations from The Tene. The Tene inhumation cemetery (21 graves) were all supine E-W and also a 2nd/3rd C cremation burial with 15 cups and 31 lamps. For information from Wallington Road cemetery see ID 3013. 229 graves within the main cremation cemetery at Walls Field contained ancillary pottery vessels, while 11 also produced glass vessels and 6 lamps or lamp holders. Other grave goods occurred very rarely comprised coins, knives, bracelets, toilet sets and mirrors. One grave contained a curse tablet.",-100,550,399,342,57,,,22,21,39,,,,246,6,312,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 3013,"Unenclosed cemetery starting as primarily inhumation burials in later 1st C BC. The burial rites became more mixed in the early/mid 1st C AD and an area of exclusively cremation burials was established c AD 70-125, surrounded by an oval enclosure. Cemetery expanded beyond enclosure in 2nd C, then retracted back in 3rd C. Final burials early in the 4th C.",-50,300,186,164,22,35,33,6,17,55,1,,5,,,147,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 3014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3015,"Two elaborate inhumation burials 40m north of the villa building, dated early 4th C AD. An adult male and female both placed in lead lined stone coffins, the male accompanied by two glass bottles and the coffin placed in a stone vault. The female grave was similar, and was accompanied by two silver pins. Also disarticulated remains of neonates.",300,325,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,,2,,2,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 3016,"Two late 1st/early 2nd C cremation burials lay just north of the enclosure. No records of one, but the other was urned and accompanied by 3 samian dishes.",75,120,2,2,,,,,,2,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 3017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3023,"One certain (and another possible) cremation burial of later 1st C AD date (along with infant burial), and a single inhumation burial of 3rd/4th C date. No further information. Also skull fragment in Claudian ditch.",55,400,4,2,2,,,1,,2,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3024,"Small enclosed cremation cemetery on the fringes of the new Roman town dating from c AD 90-200. Five later 4th C inhumations in same site, part of a larger unexcavated late Roman cemetery. Earliest enclosure replaced by rectangular enclosure with cobbled northern entranceway. Many cremations accompanied by pottery flagons, beakers and platters, along with animal bone, metalwork, lamps, mirror, coins, glass vessels and pipeclay figurine. Also 4 casket burials.",90,400,57,52,5,21,19,,19,32,,,,,,15,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 3025,"Rich LIA cremation burial in rectangular grave pit disturbed by house builders and then excavated. Contained amphora, glass vessel and metalwork. Cremated remains placed on base of pit.",-30,-15,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 3026,A single infant burial in the roadside silts.,120,150,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3028,Six east-west burials radiocarbon dated to the 4th to 6th C. No grave goods and one prone burial suggests a late Roman burial tradition in a sub-Roman context. A small bonze pint cam from under the prone burial suggesting it was buried in a shroud.,400,600,6,,6,1,2,,1,5,1,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3029,"A number of cremation burials in one area of the site, the first dating to the LPRIA and the next to the later 1st/early 2nd C AD. In the late 2nd to mid 3rd C the cemetery area continued to expand with the addition of four urned cremations, one with two samian bowls and an Oxfordshire ware beaker, hobnailed shoes and an iron lamp holder. Another cremation burial to north also late 2nd C. Also human remains appear to have been deposited in a well during the late 3rd or 4th century. An iron blade was lodged vertically between the lumbar vertebrae.",1,250,10,9,1,,,,,1,,,,5,,8,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 3030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3031,"The main RC temple building has been interpreted as a temple mausoleum due to the presence of a sunken chamber, but no human remains recovered.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3032,"A small group of badly disturbed cremation burials and a single coffined inhumation burial with hobnails, possibly within an enclosure. Inhumation cut into prehistoric ditch. Grave goods includes ceramic beakers and a finger ring.",100,400,6,5,1,,,,,,,,,3,1,5,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 3033,The remains of five infants were recovered from one of the buildings (2).,200,350,5,,5,,,5,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3035,A single cremation burial in a circular grave pit in the southern corner of the main enclosure. Cremated remains included animal bone (cattle and lamb). Also disarticulated fragment of human femur.,100,200,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3036,"Late 1st-2nd C cremation cemetery north of the settlement, most in urn and with grave goods, including samian vessels, miniature pots, and an amber coloured glass drinking cup. Six graves contained iron fittings, possibly from a box/casket and one contained five lion-headed studs, possibly from a lock plate. Bird bone in one grave.",75,160,25,25,,1,3,2,2,15,,,,19,,14,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 3037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3039,"One inhumation burial and one cremation burial were excavated, the latter dated to c 20 BC",-20,400,2,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3040,"Two cremation burials with associated grave goods (beakers, cups, platters and flagons plus brooches). Also disarticulated remains of c 14 individuals in main LIA ditch along with other domestic debris.",1,50,2,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 3041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3045,Possible cemetery in the north-east corner of Field 1 but uncertain.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3047,Three cremation burials in close proximity are probably part of a larger cemetery.,1,100,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3048,"Elements of an early Roman cemetery were revealed on the fringes of the Roman settlement. Earliest inhumation burial dated mid 1st C AD, and latest 3rd/4th C. Includes elderly female.",50,300,5,,5,,1,,1,4,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3049,One adult skeleton was recovered from a well and one infant burial from a pit. Both are provisionally dated to the 3rd/4th century.,250,400,2,,2,,,1,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3051,Five inhumation graves and a possible cremation. No precise dating.,1,350,6,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3052,"Two trenches contained inhumations, one in a grave, the other in the fill of a ditch.",100,400,2,,2,,,,1,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3053,An isolated inhumation cut one of the ditches which was parallel to the road. Undated but presumed to be Roman.,100,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3054,"Isolated cremation burial - fragmentary cremated remains, probably from a single adult individual, had been placed in a late Iron Age pedestal urn.",1,50,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3057,Human infant bone from LIA deposits beneath the bathhouse.,25,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3058,"A large number of burials revealed on the western edges of the nucleated settlement. In the 1970s, two cemeteries, 400m apart, were partially revealed. Cemetery A to the south contained 5 urned cremation burials, 3 dated to 1st C and 2 to mid-later 2nd C and possibly enclosed by ditch which contained human bone. Grave goods included flagons, platters, beakers, lamps, tazzae and glass bottles. Cemetery B had 104 cremation burials dating later 2nd-4th C and far fewer grave goods. Evidence for funerary pyre. Animal remains present all of cemetery A and 40% of cemetery B. Further three 1st-2nd C cremation burials excavated in same area in 1969. One contained a 2-handled octagonal glass bottle, in addition to other grave goods. An interim note in Britannia (2014) by Pre-Construct Archaeology stated that a total of 268 cremation burials and 95 inhumation burials had so far been excavated as part of this wider cemetery group (though limited further information). The 23 cremation burials specifically mentioned as being excavated as part of current work were stipulated as being early Roman. Most cremations were accompanied by at least one pottery vessel, two within wooden boxes. There were also two cremation pyres, on with flues to increase the heat. The 30 inhumation burials specifically mentioned were dated late Roman, with a localised cluster of 9 contained within mortuary enclosures. Two had particularly large numbers of grave goods, though many others had smaller amounts (at least 14 with personal adornments and hobnailed shoes).",50,350,363,268,95,,,,6,43,,,,300,,38,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 3059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3061,"Two cist burials discovered west of the villa in the 19th Century. The cremated remains contained in glass vessels, with grave goods including other glass bottles, ceramic vessels, ceramic lamp and copper alloy lamp, iron brackets, and lamp stand. Also elements of a wooden box.",,,2,2,,1,1,,,2,,,,2,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 3062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3063,"Four cremation burials, 3 in one group firmly dated to the LIA, with multiple ceramic vessels, along with brooches, iron disc and whetstone. The 4th was 150m distant and apparently isolated. It was interpreted as remains of an infant burial in a bucket. Poorly dated.",-50,1,4,4,,,,1,,,,,,3,,4,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 3064,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3065,"Early Roman cremation cemetery of 95 graves on fringes of settlement. Only part of the overall cemetery which was thought to be much larger. Almost every cremation was found to contain nails, either from box/coffin or from pyre material. Most common form of burial comprised 'urn', platter, flagon and 'beaker', with few other types of grave goods. Fragments of animal bone in 10 graves.",60,200,95,95,,19,18,,5,37,,,,81,,75,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 3066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3067,"Twelve burials excavated on site and a further three recognised but not excavated. All the burials were roughly aligned on the same east-west orientation - all supine. One skeleton showed evidence for trepanation, which had healed. Approximately dated late 2nd-4th C. Grave goods uncommon and included 4th C coin.",175,400,17,,17,6,7,,2,10,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 3068,A single LIA-early Roman cremation burial c 80m to the north of the enclosure.,1,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3069,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3071,A single cremation burial with two pots and a platter dated to AD 40-65.,40,60,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 3072,"Six cremation burials (only 3 processed), probably in a ditched enclosure on periphery of settlement. The only two aged individuals were 12-15 years. Two of the burials were possibly buried in boxes, while one was in a pottery urn. One box burials was accompanied by a ceramic vessel and bead.",50,100,6,6,,,,,2,,,,,1,,3,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 3073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3074,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3075,A single inhumation of a young adult female - probably part of the Wallington Road cemetery.,50,100,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 3076,"Cremations were located across the site; three cremations were located in the West Field, a single cremation was located in the North Field and two were located in the East Field. Where dated, they were LIA-early Roman. Also, a Roman inhumation burial was inserted in a Bronze Age barrow.",1,100,6,5,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 3077,"Early Roman cremation cemetery. No report. Some 38 cremation burials, in two groups, 25-30m apart. Grave goods ranged from a single, coarseware urn to an urn with 3 or 4 accessory vessels. Glass vessels present in some graves.",75,150,38,38,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 3078,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3079,"Two LIA cremation burials within, but possibly pre-dating, two enclosures. One burial was urned and both contained ancillary vessels.",-50,50,2,2,,,,,,2,,,,2,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 3080,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 3081,"Part of a late 4th/early 5th C cemetery revealed adjacent to an earlier masonry building interpreted as a temple mausoleum. A total of 23 grave cuts with 21 excavated, laid out in loose rows, all except one aligned E-W. All laid in supine position. A high status male burial within a ring ditch was revealed adjacent to the main group, and may have been a focus for the cemetery. Grave goods included pottery and glass vessels, hobnailed shoes, bracelets, brooch, and chicken, pig and sheep bones. Human bone was found within the backfill of three graves.",350,450,23,,23,6,9,,2,19,,4,,16,7,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 3082,A single infant burial lay within one of the pits.,-100,50,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 3083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4001,"Two 2nd C shallow graves contained articulated remains of three infants, while other disarticulated infant remains found in pits and postholes. Also 3 late Roman inhumation graves within an enclosure. Two burials had hobnailed shoes and one was accompanied by a bracelet. One possible coffin.",100,400,5,,5,,,3,,3,,,,2,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 4002,"Small later 4th C inhumation cemetery within enclosure to south of main occupation area, and E-W or W-E. Up to 26 individuals in 22 graves. A further female adult buried in a ditch terminal away from the cemetery. Evidence that up to 10 skeletons were decapitated. One possibly prone (and decapitation) and another crouched. Grave goods include hobnailed shoes, pottery vessels, glass beads, earring, bracelet and anklet.",350,400,23,,23,5,8,,2,19,1,10,1,11,13,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 4003,"A single inhumation burial of a child, 8-10 years lay on periphery of settlement",250,350,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 4004,A single cremation burial lying east of the southern most rectangular enclosure. Possible bustum type burial. Accompanied by copper bead and Colchester brooch.,1,50,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 4005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4006,An adult femur found in a middle Roman ditch.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4007,A single 3rd/4th C inhumation burial of an elderly male. A single globular beaker placed by his head. Also a child's jaw found in a well.,200,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 4008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4009,"A small pit/posthole contained disarticulated sub-adult and a larger elongated shallow pit contained disarticulated young adult female. Both also contained animal bone, and of the bone was burnt in the posthole. Possibly disturbed burials.",50,100,2,1,1,,1,,1,1,,,,,,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4011,Possible inhumation grave based on shape and presence of nails and two T-shaped brooches. Acidic soil may account for lack of bones.,60,100,1,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 4012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4016,Many burials postulated for the site on the basis of grave like pits but bone preservation is poor and they did not contain bone. Estimated 60 inhumation burials for period of main enclosures (AD 40-70).,40,70,60,,60,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4018,"A single late Roman inhumation burial away from the shrine. Burial was 12-15 year old, with knees flexed. Also disarticulated bone.",200,400,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 4019,An adult skull fragment and four fragments of infant femur.,200,300,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4025,"Five inhumation graves and a cremation (young adult female) burial, all sealed beneath the late Roman bank. No grave goods. Variety of burial positions, with three flexed. One C14 date indicate 3rd C AD for the inhumations. All inhumations were of an advanced age (over 50).",200,350,6,1,5,3,3,,,6,,,3,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4028,"A system of gullies and soakways outside the bathhouse within the town contained an inhumation burial of a young woman wearing an anklet, and finger ring and a necklace of jet beads. A cremation burial of an adult male was found 4m SW of the bathhouse.",100,400,2,1,1,1,1,,,2,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 4029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4030,Previous excavations in the town have revealed at least two cremation burials of late 1st/early 2nd C date. Also part of human skull found.,70,150,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 4031,"Cremation urns found in ditches associated with the shrine, but no report and no indication if cremated human bone actually found.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4041,A single inhumation grave of an immature adult. No grave goods.,250,350,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 4042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4052,Part of a major suburban cemetery comprising eighty-six inhumation graves all except two aligned east-west. Most survive only as sand bodies. Coffins widespread and one example of a lead coffin. One possible decapitation burial noted. No grave goods. Two 3rd C urned cremations were also recorded both in the western marshy area. Some disarticulated teeth and skull fragments.,250,400,88,2,86,,,,,,,1,,,50,2,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 4053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4054,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4064,Only human remains comprised a single burial of a foetus or neonate to the east of the building.,100,400,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 4065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4067,"Seventeen badly plough-damaged urned cremation burials, fourteen in one group and three others quite separate. Five burials also contained nails, and some graves contained concentrations of pebbles in the base. Also five or possibly six inhumation burials of late Roman date within an enclosure, two in step graves and three with coffins/wood lining. The remains of second skeletons were found in two graves. The one certain female skeleton was in a large wood-lined grave with corner posts and had a pottery flask and iron knife. No other grave goods.",50,350,22,17,5,,1,,1,4,,,,1,3,17,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 4068,"Two richly furnished cremation burials within 3m of each other. Finds from cremation 1 comprise a white bronze mirror, a platter and a flagon, with cremated bone found within the platter with one coin of Nero and beneath the mirror. Another coin of Nero also recovered along with a blue glass bead. Finds from burial 2 comprise 4 pottery vessels (platter, flagon, beaker and cremation urn) along with copper alloy sheet and a brooch. Pig remains from both graves.",60,70,2,2,,,1,,,2,,,,2,,1,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 4069,A single cremation burial with cremated remains in a grey ware jar. Accompanied by a carinated flanged bowl.,75,125,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 4070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4071,A single inhumation was found within a roadside ditch. The body appears to have been left exposed and was covered with alluvium from flooding episodes. Also human tibia shaft.,175,250,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 4072,A circular enclosure ditch encompassing seven Roman inhumation graves and a sheep skeleton. No further details.,200,400,7,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 4073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4074,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4075,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4076,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4077,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4078,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4079,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4080,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4081,"A total of 12 cremation and 4 inhumation burials were revealed. Also possible funerary pyre. Two cremations are probably late Iron Age/very early Roman, with two inhumations and a cremation dated late 1st/early 2nd C AD (one prone, other 'flung' in a ditch). A small cemetery established later 2nd/3rd C, starting with inhumation of a child within a coffin and wooden chamber, and then 8 subsequent cremations. Also another inhumation dumped into a pit - uncertain a 'proper' burial.",50,,16,12,4,,,,,,1,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 4082,"A 2nd C urned cremation burial excavated on the site, accompanied a coin of Antoninus Pius and placed on a pavement of red tiles.",100,200,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 4083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4084,A cremation burial and five inhumation burials revealed in limited excavation on the northern periphery of the settlement.,100,400,6,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 4085,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4086,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4087,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4088,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4089,"A full adult cremation was found in situ within a late Roman corn-drier, radiocarbon dated cal AD 225-383. It is that of an adult male (c 40 years). Pottery and coins found in association but uncertain if grave goods. This could either be a very unusual and late 'bustum' type burial or else the informal disposal of a body, perhaps a murder victim?",350,380,1,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 4090,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4091,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 4092,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5001,"Two inhumation burials revealed in current excavation, though previously other areas of inhumation cemetery revealed. Coin in one grave and a pottery vessel and copper alloy ring in the other.",100,400,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 5002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5004,Three apparently isolated and dispersed cremation burials dating to the early Roman period. One of the three cremations was contained in a vessel. No grave goods.,75,150,3,3,,,,,,3,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5009,A single 2nd/early 3rd century coffined inhumation burial of a young female. Accompanied by a beaker.,150,225,1,,1,,1,,1,,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 5010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5013,"Four inhumations and three cremation burials in a discrete cluster representing a small cemetery. Three further widespread inhumations, and also two Roman burials from another part of the settlement (MNL491), an adult and a child. The child was buried within a coffin.",100,400,10,3,7,,,,1,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 5014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5016,"A multiple burial cut into a Late Iron Age/Roman pit. Four bodies, three middle aged or older adults (2 female, 1 male) and a sub-adult, had been stacked within a relatively small grave. Detailed analytical examination has suggested that the individuals were related, and at least one exhibited evidence indicating that they may have met a violent death, with knife marks visible in the throat area (of the male). Also two unurned cremation burials.",-50,90,3,2,1,1,2,,1,5,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5018,"Two cremation deposits placed in ditches that had started to silt up, dating to later 2nd-3rd C AD. One deposit, that of a probable neonate, contained a whole jug. Also neonatal sheep bones in deposit.",150,250,2,2,,,,1,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 5019,"A un-urned adult female cremation burial and a neonate burial found during the excavations, along with disarticulated bones of neonates.",1,300,2,1,1,,1,1,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 5020,"Very badly truncated cremation graves in a group, with one outlying burial. Seventeen contexts contained cremated remains but probably 12 graves in total. Lack of obvious grave goods except a beaker and jar on one grave.",100,250,12,12,,,,,,12,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 5021,An articulated human left leg was found in a pit in the corner of the enclosure.,-100,50,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 5022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5023,An isolated human skull (young adult male) found towards the bottom of a large pit covered by a large stone. Pit then left to silt and fill with refuse.,-25,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5024,"Forty seven inhumation burials, mostly in two groups, one to the west of the rectangular building of ten burials, the second to the SE of 28 burials including an elderly woman in a stone coffin. Four graves contained parts of at least two individuals. All supine east-west burials with heads to west and dating mid-late 4th C. Only one had intentional grave goods - pile of 8 fragmented bronze bracelets and 6 glass beads by feet. Another had bracelet on wrist and one had coin in mouth. Of the youngest in the cemetery, 3 were very small infants, while 6 were 2-3 years old. Also a group of six skulls and other bones from 2nd-4th C pit - includes 3 males, 2 females and a 3-4 year old.",350,400,47,,47,19,14,9,8,33,,,,3,18,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 5025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5027,"Small groups of burials revealed within the settlement, close to boundaries ditches probably the rear of property plots. A group of five inhumations found in LKH191, including a decapitation. Three other inhumation burials date to the late 1st/early 2nd C found in LKH 146, probably relating to an enclosure. They were an adult man, a young boy and an infant. A complete skeleton of a small dog was buried with the infant. A single inhumation grave found in ERL 023. Also infant burial at junction of several ditches in NW of the settlement (LKH223).",75,400,10,,10,2,,2,1,7,,1,,,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 5028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5029,"A cemetery was revealed in small excavations on the northern fringes of the town, but the extent is not clear. Mixed cremation and inhumation and dating from 1st to 4th C. Grave goods mentioned.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 5030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5031,"Inhumation cemetery was excavated in the early 20th century c 400m to the west of the villa. Uncertain number but thought to be at least nine. Graves placed in rows extending east to west. Six decapitation burials observed, supposedly all female. Grave goods included pottery vessels, glass vessels, a coin and worked flint objects. Also at least one late Roman cremation burial.",250,400,10,1,9,,6,,,,,6,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 5032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5034,A single infant burial buried in a part silted ditch on the northern side of the main road.,100,200,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 5035,"Two late Iron Age-early Roman cremation cemeteries, one excavated in 1925, the other in 1966, less than 500m from each other. The 1966 (northernmost) cemetery comprised three graves, though 13 additional pots from the site indicate further burials. In the two main grave groups, two individuals were represented (adults and younger individuals). Grave goods included brooches, pots, toilet set and a buckle. Seven cremations survive from the 1925 excavation, associated with 28 pots, with grave goods comprising brooches",-50,50,10,10,,6,3,,2,11,,,,4,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 5036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5038,Records of Romano-British inhumation burials in vicinity.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5039,"Two inhumation graves revealed in the western fringes of the settlement, along with report of a number of whole pots, possibly indicating cremation graves. Two inhumation graves east of the road, one a young girl with two copper alloy bracelets, a finger ring, jet ring, amber beads, vessel glass, beakers and coffin nails. An inhumation and cremation burial in the northern settlement fringes. A fragment of human skull found in a Roman pit.",100,400,6,1,5,1,2,,1,2,,,,1,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 5040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5042,"Three late Roman inhumation burials, two of which were excavated. They were all aligned E-W, possibly in rows, the heads of the two known burials were at the west end facing east. One grave (of mature male) contained a stone coffin with lid. The space around the body had been packed with a white granular material, possibly gypsum. The body in the other excavated grave had probably been in a wooden coffin. A fragment of human bone was found in an stratified context.",250,350,3,,3,2,,,,2,,,,,2,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 5043,A fragment of infant long bone was found in a ditch.,1,250,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5044,"An inhumation burial within a shallow ditch. The skeleton (of an older adult female) appeared to be east-west aligned and slightly crouched, with the skull resting on a large stone and looking north. Situated behind the skull was a large sherd from a Southern Spanish Dr 20 amphora. Another possible burial nearby revealed by finds of complete pots and jet rings found in the evaluation.",200,400,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 5045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5052,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5054,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5055,A single near-complete right ilium of a neonate was recovered from a ditch.,-100,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5058,"A cremation burial and three inhumation burials dating from the late 1st to late 2nd centuries AD. The cremation contained an adult with an urn and three vessels, probably forming a dining set (flagon, beaker & dish). Also a copper alloy stud head from this grave. The latest inhumation grave (SW-NE) produced two samian dishes and a flagon and contained a skull fragment of a child (c 4 years) alongside an adult female. Another inhumation grave (adult male) produced a late 1st C AD single ceramic jar and a complete copper alloy hairpin; the presence of nails formed clear evidence for a coffin. These two inhumations were buried within rectangular cuts, far larger than required for a coffin. The final grave only contained the partial remains of an adult female and no grave goods, but it was aligned consistently with the other female burial.",75,200,4,1,3,1,2,,1,4,,,,3,1,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 5059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5060,An intact early 3rd century inhumation burial of an elderly adult female and associated Beaker vessel. Skeleton was prone and there is evidence for a coffin. Other burials in vicinity. Also a small fragment of an adult right femur shaft.,200,250,1,,1,,1,,,1,1,,,1,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 5061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5063,"A neonate burial (and an articulated dog skeleton) revealed in the fills of late Iron Age ditch. A late Roman adolescent inhumation burial lay in the floodplain part of the site, while two inhumation burials (adult and child), and a third undated but probably Roman burial (neonate), were also excavated on the higher ground. Also a small quantity of disarticulated infant and adult human bone",-100,400,5,,5,1,,2,2,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 5064,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5066,An early Roman cremation cemetery and later burials noted but no quantifications.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5067,A single inhumation burial noted.,75,300,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5068,Human remains found near the site but remain undated.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5069,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5070,"A total of eight inhumations were split into two burial groups of five buried in west-east grave cuts and three on south-north alignments away from the group to the north. All apparently supine. At least 5 sub-adults and 1 adult (others too fragmented). Five burials contained iron knives, another contained one small sherd of Roman pot and one more contained a Romano-British disc brooch. On the basis of the pottery and brooch the burials have been dated to the later Roman period, but the quantity of knives is unusual and it is quite possible that the burial group is post-Roman. No scientific dating as yet.",300,400,8,,8,,,,5,1,,,,7,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 5071,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5072,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5074,"A number of burials recovered but few further details. A total of 18 un-urned cremation burials were thought to be early Roman. A later inhumation of an elderly female lay within an outer late Roman settlement boundary ditch, within a coffin but with no grave goods. A human skull was placed within an Iron Age pit deposit.",50,375,19,18,1,,1,,,1,,,,,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 5075,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5076,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 5077,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6001,"A single suggested LIA cremation burial on the basis of the base of a pottery vessel, but not cremated remains.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6002,"A single late Iron age inhumation burial of a neonate in an oval pit, along with the skeleton of a foal.",1,50,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 6003,"A Late 4th C inhumation cemetery east of the villa, excavated in three areas, with 55 graves in total. All supine and orientated NW-SE (heads mostly north) in alignment with the field system. In 25 graves, stones placed around the body forming a loose packing. Evidence for grave markers. Infant burials occur singly in a discrete area and were avoided by later graves. One adult female skeleton contained foetal bones. Few graves goods found, but these included hobnails, finger rings, and an iron knife. Animal bone found in two graves.",350,400,55,,55,25,21,5,1,45,,,,5,4,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6004,"Nine cremation burials of late Iron Age date, three of them urned. Includes two potential bustum-type burials. Seven burials confined to area of one earlier Iron Age enclosure, the remainder 143m away in another enclosure. Grave goods comprised ancillary pottery vessels and a brooch.",1,50,9,9,,,,,,9,,,,2,,3,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 6005,"Nine disturbed cremation deposits, one containing ceramic vessels - two jars, a platter, a possible beaker and bowl. Also a copper alloy pin and glass bead. Unburnt horse tooth from one grave.",1,100,9,9,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 6006,"Possible isolated inhumation burial of 30-40 years old male, though dating is uncertain (given a Roman date here).",100,300,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 6007,Disarticulated bone found including cranial fragments from different contexts.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6008,Three cremation burials of 1st-2nd C AD date. Burnt and unburnt animal bone (sheep/goat) recovered from burials. Ceramic jar accompanied one un-urned cremation.,50,150,3,3,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6009,"A small mixed rite cemetery dating broadly to the 1st-early/mid 2nd C AD, though the precise dates of some of the inhumation burials remain uncertain. All inhumations were adult, east-west with head at east end. Two crouched and one prone burial. Cremation burials mostly confined to a central cluster and include a bustum burial. One urned burial also placed in a casket, and another cremation contained remains of two adult individuals. A few fragments of neonatal bones in with one adult burial. Several burials contained grave goods - ceramic vessels, glass bead, brooches and hobnails. Cremated animal bone and fish vertebra recovered.",1,150,27,20,7,4,5,1,,20,1,,2,6,2,16,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6010,"Antiquarian investigations on site revealed the site of a cemetery with at least eight cremation graves, though only those with cremation goods described. A range of grave goods described including samian and amphorae, other pottery vessels, metal vessels, brooches, an iron lamp, knife and coins. Also two femur fragments and a tibia found near the aisled building - part of a peri-natal mortality.",1,300,8,8,,,,,,,,,,8,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6011,A single femur from a human infant found in a ditch.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6013,A single urned cremation burial close to the southern boundary of the settlement. Urn accompanied by two smaller ceramic jars.,-50,50,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6018,Disarticulated infant bones found.,250,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 6019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6020,"An early Roman cremation cemetery comprising 14 graves, possibly associated with an enclosure. Grave goods comprised ceramic vessels (jars, flagons, beaker) and a razor/knife. Nails and iron strip in one grave may be part of a box.",75,150,14,14,,2,1,,1,8,,,,4,,13,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 6021,An isolated cremation burial found dating to the early Roman period. Accompanied by two other pottery vessels.,50,150,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 6022,"Tow late Roman burials revealed in the top fill of the Iron Age ditch. One, a mature male, was prone, while the other, an adult female, was supine with head to the east. No grave goods. Assumed to be late Roman.",250,400,2,,2,1,1,,,2,1,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6024,"A total of 15 inhumation graves were excavated, part of a previously known late Roman cemetery on the south-western periphery of the settlement. A substantial ditch to the south of the burials was probably part of the main cemetery enclosure. Most graves aligned NE-SW, with four SW-NE. All supine with four decapitations, all heads placed by feet. Grave goods in three graves comprised bone comb, glass bowl and colour coat beaker. Disarticulated human bone lay within the cemetery ditch.",250,400,15,,15,5,7,,1,10,,4,,3,3,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 6025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6026,"A small cemetery of up to 13 cremation burials all clustered on the hill slope and badly truncated. Human bone also discovered from the spoil heap. One cremation contained remains of adult and juvenile. Grave good comprised pottery vessels (flagons, bowls, beakers, platters, cups, jars, many in samian ware), vessel glass, hobnailed shoes, brooches, a chisel and an iron chain.",75,150,13,13,,,,,2,5,,,,8,,6,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 6027,"Small cremation cemetery east of the 'shrine' enclosure, comprising seven late 1st/early 2nd C AD burials. Two contained grave goods of accessory vessels, one a miniature pot. Also flexed mid Roman inhumation burial of adult female in north-east corner of a ditched domestic enclosure. Three groups of hobnails found by head and also a pottery jar.",75,300,8,7,1,,1,,,1,,,1,3,,4,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 6028,"A early Roman un-urned cremation burial and an isolated mid Roman inhumation burial of a juvenile to the north of the main domestic focus within an enclosure. Limestone blocks in grave beneath skeleton. Another isolated inhumation further south of adult male, along with complete 2nd/3rd C grey ware jar. Also mid Roman urned cremation burial in upper part of an outer enclosure ditch. An unurned cremation burial placed in partially infilled pit, along with possible accessory vessel. Disarticulated human bone fragments found in all phases.",50,300,5,3,2,1,,,1,4,,,,2,,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 6029,"Substantial cemetery within a ditched enclosure. Fifty five burials excavated in the enclosure (40 crowded into a space near the northern boundary on regular orientation, others more randomly scattered and aligned) and a further fifty found in the partially silted enclosure ditch, along with 4 horses and a dog. A further 18 skeletons (including 2 infants) found within four wells adjacent to the cemetery. Five graves had evidence of marker posts. Grave goods included jewellery (especially in child's graves), hobnailed shoes and pottery vessels. Evidence for use of quicklime on some bodies. Twelve decapitations (6 from within enclosure; 5 male, 6 female, 1 neonate), in one case, the skull was placed on top of the infilled grave and in another a female decapitation burial had lower legs removed too. One male skeleton had face cut off with a sharp weapon, dumped in a re-excavated grave of a young woman. All prone burials in ditch. Many disarticulated bones.",200,400,109,,109,46,40,15,15,82,7,12,,13,16,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 6030,"Two cremation cemeteries dated to LIA-early Roman period, one containing five graves, with grave goods comprising brooches and a total of 28 pots. Also pig bones. The other cemetery comprised six graves, three of which had the skull placed to one side or directly beneath the burial urn. Also a small grave nearby contained only a human skull. In late 1st C the severed neck and head of an adult woman was placed behind the woven framework of a well. Several other Roman inhumations also found but not quantified in report.",1,50,11,11,,,,,,,,,,5,,9,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6031,"Five inhumation burials and two cremation burials found in the northern settlement, all located within settlement enclosures. One cremation was urned and both dated 2nd-3rd C AD. Inhumations scattered across the eastern end of the site and dated 3rd-4th C. Disarticulated skull and tibia fragments found. Also an unspecified number of cremation burials in the southern farmstead.",100,400,7,5,2,,,,,,,,1,,,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 6032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6033,"Two late Iron Age/early Roman cremation groups, the first comprising three graves located c 20m beyond the western entrance, possibly of a routeway down to the river. The only finds were pig bone and a nail. Another two graves on the southern settlement boundary. Also flexed adult male inhumation burial truncated by the southern boundary, radiocarbon dated to c 30 cal BC - AD 135. Associated with 2nd-3rd C farmstead was an inhumation grave of an adult female, with a grey ware jar placed by feet.",1,300,7,5,2,1,1,,1,3,,,1,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6034,"An early Roman cremation cemetery west of the main settlement on the edge of the floodplain comprised 16 graves and a possible pyre-related feature. Grave goods in most, comprising pottery vessels (beakers, bowls, platters), brooches, iron disc, flint blade and a toilet set. Also pig remains. One burial contained adult and sub-adult remains, while another contained adult and foetus. Also other burials, comprising a cremation grave to the south, containing a beaker and jar and cremated remains within a partially filled waterhole. An inhumation of an adult female within the enclosure system was radiocarbon dated to c cal 5 BC - AD 140. Partial foetus skeleton from early Roman ditch and fragments of foetal bones found elsewhere. A later Roman cist grave of adult female also revealed",1,300,21,18,3,,1,2,1,16,,,,15,,14,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6036,"Two inhumation burials lay in the northern part of the settlement, both in the terminal ends of ditches. One was an adult male skeleton in a crouched position, the other a perinatal skeleton. No grave goods, but both graves infilled with midden material.",-50,50,2,,2,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 6037,"An isolated un-urned cremation burial located close to a late Iron Age/early Roman ditch terminal, radiocarbon dated to cal AD1-130. Small cremation cemetery (7 graves) located adjacent to the trackway on the periphery of the settlement, dating from later 1st to mid/late 2nd C AD. Six of the burials placed in a line. Few grave goods, though three contained possible samian vessels. In later 3rd or 4th C, a small inhumation cemetery established on abandoned farmstead, comprising at least 11 graves. All E-W except one (SW-NE), with no grave goods and probable grave markers. Includes one infant and three children. One prone and two central burials decapitated.",1,350,19,8,11,5,2,1,3,15,1,2,,3,2,6,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6038,"Earliest burials on site comprised two late Iron Age/early Roman cremations on eastern side of enclosure. One had grave goods of a samian dish and jar. One of the 2nd-3rd C roundhouses had two infant burials under floor. A mid Roman cemetery contained 15 cremation burials (8 urned) and two infant burials. Includes a box burial. Five cremations contained grave goods comprising pottery vessels (jars, flagons, platters, beaker) and in one case a young chicken. Three adult inhumations lay outside the settlement enclosures, two alongside the trackway. One had a brooch and toilet set, and the other two were flexed. A final inhumation was found in a quarry pit/waterhole.",1,100,26,17,9,1,2,4,,22,,,2,7,,8,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6040,One un-urned cremation burial in a shallow pit.,1,200,1,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6041,"Six inhumation graves were observed in the evaluation, though not fully excavated. All supine and one decapitation burial. No obvious grave goods. Also 40 disarticulated human fragments. During salvage excavation a further 38 inhumation graves revealed within an enclosure. The orientation of the graves was predominately east-west. Only one grave contained any grave goods (late 4th C coin and knife). An animal skull was placed on the base of one grave.",250,400,44,,44,,,,,,,1,,,10,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 6042,"A single inhumation burial of a young adult female, cut into a silted up ditch. Orientated NE-SW, with four smooth stones placed in grave.",50,200,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 6043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6048,"Two cremations burials and two adult male inhumation burials, one with the head missing. One cremation probably in box. Another un-urned or boxed cremation contained two brooch fragments.",100,400,4,2,2,1,,,,4,,1,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6049,"An inhumation cemetery of 33 graves revealed on the western periphery of the settlement. One grave contained no skeleton - perhaps a cenotaph? Also an isolated 4th C bustum burial located, 500m north of the settlement, with three ceramic vessels interred within the grave.",100,400,34,1,33,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6051,"Two separate investigations over 100m apart revealed elements of a late Roman inhumation cemetery adjacent to the road leading to the small town. To the south lay 13 graves, while 15 graves were found further north. All orientated NE-SW, and potentially bounded by enclosure ditches. No grave goods except hobnailed shoes and one mid 4th C coin. No evidence for coffins.",300,400,27,,27,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 6052,One unurned and two urned cremations were recovered from evaluation trenches. Accompanying grave goods and/or accessory vessels were absent from all cremations.,-50,100,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 6053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6054,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6055,"Three inhumation burials beyond the northern fringes of the settlement, a young/mid adult female, a 25-35 year-old female (subjected to surgical intervention in the form of a trephination hole) and a male aged over 40 years. A small dog skeleton came from one grave (not specified in report).",100,350,3,,3,,2,,,3,,,,,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 6056,"A single rich cremation burial placed adjacent to the intersection of two field ditches. The rectangular grave cut probably contained a wooden casket, and the ashes were contained in a blue glass amphora. Grave goods comprise three smaller glass vessels, samian cups and dishes, flagon, toilet spoon, brooch and hairpin fragments.",75,120,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 6057,"Six cremation burials found across the excavated area, found close to field boundaries and on the edge of the flood plain. Two cremations were accompanied by ceramics vessels. Also a single undated prone inhumation burial of possible early Roman date.",50,150,7,6,1,,,,,1,1,,,2,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6058,"Two un-urned LIA cremation burials were found, one situated within a large ditched enclosure. This had three accessory vessels, a whetstone, two brooches and iron fittings, possibly from a box, were found in the grave with the un-urned cremation deposit.",1,50,2,2,,,,,,2,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 6059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6060,"Out of a recorded 34 inhumations from 1990s excavation, 29 were recovered during excavation. Several of the burials have disturbed others and so approximately 9 burials are mixed. Approximately 44% of individuals recovered are infants buried within the settlement area and close to the structures. The remaining burials were adult inhumations often contorted, crouched or flexed. No full report. Other burials previously found including at least 14 urned cremation burials and an unspecified number of inhumation burials. Includes grave goods.",100,425,48,14,34,,,12,,17,,,,,,14,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6061,"A small number of burials found associated with the settlement. Three LIA cremation burials were situated in different sub enclosures to the east of domestic focus (one contained two urns). In LIA/early Roman period, two further cremations burials within ladder enclosures system. Also a small cremation cemetery (7 burials) established along with the new settlement south of the Elstow Brook. Cremation grave goods comprise pottery vessels and brooches. Two adult inhumations (one female) belong to 2nd C AD. A vertebra of a small shark was found in association with an unurned LIA cremation burial, and a tiny shark tooth found in another cremation burial. Remains of pig were found in three of the LIA/ER cremation graves.",1,200,14,12,2,5,1,,,12,,,,3,,9,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 6062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6064,Four late Iron Age cremation burials located on the northern perimeter of the excavated area and probably associated with settlement to the north. Each burial contained a cremation urn accompanied by an accessory vessel totalling eight substantially complete vessels. Also10 brooches.,-50,1,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,4,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 6065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6068,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6069,"Four adult inhumation burials (2 male, 2 female) dating to the mid 1st C AD, without any apparent contemporary occupation area in the excavated site. Three buried in coffins and one had a pottery vessel placed by head. Also two late 3rd C AD urned cremation burials, one adult male, the other a young female. One contained grave goods in the form of pottery vessels (including a Rhenish beaker) and a silver 'scroll'.",50,300,6,2,4,3,3,,1,5,,,,2,3,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6070,A small (but unspecified) number of cremation burials dating to the early Roman period found in 2011.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6071,"Three urned late Iron Age cremation burials. Further cremation burial and four inhumation burials dated to 2nd C AD. Main cemetery developed in 3rd C, expanding into the 4th C. Also disarticulated bone including from infants.",1,400,36,3,33,4,10,1,4,26,1,,1,,,3,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 6072,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6073,"Earliest human remains comprised six cremation burials and one inhumation burial spread over four enclosures in the 2nd-3rd c AD. Isolated 3rd C cremation, inhumation and infant burials at same time as first formal inhumation cemetery within an enclosure. Further dispersed burial in 4th C and further burials in the cemetery (87 burials in total). The 10 later 4th C burials all within encircling ditches. Grave goods include hobnails, Iron Age coin, bracelets, knives, beakers, jet beads, finger rings and a candleholder. Also domestic fowl bones and a cattle skull.",100,400,105,10,95,48,29,5,11,83,12,12,13,22,26,6,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 6074,"Late Iron Age/early Roman cremation cemetery comprising 50 urned cremation burials in shallow pits, typically accompanied by ancillary vessels. Also a single inhumation burial. No full report.",1,125,51,50,1,,,,,,,,,,,50,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 6075,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6076,Four fragments of disarticulated bone from early Roman pit.,50,100,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6077,"An early Roman cremation cemetery was situated within a triangular annex to the main complex. Four urned cremation burials were revealed, all with ancillary vessels. Articulated vertebral column and skull of a cow placed in the cemetery enclosure ditch, near to a complete pottery vessel and horse legs. Five pits were situated within the annex containing the cremation cemetery.",50,100,4,4,,,1,,,4,,,,4,,4,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 6078,Part of an adult right femur was recovered from a pit and another adult femur came from a roundhouse gully.,-50,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6079,"A group of three inhumation graves lay north-west of a late Roman waterhole. One grave contained a Nene Valley colour-coated ware beaker, while another contained a copper alloy bracelet. Eight fragments of burnt human bone were recovered from the enclosure ditch.",250,300,3,,3,1,2,,,3,,,,2,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 6080,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6081,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6082,"Two urned cremations associated with an early Roman enclosure, both with associated vessels.",50,100,2,2,,,,,,2,,,,2,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 6083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6084,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6085,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6086,"Two inhumations were recovered from within contexts dating to the late Roman Period. The first was an infant burial, cut into or contained within what may have been the clay floor of a small rectangular building. The second was an adult, cutting part of a late Roman enclosure system. No grave goods or furniture.",250,400,2,,2,,,1,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 6087,"Up to 15 urned cremation burials, but not excavated.",50,100,15,15,,,,,,,,,,,,15,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6088,"An incomplete perinatal burial recovered near to the site of the buildings, along with a single fragment of cremated bone, probably of an infant. It is thought that this may represent a disturbed cremation burial.",,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 6089,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6090,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 6091,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7002,"No data, though a small early-mid Saxon cemetery was located close to the Roman timber building.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7003,"The burial was recovered with a bowl, two beakers, and a bottle.",200,400,1,1,,,1,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 7004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7006,"Around 35 cremation burials were recovered from around the temple, though details of these have not been reported.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7007,"1st and 2ndC AD items were found as grave goods though, including ceramic and glass vessel and a pair of 2ndC AD brooches. 3rd-4thC pottery suggests that some items were antique at the time of burial.",250,350,1,1,,,1,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 7008,"At least four cremation groups were found in total across different areas of the site. The dating of the burials is tentative, but they all seem to have been early Roman. Contents of one furnished box burial include a number of fine ceramic vessels, a pair of white pipe clay figurines from Central Gaul, glass vessels, a trumpet brooch, a bracelet, a hair pin, and an iron lamp holder.",75,200,4,4,,,,,,,,,,4,,4,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 7009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7011,One burial included the unburnt skull of an (sub/)adult hornless sheep and an oval retouched flint flake.,150,300,17,17,,,,,,4,,,,17,,17,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 7012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7014,"Two urned cremations were unearthed just outside the settlement's north wall. The adult burial contained a single accessory vessel, whilst the infant (c.18-24m) included two glass beads of different colour.",75,200,2,2,,1,,1,,1,,,,2,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 7015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7018,"One burial included three urns with cremated material. These potentially represent three individuals, though since each contained adult remains and only one could be identified as male, it is possible that the same individual had been placed in all three pots. No anatomical elements were repeated.",25,75,1,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 7019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7025,"A late 1stC AD burial group of five vessels placed in the top fill of a late Iron Age ditch contained an urned deposit of an infant, identified through the finds of milk teeth and a ceramic feeding bottle. A second separate burial site consisted of three burial groups, two of which included Antonine Samian ware as grave goods.",75,150,4,4,,,,1,,,,,,4,,4,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 7026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7031,No data - no specialist reports yet available,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7032,"Six neonates were recovered in total from Beddingham villa, the earliest of which were four found to the west of the LIA/ERB timber round structure. Three further burials were found at the same level within a deep 1stC AD pit. Two of the were flexed with the body laid on the right side. Another neonate was located within a metre of the pit was badly disturbed and fragmented. This burial was recovered from a layer of subsoil which yielded pottery dating to the 1st and 2nd centuries. Another was discovered in the west range of the main masonry house. This was found flexed, laid on its right side, and orientated east/west. The burial was inserted into a deposit containing pottery dating mainly to the 1st and 2nd centuries, but also including some late 3rdC AD material. Also within the masonry building was Burial 686 which was found within a 3rdC AD infill of the north wing. This burial was again flexed, but laid on its left side. The final infant burial at Beddingham was discovered immediately to the west of the western range of the masonry house. It was flexed and laid on its right side. Dating evidence for this burial was not good, but pottery finds from the overlying deposit are mostly 1stC AD.",40,300,11,,11,,,11,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 7033,"Five of the vessels contained burnt human bone, one included twisted bronze wire (a bracelet?) and one of the vessels was an imported Gallo-Belgic jar.",1,100,5,5,,,,,,,,,,1,,5,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 7034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7035,"At least 8 cremation groups were excavated at the site by members of the Sussex Archaeological Society after initial discovery by workmen. Samian ware in two groups place the cemetery in the Hadrianic/Antonine period. No analysis of the cremated bone was carried out. All the cremations were urned, though only three had associated pottery vessels. One cremation included iron nails, presumably from the pyre construction, whilst another included hobnails from footwear. No other grave goods were recovered.",120,230,8,8,,,,,,,,,,3,,8,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 7036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7040,"The remains of an adult male (c.40 years) were discovered after mechanical excavation by building contractors on an immediately adjacent site in the 1970s. The bones had rested on a layer of chalk fragments and soil, whilst small depressions in the base of the grave were noted below the skull and the right shoulder, in which calcined flint had been placed. The burial lacked datable grave goods but was suggested at the time to have been late Iron Age in date and may be related to the settlement focus found in the 1980s. However, a number of Saxon burials are also known from the Eastbourne area and a later date should not be dismissed in the absence of a radiocarbon date. The dating given here is therefore tentative.",-100,50,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 7041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 7045,"A human cremation was found in a nearly complete urn. Consisting 652g of burnt human bone, the remains appeared to be that of a single adult. The urn appears to date from the 3rd century. Its location within an upper context inside the enclosure could imply a date nearer the end of the settlement or an earlier abandonment of the southeast corner.",200,300,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 8001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8007,A single cremation burial was located immediately outside the NW corner of the timber-built domestic structure in the western area of the settlement. A late 1st C AD vessel contained cremated remains and pyre material. The fill was highly disturbed and the material was largely unidentifiable.,70,150,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 8008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8014,"14 dispersed burials have been found in the vicinity of Old Ford from the 19thC up until excavations in 1972. 6 inhumations in total have been recovered in stone coffins, perhaps an indication of wealth in the settlement, with one being found in a wooden coffin. Some inhumations include more than one individual. All the burials represent adults, though a range of ages from c.20 to 55 years have been recorded. Two cremations have also been excavated and are thought to be 1st C AD. Some of the inhumations, however, are likely to be late Roman. A coin dating to the late 3rd/4th C AD was found above one of the stone coffins, whilst a 3rd/4th C AD black burnished jar was placed alongside another stone coffin. One inhumation included amphorae fragments, whilst another included two pins at the head of the individual, one of bone, the other of jet, and on the hip lay an iron key.",50,400,14,2,12,4,5,,,9,,,,2,7,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 8015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8016,"Burials were evidence from to separate phases of activity at the site: early 2nd C AD cremations and mid-4th C AD inhumations. Of the earlier burials, up to 9 cremations were recovered in two spatial clusters. 5 were excavated in the south-east corner of the site, 4 of which came from the backfill of the earlier quarry. A group of three were excavated from the north-western end of the site, whilst an isolated burial was placed someway between the two groups, close to the masonry 'tower'. 5 of the cremations were urned and 3 included associated pottery. Only 2 inhumations were found by contrast. One was excavated from within the foundations of the masonry 'tower', whilst the other was found very close to it on its south side. No specialist report accompanied the main publication, so demographic data are not available.",100,400,11,9,2,,,,,,,,,3,,5,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 8017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8019,"One cremation burial was found in a feature cut into the top of a ditch, though no specialist analysis was carried out on the bone remains, largely due to damage to the burial group from the cutting of a later adjacent pit. The burial was dated by the numerous grave goods to the end of the 1stC AD. The remains seem likely to have been placed in a face urn, of which fragments were found in the context. Other grave goods included flagons, a hand-made jar, a flat dish, Samian ware, an amphora and a mortarium, as well as a cattle mandible and a knife blade.",85,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 8020,"At least five cremation burials were noted from the northern part of the site, all dating to the early Roman period. One of the burials was urned within a late Iron Age grog-tempered ware vessel, though associated pottery indicates that the deposit took place during the 1stC AD. Pottery from three of the other burials provided a date range of AD10-120, whilst one was associated with a structure dated to AD100-240. Whilst of five of the cremation features contained pottery, only one contained any real evidence of a grave good. The others had pottery but the material appears to be only backfill. Calcined animal bones indicate the presence of pyre offerings, and a possible jewellery piece is indicated by heat-distorted copper-alloy fragments.",10,200,5,5,,,,,,2,,,,1,,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 8021,"An isolated inhumation burial was recovered, of probable late Roman date, associated with a timber building. The remains were poorly preserved, with only the lower limbs remaining.",200,400,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8022,"As noted in the site summary, the burials were recorded in an aligned group of four, with a more isolated individual not far away. A calcined pig mandible and part of a horse pelvis were included in one burial urn along with the human material.",50,200,5,5,,,,,,3,,,,1,,3,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 8023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8025,"The bones of the cremation burial included skull and long bone fragments, though were too calcined for sex or age information to be gained.",50,150,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8026,"Despite the large area excavated only two indications of burials were encountered. Both were placed close to the ladder enclosure system, away from the main settlement, and their position may have been linked to the main droveway traversing the site. The burials included both a cremation and an inhumation; both were isolated, rather than placed in a cemetery or specified enclosure. The cremation burial consisted of an adult of unknown sex, interred in a wooden box and accompanied by the remains of sheep/goat and possibly red deer, as well as an unidentifiable iron object. The inhumation burial had been completely lost through the affects of the acidic soil, though the grave included a number of hobnails at one end.",250,400,2,1,1,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 8027,"The burials were all located within the enclosure-system, which has been interpreted as a mortuary area, south of the triple-ditched enclosure. A possible inhumation was placed in the centre of the Bronze Age barrow and was dated by pottery to the 1stC AD, though the burial itself was not fully excavated. A number of cremations were noted in the ring-ditch of the barrow, though no details have been given in the report. Six further cremations were noted across the enclosure-system, though most were heavily truncated. One contained human remains which were carbon-dated to the 1st-2ndC AD.",-100,150,7,6,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 8028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8032,"Both inhumations were very poorly preserved and possibly disturbed by later ploughing. Neither included grave goods, but one was carbon-dated to c.AD58-248. he second burial was not dated but was thought to have been placed in association with one of the early Roman horse burials (that which was carbon-dated).",50,200,2,,2,2,,,,2,,,2,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8033,"A group of two vessels, a jar and a flagon, were found around 400 yards south of the site excavated in 1960 (see Frere 1946). Cremated bones were scattered when the upper parts of the jar were broken seemingly through post-Roman ploughing activities.",50,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 8034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8035,"Four inhumations were excavated from the site. None included grave goods and only one produced a positive radiocarbon date (see site summary). It is possible that the three other inhumations predated the late Iron Age individual. The Late Iron Age burial was a female, aged c.35-40 years, and who was lain flexed on her right-hand side in her grave. The female was positioned adjacent to the early Roman ditch which ran through the site. It is not known whether the two features were knowingly related.",-100,50,4,,4,2,2,,,4,1,,3,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 8036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8039,"The earliest inhumation was aligned north-south, though only the legs survived; the upper body was completely removed by the insertion of the second burial. A roughly-squared slab of ragstone seemed to have been deliberately placed over the knees. Pottery sherds found in the grave fill dated the burial to between AD120-160. The remains of the second burial were also incomplete, consisting of the pelvis, legs, hands and part of a foot. The body was aligned east-west and five regularly spaced nails indicated that it may have been in a coffin, or placed on a bier of some kind.",125,200,2,,2,,,,,2,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 8040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8044,"Five interments were excavated, four of which were urn groups; one was possibly interred in a small bag. All the associated grave goods were ceramic vessels. One burial of a 'very young baby' had been accompanied by a small spouted vessel, said to have been a child's 'feeding bottle'.",40,75,5,5,,,,1,4,,,,,4,,4,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 8045,"Excavation of the central part of Area 2 (see plan) revealed a group of 13 cremation graves, of which only four contained pottery. Three contained pottery of late Iron Age to early Roman date (two of which dated c.AD10-70) and one was dated more generally to the Roman period. Two burials were isolated from the main group, situated to the west close to the break of slope down to the Wantz stream. These two were the earliest dating and may have formed the foundation burials for the cemetery. Four cremation burials contained iron fragments from brooches of 1stC AD date, indicating that the bodies were clothed when cremated. Two of the burials included fragments of copper alloy sheet which may have formed parts of vessels or containers. One of these fragments had a fragment of burnt human bone attached. One burial included hobnails. Much of the cremated bone was found to be buff white in colour indicating that temperatures greater than 600°C were achieved. The efficiency of the cremations ensured that surviving bone gave little information for the assessment of age or sex. One cremation burial was placed in the top of the late Roman ditch fill. The burial urn was early Roman and is thought to have been an 'antique' pot when deposited.",25,400,14,14,,,,,,,,,,6,,4,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 8046,"At the eastern end of the site, lying beyond a substantial linear boundary which separated the area from the main domestic focus, up to six cremation burial groupings were excavated. Groupings consisted of urns containing burnt bone and charcoal as well as related vessels, interpreted as votive offerings. These were positioned within cuts made through natural stratigraphy. They were spaced both close to the road in the northeast of the site and further away in the southeast corner of the site. No specialist analysis was carried out on the remains.",50,200,6,6,,,,,,,,,,,,6,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 8047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8051,"A group of five cremation burials were excavated together from shallow pits, though these may have been truncated. Two other cremations were found in more isolated areas, though one of these may have been the remains of a pyre site. Three of the individuals were either placed with or within late Roman jars, and three were also recovered with hobnails. All the cremations included young adults which were either certain or probable females. Two inhumation burials were also found in close proximity to the cremation burial group. The individuals were buried in a supine position with their arms crossed and their heads pointing north. Both of these were older adults, one male and one female. Hobnails were recovered with one of the inhumations.",200,400,9,7,2,1,4,,,9,,,,3,,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 8053,"One badly disturbed inhumation grave of Late Iron Age/early Romano-British date contained the remains of a 25-35 year old adult, probably male.",-100,200,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8054,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8056,"To the south of the roadside structures at the MoLAS site two burials were discovered beside one of the field ditches, with a crouched individual placed in the terminal of a ditch. All three inhumations were poorly preserved and bone that had not fragmented into small pieces was soft and fragile. One of the burials was found to have been disarticulated. No dating information is given for these burials and they can only be assumed to be Roman due to their context. An early Roman urned cremation was excavated close to one of the structures from the Pre-Construct Archaeology site.",43,375,4,1,3,1,2,,,3,,,1,,,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 8057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8058,"All the burials were oriented N-S and were broadly aligned in two E-W rows, though outliers to the main group were present - see plan. Only a small amount of human bone was excavated during evaluation as per planning conditions. Whilst skeletons were exposed it was not within the research design to excavate them - see site summary. The excavator suggests they were late Roman, but this is not proven.",40,400,15,,15,,,,,,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8059,"Five of the 11 cremation burials recorded here were discovered in the 19th and early 20th centuries and, as such, no further details for these are available. The MoLAS evaluation in 2009 revealed one cremation burial. The current evidence shows that some of the cremations were placed together in groups whilst others may have been more isolated; the KARU excavations revealed a closely set group of five burials each containing a number of accessory vessels along with cremation urns. No analysis of any of the osteological remains have been carried out so far.",140,200,11,11,,,,,,,,,,5,,10,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 8060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8061,"Cremations burials were relatively common across the site, though only two could be dated to the Roman period - see site summary.",50,400,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 8062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8064,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8066,"A male had been interred in the limestone sarcophagus. A radiocarbon date from his femur gave the burial a late Roman date of between AD390 and 520. Within the sarcophagus the presence of additional foot bones suggests that the coffin had a previous occupant who had not been fully removed prior to the second body being placed in the coffin. This further suggests that the sarcophagus was Roman and was reused, and also raises questions surrounding its origin. Immediately to the west of the sarcophagus another supine burial included a knife as a grave good whilst, to the south, a third burial had five large iron stakes in two groups at the head end of the grave. Their position may reflect the former corners of a coffin, though their size is unusual. To the east of this group were a group of badly truncated burials which were sealed below a layer that included number of pottery sherds dating to AD350-400. These burials had been cut into a sandy layer which overlay another supine burial which appeared to have had a pot placed at the right-hand side of the head. The pot dates c.AD430-470.",350,500,10,,10,3,,,1,9,,,,2,2,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 8067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8068,"The environmental and finds reports, which are stated to exist, are not present on the Archaeological Data Service. The details of the burials are therefore undisclosed, though the report mentions that grave goods were present.",50,150,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 8069,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8071,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8072,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8074,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8075,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8076,"A single infant inhumation was uncovered sealed by a spread of colluvium though is thought to date to a latter phase of Roman activity at the site. The grave was fractionally too small for the infant and, although in a supine position, the infantâ??s legs were elevated to fit within the confined space. That the grave was dug too small may suggest either quick, careless burial or limited space in the surrounding area.",230,350,1,,1,,,1,,,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8077,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 8078,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9001,"The remains derive primarily from disarticulated bones, all of which come from infants which had been buried in and around settlement structures. Only three groups of bones were from largely complete infant skeletons. Many may have been still-births, from long bone measurements. The number of burials (12) given here are representative of 12 groups of bones of varying completeness.",50,200,12,,12,,,12,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 9002,"All but two burial contexts contained remains which had been burnt - the unburnt remains were not detailed in the report, which focuses on the cremations. Some cremations were from redeposited pyre debris, whilst others were unurned burials, though one was buried in an urn and, perhaps importantly, this was the only individual positively identified as male. Only minor levels of pathology and non-metric traits were recognised. Some animal bone was recovered in association with some cremations, including bird and sheep bones.",50,70,16,16,,1,7,,2,14,,,,6,,1,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9009,"Five pits interpreted as cremation burials, though one does not include any bone. Some of the human remains were placed in regionally-made patch grove ware urns. A couple of the burials were accompanied by dining ware, such as a carinated beaker, poppy-head beaker, whilst one burial included Samian cup and platter.",50,120,4,4,,,,,,,,,,4,,4,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9010,"Two cremation burials were uncovered, one of which had been dug up by mechanical digger excavating foundation trenches for a new house on the site. The other consisted of a carinated beaker which acted as the burial urn and a locally-made cooking pot.",45,100,2,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9011,A single inhumation burial was excavated east of the aisled hall without burial goods though is suggested by the excavator to have been 3rd/4th century since late Roman material was excavated in the covering fill. According to the specialist the skeleton was interred in a wooden box.,200,400,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 9012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9013,"The skeletal remains of three infants and two adults were excavated from the site, all dating to the Roman period. Two infant burials were late second century associated with rooms of the villa; one was interpreted as a foundation burial. These were not submitted for specialist analysis. The third infant burial was associated with room 15 of the church and its grave included wheat grains, a small ceramic vessel, a decorated copper-alloy vessel and five coins, dating to the late fourth/early fifth century - the remains were analysed but there is scope for reanalysis. The adult burials were deposited beneath the Romano-Celtic temple in a chamber, one within a lead coffin, though a second coffin seems to have been robbed. The adult skeletons were not well preserved but enough remains present indicated that one was male and the other probably female. It is indicated that both may have been in their mid-20s at death. Evidence of a linen shroud and leather clothing was found on the male skeleton. These were dated to around AD300 by their associated grave goods, found outside the coffins - these included silver spoons, copper-alloy and ceramic flagons, glass bottles, glass bowls, two knives and whetstones.",175,400,5,,5,1,1,3,,2,,,,4,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9014,"Of 387 burials, only 172 can be noted from the report as cremations and 74 as inhumations. However, the full extent of the cemetery is not known. Some burials groups have detailed descriptions of the pottery but no mention of the human remains. It may be that some did not survive excavation; it is clear from the report that many of the remains were poorly preserved. Only six skulls were sent for analysis; the sex count noted here reflect the results of that analysis. Over 160 earthenware pots and glass vessels were discovered. They were mainly 2nd century but extended to late 3rd century.",125,300,387,172,74,3,3,,1,6,,,,101,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9016,"A number of burial areas were revealed by excavation, including both inhumations and cremations. Four baby burials were recovered adjacent to the south building from shallow pits though undated. Three cremations and one inhumation were excavated below the main villa house and must have pre-dated its construction in AD200, probably late first/early second century. Two of the cremations included pottery vessels. These remains were not analysed by a specialist. In the main villa phase of occupation a cemetery in the north was established close to the temple-mausoleum and some of the rituals shafts. The majority, though not all, of these burials were of children. One cremation, however, was placed in the temple-mausoleum itself within a lead casket and may have denoted a particularly high-status individual. During the late Roman period (AD300-400), three further inhumations were excavated in the north-west of the site, probably belonging to a new cemetery. Whilst three were excavated in the 1970s, one was excavated in 1936 and contained a large stone coffin containing an adult male. Many of the burials were without grave goods. The data collected here relate to both the pre-villa, main villa, and late villa phase burials.",50,400,29,8,21,2,1,13,5,12,,,6,3,3,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 9017,"A small pit to the east of the malting-oven included calcined bone, a hobnail and some charred plant remains has been interpreted as an unurned Roman cremation burial - there is no analysis of these remains, however, and so the 'burial' must remain tentative.",175,300,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 9018,"Six inhumations are recorded form the site; however, according to the report, few details and their exact position is often unknown. Two possible cremation burials, identified by vessels, were seen to fall into the water-filled quarry during excavation and so could not be properly examined. None of the burials are precisely dated and can only be assigned a 'Roman' date. However, a coin of Faustina the Younger was recovered from one grave and may suggest an early Roman date for the group. One of the burials included preserved leather footwear and another with pewter vessels. One of the adult males lay on a bed of reeds. None of the human remains were retained.",70,300,6,,6,2,1,,,6,,,1,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9019,"The human bone was very badly preserved and some graves were devoid of material for analysis. As a result, burnt remains were better preserved than unburnt. The overall burial counts given below are based upon the graves which were clearly human burials; only one inhumation produced surviving human bone due to the soil acidity. The Iron Age cremation burial was excavated from outside the main areas of burial used by the Romano-British population. The burial seems to have been high-status as evidenced by the grave goods (see report). The cremations date from the late Iron Age to, at least, the late 3rd century AD. It is also worth noting that cremated human bone was also recovered from 