ID,BONE_SUMMARY,TOTAL_FRAGMENT,SIEVED,SHEEP_GOAT_NISP,SHEEP_GOAT_ABGS,CATTLE_NISP,CATTLE_ABGS,PIG_NISP,PIG_ABGS,HORSE_NISP,HORSE_ABGS,DOG_NISP,DOG_ABGS,CAT_NISP,CAT_ABGS,RED_DEER_B_NISP,RED_DEER_A_NISP,RED_DEER_ABGS,ROE_DEER_B_NISP,ROE_DEER_A_NISP,ROE_DEER_ABGS,DEER_UNSPEC_NISP,HARE_NISP,HARE_ABGS,OTHER_MAMM_NISP,OTHER_MAMM_ABGS,DOM_FOWL_NISP,DOM_FOWL_ABGS,WETLAND_FOWL_NISP,FISH,FISH_NISP,MARINE_SHELL,EGG_SHELL,ABGS_IN_NISP,DATE_START,DATE_END,OTHER_WILD_FOWL_NISP 1001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1002,"Recorded total is 78% of total assemblage. Massively dominated by sheep recovered from a few pits in the temple precinct, possibly redeposited from middens. Evidence of element selectivity and for bi-annual sacrifice at festivals. Most deposited late 1st-early 2nd C, but continuing into 3rd C.","30,010",FALSE,"29,570",,35,,106,,1,,47,,2,,,,,,,,,10,1,,,226,,4,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,75,350, 1003,"Small assemblage mainly from late 3rd/4th century contexts. Cattle most common and were of a very large size - perhaps imported from the continent? A well contained sparrowhawk and thrush bones in addition to eel, herring, pike, scad and plaice/flounder. Overall assemblage suggests affluent life-style and overseas contacts.",411,TRUE,8,,99,,7,,5,,,,1,,1,2,,,,,,3,,,,20,,15,TRUE,104,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,120,400,154 1004,Only 783 of 3499 animal bones identified to species. Cattle and sheep/goat principal species.,"3,499",TRUE,134,,380,,52,3,70,,5,,,,2,3,,3,1,,,1,,,,3,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,375, 1005,"454 of 1550 animal bones identified to species. Most bones from LIA-ER ditch, including partially articulated cattle remains.","1,550",FALSE,64,,168,1,17,,19,,3,,1,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 1006,52 animal bones (26 ID to species),52,FALSE,4,,14,,5,,,,2,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,350, 1007,4 bones recovered,4,FALSE,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,40,120, 1008,"Most bones from central enclosure including two cattle skulls. Indicated as primary butchery waste, but also possibly part of structured deposits.",305,FALSE,8,,168,,,,,,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,50, 1009,Most bones from ditches and roundhouse gullies.,491,FALSE,40,,57,,18,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,60, 1010,"Large assemblage but only partially recorded. 1 articulated sheep burial. General increase in cattle husbandry over time, but sheep and pig well represented. Sea fishing and oyster culture also represented.",448,FALSE,90,1,193,,38,,2,,11,,1,,,2,,,,,1,,,,,8,,2,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,50,400,2 1011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1012,"Large animal bone assemblage (14284 ID to species) with main emphasis on cattle, but with increasing % of horse in LR contexts. Concentration in killing older animals. Little evidence for structured deposits except four partial dog burials (3 in one ABG), a pig burial and two articulated cattle limbs. Oyster present in 699 contexts. Goose/swan egg found in association with infant burial.","17,303",TRUE,"1,924",,"9,641",2,744,1,"1,628",,99,4,,,100,57,,13,10,,,3,,,,40,,19,FALSE,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,1,400,4 1013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1014,"A substantial assemblage from later Iron Age and early Roman contexts, dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. 1506 identified to species. A small amount of oyster shell.","8,823",FALSE,533,,596,,232,,104,,48,,,,7,,,9,,,3,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,125, 1015,A substantial assemblage from a confined chronology. Slight shift in emphasis in ER phase from S/G to cattle. High degree of post-depositional fragmentation. Five complete or partial skeletons.,"20,346",FALSE,"1,969",2,"2,230",,"1,466",1,125,1,83,1,,,1,,,2,,,,2,,,,1,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-75,75, 1016,"Animal bone from three main sites, BLS (3199), DCS (2780) and DFS (7820). Cattle dominant species throughout. The high number of horse bones is from one site (DCS) in general Roman phase. Also 319 fragments of animal bone from the early Roman cremations on DFS site - mostly pig (188) and chicken (not included in species breakdown).","14,118",FALSE,"1,314",,"6,119",,436,,"1,470",,801,3,,,15,36,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,1,400, 1017,5310 ID to species. Cattle dominant and thought that cattle breeding occurred on a large scale. Some features had large quantities of cattle skull fragments.,"5,969",FALSE,501,,"1,667",,242,,194,,52,1,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,27,,3,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,370, 1018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1020,"27 ID to species: cattle, SG, horse and pig. Most from one pit with daub and pottery - structured deposit?",81,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,50, 1021,40 ID to species,378,TRUE,11,,28,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,250, 1022,Only small quantity of burnt animal bone. No ID.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,120, 1023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1024,No quantified bones from the LIA phase,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1026,Small but well-preserved assemblage. Fish bones all from eel. Large dumps of oyster shell.,720,FALSE,184,,253,,53,,54,,147,1,5,,,,,2,,,,1,,,,12,,1,TRUE,29,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,-50,400,8 1027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1029,"Modest assemblage 3 red deer antler from shrine. Cattle dominated, especially in LR period.","1,006",FALSE,274,,623,,23,,71,,3,,,,3,4,,1,,,,,,,,4,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 1030,81 bones from M-LIA contexts (listed in Phase 1) and 236 from Roman contexts. Partial pig skeleton in Roman context.,236,FALSE,45,,152,,14,1,22,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 1031,"No report on faunal remains but evidence for cattle, s/g and chicken",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350, 1032,"A substantial assemblage from Roman contexts (see Phase 1 for bone from mid/late Iron Age contexts). Just 1033 identified to species, very much dominated by cattle. Many oyster shells found.","8,060",FALSE,165,,649,,56,,113,,27,,1,,8,1,,2,1,,2,,,,,4,,2,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 1033,"No quantification of species provided, but cattle dominated assemblage. Also s/g, pig, horse & domestic fowl. Many bones smashed indicating marrow extraction.","14,000",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,325, 1034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1035,"Animal bone from 9 of the cremation burials, probably food offerings. Not quantified but mostly pig bone. 36 bones from other features, mostly cattle. Included fish bones (eel).",200,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-25,125, 1036,Small assemblage included two dog skeletons found in ditch. Also vertebra from medium sized whale.,211,TRUE,37,,61,,8,,3,,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 1037,"Small assemblage, most unidentified.",99,FALSE,4,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 1038,No identifiable bone,4,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 1039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1041,"Very small assemblage from 2nd C pits and ditches, not graves.",26,FALSE,5,,20,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 1042,"Limited animal but included pig, sheep and cow from cremation. Otherwise all usual domesticates present, with cattle dominant, but no NISP counts. Complete fox burial from top of well.",3,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 1043,"Small assemblage and only summary report. Cattle just over half assemblage, then pig. Articulated dog skeleton in LIA ditch. Also small amounts of s/g, horse and bird.",585,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,25,300, 1044,Small assemblage for the excavations. 747 ID'd to species. Most from mid 1st & 2nd-4th C levels. Cattle increased in importance over time.,900,FALSE,117,,254,,43,,35,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 1045,"Reasonable assemblage displaying distinct characteristics, with sheep by far the dominant species. Most bones from cella & ancillary buildings.","3,631",FALSE,"3,015",,145,,361,,22,,32,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,80,400, 1046,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1047,"Small assemblage & no quantifications published. Cattle major component (44% identified species), then horse (21%) and s/g (16%).",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1048,"Small assemblage, details only in archive",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1049,"Small assemblage with cow and horse identified, details only in archive.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1050,Small assemblage with only 130 ID to species. Most from ER period.,491,FALSE,11,,101,,4,,10,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,125, 1051,"Small assemblage, details only in archive",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1052,,"1,108",FALSE,146,,159,,37,,24,,3,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 1053,2038 ID to species. Cattle overwhelmingly dominant and relatively high horse %. A single fallow deer bone noted. Poor preservation.,"5,293",FALSE,305,,"1,231",,108,,214,,37,,2,,21,,,,,,1,1,,,,3,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,230, 1054,"786 ID to species, including dog ABGs (two adult dogs & articulated vertebrae) and rear leg of s/g. Evidence for antler working","3,148",FALSE,207,1,519,,25,,37,,127,2,,,,117,,,,,,,,,,11,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,50,400,3 1055,Very small assemblage with usual range of domesticates.,301,FALSE,34,,84,,3,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,250, 1056,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1057,Very limited report. All main domesticates present.,"2,973",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 1058,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1059,"Very small assemblage, with just 22 ID to species",57,FALSE,1,,17,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 1060,"Small assemblage, dominated by cattle. Many (666) oyster shells.",526,FALSE,82,,286,,21,,25,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,60,400, 1061,"Assemblages from 1992/3 and 2009 excavations not quantified but all main domesticates noted and Cattle is the predominant taxon. A large assemblage of shells also indicates that oysters, with smaller amounts of whelks, cockles, mussels and clams, were being gathered and formed part of the local diet.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,300,450, 1062,396 ID to species,"1,385",FALSE,73,,273,,14,,24,,5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,325,3 1063,2215 ID to species,"13,888",FALSE,253,,"1,756",,109,,55,,37,,,,3,2,,,,,,,,,,4,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400,6 1064,"Just 39 fragments, with cattle and sheep represented.",39,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 1065,"Well preserved assemblage, 1877 ID to species. Evidence for antler working. 34 kg of oyster shell. Partially articulated dog.","5,179",FALSE,439,,983,,89,,196,,104,1,,,6,40,,2,,,,1,,,,,11,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,75,350, 1066,Very limited animal bone assemblage due to poor preservation.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,450, 1067,Very small assemblage.,46,FALSE,11,,25,,4,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,600, 1068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1069,"Much animal bone (160kg), only a sample collected. Pig dominated by 1046 foot bones from well (57 animals), possibly killed at one time. Chicken eggshell present.","1,749",FALSE,79,,439,,"1,136",,85,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,5,TRUE,10,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,1,150, 1070,No faunal remains reported except oysters.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,150, 1071,Very limited report,218,FALSE,32,,82,,51,1,10,,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 1072,"17 bone fragments from villa (include red deer antler and bone), rest from malthouse. ABGs of complete dog and headless chicken(!).",179,FALSE,20,,100,,14,,25,,2,1,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 1073,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1074,Only bone ID to species was a single red deer. Also oyster shell.,8,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 1075,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1076,"Small amounts of animal bone were found in the fills of the oven and other features. These all represent food waste, as does the oyster shell from the oven. No report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,300, 1077,"Minimal assemblage, with no certain ID of sheep/goat.",148,FALSE,,,54,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 1078,"Identified animals include cattle, sheep/goat, pig and deer. Not fully quantified.",181,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,70, 1079,"The vast majority of the assemblage was in poor condition and fragmentary. The most common species identifiable was cattle, followed by s/g and pig. The early Roman period produced several bones from small equids, the remains included some well worn teeth that suggest aged animals. Several deer bones recorded, including red deer and fallow deer bone from Roman pond.","2,576",FALSE,59,,156,,15,,16,,1,,,,7,4,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 1080,"Almost 50% of the assemblage by weight was found in contexts dated to the 4th century, with 20% from Late Iron Age and early Roman contexts. Animals identified are broadly similar, and in similar proportions, which appears to indicate little change in dietary habits between the early and late Roman periods. Articulated dog skeleton from one ditch. Similar to adjacent 1993 excavation site: Cattle and sheep/goat were predominant, with horse, pig and dog showing similar proportions. No quantifications provided.","1,270",FALSE,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 1081,"The Roman animal remains consisted of the typical domestic animals, cattle, sheep and equids, kept on or close to site for a variety of food and other uses.",438,FALSE,48,,95,,,,42,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 1082,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1083,"Small assemblage, dominated by cattle.",214,FALSE,4,,21,,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 1084,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1085,"Small quantities of animal bone were recovered from five contexts in all, representing food waste, and a single oyster shell came from one pit.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1086,Only 6 fragments of animal bone from one Roman pit.,6,FALSE,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 1087,Small quantities of animal bone (very poor condition and unidentifiable to species).,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1088,"A small number of animal bones recovered, but no report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1089,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1090,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1091,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1092,"Modest assemblage in poor condition, with usual domesticates and cattle most common. No quantifications. Largest single quantity from a 1st- to 3rd-century ditch (1.848kg), including numerous pieces of red deer, some of which had been butchered, suggesting that the deer had been skinned and probably butchered for food. Elements from cattle and butchered sheep/goat were also recovered from these ditch fills - remains of feasting?","1,632",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 1093,"187kg of animal bone, but not quantified in report. All of the major food animals are represented, with cattle appearing in almost every context. Pig, horse, sheep/goat and deer are also present in some numbers, bird bones were noted in seven contexts and fish bones in three.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 1094,"A small assemblage, mostly from pit fills. Only 91 ID to species. the red deer remains are complete limb bones and skull portions of a juvenile animal probably less than one month of age, representing the deposition of a complete juvenile (or neonate), contained entirely within the wooden box structure (cistern).",436,FALSE,2,,50,,,,18,,,,,,1,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,370, 1095,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1096,"3970 bones included in the assessment, with an estimated 591 (14.9%) assigned to taxon. The largest assemblage yet recovered from a salt-making site in Essex. One late roman sieved deposit was almost completely comprised of tiny fish bones from either juvenile herrings or sprats. A possible explanation for the concentration is that it represents the remains of garum ? a popular fermented fish sauce produced by the Romans","5,368",TRUE,42,,313,,25,,16,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 1097,Very small quantity of animal bone. No report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1098,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1099,"Small amounts of animal bone were recovered, with cattle and sheep/goat being the main food animals identified, but not quantified. An antler tine, probably from a red deer, was recovered.",113,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 1100,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1101,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1102,The most frequent species in this assemblage is cattle,226,FALSE,3,,68,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 1103,Cattle were the most frequent then sheep/goat amounting to just over a third of the cattle total; single bones of pigs were found in three fills. Two wing bones from an adult woodcock were recorded from one pit fill. The bulk of this assemblage appears to be derived from primary butchering and working waste.,252,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 1104,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1105,"Small and highly fragmented assemblage from graves, pits, pyre sites and enclosure ditches.",484,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,60, 1106,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1107,87% of fragments come from sieved soil samples so few identified to species.,"1,007",FALSE,2,,25,,9,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 1108,A total of 353 (30.2%) can be identified to taxon. Dominated by cattle.,"1,630",TRUE,42,,240,,5,,13,,4,,,,2,,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 1109,"A large assemblage dominated by cattle, especially in mid to late Roman periods. Other wild fowl include peregrine falcon, woodcock and raven. Noticeable size increase in cattle and introduction of particularly Roman butchery practices in early post-conquest period. Improved size of all livestock in 2nd C. A number of ABGs from pits and wells, including 5 dogs, a cow and pig from one 3rd C well.","9,064",TRUE,"1,321",,"5,861",2,610,3,169,1,238,9,,,16,,,1,,,,1,,,,88,,33,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400,18 1110,Small assemblage with cattle and sheep/goat dominating.,80,FALSE,34,,34,,1,,1,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 1111,Assemblage dominated by cattle. The 25 bones from pre late 2nd C contexts not included here. Oyster shell present.,607,FALSE,90,,343,,27,,30,,3,,,,,7,,,1,,,,,,,7,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 1112,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1113,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 1114,The only animal bone came from sieved deposits in one grave and comprised bird bone (not identified) and fragment of sheep/goat metapodial.,,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,120, 1115,Animal bone recovered but no further details. Oyster shell recorded.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 1116,A small assemblage comprising cattle and sheep.,60,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 1117,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2001,"All animal bone from M-LIA/ER contexts. Included complete horse skeleton & partial pig, dog and hare skeletons. Fish includes eel and cyprinid (freshwater fish)","1,674",TRUE,356,,315,,49,2,99,1,7,1,,,2,3,,,,,,1,1,,,2,,19,TRUE,85,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100,13 2002,"6015 fragments of LIA-ER transition date and 649 from RB contexts. S/g and cow ABGs from LIA contexts, dog ABG from RB contexts.","6,664",TRUE,514,1,833,1,116,,277,,53,1,1,,18,,,3,,,,,,,,6,,2,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,325,4 2003,Very small assemblage,33,FALSE,2,,15,,1,,7,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 2004,"Small assemblage, includes 2 dog ABGs (3 dogs). Indications from metric data that cattle increased in size in LR period.",249,FALSE,46,,104,,15,,15,,12,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 2005,"5.5kg of bone, just 37 ID to species.",37,TRUE,12,,16,,1,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,325, 2006,"608 ID to species, includes partial dog and cow remains. Reasonable quantity of oyster shell.",608,TRUE,201,,232,1,47,,107,,18,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,350,2 2007,Small assemblage.,99,FALSE,34,,62,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,80, 2008,Assemblage count includes a number of ABGs. Including goose skeletons from 3 graves and chicken from many graves.,"1,442",FALSE,297,1,625,3,103,1,117,,97,4,8,,,,,,,,40,,,,,69,6,80,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,50,400,6 2009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2010,Very small assemblage.,51,TRUE,9,,38,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 2011,Most horses semi-articulated but no indication of how many ABGs. Uncertain if dogs were in ABGs.,979,TRUE,285,,496,,9,,134,,43,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,150,400,6 2012,Very brief report but a reasonable assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep.,"4,383",FALSE,"1,648",,"2,112",,337,,197,,64,,,,,,,,,,4,10,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,150,11 2013,Large well preserved assemblage with cattle main meat animal.,"12,153",FALSE,"4,150",,"7,045",,382,,372,,136,,17,,,,,,,,17,28,,,,,,,TRUE,2,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,500,95 2014,Includes a dog skeleton from a pit.,345,FALSE,132,,148,,24,,36,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,325,2 2015,Includes remains of a calf in a ditch.,249,FALSE,48,,176,1,10,,10,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,175,400, 2016,48 ID to species,68,TRUE,1,,25,,4,,6,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,75, 2017,"Small assemblage, 71 ID to species.",154,TRUE,29,,31,,3,,7,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,70, 2018,"92 ID to species, including 1 wild boar bone. Also 3.7kg of oyster shell.",159,TRUE,36,,33,,9,,6,,6,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 2019,,628,TRUE,173,,119,,8,,16,,6,,,,1,,,1,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,50, 2020,"Small assemblage but includes complete goose skeleton from base of pit and disarticulated dog skeleton from fills above. Fish bones included those from a large pike as well as eel, perch and roach.",248,TRUE,24,,58,,10,,,,91,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,41,TRUE,55,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,1,100, 2021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2022,"No report, but all usual domesticates plus red deer and dog. Eel bones found.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,25,60, 2023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2024,"Total of 12,496 bones recovered, with 3298 analysed (1345 ID to species) plus 2372 from ABGs. Cattle and sheep dominant, then pig. Goose also found. Similar proportions in LIA and ER phases. Sheep, cow and dog ABGs.","12,496",TRUE,,1,,2,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,100, 2025,Animal bone just analysed from the 1975 excavations. Data from IA & Roman contexts.,420,FALSE,118,,231,,30,,25,,13,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 2026,"Most bone from unphased contexts. Dominated by cattle (43%), s/g (41%), and also pig (9%), horse (3%) and dog (1%). Very little material from Roman contexts and not analysed. Articulated forelimb of calf.","6,179",TRUE,50,,85,1,11,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,75, 2027,"Only 174 ID to species, all except 6 from RB contexts. Dominated by cattle. Large numbers of loose horse teeth. One dog burial in enclosure ditch. Domestic fowl in cremation grave.",993,TRUE,36,,67,,3,,54,,4,1,1,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,2,,2,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,250,2 2028,Cattle and s/g most common. Lack of fish bone despite sieving.,935,TRUE,95,,152,,14,,9,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400,2 2029,"Bones from 1999 and 1989 excavations. A total of 6 ABGs noted, including raven and duck. Higher number of horses than may be expected - possible link with military or cursus publicus? Range of elements suggests butchery on site. Eggshell present in environmental sample.","1,638",FALSE,741,,598,,95,,144,2,59,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,1,370,1 2030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2031,"A large assemblage but only 1412 recorded from hand recovered assemblage and 1591 from sieved contexts. Sheep dominant, then cattle, then pig. Fish includes pike.","17,228",TRUE,708,,371,,183,,52,,42,,4,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,5,15,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,75,7 2032,"Bones recorded at two levels of analysis, with c 50% at a higher level of detail. Complete dog skeleton in LR pit and partial lamb in LR ditch.","2,128",TRUE,245,1,338,,79,,41,,181,1,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400,1 2033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2035,Animal remains from the IA and RB phases of the site. Includes partial cow skeleton from LR pit.,844,TRUE,67,,97,1,6,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400, 2036,"Poorly preserved assemblage, mostly from Mid to late Roman contexts. Cattle bones include some larger than from other Cambourne sites. Also, the few butchery marks include 'classic' Roman style trimming of scapulae, considered to represent cured shoulders. The remains of a horse skull and mandibles were found together with a red deer antler but no other bone in one ditch segment.","1,070",TRUE,95,,288,,10,,28,1,3,,,,2,1,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400,1 2037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2038,Well preserved M-LIA assemblage. Bird comprises raven. Also cattle skull and sheep axis from possible ritual pit.,"1,058",TRUE,226,,231,,28,,17,,7,,,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50,1 2039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2041,Very small assemblage indicating limited occupation. Includes one domestic fowl ABG from ditch.,38,FALSE,10,,11,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,1,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,60,2 2042,"Similar proportions of main domesticates between early and late Roman period, with equal nos of sheep and cattle. Wild bird species includes sea eagle.","6,584",TRUE,"1,767",,"1,713",,467,,68,,66,,2,,,,,1,,,4,4,,,,11,,6,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,125,400,4 2043,Assemblage dominated by sheep. Wild fowl includes raven ABG and red kite bone.,"1,855",FALSE,227,,183,,79,,28,,6,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,16,,3,TRUE,1,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,100,400,2 2044,"A small assemblage, with no specific quantification. Cattle most common, followed by s/g, horse, pig, red deer and dog.",134,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 2045,"A substantial assemblage of Roman date, though less than 2500 could be identified to species. Dominated by cattle then horse and sheep/goat. Fallow deer antler found in phased Roman context. Wetland fowl comprises goose and other wild fowl comprises crow. A small marine shell assemblage was collected, mostly oyster, but also mussels and whelks. One deposit from a large (quarry?) pit was noted as being potentially special in nature as it contained six relatively complete cattle and horse skulls (along with a variety of pottery, CBM and other animal bone).","6,037",FALSE,242,,"1,201",,58,,320,,30,,,,3,5,,,,,1,4,,,,9,,3,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400,1 2046,"481 ID to species or size group. Modest assemblage which conforms to regional patterns. A slight temporal shift noted in the ratios of cattle to sheep, with the frequency of sheep declining from the earlier to later period Other wild bird is crow. Partial calf skeleton.",882,TRUE,128,,121,1,27,,26,,6,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,8,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,75,400,1 2047,"Cattle dominate followed by s/g then pig. Four dog ABGs, one of which came from cemetery area. Others in ditches. Three partial cattle skeletons in early Roman ditches, and also in late Roman ditch was two horse skulls and two cattle skulls positioned together as a group.",690,FALSE,231,,381,3,40,,18,,6,4,2,,,,,,,,11,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 2048,Animal bone dominated by sheep (2/3) then cattle (1/3),,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350, 2049,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2050,A small assemblage dominated by s/g. Bird bone was peregrine falcon and wild mammal was fox. One pit contained skeleton of dog with cattle skull placed on top of it.,753,FALSE,413,,177,,102,,35,,19,1,,,,1,,,,,,5,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,125,1 2051,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2052,"19 boxes of bones, but only certain anatomical indicators quantified and examined. Other species represented include dog, roe deer and hare. 885 oyster shells and 190 mussel shells",306,FALSE,70,,146,,5,,62,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,22,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,180,400, 2053,"Small bone collections and no complete quantification, but including some unusual species, including remains of four peacocks, four geese (including merganser), quail, partridge and duck. Wild species included roe deer, fox and hare. Dog bones from very large animals.",100,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,7,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,300,375,8 2054,"Large faunal assemblage (3456 ID to species) dominated by sheep, probably used mainly for wool. Cattle used for meat and dairy, while diet supplemented by fish, water birds, fowl and oysters. No great changes from mid to late Roman period. ABGs of dog and two calves. Wetland fowl comprise mallard, small duck and coot. Other bird comprises rook/crow and bittern. No report on fish bones.","5,839",FALSE,"2,022",,"1,087",2,287,,22,,34,1,2,,,1,,7,,,,3,,,,32,,14,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400,6 2055,"Extensive evidence for exploitation of wild species, in particular beaver, swan and other wild fowl.","1,219",TRUE,895,,184,,39,,5,,1,,4,,3,,,,,,,1,,85,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,25, 2056,"Huge assemblage from the shrine, though just 8748 fragments recorded. Dominated by sheep, including ABGs and redeposited material, probably representing different types of activity - Special deposits (1170 fragments in different deposits - e.g. head and hoof burials in shrine associated with coins and complete sheep burials in NW corner of shrine, with pottery vessels. Also 1 complete sheep burial in central shrine), and ordinary deposits - possibly remains of ritual feasting. Wild mammal is polecat. 2593 bird bones, but species not readily quantified - include domestic fowl, duck, coot, goose, heron, white tailed eagle, mallard, buzzard, grebe, starling, thrush, teal, cormorant and possible pheasant. Most fish (138) pike, with 2 carp and 2 perch.","32,933",TRUE,"5,081",12,464,7,"1,417",5,43,1,13,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,,,TRUE,145,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,100,350, 2057,"No report but mentioned that a few bones of the major domesticates found, along with domestic fowl, duck, woodcock and widgeon.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 2058,"c 200 kg of animal bone recovered from Roman contexts in 1988-95 excavations, but no further details as yet.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2059,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2061,"More than 3,000 animal bones recovered, but so few could be attributed to firmly dated contexts that not studied, except those larger groups from contexts associated with the stone building's usage (145 fragments). Only 70 identifiable, inc. 18 from dog carcass. Of others, 50 per cent were either of cow or cow-sized; 40.4 per cent sheep or sheep-/goat-sized; 5.8 per cent pig (single horse and bird bones were also present).",70,FALSE,20,,25,,3,,1,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,125,225, 2062,"2776 from M-LIA contexts and 42254 from RB contexts (1733 ID to species), with 30% sample selected for analysis. 4893 fragments also retrieved from sample residues (92 ID to species). Includes complete horse burial and two cattle 'head and hooves' burials from M-LIA contexts. Also a single wolf bone from M-LIA. RB assemblage dominated by cattle, which account for 64%?72% of all livestock from each phase. Significant presence of otter from M-LR assemblages, probably hunted for pelts. Wetland fowl includes goose, coot, moorhen, crane and pelican. Other wildfowl includes buzzard. A small number of pike mandibles were identified from hand collected assemblage and many from residues, with 999 ID to species, including carp, perch, pike, and eel. No marine fish. Seven samples contained chicken egg shell. 384 oyster shells.","42,254",TRUE,428,,920,,75,,142,,57,1,4,,3,,,1,,,,1,,36,,30,,43,TRUE,"6,381",TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,120,400,7 2063,"312 ID to species - most were cattle, followed by sheep, pig, horse, dog, red deer, hare, goose and pike.",979,FALSE,120,,140,,34,,10,,1,,,,,1,,,,,2,1,,,,,,2,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 2064,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2065,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2066,A small assemblage with 37 being identifiable to species.,123,FALSE,11,,26,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 2067,"Limited assemblage, poorly preserved.",15,FALSE,5,,6,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,100, 2068,"Significant animal bone deposits mainly from the middens. Cattle and especially s/g dominate. Also 3 pheasant bones and four fish bones of the carp family. The red deer in the assemblage was recovered during machining the 'midden' Four portions of antler belonging to a mature red deer stag were found. Around 100 bird fragments recovered but not fully analysed or quantified. Include partridge, goose, mallard duck, crane and chicken. Three cow mandibles and three cow scapulae were placed together in a well - special deposit?","3,462",TRUE,251,,236,,24,,50,,10,,5,,27,4,,2,,,11,,,,,5,,,TRUE,4,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350,3 2069,92 fragments noted but no report.,92,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 2070,"1812 animal bones recovered but most of these are likely to relate to the Iron Age settlement, so are not recorded here.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2071,"The species variety in the assemblage is limited with cattle being by far the dominant taxon in both periods. Evidence for larger, improved draught cattle from 2nd-3rd C AD.","2,883",TRUE,255,,"1,253",,46,,146,,39,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,1 2072,"245 ID to species. Cattle, sheep and horse dominate assemblage, but no quantifications given. Other species include pig, dog, bird and rodent. Possible evidence for filleting and/or smoking joints of meat (sheep and cattle).",877,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 2073,Only 8 fragments identified from stratified Roman contexts in the evaluations and 35 from the Time Team excavations.,43,FALSE,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 2074,"Small identified assemblage, dominated by cattle. Complete elderly horse skeleton recovered.","3,305",FALSE,8,,39,,1,,7,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 2075,"Moderate sized faunal assemblage from LIA and Roman contexts, dominated by sheep/goat and cattle. Articulated remains of at least three sheep were recovered from a Late Iron Age gully. A single badger bone recovered. Unidentified bird remains were recovered from Iron Age and Roman contexts, along with a single fish vertebra from Iron Age pit fill.","1,779",TRUE,554,3,352,,67,,71,,5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,1,350, 2076,Very poorly preserved assemblage.,175,FALSE,8,,22,,1,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 2077,"Cattle dominate assemblage, which is typical of domestic food waste. Dog remains were high and include a very small example - probably a lapdog. This could well indicate something of the wealth or status of the occupants.",408,FALSE,86,,216,,12,,42,,39,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,12,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 2078,Just 39 ID to species. Cattle by far the most prominent. A single mallard bone present.,108,FALSE,4,,34,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 2079,"615 ID to species. Sheep/goat most numerous, followed by a high % (28%) of pig. Fish includes flatfish (plaice) indicating importation from the coast. Wild birds include swan and buzzard. Partial fox skeleton.","1,406",TRUE,176,,97,,104,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,8,,,TRUE,14,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,250, 2080,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2081,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2082,"A total of 201 animal bones, but not all necessarily from RB features.",201,FALSE,5,,27,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 2083,"Only 54 countable animal bone pieces and a further 74 fragments not identifiable to species were found in the archaeological work, but just four cattle fragments are from Roman contexts.",4,FALSE,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 2084,"A small assemblage from evaluation, which also included horse, dog, cat and bird.",63,TRUE,9,,25,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 2085,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2086,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2087,Only five fragments of cattle were recovered from LIA-ER contexts,5,FALSE,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,150, 2088,Small assemblage with few ID to species. Usual domesticates.,228,FALSE,16,,19,,7,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 2089,"The small assemblage is dominated by cattle, followed by sheep/goat, and a small proportion of pig. Fish comprised pike.",151,FALSE,31,,47,,6,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400,3 2090,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2091,"A small assemblage, with usual range of domestic animals and a slight indication of a preference for sheep / goat. Of note were some sheep/goat skull fragments found in association with several human bones.",95,FALSE,15,,9,,4,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-25,70, 2092,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2093,"Animal bone dominated by domestic mammals, with cattle most frequent. A beaver incisor was found.",35,FALSE,7,,22,,2,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 2094,"A large assemblage (16319), with an additional 855 from bulk samples. 1912 ID to species. 1968 bones recorded from earlier excavations on site. Most sheep from unphased pit deposits. Within phased settlement deposits, cattle most common and show signs of increase size over time. High horse % - breeding for military use? Pig very low %. Marks of pig and cattle scapula suggests curing. Wild mammals include otter and fox. Other wild fowl include buzzard and red kite. Large quantity of small fish bone, especially from a well deposit - production of garum? 9.75kg of oyster shell. Eggshell flecks recorded. Evidence for hide processing.","19,142",TRUE,915,,601,1,37,,190,3,53,6,1,,1,1,,,,,,,,6,,74,1,20,TRUE,"11,400",TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,50,350,7 2095,"Faunal remains recovered from two areas: Enclosure 2 and ditch F.295 (no quantifications in draft report). Cattle predominate, then sheep, but with high proportion of horse.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 2096,"No data, except specified that an unusually high % of horse bone as well as cattle.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2097,"Cattle and sheep appears to be the dominant species represented, and other species rather more minimally represented. A mid to late first-century jar appears deposited in a well contained the remains of fish - 34 fish bones were recovered, identified to the carp family. Another unusual deposit in a well comprised a group of fox bones (5 individuals) which seem to have actually been placed into water - possibly associated with the skinning of foxes for skins or pelts.",128,FALSE,31,,27,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,5,,,,TRUE,34,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,60,300, 2098,"Just 5 bones ID'd from Roman assemblage. 170 bones from M-LIA settlement, with cattle dominant.",24,FALSE,1,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,120, 2099,"Modest assemblage, much of which came from ditches, but including a complete dog skeleton from a well.",140,FALSE,15,,46,,3,,21,,11,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,250, 2100,Very small assemblage,9,FALSE,2,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 2101,"171 ID to species. No quantifications in report. Cattle dominant, then sheep, with occasional pig or goose. There was no evidence for the exploitation of wild game or wildfowl. Among the cattle bones there was a noticeably massive radius (withers height 144cm) - import of improved breeding stock from continental Europe?",552,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,225, 2102,"214 ID to species, dominated by s/g and cattle. Fish bone comprised an eel vertebra.",686,FALSE,106,,77,,3,,19,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 2103,"Only assessment level data available. Cattle and sheep most dominant. Relatively high incidence of young horse remains and neonates suggests breeding on site. A large LIA pit contained a complete dog skeleton and a complete horse buried with a puddingstone quern is dated to the 2nd C AD. Other species include red deer, roe deer, wild cat, chicken, goose and duck.","4,435",TRUE,"1,775",,"2,003",,234,,230,1,170,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 2104,92 ID to species. Small assemblage dominated by cattle and s/g. Two slow worm bones also found.,229,FALSE,31,,35,,4,,9,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 2105,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2106,Relatively large quantities of animal bone and some oyster shell were recovered but no quantification,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 2107,"Significant animal remains, but no quantification of species. Most from an early Roman ditch in Area C (main Roman settlement). Also oyster shell.","1,529",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,325, 2108,Small assemblage with 20% ID to species. Dominated by cattle. Butchery marks on cattle bones are fairly consistent and relate either to dismemberment of the carcass or the reduction of meaty portions for food preparation and consumption.,347,FALSE,5,,38,,2,,11,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,300, 2109,A small unquantified assemblage of the usual main domesticates.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2110,"4570 ID to species. The remains of cattle dominate the Roman assemblage, almost to the exclusion of the other domestic species and would appear to be the mainstay of the site economy, and a limited amount of evidence that suggests a surplus of meat was being produced (smoking/brining). Over one thousand foetal pig bones were recovered from a single context (ditch terminus of main enclosure in middle Roman period). Two chickens found in one pit and parts of two horses found in the possible shrine ditch.","10,409",TRUE,404,,"1,152",,64,1,318,1,,,,,3,,,2,,,,,,,,19,1,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,80,400, 2111,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. The articulated skeleton of an extremely small dog was recovered. Wetland fowl comprise geese and wild fowl a probable harrier.,188,FALSE,34,,94,,2,,50,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400,1 2112,Limited assemblage.,202,FALSE,16,,25,,11,,3,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 2113,"Substantial quantities of faunal remains, including well-preserved whole bones, were recovered from ditches, but no report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2114,A small range of common domesticates with the dominance of cattle typical of a late Iron Age and early Roman landscape.,60,FALSE,13,,35,,,,10,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 2115,A small animal bone assemblage with cattle dominant. Partially articulated dog.,122,FALSE,10,,16,,2,,1,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 2116,Small assemblage and not analysed in the report.,540,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,50, 2117,Moderate assemblage dominated by cattle.,"3,061",TRUE,194,,504,,105,,113,,68,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 2118,"Substantial assemblage though not quantified to species in draft report. Sheep/goat were more numerous than cattle in both the Iron Age and the Romano-British period. Cattle show increase in size from 2nd Century. Other domestics present in much smaller numbers, with horse, pig and dog attested in all periods, but chicken, goose, and duck restricted to only a few bones. Overall, animal husbandry dominated the agricultural economy of the farmsteads. Most animals probably slaughtered, processed and consumed on site, at a subsistence level. Substantial faunal assemblage was recovered from a Late Roman well (mostly cattle and sheep but with red deer antlers placed on top of the well deposits).","5,161",TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 2119,Very small assemblage of main domesticates,82,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 2120,[await data],,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2121,"Small assemblage. Cattle are by far the most frequent taxon accounting for 61% of the main domestic mammals. High % of pig remains. Many ABGs including 2 partial cat skeletons, partial raven skeleton and two goose partial skeletons. Fish includes herring, pike and eel.",211,TRUE,20,,79,,26,1,5,,3,,2,2,,,,,,,,,,1,,9,,5,TRUE,28,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400,1 2122,Small but unquantified assemblage including a pole-axed cattle skull.