'non-burial' contexts. Sexed cremations should be seen as probable 'male' or 'female'.",1,400,30,20,10,6,2,,,18,,,,28,,14,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9020,"A good quantity of the human bone had clearly been redeposited or were found to be placed disarticulated specimen and thus have not been recorded here. For example, a human skull was placed with two dogs in the ritual shaft (see zooarch). The sole cremation excavated dates to the 1st century AD and included the hind leg bones from an immature pig and the bones from an immature bird of unknown species. Cremation associated with a casket. A dual burial of neonatal individuals were recovered. One adult female was interred with grave goods. One very tall young male was lain prone. Within the main temple complex were 18 infant burial - 4 (2 decapitated) in the corners of a shrine and 14 in a nearby rectangular structure. Most dated 2nd C AD.",100,250,46,1,45,2,1,33,0,3,1,2,,7,,1,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 9021,"Overall, the burials derive from a small, possibly fenced, cemetery near the roadside settlement, though the vast majority were scattered across the roadside settlement. A dual burial of neonatal individuals were recovered - one set from a ceramic vessel.",50,300,25,,25,3,1,19,1,4,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 9022,"An in situ neonatal inhumation was placed within the villa complex, in a previously used post-hole. The burial dates to the late 2nd C AD.",175,200,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 9023,A single neonatal inhumation was excavated from a pit of either late Iron Age or early Roman date within the enclosure of Area E2.,-100,100,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 9024,"Cemetery included two internal divisions within the main enclosure, with burials situated quite regularly in both, though only a proportion of the cemetery may have been excavated - see plan. The cremations were all unurned. Four burials were associated with caskets (three included human remains; one included remains of a suckling pig). At least four burials also produced burnt animal bone remains, including pig teeth, bones from a neonate, and fish bone. The sexing of some of the remains is tentative.",50,100,7,7,,1,3,,1,6,,,,5,,4,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 9025,"A mixed-burial rite cemetery was established from the 2nd C to the 4th C containing 13 inhumations in 10 graves, at least 7 mostly urned cremations (some with two people), and 5 possible cenotaphs. There seems to have been a discrepancy between mostly inhumed males (4) and mostly cremated females (5). The cremations are different to those excavated at Coldswood Road since they are later and they include cinerary urns, five of which were amphorae burials, each containing an adult female with three accompanied by infants. Iron nails suggest that coffins or biers may have been placed on the pyre. Note that some of the sub-adult remains were from redeposited individuals.",150,400,17,7,10,4,6,3,6,15,,,,1,10,1,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 9026,Two inhumations were excavated: an adult and an infant.,50,100,2,,2,1,,1,,1,,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9027,"19thC workmen found at least three burials. A stone sarcophagus, sized for a child, was revealed by workmen digging in 1974. This had been disturbed and robbed during the 19th C. These could only be dated as 'Roman'. A lachrymatory was recovered by the workmen during earlier discovery. Ritson's 1960s excavations provided a further 35 graves. Again, no further dating than 'Roman' can be attributed here. 10 inhumations were excavated by DDAG in the mid-70s. Very poor preservation of the bone meant that much information regarding the bodies has been lost, though five were clearly adults; aged from surviving dentition. Pottery from the backfills post-date all the burials from the 1st C/early 2nd C; some sherds were very late Iron Age. The pottery sherds were not necessarily grave goods, and probably do not date the burials, other than signalling a terminus post-quem. Three burials contained evidence of iron coffin nails. CAT excavations opened up 83 graves, though a further 103 were found but not excavated. Finally, 109 more graves were found, 100 of which were excavated by Wessex, as well as 2 late Iron Age/early Roman cremations (1 urned, adult female; 1 unurned, sub-adult/adult female), which were recovered from the upper fills of a ditch. Both contained animal bone, one with chicken bone. Cremation grave 2013 produced reasonably high numbers of very well preserved charred plant macrofossils. These were predominately of grains of spelt or free threshing wheat. No glume chaff was noted. The grains may have been associated with the incorporation of settlement waste into the pyre, or perhaps were deliberate offerings. In the later Roman inhumation cemetery, adult/adolescent- and child-sized graves were present, suggesting use of the cemetery for burial of a mixed and probably representative population. Preservation of unburnt human bone was generally poor across the site, but in the 23 graves where human remains were recovered (all in the southern part of the site) these indicate a tradition of burial with head to the west. 13 produced evidence for coffins. An unspecified number, though at least 3, included grave goods (2 with pottery, 1 with hobnails).",25,400,233,2,231,6,7,,7,24,,,,5,16,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9029,No data - incomplete report,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9030,It is uncertain whether the skeletal remains were properly analysed as it is only mention in passing within the report that one was that of a mature female. Some of the burials appear to have been truncated or previously disturbed.,100,300,8,,8,,1,,,1,,,,3,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9031,"A number of neonatal burials were recovered associated either with the foundations of building 1 or the preceding Iron Age layer. No specialist report is given in the main report but it seems that at least three neonates were buried on site, if not more.",1,150,3,,3,,,3,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9033,Approximate dating from pottery and brooch.,75,175,3,3,,,1,,,2,,,,3,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9035,"Two graves with three cremation burials interred on the northern margins of the Neolithic causewayed enclosure. Two the cremations were urned, those from separate graves, whilst was unurned. The sexing of the male individual was not fully certain. The double cremation contained small amounts of bird bone with each individual, one of which was possibly from a goose. Each cremation included associated Samian pottery and other wares, whilst one burial included a small glass bottle.",150,200,3,3,,1,1,,,3,,,,3,,2,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9038,Burial mound excavated in the 19th C found with skeleton at its centre and associated goods - see finds. No details on the skeleton are known. The burial was remarked to have been part of a walled cemetery though only the associated platform is currently known from the site.,50,250,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9040,Two of the cremation urns were directly associated with the iron bloomery and thus provide a terminus post quem for the feature to the late pre-Roman Iron Age. See other finds for grave goods.,-100,50,6,6,,,1,2,,4,,,,2,,6,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9042,"At least 20 burials, possibly 23, seem to be represented in total so far, unfortunately no specialist analysis has currently been carried out on the remains that survive. It is unknown how many of the burials observed in 1901 were urned or contained grave goods. It is also unclear from the published report whether any of the 1962 burial groups were urned cremations though since large pots appeared with most of the pottery groups it must be assumed that some, if not most, were urned cremations. '1' has been recorded here to denote the presence of urned cremation at the cemetery.",75,225,20,20,,,,,,,,,,12,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9043,"Two pits at the northern end of SFB 21 each contained the remains of neonates, burials which were associated with remains of neonatal lamb(s).",100,200,2,,2,,,2,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9044,The inhumation burial of a child east of the main complex of pits within the enclosure. There is some evidence that the child suffered from mild malnutrition prior to death. The is some possibility that the burial pre-dates the Roman period.,50,200,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 9045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9046,"A single neonate was recovered from nearby the rectangular huts in a sand-lined pit. Two further burials were recovered from previous excavations. Though no details are available regarding these burials, they are recorded to have been associated with the end of the use of the site during the 2nd C. Earlier excavations noted the presence of both inhumations and cremations.",50,200,3,,3,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9047,"Both cremations consisted of a number of pottery groups. Most of the pottery was local/regional wares, though one burial included a Samian dish placed over the top of the cinerary vessel to form a lid. However, no specialist analysis was carried out on the bone remains.",100,175,2,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9051,"Two inhumations were excavated, placed and oriented within the continuing land divisions seen on site, though after the tilery and kilns had gone out of use. The first dated to the early 3rd C and the second to the mid-3rd/early 4th C. The bones were very poorly preserved in both graves; one individual could not be aged or sexed, though it is likely that they were adult. Both graves shared a similar alignment and one included an inscribed funerary plaque, placed immediately above the head of the individual. Groups of iron nails suggests that one of the inhumations was placed in coffin.",200,325,2,,2,1,,,,2,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9052,The remains of a neonate had been recovered from a shallow pit adjacent to a field boundary ditch.,-50,70,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 9053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9054,"Two neonatal burial were recovered. The first was placed in the lower fills of the early roadside ditch, whilst the second was placed with a ceramic flagon and buried in a shallow pit near the cobbled surface after the road had gone out of use by the end of the 1st C.",50,150,2,,2,,,2,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9055,"Three separate areas of cremation burial, with 15 of the graves including 49 pottery vessels, many of which were complete. One burial had been robbed by metal detectorists.",150,225,16,15,1,,7,,,13,,,,12,1,14,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 9056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9057,"Two stone coffins were recovered on the southern part of the site, one containing a skeleton. These have been recorded here, but their location and context were not recorded as they were found during works in the 1920s. During the mid-late 4th C at the western site, a small enclosed inhumation cemetery came into use as the nearby masonry building and field system fell into disuse. Five inhumations within simple graves were identified in an area apparently enclosed by a small ditch. All of the graves were aligned north-west to south-east with the skull at no particular end. The inhumations were of two adults and three infants. One of the infants was found to have coffin fittings, whilst the other two infants and one of the adults were lined with tegula. A fourth neonatal burial was noted from the 1964/5 excavation though no contextual details are given.",350,400,8,,8,,,4,,3,,,,3,3,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 9059,"The main grave was inhumation in form with a type of coffin buried within, though cremated remains were spread within the coffin. The coffin may be described as a 'special chest'. The cremated remains suggests the main burial included a male of around 40 years. Two other pits include cremated remains. The lead sarcophagus in another grave included the inhumed remains of a child around one year old at death.",100,300,5,4,1,1,,1,,1,,,,3,,2,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 9060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9061,"During the late Iron Age to early Roman period a small cremation cemetery was established just east of middle Iron Age enclosure 3072, a little to the north of the entrance, demonstrating its continued recognition. Two graves containing three urned cremation burials, plus three urned cremation burials without visible grave cuts were made between AD 43 and 80. Machining of this area (under watching brief conditions) inadvertently damaged many of the cremation burials and artefacts, and in many cases only the bases of the vessels remained. Grave 2029, and the urn contained within it, were also truncated by a SW-NE aligned plough furrow. Grave goods included bowls and platters, whilst one burial included a toilet-set. A further unurned cremation was recovered with redeposited pyre debris dating to the mid-late Roman period.",43,80,5,5,,,,,1,3,,,,4,,6,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9062,"An isolated cremation burial was located outside the enclosure to the south-west. The urned burial appears to have suffered some disturbance by plough damage, but the vessel, although fragmented, was complete. The cinerary urn is a large necked jar in grog-tempered ware dated AD 170-300, which contained both the cremated human remains and two smaller vessels. These vessels were of early date, c.AD100-150 and may suggest that the grave goods were of some age at the time of burial.",170,300,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9063,A redeposited cremation had been spread through one of the early Roman pits at the site.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9064,"An isolated unurned cremation burial lay within the site of the early-Middle Iron Age settlement enclosure, and yielded a radiocarbon date of AD 80-330.",100,300,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 9065,"Human remains were recovered in a number of geographic separate groups from different phases of occupation. The context of the burials also differ in terms of their location and distance from areas of domestic settlement. Two late Iron Age high-status burials were recovered from circular pits within the 'banjo' enclosure (Site B). Disarticulated human bone was also recovered from both an Iron Age pit and a ditch. In the Roman period, two cremation burials dating to the 1st C were recovered close to the droveway of the large eastern enclosure. Thereafter two neonatal individuals, also early Roman in date, were recovered from pits within the south-eastern part of the enclosure. This area was presumably a domestic setting, though further evidence indicates that the burials may have been separately enclosed in the area, possibly even being covered by a timber structure. Some disarticulated bone was also recovered from a pit in the area. On the north-western side of the main enclosure, an extended enclosure contained the remains of a high-status individual within a large pit burial. The associated grave goods included many local and imported pottery forms, a bronze wine-mixing bowl, a bronze patera, a bronze ewer, the remains of a wooden table, gaming pieces, and a partial pig skeleton. The burial is interpreted against a wall painting showing the tomb and grave furnishings of a high-status Roman from Pompeii. This deposit dated to the second half of the 1st C AD. A second contemporary inhumation and six cremations were also recovered in association with the extended enclosure, as a late Roman inhumation with a coin placed in the mouth dating to AD26-296. Between AD250-400, at the opposite end of the site, a small inhumation cemetery was situated on the (north) eastern side of the major land boundary which had continued from the middle Iron Age. One of the graves included three inhumed individuals, and one of these has been suggested to have been an immigrant, as indicated by carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis of their remains. A slightly isolated, but contemporary inhumation was cut into a sequence of silting fills of the main ditch. This burial included the remains of a possibly symbolically-placed blackbird. A large pit with a lower layer containing mid-Roman pottery and an 'unusual collection of fish, snake and rodent bones, vetch and charcoal', was overlain by a probable funeral pyre deposit with at least two cremated individuals, along with hobnails, fired clay, tuber/nut fragments, and quantities of pig and cattle bones. Other possible 'ritual' pits were located near this cremation pit.",-100,400,24,10,14,5,3,2,,16,,,,13,3,2,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 9066,"The mid-late Iron Age phase contained a single inhumation burial, which was found in a prone position (note that the start date given here is taken from the late Iron Age phasing - see below). The late Iron Age to early Roman phase (c. 50BC-AD120/130) comprised 132 inhumation and 61 cremation graves. The early to middle Roman phase (AD 43-AD 270) included a total of 61 inhumation and 31 cremation graves. This phase included a female inhumation which had possibly been decapitated, though the author suggests that the absence of skull fragments was possibly due to post-ex sorting. The middle Roman phase (AD 120/130-270) included 43 inhumations and 34 cremation graves. The middle to late Roman phase (AD120-410) included 12 inhumation graves and 7 cremation graves. A late Roman phase (AD260/270-410) saw a period of declined use, almost to the point of abandonment, with only 5 inhumation graves, probably dating no later than the mid 4th century. 95 inhumation graves and 12 cremations could not be dated any closer than to the Roman period (AD43-410). It is likely that many of the dated to the 1st-2nd C. Two types of multiple burials were identified in the Pepper Hill assemblage: one was a multiple cremation and/or burial in which the human remains of the two individuals (often adult and child) were deposited as a single entity, and the second, where two separate cremations burials were deposited within the same grave. A possible third type of multiple burial occurred where a token amount of adult remains was added to the cremation burial of an immature individual. The bone of the two individuals was found mixed together without discernible concentrations or layering of the remains of each individual. Due to the acidity of the soil, bone only survived in 79 of the inhumation burials.",-50,350,517,168,349,39,31,5,24,163,1,1,,66,37,87,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 9067,"Late Iron Age/early Romano-British burials included 3 unurned cremations, whilst Romano-British burials included a single inhumation (adult male - uncoffined), 9 urned and 1 unurned cremation. 5 cremation burials included animal bone as grave goods. The early cremations were excavated close to a prehistoric barrow, whilst others were recovered from an enclosure, or close to track/droveways.",40,150,14,13,1,2,6,,3,12,,,,,,9,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 9068,A cremation pit was excavated in the north west of the settlement enclosure. No grave goods were recovered.,-50,50,1,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 9069,"Human bone - cremated and unburnt - from three contexts was recovered from the site. The two inhumations dated to the early 2nd century AD and the late 3rd century AD respectively. Cremated bone was recovered from an undated context. The deposit appears to represent an unurned burial with redeposited pyre debris. An inhumed neonate was situated within a ditch fill (early 2nd C). This burial was beneath the corner of the main wall for the main room of the roman villa, and may have been a foundation deposit. An infant inhumation (late 3rd C) was buried in a stone cist with two ceramic vessels, located a few meters north-west of the villa. The cremation burial was of an adult female buried in situ.",100,300,3,1,2,,1,1,1,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9071,"The pipeline revealed a group of early Roman burials, though a limited area was excavated so the extent of the cemetery is unknown. The skull of the individual in Grave 9 encased two pieces of iron and a piece of wood, and a possible entry wound was located to the right of the bregmatic ossicle.",50,125,9,4,5,2,2,1,1,5,,,,7,2,4,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9072,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9074,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9075,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9076,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9077,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9078,"Two cremations were recovered at the site, though virtually no information is given of these or of any of the burials relating to the 2ndC AD cemetery mentioned in the text.",50,100,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9079,"Four burials were placed within the eastern corner of the northern ditch complex in Area A, three were inhumations aligned broadly 'head-to-toe'. A possible cremation burial was disturbed by one of these inhumations. The burial group dates AD75-150. Due to the acidic nature of the soil only a small amount of bone survived from one inhumation.",75,150,4,1,3,,,,,1,,,,4,3,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9080,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9081,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9082,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9084,"Whilst the earliest burial, c.600BC, was a crouched inhumation, the 'warrior grave', c.200BC, represented the first of the extended inhumations which became the common burial rite of the cemeteries for the next few centuries. 5 cremations were represented, all adults, two of which were male. Grave goods were rare but those present suggest the cemeteries were in most use during the 2nd and 1st centuries BC; some were certainly early Roman however. In the adult material, sexual dimorphism was not strongly expressed and in several cases there was contradictory morphology in the crania and pelves. No children under one year were recovered, whilst sub-adult mortality was relatively high. It is of note that two late Iron Age cremations had been disturbed by quarrying during the early Roman period, but then redeposited.",-600,200,47,5,42,14,16,4,11,30,1,,2,18,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9085,Burial groups were recovered from the upper layer of ditch features from two separate excavations at the site (see site summary).,100,200,2,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,1,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9086,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9087,"A single burial group including four vessels, the largest of which was used as the cinerary urn. No other grave goods were recovered.",150,250,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9088,"It is notable that a previous desktop assessment indicated the presence of a cremation burial, possibly of Roman date, recovered in an area to the east of the settlement. No details are given of this feature. Also noted in the report is the remains of a wooden casket which contained cremated human remains, though no further details on this are given in the report.",50,200,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9089,"The graves fell roughly into two groups, an eastern (9) and western (10), though it is likely that these were incomplete since they were next to the edge of quarried areas. None of the human remains has been analysed by a specialist due to the early date of the excavation.",-50,50,19,19,,,,,,,,,,12,,19,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9090,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9091,"An opaque white short cylindrical glass bead was found in a pit containing cremated human bone. It is possible that the bead is a grave good, although the fact that is not burnt suggests that it was not worn on the body. It is feasible that a necklace was placed with the bones after cremation or that a single bead was placed with the ashes as a symbolic gesture. The bead is not intrinsically datable, but necklaces composed of strands of very small beads were well known in the 3rd and 4th centuries.",175,375,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 9092,"Two early Roman cremation burials were recovered from an earlier assessment of the site, situated along the roadside. No details were given on the material.",50,200,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9093,"A single cremation burial with a burial group of five fine ware vessels, including Samian cup and plate, was excavated in a pit close to the enclosure ditches though was thought to date slightly later than their construction.",75,100,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9094,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9095,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9096,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9097,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9098,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9099,"Three cremation burials were recovered south of one of the enclosures. No analysis of the human remains has been, as yet, reported. Two of the cremations were accompanied by complete vessels, one including Samian ware and hobnails.",50,250,3,3,,,,,,,,,,2,,3,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9100,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9101,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9102,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9103,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9104,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9105,"Two inhumation burials were uncovered, though only one was excavated. The retrieved burial was located close to the road, and though badly preserved the individual was noted to have been buried supine with its head to the west. No grave goods were found in association and a piece of late Iron Age pottery in the back-fill is suggested to have been residual. The excavator argues that the burial is late Roman.",200,400,2,,2,,,,,,,,,0,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9106,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9107,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9108,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9109,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9110,The four inhumations were left in situ and only part of one was excavated to prove the existence of human remains. This burial was probably coffined; it is not known whether the others were also since they were not excavated. The burials were enclosed by a fence line.,,,4,,4,,,,,,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 9111,"A single inhumation burial was excavated from a grave found to be intercutting an earlier pit fill. The acidic soils left the remains in a very poor condition, and no finds were recovered.",150,350,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9112,"Five features contained burnt human bones, two of which also included the remains of pottery vessels. All the pits are shallow/highly truncated and contained pyre debris so are not the actual sites of the cremations. The urned cremations probably contain the remains of adults. Slight green staining was seen on the fragment of a right proximal humerus. Given the location of this stain on the shoulder, it is suggested that it may be from a brooch. No other artefactual remains were seen, though it is possible that some of the unidentified fragments of burnt bone and even charred grains were the remains of foodstuffs used as pyre goods.",-100,250,5,5,,,,,,5,,,,1,,2,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9113,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9114,No data though cremation burials were recovered from a nearby evaluation site.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9115,"A probable cremation deposit was heavily truncated, with only the base of the context surviving. On the bottom of the cut a pottery vessel base remained intact, and appeared to represent a deliberately-placed deposit. The cut was filled by an orange grey silty clay, containing occasional burnt bone. Pottery recovered from this feature suggested a phase 1 date of AD 43-120. An articulated burial was found in a supine position, orientated east-west, with the head positioned to the east. The skeleton remained in a good state of preservation, and assessment of the remains suggests that they represent a juvenile skeleton. There was no evidence of pathology on the skeleton and no obvious cause of death. It lay within a cut which was an irregular rectangle in shape but with rounded ends. A single grave fill was identified, with pottery recovered from the grave fill indicating a phase 2 date of c. AD70-200.",50,200,2,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 9116,"Of the 20 cremation assemblages excavated during Phase I, four assemblages were represented only by a surface scatter or group of pottery with no identifiable cut and one assemblage had been heavily truncated with only a few fragments of pottery and cremated bone surviving. All of the cremations excavated during Phase I are currently assumed to be of early Roman date. Within all the Phase I cremation assemblages, between one and five pottery vessels were represented and cremated bone was found in each assemblage in varying quantities. Five cremation assemblages each contain the remains of one or more pottery vessels and varying quantities of cremated bone, and are of Roman date. A heavily disturbed deposit of burnt bone may represent a further truncated cremation of this period. 3 early Roman cremations were recovered from the OA (2007) investigations. The 20 reported cremations from earlier investigations (CgMs?) are not recorded here in the absence of a suitable report. No specialist analysis has yet been carried out on the human remains.",50,200,27,27,,,,,,,,,,5,,8,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 9117,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9118,"The activity on the ridge crest continued into the Roman period with its use as a cremation ground, including a multi-vessel cremation pit dating to the mid 2nd century AD. Two of the cremations use Baetican Dressel 20 amphorae as cinerary urns. Three cremation pits were identified towards the southern boundary of the area and these may have been part of a larger burial ground extending south beyond the area boundary. Further down the slope to the north-east were two groups of postholes forming north-west to south-east linear alignments, perhaps of a fenced trackway leading to the cremation cemetery on the hill crest.",50,200,3,3,,,,,,3,,,,2,,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 9119,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9120,"A small quantity of human bone was recovered during excavation at Waterstone Park from two Phase 2 features: the disarticulated mandible from a (sub-)adult from an enclosure ditch and the remains of two neonates from a single sub-rectangular pit. One of the neonates was represented by a number of elements, though the other was represented by a single tibia from the primary fill. This may have been a disarticulated specimen. The former neonate seemed to have been pre-term at death, whilst the latter may have been full-term.",-50,75,2,,2,,,2,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 9121,"A single mid-2nd C AD cremation was excavated 80m east of the main site on slightly higher ground, possibly close to the main stone trackway leading out from the site. No specialist analysis of the human remains were ever undertaken.",100,200,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9122,Only Bronze Age burials were recovered,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9123,"It is uncertain how many burials excavated in the total, though the report includes a catalogue of 40 of the 'best' cinerary urns recovered from the site.",-100,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9124,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9125,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9126,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9127,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9128,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9129,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9130,"A N-S aligned inhumation burial was located directly to the west of a ditch. Present within the limited excavated extent of the grave backfill, was a single iron nail. As well as suggesting a coffin this also indicates that the interment does not pre-date the Late Iron-Age/ Early Roman periods. The shallowness of the grave is worthy of note, suggesting possible truncation.",-50,250,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 9131,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9132,"Five inhumations in two separate burial events were excavated in the west area of the site. The inhumations were dug through the fill of MIA enclosure ditch. The burials were intercutting and, for some reason, tightly-packed into the apparently near-empty Roman roadside. The excavator suggests that the location of this small inhumation cemetery was perhaps marked by a now undetectable feature such as a shrine, tree, or perhaps the silted-up MIA enclosure was still visible. The skeletons were lying in an extended supine position and, with the exception of one orientated east to west, all orientated south to north or north to south. Photos of the graves appear to show adult inhumations, though the specialist does not provide any demographic detail in the report. In the middle of the main excavation area, near to the northern boundary, was a cremation pit, an accessory vessel pit, and two possible marker postholes. The adult cremation was interred in sub-circular pit immediately adjacent to the accessory vessel pit, which included a complete late 1stC AD bead-rimmed jar cremation vessel. The vessel was kept up-right with flint cobble packing. Adjacent to the north of the cremation was posthole with no finds, and about 2m to the south was a separate posthole with finds of amorphous fired clay lumps. These may have been part of a shelter/covering of the grave. Undated cremations near the Roman Road include three simple pit cremations. These have been tentatively assigned to the Roman period on the premise of being closer to the Roman road than the other undated cremations. The dated Roman cremation was also close to the route of Roman road but c.100m further to the west. It is true that these cremations could be of any date.",40,100,9,4,5,,,,,6,,,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9133,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9134,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9135,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9136,"The burials appear to fall into two types, although the human bone is yet to be analysed by a specialist. Plus, the report does not fully specify which burials included grave goods, or what date they were given. A general LIA/ERB date is given here. The more complex and richly furnished interments usually contained a number of vessels and jewellery or other items. In these burials, the cremated bone appears to have been interred in a wooden box or were enclosed in perishable containers. These assemblages were virtually all placed in rectangular flat-based and neatly cut pits of relatively large size. The simpler form of burial, often containing only one vessel containing the incinerated remains, were interred in smaller, generally round or oval cuts, little bigger than was needed to encapsulate the vessels.",-100,200,28,27,1,,,,,,,,,3,2,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 9137,"A small cluster of shallow, charcoal-rich pits in the south-east corner of the site contained the remains of five in situ cremation burials within pottery vessels although these were much truncated by ploughing. In addition to the cremation urn, one of these features contained several other smashed pots apparently representing grave goods.",-100,200,5,5,,1,1,,,2,,,,,,5,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9138,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9139,"The central pit of the hexagon feature has been suggested to have been a late Iron Age/early Roman cremation pit, though no human remains have yet been found to substantiate this. The feature seems to have been robbed. No details on the reported LIA cremations are given.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9140,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9141,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9142,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9143,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9144,"The cremation burial was quite heavily truncated and the bone material recovered from the feature was affected by the acidic soils. Many other prehistoric cremations were also present, but only one dates to the LIA/ERB period. The feature was dated by pottery, though this material was not noted in the pottery report. It is also not stated whether this material featured as grave goods.",-100,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9145,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9146,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9147,The human bone was badly affected by the acidic nature of the soils. They are dated by associated pottery deposited with two of the burials. A sheep molar was found in the pyre debris of one of the burials.,50,150,3,3,,,,,,3,,,,2,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9148,"Early Roman inhumation burials were recorded from a number of contexts cut into the main IA/RB ditch or in nearby areas. Disarticulated remains were recovered in the upper fill of the ditch but these may have been disturbed by medieval activity. The twin burial contained two adolescents, probably females, one aged c.14-16 and the other c.16-17 years. The other female burial in the fill of the Bronze Age pit was an older woman, c.35-50 yrs, and her skeleton exhibited enamel hypoplasia and cribra orbitalia. The report does not detail how these inhumations were dated.",50,200,3,,3,,3,,2,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9149,"An inhumation burial of an infant, dating to the late Iron Age, also contained a fragment from a (probably) deliberately deposited horse skull. This burial lay just outside the eastern boundary ditch of Enclosure IV. Four late Roman inhumations were excavated in an area on the periphery of the settlement, close to the northernmost ditch. Two of the burials contained coffin nails and one grave cut had an associated postholes, perhaps as a grave-marker. A second group of three adult inhumations were found south of another ditch, c.80m south of the first group. Two further graves to the east of the group of three adults contained an infant and a neonate, whilst three further burials were found dispersed across the southern area of the site. Four of the burials were found to include animal remains, probably deposited as grave goods. A number of other human remains were found, possibly from disturbed burials, though may have been deliberately disarticulated. Grave goods, other than animal remains, were not noted, whilst the pottery had not been assessed at the time of writing.",-100,400,11,,11,5,1,3,2,6,,,,4,4,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9150,"Of the three cremations recovered from the cemetery, all were unsexed adults, though only one was urned. The base from a glass vessel came from one burial. Sheep bone remains were recovered form one cremation. Multiple pathologies and healed traumas were evident on some of the inhumed skeletons, particularly on two older males. One unsexed adult (c25-40yrs) had been decapitated with the skull located between the legs, whilst an probable female in her early 20s had been lain prone.",50,250,12,3,9,3,3,1,1,11,1,1,,1,4,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 9151,"An apparently isolated cremation burial was located between two ditches of the main field-system in the area. The cremated bones were compacted so that they may have been contained within a 'bag' or other organic container. Two brooches were found with the burial, one of which may have fastened the container. Five pottery vessels were also recovered in association, all dating to the first half of the 1stC AD.",1,75,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9152,"The late Iron Age/Romano-British graves appear to represent a complete and discrete group of burials. Ten of the inhumations were placed, potentially in a line, with three further burials located in the general vicinity. Two cremation burials were also present in the area and are thought to be perhaps late Iron Age rather than early Roman. Both were found to be from adults of unknown sex. Finds from the graves comprise an iron ring, perhaps an armlet, and several nail fragments, from grave 166005; and a single possible hobnail from grave 136033. The remains of four further individuals, an adult, two juveniles and an infant, were found to have been redeposited in colluvial layers. These have not been recorded in the dataset here.",-100,200,15,2,13,6,5,2,4,9,2,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9153,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9154,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9155,"The eastern cemetery is clearly mixed-rite, with 11 inhumations and 22 cremations, though ceramic evidence from one sub-group suggests that a gradual shift from cremation to inhumation may have been apparent. These seem to have been associated with the enclosure, but were sited outside its boundary. The western cemetery included only inhumations, ten in total, laying just north of a trackway. Whilst 7 of the inhumations in the eastern cemetery were coffined, none were so in the western cemetery. Neonates/infants were present as both inhumations (5) and cremations (5) in the eastern cemetery, whilst none were found in the western cemetery. It is uncertain exactly how many burials included grave goods, though many are noted to have. Other deposit types in the eastern cemetery include two cenotaphs as well as â??placedâ?? deposits of vessels possibly associated with the mortuary rite.",-100,250,43,22,21,6,22,10,4,29,,,,,7,7,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 9156,"Six neonates were buried within four of the SFBs on the main part of the settlement. To the east of the main SFB enclosure a small cemetery consisting of three inhumations and three cremations were found in a close group. All six included associated pottery, with one cremation was accompanied by four vessels. To the south of this group were a further three burials placed within the corners of fields adjacent to the trackway. Two of these contained cremations, whilst one included an inhumation. A further group of three inhumations were excavated to the east.",100,300,18,5,13,5,1,7,1,5,,,,6,3,5,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 9157,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9158,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9159,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9160,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9161,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9162,"A small cemetery enclosure contained three cremations and four inhumations. The cremations and one of the adult inhumations contained grave goods, the latter a wooden box. The cremations were all found unurned but each included a number of accessory vessels. Two cremations included Samian dishes/platters which were lain with small animal bones. The third cremation included a flagon which sealed the body of a small bird. A small inhumation grave, c.1m long, contained the remains of a small coffin (identified from the arrangement of nails in the grave) which, presumably contained the remains of an infant, though the bones did not survive.",70,100,7,3,4,1,,1,,6,,,,4,2,1,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 9163,Two cremation burials were recovered to the north-east of the site from the lining of a sewer and may have been part of a cemetery.,150,250,2,2,,,,,,1,,,,2,,2,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9164,"Although the specialist report is not provided with the excavation report, the later gives some details on the human remains excavated. The burials were always lain supine, often in coffins. The tree decapitated burial had their skulls placed at their feet.",275,375,55,,55,,,,6,34,,3,,43,23,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9165,"Of most interest were two inhumation warrior-burials dated on the ceramics to AD10-50, a possible urned cremation burial, a minimum of four late Iron Age unurned cremation burials, one pyre site with burial and five other cremation-related deposits. The material has only been assessed so far, though the human bone from the two inhumation warrior-burials was highly degraded. The cremated remains of a minimum of six individuals are represented (including one juvenile, one subadult/adult and two adults), and the unburnt remains of a minimum of three (one neonate â?? redeposited â?? and two adults). The first warrior burial contained the single body of an adult male, aged between 18 and 22 years. The body was placed within a â??coffinâ?? with a long sword lying down its left. It is also probable that a shield had been placed over the body of which only a circular stain could be determined above the area of the upper left leg. Three objects were recorded outside the â??coffinâ??: a long spear head, which had been thrust into the south-east wall of the grave just above the level of the body. A circular ring of bronze possibly associated with wood, which lay between the â??coffinâ?? and the west wall of the grave and in the north-east corner of the grave a Gallo-Belgic butt beaker dated 10BC-AD10.The second burial contained the single body of a probable adult male, aged between 18 and 22 years. The grave also contained a butt beaker, a terra nigra platter with stamp [CANICOS â??SN-] and a small carinated cup or bowl. A long sword was lain along the left side of the body and a spear, the iron head of which had been bent almost at a right angle, lay across the upper chest and right arm. A shield boss of conical form lay on the individual's left knee. At the north end of the grave a series of five iron objects were located lying in a line across the level of the ankles and a single brooch lay on the chest. Over the area of the groin, half a pig's head had been laid, the head having been apparently split down the middle.",-50,100,7,5,2,2,,1,1,4,,,,2,2,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 9166,"The human remains appear to indicate the presence of a young adult female, below the age of 30.",-70,-50,1,1,,,1,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9167,Remains of three neonates/infants were recovered from pits in the floor of the basement. These may have been of early date.,75,150,3,,3,,,3,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 9168,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9169,"Five burial groups are thought to have been identified, with nine possibly discovered. These were excavated by workmen with a mechanical digger, but most of the pottery survives in tact. All included cinerary urns and accessory vessel, though no small finds were recovered. Human remains were described where described where possible though no demographic information was given..",100,150,5,5,,,,,,,,,,5,,5,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 9170,"A stone mausoleum within the walled enclosure contained a stone sarcophagus and two lead coffins, each with the skeleton of a child. In one coffin was a gold chain set with stone, two gold snake bracelets and a gold ring. At least five cremation burials also associated with the mausoleum, two large glass urns being contained within a large stone box and lid. Between the urns were two pairs of leather shoes. All other cremations were within ceramic urns, one with two pottery jugs and two Samian dishes.",150,250,7,5,2,,,,2,,,,,5,2,5,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 9171,"Two cremations were uncovered at the site in close proximity to one another. One dating to the late 1stC AD included three ceramic vessels including a Samian platter, a flagon and an unknown vessel. These had been placed over the cremated remains of an adult female (c.30 years), which also included a bird bone of unspecified species. The second cremation of an unsexed adult (c.50 years) was placed in an almost complete poppyhead beaker and included another bird bone. The cremated remains of a second individual, a young female (c.18 years) was also placed in the pit but outside the urn. Fragments from a glass vessel were also present in the fill. This deposit dated late 1st-mid-2ndC AD. See site summary for pyre debris areas.",75,150,2,2,,,2,,,3,,,,2,,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 9172,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9173,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9174,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9175,"A single right humerus from a large male was found in a pit. The specimen appears to have been broken in antiquity and possibly came from a disturbed burial, perhaps already disarticulated. The feature was not dated in the report, though it appears to have been sealed.",-50,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9176,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9177,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 9178,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10004,"A complete and decorated grog-tempered jar was used as an urn to contain a young adult male along with a number of game counters (see site summary). This burial may also have been associated with a dog skeleton, deposited 2 feet away in the same pit.",50,150,1,1,,1,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 10005,"A small quantity of human bone was recorded among the animal bones. Those from Roman phases included rib, long bone and cranium fragments.",100,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10007,A early cremation is noted from the site but was badly disturbed. The deposit possibly included a number of accessory vessels.,-50,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 10008,The disarticulated femur from a young female was recovered from the late Iron Age alluvial filling of a boundary ditch. The excavator suggests that this may have been deliberately deposited as disarticulated material.,-100,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10009,Some human remains were noted but were unstratified.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10010,"The pottery consists of the urns from five burials, each accompanied by accessory vessels, and ranges in date From the Roman conquest up to not later than AD100. The cemetery is broadly contemporary with the earlier part of the Haslemere cemetery. The pottery groups are described in detail by Holmes (1950).",43,100,5,5,,,,,,,,,,5,,5,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 10011,"A total of six features were identified as having burnt/calcined bone suspected of being of human origin and each lies within a restricted area of the settlement. All of the possible cremations are very likely to pre-date the period of villa construction. Although some remains could be identified as human, much of the bone was too burnt and fragmented and could not be identified to anatomical element, or even species. One feature also included animal bone, iron nails and pottery sherds of 2nd century date.",50,200,6,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 10012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10013,,250,400,1,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10015,"Five in-situ neonate burials were found within a confined area of Area 5, dating to the 1st/2ndC AD, where relatively little activity was encountered. All the graves were respected by subsequent Roman features, with the exception of later graves, suggesting that the early graves were not always individually marked, but that it was a restricted area is that it was specifically set aside for the purpose of burial. This small group may have formed part of a â??family plotâ??. One further neonatal burial and parts of a minimum of four other neonates redeposited in later features were recovered from all parts of the main island. The in-situ remains of an adult female were found in the upper fill of a late 3rd/4thC AD ditch in Area 2, and redeposited bone from this female and at least one other adult, a male, were also recovered from deposits within the immediate vicinity.",50,400,7,,7,1,1,9,,2,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 10016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10017,A neonate was recovered in a shallow pit with grave goods buried beneath one of the timber buildings excavated on the Barclays Bank site and must have pre-dated AD125.,50,125,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 10018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10025,,50,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10027,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10028,See site summary for context of the burial.,75,100,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 10029,"Remains of neonates were recovered from 16 separate contexts. None were recovered as complete skeletons, though each probably represented individuals. The specialist notes that more neonates were found in this area of the Roman town compared to at the Friends' Burial site, and probably represent deliberate burials close to the main area of habitation, close to the main road. One individual was found to have been c.6-7months old at death, whilst the remainder all appeared to have been new born.",75,250,16,,16,,,16,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 10030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10040,"The infant burial was placed in a circular pit whilst the adult inhumations were buried in sub-rectangular graves. No grave goods were found with the burials though tile in the backfills give a date of c.AD120. A fourth burial, a juvenile, was also recovered from the area though no grave cut was identified. No further analysis was made on any of these remains. The disarticulated remains of further neonatal/infant individuals was also recovered, which had likely been disturbed from their place of deposition. An urned cremation was deposited at a later date to the inhumations, contemporary with the early phase of villa construction, and was placed within the vicinity of the bathhouse.",100,200,5,1,4,,,1,1,2,1,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10041,"The heavily truncated remains of eight cremations were excavated, six of which were found with urns. These had primarily been placed in small burial pits, though one came from a larger pit; this feature may have been disturbed. Three of the urns were small, hand-made everted rim jars dating to the 1st or early 2ndC AD. Two of the graves included burnt remains of animal bone from an unidentified species, though several ribs are suggested to have come from a lamb or piglet. One of the graves also included a copper-alloy object, probably part of a bracelet.",43,150,8,8,,1,,,,7,,,,2,,6,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 10042,"The grave contained no burial goods, though the backfill contained late Iron Age/1stC AD pottery. However, radiocarbon-dating placed the individual between c.AD250-400.",250,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 10043,Isolated burials recovered.,50,250,3,1,2,,,3,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 10044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10049,No data - see site summary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10051,"One inhumation burial was found to have been extremely shallow, lying on, or just below, the surface of the brickearth. The body appeared to have been buried in a semi-crouched position, with the upper part of the torso being supine, whilst the pelvis and legs, which were bent at the knees, inclined towards the right. The right arm lay across the chest, and the left arm across the abdomen. No finds were recovered from the grave fill, but a radiocarbon date indicated a date c.AD70-130. A second burial was supine, with the right leg extended and the left leg bent at the knee, the right hand lay across the waist, and the left wrist lay beneath the left femur. The skull may have also lay in an approximately vertical position. The inhumation could not be carbon-dated, but lay close to a dog burial. Three definite cremation burials and two possible cremations were also excavated. One 2ndC AD unurned pit burial produced a variety of associated and prestigious artefacts, consisting two enamelled copper-alloy brooches which had been joined together by a copper alloy chain, three glass vessels, and a small Samian bowl which was upturned within the soil. Other cremations were dated late 2nd/3rdC AD and an urned cremation dated late 3rd/early 4thC AD. One is possibly a bustum.",75,350,7,5,2,,,,,2,,,2,3,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 10052,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10054,"Four burials were recovered from the site, though two cremations were 1stC AD and two inhumations appeared to be late 4th/early 5thC AD. Both inhumations included evidence of timber-lining and grave goods included fossils, hones and one with a jet Chi-Rho-inscripted finger ring. It must be noted here that, although the report uncritically proposed the features to have been graves, the fact that no human remains were recovered possibly indicates that these may have been shrines rather than burials. The features certainly respect the 1stC AD ring ditch enclosure and suggest continued ritual activity.",50,450,4,2,2,,,,,2,,,,3,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 10055,"Two inhumation burials were recovered from the site, one lain supine with hands placed across their abdomen and pelvis, whilst the other, located approximately 3m to the north-west of the first, contained a crouched individual with the arms awkwardly placed. The front of the skull faced the opposite direction to the bent knees and seems unlikely to be so-positioned entirely as a result of post depositional soil movements. The grave was cut by a medieval ditch 106, and though few finds were recovered from the fills of either grave, the former produced four sherds of prehistoric pottery and struck flint. However, this individual was buried wearing Roman hobnailed footwear. The dating of the crouched burial is more ambiguous, but it to be of similar date to the first by association, especially as both burials were orientated in a north-south direction. Demographic information awaits specialist examination.",200,400,2,,2,,,,,2,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 10056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10057,"Twelve to fifteen cremation burials consisted of quantities of burnt bone and charcoal, sometimes but not always contained in vessels (though where present only the bases of these survived), in small, usually shallow, pits. Finds recovered suggest that the site may have been used as a cemetery over a period between the 1st century BC/1st century AD and into the 2nd century AD. Some of the burials contained grave goods.",-50,150,12,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 10058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10059,"A number of inhumations were identified and though not dated, they appear from circumstantial evidence to be prehistoric in date.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10061,"One cremation burial was set in a sub-oval pit with a centrally placed mid-Roman Alice Holt greyware jar, containing calcined bone along with a number of iron hobnails and other objects. The burial was found to have been from an adult. Dating of the burial is difficult though the form of the jar suggests that it cam from the later Alice Holt phase. Some 80m to the west of the urned burial, an unurned cremation contained two fill deposits, with most of the artefactual material residing in the upper fill. A single iron hobnail suggests the grave belonged to the Roman period. The calcined human bone recovered also suggests the interment of a single adult.",100,400,2,2,,,,,,2,,,,2,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 10062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10063,"A small group of three graves were found in the south-east of the Tilly's Lane West, British Gas Site. Four neonatal skeletons were recovered, one grave containing the remains of two individuals probably resulting from a single burial. Residual later Iron Age/early Romano-British pottery was recovered from one grave fill, and early Romano-British pottery from the fill of one underlying pit.",50,200,3,,3,,,4,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 10064,"A number of features contained burnt bone, however the majority consisted of poor quality small fragments, and only bone from one pit could be confirmed as human. Despite this, the excavator argued that two other features formed likely urned cremations, due to the nature of the features and the deposited material they contained. One of the urned cremations included burnt bone, charcoal, calcined flint, daub and ironstone. Also, a group of rounded white pebbles in the basal fill may also have been of some significance. The other urned cremation feature included a miniature cup which appeared to be late Iron Age in date given the pottery in the upper fills of the feature. This unusual item was carefully placed, suggesting special treatment of the material within the feature, which also contained a range of other materials throughout its fills, and a high proportion of burnt bone. Two other unurned cremations were also possibly present, though the bone could not be identified to species.",1,200,3,3,,,,,,,,,,3,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 10065,"26 burials were found in total, including digging in local gardens, 20 of which came from the excavations. Seven of these were properly identified and dated. There appeared to be two areas of burial, the first dating between the conquest and c.AD80 and the second between AD80 and AD120. No demographic information was retrieved.",50,120,26,26,,,,,,,,,,26,,26,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 10066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 10068,As noted in the site summary the burials were recovered in the 1930s and we know very little about the excavation. No study of any human remains were made.,50,225,5,5,,,,,,,,,,,,5,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11001,"A single cremation burial was interred in the upper layers of the enclosure ditch, possibly indicating its cessation of use. Whilst the cremation was disturbed, pottery evidence suggests that it was urned. No specialist analysis was carried out on the human remains, possibly due to its disturbed condition.",75,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 11002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11006,"It was clear from the contextual analysis of the remains that only portions of the body were, in many cases, taken from the pyre site and deposited as a discrete cremation burial. Many remains were still found in the pyre locations or placed in other features. Only four of the Iron Age burials were found to have been urned. 24 were likely to have been female, whilst only five could be identified as possible males. The majority of the remains were adult, though all age categories were present. 23 of the 31 Roman burials were found to have been urned. Eight were found to have been female, whilst only four were identified as male. Two were infants, two subadult, with the remainder probably adults. Animal bone was relatively common in cremation features, with pig and sheep/goat most common, though other than cattle no other species were identified. Wooden boxes and caskets are also noted to have been placed in some burials, including being used as cinerary vessels.",-100,150,197,197,,9,32,5,15,146,,,,,,27,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 11007,The bones of an infant (below two years) was recovered from a shallow grave in one of the bath-house rooms.,300,400,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 11008,"A Romano-British inhumation cemetery has been purported to have been identified in the field to the north-east of the villa during the 19th century. This may have been a cemetery associated with the villa itself. No details on the remains are given, though see site report for references).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11011,"The burials were all urned and each contained a number of accessory vessels. They were clustered closely together within a small area of just under 3m?. One group included the remains of two individuals, deposited in separate urns, giving a total number of six cremations amongst the five burials. All the remains were found to have been from adults, whilst one was possibly female. Locally, regional and imported wares were all present across the burials, whilst a small iron plate and fragments of three small copper-alloy conical lion-head mounts indicate the presence of a box or casket. Cremated animal bone was recovered in single fragments from four burials. The only identifiable fragment was a cattle molar.",150,225,5,5,,,1,,,6,,,,5,,5,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 11012,Human skeletal material recovered in 1987 appears to represent a medieval inhumation. Other human remains were found in an Iron Age pit during the 1977 excavations.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11015,Two probable cremation burials were disturbed by construction workers close to the villa. Further burials were noted to have been observed in the trenches but no details could be discerned in the records.,100,250,2,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 11016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11025,An infant burial was recovered from a shallow deposit associated with 2ndC AD pottery.,100,200,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 11026,No burials were identified on site during the excavations. A single human bone fragment found probably represents a disarticulated specimen or material from a disturbed context.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11032,"Only 11 grave groups are described in the report, though these are likely to have been only a small proportion of the overall cemetery. The grave group all date from the 2ndC to the early 4thC AD",75,350,11,10,1,,,,,,,,,11,,10,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 11033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11034,Two crouched burials in pits belonged to the third phase of Iron Age occupation though probably date to the 3rd/2ndC BC. A male and female were present; the latter possessed a shale bracelet. Part of a human skull was found in a Roman pit (see site summary).,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11035,"Human remains, probably from one individual, were found scattered disarticulated through the upper fill of one of the ditches.",-100,-1,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 11036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11037,"An unsexed adult was recovered with hobnails, burial urn and fine grey ware pot. The other included a complete Samian dish which rested as a lid on the grey ware pot which acted as the urn. The Samian dish had a graffito on its base reading FERNA. The urn also contained the remains of a wooden box.",150,250,2,2,,,1,,,2,,,,2,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 11038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11040,"Three inhumations were placed into the foundations of the north wing. These post date the abandonment of the site and may be early Saxon, though the dating is uncertain.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11043,Some disarticulated human bone was recovered from the ditch on the late Iron Age settlement. This may have been deposited in association with infant dog remains.,-100,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 11044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11046,"Immediately adjacent to a wall foundation, within the villa was a well preserved neo-natal burial. The body had been carefully placed in the foetal position.",,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 11047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11048,An undated cremation burial lay at the periphery of one of the northern paddocks.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11052,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11054,The unurned adult cremation was placed in the upper fill of the BA enclosure ditch. The young infant was urned and included cremated sheep bones as remains of pyre goods.,-100,50,2,2,,,,1,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 11055,"An urned cremation was recovered south of the main settlement area, which contained two individuals: an adult male and a sub-adult. The adult male showed signs of exocytosis on the femur shaft. A 1stC AD fibula brooch was recovered from within the urn.",50,150,1,1,,1,,,1,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 11056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11057,No data - wrong report supplied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11064,"A rectangular feature with areas of iron work visible on the surface was excavated from which three pottery vessels (from Normandy) were first identified at the north western end of the feature resting against one of a few iron â??barsâ?? to come from the grave. These were thought to be coffin fittings, but are now suggested to be the remains of a bed or chair which was placed over the body of an adult male inhumation. Other grave goods included a shield boss, which was a bow tie shaped copper alloy object, a helmet with an incised corded decoration around the rim (thought to have been from Italy), two copper alloy semi-circular sheets with cut-out lattice work decoration, one overlying the helmet. Also, an iron object with a bronze ring was identified as a sword, deliberately bent prior to deposition in the grave, perhaps representing symbolic destruction of the sword. A second bronze ring was as a baldric or belt hang for the sword. Sampling of the darker areas of fill at the southern end of the grave may represent organic deposits that had been placed within the grave. The skeleton was not in a good state of preservation. The skull and jaw had moved away from the spine suggesting that the head had been resting on a pillow at the time of burial. The skull and mandible suggest that the body was that of a male over the age of 30. The bones closest to the Bronze work were in a much better state of preservation than those away from it and appears that the warrior was a right-handed individual as the bone growth is much more pronounced in the right arm than in the left. Oxygen isotope analysis of the individuals teeth indicate that he may have spent the early years of his life in southern Europe.",-100,-50,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 11065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11068,"The pottery assemblage contains two truncated vessels, one of which still contained cremated bone when lifted. It is suggested that the vessels were produced in the kiln excavated at the Horticultural Research International site at Littlehampton, and date to the first/early 2ndC AD. Single individuals were thought to come from the vessels, though the material was only scanned.",50,150,2,2,,,,,,2,,,,,,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11069,"Evidence for Iron Age cremation was recovered, but this is likely to be early. No LIA/Roman burial evidence was ascertained.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11070,"An urned Roman cremation burial was recorded, which also contained a smaller vessel, and numerous iron nails. Both pottery vessels appear to date from the very early Roman period. The urn was found to contain a single individual, younger than 14 years of age.",40,100,1,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 11071,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11072,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11073,"The body of an adult female was recovered from a pit that was said to have been associated with the masonry structure at the site. The burial is described to have been laid in a huddle on its side and was not thought of as 'a proper burial' by the excavators, but the description appears more likely to indicate a crouched inhumation. Pottery and quern fragments were also found in the pit, but it is uncertain whther these were grave goods or part of the backfill. Unfortunately, although pottery was recovered it was not dated, so the burial can only be assumed to have been Roman in date, though an Iron Age date cannot be ruled out without supporting evidence.",,,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 11074,Two complete pots were speculated to have been part of an unurned cremation placed in the main flue just before the corndrier was filled in.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11075,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11076,A human jaw bone was found in the 'Celtic' zone.,-100,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11077,"Smith (pers. com.) notes the presence of 10 4thC AD inhumations at the site, presumably the originators of the subsequent Anglo-Saxon cemetery at the site (need to find source publication: Welch, M.G. 1976 'Highdown and its Anglo-Saxon cemetery', Worthing Museum & Art Gallery publication 11).",300,400,10,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11078,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11079,"Boyd Dawkins records 5 cremation burials, two inside the mansio enclosure and three outside it. The burials were very well appointed, one placed in a deep grave cutting with stone lining and placed on top of a chalk flooring and all five placed with a wooden chest, some also with urns. Three were badly disturbed by workmen. However, three included animal bone (including instances of cattle horncores and associated teeth, pig teeth and a horse mandible), with single finds of a bronze fibula, bronze bracelet, tanned leather fragments, a pair of leather sandals, a bronze (hair?)pin, a coin of Hadrian (found inside the amphora). Other finds included coarse ware cinerary urns and other pottery, plus Samian and part of an amphora. Winbolt noted another cremation dating to the second half of the 1stC AD, with the remains of a young woman in the urn.",50,200,6,6,,,1,,,1,,,,5,,6,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 11080,A neonate burial is noted on the plan as having been found in Room 9 (presumably in the foundations).,150,400,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 11081,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11082,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 11083,"Two neonatal inhumations were found associated with the roundhouse in the southern enclosure and likely date to the late Iron Age. A cremation burial within an urn has no detail about its contexts but may be early Roman. A 2ndC AD lead coffin included the inhumed remains of a juvenile, c.12-17 years, but which was unsexed. Also buried in the coffin was a glass vessel containing a second cremation. The glass vessel dated to the 2ndC AD. The cremations included remains of unsexed adults.",-100,200,5,2,3,,,2,1,2,,,,,1,2,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 11084,A grave containing an extended inhumation of an adult male was cut into the latest filling of the ditch at Site A. This was undated but may have represented the final phase of activity at the site and is here suggested to be 2ndC AD.,100,200,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12001,A single inhumation may be attributable to the Roman period based upon the recovery of hobnails.,50,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 12002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12008,The cremated remains of a neonate were found in a colander/sieve made c.AD75-100 and was placed at the base of a ditch with the cremated remains of a pig and a sheep. This ditch appears to have filled in quite rapidly after the initial deposit was made.,75,150,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 12009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12010,"Only two cremations were fully excavated. Some, if not all, may have been deposited after the abandonment of the enclosure. All three contained ancillary vessels.",75,200,3,3,,1,,,,2,,,,3,,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 12011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12013,"Two disarticulated human bones were recovered, though the context is uncertain.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12015,Human remains from a 'juvenile' were recovered from a posthole.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12018,Some redeposited bone was found - possibly all Bronze Age.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12019,"A number of undated cremations were recorded but since some cremations were Bronze and Iron Age in date, these are not included here. None of the remains were more closely dated than 'Roman', and some of the cremations may have been young adults.",50,350,5,5,,,,,,5,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12020,"Two cremation burials were found to be contemporary with the trackway and field-system, and were specifically pre-Conquest. Both had been plough damaged. In one burial, cremated remains were placed at the centre, possibly in a bag/pouch. This was accompanied by three brooches, one burnt. Around this was arranged nine ancillary vessels, including a platter upon which a knife was placed. The second burial was poorly preserved and was further truncated. But as with the first burial, cremated remains were centrally placed with six vessels surrounding it. No other grave goods were found, though pig remains were found in both deposits, from at least three young animals.",20,40,2,2,,,,,,2,,,,2,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 12021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12024,Burial evidence concerned an urned cremation and two examples of cremated bone possibly redeposited in a ditch fill. All of the contexts dated to the early Roman period. The urned burial included the remains of an adult female (>30years). Cremated sheep bone was also included in this burial. The redeposited remains were from young people.,50,200,1,1,,,1,1,1,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 12025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12028,Three likely cremations were uncovered in nearby Church Close lying about 1m apart from each other. These were poorly preserved though only two included broken pottery. One vessel was identified as wheel-thrown 1stC AD.,50,150,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12029,"Adult and infant human remains were recovered from a pit with a horse skeleton. The deposit was undated and could be prehistoric. However, further disarticulated human bone (plus at least 3 further infants) was also found in the 1stC AD ditch fills and in the ditch terminal associated with a sheep skeleton.",40,100,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 12030,Remains of a neonate were recovered from a 'posthole' associated with the villa.,200,400,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 12031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12033,"Pottery in the backfill of the grave was all late Roman. One Portchester type dish was possibly a grave good. One of males was wearing hobnailed boots whilst an iron nail was found inside his mouth. Two of the burials included animal bone, one sheep and one cattle. Horse and pig was found in the backfill. The female was laid in a prone position, whilst both males were flexed on their sides.",280,400,3,,3,2,1,,,3,1,,2,2,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 12034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12038,A possible Bronze Age cremation was the only evidence for burial activity.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12039,"A pit group to the west of the main settlement, but not contemporary with it, included a miniature vessel, a small piece of burnt bone, and coins. The pottery dates to the late 4thC AD and possibly beyond. No evidence for pyre material was recovered, other than the single piece of bone, which puts the cremation interpretation in doubt, though it was suggested that the pyre material may have been deposited separately outside the excavated area.",350,450,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 12040,"The cremation cemetery contained 16 urned burials, 2 unurned burials, and three pits. Some included hobnails, others included remains of possible brooches, whilst one contained a mirror. No traces of animal bone was recovered. Some burial pits contained more than one cremation deposit. The bone material was generally poorly preserved.",75,175,18,18,,1,,2,1,13,,,,5,,14,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 12041,"The burial proved to be an adult, possibly female, placed on the left side with flexed legs and the head to the north-west. Handmade iron nails were found in two distinct layers, mainly behind the head and feet with a few at the side of the inhumation. A number of these had mineralised wood adhering to the shafts and would have been from a plain, plank-built wooden coffin. A series of iron hobnails and plates or leather clips from the footwear identified the burial as Roman. The evidence does not allow for precise phasing, but the character of the burial suggests that it is most likely to date between the late second and fourth centuries AD.",150,400,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,1,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12042,"just to the east of the field enclosures, either side of an undated curvilinear boundary, were the remains of two cremation burials. One had been placed within a concave, sub-circular pit, and included a partly truncated central accessory vessel of early-mid 1stC AD date. A small amount of cremated bone was recovered, though more cremated bone was found concentrated around the base of the vessel and within the basal pit fill. Approximately 6m to the north, a second possible cremation burial was found, but had been far more heavily disturbed. The burial pit contained a single fill and the truncated bases of two adjacent, upright pedestal-based vessels at the eastern edge of the pit and fragments of a third pot were recovered from within the fill of the pit. All three vessels were of early-mid 1stC AD date. No cremated human remains were recovered, but the position and nature of the vessels strongly suggest that the pit originally contained a cremation burial. A possible brooch pin was found with one of the cremations.",25,75,2,2,,,,,,1,,,,2,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 12043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12047,One undated inhumation was recovered.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12052,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12054,The inhumation of a flexed adult male remains undated.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12055,"Antiquarian excavation revealed a late Roman cemetery of 30 graves spread over 0.4ha, 500m east of the temple. All apparently supine and aligned east-west. Included one lead coffin containing a coin and brick. No further information. In addition an adult skeleton was found in one of the wells south-east of the temple.",250,400,30,,30,,,,,,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 12056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12057,"Disarticulated human bone fragments represented at least one young adult, or adolescent. The remains included fragments of a human skull and an scapula were recovered from the fill of a 2ndC AD ditch.",100,200,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 12061,"A heavily truncated LIA cremation was found in the north-east corner of the site, seemingly isolated from other features though north of the curvilinear field boundary. The burial, which could not be sexed or aged, was placed in a wheel-made grog-tempered vessel which suggests that it dated to the very end of the Iron Age. Fragments from a copper alloy sheet are suggestive of a metal grave good.",1,50,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 12062,"The two possible pyre sites dated to the 1st and early 2ndC AD, but no specific cremation burials were located. Some human bone was found around the pyre sites, including teeth, phalanges and a mandible possibly from an infant. These were found alongside burnt remains of cattle and sheep. Disarticulated bone (part of human skull) was found elsewhere. The inhumations were all dated to the 4thC (from AD324) and possibly into the 5thC, and included 10 adults, 4 males and 6 females. All were placed in wooden coffin, with one of the women, elderly (over 50 years) was placed in a lead coffin within an outer wooden one. All the bodies had coins, but the only pot deliberately placed with a burial was a 4thC AD drinking jar with the elderly woman in the lead coffin. A possible bone comb was also placed with the elderly woman who also had remains of common box leaves, perhaps a wreath, in her grave. A large horse scapula had been sawn through and placed with another of the inhumation burials.",325,425,10,,10,4,6,,,10,,,,10,10,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 12063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13001,"44 bones from a disturbed infant burial within an enclosure ditch. Also a female adult inhumation with accompanying neonate and two adult cremation burials. Also a scatter of other human bone within the site, including a group in a layer overlying a mosaic.",100,450,4,2,2,,1,2,,3,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13002,"A late Iron Age-early Roman cremation cemetery (17 burials) associated with the settlement on the spur of the hill to the south of the main enclosure. They formed a linear arrangement 14x4m. Six cremated remains placed in pots, and most contained grave goods - 15 with pottery vessels (bowls, flasks, cups, jars, platters and beakers), 4 with brooches, one with melon bead, one with key and glass beads and 14 with animal remains (sheep, bird, cattle and pig). Also a cremation burial inserted into the temple mausoleum ambulatory and disarticulated adult human bone (at least one female) came from within the main sunken chamber. A further 8 burials from near the shrine are thought to be sub-Roman in date and are not included here. A probable mid 2nd C casket cremation burial lay beneath the ambulatory floor of the later temple mausoleum. At least 40 human bones came from the central sunken cella of the mausoleum - at least 4 adults, including one female. Coffined 4th C inhumation burial (25-35 year old supine female) lay in enclosure ditch of late Roman shrine.",1,150,18,18,,10,5,,3,12,,,,15,,6,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 13003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13005,A single child's cremation burial within a fragmentary urn in the main enclosure.,50,100,1,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13006,"A single cremation burial, badly truncated, possibly contained within a pottery vessel. Accompanied by a 1st c AD brooch.",50,100,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 13007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13014,"A row of four inhumation burials, all aligned N-S with heads to north. Lower halves of graves truncated. Two male burials were buried prone. Other disarticulated remains in later features probably represent disturbed burials. No grave goods.",240,420,4,,4,3,1,,,4,2,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13015,A single late Roman adult supine inhumation burial. Also a fragment of human adult mandible from an enclosure gully.,250,350,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13016,Fragments of human skull from outside of the east wall of the bath suite.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13017,"The first defined cemetery dated to the 2nd C and lay on the NE side of the main settlement enclosure. This comprised 12 cremations and an inhumation burial. Grave goods with the cremations include pottery vessels (dishes, flasks, jars, beakers), glass vessels, iron lamp and lamp hanger & copper alloy mirror. Also animal remains. One casket burial. Coffined inhumation accompanied by a miniature 2nd C beaker, but radiocarbon dated to 3rd-4th C. Eight other cremations of 1st-2nd C AD date were scattered throughout the site, 6 urned. The scatter of burials was probably the norm until the cemetery established in the 2nd C. Two adult supine inhumation burials to the SE of the settlement, one radiocarbon dated AD 266-550, so possibly even post-Roman. An isolated skull also found in same area.",50,225,21,20,1,,,,1,20,,,,10,1,12,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 13018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13021,"A late Iron Age-early Roman cremation cemetery on the SW facing slope of the valley overlooking the river. 11 burials clustered in one area bounded by a field ditch, with 3 others 40m to the south. 4 other burials dispersed across site. Most burials dated to 1st C AD (7 in first half), and the 3 isolated burials may be slighter later (early 2nd C). 11 cremations placed in urns and only 3 had no grave goods (though these were badly truncated). Pottery vessels most frequent (in 10 graves; dishes, bowls, beakers, flagons, jars and cups; 3 burials with 7 vessels each) and also brooches in 4 graves (one burial with 5), toilet set, a phallic bone handle, iron disk and 7 graves with charred and unburnt animal remains (sheep/goat, cattle, pig and chicken). Also a large number of uncharred fruit seeds (including grape, fig, blackberry/raspberry and possible strawberry).",1,150,18,18,,2,1,,1,15,,,,15,,11,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 13022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13023,The poorly preserved lower legs of a probable inhumation burial were identified in one trench but uncertain if Roman.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13025,Oval grave within main enclosure with fragmentary remains of a crouched inhumation.,250,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 13026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13027,"An urned cremation beside the trackway, dated to the latest Iron Age or very early Roman period, probably associated with two other possible cremations on the east side of the track. A left humerus belonging to an infant recovered from early Roman pit.",1,50,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13032,"An isolated highly truncated urned cremation burial in a small pit. Only the base of the Roman vessel survived and contained a small amount of cremated bone of an adult, possibly female.",100,200,1,1,,,1,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13035,"An adult male supine inhumation burial adjacent to a late Iron Age ditch may be contemporary. A group of five urned cremation burials (and one unurned, radiocarbon dated cal AD 60-140) dating from early 1st to early 2nd C AD lay just beyond the largest settlement enclosure. The earliest (c AD 10) accompanied by 8 ancillary vessels (along with domestic fowl bones, glass beads/counters and metalwork fragments), with 3 more dated AD 40-70, all accompanied by 4-6 ancillary vessels. Final burial dated early 2nd C and accompanied by 5 vessels. All grave vessels comprised flagons, dishes, bowls and beakers and included terra nigra, terra rubra and samian. Other grave goods comprise a brooch, sling shot, perforated whetstone and glass vessel (unguent bottle). Two groups of disarticulated bones and three redeposited groups of cremated remains.",10,120,7,6,1,2,1,,,7,,,,6,,5,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 13036,"Extensive late Iron Age-early Roman (c AD 10-40 to c AD 120-150) cremation cemetery of 44 burial pits (containing 53-55 individuals), located in the SW part of the excavated site of Area 1, most grouped within distinct enclosures (though two lay outside this area to the west, and a single unurned cremation burial lay in Area 2, radiocarbon dated to cal 50BC â?? AD 90). The dating of the cremations in the main cemetery provides a clear chronological sequence (based on stratigraphy, grave goods and C14 dates): 1) 9 cremation burials are pre-conquest: 5 urned, 6 with grave goods (6 with brooch; 5 with pot; 3 with animal bone), 8 adult, 1 juvenile, 4 female, 1 male. 2) 23 are mid-late 1st C AD: 10 urned, 17 with grave goods (5 with brooch; 16 with pot; 1 with iron spear ferrule, 1 with bone toggle, 3 with glass bead, 1 with lamp hook, 1 with finger ring, 1 with hobnails, 11 with animal bone), 23 adult, 7 infant, 1 juvenile (8 multiple burials), 4 female, 1 male. 3) 5 early-mid 2nd C AD: 3 urned, 5 with grave goods (5 with pot; 2 with hobnails; 1 with iron chain, nails, bone scroll terminal, hairpin, spoon handle & glass unguent vessel (all same burial); 2 with animal remains), 5 adult, 1 infant (1 multiple burial), 2 female. 4) 7 undated (1st-2nd C AD): all unurned, no grave goods, 7 adult, 1 infant (1 multiple burial), 1 male. Most associated animal remains comprised pig or domestic fowl. In addition, were three inhumation burials; A probable early Roman inhumation to the west of the farmstead (young adult male); A mid Roman grave found north of the cremation cemetery (adult supine male), and late Roman grave (radiocarbon dated cal 250-410) found in the former cremation cemetery area (old adult supine male). Two four post structures within the burials zone may have been excarnation platforms. Some disarticulated bone. Note: date range given here is just for the cremation cemetery",10,150,48,44,3,6,10,9,2,46,,,,28,,18,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 13037,"A discrete human burial was located towards the south end of the excavated area, comprising a non-coffined, extended inhumation of a young adult female, orientated east-west. Assumed to be late Roman in date.",200,400,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13038,"A Roman cremation burial, the ashes placed within a flagon, which was accompanied by a range of grave goods including an adze-hammer, a lead lamp, two glass vessels and eight ceramic vessels, both samian and coarse wares. Evidence of food offerings was found in some of the latter. The whole assemblage had been interred within a wooden box. From the ceramic evidence, the burial appeared to date from the latter half of the second century AD. It is suggested that the adze-hammer may indicate the burial is of some kind of wood worker.",150,200,1,1,,1,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 13039,"Mostly complete but disarticulated adult male skeleton, situated under the floor of the temple ambulatory in the entryway. Bones were skeletonised before insertion - probably a previous burial. Associated with a coin.",200,300,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 13040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13041,"A single isolated and richly furnished cremation burial with an amphora used for a cinerary urn. Other grave goods comprise three nearly complete glass bottles and the base of a fourth, three plain samian vessels, other pottery vessels, two enamelled brooches, a bone pin, hobnails, glass bead, fragments of a mirror, and various small pieces of iron, some with studs and with traces of wood adhering to one side, which seem to be the bindings of a wooden box. In one of the samian dishes was the remains of a substance that was found to be frankincense.",125,175,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 13042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13044,"A small isolated pit within an angle formed by field ditches contained a cremation burial within and around a shell-tempered jar and accompanied by a whiteware flagon and local bag-shaped beaker. Likely to be 3rd C AD in date. A further deposit of cremated human bone found in another pit, accompanied by iron nails. This remains undated but may be contemporary.",200,300,2,2,,,,,,2,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 13045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13046,"A single early Roman cremation burial, with remains within a small 1st C AD jar. Beneath this was a further deposit of cremated remains along with 102-130 iron nails, mainly hobnails. During what was presumed to be the late Roman period, five inhumations were inserted into one of the Bronze Age barrows. One was a decapitation burial. No grave goods. No analysis of skeletal material in report.",50,400,6,1,5,,,,,1,,1,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 13047,"Remains of three burials, an infant and two neonates, in the terminus of a ditch and an adjacent pit. The infant (2-3 years) lay on its back with legs flexed. It is possible the neonatal remains may have been disarticulated. Indications of severe iron deficiency anaemia with the infant.",200,400,3,,3,,,3,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13049,"Four inhumation and two adult cremation burials, plus two findspots of isolated human bone, possibly representing disturbed burials. A sub-adult female inhumation was accompanied by a decorated copper alloy bracelet, while a female adult prone burial lay with hand behind back and a 4th c pottery vessel near head. An infant burial was accompanied by a copper alloy bracelet. One cremation burial was placed in a greyware jar (with chicken bone) and is only loosely dated. The burials were considered too widely spaced to have been a formal cemetery.",200,400,6,2,4,1,2,1,1,4,1,,,3,,1,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 13050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13052,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13053,"Small part of a mixed rite cemetery, with all graves within an enclosure. The earliest grave comprised an urned cremation of a young child (1-2 years), buried with an accessory vessel and an iron Colchester brooch, dating to the early/mid 1st C AD. Another disturbed urned cremation burial also contained accessory vessels along with a stone pendant and glass bead. Four inhumations (two adults, one infant, one child) were poorly dated but assumed to be early Roman. Only one possible associated find, a 3rd C double sided bone comb with an adult female, was presumed to be intrusive due to the disturbed nature of the grave. The female was prone. Disarticulated bone from the enclosure ditch.",1,150,6,2,4,1,1,2,1,2,1,,,2,,2,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 13054,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13056,"Human bone found in late Iron Age and Roman contexts, including 3 adult skull fragments, and fragments from neonates. One neonate skeleton was found in a late Iron Age pit",1,50,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13059,"Two urned adult cremation burials, probably part of a wider group, one probably female. One cremation contained an accessory vessel (beaker).",100,150,2,2,,,1,,,2,,,,1,,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 13060,"Part of an inhumation cemetery of at least 13 burials. All supine. No grave goods recorded and all orientated NW-SE, with heads to the west. Radiocarbon dated to the 2nd C AD. Three were certainly buried in coffins. This probably represents most of the cemetery.",100,200,13,,13,5,2,,3,9,,,,,3,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13062,"A group of seven cremation burials within an enclosure next to a Roman road where it forded a river. Three urned and one in a wooden box. All dated later 1st - early 2nd C AD. Six contained grave goods - pottery flagons, dishes (at least one samian), bowls and beakers & glass bowl and jars. Remains of a hare found in one cremation burial.",75,125,7,7,,1,,,2,4,,,,6,,4,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 13063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13064,"Three neonates buried in one of the rooms of the villa (western L-shaped room), along with bones of a dog, within a layer that pre-dated the main building. Disarticulated adult human skull fragments from a pit.",100,150,3,,3,,,3,,,,,,,,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13067,"Two urned cremation burials dating from late 1st/early 2nd C. Four infant burials occur in one room of the villa buildings, dated c AD 200. At the same time was a small inhumation cemetery to the east comprising 7 burials (including one a female and infant) - all in coffins and one prone. Two with grave goods (a worn 2nd C coin and a shoe). Other burials almost certainly present. Another cemetery dated c AD 300, in area of earlier cremations comprised at least 4 inhumations, with an infant buried within a lead-lined coffin. Another adult buried with a shoe and late Roman beaker.",100,350,17,2,15,1,1,6,,12,1,,,4,9,2,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 13068,"Two substantial burial mounds dating to the 2nd C AD. The previously unrobbed barrow contained a cremation burial in a square-bodied glass jug set on a limestone platform. It was accompanied by a second glass jug and the handle of a third, three samian vessels, two amphorae, a poppy-head beaker, bronze objects comprising two jugs, patera, dish and lamp, and a lozenge-shaped piece of gold. The robbed barrow only contained some disturbed stones which appeared to have been the base of a funeral pyre.",150,200,2,2,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 13069,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13071,Four inhumation burials found in 19th C close to the villa building and probably relating to the final post-villa phase. All accompanied by pottery vessels and coins.,350,450,4,,4,,,,,,,,,4,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 13072,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13074,"A total of 97 perinatal infant burials found during excavations, nearly all in individual graves confined to an area just north of the main villa buildings. Although dating evidence for this group is fairly wide, it is thought quite a number date from mid-late 2nd C AD. Two of the infant burials found within floor of southern building, perhaps as foundation deposits, dated 1st C AD? In addition 5 skeletons (3 adults, 2 juveniles) found on site within a deep pit or well covered by building material and further adult skull fragments found throughout the site.",60,400,102,,102,2,1,98,1,3,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13075,"A disturbed cremation burial within a ditch close to the Roman road was radiocarbon dated to the 2nd/early 3rd C AD. Accompanied by a ceramic jar. Also two adult female supine inhumation burials (buried in WNE-ESE-aligned earth-cut graves, with the heads at the east end) from same area, probably dating to 4th C AD.",150,400,3,1,2,,2,,,3,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 13076,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13077,A small cemetery of eight Bustum burials dated to no earlier than the second quarter of the 3rd century. No further information.,225,350,8,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13078,"A crouched inhumation may be Late Iron Age in date, while a single cremation was found within a small pit some distance north-west of the enclosure within the floodplain. A later adult female coffined inhumation within an enclosure annexe dates 2nd C AD. Two infant inhumations also dated 2nd-3rd C and several fragments of human infant were recovered from different features.",1,200,5,1,4,,1,2,,3,,,,,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13079,"A pit contained cremated human remains. The identifiable fragments are of an adult of uncertain sex. Early Roman pottery in the fill confirmed the date. A dog burial was inserted in a shallow grave in the same area of root disturbed ground as the cremation burial. At a nearby site (Taplow Mill), lay an isolated crouched inhumation burial, radiocarbon dated 38 cal BC - cal AD 230. The burial was of an adult male.",50,150,2,1,1,1,,,,2,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13080,"Three urned cremation burials inserted directly on the northern outer Akeman St road ditch, dating mid-late 1st AD. Bone not analysed.",50,100,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,3,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 13081,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13082,"A single cremation burial of a young adult dating to the early Roman period, in a pit from the area below the hilltop settlement. Accompanied by hobnailed shoes.",50,100,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 13083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13084,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13085,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13086,"An urned cremation burial with the remains of a potential wooden casket identified by an outline of iron nails and organic deposits within the burial pit. A rich assemblage of grave goods including 2 samian ware cups, 2 samian ware dishes, a pottery flagon or dish, 2 glass vessels, a bronze jug with decorated handle (depicting a religious 'sacro-idyllic' scene), bronze patera, iron open or lamp holder and 2 unidentified lead objects. Cremated remains within urn unexcavated at the time of the report.",150,200,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 13087,"Just to the south of the well was a heavily truncated inhumation grave of an adult, laid out supine with head to the north. The lower fill of the grave contained a bone clasp knife handle of 2nd-3rd C Ad date, possible incised with a Chi-Rho symbol. Associated with the burial were 89 sherds from two coarseware vessels, though uncertain if grave goods. If the Chi-Rho interpretation is correct is suggests a 4th C AD date for the burial, after the date of the settlement.",300,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 13088,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 13089,"A number of inhumation and cremation burials, were located in two separate areas of the early Roman (later 1st-early 2nd C AD) settlement complex. Three fragmented adult inhumations were aligned with the eastern field system on the edge of the settlement (2 male). One of these burials was without a skull (not found in grave). A second group was clustered to the north-west of the largest pond, comprising three inhumations (2 male, 1 female) and a cremation deposit. Both the cremated deposits and inhumations had associated grave goods including two inhumations with pottery vessel deposits and cremated animal bone within the cremation grave. A further four inhumations (3 male, 1 female) and two cremation deposits were situated in the northern part of the northern enclosure, dating to the 2nd C AD (+; see below). Two of the four inhumations had been decapitated with their heads positioned between their legs. Another burial also had an indicator of attempted decapitation. The two cremations lay within a rectangular, shallow pit overlying an earlier 1st/2nd-century inhumation. A number of artefacts including iron nails were recovered from the grave fills (3 with personal items: brooches & armlets) and cremated animal bone was also recovered from one cremation deposit. A 4th C AD coin came from one of later phase of inhumations burials (with attempted decapitation), suggesting that these burials may be of a later date, though all suggested as 1st-2nd C AD in the report. No evidence for coffins or urns.",75,400,13,3,10,7,2,,,13,,3,,7,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 13090,"A sub-square enclosure of mid to late 1st C AD date was suggested to have been a mortuary enclosure, although no central burial survived. However, there were two associated cremation burials (possible satellites?), radiocarbon dated to the early 1st to early 2nd C AD (20-130 Cal AD & 0-130 Cal AD). No evidence for grave goods though the bones were mixed with pyre debris.",20,130,2,2,,1,,,,2,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 14001,A watching brief revealed two inter-cutting graves - the remains of two individual skeletons with associated coffin nails and coffin stains were recorded. The earlier grave contained a severely truncated adult skeleton consisting of only the lower limbs. A total of 19 hobnails were recovered from around the feet of the burial. The later inhumation was truncated from the chest up and comprised an adult male. Dating 2nd-4th C AD.,100,400,2,,2,1,,,,2,,,,1,2,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 14002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14006,Five graves containing inhumation burials lay within an enclosure on the upper valley slopes south of the villa and overlooking it. They were laid out in relation to the ditches and all the heads were to the northeast with the exception of one which had a more northerly orientation. None showed evidence for a coffin and no grave goods except hobnails around the feet in two. Two graves superimposed. Also thirteen fragments of adult long bone shaft were recovered from the fill of a ditch.,150,250,5,,5,4,,,,5,,,,2,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 14007,A group of four shallow pits containing human cremations was excavated towards the north-east corner of the site. Three of the cremation burials contained fragments of pottery - Severn Valley ware of late 1st or early 2nd-century date. None of the cremation burials were urned or had any grave goods except a fragment of cremated bird bone in one grave. Also a spread of burnt pits which may well be the remains of pyre sites. A possible inhumation grave with iron nails suggesting a coffin contained no human remains - possibly a cenotaph?,75,125,4,4,,,1,,,4,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14011,"A small cemetery of seven inhumation burials, mostly aligned upon an east-west Roman ditch dating 2nd-early 4th C AD. Four adults (3 female) and 3 sub-adults. All supine with heads to west where known. The sides of three graves were partly lined with limestone blocks. No grave goods.",100,350,7,,7,,3,,3,4,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14013,"At the extreme north of the settlement was a small cemetery containing at least six inhumation burials. Only one grave fully excavated - that of a supine adult male, aligned east-west. No evidence for coffin or grave goods. The cemetery possibly contained within a walled boundary.",200,400,6,,6,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 14014,"Eleven Romano-British inhumation burials represent part of a larger cemetery. They lay in close proximity, c 1m apart, and were all extended supine, aligned NW or NE-SW. Included one burial in a carved stone coffin (adult female). Others had wooden coffins and graves were lined with stone slabs. Grave goods comprised hobnails (5 graves) and an iron knife, while another grave contained copper alloy rivets. A joint of meat placed in an adolescent grave.",250,400,11,,11,2,4,,2,9,,,,6,9,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 14015,"Two later 2nd C infant burials, one a neonate, the other 2-3 years old. During later Roman period, two coffined inhumations of young adult females laid out alongside trackway. Several burials in stone coffins previously found on site further to the south, but no specific details.",150,300,4,,4,,2,2,,2,,,,,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14016,"A skeleton of an adult male was interred within the hypocaust system - almost certainly not a formal burial. Part of the skull had been sheared off by a sharp blade and a second cut also observed. In addition, the upper part of a human skeleton found below the red clay surfacing of the courtyard.",300,400,2,,2,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14017,Parts of a human skull and other bones found near the late Roman furnace - a disturbed burial?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14019,"Two intercutting inhumation graves date to the 4th C AD. The earliest was an adult male, supine with head towards NE. Cutting it was another similar adult male within evidence for hobnails and coffin nails, along with two brooch fragments. A disturbed neonatal skeleton found east of the graves. Four other adult burials found in earlier excavations, in amongst the Roman buildings. A crouched adult male skeleton was accompanied by a copper alloy pin, while another adult male inhumation burial was supine, placed in a wooden coffin. Little is known of the other two burials",300,400,7,,7,4,,1,,6,,,1,2,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14020,One probable infant burial in a gully near the sill stone building and other disarticulated neonatal burials in the site.,100,400,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14021,"Part of a human skull was found in a deep pit, near possible temple.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14022,"Three late Iron Age burials in limestone slab cist graves (or possibly all in one grave; this remains uncertain), aligned supine with heads to the east. The two outer burials were adult males without noticeable grave goods. The central grave was female and accompanied by a rich array of grave goods. A large bronze bowl covered the face and other finds comprised an elaborate mirror, brooch, expanding bracelet, beads, tweezers, handles, bronze rings, and a small bronze bowl. An unlined 4th grave lay 18m to the north, with remains of a metal lined bucket over face and an iron blade. Possibly other graves in the area, some in barrows.",1,50,4,,4,3,1,,,3,,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 14023,"3 infant graves are recorded. 2 lay to the N of the phase 1 farmhouse (AD 140-275), whilst a 3rd, apparently associated with phase 2 (AD 275-315) lay at the W corner of the N yard.",140,315,3,,3,,,3,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14024,"No formal cemetery, but 18 adult/child inhumations, three cremations and a further 37 inhumations of perinatal infants scattered around the settlement. Also a few scattered fragments of human bone. The adult/child inhumations ranged from 2nd to late 4th/5th C in date (most probably later Roman), while the cremations were all 3rd C AD. They were aligned in different orientations, and grave goods comprised hobnailed shoes, animal remains, and a coin. The infant burials were buried throughout the life of the settlement.",100,500,58,3,55,6,10,38,5,15,1,2,3,10,3,3,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14026,"Seven LIA-early Roman pits contained human remains including 1 flexed and 2 contracted inhumations and 2 infants. 1 other crouched inhumation was discovered within the ramparts, plus the skull of a young woman in the fill of a ditch. Also a fragment of human finger bone in a pit. A Romano-British cemetery known from the outer ramparts (Buryfield House), but no further information.",-100,100,8,,8,,,2,,5,,,4,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14027,"A ditch in the northern part of the development area contained the remains of three cremation burials, two contained within Black-burnished ware pots of 2nd C AD date and one within a Severn Valley ware pot of 2nd-4th C AD date. No grave goods aside from burnt animal bone (cattle and sheep/goat; pyre offerings?) and very little human bone present. One was a juvenile. Further south, a small cemetery of 23 inhumations and two cremations was revealed within a ditched enclosure, with a smaller inner enclosure (13x11m) containing 13 of the burials. The two cremation burials lay somewhat apart from most of the inhumations and are likely to be earlier (2nd C AD). One of them (adult male) was clearly of high status being contained within a lead canister (ossauria), which was itself interred within a rough hewn limestone sarcophagus set within a square pit. The final cremation was of a juvenile/young adult aged over 15 years of indeterminate sex, contained within a 2nd C Severn Valley ware pot. The 10 inhumation burials outside the smaller enclosure (nearer the cremations) comprised 3 adult males, 2 adult females, 3 adults of unknown sex and 2 children. There was some intercutting of these graves, which also displayed a more varied orientation than those graves inside the enclosure, which comprised 4 adult males, 6 adults of unknown sex and 3 children, orientated NE-SW. Two of these were decapitation burials with head placed by feet (adult male and child 7-8 years) and one prone (adult male). One flexed adult burial and one with two large limestones present, one above the head and one beneath the feet. Hobnails present in 2 graves, coffin nails in 14 graves. An adult was buried with at least partial remains of a dog and a cow femur. The sparse pottery dating evidence indicates the inhumations date 2nd-4th C, most probably 3rd/4th. To the SW of the cemetery area but still within the confines of the boundary ditch an area of stone paving approximately 1m sq and a limestone â??bollardâ?? were uncovered. It is possible that these represent some form of monument or marker associated with the cemetery. A fragment of human bone came from an outlying ditch.",100,400,28,5,23,8,2,,7,19,1,2,1,6,14,5,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 14028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14031,"A small cemetery of 10 late Roman adult inhumation burials was located to the west of the main settlement, associated with an enclosure and field boundary. All supine except one prone. 2 Decapitation burials. One burial with hobnailed footwear, and 4 with evidence for coffins, one of these also stone-lined. Also disarticulated bone of 3-4 adults and 3 infants, dated 1st-4th C AD.",300,400,10,,10,4,2,,,9,1,2,,1,4,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 14032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14035,"Three crouched inhumations and four deposits of cremated bone probably associated with the settlement. Two of the inhumations within small enclosures. Also other deposits of unburnt human bone (mainly adult skull). In more recent excavations at Arkell's land to the south, was pit that contained an unurned cremation burial was found in isolation. A radiocarbon date of 173 -36 cal BC was obtained. An adult inhumation burial was located 20m south of the cremation but the radiocarbon date failed, so uncertain if contemporary.",-100,100,9,5,4,1,,,1,4,,,3,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14040,"A cremation burial within a lead container within a stone box (0.51x0.41m), just on the periphery of the main villa enclosure. The remains were that of an adult female aged 20-40 years. Also within the box was a small quantity of charcoal and iron nails. The burial is not well dated but assumed to be early Roman, probably 2nd C AD.",100,200,1,1,,,1,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14041,"Deposits of human skull (adult female) along with a rotary quern in a late Iron Age-early Roman pit, and other deposits of disarticulated adult bone, mostly skull fragments.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14042,A single neonatal burial may belong to the late Iron Age-Roman phase. A burial inserted in the Roman enclosure was radio-carboned dated 430-620 cal AD.,1,300,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14043,"A single truncated inhumation grave of a supine adult male orientated NNW-SSE, radiocarbon dated 20 cal BC - 240 cal AD.",1,250,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14045,Five adult and three infant (neonatal) inhumations excavated in the area of the dismantled timber buildings and infilled enclosure ditch. Adult graves all lay outside the enclosure. Graves in different orientations and no sense of it being part of an organised cemetery. One crouched and one flexed burial. All bar one adult graves had evidence for coffin and two produced hobnails. The infants were all in a crouched foetal position.,125,175,8,,8,1,4,3,,5,,,2,2,4,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14047,"Two infants buried together in old quarry pit in mid 2nd C AD, accompanied by a 1st C brooch. A shallow infant burial found in the southern room of one building. Infant burials and adult bones from the main villa site probably post-date the main use of the building.",120,300,3,,3,,,3,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14048,"Excavations at Syreford Mill to the north of the settlement revealed a small late Roman inhumation cemetery with at least 11 graves, though some badly disturbed and only 8 skeletons left to be examined - 4 adults, 1 child of 7 years, one of 7 months and 2 neonates). At least 3 graves had wooden coffins. One decapitation & prone and one prone (both adults). One burial of an infant appear to lie on a gravelled surface with no grave. At least two pits with animal burials found in the same area (horse?). The child's grave contained 6 copper alloy and 2 bone bracelets. A coin was recovered from the decapitation grave.",300,400,11,,11,3,1,3,1,4,2,1,,2,3,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14049,"A large number of burials noted as being found in the vicinity of the settlement, but no reports. No indications of a larger cemetery, but just individual burials (at least 10 inhumations and 1 cremation), with no precise dating.",,,11,1,10,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14050,"A burial within a stone cist of a supine adult female, c 120m NW of the Fosse way, was dated 4th C AD. Accompanied by a coin of Magnentius. Four infant burials in amongst the burials, dated late Roman. One within stone lined grave. Another adult inhumation burial, no details.",300,400,6,,6,,1,4,,2,,,,1,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14051,"Seven inhumation graves, two cremation burials (one urned - both adult female) and three deposits of pyre debris (with human remains) dated to 2nd-3rd C AD, lying on either side of the N-S trackway. Fragmented sherds of pottery from backfill unlikely to represent grave goods. Varied orientation. One burial of a young adult male was flexed. Four with evidence for coffin in form of iron nails. Three other unurned cremation burials from western excavation area, of similar date. Also undated grave of a flexed adult female. Disarticulated adult human bone found in 19 contexts.",100,250,12,5,7,2,6,,1,11,,,1,,4,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14052,"Three Neonatal burials were associated with the early Roman phase of unenclosed settlement (1 in fill of roundhouse drainage ditch with carinated bowl, 1 in linear boundary ditch with disarticulated adult bones and 1 in a pit). At least six inhumations burials were interred in a variety of features within the later developed farm. One young adult male came from a well (3rd C) with other possible structured deposits, probably dating 2nd C AD. A late term foetus came from a shallow pit; a flexed middle aged adult came from the corner of an enclosure (with coffin nails; radiocarbon dated to cal. 50BC-350 cal AD); three other adult burials located adjacent to perimeter of outer enclosure, in corners of sub-enclosures, none with grave goods, 2 more were flexed - all male. One other grave like cut contained two postholes in the base but no human material. The empty 'grave' was backfilled and a sheep skeleton interred on top of this. Other disarticulated adult bone from the site",50,250,9,,9,5,,4,,5,,,3,1,1,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14053,"Two shallow graves aligned NE-SW and N-S dug adjacent to intersection of a number of field ditches. One contained the fragmentary remains of an adult female in a crouched position, along with 3 bones of a young child. This other grave only contained one fragment of human bone and a sherd of late 4th c pottery.",350,400,2,,2,,1,,,,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14054,"A total of 29 Roman inhumation burials and 2 cremation burials excavated. The earliest dated was of a crouched adult male adjacent to a trackway ditch 400m SW of the settlement, radiocarbon dated cal 40 BC - AD 120. Another poorly preserved skeleton of a juvenile lay in a trackway ditch 200m further south. Two further inhumations graves (both supine adult with coffin nails, one female with hobnails) lay aligned upon the southern settlement boundary exactly at the terminus of the earlier Iron Age pit alignment. One was radiocarbon dated cal AD 120-260. The only other 'liminal' burial was a cremation deposit in a pit to the north of the settlement, with unburnt cattle bones and 2nd-4th C pottery. 25 inhumation burials date to the late Roman period, 22 in an enclosed cemetery lying on the north-west fringes of the settlement (3 infant, 19 adult, 11 male, 5 female), aligned with the enclosure boundaries. The burials were in two groups, the 12 most northerly being focused upon an earlier Bronze Age barrow. The only three females in this group all positioned within the central part of the barrow along with an infant. The burials included 3 flexed/crouched, the remainder being supine. 8 burials had coffin nails (mostly the barrow group). Almost the only grave goods were hobnailed shoes (in 10 graves), aside from a copper alloy bracelet in an infant grave and a finger ring in an adult male grave. 3 radiocarbon dates indicated a 3rd-4th C date for the cemetery, with the southern group possibly slightly later. There was also a single cremation burial found 7m from the southern group of burials, radiocarbon dated to cal AD 243-384. Three other burials of probable late Roman date were located in the SE corner of the settlement. One was an adult supine male in a grave with coffin nails and hobnails. Another adult male lay within a ditch, prone and decapitated, with the skull between his legs and hands behind his back. Isotope analysis suggested this male may have come from a different background. Finally, a neonate burial in a pit was found nearby. Also deposits of disarticulated bone, one in SE corner of enclosure ditch and another in a large shallow pit with 2nd C pottery.",100,400,31,2,29,14,6,3,1,25,1,1,4,14,11,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 14055,"Two unurned adult cremation burials (one male) are thought to date to the early Roman period, on the basis of spatial relationships with the early Roman field system. One included a fragment of ceramic building material, hobnails and larger nails, some with mineralised wood. The hobnailed shoes were probably placed in the grave after cremation. The other burial contained a single nail and cremated animal bone (sheep/goat and bird). Two further adult cremations were dated stratigraphically to the 2nd C AD. One overlay an articulated horse burial in a pit; the other lay nearby and seems to have been a bustum burial. Neither contained any finds. An adult male extended inhumation burial aligned NW-SE is thought to belong to this phase too. It was lying on its side with hobnails found at its feet. Three inhumations burials (2 male 1 female) dated to the late Roman period, found just north of the trackway junction. Two of the burials were supine, one prone, and one with evidence for a coffin. One skeleton had lost its skull and may have been a decapitation burial.",75,350,8,4,4,4,1,,,8,1,1,,3,1,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14056,"An inhumation burial of an infant came from the ditch surrounding the timber building and was radiocarbon dated to 41 cal BC- 75 cal AD, probably lying in the early 1st C AD. A crouched adult male inhumation lay near the northern terminal of the subsequent boundary ditch. Finally a cremation grave of an adult was inserted into the no doubt partially silted up final enclosure boundary ditch, radiocarbon dated to cal AD86-247. The burial was accompanied by charred grain (where the radiocarbon date is from), animal bone and hobnails. Also over 1000 iron wood nails, interpreted as coming from a wooden structure, probably a litter that transported the deceased to the pyre.",1,200,3,1,2,1,,1,,2,,,1,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14059,"A probable cremation burial within a rectangular roadside ditched enclosure, though the burial pit was not fully excavated. However, fragments of calcined human bone and other burnt material found. Uncertain if grave goods or if urned. Dated by pottery from surrounding ditch.",75,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 14060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14064,"A single adult supine north-south inhumation burial over 200m south-west of the villa, dated only approximately to the Roman period by associated pottery. Coffin nails found.",,,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14068,"In a clay lined pit/trench on the west side of the villa was a human adult female skull, along with 1st-2nd C samian ware and the tooth of a(?) bear, and other animal ones and shells. Just outside the corridor lay the jaw of a child (8-9 years). Other fragments of adult skull and long bones found during excavations.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14069,A single east-west inhumation burial within a stone coffin found near to the bathhouse. It contained a young adult female. A 2nd C AD pottery flagon lay outside the coffin.,150,200,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14070,No specific data though a possible mausoleum is thought to have existed 155m NW of the villa on a ridge. At least one fragment of disarticulated human bone.,125,420,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14071,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14072,Disarticulated human bone found in internal temple pit (frontal bone of young man) and a human jaw bone found amongst hypocaust tiles in a nearby structure.,100,300,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14074,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14075,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14076,"Two bath stone coffins in close proximity, aligned N-S, one with head to north and the other to the south. Coffin 1 was badly disturbed and bones too fragmentary for assessment of age or sex. Coffin 2 was complete and contained a supine adult female, aged about 20-25. 32 hobnails found around the feet along with 16 boot cleats and scraps of iron.",250,400,2,,2,,1,,,2,,,,1,2,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 14077,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14078,"A robbed cremation burial found c 200m south of the villa, by the villa approach road. The finds comprised a circular stone cremation cist and fragments from a glass bottle dated late 1st/early 2nd C AD.",75,125,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14079,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14080,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14081,A single west facing crouched inhumation burial of an adult in an oval grave. Some indication of coffin (iron nails with wood adhering) and parts of a small greyware pottery vessel dating to the 2nd C AD.,100,200,1,,1,,,,,1,,,1,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 14082,"At least 6 inhumation burials in three evaluation trenches. These burials are suggested to be the result of sub-Roman 'squatter'-type activity, rather than formal burials. No further information.",350,450,6,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14083,Two stone coffins found 200m south of the villa complex in the 19th C. No information on skeletons.,,,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14084,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14085,"A roadside cemetery, possibly set within ditched enclosures, and mostly comprising inhumation burials (36) along with 17 cremation burials. An east-west orientation was predominant (following line of the road), though there was a variety. Grave goods comprise fingers rings, coins and brooches in a few graves, and in a few instances a piece of chalk. No traces of coffins. Two flexed skeletons, these seemingly having suffered violent deaths. The cremation graves were deepest and contained pottery vessels. Another cremation grave nearby was more richly furnished with 5 pottery vessels. All ages and both sexes were well-represented but no specific details provided.",60,400,53,17,36,,,,,,,,2,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 14086,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14087,"A small burial plot south of the enclosures, with 3 N-S aligned inhumation burials. A grave of a juvenile contained probable remains of a limestone block lining, with one block overlying the skull. The burial was probably flexed though lower limbs did not survive well. The other graves were adult males with no indications of coffins or grave goods, though late Roman pottery fragments were in the grave fills. Also disarticulated bone from an adult female and adult male within ditches - disturbed burials?",200,400,3,,3,2,,,1,2,,,1,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14088,"No evidence for formal burials but two samples of adult skull fragments came from the south-east corner of the courtyard, amongst the latest deposits. Also a disturbed infant burial within a late 4th c occupation deposit in the north corner a room in the SE range.",380,420,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14089,"In 1861, six cremation urns found near Bagendon Rectory. Uncertain if grave goods. An adult male skull 'hacked into pieces' found in the excavations.",20,60,6,6,,,,,,,,,,,,6,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14090,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14091,"Two adult east-west inhumation burials, one, of a tall adult male, which could be termed a cist grave, lined and covered with limestone slabs. Charred wheat grains placed over the body along with charcoal, small elements from a sheep, fragments of late Iron Age pottery, a worked flint flake and a triangular piece of reddish limestone placed on the chest. To the east lay another grave, more disturbed, of a small adult female (partly flexed?), partly marked by stones around the head and feet. Part of a flint blade, a cattle tooth and charcoal were found with the burial, along with samian pottery, probably intrusive. A disarticulated adult jaw found close by.",-50,50,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,1,2,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 14092,A single crouched inhumation burial of a young adult male in a stone-lined grave that also had evidence for a hinged wooden coffin. The grave was 1.1m long aligned NE-SW and the body was accompanied by a copper alloy hairpin and fragments of pottery.,100,300,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 14093,"At least four adult inhumation burials found near to the villa, lying north-south. One burial was stated as crouched. At least one male and one female. No indications of coffins or grave goods.",270,400,4,,4,1,1,,,4,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14094,"A total of 22 skeletons excavated, ranging in date from 2nd/3rd to 4th C AD. Two infant burials (and a flagon) in a pit cut through the floor of the stone roundhouse, dated early 3rd C AD. To the south of this building, within the potential mortuary enclosure, was an adult male burial (S-N, supine) with possible coffin stains and limestone slabs over legs. 3 other neonatal burials also of this 2nd-3rd C phase, all in pits, one a large pit with blocks of limestone. Dating to the later Roman period (AD 275-400) were two further groups of burials. Nine burials lay adjacent to the southern compound wall (on the outside), all aligned upon this feature. Eight of these were cist graves, lined with limestone slabs (2 with full stone coffins; 5 adults, 1 adolescent, 2 children; 4 female, 4 male; all supine). 4 burials contained grave goods (2 with hobnails, one with copper alloy lace tag, one with brooch fragments and flint flake and one, a 5 year old 'female', with articulated water vole). The other comprised a neonate burial in a shallow grave. Seven further neonate burials lay in a group to the south-east.",100,400,22,,22,5,4,13,3,6,,,,4,9,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 14095,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14096,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14097,"Four skeletons were found near the bottom of the late Roman well along with animal bone, pewter vessels and pottery. 2 male and one female identified. A human jaw also found near the well.",330,400,4,,4,2,1,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14098,"An adult female skeleton found near a rubble platform/building on the valley slope above the villa. Associated with Roman building material, and it is possible that the platform/building may have been a mausoleum.",250,400,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14099,"A cremation and inhumation burial found more than 150m NW of the Roman settlement are late Iron Age in date and probably relate to the settlement at Coln Gravel/Thornhill Farm (see ID 14035). Conversely, nine very poorly preserved inhumation burials were revealed in the Coln Gravel excavations, in two groups 50m apart aligned to the interior of a double ditched outer boundary of the Arkell's land settlement. Mostly north-south. They were all adults and only one could be sexed as male. Two other grave pits in this group contained no bone due to poor preservation. All supine where known with no indications of coffins. One with a possible knife and one with hobnails. Dated late Roman generally by association with the boundary ditches.",250,350,11,,11,1,,,,9,,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14100,An undated cremation burial was revealed but could be of Bronze Age date.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14101,"Part of an early Roman cremation cemetery was revealed on the hilltop, though much had been disturbed by later development. At least 9 cremation burials, dated by finds to the later 1st-early 2nd C AD, though some of these contained very little skeletal material and may have been pyre-related material. Three further slight deposits of cremated material. Grave goods restricted to pottery vessels (in 6 graves) and nails (seemingly not from boxes or pyre material), but also a bracelet. Three of the pots were inverted. Animal bone noted in 3 graves. Only one urned burial. Two graves contained limestone blocks in upper fill, perhaps grave markers. On the same hilltop location, was found in 1873 an inscribed tombstone (with a crudely drawn female bust) and associated inhumation burial of a young adult female. The burial is not closely dated. Also three inhumation burials found in the area of early Roman quarrying, two buried within old quarry pits. One of these burials, that of an 6-7 year old (female?), was a decapitation burial, with the head placed around the pelvis. The other, an adult male, was prone. Another adult male was apparently placed in a purpose dug grave (though this is disputed) and was also prone. 'Iron objects' were placed in the mouths of the decapitation burial (along with a 2nd C AD pot and a brooch beside the body) and the grave prone burial.",75,200,13,9,4,2,2,,4,9,2,1,,8,,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14102,"A linear arrangement of 12 inhumation burials aligned N-S and NE-SW on the northern fringes of the settlement, between a field/trackway ditch and an enclosure. One supine skeleton of a young adult male had dwarfism in his forearms. He was only accompanied by hobnails. Other grave goods comprised a bracelet, articulated leg of lamb, charred grain seeds, a wooden box with lock plate and a copper alloy brooch (this burial also had hobnails). 8 skeletons were flexed, some slightly and others completely crouched. Only 2 males identified in the group and 6/7 had evidence for coffins. The dating from pottery fragments in the graves suggests early 2nd C AD.",100,150,12,,12,2,9,,,12,,,8,6,7,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14103,"Three infant burials within 1st C AD contexts. One was in a pit underneath the main timber structure, associated with an almost complete carinated 1st C AD bowl. The other two burials were situated within post-pits in the northern trench of the other structure. Another small group of infant bones was recovered from the upper fill of a ditch. Disarticulated adult bone found in many contexts: a left femur and a molar in 1st C AD ditch (along with two Dobunnic coins) and occasional fragments of human bone found within later contexts, such as an adult radius and metatarsal from occupation deposits in the southern part of an ancillary building and an infant bone fragment from the floor foundation of another building. A fully articulated late Roman coffined burial of a male aged 25-35 years was found partly intruding onto the modern pipe trench in the west of the site.",25,400,4,,4,1,,3,,1,,,,1,1,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 14104,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14105,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14106,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14107,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14108,4 fragments of cremated bone (possible human pelvis) found in late Roman contexts,250,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14109,"A crouched burial in the hillfort entrance is suggested as belonging to the Roman or sub-Roman periods, but no independent dating.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14110,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14111,"A group of 18 east/west-oriented inhumation burials (all supine) revealed in 2011 excavation, forming the northern part of a cemetery bounded by an enclosure. 12 graves were lined with limestone slabs. A variety of ages (including many older adults) and sexes and a high incidence (50%+) of trauma. Seven un-lined graves contained coffin nails, some with traces of mineralised wood. Two shoe cleats/boot plates found in two graves, and a single worn coin (AD 360â??364) was found in the region of the head in one grave (adult male). One burial had perimortem cut marks on the skull (probably the cause of death). In addition to the graves, there were three inhumation burials of infants/neonates within pits. Radiocarbon dating (on 5 burials), pottery and a coin suggests the cemetery was in use from the mid/late 2nd to late 4th-centuries AD, though there appears to be a distinct late Roman emphasis. Disarticulated bone found (adult male skull), but uncertain if relates to Roman or Iron Age activity.",200,400,21,,21,7,4,5,5,11,,,,3,7,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 14112,"A single inhumation burial of an adult female was recovered from beside and 2nd-3rd C Roman trackway ditch. A Roman date is assumed, although no dating evidence was recovered in direct association with the burial.",,,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14113,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14114,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14115,"A single urned cremation burial dated approximately 2nd C AD located near a ditch. A quantity of burnt animal bone near next the urn, probably from the pyre.",100,200,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14116,"A number of human remains were discovered during the excavation, most near to the main building. Two urned cremations lay in close proximity, while three neo-natal infant burials were each located close to one of the external corners of the building. The inhumation grave of an adult was also encountered on the north side of the building. This supine burial, oriented north to south, may pre-date the building. Hobnails found around the feet. The exact dating of all these burials remains uncertain. Also in 1846, the site had been noted as the location of the discovery of a tombstone dedicated to a Dacian called Mettus.",,,5,2,4,,,3,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14117,"An infant burial lay just to the south of the 2nd-3rd C AD enclosure, buried with an upturned bowl placed inside a dish. Also burnt animal bone and disarticulated bone (two bones from another neonate, and a disarticulated bone (femur) from an adult individual).",150,250,,,1,,,1,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14118,"14 inhumation burials revealed, all except one within the main enclosure, but widely dispersed. Finds from the graves give a general late Roman date. The burials include prone, supine, flexed and crouched examples (including one grave with two tightly flexed individuals, an older adult male behind a female) in a variety of orientations. Three burials in coffins and hobnailed shoes/shoe cleats in 6 burials. One of these (a prone burial) also contained a 4th C coin (AD 324-30) in the lower skull. Other finds associated include a flint blade, a fragment of a lead vessel and an iron cleaver (next to a flexed female inhumation). In addition to these burials, the partial remains of a neonatal skeleton were recovered from a pit.",200,400,15,,15,5,7,1,1,13,1,,3,6,3,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14119,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14120,"Part of an inhumation cemetery, all adult except one 4 year old child. Where known (7 of the 9) all were aligned approximately east-west, all supine and a lack of grave goods except for a copper alloy plate and scraps of Romano-British pottery. 7 of the graves were lined with limestone slabs including covers (cist graves). Only very loosely dated late Roman.",,,9,,9,4,1,,1,8,,,,1,7,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 14121,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14122,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14123,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14124,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14125,A later Roman cemetery post-dating some of the fields and enclosures was identified 150-200m north of the villa. A total of five graves were present. The presence of a stone-built cist and a lead coffin in two of the graves indicated the potential for high status burials. Copper-stained bone in one grave is the only indication of grave goods except probable hobnails within another grave. No information on the skeletons.,250,400,5,,5,,,,,,,,,2,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14126,"Nine inhumation graves found in one evaluation trench, all but one possibly contained within a ditched enclosure. All burials aligned NE-SW and evenly spaced, two had postholes, probably grave markers. None were excavated, though 1st to 4th C AD finds on the surface. One disturbed grave revealed evidence for lining with limestone slabs (cist grave). Some graves were small and probably for children. Disarticulated remains, probably of a child were found in a posthole to the south of the burials.",,,9,,9,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 14127,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14128,"A single NE-SW aligned prone inhumation burial of a young adult male lay outside the settlement boundary, roughly dated to the late Roman period. The grave was oval shaped.",250,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,1,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14129,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14130,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14131,"The poorly preserved remains of a human burial were found on the eastern side of a major ditch. No grave cut was visible, and the burial might have been placed within the ditch. The only surviving bones were two long bones (probably the legs of a child) and some fragments of skull. An additional inhumation (adult?) was located on the western side of another ditch, probably in a shallow grave cut into the edge. Both burials are technically undated, but their orientation and close relationship to ditches suggests and 2nd-3rd c AD date.",100,250,2,,2,,,,1,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14132,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14133,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14134,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14135,"A single articulated inhumation burial of an adolescent or young adult, supine, aligned NW-SE and heavily disturbed and incomplete. An iron bowl or boss was noted, resting under the lower leg bones. An articulated partial femur and tibia from another individual, were recorded approximately 2m to the west. Also a scatter of disarticulated human bone in the subsoil, probably further disturbed burials. No precise dating within the Roman period.",,,2,,2,,,,1,,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 14136,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14137,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14138,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14139,"Lying 5m south of one of the stone buildings and inside the boundary ditch at Inns Court was an inhumation burial of a young adult female, oriented north-south in a wooden coffin. A large greyware storage jar (late 1st/early 2nd C AD) lay complete partially within a pit at Inns Court. It contained 3 complete/near complete vessels of a similar date, and is suggested as an urned cremation, though no cremated bone reported as it was dug by members of the public after the main excavation had finished. At Filwood Park was a neonate burial in a stone container.",275,350,2,,2,,1,1,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14140,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14141,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14142,"Six Romano-British inhumation burials were discovered within the south-east corner of the current site during landscaping works in 1982, only broadly datable to AD 200-400. All aligned approximately N-S and included one prone burial, which also contained coffin nails and hobnails; the grave was packed with stones. Also 3 flexed burials. No information on sex. Another inhumation burial found in the 2003 evaluation.",200,400,7,,7,,,,,7,1,,3,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14143,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14144,An isolated burial of a human cremation in a Black Burnished ware jar during the 3rd century AD. Associated with a trumpet brooch,200,300,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14145,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14146,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14147,"A small cemetery group of four adult inhumation burials in shallow graves, one a little removed aligned E-W, the others NE-SW. One burial was prone, and one possibly a decapitation burial though the skull was not found. Assumed to be contemporary with the settlement - 2nd-3rd C AD. No grave goods but the 3 grouped graves were partly lined on the base with limestone slabs. At least 6 infant burials found in a black soil overlying the robbed out walls of a Roman masonry building in vicinity, but not well dated.",150,250,4,,4,,,,,4,1,1,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14148,"A single well-made stone burial cist with a few sherds of Roman pottery but no human remains, probably due to the acidity of the soil.",,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14149,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14150,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14151,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14152,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14153,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14154,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14155,"At least one inhumation burial immediately outside the NE side of the monument, radiocarbon dated to late 1st-early 2nd C AD. The rock-cut grave was aligned NNE-SSW contained a slightly flexed adult. No grave goods. Another possible grave nearby was unexcavated.",75,150,1,,1,,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14156,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14157,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14158,"A limestone sarcophagus burial clay close to one of the boundary ditches, just on the outside. No obvious grave goods but not fully excavated.",100,300,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14159,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14160,"The earliest burial comprised an urned adult cremation within a box in a grave surrounded by a small rectangular ditched enclosure (6m across), dated early 2nd C AD, 250m east of the settlement. Dating to the later Roman period, were 24 adult inhumation burials, in 5 main groups on the fringes of the settlement, often within earlier enclosures. Two with evidence of coffin nails and 3 with ?grave goods (hobnail, shoe cleat and bracelet). Two decapitation burials (both adult female), two flexed burials (both teens in same group), two prone (adult male). A single adult burial was found in the villa yard. Also 5 neonatal burials and evidence for disarticulated human bone including a skull fragment within a pit cutting into a building.",125,380,30,1,29,5,10,5,4,15,2,2,2,3,2,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 14161,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14162,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14163,"A group of five inhumation burials on the fringes of the settlement, three mature adults and two adolescents. All extended supine, N-S aligned and relatively orderly burial in rows. Two decapitation burials, one of the mature males and an adolescent. No dateable pottery was retrieved from these burials, but they were assumed to be of late Roman date. Hobnail shoes were found on all four individuals with surviving feet. The skeletal evidence suggests that the younger members of this population suffered from severe infection.",200,300,5,,5,2,2,,2,3,,2,,4,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14164,"Four fragments of human skull bone were recovered from within an Iron Age ditch, along with a semi-complete ceramic vessel, and a fragment of loomweight.",-100,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14165,The remains of a human newborn infant were recovered from the secondary fill of an enclosure ditch. A single sherd of 1st-century AD pottery was recovered from this deposit.,1,100,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14166,26 fragments of a human adult occipital and a parietal bone from indeterminate side was found within ditch fill.,100,350,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14167,"Cremated adult human bone and oak charcoal, suggestive of material retrieved from the pyre site, as well as pottery dating to the Late Iron Age/Early Roman period, were retrieved from the final infilling of an enclosure ditch. Also two fragments of unburnt adult human skull bone were recovered from the fill of Roman ditch.",1,75,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14168,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14169,"Inhumation burials spanning the 2nd to 4th centuries AD in a number of distinct groups. Seven inhumation burials were distributed around the periphery of the building enclosure, radiocarbon dated mid 2nd-late 3rd C AD. These comprise 5 female and 1 male, 7 adults, 1 child, 1 infant, 5 supine, 2 flexed, all except one N-S, 2 with hobnails. 3 with evidence for coffin nails. Also skull fragments from a posthole and, two deposits of cremated remains from small cuts made into the fills of ditches associated with the building enclosure (both associated with charred grain and pulses and hobnails and boot cleats). Around the mid 3rd C AD a substantial enclosure was dug to the east of the area of stone buildings and the first inhumation burials were dug within it. This developed into quite a substantial cemetery with 57 graves spanning the 3rd and 4th centuries AD and probably confined to a 60 to 80 year period (by radiocarbon modelling; AD 250-350; although possibly continuing to the late 4th C AD). These comprised 30 male to 21 female, 4 neonate/infant, 1 child, 51 adult. A perinate and a neonate burial both lay within adult female graves, and one grave contained three adult males. All N-S, 7 decapitation burials, 5 flexed, 13 prone (prone burials were concentrated along eastern edge of the site & flexed burials all lay along the northern edge; a single prone decapitated burial at the far southern end of the cemetery). No prone burial had coffin nails or grave goods & isotope analysis suggested a less protein-rich diet. 22 graves with hobnails/cleats, one with knife, one with charred plant remains, one with finger ring, and one with three armlets. 14 with evidence of coffin (nails). The later burials clearly post-date the main settlement. One burial lay both spatially and chronologically midway between the southern cemetery and the Anglo-Saxon northern burials, probably dating from AD 340-420.",150,350,67,2,65,31,26,5,2,58,13,7,7,28,17,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 14170,One largely complete human adult frontal bone was found in the upper fill of a linear ditch.,1,350,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14171,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14172,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14173,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14174,"An inhumation burial of an adult woman aged over 45 years lay near the eastern periphery of the site. She had been had been buried on her left side with her head to the south and her legs slightly flexed. The grave contained a fragment of pale blue glass, an iron nail and sherds of early Roman pottery. None of these were necessarily grave goods. Also the femur from a neonate.",50,150,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,1,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14175,Two inhumations within stone cists were identified in vicinity during earlier investigations. No further information.,250,400,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14176,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14177,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14178,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14179,"Four complete neonatal skeletons found at the interface between the filled in early quarry pits and make-up levels for the later metalled yard. The disturbed remains of up to 3 further neonates also discovered. No surviving grave cuts, but two burials within a single context were surrounded by a brooch, copper alloy armlet, a lead disc and several late 3rd C coins, which may have been grave goods. The two other skeletons were also in same contexts as possible grave goods - coins, pottery and a hairpin.",200,300,4,,4,,,4,,,,,,4,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 14180,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14181,An adult female inhumation burial lay immediately next to a late Roman ditch on the presumed periphery of the settlement. A few sherds of 4th c AD pottery along with coffin nails and hobnails came from the grave. A cremation burial located 13m to the west is assumed to be contemporary though no grave goods or urn.,300,400,2,1,1,,1,,,2,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 14182,"Six infant burials lay within dark earth over the south masonry-footed building, probably dating late 4th C AD. A shallow grave of a child lay near the trackway 80m to the north.",300,400,7,,7,,,6,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 14183,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14184,"At least 6 skeletons were found close to a masonry building within the hillfort, aligned east-west and covered in a layer of stones. One was apparently associated with a mid 4th C AD Roman coin. Includes one child skeleton and an infant",350,400,6,,6,2,1,1,1,4,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 14185,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14186,"No formal burial but left femur fragment and a tibia fragment of a neonate, as well as an adult vertebral fragment and two other possible human fragments.",100,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14187,Human teeth recovered.,75,250,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14188,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 14189,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15005,"A mixed rite cemetery was located between the centre of the settlement and the river, and included five cremation groups and two inhumations in one grave. Two neonate burials were found in an area within the centre of the settlement. All the cremation burials were urned, apart from one which had been damaged in antiquity and any urn and cremated remains had been destroyed or removed. One burial included a wooden box used for the encasing of the pyre remains. All cremation pits included several pottery vessels, primarily dishes and bowls. The disturbed cremation included the remains of oyster and mussel shells scattered across its base whilst the boxed cremation also included a brooch, a bracelet, and a pair of shoes represented by iron studs. The inhumation burial included two individuals in one grave lying side by side adjacent to one of the cremation pits, one being a male c.30-40yrs and the other a female c.20-25yrs. No grave goods accompanied the remains, though the grave was sealed by a layer indicating that it was earlier than the mid-2ndC AD.",50,150,8,5,3,1,1,2,,2,,,,5,,5,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15006,"A semi-complete skeleton was found in a late Iron Age/early Roman pit, plus there were four occurrences of infantile bones. A second inhumation was excavated into a segment of the infilled banjo ditch. This person was carrying a folding knife of Roman date and was wearing hobnailed boots. The precise date is uncertain, but probably late.",-100,300,2,,2,,,4,,2,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15007,"The inhumation was placed in a grave cut within the base of the large pit/shaft, thought to have been for quarrying. The burial is dated by a late Roman New Forest ware funerary vessel. The woman was slight in build and had lost all her teeth. Disarticulated bone was recovered from the backfill of the early Roman ditch, and included parts of two neonates (one c.37 wks; one c.39 wks). However, one of the neonates may have been placed in the ditch complete, and it was associated with a pottery assemblage and the dog burial. These remains suggest that a continuation in practice considering the placement of human remains in some of the Iron Age pits as part of structured deposits.",270,400,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15010,"No skeletal remains survived the acidic soil conditions. Some of the burials are certainly late Iron Age, whilst some may be middle Iron Age; all are included here as they all likely relate to the same known cemetery. Seven are barrow graves and two are flat graves. One grave included a range of weaponry and clearly an individual of high status, whilst another seems to have included a casket or shield.",-100,50,9,,9,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 15011,"The cremations are difficult to date, but are suggested to have been Roman. They are recorded here as contemporary with the enclosure, but this is tentative. No carbon-dating was carried out. The adult female included an iron object which may have been a hairpin.",175,400,2,2,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 15012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15013,"Five neonates were placed in or around the buildings of the estate - these were all late Roman. None of the cremated remains survived. Further isolated neonatal burials were also recovered, all likely late Roman. One cremation was 1stC AD and included the remains of a lamb. The two adult burials were lying crouched on their sides - these were probably early Roman.",50,400,13,2,11,,,8,,2,,,2,,,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15014,"Three neonates were found in one LIA pit - see site summary. An adult male inhumation was placed awkwardly and prone within a relatively small pit in front of one of the masonry buildings. Muscle attachments on the long bones suggest that he was relatively well built. His hands may have been tied at the front, and the head was arched back, resting against the side of the pit wall. The body was covered over with a layer of silt, upon which the skull of a neonate had been placed in line with the adult pelvis, and covered over with another soil layer, upon which a deposit of cattle and sheep/goat mandibles and the remains of a wooden box.",-50,400,4,,4,1,,3,,1,1,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15016,"The first inhumation is early 1stC AD in date (the 'founder's burial' next to the ritual shaft), whilst the remaining six (though possibly seven were present - other burials were found in the antiquarian digs) were late/sub-Roman and dig through the foundation of the aisled hall. The founder burial was much mutilated by centuries of ploughing and could not be sexed, though wore a pair of late La Tene brooches, one on each shoulder. No grave marker was identified but it is suggested that it was known and revered within the sacred area until the end of the 4thC AD, if not later, and provided the context for the later inhumations. A neonatal burial was also placed in the top of a Roman ditch (not part of the cemetery). A cluster of five of the sub-Roman inhumations were lain close to the cult room, with another within the north wall of the hall. One was a double burial of an adult male and a child (c.8yrs). Two included grave goods: a late 4th/early 5thC AD buckle, and a knife.",1,425,8,,8,4,,1,2,4,,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 15017,Only early-mid Iron Age burials were encountered.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15019,"A cremation cemetery was located to the east of the villa, containing 6 vessels each with single adults and dating late 2nd/early 3rdC AD.",150,250,6,6,,1,2,,,6,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15020,"A single inhumation was placed in a cut of backfill of the main ditch and likely dated to the late Iron Age or early Roman periods. The body was flexed lying on its side, with head to the west. The individual was c.30-35years at death.",-100,150,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15021,Fragments from an adult femur were found redeposited in the upper fill of the enclosure ditch.,-100,40,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15024,"Cremation appeared to be present but were unexcavated. One early burial was placed inside a small square enclosure - foundation burial? An adult male, who was coffined and wore hobnailed footwear, was lain slightly flexed on left-hand side. A 2-3 and a 3-4 year old infant were both found coffined and also wore hobnailed footwear. Both adolescents were also coffined. Six individuals in total were found with hobnails and one with a Cu-alloy bracelet.",150,400,11,,11,1,3,4,1,4,,,1,1,6,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 15025,A single human bone was recovered from the fill of the late Iron Age field boundary.,-100,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15029,"One neonate was recovered from a large pit (see site summary), whilst another came from the fill of a ditch recut.",-100,50,2,,2,,,2,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15031,"At least 6 special deposits included disarticulated human remains, whilst a LIA pit included remains of a neonate. A partial skeleton of an adult male (c.17-25yrs) was recovered from the bottom of a LIA pit missing the arms and lower legs. The individual had been killed by sword thrusts to the lower abdomen. The partial skeleton of an adult female (c.25-35yrs) was placed in a 1stC AD context also lacking the lower limbs. The body had been incompletely cremated and was associated with burnt animal bone and other domestic material. The earlier Iron Age cemetery is not included here. Five Roman burials comprised an adult coffined inhumation (3rd-4thC AD), a 2ndC AD urned cremation, and three neonates across three separate pits (dated 'Roman', 1stC AD, and 2nd-3rdC AD). The inhumation, the cremation and one of the neonates were placed in proximity, and possibly suggests that the area was set aside for the dead.",-100,400,8,1,7,1,1,4,,3,,,,,1,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15032,"The body of a male (c.25yrs) was placed in a coffin within a rectangular grave. Resting on the right leg, just below the knee, was a complete mid-1stC AD vessel.",50,150,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15033,"Some remains from an adult male skull were recovered, though the context and date are not commented upon.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15034,"A large two-meter diameter pit contained two adult female burials (c.25-35 yrs and c.35-40 yrs). The inhumations were associated with a number of whole and semi-complete animal carcasses including a ram and a ewe, an incomplete horse, and young and elderly cattle. The burials overlaid antler artefacts such as weaving combs, toggles and terrets, as well as unfinished pieces such as a cheek-piece. This burial was aligned with the entrance to the enclosure. A separate pit just to the north of the enclosure contained in infant buried in a crouched position. Other finds from the pit included LIA/ER pottery, with animal bone lain around it, plus three struck flints.",-100,100,2,,2,,2,1,,2,,,1,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15037,A crouched inhumation burial was inserted into a late Iron Age/early Roman ditch and included some contemporary pottery.,-100,100,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15039,"Four late Roman and one possibly post-Roman were excavated during the 1973/1981 work, found in the central area of the enclosure, towards the main area of habitation. One female was laid flexed; an iron bucket hasp was recovered with a coffined juvenile (3-4yrs) and a coffined adult female; and a coffined infant was found with animal bone just outside the coffin area within the grave. Excavations in 1995 found two more, probably contemporary inhumations to the east of the main settlement, but still within the outer boundary. One of these burials was flexed. Two further individuals were identified from the backfill of the graves and are also suggested to have been Roman.",200,425,9,,9,4,2,1,1,7,,,2,3,6,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15042,"Perhaps the most significant feature of the cemetery was the construction of a timber-lined mortuary chamber within which two inhumations were placed. The chamber measured 1.9m in length, 3.6m width and 1.55m in depth, and the size is suggestive of the primary burial being of some, perhaps local level, of high-status. Timber shuttering was noted along the walls and a step or ledge at the bottom, similar to some at Lankhills. One male had its head displaced slightly from the upper vertebrae, facing east, whilst another male had its skull removed and placed behind the knees. The latter burial had a late Roman coin placed in the left hand and another underneath the skull. This grave also contained the remains of two other individuals, a juvenile and an infant. The burial of a young female included the remains of a foetal skeleton in association. Evidence for other burials were known including inhumations and a cremation, though the remains had been severely disturbed.",270,400,9,,9,4,4,1,1,6,,2,,8,8,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 15043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15044,"A number of disarticulated human bones were recovered from the internal area including a cranium, mandible and broken long bones, all from adults. The remains were said to have been 'amongst the general assemblage of votive offerings in the temple area and as such probably represent votive offerings, and secondly, the scattered and broken nature of the bones indicates either the deposition of disarticulated (perhaps quite old) bones as offerings, or the disturbance of a burial or human corpse within the temple area.' The cremation burial found to the north of the temple was cut into an amorphous Roman layer. The associated pottery comprised a small bowl with horizontal beaded rim of later 1st or early 2ndC AD date.",-50,125,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15048,The presence of some cremated bone is suggested as possibly being of Roman date.