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2123,Modest assemblage of animal bone from Roman field ditches.,148,FALSE,12,,36,,4,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,2,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,250, 2124,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2125,"Very small assemblage, with most of the cattle coming from Roman field system ditches suggesting sheep/goat was the main animal consumed in the LIA settlement.",70,FALSE,27,,26,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 2126,"Moderate assemblage but few ID to species. Dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Greater exploitation of pigs from later 2nd C onwards. Primary butchery of cattle took place on site, while a single sheep/goat size vertebra shows evidence of sagittal butchery (a carcass being split lengthways along the spine), a practice that is uncommon in this period.",716,FALSE,61,,62,,15,,2,,15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 2127,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2128,"Good sized assemblage, though few (167) ID to species. Cattle dominate, though horse form a significant part of the assemblage. AGB comprised partial dog skeleton from 1st-2nd C AD contexts.","3,648",FALSE,37,,84,,3,,31,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,250, 2129,"Cremated animal bone found in 6 cremation graves. Limited other animal bone from 3 inhumation burials, a pit and a spread of material. Sheep/goat all from pit.",16,FALSE,7,,5,,2,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 2130,"Small assemblage (mostly from later Roman features) dominated by cattle, followed by sheep/goat then horse. Red deer and pheasant bones from late Roman midden. Oyster shell present.",814,TRUE,72,,163,,4,,14,,2,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350,4 2131,Small assemblage with 54 ID to species from the evaluation. Emphasis on sheep husbandry. All horse bones from one pit and likely to come from one individual. No evidence from excavation as yet.,87,FALSE,15,,3,,2,,14,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,70, 2132,"A reasonable assemblage with cattle dominant in the main Roman phase (and s/g dominant in small LIA/ER sample) and with a high % of horse, though all from one ditch along with 66% of whole bone assemblage.",553,FALSE,30,,97,,7,,74,,2,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 2133,Very limited assemblage.,33,FALSE,7,,2,,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,70, 2134,Considerable assemblage for area excavated.,345,FALSE,20,,36,,7,,4,,6,,,,2,,,3,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,325, 2135,Small assemblage dominated by cattle,125,FALSE,8,,30,,1,,4,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 2136,A small assemblage of usual domesticates.,211,FALSE,19,,40,,2,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 2137,Small but well-preserved assemblage. Evidence for cured shoulder joints seen in characteristic marks recorded on two cattle scapulae.,115,FALSE,14,,29,,1,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 2138,Very small assemblage,20,FALSE,1,,13,,1,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,250, 2139,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2140,"Significant quantities of animal bone (cattle, sheep, pig) and shell fragments, but no report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2141,"273 ID to species, dominated by cattle.",343,FALSE,43,,124,,8,,3,,3,,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 2142,"Small assemblage dominated by cattle, which are of a size and type that may represent continental imports. Several large dog crania were recovered, one of which was butchered.",118,TRUE,33,,56,,4,,5,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,1,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,250, 2143,"Domestic animals comprised cattle, Sheep, Pig, Horse, Dog and Cat, with wild mammals comprising Red deer, Roe Deer, Hare and Small Rodent. Cattle grows in importance over time with sheep decreasing. Wild fowl comprise kestrel and corvid, with a duck and goose comprising wetland fowl.","3,026",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,350,2 2144,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2145,Small assemblage from Roman contexts. Horsey Hill assemblage dominated by horse - A pit fill contained a number of cervical vertebrae and lower limb elements from a single adult horse.,80,FALSE,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 2146,2.4kg of animal bone recovered but no report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2147,Animal bone recovered but no report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2148,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2149,"580 ID to species. Most from late Roman stone-lined well. Cattle are the dominant taxon (71% of the Late Roman sample), with at least 8 individuals being present. Numerous horncores from at least two distinct breeds. Also partially intact dog skull, drilled cattle skull, two articulated cattle skeletons and red deer antler burr from well.",627,FALSE,73,,326,1,9,,26,,5,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 2150,"A total of 1448 animal bone fragments were recovered in addition to the remains of nine horses and nine cattle from the ditch burial. Generally higher numbers of cattle, especially in the later Roman period. Fish bone in bulk samples.","1,448",FALSE,195,,282,9,18,,45,9,2,,,,1,,,,,,,3,,,,1,,2,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 2151,"The small identifiable Romano-British assemblage is dominated by cattle (53.5%). Two of the four metatarsals show new bone growth consistent with use as traction animals, and a scapula from exhibits 'hook damage' consistent with hanging joints of meat either for curing or smoking.","2,131",FALSE,23,,46,,2,,11,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 2152,,9,FALSE,4,,4,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 2153,"Cattle are the dominant species, with many scapulae. Four scapulae show evidence of 'hook damage'. The partially articulated remains of two dogs of differing size were recovered from two different ditches; one of these was a probable lapdog.",945,FALSE,26,,41,,3,,8,,5,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 2154,Sheep/goat is the most frequently represented species.,279,FALSE,8,,4,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 2155,,55,FALSE,7,,10,,2,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 2156,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2157,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2158,"A total of nearly 3.7 kg of animal bone was recovered from the 2001 evaluation, but not quantified or identified. Much of the bone (300) from the 2012 evaluation was from a single pit. Complete dominance of cattle bone.",645,FALSE,31,,135,,3,,21,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,325, 2159,90 elements identifiable to species. Horse and cattle dominate but no quantification.,130,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 2160,The small Roman sample was not analysed in the report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2161,"Substantial assemblage, mostly from late Roman well. Dominated by cattle, which are of a large size - also evidence for breeding within restricted gene pools. Single fish bone was pike. Dog ABG not from the well.","1,115",FALSE,28,,150,,,,10,,7,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 2162,Moderate assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep. Fish represented by a single pike bone.,"2,967",TRUE,198,,180,,50,,29,,10,,5,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,4,,10,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,70,400, 2163,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2164,Very small assemblage.,11,FALSE,,,6,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 2165,"Unquantified assemblage from LIA-ER contexts, but one that is dominated by sheep, followed by cattle and then with very few pig.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,75, 2166,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2167,"128 ID to species. Cattle bones and teeth dominated the identified Roman assemblage. A single corvid bone. The percentage of dog bones is unusually high, but may represent the remains of disturbed or redeposited burials.",243,FALSE,17,,65,,5,,19,,21,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,150,1 2168,,46,FALSE,,,7,,3,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 2169,"The fill of eastern corner of the mortuary enclosure contained a deliberate, placed deposit of horse bone and hearth stones and, cut into its surface a small charcoal-rich pit. Remains of fish found in samples from the Roman pit/well, probably from dumps of domestic waste.",71,TRUE,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,125, 2170,The small assemblage is dominated by cattle and sheep. Many small frog bones and fish bones and scales came from a bulk sample from a pit.,222,TRUE,6,,10,,1,,4,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 2171,Small assemblage with cattle dominating.,93,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 2172,The animal bone assemblage is composed of only six fragments of bone. Cattle is the only species to be identified in the assemblage.,6,FALSE,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 2173,"Most remains from one Roman ditch. All identifiable fragments would appear to be from one individual older horse, and with two exceptions, all were from the axial skeleton.",427,FALSE,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,125, 2174,"Substantial assemblage recovered from ditch fills as well as kilns and pits. Much of the assemblage is highly fragmented, largely due to extensive butchering, and evidence included skinning. The most frequently identified species is cattle, with sheep/goat found in slightly lower numbers.","2,128",FALSE,144,,202,,35,,33,,20,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29,,3,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,140,50 2175,Small assemblage and LIA-Roman contexts not discerned.,111,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 2176,A small assemblage dominated by cattle in both phases. Wild mammal represent by badger and wetland fowl by goose. One cattle scapula was recorded as having a hole punched through the blade.,518,FALSE,49,,83,,19,,20,,4,,,,2,,,2,,,,,,1,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,425, 2177,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. A grave containing a probable sheep skeleton was recorded to the east of the human burials within the cemetery.,561,FALSE,64,1,109,,22,,18,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,325, 2178,"The main domesticates (cattle, sheep / goat, pig, horse and dog) predominate, along with chicken and red deer.",488,TRUE,143,,286,,19,,35,,3,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,375, 2179,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2180,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2181,"A large quantity of animal bone came from a ditch at the northern end of the site, mainly comprising cattle. No quantification.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,250, 2182,"About 600 bones examined from an unknown larger assemblage. Species present were cattle, horse, sheep, with a few bones of pig, dog, red deer, human, and rodent.",600,FALSE,64,,346,,12,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 2183,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 2184,No report as yet on animal bone. Two graves with animal bone (small mammal & piglet).,2,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 2185,"Modest sized assemblage largely composed of cattle bones, with lesser quantities of sheep/goat and pig. Dogs are represented by a relatively complete skull from an early Roman pit. The red deer is represented by a near-complete antler.",672,FALSE,46,,104,,7,,16,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,100, 2186,Just two fragments of sheep/goat identifiable.,2,FALSE,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 2187,"The assemblage derives both from middle-late Iron Age contexts (Phase 1) and early Roman contexts (Phase 2). Cattle dominate in all periods, though early Roman phase has higher pig and lower sheep than in M-LIA. Other wild mammal comprises stoat and other wild fowl comprises raven (partial skeleton in base of M-LIA pit). A young dog (4 months) buried with a human neonate dating later 1st C AD and a truncated dog skeleton found in a 2nd C AD pit. The articulated lower limb of a cow came from an early Roman pit. Also concentrations of animal remains (cattle, sheep, pig, horse and red deer antler) in a few pits. 74 oyster shells found from early Roman contexts.","1,821",FALSE,292,,332,1,80,,47,,16,2,,,,4,,,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200,11 2188,A small assemblage of the main domesticates.,28,FALSE,9,,5,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,100, 2189,"A small assemblage consisting of 72 fragments, 20 of which were identifiable to species.",72,FALSE,4,,14,,,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 2190,Very little animal bone from Romano-British contexts.,7,FALSE,3,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 2191,A very small assemblage with only 2 identifiable fragments.,10,FALSE,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,20,400, 2192,A small assemblage dominated by cattle.,31,TRUE,6,,17,,1,,5,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,150, 2193,A small assemblage from varied contexts across the evaluation area.,186,FALSE,35,,90,,3,,18,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 2194,"Substantial assemblage from middle/late Iron Age to early/mid Roman contexts, dominated by cattle in the latter phase. Other wold mammal comprises polecat, Wetland fowl comprises duck. Evidence for horse butchery in the late Iron Age and Roman periods. A seemingly complete pig carcass was deposited within the upper fills of an early Roman ditch, and two articulated dog skeletons lay in Iron Age ditches.","5,398",FALSE,363,,405,,42,1,118,,37,2,,,1,,,,,,,1,,1,,2,,1,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 3001,"Small number of identifiable fragments, with a greater emphasis on cattle in the later Roman period. Only MNI numbers provided. 1 complete dog skeleton.","1,241",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 3002,Dominance of cattle in early Roman phase and sheep/goat in later Roman phase. Eel and small fish recovered. Eggshell present in limited quantities.,"1,603",TRUE,156,,160,1,57,,49,,5,1,,,3,,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,1,400,6 3003,Bone recovered but no report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 3004,"Small Roman assemblage comprising cow, sheep/goat, fowl and pig, with cow and sheep/goat being the most abundant.",198,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 3005,"The assemblage comprises broken fragments of cattle and sheep/goat long bones, cattle mandibles and fragments of rib.",65,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 3006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3008,No report.,179,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,200, 3009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3010,An assemblage (8.4kg) of animal bone found but very poorly preserved and no analysis.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3011,Substantial assemblage (15kg) but no information.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,450, 3012,"Large but very fragmented assemblage dominated by sheep/goat and cattle but also including pig, horse, dog, hare, cat, roe deer, red deer and weasel. Most of assemblage probably remains of middening. Only fragment counts are for principal bones of body for main domestic species. Most unusual pit deposit contained the remains of 12 domestic fowl, 98 sheep, 5 cattle and 9 pigs (dated AD 50-70; Note: Uncertain if articulated so just 1 ABG recorded for each). Also 4 dogs in one early Roman well and remains of 7 and 6 horses respectively in two late Roman wells. One late 4th/5th C well contained the semi-complete remains of two young (6 months) red deer, together with two hares, a fox and domestic animals.","5,016",FALSE,"2,369",1,"1,850",1,590,1,186,13,4,4,,,2,,2,,,,,2,2,1,1,12,1,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400, 3013,Animal bone found in a number of cremation burials but no report. Eggshell in one urned cremation.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,-50,300, 3014,"Substantial assemblage dominated by cattle but with high % of pig. Fish remains include eel herring, salmon, plaice, mackerel and dace/chub.","14,990",TRUE,828,,"1,365",,875,,216,,164,,1,,16,,,9,,,,25,,,,67,,29,TRUE,299,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,20,350,28 3015,"Remains not quantified but include all main domesticates, mostly cattle. Also mention of shed fallow deer antler and bird bones including domestic fowl, song thrush and barn owl. Large quantity of oyster and other marine shell.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350, 3016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3017,Only 10% ID to species and no quantification. Cattle dominant.,274,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 3018,Small assemblage of usual domesticates. Only bone from evaluation report presented to species.,123,FALSE,14,,5,,1,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 3019,Small assemblage of usual domesticates. Not quantified.,48,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,175,350, 3020,Small assemblage dominated by sheep.,71,FALSE,55,,1,,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,70, 3021,"No data, except presence of marine shell.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 3022,Small assemblage of usual domesticates and not quantified.,51,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,250, 3023,"Substantial assemblage dominated by sheep, cattle and pig, with significant decrease in pig over the Roman period, perhaps due to loss of suitable habitat. Domestic fowl at least 60 NISP and possibly up to 110. Other birds include geese, pigeon, rook and one complete raven skeleton. Fish included flatfish (flounder), tench and eel.","12,564",FALSE,"3,070",,"2,427",,"1,877",,211,,63,,1,,2,,,2,,,,2,,,,60,,,TRUE,30,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-20,400,1 3024,"Substantial assemblage from the LIA-early Roman occupation, dominated by pig, with particular emphasis on pig skulls. Also 137 chicken bones, 33 raven bones and 5 mallard bones. Fish bones include eel, roach, chubb, carp, Spanish mackerel, flounder and plaice.","2,677",FALSE,449,,786,,"1,202",,29,,34,,,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,137,,5,TRUE,42,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-15,65,33 3025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3026,"Sizable but highly fragmented assemblage, mostly dating later 1st-2nd C, but including 3rd and 4th C contexts. Sheep/goat dominate. MNI indicates pig more common than cattle. A single fox bone.","1,868",FALSE,155,,86,,35,,11,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 3027,Small assemblage from late Roman buildings.,197,FALSE,90,,58,,45,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 3028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3029,No data from either excavation.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 3030,Only twelve fragments of animal bone were recovered from the investigations - all from a cow mandible.,12,FALSE,,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 3031,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3032,LIA assemblage dominated by cattle. The only report on Roman animal remains is a structured deposit of a cockerel burial in a pit along with two coins and capped with flint.,796,FALSE,69,,584,,80,,30,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,1, 3033,"Substantial assemblage dominated by cattle but with high % of red deer indicating hunting was prolific. ABGs comprise four articulated dog skeletons (including two puppies), which are among the smallest dog types from Roman Britain (lapdogs?). Two fox skeletons and a badger skeleton from the rubble layers of building 2. Wetland fowl include goose and teal. Other bird include woodcock and barn owl. Large amounts of oysters.","2,786",FALSE,384,,667,,200,,106,,42,4,16,,106,12,,20,5,,,5,,32,3,28,,3,TRUE,3,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,350,7 3034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3035,"Modest bone assemblage, most from 2nd-3rd C contexts. Mostly cattle then sheep.",878,FALSE,100,,124,,33,,32,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,250, 3036,"Large assemblage, mostly from 1st-2nd C well and 4th C pond with cattle dominating. (NB: Error in report, with animal bone from well stipulated as 4th C when it was filled in during the 1st-2nd C AD. Attempt made to rectify that here).","10,245",FALSE,218,,878,,100,,67,,74,2,,,1,21,,3,2,,,,,,,15,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,50,370, 3037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3039,"No report but quantities of animal bone were found including the horn cores of over 40 cows, along with horses, pigs, sheep/goats, dogs, pheasants and ravens; antlers of red and roe deer were also found.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 3040,"Substantial assemblage mainly from LIA ditch, and dominated by pig, sheep, then cattle. Two bones from white-tailed sea eagle.","1,385",FALSE,446,,396,,445,,37,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,53,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,65,2 3041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3042,Animal bone from different excavations including much cattle from Ware Lock.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3043,"Assemblage almost entirely derived from the major mammalian domesticates, with no birds and negligible fish, amphibians and small mammals. No breakdown of species given.","1,845",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,200, 3044,Recognisable species are horse and cow,16,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 3045,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3046,Animal bone present but no report.,"1,253",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350, 3047,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3048,Cattle and sheep/goat dominant. All primary butchery waste.,93,FALSE,26,,59,,4,,1,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 3049,"Substantial assemblage, mainly derived from pit and well contexts belonging to the late Romano-British period. No quantified by NISP in report but usual domesticates present, with sheep then cattle most prolific. Two dog burials. Bird eggshell was recovered from 19 samples. Slightly thicker eggshell fragments than the majority suggests that not all these pieces derive from chicken eggs. Fish comprises eel.","16,788",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,19,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,200,400, 3050,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3051,No report but indication of LIA-early Roman horse burial.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,70, 3052,"Animal bone recovered, but no report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 3053,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3054,Domestic mammals dominate the moderate assemblage.,968,FALSE,61,,95,,19,,18,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 3055,Very small assemblage comprising cattle and deer.,43,FALSE,,,30,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 3056,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3057,"Assemblage from bathhouse excavations, pre-dating bathhouse construction. Dominated by cattle, sheep and pig fairly evenly. Also evidence for Roman snail (Helix Pomatia).",267,FALSE,91,,84,,89,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,25,75, 3058,"Cremated cattle, sheep and fowl within many of the graves.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 3059,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3060,"No NISP data provided but cattle and sheep dominant, followed by pig, horse, dog and domestic fowl. In one room was a pit with horse and cattle skull, found with a carved stone head.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,370, 3061,"Small assemblage with cattle and sheep dominating, then pig, deer and horse. Two fallow deer bones are reported.",136,FALSE,29,,64,,15,,13,,,,,,4,,,,,,4,2,,,,4,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,350, 3062,Very small assemblage with usual domesticates.,64,FALSE,15,,33,,12,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,350, 3063,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3064,Cattle and sheep bones recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3065,"Fragments of animal bone in 10 graves - cattle, sheep, pig and domestic fowl.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,60,200, 3066,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3067,No report on the bone. 186 fragments of oyster shell.,"2,051",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 3068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3069,,46,FALSE,4,,8,,2,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,150, 3070,"A very small assemblage, including horse.",14,FALSE,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 3071,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3072,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3073,49% of the assemblage could be identified to species. Dominated by pig and sheep/goat with pig skulls especially prevalent in temple ambulatory.,277,FALSE,57,,9,,62,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 3074,Small assemblage of usual domesticates.,194,FALSE,13,,35,,2,,5,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 3075,"Small assemblage - dog, pig, cow and deer.",197,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 3076,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3077,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3078,No report on remains.,466,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,100, 3079,Small assemblage dominated by cattle and horse. Mostly teeth.,290,FALSE,2,,27,,3,,49,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 3080,Minimal animal bone. None identified to species.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 3081,Most fragments represented the major domestic mammals.,95,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,450, 3082,"A large quantity of animal bone, but no overall quantification. However, many articulated remains found in the pits, including of cattle, sheep/goat, horse and dog. Dog skeletons were complete. Other species include a few pig and red deer.",,FALSE,,1,,2,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 3083,Large amounts of animal bone and oyster shell but no quantification or report. Considerable numbers of ovicaprids noted and articulated pig skeletons recorded (with a minimum of two given in figures here).,,FALSE,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,25,200, 4001,"Small assemblage dominated by cattle but with high % of horse. Many ABGs: two partial sheep skeletons from early Roman ditch, suckling pig skeleton from early Roman ditch, partial late Roman horse skeleton, 4 partial dog skeletons and a badger skeleton. Possible presence of donkey from early Roman assemblage.",490,TRUE,67,2,152,,21,1,90,1,15,4,3,,4,6,,1,,,,,,2,1,3,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 4002,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. 492 fragments from the OA excavations and 4268 from TVAS excavations (Over half these bones came from a late Roman midden).,"4,760",TRUE,378,,595,,128,,99,,8,,2,,4,,,,,,,5,,,,20,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 4003,"Small assemblage, 241 identified to species. Sheep and cattle dominate. A single crow bone recovered.",413,FALSE,109,,108,,33,,5,,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350,1 4004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4006,"Small assemblage, mostly late Roman, dominated by cattle. Fish bone from samples.",197,TRUE,45,,93,,9,,33,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,425, 4007,"No quantifications in published report, but apparently a modest assemblage with cattle and sheep dominating. Also red deer, geese and ducks. Two dog skeletons. Eggshell found in quantity from 1st C pit filled with industrial waste.",2,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,50,200, 4008,"Small assemblage, mostly cattle.",187,FALSE,12,,145,,5,,25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,60,400, 4009,Complete cattle skull placed on floor of one pit. No other data except two eel bones and 3 herring bones from a pit.,,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,5,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,100, 4010,No data from LIA-Roman period.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4012,"Unquantified assemblage of pig, cattle, sheep and bird. Most unusual was the six butchered rabbit bones from the LIA-early Roman pit - a single adult individual with legs chopped off. Earliest example from Britain.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,50, 4013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4014,"Unspecified quantity of cattle, sheep, dog, red deer and chicken. A large number of oyster shells (and other shellfish).",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,320, 4015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4016,"Small assemblage with no report, as soil acidity led to very poor bone preservation.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4017,"Animal bone collected then discarded, but reports mention red deer, rabbit, dog, domestic fowl, cattle and duck. Red deer antler fragments recorded from the bathhouse.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 4018,"Bone from floor of shrine are unquantified but include all domesticates along with dog, goose and red deer.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 4019,Unquantified assemblage of main domesticates.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 4020,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,34,FALSE,5,,10,,5,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,175,250, 4021,"Small assemblage dominated by cattle, but also horse, pig, sheep, dog, chicken and red deer.",200,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 4022,Unquantified assemblage of usual domesticates.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,200, 4023,No data except oyster shell.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 4024,"Substantial assemblage from mid and late Roman contexts. Dominated by cattle. Also included 6 whale vertebrae. Wetland fowl comprise goose, duck and black throated diver. Other birds comprise buzzard, woodcock and raven. Fish comprise eel and fin-rays. Substantial dump of oyster shell found in evaluation.","9,049",TRUE,778,,"1,714",,120,,118,,43,,,,6,,,3,,,,1,,6,,18,,24,TRUE,11,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400,20 4025,Very small assemblage,25,FALSE,14,,10,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 4026,"Small assemblage of usual domesticates. The 19th excavations of the ritual shafts revealed skulls of sheep/goat and cattle in addition to bones of pig, cow and red deer. Also Red deer antler. Partially complete red deer skeleton found in lowest fill of deepest shaft.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 4027,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. Wetland fowl was heron.,244,FALSE,38,,181,,10,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,1,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 4028,"No data, except mention in secondary source of ritual pits containing dog skeletons, an ox skull and cat skull.",3,FALSE,,,,1,,,,,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,70,400, 4029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4030,Assemblage dominated by s/g in early Roman and cattle in later Roman period. Includes puppy skeleton. Other bird bones were corvid. Two perch scales. Lots of oyster shell.,"1,758",FALSE,674,,846,,153,,18,,15,1,2,,5,8,,1,2,,,,,,,27,,3,TRUE,2,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,300,3 4031,Faunal remains from 2nd-4th C contexts including from the dark earth covering many mid Roman features. Only quantification in kg (304kg). Includes fallow deer from a mid-late 2nd C context. One 2nd C well contained a complete partially articulated cow skeleton.,1,FALSE,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 4032,"Small assemblage of Red Deer, equid, pig/boar and cattle. Fish bone found in IA pit.",19,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 4033,Small assemblage of usual domesticates.,55,FALSE,6,,10,,3,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 4034,Small assemblage of usual domesticates,27,FALSE,2,,14,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,300, 4035,"The main domestic mammals were the most frequently recorded, with cattle, sheep/goat and pig found throughout the assemblage. The bulk of the pig remains in this assemblage are from one pit fill and are likely to be the remains of a diseased animal or natural death of a pig that was buried whole and unbutchered. High number of horse bones due to a skull which was highly fragmented.",295,FALSE,16,,42,,66,1,126,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,200,400, 4036,"Only a sample was assessed, dominated by sheep/goat, though NISP includes partial sheep skeleton. Fish bone recovered from samples.",126,TRUE,105,1,15,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,175,400, 4037,"Small assemblage, equid were the most common, but were only represented by molars. Not quantified.",276,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 4038,The hand-collected animal bone is extremely poorly preserved and the only identifiable fragment is a molar tooth of a horse.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4041,"A total of 57kg of animal recovered, though only identified species were quantified. Dominated by main domestic species. Other wild mammals comprise fox and polecat, while wetland fowl were goose and duck. Most (70%) of the assemblage dated to later 3rd C from domestic rubbish in the upper fills of the quarry pits.",376,FALSE,114,,190,,19,,29,,5,,,,3,,,3,,,,,,5,,4,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 4042,"A very small, and statistically invalid, sample of animal bone was recovered from the site (4.5kg). This mostly comprised equid (probably horse), mainly represented by teeth. Wild bird comprised corvid.",22,FALSE,3,,1,,,,17,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400,1 4043,Small amounts of bone found but not detail provided.,32,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 4044,Small assemblage with cattle predominant.,619,FALSE,19,,67,,5,,3,,1,,1,,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,175,350, 4045,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4046,Animal bone recovered from just two 4th C contexts.,35,FALSE,,,2,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 4047,Small assemblage with no diagnostic fragments.,164,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 4048,"The assemblage consisted of domestic species including cow metacarpal and jaw fragments, sheep/goat pelvis fragments and a pig tooth. Other unquantified bone found in earlier excavations, along with large quantities of oyster shell.",16,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 4049,"Bones of cattle, sheep/goat, pig, deer and fox were recovered from a variety of Romano-British deposits including pit and ditch fills. A chopped Roe deer tibia was recovered from the fill of the hearth/oven. Further evidence of deer, a Fallow molar, was also found. Oyster shell recovered from many contexts.",241,FALSE,9,,17,,14,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,,,1,,7,,,TRUE,3,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,250, 4050,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4051,"Species that could be identified were sheep/goat, cattle and horse. No quantifications.",81,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 4052,"The survival and preservation of the bone on the site was poor, primarily due to the acid nature of the soils. However, 16.25kg of animal bone was retrieved and species identified included cattle, sheep/goat, horse, pig and dog.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4053,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4054,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4055,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4056,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4057,"Cattle bones were predominant, accounting for 91% of the total assemblage. Of these 75% were from either the feet (32%) or the head (43%) indicating butchery waste. A single fish vertebra.",262,TRUE,6,,93,,5,,6,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 4058,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4059,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4061,"Small and unquantified assemblage comprising mostly cattle, with one tooth of pig and three dog teeth.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 4062,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4063,A few bones found in one kiln but not identified to species.,21,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,170,200, 4064,"No quantifications provided but, in order of abundance, were cattle, sheep/goat, horse, pig, and red deer.","1,752",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 4065,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4066,Animal bone not quantified.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4067,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4068,Pig remains found with the cremated bone in the graves.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,60,70, 4069,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4070,Small fish bones from ditch samples.,,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,250, 4071,A small assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Much oyster shell. Fish noted.,311,FALSE,120,,132,,15,,39,,5,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,250, 4072,A complete sheep skeleton within the funerary enclosure.,,FALSE,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 4073,"Small assemblage, all of cattle except articulated dog skeleton in a pit (fairly old, but relatively healthy dog).",87,FALSE,,,31,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 4074,"Cattle, equid and pig identified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4075,Small assemblage derived from the primary and secondary butchering and food waste from domestic stock. Cattle are the most dominant species.,243,FALSE,5,,46,,4,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 4076,Small assemblage including butchered remains of sheep and cattle,29,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,200, 4077,"Small assemblage, sheep/goat are the most common group and cattle the second most frequently identified. Most of the cattle and sheep/goat elements had been butchered with evidence of skinning, meat production and hornworking waste from sheep, cattle and goat. Fragments of a naturally-shed, very large, mature Red Deer antler was recovered from a fill of the large enclosure ditch.",127,FALSE,61,,49,,3,,6,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,425, 4078,"Four juvenile duck bones were recovered from a later Iron Age pit, along with burnt bone.",4,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 4079,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4080,Very small assemblage dominated by cattle. Most of this bone had been butchered.,89,FALSE,21,,45,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 4081,"272kg of animal bone recovered, though only small proportion examined. Cattle dominated. Two horses skulls found in a timber box in a water channel. Two other horse skulls found at the base of two wells. Also 4 complete juvenile pig skeletons and 2 partial dog skeletons. A fallow deer antler came from a well fill (2nd-3rd C AD).","1,924",FALSE,41,,141,,6,4,29,3,2,2,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 4082,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4083,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4084,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4085,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4086,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4087,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4088,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4089,"Animal bone assemblage detailed from the Roman phase features. No NISP breakdown of species, though marked increase in cattle over sheep between 2nd and 4th C AD, though with a shift back to sheep in the later 4th C AD.",861,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,380, 4090,The only information on animal bone comprises possible structured deposits of horse remains from pits: complete horse burial in a pit associated with LIA pottery (a stallion of 8 years of age); complete horse skull; a horse limb buried upright.,3,FALSE,,,,,,,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,60, 4091,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 4092,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5001,"Substantial assemblage, not yet fully recorded (9411 bones recorded for assessment). Dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. 87kg of marine shell - mostly oyster.","12,982",TRUE,"1,360",,"1,535",,,,60,,38,,1,,13,,,12,,,3,1,,,,11,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 5002,Very small assemblage,22,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,75, 5003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5005,"A single cattle metacarpal from the excavation. 105 bones recorded from the Watching Brief. Species identified include cattle, horse and sheep. Five fragments of oyster shell.",106,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 5006,Much animal bone recovered but as yet no breakdown or analysis of bone from Roman contexts. Large numbers of oyster shells.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,425, 5007,Animal bone from excavation (2042) and four evaluations (516). Bone from evaluation not broken down into species. Most bone identified belongs to cattle. A sheep skull and articulated sheep femur and tibia was found in a ditch. Also red deer and oyster shell.,"2,558",FALSE,134,1,281,,43,,76,,15,,2,,2,,,,,,,41,,,,,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300,2 5008,"All of the main meat-producing species, cattle, sheep and pig were present. A mandible of a large breed of dog was also identified.",88,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 5009,"The assemblage largely comprises of the butchered remains of cattle, sheep/goat and pig; small quantities of equid, domestic fowl, goose, dog, roe deer and hare were also identified. Cattle are the most commonly identified, with many large specimens. A complete horned cattle skull was recovered from a possible pit or ditch. Skinning was noted frequently and also seen on canid bones. Hornworking activity is also suggested.",950,FALSE,56,,296,1,21,,4,,15,,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,,8,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 5010,"Cattle forms the highest proportion of the identified fragments, followed closely by sheep/goat. Twenty-four oyster shell fragments recovered.",280,FALSE,37,,41,,2,,7,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 5011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5012,The material is in poor condition and fragmentary and few pieces are identifiable.,48,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 5013,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. A single oyster shell. Partial horse pit burial within timber structure.,332,FALSE,14,,117,,1,,7,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 5014,The most abundant taxon in terms of weight is that of cattle - small-scale food waste.,319,FALSE,10,,28,,8,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,350, 5015,"Species recovered appear to be largely domestic and dominated by the main domestic stock of cattle and sheep/goat. Derived from primary and secondary waste. Fragments of animal bone, eggshell and fish bone came from samples, possibly faecal concretions. Wetland fowl comprise duck and heron. Oyster shells were recovered from many of the features.","1,346",TRUE,38,,130,,15,,12,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,3,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,100,350, 5016,"Animal bone recovered but the only NISP quantification is from the published account of one area of the site (the late Iron Age-early Roman palisaded circle), which is dominated by cattle. The bird bone comprises Wigeon. All the usual domesticates present. Also presence of butchered rabbit bones in context with Roman pottery.",213,FALSE,15,,83,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100,1 5017,Just 15 fragments of animal bone,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5018,"Small assemblage from Roman contexts, though much was probably residual in later contexts. Neonatal sheep bones in cremation deposit.",95,TRUE,37,1,41,,11,,1,,,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 5019,"Substantial bone assemblage dominated by cattle. Wild species comprised red and roe deer, hare, fox and badger. Other birds included raven. ABGs comprised cattle skeletons, which lay with horse skulls in a ditch, and a cattle skull placed with a new born piglet. The others were all dog skeletons. Domestic animal bones are probably remains of primary butchery waste.","12,580",FALSE,"1,352",,"4,164",1,663,1,211,,350,3,3,,16,,,3,,,,60,,12,,26,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,1,370,13 5020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5021,"Cattle, sheep pig and horse found in small quantities but not quantified. Complete horse mandible found in outer ditch. Also chopped antler tine from a red deer.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 5022,Substantial assemblage from M-LIA (mostly LIA) and Roman period occupation. Cattle dominate in LIA and cattle and sheep in Roman period.,"9,398",FALSE,"1,169",,"1,647",,367,,260,,25,1,2,,10,,,5,,,,9,,,,8,,12,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 5023,"Bones only analysed from the 1975 excavations (0.04ha), mostly from a LIA pit. Dominated by sheep/goat and cattle. Bird bones comprised duck and crane, along with raven.","3,117",FALSE,721,,608,,184,,51,,5,,,,5,,,,,,,2,,,,,,5,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,60,4 5024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5025,No data except lots of oyster and mussel shell.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 5026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5027,"No report on animal bone, but a complete skeleton of a small dog was buried with an infant. Also, a small pit contained three horses heads in a triangle, though dating of this is uncertain. Two Roman ditches filled with partial cattle skeletons, one with torsos, the other with articulated legs and heads.",,FALSE,,,,2,,,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 5028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5029,No data except mention of oyster shell,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 5030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5031,"Cattle were the most commonly represented species, followed by horse, pig, deer and bird (probably chicken). sheep/goat were also present, to a lesser extent. Also oyster and fish bone. Pig and cattle found on earlier excavations.",107,FALSE,4,,16,,6,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 5032,No report on animal bone.,79,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 5033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5035,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5036,"Only recorded animal bone was a sawn off red deer antler tine, possibly used to create patterns of the pots.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,325, 5037,"Animal bone recovered from the bathhouse and surrounding ditches. Cattle by far the most dominant, then also sheep, pig, horse, dog and cat, plys red deer and fox. Much oyster, whelk and mussel.",2,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 5038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5039,No data except noting the presence of oyster shell.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 5040,"All the usual domesticates found, along with red deer antler.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5041,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. The majority of the animal bone appears to be food waste.,83,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 5042,No data except confirmation of presence of oyster.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 5043,"The complete bone assemblage is dominated by large and medium sized mammals, mainly cow, but there is also horse sheep and pig. There appears to be a large number of mandibles and foot bones. Fragments of 12 oysters.",358,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350, 5044,Very few bones ID'd to species. Includes a dog burial. Oyster shell present. Fragments of fish bone from samples.,601,TRUE,1,,2,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,250, 5045,No data except presence of bone and oyster shell.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 5046,No report on animal bone. Much Oyster noted.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 5047,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5048,No data from Roman contexts,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5049,Very small assemblage with only cattle and horse identified. 1 oyster shell.,61,FALSE,,,14,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,300, 5050,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5051,Assemblage is not reported on. A large quantity (60kg) of oyster shell recovered.,"1,664",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 5052,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5053,"No report. Species present included cow, sheep/goat, pig, dog, deer, and horse. The number of horse remains is apparently quite high. Very little butchery was observed.","3,500",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,425, 5054,"The species identified include cattle, sheep and pig. One oyster shell.",25,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 5055,"The bulk of the remains were too fragmentary and eroded to identify to species. Cattle were most frequently identified, with a range of primary and secondary butchering and food waste.",341,FALSE,15,,69,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 5056,Small assemblage of sheep and cow fragments. Also much larger quantities of oyster and mussel shell.,16,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,125, 5057,Very small assemblage.,21,FALSE,2,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 5058,"Moderate sized assemblage dominated by horse (though a horse burial included in NISP count). A single bone from a Beaver was recovered from a pit. Small amounts of burnt bone were recorded from grave and pit fills. Butchering was noted throughout much of the assemblage, including the beaver. Oyster shell found in the grave fills.","1,006",TRUE,40,,66,,21,,210,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,1,200, 5059,"Reasonably high number of animal bones (680), but data not presented by phase so uncertain how many from Roman features. A articulated dog skeleton comes from a Roman ditch. Oyster shell noted.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 5060,"Only thirty-nine fragments (39.4%) were identifiable to species, and these represent the common domesticates. Also a single oyster shell fragment.",99,FALSE,19,,11,,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,250, 5061,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5062,"All of the main domestic meat-producing species were identified ? cattle, sheep, pig and horse, but not individually quantified to species. Thirty-nine fragments of oyster shell recovered.",270,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,250, 5063,"Substantial animal assemblage (40kg) but not quantified by NISP in assessment report, except fish bone (eel, carp, pike and herring). The Roman material was dominated by cattle, followed by sheep/goat and pig. Other identified species include horse, dog, cat, red deer and common frog.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,70,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 5064,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5065,Very little animal bone was recovered and the material is in very poor deteriorated condition and fragmented,23,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 5066,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5067,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5069,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5070,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5071,Animal bone recovered (a token '1' to indicate this) but no further information.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 5072,Animal bone recovered but no further information. Oyster shell also found.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 5073,More 20 animal bones recovered but no further details.,20,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,250, 5074,Animal bone recovered but no data as yet,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 5075,"Small assemblage dominated by cattle. Small mammal, fish and amphibian remains were recovered from several contexts.",162,FALSE,18,,50,,1,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 5076,Thirty four fragments of animal bone were recovered from the excavation with eighteen fragments identifiable to species (not listed). Includes an articulated lower cattle limb from a ditch. Oyster shell recovered.,34,FALSE,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,100, 5077,"A small assemblage of animal bone, and Roman material not separated.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6001,"Small assemblage dominated by cattle, especially in Roman period.",418,FALSE,31,,69,,11,,2,,8,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,325, 6002,Substantial assemblage dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. Includes almost complete foal buried with an infant in mid 1st C AD pit.,"2,020",TRUE,315,,224,,44,,122,1,55,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,2,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,200, 6003,"A small assemblage from the cemetery area. 266 ID'd to species. Most bones from ditch fills, but a few graves also contained bone. Cattle most common.",518,FALSE,97,,154,,5,,3,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,400, 6004,Most animal bone lost before it could be studied. A sheep skeleton located in a Roman ditch,75,FALSE,20,1,31,,9,,12,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,150, 6005,"Animal remains from the LIA ditch, dominated by cattle.",73,FALSE,6,,23,,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,50, 6006,"Modest sized assemblage dominated by cattle, especially in the later Roman period. No species quantifications provided in report. At least two partial cattle skeletons (345 fragments) found in a ditch, one a young calf.",350,TRUE,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,250, 6007,"Assemblage dominated by sheep/goat and cattle. Three sheep skulls found in a late Roman deposit (a hollow), all apparently carefully positioned on their sides facing different directions.",875,FALSE,106,1,95,,13,,24,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 6008,A total of 943 identified to species. Dominated by cattle. Includes dog remains from a pit. No wild animals indicated.,"4,063",TRUE,212,,631,,78,,,,11,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 6009,"A small (but unquantified) assemblage of animal bone from seven of the cremation burials. Includes chicken, pig, fish and small mammals.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,150, 6010,"A total of 738 identified to species including 235 from ABGs. Cattle dominant in all phases. Three dog skeletons found, one in LIA/early Roman enclosure ditch, another from a id Roman quarry pit and the third from a late Roman robber trench. One dog had no head associated. Wetland fowl comprised duck and goose. Other wild fowl comprise corvid. Oyster shell recovered in early and mid Roman deposits.","1,556",TRUE,116,,312,1,38,,43,,18,3,,,4,,,2,1,,,4,,,,15,,4,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400,4 6011,"Substantial assemblage (2917 from sieved samples, not included in phase breakdown). Dominated by cattle. Two pig skeletons found in adjacent pits (some doubt as to phase, could be post-Roman?). Also bone working waste from horse ribs along with some deer antler. Other wild mammal comprise fox. Birds comprise snipe and thrush. Identified fish comprise eel. Eggshell (chicken) present.","4,457",TRUE,140,,365,,22,2,101,,10,,,,,,,,,,10,,,2,,7,,,TRUE,16,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,50,400,3 6012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6015,"Unquantified assemblage, primarily sheep/goat but also cattle and domestic fowl. Jaw bones are well represented.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,100, 6016,"Assemblage not quantified by species - mostly cattle then sheep/goat, and also pig, horse, deer, dog, hare and chicken.",945,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,425, 6017,"Only animal bone from one ditch was recorded, mostly cattle.",74,FALSE,5,,24,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,50, 6018,"Very few bones recorded, comprising cattle sheep/goat, pig, cat and deer (antlers). Also large quantities of oysters, mussels and whelks.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 6019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6021,No data except mention of a quantity of oyster shell.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,150, 6022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6023,"Just 73 identified to species, dominated by cattle. Roe deer antler had skull part attached.",544,TRUE,18,,33,,3,,16,,2,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,100, 6024,Very small assemblage dominated by cattle and horse.,53,FALSE,4,,26,,1,,21,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 6025,Unquantified assemblage of all usual domesticates - cattle mots frequent. Two antler fragments found.,2,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 6026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6027,"Assemblage dominated by cattle, especially in the 2nd-3rd C AD assemblage. Articulated adult horse skeleton found in shallow grave near a mid Roman field boundary. The remains of two adult domestic fowl found in a mid Roman posthole, complete except for heads. No wild mammals. Wild birds comprise owl and corvid.","1,198",TRUE,148,,233,,18,,40,1,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,1,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300,2 6028,"Modest assemblage dominated by cattle in all phases. Evidence that much of the assemblage is primary butchery waste. Metrical data for cattle suggests they were quite large, from mid Roman period onwards. Wetland fowl comprises goose and other bird is corvid. Several small ABGs of dog recovered from mid Roman contexts - a dog skull in one 'special deposit' and partially articulated skeleton in another. Bones from a miniature dog breed found in late Roman contexts.","2,159",TRUE,276,,553,,20,,101,,41,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,17,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400,2 6029,"No report, but four horses and a dog skeleton found in cemetery ditch.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,4,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 6030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6031,"No quantified data. The species represented are horse, cattle, pig, sheep/goat (there is identified goat), dog chicken, goose, bird, Red deer and Roe deer. There is evidence of antler working. Two cattle skulls and one horse skull came from a ditch fill. The sieved samples include rodent, bird, amphibian and fish.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 6032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6033,"Small assemblage, with sheep/goat dominating in earlier phases. Partial skeleton of an immature dog from an early Roman enclosure ditch.",480,FALSE,56,,43,,6,,7,,4,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 6034,Modest assemblage of usual domesticates. Three partial pig skeletons from late Iron Age/early Roman cremation graves. Wetland fowl comprises duck.,"1,534",FALSE,165,,197,,53,3,36,,5,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,3,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,325, 6035,"Small assemblage, mostly cattle and sheep/goat. Includes articulated horse leg and a young dog skeleton. Wild birds comprise corvid and wild mammal comprises fox.",438,TRUE,67,,59,,5,,10,1,7,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,3,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,225,1 6036,Substantial assemblage dominated by sheep/goat. Partial piglet skeleton in ditch. Wild mammal is fox and bird is corvid.,"2,112",TRUE,450,,288,,116,1,30,,5,,,,,5,,,,,,,,2,,3,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50,1 6037,"Significant assemblage belonging to the late Iron Age and early Roman periods. Sheep/goat most common, then cattle in late iron Age, with more cattle in Roman assemblage.","1,899",FALSE,296,,284,,79,,45,,8,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 6038,"Substantial assemblage dominated by sheep/goat. Includes partial dog and partial young chicken skeleton (latter from grave). Wild mammal comprises fox, wetland fowl goose and other wild bird, corvid and falcon.","3,436",FALSE,707,,437,,71,,53,,46,1,1,,,,,1,4,,,3,,5,,11,1,1,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400,3 6039,"Animal bone derived from the late Iron Age/early Roman phase of occupation, dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Fish bone comprise eel, pike and perch.","1,009",FALSE,92,,112,,31,,26,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,5,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 6040,Very small assemblage of usual domesticates.,16,FALSE,6,,6,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350, 6041,Small assemblage of usual domesticates.,77,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350, 6042,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,77,FALSE,20,,37,,9,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 6043,No bones identified to species.,53,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 6044,Very small assemblage,12,FALSE,1,,7,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,125, 6045,Animal bone remains not differentiated between Iron Age and Roman sites on the pipeline scheme.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6046,No specific data from the Roman site.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6047,Species represented include cattle and sheep/goat. Not quantified.,266,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350, 6048,"Mostly sheep/goat bones, then cattle. Partial adult horse skeleton from a trackway ditch.",580,FALSE,164,,91,,16,,12,1,1,,,,,1,,,,,,1,,,,5,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 6049,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6050,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6051,No data except presence of oyster shell.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 6052,"Species represented are principally cow and sheep/goat, with smaller quantities of pig and dog.",119,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,300, 6053,"Species represented are large mammals, including cow and horse.",121,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 6054,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6055,"No specific report/data on general remains from Roman contexts. Cattle were the most common animals in all phases. Three articulated carcasses were found in Roman contexts, a small dog skeleton from a grave, and partial dog and foal skeletons from pits.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 6056,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6058,Small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat in LIA and cattle in early Roman period. Sixteen of the dog bones (large adult) formed an associated group recovered from the secondary fill of a ditch. Discrete burial of a neonatal horse in later Roman contexts.,522,FALSE,116,,112,,20,,19,1,5,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 6059,Assemblage dominated by cattle. A typical Roman butchery activity could be observed on a cattle scapula. Also much oyster shell.,587,FALSE,193,,340,,35,,,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,2,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 6060,"Huge assemblage but not fully analysed (10% sample assessed and is the data provided here). Species present include horse, cattle, pig, sheep/goat, dog and deer, chicken and goose. The sieved material examined includes rodent, bird, fish and amphibian bones. Cattle are by far the predominant species.","2,564",TRUE,743,,"1,500",,189,,58,,47,,,,,,,,,,22,,,,,3,,2,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,425, 6061,"Identifiable species are sheep/goat, cow, pig, horse and deer. There was an increase in cattle relative to sheep in LIA and LIA/ER. Sheep numbers rise compared with cattle in ER. Pig bones were significantly less common in all the major phases. One exceptionally large bovid tibia from a late iron Age context has been identified as aurochs, while two possible bones of wild boar belong to the same period. Wetland fowl comprises duck. Other fowl comprise raven and probable sea eagle. Fish bone comprises the vertebra of a small shark in association with the unurned LIA cremation. Articulated remains included part of a juvenile cow skeleton from an enclosure ditch. A partial dog skeleton was noted in a later Roman ditch and part of a horse skeleton was dated to the early Roman period.","4,464",FALSE,852,,"1,164",1,191,,253,1,162,1,,,16,1,,3,,,,,,,,14,,1,TRUE,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,1,300,3 6062,Animal bone not divided into separate periods.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6063,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6064,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6065,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6066,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6067,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6068,Large quantities of animal bone of main domesticates along with red and roe deer. No quantification.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6069,Many cattle bones recovered from late Roman ditches.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,325, 6070,"Small identified assemblage, mostly cattle and sheep. A cattle humerus bears heavy blade marks along part of the posterior aspect, which would have removed the meat along with slivers of bone. This method of filleting is characteristic of Romano-British butchery but is generally found only on nucleated settlements, usually indicating the presence of specialist butchers. Fifteen bones of an adult cat were recovered from one context.",225,TRUE,30,,40,,4,,3,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,150, 6071,Assemblage dominated by cattle. Wetland fowl comprise duck and goose.,"2,447",TRUE,234,,522,,68,,87,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,3,TRUE,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 6072,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6073,Substantial animal bone assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Includes a lamb burial from a pit and four dog burials in pits and ditches. Wetland fowl comprise goose and other wildfowl comprise buzzard and raven.,"6,000",FALSE,873,1,983,,142,,109,,274,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,120,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,75,400,3 6074,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6075,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6076,"Moderate sized assemblage, mostly from late Iron Age-early Roman complex higher up the hill, though the middle Roman assemblage contained the greatest species diversity. Cattle is the most numerous species followed by sheep/goat. An articulating red deer distal radius and ulna in a pit and articulating phalanges in a waterhole. Bird was corvid. The 26 bones of domestic fowl all came from the fill of an oven and possibly represented a single bird.","2,096",TRUE,153,,230,,29,,38,,,,,,2,1,2,,,,3,,,,,26,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300,1 6077,"Assemblage dominated by cattle, sheep/goat and horse. Horse burial in a ditch. Also articulated vertebral column and skull of a cow placed in the cemetery enclosure ditch, near to a complete pottery vessel. Beyond the bowl lay a group of horse leg bones that were clearly not articulated and appeared to have been placed in a bundle.","1,316",TRUE,75,,97,1,17,,47,1,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 6078,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6079,"Assemblage dominated by cattle. Includes a single goose bone. The articulated remains comprise two mid-Roman and one late Roman dogs, as well as the hind leg of a horse from a middle Roman context and a cattle skull from a late Roman waterhole.","3,404",TRUE,81,,402,1,15,,46,1,11,2,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 6080,No data on species.,70,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 6081,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6082,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6083,Very small assemblage. The most abundant taxon present was Cattle with smaller quantities of Sheep/Goat and Pig.,29,FALSE,4,,13,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,250, 6084,Small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat. Most bones from main meat-bearing joints and evidence for butchery.,176,FALSE,42,,22,,1,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 6085,Small and highly fragmented assemblage dominated by cattle. Also the complete burial of a small but mature horse within a pit.,139,FALSE,4,,25,,3,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 6086,"Not quantified. Hand recovered bones came from horse cattle, pig Sheep/goat, dog, red deer and hare. The sieved samples produced evidence of rodents, amphibians and small birds. Preliminary examination suggests the predominance of cattle.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 6087,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 6088,"Faunal remains collected but no report or quantification as yet. The assemblage includes horse, dog, pig, frog, and bird (including a tibiotarsus of a goose). Oyster shell found.",4,FALSE,,,,,1,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 6089,"Cattle fragments dominate the identifiable assemblage, followed by sheep/goat. The cattle assemblage includes three associated thoracic vertebrae from a mid/late Roman pit. Nine of the thirteen dog elements are from an associated group consisting of several vertebrae, ribs, pelvis and femur found in ditch G56 along with a fragmented horse skull.","2,642",TRUE,129,,527,1,6,,42,,13,1,1,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,1,400, 6090,"Small assemblage of cattle, sheep and goat.",72,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 6091,A small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat.,84,FALSE,19,,13,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 7001,Only 6 animal bone fragments came from stratified Roman contexts. One red deer antler was found to have been worked.,35,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350, 7002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7004,Quantities of burnt animal bone was recovered from a number of features at the site.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7006,"Most of the sheep remains were of teeth or mandibles, similar to the temenos material at Chanctonbury Ring. Marine shell was far better represented than animal bone with a total of 897 shell specimens, of which nearly 50% came from sealed contexts. 72.5% of these were oyster, with the remainder consisting mussel and cockle. Large groups of marine shell was recovered from the temenos ditch.",48,FALSE,36,,6,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250, 7007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7008,"Animal bones are noted to have been present in pits, though no details are given. It is unlikely that any have been analysed.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 7009,"A range of marine shells were recovered. The assemblage was dominated by limpets (101) and mussels (35), though also included cockle, periwinkle, oyster, and whelk. One pigeon bone was identified.",57,FALSE,40,,9,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,300,1 7010,"One sheep skeleton was recovered from a pit close to a boundary ditch. Cattle, sheep and a fish bone are noted in the report, but these are not detailed in the microfiche. Substantial quantities of marine shell were recovered, including periwinkle (126), oyster (40), and limpet (266), as well as whelk and mussel.",,FALSE,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 7011,See burial summary,,FALSE,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 7012,"Of 79 marine shells, oyster was most common followed by mussel, whelk and cockle respectively.",180,FALSE,56,,84,,22,,10,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 7013,"The specialist analysed the early Roman and late Roman assemblages, but since they did not observe much difference in taxa frequency the assemblage was presented as a single group in the report. Much of the skeleton of a juvenile horse was recovered from a Roman pit. Parts from a kitten came from a separate feature. Two whale vertebrae fragments were recovered from the 2ndC AD ditch. The fish vertebrae came from a meagre, a migratory species which periodically enter the English Channel from the Mediterranean. Marine shells were very common from each phase, with mussel (719) dominating the assemblage and significant quantities of oyster (250), cockle (37), limpet (273), periwinkle (116) and pullet carpet shell (123). Scallop (3), whelk (1), and flat winkle (1) were also present. Perhaps also notable was a crab claw from a late Iron Age feature; shellfish were similarly common in the preceding IA phases.",427,FALSE,211,,100,,24,,69,2,8,,1,1,4,1,,,,,,,,2,,9,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,75,400, 7014,"24 bird bones were recovered from the site, though the report only notes that domestic fowl were present along with an unidentified species. Half of these specimens have been attributed to domestic fowl here to take account of these identifications, though without further detail in the report, this count must remain tentative. Five 'deer' bones are noted in the faunal remains table though only one is mentioned to have been identified in the text. Marine shells were well represented including oyster (58), limpet (34), mussel (10), pullet carpet (6), cockle (2), periwinkle (36), and whelk (1).",482,TRUE,119,,181,,35,,30,,66,,22,,1,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,75,200, 7015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7016,"The animal bone data were presented as a whole from the site, including prehistoric and modern material, though the assemblage is very small. Remains of cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse were all identified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,150, 7017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7018,"Cattle, sheep/goat and pig remains were identified, though most of the assemblage was unidentified.",22,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 7019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7024,"Although the total fragment count is not given, the report gives a good account of the faunal remains considering the date of the publication. The assemblage is too small for statistical analysis but sheep/goat, cattle, horse, pig, dog, and red deer antler are present. 'Wild boar' are noted from the tusks, though these may in fact be domestic. Some cattle and horse biometrics are given. Marine molluscs include limpet, winkle, dog whelk, mussel, oyster, scallop and cockle.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,25,350, 7025,"Cattle, sheep, horse and pigs bones were noted to have been present, with cattle being particularly numerous.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,325, 7026,Horses teeth were noted in the finds.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 7027,"The composition of the assemblage was noted as being unusual with high proportions of cattle and pig, as well as a significant proportion of wild mammals, reflecting to some extent the wooded landscape. 49 specimens came from red deer, and 1 from roe deer, though the specialist did not differentiate between bone and antler in their data. Some pig bones were thought to have been very large and were perhaps wild boar. Three specific deposits may have been of a ritual nature, including a puppy skeleton found among the pilae of the hypocaust, a very large red deer antler found alongside the later praefurnium, and the skull of a hornless cattle, c. 4 years old, found on the floor of the apodyterium.",350,FALSE,47,,158,1,65,,6,,18,2,,,,,1,,,,50,1,,,,4,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,250, 7028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7031,Only the two dog burials have been briefly described in the interim report. These were thought possibly to have been 'termination' deposits.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,300, 7032,"No main animal bone report is yet available, though a fish bone report has been made available. Much of the fish bone came from a pit to the north of the villa. Other Deposits were found in a series of layers in the west corridor as well as a number of pit and posthole fills and layers, also to the north of the villa, whilst some were found in association with the infills of the bathhouse. The pit dated to the 3rdC AD and the vast majority of the contexts with fish dated to this phase, though the full range extends from the late 1st to 3rdC AD. Fish species present include Atlantic salmon or sea trout, allis shad or twaite shad, herring, clupeid, conger eel, cod, gadids, mackerel, scombrid, sea bream, mullet, brill or turbot, plaice/flounder, flatfish, and perch.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,300, 7033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7035,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7040,"A thrush-sized bird carpometacarpus was recovered, as well as a hare ulna. A fish vertebrae was suggested to have been cod, though this identification is unsubstantiated. Marine shell remains included edible mussel (84%), edible winkle (1%) and common limpet (15%) - no overall NISP given.",145,FALSE,16,,13,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50,1 7041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7042,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 7043,"two fossilised sponges, one hollow, were recovered from the ditch section along with a Roman finger ring.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 7044,"Animal bone noted but not in detail. Marine shell included mussels, limpets, oysters, and cockles. Two fossil echinococcus', one from each site.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,150, 7045,"A fairly small assemblage and adjudged to be domestic rubbish derived from activities such as food preparation and cooking, even though none of the fragments showed any obvious signs of butchery.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8001,"The complete carcass of an adult sheep was recovered from an early phase post-hole feature. The bones were in many cases calcined, though no evidence for burning was observed from the matrix or cut of the feature. It is suggested that the remains were carefully handled prior to deposition, since the skeleton was largely complete, though no evidence for charcoal or other fuel used in its cremation was found, though the body must have been moved from a separate site of burning.",,FALSE,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,325, 8002,"The assemblage from the latter excavation (animal bone was only reported in the 1984 publication) was primarily from cattle and horncores in particular. Around 135 horncores were recovered from the section of ditch, noted to be in an 'even scatter rather than as a single dump'. Many of these were measurable, mostly considered to be 'short-horned'. and gave information on age at death, indicating that young, mature and elderly cattle were present, though mature animals may have been primarily selected. Around 20% of the horncores showed signs of butchery, mostly being chopped, probably with a cleaver. Horse ABGs were represented by articulated vertebrae columns.",305,FALSE,2,,276,,2,,22,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 8003,"The full animal bone report is held in archive and the main findings are only summarised in the published report. The 'other wild mammal' specimen comes from a polecat, whilst the deer remains are from unspecified elements of red deer. The two cattle ABGs are both represented by almost complete skeletons, one of which was positioned close to the roundhouse, whilst the other was placed in a ditch further north, close to the river bank. This animal had its limbs removed and placed beside the trunk of the animal in the feature. Cut marks were observable on a the humerus. Though fish-traps were present, no fish remains were recovered. This may be due to a lack of sieving. The excavator also suggests that fish, domestic produce from animal and plant husbandry, and wild animal exploitation may have been a means for the inhabitants to trade in some exotic goods (see Pottery Data and Plant Data).",121,FALSE,39,,53,2,14,,7,,5,,,,,,,,,,2,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-70,150, 8004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8005,Only 7 fragments of animal bone was recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8006,The animal bone assemblage was small and poorly-preserved. Only cattle and horse remains were identified,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8007,"The animal bone recorded here derived entirely from Canham ([Sutton] 1978) and Darton (2007). Two early phases in Canham (Sutton 1978) were dated AD43-150 and AD150-300, whilst the remains from the Darton excavation dated AD43-200. Since no sieving was carried on site and as each of these sub-assemblages were quite small, they have been amalgamated here as an early Roman assemblage. A late Roman assemblage (AD300-410) in Canham (Sutton 1978) was large enough to stand as a single phased assemblage. Mammal-sized fragments were omitted from the overall counts. Remains of wildfowl from 4thC AD contexts include mallard and crow. Cattle remains were commonly found with chop marks whilst horse remains were generally less fragmented , though a few bore chop marks. Both red deer antler specimens were found to have been shed, with one which had been sawn through just above the bez tine.",885,FALSE,212,,398,,55,,163,,36,,9,,,2,,,,,,,,,,13,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,43,400,1 8008,Only a very small and poorly-preserved quantity of animal bone was recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8009,"A small and poorly-preserved animal bone assemblage was recovered comprising the remains of cattle, sheep/goat, pig, and horse. The hind leg of a horse was recovered from one pit, though this is likely to have been prehistoric in date.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8013,Only three bone specimens were recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8014,"1104 animal bone fragments were recovered from the pits and ditches at the Usher Road excavation. The assemblage was hand-collected and preservation was generally poor. Locker breaks the assemblage into phases, though the character of each group is very similar and, as a whole, dates from the mid-3rd to late 4th centuries AD. As such, the assemblage is recorded here together. The very high proportion of cattle is also reported by Derrick Rixson (Sheldon 1971) who notes that cattle remains made up around 90% of the assemblage, as reflected in the MNI counts for the assemblage (around 117 cattle). Although he states that preservation was very good, he does not provide raw NISP data for each species. Rickson reports that anatomical parts from cattle remains were found in general equal frequencies, and suggests that all livestock were slaughtered on or near the site, then butchered and consumed locally. Chopping marks were seen on many of the specimens, particularly the cattle remains, i.e. all the femur heads had been chopped through. Remains from four dog burials (one in a pit and another in a ditch) were reported by Rixson (1971) and are recorded here with Locker's data.","1,104",FALSE,66,,388,,38,,61,,31,4,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 8015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8016,"Of the 1480 fragments of animal bone excavated, only 745 were selected for analysis based upon the security of the context and sample size. Only Periods 3 (3rd C AD) and 5 (late 4th C AD) thus produced reliable assemblages. The general preservation of the assemblage was noted as poor to moderate and had only been retrieved by hand-collection. It was apparent that many of the animals remains had not been deeply buried. Three specimens of duck (mallard) were recovered, plus a skull fragment from a cod. Bird and fish remains are very likely to have been under-represented. A number of distinctive butchery mark were noted, particularly on the cattle remains, including cuts on the hyoid (tongue removal) and 2nd phalange (skinning), as well as meat removal from chop and cut marks on the long bones, plus marrow extraction from split metapodials. Overall, the cleaver seems to have been extensively used. A chicken foot bone and the cod bone also included cut marks as did three horse bones, suggestive of defleshing. However, the faunal specialist argues against the tannery interpretation as horncores were less well represented compared to mandibles and suggests that the site had been occupied by a specialist butcher (rarely seen on rural sites). Horncores (and thus skins) may have been transferred into Londinium for work by tanners and horn-workers there, such as at Angel Court, Walbrook (see report for ref). Similar overall patterns were noted from both phases.","1,480",FALSE,55,,256,,46,,37,,6,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,18,,3,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 8017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8018,"Around 100 animal bone fragments were present, though the data were not presented in the report. The assemblage include a good range of species including horse, cattle, sheep/goat, pig and red deer.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8019,"The assemblage included one complete skeleton of a calf aged around 6-9 months and buried in a late 2nd-3rdC AD pit. Around 20 cattle horncores were also recovered from the site. Chop marks presumably made with a cleaver were common, particularly on cattle bones. The report notes some of the mark types, which seem to be in concordance with specialist Roman butchery styles (cf. Maltby 1989). Two wetland wildfowl bones include specimens from woodcock (tmt) and greylag goose (ttr). A very small quantity of bones came from 4thC AD features and have not been included here. Metric data was taken from the red deer metatarsal.",466,FALSE,53,,200,1,22,,8,,1,,,,2,2,,2,,,,,,,,7,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,250, 8020,"The animal bone recovered was in an exceptionally poor state of preservation. A few hundred specimens dated to the late Iron Age/Roman periods but the vast majority was unidentifiable to species. Only remains of cattle, horse, and sheep/goat were noted.",314,FALSE,3,,12,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 8021,"The faunal remains were in a very poor state of preservation, and many were crumbly to the touch. Forty worn horse tooth fragments were recovered from the fill of a Roman building, and as these could have come from the same animal they have been entered here as '1'. One mallard scapula was recovered. A cattle humerus from a primary well fill had been longitudinally split and a femur had been chopped through the femoral head; both of these marks are characteristic of Roman-style butchery. A cattle skull included chop marks which indicated decapitation and removal of the brain.","1,131",FALSE,17,,231,,8,,45,,94,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 8022,"Only 70 specimens of animal bone were recovered and in a poor state of preservation. Cattle, horse, and sheep/goat specimens were identified from Roman period features.",70,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 8023,"The faunal remains were very poorly preserved, with only cattle, horse and sheep/goat specimens identified to species.",656,FALSE,2,,78,,,,31,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 8024,The animal bones are described as 'Romano-British' but the vast majority date to the early Roman period. Burnt bones were occasionally encountered and material from one gully containing several specimens which had been well charred.,366,TRUE,31,,48,,4,,20,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 8025,"The animal bones were in a generally poor condition, though too few were identified to species for the raw data to be presented in the report. The specialist notes that horse remains from two ditch contexts probably represent partial articulations, though gives few details.",469,FALSE,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 8026,The animal bone data are not separated by period in the report,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8028,"The small quantity of bone recovered means that all phases are amalgamated together here. Some small equid bones were recovered which could perhaps have been donkey, though analysis was not conclusive. One red deer metacarpal had been sawn through.",310,TRUE,23,,76,,3,,27,,1,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 8029,"Acidic soils meant that bone survival was poor, and many specimens were highly fragmented. Cattle and pig bones were recovered from two pits.",120,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 8030,"A substantial quantity of animal bone was recovered from the two Roman quarry pits, although in disproportionate quantities. The fills of the southern pit, particularly the primary fill, contained the majority of the bone, almost 98% of the fragments. Cuts and chopmarks were notably absent and many of the bones were complete. During excavation it was noted that much of the bone was situated in discrete concentrations of articulated skeletal regions, implying that the deposits represent body parts were disarticulated without 'heavy' butchery practice which would produce the type of fracturing normally found in bone assemblages typical of domestic waste. Parts from at least 5 cattle were placed in the primary fill and 1 from the secondary fill indicating that at least the former were deposited over a relatively short period of time. Although body parts were represented, most parts of the skeletons also seem to have been present. As well as the cattle remains, parts of a young horse (deciduous premolars were present but heavily worn), notably the skull, were also buried in the primary fills with the cattle. The excavator and specialist suggest that these were the remains of 'diseased' animals. 5 bird bones were also present though not presented by species.",383,FALSE,,,,5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350, 8031,"Material from phases 1, 2 and 3 are omitted here since the assemblages are so minimal, as is phase 7 as it is post-Roman. Phases 4, 5, and 6 are amalgamated here due to short chronological range (see report for breakdown). Since the assemblage was sieved and the high proportion of bird and fish remains are present it seems that the high cattle to sheep/goat ratio is a real pattern. The red deer antler specimen had been worked. Domestic fowl remain exhibit a wide range in size, though smaller (female?) specimen predominate. Both males and females were present in the sample, as denoted by sexual traits, though female specimens were more common. Wetland fowl species included greylag goose, mallard, tufted duck and woodcock. Seven specimens of unidentified bird species were present. Other wildfowl species included raven, starling and robin. Fish species included plaice, herring, mackerel, grey mullet, sea bream, eel, and one or two species of cyprinid. A range of rodent species, as well as frog bones, were present.","2,200",TRUE,211,,"1,221",,120,,30,2,9,,1,,,1,,,,,,6,,,,81,,7,TRUE,49,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,400,3 8032,"The animal bone assemblage was in a generally poor condition and had not been sieved. Only 281 specimens could be identified to species, cattle (61.6%), sheep/goat (20.6%), horse (8.5%), and pig (7.8%) remains were all present, as were 'a few bones of domestic fowl'. These frequencies have been recalculated here back into NISP counts, though caution must remains in their interpretation since the assemblage includes both prehistoric and Roman material. The (mostly) complete horse and dog burials have been recorded here as they were dated and further analysed by the specialists. Good photos of each were presented in the main report. These are more certainly of early Roman date. No butchery evidence was noted on the horses, though the surface preservation of the bone was poor. Both were adults but could not be sexed. The body position of the dog suggested to the author that the animal had died in 'acute abdominal pain', and states that the animal was buried whilst in rigor mortis. A knife mark on the tibia and the absence of both of the hind paws indicates that these had been removed. However, no further butchery was observed and the specialist argues that the animal had not been skinned. The specialist raises some other examples of where dogs have been butchered in the report. The animal seemed to have been quite tall, suggested to be the height of a timber-wolf, though the dentition was that of a domestic animal. The absence of the baculum suggests that the dog was a bitch.","1,536",FALSE,58,,173,,22,,24,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,250, 8033,Animal bone was mentioned to have been present in the report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8035,"Some animal bone was recovered from the ditch fill, though it is possible that this was residual from earlier features which the ditch had cut through.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8039,Remains of a horse was encountered in one ditch fill. It is uncertain whether these were articulated.,20,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,125,275, 8040,"The assemblage was dominated (by weight) by cattle, with smaller quantities of horse, sheep/goat, pig, and dog present. Domestic fowl was represented by a single metacarpal. Unfortunately, the species were only quantified by weight not NISP. A largely complete adult dog skeleton was recovered from one of the late Roman pits.",407,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 8041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8042,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8043,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8045,Only cattle and horse were identified from a very small and poorly preserved assemblage.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8046,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8047,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8048,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8049,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8050,No identifiable fragments of animal bone were recovered from the entire site.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8051,178 bone fragments were recovered though none dated to the Roman phase of activity.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8053,"No animal bone data are given in the report. A summary mentions that cow remains predominate, whilst horse and sheep/goat are minimally represented. The single record of dog also comes from the Romano-British group. Pig are represented almost entirely by a series of five unphased contexts described as pig burials, though all other pig is sparse and most found in pits (some burnt).",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 8054,Only very few animal bones were recovered due to poor preservation at the site.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8056,"Only 113 animal bone specimens came from the Pre-Construct Archaeology excavation; the remainder derive from the MoLAS excavation. The MoLAS assemblage, whilst identified to species, was not divided by phase but treated as 'Roman' and the quantities attributed to each taxa were not tabulated in the report. 643 specimens came from wet-sieved samples. A later Roman feature on the PCA site produced a partially articulated horse skeleton, which was thought to have been a large individual approaching old age. This was argued to have been dumped with food detritus. A possible cremated sheep (MoLAS) from was present in the wet-sieved remains, buried in association with one of the timber structures. A possible partial cattle ABG associated bone group was recovered from a ditch fill, consisting the upper and lower limbs and the foot bones from a neonate. The bulk of the hand-collected material derived from adult domestic mammals, though horse remains seem to have been relatively frequent. Wild mammals are represented by one butchered red deer metapodial and an antler tine fragment. Bird remains recovered consisted of the lower limbs of chicken from the wet-sieved material, as were remains of rodent and amphibians. Fish remains were represented by just one eel vertebra. Most body parts from cattle and sheep/goat remains were present with butchery concentrated on the upper limb bones of the former.","1,782",TRUE,,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,43,375, 8057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8058,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8059,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8060,Animal bones were noted from the excavation but the analysis of their remains was not presented in the report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8061,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8062,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8063,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8064,Of interest was the horse skull in pit 609 (see plan). According to crown height its age at death was between 5-9.25 years (after Levine 1982). The wear pattern on the upper incisors suggests an age of about 7 years.,157,FALSE,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 8065,Only three animal bones were recovered during excavation.