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15050,"2 unrelated burials were encountered at the site, one a cremation sited around 200m outside the enclosure from its entrance (c.AD70), and an inhumation of an adult female placed much closer to the enclosure (c.late 4thC AD). The cremation included 8 ancillary vessels and a brooch, whilst the inhumation included hobnails. A number of layers within the well included the comingled remains of at least 26 adults and 3 children.",70,400,2,1,1,,1,,,2,,,,2,,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15052,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15054,"Two cremation burials were placed in close proximity at the western edge of the enclosure. Both burials were placed in relatively large pits with quantities of ancillary vessels (one containing 21 pots, the other containing 11 pots, not including the urns). Both were dated to the 3rdC AD, one to the second half. Most of the ancillary vessels were Alice Holt products.",200,300,2,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15055,A pit recut in the top of one of the backfilled wells contained the skull of an adult. The skull had been disturbed by a mechanical digger and it is not known how much of the body had been lost,300,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15056,The bone was in a fragile condition due to the watery nature of the context. Coffin nails surrounded the burial. An Alice Holt ware pot and a Samian dish were placed on the right upper arms.,200,300,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 15057,"None of the burials contained coffins or grave goods, though four included hobnails. They are thought to have been related and broadly contemporary due to their spatial grouping, similarity in interment and in orientation (N-S - five had the head at the northern ends of the grave). The individuals tended to be middle-aged to elderly.",300,400,6,,6,5,1,,,6,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15064,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15068,"Four of the grave included caskets, three of which contained cremated remains. Large numbers of ancillary vessels were included with each burial ranging from 10 to 53 in number. Four of the burials included two levels of deposition. Six of the burials included other grave goods including shears and knife; gold signet ring, glass vessels, gaming board and counters, dice, spoons, knife and a bead; cosmetic set and a pyxis; cosmetic set and a finger ring; horse skull, two brooches, two finger rings, an iron knife and a cosmetic set; and a brooch. Five of the burials include animal bone remains, including the horse skull, much of which may have also been grave goods.",40,100,9,9,,2,5,,,8,,,,9,,9,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15069,"The authors argues that the burials dated to the 3rd or 4thC AD but has no reasonable grounds for such a date. The pottery recovered from both graves dates, AD90-150. A broader date range of AD75-200 is given here. One inhumation included an adult female. This burial was laid prone with the legs in a flexed position, and it included a bracelet, hobnails and an iron boot plate. The second burial was also adult but much of the remains were lost and it could not be sexed. However, the remains of four infants were also placed in this grave. One of the infants was placed towards the feet of the adult. Hobnails were recovered from this burial, which also appears to have been coffined.",75,200,2,,2,,1,4,,2,1,,1,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15071,"A young adult female was inhumed, cut into the top of a middle Iron Age pit with a neonate place beneath her feet. Two 1stC AD pre-Conquest brooches were also recovered with this burial. Three other burials were also assigned to this phase, which were cut into the upper fill of the Iron Age boundary ditch, though no direct dating evidence was recovered.",10,125,1,,1,,1,1,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 15072,"The burials were laid in a line east-west and head-to-toe along the field boundary. The group is dated by the range of pottery recovered from the deposits, which includes New Forest and Oxfordshire wares; likely 4thC AD. One young adult female was lain prone, one with her legs at right angles, and another on her side. An infant was aged 2.5-3 years.",275,375,8,,8,1,5,1,,6,1,,1,5,8,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 15073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15074,The single burial of a neonate was found adjacent to a pit which contained burnt material and the butchered remains of a lamb.,-100,50,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15075,"The cremation pits were placed just outside the main boundaries of the site on opposite sides. One was an almost square pit covered with flint nodules and containing a number of complete but broken vessels, melon and annular beads, a bronze plate perhaps from a box, a shale spindlewhorl, and two bronze buttons/brooches. The second cremation contained a single fragmentary urn without grave goods. No details on the human remains are given.",50,200,2,2,,,,,,,,,,1,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15076,"Five inhumation burials of neonates/infants were recovered from each period, 3 from the early Roman phase (c.AD40-120), and one each from the late Iron Age (c.100-1BC) and late Roman (l.3rd-4thC AD) phases. All the inhumations were of babies, apart from one early Roman individual which was no older than 4 years. Two adult cremation burials were phased to the early Roman phase.",-100,400,7,2,5,1,1,5,,2,,,,,,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15077,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15078,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15079,Nothing is known of the context.,200,300,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15080,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15081,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15082,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15084,"An infant burial was placed in the foundations of the extra-mural barn to the south. In addition, one LIA inhumation was also excavated. Most other material was highly disturbed, but radiocarbon dates placed 4 other neonatal individuals in the 3rd-4thC AD. Overall, 8 neonates could be broadly dated to the Roman period, 1 juvenile and 2 adults to the Iron Age.",-100,400,11,,11,,,8,1,2,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15085,"No details on the cremation burial are given, but it is said to have been richly furnished.",-100,50,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 15086,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15087,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15088,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15090,"Unburnt human bone was collected from two features in Area A (south). One deposit represented the probable in situ remains of a neonatal burial made in a late Iron Age/early Romano-British quarry pit, and the other consisted of redeposited bone from an early Romano-British ditch. The remains of the latter were from the skull of a male, c.30-45 years.",40,150,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15091,"Bone was found in Areas D North and South. The only unburnt bone from Area D was redeposited in a Romano-British ditch fill in Area D North (a 25-45yr old female). Three early-mid Romano-British cremation graves containing the remains of five urned burials were also recovered from Area D North (Table HB2). Two other deposits of uncertain date may represent the remains of an unurned burial and redeposited pyre debris respectively. Three cremation-related deposits from Area D South included the remains of one unurned burial with redeposited pyre debris, possibly a second, and a deposit of pyre debris.",50,250,8,8,,2,2,2,3,6,,,,6,,5,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15092,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15093,"At least 10 burials were found associated with the enclosure complex. All the neonates were inhumation burials. The adult inhumation were undated but put in the Roman phase due to the association of the features to the enclosures. These were all crouched, so there may be some doubt as to whether these were middle Iron Age. One of the females included a neonate. The cremation was not aged or sexed.",-100,150,11,1,10,1,2,6,1,3,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15094,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15095,"The inhumation burial of a woman aged 50 years was found in a partially filled pit outside the Southern Enclosure. The body was lying on its right side, tightly couched, with the head to the south and facing east. The arms were pulled in tight towards the body, perhaps indicating that they had been bound. The skeleton was poorly preserved with few of the smaller bones surviving. There were no specific grave goods accompanying the burial, but the underlying fill contained a ceramic ladle and sherds of late Iron Age/early Roman pottery (cAD1-45).",0,45,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15096,"Of the five graves excavated in Area C, only two were securely dated. The other two confirmed graves had been severely truncated during the grading of the house plot, and only fragmentary remains of the burials survived. A small oval hollow may have been the site of a fifth grave, but no definite cut was identified. Two pots were found with one coffined adult burial, and a single vessel was buried with a coffined child (with hobnails).",100,200,4,,4,,,,1,1,,,,2,3,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15097,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15098,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15099,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15100,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15101,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15102,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15103,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15104,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15106,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15107,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15108,A few pieces of human bone material was recovered from Latchmere Green.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15109,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15110,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15111,"Four infant burials were recovered from between the Buildings 50 and 52, below the floor of Room 38, east of the west well, and between the hypocaust piers of Room 7.",100,400,4,,4,,,4,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15112,"Two coffined inhumation burials were excavated towards the southern end of the stripped area. Both were aligned north-south, set within the corner angle of a ditch, and contained the well-preserved remains of adults. One included in situ iron fittings associated with the coffin as well as a lock plate, ornate decorative strips and riveted bars supporting the lid. The other grave had a more simple coffin without decorative fittings, but contained a complete pottery vessel dated c.AD350-400+ with hobnails by the feet of the skeleton. Fragmentary and incomplete remains of at least four infant burials were also recovered.",300,400,3,,3,,,1,,2,,,,1,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15113,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15114,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15115,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15116,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15117,"Three inhumation graves were identified, but these dated to the E/MIA.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15118,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15119,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15120,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15121,"Two adult skeletons were excavated but left in situ after drawing due to poor preservation. These were both found associated with the V-shaped heating system. One appeared to have been deposited whilst the building was still standing, though the second was cut into the wall and must have post-dated its abandonment. No dating evidence was found.",250,400,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15122,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15123,"It is important to note that the three Iron Age graves dated to the mid-1stC AD and could be described as LIA/ERB, whilst the separate six inhumations in the Romano-British cemetery dated closely to the late 4thC AD. One of the IA/ERB burials, possibly a female, was found fully crouched, whilst the other two, sex unknown, were extended. All were adult. Of the Romano-British inhumations, all lay extended on their backs with their feet pointing towards the barrow. Two contained hobnails, one had a double-sided comb (female), and another (female) with a small number of late 4thC AD coins. One of the coins may have been placed in the mouth.",25,400,9,,9,1,4,,,9,,,1,4,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 15124,"Two extended inhumation burials (and a possible third) were cut into the Bronze Age barrows and though dating evidence was found, these were thought to have been LIA/RB due to the nature of the local land-use at that time. The skeletons were found to have been an adult male and an adolescent female.",,,2,,2,1,1,,1,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15125,"Three infants were found to date from the LIA/ER phase (c.AD25-200). Three graves contained four adult inhumations, dated by the excavators to the 4thC AD. Oddly, the osteologist states that the two single graves were medieval. However, the presence of hobnails in one does suggest contemporaneity with the double inhumation. The double inhumation contained two adult females, one lying supine but lying slightly to the right and had been decapitated, with the head placed by the right knee. The other was found disarticulated and deposited around the feet of the decapitated individual. Within the 1st-2ndC AD ditch of the main enclosure was found the fragmented skull of an adult male.",25,375,6,,6,,2,3,,4,,1,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15126,"The burial evidence is rather confusingly described in two sections which give accounts where it is not clear whether the information is independent or repeated. The 'Belgic' cemetery is said to include 19 burials spanning around 200 years; two further inhumations may have been of later date. Social distinction is perhaps signified in the varying burial practices observed: 5 'poor' inhumations, 5 coffined inhumations, and 2 cremations, including 1 twin burial. One cremation burial contained 10 accessory vessels. This was the only urned burial in the cemetery, though others were placed in a box. Infant burial was common in the settlement area. 16 were contemporary with the 'Belgic' cemetery, with 7 forming their own distinct cemetery. The warrior grave was thought to be the earliest burial in the Belgic cemetery, based upon its location. The body was lain on its back and it was covered with a thin layer of burning. An iron spearhead lay to the left of the skull; a heavy iron sword sheathed in a wooden scabbard lay to the right of the body, fixed to a belt or baldrick by two bronze rings; on the stomach lay a shield boss and has some wood preserved. Full specialist analysis is yet to be carried out on all the remains.",-100,400,40,18,22,,1,16,,19,,,,,5,3,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 15127,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15128,"A feature resembling a grave was excavated from which a plank of wood was recovered, but no bone.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15129,"A possible grave with nails was excavated though no human remains, if present, survived.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15130,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15131,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15132,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15133,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15134,"Over 80 burials have been found in total, though very few have been excavated. No details on the human remains recovered are available, and it is uncertain how many are late Roman and how many are early Saxon. Some inhumations and cremations were found within small enclosures.",300,500,80,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 15135,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15136,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15137,A single human burial in the form of a crouched burial was placed within a late Iron Age filled-in ditch that also contained a large assemblage of oyster shells and a few late Iron Age pottery sherds. A radiocarbon date of cal 1958+/-28 BP (AD53) was obtained from this individual. Although the surviving skeleton was well preserved although incomplete due to post-mortem taphonomic damage. The human remains consisted of an adult male skeleton.,25,75,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 15138,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15139,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15140,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15141,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15142,The skull of an adult female was found in the corner of one of the rooms of the villa. Near the skull a bone hairpin was also recovered.,300,400,,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 15143,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15144,A Roman lead coffin burial was said to have been found in the vicinity.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15145,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 15146,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16001,"A small late Roman cemetery (11 inhumations & 3 cremations) to the south of the main settlement, within a possible enclosure. Two cremations may well be earlier than main phase of burials, though uncertain. Most inhumations aligned east-west. Probably peripheral to a larger cemetery, as contained high % of infants/children. Only grave goods comprised a copper alloy anklet, iron stylus and brooch (from an adult female). Dog feet found in a sub-adult grave.",250,400,14,3,11,2,3,3,4,4,,,2,1,7,1,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 16002,"Eight east-west (in rows) and three north-south inhumation burials revealed 200m south of the main excavation area, believed to be 4th C in date, though perhaps not related to excavated settlement. A small Oxfordshire ware beaker placed by skull of one of the N-S burials. One decapitation burial noted. Also a crouched later Iron Age pit burial and a Roman infant burial in a ditch.",300,400,12,,12,6,3,1,1,9,,1,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 16003,"A small funerary enclosure (7m across) lay SE of the main settlement enclosure, and contained an urned cremation burial, within a wooden casket. A complete adult cattle burial placed immediately outside the south-west corner of the enclosure. Another small deposit of cremated human and animal bone found in an isolated pit further south. Also disarticulated fragments of an adult female.",50,100,2,2,,1,,,,2,,,,,,1,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 16004,An unusual double inhumation in a shallow grave found near the north-west corner of the villa - a prone adult male and peri-natal infant. Date is uncertain though thought to post-date the main use of the villa.,300,400,2,,2,1,,1,,1,1,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16005,Disarticulated remains of two infants found in a single late Roman pit. A redeposited adult cranium found in another late Roman pit.,250,350,1,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16006,"A single prone inhumation burial of an adult male, radiocarbon dated c cal AD 82-248. Also disarticulated infant remains.",80,250,1,,1,1,,,,1,1,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16007,"The Roman and Saxon inhumation cemetery (ID 16099), which lies mainly just beyond the boundary of the evaluation area, appears to continue northwards into the site. Several grave-shaped pits were revealed, though only one such pit was partially investigated to confirm that it contained a human burial. It did not produce dating evidence. An infant's ulna came from a ditch.",300,500,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16008,"A single child burial in the fill of a field ditch belonged to the 1st c AD . Two or three cremation burials date to the late 2nd/3rd C AD. The two urned cremations were accompanied by beakers. Three other cremation urns found on site in the 19th C and included here. In 4th C, was a small inhumation cemetery of 8 graves, located close to the field boundary. Two graves had stone linings and one definitely in a coffin. All supine and one had grave goods - bone comb, hobnailed shoes and coin (AD 364-78). Another post-Roman cemetery (radiocarbon dated AD 420-545) located nearby, with six inhumations, three possibly in coffins.",50,550,21,6,15,7,4,,1,14,,,,3,4,5,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 16009,A deposit of cremated bone and fuel ash was recovered from the upper fill of a late Iron age-early Roman ditch.,1,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16012,"A neonatal burial within the hillfort was radiocarbon dated to the late Iron Age-early Roman period, while an isolated inhumation burial of an adult female is presumed to be of Roman date. A further adult male inhumation was found in the hillfort and dated to the late Roman period, and disarticulated bones were found in the rampart ditch with midden material. Earlier 1980s excavation immediately outside the NE hillfort ramparts revealed four inhumations (including a prone female) presumed to be of late Roman date.",1,400,7,,7,2,3,1,,6,1,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16013,Burials of four infants in pits and a ditch associated with the main later Iron Age enclosures. Also finger bones from a pit.,-100,50,4,,4,,,4,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16015,"Two inhumation burials revealed in later excavations, both supine and aligned east-west. One comprised an unsexed adolescent (disturbed but possibly a decapitation burial) and the other a mature female. Disarticulated bone also found in various features - probably disturbed graves. Probably the western edge of a larger cemetery, as four Roman burials previously found in this Vineyard area (included in stats here), buried in wood and lead coffins. One of the burials was a decapitation and accompanied by a barbarous radiate coin.",275,400,6,,6,,1,,1,5,,2,,1,4,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16017,Adult skull fragments found in two ditch contexts and a femur shaft fragment in another ditch. All dated early Roman.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16018,"An urned late Iron Age/early Roman cremation burial and two 1st/2nd century adult male inhumations (one flexed) and a cremation (in a box), along with three late Roman inhumation burials alongside field ditches (two elderly females, one decapitated and a possible adult male, with legs slightly flexed).",50,400,7,2,5,3,2,,,6,,1,2,,,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16019,"Almost two thirds of an infant skeleton found in the later Roman roundhouse gully terminus, while another single infant humerus shaft found in a nearby enclosure ditch.",250,400,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16020,Two vertebrae from an adult found in a ditch.,50,120,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16022,A single supine adult (50+) male decapitation inhumation burial lay adjacent to a disused boundary ditch on the periphery of the site. An ancillary vessel located above the shoulders. Also partial remains of an infant from a late Roman gully.,200,400,2,,2,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16023,A disarticulated neonatal humerus in a LIA pit and another in a 1st C AD pit.,1,100,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16025,"A single burial of a crouched 6 year old in an oval grave, possibly dating to the later Roman period. Disarticulated human bone also found.",200,350,1,,1,,,,1,,,,1,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16027,An infant burial in a small circular grave located within a posthole scatter belonging to the late Iron Age/early Roman period. A small quantity of human bone was recovered from a late Iron Age pit. This was apparently a disarticulated scatter of associated though fragmented adult bones of unknown gender.,1,100,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16028,"Eight inhumation burials in vicinity of Roman trackway comprising three juveniles and five adults. One prone (adult) and another on side slightly flexed (5yrs old). One burial with coffin nail and hobnails & shoe cleats. Three later Roman adult cremation burials also revealed, all un-urned.",250,300,11,3,8,2,1,,3,8,1,,1,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16031,"Two probable late Iron Age inhumation burials, one a crouched adolescent, the other just comprising leg bones, the remainder possibly truncated, or possibly buried incomplete.",-100,100,2,,2,1,,,1,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16032,A single late Iron Age crouched inhumation burial of a young woman to the south of the main domestic enclosure.,-100,50,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16036,"Up to 4 un-urned cremation burials (one infant) from a small enclosed early Roman cemetery, 250m from the main settlement. Also five areas of redeposited cremation material and possible pyre sites. Within the main settlement were up to four inhumation burials, including two neonates and a coffined infant burial. The adult male burial was prone and probably late Roman in date.",50,300,8,4,4,1,,4,,4,1,,,,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16037,An infant burial placed in a pit beneath the floor make-up of one room in the villa - a foundation deposit?,250,300,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16038,"A Romano-British cemetery comprising 69 burials dating to the 3rd and 4th C AD. 12 cremations (9 adult, 2 adolescent), 6 of which were in a square ditched enclosure, and 57 inhumations (42 adults, 5 children, 10 infants). 49 inhumations and 11 cremations within main group, within which 3 distinct plots could be identified. Most inhumations supine north-south, with some west-east or a variation. Four decapitation burials, two semi-flexed and five prone. Grave good comprised coin, pottery beaker, bone pin, copper ally and shale bracelets, glass beads, hobnailed shoes and bucket loop. The most grave goods from a single grave (bracelets, beads and hobnails) were from a prone child, 6-7 years old. 4 cremations contained grave goods (beakers and a fossil and bird bone).",250,400,69,12,57,24,18,10,7,51,5,4,2,14,16,8,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 16039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16040,"A small mixed rite cemetery located on east edge of site. Comprised 5 inhumations (4 adults and a child; 3 slightly crouched and 1 female decapitation, overlain by a complete dog) and 2 cremations (probable female adult and young child). Two neonates found in evaluation. A further 11 deposits one disarticulated bone from Roman contexts.",250,400,9,2,7,2,3,2,2,5,,1,3,,,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16041,"The only inhumations on site are post-Roman in date (22 west-east unaccompanied inhumations), cutting through the main villa building. Recent radiocarbon dating indicates that these graves belong in the 5th-earlier 6th century AD. Five of the graves had stone linings.",400,550,22,,22,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16042,"Three adult inhumations placed at regular intervals within a field ditch near the trackway. No grave cuts identified. Two further burials lay outside this ditch to the north, one of a child. All were supine with no grave goods. Dating only vague.",200,400,5,,5,2,2,,1,4,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16050,The upper part of a woman found in a shallow LIA-early Roman grave - appears to have been buried incomplete. Also several instances of disarticulated human bones (adult and neonate). Two inhumation burials cutting into latest Roman ditches may be post-Roman so not included here.,1,100,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16052,Six neonate burials associated with the main masonry building.,250,400,6,,6,,,6,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16053,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16054,"Disarticulated human bone recovered, including neonate, but not certainly from late Roman features.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16055,"Mostly disarticulated remains, including mandibles, skulls, teeth and other bones. 11 burials, including 2 adults and 9 neonates.",100,350,11,,11,1,,9,,2,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16057,"Seven neonate burials, three in the main domestic area.",100,350,7,,7,,,7,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16059,A neonatal human bone found in an early Roman levelling layer.,50,100,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16061,"An adult cremation and crouched female inhumation, along with a crouched child inhumation, three neonate burials and much disarticulated bone of neonate and adult. Some infant bones associated with a complete pot in a pit. Also two late Roman male inhumation burials not associated with the settlement. The child was accompanied by an iron brooch and another brooch pin. Burnt animal bone from cremation and iron nails - from box?",1,400,6,1,5,2,1,3,1,2,,,2,1,,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16063,Two inhumation burials in pits 70m west of the masonry buildings.,250,400,2,,2,2,,,,2,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16064,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16065,"At least five adult burials disturbed prior to excavation (no details) and three further graves excavated, two with adults (one decapitated female and a prone male) and the third with two children (c 6 years), laid head to toe. Adult female had head placed between thighs and accompanied by copper alloy bracelet around ankle. Copper alloy and shale bracelets from one child.",350,400,8,,8,,,,2,7,1,1,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 16066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16067,"A group of 8 adult/sub-adult inhumation burials recovered lying across the trackway in the northern part of the site. An iron knife found in one grave. Clearly very late, it remains uncertain if they are Roman. Part of another small inhumation cemetery found during 1973 salvage excavations, comprising three adult graves. Two intact inhumation burials found during earlier salvage excavations, with human bones in spoil heaps suggesting the presence of others. Other isolated graves comprise that of a flexed young male.",300,400,14,,14,3,4,,2,12,,,1,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16068,"A late Roman cemetery adjacent to a trackway comprising 34 graves, in one there being an infant and an adult. Grave oriented north-south and laid out in irregular east-west rows. Most supine, but 3 prone, 4 flexed and three decapitated. 3 graves contained groups of 3 coins. Also hobnails in other graves. Only two sets of intercutting graves, suggesting grave markers.",350,400,34,,34,14,15,3,1,30,3,3,4,3,16,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 16069,"Three inhumation burials recorded, one of an infant and two adult males. An iron pruning hook in the grave of one adult, by the left shoulder, while the other adult burial was coffined. Later Roman date assumed.",200,300,3,,3,2,,1,,2,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16070,Part of a late Roman inhumation cemetery comprising 19 inhumation burials. All supine except one on side. No evidence for coffins. Three decapitation burials. Only 'grave goods' comprise hobnailed shoes. Animal bone found in two graves. Two cattle scapulae found below rib cage of one supine adult and horse/cattle jaw under rib cage of another.,300,400,19,,19,6,5,2,,17,,3,,3,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 16071,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16072,"A skull, mandible and 6 vertebrae of an older adult male recovered - probably a disturbed burial.",200,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16073,Two infant burials of probable Roman date.,100,400,2,,2,,,2,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16074,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16075,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16076,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16077,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16078,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16079,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16080,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16081,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16082,"An inhumation burial of a young adult female, with nails suggesting a coffin. Two jet pins found by the head and three pottery vessels placed within the coffin - two bowls and a narrow-necked jar. Nearby was a cremation burial contained within an urn accompanied by a jar. All suggested as end of 2nd to mid 3rd C AD in date.",200,250,2,1,1,,1,,,1,,,,2,1,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 16083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16084,Three inhumations in cists were found in Blackland field in the 19th century. No further information,200,400,3,,3,,,,,,,,,,3,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16085,Twenty fragments of adult human bone found dumped in a late Roman layer within the bath suite.,300,450,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16086,"Urned cremation burial within a small circular grave dug into the chalk. The grave contained four vessels - two fine butt beakers, a bowl and a dish/platter. The cremated remains were contained in one of the butt-beakers, along with a fragmentary bronze brooch and a perforated rounded flint nodule, perhaps used as an amulet.",1,50,1,1,,,1,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 16087,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16088,"An adult male crouched burial lay just inside the late Iron Age structure and may have been contemporary. Another crouched female burial further east may be of the same date, while at least two (and possibly seven) infant burials belong to this date. Also a cremation burial within the enclosure, but this is another poorly dated. Infant burial under floor of early Roman timber building. A late Roman infant cemetery lay in the SE corner of the main enclosure - at least 26 shallow graves, including 3 burials accompanied by animal skulls (2 dogs, 1 sheep). No adult burials - this was probably at Barrow Hills 800m to the NE.",-50,400,32,1,31,1,1,29,,3,,,2,3,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16089,"An inhumation burial within the robbed out foundation trench of the walled enclosure near to the south-west corner, had a 5th-6th C radiocarbon date.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16090,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16091,"A young adult female and young child (2yrs) were found in the base of the main enclosure ditch and dated to the later Iron Age. During the later Roman period, three late Roman inhumation burials recorded in southern part of the ring ditch (two with burials goods - one of inlaid bone box, the other a pottery bowl). Just to the north of the main enclosure was a substantial rural cemetery (ID 16092), that may be related to this settlement, though this remains uncertain.",1,400,5,,5,,1,1,,4,,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16092,"At least 110 inhumation burials, of probable 4th C AD date, though with very little information. Dominant orientation NE-SW but others shown too. 15 examples of decapitation burials.",300,400,110,,110,42,22,3,3,65,,15,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16093,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16094,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16095,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16096,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16097,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16098,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16099,"Part of an extensive late Roman cemetery excavated to the north of the main religious complex, and with uncertain association. Original excavation in 1860s revealed 134 graves (5 in lead coffins), 30 burials found in 1920s excavations and 6 further burials found in 1930s excavations. Where known graves organised in rows, NE-SW and evidence for coffin nails (unspecified number of graves). Grave goods comprised coins (including hoard of 34 coins above one skull and one placed in the mouth), fossilised sea urchins, pottery, and bronze pin. Also early Saxon burials revealed a little to the east.",300,450,170,,170,66,47,,1,5,,,,,5,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 16100,"No burials noted on site, though just over 1km west of a substantial cemetery at Marcham/Frilford (ID 16099).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16101,"Part of a substantial inhumation cemetery, assumed to date to the 4th C AD, but this is uncertain. Most aligned NNE-SSW and no evidence for coffins. Most supine, with 4 prone burials. A single decapitation. At least 5 burials with pots and one possibly with a 4th c coin.",300,400,24,,24,6,3,,,14,4,1,,6,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16102,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16103,"A single urned cremation burial came from the site, with the pot inverted in the topmost layer of a large pit, which contained kiln dumping material. The urn was late 1st-early 2nd C in date, which makes its location, if correct, in the top layer of a pit containing 2nd-4th C pottery, quite unusual. Perhaps the burial was re-buried from elsewhere as a special deposit? Or else the context is erroneous.",75,125,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16104,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16105,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16106,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16107,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16108,"A substantial (and probably more or less complete) mixed rite late Roman cemetery, focused upon a Neolithic long mound. Most lay east-west (along axis of mound) and 5-6 graves contained coins within the mouth (one had 4 coins). Other grave goods noted comprised a colour coat beaker and two composite bone combs. Two burials contained hobnailed shoes by the feet. Limited evidence for coffins from two graves. Most burials supine, but 5 were prone and 3 decapitated. A wide range, from 2-3 to adult represented but not quantified. No neonates mentioned.",300,400,58,9,49,,,,,,5,3,,11,2,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 16109,"The articulated remains of 9 infant burials were found in and around the villa-house, some buried in scoops. All dated skeletons were 3rd C in date. One was possibly associated with a ceramic vessel, another with a sheep foetus scapula. Also two human skull fragments found in destruction layers over the villa and other fragments of disarticulated bone from 25 contexts both in and around the villa house (adult & infant).",200,300,9,,9,,,9,,,,,,2,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16110,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16111,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16112,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16113,"A single grave containing the coffined remains of a young female, aged 25-30 years, in a supine extended position with her head to the east. The disarticulated remains of one subadult were also found within the grave.",300,400,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,1,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16114,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16115,"A cremation burial which was contained within two pottery vessels (jar and beaker), one inside of another, within a pit. Pottery was late Roman in date. Nails indicate a probable box.",300,400,1,1,,1,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16116,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16117,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16118,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16119,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16120,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16121,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16122,"A single east-west late Roman inhumation was found on the site at the western end of the excavated area. The remains were those of a juvenile placed in a supine position with the head to the west. The body had evidently been interred in a coffin and numerous coffin nails were found. Also Two un-urned cremations found, each accompanied by a small 3rd C pot along with a substantial numbers of iron hobnails.",250,400,3,2,1,,,,1,,,,,2,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16123,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16124,"Two individual crouched inhumations from the excavated, both in pits. One orientated east-west, the other north-south. A third crouched inhumation was discovered during the evaluation, with a radiocarbon date of 20 AD-240 AD (95.4% probability). Given the lack of later Roman activity on site, a LIA/early Roman date is suggested. Further human remains were recovered from other contexts.",20,100,3,,3,2,,,,3,,,3,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16125,"A small pit was filled with cremated human bone and nails, but could not be dated - presumed to be Roman.",,,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16126,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16127,"Until the latest excavations, no formal cemeteries have been identified, but cremation and inhumation burials have been located in small clusters, particularly at the western margins of the settlement. Individual burials, both cremations and inhumations, also occurred sporadically within the settlement area, amongst these a mid 2nd-century inhumation within a wooden chamber beneath a ditched mound (with evidence for sharp-force trauma to the skull). Also one set within a small square-ditched enclosure. A total of 19 cremation burials (2 male), all adult, only one urned, cremated animal remains in 3). A total of 33 inhumation burials, including 3 neonates & 5 young adults. Grave goods (mainly pottery and some animal remains with some graves but not yet quantified). Many small samples of cremated human bone and disarticulated remains across the settlement. One skull of a young adult female was perforated post-mortem. Very recent excavations in the south-eastern part of the settlement have revealed a small early Roman cremation cemetery of 14 burials, two placed in urns. Yet to be analysed, but still included here.",75,350,66,33,33,13,7,3,5,39,,1,,,3,3,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 16128,"A minimum of four inhumations and one cremation are present although up to 31 inhumations and two cremations could be present. The excavator considered that the cemetery contained at least 20 burials within the area examined, though as this cannot be confirmed, the minimum grave numbers are given here. One possible flexed burial.",100,400,6,2,4,,,,,6,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16129,Three infant burials and further disarticulated remains.,250,400,3,,3,,,3,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16130,"A single deposit of burnt human bone was recovered, but uncertain date.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16131,Cremated remains were recovered from the terminal of a shallow ditch of possible 2nd-3rd century AD date,100,250,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 16132,"A possible bustum cremation burial from CA evaluation, in a rectangular pit with iron nails. Several other burials were found during the 2010-12 excavations. An isolated cremation burial was found associated with an early Roman field system towards the northern edge of the site, with all others clustering around the main enclosure complex and around a North-South trackway. Three inhumation burials date specifically from the late Roman period, two of which lay close to the N-S trackway (one decapitated & prone, associated with pottery and 2 coins (mid 3rd C), and coffin nails) and one of which (juvenile) was cut into the upper fills of a corn drying oven in the same area. A stone-lined square pit lay just to the north of one of the trackway burials. A further three burials, all supine and extended, close to the North-South trackway, were also probably late Roman. One of these burials had a pot near its head, and another contained coffin nails. A further inhumation burial, also supine and extended, was found within the main enclosure. Iron objects were found below its right arm. Evidence for further cremation burials in the Roman period was more limited, though one example was found within the main enclosure. A further four deposits, probably dating to the middle or late Roman periods were not definitely identified as human. Some undated cremation burials might also date from the Roman period. Also disarticulated remains of late Iron Age to early Roman date found in the earliest phase of the main enclosure and from one of the eastern enclosures.",1,400,10,3,7,2,1,,1,6,1,1,,3,2,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16133,no data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16134,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16135,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16136,no data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16137,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16138,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16139,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16140,no data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16141,no data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16142,A possibly articulated human arm recovered from the Roman hollow-way.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16143,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16144,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16145,"Two shallow sub-circular pits were identified containing cremated adult human bone. The fill of one burial contained small amounts of Roman pottery, of which only a single sherd is closely dateable and is of probable early Roman-date. Cremated animal bone in graves.",50,150,2,2,,,,,,2,,,,,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16146,"A late Roman inhumation cemetery associated with nearby settlement. Most graves aligned NNE-SSW and various grave goods (including 4 with coins, others with beakers and one with a double sided comb), but not quantified. 1 lead coffin and up to 12 others in timber coffins. Two decapitation burials.",300,400,25,,25,9,9,1,3,21,,2,,,13,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 16147,A 'Belgic' urn was found that probably contained a cremation.,20,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16148,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16149,A cremation burial contained within a Roman ceramic vessel of late Roman date.,300,400,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16150,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16151,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16152,no data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16153,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16154,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16155,"Inhumation cemetery of 35 graves arranged fairly regularly, aligned N-S, and believed to have been nearly all adult (plus two 15-20 years), although this remains uncertain. Only one certain coffin. One prone and two decapitation burials. Grave goods comprised a group of 9 coins (early 4th C) in one grave (young adult) and a late Roman coloured coat beaker in another.",300,400,35,,35,17,14,,2,33,1,2,,2,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 16156,Fragments of bones from a very small child were found within the excavated site.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 16157,An infant burial found within the main building - a ritual deposit?,250,300,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17001,"Three spatially and temporally separate areas of burial existed at the Nettleton site, all situated on the fringes of the complex. The earliest 'cemetery' (C) in the NE part of the site was dated to the 1st or 2nd C AD, earlier than the phase 1 temple. It comprised just two urned adult cremation burials, along with an inhumation burial of a young person, with a coin of Vespasian. 6 other urned cremations found nearby but no further detail. Cemetery B was located much further to the south along the Fosse-Way road, but only three adult graves were excavated (2 male) and none of them closely dated. The final cemetery (A), which was of mid-late 4th century date, was the most extensive, being positioned around the Fosse Way in the southern part of the site. Fifteen inhumation graves were excavated and two small buildings were suggested as tombs. All oriented E-W with coffin nails and with stone slabs on top of the coffins. Only grave good was single coin of Constantine II. 6 adults, 1 child and 1 neonate, others not excavated fully enough. The graves thought to be associated with a well-constructed two-roomed building on their southern boundary, which contained a platform with circular depressions containing black burnt material, suggested as places for food offerings to the dead. Also 6 neonate skeletons, two found singly, the others in pairs. Disarticulated human bone found at the site including scattered in the demolition rubble of the temple (at least 14 individuals). In addition a prone adult female was found in a building, not in a grave, accompanied by a bracelet and jet beads.",75,400,28,8,20,5,2,7,1,12,,,,3,10,8,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17003,A Romano-British E-W inhumation grave found in the eroded river bank - a supine adult male. Within the grave was animal bone (cattle/sheep/goat and horse) and oyster shell as well as hobnails. A late Roman date was suggested by pottery.,200,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17005,A single adult female crouched inhumation burial lying within an entranceway into a field/paddock enclosure. Only the skull and long bones remained. Accompanied by a complete late Iron Age/early Roman jar.,1,100,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,1,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 17006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17007,"A series of cremation and inhumation burials revealed in salvage excavations may mark the western limits of the small town, just off Ermin Street road. No information on burial context (i.e. coffins, position etc.). The cemetery comprised 7 urned cremation burials (early 2nd C AD; 3 adults, 1 young adult; one mostly animal bone) and 23 inhumation burials, mostly in two overlapping groups. The earlier group, aligned N-S included a grave with a coin of AD 260-8), while the latter were aligned E-W and included a grave with a coin dated AD 380-83. The inhumations comprised 11 adults, 3 children/adolescents and 6 neonates. 7 male and 2 female. Also two further infant burials within the settlement, one in an oven, the other in a building (AD 150-300).",100,400,32,7,25,7,2,8,3,15,,,,2,,7,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17008,"Two graves containing three inhumation burials lay near to a late Roman boundary ditch. One grave contained the extended supine skeleton of an adult male (SW-NE) and the adjacent deep grave held two extended supine skeletons - an adult male (head to NE) over a 16-17 year old adolescent (head to SW). Both buried in coffins, with hobnails around the adult male. A third poorly preserved grave lay further south with a partially flexed adult male, accompanied by a puppy skeleton, hobnails, pig jaw and half a black-burnished ware bowl. All adult burials had been radiocarbon dated mid 3rd to mid/late 4th C AD. The adolescent was radiocarbon dated late 1st-early 4th.",250,400,4,,4,3,,,1,3,,,1,2,2,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17009,"Four inhumation burials discovered on site in 1960. Two uncoffined inhumations were destroyed prior to examination, while of the other two, one was in a Bath stone coffin (adult female, N-S orientation, with a single green glass flask as a grave good, by the feet), and the other, just 2m away, was in a lead coffin. This had the same orientation and contained an older adult male, with no grave goods. No exact dating evidence given.",,,4,,4,1,1,,,2,,,,1,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17011,A single infant (1-2 years) burial in a grave pit. The infant showed signs of scurvy. Radiocarbon dated c AD 1-175. Also an adult skull fragment from an undated pit that had been polished perhaps for use as a vessel.,50,175,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17012,The remain of a single peri-natal individual in a shallow grave near a well,150,400,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17016,A single infant bone came from the Time Team evaluation.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17017,A single adult human tooth.,120,250,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17020,An infant skeleton found during the excavation in 1957.,,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17022,"A cist inhumation found in the area during the 19th C, surrounded by large flints, hobnails at feet and Roman pottery in the cist fill. Undated within the Roman period. An inhumation also found in a silted up late Iron Age ditch in 1971-2. During an evaluation in 1992 an adult human skull was exposed in a pit, thought to have been part of a crouched burial though remainder of pit went unexcavated. It was accompanied by a greensand quern and a chalk loomweight and dated late Iron Age.",-50,50,3,,3,,,,,2,,,1,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17023,"Five burials were inserted into the partially silted late Iron Age enclosure ditches in the early-mid 1st C AD. These comprised two crouched adult male inhumation burials (one with burnt human bone in grave along with an Aucissa brooch). Also an unurned cremation with the partially burnt remains of an adult human and unidentified animal and charcoal. Another unurned partially cremated individual was accompanied by an iron knife and radiocarbon dated cal 160BC - AD70. Above the burials was a layer of burnt timber (pyre debris?), then a prone adult male inhumation burial with half a shell-tempered jar under the pelvis. Over this burial lay a significant amount of cremation debris and pottery dating mid 1st-early 2nd C AD. Associated with the 2nd-4th C settlement were further burials. A pit dug into one of the enclosure ditches contained cremated adult human remains and unburnt animal bone; this was cut by a larger pit containing further cremated human remains and sherds of mid-late 2nd C AD pottery (uncertain if represent actual grave goods). A coffined inhumation burial lay on the northern periphery of the settlement just west of a trackway and south of Ermin St. The skeleton was a young adult male lain out prone. Pottery from the trackway ditch was 2nd-3rd C AD, but the burial was not independently dated. In addition, a neonate skeleton was inserted into the upper fill of a large middle Iron Age pit near Ermin Street well removed from the settlement. It is thought to be early Roman in date.",1,200,9,4,5,4,,1,,7,2,,2,5,1,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17024,"A cluster of 7 cremation burials were observed away from any other features. Pottery only attributable to a broad prehistoric date was recorded, but one burial contained a Colchester type brooch of late Iron Age or very early Roman date. No further information. Also part of an adult human skull found in a late iron Age ditch terminus (possibly part of a structured deposit), with evidence for trepanation.",1,50,7,7,,,,,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 17025,An undated cremated burial together with an undated cut containing pyre debris lay close to the southern edge of a Roman ditch and to the north of the wet ground of the palaeochannel. It was assumed that the burial was of Roman date.,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17026,"An adult cremation burial was found within a pottery urn towards the junction of two ditches, set in a very shallow cut. No grave goods. A second deposit in a small pit contained a mixture of both animal and human remains and is considered to be a collection of pyre debris; 37 sherds of 2nd-century pottery were also recovered.",100,200,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17027,Two neonatal skeletons were found together in the upper fill of a later Roman ditch. A single bone of a third neonate was discovered in the same ditch fill.,250,350,2,,2,,,2,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17028,"Lying 60m west of the villa complex were five masonry mausolea, four containing inhumation burials along with a single unurned(?) cremation burial in a 'stone cavity'. Two of the inhumations lay N-S (both in stone coffins) and two E-W (one wood coffin the other stone lined). No indications of grave goods except possible pottery vessel with cremation. No indication of precise date, though not all tombs were built at the same time. Disarticulated human remains (at least 3 individuals) found in a well within the villa complex.",150,400,5,1,4,,,,,,,,,1,3,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17029,"Human bone from seven contexts appear to represent the remains of disturbed but in situ burials. Three of these burials were grouped together north of the trackway, with the other four in the southern part of the settlement. The burials comprise 4 adults one child (4-5 years) and 2 neonates. The child seem to have been crouched and accompanied by a chicken bone. One adult male was prone. No specific dating evidence for the burials.",,,7,,7,2,2,2,1,4,1,,1,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17032,"A neonate burial in a pit was associated with the primary phase of occupation, while material from three further neonates were found in a later occupation deposit.",200,400,4,,4,,,4,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17033,"Human skeletal remains were recovered from a single context, but certainly Roman in date.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17034,Inhumation burial of a subadult c. 14-16 years in age recovered from silted up Roman ditch associated with late Roman pottery; other human bones recovered comprised redeposited bone from a neonate and an adult. Inhumation accompanied by a small dog skeleton.,300,400,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,1,,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 17035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17036,"A single late Iron Age-early Roman crouched inhumation burial lay over 50m SE of the early Roman settlement. It was radiocarbon dated 170 cal BC to 60 cal AD. An extended inhumation burial of an adult male also found to the north of a well within a trackway associated with the mid/late 2nd C settlement. Two un-urned cremation burials 20m to the east were also possibly associated with this phase. Both comprised deposits of cremated bone and pyre debris in pits. No grave goods. In addition, a single isolated adult heel bone discovered.",-100,200,4,2,2,1,,,,2,,,1,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17038,"Four or Five infant burials found within the settlement distributed within the domestic features. Other disarticulated neonate fragments found. These were possibly of early Roman date, though this is not certain. Also the remains of an adult female found outside a house platform in the 1980s and another burial found on the northern fringes of the settlement , cut through by a military trench.",,,7,,7,,,5,,2,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17039,"An inhumation burial of an adult male (31-35 years) with the lower half truncated. The body was lying in a prone position, arms flexed behind the torso. No grave goods or evidence of coffin fittings and a single Romano-British pottery sherd was the only find. Radiocarbon dated to later 1st-early 2nd C AD. Further disarticulated bone from the area was originally thought to be Roman but radiocarbon date on one indicated an 18th C AD date.",50,150,1,,1,1,,,,1,1,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17040,Redeposited bone was found from 4 contexts dating to the Roman period. All neonate except one adult ?male,50,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17042,"Four inhumation burials revealed during 1963 excavation, with a further two previously found and two more found in the 1980s. All adult, 4 male and 1 female and no consistent orientation to the burials. One inhumation was flexed. Evidence for coffin nails in one grave, others not noted. One grave associated with hobnailed footwear. Although certainly Roman, dating of the graves is ambiguous. The burials are all presumed to lie on the periphery of the farmstead.",,,8,,8,4,1,,,8,,,1,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17043,"A small group of inhumation burials recovered from the northern excavation area, removed from the other late Roman activity. Three closely spaced graves with inhumations were observed along with one probable grave with no human remains present (included in grave count as had hobnails and coffin nails). All aligned E-W, with bone survival poor. One adult male inhumation was a decapitation with head placed by feet, along with a complete miniature pottery beaker. Coffin nails and hobnailed footwear present. Another unsexed adult had coffin nails, a complete miniature beaker next to the skull, a coin (AD 335-40) next to right hand and an iron spoon. The final unsexed adult grave contained a cluster of hobnails. All burials dated 4th C AD. Disarticulated human bone also found on site, well away from the burials.",325,400,4,,4,1,,,,4,,1,,4,3,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 17044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17045,"Part of a late Roman inhumation cemetery believed to date from the mid 4th C AD onwards. At least seven graves discovered, comprising three stone cists containing skeletons (3-6 month old, possibly decapitated with head by lower limbs; 30+ year old ?male; 25 year old male with a single hobnail) two skeletons within non-cist graves (17-18 year old female; 35+ year old male), one carved limestone coffin burial (18-25 year old ?female with hobnails), and a disturbed cist without any skeletal remains surviving. All the burials shared the same orientation (west-east). Coffin nails were concentrated in three graves, including the limestone coffin. One grave cut the rubble layer sealing the corn-dryer. Disarticulated human bone may be from other disturbed burials. The orientation of the Eyewell Farm cemetery was approximately at right angles to an earlier or contemporary boundary ditch.",350,400,7,,7,3,2,1,,5,,1,,2,3,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17046,"A Roman inhumation burial, supine and extended, with its head to the west. Surrounding the skeleton was a darker fill, possibly the remains of a coffin outline. Finds comprised 3 iron nails, a fragment of copper alloy and 3 fragments of Roman pottery. No specific date range given. Also the disturbed remains of at least two others",,,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,1,1,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 17047,"Four separate Roman cemetery groups (two excavated 2002 and two in 2004), along with a number of more isolated burials. Cemetery 1, dated later 4th C AD, contained 32 inhumation burials and the burials of two dogs, arranged within and around a group of ditched enclosures. 16 burials (and 1 dog burial) lay within the enclosures (mostly E-W) and 17 lay to the north and west (E-W & N-S). The only two prone burials were the two most peripheral of this group. All except four of all the graves appeared to have contained coffins, some with huge numbers of nails. 22 with grave goods. 8 graves contained coins (1-5 coins in each grave); also late Roman buckle plate, amphora-shaped strap end and iron knife with copper alloy fittings from one grave. 15 graves with hobnails. Other grave goods comprised included four pairs of shears, cattle bone (1 grave) an agricultural or woodworking tool, three knives, a sewing needle, 2 bone combs and four pottery vessels, three New Forest colour-coated ware globular beakers and a miniature imitation Black Burnished ware jar. Cemetery 2 contained 30 roughly rectangular features (aligned NW-SE) interpreted as Romano-British graves though only 4 features excavated - two burials, a pyre or unurned cremation burial (containing a complete New Forest Ware beaker, hobnails and cremated human bone), and part of an enclosure. One of the burials had hobnails around the feet and the other was flexed, with a radiocarbon date of AD 80-250. Only the 3 recorded burials are detailed here (all 4th C except the flexed burial). Cemetery 3 (Group 5095) contained at least 45 inhumations and 2 cremations - it comprised a small enclosed cemetery (16 burials) with many other burials (31) inserted into the Wessex Linear Ditch immediately to the north (all except one interred along a 35m length).Nearly all enclosure burials were N-S, in a supine and extended position & within coffins and all single burials except a female and a neonate and two adults. Most wearing hobnailed boots and with a few grave goods, typically comprising a pottery drinking vessel and/or coin(s), the majority of them Valentinian in date (AD 364-375). Personal ornaments or jewellery were also present, including: copper alloy finger rings; brooches and bone combs. Three of the graves were unusual: one was contained within a large iron-bound coffin; another, of a young woman, contained an unusually high quantity of jewellery (see finds summary); finally one burial of a young adult female had the head replaced with that of a young adult male (counted here as a decapitation burial). The ditch burials also dated late 4th C and only 3 were coffined. Also overall the quantity and quality of grave goods tended to be poorer than found in the enclosure burials - a majority of the burials were buried wearing hobnailed boots, but only one burial was found with jewellery (a copper alloy ring) and two with coins, along with an iron knife and a chisel in other graves. The was a much greater % of males in the Linear Ditch (65%) than in the enclosure (31%) suggesting some selectivity based on gender. Cemetery 4 was partly uncovered during a pipeline watching brief and comprised a rectangular enclosure ditch (8x5m)containing a single empty 'grave'/cenotaph and at least four subsequent inhumation graves. All lack coffin nails and grave goods except hobnails. A series of 14 deposits of cremated remains and probable pyre debris, many of them associated with a number of ceramic vessels, were placed into this final silting fill of the enclosure ditch. (Note: it was considered a minimum of 8 actual cremation burials). To the north and north-east of the enclosure, an additional eight inhumations were uncovered; two richer graves contained at least three separate items of grave furnishing (pots and a spindlewhorl). Isolated burials comprised two super-imposed inhumations within a sub-circular enclosure. A small pot accompanied the earlier disturbed burial while the later burial was extended and supine with a coin placed near the skull and hobnails by feet. Also cattle bones. Burials dated later 4th C AD. Other isolated burials comprise a small group of four inhumations (3 coffined, no grave goods) and additional isolated coffined burial.",100,400,110,12,98,43,42,6,13,86,2,1,1,90,62,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 17048,"An infant grave (6 months) lay in the gully terminal of a circular structure interpreted as a possible shrine, while another infant burial lay to the SE.",250,420,2,,2,,,2,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17050,"An inhumation burial was found adjacent to the southern part of the ditched enclosure, with a quernstone lying on the skull - uncertain if this represents a grave good?",,,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17052,Two urned cremation burials found in 1840 and another cremation urn found in 1910. There is no specific dating evidence given.,,,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,3,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17054,Two infant inhumations were both presumed to be of late 3rd-4th century AD date. One was in a grave which cut through the fill of a sub-rectangular hollow (?threshing floor); the other was located near an oven. Also disarticulated fragments of infant bone were found in four contexts.,250,400,2,,2,,,2,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17055,"Two human skull fragments (12-17 years old) found with animal bone in a later Iron Age-early Roman pit. Further disarticulated human bone found in upper fill. Further NW was a ditch containing three crouched inhumations burials tentatively dated to the start of the Roman period. The southernmost burial was a tightly crouched adult female, while the second grave was of a 16-18 year old male (marked as adult here). The most northern grave was a young adult female. There are indications of genetic links between the two female individuals. Further fragments of human remains occurred elsewhere in the ditch.",40,70,3,,3,1,2,,,3,,,3,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17057,"A broken and incomplete human male adult skull found in a layer of silt, presumed to be Roman.",200,360,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17061,"During 1991 excavations, seven inhumation burials were found. Four of the burials were spaced over 105m in northern part of the site, and three within a more contained area further south. Three male and three female, four elderly, 2 adult, one perinatal. Assumed to be late Roman but little independent dating, though one cut through a corn-dryer. All graves contained hobnails (though two possibly not actually wearing the shoes) and one a large iron pin (shroud pin?). One N-S skeleton had a twisted upper torso and raised arms, and the remains of a dog skeleton. Another lay E-W with legs flexed. One burial on its side had large flint nodules around head and back. Only two with evidence for coffin nails. During 1995 excavations a shallow grave was found in the same area as the southern burials, cut into the upper fill of the LIA-early Roman enclosure ditch. It contained a supine adult male aligned NE-SW with hobnails found in the foot area. The grave had cut through an earlier grave of a sub-adult (with only left forearm left in situ), Coffin nails found. Also redeposited human adult bone from an early Roman context.",200,350,9,,9,4,3,1,1,7,,,1,9,3,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17062,"In 1989 and 1996 a group of at least 12 individuals recovered from a series of graves dug to the south of a domestic enclosure. Most of the graves were shallow and plough damaged, with two graves containing skeletal material from two separate acts of burial, one above the other. Ten of the skeleton examined in detail: 5 'immature' individuals (not all explicitly defined but at least one neonate), 1 sub-adult and 4 adult (1 female, 3 male). Older individuals at least were crouched. No mention of grave goods. It is likely that this was a small part of a much larger cemetery. Three radiocarbon dates from skeletal material comprise 390-110 cal BC, 350 cal BC-cal AD 60 and 340 cal BC-cal AD 20, indicating a mid to late Iron Age sequence. In addition, fragments of human bone from immature individuals recovered from upper grave fills and in a separate pit. Single fragments of cremated human bone were also recovered from two graves. Two infant burials date to the early Roman period.",-100,100,14,,14,3,1,7,1,4,,,5,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17064,Two infant graves cut the dark earth soil and are presumed to be late Roman in date. Also two small fragments of human bone.,200,400,2,,2,,,2,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17065,"Six inhumation graves lay dispersed to the south and east of the main domestic features, close to the edges of field ditches. One E-W inhumation (older adult female) was flexed and contained hobnails. A N-S inhumation (older adult male) was prone and had a skeleton of a small dog lain under the torso. A coin of AD 161-175 placed in the mouth. A coffin stain and coffin nails noted. Next to this was another grave with an extended supine inhumation (older adult female) with evidence for a coffin along with five small copper alloy rivets with leather fragments around the feet. The three other inhumations (juvenile, adult and young adult) were disturbed but one was tightly crouched. Three features at the southern end of the excavated area contained large amounts of cremated material, such as charcoal, burnt flint, pottery and cremated human and animal bone (horse, cattle, sheep). They are referred to as pyre debris sites but are marked here as un-urned cremation burials (though quantity of human remains is very small). Disarticulated human bone also found within quarry pit.",200,400,9,3,6,2,3,,2,7,1,,2,3,2,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17066,"An inhumation burial of a child or young adolescent is orientated east-west between two late Roman ditches (away from main settlement) and assumed to be broadly contemporary. The skeleton was incomplete, comprising only the skull (part), feet and two arm bones. Coffin nails found around the body. Accompanying the body from an area which would have been inside the coffin was a miniature pottery beaker, and also clusters of hobnails around the feet.",300,400,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17067,"A number of inhumation burials found in various excavation trenches suggesting a pattern of dispersed burial on the fringes of a farmstead, in the same area as crop processing. Two adjacent 3rd C graves in one trench were aligned S-N; both adult supine, one male (40-50) one female (20-25); in the area of the male's right knee came a fragment of a bronze bracelet. Six metres further north was another, much disturbed inhumation (juvenile aged 10-14) aligned N-S, buried on its left side with the legs flexed. Some Roman pottery found. A fourth grave comprised an adult male, N-S, lain on its left side and with the knees of the flexed legs resting against the top of the grave. Numerous iron hobnails around the soles of the feet, and several large toe bones and iron hobnails also lay behind the knees. Many pottery sherds and animal bones from the grave, indicating a 3rd/4th C date for the burial. Also two neonate burials found.",200,400,6,,6,2,1,2,1,3,,,2,2,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17068,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17069,"A partial late Roman inhumation grave discovered on the edge of the former enclosure. It was a flexed adult female and radiocarbon dated to AD 230-350. Late Roman pottery discovered around the burial but uncertain if directly associated. Also fragments of neonate skeletons from a surface spread and a construction cut (suggested here as disturbed burials), and a human skull (16-18 year old female) was placed in the back of the corn-dryer flue upon abandonment. This was radiocarbon dated AD 250-410, meaning that this was probably re-deposited from an earlier grave. A charred human skull fragment from a different individual also found in the flue along with skull and upper limb fragments from another individual.",250,350,3,,3,,1,2,,1,,,1,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 17070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17071,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17072,A single rectangular grave aligned SW-NE in an area of field boundaries. It was supine and extended with evidence for coffin nails. Sherds of Roman pottery from the fill comprised the only dating evidence. Iron sheet fragments also found in the grave.,,,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17073,"Human remains are said to have been found ""alongside one of the walls"" but no further information so uncertain if formal burial or disarticulated bone.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17074,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17075,In 1942 a Roman Bath stone coffin containing an inhumation burial of a young adult woman (16-20 years) had been found on the site. It lay east-west. No grave goods.,,,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17076,"An undated east-west aligned grave, containing a probable adult (35-40 years) male inhumation, had been cut into an early Roman field ditch which suggests that it was probably mid-late Roman. Due to the disturbance of the grave prior to archaeological monitoring, the exact nature of the grave cut or the grave rites of the occupant remain unclear.",100,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17077,An infant's skull was found in one of the settlement ditches.,75,250,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17078,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17079,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17080,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17081,"A lead coffined inhumation burial. The coffin consisted of a two-piece lid (joined by a strip), a coffin lining and associated iron nails at its corners, suggested a wooden outer coffin. Also fragmentary evidence of a greensand (stone) sarcophagus surviving at one end. No details of skeleton but based on overall size assumed to be adult.",300,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17082,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17083,"Three inhumation burials were found on the fringes of the settlement, by the start of possible field boundaries. One was represented part or a complete burial that was 'dumped' into a ditch, mixed in with large quantities of animal bone and pottery, some of it 2nd-3rd C in date. Another was a small circular grave containing a neonate burial (no independent dating). The final burial was a grave containing a probable Romano-British crouched inhumation, thought to be a Romano-British burial associated with the Romano-British field system but with no independent dating.",100,300,3,,3,,,1,,2,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17084,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17085,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17086,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17087,Two infant burials (3 months and 20 months) within graves cut into hollows within the settlement. No grave goods.,250,400,2,,2,,,2,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17088,"The southernmost burial comprised a supine adult inhumation contained within a Bath stone coffin. Orientated N-S with head to the north. The body of the coffin was carved in two parts and held in place by other slabs of limestone. A quantity of hobnails found close to the feet and a copper alloy spiral finger ring found on the coffin lid. Fragments of a 'Roman cooking pot' found close to the coffin. The exact date of this inhumation is not known. The northern burial (NW-SE) was contained within a cruder limestone coffin built of 12 separate limestone slabs. The skeleton was of an adult female. No grave goods, but late Roman coins and pottery in the immediate vicinity provide indirect indications of a 3rd-4th C AD date.",200,400,2,,2,,1,,,2,,,,1,2,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 17089,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17090,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17091,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17092,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17093,"An east-west aligned lead coffin was revealed but not opened (though human bone could be seen in gaps) and re-buried. The base and sides of the coffin were formed of a single sheet, as was the lid. Iron nails found at the corners indicate it lay within a wooden coffin. Another lead coffin found in the vicinity in 1910 suggests this was part of a larger cemetery.",250,400,2,,2,,,,,1,,,,,2,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17094,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17095,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17096,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17097,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17098,"A stone coffined N-S burial was found to the NE of the early Roman enclosure but probably dates to the late Roman period. The limestone coffin was covered with another limestone slab and was clearly originally intended/used for a smaller/younger person, as the end had been broken off and a rubble make-shift end to the coffin formed in order to accommodate the 35-45 year old adult. Sex mot determined. Uncertain if grave goods.",200,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17099,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17100,"A group four inhumation burials within the space of around 10-15m of each other, some quite disturbed. Where noted they were on differing alignments (W-E, SSW-NNE and WNW-ESE), and all appeared to be extended supine (though one burial lay on its side). All adult and sex not noted. Hobnails found in one grave by the feet while a sheep jawbone placed by lower leg of another skeleton. No evidence for coffins. The somewhat meagre dating evidence from pottery fragments in the grave fills suggests an early 2nd C AD date for internment.",100,150,4,,4,,,,,4,,,,2,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 17101,"A single inhumation burial was found to the west of the villa during the most recent excavations. The adult skeleton was a decapitation burial with head placed by feet. Hobnails also found. In addition, previous small scale excavations between 1907 and 1964 mostly within an area of c 2-300m to the east of the villa revealed six Romano-British inhumation burials, all within stone coffins. Very few details on most of these: two were child's coffins (one up to 9 months with small red ceramic jars placed 'in vicinity' but not in the coffin; other age unstated but probably infant). One was of a middle aged male (E-W), while another contained a double N-S inhumation (adult male and female), along with dog bones, a pottery jar/bowl (later Roman Black-burnished ware?), and an iron nail. The final N-S inhumation was an extended adult (no sex given), contained in a lead coffin which was encased by the outer greensand coffin. No grave goods.",250,400,7,,7,2,1,2,,5,,1,,4,6,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17102,"An inhumation burial within a lead coffin which was in turn encased in a stone sarcophagus, dated approximately to the Roman period. The skeleton was a fully extended adult oriented N-S. The stone coffin was a single block of greensand. No grave goods.",,,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17103,References to the discovery in 1940 of two small Romano-British stone coffins with human remains on or near the site. No further information.,,,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17104,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17105,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17106,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17107,An inhumation burial was inserted into one room of the villa at an unknown date,,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17108,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17109,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17110,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17111,"Four inhumation burials and a fragment of inscribed tombstone found. Two orientated N-S, one E-W, the other uncertain. No direct dating found, though the tombstone is thought to date to the 2nd or 3rd C AD. No further information.",,,4,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17112,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17113,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17114,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17115,"A flexed burial of a 'young person' was found within the hall/yard, thought to be contemporary with its destruction. Another grave lay outside the building to south containing an E-W supine burial of a 'young person', possibly associated with black-burnished ware pottery. In both these instances 'young person' is taken to mean a child.",,,2,,2,,,,2,,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17116,Perforated human bone patella found.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17117,A E-W aligned late Roman coffined inhumation burial. Two small New Forest 'thumb' pots were found near the right shoulder and Romano British domestic pottery sherds came from the soil in or near the grave. The coffin is indicated by iron nails. No indication of sex.,300,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 17118,"A total of 30 graves found prior to 1909, all apparently lined with stone slabs (cist graves) and associated with coins and pottery (numbers and types unspecified). In 1908 wooden coffins (unknown number) were cut through in trenching for a water pipe at the farm and cottages west of the quarry. In 1930 two cist burials in the quarry were excavated and reported on. The skeletal material (adult ?female) in one was poorly preserved but had hobnails by the feet and wooden coffin nails within the cist. A coin of Tetricus II was probably associated. The other cist burial was of an adult male. It is recorded that more than 100 cists were found in the period between the wars in quarrying but no further information on these. A number of Romano-British brooches, bracelets, potsherds etc. from the area are probably associated with the cemetery but uncertain.",,,130,,130,1,1,,,2,,,,1,130,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 17119,Six urns are supposed to have been found at the site but no further details or date.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17120,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17121,"Three inhumations in graves were found. One (adult male supine) cut through the inner bank and ditch and contained hobnails by feet. Another burial was of a crouched child. A further grave was noted but not excavated. The date of these burials is uncertain, but possibly later Roman? Also two adult female inhumations in partially silted up pits (both flexed and probably late Iron Age/early Roman; one with a brooch) and isolated human bones in other pits. Nine complete or partial remains of newly born or very young infants were in the silt of the ditch.",-100,400,14,,14,1,2,9,1,4,,,3,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17122,An adult prone burial lay within a silted up ditch. Sherds of New Forest pottery suggest a late Roman date. Also fragments of human skull and infant bones.,200,400,1,,1,,,,,1,1,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17123,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17124,An adult prone burial found under a mound just to the north of the enclosed settlement. Probably of Roman date. An infant burial also found within the rampart of the enclosure. A human jaw bone found in a ditch.,,,2,,2,,,1,,1,1,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 17125,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17126,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17127,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17128,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17129,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17130,"Three circular burial mounds/mausolea, 13-14m apart just to the north of a Roman road. The largest lay to the north with an external diameter of 7.6m with posts set around an earth mound. A central circular pit (0.6m dia) was badly disturbed and contained fragments of cremated human bone along with animal bone (cattle and sheep/goat) and small fragments of copper alloy vessels, some obviously pyre goods as distorted by heat. The associated pottery from the mound and grave was early-mid 2nd C AD in date. A later child inhumation inserted into the side of the mound may be post-Roman in date. Further south was a slightly smaller mound (5m dia), but of similar form. No finds came from the disturbed central pit though 40 fragments of cremated human bone came from the area, along with Roman pottery and animal bone. The southern burial mound was very similar.",100,150,3,3,,,,,,,,,,3,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 17131,"A stone coffined inhumation burial of a child, badly disturbed and aligned NW-SE. The coffin was made of a single piece of Bath stone. The skeletal preservation was poor, with just a few fragments of rib bone. No obvious grave goods. Immediately adjacent to the head end of the coffin was a late Roman cremation urn. It is thought that the two burials were interred at the same time.",250,400,2,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,1,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17132,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17133,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17134,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17135,"A single inhumation burial beneath a small earth mound, which contained Roman greyware pottery. The skeleton was that of a 'girl' lying in a flexed position and with a 3rd C AD coin between the legs. Other skeletons previously found in the area may have been Roman in date.",250,300,1,,1,,1,,1,,,,1,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 17136,"A single inhumation burial (NNW-SSE) within a stone coffin carved of a single block of green sandstone, with curved corners. No information about the skeleton though the coffin was adult sized and contained sherds of New Forest ware pottery. It remains uncertain if these came from smashed up grave goods.",200,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17137,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17138,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17139,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17140,"Two sub-ovate inhumation graves excavated 26m apart on the north-western side of an earlier boundary ditch (still visible?). One grave orientated NE-SW contained a crouched adult (25-40 years) female inhumation with 36 iron fragments of small iron bow brooch of probable late Iron Age or early Romano-British date, all located towards the neck area. The other grave (orientated NW-SE) contained a crouched adult (50+ years) male inhumation with a whetstone located mid-torso. A Coral Ragstone boulder found in the backfill, possibly some form of capstone. This burial had a radiocarbon date from the left femur (90 cal BC - cal AD 70).",-50,70,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,2,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 17141,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17142,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17143,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17144,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17145,"A total of 15 adult/child inhumation burials scattered around the settlement, probably ranging in date from later Iron Age to the late Roman period. Six burials lay in boundaries ditches (in in pits cut through boundary ditches), seven in pits (including 4 in one pit with a neonate) and two in rectangular graves. 12 crouched and 1 flexed. One with hobnails by feet (an adult supine male; also 7 iron objects of uncertain function and coffin nails), one with copper alloy ring on finger (crouched adult male) and 1 with brooches on shoulder and on hip (crouched adult male; charred wheat grains also from this grave). In addition animal remains in 1 grave (cattle, dog, sheep/goat). In total, 29 infant/neonate burials also found from ditches and pits around the settlement.",1,300,44,,44,11,3,29,1,14,,,13,4,1,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 17146,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17147,"A small number of disarticulated human remains representing the remains of two individuals, both of which were recovered from the collapsed shrine enclosure wall. It is thought that one individual (38-40 weeks in utero) was originally an articulated internment which was disturbed with the collapse of the wall (though on the exterior). The other comprised just two adult bone fragments (lower leg) and were found on the interior edge of the wall.",300,400,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 17148,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18003,"Several cists associated with a probable cemetery associated with the settlement. No skeletal material or grave goods, but by analogy with the cist graves of Porth Cressa, dated from the late 1st-4th centuries AD, the cists are thought to be of Roman date.",75,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 18004,"Part of a human mandible from an adult female recovered, subject to some burning.",200,370,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 18005,"See main summary for general overview. The body appears to have been crouched within the cist, lying on its right side. In addition to an iron sword (La Tène II) and a bronze scabbard the cist contained the following identified grave goods: a mirror, a ring from a baldric (sword belt), shield fittings, a brooch and a spiral ring, all of copper alloy, and a shattered tin object. Whilst it has been suggested by some that the cist may have housed a double burial, accounting for the presence of a supposedly typical male grave good (sword) along with a typical female grave good (mirror), the excavated evidence does not seem to support this. An unexcavated cist was located 5.5m to the SE of this burial, and it is possible that a cemetery is represented.",-100,-50,1,,1,,,,,1,,,1,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 18006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18014,"Ten burials within cists, one without, though this may have originally had stones which have been removed. Two broad types recognised - two very large, eight smaller and of uniform size, of slightly varying shapes in plan. Skeletal material generally very fragmented due to acidic soil. Grave goods common - in three cists two brooches had been used, presumably to secure clothing or a shroud. In another cist, just one brooch. In two other cists there was a brooch and a pot, and in another a brooch, a pot and a glass bead. Possible social division between the large cists and the smaller cists suggested by two exceptional brooches from one of the larger cists. Burials all appear to have been inhumations and where it was possible to determine the head was to the north and the body was placed on the right side, probably flexed. The evidence from the brooches suggests a 1st century AD date for the burials.",1,100,11,,11,1,1,,,2,,,3,7,10,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 18015,"'Over 130 individual graves' excavated in the early 20th century. Records for these are not clear, though some information can be gleaned and the data below include estimates based on the surviving notes from the earliest excavations (published in the principal bibliographic source for this record). Most appear to have been cist burials. Plans exist for the position of 59 burials and these were almost invariably placed in graves lined with flat slabs of slate (only three without). Five tiny cists used for the burial of young children, and a large circular grave had a central partition and was thought to have been a family grave. At least five graves appeared to contain two individuals. Two of the inhumations described in detail were flexed (one an adult and one a child - the child with a bronze ring and two iron objects, one of which was a bracelet), and all of the excavated burials for which illustrations are available indicate flexed burials. Further notes about unillustrated graves suggest additional flexed burials, and an estimate for all of these has been included below. Almost all cists were orientated along a common alignment on a NNE-SSW axis. Of 17 recorded skeletons 11 lay on their left and six on their right. With the single exception of an individual within a uniquely trapezoidal cist, every individual lay with head to the north. Precise dating for the site is unclear, though there is evidence for recutting of graves suggesting use over a long period. A 'prehistoric charnel-house' described by the original excavator containing bones from what may have been disturbed cists. Also notable that two small graves containing collections of human skulls were found. In one of these four skulls were arranged in a square formation with a fifth placed 'over them'. In the other three skulls lay in a north-south line and all faced west. At least three decapitation burials are suggested from the earliest notes from the site, with one skull placed by the individual's feet. One burial seems to have been both flexed and decapitated. A set of severe sword cuts were noted on the skull of an adult from one burial. Notes indicate that the cemetery was used for the burial of adults of both sexes and at least seven child graves are suggested based on the size of the cists, as well as further notes on infants. Ageing and sexing data included here are estimates based on the limited information provided in the earliest notes from the site and the reappraisal of the evidence. At least seven graves appear to have had grave goods, though no detailed description is available for many. However, finds included brooches, spindle whorls, bracelets, ring-headed pins, rings, and worked slate objects including a pointed knife, and three possible needles, perhaps netting needles.",-100,100,131,,131,2,,4,6,6,,3,59,7,56,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 18016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18020,"Part of an infant skull (full term baby over one month old) recovered from a feature interpreted as a midden, contemporary with the occupation at the site.",-100,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18028,"A pit within the enclosure contained two complete pottery vessels. The large vessel, a jar, probably of late 2nd century date, of gabbroic fabric, contained fragments of cremated bone, the remains of an elderly woman. The second vessel was also whole and within the same feature, also gabbroic and also of late 2nd century. This contained additional cremated bone of the same elderly woman. A C14 date provided a range of 256-429 AD with 95% probability, contradicting the date from the vessels, which form part of a tightly dated ceramic tradition - the report suggests that the C14 date is incorrect and that the dating from the vessels, late 2nd century is correct.",150,200,1,1,,,1,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 18029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18033,"Fragments of disarticulated burnt bone suggestive of cremation or deliberate burning, likely of late Roman, late 4th to 5th century date. A proceeding structure had a terminus ante quem date provided by a C14 date of AD 395-460.",350,500,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18035,"The cemetery consisted of 21 oval, sub-oval and sub-rectangular inhumation pits. Only 14 produced surviving bone in situ, though disturbed human bones were found in the backfill of two of the graves. Some of the graves produced metalwork. One burial was covered by a rubble layer which formed a low mound. Some spatial differentiation in terms of type of graves - smaller shallower graves to west, and a group of deeper more rectangular graves to east. Seems not to have been based on age or gender based on the limited skeletal evidence available, and may be to do with unevenness of ground surface across site. Preservation of skeletal material generally very poor, though a minimum of 18 individuals were identified - 13 adults, 3 probably children, 2 of indeterminate age and sex. Three probable female, 4 probably male adults, 6 adults of indeterminate sex. There were two double inhumations, seemingly a child with an unsexed adult and a child with a female adult. Where bone survived there appears to have been a preference for a northern head orientation, the majority may have been placed on their right sides (though possibly different sexes facing different ways). Six burials provided direct evidence for a crouched burial position, and phosphate analysis suggested that this burial rite was prevalent generally. Eight graves produced associated metalwork, the majority in situ. Nine were bronze, two were iron, whilst one burial produced a greenstone axe, thought to be residual in the report as it was recovered from the grave's backfill. The metalwork was almost exclusively jewellery in the form of brooches (mostly) or rings. High phosphate values from the seemingly empty ends of graves suggested possible organic grave goods, but no direct evidence for these. No simple correlation between gender and age or type of grave good. At least one of the child burials was associated with artefacts.",-200,50,21,,21,4,3,,3,13,,,6,8,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 18036,"A number of hobnails were retrieved from the uncisted inhumation burial (thought to relate to three shoes) and a T-shaped brooch also associated with this burial. An iron cleat was recovered from the cist burial, possible from a wooden object or clothing or shoes deposited with the body. The skeletal remains were missing from both burials though a stain from the uncisted inhumation suggested that the head may have been missing, and it is also believed to have been prone based on the position of the hobnails which suggested that they were sole up - this clearly somewhat speculative. Both burials were thought to be of 3rd-4th century in date, though the artefacts may suggest an earlier date (though the brooch for instance may have been an heirloom).",200,400,3,,2,,,,,,1,1,,2,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 18037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18049,"Fragments of possible burnt human bone, but this was not certain and the bones were possibly burnt animal bones.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18052,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18054,A possible burial though bone analysis had not been undertaken at the time of the production of the report to determine whether bone was indeed human.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18056,"Two fragments of adult human maxilla, with one tooth in situ, plus two other detached teeth, were recovered from the plough soil.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18061,"A human jaw bone recovered, thought to be a male in his late teens.",-100,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18064,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 18065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19001,"One single adult human premolar tooth root was identified from deposits within a complex industrial feature of the Roman civil period. Seven other fragments of burnt bone were also retrieved from this context. five Romano-British graves were identified. All were inhumations, although no human skeletal material survived due to the acidic nature of the soils. The presence of the graves suggests a small? Roman cemetery of mid-late Roman date perhaps relating to a community either farming the land or engaged in commerce in a location alongside the Roman road. Some coffin nails and fittings present but not quantified.",100,400,5,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 19002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19011,"No burials of Roman date but an important early Christian cemetery post-dated the Roman activity. Whilst burials at the site continued into the 20th century, the earliest activity was associated with four inscribed memorial stones. The cemetery may have been associated with an early monastic establishment. The earliest of the two stones were thought to have been carved and erected c. AD 490-500 and the cemetery became a focus for burial until the 20th century. Stones from the abandoned hut were used in a cist-grave for an individual of importance, at around AD 550, and this became the focus for further cist burials. No precise detail on the numbers of early-medieval graves recovered, though the cemetery may contain as many as 2-300 individuals ranging in date from the 6th-20th centuries.",490,700,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19014,"The inhumation burial was orientated north-east/south-west with the head to the NE. The body was supine with arms folded, and the legs were straight and the knees and feet were tight together wit the toes partially vertical, suggesting the feet may have been bound or the body had been wrapped in a shroud. A number of finds came from the lower half of the burial including mollusc shells, a bovid tooth, an iron nail and a sherd of pottery. The nail is thought to be residual, though the mollusc shells are interpreted as grave goods (and possibly also the single sherd of pottery). The remains were female with an estimated age of between 15 and 25 years. A C14 date provided a 68.2% probability of a date between AD 250 and AD 345 and a 94.4% probability of AD 230-390. A stable isotope value suggested that marine food played little or no part in the individual's general diet.",230,390,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 19015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19019,"Several graves associated with what is thought to be a late Roman inhumation cemetery were discovered. The funerary evidence included 13 pits, all interpreted as graves, though none contained skeletal material due to the acidic burial environment. Eight other features were interpreted as incomplete graves. Most were orientated north-west/south-east, parallel to the river cliff, though two were aligned parallel to early military ditches, indicating that these were still visible features. The different orientation of the groups was felt to be indicative of different phases of activity (at least four phases). The sizes of the five fully excavated graves were consistent with adult burials. The multiples fills of some graves suggested some multiple burials, perhaps family groups. Finds from the cemetery were iron nails, single pottery sherds and a (probably) residual 1st century coin (though possible it was included as a grave good long after it went out of circulation). The nails included a group of 12 hobnails indicating an individual with a pair of sandals/shoes. Eight groups of nails from the graves were almost certainly associated with coffins. No evidence for the civil settlement itself was found, and this part of the site seems to have been utilised for burial only during the late Roman period. However, see database record 19052 for features associated with a possible domestic settlement, situated approx. 60m to the NE. No direct dating evidence was found but the lack of cremation burials was thought consistent with a mid-late Roman date.",200,400,21,,21,,,,,5,,,,1,8,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 19020,"No plan of the late Iron Age/early Roman cemetery survives and the total number of graves was not recorded though the graves were said to be very numerous. Some graves contained pebbles, all of one size, and fragments of glass and coarse pottery. An isolated grave produced iron shears, an iron knife and three bronze rings. Another contained the teeth of pig, whilst another had a brooch and a bronze mirror. The cemetery is thought to have been in use by the mid-1st century AD (perhaps AD 20s-30s in origin, though it could be later) and continued until at least the end of the 1st century. See the other finds section for descriptions of the unstratified material recovered from the cemetery area. Clearly some of the graves were of high status, though it is unclear how many of the total had grave goods, and whether this represents a small elite group or a socially varied population.",20,100,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 19021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19022,"Graves were mostly orientated east-west. Bone preservation was very poor. Tool marks were found on the sides or bases of some graves. Five funerary enclosures were recorded. Evidence for coffins came from stains in the base and edges of some 15 graves. Some enclosures seem to have contained single graves, other multiple. Report states that there was no evidence for grave goods, though some graves contained undated Roman coins - these likely to represent residual finds incorporated during backfilling. Seven foci or clusters of unenclosed graves were recognised, perhaps associated groups.",530,660,111,,111,,,,,,,,,,15,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 19023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19043,"No LIA or Roman data, though a possible earlier cremation and an inhumation recorded.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19047,No data from evaluation but reports of an inhumation found nearby previously.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19052,"No data, though burials at the site to the SW which may be related (19019).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19054,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19059,"Mandible of an adult from a ditch dated AD 70-180. Also partial skeletons of several infants, two in separate graves and at least two more scattered in middens. One was buried in a pit in the floor of one of the rooms, against the south wall and was not later than 3rd century. Another was in another pit in another room and was late 3rd/4th century. Both complete skeletons newborn infants or foetus near term.",200,300,2,,2,,,2,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 19060,"A single cremation burial was contained in a black burnished jar which had been placed in a pit. Around the cremation pit were traces of a shallow trench defining a rectangular area, suggesting a small funerary structure or tomb of modest size. The cremation jar was thought to date to the late 3rd century onwards. The remains were of a young adult.",250,400,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 19061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19064,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 19068,"Roman and post-Roman cemetery but no data. However, BBC news article lists at least 15 Roman skeletons",,,15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20002,"Four skeletons were recovered from three graves/deposits and all were pre-Roman in date, probably mid-late Iron Age. A pit contained a primary inhumation only represented by leg bones, though much of the skeleton may have been cut away for the interment of the secondary skeleton, the inhumation of a crouched female with a neonate/infant between her legs. This burial was also accompanied by a locket-ring, a bucket, a latch-lifter, a bobbin, two loomweights, and mandibles from two horses, a cow, and a sheep. Cut into the backfill of a nearby pit was another tightly crouched female inhumation. This burial had no accompanying grave goods, though LIA and a 'Romanising' sherd were recovered from the backfill, whilst a La Tene II brooch and other finds came from the pit in which the grave was cut. The final burial was that of another female located outside one of the defensive gate sections of the fort.",-100,50,3,,3,,2,1,,2,,,2,1,,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20003,"Two crouched inhumations date before the 1st C BC. Another was undated, whilst two inhumations dated to the Roman period, probably 2nd/3rd C AD. One included pottery fragments, probably from grave goods, and the second produced a late 1st C AD coin from the back fill. Although only two graves were found dating to the Roman period it should be noted that other graves may have been lost to later truncation. 1st and 2ndC AD layers contained quantities of disarticulated human bone. Also, a track running to the north of the site possibly led to a larger, more densely populated, burial ground. The Historic Environment Record for the area notes six burials found in the late 19th/early 20th centuries in this area which is now occupied by a reservoir. Of these, one was Romano-British, the remainder were undated.",100,300,2,,2,,1,,,2,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 20004,Specialist report not yet available,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20008,"The Roman burial group broadly dates c.AD50-270 (RCD), though the post-Roman group are also included here since it is uncertain whether they represent a later phase of the cemetery. These dated (RCD) c.AD580-770, and each included late Roman pottery. The Roman group consisted of 6 burials, 4 flexed and 2 extended, 3 females and 2 males, ranging in age from 14-55 (one female was probably 14-18yrs). All six included grave goods, some being placed in particularly elaborate arrangements around the bodies. Goods included animal bones (one a pig's skull), brooches, pottery, a limestone 'lid', and hobnails. A binding or hinge plate in one burial may have been part of a coffin; this is testified by nails in the fill. The sub-Roman group were all extended burials E-W aligned, 4 of which were placed in the same pit. Radiocarbon dating placed these with the range of c.AD580-770, and all contained late Roman pottery, c.AD270-400. Two contained animal bone and one an unidentified iron strip.",50,750,14,,14,2,3,,1,5,,,4,6,1,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 20009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20013,"A single urned cremation burial was placed in the central area of the excavation. The burial was slightly truncated by machining; no cut was noted, and only the bottom half of the vessel was recovered containing cremated material. It is likely that the burial was placed in a pit. The BB1 vessel was dated to the 3rd rather than the 4th C AD based upon the absence of decoration on the inside of the pot. The burial was noted to be adult, but sex could not be ascertained.",200,300,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20016,"'Loose' fragments of human bone were recovered from a number of features at the site: above the cist burial (see below), cranial and tibia fragments from building collapse, humerus from a wall trench, humerus from a ditch, and an unid. A cist burial had been disturbed by deep ploughing and a report on the skeletal remains produced (though the bones are now lost). The cist was constructed of limestone slabs to form a coffin/box. Above the cist were a number of disarticulated human bones possibly from a secondary burial. The disturbed primary burial in the cists included hobnails, a small spindlewhorl, a worn pebble, and limpet shells. Dating was difficult due to the disturbance - pre-conquest Samian was present as was 3rd/4thC AD pottery and briquetage, but it is uncertain whether these were residual/intrusive. Notably the skull had been placed by the feet.",1,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,1,,1,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20017,"Two Durotrigian cist burials were identified from the LIA phase, though is only a possible example. One was cut into the top of a revetment wall, was roughly rectangular with remains of a probably crouched juvenile of around 11-12 yrs in age (much of the lower half of the skeleton had been lost). The burial included a 1stC AD pedestalled bowl placed next to the head. The second probable cist was identified to the south of the first. The limestone slabs had collapsed either due to robbing or other later disturbance. No human remains were recovered. Disarticulated remains came from six other contexts, representing a minimum of 4 individuals: 2 young adults and 2 neonates, though a total of four neonates could be present.",1,100,2,,2,,,,1,,,,1,1,2,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20018,"All the burials recorded here, apart from one, are Durotrigian and date to the 1stC BC-AD. One coffined adult inhumation (not sexed) was lain extended in a grave outside the ring ditch enclosure of the phase 3 settlement, but it dated to the end of the 3rdC AD long after the settlement had been abandoned. It had a late Roman jug, hobnails, and a stakehole as a possible grave marker. All the Durotrigian inhumations were placed in large pit features and all the adults were crouched to varying degrees. Several pits included more than one individual with adult and infant burials being prominent. Disarticulated remains from adults and infants were common and it is difficult to tell if these were placed deliberately in the pits complete or as disarticulated body parts, but some are likely. However, a total of 53 individual were recorded in the report. An adult male included articulated remains of horse and dog in the pit. Otherwise very few grave goods were found.",-100,300,27,,27,3,7,38,2,9,1,,8,2,1,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20021,"Six LIA burials containing seven individuals were excavated from a restricted area of the site, close to the possible area of settlement, and could loosely be described as a 'cemetery'. Three of the individuals were placed in pits and four in 'grave' features. One pit included an adult female and a neonate. All the burials appear generally to be unfurnished though at least one pit burial could be argued to have been directly associated with animal depositions.",-100,100,6,,6,2,2,1,1,5,,,6,1,,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20022,"As noted in the site summary, two phases of burial were discovered: an early/mid-Roman mortuary enclosure with a central burial of an adult and infant, and a 4thC AD (some late 4thC) planned cemetery. These two phases of activity were not contemporary. The ditched mortuary enclosure was square and the grave centred within. The grave included an unsexed adult lain 'flexed' with iron strips above the head and below the feet, probably coffin fittings. A second burials was cut into the western ditch of the enclosure and contained the remains of an adult and an infant. The late Roman cemetery consisted of 23 graves or possible graves. 22 skeletons were recovered from 19 of the grave features, a few of which were empty and may have been cut for impending burials but never filled. Three graves contained two skeletons each: adult male and female; two children (4-5yrs & 9-14yrs); adult female and unsexed. In total, the graves contained 9 adult females, 6 adult males, 1 unsexed adult, and 6 children (at least one a neonate). 15 skeletons in 13 graves were coffined. 2 burials were sealed beneath limestone slabs. An unspecified number of burials were described as 'supine flexed', but a photo suggests that 'flexed' could be a minor bend in the legs. Two were described as 'crouched'; these are taken here to have been flexed. This also raises doubts about the 'flexed' nature of the earlier mortuary enclosed burial, though this has been included here. 11 skeletons were accompanied by grave goods:adult male - finger ring, chicken bones;adult female - iron leaf-shaped object;neonate - perforated chalk object;adult female - strip brooch;adult female - 2 bronze bracelets on arms, iron buckle;adult female - BB1 ware beaker and Oxon ware vessel next to head;adult female - head and top of neck of a lamb;adult female - bronze bracelet on arm, intaglio finger ring, large iron nail with bronze head;adult female - New Forest bowl;adult male - lower forelimb of a lamb; adult male - Hod Hill brooch and two perforated bone objects; 7 burials included hobnails (one with no other grave goods).",100,400,25,,25,6,9,2,5,18,,,3,11,16,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 20023,"15 burials dated to the 1stC BC/AD group (12 adults, 3 perinatals; 5 male, 5 female), 10 to 1st-2ndC AD (7 adult, 1 juvenile, 2 perinatal; 1 male, 3 female), and 4 to the 3rd/4thC AD (all adults; all male). Disarticulated bone was recovered from the latest phase, but this was thought to have been from a disturbed burial. An unphased female was recovered from an undated feature. It is possibly contemporary, but not included here. Finds in funerary contexts include a spiral finger ring and Colchester brooch from two graves. Animal bones were found in 8 LIA/ER graves and 3 ER graves (see zooarchaeology for details).",1,410,29,,29,10,8,5,1,23,,,,13,7,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20024,"The inhumations lay together within an area measuring 12x5m. They were each placed in relatively shallow cut graves and each were laid on their right sides, crouched with their heads to the north (the excavator describes three as 'flexed' and one as 'crouched', but the difference is minor). The juvenile was thought probably to have been a male. Also the articulated right arm from another feature appears to derive from a disturbed burial (not recorded here). No grave goods recovered, though EIA pottery in backfill of two. Two were radiocarbon dated: one to 370BC-AD10 and the other to AD430-660. Late Roman burials in this region are usually extended supine and the later date looks anomalous. However, the excavator argues that it should be upheld. But it still looks anomalous and perhaps required two samples from each burial. These are recorded here as LIA/ER.",-100,100,4,,4,2,2,,1,3,,,4,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20025,"A single richly-furnished burial was typical of the Durotrigian style. It was laid crouched and included a range of finds (see pottery and other finds). Quantities of animal bone from parts of a pig and a sheep were placed near the pelvis and the limbs of the individual (see zooarchaeological data). The metal-detecting evidence would suggest, tentatively, that the burial was associated with a large settlement to the north. The skeleton was badly fragmented, but could be identified as a female, c.25-45yrs.",-100,100,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,1,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20026,"The burials appear to be late Roman, though exact details are sketchy. One cremation pit with a New Forest ware urn (3rdC AD) included a coin of Tetricus (AD270-273). Although three groups of cremated bone were submitted for analysis they all came from same context/area and may be from the same individual, possibly buried in two containers. The inhumation was reburied in situ and not examined.",200,400,2,1,1,,,,,2,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20029,"All the skeletons were supine burials, probably of 3rd/4thC AD date. All were poorly preserved. Nails suggest two were coffined. One burial may have been flexed - again poorly preserved. One possibly had a New Forest pot as a grave good.",200,400,3,,3,1,1,,,,,,1,1,2,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 20030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20031,"All the burials appear from grave goods to have been 1stC AD in date. Their close proximity and similar style of burial rite suggests that they form a consistent cemetery. 12 individual adult graves were excavated (though one was aged 15-17 it was treated like an adult), each with crouched inhumations buried on their right hand side. One was also prone as well as lain right-sided and flexed. Of the 12 burial, 2 were so badly disturbed that it was not certain whether they contained grave goods or not. All the remaining burials, bar two, included animal remains. Four contained pottery vessels including a Durotrigian jar and bowl x 2 (1 male with sheep ribs; unsexed with immature dom. fowl and vertebrae from a lamb/kid), two Durotrigian bowls (male with forelimb from lamb), and one burial with a Durotrigian jar and bowl and two Samian vessels (female with pig jaw in pot and leg of immature dom fowl). One burial included an annular bead of amber glass (female with left half of pig skull and horse jaw), and the 'Samian burial' also included 10 glass beads by the shoulder and 2 wooden beads. Two burials with animal bone, one with immature pig jaw and the other with a cattle? Bone. Of possible interest was the fact that the two burials without animal bone were the only two which contained iron artefacts (though this could be coincidence). One of these was an iron bracelet (male), but the other included an iron sword, a copper alloy scabbard mount, a finger ring, an iron spearhead, an iron hammerhead, an iron file, an copper strip, a 'pseudo-La Tene II' brooch and a chalk spindlewhorl (male). As well as the 12 adult graves, 8 foetal/neonatal burials were encountered, 4 in 3 pits, plus 2 two in shallow graves associated with one of the adults. The remainder was disturbed.",1,100,17,,17,5,3,8,1,11,1,,12,10,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 20032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20035,"The evidence for burial included the 'war cemetery' and a few other burials dating to the late Iron Age/early Roman period (or the 'Belgo-Roman' period). The 'war cemetery' appears to have been atypical of general LIA/ER Durotrigian burial customs, commonly associated with males aged c.20-30 years, though a number of females were also present. At least four of these showed evidence for healed wounds. Six of the graves included double burials and some were richly furnished. Of the double burials, 3 were male/male and 3 were male/female. Grave goods were as follows (number of skeletons in brackets): pots, axe, knife and ear-scoop (1); pot/s (7); sling stones (1); cattle bone (1); pig skull (1); toe ring (3); lamb, dog and hobnails (1 extended and coffined burial said to be ER(?)); arrowhead (2); IA coin (1); sheep/lamb bones (4); bowl and cattle skull (1); bracelet (1); cattle skull and finger ring (1); shale armlet (1); pot, slingstone and iron dress clasp (1); and, dog skull (1). Two neonates were found associated with the possible LIA shrine. Other burials of this date include a woman placed into a rampart at the eastern entrance, neonates/infants placed 'in odd corners', and 4 adults buried in a row over the outworks of the eastern entrance. One was placed in a coffin. All the late Iron Age burials were found in a flexed position, apart from some of the 'war' graves, which appear to have been 'tumbled'. Burials of Iron 'A' and 'B' have been omitted from the data recorded here. Burials were also found closer to the temple area. 5 are included here: 3 adults (Wheeler) and 2 child burials (Sharples). The latter were between 3-6 months and were found lying 30m to the north of three late/post-Roman extended inhumations excavated by Wheeler (Wheeler excavated four LR inhumations in total).",1,500,59,,59,32,23,5,3,54,,,36,28,1,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20036,"Skeletons of three adults and three infants were recovered from the site. At least one of the adult inhumations appears to pre-date the 3rdC AD terracing, whilst two of the infants were 4thC AD inhumations. One of the early adult inhumations (female) was a double burial, also including one infant. One adult burial was very badly disturbed so no demographic information could be gained. The other two adults were both crouched. The burials were dated from material in the backfills and stratigraphic positioning of the graves, rather than by grave goods, which appear to have been absent.",150,375,5,,5,,2,3,,3,,,2,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 20037,"At least 4 isolated burial were noted in the report, though none were well dated. One is a crouched inhumation which had been decapitated by the plough. With its head lying to the north it can be assumed to have been a Durotrigian adult burial of unknown sex. It was noted that this burial was very similar to another one found around 60m to the NW of the site, though no further details of this find are given. Another crouched burial excavated from an oval grave was identified to the south-east of the building complex. Again, this inhumation was not properly dated, but its grave cut through plough soil containing Bronze Age and early Iron Age material, and it could well be associated with the complex. A fourth burial was located along the modern road leading away from the site, though grid refs were not given. This was an extended male burial with late Roman pottery in the backfill. It was thought to have been placed in a coffin (identified from soil shadow) and argued to be late 4thC AD, dating towards the end of activity at the Walls site.",100,400,4,,4,1,,,,4,,,2,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 20038,An infant burial is noted from inside the villa building.,250,400,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 20039,"Four inhumations were recovered from three graves. The features had been variously disturbed by service trenches prior to formal excavation. The double burial included two males, both of which appear to have been entombed within a stone cist, and possibly wooden coffins as noted by nails. The site plan shows these as flexed, but whether the other two were flexed is not mentioned in the report; it might be assumed that they were considering all the burials are described as 'Durotrigian'. Durotrigian pottery was recovered next to the skull of the female.",1,150,3,,3,2,1,,,4,,,2,,2,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20042,A neonate was found buried with a lamb's skull. The burial was placed within the strip building and wall plaster was found in the upper layers of the pit.,75,200,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20045,"One of the burials lay on its right side and was tightly flexed. It was aged between 14 and 21, probably about 16 according to the report. This burial included a local hand-made bead-rim bowl and jar of LIA/ER date. The second burial was heavily disturbed before it was fully analysed but its proximity to the first burial suggests it may have been contemporary - no pottery was found with this burial. Neither skeleton was sexed.",1,150,2,,2,,,,1,,,,1,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 20046,Four burials were recovered from the quarry. No details were recorded with regards to the skeletons in terms of age or sex or burial rite (other than they were inhumations).,1,200,4,,4,,,,,,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 20047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20049,"Six of the burials were of 'Durotrigian' type, tightly crouched and placed in pit graves. One adult male, c.45-50yrs, included a Durotrigian bowl and a cattle scapula around the head; a male, c.15-17yrs, had a pig's jaw at the back of his skull, and 20 counters, an iron stylus, and 2 bronze studs by the arm; an female, c.30yrs+, included only the head of a sheep's femur; another female, c.30yrs+, included no grave goods, but a postholes was found above the head (grave marker?), this burial was sealed by the 4thC building; an adult male included an upright jar, a penannular brooch, and the complete skeleton of a lamb; a child of around 5yrs included a Maiden Castle type bowl, a penannular brooch, a bronze bracelet, and a tinned, bow brooch. Other than one of the adult females, who was laid on her left side, all the burials were laid on the right side. In addition to these inhumations, a possible cist deposit contained the cranium of a neonate.",1,150,7,,7,3,2,1,2,4,,,6,5,1,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20050,"Three inhumations were excavated: two crouch LIA/ER Durotrigian, flexed burials (males) and a late/post-Roman extended burial (female). The LIA skeletons included pathologies - see report. No grave goods were recovered but each burial was broadly dated by their stratigraphic positions on the site. Fragments of an infant, probably disturbed were recovered from LIA deposits, and of an adult from LR deposits, probably from the disturbed extended inhumation.",-50,400,3,,3,2,1,,,3,,,2,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 20051,"36 burials were identified in total (35 inhumations and 1 cremation). These were not well dated due to the age of the excavation, but they can generally be considered to be Durotrigian to late Roman, though outliers from this chronology should not be discounted. No formal burial ground was identified. All adult burials were, however, well recorded. 22 skeletons were foetal or neonatal and were recovered from various features across the site. Inhumation details are as follows: Flexed female - finds incl. pottery, cattle, horse and sheep bone, oyster, and flint (hipposandals and bronze spoon in upper levels of pit/grave fill). Extended female - finds incl. hobnails and dog skull (possible coffin nails). Extended male - no finds. Extended male - hobnails and coffin nails. Tightly crouched female in pit - finds incl. hand-made pottery, cattle, sheep and dog bone. Triple pit burial of flexed male, infant and a female in a pit - no grave goods, but samian, horse skull and oyster all found in deposits underlying the human remains. Tightly crouched female in pit - finds incl. cattle, pig, sheep, bird, and fox bones, pottery, and a chalk spindle whorl. Extended male - finds incl. samian, coin of Constantine, coffin? nails, dog and cattle bone (the animal bone may have come from the fill of a pit in which the grave was later cut). Extended male - coffin nails, hobnails. Crouched female buried in corndrier - no finds. Extended male and crouched male together in large, oblong pit feature - flints appeared in association with these burials, whilst pottery and bone was also found in the feature Large quantity of biometric data presented. One urned cremation was undated, though found in an area with Roman coinage.",1,400,36,1,35,7,6,22,,13,,,4,9,4,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20052,"2 skeletons were crouched, one was only represented by leg bones and the other included a bronze brooch. 6 flexed skeletons were placed in ditch sections; 3 of these (all males) lay head-foot in the same ditch and 2 others in a separate ditch constituted a double inhumation (one with a coin). 3 isolated extended burials were found with hobnails, and one of these with coffin nails and a coin of Faustina. 5 burials were excavated from within the square enclosed cemetery; these were all extended, 2 with hobnail, 3 with coffin nails, 3 with pottery (2 with tazze) and 3 with coins. A unsexed 'young person' in the cemetery had been decapitated, with their head placed by their lower legs. Disarticulated bones, including a skull and long bones were recovered from the roadside ditch; fragments of two other skulls were also recovered.",125,400,15,,15,11,2,,1,15,,1,8,6,4,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 20053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20054,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20055,"Two fragments of human skull , and a fragmentary human femur and possible tibia fragment were all recovered from LIA/ER contexts. The bones had been broken both recently and in antiquity, suggesting that they were redeposited. The femur had been extensively rodent gnawed.",-100,100,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20057,"Three late Roman inhumation burials were aligned head-feet and located between the centre and the periphery of a prehistoric ring ditch. Each included coffin nails and hobnails. The condition of the remains was generally poor. One could not be sexed or aged beyond 'adult'. The others were females, one over 45 years and the other c.18-25 years. The dating given here is subjective and based upon the form of the burials. Possible grave goods were found in each grave and included fragments of a small copper alloy sheet, an iron spike, and a small sandstone ball and a fossilized shark tooth (though this may have occurred naturally in the surrounding chalk). Some animal bone was recovered from one grave including part of a red deer antler, a cattle hyoid bone, and some pig fragments.",250,400,3,,3,,2,,,3,,,,3,3,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 20058,"19 uncoffined inhumations of 'Durotrigian' type and 3 extended and coffined burials were encountered at the site, and all appear to have been interred after the use of the late Iron Age industrial settlement. All the Durotrigian burials were laid in crouched positions. The Durotrigian burials mostly appear to have been 1stC AD, though some could have been placed in the centuries either side, whilst the extended coffined burials are thought to have been 2ndC or 3rdC AD. Grave goods included: two Poole Harbour bowls and part of a juvenile lamb; A decorated shale bracelet, cattle, sheep and pig bones; The complete 1stC BC vessels, cattle and sheep bones; a Poole Harbour ware vessel; a Black Burnished ware jar and a fossil shell; a shale bracelet; a Nauheim derivative brooch; blue glass beads probably from a necklace. None of the extended Roman burials included grave goods, apart from a sheep tibia in one grave and two had hobnails; 2 were males and 1 was female - all adult. A small quantity of disarticulated bone was recovered.",-100,250,22,,22,7,7,2,4,17,,,19,8,3,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 20059,An early Roman infant burial was deposited close to a building on site.,75,200,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 20060,"Only the late Iron Age and early Roman 'Durotrigian' burial evidence is included here (though it must be remembered that this burial group, as with others in the Dorchester hinterland, may have had some affiliation with the early development of Durnovaria). Most of the late Roman burials belong to the urban cemetery which served Durnovaria, though 3 smaller, distinct cemeteries dating to the late 3rd/early 4thC AD may be associated with the middle Roman settlement or were precursors to the late Roman urban cemetery. In the presence of doubt, these have been omitted from the data recorded here, but they could be returned to if need be. A detailed catalogue of all the burials is given in the volume II report, as is an excellent synthesis and discussion of the burial evidence and context of the cemeteries in general. The first use of the site as a formal burial ground occurred in the 1stC AD. This consisted of 28 adult graves, 29 'small' graves and two instances of loose bone. The burials were generally located in a number of discrete groups. The adult burial rite was exclusively crouched inhumation, usually on the right side, and placed in a shallow rectangular/oval grave. No evidence for coffins were identified. Of the adults, 12 were male and 11 were female (otherwise unsexed). Of the children, 22 were less than 1 year, 5 were between 1 and 12 years (recorded here as 'child/adolescent'), and 4 could not be aged. 15 of the burials contained grave goods: 6 included pottery, 7 with animal bone, 1 with a brooch, 1 with a glass bead, and three with finger rings.",1,150,57,,57,12,11,22,5,28,,,28,15,,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20061,"An adult female crouched 'Durotrigian' inhumation was buried beneath a barrow. This burial was surrounded by 6 vessels of late 1stC BC/early 1stC AD date. The 60 infant burials dated from the mid-2ndC AD, with the practice being most common in the late 3rd/early 4thC AD. 16 individuals likely came from double or multiple interments, but these were difficult to identify during excavation. Remains from a further 7 infants were found as disarticulated remains, probably from disturbed burials. Most of the infants were placed directly in the ground, though two placed in cists. The infants predominantly aged between late foetal and 6 months; only 2 were slightly older than this.",-100,375,61,,61,,1,60,,1,,,1,1,2,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20062,"The burials appear to be LIA/ER but this dating must be viewed with some caution because of the poor understanding of the site's chronology. All the burials were recorded and left in situ. Three neonates were recovered from the same roundhouse structure. Two adult crouched inhumations found together in one pit, and three other adults (two certainly crouched) were found in another pit; the two crouched individuals were clearly associated, whilst the third may have been interred at a later date. One adult was interred in a cist, and other possible cist graves were found but with no human material being recovered. The cist burial included grave goods - BB1 vessels and animal bone. Finds were found with other burials but these may have been constituents of backfill rather than grave goods.",-50,150,10,,10,,,7,,6,,,5,1,1,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20064,"11 graves were discovered, but only 4 plus a cremation were excavated. These were only assessed. The burials had all been made with the body supine and extended, and all appear to have been coffined. Three included hobnails, one with pottery and a coin placed in the mouth, and one with a puppy. A number of the burials, including the cremation, were placed in one of the main field boundaries.",250,400,5,1,4,1,2,,2,1,,,,4,3,1,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 20065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20068,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20069,"A single inhumation is noted in the HER record from the earlier excavation, but no details are given.",,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20071,"According to the HER, burials of 'Romano-British origin' were discovered at the site in 1881, during rebuilding of the church, whilst two cist inhumations were also apparently discovered in 1951 and 1955, though little detail exists.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20072,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20074,"Excavations in the 1950s revealed an extended inhumation of a male who had been coffined. No grave goods were recovered, though worn RB pottery was recovered in the backfill and a 4thC AD was found nearby. The style of burial is suggestive of a late roman interment for the region.",200,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20075,"Although 2 crouched burials placed in the bottom of a main boundary ditch were carbon-dated as middle Iron Age (not included here), another dated to the early 1stC AD which was also located in the southern ditched area. This inhumation was a flexed elderly female who included an iron fibula. Four infant burials were attributed to the mid-2nd-4thC phase. These all aged between 6 and 18 months and were placed in peripheral areas of the settlement. Of these, one was crouched, one flexed, and one extended. Fragments of pig bone were found with the latter who was 18 months old. A further 4 neonate inhumations were all found associated with the 4thC AD buildings.",-100,,9,,9,,1,8,,1,,,3,2,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20076,The largest pit contained cremated human bone including part of an apparently trepanned skull. Finds suggest the remains were placed in a box.,75,150,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 20077,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20078,"The primary (cist) burial included a shale spindlewhorl around the midriff area, whilst dozens of limpet and snail (Helix aspersa) shells were found all around the body. The female was decapitated with some cervical vertebrae still with the skull, placed next to the lower legs.",290,400,2,,2,,2,,,2,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 20079,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20080,"18 inhumation burials were recovered in clustered groups set around the settlement. A wide range of ages and both sexes suggests that the burials represent local family groups being interred over time. One infant was buried with an adult, so 19 inhumations came from recognised graves. The processing of soil samples produced evidence for 5 neonates which were not associated with any grave. These have been included here in the aged data (i.e. neonate/infant 1-3 (no.)), but not in the 'number of burials' or 'inhumation (no.)'. A further late Roman extended adult female burial discovered during a watching brief around 100m north of the main excavation is also included here. In addition, small quantities of disarticulated human bone was recovered from the animal bone assemblages from ditch and pit assemblages of LIA date and from the Roman building and corndrier features. Grave goods in burials included a pot; a toe ring; and, a brooch and a pot. Two burials were coffined, one being the double burial. 7 burials dated to the mid/late Iron Age and 13 dated to the LIA/RB period (the report is a little confusing with some of its quantifications), and there does appear to be a possible separation between crouched burials in pits and flexed burials in graves (see report).",-100,400,18,,18,4,6,11,2,11,1,,10,3,2,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 20081,"All the graves were rectangular in plan. Two graves were very small and only produced bones of infants after sieving of the soil. Two other small graves produced no bone at all, though these may not have survived. Although no coffin nails were found four of the graves are thought to have included coffins from the position of flint nodules which may have been used as support packing. All the burials were supine and all were extended with the exception of an infant with flexed legs. The only variation in attitude was the positioning of the arms. It may be notable that the four bodies with folded arms and two with arms laid across the chest were all female. No spatial distinct distribution of the inhumations in terms of age or sex was identified. No grave goods were recovered other than a very small blue glass bead from the burial of a 12/13 year old. This item was not closely datable however; for radiocarbon dates, see site summary. Pottery found in the backfill of 15 graves was highly mixed, dating from the Bronze Age to the late Roman period. The lack of medieval material broadly supports the radiocarbon dates. Small amounts of disarticulated bone in some backfills may suggest secondary burial practices. One posthole may have been a grave marker.",340,670,50,,50,9,14,7,14,24,,,1,1,4,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 20082,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20084,"Three graves were identified in total, one of which was said to have contained 5 or 6 individuals though this was excavated before the archaeologist could investigate. One was said to have been female. No dating evidence was forthcoming from the grave and these are dated here broadly in line with the settlement.",-50,400,3,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 20085,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20086,"Inhumation burials were reported from an adjoining field, but there are no details on these.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 20087,"The inhumation burials can be divided into two main stylistic/chronological groups: the earlier Durotrigian-type, crouched burials dating c.AD50-125, and the later extended and sometimes coffined burials which date from c.AD175, but predominantly after AD250. 12 Durotrigian inhumations were present: 11 adults and one juvenile, including 5 females and 6 males. All were flexed and in shallow rectangular graves. 7 included grave goods: pottery; pottery, chicken; 2 brooches; chicken, pig skull, hobnails; chicken, pig leg; bracelet; and, hobnails. One may have been coffined. The extended burial cemetery appears to have been planned and was laid out in line with the enclosure and its droveway. 91 extended inhumations were present in total, though 12 formed an 'early group', 9 were an extension to the main cemetery, and 18 were classed as outliers. 8 graves were found to be empty, and 2 graves included grave goods, but no human remains were recovered. 68 were placed in wooden coffins. Of these, 1 had a stone lid, 1 had lead lining, and 1 infant had been placed in a wooden coffin. Of the two prone burials both had hobnails, and one was buried with a dog. One possible decap was present, identified by the absence of a skull in the grave. Perhaps most interesting was the presence of a dwarf. This individual was buried with shoes only (hobnails). Three inhumations were described as 'high-status' on the basis of their grave goods/coffin type. One of these was a child, in which textiles from 'fine clothing' had preserved (see other finds). Grave goods included (a number contained more than one type - see report): hobnails (in 39 burials), pottery (6), coins (4), animal remains (9), glass vessel (2), hair pin (1), pewter vessel (1), seeds (1), sandstone block (1), limestone block (1), and textiles from clothing (1). High lead levels were found in a sample of skeletons. A full catalogue of the burial and skeletal evidence is presented in the report. Three cremations were also found. All were in 2ndC AD BB pots. One grave included a single pot with human remains, and another included two pots, each with a single individual within. The single pot contained an older adult male and the twin burial included probable sub-adults, one possibly a male. The twin burials included a copper alloy shoe stud, and sheep and bird bones, respectively. The third burial lacked human remains and may have been disturbed.",50,400,106,3,103,47,25,10,13,76,2,1,12,58,69,3,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 20088,"33 graves were identified. These contained 35 individuals - one extended inhumation contained a female and an in utero foetus. Also, a 3rdC AD cremation burial contained two individuals, an adult female and a juvenile. The urn also contained chicken bones. Disarticulated human bone was also recovered from a number of non-funerary features. Three possible cenotaphs or empty graves, some with 'grave goods' were identified. Both Durotrigian and late Roman extended burials were identified. Of 10 Durotrigian burials, 8 were flexed and 2 were crouched; 7 were adult, 2 were sub-adult, and 1 was an infant; 7 were female and 2 were male; grave goods included a Colchester brooch/a mid-1stC AD pot/hobnails and lamb foreleg/a brooch/4 mid-1stC AD pots/LR bracelet/a mid-1stC AD pot. Although Durotrigian graves are generally identified as LIA/ER, these are considered as early Roman, though the late Roman armlet clearly suggests that the practice continued in some cases. Of the 22 RB extended inhumations 18 were coffined. One of the late Roman inhumations was placed in a stone-lidded coffin. 17 were adults, 1 was a juvenile, and 5 were neonates/infants. 8 were male and 8 were female. 16 included grave goods, mostly hobnails (15 graves), but also a dog bone/a knife blade/a sheep skull/iron object/2 bronze armlets, blue glass beads, and a rooster/'apotropaic' nail in mouth and a chicken under pelvis/shale spindlewhorl.",50,400,33,1,32,10,16,6,4,25,,,10,24,18,1,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 20089,"Five Roman inhumations and three cremations were recovered from different areas across the site. Because of the acidic soils no human remains survived in the inhumation graves though all were assumed to have been adults (staining was noticed in some). Two inhumations had surrounding ditches with late Roman pottery. All the inhumations included hobnails and one included a coin of Severus Alexander. The style of burial, plus the stratigraphic relationship of some indicated a late Roman date for the inhumations. The cremated remains were all females. Each were urn as well as evidence for accessory vessels. One included burnt animal bone. One dated at the very earliest to AD160-200, one was late 3rd/early 4thC AD, and the last being late 4thC AD.",150,420,8,3,5,,3,,,8,,,,8,5,3,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 21001,"The 542 excavated burials were all inhumations, mostly supine extended and orientated west-east, mostly in ordered rows (Note: only 419 graves could be discretely defined and located as some had multiple burials, with infants and children strongly represented in this group). Radiocarbon dates and the grave goods suggest the cemetery was in use during the fourth to eighth century, though there are large numbers of burials with no specific dating evidence and so the burial sequence could potentially begin earlier. 34 graves are explicitly dated to the 6th-7th C though they are also included in this dataset as osteological analysis encompassed all burials from the site. No evidence for prone or decapitation burials; five flexed, crouched or semi-flexed burials Grave goods were relatively sparse and were of Roman, western British and Anglo-Saxon types (occurrences within graves: 17 knives, 7 coins, 6 pin/needle, 4 beads, 2 buckles, 2 rings, 1 brooch, 1 bracelet, 1 cosmetic spoon, 1 comb, 1 spindlewhorl, 1 strap end, 1 awl, 1 ferrule, 1 hone, 1 vessel mend, 8 misc objects). Iron nails were rare and it is not specified how many graves may have been coffined, though stone blocks occurred around or under the body in 30 graves - possibly (in some cases at least) a type of cist. Up to six cases of leprosy noted. Some attributes of the cemetery could be interpreted as Christian. Large quantities of disarticulated bone almost certainly represent disturbed burials.",300,750,542,,542,127,197,87,59,387,,,5,56,30,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 21002,"Three adult supine inhumation burials (including 1 male 1 female) in shallow stone slab-lined graves found on the fringes of two compounds, aligned upon outer boundary ditches. Two child burials (13-15 years and 10-11 years) and an infant (6 months) burial were similarly placed. Three burials were accompanied by hobnails, while another (13 year old girl) had a copper alloy bracelet. One adult burial also had coffin nails. 20 perinatal burials were associated within or under the eaves of 7 buildings, mostly of late Roman date. Also scattered fragments of mainly neonatal human bone.",300,425,26,,26,1,2,21,2,3,,,,4,3,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21004,An inhumation burial (extended supine adult male) was located within the temple annexe probably dating to a late (post-temple) phase.,380,450,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21005,"Several contexts contained disarticulated bone, infant and adult. A group of adult human skulls was found along with large and small stones deposited in a 6th C ditch, interpreted as having been in a nearby structure. One of the skulls was radiocarbon dated to the Iron Age and they were therefore re-deposited in this ditch. Post-Roman graves from the nearby site at Henley Wood are probably associated with this settlement",500,600,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21006,"Scattered along a 20m length of the gateway passage were the remains of a minimum of 22 human skeletons of both sexes, ranging in age from less than a year to adult, with a high proportion of children. Evidence of burning. Note these cannot be considered as formal burials so no burial number is noted here. Associated with the remains were c 102 copper alloy brooches, iron weapons (British and Roman) and a copper alloy plaque with a head. It is thought that this represents a massacre dated c AD 60, probably in the aftermath of the Boudiccan revolt.",50,70,,,,4,2,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21007,A fragment of human femur came from the top of a late Roman ditch.,250,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21010,"A total of 50 inhumations (excluding 3 dating 8th-10th C AD), together with a small amount of human bone from other contexts, was recovered from across the site, 42 in 1990 and 8 in 1996-7. Most burials were found in distinct groups, perhaps representing burial plots associated with the various compounds identified within the excavated area. The largest excavated group (16 burials) lay within an irregular enclosure to the SE, associated with a lead (& wood) coffin burial (extended supine adult female) previously found. Of other burials in this group, 11 contained coffin nails and stone packing, while most others just contained the stone packing. One supine adult male was accompanied by a silver amulet cross punched with a Chi-Rho cross, dated 5th C AD. Another coffined adult male lay prone, with a 4th C AD coin in the grave backfill. A young adult female also had a 4th coin in the grave fill. Finally, there was also a coffined adult female prone burial in this group. All aligned approximately E-W and dated by pottery sherds (& C 14 dates) in grave fills to the later 3rd-4th/5th C AD. Another group of 9 burials lay further west. These included a prone adolescent in a wooden coffin, another coffined burial of an adult male with hobnails at the feet, a coffined decapitation burial of an adult female (skull by foot), and a prone young adult female accompanied by an infant (possibly coffined and accompanied by late 3rd C coins, but grave was disturbed). Another supine adult with hobnails around feet was radiocarbon dated to AD 430-680. An additional small cemetery group of 6 N-S burials included a young adult male in a stone coffin set within a small masonry mausoleum. Nearby was a lead coffin (& coffin nails) with an elderly adult male, radiocarbon dated AD 420-767. Elsewhere, more isolated burials included an adult female decapitation (head at feet) burial accompanied by a neonate, both within the same wooden stone packed coffin. Burials from the 1996-7 excavations included a child burial in a stone coffin. Overall, the burials comprise 10 neonates, 2 infants less than a year, 5 children and 39 adults (at least 2 over 50). A series of 5 radiocarbon dates indicated burial continued from the 3rd/4th into the 6th/7th C AD. In addition a single urned adult cremation burial was discovered within one of the burial groups, dated to the 4th C AD. A single calcined ?pigeon bone accompanied the remains. Evidence for a pipe burial (see finds).",250,700,51,1,50,17,16,12,5,36,4,2,,6,26,1,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 21011,"An adjacent cemetery may be associated with the settlement, though this is dated to the 6th - 7th centuries AD.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21012,Two adult E-W aligned inhumation burials located near to each other and presumed to be Roman on the basis of surrounding Roman pottery. No grave goods noted.,,,2,,2,,,,,2,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21014,Human remains were found in June 1894 and 'cinerary urns' also mentioned but no further details.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21015,"Three burials were recovered, two were flexed and laid within shallow circular pits (2 mature males, with two additional human arms including a left shoulder blade within one pit), but the third was distinctly abnormal with a probable flexed inhumation having been severed and split into two quite separate parts, both parts remaining articulated. This was also an adult male. They are thought to date to the very late Iron Age/conquest period.",1,50,3,,3,3,,,,3,,,3,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21016,"An urned cremation burial, dating late 1st/2nd C AD lay NE of the aisled house. An infant/neonate burial was found in a shallow pit within the late Roman villa, in much the same way as the animal burials.",80,400,2,1,1,,,1,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21018,A N-S flexed inhumation burial (mature adult male; 26-45 years) was aligned with a 2nd/3rd C enclosure ditch and probably dated to the 4th C AD. The burial was thought to have been part of a wider group. Also human long bones from at least two neonatal individuals were recovered from a small pit in the extreme southeast of the site and a residual neonatal humerus was retrieved from an adjacent feature,200,350,3,,3,1,,2,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21021,"A child inhumation noted from the site, sealed beneath the clay floor in a building; associated with 2nd C AD pottery.",100,200,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21027,"Within two pits of middle-late Iron Age date are two individual flexed human burials, with disarticulated body parts (adult and infant/neonate) being incorporated within a number of the other pits (mainly human skull fragments, found in at least 6 pits; in one instance with burnt daub, broken quernstone & a cow leg). Three human skeletons (flexed adult female; foetus & infant) were found within the central enclosureâ??s large surrounding ditch, with other human remains (adult and infant/neonate), particularly skulls, recovered from the material of the inner bank that was purposefully backfilled into the ditch, covering the three skeletons. Human remains with cut marks date to the period around the Roman conquest.",-100,50,5,,5,,1,2,,3,,,3,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21029,"An urned cremation burial lay to the east of the MIA roundhouses and another probably un-urned cremation (pottery sherds were recovered) lay in a pit on the periphery of the late iron Age/early Roman settlement. A single inhumation was recorded on the eastern slope, below the Romano-British settlement activity, overlooking the valley of the River Yeo. No human remains survived within the grave due to the acidic soil conditions, but coffin nails and hobnails recovered. A human skull fragment from a mid/late Roman pit, possibly from a disturbed grave.",-50,350,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,1,1,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21032,"Three early 3rd C cremation burials, all urned and one accompanied by Rhenish ware beaker. Also two east-west aligned supine inhumation burials of late Roman date. These represent an adult male and female (both over 40). Amongst the female skeletal remains was a red deer bone. Two infant burials occurred within one of the excavated buildings.",200,400,7,3,4,1,1,2,,2,,,,1,,3,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21034,"A series of burials were found scattered around the settlement: 9 inhumation burials, 7 of which lay in stone coffins. Three of the coffin burials lay close together. A late Roman coin lay on one of the coffins. Hobnails were found in 6 of the stone coffined burials and a sheep tooth also found in one. An adult elderly female skeleton was prone and had three large limestone blocks placed above the head. Close by was the jaw bone of a child. Disarticulated human remains appear to have been found throughout the site in small numbers, including at least three skulls and 'other human bone' by the outside of one of the stone coffins. Outside another coffin was part of a child burial with a coin (suggested that coin was placed in the child's mouth due to green staining).",,,10,,10,6,3,1,,9,1,,,,7,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21035,"The remains of human perinates were found in 8 different contexts within one evaluation trench, all disarticulated and almost certainly disturbed. Radiocarbon dates suggest AD 70-225 (95% confidence), probably 2nd AD.",90,200,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21037,An inhumation burial of an adult male cut into the fills of the earlier Roman enclosure ditch. The lower half of the burial was not excavated. Undated but at least late 3rd C and possibly contemporary with the villa.,275,350,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21038,"A deposit under the floor of the building contained human bone along with an articulated sheep leg, while another similar deposit contained a young sheep skull and five hind feet, in association with a human infant bone. Human bone also found in later contexts over the building, radiocarbon dated to AD 440-640 (95% confidence).",300,350,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21039,Infant bones found in a 2nd C AD ditch.,100,200,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21041,A single infant femur bone found.,50,200,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21047,"A small rural cemetery of 75 supine individuals (most approx. E-W) was incorporated into the Henley Wood site, with the majority of burials situated within the filled-in enclosure ditch. Radiocarbon dating suggested a 5th to 6th century period for deposition, with most of the graves in the temple area being dug after the ambulatory wall had been robbed. Five double burials. Three graves had stones around the head area and many graves had partial stone linings. Up to 20 graves contained grave goods: 5 with hobnails, 1 with brooch, 1 with ring, 4 with pins, 3 with beads, 1 with ligula, 1 with disc/counter, 2 with tools/stylus, 1 with knife, 15 with coins and 2 with glass vessels (NB some of these may be residual finds from the ditch). Another structured human deposit consisted of an infant burial placed in a hole, associated either with temple 2 or the earlier structure, and possibly a foundation deposit. Also an infant rib bone with animal deposit in temple.",400,600,75,,75,26,17,5,4,49,,,,20,,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 21048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21052,"During the final phase of occupation in the later 4th C AD, a small pit dug in one room contained bones of three young sheep as well as an infant burial. Another infant burial in a different room.",300,360,2,,2,,,2,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21053,A small cemetery was recovered in 2009 but no further details.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21054,"Whole and partial animal and human burials associated with middle-late Iron Age phase of activity. Includes an infant burial with burnt stones and four complete vessels over the infant, and with a La Tene brooch over them. Also another stone-capped infant burial and a crouched adult human burial (male, 35-45 years) on the pit floor (no artefacts). Four inhumation graves discovered in 2003 running along a ditch boundary. Two produced several severely corroded hob and/or coffin nails, and one extremely degraded skeletal staining. All believed to be associated with the late Roman settlement.",-100,400,7,,7,1,,2,,1,,,1,3,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21055,"A tightly crouched burial of an adult male, aged 35-45. No obvious grave goods but small fragments of pottery in the fill of the roughly oval grave were mainly of Dorset Black Burnished ware suggesting a 1st C AD date.",1,100,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21058,"Nine adult inhumation burials, three neo-natal burials and a cremation burial were identified in the main excavation area (SPE 4-5), dispersed within the fringes of the settlement area. Hobnails from boots were recovered from one of the burials, with a small flint microlith recovered from a second burial. There remains the possibility that other shallower graves may have been ploughed out further upslope. No dating evidence in interim report. Two further adult inhumation burials were identified during the pipeline excavation 180n to the NE. They were found fairly close to each other and were similarly extended and supine on a north/south alignment (the same as a nearby substantial boundary ditch). These are also thought to be Roman but had no grave goods.",,,15,1,14,,,3,,11,,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21062,"Two crouched inhumation burials found within earlier middle Iron Age pits, radiocarbon dated probably to the late Iron Age (210 BC - 1 cal AD and 400 BC - 70 cal AD). The first was an adult (35-45 years) female, with two large blocks of limestone by the head, accompanied by a penannular brooch. The second was an adult (c 50 years) male, with a large piece of limestone on the chest area.",-100,1,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,2,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 21063,"Two infant burials placed into dispersed spreads of late Roman midden material within the main settlement area. Also 10 graves containing a minimum of 12 individuals (all adult except one neonate) were found dispersed around the excavation area (i.e. not in a cemetery group), usually aligned with or within ditches (including 3 'pairs' of burials). One possible prone burial (adult female), the remainder supine. Six showed evidence for coffins, while grave goods were limited to an early 4th C AD coin (AD 310-18), a copper alloy finger ring and hobnails around the feet (5 graves). A possible empty grave contained coffin nails and a late 4th C AD coin. There was also a cremation pyre deposit with cremated adult human bone and charcoal radiocarbon dated AD 240-420, contemporary with the inhumation burials. Redeposited human bone also found in other features, including a mid to late Iron Age ditch.",250,400,12,1,14,5,5,3,,12,1,,,5,6,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21064,"Fragments of four adult individuals came from a middle to late Iron Age pit, but it is likely that they were exposed for some time before burial. Four neonatal burials found within the main house buildings (one in one building, 3 together in another). There were probably at least six inhumation burials (five adult, one child) in the area of the non-domestic building prior to its construction, 3 were later incorporated within and one incorporated into the wall, while two (aligned N-S) lay to the north. One of these was in a stone-slabbed cist grave and covered by a rectangular mound. Subsequently, 21 infant inhumation burials (neonate to 3-4 years old) were placed within the building, all within stone slab cist graves. To the south of the non-domestic building lay a cemetery of 25 graves aligned E-W (all supine), forming a relatively compact group. No traces of coffins, though many were at least partially lined with stone slabs and only four had grave goods (hobnails in two, one also with a coin AD 320-4, and coins in two other graves (AD 337-41 & 330-5).",300,450,55,,55,10,11,34,1,20,,,,4,25,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21066,"A total of eleven adult inhumation burials were identified randomly dispersed across the site although most were located away from the main areas of activity. A well preserved adult decapitation burial was covered by two slanting mud stone/shale slabs. A copper alloy bracelet was recovered from the left arm of the skeleton. No further similar grave goods were recovered, although hobnails were found in majority of the graves. The burials are assumed to be contemporary with the settlement.",200,400,11,,11,,,,,11,,1,,9,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21067,"Three inhumation burials are thought to belong to the later Roman phase of settlement. They are grouped close together, aligned W-E in the northern part of a large enclosure and comprise two adult males and an adult female. One adult male had a cluster of hobnails by the feet. Another inhumation of a youth was found elsewhere, oriented NE-SW, while part of a human skull was found in a ditch. A deposit of cremated human bone was also found. None of the burials are independently dated.",200,400,5,1,4,2,1,,1,3,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21068,"Four un-urned cremation burials within three enclosures (the western enclosure containing two). The cremations lay in shallow pits with small quantities of calcined human bone, nails, charcoal and dark soil. No evidence for grave goods. Dated loosely by pottery in surrounding enclosure trenches and in one of the graves.",100,300,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 21069,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21071,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21072,A fragment of adult male bone from a Roman pit/quarry.,125,425,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21074,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21075,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21076,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21077,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21078,"A single adult inhumation burial, possibly prone (skull recorded as lying face downwards), revealed in what is likely to be the ramparts of an earlier Iron Age fort. The burial was accompanied by an iron bracelet and a copper alloy brooch, although the type is not given and so the exact date of the burial remains uncertain. Hobnails from the excavation are not demonstrably from the burial.",,,1,,1,,,,,1,1,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 21079,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21080,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21081,"Two E-W inhumation burials in Bath stone coffins found during the 1920s, one an adult male and the other an adult female. The male inhumation was also contained within a lead container. No grave goods, though mid 3rd-mid 4th C coins found in immediate vicinity of the burials.",250,350,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,,,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21082,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21084,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21085,An undated neonatal human burial and an unurned cremation burial are of probable Roman date and included here.,1,200,2,1,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21086,"Two inhumation burials, though no further details.",,,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21087,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21088,"Between 1946 and 1956 the discovery of 18 skulls and other human bones (along 2nd-4th C Romano-British pottery, metal ewers and late Roman coins) were found by divers in the river within the cave system. Subsequent excavation in 1973-6 revealed a cemetery of at least 28 individuals (the bones were much disturbed and scattered) within the fourth chamber of the cave system. The chamber is 12m long by 10m wide with an average height of a little under 2m, with the river running along the south side. Most of the individuals identified were young adults (15-24 years), with none older than 35. many finds were located within the cemetery chamber though it is rarely possible to assign specific finds to specific individuals. Exceptions include a copper alloy finger ring (on finger) and a bracelet (on arm). Other finds include 15 coins (found together and probably a hoard of 3rd C issues), 2nd/3rd C plate brooch, silver finger ring, 3 copper alloy finger rings, copper alloy handle for a blade, iron latch-lifter, bone hairpin, shale bracelet, 3 glass beads, nails and over 40 hobnails. Also late Roman pottery. The '14' graves with graves goods is probably a minimum. The overall date range of the objects suggests a late Roman date for the burials.",250,400,28,,28,2,2,3,8,17,,,,14,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 21089,Seven complete or part skeletons of child burials were found. Uncertain if infant burials and no further details.,,,7,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21090,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21091,"A side shaft within the swallet contained bones of an adult (30 years) male, along with hobnails and pottery. The inhumation was dated 1st C AD on the basis of a sherd of samian, though the hobnails would suggest a later date. The remains of many further burials were encountered but not dated and could well be Iron Age (or earlier) in date.",50,200,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 21092,"Human remains of possible Roman date were found in the material from Long Hole cave, but no further details.