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8066,No animal of Roman date was recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8067,"Two pit fill groups provided cattle assemblages largely composed of head and foot parts indicative of dumps of butchers waste. From a well fill cattle skull/mandible fragments could represent the remains of a single adult cattle skull (complete with horncores). The same fill also provided a concentration of horse skull fragments, which are likely to belong to a single individual. These two complete skulls could be the result of 'ritual' behaviour, perhaps representing a 'termination' deposit.",327,FALSE,2,,26,1,1,,7,1,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 8068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8069,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8070,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8071,"Butchered animal bone was noted to have been excavated from a large adjacent pit, though none had been analysed.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8072,Only a few specimens of cattle and horse were recovered - the assemblage was exceptionally poorly preserved in general.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8073,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8074,"A sheep's forelimb (comprising fragments of scapula, humerus, radius, a single carpal and a second phalange) was cremated and placed in a complete jar and deposited in the fill of the ditch.",,FALSE,7,1,15,,,,8,,3,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,43,150, 8075,The faunal assemblage is small and largely redeposited.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8076,The fish species was not identified.,33,FALSE,5,,20,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,300, 8077,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 8078,A small quantity of poorly preserved animal bones were recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9001,"Evidence for one polled sheep as well as horned sheep (3rd/4thC). Raven, golden plover, jackdaw and plaice all present. 1st C and 1st/2nd C groups, plus 3rd C and 4th C groups counted together in phased assemblages recorded here. 'Total fragment counts' do not include individual specimen counts from the ABGs.","2,896",TRUE,569,8,366,,97,,21,,5,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,1,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400,2 9002,"Oyster shell recovered, but mainly from post-Roman phased contexts. Some bird and possible sheep bone was found in association with the cremations, but the uncertainty of the species identification means that this information only useful in the 'burial' form.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9005,"The animal bones are described by pit, though the assemblage is small enough and closely-dated for each to amalgamated into a single group here. Both sheep and cattle were found to be horned.",42,FALSE,10,,26,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,10,120, 9006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9008,Only 40 fragments were recovered of which only a dog mandible and sheep's tooth were described.,40,FALSE,1,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,140, 9009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9010,"Five cattle skulls were recovered together from a deliberate deposit in the central part of the pit along with pottery sherds. The cattle skull had severely fragmented post-deposition, so a fragment count is not useful here beyond the number of ABGs the skulls represent. No attempt was made to age the animals from the dentition or to look for taphonomic markers.",5,FALSE,,,5,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,100, 9011,Only a very small quantity of bones were present and identified. A red deer skull was present by the frontal bones on which both antler bases were attached but which had been sawn above the brow tines. The red deer remains noted here do not include the five antler tools which had come from shed specimens.,200,FALSE,14,,25,,18,,3,,2,,,,2,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 9012,"The report mentions a few animal bones by specimen from a range of dated contexts including 3 sheep/goat mandibles (1 IA), red deer antler, 'leg bones' of an ox, and a horse mandible. The sample is too little described for quantification.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9013,"The zooarchaeological data are derived from several reports in the publication which detail separate targeted analysis on 'important' aspects of the bone assemblage. As a result, this data is problematic for the analysis of species proportions but is useful for finds of animal remains in specific contexts - data have been added to denote the presence of wild animals. NISP of the main domesticates (C, S/G and P) are based solely on mandible fragments. Two cattle skulls were recovered from foundation trenches of room 10 (late third century). Report suggests that these were of an imported cattle type. A horse skull had been recovered outside the temple entrance. It is suggested not to have been deposited but lain above ground. A complete skeleton from a suckling pig recovered from the tannery pit - though was not properly analysed. At least 6 dogs were buried on site with one skeleton of a large individual, almost complete, excavated from the granary building with a coin (House of Valentinian - 4th century). One cat skeleton was excavated from the deep-room below the church (4th century) and had been burnt on one side (suggested to have been caused by the fire which destroyed the villa. Another cat skeleton was excavated from a late second century pit associated with the villa kitchens. Two domestic fowl tarsometatarsus with spurs are noted in the small finds section, though other bones are suggested to exist. Skull from a woodcock recovered from a late fourth century deposit above a tessellated floor. Fish remains were present but unidentified or quantified. One periwinkle identified.",,FALSE,80,,194,2,165,1,1,1,6,6,2,2,,,,,,,1,1,,,,2,,1,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,420,1 9014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9016,"The animal bone assemblage is complicated by being reported over the two volumes. The first volume split its assemblage into two groups (A and B). Most of group A was largely unstratified and included a level of intrusion, whereas group B was smaller but from more stratified layers (though still with some intrusion, such as a turkey foot bone). Group A bone is not quantified and so is not recorded here. The group A bone included the skull from a juvenile macaque, though it is not known whether this was Roman or from a later intrusion. The Group B assemblage dates from the entire period of occupation. However, the quantified portion is divided in two phases: the first belonging to the main villa complex dating AD200-450 (recorded here as Phase 1), and other areas dating AD300-550 (recorded here as Phase 2). Animal bone recovered from some late Iron Age and early Roman pits, although not quantified, is suggested to represent religious offerings. One Roman pit included a large number of sheep/goat remains with goat being identified from four skulls; this pit also included a dog skeleton which had a shortened muzzle, similar to a lap-dog type also excavated from a shaft near the mausoleum (see below). A pit near the north timber building was undated but included an aurochs skull; it is unknown whether this was an earlier, i.e. Neolithic, deposit or redeposited material. Deer remains are well represented though not specified to bone or antler - given here as 'unspecified', although 17 are red and 3 are roe. Red deer also noted to be common from the group A bone. Other ABGs noted are also recorded in the main zooarch sheet however. Humerus from a pine marten/polecat recorded from one of the villa ditches (P.IV). High quantity of dog bones from south-east enclosure ditch, which may be the result of ABGs though these are not commented on in the report. Two lapdogs from the ritual shaft are also recorded in the dataset here - the lapdogs had been cremated and the excavator suggests that they had chthonic associations, possibly associated with a goddess. The second volume deal with the faunal remains from the Roman shafts excavated between 1978-90 as well as that from other areas. No full quantification of bone counts are given from the shaft as these are largely made up from complete or substantially complete skeletons. Shaft F, the largest feature, contained no less than 34 individual skeletons. Wild animals included in the shafts were fox, raven, magpie, and goose. These data are given in Phase 3. A separate ditch associated with the proto-villa also produced a quantity of animal bone, dating c.AD160-200, and is recorded here as Phase 4. A high proportion of red deer was found in this deposit, both antler and post cranial, where the antler was seen to have been deliberately sawn from the animals skull after hunting.","2,675",FALSE,219,25,650,2,146,5,27,2,160,22,,,9,4,,,,,20,1,,2,1,3,3,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,450,4 9017,8 dog bones derive from a single skeleton. One equid lower 1st/2nd molar identified as a possible donkey based upon its morphology.,259,FALSE,45,1,25,1,24,1,8,1,2,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,175,300, 9018,Almost half the material is of late Roman date whilst the rest is post-Roman and not recorded here. Most interesting is a fragment from a whale rib found by one of the mill structures. Little evidence of burning but high incidence of butchery marks recorded. Pole-axed cattle skull present.,627,FALSE,82,,133,,14,,44,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,1,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 9019,"1376 animal bones derived from hand-collection, 1045 from environmental samples, and 40 burnt fragments from the cremation burials. Acidic nature of the soil led to very poor preservation overall. Assemblage dated from phase 2 - 6. Two fragments of bird bone recovered but not identified to species. One antler specimen had been shed, though none were worked. The fish bone belonged to a flatfish. Though the assemblage is well phased it is too small to analyse each separately.","2,461",TRUE,27,,116,,11,,11,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,43,350, 9020,"Phase 3, the middle Roman phase, is entirely from the main sanctuary complex area and includes the ritual shaft deposits. An LIA horse skeleton was recovered from the top of a pit. ER deposits included the skeleton of a cockerel placed above that of a puppy, the nearly complete skeletons of an adult horned ewe, a piglet, and a raven. The sanctuary complex phase (Phase 3) produced two horse skulls, partial or complete skeletons of 16 dogs and one 'bird'. The ritual shaft of the same mid-Roman phase (3) included the neck of a young cow with a complete dog skeleton, recovered with an iron chain, 2 adult cattle skulls and 1 horse skull with another dog skeleton, two dog limbs with a cattle skull, two dog skeletons with a human skull, a single dog skeleton, 6 partial dog skeletons, a second group of 6 partial dog skeletons along with the skeletons of a calf, a pig, a chicken, a goose and a raven. 3 bones of weasel recovered, though a high proportion of rodent bones were also present (not recorded here). High proportion of Iron Age hare may be significant (the religious connotation of hare coursing is noted in the report in relation to a folding-knife handle, Cat no. 242). White-tailed eagle bone from the sanctuary complex. Other wild fowl include coot, crow, greylag, grey heron, mallard, teal/garganey, passerines, peregrine falcon, raven, rock/stock dove, woodcock/plover, water ail, and woodpigeon. Bone from the temple complex has not been quantified though it includes 2 animal burials in temenos entrance pit and a decapitated gull burial by shrine IV. Also mention of much oyster and mussel shell.","39,357",TRUE,"2,519",1,"2,392",4,975,2,122,5,106,37,2,,,,,2,,,5,23,,3,,32,2,22,TRUE,60,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300,52 9021,"Phase 3 is noted in the faunal report as 'late Roman' to distinguish it from the 'middle Roman' phase, though its dating, probably to the 3rd C, would more appropriately place it to the middle Roman period as defined here and has been recorded as such. The red deer antler had been worked and one had been scorched. Other wild mammal includes two specimens of black rat. One 'raptor' bone present, along with corvids, greylag, mallard, raven, and teal/garganey. Distinctive Roman cattle butchery was noted. Most sheep ABGs were found butchered.","8,750",TRUE,"1,427",7,"1,078",,307,1,110,,50,11,2,,,4,,4,,,1,5,,2,,34,,7,TRUE,59,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300,4 9022,"The early Roman assemblage from Northfleet is amalgamated here with the middle Roman assemblage and recorded together in Phase 1. The single 'other wild mammal' bone derived from the butchered (skinned) skull of a badger (from a middle Roman context). All the antler fragments had been worked or sawn, and at least one specimen had come from a shed specimen. A single fish bone was identified as haddock, whilst 4 rodent bones were not recorded here.","2,770",TRUE,156,2,354,1,67,1,102,1,8,,,,2,9,,,,,5,1,,1,,6,,5,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400,1 9023,"Some evidence for differential disposal practices, in terms of species frequency, between pits and ditches at the sites was noted. Two fragments of red deer antler, recovered from a pit, had clearly been worked and burnt before deposition. One rodent bone not recorded here.",991,FALSE,105,,189,,10,,33,,,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 9024,"Fragment counts unknown, though remains of two pigs were recovered from two cremation burials.",,FALSE,,,,,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,100, 9025,"Fragments counts are not given but a number of animal body parts were present including juvenile pig, domestic fowl, and possibly corvid, duck and heron. These remains are indicated here by ABGs.",,FALSE,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400,1 9026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9028,"Small amounts of animal bone recovered and analysed but not quantified. Cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse and dog were all identified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-120,150, 9029,"The zooarchaeological evidence from the villa are, as yet, unpublished, but finds of animal skeletons are occasionally mentioned within the various reports, such as two dog skeletons placed in building 6. Also the complete skeleton of a young horse was excavated from a ditch on the west side of the villa enclosure.",,FALSE,,,,,,,1,1,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 9030,"Quantities of animal bone were recovered on site from a number of features with cattle and sheep/goat remains being mentioned in the text. However, no bone report accompanies the main article.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9031,Animal bone report by Louisa Gidney in archive - no information in report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9033,Small amounts of animal bone were recovered but not analysed.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9034,Final report to come,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9035,Some animal bone present but too poorly preserved for identification.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9036,"One cattle bone, three red and one roe deer antler were noted to have been worked. Although not noted in the faunal list, the main report states that goose remains were present. '1' wetland foal is recorded here to note the presence.",146,FALSE,17,,74,,44,,,,,,,,4,3,1,1,,,,,,,,2,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 9037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9039,"Only small numbers of animal were recorded from a few contexts, and these may well have been redeposited assemblages. Unfortunately absolute numbers were not provided in the report which mentions that cattle and sheep/goat remains predominate, though pig, horse and dog specimens were also present. Marine shell possibly from midden-spreading.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250, 9040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9042,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9043,"The faunal assemblage in full dates from the 1st to 4th C, but the vast majority derive from the mid-2nd to early 3rd C. Bone counts from ABGs have been separated from the disarticulated remains within the report. The ABGs range from whole skulls and limbs to partial and complete skeletons. There is an abundance of horse remains which, Bendrey suggests, may be a continuation of Iron Age traditions of horse consumption. The most important feature of the assemblage is probably the recovery of fallow deer remains from sealed features dating from the 2nd-4th C. Since the report these remains have been radiocarbon dated - see Sykes et al 2010. 9 of the wild mammal NISP are fallow deer, whilst 1 is a mandible fragment from a whale (cf. sperm or baleen). The 5 red deer fragments are all antler from one SFB and may derive from a single piece; the largest specimen came from a shed burr. There is no mention of bird remains in the report - it is uncertain whether this is a real absence, or if they were unreported.","5,050",TRUE,"1,344",16,510,2,133,1,222,2,207,6,18,1,,5,,,,,,2,,10,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,250, 9044,"The total fragment count given here includes the complete horse skeleton as 1 specimen. This burial produced nearly 3000 fragments. The analysis is presented by the specialist in both early and middle Roman phases, though these are too small to be of use and so are recorded here as a single assemblage.",322,TRUE,28,,54,,4,,3,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 9045,"Most of the bone material came from the hillwash layer, though cattle and juvenile pig bones came from the ditch. There is no quantification of the animal bone in the report.",69,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,300, 9046,A number of bones are noted to have come from a very young sheep/goat and are recorded here as an ABG - these were associated with the hut platforms.,,FALSE,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 9047,"The animal bone is not sufficiently quantified for recording. Pit F10 seems to have contained around one-third of the total assemblage and, although this has not been properly analysed, it is known to have included remains of horse, cattle, sheep/goat and pig, alongside some marine shell.",148,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 9048,"A few hundred animal bones were recovered, though it is not stated how much derived from Roman deposits, although it mentions that horse and dog remains occurred within contexts of that period.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9049,"Some remains were burnt. Although the report does not specify whether the deer remains were antler or non-antler, a note from K Reilly states that venison may have been periodically consumed, indicating that the remains were non-antler and have been recorded here as such. Of note were the 12 fish bones identified as cod (the remainder were of unidentified fish species).",189,FALSE,31,,34,,6,,1,,,,,,4,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,23,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,225, 9050,"The 813 fragments of the assemblage detailed in the report exclude teeth, rabbit (intrusive), small mammal and amphibian bones. Although recorded here as a whole, the mammalian assemblage is divided into remains from ditches and those from pits in the faunal report. Whilst a relatively high proportion of deer bones were recovered, it is noteworthy that no antler were identified. One Sus tibia specimen was noted by the specialist to have been particularly large and suggested to be wild boar. This specimen is recorded here as 'other wild mammal'. ABGs include a sheep partial skeleton, and three dogs skeletons from one pit (one of which was juvenile).",813,FALSE,462,1,530,,64,,40,,16,3,,,26,,,5,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,50, 9051,"35 fragments of animal bone were recovered from the late Iron Age/early Roman phase and are not recorded here (see report). 109 bones belonged to a single dog skeleton, though these are not included in the total count, whilst 624 specimens derived from sieved samples. Only 3 specimens of sheep/goat derived from hand-collection, the vast majority coming from samples. Samples produced remains mainly from cattle, sheep/goat and pig, though they were highly fragmented. Very high levels of burning were seen in both the hand-collected and sieved assemblages, primarily from the pits. The hand-collected assemblage was largely made up of primary butchery waste from cattle and pigs.","1,021",TRUE,262,,250,,200,,20,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,80,200, 9052,"The LIA/ERB assemblage mostly derives from pits and field boundaries, whilst the mid-Roman assemblage is largely made up from the ditched enclosure and quarry pits. The high proportion of horse remains seen in both phased assemblages is biased by a high quantity of loose teeth (30 and 41); however, a relatively high MNI (4) for horse is seen in the later phase. Three sets of horse bones were articulated, each relating to foot body parts. The two dog ABGs were an articulated front paw and a forelimb, though a disarticulated humerus included cut marks at its proximal end. The antler specimen derived from a fragmented piece and it is not known whether it was shed or taken from a hunted animal. A small number of specimens from rodents, small birds and amphibians also recovered.","2,725",TRUE,197,,163,,41,,134,3,51,2,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-50,300, 9053,"The animal bone has been divided by the 8 main phases of site occupation, though these are considered as a single group here due to the small sample size of later phased groups. It appears that a high level of fragmentation in the assemblage has precluded the identification of ABGs, though dog remains in a couple of context may represent these, whilst skull and teeth specimens from the three main domesticates seem to be prevalent. The sieved remains are not quantified, though four bird bones were detailed (two unidentified, one dom. Fowl, one passerine). The fish remains represented fragments of fin rays and many of the fish bones had been burnt. Four 'deer' specimens are indicated to derived from a single mandible (presumably red deer), however the deer remains do not include the quantities of worked antler described in the finds section. The horncores from the 'antler-working contexts show cuts marks around their bases. Perhaps interesting is the identification of grass snake and slow worm in the sieved assemblage, whilst the presence of aquatic invertebrates may suggest the activities of wetland wildfowl such as heron (see report).",409,TRUE,50,,143,,26,,4,,19,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,130,325,1 9054,"Animal bone and shell are noted to have been recovered from the working areas of the site, but no detailed analysis had been carried out.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 9055,"A small quantity of animal bone was identified from the cremation burials. The only identified species was pig, though pig teeth and bird bones were recovered from the wooden box cremation. The assemblage was not quantified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,225, 9056,The faunal report mentions that remains of cattle predominate with smaller frequencies of sheep/goat and pig remains. Adult animals were exclusively present and some evidence of knife butchery was noted on long bones. Almost half of the assemblage is made up by fish bones sampled from a single pit. The fish bones were identified as halibut and haddock with remains from the latter show evidence of knife filleting in a manner which would suggest the animals were strung for salting. Full details of the bone assemblage are held in archive.,335,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,158,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,25,100, 9057,"The zooarchaeological are taken solely from the 2008 ASE assessment since this produced the largest assemblage and was broken into phase. However, Hamilton-Dyer (1995) does note, in the 1992 Wessex excavation report, that the cattle bones were comparatively large and included Roman-style cleaver butchery. She suggested that 'continental' influences were possibly seen in this faunal assemblage. Antler is noted to have been present though species and quantities are not given, though author suggests that hunting probably became more commonly practiced during the mid-3rd to mid-4th C phase (here phase 2). Phase 3, recorded here as 'LR, 3rd-4thC', is more precisely dated in the report as mid/late 4th C.","2,961",FALSE,418,,"1,239",,60,,75,,29,,3,,,,,,,,30,4,,,,9,,4,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 9059,All the animal bone had been burnt and was interred either in the main burial or one of the 'ritual' pits.,14,FALSE,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300,3 9060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9061,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9062,"Six sub-phases from the late Iron Age to the late Roman period were given in the report, though due to small samples sizes these have been combined into three phases here, approximating to: Phase 1, ER 1st-2ndC (late Iron Age [only 4 specimens], early Roman C1, middle Roman field system C2); Phase 2, MR 2nd-3rdC (Late C2-Mid C3, Building and enclosure C3); Phase 3, LR 3rd-4thC (Mid C3- C4). The entire animal bone assemblage from the late Roman phase found within a single pit (except for a single cattle scapula fragment). Pit 242 contained a partial articulated skeleton of a calf, 7-10 months old, and several long bones and vertebra from a foetal calf possibly complete when originally deposited (together these two ABGs made up 67 fragments). There were also several fragments of adult cattle (metatarsal, calcaneus and a butchery-marked humerus) and a horncore from a juvenile/sub-adult animal that had been sawn at the base. A male sheep skull and mandibles, aged 3-4 years, a mandible of a similar aged animal and a fragmented sheep/goat skull were within the pit along with a tibia fragment and a second phalanx. A fragmented pig skull and mandible fragments from a young male, c.1 year old, with several loose teeth. Within the sieved assemblage from the pit, an unfused humerus (<1 year), and several unfused articulating phalanges (<1year) were also found, suggesting a semi-articulated young pig carcass was deposited within the pit. Only the pig mandible displayed any signs of butchery. An equid calcaneus fragment and a distal humerus. An adult red deer maxilla. A domestic fowl taros-metatarsus and a single rib. This feature may well have formed a structured deposit. Several red deer antler specimens showed signs of working, having been sawn through and/or had the outer surfaces trimmed away. One or two of the antler tines show signs of burning or charring. These were primarily 2nd-3rd C.","1,112",TRUE,48,2,74,2,60,,13,,6,1,,,4,15,,2,2,,,,,,,2,1,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400,2 9063,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9064,"A small assemblage of animal bone was dated to have come from various phases from the Neolithic to post-medieval period. However, only the mid/late Iron Age and late Iron Age material is in abundance and these are amalgamated here, due to their small sample size. Partially articulated dog and corvid skeletons were recorded from these phases. Red and roe deer were only recorded from the early iron Age phase, and these relate only to antler.",309,TRUE,36,,25,,8,,2,,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-300,50,1 9065,"The early Roman assemblage is amalgamated from both the A2 Road Scheme and Channel Tunnel Rail Link assemblages, whilst the Iron Age assemblage is solely from the former. Where early Iron Age data or ABGs were noted, these have been omitted to reduce contamination from earlier deposits. A sizable early/middle Iron Age assemblage was produced from the CTRL excavation, primarily from a single pit, though this has been omitted from this record due to its early date. A late Roman assemblage from Hazell's Road was also omitted due to a minimal sample size. Toad, frog, snake, lizard, shrew, mouse and hedgehog remains were all present in the Iron Age assemblage (though not recorded by species here). 431 horse bones derive from a near complete skeleton recovered from the large Roman enclosure towards the east of the site. One early Roman fish bone derives from a gadid from the southern half of the Roman enclosure, whilst two more were excavated from the northern half. Remains of eel and herring also came from other contexts. Early Roman deposits also contained three fox specimens. A pig's head and hind leg, presumably from the same individual, were interred in an early Roman high-status burial.","4,195",TRUE,835,,999,,621,2,211,2,80,2,,,25,5,,11,1,,,4,,3,,1,,,TRUE,5,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-400,150,2 9066,"A total of 791 (466g) fragments of animal bone were recovered from the cremations from the Pepper Hill cemetery. A further 325 (983g) fragments of bone were collected during the excavations, and a total of 721 (281g) fragments were recovered from the sieved samples. As the animal remains recovered from the cremation deposits are of a special nature, as pyre goods, this assemblage is listed separately in the report. Bird remains are the most abundant in the cremated assemblage, followed by pig and domestic fowl. It is likely that the bird fragments unidentifiable to species are from domestic fowl since no evidence of any other bird was recovered. As such, and based on the specialist's comments, 'bird' remains are recorded here as 'domestic fowl' though it should be remembered that other species may exist in this count. Small amounts of cattle, sheep/goat and unburnt fish were also present. Two of the fish bones were identified as herring. Otherwise wild species were absent. Many of the animal remains which formed pyre goods were probably articulated, though is very difficult to detect in the assemblage. A few oyster shells are noted from a couple of graves. Equid remains dominate the hand-collected assemblage, but are mostly represented by tooth fragments, suggesting that fragmentation affected the specimens to a high degree. Horse remains are present in inhumation contexts as well as other features, but are absent from cremation deposits. Cattle are less abundant in the hand-collected and sieved assemblages and sheep/goat and pig are present in small numbers in the hand-collected assemblage. Two fragments of micro mammal bones were recovered from the Early Roman phase of the sieved assemblage. The mid-late Roman assemblages only produced a few fragments and the assemblage as a whole should be treated as early-mid Roman (c.1st-3rdC). The phases recorded here relate to the cremated assemblage (Phase 1) and the unburnt assemblage (phase 2) which derived from a combination of general and funerary (both inhumation and cremation) deposits.","1,837",TRUE,17,,110,,59,,117,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,145,,,TRUE,7,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,270, 9067,"Most of the assemblage was unidentifiable. 149 dog bones derive from a single skeleton. The animal had suffered from joint diseased and a fractured hind leg bone. The healed nature of this element suggests the animal may have been cared for, later to be buried in a ditch. In terms of NISP, fish bones dominated the assemblage. Identified specimens (27) included remains of eel, herring, cod, haddock, probably pike and flatfish. The prominence of marine taxa may be significant, and most of the fish bone was recovered from pits.","1,449",TRUE,15,,12,,2,,1,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,TRUE,125,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,25,250, 9068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9069,"The animal bone assemblage was recovered from two areas of excavation at Hockers Lane and Thurnham Villa reported on separately. The Hockers Lane assemblage dated to the late pre-Roman Iron Age and early Roman periods and have been recorded here within Phase 1. The Thurnham villa assemblage is divided into 11 sub-phases within the report, from middle Bronze Age to late Roman. Some of these have been amalgamated here as follows: Phase 2 = 'Late Iron Age' and 'Early Roman', Phase 3 = 'Early-Middle Roman 1 and 2' and 'Middle Roman 1 and 2', Phase 4 = 'Middle-Late Roman 1 and 2' and 'Late Roman'. All phases have been combined in the main form. 64 specimens of roe deer derive from a complete adult skeleton and a partial juvenile skeleton recovered from the late Roman waterlogged fills of the well located to the east the 14-post building. 2 specimens of badger (mandible and tooth) found in phase 3. Phase 2 wetland fowl includes specimens of duck, teal and woodcock. Phase 3 wetland fowl includes Brent goose and woodcock, whilst Phase 4 'other wildfowl' includes 9 specimens from a tawny owl. Phases 2, 3 and 4 include flatfish, whilst herring is present in Phase 2. Rodents and amphibians are represented in the sieved samples.","7,643",TRUE,539,,494,,261,,70,,19,,,,16,25,,9,2,2,4,3,,2,,9,,5,TRUE,37,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-150,400,9 9070,"Much of the animal bone assemblage was dated to the early Iron Age and is not included here. A smaller Roman assemblage dates to the early-mid Roman phase. The assemblage, although small, is significant for a high proportion of fish remains, including eel, cod, flatfish and herring.",197,TRUE,30,,4,,2,,4,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,14,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,250, 9071,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9072,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9073,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9074,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9075,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9076,"An abundance of bone and oyster shell was recovered from field walking and evaluation trenching, though none has yet been analysed. Cattle bones were noted from the midden on the eastern site.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,200, 9077,Excavations of the bathhouse in the 19th C are said to have produced quantities of antler and animal bones. Animal bone and oyster shell were also noted to have come from the 1991 evaluation.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 9078,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9079,104 specimens of dog come from a partial skeleton recovered from the hypocaust building. The wetland fowl specimens derive from a duck and a wader from Roman period deposits.,"1,345",FALSE,140,,432,,63,,40,,1,1,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,5,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 9080,"A 'lap-dog'-type canid had been carefully buried in a small deposit cut within one the main rooms in the east of the range. A small concrete slab had been placed over the top of the burial. The slab was found to have been whitened, possibly as a marker. The bone remains had not been analysed by a specialist.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,80,150, 9081,"A bone report only indicates the presence of a number of species one of the pits on site, though it does not state which one. The taxa represented include cattle, sheep/goats, equids, pigs, roe deer, red deer, and dog, as well as a single bone from a plaice (Pleuronectes platessa).",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 9082,"Animal bone is noted to have come from the upper fills of the well, though no analysis was carried out.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 9083,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9084,"A equid was given an individual burial close to a separate inhumation. Examination of its dentition demonstrates that it was a horse (Equus caballus), whilst epiphyseal fusion and measurement of the crown heights indicated that it was around 6/7years old at death. Its pelvis and lack of canines show that it was a female. A dog skeleton was recovered from an inhumation grave, thought to be a lap-dog. Although similar in size to a fox, the limb bones showed a level of rusticity as well as morphological differences in the dentition. Two graves each include the vertebral column, atlas to sacrum, of a pig and probably whole domestic fowls.",,FALSE,,,,,2,2,1,1,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,2,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-200,-1, 9085,"Cremated animal bone recovered with the burial, though no analysis carried out",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9086,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9087,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9088,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9089,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9090,"A very small mammalian assemblage was recovered from the Romano-British ditch, though only four specimens were identified to species.",50,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 9091,"Small quantities of animal bone were found on the site and although preservation was generally good, the assemblages were often highly fragmented. The problem was particularly apparent with material from the evaluation trenches, the fragmentation largely being caused by the excavation techniques employed. Both horned and polled sheep were present in the assemblage.",123,FALSE,25,,38,,4,,5,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,375, 9092,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9093,"Only 15 fragments of Romano-British animal bone were present, represented by cattle and sheep/goat.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9094,"A small quantity of poorly-preserved animal bone had been recovered from late Iron Age, early and late Roman periods, though had not been analysed.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9095,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9096,"The site only produced 91 fragments of animal bone and the preservation was generally poor. The majority derived from the gully, whilst the remainder came from the ditch and one of the pits. Though, whilst sheep/goat, cattle and horse remains were identified, these were not quantified.",91,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,350, 9097,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9098,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9099,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9100,Oyster shells were recovered from a gully deposit along with pottery and fragments of quernstone. Occasional fragments of animal bone and marine shell were also recovered from other areas.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 9101,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9102,Only 16 fragments were recovered and were very poorly preserved.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 9103,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9104,"The report mentions the burial of single articulated remains of cattle and sheep. However, the bone report does not go into detail about these specimens, only presenting the preliminary analysis of the small quantity of bone recovered overall. It is not clear whether the articulated remains formed part of this data presentation. The fish bone, believed to be cod, was recovered from the pit which included the cattle burial.",,FALSE,7,1,8,1,2,,5,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 9105,A large corpus of animal bone has yet to be analysed,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9106,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9107,"Cattle and sheep/goat remains are represented, as are oyster shells in the occupation layers associated with the Roman building.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 9108,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9109,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9110,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9111,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9112,"The animal bone was predominantly in a 'poor' state of preservation, but has only been assessed so far. The majority of the animal bone consisted of unidentifiable fragments of 'ox-sized' and 'sheep-sized' long bone. The identifiable bones derived largely from ox Bos taurus and sheep/goat Ovis aries/Capra hircus with smaller contributions of pig Sus scrofa and dog Canis familiaris. No fish, amphibians, birds, small mammals or wild 'game' species were recovered despite sieving being carried out. All the identifiable taxa were represented mainly by teeth and fragments of mandible (lower jaw), that are probably an artefact of generally poor preservation and the robustness of these elements.",804,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250, 9113,"Animal remains found, indicated that horse, oxen, pigs, dogs and sheep or goats were among the domestic livestock of the estate. No formal analysis of these remains has yet been undertaken.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 9114,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9115,Animal bone and shell were present but no quantified analysis had been carried out when the assessment was completed.,,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,250, 9116,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9117,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9118,"Area B2 produced the largest assemblage from the pipeline evaluation, over 400 NISP. The late Iron Age assemblage included cattle, sheep/goat and horse, whilst the Roman assemblage included cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse, and deer. Quantified analysis has yet to be undertaken.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 9119,"Remains from oyster shells were recovered from 6 different contexts. A dog burial of early Saxon date was recovered from a nearby quarry pit, though this is not recorded here.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 9120,"Animal bones were found throughout the prehistoric features and also within the few later pits. The latter bones tended to be better preserved, although the entire assemblage has clearly suffered from slight to moderate root etching. Bones from ABGs are not specified separately in the report, so horse and dog may be over-represented here, though the corvid ABGs have been counted as '1' (though see site summary). An abundance of cattle bones is a feature of the site; however, there does appear to be a greater proportion of sheep/goat within the pit collections. Also, within the assemblage there appears to be a number of rather distinctive bone groups. The majority of these are in the north-western part of the site, possibly contained within an enclosure represented by an inward curving ditch just to the north. They include the partial remains of at least 2 neonate if not foetal humans (see burials) amongst a small collection of general meat waste; the articulated remains of a very young horse, probably neonate, which was highly fragmented but probably contains most parts of the skeleton; a partial dog skeleton (unfortunately truncated) from a fairly large adult individual measuring about 60cm at the shoulder; and then from 2 deposits adjacent to the aforementioned ditch, the major part of an adult raven amongst a small collection of other 'waste'; a complete cattle skull with adult dentition and horncores placed upside down (maxillary teeth uppermost) at the base of this pit. A small number of raven bones were also recovered from two other contexts, a slot and a ditch, comprising two wing bones and a leg bone respectively. The poultry, ducks and geese, are within the size range of the wild mallard (1) and greylag goose (3) respectively, which suggests they may have been wildfowl rather than domestic. Most of the bird species found at this site are waterfowl (woodcock 3; wader 1), no doubt derived from the Thames estuary, situated no great distance to the north. The same source may account for the cormorant, this represented by two wing bones, probably representing the same bird. Two bones from a buzzard are also present. Evidence for the consumption of horseflesh is clearly shown by two bones, a tibia and a femur, from separate ditches both with defleshing marks. Two bones from a hedgehog were also recovered from a sealed pit deposit (see site summary). Oyster shell remains were recovered from a number of pits.","2,685",TRUE,492,,779,1,205,,107,1,63,,1,,,,,2,,,,1,,2,,,,10,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,-50,75,7 9121,"Animal bones were recovered from the site, but no detailed analyses were carried out. Cattle, pig and deer were reported to have been present. A small quantity of oyster shell was recovered also.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 9122,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9123,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9124,Only 28 fragments of bone,28,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9125,faunal remains are awaiting analysis,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 9126,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9127,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9128,One adult dog and two further puppies was present in a pit also located nearby the urned burials. Seven (possibly eight) puppies were interred in olla pots.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,10,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,250, 9129,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9130,"The animal bone derived mainly from the major domesticates with no recovery of fish or bird. Wild fauna comprised only single finds of a mouse or vole femur and a red deer metacarpal. The bulk of the hand-collected bone derived mainly from adult and juvenile cattle and sheep/goat remains, with smaller contributions of horse and pig specimens. There were no foetal or neonate animals and only a single infant calf metatarsal. The major domesticates were represented by elements of the head, vertebra, rib, upper limb and lower limb, areas of moderate and good meat-bearing quality, with only occasional recovery of the feet and toes, and no recovery of cattle or sheep horncores. Pig was represented by areas of moderate and good meat-bearing quality. Horse was represented by teeth, mandible and long bone, with a single juvenile hind-foot. There was no evidence of burning, butchery or working. Of the mollusc shells produced, marine species were represented by common whelk, common/flat oyster, and common mussel. Full excavation is noted to have turned up fallow deer remains (Cotton pers. com.).",87,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,250, 9131,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9132,"Only a very small quantity of animal bone was recovered, though the early Roman sample was not separated from the earlier prehistoric material.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9133,Phased assemblages too small for analysis,106,FALSE,14,,74,,10,,4,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 9134,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9135,,174,FALSE,6,,38,,5,,1,,,,,,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350, 9136,"Roman contexts produced 735 fragments of faunal remains, which derived from plateau sites 1,2,3,4, 6 and 8. Plateau 8 was the only site to produce over 100 bone specimens and contributed 88% of the sample for this phase. Excavation sites 1, 2, 3 and 6 produced less than ten fragments each associated with this phase. Preservation was mixed with many of the ditch contexts producing highly eroded fragments. Over 81% of the assemblage could not be identified to species. No articulated remains were recovered from Roman deposits, though earlier Iron Age examples were present.",735,TRUE,17,,91,,6,,17,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,3,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 9137,Animal bone assemblage too small for recording.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9138,A small amount of animal bone was recovered and is still to be analysed.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9139,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9140,"A substantial quantity of oysters, as well as other marine shell species, were recovered from contexts dating from the 2nd to the 4th centuries. The presence of cultch attached to many of the shells suggests that deliberate oyster cultivation may been practiced from the 2nd C, perhaps in the Swale estuary. The animal bones are yet to be analysed.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 9141,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9142,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9143,"The faunal remains were found in a poor condition owing to the acidic nature of the soils. Only 9 specimens were identified to species including horse, cattle, sheep/goat and pig.",104,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 9144,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9145,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9146,"The faunal assemblage reported on comes from the entire stretch of the excavation, though the majority derives from the early Roman ditches at Station road. The bones reflect disposal of waste from butchery and meat consumption, evidenced by the butchery marks, occasional burning maybe evidence of cooking and disposal.",448,TRUE,29,,59,,27,,8,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,150, 9147,"A very small quantity of animal bone was recovered, though this may relate to prehistoric features.