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21093,"Over 560 fragments of human bone along including parts of seven skulls were recovered from a mound in the cave. It is quite likely that at least some of these date (or were deposited) during the late Roman period, though most are probably (?early) Iron Age.",250,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21094,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21095,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21096,"A total of 30 burials found in one excavation in 1954-6 near a multi-roomed Roman building are said to have been post-Roman in date, though a Scheduled Monument report suggested that they were probably late Roman and so have been included here. An earlier inhumation burial from the site is said to have been found in a stone coffin.",,,31,,31,,,,2,28,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21097,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21098,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21099,"A cremation burial of possible late Iron Age-early Roman date in a small pit beneath the crushed remains of an incomplete ceramic vessel, suggested as a young adult male. Also fragments of animal bone (sheep) and three fragments of a neonate (of general Roman date).",1,100,1,1,,1,,,,1,,,,1,,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 21100,An infant burial contained in a lead coffin lay immediately outside the paved entrance to the northern range. Three infant burials also associated with the latest phase of occupation (late 4th/early 5th C AD). Two of these lay within the western villa range with the third just outside. An adult (20 years) male inhumation burial lay on the building rubble in the western range. It is suggested that death was caused by an accident during building demolition (a stress fracture in the neck noted). The date of this burial remains unknown.,250,425,4,,4,,,4,,,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21101,Three infant burials found below floors of the villa building. All appear newborn.,300,350,3,,3,,,3,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21102,"A number of human burials found during the excavations over an area of around 1ha. One extended adult male inhumation was found by workmen in a silted up water channel. Late Iron Age and early Roman pottery sherds supposedly came from the grave. A late Roman coffined burial was found in one of the main excavation trenches. This was of an adult female with two groups of hobnails, coffin nails and other unidentified iron objects. Three other burials were excavated during building work further away: Two extended inhumations lay one above the other in the same grave, and another lay adjacent. No dating evidence but assumed to be Roman. In another location was found a crouched burial in a grave lined with limestone slabs (cist grave?). Within were three copper alloy bracelets, a spindlewhorl and 'probably' a single coin of Carausius.",50,400,6,,6,1,1,,,6,,,1,2,2,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 21103,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21104,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21105,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21106,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21107,"Around the exterior of the masonry footed building were four infant burials and two adult burials in stone coffins, apparently contemporary. One stone-coffined burial was E-W and the grave contained hobnails. The other grave was aligned N-S and had no grave goods. Both supine adult male (one 20 years, other 50 years). Another adult burial was very disturbed by a recent mine shaft.",250,400,7,,7,2,,4,,3,,,,1,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21108,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21109,"In 1939 three inhumation burials of Roman date had been found in the area. One was a child (infant?) and the other two adults, one with a copper alloy finger ring. No further details.",,,3,,3,,,1,,2,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21110,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21111,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21112,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21113,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21114,"A square casket of Bath freestone with lid and iron binding was found with a large masonry structure, interpreted here as a mausoleum. Within the casket was a cremation burial with no apparent grave goods.",100,200,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21115,A single limestone coffin oriented E-W containing the supine remains of an adult male (c 20yrs). The coffin lid comprised three slabs of stone. Fragments of Roman pottery give an approximate date. No grave goods.,,,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21116,"An adult inhumation burial of an elderly (50yrs+) adult female within a bath stone coffin, oriented S-N. Hobnails around the feet. No precise dating though assumed to be late Roman.",,,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 21117,"A number of Roman period infant burials found in the inner enclosure ditch, along the inner margin of the drystone wall. There were no indication of graves, though one lay under a large piece of stone. Also several fragments of adult human skulls found in the inner ditch.",50,150,10,,10,,,10,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21118,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21119,"An adult inhumation burial was revealed not far from the 2nd/3rd C AD timber building. The body was buried with remains of animal bone (species not specified) and a complete late 2nd/early 3rd C AD ceramic tankard, found by the pelvis. No indication of a coffin. The remains of other burials are indicated but no further information. Also, three infant burials were inserted into the clay floor of the later 3rd C aisled building.",200,300,4,,4,,,3,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21120,"In 1901 a coffin of Bath stone containing a child's skeleton was found; the only finds comprised nails, but it is not stated if these were hobnails. In 1948 a skeleton of a young adult male (aligned N-S) was found nearby in another Bath stone coffin; hobnails found by feet. A layer of imported clay was packed underneath the coffin. A small fragment of Roman pottery found in the grave fill.",,,2,,2,1,,,1,1,,,,1,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 21121,Two inhumation burials found in the vicinity of the settlement and assumed to be contemporary though no independent dating. One adult male and one adult female. No evidence for coffins or grave goods.,,,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21122,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21123,"A single cremation burial, with the remains placed within a late Roman ceramic vessel, with a limestone roof tile used as a lid. No analysis on the burial.",200,400,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21124,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21125,"Three fragments of human bone were recovered alongside the animal remains, fragments of adult tibia and radius, and a perinatal femur.",1,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21126,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21127,"At least 16 inhumation burials lay north of the temple, nearly all female. Two burials radiocarbon dated 6th-8th C AD, well beyond the probable use of the temple, though some contained Romano-British pottery.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21128,"Much disarticulated human bone recovered, including complete skulls, along with part of at least 10 neonatal inhumations. Some disarticulated bine was charred.",-100,-50,10,,10,,,10,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 21129,"An adult human skull found in the alluvium near a structure and a few other disarticulated human humans found elsewhere across the site, including remains of infants.",-100,-50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21130,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21131,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 21132,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22011,"Four burials recorded, though little information provided. Only three were definitely Roman, the fourth probably medieval.",,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22012,"One burial, a young adult female, excavated in 1978, a further burial discovered in 1947. No further information.",100,400,2,,2,,1,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 22014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22057,"Three features interpreted as graves and a cremation burial were recorded in one trench. The graves were aligned east-west and filled with charcoal flecked clayey soil and crushed bone was recovered from the surface of one. Two further graves and a cremation burial were identified in another trench. Here the graves were aligned north-south, and included charcoal flecks and long bone fragments. South of the graves smashed pelvis fragments were recovered. A further pot scatter may perhaps reflect another disturbed burial. A rubble structure included bone fragments, a fragment of burnt tegula and a stone with a worked, grooved face. This has been interpreted as a possible funerary structure (mausoleum).",100,400,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 22058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22064,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22068,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22071,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22072,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22074,"From the racecourse industrial area 'a few human bones were found', including an infant burial. Many of the bones may have been disturbed in antiquity and may be associated with the cemetery, although one burial was in a pottery kiln (possible homicide?) and several bones were recovered from wells. It is unclear whether these relate to the cemetery. The cemetery itself, situated to the east of the industrial complex, included a line of five mausolea and a cremation burial in a jug, a walled cemetery area, and a number of cremations and inhumations lying between the mausolea and the walled cemetery. The building of the mausolea began in the late-first or early-second century, at around the time of the beginning of the pottery industry at the site. Two of the mausolea contained no human remains, whilst three each contained a single individual cremation accompanied by the cremated remains of whole pigs. One of the mausolea also contained the cremated remains of a bird or birds, probably domestic fowl. This mausoleum also contained 10 pottery lamps, whilst burnt examples of these were recovered from two of the other non-mausolea cremation burials. 16 of the other cremations also included cremated animal bone, including bird, pig, sheep and cattle. The dominance of pig is noted by the excavator, indicating that this animal had a special importance for the dead. 39 distinct deposits of burnt human bone were excavated, but an additional 52 scatters of bone were also recovered (not included in the number of burials below). In some cases the amounts of human bone recovered were very small, perhaps indicating token deposits, although in some this may represent later damage. The majority of the cremations were from the walled cemetery whilst 1 was from the line of the mausolea, 2 were from the east of the mausolea and 8 were from north of the mausolea.Three of the burials had grave goods including pots and one of these had a knife in sheath, buckles, hobnail boots and coins of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius. These three have been seen as possible military burials. However, generally the cemetery appears to have contained a cross-section of the civilian population.",80,350,113,39,74,30,19,4,10,134,10,5,7,3,24,8,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 22075,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22076,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22077,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22078,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22079,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22080,"Although disturbed, the description of the burials indicate that one was flexed (head to NE), with an iron object and the lower stone of a quern. It was noted that the body appeared to have been covered with large stones from several sources. There appeared to have been the remains of a fire under the skeleton. Speculation that a cattle jaw recovered nearby may have been associated. Approx. 3 yards away the other burial was found - again flexed with head facing NE. Reported in the 19th century as both male, though this cannot be confirmed now. The second burial apparently accompanied by coarse ware, as well as an iron object, now recognised as a plough share. Also an antler or bone strap link and the burnt fragments of a quern stone, probably the matching stone from the other burial (which had also been burnt). This burial was also covered in stone. It is suggested that the ritual for both burials involved a large fire upon which the grave goods and stones for covering the burials were burnt, and the bodies were placed on the ground after the fire had been extinguished, and the grave goods and stones were carefully placed on top. Fragments of calcined bone (including dog) and an unburnt sheep tooth suggest animal may also have burnt on the fires.",-100,100,2,,2,,,,,,,,2,2,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 22081,"No absolutely certain Roman burials, but a number of burials are known from the area outside the cave, and at least one is thought likely to be a Roman cremation. One burial was a skeleton in an uncovered 'cist-like enclosure', and the cremated remains of a second burial were appear to have been in a Romano-British vessel (the cremation noted above). At least one other probable cremation is recorded, as well as another inhumation, again enclosed by a cist. Both of these were also undated, though the inhumation contained a spearhead.",,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 22082,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23001,"One inhumation burial, orientated east-west, head in the east. No grave goods, date uncertain. Several unstratified human bones from two neo-natal infants, probably from disturbed RB infant burials, discovered.",50,350,3,,3,,,2,,1,1,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23003,"Most of the burials were disturbed and only three could be sexed. Four of the burials were apparently buried in the supine position, whilst one adult male was buried on his right hand side. An additional adult male was missing his lower right arm and hand, with the radius and ulna cut off halfway down. This is not thought to be a result of preservation as the left side was well preserved. The locations of 5 out of 6 of the burials are between 2.63 and 4.76 metres away from the edge of the ditch, with four of the five occurring along the western edge, and one along the eastern side. It is possible that the burials on the western side may be respecting the line of a possible bank.",50,200,6,,,2,1,,,6,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23008,"A single burial of a mature adult male was recovered, buried in a ditch of the late third to fourth century. The skeleton had poor dental health.",275,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23010,"A cremation in an almost complete vessel was recovered outside one of the roundhouses. The vessel has been published as Anglo-Saxon, but is now thought possibly to be of IA date.",-100,50,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 23011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23014,"The burial was interred in a sub-square pit and is a 'pit burial' of a type often placed in disused storage pits However, the high proportion of charred grains with low ratios of glumes and weed seeds showed that it was a cleaned prime grain product. As there were no signs of burning in the pit it was concluded that the grain had been burnt elsewhere before being deposited in the pit, perhaps suggesting that it was not a storage pit. Layers of cobbles overlay the body, probably deliberately. Charred grain remains, ceramic and animal bones and burnt red deer antler may have been deposited before or at the time of the burial and need not necessarily be grave goods (although it seems likely that they were, particularly given the burning of the antler). The sawn and burnt antler is likely to represent ritual burning, perhaps for use as incense. The burial is of an adult male in his 40s or 50s. The report does not discuss it, but the plan of the burial indicates that the skeleton is incomplete, apparently missing its arms and legs.",-100,50,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 23015,"A small assemblage of human bone was recovered comprising a single unenclosed cremation deposit and five separate deposits of human skull fragments in various ditch fills. Four of the five ditch fills contained mid-to-late IA pottery. The cremation deposit was recovered from the fill of a pit, located within an enclosure of probable mid-to-late IA in date. The bone may originally have been in an organic container.",-400,50,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 23016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23024,Two burials orientated north-south. Detailed information is not provided in the 2004 report.,200,400,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23025,Bone fragments noted but no burials.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23027,Three sub-rectangular pits were thought to represent possible grave cuts. One of these contained a cobbled surface and the other two contained coffin nails. An additional burial was recovered during an evaluation trench.,50,200,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 23028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23031,"During the 2005 excavations approximately 19 graves were identified, all orientated east-west, with heads in the west in the Christian tradition. Nine skeletons were completely uncovered, and where well enough preserved to tell, all were lying face up with their hands crossed across their pelves. Some may have been wrapped in shrouds, suggested by their hunched shoulders. Many were intercutting, making it difficult to establish the exact number of graves. In addition to the Roman cemetery two graves of suspected Saxon date were discovered (not included in the data below), thought to be part of a larger Saxon cemetery identified in the mid-20th century. One of these burials included a tanged iron knife in the grave.",200,375,9,,9,3,6,,,9,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 23032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23041,No burial data but two fragments of disarticulated human bone from a single humerus were recovered.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23044,"A single north â?? south aligned inhumation was found. Identified grave goods comprised a fragmentary wheel-turned jar in a rough black fabric with a finger-jabbed flush girth cordon recovered from the northern end of the grave cut presumably near to the position of the head. While the grave was not fully excavated several juvenile-sized teeth were exposed which, given the size of the grave cut, suggests the presence of both adult and juvenile human remains. These were not fully excavated and were not reported on further in the report.",70,130,1,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 23045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23048,"Two unurned cremation burials in pits - not closely dated, though the small amount of pottery recovered from the area of the cremations suggests occupation could have spanned the 1st century AD, or may well have been confined to the decades around the Conquest period. A tentative age for one of the cremations - juvenile/sub-adult.",1,100,2,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23051,"Two burials were found, aligned between two ditches, outside an enclosure. The burials were orientated north-east to south-west. One was adult, lying supine, with a 2nd/3rd century storage jar over the chest, containing a large group of nails suggestive of a ritual function. An iron knife blade lay across the pelvis. Iron coffin nails and hobnails were also found. In the assessment report the individual was not sexed, although the author indicated that this ought to have been possible on full analysis. The second burial was possibly buried within an earlier ditch or cut into it. It was heavily truncated by medieval ploughing, although the report indicates that this individual was also an adult.",100,300,2,,2,,,,,2,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 23052,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23053,"A single inhumation of late 1st to 2nd century date was found, located at the northern end of an eastern ditch cut. The skeleton was aligned roughly north-south, was supine with arms folded across its body and legs extended. Iron nails suggested a coffin. The skeleton was of a male of around 17-18 years at death (classified as an adult for the purposes of this database). A small assemblage of disarticulated bone was also found but it was not clear whether this represented a second skeleton.",75,200,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 23054,A burial was undated and seems more likely to be associated with the church than the RB settlement.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23056,"An isolated urned cremation was found outside the area of settlement and was tentatively dated to the mid-to-late Iron Age. Its relationship with the settlement is uncertain. The urn was inverted. Some pits and other features may have been contemporary, but there was no clear evidence for settlement. The individual was identified as a young adult, probably in its late teens to early 20s and probably female.",-400,50,1,1,,,1,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23058,No Roman data though a substantial late Saxon/medieval cemetery was excavated.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23059,"Two human burials were found. Both were aligned SW/NE, both were adult, and one was male and one female. Coffin nails and a copper-alloy ring (possibly a chain link - not included as a grave good) were associated with one grave. Bones of a small mammal, possibly a cat, where found within one grave. Traces of a third burial were also found but this contained no articulated bones. Other possible ploughed out graves may have been reflected by discolourations in the sub-soil.",300,350,2,,2,1,1,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 23060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23064,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23068,"Two individuals, both inhumations and both supine. One was an adult of c. 21, gender uncertain. A miniature Nene Valley colour coated beaker buried with this individual. Nails indicate hobnailed footwear. A further miniature vessel was found, although it is uncertain which individual it was associated with. The other burial was also adult (between 36-50 years), possibly male. The grave had a stone lining. Nails may represent a timber cover or coffin. The close relationship between the burials may suggest that the later burial was placed deliberately close to the slightly earlier burial.",250,400,,,2,1,,,,2,,,,2,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 23069,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23071,No Roman data but a small amount of disarticulated bone.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23072,"19th century finds of an alleged cist burial - date uncertain. The 1946 excavations also revealed 23 graves. The skeletons were all orientated east-west, with heads to the west - all fully extended lying on their backs. One grave had a possible coffin. The graves contained Iron Age pottery in their fills but no other artefacts. They are possibly Iron Age, but the author suspects that they were associated with the early Saxon Church and monastery presumed to have existed on the hill. A Christian graveyard is suggested, and the data have not been included below.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23073,"A single badly truncated cremation burial. The cremation was a mixture of animal and human. No close date for the cremation, but thought Roman on the basis of hobnails. A few fragments of bone from the cremation were worked.",50,400,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 23074,An inhumation grave was tentatively dated as late Roman on the basis of a late Roman coin.,275,400,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 23075,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24002,"Eight human burials discovered, scattered across excavated area. No single RB cemetery identified. Fragments of an indented beaker with one of the female burials - apparently broken prior to burial and the sherds carefully placed beside her head. Apart from children the burials seem to represent a mix of society with male and female and a range of ages represented. No evidence to suggest that these individuals were being selected for special treatment.",50,400,8,,8,2,2,,,8,,,1,2,2,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 24003,"Several inhumations excavated and also single bones and groups of bones were presumably from disturbed burials. Very little dating evidence available, all likely to be late IA or early RB, with the latter seen as being more likely, a result of sherds of RB pottery from the fillings of the grave pits for three of the graves. There were no grave goods. Two of the infant burials were from beneath the floor of one of the rectangular buildings and perhaps associated with an early phase of this building. Two infant burials may have been premature births. The cremation burial is possibly of IA date. The graves were scattered across site 1 and there was no evidence for orientation or respectful burial. One of the adult corpses seems to have been thrown unceremoniously into a pit too small to contain it. Aside from the burials other disarticulated bones came from a minimum of six adults, two children or adolescents and 21 newly-born infants. There were therefore many more burials of babies.",-100,400,13,1,12,2,2,7,1,4,1,0,3,0,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24005,Three inhumation graves were recovered though they are not well dated and may be of IA/Roman or early medieval in date. Six very small body sherds of IA or early medieval date were retrieved from the fill of one of the graves (though the coarse temper has been seen as possible evidence for the earlier date). No further information is available on the inhumations. Human bone was also recovered unstratified from some of the spoil heaps.,-100,800,3,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24010,"No burial data of LIA or Roman date were recovered, but possible barrows thought to be of mid-to-late IA date.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24013,A disarticulated human femur was found redeposited in a pit.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24017,"Evidence for two infant skeletons came from underneath a demolished masonry structure and were interpreted as infant burials in the evaluation ahead of road widening. The excavation at the water works uncovered six graves, although only five definite burials were found and one disarticulated skull, presumably from a disturbed burial. The burials were all supine and apparently originally in coffins and three had grave goods of pots and animal remains, probably of 3rd century date. One of the grave pots contained a human finger bone, vole bones (the finger possibly detached from the corpse and dragged into the pot by voles), shells of blind snails and spelt wheat whilst another from another burial contained blind snails. Another burial had a partial chicken under the knees. Three of the graves were closely confined and may constitute a family group. Only one individual can be sexed positively. The remaining five either display borderline characteristics or the skeleton is incomplete. 1 skeleton is a male, 2 are possible males, 2 are possible females and 1 is unknown. A further burial with grave goods (small cups) described by Preston, as well as a cremation in an urn.",200,300,10,1,9,3,2,2,,4,,,,4,5,1,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 24018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24021,"The only human bone, a single tibia, was from an infant, thought to have died at birth or soon after.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24027,No Roman data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24029,"Four inhumation burials were recovered. Three grouped together with a N-S alignment (heads to north) were of around mid-to-late-2nd century date, with a fourth outlying (although still within 10m of the others) burial around a century later (aligned E-W, head pointing E). The graves were located within a discrete area, to the north of the evidence for occupation and south of the quarry pits. All skeletons were poorly preserved. All are sub-adult/adult and at least two are possibly female and one male. Three of the burials had probable coffin fittings (iron nails) and thee had pottery as probable grave goods.",150,275,4,,4,1,2,,,4,,,,3,3,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 24030,No burial data but 8 fragments of human bone were recovered.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24031,"The 2001 evaluation exposed 4 burials and a charnel pit. Two of the burials and the charnel pit may have been within a mortuary enclosure, represented by gullies with a clear spatial link to the graves. Little anatomical data was available, though two of the burials seem to have been adults whilst a third was either a juvenile or possibly a young adult. This burial was associated with coffin nails and had a disarticulated head placed face down by its feet and was buried with a pot which was placed where the head should have been. This grave was orientated N-S. A pot also accompanied one of the other burials. A further burial was not completely excavated but the grave appeared to be stone-lined and a single nail may indicate the presence of a coffin. This grave was cut by the pit interpreted as a charnel pit. One grave was orientated E-W and in total two were orientated N-W. All appear to have been supine. See also database number 24075 for information on cremations.",50,400,4,,4,,,,1,2,,1,,2,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 24032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24033,"Two burials encountered during trenching, were both aligned approximately NW-SE with the heads to the south-east, and notwithstanding the truncation caused by later features (in the case of Burial 2) and the slight damage caused during the initial discovery (both burials were discovered during machine clearance of the area), were in a good state of preservation. The burials were lying supine (i.e. on their backs) in simple earth graves, with no surviving evidence of clothing, shrouds or grave-goods present.",100,300,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24035,"Two infant burials were found beneath the stone floor of the stone building. One of these had been decapitated and the head was placed between the legs, positioned so it faced towards the trunk. The grave was orientated south-west/north-east with the head at the south-west. The infant was placed on its back with the legs in a spread-eagle position and the lower legs raised. The left arm was parallel to the trunk and right was missing; only the right scapula remained. The other infant was lying in a crouched position with the knees drawn up to the chest in an east/west alignment with the head to the west. Additional disarticulated bones of human babies may relate to the above burials.",100,325,2,,2,,,2,,,,1,1,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24037,"Part of a cemetery, containing four inhumations and the remains of two other individuals, was encountered to the southwest of the enclosure. Of the burials, three were aligned west to east and one north to south, possibly indicating a change in religious practice. It is possible that the differing orientations may suggest that the cemetery was in use for a time span overlapping the period between pagan burials and the introduction of Christian ritual.",50,400,6,,6,2,2,1,1,4,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24038,"A supine inhumation burial was found in a large sub-rectangular grave cut aligned east-west. The seemingly large cut of the grave could imply coffin burial, though no stain or iron nails were identified/recovered. The fill of the grave contained pottery sherds dating between the mid-C2nd and C3rd. The skeleton was not aged or sexed.",150,300,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24039,"A single inhumation, undated but believed to be probably Roman, was found during the 2001 excavation. Two disarticulated human bone fragments were also found.",50,400,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24040,"A minimum number of 19 individuals were buried in 15 inhumation burials. 12 individuals were recovered from single burials, 7 were from multiple graves and the remains of up to 5 individuals were buried in a charnel pit (though these were potentially bones associated with the other burials and need not necessarily represent additional individuals). Multiple burials included a male double burial and a possible family group (interred at different times). In the double male burial both were flexed and prone and both may have been decapitated, although it is not clear whether the heads are missing as a result of post-depositional damage. One juvenile was accompanied by a broken pottery pedestal base, two glass beads and a fragment of shale bracelet. Iron nails were also found in the fill, indicating a coffin. Other grave goods were found associated with the eldest female. Analysis of the skeletal material indicated that the population was not normal for this period and context, in that a greater number of young adult males were represented than expected. The report authors suggest that such a population would imply that the cemetery was intended for the interment of slaves or low status individuals, and that the population had been subject to immigration. However, it is also possible that the area investigated comprises a non-representative part of a larger cemetery, located beyond the investigation (probably the more likely explanation). One of the later burials included a completely disarticulated male who was accompanied by the horn core from a cow. Near this was a charnel pit which had been used to inter remains truncated by subsequent burials. An infant burial was found on the brow of the hill, away from the main cemetery area.",150,250,15,,15,4,5,7,2,9,2,2,2,2,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 24041,"One neonatal/infant burial was found, estimated at between 0-2 months at time of death. It was laid supine with the head facing west. The legs were flexed in opposite directions, suggesting that the body may have been dumped, or even crammed, in the pit without particular care. A sherd of late Iron Age/conquest period pottery was recovered from the fill of the burial.",-100,100,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24044,"One probable inhumation burial represented by a probable grave cut and a fragmented skull, probably of a mature adult, unsexed.",175,225,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24046,Two disarticulated redeposited burials were found in one of the enclosure ditches which also contained Roman pottery. They therefore may be Roman in date.,-100,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24048,"A single inhumation burial was recovered. The remains were lying supine with the hands crossed at the pelvis, at a depth of approximately 1,0m below the existing ground level, and were oriented N-S with the head lying to the south. From initial analysis of the pelvis it would appear that the skeleton was that of a male, and the overall size of the remains (c. 1.60m in height, around five feet three inches) would indicate that the individual was not fully grown (i.e. probably still a youth/adolescent). In view of the alignment of the grave it was assumed that the burial dated from pre-Christian times (in general, all burials dating from Christian periods (including very late Roman burials) are found to follow an east-west alignment with the head situated to the west. Alignments other than E-W signify burials from pre-Christian times, i.e., pagan Roman or pagan Anglo-Saxon), and the use of inhumation rather than cremation indicated a burial of mid Roman date (cremation was the usual practice in the early Roman period).",100,300,1,,1,1,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24052,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24054,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24062,"A single inhumation burial was found, probably an adult male.",-100,60,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24065,"The cemetery contained 12 or 13 individuals. 10 were adult, one was a child and one was an infant. The burials may have been enclosed by ditches. At least one grave intercut an earlier grave. Six of the ten adult burials contained nails indicating coffins. Associated pottery indicates an earliest date of late 2nd century although the bulk of the dating evidence suggests a 3rd to 4th century date. Two of the adults had finger rings, though the two children's graves contained the richest grave goods. The jawbone of a dog was found above the skull in the burial of a young adult female. Three graves were orientated E-W, six were orientated N-S, One grave, an unsexed child (age approx. 9), may have been partially disturbed and reburied as it appeared 'folded' over, or divided at the waist. This burial included three separate groups of jewellery, one a group of bracelets of several materials, perhaps deposited in a bag or purse, whilst the others were necklaces or glass beads, apparently worn when buried (though not certainly and they could have been deposited on top of the body). An infant, probably around 1 year old, was interred with 3 copper alloy bracelets, possibly on one wrist, though they could also have been deposited in the grave separately). The finds indicate a 4th-century date for burials 2079 and 2300, and probably later rather than early in the century; although the finger-ring from burial 2052 is of 3rd-century type, it could have been a prized possession of some age when buried. Clarke (1979, 360-1) suggests that graves with unworn personal ornaments date mainly to the 4th century and that many of those at Lankhills are datable to AD 350-70. 2 burials may have been crouched. Part of a cranium was discovered from outside of the cemetery area.",250,400,12,,12,3,3,1,1,10,,,2,5,6,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 24066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24068,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24069,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24070,"One complete and at least one disarticulated infant burial were found in a robber trench, probably representing disturbed (foundation?) burials, though interpreted as having been buried in the robber trench by the excavators. 3rd and 4th century pottery was in the robber trench backfill. The complete burial was supine with legs splayed.",200,400,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24071,"The human remains were of a female aged between 18 and 25 years old, buried in the supine position. The grave's position below a buried soil, several nails, possibly from a coffin, and its north-south alignment suggest a Romano-British date for the remains.",50,400,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24072,"3 possible burials were found, 2 adult and 1 neonate. The adults were probably a male and a female. The skull of an adult was found in a shallow pit and it is not clear whether this was its original resting place. An infant burial was found but the grave cut was not found and the bones were disarticulated. As their original contexts is unclear the burials have therefore not been entered below.",200,300,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24073,"A female of about 50 years was found placed in the base of a ditch, seemingly open at the time of the deposit, and was covered by a fill of pottery sherds, possibly complete vessels which had been smashed over the body, and metalworking waste. The skeleton had a copper bracelet on her right arm. The ankles were crossed, and were possibly bound. The skeleton had an irregular slumped posture. The individual had apparently succumbed to a blow to the head with a sharp implement. Disarticulated human bone was found in the environmental samples.",175,225,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 24074,"A Roman pottery vessel containing a cremation was recovered from a pit located towards the north limit of the site, adjacent to the west edge of a curved ditch. The pot was probably placed in the pit on its side",100,300,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24075,"Two Romano-British cremations were contained within greyware urns and were separated by 0.5m, and were 0.6m north of the stone capped pit. These cremations dated from the mid-to-late 2nd century. A third RB cremation was in a pit and situated 14m south-west of the others. This burial dated from the mid 3rd century, dated by a Nene Valley Colour Coated funnel-necked beaker, deliberately placed within the cremation pit. Iron nails may have related to a coffin prior to burning. A possible enclosure ditch may have contained the cremations and this ditch contained a disarticulated human femur. An additional 11 undated cremations were also found (and so were mid Saxon inhumations). One of the Saxon inhumations (dated by a 7th century pot as a grave good) was buried with a penannular brooch thought more likely to be of Roman rather than Saxon date and may be a Roman brooch re-used. If so, this is perhaps of interest given that the site may have been respected over a long period of time. Some of the inhumations were not well dated and included sherds of late Roman (3rd-4th century) pottery, although these are considered likely to be residual. Approximately 400m to the north west, at Naveby Methodist Church, a watching brief in 2002 revealed a burial cist. This was undated but was though to be of possible Roman date. As it was not positively dated as Roman a separate database record has not been made.",150,250,3,3,,,,,,,,,,1,1,2,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 24076,No Roman burials though 30 Anglo-Saxon burials were excavated.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24077,"A Roman inhumation was found orientated N-S, accompanied by a mid-to-late 3rd century colour coated indented beaker which was probably a grave good. Iron nails indicate a wooden coffin. The burial was not fully excavated and so no ageing or sexing data is available.",250,300,1,,1,,,,,,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 24078,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24079,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24080,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24081,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24082,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24084,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24085,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24086,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24088,"No definite Roman data. Disarticulated human bone was recovered and an inhumation burial of uncertain date was found. The details are included below, but this may not be Roman. The fragmented remains were of an unsexed adult of c.30-39 years.",50,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24089,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24090,"5 burials were excavated and the disarticulated bones of four partial skeletons, including three infants, were also found. Some of the disarticulated bones appear to have been burnt, suggesting cremation. One burial had no hand bones, although it is somewhat unclear whether this is a result of recovery. Most of the burials were not fully exposed and no ageing or sexing data is available. An iron object (unidentified) was retrieved from one of the grave fills, and may have been a grave good.",250,400,5,,5,,,1,,,,,,1,1,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 24091,"A crouched adult was in a N-S orientated grave. A child (around 7 years old) was buried in a supine position within a wooden coffin, represented by coffin nails, and three copper alloy bracelets were recovered from the lower chest area (apparently deposited and not worn). This child appears to have been buried with a neonatal child or infant placed on its chest. Additional disarticulated human bones were recovered from a boundary ditch.",100,200,2,,2,,,1,1,1,,,1,1,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 24092,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24093,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24094,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24095,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24096,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24097,"A single supine inhumation burial was discovered, orientated NW-SE, following the line of a boundary ditch. The burial was neither aged nor sexed.",50,400,1,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 24098,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24099,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24100,Disarticulated limb bones from human neonates were recovered.,-100,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24101,"Four burials were discovered and disarticulated unstratified bone and possible grave markers may also represent additional inhumations. They are considered to be probably Roman, and are possibly part of a wider cemetery, perhaps associated with the extensive cemetery recorded in database number 24090.",50,400,4,,4,1,,,2,2,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24102,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24103,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24104,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24105,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24106,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24107,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24108,"Only possible graves were discovered and they have not been included in the table below for statistical purposes. The possible graves were almost completely removed, having an average depth of 0.05m and bone was so poorly preserved that no identification of the bone type could be made. However, inhumations in the 1st -2nd century are quite rare, and the preferred means of burial was cremation, suggesting that if the features are graves they may not be contemporary with the enclosure.",50,125,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 24109,"No Romano-British data, but a late 5th to 7th century Anglo-Saxon cemetery was excavated.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24110,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24111,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24112,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24113,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24114,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24115,"Two inhumations orientated E-W were believed to be of late Romano-British date and were thought to be Christian. Both were supine, and one was an adult male, whilst the other was adult but not sexed. Unstratified disarticulated human bone was also found.",300,400,2,2,,1,,,,2,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24116,"A crouched burial may have been of mid-to-late Iron Age date, although it was undated. The Romano-British enclosure included a single inhumation burial: a supine adult male. Nails indicated the presence of a coffin.",150,400,,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 24117,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24118,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24119,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24120,"Three neonates or infants were found. One was approximately 38 weeks gestation, suggesting that it was either stillborn or died soon after birth.",75,100,3,,3,,,3,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24121,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24122,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24123,"Four inhumations were excavated, but only one was dated, and based on the grave goods (3 glass beads, a jet possible hair ring and an unidentified ring object) this was late 1st century in date. However, as they were grouped together they were considered likely to be of a similar date. All four were adults of various ages, one possibly being young and one being old. One female, another possible female and a possible male were represented.",75,100,4,,4,1,2,,,4,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 24124,"A single cremation was found within a pit. No vessel was found, and a single sherd of 3rd-4th century fineware provided the only dating evidence.",200,400,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24125,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24126,"All burials were supine and laid out east-west (facing east), and where seen, arms or hands were crossed over the lower body. A Nene Valley colour coated beaker of mid-3rd century date was recovered from one of the graves (consistent with the dating of other burials in the area). Additional grave cuts where inhumations were not recovered are also noted in the report. Five of the burials were adults and two neonates. The individuals were not sexed. Coffin nails were recovered from 2 of the burials.",250,400,8,,8,,,2,,6,,,,1,2,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 24127,"Two crouched burials were recovered, buried within a late Iron Age ditch and believed to be of late Iron Age date. One was a young adult, probably male, between 20 and 30 years, whilst the other was an adult male of between 40 and 60 years.",-100,50,2,,2,2,,,,2,,,2,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24128,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24129,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24130,"Four infant burials were recovered from beneath the floor of Building 1 during the 1960s excavations. A further infant burial was possibly originally under the floor of another building, and three more were recovered in Building 2.The bone report in the monograph suggests that up to 22 infants may have been represented by bones recovered from the site, although many of these were disturbed. An adult burial, orientated south-west/north-east was found to the south of one of the ditches, with coffin nails indicating a coffin. Two further disturbed burials were found, one flexed, and the other represented only by a skull. These were undated, but as one was disturbed by an early Roman ditch it may have been prehistoric. They have both been included however as it is possible that they are of Roman date. All adult skeletons were male. The later work revealed a further 15 skeletons - near to the area of previous discoveries. The burials were generally without grave goods, though one contained pottery, coffin nails and hobnails, another contained a glass and lead bead necklace and an iron brooch (a female crouched burial), and another contained a few fragments of pottery. Age and sex information were provided in report so are included below. See grey lit report for further detail.",50,400,26,,26,7,8,8,2,16,,,12,3,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 24131,"A single heavily truncated possibly originally flexed inhumation may have been enclosed by a ditch, although its position may be coincidental. Its dating is also uncertain, although given its proximity to late Iron Age and early Roman features it is likely that it dates from these periods. It was interred within a large pit or grave and was a mature adult, between 40 and 60 years at death, probably male.",-100,225,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 24132,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24133,"A cremation pyre of probable Roman date was found, although the burial was not found. The pyre contained burnt human bone and the neck of a glass Roman bottle suggests a Roman date.",100,300,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24134,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24135,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24136,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24137,"Burials included one grave which included a limestone stone coffin, lined with a sheet of lead at the base. The body was supine with fore-arms across pelvis. The burial was located approximately 700m from the villa, and may not have been connected, though the excavators suggested that it may have been. Other human remains from Winterton comprised six adults and up to 26 infants. Some bones were very fragmentary. 16 of the infant burials appear to have been in distinct grave cuts within buildings, whilst the others were disturbed.",100,400,22,,22,,,16,,6,,,,,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24138,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24139,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24140,"No Roman burials were recovered, although medieval burials were found.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24141,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24142,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24143,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24144,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24145,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24146,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24147,"A possible cremation was mentioned in the environmental report although this was unphased and has therefore not been included, and it was not discussed in the report.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24148,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24149,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24150,One fragment of human bone in bone assemblage - seemingly from an infant.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24151,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24152,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24153,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24154,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24155,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24156,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24157,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24158,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24159,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24160,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24161,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24162,"Human teeth recovered from one of the samples, representing the fill of an isolated pit, are worthy of note and suggest the presence of a skull within this deposit.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24163,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24164,"Several phases of separate burials. The first, probably during the late Iron Age, was a decapitated mature woman, buried face down in a shallow grave with her hands and ankles apparently tied. The head was placed some metres away in a separate pit. A group of 11 inhumations were dated to the mid-3rd century. Most were supine and included several adult males, females (one flexed), a crouched neonate or infant, and a further child and a probable adolescent female. One burial produced coffin nails. A number of these burials were within enclosures whilst others were dispersed outside the enclosures. The final Roman phase, late 3rd-4th century, produced a crouched inhumation of a 3-5 year old and a cremation. No vessel was associated with the cremation. Some disarticulated human bone was recovered during the environmental sampling.",-100,400,14,1,13,4,3,1,3,7,1,1,3,,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 24165,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24166,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24167,"8 flexed inhumation graves were radiocarbon dated to mid-Iron Age date. A further burial revealed during the evaluation was crouched burial was originally thought possibly Roman, but given it was also crouched it is now regarded as mid-Iron Age. A single adult male (21-29 years) inhumation burial was thought Romano-British - radiocarbon dated to AD 230-410. Nails suggested a coffin. Thought possibly Christian based on the E-W orientation, with head towards east. Also a possible cremation pyre of RB date, represented by a burnt area and disarticulated fragments of bone, though unclear if certainly a cremation.",230,410,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24168,"A north-south aligned inhumation was not well dated, but the grave cut contained 2nd century pottery, although this may have been residual. The skeleton was of an adult male, and coffin nails were also found. A cremation was thought to be of earlier prehistoric date.",100,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24169,"4 burials were recovered. The graves seemed to be associated with boundaries, with one grave seemingly deliberately placed within a boundary ditch. Many of the remains were in poor condition. The remains were of 2 unsexed adults, 1 male adult and 1 infant of around 2 years. Fragments of unstratified bone were also recovered. No grave goods were present.",100,350,4,,4,1,,1,,3,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24170,"2 adult burials were found. 1 was an adult female, aged 18-25 years, in a partially crouched position. The other skeleton was also crouched, and was thought likely to be an adolescent.",50,400,2,,2,,1,,1,1,,,2,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24171,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24172,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24173,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24174,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24175,"Three skeletons were found, all seemingly of late, 4th century date. The excavator suggests that they are not burials, but the remains of people killed during a fire during the final phase of the villa. One skeleton lay on a wall, on two large threshold slabs, and it is suggested in the report that this individual met their death during an attempted escape, and the skeleton was distorted and may have been crushed by a falling lintel. The position on the threshold could however perhaps have a ritual explanation, although the distorted remains perhaps do favour an accident. The excavator also suggests that the other two may also have met their deaths during the collapse of the outer wall. One of the skeletons contained masonry above and below it and so this is possible. The third skeleton, however, from the photograph included in the report, has the appearance of a supine burial, and included a knife (though whether buried as a grave good or worn at death is uncertain). Whilst the burials may not be inhumations, they have been recorded as such here as it is not absolutely certain whether their positioning was a result of accident or deliberate burial rite. Additional disarticulated human remains of this period were also found in some of the rooms of the villa.",300,400,3,,3,2,1,,,3,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 24176,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24177,"Roman inhumations included one dating from the early to mid 2nd century and five to the 3rd-4th centuries. These included 1 adult female of between 36 and 48; a male adult of 35-45 with coffin nails and iron objects possibly representing grave goods; an adult male of approximately 35, possibly shrouded; an adult female of at least 50 years, semi-flexed, accompanied by a beaker/jar and a flagon, as well as a complete cow scapula - this grave was dated to the early to mid 2nd century; an adult male of 25-35 with coffin nails; a possible male adult of 30-35 years with coffin nails. Other skeletal remains were also found, and may have been disturbed by the digging of the 3rd-4th century graves, possibly indicating earlier burials. Two cremations were found: one within an urn of 2nd-3rd century; the other from a rectangular pit, including fragments of 1st-early 2nd century pottery. Both deposits yielded pyre goods, including burnt pig in one and burnt domestic fowl in the other (included in the figure in number of burials with grave goods). One was a juvenile and the other a probable adult male (the domestic fowl was with the adult).",50,350,8,2,6,5,2,,1,7,,,1,4,3,1,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 24178,"2 disarticulated inhumation burials were recovered. One may have been an adult. The graves were badly truncated and limited evidence was available. One grave was orientated north-south, and may have included a complete vessel at the time of internment (now fragments). The other inhumation was aligned east-west and included coffin nails. The cremation was probably from an older adolescent or adult (included under adult here).",50,300,3,1,2,,,,,2,,,,1,1,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 24179,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24180,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24181,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24182,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24183,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24184,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24185,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24186,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24187,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24188,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24189,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24190,"A number of human bones were found, all from neonates (at least four) - all disarticulated apart from one probable burial.",50,400,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24191,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24192,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24193,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24194,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24195,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24196,"No Roman burials, but 2 Saxon, possibly 6th century. Fragmentary human bones found in the rubble of the bathhouse, probably representing remains of three individuals. Thought also to be Saxon.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24197,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24198,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24199,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24200,"Three burials, all orientated east-west. One was 'irreverently interred', was prone and had its head bent back as if it had been thrown into the grave, which was shallow. Late Roman sherds in the fill of one of the burials, the others uncertain. Possible Christian burials suggested by orientation of graves, though very speculative. No details on age or sex.",200,400,3,,3,,,,,,1,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 24201,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24202,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24203,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24204,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24205,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24206,A fragment of human bone was recovered from a late Iron Age pit.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24207,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24208,"A cremation burial was undated, but was dug into the top of the late 2nd to early 3rd century ditches - it had been placed in the ground after the ditch had silted up. It is unclear if it was Roman.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24209,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24210,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 24212,"Around 20 inhumations, some lying on the wall foundations, some in stone coffins, were discovered in two rooms in the west wing. All were orientated E-W, and point to Saxon or later Christian burials. However, report of a skeleton of a woman with a Roman bronze ring on one of the finger bones was found.",,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 25001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25009,"A young adult (probably female based on the proximity of a hairpin to the head) inhumation burial was found accompanied by grave goods, lying in a cut within the main enclosure.",200,400,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 25010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25016,"A group of ten inhumations appear to have been interred when the monument had fallen out of use. 2 adults, male and female, both supine. Child of 6-9, flexed, burial containing two adult-sized copper-alloy bracelets, plus 2 other bracelets as well as a jet bead. Dating of grave goods for this burial 4th-early 5th century, after the enclosure was redundant. Of six neonates, five from a single pit are notable, buried along with other finds normally regarded as domestic rubbish, though antler was also included and this burial may have been a 'special' deposit.",300,425,10,,10,1,1,6,2,2,,,1,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 25017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25026,"Four human skeletons were found, possibly part of a cemetery.",100,400,4,,4,1,1,,,4,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 25027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25028,Human skull fragments were recovered.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25034,Skeletons recovered appear to have been post-Roman in date.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25035,"Many burials have been discovered at the site over several centuries, but accurate quantification is difficult. At least 13 must have been present, based on the descriptions provided by the principal source for this record, but the true total is likely to have been significantly higher. Few data are available on age/sex etc. Coffins are also reported to have been found. A separate report on a child cremation in a beaker decorated with ducks is published in Trans. Thoro. Soc. Vol 100, pp 165-7 (possibly already included in the stats below).",50,400,13,1,12,2,1,,1,2,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 25036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25039,Early Anglo-Saxon cemetery but no Roman.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 25048,"3 burials found during excavations, a further 13 found 50-60m to the west, also aligned north-south also with no grave goods so seemingly related, and another skeleton (with a bead necklace) not dated and not certainly associated.",300,400,16,,16,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 25049,"Three inhumations, no further data.",75,400,3,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 25050,"Graves found, but not a great deal of detail. At least 2 inhumations, probably late Roman.",200,400,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 25051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26009,Cremations initially thought to be of Roman date have subsequently been shown through radiocarbon dating to be of Neolithic origin.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26014,"No Roman data. A cremation burial was undated, but is most likely to be of Bronze Age date.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26015,"A pit inside a late Iron Age enclosure included an unurned cremation of a juvenile aged 12-20 accompanied by 40 nails (thought to be from a box or casket placed on the funeral pyre), likely to be 1st century AD or later. Two 2nd to 3rd century inhumations were recovered to the south of the Roman kiln, within a metre of each other, orientated east-west, heads at the eastern end. Both were probably adults and neither were sexed.",-100,300,3,1,2,,,,1,2,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 26016,A burial was found but was undated and therefore has not been included in the fields below.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26019,"Three 2nd century infant burials were associated with the villa, beneath the floors of one of the buildings. An adult male was also excavated from a 3rd century ditch. Plough damage prevented the burial position from being observed.",100,200,4,,4,1,,3,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26024,No Roman data but an Anglo-Saxon cemetery of 6th-7th century date contained 10 individuals.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26025,"Three individual groups of inhumations were identified, and although undated these may have been Roman in date. They may have been small cemeteries. At least seven inhumations were recognised. These included 3 adults and an adolescent, whilst the others were not aged. None of the burials were sexed. Two burials found together were prone (one of these was adult, the other adolescent). Two burials together were supine, whilst the other three were not specified. A Saxon burial of 7th century was also discovered.",-50,375,7,,7,,,,1,3,2,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26026,"A single burial was found, adjacent to a ditch system and 3m south of a late Roman coin hoard. The burial was aligned north-south and supine. It was probably adult but was not sexed. A child's tooth recovered from near the grave indicates the possibility of another inhumation nearby.",50,400,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26030,No late Iron Age data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26032,"No data, but human remains apparently found in the bath house? Early Anglo-Saxon cemetery possibly.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26033,"A barrow cemetery was located on the hill fort. 18 barrows were noted in the 18th century and 14 were investigated during the 19th century. Many of the barrows included charcoal and burnt bones, so they have been included as cremations here. Some barrows did not produced finds, whilst others produced multiple cremation urns. At least six urns were recovered, and grave goods were found with at least six of the urns, including a samian libatory or sacrificial patera and a buckle. Several urns were accompanied by a jar and a flagon. Nails and other burnt iron were also recovered. The burials were believed to be Hadrianic/Antonine in date.",100,200,14,14,,,,,,,,,,6,,6,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 26034,"A Roman cemetery at the site included approximately 50 inhumations. Limited data is available, but a study of the skeletal remains identified a considerable bias towards adult males of which there were seven, compared to only two adult females. There was also a lack of pre-adult and infant remains.",50,400,50,,50,7,2,,,9,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26038,A single inhumation burial was found. Although undated it was presumed to be of late Roman date. The burial was adult but unsexed.,200,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26040,No data but the site was discovered when human skeletons were found during building work.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26043,"2 skulls were found buried within the temple foundations. Both were adult, one was male and one was a possible male. As these were not formal inhumations they have not been included in the quantification data below. An extended possible male adult burial lay in or over the south-east corner of the stone phase of the temple, although it is likely that this burial post-dated the temple and may even have been 6th or 7th century Saxon.",400,500,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26045,2 supine burials may have been part of a cemetery. They were buried in coffins and orientated with their feet towards the SE. They were a 25-30 year old woman and a 9-10 year old child. The child was accompanied by a 4th century beaker.,300,400,2,,2,,1,,1,1,,,,1,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26046,"Five infants were found in four burials, placed within the enclosure ditch terminals and ditches. All were around full-term foetal in age. Part of an articulated cattle skeleton lay above one of the burials.",-100,50,4,,4,,,5,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26051,"A fragment of human cranium came from a silted up ditch. It was not dated, but thought likely to be Roman.",75,300,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26052,"A mid-1st century AD adult crouched inhumation burial was found with the grave orientated along the line of a boundary ditch. Two infant burials were also found, and were undated except for a single sherd of Roman pottery. Three cremations were deposited in shallow pits to side of one of the enclosures. Other disarticulated bones were also recovered.",-100,200,6,3,3,,,2,,1,,,1,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26053,No burial data but burials are reported to have been found 350-400m west of the settlement.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26054,Two infant burials and a 7 year old child were buried in a deposit overlying late Iron Age roundhouses but prior to the construction of the latest roundhouse and the subsequent Roman building. They were considered likely to be of late Iron Age date.,-100,50,3,,3,,,2,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26057,"Very little information in the report. Three burials are noted, 75m west of the circular stone building.",-100,400,3,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26064,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26065,No burial data but unstratified bone included the remains of two infants.,50,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26066,"2 cremation burials of either late Iron Age or Roman date - 1 may have represented two individuals, one possibly an adult female and one a possible child. The 2nd cremation may have been a child.",-100,400,2,2,,,1,,2,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26068,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26069,"Three cremations were recovered, two of which were young-mid adults, the other adult. None were sexed. All were of late 1st-early 2nd century AD in date and were located on the western periphery of the site. Two were accompanied by a number of luxury items including a small range of Roman finewares and conical glass jugs. One was without grave goods and was buried in an earthenware urn.",75,125,3,3,,,,,,3,,,,2,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 26070,No burials but disarticulated human bone was recovered.,-100,200,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26071,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26072,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26074,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26075,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26076,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26077,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26078,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26079,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26080,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26081,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26082,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26084,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26085,"A total of 87 graves were excavated from the road corridor, although it is thought that the total number of graves would have been over 100, and the full extent of the cemetery is not known. Only 19 graves were examined in detail, and information for only 12 of the burials is available. Late Roman pottery and a Valentinianic coins suggests the cemetery was late Roman. All skeletons analysed appeared to be adults.",200,400,87,,87,1,2,,,12,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26086,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26087,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26088,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26089,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26090,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26091,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26092,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26093,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26094,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26095,"The human remains from the site were arranged into several groups. Group 1: A concentration of inhumation burials on the western, cemetery area, all of 2nd-4th century AD in date; Group 2: A group of skeletons aligned with a north-south ditch, which appears to be part of a rectilinear system of field boundaries. These inhumations appear to be of late 3rd-4th century; Groups 3&4: Inhumations in or near the villa, post-dating its abandonment. Group 3 have early Saxon grave goods, whilst group 4 had no grave goods (neither of these groups have been included in the figures below as they appear to be post-Roman). Additional burials of Romano-British date were scattered over the site. In addition, human skulls and parts of human skulls were found in pits and ditches. The assessment report states that several prone burials and several definite and possible cases of decapitation were recorded, but figures were not provided - 2 have been placed in each box for these types of burials to indicate their presence and that there was more than one of each. Two putative cremations were recorded, but it was not established whether these were human and so these have not been included. No data on sex is available in the report. The number of burials with grave goods were not noted, but the finds section of the assessment reports indicates that some of the artefacts were recovered from graves.",100,400,96,,96,,,25,5,61,2,2,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 26096,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26097,"Five adult inhumations were recovered and one deposit of cremated bone. The cremated material was thought to derive from the transitional late Iron Age/early Roman phase and the inhumations from the late Roman period. 2 of the inhumations were in the same grave, with one overlying the other. Bones from two foetuses/neonates were also present, one with an adult inhumation and one from a ditch. The inhumation was possibly sub-adult. One of the inhumations was a decapitation burial and this included an animal vertebra, possibly cattle.",1,400,8,1,7,3,1,2,1,5,,1,,,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26098,"A number of burials were found cut into late deposits within the villa and in the field system. 5 burials of neonatal infants were found within the structure of the villa. Of these four were found buried against the walls of one of the rooms of the West wing. This is one of the main arguments for suggesting that the wings of the villa were abandoned for occupation purposes before the main block. Two further neonates were recovered from other settlement features, and a single adult female was buried outside the villa. One of the neonates is described as flexed, although given the size of a neonate this may not be significant/deliberate.",375,450,8,,8,,1,7,,1,,,2,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26099,"An undated but possible early Saxon inhumation burial was found, with part of the collapsed walls of the bathhouse used as a cairn. 2 infant burials were found below the floor of one of the 4th century villa rooms",300,500,3,,3,,,2,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26100,"A single flexed adult male inhumation burial was found near one of the kilns, but was undated. It seems likely to have been Romano-British however. A sub-adult frontal bone from the site produced evidence for trepanation - though there is no evidence for healing suggesting that it was undertaken immediately before or after death.",50,100,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26101,"A single adult male inhumation burial was of Roman date - lying in a prone position partially on its right side with head facing NW, within the fill of a ditch. The legs may have been partially flexed. Two small iron beads and two further fragments of an iron (possible blade) were found near to his left hand. A second inhumation was of Saxon, 6th-7th century date.",150,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 26102,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26103,"The large number of burials from the site is unusual for a rural farmstead. In the late 3rd century a cemetery was situated to the north of the enclosures and this contained 29 inhumations within 26 graves. 16 were aligned N-W, 10 aligned NW-SE. Three graves contained multiple burials (one contained 3 individuals and two contained 2 individuals). One grave was empty, seemingly genuinely and not a factor of preservation. In the cemetery all were supine except one crouched prone burial, and two decapitations. 4 burials had evidence for coffins. 4 also had pottery grave goods (some possibly deliberately broken) and 3 had metal grave goods, mostly coins. One burial in a multiple grave contained a 1st century coin, perhaps an heirloom. A possible building or structure may have been associated with the cemetery. Aside from the cemetery, 17 other inhumations were scattered across the settlement in separate enclosures, including several prone burials and some with grave goods. Also dog burials as well as a partial human neonate. At least 2 graves contained animal deposits including a complete dog within one. Four adult/adolescent cremation burials were found, all unurned and without grave goods - they are not closely dated but are speculatively dated to the mid-2nd to mid 3rd century AD.",150,425,50,4,46,16,8,2,5,38,11,2,1,11,9,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 26104,"Five late Roman burials to south east of excavated buildings, all supine, possibly respecting alignment of boundary ditches. Further burials located but not fully uncovered. No further information.",200,400,5,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26105,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26106,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26107,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26108,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26109,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26110,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26111,"The only IA/RB burial evidence noted in the report is a neonate, (though over 30 neonates have been recovered from the site - R. Friendship-Taylor pers. comm.) beneath a midden in a late IA context. An early Anglo-Saxon cemetery was also found.",-50,44,,,,,,31,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26112,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26113,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26114,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26115,"A small cemetery including 3 adult cremation burials and a young child inhumation from 2nd century AD. All articulated remains were from late 2nd century AD to late 3rd/4th century. Noted concentric distribution of human burials from settlement, with neonates closest, young children next closest and then other burial clusters and isolated burials. All graves located in or near boundaries. Also some spatial organisation based on gender. 3 decapitation burials, 2 female and 1 male. Females with heads placed between lower legs, male also flexed on side with skull in space created by drawn up legs. All neonates associated with buildings, mainly near a corner of the building or alongside a wall. Disarticulated remains of three individuals discovered in a well. Amongst burials with grave goods was one individual with group of three keys on chest.",100,350,41,3,38,11,9,14,2,25,2,3,2,10,9,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 26116,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26117,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26118,Little information other than that a human burial was discovered.,100,400,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26119,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26122,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26123,"19 inhumation burials discovered from the site. At least four burials were Roman in date (aligned along a Roman ditch and buried sometime after the early 2nd century), and 7 others may be Roman but dating is not secure. Remaining 6 are 7th century Saxon cemetery. In addition, 14 infant burials also found, dated to no later than 1st century AD - most likely to be late Iron Age or early Roman. Shoes with two of the female burials. Of the probable but not certain Roman burials, 1 juvenile was flexed,",50,400,25,,25,3,3,14,2,6,1,,2,2,5,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 26124,"No data but a series of graves recovered, probably part of a cemetery, and pottery suggests late 4th century date. Total number of burials uncertain but at least 2 decapitation burials, and some burials in coffins and some with grave goods. Several burials associated with ditches.",300,400,2,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26125,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26126,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26127,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26128,"Cemetery to north of villa boundary wall. 12 burials, not well dated, but post-dating LIA industrial phase. 3 graves with coffin nails (1 also with limestone slabs), 2 with placed goods (pottery vessels). Preservation of remains v. poor.",50,400,12,,12,6,3,,,12,,,,2,3,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 26129,"A single burial located 50m SE of main villa range, middle aged male, prone. Probably 2nd century.",100,200,1,,1,1,,,,1,1,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 26130,A middle-aged male of gracile build was revealed but not fully excavated - loosely associated with probable Anglo-Saxon pottery and so not included below.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26131,One cremation and two probable burials. Not fully excavated and the date is uncertain.