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9148,"Whilst 389 animal bone specimens have been quantified from Iron Age (73%) and Roman (27%) deposits. Due to time constraints and the size of the overall assemblage, bone from Zones 4 and 5 were not fully analysed to species.",389,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 9149,"Preservation was generally very good for the assemblages from Zone 6. Whilst the full sieved assemblage was quantified in the assessment, including the sieved remains, full analysis only concentrated on the 'high value' bone groups and the sieved bones were not included. To take account of this variation, the full assessed assemblage (including medium value, low value and sieved groups) is recorded here in the main assemblage form, though the phased groups only take account of the analysis of the high value groups, for which the raw data were kindly supplied by Lena Strid. Articulated bones are included in the phased assemblages, but not in the overall form. It was notable that this is one of the few assemblages from Thanet to contain large quantities of both Iron Age and Roman bones (refer back to report for further details). One slender equid bone from an Iron Age posthole may be from donkey. Also notable is that, apart from butchery marks on the main domesticates, cut marks from filleting and disarticulation were also recorded on bones from dog and horse (though the date of the specimens is not given). Antler fragments are more common in the Roman assemblage and the presence of one sawn-off antler tine in a ditch suggests that small scale antler working took place on site during the Roman period. The Iron Age avian assemblage (total 8 bones) included duck and possibly swan, whereas the Roman assemblage (total 21 bones) comprised domestic fowl, goose, duck, corvid and as yet unidentified wild birds gannet ulna (LR). Many of these came from sieved groups and were not included in the full analysis. The assessment report only quantifies the avian assemblage as 'bird', so the latter have been recorded here as the minimum number of individuals. Three fragments of cetacean bones were identified (all vertebrae), two from the Iron Age assemblage and one from the Roman. Articulated remains include a horse lower rear limb in a LIA/ER pit, a dog skull in a MR pit, and a partial dog skeleton in a MR ditch fill. Cattle and horse skulls were also placed in a number of features. Fish remains were recorded form one of the Roman wells on site, though further details are lacking prior to full analysis.","11,551",TRUE,"1,824",,"1,806",,533,,275,1,75,2,4,,4,8,,,,,,,,3,,1,,10,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400,1 9150,Only 14 bones from the late Iron Age contexts were recovered. The Roman assemblage comprised 180 bone fragments though was not fully analysed.,180,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,250, 9151,Only one fragment of bone came from LIA/ERB context and has not been incorporated here. The animal bone assemblage was fully analysed.,829,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 9152,"1144 animal bones fragment were recovered from 'Iron Age' deposits, though are not included here. The assemblage was not fully analysed.",613,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 9153,"The data recorded here were identified at the assessment stage, and only a sample of this assemblage was fully analysed. Some of the middle Iron Age assemblage, from which activity at the site continued into the late Iron Age, includes notable features which are mentioned here, though none of these data are recorded here. Articulated bone groups included a single fragmented horse skull in Roman pit, and the forelimb of a neonatal lamb in an LIA/ER ditch (this may have been a disturbed skeleton). Horses were also found to have been butchered in the middle Iron Age assemblage, including severing of the head and disarticulation of the knee joint. Though no butchery evidence was evident from later periods. Three early Roman ducks bones were identified. The deer bones included one red deer metacarpal and one roe deer radius, though these were also of middle Iron Age date. Of particular interest were three slender equid bones from a middle Iron Age ditch, since donkeys have previously only been identified from three British Iron Age sites. Their potential presence both here and from Zone 6 would suggest the possibility of trade with the Roman empire. A cetacean specimen was also recorded from a Roman deposit.","1,606",TRUE,260,,158,,39,,48,1,18,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,2,,3,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 9154,"Roman-dated ABGs include one fragmented horse skull, one fragmented cattle skull in a pit, two articulated mandibles (possibly skulls) in two ditch fills, a partial dog skeleton from a Roman ditch, and a partial cat skeleton in a pit (43 bones). Other wildfowl include 6 corvid bones and 2 kite bones. Wetland fowl include 1 wader bone, 24 goose bones and 2 duck bones (a relatively high number of unidentified bird bones, many thought to have been goose-sized were also observed). Filleting marks were recorded on a horse pelvis from a Roman ditch fill. A charcoal-rich layer beneath a shell-dump in Zone 14 contained fish remains which had been chewed and possibly digested, a feature consistent with the incorporation of faeces. A collection of 65 elasmobranch vertebrae from a Roman pit fill probably came from a single large dogfish/small shark.","2,059",TRUE,362,,105,3,8,,14,1,20,1,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,36,,27,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200,8 9155,Assemblage not fully analysed.,282,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250, 9156,"Assemblage sieved but bone from samples not analysed - small taxa are probably under-represented. Three fallow deer specimens recovered (1 antler MR, and two metatarsals MR and LR). 12 'deer' specimens include 11 antler fragments. A wader bone also present. An articulated horse rear limb was recovered from a ditch fill.","2,829",FALSE,209,,235,,59,,67,,19,,,,3,2,,3,1,,15,,,,,2,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 9157,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9158,Butchered animal bones were recovered from the base of the shaft and were radiocarbon dated to the early/mid 2ndC AD. The remains were not analysed by a specialist however.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9159,"Bird bones were present in medieval deposits though not Iron Age ones. Surprisingly, given the environmental location of the site, no evidence for wildfowling or fishing was encountered. According to the biometric data dwarf cattle were argued to have predominated at the site, showing small sizes comparable to those of the preceding Bronze Age phase. The horses were also noted as being particularly small; Armitage suggests that smaller horses would be more 'sure-footed' than larger equids when rounding up cattle in marshland habitats.",420,FALSE,40,,119,,13,,13,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 9160,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9161,"Around 1600 fragments of animal bone were recovered, along with about 100 oysters. The excavator did not deem the assemblage to be 'worthy of detail study', although six substantial groups were recovered from well-dated pit and ditch deposits. The quarry fills were noted to have contained 107 bones from a dog skeleton, whilst another pit contained 'substantial parts of five small sheep'. These are all recorded here as AGBs, though no other details are provided. Horse remains are noted as absent.","1,600",FALSE,,5,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 9162,"Although 230 fragments of animal and around 400 oyster shells were recovered, no detailed zooarchaeological analysis was carried out. The skeleton of a dog was recovered from the bottom of a pit.",230,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 9163,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9164,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9165,"10kg of animal bone was recovered from late Iron Age and Roman features from across the site, including pits, ditches and burial contexts. Cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse and bird were all recovered. Half a pig's skull was buried with one of the warrior burials. The assemblage is yet to be fully analysed.",,FALSE,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 9166,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9167,"The excavation included 834 fragments of identified bone (count includes the fish remains mentioned in the text); the non-identified portion was not presented in the report, since much of the assemblage was not kept at the end of the excavation. About half of the identified remains came from the upper, more disturbed layers, and the NISP data recorded here includes only layers from the cellar basement. These are mostly going to date from the 3rd/early 4th centuries AD. Both bone and antler from red and roe deer were recovered, though the report only specifies the proportion from each species, rather than element type. The specialist argues that deer were hunted all year round since skulls with and without antlers were recovered from the site. Antler were being sawn from the skulls for further working. Roe deer antler was also found sawn. The red deer remains are here divided equally between bone and antler to reflect this, but are correct by species. Salmon, flat fish and dab were recovered too. The report mentions that wildfowling may have been carried out, though no bird bones were stated within the report. Dog remains were mentioned as present but were not quantified. The report states that 'mandibles and/or maxillae of nine dogs [were present] in the early occupation level, and several in the later periods. Nine dog specimens are recorded here to reflect this. The report does not specify any evidence for ABGs, though they may well have been present in the basement.",834,FALSE,108,,229,,73,,79,,9,,,,16,16,,1,2,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,350, 9168,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9169,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9170,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9171,A 'bird' bone was found with each of the two excavated cremation burials as part of the grave good deposits.,2,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,150, 9172,"Roman period contexts produced remains of cattle, horse and dog, though numbers were not specified. In general, bone was poorly preserved. Fish bones were recovered from two early Roman ditches, including wrasse and cottid, and single examples of possible clupeid and gadid. All the bones were from fish under 100mm in length. Some of the species were freshwater or estuarine fish, whilst the clupeid (herring/sprat) are only found around sholing areas during mating. It may have been possible that the ditch was connected to the Cran/Darent River system leading back to the Thames estuary, though the clupeid is likely to have been food waste, either human or another predator. The insect remains from the ditches demonstrate slow-moving stream water, decaying vegetation and consumers of herbivore dung. The mollusc evidence supports the interpretation of damp grassland habitats.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 9173,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 9174,"No animal bone data are given, though cattle and sheep remains are said to make up 90% of the assemblage with pig making up 5%. Carcass processing is said to have taken place on site. Large quantities of oyster shell are noted from the ditches at the site, with smaller quantities of mussel, whelk and carpet shell also present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,60,400, 9175,"90% of the animal bone was in a fair to good condition, but the quantities were too small to divide into phased groups. Of potential interest is the presence of a number of pathological cattle bones in the small assemblage, perhaps suggestive of an elderly population. These include four specimens with either evidence for extra bone growth around articular surfaces or eburnation (traction?). Chop marks and marrow extraction appears to have been routine. A small number of metrical data are given. A small quantity of oyster shell was recovered, presumably of Roman date.",113,FALSE,11,,51,,4,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 9176,"Of the 427 bone fragments recovered, over 81% were from the sieved samples. Most were in poor condition, and only two could be identified ? a cattle tooth fragment and a possible bird shaft fragment. Almost 90% had been burnt, with calcined bone being far more common than carbonised bone, suggesting that most bone had been exposed to very high temperatures over an extended period of time. Of the hand-recovered assemblage, only 12 bones, mainly teeth, could be identified, of which most were cattle, with sheep/goat and horse also present. Butchery marks were noted on only two bones",427,TRUE,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,25, 9177,"The assemblage was almost entirely of cattle bones, much of which was smashed long bone fragments. Calcined bones were common.",310,FALSE,,,58,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,300, 9178,"Butchery marks were frequent, and on cattle included cut marks from decapitation, skinning and disarticulation and chop marks from portioning meat-bearing bones and removal of the horn core. Sheep and pig bones displayed similar marks, although cut marks were relatively more common and some helical fractures from breakage of fresh bone were recorded, presumably for marrow extraction. A very small percentage of shaft fragments had been burnt and two had been partially calcined, indicating high temperatures. One fragment of worked antler recovered.",699,FALSE,30,,67,,11,,,,1,,,,,1,,,,,2,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,1, 10001,"Fifty two fragments of heavily calcined bone was recovered, though very little was identified to species.",52,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,225, 10002,"Cooper noted (in Cooper et al 1984, 81) that oyster shells were common across the site, including a 'perfect hoard' of shells deposited in the corner of one of the main rooms of the building complex.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 10003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10004,"Of the considerable quantity of animal bone recovered from the pits only 52 specimens survive, and though Joan King had analysed the original assemblage, the information given in the report is sketchy. No NISP data is given and some of the ABGs present in the pit could be deduced and is recorded here. Bird and stoat remains were also mentioned in the report along with frog and a number of rodent species. The stoat is recorded here as an other wild mammal ABG, but no details are provided in the report. The animal cremation included calcined specimens of at least the remains of butchered sheep/goat humerus, radius and ulna bones.",,FALSE,,1,,1,,,,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,200, 10005,"Only 59 of the animal bone fragments derived from certain Roman contexts, the full assemblage is likely to have been disturbed Roman remains. The assemblage is recorded here in full. A single bird bone was present and though it could not be identified to species, it was not domestic fowl. All phases had a predominance of bone fragments from domestic species, although a high proportion of hare bones was identified from Phase 5. Many of these were retrieved from a single context including both long bones and vertebrae, suggesting that a whole animal was buried in the context. As such, these remains are recorded here as an ABG. Although the numbers are small the presence of parts of the torso and the head could suggest that whole (or partial) animal carcasses had been present on site.",198,FALSE,24,,21,,30,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400,2 10006,"Number of identified specimens by species were not given in either Ewell Grove or 46-50 High Street report. The data recorded here derives from percentages given for some taxa from the 448 and 127 bones (respectively) reported to have been identified. The figures have been amalgamated from both reports, as neither were broken down to early and late phases. Part of a deer skull had chop marks at the base of one pedicle (the antlers had been cut off). Oyster and whelk shells were found in phase 4 and in phase 5. Nine dog bones were found in phase 5; three of these were ulnae from at least two dogs. The bones are small, indicating that they might have come from foxes. Bird bones, including domestic fowl were noted from both excavations, though absolute numbers are unknown.","1,305",FALSE,215,,165,,54,,47,,11,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 10007,"The animal bone assemblage is a potentially important one with domestic livestock, wild mammals, birds and fish present. The report, however, does not provide any quantified data for the remains. Cattle are the dominant species represented, followed by large quantities of sheep/goat and pig remains. Dogs are also relatively common, represented by most ages from neonates to adults. Horse remains are present, as are cats. Remains of red and roe deer are present, though no indications of whether these were from antler or bone, as well as hare. Other wild animals include weasel, hedgehog, house mouse and black rat. Bird bones included specimens of goose, chicken, mallard, dove/pigeon, raven, crow, jackdaw, and woodcock. A few bones of unidentified fish species are present as well as a salmon vertebrae. Oysters and mussels were relatively common at the site, whilst walks, cockles and a winkle shell were also present. A couple of contexts included larger quantities of marine shell. The animal burials, as mentioned in the site summary, were difficult to date, though many are possibly Roman. None are described in the animal bone report, but are instead mentioned in the excavator's interpretation. These have been recorded here as ABGs, including two dogs, a horse, a deposit of horse skulls (number not given), and 'pigs'.",,FALSE,,,,,,2,,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 10008,A small animal bone assemblage was recovered from the site covering all periods. The 6 early Saxon fragments have been removed from the data here. One identified bird bone was recovered. Only knife marks were noted from the butchery evidence.,309,FALSE,37,,78,,21,,15,,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 10009,A small quantity of unstratified animal bone was recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10010,All the bone was poorly preserved.,19,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,100, 10011,"As with the other finds, all the animal bone has been considered as a single assemblage, dating from the late 2nd to the late 3rd centuries AD. The bones were mainly recovered from pits where they had been discarded with other rubbish. Most was recovered from around the aisled buildings and also the interior of the building, presumably dumped there as and when the rooms became disused. A large antler of red deer from pit 620 could be partially reconstructed. It included the coronet indicating that it had been shed, and a broken brow tine. The trez tine has been chopped off and the antler beam had been broken before being discarded. Thirty-five fragments of oyster (weighing 255g) were also recovered from the 1998 excavations.",453,FALSE,58,,92,,9,,4,,,,,,,4,,,2,,3,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,175,275, 10012,The early and middle Roman animal bone assemblages have been amalgamated here due to small sample size.,249,FALSE,35,,47,,5,,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,300, 10013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10014,"The soil is extremely acidic leaving little trace of organic remains; only a few specimens of cattle, horse and pig were identified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10015,"One 'other wild mammal' bone came from a stoat, dating c.AD120-200. Wetland fowl species included goose (8), mallard (17), woodcock (?), and wigeon, whilst remains of ravens (?) and crows (?) were also recovered. The remains of several dogs of various sizes were recovered including tall, slender greyhound-sized animals. The few pony-sized horses identified were generally older animals. Some of the bones from one of the Phase I deposits showed knife marks indicative of skinning.","4,503",TRUE,544,,"1,127",,229,,103,1,26,,,,,,,,,,2,4,,1,,45,,25,TRUE,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 10016,"The dog bones were well preserved and most were complete. Over 1400 bones were recovered from the shaft, representing at least 16 individuals. The youngest animal was a puppy under 8 months old. Unfused long bones indicated that another three were under 18 months old; the remainder were fully mature. Eight animals had very worn teeth which may indicate old age. The remains of 9 baculum (Os penis) bones were recovered indicating mature males, just over half of the minimum number of individuals. The remaining individuals could not be sexed. Shoulder heights of the mature animals ranged from 340-620mm, which is comparable with a modern boxer dog (c.540-610mm) and a fox terrier (c.380-400mm). The absence of small lap dogs was noted. Some of the smaller long bones were bowed, which is quite common in smaller breeds, or could indicate a dietary deficiency. A left and right femur had severe eburnation on their distal joints caused by the rubbing motion of the knee cap. A left and right humerus, with a small amount of eburnation at the proximal end, were also noted and all four bones almost certainly came from the same individual. Broken ribs and metapodials, exostoses and periodontal disease were also noted. Calluses on two metapodials were very severe. There was no evidence to suggest the dogs had been butchered.","1,400",TRUE,,,,,,,,,,16,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 10017,"The animal bone assemblage was not quantified by specimen count only by number of contexts from which a species was present. The assemblage was well preserved but had been highly disturbed by medieval ploughing. Species present included cattle (which dominated the assemblage), sheep/goat, pig, dog, horse (donkey-sized), cat, deer, hare (and rabbit), domestic fowl, duck, goose, mallard, and crow.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10018,Butchery marks on some of the remains were characteristic of urban and military assemblages.,31,FALSE,4,,18,,2,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 10019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10023,"Only 28 bones were recovered from the ditch section, though these were well dated to the second half of the 1stC AD. Wetland fowl included the clavicle of a goose.",28,FALSE,13,,5,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,100, 10024,"Material from the certain middle Iron Age settlement is not included here, only the mid-late Iron Age and later phases. The animal bone was in a generally poor condition, and only a very small percentage was identifiable. The skulls from two horses were recovered from the major boundary ditch which traversed the site, north-south.",882,FALSE,4,,67,,,,35,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250, 10025,"Very small quantities of cattle, sheep/goat, horse, dog, pig and domestic fowl, as well as oyster, were recovered. The red deer antler base had been worked into a pendant. A small adult equid had been buried in the entrance of one of the rooms of the structure. Some of the lumbar vertebrae of the equid had fused, whilst the tibia tuberosities had been 'notched' suggesting that the animal had been maimed around its time of death.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 10026,Two rabbit bones were found in the early Roman building but are assumed here to have been intrusive. Chop marks were found on a horse metapodial.,"2,000",FALSE,305,,230,,54,,66,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 10027,"Preservation of the animal bones was found to have been moderate, though with a high occurrence of fragmentation. The specialist did not present articulated bones from disarticulated bones in the dataset - all have been included here. Butchery marks suggest that many of the ovicaprids were skinned, though animals were sagittally cleaved down the mid-line of the carcass, as evidence by split vertebrae. Evidence of burnt bones were seen in many of the samples. An articulated chicken was recovered from the same pre-temple gully feature as three (semi-)articulated lambs. It is worth that two specimens of antler were recovered from the 1985-86 excavations, though the data here only relates to the 1999 excavations due to the small size and mixed nature of the former.","1,407",FALSE,371,9,55,,57,,1,,4,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,20,1,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,43,300, 10028,"No sieving was carried out at the site; however, fish remains were present and bird bones were abundant. Identified fish species includes eel, cod and a cyprinid species. Identified bird bones included domestic fowl (124), duck (39 ERB, 37 MRB [1 cf. Muscovy duck]), goose (1 ERB, 3 MRB), woodcock (2 ERB), teal (3 ERB), dove (1 ERB, 2 MRB), starling (1 MRB), raven (2ERB, 12 MRB), jackdaw (1 ERB, 1 MRB), rook/crow (2 MRB), and buzzard (1 MRB). One fox bone was also present. Total count does not include mammal-sized fragments. Body part evidence suggests animals were slaughtered and butchered on site. A large quantity of cattle hyoid bones, as well as butchery to the posterior of the mandibles, suggests the removal of the tongue was common, whilst cut marks on the maxillae indicates removal of the cheek meat. The occipital condyles and atlas bones were chopped through indicating decapitation. Horncore fragments were few suggesting that these were removed to another area of the settlement. Multiple chopping of the scapula fossa and some penetration of the blades were also observed, as were chopped-through femoral heads. Butchery on sheep and pig remains seems to have been broadly similar to cattle. Some horse butchery was also noted. For the purposes of the phased assemblages recorded here, sub-groups III, V, VI, VIA, VII, and VIII are recorded as early Roman (c.m.1st-m.2ndC AD), IX, IXA, X and XI are recorded as middle Roman (c.m.2nd-3rdC AD), whilst XII is recorded as late Roman (c.l.3rd-4thC AD).","3,655",FALSE,732,,"1,959",,370,,205,,132,,,,2,4,,,,,,6,,1,,124,,88,TRUE,14,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,45,410,20 10029,"The faunal remains were in very good condition, though no sieving took place. Phases 1-3 date AD75-120 and phases 4-6 date AD120-400. Multiple chopping of cattle scapulae was common. Most horncores were removed from the site. A sheep skull had been chopped through. Birds represented = Phases 1-3: mallard (6), goose (1), and raven (3). Phases 4-6: mallard (21), goose (2), golden plover (2), red-legged partridge (1) and raven (8). Two fossil echinoids were recovered from Roman contexts.","1,343",FALSE,529,,435,,104,,72,,35,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,73,,33,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400,11 10030,"Bones of sheep, ox and pig and the antlers of red deer and roe deer were found during the work. The mollusca, besides oyster shells and whelks, included a number of mussel shells.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 10031,Only a few fragments of cattle bones were found at the site.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10033,Animal bone was recovered from the site but were not reported on.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10035,"Only oyster shells were noted as zooarchaeological material, though fossilized sea urchins were also present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 10036,"Animal bone and oyster shell was noted to have been present, though no analysis was carried out.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,25,225, 10037,A large quantity of animal bone and oyster shells were noted from the excavations though none were analysed.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10038,The local geology meant that much of the animal was poorly preserved and highly fragmented.,113,FALSE,11,,28,,,,9,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250, 10039,Only four fragments of animal bone was recovered from the site.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10040,"The animal bone assemblage was analysed in two separate groups; one by Alison Locker, whose report is published as an Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report, and another by Alan Pipe, which is presented in the main report. The total fragment count given here relates to the total assemblage from both Locker's and Pipe's analysis. To include this assemblage as phased groups the identified portion has been amalgamated as follows: Phase 1 refers to Pipe's Period 4 assemblage relating to the late Iron Age settlement; Phase 2 refers to Pipe's Period 5 and Locker's Period B together relating the early Roman field system; Phase 3 refers to Pipe's Period 6 and 7 and Locker's Period C together relating to both phases of villa occupation. Locker's report refers to deer specimens being either bone or antler; Pipe's, however, does not. The specimens identified to red and roe deer are here assumed to be bones and the unidentified deer are taken as antler. One Phase 2 equid bone is argued by Locker to have been from a donkey. Phase 1 other wild mammal = fox, and wetland fowl = goose. Phase 2 other wild mammal = fox, wetland fowl = duck (2), goose (1) and teal (3), and other wild fowl = buzzard. Phase 3 other wild mammal = fox (3) and badger (2), wetland fowl = goose (3), duck (3) and teal (1), and other wildfowl = crow (1). In phase 2, a partial dog skeleton was recovered from a ditch. Fish species recovered from the late Roman well included ray, herring, bullhead and stickleback. Marine molluscs were only found in Roman phase deposits and included oysters, mussels, cockles, winkles, dog whelks, common whelks, and thin tellin. These seem to have contributed considerably to the diet.","21,549",TRUE,"1,557",,"1,769",,660,,236,,355,1,4,,15,1,,2,,,11,1,,9,,16,,14,TRUE,4,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400,2 10041,Some burnt remains of animal bone were recovered from two burials - see burial data.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,43,150, 10042,"The right tibia from a wild boar was identified from an Iron Age context, whilst a wild boar maxilla came from a 2ndC AD pit. A 1st-2ndC AD red deer skull with its antler sawn off was recovered. A 3rd-4thC AD red deer metatarsal including skinning marks; most the deer material from this phase came from foot bones. 7 pieces of red deer antler showed evidence for working. Iron Age contexts included articulating limbs from two sheep/goats and a horse. Early Roman contexts included two articulating limb parts from cattle. Late Roman included a complete neonatal lamb, whilst the contemporary waterhole included several vertebrae groups 14 of the 18 skulls recovered from this phase (the report does not quantify the species represented, though cattle are clearly apparent). The waterhole also includes quantities of foot bones, many with skinning marks. No evidence for horn removal was seen however. Butchery in the form of skinning was seen on a number of dog remains, whilst horse bones also showed evidence for bone-working. The assemblage was solely hand-retrieved. A 'fossil' echinoid was found in a pit. Lots of biometric data are given in the appendix.","2,549",FALSE,205,3,533,2,48,,96,2,31,,1,,8,7,,2,,,,,,2,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 10043,"16 dogs skeletons were all found fully articulated at the bottom of the well. The youngest was a pup under 8 months old, and a further three were under 18 months. The remainder were fully mature; eight had very worn suggesting they had reached an old age. Nine mature baculum were recovered. Juvenile baculum are yet to ossify so would not preserve. Some of the leg bones were bowed, though no evidence of 'lap dogs' was present. Some vertebrae were found to have been arthritic. Other mammal and bird remains, including chicken and duck were fond at the site in association with the roundhouses, but since the assemblage was small, as the site did not include the large pits found elsewhere in Staines, no data are given in the report.","1,400",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,16,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,250, 10044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10045,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10046,"Around 20 boxes of animal bone was recovered, though not analysed since much of the material seemed to be residual. Marine shell included oyster, mussel, and whelk.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,225, 10047,The animal bone assemblage was not analysed as they were deemed to be of little use. Almost all the marine shell was oyster.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,200, 10048,The site produced a poor assemblage of animal bone consisting of just 14 fragments from 8 contexts dating from the early Roman period. Much of this material had been heavily burnt.,14,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 10049,"Butchery marks were mostly observed on cattle bones, mostly indicative of disjointing. One mark was noted on a cattle skull beneath where the horncore was still attached, perhaps to remove the horn, and for skinning. A high proportion of horse bones were recovered, mostly from a ditch, with chop marks identified on a pelvis, humerus and femur. Cut/chop marks were also found on a dog humerus and pelvis from a pit which may have been the result of skinning, though meat consumption cannot be dismissed. A deer radius from a late Roman pit was originally thought to be of fallow deer but may have been a small red deer. Oyster shells were collected mostly from Roman contexts. A number of probable Roman animal bone debris were found redeposited in the medieval graves. These have not been included here.",368,FALSE,24,,52,,13,,47,,8,,,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 10050,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10051,"35 fragments of horse were identified with teeth being the most prevalent, whilst a pair of femora were recovered, one of which articulated with a tibia, and a radius and ulna from the same context also articulate. The five bones most likely come from the same animal, possibly together with the metapodial, mandible and two molars with which they were found.",411,FALSE,77,,104,,5,,1,1,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,350, 10052,Note of broken off red deer tine made.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10053,"The majority of the faunal assemblage derived from the late Roman field ditches, with a lesser amount from the late Roman/early Saxon pits. One ditch contained a complete cattle skeleton and two other cattle bones from another segment, probably associated with further finds of cattle-size ribs, vertebrae and long bones. Other species identified were horse and pig. Butchery evidence was scarce other than a heavily chopped cattle mandible and a chopped axis, demonstrating decapitation of the animal. Pig bones were more frequent in the late Roman/early Saxon pits whilst domestic fowl were also present in small numbers. Only material from the 2001 (SCAU) excavations are recorded here. However, the ASE excavation was also noted to have excavated cattle and horse bones deposited in the upper layer of a waterhole (see site summary).",572,FALSE,7,,61,3,39,,11,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,450, 10054,"Fossils are noted to have been placed in the late/post-Roman graves (shrine deposits), though no details are given on these in the report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,350,450, 10055,"Animal bone was recovered from a number of contexts, though no details were given.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10056,Young dogs found in shafts and sea urchin fossils (6) recovered from shallow pits.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 10057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10058,Butchered cattle bones had been recorded and identified.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,150, 10059,"Full analysis on the animal bone had yet to be carried out, but there appeared to be a switch in emphasis from cattle to sheep/goat (Cattle dominated the Iron Age assemblage). The nearby nucleated settlement at Staines probably relied to a large degree on their hinterland from sites such as Hengrove Farm as a source of provisions. The presence of a few unusual deposits amongst the Roman assemblage also required further investigation.","3,158",FALSE,260,,241,,23,,118,,74,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400, 10060,105 of the animal bones specimens found to have been burnt.,128,TRUE,3,,12,,5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 10061,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10062,Most of the animal bone derived from the topsoil.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10063,Over 3000 animal bone specimens were present but had yet be analysed.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10064,"Only 18% of the bone material was identified. Overall, cattle remains outnumber those of all other taxa with equid and sheep/goat present in smaller numbers and pig relatively scarce. In addition, red deer is represented by an antler (3 specimens) and lagomorph (probably rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus) by a femur. The good condition of the lagomorph bone compared with the rest of the assemblage suggests that it is intrusive. In addition, 38 specimens were recovered from sieved samples of LIA/ER date although only 11 were identifiable and all of these belong to sheep/goat. Two measurable equid metatarsals, although very eroded, were smaller and more slender than specimens recovered from contemporary sites raising the possibility that some of the equid remains belonged to mule or donkey, rather than horse. Amongst the natural flints from the site are two fossil sea urchins of Holaster type that may have been curated, along with twelve fossil sponges.",979,TRUE,28,,96,,6,,18,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,150, 10065,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10066,The animal bone was poorly preserved and not well dated. Only 57 bones could be identified to species,345,FALSE,1,,49,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 10067,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 10068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11002,"67 fragments of animal bone were analysed consisting of cattle, sheep/goat and pig remains. The report is held on the microfiche. John Dory, a marine species, was identified from the Blackwater ditch and was argued to be food waste (only in grey lit. report).",67,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 11003,"None of the animal bone excavated by Time Team could be identified to species, though it is notable that almost half had been heated to temperatures above that normally associated with cooking practices. Winbolt notes finding the sawn antler of young deer, oyster, mussel, and scallop shells, pig teeth and sheep bones.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 11004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11005,"No evidence for structured deposition or associated bone groups was found from the animal bone analysis, and the specialist argues that the material had not bee. reworked. A bias towards head elements was encountered, though this is suggested to have been the result of preservation bias, and overall most elements of the body were represented. As such, it is suggested that the material derived from domestic waste. Whilst the animal bone is separated in the report into phase 1 and 2, it is recorded here as a single assemblage due to the small sample size and the related nature of the contexts. 1627 marine shells were recovered from the site, primarily oysters (1618) but also cockle, mussel, saddle oyster and carpet shell. Metric and non-metric analysis suggests that the oysters derived from a possibly managed natural bed from an inshore location.",722,TRUE,75,,99,,26,,25,,6,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,5,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,250, 11006,"Animal bone was relatively frequent present in Iron Age and Roman graves, though the total quantities are minimal. Pig and sheep/goat remains are most common with cattle also being identified as votive offerings. The absence of domestic fowl is notable.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 11007,"Cattle bones included both knife and cleaver marks, particularly on cattle scapulae and long bones, whilst skull fragments also showed cut marks around the cheeks. Humeri and tibiae had been deliberately split for marrow. A reconstructed cattle skull showed marks suggesting that it had been poleaxed, whilst various horecores had been chopped at their base. At least eight horses were represented though none were found as burial but with the waste from other animals. All were adult at death. 43 dog bones were found in a single pit representing two animals; one below 1 year old and a second above 1.5 years. Two red deer antler had been naturally shed. A number of bird bones were present though they were not identified to species.",848,FALSE,106,,293,,18,,35,,2,2,,,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 11008,"Bone data from all phases were presented together in the report. Material from ditches 1 and 2 were dated to the 2nd to late 3rdC AD. Material from the well was difficult to date though it was in use at the same time as the bath-house, which was late 3rd/early 4thC AD. It appears that the well was infilled with waste material from the bath and many animal bone so may date to the mid-late 4thC AD, perhaps even later. Material from Roman layers were undated in the report so data from these contexts have only been included in the overall assemblage form. All NISP data calculated back from percentages given in the report. Unfortunately, although the total number of bones from each context is stated, the percentages from each species by context is not, so these data cannot be recalculated. None of the horse bones were found in burials, but intermingled with other livestock species (see also Chilgrove 1). Most were found in the ditch and some include evidence of being butchered. 365 dog specimens and 25 cat specimens made up the ABGs reported; all these skeletons were recovered from the well apart from two dogs each from the ditches. Only one red deer antler was found to have been naturally shed.","5,000",FALSE,663,,"1,738",,78,,284,,16,16,2,2,7,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 11009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11011,See burial data.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11012,"The 1988-91 excavations produced a total of 5213 fragments of animal bone. The material from the polygonal shrine consisted c.99% pig remains (4874) from a minimum of 84 animals. Such clear species selectivity was interpreted by Rudling as representing a 'cult of the boar' at the site (see report). However, bones from the temenos ditch recovered in 1977 were primarily from skulls of cattle and sheep/goats, and were indicative of separate ritual activities. Clear evidence of spatial deposition in animal remains is present at the site. The material from the polygonal shrine is recorded here as 'phase 1', whilst that from the temenos ditch is recorded here as 'phase 2'. Bones from other areas of the site included minimal remains of the main livestock species as well as fragments from red deer, in particular from shed antler. Found beneath building rubble debris, an undisturbed deposit consisting almost entirely of oyster shells was unveiled. These were argued to have dated from the period during which the temple was in use. Below the oyster shells a clean, natural chalk level was revealed, implying the area it had been cleared of topsoil whilst the temple was in use.","5,213",FALSE,47,,27,,"4,874",,1,,,,,,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 11013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11018,Animal bone was said to have been excavated but was stored out of context.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11020,"Only bone from the Phase B sample is included here (late Iron Age/Romano-British),plus it must be noted that the bones from two burrowed rabbits have been removed fro this count. The single bird bone was from a small duck species. Oyster and cockle shell was also present.",571,FALSE,117,,85,,32,,12,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 11021,"Two associated bone groups of sheep/goat individuals were found as termination/foundation deposits, dating between phase 1 and 2. Most parts of the bodies were present in two pits, though they had been excessively butchered.",602,FALSE,61,2,101,,54,,26,,1,,,,7,2,,3,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,300, 11022,"Winbolt notes the presence of domestic fowl in the assemblage, a tibia and a spurred tmt from a male. Marine shells were numerous including whelks, cockles, mussels, limpets, scallops, and large quantities of oysters.",38,FALSE,14,,19,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,300, 11023,Animal bone present but not identified to species. Oyster also present in Roman sample.,,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 11024,The animal bone was very poorly preserved and much of the material had to be identified in situ. One red deer bone was identified from the ploughsoil and could not be dated.,161,FALSE,27,,114,,11,,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 11025,Only cut marks were observed in the butchery and there was no evidence of splitting long bone for marrow. Little detail is given in the bone report in general.,"1,915",FALSE,305,,363,,38,,26,,17,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,350, 11026,"The animals bone assemblage recovered during excavations at St Barnabas hospice, Goring-By-Sea, contains 544 fragments from all periods from Bronze Age to medieval. The bone was recovered through both hand collection and environmental flotation, and derives from 36 contexts including pits, ditches, post-holes and gullies. Overall preservation was poor however, and the remains of larger mammals appear to be over-represented. There is no mention of whether any of the horse remains derive from associate groups, and it must be assumed that they do not. The data recorded here includes the late Iron Age (Period 6) and early Roman (Period 7) assemblages.",380,TRUE,15,,116,,1,,48,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 11027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11029,"Wild boar was identified from a large astragalus. Oyster shells were well represented, whilst mussel and whelk were also present in the assemblage.",685,FALSE,63,,279,,26,,10,,6,,,,,,,,,,3,,,1,,4,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,43,400, 11030,The Roman ditch included over 1000 oyster shell valves. The majority of the assemblage were from very young animals and were probably inedible due to their small size. This suggested to the specialist that a wild colony was being over-exploited.,192,FALSE,140,,21,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 11031,The animal assemblage is minimal and mostly prehistoric.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11033,"Cattle, sheep/goat, and pig were noted as present in the small and well-weathered assemblage.",62,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 11034,"A Roman dated pit in the western barrow contained the remains of 11 lambs and 5 young pigs. 8 fragments red deer antler from at least five individuals, were recovered from the ditch fill of the western barrow, remnants from trimming of the antler. It is not known whether the antlers were shed. The wildfowl bones is likely to have been from a starling. The two hare bones came from separate pits, one a mandible, the other a femur with a cut marking. Oyster, mussel and other shells were present in the assemblage, with mussel predominating in Iron Age contexts and oyster dominating in Roman contexts.",994,FALSE,296,,162,,243,,14,,6,,,,,8,,,,,,2,,,,4,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400,1 11035,"The assemblage was exceptionally poorly preserved and in some cases had to be identified in situ, due to the acidity of the brickearth soil. Two wetland species were identified as a water rail and a dunlin. The latter is a winter migrant to the British coastline. One oyster shell was recovered; such shells are likely to be under-represented due to the acidity of the soil.",694,FALSE,203,,259,,73,,19,,10,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,2,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,-1, 11036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11037,"Animal bones were few though not quantified. Marine shells included oysters, limpets, mussels, and cockles.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,375, 11038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11040,"The assemblage is exceptional for large quantities of wild animals. Other wild mammals include 51 specimens of fallow deer (some are fallow/red), 1 wild boar, 1 bear, 2 badger, and 1 fox. Wetland fowl species include duck, mallard, teal, wigeon, pochard, tufted duck, velvet scoter, greylag goose, pink-footed goose, barnacle goose, moorhen, woodcock, godwit, spoonbill, and common crane. Other wildfowl include gull, raven, corvid sp., redwing, thrush sp., woodpigeon, and white-tailed eagle. Fish species included bass, eel, cod, grey mullet, herring, pouting, sea bream, thick-lipped mullet, whiting, ballan wrasse, and flatfish.","29,700",TRUE,"2,550",,"2,747",2,"3,860",3,379,1,106,1,4,,317,17,3,178,5,1,,147,,56,,910,,233,TRUE,163,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,-10,300,44 11041,"The skeleton of a dog was recovered a ditch and six sea-urchins were recovered from another. Marine shells include oyster, winkle, mussel, and cockle.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,300, 11042,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11043,"At the late Iron Age settlement, disarticulated human bones and the remains of two puppy skeletons were recovered from the settlement's ditch. The puppy skeletons showed signs of butchery. Some butchery on a few horse remains was also noted from both assemblages. Crow/rook remains were identified from the Iron Age assemblage and a raven bone from the early Roman assemblage. Oyster and mussel specimens were found in both the Iron Age and early Roman settlements.","2,349",TRUE,419,,804,,166,,379,,58,2,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200,3 11044,Animal bones and oyster shell were noted to have been recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 11045,Animal bones were found in small quantities but not assessed.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 11046,"An almost complete domestic fowl skeleton was placed in a feature seemingly associated with the demolition of the villa (a photo was provided in the report). Bones have been recovered from cattle, sheep and pig as well as a bird, from the thrush species, and fish, as yet unidentified. There are also large quantities of shell, mostly oyster but a few whelk and mussel.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 11047,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11048,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11049,"Three oyster shells were present, but probably under-represented due to the acidity of the soil. This also affect the recovery of animal bone.",111,TRUE,13,,97,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 11050,,7,TRUE,1,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 11051,"Cattle and sheep/goat specimens were present. One long bone had been heated and fractured, presumably for marrow extraction.",21,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 11052,"133 bones from 2 horse ABGs were recovered. Remains from two hind legs were excavated from the section of a Roman ditch and as some teeth were also recovered, it is assumed that these derive from the same animal. Another Roman ditch also produced horse remains which, though not articulated, were recovered as a discrete group separate from other faunal remains. An articulated domestic fowl skeleton was recovered from the subsoil, and is undated. A relatively large quantity of oysters were present, plus one cockle shell. Biometric data was included in the report.",352,FALSE,21,,24,,2,,2,2,2,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,40,400, 11053,Small quantified of unidentifiable burnt bone was recovered from sieving.,,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,40,400, 11054,The zooarchaeology report is held in archive.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 11055,"Only data from the 2nd-4thC AD deposits have been included in the identified sample here, due both to small sample sizes and a severe variation in the level of reporting between phases and taxa. Very little information is given in the bone report even though fish remains appear to have been encountered, plus ageing and butchery is mentioned though no data are supplied. It was not noted whether the assemblage had been sieved, even though fish bones were present. Five cattle skulls and a horse skull were together placed in the 3rd/4thC AD well-pit. The domestic fowl remains are described in the report as 'bird remains, probably all from domestic fowl', but other species i.e. duck should not be discounted. These were all recovered from the corndrier. 665g of marine shell was recovered. Other than three fragments of mussel, all were oyster.","1,072",FALSE,14,,114,5,12,,11,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,35,,,TRUE,15,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 11056,"Animal bone all appeared to be medieval from Nalgo Lodge, whilst that from Greenfields was minimal.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11057,No data - wrong report supplied,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11058,No data - animal bone data subject to analysis for a PhD thesis and included in main Fishbourne record,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11059,"A relatively large quantity of animal bone was produced, though not dated or analysed.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11060,Some animal bone found but not dated or analysed.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11061,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11062,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11063,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11064,The unpublished faunal report was kindly passed on by Matty Homes who carried out the analysis. The animal bone assemblage was very poorly preserved due to the soil conditions. One gull bone recovered. Goat identified. Much of the antler had been worked.,"2,093",TRUE,92,,424,,45,,69,,14,,,,6,36,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,1 11065,"866 animal bones recorded here derive from the unpublished report by Hunter from the Chichester excavations. 669 were reported on from the UCL excavations. However, these were only summarised by the faunal specialist and little raw data were given. 183 specimens were identified to species from this assemblage, but it is not possible to be certain on absolute numbers from each taxon. Sheep appeared to be most common, though only marginally better represented than cattle, with pig also well represented. A fragmented horse skull was found buried, whilst goat and hare bones were also identified. 22 oyster shells were recovered from the UCL digs.",866,FALSE,132,,461,,101,,69,1,17,,1,,5,13,,2,2,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 11066,Only a few cattle teeth were identifiable.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11067,"A small assemblage recovered, though not phased in the report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11069,Only a few bone fragments recovered - not dated.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11070,"241 animal bones were recovered from across the site and whilst of this is likely to have been Roman, phased data are not specified in the report; nor are specific taxa identifications.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11071,No data - animal bone did not survive well in the clay soil.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11072,"Three deliberately placed cattle skulls in the shrine interior pits, lying on piles of 'bones'. Also large numbers of dog bones from the deep well shaft nearby, including many articulated examples. Numbers unspecified but '4' given here to note that many examples were found. Oyster shell noted in shrine and well.",7,FALSE,,,3,3,,,,,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,325, 11073,"Sheep and cattle skulls were recovered from the well - possibly part of a structured deposit. These are noted as ABGs here to highlight the possible votive context, but it is not known whether they included the mandibles or other elements, so this identification must remain tentative. The recovery of a coin from this feature suggests they may have been 2ndC AD in date, but they could be later.",,FALSE,1,1,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 11074,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11075,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11076,"Abundant animal bone were found in both late Iron Age and Roman contexts. Immature pig and sheep bones were noted, plus the skull of an elderly 'pony'. Marine shells were found in abundance: mussel in LIA contexts and oyster and cockle in Roman contexts.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 11077,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11078,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11079,"Remains of cattle, horse, and red deer ('canon' bone) were recovered. No oyster shell was recovered.",6,FALSE,,,2,,,,3,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 11080,"Animal bone recorded comes entirely from the Chichester District excavations, and derived predominantly from 3rd and 4thC AD contexts. Two red deer antler found sawn through. The 1913 report notes a context with a substantial deposit of periwinkle shells. A few metrics given.",717,FALSE,92,,288,,93,,19,,4,,1,,22,7,,10,4,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 11081,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 11082,"The skull of a long-horned cattle was recovered from near the corn-dryer, and another in a deep pit. Other animal bones are noted. Trimmed antler pieces were also recovered.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 11083,"A considerable amount of spatial and contextual variation was seen in the faunal assemblage. Two of the LIA central enclosure pits contained evidence for feasting and contained a number of ABGs including a number of cattle body parts. These also contained evidence for fur procurement from dogs, polecat, badger and fox. Wild mammal remains also included an articulated red deer mandible. Rodent and frog bones were recovered. A partial chicken skeleton was found in the upper layer of a pit, also present was a woodcock bone and a passerine wing, though bird remains were poorly represented. Marine shells found on site were mostly oyster, though a carpet shell was found with neonate burial.","9,598",TRUE,715,1,895,7,229,1,85,2,63,1,,,14,,1,,,,,,,5,1,6,1,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100,1 11084,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12001,"ABGs include deposits of a dog buried around a horse skull, a cow skull and vertebrae with a horses fore limb, a second dog skeleton, a partial skeleton of a young cow, a fragmented horned cow skull, a fragmented horse skull and shoulder, another cow skull, and a partial cat skeleton. It is not stated from which sub-phase these belong. Antler was noted from Roman ditches. Marine shell consisted of oyster.","2,038",FALSE,118,,307,6,28,,83,3,24,2,1,1,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400, 12002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12004,Animal bone was very poorly preserved.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12007,,37,FALSE,4,,23,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,200, 12008,"Pig was only found in the cremation deposit, which included a pig skull and sheep radius.",60,FALSE,4,,16,,2,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 12009,The Roman assemblage is not discussed beyond the raw NISP.,607,FALSE,61,,151,,10,,23,,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 12010,"Only one pit contained large numbers of animal bone, including probably articulated remains of foetal cattle, cattle, sheep and toad. However, the remains are not fully quantified by species, and only the base layer is detailed, as well as the few remains from other contexts.","1,342",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 12011,All the animal bone was prehistoric in date.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12012,"The high proportion of horse is notable, of which the chopped distal humerus was recorded. Some articulated foot bones were also present.",329,FALSE,36,,187,,19,,82,,3,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,50,200, 12013,"About half the assemblage was identified to species. NISP counts from each are not given in the report. Cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse were present, as were domestic fowl, duck and crow. Dog was absent.",248,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 12014,,19,FALSE,2,,11,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 12015,"Wetland fowl includes a goose bone. However, the raw species NISP is not given in the report.",136,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 12016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12017,Only medieval material detailed.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12018,"See site summary for details on ABGs and other structured deposits. The assemblage is broken into phases due to it's small size it is included as a single group here. Horse appears to have been consumed, at least prior to the Conquest. Wetland wildfowl include bones of a woodcock (M/LIA) and a duck (ER).",371,TRUE,87,,148,1,16,,26,,18,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250, 12019,An early Roman pit contained the remains of two dog skeletons.,200,TRUE,1,,17,,5,,6,,12,2,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 12020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12021,Some material was recovered by fieldwalking.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12023,No finds reported.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12024,Animal bone was very poorly preserved.,30,FALSE,5,,10,,2,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 12025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12027,A small quantity of animal bone was recovered; all identified material was identified as cattle remains.,139,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 12028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12029,"Only a sample of the assemblage was analysed due to time restraints. Bone was recovered from a 1stC AD ditch, a 4thC AD midden, and other 3rd/4thC AD features. A complete immature sheep skeleton was recovered from the 1stC AD ditch terminal, and the near complete skeleton of a pony was excavated from a pit. Both burials were associated with adult human remains. The pit also produced numerous neonatal human remains. The feature was undated but may have been contemporary with the ditch burial.","1,634",FALSE,457,1,184,,74,,40,1,14,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,7,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,40,400, 12030,"The site produced a number of bone from the topsoil, not included here, including fox and hare. Oyster and mussel shells were recovered. Wetland fowl include mallard and other wildfowl include a passerine and a wood pigeon.","2,374",FALSE,121,,120,,27,,21,,7,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,2,,2,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,410,3 12031,"Bone from pits, ditches and a well. Insect remains suggest a pastoral settlement.",312,FALSE,12,,101,,6,,31,,,,,,2,2,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 12032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12033,See burial data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,280,400, 12034,"A small assemblage of sheep, goat, cattle and horse remains included Saxon material.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12035,Some animal bone was recovered from the pits suggesting domestic activity in the area.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12036,,46,FALSE,12,,15,,7,,1,,4,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,3,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,125,400, 12037,"A very small quantity of animal bone was recovered from the ditch fills, all cattle and sheep/goat.",7,FALSE,1,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,50, 12038,"Only 21 bones derived from the excavation, many of which were recovered from Bronze Age features.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12039,"Only 14 animal bone fragments were recovered, most likely affected by the acidic soil pH.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12040,Only a small quantity of animal bone was recovered from the site.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12042,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12043,"Some animal bones were recovered from the oven features, though no specific data were given in the report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12045,Very acidic conditions did not allow for good preservation.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12046,"From the Roman phase within trench II, the individual fragment counts are skewed by the presence of bones that appear to be from partial horse and sheep/goat skeletons. When these partial skeletons are taken into account, cattle are the most abundant species represented. 18 sheep/goat and 8 horse specimens appear to be from single individuals respectively. The assemblage was no more closely dated than to 'Iron Age' or 'Roman' groups. The red deer antler was shed and displayed chop marks on the beam at the base of each tine. Some evidence for horn extraction may also have been present.",414,TRUE,49,1,42,,5,,12,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,350, 12047,"1052 animal bones were recovered from the site, though this was not analysed and likely includes material from other phases of activity.","1,052",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 12048,"The material was well preserved, though heavily fragmented. No NISP data were given since most of the identified specimens were of teeth. Several cut marks were observed, primarily on horse bones, and most notably transversely across the mid-shaft of a left metatarsal as well as both of the right proximal ulna fragments.",665,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,40,175, 12049,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12050,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12051,"Bones were generally in good to fair condition but subject to considerable fragmentation. A crushed horse skull came from a mid-late Iron Age pit, and the complete skeleton of a male dog, c.18 months, was recovered from the fill of another mid-late Iron Age pit. There was no evidence that the animal was skinned or disarticulated. Red deer is represented by a metatarsal (LR), though further specimens derived from Saxon contexts. The absence of bird remains and the presence of just a single (unidentified) fish bone suggests these animals were not commonly eaten, and the results from the sieved samples reflect this. The lack of wildfowl and fish is perhaps surprising considering the proximity of the river resource.",532,TRUE,83,,96,,28,,10,1,4,1,,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 12052,Animal bone recovered but not yet analysed.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12054,"Bone preservation was excellent. Recovery was minimal; very few were identified to species, including only cattle sheep/goat and pig. Cut marks were observed on two Roman cattle bones, a mandible and distal humerus, the location of these marks indicates that they were made during dismemberment. Several complete sheep/goat mandibles were also recorded, two of the mandibles are from young animal less than 2 years of age and the other is from a more mature adult. Pig is represented by a single fragment of skull.",58,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 12055,"No quantification. Most bones recorded were from the three wells to the east of the temple: cattle, pig, sheep, rabbits (?) & bird. Also, boar(?), dogs and the skull and bones of a horse. Nothing to indicate specific ritual use. From the ancillary building south of the temple came oyster shells & bones of the main domesticates.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 12056,"One goose bone recovered. The bones were in fair to good condition, but fragmentary.",,FALSE,8,,8,,2,,9,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 12057,"The raw NISP data are not included in the report and the assemblage derives from material dating from the prehistoric to medieval periods. Horse is comparatively frequent among the 56 late prehistoric bones, but this is a small assemblage. There were no butchery or skinning marks on any horse bones. A cattle and horse skull were found as part of a structured deposit. The butchery marks correspond to skinning, the disarticulation of long bones and filleting of meat. Butchery marks associated with intensive Roman butchery only occurred on two cattle scapulae, suggesting that the settlement was little influenced by Roman methods.",671,FALSE,,,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 12058,No bone - poor preservation,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12059,Full post-ex yet to be carried out.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 12061,"21 fragments of animal bone came from Roman-dated features, 3 cattle and 1 dog. The cattle remains include a metacarpal which had been chopped for marrow extraction. 2 cattle bones, not recorded here, came from LIA contexts.",21,FALSE,,,3,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 12062,"Cremated animal bone was found around the pyre hearths, including remains of cattle and sheep. Other remains included cattle, sheep, pig, horse and fowl. A large horse scapula had been sawn through and placed with one of the inhumation burials.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 12063,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13001,"Approximately two thirds of the assemblage (9697 NISP) was examined. Dominated by cattle in all phases. Other wild mammal comprises ferret. Other wild birds comprise godwit, woodcock, gull, partridge, pigeon, magpie, raven and ling.","13,000",FALSE,"1,448",,"3,291",,561,,293,,87,,5,,13,,,3,,,11,4,,1,,113,,67,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,450,13 13002,"Most of the assemblage derives from the late Iron Age/early Roman settlement, with just 325 NISP relating to the later temple and shrine, although there were structured deposit of a 3-6 month old pig skeleton in a pit near the shrine. Other wild mammal comprises fox. Minimal evidence for horse butchery. A goat skull found in LIA/ER enclosure ditch.","2,408",FALSE,240,1,279,,77,1,97,,9,,3,,14,,,,,,,3,,3,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,450, 13003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13006,Small number of identified species dominated by cattle. Very fragmentary.,180,FALSE,48,,98,,10,,11,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 13007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13008,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13009,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,95,FALSE,22,,57,,1,,3,,2,,1,,,4,,2,,,,,,,,3,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,380, 13010,Assemblage dominated by cattle. Two large cattle skulls deposited in upper part of a ditch.,744,FALSE,220,,444,2,36,,22,,8,,,,,9,,1,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 13011,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. NISP data not provided.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13012,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. Other wild mammal comprises fox. Birds possibly pigeon.,347,FALSE,95,,200,,21,,19,,8,,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200,2 13013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13015,"Assemblage dominated by cattle, but no quantification provided in report. ABGs comprised articulated forelimb of a cow and cattle skull within late Iron Age gully,","2,119",TRUE,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,,,,1,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,25,400, 13016,Substantial assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Also hedgehog.,"1,551",FALSE,673,,720,,57,,47,,18,,1,,,2,,,,,,2,,2,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 13017,"Assemblage dominated by cattle in all phases. Other wild mammal comprise fox. A total of seven deposits may be part of 'special deposits' - A neonatal foal in a later Iron Age enclosure ditch, a juvenile dog from the 1st C ditch, 3 chicken skeletons from 1st C cremation, 2 horse skulls and a tibia carefully placed in a 3rd C ditch, a complete sheep buried in nearby pit, and a cockerel skeleton buried beneath a complete pottery vessel in a stone-lined posthole.","5,232",TRUE,339,1,"1,378",,57,,265,3,35,1,1,,6,15,,1,,,,1,,10,,57,4,4,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,1,400, 13018,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. At total of 1754 g of oyster shells was recovered from the excavations.,92,FALSE,10,,16,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 13019,"Small assemblage, cattle dominate with low proportions of sheep/goat and horse. One oyster shell",177,FALSE,8,,69,,,,4,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,325, 13020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13021,"Excavation assemblage dominated by cattle. Two partial skeletons were also noted in the evaluation. No specific information on ABGs though mentioned in site narrative, including partial horse burial in a 2nd C AD ditch, near complete dog skeleton in the late Roman possible shrine and horse and cattle skeletons in a late Roman ditch. In the valuation, an adult ovicaprid was present in the subsoil and limb bone and vertebra fragments from a dog skeleton were noted in a ditch.",836,TRUE,94,1,257,1,27,,90,2,50,2,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,3,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400,3 13022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13023,No breakdown of data from Roman features.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13025,"Modest assemblage, the vast majority (over 80%), represented cow and sheep. The remainder was accounted for by horse, deer and wild boar. No NISP data.",339,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 13026,"Cattle were the most common of the identified bones, with two sheep/goat teeth the only other identified examples.",144,FALSE,2,,21,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 13027,Assemblage dominated by cattle then sheep/goat.,"2,122",FALSE,634,,"1,330",,90,,53,,6,,2,,5,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 13028,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,63,FALSE,18,,40,,2,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 13029,,24,FALSE,,,4,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 13030,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,57,FALSE,7,,27,,5,,7,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 13031,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13032,"Modest assemblage, with cattle dominating. Noteworthy animal bone groups include the partial skeletons of a horse in a ditch and a juvenile sheep within a pit group. One ditch contained a large number of cattle metatarsals. Wetland fowl comprises mallard.","1,254",TRUE,53,1,381,,10,,41,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 13033,Small assemblage from the Roman enclosures.,114,FALSE,13,,24,,2,,4,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 13034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13035,A limited assemblage and only the bones from the late Iron Age (934 NISP) were quantified to species in the report.,"1,499",FALSE,15,,56,,6,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,50, 13036,"A substantial assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Other bird species comprise goose, crow/rook, wader and passerine. Fish comprise eel and perch. Includes articulated pig and domestic fowl bones from LIA/ER cremation graves. Two horse skeletons (one a foal) lay in the primary fill of two ditches of LIA-ER date. Articulated deposits of mid-late Roman date comprise a sheep/goat from lower fill of a pit, cattle from top fill of ditch, dog from single fill of ditch, a horse burial from a pit, a goat burial from a pit and cattle bones from top fill of a waterhole. 120 oyster shells and 2 mussel shells. Eggshell present.","10,640",TRUE,585,2,"1,022",2,168,6,181,3,52,1,,,,1,,,2,,5,2,,,,31,1,3,TRUE,6,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,-100,400,9 13037,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. Evidence for horse butchery.,183,FALSE,40,,89,,5,,16,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 13038,"With grave vessels 3, 5 and 6 were small (unquantified) quantities of chicken bone. None of the bones are burnt, indicating that they were not placed on the pyre with the human body, but offered up afterwards during burial. Possibly all derived from one bird.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,200, 13039,"No report on animal remains. Horse skull ringed with Oyster shells, crowned with a large smooth pebble, buried in a pit under the threshold of ancillary building.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 13040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13042,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13043,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13045,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13046,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13047,Significant concentration of animal done from the layer above the burials. Only one bones shows sign of butchery.,311,FALSE,10,,46,,7,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 13048,Small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat. Included a burnt pig deposit.,128,FALSE,17,,10,,3,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,50, 13049,Assemblage dominated by cattle. One pit contained the partial remains of three cattle skulls. Cattle butchery waste especially prevalent from one context (waterhole/pit). Partial remains of a complete sheep recovered from a ditch. Domestic fowl bones from cremation burial.,854,TRUE,134,1,224,1,17,,34,,5,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,75,400, 13050,Assemblage dominated by cattle,764,FALSE,119,,217,,9,,22,,6,,,,,4,,1,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 13051,A small assemblage with very few identified to species.,535,TRUE,16,,21,,4,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,75, 13052,"Unquantified assemblage, nearly all of cattle bone.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,250, 13053,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13054,Substantial assemblage dominated by cattle. Wetland bird comprises goose and other wildfowl comprises a raven skeleton. Other wild mammal comprises fox. Many antler fragments from one area suggests antler working.,"3,380",FALSE,"1,061",,"1,829",,232,,112,,12,,,,19,96,,5,3,,,1,,2,,6,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,160,425,1 13055,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13056,"A huge assemblage of animal bone, dominated in the LIA by sheep but with high pig. Wetland birds comprise goose and duck and other wild fowl comprise raven. Butchery evident on LIA domestic fowl bones. Species other than main domesticates not fully quantified in the Roman assemblage, but included deer, dog, cat, hare, fox, fowl, dove, buzzard, mallard and barn owl.","12,000",FALSE,"1,220",,"1,074",,578,,54,,2,,1,,,1,,2,9,,,8,,,,5,,4,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350,3 13057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13058,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13059,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13061,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13062,A small assemblage dominated by cattle. Hare occurs in a cremation burial.,93,FALSE,34,,48,,4,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,125, 13063,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13064,"Sheep and cattle not fully quantified. Species comprise dog, pig, roe deer, sheep/goat, cattle, horse and domestic fowl. Oyster present.",11,FALSE,,,,,4,,1,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,4,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,400, 13065,Poor bone survival and no breakdown into different periods.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13066,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13067,"Assemblage comprised cattle, sheep/goat, horse, pig, chicken, fish and doves. Pike bones found at bottom of the well. Oysters mentioned in the report within most excavation trenches.",400,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,350, 13068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13069,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13070,Animal bone present in some quantity but not quantified. Oyster shell mentioned in report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 13071,"Assemblage dominated by cattle, especially in the late Roman phase (NB this phase covers 4th-early 5th C and includes many bones from the post-villa phase). Other birds comprise pheasant and pigeon. Fish comprise trout. A cat burial lay within the villa corridor, relating to a later phase of modification in early 4th C. Three almost complete burials relate to the early 5th C phase - a pit contained a calf burial, another held an adult sheep (trussed up?) and another an immature pig. Marine shell also noted in quantity - oyster, mussel, cockle and whelk.","1,535",FALSE,68,1,509,1,91,1,8,,11,,1,1,133,,,10,,,,1,,,,20,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,450,4 13072,"Substantial assemblage, though very fragmented, with just 155 identifiable to species. Dominated by cattle. The burial of a juvenile cat skeleton and deposition in pits of a goat skull, horse skull and loomweights may highlight ritual activity.","1,125",TRUE,40,1,72,,4,,10,1,,,1,1,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,250, 13073,"The animal bones have been grouped together with other Roman sites from the study area so cannot be used. The wider animal bone assemblage has an overwhelming preponderance of cattle, followed by sheep/goat, horse, pig and dog, with minimal red, roe and (?) fallow deer and hare. A complete dog skeleton in one (unspecified) feature from this site.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 13074,"No full quantification or report on the animal remains, but species include cattle. Sheep/goat, pig, horse, dog, cat, pine martin, polecat, otter, badger, fox, hare, red deer and roe deer. Also raven, rook, lark, blackbird, goose, duck, domestic fowl, woodcock, dove and pheasant. Many oysters, some mussels and cockles and one fish bone (roach). One or two pine martin skeletons deposited at the top of a 3rd C pit along with a samian mortarium, while a pony skull placed at the top of another pit of similar date.",3,FALSE,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,2,,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,60,400, 13075,"Assemblage from late Roman contexts, dominated by cattle. Fish comprise pike, carp and perch.",522,TRUE,14,,49,,9,,13,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,TRUE,7,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 13076,Only 3 bones recorded from Roman features.,3,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 13077,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13078,"Substantial assemblage mainly of later Iron Age and early Roman date, dominated by cattle in LIA then sheep/goat in Roman period. Evidence for horse butchery. A dog inhumation was found within 2nd/3rd C AD gully, accompanied by a smashed but largely complete greyware jar. Other wild fowl comprise woodcock and corvid.","7,815",TRUE,991,,945,,165,,203,,56,1,,,9,4,,3,,,,1,,,,3,,5,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250,2 13079,Small assemblage. A dog burial was inserted in a shallow grave in the same area of root disturbed ground as the early Roman cremation burial. A radiocarbon date places it in the late 1st- early 2nd century AD.,103,FALSE,9,,7,,3,,5,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 13080,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13081,"Small assemblage, not quantified to species. The main species represented include pig, horse, cattle and sheep/goat.",70,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 13082,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,577,FALSE,32,,166,,2,,4,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 13083,Very small assemblage.,7,FALSE,1,,4,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 13084,A small assemblage of fragmented disarticulated animal bone,194,FALSE,2,,15,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 13085,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13086,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 13087,"A small assemblage, only quantified from the Roman phase, with cattle dominant, then sheep/goat. The only species to be quantified was horse.",54,FALSE,,,,,,,13,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,250, 13088,"A modest sized assemblage , mostly from the two settlements of late Iron Age-Roman date.",358,FALSE,19,,106,,1,,4,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 13089,"A substantial assemblage, not phased in the assessment report, but most likely to date to the later 1st-2nd C AD. Includes six associated bone groups: 1) 1st-2nd C AD partial cattle burial; 2-3) two partial 2nd-4th C AD horse burials in enclosure ditches; 4) 1st-2nd C AD domestic fowl in enclosure ditch; 5) Partial cattle burial in 2nd-4th C AD ditch; 6) dwarf hound dog in 2nd-4th C AD gully terminal. Two early Roman cremations burials contained the remains of very young animals.","1,046",TRUE,161,,479,2,11,,67,2,48,1,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,12,1,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 13090,A small assemblage of animal bones recovered from Roman contexts. Includes a partial skeleton of a small dog from a 2nd-4th C AD pit.,234,FALSE,41,,75,,9,,5,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 14001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14002,"Only 28 pieces of animal bone were recovered from the 2nd-century features, but cattle, sheep/goat, deer and pig were represented among the 12 identifiable fragments (no quantification given). Increased assemblage from late Roman contexts (449 fragments). Sheep/goat and cattle represented majority and are likely to have grazed on the local pasture.",477,FALSE,50,,84,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350, 14003,Thirty fragments from this small assemblage were identifiable to species; they were dominated by sheep/goat and cattle. Not quantified.,100,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 14004,The small quantity of animal bone from this site has been conflated with assemblage from nearby site (C; record 3005) in report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14005,Animal bone data included a few from the nearby site (ID 14004; conflated in report). Sheep slightly more abundant than cattle with a low occurrence of pig and horse. Partial skeleton of a dog from ditch.,637,FALSE,301,,222,,46,,38,,5,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350, 14006,"Some 277 fragments of animal bone were recovered from the excavation south of the villa, mostly unidentified. Many oyster shells recovered from main villa excavation.",277,FALSE,8,,18,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 14007,"With the exception of the cremated bird bone from a grave, only 16 fragments of animal bone were recovered from the whole site.",16,FALSE,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 14008,Assemblage dominated by cattle.,680,FALSE,49,,121,,9,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,325, 14009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14011,"Small assemblage of bones from the excavations south of Church Road, dominated by sheep/goat. Evidence of horse butchery.",90,FALSE,40,,29,,17,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 14012,Assemblage dominated by cattle.,"1,583",FALSE,364,,791,,110,,174,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,100, 14013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14016,"Unquantified assemblage of cattle, sheep, pig, deer, horse, pine martin, fox, bird, fish and oyster. Just inside the main entrance into the porticus was the burial of a young pig, lack the skull - a foundation deposit?",1,FALSE,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,275,370, 14017,"The only animal bones reported on are from the early Roman ditch. Dominated by sheep/goat then pig. 63 oyster shells, 1 scallop shell and 7 mussel shells.",511,FALSE,178,,32,,46,,23,,1,,2,,2,,,1,,,,,,,,4,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,60,150, 14018,No data except mention of oyster shell.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 14019,Data not analysed. Includes oyster shell.,"1,500",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,55,400, 14020,Assemblage dominated by cattle then sheep/goat. Deer includes possible fallow deer.,657,FALSE,258,,307,,41,,24,,21,,,,4,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 14021,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. Oysters mentioned.,355,FALSE,71,,202,,5,,60,,10,,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 14022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14023,"A large well preserved assemblage, though very fragmented and mainly from later Roman contexts. Dominated by sheep/goat in all phases. Other wild mammal comprise badger and fox. Fallow deer bones identified in stratified Roman contexts. Wetland fowl comprise goose and duck. Other wild fowl comprise golden plover, starling, pheasant (16 fragments), partridge, skylark, rook, snipe and stockdove. Much oyster shell.","12,355",FALSE,"6,529",,"3,781",,"1,236",,548,,142,,11,,31,,,35,,,6,5,,2,,31,,41,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,140,425,43 14024,"Substantial assemblage, dominated by sheep/goat in early Roman period and cattle in late Roman period. Other species comprise red deer, roe deer, cat, fox, hare and weasel. During later Roman period, evidence for donkey. ABGs comprise: Immature sheep forelimb in 3rd C grave; Hind quarter of horse in 3rd C ditch; Juvenile sheep in 2nd C ditch; Neonatal lamb forelimb in 2nd-4th C grave; Hind limb of foal in 2nd/3rd C building footing; Two sheep skulls, meta-carpals & metatarsals in 1st C pit; Sheep foetus and 2 adult sheep bones under 4C courtyard. Wetland fowl comprised duck and goose. Other wild fowl comprise red kite, buzzard, skylark, dove, corvid, robin, curlew, thrush and quail. NB: All NISP figures here are from the stated percentages in the report and so are only approximate. For cat and wild mammals these have been recalculated from the percentages given in the report. No decimal places were stated so each is calculated as either 1% or 0.1% when >1 was stated. Red and roe deer bones were calculated using this formula, then added together and placed in the 'deer unspecified' category. Although bone and antler specimens were present from both species their quantities were not given and only the number of measured bones have been counted and recorded here, though these are clearly a minimum number. Fox and weasel were given a nominal '1' were present.","16,106",FALSE,"6,160",6,"6,500",,"1,816",,"1,024",2,330,,16,,10,,,3,,,213,17,,3,,127,,20,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,1,400,40 14025,Assemblage from 1990s excavation only. Dominated by cattle.,302,FALSE,3,,26,,1,,1,,2,,,,5,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 14026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14027,Only quantified data from the 1998-9 excavations and this is a small assemblage with only 74 identified to species.,195,FALSE,25,,32,,1,,10,,6,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 14028,"Small assemblage dominated by sheep then cattle, with horse, pig and dog of minor importance. No NISP data. Two complete sheep skulls found in late Roman 'black soil' area.",,FALSE,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 14029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14031,"A substantial assemblage, mostly deriving from the main domestic zone, dominated by cattle then sheep/goat. A donkey bone found in LIA-early Roman context and another in late Roman context. Other wild mammal comprise badger, fox, wildcat, polecat & weasel. Wetland fowl comprise goose, duck, teal coot, swan, crane & grey heron. Other wildfowl comprise quail, pigeon, blackbird, song thrush, greenfinch, raven, crow, magpie, buzzard and barn owl. Four partial sheep skeletons (10 months to 3.5 yrs.). Two articulated dogs, one semi-complete in ditch and other complete in pit. The lower left limb of a horse found in a late Roman ditch. Also partial domestic fowl and buzzard skeletons.","35,531",FALSE,"3,735",4,"4,738",,731,,687,1,99,2,17,,5,12,,3,2,,,9,,11,,173,1,96,TRUE,4,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400,23 14032,"Assemblage dominated by cattle, then sheep/goat and horse. Wetland fowl comprised duck. Evidence for horse butchery. One dog burial in LIA-early Roman phase.","6,282",FALSE,489,,717,,58,,307,,19,1,,,4,,,3,,,,,,,,2,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,25,250, 14033,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,217,FALSE,34,,165,,3,,8,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,250, 14034,"Moderate sized assemblage though only 59 were identified to species and not quantified. The bone fragments include cattle, sheep/goat, horse and pig but cow and horse fragments predominate.","1,077",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,250, 14035,"Substantial assemblage from the 1980s excavation (11123 fragments excluding MIA and unphased), with less (745 fragments) from 2003-4 excavations. All dominated by cattle, then horse, sheep and pig. Equines include ass and possible mule.","11,868",FALSE,175,,635,,47,,192,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,120, 14036,"A substantial animal bone assemblage, though over 10,000 were fragments of unidentified mammal. Identified assemblage dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. Also evidence for red and roe deer, horse, pig, dog, hare, badger, mustelid, domestic fowl, pheasant, corvid, mallard, partridge, puffin, snipe, tawny owl, wood pigeon, kittiwake and teal (numbers of wetland/wild birds uncertain). Two small sheep/goat ABGs (hind foot bones of a lamb & shoulder/trunk of sheep). Four small cattle ABGs (one part of a foetal calf). A pig ABG came from the cellar. Two horse ABGs (right hind limb in the cellar and neonatal foal found in backfill of natarium). Five partial dog skeletons including a complete dog (later disturbed) in the cellar. Three partial cat skeletons (young adult domestic cats). An ABG of juvenile red deer came from a later Roman context (and another from a medieval robber trench context presumed later). Butchery marks on many of the red deer bones. A single flatfish bone and a minimum of 660 oyster shells. Also small numbers of edible mussel, cockle, dog whelk, clams and scallop.","16,000",FALSE,"1,842",2,"1,525",4,947,1,57,2,94,5,19,3,18,3,1,21,,,1,48,,3,,1,,1,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,360,1 14037,"Unquantified assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat, but with horse, pig, dog and cat bones.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 14038,"Small assemblage with a predominance of sheep/goat. A complete adult dog skull with mandibles was observed in a Roman context. Apart from one scallop shell, all of the shell recovered is oyster.",121,FALSE,60,,20,,13,,3,,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 14039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14041,"A total of 11529 bones excavated from 1983-4 excavations, with 5254 ID to species. Wetland fowl comprise goose and duck. Other wild fowl comprise thrush, woodcock, teal, and raven. Evidence suggests a focus on cattle consumption in the 1st C AD, and then a shift back to sheep -based diet after this. The 1984-5 excavations produced 8776 bones. 