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26132,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26133,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 26134,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27002,"Five graves were identified within the excavation area and a minimum of eleven individual burials were identified, many of them disarticulated and fragmentary. The graves were sub-rectangular, aligned west-east, with heads at the west end, with the graves cut directly into the limestone bedrock. The only intact grave was a stone-lined cist formed from limestone slabs. It is likely that the graves formed part of a larger cemetery group and that further graves await discovery. Only one burial was intact and this individual was buried in a supine position with its head to the east. The dates for the burials range from the 3rd to early 5th centuries AD. There was evidence for movement of original occupants of graves as later burials were interred, but several bones were apparently left in situ prior to the deposition of the final burial.",200,425,11,,11,6,1,,1,9,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 27003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27005,"28 inhumation burials without grave goods were reported on in the first interim report (19 from a small cemetery). 6 Infant burials were also reported on, all from the foundations of buildings. At least one of the burials had a dog skull associated with it, although whether this was deliberate is uncertain. The date of this burial is ambiguous. Pre-Flavian pottery in the grave fill probably residual; bronze plaques accompanying inhumation burial (probably box fittings) possibly, but not certainly, were 3rd century AD in date. The human remains comprise an elderly male originally buried in a large grave pit within a wooden coffin. The dog skull was noted in the pit fill rather than placed in the grave with the body. Whether the dog skull was a deliberate inclusion is unclear.",50,400,34,,34,1,,6,,,,,,,1,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 27006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27010,"The single grave discovered appeared to be orientated north-south, with the head at the southern end. The body had been deposited in a crouched position, lying on its left side. Of the skull, only the teeth and a few mandible fragments remained. A plough furrow had truncated the right arm and part of the head and ribs. Parts of the spine, pelvis and feet were seen as a grey stain mottled with brown flecks. The left hand appeared to be have been tucked under the left femur. However, the leg bones were slightly better preserved. Both the legs were bent upwards, with the knees drawn up towards the chest. None of the bones survived lifting in a complete or measureable state. The length of the bones was measured in situ although this had to be approximate, given that the epiphyses were decayed. Unlike the bone, the teeth were well preserved. They were part of the permanent dentition. However, no wisdom teeth were present, which suggested an age of less then 21 years. The development of the roots indicated that the individual was over 15, while the lack of wear suggested that the individual had been less than 20 years old at the time of death.",-300,1500,1,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 27011,"Five burials were recovered from areas around the site, though not all together. Three were found in the same area, lying in a line east-to-west, with feet facing east. No skulls were found, but this is thought to be a result of damage by machinery. The graves were thought to be ash filled and possibly stone lined but the bones were disposed of and no further information is available. One of the burials found in isolation was probably an adult male, laid east-to-west, with head to the west. The date of this burial is uncertain as no artefacts were discovered. It is possible that it is Christian, and may be an outlier of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery known from the south. The other isolated burial contained a probable female adult and a child, apparently placed between the lower legs of the adult. They were in a limestone coffin situated on the south bank overlooking the river. It was oriented north-south, with the head to the south. Two ceramic vessels, one inside the other, lay immediately outside the coffin at the north end, both 4th century of Nene Valley origin.",50,400,5,3,2,1,1,,1,2,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 27012,No Roman data although Anglo-Saxon burials are known.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27013,"Two groups of burials were found, one, a group of four or five burials were found 50m south-west of the building, the other, a group of eight burials, were found 80m east, although they have not been confirmed as definitely Roman. Many of the burials were badly damaged by the development work and not all remains were recovered and studied. One of the burials in the first group was interred in a limestone coffin (in common with a burial located directly opposite on the south side of the valley, recorded as part of database number 27011. These burials were orientated so the bodies were literally facing one another, and they also had grave goods in common, with two ceramic vessels placed one inside the other at the foot of the grave, outside the coffin - see 27011 for details of the other burial).",275,400,12,,12,4,,,,4,,,,3,3,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 27014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27022,"A single late Roman human burial was found, aligned roughly parallel to one of the boundaries, outside the area of settlement activity. Coffin nails were recovered, suggesting burial in a coffin. The skeleton was supine. The individual was either an adolescent or young adult, based on tooth development and the bones were of adult size (adult has therefore been selected for this individual). No information on gender was available.",200,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 27023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 27024,"A supine young adult male (aged about 30) was buried in the centre of the shrine between the late 4th and mid 6fh centuries, orientated east-west. Grave goods included joints of meat but no other finds. A radio-carbon date dated the burial to the late 4th to mid 6th centuries (380-550 cal BC).",380,550,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 27025,"Four inhumations were identified, 2 aligned east-west (possibly Christian). Pottery suggests a late Roman date. Two were adult males, one a mature female. At least two of the burials were prone. The later burials had disturbed the earlier burials.",200,400,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28002,"19th century finds included a lead-lined coffin inhumation and a cremation urn to the east of the main settlement, whilst another lead-lined coffin was found in the 1970s work by Hinchliffe, confirming the presence of a cemetery to the east of the main settlement on the line of the road running to Manchester.",70,325,3,1,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28003,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28005,"Cemeteries are not known from the site and burial evidence is currently known from only four dispersed locations within and around the settlement. These include two urned cremations of late 1st-early 2nd century date, in an area where other features may have a possible but unproven funerary connection. A third urned cremation discovered in a roadside ditch, and a fourth possible urned cremation found in a field north of the Allum Brook in the 19th century. A burial has been found to the west of a possible boundary, potentially within the area of the vicus. Also an infant burial placed within one of two amphorae which had been sunk in the ground. Also three small rectangular 'grave-like' features located in a line near the corner of a Roman enclosure ditch - two of these contained late 1st and 2nd century pottery vessels which had been deliberately placed. Possible graves with deteriorated skeletal material, though an acid test suggested no evidence of human remains. If not, then these pits suggest structured deposits.",70,360,6,4,2,,,1,,,,,,,,4,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 28006,"Three cremation groups were encountered to the west of the road. Black-burnished ware vessels associated with two of these cremations date from the early to mid-second century. One group contained the cremated remains of one adult, contained solely within a black-burnished ware jar, and an embossed jar and a flagon were also present. Another cremation was located 5m to the south-east, and comprised a single complete grey ware jar containing the remains of a single adult. The third group was located some distance to the north of the other groups and comprised the plough-damaged remains of two pottery vessels: a black burnished ware jar and a small greyware jar or beaker, contained within a circular pit. The BB jar contained the cremated remains of two individuals: an adolescent and a child. Suggestion that only token amounts of cremated bone included in the urns.",100,150,3,3,,,,,2,2,,,,2,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 28007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28008,"Three graves discovered which had been cut into the rock close to the edge of the disused quay, buried in around the mid 3rd century. Fragments of a sculpture depicting a funerary banquet scene recovered from the fill of one of the graves indicated that two graves were covered by a substantial and impressive funerary monument. A smaller grave also seemingly marked by a stone block, probably originally painted. Size of the graves used to speculate that the graves were for a family group of father, mother and child. This supported by the funerary monument which seems to show two parents and a daughter. Early 20th century excavations revealed part of an inhumation cemetery which produced approx. Initially thought to be Roman, 20 skeletons, some lying on the stubs of Roman walls. Some complete some disturbed. Some supine, some on their side. All male, the majority young or middle-aged at death. Nine skulls showed clear signs of injury inflicted by a blade - suggested to be a battle cemetery. These now thought to be post-Roman in date.",250,300,3,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 28009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28014,"Part of a cemetery area identified, including one urned and two unurned burials with redeposited pyre debris. Possible deliberate inclusion of cremated bones from another cremation in one of the cremations - possible token symbolic or memento mori deposit. A minimum of three individuals identified, all adults: two young adults of less than 30 (one male, one female), one older adult female. Male grave thought to be 2nd century, younger female mid-to-late 2nd century, older female probably 3rd century. Two of the graves each contained two cremation-related deposits, the burial and redeposited pyre debris. Pyre goods were retrieved from all three burials: Immature pig; hobnails (indicating shoes) and a blue glass bead from male burial; immature pig from younger female; nails (some hobnails indicating shoes were worn or placed on pyre), fragments of worked bone derived from a funeral bier, a few bones of possible woodcock, immature (including neonatal) pig, pulses (pea, pea/bean), cereal grains (barley) included in the remains of the older female.",150,300,3,3,,1,2,,,3,,,,3,,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 28015,"A single cremation was recovered from a context directly above the clay 'tank'. The cremation was in an Oxfordshire colour-coated jar. No further data. (A further urned cremation from the area was discovered as a casual find and reported on in Cheshire Archaeological Bulletin 10, page 69).",100,300,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 28016,"Both Lindow Man and the previous female skull were subject to radiocarbon dating and a wide range of different results were initially recorded (see the publication for details). The presence of the peat made consistent results difficult. More recent Radiocarbon results for Lindow Man suggest death between c. 2 BC to AD 119. The female skull may have been late Roman, though it is possible that she was broadly contemporary with Lindow Man. A subsequent headless adult male body has also been recovered from Lindow Moss, radiocarbon dated to the first century BC or the first or second century AD (see the Turner and Scaife volume for much detailed discussion on multiple C14 dates). In addition a disarticulated leg has been found, though this is likely to belong to Lindow Man. Lindow Man was found to be male, in his mid-20s and well-built. The investigations showed him to have been healthy but suffering from parasitic worms. Neatly rounded fingernails suggested he may have been of high social status. Analysis on the body showed clearly that he had been struck from behind with a narrow-bladed axe-like weapon (not fatal blows), his ribs were broken from the back and he had been garrotted (the cause of death) with a cord which remained around his neck. His throat was then cut (he was deliberately bled) and the body was dropped face down in a pool in the bog. Both Lindow Man and Lindow Woman may have been executed, possibly sacrificed. There is no evidence to indicate that the bodies were placed in formal graves and so the inhumation box has been left blank below. There is potential evidence from both of the male bodies for mineral-based paints indicating body decoration",-2,119,3,,,2,1,,,3,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28024,No definite human bone but a funerary monument suspected and burnt bone recovered.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28029,No data from excavation although Roman cremation burials have been reported from Nantwich.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 28030,"A pit contained evidence for at least two possible cremation burials. The cremations comprised two broken grey ware vessels placed upright in the centre of the pit. Fragments of burnt bone were fused to the interior of the vessels, although for the most part the cremated bone was not visible. However, concentrated areas of charcoal, baked clay and bone fragments were recovered from the fill. Two inverted pots were exposed directly beneath the cremations - possibly votive.",70,120,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 29001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29004,Human skeletons were found in 1804 but not reported on. No other data.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29005,Antiquarian investigations revealed many Romano-British inhumation graves but no further information.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29010,"Two inhumation graves tentatively assigned to the 3rd C villa phase, near to the ancillary building. Neither contained grave goods or evidence for coffins. Two further adult inhumations lay on the periphery of the site, one with a wooden coffin (coffin nails) with hobnails by feet. Two skeletons were decapitation burials, one with a blade damaged spine. Also two isolated pieces of human bone and 2 infant burials.",200,400,6,,6,,,2,,4,,2,,1,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 29011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29018,"Within the original enclosure a possible cremation was interred within a sub-ovoid pit. Finds included non-local stones, 2nd century AD pottery and a copper alloy Polden Hill brooch along with an iron hobnail. 8m to the west of this was a second cremation in a steep-sided square pit. Both un-urned.",100,175,2,2,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 29019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29020,"A double inhumation burial (one above the other) was found near the stream and dated mid to late Iron Age (pooled mean of radiocarbon dates calibrates to a range of 360 cal BC - cal AD 1). The bodies may have been placed in a grave but no definite edges or fill could be established - they may have been placed on the ground and buried by later alluviation. Both of the skeletons (male 17-18 years & female 30-35yrs) were crouched. Several human bone fragments from nearby alluvium may have derived from these burials while another skull and further human bones probably came from the stream bed. Also two adult cremation burials found together in the far north of the area, placed in pits cut into the fill of a ditch, probably a field boundary. The less disturbed cremation was contained in a jar of late 1st to mid 2nd C date, and many iron hobnails and other nails were recovered from the fill of the pit. The other burial (or cremation related deposit?) was contained in a ceramic tankard of similar date.",-100,150,4,2,2,1,1,,,4,,,2,1,,2,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 29021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29024,"A small group of burials, probably part of a much larger cemetery contained within an oval enclosure (of uncertain date). All four individuals were supine and orientated east-west in dug graves and contained no grave goods. The radiocarbon dating of two skeletons indicated an 8th century date, though a layer of charcoal within the grave beneath another poorly preserved skeleton gave a radiocarbon date of cal AD 70 to 450. This grave was the earliest in the stratigraphic sequence. The possibility remains therefore that this was a long lived cemetery dating from the later Roman period through to at least the 8th C AD.",100,450,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 29025,"At least 14 burials on the hilltop cemetery and probably many more. The burials appear to be in rows & to be orientated E-W, with no grave goods. A single successful radiocarbon date was given as cal AD 340-540 though the cemetery could be much longer lived.",350,540,14,,14,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29026,"A possible grave cut was observed with two large sandstone blocks within but no skeletal material recovered, possibly because of soil acidity.",,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 29030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30009,"Three inhumation burials, two of which were stratigraphically linked. The earliest, an adult female was supine and was radiocarbon dated cal AD 245-425. Above this was an adult male. A younger adult female nearby was radiocarbon dated cal AD460-640. All skeletons aligned SW-NE and none contained grave goods.",245,640,3,,3,1,2,,,3,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30017,"Antiquarian reports of at least three cremation burials in glass urns, accompanied by other pottery vessels, a ceramic lamp and 1st-2nd C AD coinage. Within each glass urn was supposedly a glass lacrymatory vessel (flask containing unguents supposedly used in funerary rituals).",50,200,3,3,,,,,,,,,,3,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 30018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30026,"A possible disturbed cremation burial was revealed in one of the ditches, presumably contemporary with the main occupation.",100,300,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 30027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 30031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31007,"Two possible intercutting inhumations, though bone preservation was poor. Dating uncertain, but the main period of activity appears to have been 2nd century. Fragments of bone only, and hobnails from a pit.",100,200,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 31008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31011,"A single badly fragmented human cremation was found with charcoal, thought to be oak, and several sherds of 2nd century pottery from the fill of the cremation. There was no evidence for a cremation urn.",100,200,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31021,"An urned cremation burial contained the remains of a sub-adult/adult aged over 13 years (included as adult here). The urn was a grey ware vessel and had been placed in a bowl-shaped grave, c. 20m north of the aisled building.",100,200,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 31022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31023,"The remains of two cists which were thought to have held cremation burials were found to the south of one of the wells, and one contained the fragmented remains of a red coarse ware jar, but this contained only charcoal and no traces of bone. The second cist was empty and damaged, but fragments of a similar jar were found scattered around the area. The dating for these burials is uncertain. Also a probably human phalanx found in the possible circular building with a stone floor. A nearby passage grave, also excavated, seems more likely to be prehistoric rather than Roman.",50,400,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 31024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 31029,"All features believed to represent the remains of cremation or inhumation graves were fully excavated. No unburnt bone, human or animal, survived in the acidic burial environment of the site. The cemetery extended north towards the junction with Watling Street, beyond the area of excavation, and its full extent is not known, though the east, west and south margins were established. A minimum of 42 cremation burials and 15 (possibly up to 21) inhumation graves are recorded from the site. The cemetery is arranged either side of Ryknield street, with most features on the eastern side (26 of the cremations and 13 of the inhumations). Four sub-rectangular mortuary enclosures were also located in the eastern area of the cemetery. These appear to be 'empty' and it is suggested in the report that some of these may be associated with feasting/drinking at commemorative rituals for the dead, as opposed to housing mortuary structures. This perhaps supported by the presence of ovens/hearths, situated along the western boundary ditch, as these were not used for cremation, and may have been associated with cooking rites associated with burial (C14 dates suggest contemporary with use of cemetery). Also notable that the presence of these enclosures occur in an area where there is no native tradition for them, suggestive of an incoming population rather than an indigenous one. A timber rectangular structure was present in one of the enclosures and would have been visible through the entranceway, and it is possible that this represented a timber mortuary house/repository for cremated remains, or a shrine. The presence of a masonry funerary structure within the area of the site is suggested by the recovery of a dump of 14 building blocks and fragments of small decorated block, though it is unclear where this may have originated. The recovery of pyre debris from some grave fills suggest that a ustrina may have been located near by, though none was found. Some redeposited bone fragments were found within the fill of the western boundary ditch. Some of the cremations were redeposited. Graves were generally dispersed with minimal intercutting, suggesting marking in some way. The major period of use of the cemetery was the early-mid-2nd century, but burials probably commenced late in the 1st century AD and potentially continued until the early 4th century. Most of the cremation graves contained urned burials, whilst two graves appear to have held combined urned and unurned deposits - both were early-mid 2nd century. The two possibly earliest burials were unurned. The remains of artefactual pyre goods (not additions to the grave at the time of burial) were recovered from a minimum of 26 graves. Items were predominantly ceramics (seven graves), iron (mostly nails including hobnails - seven graves), or both (eight graves), and glass vessels (two lone, two with iron objects and two with ceramics). Small fragments of copper-alloy also found in two graves with other materials. A coin was found in one grave. Also a fragment from a copper-alloy bracelet from a cremation deposit. A large number of hobnails were also associated with the cremation deposits. One feature with 97 hobnails is suggestive of an individual worn by the deceased or placed on the pyre. Most of the graves with artefactual pyre goods were adults, although items were also found in three graves containing the remains of infants, and from one sub adult. A substantially greater proportion of individuals identified as males had artefactual pyre goods than those identified as females (71.4% to 38.5%). Grave goods not included as pyre goods, but added to grave at burial were found in six graves, two of which also contained pyre goods. Almost all of the cremations appear to have contained some animal remains included as pyre goods. Coffin furniture was recovered from 9 graves (mostly iron nails, but lead sheeting in one instance). Nine graves contained indications of a coffin stain (some the same as those with fittings). No in situ grave goods were recovered from the inhumation graves. Note that between 1 and 3 cremation burials included multiple cremations. Also, in addition to the figures below, a further 5 individuals were classified as sub-adults or adults over 13 years of age. No age or sex data was available for inhumations as bone had deteriorated. Note also that more detailed phasing data is available in the report, though the report author notes that there is little variation across the two main phases in terms of age, with similar proportions of immature to adults in both, though there appears to be a much higher proportion of females to males in the early phase, with equal proportions in the later phase. The author urges caution, as whilst it may reflect a temporal shift, the high proportion of unsexed individuals makes interpretation problematic. There was no apparent spatial distribution within the cemetery in terms of age or sex.",75,300,57,42,15,7,14,7,2,34,,,,30,10,35,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 31030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32001,No evidence but the author raises the suggestion that the enclosures could be mortuary.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32006,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32007,"Details are unpublished, but a large cemetery of 'some 220 graves, including several cremations' was excavated in 1923-4 at the site's western end (a nominal 10 has been placed in the cremation box to register their presence at this site, and the fact that a number were recorded - figures must be treated with extreme caution). A further ten burials were located in 1925 near the 'industrial' sector, and notes in the 1981 report suggest that this group were very late, and one was a decapitation burial. Further burials were found in the 1980s excavations - these were outside the settlement on the east side, and concentrated in cemetery groups. 'Around 35' were excavated, and these included six cremations, half with urns. Of the 35 1980s inhumations, two were crouched and 1 was prone (important to remember that the positioning of body is not recorded for the earlier burials, so the proportion of discrepant burials for the whole site total cannot be known). Most of the others were extended coffin burials, and two contained grave goods (a bronze bracelet, a chisel-like object, and a coin, whilst 'a few others' were buried with hobnailed shoes). Aside from the large cemeteries the burials occur individually and in clusters in different parts of the site, showing a lack of organisation in some areas. As the date of burials is uncertain the dates have been left blank here.",,,265,16,210,,,,,,1,1,2,5,,3,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 32008,"Fragments of a human cranium of an adult were found, recovered from the fill of a late 1st-2nd century gully. Suggestion in the report that the skull may represent an early Roman burial disturbed and scattered during later use of the site.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 32009,A total of 30 fragments (111.12g) of 10 human bones were recovered from a context which contained pottery dating to the middle of the first century AD. Bones from a minimum of one individual over 18 years.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32010,An adult cremation was found in the gully of the enclosure annexe.,100,400,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32012,"Fragments of a skull (adult, poss. female) recovered from a ditch near the cottage-house, interpreted as a possible venerated relic associated with a potential shrine (quite speculative).",200,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 32013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32014,"Although up to 21 graves have been reported (numbers are vague - between 11 and 21), only three RB skeletons survived in the archive, and good information exists for these. However, notes from the time of excavation suggest that these were from a regular row of graves containing five or possibly six burials in that particular group. In two of the graves the inhumations were extended and supine with crossed arms, and all appeared to be adult. There is no close dating evidence, although a bone from one of the graves gave a radiocarbon date which produced a range of AD 120-550 at 68% degree of confidence, 100 BC to AD 670 at 95% degree of confidence, meaning that there is a 62% chance that the burial occurred between AD 43 and 410.. A Bronze Age burial was also recovered from the same area, perhaps indicating reuse of the same broad area for funerary practice.",50,400,6,,6,1,1,,,2,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32015,"Two isolated graves, approx. 10m apart, were located within several metres of the edge of a cemetery. Both adult. One grave had a slab-lined burial, and it was largely this that the dating was based on (thought to be 4th-5th century AD). 14 burials in the cemetery, although in two no skeletal material remained (though hobnails in one). All within an area of 10msq. The western side of the cemetery was demarcated by a small ditch. Grave goods in the cemetery included an adult male with a Severn valley ware vessel; hobnails with three adult males, two adult females and a grave with no skeletal material - notable that four of the graves appeared to have unworn boots placed in the grave at the side of the feet, the lower parts of the legs or the upper parts of the legs. One adult female had nails forming the outline of a container, and also an iron object (knife blade?) embedded in upper arm. Coffin fittings were present with an 18 year old female, an adult female and three adult males. All burials supine except one, which was placed on its side. Radiocarbon dating confirmed a likely Roman date for the burials, but did not provide close dating.",50,400,16,,16,7,4,,,14,,,,8,5,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 32016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32018,"Excavation showed that the lead coffin was in fact the lining of a wooden coffin, indicated by a stain of dark earth and the presence of substantial nails. The individual was extended, supine, with hands over the stomach and included several glass vessels, apparently broken before being placed in the coffin. A total of 5 or 6 vessels were represented, and this is considered exceptional in a 4th century burial by Hilary Cool in the report. Speculation that this may reflect evidence of funerary celebration and a final toast before smashing of vessels. The purpose of three nails within the coffin is uncertain, but possible deliberate offerings.",300,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 32019,"A total of 6 inhumations were thought to date broadly between AD 275 and 400. Two further possible inhumations recorded. Data for four of the inhumations only. Three burials had wooden coffins, based on the distribution of nails. Three skeletons had hobnails indicating wearing or placing of shoes in burials, and two had quernstone fragments (seemingly as fragments in the fill, though and likely not grave goods). Another had a loop from a chain. Disarticulated human bone recovered from Anglo-Saxon contexts. Most graves arranged north-south, though, one was NE-SW. Decapitation and placement of skulls by feet in a young-middle-adult female and a teenager.",275,400,6,,6,1,1,,1,3,,2,,4,3,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 32020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32024,"A single burial, with no sign of coffin, was found at number 77. No information on age or sex, or even a date, although it was thought to be Romano-British and likely a component of the cemetery excavated in the 1920s (unpublished). At least a further 18 inhumations were found at number 79, but were not fully excavated and no data is available, other than that 2 infant graves were among them. Some graves had hobnailed boots.",50,400,19,,19,,,2,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 32025,"A major cemetery was excavated in its entirety, and was established within an earlier Romano-British stock/agricultural enclosure of approx. 50m x 41m (external dimensions). Bone preservation was very bad, and many burials were dated based only on grave goods and orientation, though some radiocarbon dates were taken. The data included below is for all burials assigned to Period 1 in the report, from AD 300 to 420. It is important to note that there are a further 39 5th century burials which were not culturally distinct (no grave goods or no culturally determinable grave goods), and one of these was prone, 2 were decapitations, and 2 were flexed, and at least some of these burials may well have been British. Isotope data was provided for some burials, and the 4th century data indicated diverse origins, with three in the Mediterranean, three local, and two West Country/Wales. Of the seven isotope derivations presented for the ambiguous 5th century burials, 5 had local childhoods, and two had West Country/Wales childhoods. A notable burial rite in some of the RB graves was the repositioning of the limbs, especially the legs. Of the total number of burials (including Saxon), 167 inhumations and 25 cremations were inside the enclosure and another 47 inhumations and one cremation were outside it, mostly to the north, but also in isolated groups to the east, west and south. Of the 26 cremations only one was thought to be Roman, and the remainder were all Anglo-Saxon. The Roman burial was in a cremation pit which contained charcoal, burnt bone and hobnails. Of the 216 inhumations, two were situated 100m to the west in the Romano-British 'baking area', and are thought not to have been part of the cemetery group. Of 214 cemetery inhumations, 37 were only uncertainly graves as they lacked skeletal material or finds, though their shape led to their characterisation as graves. Of the remaining 177 inhumations, 118 had grave goods of some sort, although only 17 only contained culturally Roman objects and 91 contained only culturally Anglo-Saxon objects. 108 were therefore assigned a culture based on objects, and 59 were buried without objects. 45 graves had evidence for a coffin or other structure. A possible enclosing structure was associated with the west part of the cemetery, in the area of the Anglo-Saxon cremations. It was noted that RB graves tended to be orientated N-S, whilst Saxon graves were buried S-N or W-E. (17 inhumations and 1 cremation) Of the Roman burials, 18 contained artefacts that were assigned to the late Roman period, and these included hobnails, bracelets, neck-rings and pins. 6 graves had bracelets, 2 or 3 had neck-rings and one had a pendant ring. 2 lead curse tablets were also found with one of the burials.",300,420,23,1,22,,3,,2,10,2,5,1,21,4,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 32026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32030,One of the burials had hobnail boots. Disarticulated bone in the topsoil suggests further graves.,300,400,2,,2,1,,,,2,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 32031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32033,"An Anglo-Saxon burial (mid-6th century) only, cut into earlier corndrier.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32036,"A human skull was found within a ditch, but was not fully excavated - it is suggested that there were no associated human remains, but the lack of full excavation makes this uncertain. Fill from the ditch was of mid-to-late 1st century in date.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 32037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32039,A disarticulated arm bone was recovered.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 32040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32041,"A child's grave was found in the evaluation and a disarticulated fragment of bone was found in the watching brief. The grave was thought to be one of the scattered burials that occur across the settlement, rather than part of the large cemetery to the east.",50,400,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 32042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32048,"A single inhumation burial. The burial was aligned north-south and had nails for a wooden coffin, whilst a pair of boots at the feet were represented by hob nails. The burial was thought to be of early Roman date, and a shallow scoop cut through the burial contained a 2nd century seal-box lid. No detail given about sex or age, though adult is assumed here based on description and plan.",100,200,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32049,"Eight inhumations - 6 outside the palisaded enclosure to the west, 2 at the east of the site. Dating poor, and Roman dates are assumed based on positioning in relation to other features. No finds, and skeletal preservation poor. Some disarticulated bone from ditches. No age or sex data. 100m to the north of this site, at a site where features were principally of Mesolithic or Neolithic date, a further single inhumation was recovered. The grave produced no finds and was thus not securely dated, though given the other probable Roman burials it was regarded as likely to also be of Roman date, and this has been included here. This burial was orientated east-west and was an 11-12 year old child. Human bones from a second skeleton were in the same grave.",50,400,9,,9,,,,1,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 32050,Bronze Age cremation cemetery but no LIA/Roman data.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32051,"An urned cremation burial was found which was dated by a denarius of Nero (AD 68), which had been deposited in the vessel with the cremated bone.",68,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 32052,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32054,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32058,Possible inhumation burial noted. No further data.,100,400,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 32059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32063,"12 burials distributed across the area in the 4th century, after the buildings had gone out of use, singly and in groups. No further information on the skeletal remains.",300,400,12,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 32064,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 32066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 33001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 33002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 33003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 33004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 33005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 33006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 33007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34001,No data from this eval. but burials previously recovered nearby.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34002,"A child skeleton was found buried in backfill of roadside ditch. Approx. 10-12 years old. Sex undetermined. Possibly a Roman roadside burial. The main enclosure also interpreted as a possible funerary enclosure, based on the shape and the proximity to the child burial, although this seems very tenuous and enclosure more likely to be domestic.",200,400,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 34003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34004,"A single female inhumation burial, north/south alignment, extended supine and legs bent at hips ruling out a coffin, though shroud possible. Age between 42-50. Radiocarbon date of AD 78-215, though burial thought to be 2nd century, and probably early 2nd century (date AD 81-139 60% confidence). No grave goods. Also an infant's radius and a humerus (separate finds), a baby's humerus and an adult femur.",100,150,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 34005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34006,"9 disarticulated infant bones recovered from the later Roman boundary ditches (at least 2 infants, prob. 3). No other burials.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34008,"Remains in a semi-crouched position, leg bones flexed. Butchered pelvic bone of a cow also recovered. Individual was an adult male approx. 25-60 years old. No direct evidence for a grave cut, but due to articulated remains and good level of preservation interpreted as an inhumation.",-190,20,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,,,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34015,"A burial was likely to be of late Roman date, and therefore associated with the Droitwich settlement and not the fort. It has therefore been included here. Supine burial, juvenile, no grave goods. A further burial was found nearby previously, and this may be part of a cemetery associated with the town.",200,400,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 34016,One cremation burial found close to smaller villa in ajar of Severn Valley ware of a fabric out of use by start of 3rd century.,200,150,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 34017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34022,"One cremation, probably a middle-aged female, late Roman.",200,325,1,1,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 34023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34029,"A body was apparently thrown in one of the already partly filled brine tanks between the early 2nd and mid 3rd centuries AD. Sex uncertain, but probably of an adolescent aged 14-15 years.",125,250,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 34030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34031,Just three disarticulated human bones from Roman contexts.,50,400,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34032,"Two human skeletons excavated from inside the principal settlement enclosure, probably from a sub-divided area based on the plan. Fragments of burnt bone, possibly human, were also recovered from the fill of one of the enclosure ditches. One burial was male and of 45 or older, the other female and at least 21 years at death. The likely female was buried with a glass bead necklace, whilst the male had iron pins at his shoulders, suggesting a cloak or shroud. One of the burials also produced hobnails.",275,400,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,,2,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 34033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34036,One juvenile burial present in a grave. A residual late prehistoric flint present but Roman pottery dated the burial. The burial was left in situ and was not fully excavated.,50,300,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 34037,"Two early Roman burials found cut into Iron Age enclosure ditches. One of the burials had hobnails (indicating shoes) and the other produced coffin nails, suggesting a wooden coffin. Possible animal bone within grave of female. Also a fragment of calcined bone in grave fill, possibly representing a cremation. Hobnailed shoes evident from hobnails present with the male skeleton.",50,125,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,,2,1,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 34038,No Roman data - a group of late Bronze Age cremations,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34045,"One male inhumation was found, oriented north-south, head at the south. The only grave goods were hobnails indicating shoes. Pottery from the fill dated from the 1st-2nd centuries AD. Age at death suggested as 30-45 years.",50,200,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 34046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34048,One grave found - not fully excavated so no age or sex data. Pottery suggests 3rd-4th century date.,200,400,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 34049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34050,"All four of the graves contained hobnails (from the feet area of graves, indicating that they were from shoes). Three graves may have had coffins, based on nails recovered. Four burials dated as late Roman during the excavation were radiocarbon dated, and results showed that all four were buried between AD 240- AD 640. However, it is thought that three phases of interment occurred. The first phase was in the mid 3rd-late 4th or 5th century, when two burials were interred. A second phase was an individual burial between the mid 4th and mid 6th century. The third phase was a single burial of mid 5th-early or mid 7th century in date, i.e. post Roman. This individual was a young adult female and decapitated (post-mortem), with head placed in the grave by the feet, suggesting continuity of a Roman burial rite. Another of the burials was prone. The graves cut the earlier infilled enclosure ditch, whilst respecting its alignment. Two further undated and empty grave cuts were found to the north east of the occupied graves.",240,640,6,,6,1,1,,,4,1,1,,4,3,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 34051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34052,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34054,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34056,"Disarticulated jaw from the outer ring ditch - individual approx. 25 + or - five years. In the 1978 excavation an adult burial was recovered from a pit which cut the enclosure ditch - this was the only adult from that part of the settlement, with other burials from the area of very young children. The skeleton was crouched and without a grave or grave goods. Several more examples of disarticulated human bone were also found. The 1973 report gives details of four adult burials and a child burial, 'generally in a crouched positionâ?¦without grave goods'. In addition to the Iron Age graves, the area subsequently became the focus for Roman burial, and scattered Romano-British graves are reported from across this part of the site, though there is no quantification. 'A number' of these burials had been decapitated, and one had been buried in a coffin with iron fittings (although there is no quantification of RB burials, 1 has been placed in the decap. Box to indicate presence). At least four 'scattered inhumations' described in the 1976 report.",-100,400,11,,11,,,,1,5,,1,6,,1,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 34057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34061,"Around 50 (but up to 64) young adult males were found in the entrance to the second fort, and were seen as evidence for a massacre (not formally buried so not included as inhumations below). The bodies reportedly had undergone extensive mutilation, possibly ritual. Evidence for dismemberment of legs, hands or feet. Very few skulls discovered, suggesting that heads may have been taken as trophies. No good sexing information, but they were thought to be adult males, all of around c. 25-35. Aside from the massacred remains, disarticulated remains were recovered from one of the roundhouses, including parts of an infant's skull, the upper jaw of a child of 4.5-5, and an adult mandible and part of a skull were found. A posthole for a possible hut contained a complete skeleton of a 1 year old child, together with grains of wheat. This dated to the first phase. Further evidence for structured deposition includes a pit, from the second phase, with the fragmented remains of two skeletons and three mandibles, one of an adult, one of a child, and one of an elderly individual over 40. Report suggests that they were placed together in the pit. The filling of another pit contained a human leg bone. At some point after the abandonment of the entrance a skeleton of a six year old child had been thrown haphazardly on the stone paving, though this may have been at a later period.",-100,50,50,,,,,1,,50,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 34062,A single fragment of adult human femur recovered from a late Iron Age to early Roman ditch.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34064,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34065,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 34066,"An infant skeleton was found, though it is unclear whether it was in a grave or not, as the context was revealed during disturbance during quarrying.",75,175,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 34067,"An undated possible grave was recovered, not included in the data here as dating information was lacking.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35002,"Two Iron Age adult cremations were recovered, though these likely dated prior to the pre-1stC BC. Three Roman burials included two cremations and an inhumation. One cremation and the inhumation were radiocarbon-dated c.AD40-230 (isotope analyses carried out - see report). The inhumation contained a fossil bead adornment.",40,230,3,2,1,,,,,2,,,,1,,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 35003,"Six neonates were found deposited in the northern sub-divided part of the site's main enclosure. The analyst states that they were probably still-births, or had died during or immediately after birth of natural causes, though one may have been pre-term. They also suggest, however, that the babies may have been victims of infanticide (see report for argument). One of the neonate burials was found with a dupondius of Trajan, and three were found with single sheep teeth, and one with some barley grains.",125,200,6,,6,,,6,,,,,,4,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 35005,"Nine inhumations were found to be of late Iron Age/early Roman date (Phase 4). Seven were found in Area 1, plus two from other nearby areas have also been included here as they were probably associated with the wider settlement. The bone material was generally poorly preserved. There was little specific reference to burial form in the report (at least three appear to have been flexed). The interment of a male in a Romano-British ditch and covered in a substantial quantity of chalk rubble was thought to be a rare occurrence. Five Phase 4 (Roman) burials from Area 1 produced grave goods including a flint blade, a broken flint flake, a small globular jet bead, a flint scraper and a spindle-whorl, an iron artefact, and 2 flint objects. A number of other Iron Age burials were also recover, including five grave forming a square barrow cemetery, though these may all have been pre-1stC BC and are not included in these data. All the cremations were prehistoric. The well preserved bones of an infant were recovered from a pit during the 1990s excavations.",-100,250,10,,10,5,2,1,2,7,,,3,4,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 35006,No burials of Roman date. Site of a mid-late Saxon execution cemetery.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35007,"Bone preservation was generally excellent. All the human remains were of neonatal/perinatals individuals. Eight burials included in situ deposits. One burial included two individuals (though possibly to be twins). A further individual was found amongst the disarticulated material, indicating at least 11 infants, the remainder of which was likely disturbed from existing burials. Disarticulated remains of adults were also recovered from a number of contexts. Two cremations each included more than one person: one with two adults (one male) and a child, and one with an adult and a child. Animal bones were found in a number of deposits with human remains and are thought to have been deliberately associated.",100,400,11,2,9,1,,11,2,3,,,,,,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 35008,"Human burial were found in all phases starting from the second Iron Age phase (Late Iron Age-1stC AD).The burials break down by phase as follows: Late Iron Age: 11 infants, 3 adults (2 female [1 flexed]; 1 unknown sex). Early-Mid Roman: 17 infants, 2 children, 3 adults (2 female; 1 unknown sex). The adult females were buried together with the 2 children, and all the adult burials in this phase were cremations. 3 infants appear to have been associated with animal burials, and one of these had a rock placed on its chest. Another infant was found with three upholstery tacks. Late Roman: 13 infants, three adults (2 male; 1 unknown sex). At least two of the late Roman infants were pre-term rather than neonatal. A number roof burials were clearly disturbed. Four of the infants recorded here as 'late Roman', were found mixed in post-Roman deposits.",-100,400,48,3,45,2,4,41,2,9,,,1,1,,3,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 35009,"Two inhumations dated to Phase 1 (child and adult female - both flexed). Two cremations and three inhumations dated to the 3rdC AD (Phase 2). One cremation was within a grey ware vessel while the fill of the pit also contained a crushed Lower Nene Valley colour-coated beaker dated to AD240-300 and grey ware sherds. The second cremation was placed in a grey ware vessel, but was disturbed by machining. The human remains were not analysed. The inhumations were of a neonate and two foetal individuals. The neonate was found with a perforated animal tooth. 36 inhumations were recorded from the late/post-Roman cemetery. 3 infants, 5 children, and 27 adults, of which 12 males and 9 females were present. 4 were flexed and 5 were prone. Information on grave goods (metalwork) is supplied. These include: a iron knife with antler handle and two iron bars (Phase 1); four small pieces of strip which may have been part of the same object (wooden?); a clothing pin with a looped head and hobnails; hobnails.",-100,700,43,2,41,12,10,6,6,28,5,,6,5,3,2,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 35010,"Three inhumation burials were excavated two adult males, one prone and one flexed, and an unsexed adult. The burials did not have grave goods, but were cut into earlier Roman features suggesting that these were late in date.",200,400,3,,3,2,,,,3,1,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 35011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35012,"Four skeletons were radiocarbon-dated to the late Iron Age, though 11 were dated to the whole of the Iron Age. Although some or all of these could be late Iron Age they could also have been early Iron Age, as with four other burials, and are not included here. Of the LIA inhumations one was lain prone and crouched?) within an occupation area, one was crouched and buried within a square barrow and multiple pig bones and pottery, another was crouched, whilst the last was supine. A single Roman neonatal skeleton was recovered from the posthole the agricultural building. Lots of osteological details on each skeleton given in the report.",-100,250,5,,5,,3,2,,3,1,,2,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 35013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35015,One crouched inhumation was radio-carbon dated 359-104BC. It is perhaps too early but is recorded here. The adult female had suffered from severe malnutrition in childhood. She was buried without grave goods.,-100,-50,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 35016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35017,"An inhumation was excavated, but radiocarbon dating could not determine whether this was prehistoric (dating to the Neolithic phase of occupation) or later.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35020,"One LIA/ER context contained a small quantity of cremated ?human bone, but too little to identify further.",1,175,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35021,"An oval pit on a north-west to south-east alignment contained a late Roman inhumation. The body was deposited supine with raised and splayed knees and the hands placed over the pelvis. The skeleton showed signs of dental and joint pathologies, plus signs of infectious disease. The individual was not aged, sexed or measured at the assessment stage. A fragment of disarticulated bone was also recovered.",300,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35022,A grave containing the fragmentary remains of a skeleton truncated the small square enclosure. Finger rings recovered from the grave fill suggest that the individual had been buried wearing jewellery of a broad Roman date. Two other inhumations from the settlement site were poorly dated but appeared to be contemporary with the occupation activity. These were only assessed to adult and sub-adult ages; no further information was gathered. A date of 100BC-AD200 is used here in line with the site dating. A group of disarticulated bone was also recovered.,-100,200,3,,3,,,,1,1,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 35023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35024,"The fragmentary remains of a human skeleton were encountered close to the fenceline. The bones were very poorly preserved, but were probably the remains of an infant.",-100,200,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 35025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35032,"A substantial, sub-rectangular pit, comprised both Iron Age/Roman hand-made wares, plus late 1st to early 2ndC AD wheel-thrown pottery, including the substantial remains of a crushed vessel, fragments of two largely complete glass bangles. Together, the feature was initially interpreted as the remains of a cremation within a collapsed urn. The deposit contained material from at least five different vessels, though none of the burnt bone associated with it could be positively identified as human.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35033,"An inhumation burial may have been contemporary with the settlement. A group of fine ware pottery sherds with burnished surfaces were recovered from the grave: these resemble sherds within the Iron Age or hand-made Roman pottery assemblage. Fragments of used and unused crucible were also recovered from the fills of the grave. It is possible that these finds, which are of a type that is generally scarce amongst the pottery assemblages from other sites on the pipeline route, were deliberately deposited and may reflect the status of the dead. Also deposited included a hanger with inlaid enamel and a coil of wire. Only c.25% of the bone was recovered. Disarticulated human bone was identified but not well dated, whilst cremated bone may have been from an animal.",-100,50,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 35034,Some cremated bone of uncertain ID was recovered from the fill of the ring ditch.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35041,Three disarticulated bones were recovered.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35042,"The human bone has only been assessed to a basic level, and much of the demographic data is still required from analysis; a large number of neonates is noted from the main narrative of the report (see site summary for the burial structure with associated animal burials). 110 fragments of disarticulated bone was recovered, alongside 73 inhumations and 5 cremations. 3 cremations were urned and two were cenotaph burials. 1 human cremation was placed in a pit with a sheep/goat. Crouched individuals were recovered from both early and late features.",-100,375,78,5,73,1,4,56,,17,,,6,1,,3,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 35043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35044,Two neonate burials and an adult inhumation were associated with a late Roman post-built building. A cremation included a finger ring (the cremation is not mentioned in the human bone report however). Human bones still at assessment stage.,50,400,9,1,8,1,,1,,7,1,,2,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 35045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35048,A crouched inhumation was found associated with the Roman settlement. Further work is required on the osteological remains and on the dating of the burial.,50,350,1,,1,1,,,,,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 35049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35050,"An adult crouched burial was positioned in the south-east corner of Plot 182, just to the north-west of a roundhouse structure. The skeleton was poorly preserved and had no associated grave goods. The grave was located within a cluster of postholes, which formed no discernible structural arrangement. Two segments of a curving ditch surrounded both the postholes and the grave, and may have marked an isolated burial area away from the main settlement. A disturbed and unurned cremation was also noted in the human bone assessment, but no details were given. The dating of both burials was not given either, though if associated with the nearby structure the inhumation would probably be LIA/ER.",-50,150,2,1,1,,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 35051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35052,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35053,"Burials at the site include three inhumations and three cremations. The inhumations were of two children, both perhaps around 6 years old, and a neonate. One of the cremations were urned, containing the remains of an adult and some bones from a mammal.",250,400,6,3,3,,,1,2,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 35054,"The remains of five human skeletons in graves and two cremations re-deposited from their original setting were recovered from this 'back plot' area. Of the two cremations, one was within a greyware urn and one in a glass vessel. One cremation burial contained two glass vessels as grave goods. The inhumation burials were all adults, but were not sexed (assessment stage). They were distributed over a wide area, with only two burials occurring side by side. Four of the skeletons were extended and supine, and one was tightly crouched. Two burials were each accompanied by a large fragment of greyware, possibly intentional grave inclusions. A small amount of disarticulated human bone was recovered from two additional contexts.",120,350,7,2,5,,,,,5,,,1,3,,2,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 35055,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35057,"The skeleton was crouched, lying on its left-hand side with its head at the south-east end of the grave. It was a non-adult. The fill of the grave contained three small sherds of Roman pottery. The disarticulated remains consisted of well-preserved infant bone fragments were also recovered.",250,400,1,,1,,,,1,,,,1,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 35058,"Two skeletons were found lain supine in oval graves. The skeletons themselves were poorly preserved. One was radiocarbon dated to c.AD240-410, and was aligned on a landscape feature. The other skeleton was only c.25% complete, the lower half having been truncated during soil stripping and the skull missing. The limited skeletal remains do not allow detailed analysis but suggest an elderly female and a male aged between 35 and 45 years. No grave goods or associated artefacts were recovered from either grave fill.",250,400,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 35059,"One inhumation was placed within the LIA square barrow, and included pig bones (see zooarch data), a dagger and a missile head. This was of male, c.33-45 years of age, of strong build. A second inhumation was recovered from within the early Roman farmstead. This was also a male of robust build, aged c.45-50 years, though he included no grave goods. A group of four 3rdC AD cremations were found spread across the northern part of the farmstead. All were heavily truncated and disturbed. One was a young teenager, and one an adult of indeterminate sex. One was not certainly human as only remains of sheep/goat were identified from the cremated remains, though this could have been from pyre goods. Grave goods from cremation 3259 included a glass-beaded necklace, a glass vessel, and 3 bone hair pins.",-100,250,6,4,2,2,,,1,3,,,,3,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 35060,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35062,"A crouched inhumation dated to the settlement phase. The grave included the body of a 4-8year old. Securely-stratified 1st/2ndC AD pottery was found in the grave fill, but it was not noted whether this was from grave goods.",-50,200,1,,1,,,,1,,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 35063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35064,"The remains of 6 adults, 1 juvenile and 19 infants were examined. 5 of the adults (4 males, 1 female) were flexed, whilst 1 females was extended supine and included coffin nails plus a collection of bird bones above the left shoulder. Other grave goods with 2 other adults included an iron brooch and a penannular brooch. The infant burials were mostly associated with structures, both from the early settlement and the villa.",1,375,26,,26,4,2,,,6,,,5,,1,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 35065,Two inhumations were uncovered by construction workers. One was in a crouched position under chalk stones. No grave goods were recovered.,50,400,2,,2,,,,,,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 35066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35067,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35068,"Four of the six 'cremation pits' produced certain remains of human bone, five contained animal bone, and one contained unidentified bone fragments. As noted in the site summary one of these, the isolated cremation, may have been under a barrow (later ploughed out). Given the low quantities of human bone recovered the specialists suggested that the pits were not cremation burials, but 'pits containing token or symbolic fragments, or even accidental inclusion of human skeletal elements.' But they may equally have been deposits from a nearby pyre site, perhaps representing a group of people who were cremated. No demographic data was present. Animal bone included sheep/goat, cattle, chicken and goose. One pit included a hobnail.",70,100,6,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 35069,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35071,Part of a human skull was recovered from the base of a pit.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35072,"A 2ndC AD inhumation burial was found in an oval pit/grave, placed in a compartment the northern part of the southern enclosure (see plan 35072_2). The individual was a probable female, c.25-35 years, lying in a crouched position on the left side. The body was accompanied by a near-complete hand-made pot.",100,200,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,1,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 35073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 35074,"Burials of the early villa phase were noted but no details were given other than that they were found to have been crouched/flexed. 3rdC AD burials were said to have been placed in small graves, with one lain prone. In the final phase a distinct cemetery appears to have been placed with bodies respecting each other on the same alignment, with some placed in coffins.",100,400,,,,,,,,,1,,1,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 36001,"Three inhumation graves were excavated though only two included human remains. The graves with human remains were variably preserved and only partially complete. Dental pathologies and non-metric traits were noted. One grave included no goods and the other a single pottery sherd. The grave without human remains included only grave goods, an amber bead and a ceramic vessel.",175,300,3,,3,,,,,2,,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 36002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36004,"Three of the graves were fully excavated, though no bone survived due to the acidic soil conditions. Iron Age pottery was recovered but was unlikely to have been remains from grave goods.",-100,50,7,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 36005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36006,"Four neonatal burials were inserted into the fill of the ditch. They are very likely to have been late Roman, perhaps one of the last signs of activity at the site.",200,400,4,,4,,,4,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 36007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36013,An infant burial was placed in a small pit within the southern central part of the main enclosure.,100,400,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 36014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36015,"c.20ft east of the corridor house lay a double inhumation burial. The adults could not be sexed but lay crouched in a front-to-back position (spooning). One individual had a bronze bracelet around a forearm, and the burial was overlain by a rammed pile of large stones. Remains of at least five infants were found in different areas of the site. Many had been disturbed. And parts of adult skeletons were recovered from the well, including skull fragments.",200,400,6,,6,,,5,,2,,,2,1,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 36016,"Two limestone slab cist inhumations were excavated on the site, dating to the period after the abandonment of the kilns. Associated pottery suggests a very late 4thC AD date.",375,410,2,,2,,1,,,2,,,,2,2,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 36017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36018,"The cremation burial contained calcined bones, though these were not analysed. The cremation urn had been disturbed by ploughing. The cist burial appeared similar to the two discovered at the nearby Jamie's Craggs site. However, this example did not contain any bones, perhaps due to the more acidic clay soils. The fill of the cist contained pottery contemporary with that found elsewhere on the site.",300,400,2,1,1,,,,,,,,,1,1,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 36019,"An adult female and two infants were identified from the site. The adult female was found in a somewhat disarticulated state amongst the demolition rubble, though this was probably caused by the grave context of the burial, which appears to have either been cut into the rubble after the abandonment of the villa (5thC ?) or her corpse was lain within the villa and the building demolished around her. It would be unlikely that a corpse had lain uncovered for any period of time, since no evidence for scavengers could be discerned. One of the infants was found with a pottery vessel next to a building wall, whilst the other was found buried near a separate building.",300,410,3,,3,,1,2,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 36020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36021,"The inhumations variously dated from c.AD175 (Phase 6) to c.AD400+ (Phase 9). Six were not concisely dated but are thought to have been broadly contemporary, though it is possible that some extended into the post-Roman period. Six samples were sent for radiocarbon-dating. Nine of the burials were found within a 'cemetery' area, whilst the remainder appeared to be isolated interments. The ages and sex of the 'cemetery' individuals varied, as did the phasing of the burials. Three were found in coffins, two in stone-lined graves, one in a 'pit' (4-6 year old). Another juvenile was placed in a ditch rather than a grave. An adult and a 15-18yr old were found crouched. Grave goods were recorded by skeleton as follows: (282) Coin of Titus/Domitian;(940) Iron stylus/spatula;(948) Hobnails;(952) Jet necklace, silver necklace clasp, jet bracelet, shale armlet, copper-alloy anklet, hobnails, glass vessel, 2 pebbles placed in mouth;(1732) grey ware dish, Nene Valley jar;(1742) copper alloy pin;(2159) ceramic flask, iron armlet (or purse-ring);(2174) iron binding, glass vessel, hobnails. It was also noted that one burial included animal bone placed over the mouth.",175,410,17,,17,8,4,1,4,12,,,2,8,5,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 36022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36026,"24 cremation and 3 inhumations recovered in total (one from the later (2014) excavation - see below). The inhumations were all late Roman, radiocarbon dated c.AD250-390, one male and one female. Two had grave goods, both pottery, and each was buried extended supine in N-S stone-lined cist graves. Two were found in one of the large enclosures and the third was placed just outside it. Three cremations were dated c.100BC-AD100/130, three to c.AD60-230, and 17 to c.AD170-390. All cremations were buried in small pit; none were found in urns. A number of the pits were found with stakeholes, perhaps for gravemarkers. All but one of the cremations were found to be older than 16 years at death. Only one of the cremations was sexed - a probable male. During the later excavation (2014), a LIA/ER cremation was found placed a the side of the trackway leading to the settlement, possibly the remains of an unsexed young adult, c.16-20 years. Shell fragments and charcoal were also present.",-100,350,27,24,3,2,1,,1,26,,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 36027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36030,"Excavation of Building B located three infant burials, whilst excavations in 1992 produced a fourth, plus disarticulated neonatal remains, probably from disturbed burials in the area.",70,300,4,,4,,,4,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 36031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36035,"The site produced two inhumations; one adult radiocarbon dated c.340BC-50BC, and the other, an adult female, to c.AD70-230. The latter was buried in a flexed position with in cut into one of the boundaries ditch fills. She wore a Cu alloy necklet and she was accompanied by a BB1 jar, dated late 2nd/3rdC. To the immediate north of the inhumation was buried a cremation, placed within a greyware jar, and yielding a radiocarbon date of AD80-320, making it contemporary with the inhumation. The cremated material could not be aged or sexed.",-100,300,3,1,2,,1,,,2,,,1,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 36036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36038,"The remains of 28 skeletons, nine cremations and seven disarticulated human bone assemblages from the excavations undertaken in 2009-10 were submitted for assessment. The remains of an adult male, and the disarticulated remains of a further adult recovered during trial trenching in 2006. Many of the burial appeared to be part of a discrete burial ground (mixed rite). Burials also lay on the edge of the settlement. Only one skeleton had been interred in a coffin. The cremation burials yielded a minimum of eleven individuals, five of whom were adults, two perinates and two adolescents. Inhumed skeletons included 14 peri-natal skeletons, 4 juveniles, and 10 adults consisting of 2 females and 5 males. From the gas pipeline excavation, a total of 19 burials were identified to both the south and north of the wetland area. They composed 16 inhumations and three cremations. The inhumation burials were predominantly those of neonatal infants, although six adults were also identified. The remains were interred in various positions and upon different alignments. However, the neonatal burials potentially constituted part of a discrete, segregated cemetery. This contained an adult burial, an adolescent burial, and eight neonate burials. No human bone report had been produced for this group of remains (gas pipeline diversion). Of the remaining graves, one skeleton had been placed face down into the grave, albeit in an unusual position. The skull had become detached, and the forearms were below the chest. A group of five copper alloy finger rings was recovered from the base of the grave, adjacent to the left leg. Two further inhumations were identified to the south of a ditch, one being crouched and associated with a neonate. A twisted copper alloy bracelet encircled the left wrist, and a group of iron hobnails was recorded around the feet. Another burial was supine and included a copper alloy bracelet encircling the right wrist. A further inhumation was identified to the north of a pit group constituting the remains of an infant.",75,425,56,12,44,5,2,35,7,21,1,,1,3,1,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 36039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36040,"In a ditch not far from the deposit with the sword was found a human skull which had been decapitated and included three wounds, one of which appears to have been fatal. A plate of the frontal bone had been completely sliced through, and was found lying separated from the main skull. Two inhumations were revealed at the Tofts settlement area during the 1980s excavations. Both were flexed adult male inhumations. One had a flat slab placed over the body with an inverted horses head placed on top. A further two similar inhumations were excavated in 1989, though little detail was given on these, only that they were also associated with the settlement area. Infant bones were also found in both graves (some were burnt), whilst stray human bones were found near both as well. The horse skull and the disarticulated remains perhaps point towards a specific burial rite.",40,75,4,,4,,,2,,4,,,2,,,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 36041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36045,"A neonate was buried in a small pit within a boundary ditch fill. Separate calf and sheep burials accompanied the neonate, possibly formed part of a local burial rite.",350,450,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 36046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36048,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36049,"Four burials (one from a nearby evaluation) were recovered from the settlement area. There presence is suggestive of ad hoc burial on land to the rear of the roadside properties. Two adult inhumations were found flexed on one side, one dating mid-2ndC and the other mid-third. The latter was a male buried with a ring on his finger and a complete black burnished ware jar placed at his feet - this burial came from the evaluation trench. An infant skeleton was also lain flexed, not far from the mid-2ndC AD adult (and was contemporary with it), buried with a sheep's jaw. The 4th inhumation dated to the 3rdC AD as the site was going out of use, and was buried extended supine.",150,275,4,,4,1,,,1,3,,,3,2,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 36050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36051,"A crouched female inhumation was excavated. She was not well dated, but could have been buried at any time during the known phase of occupation.",-100,300,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 36052,"A possible inhumation cemetery has been tentatively identified from a group of grave-like features situated within the north-eastern quadrant of the southern enclosure. None of the features were found to contain skeletal material, which may have degraded within the natural sand. The interpretation of the pits as graves was based upon the form, dimensions, alignment, location and artefacts. Two of the features were particularly grave-like, one of which contained a near complete Dales-type ware jar, standing upright against one edge of the feature, and the second contained a substantial stone lining within its northern half. The total number of 'graves was not specified in the report, so two are recorded here.",250,400,2,,2,,,,,,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 36053,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36054,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36055,"Cemetery activity exposed in the southern part of the excavation area was thought to have been 2ndC AD in date. The graves of a crouched young adult of indeterminate sex was recorded along with a possible neonate or young infant burial and part of another possible grave, though no human remains were recovered from the latter (a third possible grave also had no human remains). A tinned bronze round bowled spoon recovered from the putative neonate burial may have been a baptismal spoon. The young adult was buried with hobnailed shoes.",100,200,3,,3,,,,1,,,,1,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 36056,Only Bronze Age burials present.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36058,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36059,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36060,"Skeleton 1006 represented a small, gracile female, between 17 and 25 years of age, showing limited signs of pathology and no evidence of the cause of death. Skeleton 1012 represented a tall, robust male, between 25 and 35 years of age. Several pathological conditions in the upper chest and lower back more usually associated with aged individuals were noted. A well-healed rib fracture and ossified areas in the lower legs indicated localised trauma.",300,400,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,,,2,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36063,The inhumation was radiocarbon dated 400-210 cal. BC.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36064,"A single crouched inhumation was excavated close to one of the field boundary junctions, suggesting that it was contemporary with its period of use. No other dating evidence was recovered. No osteological analysis appears to have been carried out.",100,300,1,,1,,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36065,"Osteological analysis found that the six skeletons excavated included three females, two males and one juvenile. Two females were buried in one grave, one in her late twenties to early 30s, and the other that of a 36 to 45 year old. The orientation of all the graves varied. The position of one male was not seen, the juvenile was flexed right, a female was crouched prone, a male was flexed left, and the double burial included one crouched supine and one flexed right. The positions of the individually buried female and the older female from the double burial was indicative of their being bound. The single female was buried with a group of 16 neonatal sheep bones.",-100,130,6,,6,2,3,,1,5,1,,5,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 36066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36067,"Six skeletons were sent for osteological analysis, with two radiocarbon dated to the late Iron Age. Three of the non-adult skeletons showed skeletal changes that possibly indicate they had suffered from scurvy - apparently rare from this period in Britain. Two skeletons were possibly buried in a prone position, and the remaining four were lying on their sides, in a flexed position. No grave goods were recovered with any of the individuals, but pottery sherds and animal bones were found in the fills of three of the graves.",-100,50,6,,6,1,,2,3,1,2,,4,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 36068,"An adult male was placed into the ditch of an Iron Age square barrow, but this was carbon-dated to the 2ndC BC.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36069,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36070,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36071,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36072,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36073,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36074,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36075,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36076,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36077,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36078,"A Roman-period cremation was placed in the (modern) field, adjacent to the one with the settlement. No details provided.",50,400,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36079,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36080,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36081,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36082,"Across the site a range of human burial rites were represented by two prehistoric cremations (data not included here), plus five adult inhumations and five perinatal inhumations of Roman date. Two of the Roman inhumations had significant pathology, including the most northerly recorded case of Roman spinal TB in the UK in one, and possible brucellosis lesions in the other. Unusually, the skull of one young middle adult male was pinned to the ground with large nails (photo in report). This individual was associated with the tower (see site summary), whilst the second burial nearby also had nails next to the skull. The only parallels for this derive from a Greek and Roman burials from a Mediterranean context.",200,400,10,,10,4,1,5,,5,,,2,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 36083,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36084,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36085,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36086,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36087,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36088,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36089,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36090,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36091,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36092,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36093,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36094,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36095,"The two-celled structure included a probable hearth, which had been later cut through by a grave containing two infant burials, over which occupation and floor deposits had been laid. Five cremations, all urned, were recovered within a restricted area close to one of the masonry buildings. All the bone was heavily cremated and no demographic information could be extracted during analysis. All the burial appear likely to have been 2nd-3rdC AD (probably the latter - one of the urns was 3rdC AD)",100,300,6,5,1,,,2,,,,,,,,5,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 36096,"A flexed inhumation was placed within a pottery kiln after its abandonment, using it as a convenient grave lining. This was the body of a young adult male, who had suffered from hydrocephalus. Another burial may have been associated with one of the other kilns nearby, but it had been disturbed leaving only a skull and other disarticulated bones. The disarticulated bones belonged to a young adult female.",300,400,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 36097,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36098,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36099,Only post-medieval burials present.