2.4kg of oyster shell, along with mussel and scallop. Most chicken bones found in villa cellar.","20,305",FALSE,"2,983",,"3,941",,"1,543",,81,,17,,,,2,,,6,,,,27,,,,131,,8,TRUE,22,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150,5 14042,Bone from late Iron Age-early Roman contexts. Dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Other wild mammal comprises badger. Wetland fowl comprise goose.,254,FALSE,86,,97,,27,,25,,3,,,,3,,,,,,,,,1,,1,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 14043,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. Skull of a young calf and complete skeleton of young lamb recovered from enclosure ditch.,103,FALSE,30,1,52,1,4,,9,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 14044,Animal bone comprised just three horse teeth.,3,FALSE,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 14045,Assemblage includes 177 identifiable bones from sieving. Dominated by sheep/goat.,"1,143",TRUE,156,,97,,49,,8,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,3,,,,15,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,150, 14046,Small assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat.,375,FALSE,25,,30,,7,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,200, 14047,The assemblage is dated broadly to the later Roman period. Dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Other wild mammal comprise badger and fox.,"5,903",FALSE,"2,167",,"2,377",,828,,239,,143,,20,,85,,,15,,,,1,,22,,1,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 14048,"Small samples from the Syreford Mill and A40 by-pass sites. Two complete cattle skeletons came from what is interpreted as a metalled sunken way/hollow-way near the river, dating to the late Roman period. At least two pits with animal burials found in the same area as small cemetery (recorded as horse no but no full analysis of bone).","1,439",FALSE,265,,313,2,99,,50,2,3,,,,2,,,,,,,1,,,,6,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 14049,"A small number of bone recorded, dominated by sheep/goat. Other wild mammal comprises badger.",361,FALSE,111,,86,,19,,14,,2,,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,,4,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,70,400, 14050,"Many animal bones from the stone lined wells, including complete dog skeleton and many young cattle bones from one. No report on the animal remains.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 14051,"Modest assemblage in generally poor condition, dominated by cattle in the Roman period. Partial sheep articulation from a LIA-early Roman pit. A partial dog skeleton in one mid Roman pit and complete dog skulls in two other pits. One 3rd C pit contained all the chicken and cat bones from the site. Two oyster shells.","2,520",TRUE,112,1,162,,20,,62,,25,3,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 14052,"A total of 1753 hand collected fragments and 315 from samples. Most probably date 2nd-3rd C but phases are not separated in report table. Dominated by cattle then sheep/goat. Other wild mammal dominated by fox (70) and also weasel. The amount of fox may be because of the ABGs (not explicitly stated in report). Other wild birds comprise raven and thrush. The skull and jaw of an adult horse found from the base of a recut of a trackway ditch (2nd C AD). Much disarticulated animal bone found in the lowest fill of a 2nd-3rd C stone-lined well -from 1 cow, 3 sheep/goat, 1 pig, 1 dog/fox, 1 field vole, 1 blackbird/thrush and many frogs. Other animals found above this, including two partial skeletons of sheep and 3 fox skeletons. A sheep skeleton interred into a filled in 'empty grave'.","2,068",TRUE,278,3,347,,48,,79,1,17,,,,,,,,,,,,,71,3,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,1,330,3 14053,"Quite a substantial assemblage, especially considering this is interpreted as a field system, suggesting that it was in fact very close to the main area of settlement. Dominated by cattle. One 2nd/3rd C ditch contained a complete cattle skull and chaff from the early stages of crop processing. Another complete cattle skull recovered from a late Roman gully.","1,115",FALSE,9,,270,2,13,,8,,17,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 14054,"Substantial assemblage mostly dominated by cattle especially in the later Roman period. Wild bird comprises red kite and rook. Pathological conditions on cattle relate to use for traction. Increase in male cattle in late Roman period. 767 fragments of oyster shell and 2 mussel fragments, increasing in frequency throughout the Roman period.","15,575",TRUE,817,,"1,553",,243,,468,,34,,2,,2,2,,4,,,4,,,,,5,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,375,4 14055,Modest assemblage dominated by cattle then horse. A complete articulated horse burial found in a pit associated with the 2nd-3rd C AD trackway. A human cremation burial placed on top. Another partially articulated horse came from a ditch and a neonatal lamb was also recovered. Some oyster shell found.,472,FALSE,16,1,73,,1,,48,2,5,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,9,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 14056,Assemblage dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. The single other wild bird comprises a raven.,"2,168",TRUE,292,,169,,16,,45,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100,1 14057,"A relatively substantial assemblage dominated by pig, perhaps due to the surrounding woodland. Wetland fowl bone comprises mallard and other wild bird is a redwing.","5,279",TRUE,259,,278,,336,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,6,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,50,1 14058,Assemblage dominated by cattle then pig. Other wild mammal comprises fox.,"4,665",TRUE,81,,344,,125,,26,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,50, 14059,Only one identifiable bone - pelvis from an adult horse.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 14060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14061,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14062,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14063,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14064,A cattle skull and partial dog skeleton among the bones found in shallow pits near to the ancillary building. Otherwise all unquantified.,2,FALSE,,,1,1,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 14065,"Pig, sheep and cattle remains",17,FALSE,3,,8,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,300,375, 14066,"Animal remains comprised cattle, sheep/goat, horse, dog and deer.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 14067,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14068,"Bones of cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse, red deer, badger, fox and cat, along with domestic fowl, raven, lapwing and goose. Dominated by cattle, though main domesticates not quantified. In a clay lined pit/trench on the west side of the villa was a human adult skull, along with 1st-2nd C samian ware and the tooth of a(?) bear, and other animal ones and shells. A large number of oyster and mussel shells. The only quantified data comes from the 1990s excavations on the villa periphery with a total of 2,630 fragments, dominated by cattle. Includes articulated horse forelimbs recovered from two ditches. The dog assemblage was almost entirely made up of a partial skeleton recovered in a ditch.","2,630",FALSE,106,,325,,17,,120,2,142,1,3,,5,2,,,,,,,,5,,12,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,50,400,2 14069,"Cattle, horse and sheep bones found. Also oyster shell.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 14070,"Modest sized assemblage, dominated by cattle. Other wild mammal comprises badger.","1,627",FALSE,140,,263,,74,,22,,14,,,,17,34,,3,3,,8,3,,1,,14,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,125,420, 14071,Small assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat.,255,FALSE,22,,26,,4,,8,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 14072,Red deer antler from pit in the temple - part of a structured deposit.,4,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 14073,"Cattle bones dominate the assemblage, which also includes plentiful sheep and minor pig, dog, fox and badger. All unquantified. Two oyster shells.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,25,75, 14074,"Large numbers of animal bones were recovered, but very little information was recorded. Bones of cattle, pig (including several very young pigs), sheep/goat, lamb, horse, bird, red deer & fish.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,275,420, 14075,Animal bone found but not recorded.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14076,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14077,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14078,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14079,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14080,"The species list is restricted to the major domesticates of cattle, sheep/goat, and pig, with isolated examples of horse, deer, dog, and chicken/pheasant, and no wild species. No species quantification.",406,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 14081,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14082,"All usual domesticates, but unquantified. Includes oyster shell.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 14083,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14084,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14085,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14086,"Horse, cattle, sheep and pig are the chief animals present. No quantification.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,70,400, 14087,"Small assemblage from 1997 excavations dominated by sheep/goat and cattle (mostly male). Two partial adult sheep skeletons came from one pit. The left forefoot of a cow was found in a ditch. A large though unquantified assemblage from 1998 excavations, dominated by cattle, with extensive evidence for butchery.",140,TRUE,58,2,57,1,5,,18,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 14088,"Unquantified animal bone from the 1930s and 1960s/70s excavations comprised cattle, sheep, dog, horse, pig, hare, duck, goose and domestic fowl. Many oyster shells.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,420, 14089,"Large numbers of sheep and cattle bones, and also pig and horse, along with a few roe deer, dog and domestic fowl bones. Also many oysters and mussels. The only quantifications are from the 1981 excavation (c 150m sq; K Reilly, 1990 'Bagendon 1981. The animal bone' in R Reece, Excavations, Survey and Records around Cirencester, 29-38). 4258 bones ID'd to species.","7,800",FALSE,"1,851",,"1,586",,677,,16,,3,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,20,60, 14090,Substantial assemblage dominated by cattle then then sheep/goat and horse. Other wild mammal comprise fox. Wetland fowl comprise mallard and other wild fowl comprise thrush and woodcock. A partial dog skeleton came from a late Roman well. A horse skull deposited in gully of late Roman roundhouse. 33 oyster shells recovered.,"11,355",TRUE,"1,373",,"2,189",,322,,642,1,75,1,7,,5,4,,4,,,,3,,3,,9,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,175,380,2 14091,Elements of sheep and cattle found in the graves,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,50, 14092,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14093,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14094,"A large assemblage, though only 7461 bones assigned to dated context and of these 3130 assigned to species. Dominated by sheep/goat, especially in the late Roman villa period. Includes 3 dog burials. Two from early-mid Roman contexts comprise one complete skeleton from a quarry pit. An incomplete dog skeleton from late Roman contexts. Also complete horse skull found in mid Roman quarry pit (this had been poleaxed), and articulated sheep remains in the foundation layer of the early-mid Roman roundhouse. A semi-articulated sheep/goat and articulated hare burial in pits in late Roman villa. Other fowl comprise woodcock and crow. 18 contexts produced oyster shell.","17,947",FALSE,"1,717",2,949,,127,,76,1,141,3,1,,,,,,,,7,5,1,,,6,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,420,6 14095,"No quantification or report on the animal bone, but all usual domesticate present. Cattle skulls (unspecified number) in the mid fills of the enclosure ditch near the entrance terminals.",1,FALSE,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,50, 14096,"Pigs, cattle, deer, sheep, horse, dog, badger, weasel and oyster/whelk/mussel shell noted in report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,175,400, 14097,Large quantities of mainly cattle remains (no less than 12 cattle) including skulls found in lower levels of the stone-lined well. Also other domesticates (including fowl) and deer antler. Much oyster. A partially articulated adult horse skeleton was found in a boundary ditch west of the villa but may pre-date it.,13,FALSE,,,12,12,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,270,370, 14098,"No quantified data but pig remains form the greatest quantity from the 1930s excavations, then also cattle, sheep/goat, horse and dog. Also red deer antler. Oyster shells were common, and also whelk and mussel.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,380, 14099,"The faunal assemblage included cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse, dog, hare and grey heron. Also an otter mandible was found in a pit dated to the middle/late Roman period. Butchery marks on livestock is mainly limited to cattle and sheep/goat, but also on two horse bones. An elderly cattle burial found in an early/middle Roman ditch.","8,988",FALSE,294,,415,1,20,,128,,15,,,,,,,,,,,5,,1,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,120,350,1 14100,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14101,A total of 624 identifiable to species. Assemblage dominated by cattle.,"2,614",FALSE,128,,450,,21,,15,,8,,1,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,200, 14102,"A modest assemblage with 623 identified to species within Roman contexts. Dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Includes an articulated sheep leg from one 2nd C inhumation burial, a small dog burial within a 3rd C midden and articulated forelimb of a horse within a ditch. A total of 241 animal bone fragments was recovered from the evaluation.","1,858",FALSE,139,1,146,,24,,26,1,7,1,,,7,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,325, 14103,"Huge animal bone assemblage, dominated by sheep/goat, with a high % of goat identified (ratio of 4:1). Also very high % of domestic fowl. Predominance of males in all cases. Other wild mammal include weasel and 3 dolphin teeth. Wetland fowl comprise goose, teal, wigeon and mallard. Oher wild fowl comprise white tailed sea eagle, plover, woodcock, snipe, rockdove, skylark, redwing, blackbird, thrush, starling, yellowhammer, sparrow, passerine, magpie, jackdaw and raven. Fish comprise flatfish, , salmon, trout, eel, flounder, Red Sea Bream, perch, bass, and grey mullet. Examples of structured deposits of animal remains include a 1st C AD pit with the remains of two cattle skulls (along with many goat bones and 2 brooches) and an articulated rear limb of a cow from a pit of similar date. Also articulated dog vertebra from a late 1st C AD ditch, and from a mid Roman structure, and complete dog skeleton in demolition debris of ancillary building.","232,322",TRUE,"65,809",,"6,164",2,"1,647",,153,,459,3,,,,1,,1,,,,10,,5,,"2,939",,28,TRUE,258,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,25,420,68 14104,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14105,"A large concentration of bone from pig, sheep and horse recovered, but not quantified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 14106,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14107,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14108,"Animal bone was absent, but this may be due to acidic soils",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14109,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14110,"The species identified were horse, dog, cattle, sheep/goat, pig and chicken",776,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14111,Only cattle and pig were identifiable to species. Oyster shell found.,131,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 14112,"The only species encountered were horse, cattle, and sheep/goat. A large portion of the thorax of a young, articulated sheep/goat skeleton was recovered. Another ditch contained the remains of two sheep/goat individuals, one adult and one foetal, and two more deposits contained articulated portions of single sheep/goat skeletons. Full NISP counts not available.","1,600",FALSE,5,5,4,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 14113,A very small assemblage with only one identifiable bone.,18,FALSE,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 14114,"A modest assemblage with 241 identified to species. No NISP data given but MNE data indicates sheep most common, follow by cattle then pig. Also dog from two contexts.",543,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,1, 14115,Numerous bones found but no quantification or report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14116,"Small assemblage dominated by sheep and cattle. Structured deposits of sheep skulls/forelegs were placed under the thresholds of both original entrances to the main building. Two sheep skulls present in each deposit, the northerly group facing up and pointing west, the southerly group facing down and pointing west.",54,FALSE,25,2,19,,,,6,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 14117,"The Roman material included bones from cattle, sheep/goat, pig, dog, horse and chicken. A relatively high proportion of Roman bones identified as horse.","1,080",FALSE,89,,270,,14,,121,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 14118,"Of the main domesticates, sheep/goat remains were most common, followed by cattle and pig. Wild species were represented by a left metatarsal and an antler fragment identified as red deer, and a hare bone.","2,189",FALSE,433,,280,,37,,16,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,4,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,225, 14119,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14120,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14121,"Very small quantities of animal bone are datable to the Roman period. However, cattle bones are most commonly represented together with sheep/goat, and horse. No quantification.",92,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 14122,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14123,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14124,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14125,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14126,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14127,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14128,"Only the excavation assemblage was quantified. The range of species represented comprise cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse, and one oyster shell.",162,FALSE,38,,114,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 14129,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14130,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14131,Animal bone recovered but not recorded.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14132,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14133,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14134,"The assemblage consisted primarily of cattle, with a few examples of sheep/goat, horse and pig. A single bird bone probably comes from a domestic goose",162,FALSE,8,,30,,1,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 14135,A partially articulated cow skeleton in a pit may be Roman in date.,1,FALSE,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 14136,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14137,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14138,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14139,Animal bone report from Inns Court excavation only - dominated by cattle then sheep/goat. Oyster shell recorded.,523,FALSE,63,,83,,21,,14,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 14140,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14141,A small amount of animal bone and single fragments of mussel and oyster shell.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350, 14142,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14143,"Cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse have all been positively identified",20,FALSE,2,,7,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 14144,"A small collection of animal bone was recovered of standard domesticated species most likely representing food residues, plus fish and small mammal bones. No quantifications. 67 fragments of animal bone and marine shell from the 2011 watching brief.",67,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 14145,The assemblage was dominated by cattle.,960,FALSE,21,,27,,4,,11,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 14146,"A small assemblage of animal bone was recovered. The species identified were red deer, cattle, and sheep/goat. The red deer antler fragment had been chopped several times and is likely to be waste from antler-working",84,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 14147,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14148,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14149,A small (and unquantified) assemblage of animal bones along with oyster shell,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 14150,A small assemblage of the usual domesticates.,22,FALSE,,,6,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 14151,Many animal bones were excavated but no report as yet.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14152,"A small assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat with minimal pig, horse and dog.",63,FALSE,3,,3,,1,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 14153,Small identified assemblage dominated by sheep/goat.,405,FALSE,32,,19,,2,,2,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 14154,Small identified assemblage dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. Limited evidence for wader and corvid.,960,FALSE,54,,42,,9,,9,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400,1 14155,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14156,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14157,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14158,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14159,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,32,FALSE,9,,13,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 14160,Modest sized assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Includes remains of an early Roman pig neonate.,"1,290",FALSE,91,,109,,54,1,9,,4,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,8,,1,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,380, 14161,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14162,"Only a limited number of bones identified to species. Cattle was the most frequent domestic species followed by sheep/goat. Dog, horse and pig were also present in small numbers.",815,FALSE,37,,40,,7,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 14163,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,147,FALSE,40,,81,,7,,17,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 14164,"A total of 164 bones from the excavation and 445 bones from the evaluations. Only the excavation bone is phased. Overall cattle are the most frequent taxa, constituting a half of identified fragments followed by sheep/goat with pig, horse and galliform (probably domestic fowl). Also a dove bone. Also oyster shell.",609,FALSE,72,,143,,29,,22,,5,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,13,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300,1 14165,"The species identified comprise dog, red deer, horse, cattle, sheep/goat, and pig.","1,811",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 14166,"Bone from cattle was the most abundant material then sheep/goat, horse, pig, dog, hare and fowl. Also two fragments of oyster shell.","1,832",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,350, 14167,"The material was dominated by bones from cattle, sheep/goat and horse.",807,FALSE,85,,201,,21,,55,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,350, 14168,A small assemblage with no indication of species.,40,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,120, 14169,"A remarkably small assemblage for the area excavated. There is a consistent overrepresentation of bones from the head and feet, with few bones from meat-rich body parts (i.e. scarcity of kitchen waste) and it is possible that the Roman features may have functioned mainly as waste pits for primary butchery waste. A horse (mare) from a Roman pit is almost complete and 3-6 years old. Evidence for skinning or butchery could not be observed.",311,FALSE,23,,13,,17,,12,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 14170,"Most of the bone come from late iron Age/early Roman contexts. Cattle and, to a much lesser extent, sheep/goat were the main food animals at the site.",962,TRUE,54,,246,,14,,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,150, 14171,Moderate sized assemblage but only 18.5% could be determined to taxon. The assemblage is dominated by cattle bones.,890,FALSE,31,,111,,12,,7,,2,,,,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,120,250, 14172,"A modest sized assemblage, of which 24.8% could be determined to taxon. The species present included cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse, dog, red deer, bank or field vole and frog. Fish remains were recovered from bulk soil samples, almost all of which were from young eels and sticklebacks, along with some flatfish, ray and herring or sprat.",516,TRUE,50,,42,,19,,13,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,"1,000",FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,120,400, 14173,"The identified remains consists of cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse. Also oyster shell.",138,FALSE,41,,38,,6,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 14174,"Animal bone assemblage dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. The remains of a relatively large, mature dog was found mainly in a single feature, with articulating elements. Several almost whole limb bones from a late Iron Age deposit in a roundhouse gully terminal were of a small horse. Two fragments of oyster shell.",877,TRUE,132,,81,,7,,20,1,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 14175,Animal bone recovered but no quantification or report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14176,A small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat.,159,TRUE,16,,5,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 14177,No animal bone report but mention of marine shell.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 14178,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14179,No report on the animal bone. Oyster found.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,380, 14180,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14181,Assemblage dominated by cattle.,493,FALSE,13,,157,,4,,53,,20,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 14182,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14183,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14184,Animal bone dominated by sheep/goat.,100,FALSE,39,,7,,11,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 14185,The report mentioned red deer and pig but no further details.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 14186,"Assemblage not yet fully recorded and species comprise sheep, cattle, pig and possibly dog. Some evidence for butchery was noted and several elements showed evidence of burning. Modest quantities of oyster shell.",704,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 14187,A small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat.,71,FALSE,16,,6,,3,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,250, 14188,Animal bone noted in the residue,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 14189,A small assemblage of common domesticated species (no ID to species),66,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 15001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15003,"Bone points were found to have been used for linear and area burnishing, whilst bird bones were found to have been used for finer decoration on the vessels.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,275, 15004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15005,"The animal bone assemblage falls into two groups AD75-250 and AD250-400. A change in livestock occurs in the 2ndC AD. Cockerel carcasses were placed in two pits (sexed by spurred metatarsals). C.2000 fragments are noted to have been analysed, though no absolute count is given for the phases; that recorded here relates to the total identified assemblage. Specialist does not give data in the phases described but as major context groups. These are recorded here and are dated according to the dating sequence laid out in the main report on page 11. A well-pit contained the remains of five dogs. Only red deer were positively identified, though a possible fallow metapodial was also mentioned. However, the ratio of bone to antler is not given, though both are mentioned to have been present. Two red deer crania with antlers sawn away were recovered from a 4thC well (19 deer specimens in total were from this feature, including worked antler). One duck bone and three geese bones were recovered from the late Roman assemblage. Trimmed scapulae and chopped femur heads were present in both the early and later phases, but no data are given. Both horned and hornless sheep present though the date was not given.","2,000",FALSE,492,,"1,062",,148,,72,,126,5,1,,,,,,,,31,1,,,,61,2,4,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,75,400, 15006,"Cut red deer antler was recovered, as were some fox specimens. Twice as many LIA/ER bone in the ditches were found to have been burnt compared to that in pits.","2,430",TRUE,356,,320,,154,,86,,34,,,,,1,,,,,,,,2,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 15007,"Only the early Roman and 'Roman' phases (Phase 6 and 7) is included here. Phase 4 which is middle/late Iron Age is primarily constitutive of at least three red deer buried two pits: two immature and one adult male (antlered skull) - these may be middle Iron Age. Butchery of the early Roman cattle remains was largely from defleshing and skinning marks and there was no evidence of heavy chopping or bone fracturing. The low level of fragmentation also applied to the horse remains. The cattle appeared to have been from quite large individuals. 125 dog specimens came from two individuals: a relatively complete, but short-statured male and a partial skeleton. Pig is conspicuous by its absence. Butchery practices appeared to be largely similar in the late Roman period as to the preceding phase.","1,181",TRUE,22,,190,,1,,25,,7,2,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,150, 15008,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15009,"Disarticulated and cut-marked horse bones indicate that their meat had been consumed. Dog ulna too, included a cut mark. Only wild animals are two bones from raven.",888,TRUE,70,,115,,35,,32,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,75,2 15010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15011,"The late 2nd/3rdC AD material is minimal and has been included here with the 4thC AD material. Chop marks were noted on cattle, sheep/goat and horse bones. The red deer antler had been shed and the second tine deliberately removed and the shaft polished. The badger ABG include fore and hind leg and a tooth. Nine bones from thrush species were recovered.","1,465",FALSE,86,,133,,9,,27,,17,1,1,,,1,,1,,,,,,1,1,10,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,175,400,9 15012,Small assemblage - no data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15013,"Includes data from both 2000 and 2008 volumes. Of the phased assemblages, Phases 1, 2 and 3 all come from the 2008 volume, whilst Phase 4 comes from the 2000 volume and dates LIA/ERB. A cat skeleton had been found skinned in a Roman well. Bird bones include jay and teal. Lots of metrical data are provided. Sheep and cattle get bigger in the region - see overview (volume 1).","5,913",TRUE,"1,372",2,681,,171,1,181,,117,3,1,1,1,2,,,1,,,4,,,,16,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,375,1 15014,"Both horned and hornless sheep were present in the assemblage. Possible increase in size of sheep/goat Iron Age-Roman. Two partial dog skeletons were recovered, one almost complete in an upper fill of the banjo enclosure ditch. See site summary for horse leg burial. Other ABGs were relatively small and not detailed in the report - data taken from archive. Wild animals included one fox, two red kite, one duck, three pigeon, one rook/crow and five thrush/passerine bones. Sheep and cattle get bigger in the region - see overview (volume 1)","2,178",TRUE,836,5,452,3,88,,41,2,27,2,1,,4,,,,,,,3,,1,,46,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400,11 15015,"Three brown bear bones were recovered, likely from the same animal (scapula, humerus and ulna), and though the bones were not found articulated or from the same body side they were recovered from the same ditch context. One fox bone was identified. It was noted that some of the red deer may have been fallow. An antler tine had been sawn and a humerus chopped. Water(game)fowl included mallard, diving duck, woodcock (2), plover, and water rail. Other wild fowl included pigeon, rook/crow, thrush, and passeriform. Butchery was restricted to cattle, sheep and pig; cleaver chopping was evident on each. Eggshell was recovered from hearths/ovens at the site. Sheep and cattle get bigger in the region - see overview (volume 1)","1,056",TRUE,382,,131,,64,,51,,15,,,,14,1,,1,,,,3,,4,,64,,6,FALSE,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,250,400,10 15016,"A foundation burial of an upside-down cattle skull had been placed in a small pit in the centre of the doorway in the west wall of the aisled hall. Little other details are given in ABGs. Wild mammal specimens include aurochs (1), fox (4), and badger (10). The possible aurochs is a femur. This was deposited in a 4thC AD layer in the ritual shaft and may have been 'antique' at the time of its burial. DNA analysis and carbon dating would probably be required on this specimen. The badger specimens came dispersed through the ritual shaft layers, from at least two animals. The fox specimens came from the LIA ditch. Wildfowl includes a goose bone and a thrush. Undated wild animals present include stoat, raven, red kite, and water rail. These were probably Roman but have not been included here due to their uncertain context. Sheep and cattle get bigger in the region - see overview (volume 1) Fish bones and scales were noted from the base of the ritual shaft, though these did not appear in the animal bone report.","1,078",TRUE,344,1,307,3,37,,33,2,34,4,,,3,,,1,,,,1,,15,,19,,1,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,450,1 15017,"At the terminal of the late Iron Age enclosure, two cattle skulls were deposited along with a sheep's leg. In another cutting, a cattle skull with two deep chop marks across its forehead had been placed along with another sheep's leg and a mandible.","4,414",TRUE,764,6,471,4,77,,146,3,21,3,,,21,2,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 15018,"7 phases were presented in the faunal report; these have been amalgamated here as phases 1-4: c.AD75-275 and phase 5-7: c.AD275-400. Late Roman cattle scapula included hook damage on a number of specimens indicating shoulders may have been hung. Cleaver chopping is evident. The skull of a young wild boar was recovered from a late Roman deposit. Wetland (and game) fowl includes duck (seven - one early phased), woodcock and a wader. Wildfowl includes three pigeon bones (tame?), raven, crow and thrush. Fish species included bass, black sea bream, eel, cyprinid and ray. A 4thC AD stokehole in the bath-house produced evidence of oyster, mussel, egg shell, fish bone and other mineral replaced remains (see plant data for associated material from this context).","4,472",TRUE,575,1,414,,121,,30,1,6,3,1,,5,2,,,,,,10,,1,,49,,10,TRUE,18,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,75,400,12 15019,"Much of the animal bone recovered came from material redeposited by the Victorian excavators. The 2010 excavation focused on a previously unexcavated area and produced a small quantity of late Iron Age/Roman material. Only material dating up to the late 2nd/early 3rdC AD was present, taken here to be a LIA and ER phase. A possible donkey metatarsal was recovered from a late 1stC AD ditch. Cut marks on Iron Age horse bones suggest they had been skinned. Bird bones include a pigeon and a duck (cf. common scoter). The marine shell was primarily oyster, though cockles, limpets, periwinkles, jingle-shells, a common whelk, and a rock winkle were also present.",278,TRUE,94,,132,,21,,14,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,225,1 15020,"Two fox ABGs, one a complete skeleton (371 bones), were placed in special deposits, one at the bottom of the LIA ditch recut. The latter showed evidence for fine cut marks at the extremities indicating that it had been skinned. A cow skull was placed at the entrance of the enclosure, and a horse limb was placed in the lower levels of the ditch. The kestrel skeleton also appears to have been a special deposit. One red deer metatarsal had been skinned, but much of the deer material came from worked antler. An early Roman-dated canid humerus was postulated as being big enough to be from a wolf. The specimen included multiple fine cut marks suggestive of defleshing and perhaps skinning. Wetland fowl bones include goose and merganser (duck), and the other wildfowl include red kite, the skeleton of a kestrel, jay, a raven, pigeon, starling and chaffinch.","9,913",FALSE,"1,594",2,"1,162",,410,1,202,,55,1,,,3,40,,,,,,10,,3,2,2,,4,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150,6 15021,"The report does not note the context or date of the animal bone, and part of the assemblage may have been middle Iron Age.",217,FALSE,18,,71,,5,,18,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,40, 15022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15023,"Much of the material may date to the 2nd-4thC AD when domestic refuse was being placed in the upper fills of the enclosure ditch, though redeposition of earlier material, including late Iron Age, cannot be discounted.",325,FALSE,61,,44,,23,,13,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,1,,,,2,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400,1 15024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15025,"Animal is noted to have been present at the site, in particular butchered cattle remains from the SFB, though no specialist report appears.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,410, 15026,,61,FALSE,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,180, 15027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15028,,103,TRUE,5,,12,,1,,9,,4,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 15029,"A small assemblage was analysed and reported on, much of which from the ritual pit, though no data was supplied with the report. Two perforated cattle scapulae were noted.",377,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,75, 15030,"ABGs include a neonatal lamb, five cattle skulls from two pits, cattle rear limb parts, matching femora of neonatal pig, a near complete dog of small terrier size, a near complete neonatal puppy, and two partial fowl skeletons. Other wildfowl constitutes three raven and one sparrow bones. Fish bones include specimens of clupidae, eel and cyprinidae (chub?).","1,347",TRUE,230,1,250,7,35,1,50,,5,2,1,1,,2,,2,,,,,,,,17,2,,TRUE,15,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400,4 15031,"The early and middle Iron Age material is not included here, only that classified as 'LIA', '1stC AD', and 'Roman' - these are phased appropriately. Most 'special' animal bone deposits were early or middle Iron Age in date, though a number were LIA/1stC AD. Only partial skeletons were recovered from this latest phase of structured deposition. Most depositions were made in beehive pits, though four cattle skulls were placed in a late Roman working hollow, as were two cattle horncores in another. A horncore provide clear evidence of goat in the LIA. Other wild mammals included complete fox and hare skeletons, both in late Iron Age pits; the fox was noted as being in particularly poor health when killed. The hare carcass had been butchered with a knife at the pelvis. Wetland fowl include mallard (LIA), wigeon (LIA) and pintail (1stC AD). Other wildfowl include two partial raven skeletons in LIA contexts and one juvenile partial raven in a 'Roman' ditch, plus crow/rook remains from LIA and 1stC AD contexts. A buzzard skeleton was recovered from a LIA ditch. Hamilton highlights the ritual importance of the wildfowl.","11,791",TRUE,"1,453",6,"1,822",4,208,,242,,174,8,,,6,9,,,,,,3,1,2,2,8,,3,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,7 15032,The assemblage was poorly preserved in general. Horse remains were well represented in the LIA/ER ditch. Other wild mammal includes a fox bone.,"1,637",FALSE,108,,101,,13,,49,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 15033,"A large proportion of cattle horncores were present in pits and ditches in this phase and evidence for hornworking was notable from contexts in one Site B/C enclosure. Maltby suggests that 'industrial' working of horncores and antler-working was occurring at the site (125 horncores bore saw marks). Both sheep and goats were identified. No hornless sheep were identified. The majority of cattle bones had been processed with knives, though a few chop marks were noted. Lateral spines of a couple of cattle scapulae had been shaved off, indicating meat filleting, though no filleting of long bones with a cleaver was observed. Other wild mammal bones included 4 fox, 4 ferret and 1 weasel bone. The fox and ferret bones are suggested to have been intrusive. Other than the two partial dog skeletons in ditch contexts, no evidence of associated bone groups were identified.","4,536",TRUE,721,,948,,134,,131,,38,2,,,,11,,,,,,,,9,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,75,1 15034,Only material from 1999 excavations is included here so far. Other wild mammal includes a fox mandible.,540,TRUE,20,,78,,11,,5,,3,,,,,1,,,1,,,,,1,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 15035,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 15037,,20,FALSE,1,,8,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 15038,"Taxa identified were cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse.",68,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 15039,"51 bones from the 1995-7 excavations are not included here. Maltby's analysis of the 1973-81 assemblages divided the bones into M-LIA, LIA-ER and LR groups (not included earlier prehistoric material). The M-LIA assemblage is recorded here as 'LIA', and the LIA-ER assemblage is recorded as ER as it covers the 1st and 2ndC AD. Although sheep remains outnumbered cattle in each period, this should probably be taken as a minimum figure since Maltby found remains of the former to have been more poorly preserved. Metrical data show that the livestock were generally small in stature with one or two large cattle and sheep appearing in the later period. Butchery was primarily carried out with knives. In the LIA assemblage, stoat (2) was present, as was mallard (8), goose (1), raven (15), and grey heron (6). Rodent and amphibian bones were also recovered. The ER assemblage includes 1 mallard bone. The LR assemblage includes 1 duck and 1 goose bone.","12,551",TRUE,"3,200",,"1,887",,"1,002",,641,,631,,,,10,12,,3,2,,,,,2,,2,,16,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,17 15040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15042,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15043,Cattle remains and marine shells were recovered from the early Roman boundary ditch.,66,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 15044,"Sheep and pig bones clearly dominate the large faunal assemblage, recovered in broadly equal quantities. This degree of selectivity in species, also seen at other religious sites such as at Uley, is argued to be evidence for ritual sacrifice at the site. Considerable variation in the frequency of body part disposal was also encountered: for sheep, upper limb bones and mandibles were most common, whilst for pigs, mandibles and maxillae were most common followed by upper limb bones. Nearly all the animal bone was spread within the courtyard, with spatial analysis showing a concentration within the south-eastern quarter. It is possible that the horse remains were associated with the chariot fittings and the disarticulated human bones also recovered from the site. The deer remains are from red deer, though the body parts are not specified.","7,250",FALSE,"4,124",,103,,"3,516",,54,,1,,,,,,,,,,6,7,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,200, 15045,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15046,Much of the animal bone identified comes from the Saxon SFBs.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15047,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15048,,2,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 15049,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15050,"All the remains recorded here come from the well. This feature underwent a number of 'dumping' periods in which whole and partial carcasses of animals were placed in the feature. The remains clearly represent very unusual depositional practices and great care must be taken when viewing the sample as being representative of the pastoral economy of the site. Maltby recorded 24717 fragments from an estimated minimum of 840 animals across 38 species. Large quantities of the cattle, sheep, goat, pig and dog remains consisted of porous material from neonatal and/or foetal animals (see ageing). Phase 1 can be taken broadly as 1st-2ndC AD, Phase 2 as 3rd-e.4thC AD, and Phase 3 as l.4thC AD. It must be remembered that, although a high number of whole carcasses from different species were placed in the well, much of the remains from main domesticates had been butchered, with whole limbs being deposited rather than complete bodies. An uneven distribution of body parts could also be observed. Other wild mammals include two foxes (176 bones), 13 polecats (527 bones), one pine marten (39 bones), nine stoats or weasels (both were represented by at least 51 bones). Other taxa represented include rodents, mole, bat, and amphibians. Other wildfowl include thrush, raven, rook/crow, swallow and two quail skeletons.","24,717",FALSE,"5,899",180,"5,066",187,"2,610",47,262,20,"4,919",231,175,6,141,,1,466,,4,,301,7,742,25,42,3,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,75,400,30 15051,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15052,Data held in archive,34,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 15053,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15054,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15055,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15056,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15058,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15059,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15062,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15063,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15064,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15065,"Excavation of one of the Iron Age ditches produced a heavily fragmented mandible and maxilla from a pony (a small horse Equus caballus), identified on the basis of the size and morphology of the dentition.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15066,26 specimens came from a partial cattle skeleton. Wild mammal specimens include an immature badger humerus and a red deer metacarpal.,801,FALSE,46,,31,1,3,,4,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,3,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 15067,No material has been conclusively dated to the Roman period.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15068,"Grave goods included remains of cattle, sheep, pig, bird, and horse. A sheep skull had been cleaved through to remove the brain. Cattle extremities had evidence for skinning marks. The horse skull likely came from an individual which likely survived to over 15 years of age. One burial included remains of three oyster shells.",15,FALSE,3,,5,,1,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,40,100, 15069,The general condition of the bone material was poor and not all the remains came from secure contexts.,141,FALSE,29,,26,,6,,5,,19,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 15070,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15071,"In pit 966, 28 fragments from a new-born calf were recovered, plus 7 bones from the upper hind limb of a sheep aged around 3-3.5 years. The butchered but articulated cattle shoulder and forelimb came from pit 2345, aged over 4 years. These two pits contained the bulk of the material from this phase, with pig only found pit 2345, though horse remains were more commonly recovered from gullies than the pits. Wetland fowl included a teal and two unidentified species of duck.","1,526",FALSE,216,1,121,2,38,,27,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,3,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,10,125, 15072,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15073,,496,FALSE,55,,79,,5,,4,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 15074,"the general assemblage is not closely dated as a whole, but the lamb burial was probably late Iron Age, possibly very early Roman. The lamb burial, whilst mostly complete, had clearly been butchered and consumed, and included evidence for long bone fracturing for marrow removal.",85,FALSE,6,1,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 15075,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15076,The skull of polled cattle was recovered from a LIA feature.,"3,020",FALSE,795,,603,,106,,52,,21,,,,1,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 15077,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15078,"A horse skull appears likely to have been deposited within one of the wells, though it is not closely dated",,FALSE,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 15079,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15080,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15081,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15082,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15083,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15084,"A small Iron Age sample of 882 specimens was analysed (see report for identification and other details). Sampling was carried out but the details are sketchy. Horse found butchered. An almost complete fox skeleton was recovered from Roman deposits. 16 deer fragments were identified as 'Cervus' (antler? Not specified in report), 14 as fallow deer, and 8 as red/fallow (these are all recorded here as 'deer unspecified'). Red deer found butchered. A partial roe deer skeleton was found in an Iron Age pit (structured deposit?). Cat bone include a group from a kitten, but adult remains also present. One lagomorph bone was butchered. Much rabbit recovered, but 7 specimens could not be differentiated between hare and rabbit (3 were certified as hare). 36 unidentified bird bones present. An IA pheasant bone was identified. Roman wetland fowl include mallard (4) and woodcock (1), and other wildfowl include wood pigeon (2). Also 3 specimens of galliform. Oyster present. Rodent and amphibian also present. MNIs presented; sex, body part, fusion, biometric, and pathology analysis presented but no raw data included in report. Possibly in archive (Winchester Museums Service?).","7,428",TRUE,773,,671,,105,,124,,150,,22,,23,,,15,,1,38,3,,1,1,28,,5,TRUE,8,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,175,375,2 15085,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15086,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15087,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15088,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15090,The animal bone assemblage was considered as a whole from Marnel Park and Merton Rise. The remains have been considered in the site record for the former since the majority of the finds come from that site.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15091,"The animal bone derived from both Areas A-C (Site ID 15090) and Area D (this site) and these are recorded together here. The late Iron Age/early Roman and early Roman groups are recorded here together in Phase 1, whilst the Roman and late Roman groups are taken here together as Phase 2. Crow remains constituted all the other wildfowl. Some remains were recovered from burials though it is not clear which and how many - pig and domestic fowl make up some of these.","1,737",FALSE,282,,433,,49,,25,,14,,,,,3,,,,,,1,,,,5,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400,6 15092,"An almost complete neonatal lamb was recovered from the basal fill of a LIA/ER pit. From a higher fill of the pit came two fragmentary horse skulls, one aged 7-10yrs. Butchery marks on dog bones suggest careful disarticulation of the shoulder. Other wildfowl include remains of a small thrush. Water vole and hedgehog were also recovered. No details on the fish bone were given.",647,TRUE,274,1,58,,18,,14,,5,,,,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,100,7 15093,"Assemblages from Phases 5 and 6 from Winnall Down and Phase 9 from Easton Lane are amalgamated here since the time period is quite restricted. One dog bone and two horse bones included knife marks. Wetland fowl includes bittern, whilst other wildfowl includes both raven and rook/crow. The fish bone is from an eel. Oyster and mussel shell were identified from a number of contexts.","5,002",TRUE,969,,"1,020",,159,1,283,2,84,1,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,2,,1,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,150,2 15094,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15095,"Assemblage recorded here includes some middle Iron Age material. No major change to the site economy is observed over time. See site summary for details of the four ABGs. A complete dog skeleton was recovered but was of early-middle Iron Age in date. Two unidentified bird bones were observed, one from a juvenile.",,FALSE,138,,45,2,23,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 15096,,"1,799",FALSE,136,,128,,53,,28,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 15097,"A small quantity of animal bone was recovered from the site, from which horse was the most common species. The assemblage was analysed by an amateur group. Many of the remains may have been middle Iron Age in date. Four bird bones were present but not identified to species. Teeth specimens heavily dominated the sample, suggesting poor preservation/high fragmentation.",132,FALSE,35,,25,,20,,39,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 15098,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15099,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15100,,17,FALSE,6,,7,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,325,400, 15101,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15102,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15103,"5 bird bones of unknown species were also identified. The marine shell assemblage included limpets, oyster, and edible winkles.",100,FALSE,8,,13,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,75, 15104,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15106,"Remains of cattle, sheep, pig and horse were identified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15107,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15108,Only a very few animal bones were recovered from Latchmere Green.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15109,Only 35 burnt and unidentified bone specimens came from Roman contexts; the remainder of the animal bone was medieval.,35,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 15110,The assemblage was very fragmented.,156,TRUE,7,,8,,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,150,400, 15111,"Of the approximately 600 animal bones to come from the excavations at Rockbourne, the only quantification noted is the 42% of sheep(/goat) and 33% of cattle. Also present were remains of red deer, pigs, horses, cat, duck, and chicken. The dog remains include partial skeletons of a puppy, a small and a large adult. Eggshell was recovered, as were remains of oyster, mussel, whelk, cockle and fish bones.",600,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,40,425, 15112,"The faunal remains are not quantified to NISP by species in the report, but rather to 'livestock', 'bird', etc. Bone preservation is generally good to fair and it appears that a large proportion of the animal bone assemblage was deliberately deposited and rapidly buried, particularly the ABGs. Sheep is the most common species overall, whilst other identified species include horse, dog, cat, deer (all shed antler fragments), birds (domestic fowl, corvids and passerines) and frog. The number of horse bones is reasonably high at c.13% NISP (the same percentage as cattle). Horse skulls and articulating limbs are common components in the ABGs. One corndrier included a horse skull and two articulating limbs. Cattle and dog skulls were well represented and occasionally present in the same context or associated with horse skulls; one pit included three horse skulls, two poleaxed cattle skulls and a charred dog skull. Burials of complete animals were comparatively rare. However, two dog skeletons were recorded: one pit contained the near complete skeleton of a puppy, whilst a corndrier contained partial remains of an adult dog. A separate pit contained the only remains of pig and sheep, including a pig skull and lamb bones in association with a dog skull. The shell is in good condition - virtually all consists of oysters from Roman contexts though a little mussel is also present and a single piece of cockle was recovered from an environmental sample.","4,596",TRUE,,1,,6,,1,,14,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 15113,"Animal bone and oyster shell were both recovered, though no specialist report exists.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 15114,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15115,All bone likely dates to the Roman period and much of it was poorly preserved. Two bones included cut marks. Oyster and mussel were also recovered.,34,FALSE,7,,6,,4,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 15116,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15117,Faunal remains in archive.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15118,Animal bone in archive.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15119,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15120,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15121,"The remains were quantified, but not to species. These were noted where present, including cattle, horse, sheep/goat, pig, dog, and roe deer. A dog's skull was placed in the inner enclosure ditch, whilst four dog skeletons were recovered associated with two of the corndrier buildings (two in each). At least 60 oyster shells were recovered.",291,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 15122,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15123,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15124,"Some animal bones of uncertain date were recovered, though 108 oyster shells were recovered, mostly from the ploughsoil layer and are thought to have been Romano-British in date.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 15125,"Distinctive cleaver butchery of a cattle scapula was found in one of the earlier LIA/RB contexts, with the spine being axially chopped off. Only at pre-Flavian levels at Silchester and Winchester has this also been found at such an early date (at the time of the report). A detailed account of the butchery from the early Roman ditch is also provided. Some very large cattle were noted from the early period deposits, perhaps indicating the introduction of improved stock or an improvement of existing stock. A cut mark on an ERB horse 1st phalanx possibly indicates skinning. Several dog bones were recovered from the ERB ditch, possibly from the same animal. A pair of mandibles were said to exhibit 'a striking number of butchery marks. One mandible included blows on the lateral and medial aspects, beneath the cheek teeth. Six red deer specimens were not classified to either antler or post-cranial bone. The deer unspecified specimen includes a fallow deer radius. This was recovered from a pit with early Roman pottery (3B); though a suspicion of intrusively is claimed. From the same pit, a large bird tarsometatarsus was also recovered, suspected of being either a peafowl or a very large domestic fowl. If the latter, the specialist argues that it was intrusive. Other wildfowl includes a starling bone.","1,309",FALSE,235,,318,,48,,63,,23,,,,,,,,,,7,1,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,25,375,1 15126,"The animal bone report is extensive and includes data by context rather than grouped by phased since the assemblage is in exceptionally large quantity. The main report describes an early Roman cesspit with the remains of at least 7 dog and 30 puppies buried with sherds of Samian and terra nigra, and a Hod Hill brooch. However, the animal bone report appears to place this context in the late Roman period. See site summary for further description of some structured deposits with animal bone - many late Roman ABGs were associated with the cesspits. Other wild mammals include [LIA/ER] fox (9), weasel (3); [ER] fox (3), weasel (2); [LR] fox (1), badger (3). Wetland fowl includes [LIA/ER] mallard (1), goose (3), teal (1), snipe (1); [ER] goose (1), duck (1); [LR] goose (1), duck (11). Other wild fowl includes [LIA/ER] raven (16 - 4 ABGs), rook/crow (32 - 3 ABGs), starling (2), thrush (9), redwing (1), woodcock (3), buzzard (5 - 1 ABG), peregrine falcon (1), falcon sp. (1), house sparrow (1), finch/bunting (1); [ER] raven (5), crow/rook (13 - 1 ABG), thrush (7), woodcock (2), sparrow (2); [LR] pigeon (2), raven (4 - 1 ABG), crow/rook (9), passerine (38), buzzard (3 ABGs). Fish includes eel [LIA/ER and LR] and flounder [LIA/ER]. In all phases, butchery commonly employed knives; cleavers only used for specific tasks, such as splitting the skull open, rather than specialised butchery; skinning and horn removal evident. Both dog and horse found butchered in all phases. Numerous biometric data, particularly cattle and sheep. Increase in body size found in cattle (through each phase), equids (from LIA/1st-2ndC.AD to 3rd-4thC.AD), sheep (early Roman to late Roman). Wide variation in dog sizes found throughout. The total fragment counts do not include unidentified specimens, remains of rodents or amphibians.","41,107",TRUE,"13,258",33,"12,371",23,"4,609",8,"1,792",11,"1,161",95,10,2,23,9,,13,2,,,87,,21,,127,6,20,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,168 15127,One sea bream caudal vertebra was present amongst 10 unidentified fish specimens. One bird bone was unidentified. Both sheep and goats identified. Numerous butchery marks seen on the cattle and sheep/goat bones were mainly inflicted by cleavers. Some chop marks indicate the removal of the horn cores. A partial adult cat skeleton (31 bones) in one of the postholes of the central timber structure may represent a foundation deposit.,677,TRUE,148,,194,,29,,15,,9,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,TRUE,11,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,400, 15128,"Animal bone did not survive well in the acidic and abrasive sands. Only a few bones were recovered; none could be identified to species, other than burnt roe deer antler.",4,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,400, 15129,"No post-ex has yet been carried out, though the acidic soil suggests little faunal material may be present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15130,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15131,"Three bone and one tooth fragment were hand-collected from the trench. The assemblage contains the proximal ends of a cattle and a red/fallow deer metacarpal, a sheep/goat molar and an unidentifiable fragments of long bone that displays evidence of burning being charred on one end.",4,FALSE,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,270,400, 15132,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15133,"Some animal bone was recovered, but was undated.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15134,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15135,One sawn and chopped animal bone was recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15136,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15137,"Sieving was carried out but was limited. The deer were identified as red deer, but body parts were not given. The late Iron Age and early Roman assemblages were too small for further analysis and only the late Roman group is given here by phase. Large quantities of marine shell are noted from a late Iron Age ditch associated with a human burial; a lesser quantity came from late Roman contexts. Most common species include oysters, common cockles, and the edible periwinkle. In addition, some samples contained common limpets and the less common china limpet. Finally, the remnants of one common mussel and one chequered carpet shell were also present.",308,TRUE,57,,111,,4,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,3,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 15138,"The bones were very poorly preserved. The articulated remains of a semi-complete cow dated to a late Iron Age feature. The cortical surface of the bones were heavily eroded and the material was also very fragmented. No signs of butchery or gnawing were noted. The wetland fowl bones all derived from duck species. A total of 149 shells excluding those from pit 127 were recovered from the archaeological investigations at Thor1ey. This collection consists of 86 oysters, 12 cockles, 7 mussels, 18 winkles and 27 land snails.",51,FALSE,4,,12,1,1,,7,,2,,,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,1,,3,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,25,400, 15139,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15140,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15141,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15142,"Animal bones were recovered, but these were of little interest to the excavators at the time. Remains included cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse, and deer. Many bird bones were said to have been discovered and remains thought to have derived from a marine turtle (Chelone - likely evidence for exotica). The turtle bone was said to have been dug from a low layer making them unlikely to have been intrusive. Red deer antlers were also present in number, many of which had been worked. Oyster shell was very common, whilst cockle and mussel were also common, and limpet, periwinkle and whelk were also present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 15143,"Animal bones were not quantified but identified as being from horse, cattle, goat, hare, pig and roe antler. Oyster was also present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 15144,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15145,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 15146,"The faunal assemblage was generally well preserved. Of particular interest is the butchery seen on the cattle scapulae; seven include distinctive butchery marks. In four cases, the spinous process had been sliced off at the base, in one of these and three others there is a hole or slot in the main part of the blade. These butchery marks have frequently been observed in Roman material; commonly seen in large butchery dumps, often a feature of military and urban assemblages (Hamilton-Dyer 1993b, 1997; Maltby 1989, 1993; O'Connor 1986). It is thought that these scapulae represent cured shoulder joints; trimmed and then brined and smoked or hot-smoked, depending on the type and amount of trimming (Dobney et al. 1996, Lauwerier 1988). The presence of these at this site implies either a specialist butcher on site or, more likely, the purchase of cured joints from an urban centre (Neatham?). A relatively high proportion of pig remains suggest a focus on pig husbandry, and feasting is suggested by particular contexts. Several pig mandibles had been axially chopped indicating that the head had been divided in half. Many of the canine teeth are of young males. Dog and puppy found in well, together consisting 134 bones. No evidence for skinning. A single bone of cat, a mandible, was recovered from the fill of another well and hare is represented by a scapula. One of the antler specimens came from a young male, perhaps only two or three years old. Saw marks were observed on worked bone and antler only; not on other butchered bones. Two domestic fowl tmt include spurs. Bones of ducks were less frequent but at least two different types are represented; a sternum matches teal while a carpometacarpus is from a wigeon or similar medium-sized duck. All the other bones are comparable with 'domestic' duck or the ancestral mallard. Two bones of geese were recovered, one of which, a furcula, had been chopped through. Four bones are of the woodcock. The remaining 21 bones could not be identified to species, most are probably of domestic fowl, but two are of the general size and shape of magpie/jackdaw. A corvid bone and 18 passerine bones were identified. Identified fish specimens include a small cyprinid, a herring, and four shark teeth; two are very small, such as from dogfish, while the other two are of a slightly larger type, but are not more precisely identifiable. A large proportion of the shellfish was also examined (16kg). The marine shells represent five species, oyster, whelk, winkle, mussel, and limpet. The oyster is by far the most frequent numerically and would also have contributed most by weight of meat. Whelks and winkles are less common, the winkles are more frequent but offer less meat. In addition, six mussels and five limpets were identified. Wood mouse and shrew were identified from sieved samples (NISP not recorded here). 8 badger bones were recovered from three contexts. None included butchery marks, and it is possible that some, if not all, of these were intrusive. Remains of rabbit are more likely to have been intrusive. Biometrics in archive.","1,903",TRUE,75,,215,,241,,15,,5,2,1,,13,3,,2,,,,1,,8,,40,,14,TRUE,16,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400,19 16001,"Most of the evidence indicates stock breeding was of primary importance at the site, with sheep/goat the most important species, only matched by cattle in later Roman period. Some characteristics of the butchery (especially cattle) typical of intensive carcass processing found on some urban sites. Wetland fowl comprise duck and other wild fowl comprise raven and crow/rook. Dog remains include skeletal elements of feet within a sub-adult grave and a partial skeleton from a 'layer'. 92 oyster shells.","2,453",FALSE,495,,409,,118,,33,,22,2,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,,4,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,375,2 16002,Most bone from late Iron Age period and dominated by sheep. Two partially articulated dog skeletons came from late Iron Age ditches. Wetland fowl comprise duck.,958,FALSE,425,,354,,104,,47,,9,2,4,,,1,,,,,,1,,,,10,,4,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 16003,Modest assemblage with few identified to species. Dominated by cattle. The only wild mammal was mole. A complete cattle skeleton was recovered from a ditch near to a funerary enclosure.,763,TRUE,30,,64,1,5,,6,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,2,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,120, 16004,"Sheep goat most common, followed by cattle and pig. Partial sheep skeleton found by circular building. Wild mammal comprises fox and wild bird corvid. Main domesticates thought to have been slaughtered and processed on site.",933,FALSE,170,1,128,,95,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,2,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200,3 16005,Modest assemblage with sheep/goat and cattle dominating.,214,FALSE,84,,76,,11,,27,,16,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,70,350, 16006,Small assemblage dominated by cattle,413,FALSE,136,,168,,58,,40,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,350, 16007,Small assemblage (527 from evaluation) dominated by sheep/goat and cattle. Small amount of oyster shell.,"1,097",FALSE,86,,89,,10,,6,,3,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 16008,Small assemblage and very little identified to species.,452,TRUE,6,,25,,2,,17,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,225, 16009,Moderate sized assemblage dominated by sheep/goat and cattle. Wetland fowl comprise wader and fish bone was eel. Two sheep ABGs noted in a Roman pit - one a juvenile and the other a foetus. A partially complete neonate horse found in LIA/early Roman dump layer.,"2,459",TRUE,228,2,214,,36,,63,1,13,,,,,3,,,,,1,,,,,1,,1,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,1,300, 16010,"Small assemblage dominated by cattle and pig, then sheep. Most of the pig comes from one pit, which also included red deer antler and a single roe deer femur.",397,FALSE,29,,62,,46,1,1,,1,,,,,2,,1,,,,,,,,4,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,100,350, 16011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16012,"Faunal remains found from two areas. From mainly later Roman midden material in the hillfort rampart ditch (6454 fragments) and mainly early to mid Roman contexts further south and west (774 fragments). The deer antler fragments may have been from one antler. Sheep/goat and cattle most common. Wild mammals comprise badger and fox, with wetland fowl comprising duck and other birds, corvid. Fish comprise herring, eel, pike and dace. A partial dog skeleton came from the late Roman midden in the hillfort ditch.","3,793",TRUE,476,,401,,133,,11,,3,1,,,2,22,,,,,,2,,2,,4,,3,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350,1 16013,A small assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat.,283,TRUE,58,,56,,14,,12,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 16014,"Only 34 identifiable animal bones, mostly cattle, then horse.",34,FALSE,7,,17,,,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 16015,"Eight bones from recent excavations and 88 bones from 1993 excavations, which included those from hare, domestic fowl, domestic goose and partridge, mallard/domestic duck, crow or other large corvid species. Two antler tines were recovered from the fills of the large and deep ditches contemporary with the Late Iron Age/Early Roman settlement.",103,TRUE,42,,31,,15,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,1,,,,8,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400,2 16016,A very small assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat.,183,FALSE,12,,18,,4,,2,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 16017,"Small identified assemblage dominated by cattle, sheep/goat and horse.","1,139",TRUE,65,,113,,25,,63,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 16018,"Small assemblage dominated by cattle. Partial foal skeleton in late Iron Age ditch, along with brooches, complete pot and other material. Also 'special deposits' in two late Iron Age pits. In one were carefully placed the neck of a young horse and a large part of the torso of a cow. In the other was a joint from an unspecified ungulate.",990,TRUE,48,,124,1,18,,31,2,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 16019,"A moderate density of animal bone, all but 22 fragments from late Roman contexts (the few identified early Roman bones not listed in species breakdown below). Dominated by cattle. Possible duck bone. Five fragments of oyster shell.",668,FALSE,68,,142,,21,,4,,2,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,3,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 16020,Small identified assemblage dominated by sheep/goat. An articulated horse skeleton found in bottom of mid 1st C AD pit. It was small pony sized and 9-10 years old.,616,TRUE,50,,11,,12,,6,1,2,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,120, 16021,A small assemblage dominated by cattle.,168,FALSE,9,,37,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 16022,Small assemblage (from two excavations) dominated by cattle and mostly dating to the later Roman period. An articulated sheep skeleton found in a late Roman pit and articulated limbs of a horse found in a ditch. A collection of 50 chicken bones from one pit all probably from the same bird. Other birds comprise crow and passerine (songbird). Identified fish comprised eel.,463,TRUE,79,1,153,,8,,29,1,6,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,2,1,,TRUE,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400,4 16023,"Modest sized assemblage dominated by sheep and cattle in all phases. Includes a likely LIA/early Roman cattle neonate burial, and an articulated dog skull. Other wild mammal comprises fox.","1,178",TRUE,161,,147,1,31,,35,,14,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350, 16024,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,"1,923",TRUE,11,,77,,4,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 16025,"A total of 170 bones came from TVAS excavation (of possible shrine), and 846 from OA excavations. Dominated by sheep/goat.","1,016",TRUE,265,,96,,50,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 16026,"Small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat, then pig and cattle. Burial of a dog (with head missing) in a pit in associated with an early Roman pot.",538,TRUE,41,,15,,17,,1,,1,1,,,6,1,,2,,1,,,,,,5,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 16027,"Small assemblage from OA excavations (880 NISP) dominated by sheep/goat then cattle and pig. Larger sample from Tempvs excavations (1680 NISP), also dominated by sheep/goat then cattle and pig. Seven articulated groups of bone were noted - three separate articulated groups of pig bone from a late Iron Age cobbled surface and an associated pair of neonatal pig ribs in an early Roman ditch. Other three ABGs uncertain.","2,560",TRUE,271,,149,,79,4,26,,8,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,6,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,100, 16028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16031,"Only 46 bones from Roman contexts, dominated by cattle.",46,FALSE,2,,17,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,100, 16032,"A substantial assemblage, with 4567 fragments from sieving. Dominated by cattle, which appear to be bigger than those on contemporary LIA sites. A complete cow placed in a steep sided pit in the enclosure annexe, radiocarbon dated to M-LIA. Skull was missing, probably removed before burial. A number of cattle and horse skulls also found in enclosure ditches.","8,460",TRUE,286,,549,1,49,,67,,6,,,,3,10,,6,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,500, 16033,Small assemblage that was not analysed.,960,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 16034,"Small assemblage dominated by cattle, then sheep/goat. Remains of two sheep within a pit (adult and neonate) and four partial sheep skeletons in one slot through a ditch, also including a neonate. A single fragment of oyster shell.",226,FALSE,17,2,26,,4,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,300, 16035,Small assemblage of usual domesticates.,55,TRUE,6,,8,,4,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 16036,"Moderate sized assemblage (2171 from Wessex excavation and 1370 from OA excavation) dominated by cattle, especially in the late Iron Age. A pit just outside the northern part of the main late Iron Age enclosure contained at least six partially articulated cattle skeletons, mainly thorax with some skull, pelvis and occasional limb bones, all deposited in a single event. Also a few fragments of sheep, pig and dog bones. Two partial skeletons of a goat and roe deer were found in a late Iron Age posthole in OA excavation. Other wild mammal comprises fox. Wild bird comprises raven - a partial skeleton in a ditch.","3,541",FALSE,330,1,455,6,53,,68,,25,,,,2,,,4,,1,,2,,1,,8,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,200,4 16037,"Moderate sized assemblage from Denchworth Road (1163 NISP) dominated by cattle. Wetland fowl comprised goose and other wild fowl were corvids. Only identified fish was eel. A complete horse skull found in a ditch. Also 70 oyster shells. 776 NISP from Mill St excavations also dominated by cattle. An adult male dog was buried outside a building. Wild mammal comprised badger and wetland fowl, duck. 133 marine shells recovered, nearly all oyster.","1,939",TRUE,247,,376,,56,,65,1,13,1,,,1,1,,1,,,,8,,1,,13,,2,TRUE,4,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,375,2 16038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16039,Assemblage dominated by cattle. Six red deer antler fragments lay on the surface of the Roman trackway. A double horse burial (both partly dismembered) lay within a Roman pit. In the bottom of the same pit lay parts of a single sheep. Other wild fowl comprise stockdove and corncrake. Five oyster shells.,368,TRUE,106,1,204,,16,,31,2,2,,,,4,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400,2 16040,"Reasonably substantial assemblage dominated by cattle then sheep/goat. Many partial ABGs of jaws, limbs etc. A complete dog overlay a late Roman female decapitation burial.","3,579",FALSE,979,3,"1,271",6,268,1,132,2,60,2,,,2,,,3,,,,38,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 16041,"Large assemblage from different excavation examined by different specialists. Bird bones and small mammals were present though not always examined. ABGs present though the counts are not given in the report and are not included in main assemblage NISP. Includes articulated cattle remains from deposits in fishpond. Other wild mammal comprise badger. Other wild birds comprise pigeon, thrush, redwing, woodcock. Large amount of oyster shell (9336) along with 314 mussels and 48 whelks.","8,565",FALSE,"2,001",,"4,042",1,"1,273",,414,,104,,,,456,2,,93,2,,69,4,,2,,58,,11,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,80,430,8 16042,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16043,A very small assemblage from LIA features.,34,FALSE,15,,9,,1,,6,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,50, 16044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16045,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16046,Small assemblage of animal bone not broken down by phase. A single oyster shell.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 16047,Small assemblage with few identified to species.,85,FALSE,5,,6,,,,7,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 16048,Small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat. Other wild mammal comprises fox.,451,FALSE,30,,16,,5,,6,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,20,100, 16049,Assemblage dominated by cattle. Some evidence for horse butchery. Partial remains of a dog found in a ditch.,536,TRUE,71,,124,,24,,44,,4,1,,,3,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 16050,"Assemblage dominated by sheep/goat in LIA and cattle in early Roman period. Equids include one definite donkey. Wild mammal comprises badger. Remains of a new-born calf skeleton found in a LIA-early Roman waterhole, associated with semi-articulated remains of an adult cow. One oyster shell.","1,374",TRUE,392,,523,2,107,,121,,11,,,,,1,,,,,,,,3,,3,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200,1 16051,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,98,FALSE,18,,4,,3,,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 16052,"Modest sized assemblage dominated by sheep/goat, then cattle.",350,FALSE,168,,133,,35,,2,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 16053,Assemblage dominated by cattle then horse.,"4,312",TRUE,163,,508,,59,,246,,56,,,,2,2,,,,,,2,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,250, 16054,Small assemblage dominated by sheep then cattle. A pit containing a partially articulated horse burial. Wild mammal comprises fox.,129,FALSE,20,,10,,4,,3,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,400, 16055,"Large assemblage from different excavations, though not all examined. Dominated by cattle, especially in the later Roman period. Some horse bones were butchered. Also includes donkey. Complete articulated skeletons of a sheep in ditch and a dog in a pit. Other partial skeletons/limbs of dog (pit), sheep (ditch) and horse (pit). Suggested that the settlement was a centre for meat processing (i.e. abattoir) in 2nd & early 4th C AD, with animal brought into the site for slaughter, then preserved by smoking and exported. Other wild fowl comprise corvid, owl, thrush, teal, pigeon, partridge, jay and plover. Fish comprises pike. Wild mammal comprises badger. Over 600 oyster shells. Eggshell present.","59,428",FALSE,"4,370",3,"6,594",,"1,008",,284,1,280,3,2,,32,2,,72,2,,1,9,,1,,172,,38,TRUE,7,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,45,360,36 16056,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. Evidence for horse butchery. Articulated horse backbone and ribs.,365,TRUE,39,,60,,11,,39,1,13,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,275,400, 16057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16058,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16059,Assemblage dominated by sheep.,406,FALSE,114,,43,,14,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,150, 16060,Small assemblage dominated by cattle then pig. Other wild mammal comprises fox. Assemblage from the SOAG excavations not reported except Roman owl pellets (small mammals and birds) that were found on the chalk floor surface of one of the villa rooms.,558,TRUE,15,,56,,22,,4,,8,,,,2,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 16061,"Substantial assemblage dominated by sheep then cattle. Wild mammals comprise fox and badger. Wetland fowl comprise duck and goose. Other wild fowl comprise goshawk and falcon. Many ABGs, including complete sheep, horse, dog (x3) and pig burials. Also 2 cattle skulls and partial dog skeleton.","10,856",TRUE,"1,878",1,"1,470",2,362,1,241,1,87,4,,,1,,,1,,,,1,,5,,4,,14,TRUE,9,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,125,2 16062,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16063,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16064,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16065,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16066,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16067,"Small assemblage dominated by cattle. Butchery marks evident on horse bones. Horse skull found in ditch. 14 oyster shells. 78 fragments of shed red deer antler noted, but not differentiated between Iron Age and Roman features.",295,FALSE,53,,189,,12,,18,1,8,,,,1,78,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 16068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16069,Small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. A single oyster.,493,FALSE,100,,64,,19,,3,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,250, 16070,Small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat and cattle. One oyster shell.,668,FALSE,64,,53,,8,,7,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 16071,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16072,"Small assemblage dominated by cattle, especially 46 cattle horn cores.",160,FALSE,6,,80,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 16073,Small assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Also 43 oyster shells.,203,FALSE,26,,26,,5,,,,7,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 16074,Small identified assumable dominated by cattle. 2 oyster shells. Two bird bones of Golden Plover.,171,FALSE,7,,41,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400,2 16075,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16076,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16077,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16078,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,85,FALSE,7,,24,,3,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 16079,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16080,"No report, but a horse jaw found within the large pit.",2,FALSE,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 16081,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16082,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16083,"Assemblage unquantified but includes horse skull from a well, with the back of the cranium broken in. Other species in order of quantity comprised cattle, horse, sheep/goat, pig and dog. 29 oyster shells.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 16084,"Cattle, sheep and horse. Not quantified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16085,"Animal remains reported on from the 1970s excavations of the bath suite only (late Roman layers). Dominated by sheep/goat and cattle in equal proportion (though more sheep/goat using MNI). 80 oyster shells, along with 3 mussel and 1 whelk.","2,617",FALSE,184,,183,,24,,24,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,2,,,,5,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,300,450, 16086,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16087,"Unquantified assemblage of cattle, sheep and pig, with some horse, red deer, roe deer and dog. A dog skeleton found in a ditch.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 16088,"A large quantity of faunal remains from the site, dominated by cattle in the Roman periods. Other wild mammal comprises fox. Other wild birds comprise dove, golden plover, buzzard, sparrowhawk, kestrel, rook/crow and jackdaw. Fish comprise pike, eel & perch. Most oyster (536 shells) from late Roman period. Chicken eggshell present. Possible structured deposit comprising mandibles of dog, cattle and sheep laid on base of a late Iron Age pit. Also a moderately complete sheep in a late Iron Age pit, and another in an early Roman feature. A sheep skull found with a late Roman infant burial and two polled sheep skulls found in a late Roman well. Two back legs of horse and one back leg of a cow found in a LIA/early Roman pit. Several part skeletons of dogs occur in the Iron Age enclosure ditch, and two in Roman ditches. Two dog skulls found with late Roman infant burials. A horse burial was found just east of the late Roman farmhouse and an articulated horse backbone in late Roman enclosure ditch.","23,000",TRUE,"1,643",5,"3,074",1,523,,611,3,252,7,8,,36,,,2,,,,5,,2,,97,,31,TRUE,13,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,1,450,26 16089,Quantified data from the 1992 excavations only. Dominated by sheep/goat. Other birds comprised 4 passerines. In earlier excavations a complete pig found in a pit covered by a flat stone slab and another lay in a shallow chalk depression. Large quantities of oysters.,"2,108",TRUE,338,,124,,107,2,6,,3,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,6,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400,4 16090,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16091,Unquantified assemblage of cattle and sheep.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16092,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16093,"Many fragments of animal bones to the north of the temple in the same area as most of the votives, but unspecified species. A few oyster shells lay near the 3rd hearth in the early temple. Many more found elsewhere on the site.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 16094,Unquantified assemblage of usual domesticates.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16095,The usual domesticates recovered but not quantified. Many oyster shells recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,375, 16096,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16097,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16098,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16099,"A substantial quantity of animal bone from the site, included articulated remains from structured deposits, but no analysis as yet.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 16100,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16101,"Many animal remains but no quantification. Antlers and skull fragments of at least 5 large red deer deposited in well. Also a dog skeleton , pig, sheep and cattle.",11,FALSE,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,5,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 16102,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16103,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16104,Animal bone noted but not recorded.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16105,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16106,"Animal remains recorded: cattle, sheep/goat, deer and domestic fowl. Large quantities of oyster shell.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 16107,Animal remains of usual domesticates found along with large quantities of oyster shell.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 16108,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16109,"Moderate sized assemblage dominated by sheep/goat then cattle and pig. Red deer found, but uncertain of the proportions of bone vs antler. Other wild mammal comprises badger (75) and mustelid (21). Other wild birds comprise corvid, pigeon, woodcock & lapwing. Oyster shell recovered from 11 contexts (24 shells). Also 9 mussel shells and one scallop. A partial calf was found in a pit and a complete sheep found in the later Roman destruction layers. The bones from the villa-house show signs of butchery immediately prior to consumption (i.e. food preparation). A small number of animals analysed for isotopes indicated manured fields and a managed landscape. For the phased data, ER is late 1st/2nd C AD and MR is 3rd C AD.","4,904",TRUE,"1,802",1,417,1,294,,61,,32,,12,1,,,,,,,12,69,,96,,5,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,100,300,11 16110,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16111,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16112,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16113,14 fragments of animal bone were recovered from three contexts - skull fragments of at least two horses and a sheep pelvis along with cow and other mammal bone.,14,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 16114,"Species included horse, cow, sheep/goat, and possibly pig, rabbit and chicken. Not differentiated between Roman and post-Roman.",66,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 16115,"Caprine and bovine bones were most frequent although red deer, roe deer, pig and horse were also well represented. No quantifications provided.",650,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,25,400, 16116,"The animal bone assemblage from the site was notable for the presence of skull and horn core fragments, suggesting animal processing or butchery activity. Bovine and caprine bones were the most abundant but no quantification. Horse, red deer, dog and domestic fowl were also represented.",775,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 16117,The faunal assemblage is relatively small but bovine and caprine bones dominate. Pig and red deer were also represented. No quantification.,234,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,150, 16118,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16119,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16120,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16121,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16122,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16123,High level of fragmentation and mixed nature of individual deposits suggests kitchen waste.,21,TRUE,5,,11,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 16124,"Horse, sheep/goat, cattle, pig and dog/fox are represented",32,FALSE,11,,10,,5,,3,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 16125,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16126,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16127,The site has produced a large and important animal bone assemblage and is heavily biased towards cattle. It is very likely that the principal economic activity at the site related to cattle rearing. One semi-articulated dog skeleton from a ditch. Not yet fully recorded. Butchery marks on two horse bones suggest marrow extraction,"40,968",TRUE,140,,554,,47,,64,,8,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,,4,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,370, 16128,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16129,"Cattle and sheep dominant. Other taxa identified are horse, pig, roe, dog, hare, fowl-sized bird, and amphibian. Butchery marks are visible on several bones and include filleting marks. Oyster shell noted",642,FALSE,117,,151,,16,,7,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,2,,,,3,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 16130,"Small assemblage: horse, cow, sheep/goat and pig.",187,FALSE,2,,4,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,300, 16131,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,292,TRUE,12,,31,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,250, 16132,"The species present in the evaluation assemblage (n=34) comprised cattle, horse, pig, sheep/goat, red deer and plover. A total of 9290 bones from the 2010-12 excavations came from Roman contexts, though only assessment level report at present, so not fully quantified. Includes Weasel, Polecat, Goose, duck and ?woodcock. Also fish remains from late Roman contexts: pike, carp & perch. A minimum of 368 complete shells or hinged parts of bivalves were recovered from mostly late Roman contexts, almost all from the native oyster. Also a few whelks, a cockle shell and a single mussel.","9,324",TRUE,144,,314,,53,,63,,9,1,,,2,,,,,,,1,,2,,9,,2,TRUE,5,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400,2 16133,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16134,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16135,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16136,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16137,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16138,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16139,Small assemblage from two evaluations dominated by cattle. A few oyster shells present. A complete horse skull was also recovered from a ditch.,569,FALSE,22,,34,,6,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,125,400, 16140,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16141,No report,24,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 16142,Small assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Wetland fowl comprise goose and fish comprises eel. Small quantities of marine shell.,385,TRUE,17,,13,,6,,11,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400,3 16143,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16144,"Small assemblage of cattle, sheep/