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 36100,A single urned cremation was recovered though no specialist analysis was undertaken.,100,300,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 37001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37002,"In phase 2 (c.mid-2nd-mid-3rdC AD) five rectangular grave-shaped features were revealed running along the eastern boundary ditch to the settlement (four externally and one internally). No human remains were found in these features due to poor preservation. These have been recorded here as burials, but their interpretation remains tentative. In phase 4 (c.mid-3rd-mid-4thC AD) a group of seven large rectangular grave-like pits (very similar in shape to the phase 2 features) were identified within an area roughly defined by gullies, possibly forming an enclosure. One of these had posthole inserted in one corner, possibly representing a marker. One of these contained an imitation Samian vessel. In addition to this group a further nine grave-like features were identified around this area on the western side of the settlement. These were not closely dated to a particular phase, and may have been inserted at any point during the life of the settlement. All the grave-like features excavated were cut into the sandstone bedrock, and each included quantities of sandstone rubble suggesting that they had been deliberately back-filled rather than being allowed to silt up.",150,350,12,,12,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 37003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37013,Only Bronze Age human remains were found.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37016,"A poorly preserved unurned cremation deposit was recovered, probably of an adult of unknown sex. No artefacts were recovered but radiocarbon dates placed in somewhere between the late 1st and late 4thC AD.",85,380,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37036,"The limited excavations exposed at least four adult(?) inhumations and a single cremation burial. Limited details are available, but at least one (a N-S grave) contained coffin nails, and one was associated with much pottery (it remain uncertain if these were actually grave goods, but assumed here). One crouched burial is suggested as having had both feet amputated above the ankle prior to burial, along with the left hand (cut marks found on wrist). This may have been an execution and/or a ritualised mutilation. Pottery vessels and cremated bone also revealed in a sewer trench and suggested as a possible cremation burial.",250,350,5,1,4,,,,,4,,,1,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 37037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37039,"Site DD produced a 2ndC AD cremation group which included a flagon, jar, bowl and dish. No bone was recovered with is group but a small pit nearby did contain fragments of cremated bone. In the same area, a group of three Roman vessels was recovered in 1902. A flagon from this group was also identified as 2ndC AD and likely representing a cremation group. This group was recorded as being excavated under a mound, thought to have possibly been a barrow. A small number of inhumations have also been noted from the settlement, close to the Roman road, but they may be medieval.",100,200,2,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 37040,"The main phase of cremation centred on the later 1stC and into the mid-2ndC AD. The burial area covered c.25m by 15m and comprised three groups of cremation burials, ten single cremation burials, a probable funeral pyre and possible sub-divisions within the cemetery. In total, 49 cremation-related deposits were identified, of which 28 were identified as certain human cremations, but all have been included here. Two of the burial groups each contained eight cremation deposits, whilst the third consisted of two burials. In the larger cremation groups, late 1st to early 2ndC AD rusticated greyware jars had been used as funerary urns. These were not found to have been burnt. One cremation group was surrounded by numerous other Roman features and contained exotic burnt food offerings, including pine nut, walnut, fig, grapes, lentils, a possible date fragment and cereals, plus artefacts including five ceramic oil lamps. This group was also potentially enclosed by a square or rectangular gully feature. The fill of the second large burial group contained a more limited range of artefacts and burnt food offerings, including rare cereals and occasional seeds of lentils and/or vetch. The third burial group consisted of two intercutting pits containing limited burnt bone, but numerous large fragments of partially burnt and broken amphorae that appeared to have been used to cover the burials. The fills also contained â??exoticâ?? foodstuffs including hazelnuts, possible pine nuts, figs, dates, grapes, apple and lentils. Artefacts included large numbers of iron nails, possibly originating from biers, coffins or objects placed on the funeral pyre and swept up with the pyre debris. Single cremations were more varied in the material culture and botanical remains that were recovered. An almost complete, heavily-fractured whiteware flagon (m.2ndC AD) was found standing upright in a shallow pit and did not contain cremated material. The vessel may have been a cenotaph deposit. Burnt animal burnt was found in four cremation-related deposits. Of the 13 cremated adults which could be aged, 12 of them could potentially have been adolescent. None could be sexed. The mid-2nd-3rdC AD saw the continued use of the cemetery, but with a change to inhumation. Two inhumations were identified at the northern edge of the cemetery, together with a pit. Both skeletons were poorly preserved, being less than 15% complete. Neither were sexed, but one was probably 16-18 yrs and the other 35 yrs +. The burials of the three cremations groups, four of the single cremations and both inhumations certainly included grave goods.",70,300,51,49,2,,,,1,13,,,,20,,5,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 37041,"Cremation activity was mooted with the recovery of a greyware jar containing a charcoal-rich fill in a pit lining the road. No burnt bone was associated with the jar, though four discrete patches of charcoal-rich material with some cremated bone were recorded within the immediate vicinity. No certain formal burials could be discerned however.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37043,"The skeletal material consisted of 9 articulated burials and 10 deposits with disarticulated remains. All the deposits had been disturbed by later activity. The nine articulated burials were all adults, including 4 males and 1 female. The disarticulated material was all from adults as well. 2 inhumations contained grave goods: 1 with a fragment of amphora and an unidentified piece of iron, and the other with 2 complete greyware vessels placed around the knee. Another inhumation included some cut limestone blocks in one side of the grave, which may have originally covered the body. 5 cremation burials were identified, 3 of which were urned. 1 of the unurned cremations was found with a flagon. Further cremated material was identified in 13 other contexts. One feature was described as a 'cremation hearth' - pyre site?",100,300,14,5,9,4,1,,,9,,,,3,,3,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 37044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37045,"Much human bone was clearly removed from the site before formal excavations were carried out (see site summary). The excavations recovered the remains from at least 30 individuals, either fully articulated or as body parts from burials later disturbed. However, the excavators indicate that the burial ground was probably not contemporary with the villa.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37046,"12 pieces of disarticulated human bone was recovered. Three of the long bones appear to have been mutilated: a left femur had three cut marks and had been broken as if the marrow had been extracted; a right humerus had been broken apparently unnaturally through the coronoid fossa; and, a left humerus had missing proximal and distal ends, but significantly had shave markings along one side as well as cut marks. Similar mutilation of human bones have also been identified from the burial site at Adwick-le-Street near Doncaster (site 37036).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 37048,"A double inhumation burial was recovered from the site. This example was thought to have been rare because it included two adult males, one around 25 years old and the other considerably older, probably beyond 46 years. Both had degenerative joint disease, whilst evidence for muscle trauma on the arms and lower limbs may indicate that both men had performed similar repetitive tasks during life. The position of the two bodies in the grave was also highly unusual: they were both lain crouched, one on top of the other, with their heads at opposite ends of the grave. The upper individual appears to have been lain prone. No grave goods were found, but the date of the burial appears to have been 2ndC AD, due to associated material found in the grave backfill. Two nails near the shoulder of one individual may have been 'shroud pins'. Further remains of disarticulated bone was also recovered from the site, perhaps reflected disturbed burials.",100,200,1,,1,2,,,,2,1,,2,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 37049,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38001,"The late Roman cremation was that of a single mature adult, possibly a male. The burial was dug into the ditch fill of the enclosure boundary and represents the final piece of activity at the site.",350,400,1,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38007,A neonate was found placed in a mid-fill of the 2nd-4thC AD ditch.,100,400,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 38008,"Two inhumation burials were found cut into fills of the D-shaped enclosure ditch. One, a male aged 35-45 years and radiocarbon dated c.90BC-AD60, was lain in an extended position fully on its side, with its head facing west. He exhibited signs of childhood anaemia. The second burial, a male aged c.25-35 years who also showed signs of childhood anaemia, was placed in a crouched position on its left side. The second burial was radiocarbon dated c.AD1-130. No grave goods were included with either burial. In addition, a fragmentary human ulna was found in a LIA ditch fill.",-90,130,2,,2,2,,,,2,,,2,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 38009,"The crouched burial of an adult male was placed in the northern part of the arable processing enclosure. He was radiocarbon dated c. AD80-330, but was most likely contemporary with the 2nd/3rdC features in the southern part of the enclosure. The individual had been killed by a blow to the head, as evidence by an unhealed blunt trauma to the skull.",100,300,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 38010,An inhumation burial was placed beside one of the early field boundaries and was radiocarbon dated c.AD20-130 and may reflect some of the earliest activity at the site. The skeleton was from a young adult who had been placed face down in a slightly flexed position.,20,130,1,,1,,,,,,1,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38011,"The chariot burial contained the body of an adult male, though the skeleton dated to the 2ndC BC.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38012,"14 human burials were found spread across the settlement area, not including one post-Roman inhumation. Four of the infants were neonatal. One male was buried prone. No details of dating are given or any grave goods, other than that they were 'Roman'. Three human bones were recovered from the well.",50,375,14,,14,2,2,10,,4,1,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 38013,"Three rectangular features may have been graves, though were found to have been empty. This may have been because they were never used for their intended purpose, or that bone material did not survive.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38014,"Of the 21 burials attributed to the LIA phase (1stC BC-1stC AD), 8 were of adults (2 males and 2 females) and 13 were neonates or infants. The neonates were recovered from a number of feature types including ditches, gullies and small pits; 7 were associated with roundhouses (5 in one). The adults, on the other hand, were placed in an area where no roundhouses were identified; seven being placed within two separate enclosures. Crouched inhumations were exclusive to this period; predominantly in one of the enclosures. Only one of the LIA burials included grave goods: a young female with a 'pillow' of stones lain over a dog burial. In the early Roman period, 10 neonates were present. As with the LIA evidence these were interred within a variety of features. In the late Roman phase, 14 neonates, 1 juvenile and 12 adults were present (4 males and 8 females). The late Roman adult inhumations were all extended supine burials. 9 had evidence of stone lining around the body (cyst). 6 young females and 2 young males were interred with single neonates, and one young woman was buried with a juvenile (c.3-5 years). 12 burials included grave goods: female & neonate - chicken bones; female - chicken bones and pottery; female & neonate - chicken bones; male - bone pin and cattle astragalus; female & neonate - chicken bones; neonate - pottery; neonate - pottery; neonate - pottery; female & neonate - hobnails and composite bracelet of copper, iron and antler; male - hobnails and chicken bones; male - hobnails; female & juvenile - 2 copper alloy and 1 antler bracelets and 2 4thC AD coins.",-100,400,50,,50,6,10,37,1,20,,,7,13,9,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 38015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38020,"11 burials, 5 in cists, were possibly 4thC AD or later. The nature of the evidence and the excavation made dating quite uncertain. Late Roman pottery and querns were found ear some of the burials. Many of the bones were removed before they could be properly analysed.",300,400,11,,11,1,1,,,2,,,1,,5,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38021,"A single crouched inhumation of an adult male was placed, respecting the fork of the trackway. It was carbon-dated c.170BC-AD20.",-100,20,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38026,"A crouched burial was placed in a pit just north of the enclosure complex and was radiocarbon dated to the 1stC BC (see site summary). The skeleton was rather incomplete, consisting of only leg bones, but it was clearly from an articulated inhumation. It was thought to have possibly been a male.",-100,50,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 38027,"An inhumation burial was placed in a pit at the enclosure's entrance, though this dated to the later middle Iron Age (before the 1stC BC). The skeleton was a middle aged female (26-45 years) of gracile build.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38035,"A sub-rectangular pit was interpreted as an inhumation grave, though no human bone was preserved. The soil pH was noted to be quite acidic and no animal bone was preserved anywhere on the site. A small burnished greyware jar was thought to have been placed as a grave good, dating to the 2ndC AD (c.AD120). The feature was located away to the north from the settlement enclosure, adjacent to an isolated and contemporary land boundary.",120,200,1,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 38036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38039,"A cremation burial was recorded from the site, found in 'a pot of coarse black fabric'.",75,400,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 38040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38043,A human adult skull (25 years+) was found within the lower fills of the well.,280,350,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38044,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38047,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38048,"Two possible cremations, dated to the later Iron Age, but one only contained animal bone and the other was unidentified bone.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38049,"Six inhumations and one cremation were all dated to the Roman period. Three inhumations dated to Phase 4 (3rd-early 4thC AD). These included two adult females (one 'elderly') buried in a large settlement enclosure along with the cremation (an unsexed adult, placed in a Dalesware jar). The other inhumation of an adult male was located in the western part of the site (in the field-system). All the inhumation in this phase buried in a crouched position. The other three inhumations dated to Phase 5 (4thC AD or 5thC AD) and were placed in closer proximity to each other, forming a distinct group placed in the ditch terminals of the Phase 4 enclosure, but within the northern area of the Phase 5 enclosure. The burials consisted of an adult female, an unsexed adult, and an unsexed juvenile. All these inhumations were lain extended supine. The two adults graves were partially lined with stone slabs. The adult female had been decapitated and her head was placed between her feet, where 41 hobnails also lay. No other grave goods were found. All six inhumations recovered were radiocarbon dated.",200,500,7,1,6,1,3,,1,6,,1,3,1,2,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 38050,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38051,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 38052,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39002,"Three cist burials were revealed, with very poor preservation of human remains and no accompanying artefacts, and so they remain undated, but could potentially be of Iron Age or Roman date. Two inhumations were associated with the earliest open settlement. The fragmentary remains of an unsexed adult lay supine in a N-S boundary ditch; no grave cut was seen. Immediately to the west in a sub-rectangular grave partially lined with large stone boulders was a supine adult female (35-50 years). 18 hobnails found in vicinity of her feet. No other grave goods. Two further inhumation graves belong to the period of disuse of the 2nd C AD enclosure system. An east-west aligned grave (with large boulders at each end) contained two supine inhumations (multiple burial): an adult female with a corroded lump of iron on her right forearm and a juvenile (2-4 years). A single hobnail found in the fill. To the west a trapezoidal E-W grave truncated an earlier ditch and contained a poorly preserved supine individual of unknown age or sex.",75,200,4,,4,,1,1,,3,,,,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 39003,"At least 27 inhumation burials found mainly to the north of the vicus in 1855/6 and 1956. Little information on age or sex though various graves had grave goods: 1) bones of a horse and young bullock; 2) two pottery vessels. 3) remains of a horse; 4) copper wire torc around neck, another in grave; 5) five burials interred singly in one trench with three pottery vessels & possible silver coin of Geta (209-12); 6) two graves with pots & lid, horse teeth, coin of Antoninus Pius and antler knife handle. Also a lead coffin burial in a grave lined with sandstone blocks, a possible cremation burial and at least five sandstone cists, one with a few bones, another with a glass vessel and iron nails; three others had no grave goods. A silver coin of Geta was found with a skull, possibly another disturbed burial. Also two tombstones previously found at the site. Finds of disarticulated human bone found within the assemblage of animal bone.",150,300,27,1,26,3,1,,,4,,,,7,2,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 39004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39005,"Part of a substantial mixed rite cemetery associated with the fort and vicus. The cemetery comprised 12 cist graves (assumed to contain inhumations although minimal bone recovered due to acidic soils; ceramic fragments were recovered from a few cists but the only certain grave good was a colour-coat beaker. 2 grave contained coffin nails), and 29 cremation pits, all badly truncated. Seven graves contained enough pottery to suggest the cremation remains were urned. Five cremation burials produced hobnails. Ten other pits may have been cremation burials, though they were too truncated to be certain and could have been pyre-related features.",150,300,41,29,12,,,,,,,,,6,2,7,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 39006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39007,"A series of burials were found throughout the settlement but no information on those more recently excavated. Three inhumation burials revealed during the 1963/4 excavations - a N-S mature adult buried on its side, a supine NE-SW adolescent and a neonate. The first two lay close together within a circular building, and although possibly of late Iron Age date, there is no direct dating evidence. No evidence for grave goods.",,,15,1,14,,,1,1,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 39008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39009,"Fragments of at least one skeleton from excavations, seemingly part of a 'ceremonial deposit' outside the entrance to the largest structure, but no further information.",,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 39010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39012,"Inhumation burials occur from the 4th C AD. An E-W aligned adult male decapitation burial (mid 4th C ?) was found in a partially stone lined grave to the south of the villa. A partial (5%) supine adult inhumation in a N-S grave in an enclosure to the north of the villa had a radiocarbon date of cal AD 230-400 (95%). Two late 4th C AD graves were identified in the NE corner of an enclosure to the west of the villa: One E-W and another N-S; one adult, one sub-adult, which was buried with animal remains. A cist grave inserted into the late 4th C AD corn-dryer; the bones of an adult female were radiocarbon dated AD 230-390, but it must have been at the end of this range. No grave goods except the animal remains.",300,425,5,,5,1,1,,1,4,,1,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 39013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39016,"A Roman sarcophagus was recorded within the cellars of Rockliffe Hall immediately to the north of the development area, although its provenance is uncertain.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39017,"The deliberate deposition of a complete pot and the partial stone lining of two large pits is suggested as being associated with burial ritual, though little direct evidence for this.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39020,Cremation burials revealed during a watching brief to the east of the fort. No further details so a token '2' indicated here.,,,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 39021,"A row of three masonry mausolea structures was revealed within an evaluation trench, two enclosed within a boundary or 'precinct' wall. A supine inhumation burial (adult male aged between 22 and 30 years) in a sub-rectangular grave cut lay within the south-eastern structure. Plentiful coffin nails were found, along with two complete pots probably placed on top of the coffin (greyware everted rim jar and a Black Burnished ware grooved rim bowl) and a pair of hobnailed shoes (not worn). Disarticulated human remains (adult male aged between 20 and 40 years) were contained within the central structure, along with animal bone.",100,300,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,1,1,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 39022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39033,"A double inhumation burial within a rectangular grave. The uppermost burial (large adult male, 25-35 years) was supine with head to west and shoulders supported on the thighs of the second burial. The lower burial (young adult female, 17-22 years) was lain on its right side seemingly in a flexed position. It is suggested the legs had been deliberately broken to fit them into the grave. A single piece of pottery lay directly beneath the head of the upper burial and a necklace of glass and jet was around the neck of the lower burial. This is dated late Roman. Other pottery from backfill.",300,400,2,,2,1,1,,,2,,,1,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 39034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39039,Previously cremation burials discovered to the east. A token '2' indicated here.,,,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 39040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 39044,A cemetery associated with the vicus is detailed under ID 39005.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40015,An undated inhumation burial in an oval grave found towards the eastern edge of the excavation area. Skeletal remains were poorly preserved but it appears to have been a crouched burial.,-100,1,1,,1,,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 40016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40017,"A late Iron Age inhumation burial of an adult woman (probably in her 60s or 70s) within a corbelled stone cist (73 stones of various sizes and shapes) in an oval grave. The burial had been placed in a crouched position facing east with the head to the north, the skull laying on a flat stone slab. There were no grave goods or artefactual evidence from within the cist fills. Radiocarbon determinations on the skeleton indicated a date of 170 cal BC â?? cal AD 30 (95% confidence) or probably 110 BC â?? 10 AD (68.2% confidence). A second nearby feature was probably also an Iron Age burial cist but this had been more deeply truncated by ploughing.",-100,30,2,,1,,1,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40029,A shallow hollow or pit at the centre of one of the round houses was found to contain the partial remains of an adult human cremation (including skull fragments). Three sherds of badly abraded samian pottery associated with the bone and charcoal indicates a Roman date.,70,120,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 40030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40035,"A Bronze Age cairn field lies 300m west of the settlement; Within this cairn field, one intact cairn was excavated which contained cremated human remains and a cast copper alloy ring-headed pin, suggested to date to the late Iron Age or early Roman period.",-100,100,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 40036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 40041,"A mound of stones associated with human remains was found to the south of the enclosed settlement and suggested as a burial cairn. It was associated with animal bone and Iron Age and Roman pottery. No further details. A human femur was found in colluvium behind the earliest enclosure rampart, and human finger bones found in the rampart. Possibly derived from an earlier burial cairn.",1,100,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 40042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41011,"Funerary remains have been confirmed in two areas previously, including a cremation in an urn which contained the remains of a middle-aged female. The cremation jar was dated to c. AD 80-130. Also, A tombstone was found in the general area in the 1960s with an inscription, interpreted as reading 'To the good gods of the underworld Flavius Fuscinus retired from the centurionship lived 55 years. To the good gods of the underworld Flavius Romanus, record-clerk, lived for 35 years killed in the fort by the enemy'.",80,130,1,1,,,1,,,1,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 41012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41015,"No good data, but the Roman samian vessel was recovered from 'Pots Land', the supposed site of a Roman cemetery where previous finds of a samian cup, and vessels with cremations have previously been recovered.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41022,"Part of the cemetery associated with the fort was revealed, including the remains of a large number of cremation burials (over 50). The date of the cemetery seems not to coincide with that of the vicus (which was principally 2nd-mid-3rd century), and there may have been another cemetery associated with the vicus. Most seem not to have had containers or markers though two were contained in lead caskets, another was beneath a pile of stones and others were associated with sherds of amphorae or coarse pottery. Seven other cremation burials , most with a few sherds of coarse pottery and one placed in a round oak box. Two others with nails and charcoal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41026,"At least five small cremation pits and one possible inhumation were revealed, as well as other depressions of uncertain status containing charcoal but no bone. Stratigraphically the cemetery post-dated the enclosure and ceramic evidence from two of the cremation deposits included Huntcliffe-type jars dating to the 2nd half of the 4th century and a third had a BB1 vessel of 4th century type. These vessels used as urns. The possible inhumation was represented by a north/south aligned rectangular cut containing a single nail, though no bone was recovered, probably due to the acidic soil. As this was not certainly a burial it has not been included in the data below.",340,400,5,5,,,,,,3,,,,,,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41028,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41031,"Cremation cemetery of up to nine cremations, though only one was fully excavated and another was subject to partial excavation. Also an upright stone which may have been a marker. The excavated cremation included two BB1 jars of mid-3rd century or later in date, one of which contained cremated bone, probably of an adult, but likely not to contain the whole body. The remaining cremations consisted of burnt patches in the subsoil with evidence of cremated bone and pottery on the surface. One consisted of the base of an upturned vessel. As these were unexcavated they have not been included in the data below. A small shard of glass recovered from the excavated cremation. Iron objects including nails and hobnails were also recovered. Some of the larger fragments may possibly have been tools or fittings. Copper-alloy fragments included at least two studs with sheet heads. Cremated bone from another probable cremation pit indicated that the remains were not a complete individual. They may possibly have been juvenile, but this was considered very uncertain.",250,400,2,2,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 41032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41035,"Human remains not closely dated, but at least 23 individuals recognised. Ages determined by dentition suggest 3 individuals of 6-7 years, 11 of 12-25 years, 4 of 25-50 years and 3+ over 50 years. No sexing data available. It is suggested that these may have been washed in to the cave from graves within the vicinity, though this perhaps unlikely. Finds recovered from the cave ranged from 1st century BC to as late as the 9th century (if Guido's date range for the glass beads of 5th-9th century BC is correct). Strong possibility that at least some of the human remains are of Roman date - several of the bones had bronze stains on their wrists, legs, ankles and a finger, suggesting that some of the finds recovered may originally have been worn by the deceased.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 41036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41042,"Amongst the finds reported from the cemetery area are some ambiguous discoveries of pottery vessels which may have been cremation urns but this is uncertain as not all contained bones. Only those containing cremated bone have been included in the burial statistics below. Notable finds included a funeral bed and pyre excavated by R Hogg and A Hall in 1948 (published in CWAAS transactions for 1949), as well as nails some apparently gilded, other iron fittings, fragmentary bronze, human cranial fragments and some iron weapons including a spear head, a bent sword and a four-barbed arrow-head (clearly a soldierâ??s burial). The excavators believed the bones had been removed from the pyre in order to be interred separately. A further pyre discovered in c. 1954, containing pine charcoal, bone, pottery sherds and nails, as well as traces of an oak bed-frame, charred feathers and what may have been wool. Also a further possible funerary coach discovered separately. A tomb group discovered in 1957 contained cremated bone in a samian vessel (dated AD 150/190), covered with a 2nd century BB1 dish, as well as iron nails, iron strips and charcoal (perhaps part of a chest or box). Another contained two knives, a possible punch or billet of iron as well as pottery vessels . Another burial group contained cremated bone and fragments of animal bone, and animal bones were present in several of the burials. Another cooking pot of early 4th century date used as a cremation urn included the graffito VROCATAE (this burial possibly detached from the main area of the cemetery). At least two stone cists also discovered, but no human remains or grave goods recovered. Other finds, presumably grave goods but not found in direct association with burials included a burnt and distorted disc brooch, another bronze brooch, a divided bow-brooch, stray pottery finds of 2nd-4th century and various other unstratified finds. Fragments of tombstones also discovered. Metal detector users and fieldwalkers have also picked up metal objects and much disarticulated burnt bone from the shoreline (see Brindle 2014). Where age data is available, one cremation appears to have contained an adult and a juvenile; another two, adults. None of the cremations analysed represented a complete human skeleton, and the best example contained only 1%-2% of a complete skeleton, though in some cases this is likely because they were disturbed, not necessarily due to selective inclusion of only some of the ashes (though this also likely). It is possible that some of the cremations were not human cremations as whilst some contained human and animal bones, in some no human bone was positively identified. The pottery recovered from the cemetery area ranged in date from the early-to-mid 2nd century to the second half of the fourth century AD. All pottery vessels thought associated with burials, some as urns, some as grave goods. Caruana notes that grave goods are rare, though several burials contained hobnails which have been included as grave goods for the statistics given here. Given the difficulties associated with the recovery of the material it is unclear precisely how many cremations are represented, but it seems a minimum of 15 contain both human bone and good evidence for a cremation burial (i.e. a burial pit or an urned burial), but there are a total of 55 individual groups of finds which may all relate to cremations.",100,400,15,15,,,,,1,3,,,,9,,8,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 41043,"Robinson discovered a number of burials, the remains of funerary pyres, calcined bones and a number of urns (no precise quantification) as well as a funerary monument depicting a snake and fishes ('the serpent stone'). Also three cists and three burials also placed under stone slabs, though most did not have stone slabs. Grave goods in at least some of the burials. Iron nails associated with a number of the burials. Four burials found beneath a pavement which was in front of the Serpent Stone. A tombstone probably for a child also found. A funeral pyre was identified adjacent to the circular building identified as a Romano-Celtic temple and a large number of burials (number uncertain) were also found. A nominal 7 burials have been included in number of burials for these early discoveries, though the number is likely to have been considerably greater. The University of Newcastle excavations immediately north east of the late Roman/post-Roman timber buildings revealed a small inhumation cemetery, which was separated from the structures by a fence. This cemetery included stone-lined long-cists and consisted of three north-south and four (later) east-west oriented graves. One of the earliest of these graves yielded a textile fragment with a calibrated radiocarbon date of AD 240-340 (with 95.4% probability), while the upper fill of another grave contained a House of Valentinian coin minted after AD 364. It is also noted that the later graves run on an east-west orientation, possibly indicating Christian practice. The earliest graves included one with evidence of a timber coffin (this one also had the 4th century coin). Skeletal evidence was fragmentary and no age or sex data was retrieved. Another grave had apparent plank lining though no skeletal material was recovered. The third of the earlier graves was small and may have been for a child - a grave good included a coiled glass bead necklace (this grave contained the textile, but no skeletal material). One of the graves contained a humerus, the size of which suggested a child aged 2-8. Only one of the later graves contained skeletal material, insufficient for ageing or sexing.",240,400,14,,7,,,,1,,,,,2,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 41044,"The grave contained a supine inhumation with the 'base of a red pod pot and fragments of another' next to the head. The grave was built of cobbles. 'The extreme slenderness of all the bones suggests a female'. The bones of a bird and the teeth of a squirrel were found 'as if upon the breast of the person buried'. The date of burial within the Roman period is uncertain, though pottery from the site included 2nd and late 3rd/early 4th century sherds.",100,300,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 41045,"A cremated burial is also reported to have been discovered, though its location is not known and there is little further information available. Other early reports of urns recovered from the river bank, though no precise information. Inscribed tombstones also known from the site.",,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 41046,"The cremation cemetery was in use during the third century AD. Using Black Burnished Ware 1 jars as the principal dating evidence, three phases were suggested for the use of the cemetery. Phase 1 from c. AD 200/220-240, Phase 2 from c. AD 240-270 and Phase 3 from c. AD 270-300/310. A slight refinement to deposits within Phase 3 which included Crambeck greywares allowed more precise dates of 280/285 to 300/310 were designated Phase 3b. This phasing relates to the cremation cemetery, but the excavation also included seven long cists which are likely to have contained inhumation burials, though in only one case were any traces of bone recovered due to the acidic soil environment. Three of these cists were made from fragments of Roman tombstones, indicating a Roman or later date. These may therefore potentially have been contemporary with the 3rd century cremation cemetery, though they are considered to probably have post-dated it. Some form of cist made from slabs of sandstone was noted in 69 of the cremation graves. Some appeared to have division of internal space allowing differential use of space within graves. People of all ages other than babies less than 6 months were interred in the cemetery. There are some changes with time: in Phase 1 people of all ages are found scattered throughout the area. In Phase 2 the graves of infants (defined in the report as those individuals aged 5 years or less) were concentrated around one the monumental towers. There are no infants assigned to Phase 3, possibly suggesting that the appropriate place to bury them had moved to an area of the cemetery that was not excavated. The dead were interred primarily in urned cremation burials (usually BB1 jars) accompanied by other pottery vessels and sometimes by glass vessels. A range of other funerary features was also recovered including deposits of pyre debris and deposits of pottery vessels without cremated bone. Funerary rites were strongly structured according to gender and age. The clearest difference was between the children and immature individuals and the adults. Adults were burnt on biers elaborately decorated with bone inlays surrounded by personal equipment and frequently accompanied by the remains of animals. Some of these were in the form of meat joints, but in other cases the entire carcass of the animal had been placed on the pyre. Pig was conspicuous by its rarity. Unusually, complete horse carcasses were occasionally placed on the pyre. In several cases women had been cremated accompanied by horses and military equipment. Children may either have had fewer pyre goods or had mainly ones which left little archaeological trace. Types of vessels placed in graves were also influenced by the age and sex of the deceased. Trier colour-coat beakers were clearly felt to be particularly appropriate for infants and children in the earliest years of the cemetery, both as urns and as grave goods. Dr. 33 samian bowls were the preserve of adults. Decorated Central Gaulish samian bowls made in the later 2nd century appear to have been reserved for mature adults - showing a possible association between old items and people who may have been the elders of the community, reflected again in some of the glass and metal vessels. This suggested there may have been differences in the funerary rituals of young and old adults, as well as those between children and adults. Differences between the sexes were also noted. Glass drinking cups, for example, were only placed in the graves of adult males. Phase 1 burials (c. AD 200/220-240) included 24 urned burials, 1 unurned burial, 11 deposits of redeposited pyre debris and one ''emptied deposit'', as well as 11 deposits of unknown character. Phase 2 burials (c. AD 240-270) included 52 urned burials, 2 unurned burials, 13 deposits of redeposited pyre debris, 6 special pot deposits and 11 deposits of unknown character. Phase 3 burials (c. AD 270-300/310) included 32 urned burials, 2 unurned burials, 6 deposits of redeposited pyre debris, 1 emptied deposit, 4 special pot deposits and 9 deposits of unknown character. Phase 3b (c. AD 280/285 to 300/310) included 9 urned burials, 1 unurned burial, 5 deposits of redeposited pyre debris, 2 special pot deposits, and 2 deposits of unknown character. Unphased funerary deposits included 6 urned burials, 3 unurned burials, 30 deposits of redeposited pyre debris, 2 emptied deposits and 40 deposits of unknown character. Note that within the ageing data 13 of the child adolescents were identified only as being infant-juveniles. Five individuals identified as juvenile to adult, between 5 and 100, have not been included in the ageing data below and neither has an individual identified only as being immature (up to 18). 67 of those included under adult were identified only as sub-adult to adult. Of the females 12 were certain, 4 were possible and 19 were less confidently identified. Of the males 9 were certain, 3 were possible and 14 were less confidently identified. Around 199? Cremations included grave and/or pyre goods. Personal ornaments recognised amongst the pyre goods include bead necklaces, gold earrings, lengths of gold chains, copper-alloy and silver brooches, iron bucket pendants, a gold pendant and a silver finger ring. Many of these objects probably worn whilst on the pyre. See publication and data available on ADS website (link in core data field) for detail of grave goods, but of note, 42 cremations contained hobnails, and 39 of these were adults and just 3 were infant/immature. Of 70 cremations with bone veneers from funerary piers 67 were adults and 3 were infant/immature. 62 cremations had pottery vessels as grave goods: 21 were adults, 3 were adult females, 6 were adult males, 4 were double cremations, 4 were infants, 4 were immature and 20 were uncertain. Coins were rare and do not seem to have generally played a part in the internment ritual here. Brooches were recovered from five urned cremations, and a possible silver melted brooch recovered from another. Many hundreds of bone veneers from funerary biers were recovered, and these were present in 108 graves. No certain pyre sites were identified. Two further cremation burials were recorded on the southern periphery of the cemetery by OA North in 2008: these are included in the stats below, though there is no detail on whether they were urned or age or sex data.",200,310,141,134,7,26,35,17,32,230,,,,199,,123,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 41047,Two cremation burials have been included with the data from the cemetery area in record 41046.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 41048,"Pits may have represented graves in which the human bone had deteriorated due to the acidic soil conditions. In two of these possible grave goods or votive deposits included a miniature BB1 ware jar/cooking pot and a bead necklace. There were also 71 cremation pits, some of which contained vessels. Many of these seemed to respect the earlier enclosures, although some went beyond the area of the enclosures. Bone from 34 of the 71 was subject to specialist analysis. The evidence suggests that each cremation pit contained the partial remains of one individual. In total 23 individuals were identified. Ages, where established, ranged from infants to mature/older adults (four infants, one older sub adult, three sub adult/adults, eight adults, one young mature adult, one mature adult and five older mature/older adults). Both males and females were buried, though there is no further detail in the report. It was clear that only a token amount of bone was included in the cremation pits for individuals. 24 vessels contained cremated bone. Black Burnished Ware jars were the most frequent urns, though a dish and bowl also contained cremations. Almost all of the imported vessels were of 3rd century date, indicating that this was the principal period of use for the cemetery. The cremations clearly represent a later phase of activity on the site as some cut into the earlier enclosures. The precise number of burials with grave goods is uncertain, though none contained goods of great value. The most frequent associations were bone in a domestic vessel along with a few nails and hobnails. Other grave goods found in lesser quantities included secondary vessels, two single coins (one of which was in the cremation vessel), and three brooches. Animal bone was also represented - at least two burials contained cremated animal or bird bone. A tombstone was found face down covering an infant burial, probably displaced in the later period. It is dedicated to a woman, Aelia Sentica.",200,300,71,71,,,,4,1,18,,,,,2,25,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 41049,"A single cremation burial in a small pit was contained in a 3rd century BB1 cooking pot, recovered from the vicus area. The urn contained two infants (one between 2-4 and the other younger, probably up to 18 months). Thought to have been buried when the area had been abandoned. A substantial body sherd from a Nene Valley colour coated indented beaker may have been deliberately deposited with the cremation.",200,300,1,1,,,,2,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 41050,"Possible funerary enclosures represented by ditches. Two small sub-circular pits south of the cremation cemetery excavated in the 1960s (database record 41046). One of these contained tiny fragments of calcined bone; the other feature yielded a few small flecks and fragments that may be burnt bone. In addition, several other discrete, charcoal-rich features were also tentatively identified as cremations, and small amounts of burnt bone were present in spreads of charcoal-rich material in the same area. Thought to represent at least two unurned cremations, perhaps more. Date uncertain.",,,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 42001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42003,No data but see 42004.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42004,"Skeleton of an adult male of 30-40 years of age, no discernible cause of death. Stable carbon isotope suggested that marine foods did not make a significant contribution to diet. No grave recognised on discovery. C14 dating of the skeleton dated it to the Roman period (1785±50 BP - cal AD 95-385). The burial seems to have been unfurnished.",95,385,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42005,"The skull is thought to have belonged to a male aged 20-30, who had been decapitated and had a cord around his neck. It was unclear whether the injuries were committed before or after death. Also evidence for injuries including a fracture to the top of the skull. A single radiocarbon date indicated a Romano-British date (1800 ? 70 BP). Recent work by the University of Manchester included a CT scan which revealed a probable spear tip in the man's neck.",125,265,1,,,1,,,,1,,1,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42006,"No good data, though Jackson describes the recovery of human remains, alongside some animal bones, beneath a limestone block in the cave. The date of many of these remains is uncertain, though a Neolithic rather than Roman date is probable. As well as disarticulated adult bones, parts of an infant were recovered. Other disarticulated bone also present, including fragments of a human skull. The report notes variation in colour of some bones, including some human bones, indicating some were of greater age than others, and flint objects were associated with some of the remains. Unassociated and unclear if related, but in one chamber which produced a large quantity of human bones, seemingly of many individuals, an antler (red-deer) weaving come was discovered. Unclear if any of the bones are Romano-British.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42014,No direct burial evidence found other than the tombstone (see finds data for the inscription).,90,120,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 42015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42017,A small fragment of tentatively identified human tibia recovered from a layer of Roman dumping.,100,200,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42022,"Disturbed material from 77-79 Penny Street produced many flecks of bone, probably derived from cremation burials, and a number of cuts may have been disturbed cremations. The difficulty in identifying obvious cuts for the deposition of cremated bone, the lack of clearly inurned burials and the obviously disturbed nature of the site, hampers the interpretation of this phase and the close dating of the features within it. Even so, sufficient evidence exists to suggest that what was found was part of a Romano-British cremation cemetery, including a discrete possible family plot, which was reused repeatedly from possibly the second through to the fourth century AD. A further possible cremation was recovered during work at 81 Penny Street, though this identification was not confirmed in the 2003 report. Burials recovered during the excavation at King Street included 12 certain or possible cremations and six possible inhumations. The cremations included a cremation with a cinerary urn and a further vessel within a shallow pit (possibly a â??double cremationâ??), a single inurned cremation inserted directly into a small cut as well as a void filled with loose charcoal-rich soil and burnt bone, as well as iron nails suggesting either a box or that they were hobnails. Also a â??doubleâ?? cremation with two adjacent urns, a single cremation without an urn but with iron nails and burnt bone, and a charcoal-rich cut with some bone â?? these all cutting the earlier mortuary enclosure. South of the enclosure a small group of cremations was concentrated in a cluster, one of which was excavated during the previous evaluation and another dug during the excavation. Much variation in the quantity of bone recovered from each of the cremations. The pottery associated with the cremations suggested a mid-2nd/3rd century date. Individuals where age and sex were identified included an urned female aged c. 20-35, including 93 hobnails. A pit contained a sub-adult and a possible immature individual, unclear if urned. Another urn contained a possible adult female. An unurned cremation contained a possible adult female together with a young infant. Another was an adult or sub-adult aged 16-20. Another was an adult, possibly female aged 20-40. 3 further unsexed adults. Burnt animal bone represents possible evidence of pyre offerings in three burials. Suggestion that some small amounts of cremated bone may have been associated with cenotaph deposits (perhaps two of these). In all cases however only a small proportion of the bone generated by the cremation process was actually seemingly deposited in the grave. Six possible inhumations were also recorded, represented by rectangular features cutting through the cremations, but no firm evidence for inhumation. There was also a 1987 discovery in Penny Street of a cremation in a Black Burnished ware vessel dating from the mid-2nd century AD. There is considerable earlier evidence for Roman burials in Lancaster, with discoveries dating back to at least the 18th century. These are summarised in Iles and Shotter 2009 and are not included here as none are from modern excavations and not all are well provenanced. However, urned burials, inhumations, tombstones, monumental stones and a tile tomb are all known.",100,250,13,13,,,4,1,1,12,,,,4,,5,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE 42023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42027,"During the late 2nd century an urned adult mature female (c30-45 years) cremation was placed in the backfilled perimeter trench of the short-lived structure/enclosure associated with special deposits. Approx. 33-42% of the average bone weight for an adult cremation present. Cremated bird bone (chicken sized) and burnt pottery sherds were mixed with the burial, and the urn was a late 2nd century vessel. Suggestion that at least one pyre good was present (the chicken).",175,200,1,1,,,1,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 42028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42030,"An isolated early Roman cremation burial recovered. No further detail on this. Disarticulated fragments of skull, a tibia and a coccyx recovered from Roman contexts in 1992.",75,200,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 42031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42044,"No bone was recovered, but a sub-circular feature containing box fittings, two complete grey ware jars and a samian dish thought likely to have been an inhumation grave, adjacent to the road. The pottery was of Hadrianic-early Antonine date.",120,150,1,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 42045,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 42046,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43001,"Three infant burials found, two in foundation trenches of late 3rd C AD masonry building, one in the fill of a stone lined tank in the same building. Also two cremation burials on the boundaries of the farmstead. One was un-urned and another placed in a coarseware jar of 3rd C AD date. The fill of the grave contained sherds from other vessels of later 2nd-3rd C AD date.",200,300,5,2,3,,,3,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 43002,"A number of burials were found associated with the settlement. These included four infant burials associated with the late Roman rubble enclosure bank and another undated infant lying immediately below modern ploughsoil. Other burials comprised a poorly dated crouched adolescent male lying in a N-S grave (4m north of the inner boundary in southern part of settlement), extended supine burial of an adult male, aligned E-W in a stone-lined grave (along with many coffin nails), beneath the southern end of the western boundary bank (radiocarbon dated to 2nd C AD), and a supine elderly female aligned N-S in a stone lined grave inserted into a disused corn-dryer. The grave also contained the articulated remains of a badger. Two gilded copper alloy bracelets were found on the wrists of the skeleton along with sherds of late Roman pottery. A radiocarbon date indicated mid 4th to 5th C AD.",100,450,8,,8,2,1,5,1,2,,,1,1,1,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 43003,"A single cist grave using old roofing tile set into a bank, possibly a field boundary in use during the later 4th/5th C AD after the settlement had gone out of use. An infant lay within the grave.",350,450,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43004,"The nearby cemetery may have started in the late Roman period, but no further details here.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43006,"Seven infant burials were found within the settlement. The earliest burials may have been the three infants in one grave pit, associated with one of the earliest roundhouses, dating c AD 40-70, suggested as a possible foundation deposit. Three of the burials were sealed or partially sealed by the rubble enclosure bank (2nd C AD). A radiocarbon date from one infant in the NW of the site gave 30 cal BC - 250 cal AD (95%). Also one early adolescent burial, 100m NW of the settlement.",50,200,8,,8,,,7,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 43007,"Five burials were excavated across the settlement, but no formal cemetery was revealed. One adult ?male burial was in an urned cremation dating to the late 3rd C AD, while the other four were inhumations, 2 found amongst the bathhouse structure and two in an area of gullies to the NW. These were only broadly dated later 2nd to 4th C AD and comprised: extended supine adult male burial (bathhouse), a crouched adult male burial, a disturbed adult female burial (bathhouse) and an infant burial. The infant was the only burial with grave goods - two worn copper alloy bracelets. A stone carving of a lion is thought to have been from a funerary monument.",150,350,5,1,4,3,1,1,,4,,,1,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 43008,"A small cemetery group of six burials, all contained within an outer enclosure, most within a linear plot. The westernmost grave contained only a skull, while further east one poorly preserved skeleton was in a stone-lined (cist) grave (large sandstone blocks). Another better preserved supine adult was in a limestone lined grave, while one more disturbed grave was partly stone lined. Another grave had been cut into the top of a boundary ditch (a stone was found beneath the supine skeleton's knee), while the final grave had been disturbed by a medieval ditch. The overall pottery assemblage from the site dates the burials to the later Roman period.",250,350,6,,6,2,2,,,5,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 43009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43010,"A series of inhumation burials found across the site. Two inhumation burials were originally set into the internal bank of the later Iron Age enclosure and then redeposited in the final backfill of the enclosure ditch (radiocarbon date of 170 cal BC to cal AD 60 from one). A pit near the back of the enclosure contained the leg bones of a juvenile with a similar radiocarbon date. Two adult female flexed inhumations found 70m west of the enclosure, 5m apart, but both had radiocarbon dates of the middle Iron Age.",-100,50,3,,3,1,,,1,2,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 43011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43012,"Two urned cremation burials were found amongst the field ditches to the north of the settlement, probably dating to the 2nd C AD. Both were of adult, one possibly male. A fragment of burnt decorated bone inlay lay within one of the urns, probably from a casket placed in the pyre. A fragment of adult human jaw bone also found within the enclosure ditch (probably 4th C AD in date).",100,200,2,2,,1,,,,2,,,,,,2,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 43013,"Two fragments of human skull found in the cave, though undated.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43014,"Seven inhumation burials had been found in the 1930s/40s dug through the demolished northern villa range (one not examined). These comprised 5 adult female and 1 adult male (other uncertain). The bodies had been placed in rough stone cists (re-used roof slabs), slightly cut into the floors. A coin of AD 335 was possibly in association with one burial, and a silver finger ring with another. Previously, (1888), the excavators record the finding of 43 human skeletons, most found in three rooms of the same northern range. These are said to have represented 37 men, 4 woman and 2 children. Also noted were 3 horses in the same area. It was stated in the report that with the exception of four individuals, all of the other skeletons lay on the floor of the rooms, in a variety of positions (some crouched). The only finds was a single glass bead. In addition, miscellaneous human fragments are said to have been found across the villa site.",300,400,50,,50,38,9,2,,47,,,1,3,,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 43015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43018,"Two poorly preserved supine human inhumations were revealed aligned along the east-west boundary of one of the fields. Both lay in cut graves, one showing the possible remains of a coffin. Both were sub-adult or young adult (17-25 years).",150,300,2,,2,,,,,2,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43020,"'Human remains' reported in 1866, lying 40m to the east of the building. No further information.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43021,"Various mixed rite cemeteries are known to have been clustered about the settlement, particularly above the road leading to Caerleon, but as yet there is little quantified data. Large numbers (?100+) of burials (mostly cremation) were found along a 1.5km stretch of road from the bridge crossing the Usk near Caerleon to nearing the SW boundary of the settlement. The majority were simple cremations with no evidence of containers, although several amphora burials were present. Within the cemetery several structures were located, among them a partly-robbed mortuary house on a rock-cut platform and the remains of a robbed/ ploughed-out masonry enclosure associated with substantial fragments of monumental masonry, including a relief decorated with stylised foliage - presumably some kind of mausoleum. It is suggested that this cemetery most likely relates to the Caerleon fortress rather than to the Bulmore settlement itself, and so they have not been included in the numbers here. Most burials associated with the roadside settlement seem to have been made immediately to the south of the built-up area, on the hillslope. Five inhumation burials were found in 1983-4 excavations, one contained in a bath stone coffin, the rest in wooden coffins within stone slab lined cists. All were arranged along the hillslope above the buildings, 50m back from the road. A 3rd C AD black-burnished ware jar came from one grave and hobnails from another. These burials may have been surrounded by masonry walls (mortuary enclosures). A further cist burial with coffin nails was found nearby in 2005, while another cist grave found in 2008. A small stone shrine/mausoleum overlay this grave. Poor preservation of human remains in all graves. There are also suggestions of disturbed cremation burials in the area. In addition, an area containing cremation burials and paving was discovered c. 350 m to the east of the centre of the settlement at the base of the hillslope. The two cremations lay close to the line of the road and are likely to have been part of a larger cemetery. One cremation had traces of a bronze pin. Another inhumation cemetery lay c 1km east of the settlement and is detailed in ID 43045. Fragments of inscribed tombstones were found within the various buildings of the settlement.",100,325,9,2,7,,,,,,,,,3,7,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 43022,"Immediately to the north of the southern building was an adult male inhumation burial in an east-west position, with a headstone and a footstone. The pelvis rested upon a sandstone roof tile. Also fragments of an infant skull found on the floor of a room in the villa, possibly associated with a 4th c AD coin",200,325,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43023,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43027,"Three inhumation burials lay in the upper fill of the earlier enclosure ditch, and are probably contemporary with the later phase of settlement. They comprise a crouched adult male, a young adult female (with an iron brooch) and an adult of unknown sex (with two iron brooches).",50,100,3,,3,1,1,,,3,,,1,2,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 43028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43029,A fragment of lower human jaw from an adult male was found.,250,350,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43034,"A 2nd/3rd C AD urned cremation burial lay to the east of the northernmost building. The urn comprised a Black-burnished ware pot. No other grave goods noted and no further details. In addition, at c 300m further north a Roman period inhumation burial was unearthed during groundworks for a housing development. It lay N-S within a bath stone coffin and was a supine adult. No grave goods and no independent dating but it could have been associated with this settlement. Quantities of disarticulated human bone were also recorded nearby in 1996.",150,250,2,1,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 43035,"Two urned cremation burials located near a major road. The urns were of Usk Fortress ware, dated to AD 60. Grave goods comprised a flagon, a green glazed beaker, and two brooches. There were previous discoveries of cremation burials along the main road (though no details) and so it is likely that is part of a cemetery.",60,75,2,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 43036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43037,"Scattered cremated human remains came from pre-Flavian contexts at 22-4 Monnow St, along with brooches, pottery, metalwork and glass. Possibly part of a cemetery 50m from the V-shaped ditch which is suggested as part of the early Roman fort.",50,70,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 43038,"Human bones (remains of two adult individuals, 1 male, 1 female) were found in the area of the annex enclosures and it has been suggested that these may have been connected with funerary ritual. It remains uncertain if these represent formal burials.",-50,100,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43039,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43041,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43042,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43043,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43044,A small fragment of human skull found in 1930s excavation.,-100,100,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43045,"A total of 15 inhumation burials, which comprised the substantial part of a roadside cemetery within a rectangular ditched enclosure. Only the lower parts of the grave-cuts had survived. Five graves were in slab-built cists and 7 had evidence for wooden coffins in the form of iron nails; another was probably a shroud burial. No grave goods mentioned. Close to one grave was a shallow pit with cremated bone and charcoal, perhaps an un-urned cremation. Few details on the skeletons which were poorly preserved and probably a mixture of adults and juveniles. Wood from a single grave provided a radiocarbon date of cal AD 70-220 at 1 sigma.",100,300,16,1,15,,,,,,,,,,7,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE 43046,"No burials found during 1986 excavation, but evidence for burial activity c 800m north of the fort (SO 30261474) in the form of a cremation burial within a cist grave (found 1848, un-urned but with 10 accompanying vessels including samian) and 'skeletal material'. Also in 1992 at least two further cremation burials found in the same area, both contained within jars and accompanied by a beaker, two small brooches and an iron ring. These were dated c AD 60. (see K J Pollock 2006, p.163)",60,100,3,3,,,,,,,,,,3,,2,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 43047,At least one disturbed cremation burial associated with the vicus. No further details.,75,150,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 43048,"Three cremation pits, possibly within a ditched enclosure, though no certain associated settlement. One contained cremated material along with fragments of a small pot and flagon. Another contained cremated material along with pottery fragments and iron nails (a box?). The final grave contained cremated material and corroded iron objects and nails - probably a box. A small square gully (4.5m sq) surrounded the grave, probably a funerary marker/small mausoleum structure. Pottery and a coin dated 1st C AD.",60,100,3,3,,,,,,,,,,1,,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE 43049,"A crouched adult burial was found dug into the silted up ditch of the hillfort and the excavator suggested a late Roman date on the basis of its stratigraphic position, and the 2nd-4th C AD pottery found in the site.",200,400,1,,1,,,,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43050,"A N-S aligned inhumation burial within a 'semi-circular grave', covered with limestone blocks. No sign of a coffin though two iron nails were noted. A late 3rd C AD coin hoard was reported to have 'lay beside the body' in a fabric container.",250,300,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 43051,"At least two inhumation burials were revealed during the quarrying, though no further information of the skeletal material. Probable grave goods comprise 3 coins of 2nd-3rd C AD date, 3 copper alloy brooches, an iron finger ring, a copper alloy cosmetic set and a glass bead. A stone coffin with a female inhumation was discovered within 300m of the site (GGAT ref 00171g) and is included here. This is not closely dated.",200,300,3,,3,,1,,,1,,,,2,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 43052,At least six north-south inhumation burials revealed contained in 'rude coffins or cists' with no covering stones. Finds (grave goods?) comprise a greyware pottery vessel and 6 iron nails (at least 1 coffin indicated on this basis). Dated approximately to 2nd-4th C AD.,100,400,6,,6,,,,,,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 43053,"A single inhumation burial in a rough stone cist covered by a capstone, possibly associated with a ceramic dish and jar of 2nd-4th C AD date. More burials were found nearby on the crest of a hill, but not dated at all.",100,400,1,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 43054,"A truncated pit-burial (i.e. placed in pre-existing pit) with sherds of 1st C AD pottery in the fill (including Severn valley ware) 2) remains the only certain pre-5th/6th C AD burial on site, though it is possible that burial in the main cemetery did commence in the late Roman period. Six later burials contained Roman hobnails, 3 with Roman coins, 2 with Roman brooches and 5 with Roman glass beads, but these are still likely to be post-Roman in date.",1,100,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43055,A single un-urned cremation burial revealed as a series of distinct pockets of charcoal and cremated bone. A Roman copper alloy cup with a silver zoomorphic leopard handle lay on the edge of the one of the pockets.,60,100,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 43056,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43057,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43058,"A series of burials across the site were considered to be post-fortress, dating from the late 1st to 4th C AD. 1) cremated remains of an adult male within the late 2nd C AD BB1 ware jar, along with a worked bone object, which had been placed on the byre (hairpin?). Some cremated bone found outside of the container. 2) cremation in a jar of local fabric (2nd C AD date). Probably female. 3) One of a series of roadside burials - traces of burnt bone found in 9 places but only ne in situ burial - a cremation in a redware flagon (L1st/2nd C AD). Adult and juvenile bone. Associated animal bone. 4) later 1st C urned cremation with iron nail and glass phial(burnt) 5) Series of graves along a road: 2 cremations (1 urned, another disturbed), 5 inhumations (acid destroyed skeletal material). Evidence for coffins. Broad 2nd-4th C AD date. 6) Group of (3+) 3rd C AD cremation burials lining road. Tombstones also found.",75,400,14,9,5,1,1,,1,3,,,,3,5,5,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 43059,"A group of 12 inhumation graves, partially lined with stones (uncertain if cist graves). Original reports suggest a coin was found within each grave, all of late 3rd-mid 4th C AD date. Other finds (which may or may not be grave goods) comprised brooches, a copper alloy spoon, and pottery. No details on the inhumations.",250,350,12,,12,,,,,,,,,12,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 43060,A single inhumation burial within 3m of a copper alloy vessel with 3 gold finger rings and a hoard of 282 coins. These cannot be demonstrated to be grave goods.,250,350,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43061,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43062,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43063,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43064,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43065,"An adult burial within a stone sarcophagus (made from two pieces of bath stone - lid and container), which was set into a N-S rectangular grave. The burial was in a prone position with head to the north. No trace of inner coffin or grave goods.",,,1,,1,,,,,1,1,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 43066,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44002,"A crouched adult female inhumation burial within a pit was radiocarbon dated to 160+-60 BC, while two infant burials were found within occupation horizons.",-100,1,4,,4,,1,3,,1,,,1,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 44003,"Three pits contained the bone stains of crouched inhumations, at least one of which dated to the late Iron Age by radiocarbon dating (390 cal BC - 5 cal AD) and two copper alloy brooches of later Iron Age-early Roman date. One of the other burials contained a cluster of large boulders and a fragment of copper alloy. Nearby were at least 22 E-W graves arranged in rows, some with faint bone stains of inhumations. The only dating evidence was a single radiocarbon date of 265-640 cal AD from a coffin stain (so dating the coffin not the individual). Three of the graves were marked by surrounding rectangular wooden structures (buildings or palisades defined by beam slots). 9 graves contained coffin stains. No grave goods. Also three possible children's graves.",-50,650,25,,25,,,,,,,,3,2,9,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 44004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44005,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44007,An urned cremation burial was found in 1909 within 1km of the fort. The cremated remains were found in the Black-burnished ware jar along with unidentified iron. Dated 1st-2nd C AD.,75,125,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 44008,"A flexed burial was found in a rock cut pit on the promontory in 1842 and may be associated with the (Iron Age?) settlement. Disarticulated human bone was found in supposed late Iron Age contexts (along with animal bone). Two inhumation burials probably data to the later Roman period. They were in the area of the southern entrance to the enclosure and comprised: 1) Adult female, with legs slightly flexed; 2) female(?) child, 6-7 years, slightly flexed No grave goods noted and no formal grave/pit noted - they appeared to be lying directly on the subsoil, though the adult had a large stone placed on the head. 13 fragments of disarticulated human bone found in late Roman contexts.",-100,400,3,,3,,1,,1,1,,,3,,,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 44009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44015,"An urned Roman cremation deposit is known from the farmyard at Cwmbrwyn, some 200m to the east of the villa. No further details.",,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44027,"A single cremation grave comprising a greyware urn containing the remains of two individuals (multiple burial) - an adult and child. In association were two ceramic oil lamps (one large, one small) of later 1st-2nd C AD date, fragments of an unburnt glass vessel, iron nails and burnt worked bone.",75,200,1,1,,,,,1,1,,,,1,,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 44028,"One pit excavated within the vicus contained a possible cremation deposit, visible as a concentration of burnt bone on the surface of the trench prior to excavation. Earlier excavations revealed an 'extensive cemetery' SE of the fort/vicus, though only six cremation urns recorded. Uncertain if grave goods.",70,200,7,7,,,,,,,,,,,,6,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 44029,"At least one of the three individuals represented by skeletal material within the cave was of Roman date, radiocarbon dated cal AD 240-400. The layer also contained a large number of animal bones, along with four pieces of copper alloy wire ('hinges') and pottery sherds, possibly of Roman date.",240,400,1,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 44030,An urned cremation burial inserted into an earlier Bronze Age barrow. The urn was a 2nd c AD black-burnished ware jar. Found in probable association were an aureus of Titus (AD 79-81) and coins of Vespasian.,100,150,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 44031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44032,"Possible cremated human bone found in pit with animal remains, but no report within draft post-excavation document.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 44034,"A sub-rectangular pit nearby was suggested as a possible grave, but no skeletal material survived.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45003,No data but some features suggested to be graves.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45004,"Two human skulls found by Hay in late 18th century, seemingly associated with one of the stone buildings which was subsequently interpreted as a mausoleum, though there is apparently little other evidence for this attribution.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45005,"No data, but 19th century discoveries reportedly included urned cremations associated with Roman finds.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45008,"Six burials and many more bones, possibly six adults and a juvenile. These were not dated with certainty, but regarded as likely to be Romano-British based on the finds recovered from the cave, though they were not found in clear association.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45011,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45015,"No data but In 1801 a 'kind of vault' was discovered just outside the centre of the east defences of Pen-y-gaer fort. Thomas Payne considered it to have been an ossuary as human bones were found within it (Jones & Hankinson, 2012).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45018,"Skeletal material was fragmentary, and the only two complete skeletons and several other remains appear to have been Iron Age - 3rd-2nd century BC. However, a conquest period skull of an adult female along with some other bones were recovered from a ditch. Also some other disarticulated bones of this period.",50,100,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45019,"No skeletal data but one shallow elongated pit contained no artefacts but thought possibly to be an inhumation grave, and two intercutting graves were considered likely to be of Romano-British date. One contained the outline of a wooden coffin and contained iron nails. The silhouette of an inhumation burial was visible in the base of the grave, with the remains of a pair of hobnail boots surviving at one end. The other also contained the outline of a coffin. Also a possible fourth grave, though not certainly an inhumation.",75,250,2,,2,,,,,,,,,1,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 45020,Early 19th century report of a complete jar containing cremated remains suggests a cemetery may have been sited to the south or west of the fort.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45022,"Finds of skeletons reported during the 19th century. Also two inhumations were located north of the complex during the construction of a garage, both aligned north-south, heads to the south. Sandstone used in the lining of one of the graves and tiles (tegulae) used in the other, suggesting that the burials date to c. AD 150 or later. Conditions of both skeletons poor. One aged 25-35 years - sexing data poor but possibly a female or very lightly built male. The other was 30-40 years, though no sexing information available. Above this skeleton were four pieces of re-used lead sheet, one of which was marked with stars and crosses, pierced in several places with iron nails, indicating that the body had been placed in a wooden coffin. The lead was covered by two courses of sandstone blocks, perhaps intended to mark the grave's position.",150,250,2,,2,,1,,,2,,,,,1,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 45023,"An infant inhumation burial was associated with the IA farmstead, enclosed by a timber fence. A radiocarbon date from the timber stakes around the burial produced a date of 30±60 BC. Two further fragmentary infant skeletons were located from layers in one of the later (Romano-British) buildings which dated from c. AD 120-140. Both around new born or full-term still birth age.",-90,30,3,,3,,,3,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE 45024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45026,"No clear evidence for cremation or inhumation, but Boon suggested the finds may have been high status grave goods, noting in particular the paterae and the iron fire dog. Whilst there is no direct evidence for an inhumation burial, the acidic burial environment may have removed all traces of bone.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45028,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45031,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 45032,"Finds included a 'grave' area, where human bones, representing up to 31 individuals were found, of whom at least 12 likely to be adults; male and female both represented. Calculated that the disarticulated remains related to 14 adults and 26 non-adults. The burials were regarded as being more likely to be of Roman rather than prehistoric date. Artefacts from the 'grave' included a dolphin brooch, a sestertius of Trajan, an iron finger ring (x2), a fragment of bone ring, part of an iron pin or nail, a bone pin, a probable pin from a penannular brooch, a bow brooch and sherds of pottery. A notable number of children's bones were recovered from one location, mostly skull bones - at least 8 children present and 4 adults from this one location. Ages of children ranging from 6-8 years, mostly 6-7. All bone apparently disarticulated, though perhaps originally deposited as burials and subsequently disturbed.",100,180,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 45033,"Three cremation burials found during the excavations, close to the area of a rectangular structure identified as a possible 'mausoleum'. One pit contained a possible flagon, 35 nail fragments and the remains of a child of approx. 6 years. Another put contained cremated bone and 23 nail fragments - this probably an adult male. The third pit contained part of a BB ware cooking pot containing cremated bone - an adult female. Parts of a chain also found within one of the cremations. A further cremation was found in a separate excavation during construction work to the north - a young adult male in a grey ware jar of Flavian/Trajanic date. Also 12 inhumations which were undated. Possibly Christian (based on orientation), and regarded as probably early medieval (half cut the RB trackway).",75,200,4,4,,2,1,,1,,,,,,,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE 46001,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46002,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46003,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46004,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46005,"No data, but see site summary for early medieval cemetery.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46006,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46007,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46008,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46009,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46010,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46011,"A female inhumation was placed in the fill of the enclosure ditch, probably aged around 35-45 years at death. The burial dated to the second half of the 2ndC AD and was covered with large rounded stones. An iron bar and a repaired BB1 jar was placed at the foot of the individual. A dress ring was found on the finger.",150,200,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE 46012,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46013,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46014,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46015,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46016,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46017,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46018,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46019,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46020,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46021,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46022,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46023,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46024,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46025,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46026,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46027,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46028,"Some human bone recovered, but the site was also used for Bronze Age burial so none can be determinably Roman in date.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46029,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46030,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46031,"No data, though the site included a Bronze Age cremation cemetery and an early medieval inhumation cemetery.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46032,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46033,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46034,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46035,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46036,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46037,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46038,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE 46039,"The dating of the barrows are tentative and based upon the dating of the fort, but Pollock (2006, based upon Philpott 1991) suggests that the form of the barrows and the implied, use of cremation in a military context, is of continental origin. The cemeteries do not appear to be enclosed, but some of the barrows are individually within square bank and ditch features.",75,140,18,18,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE 46040,No data,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE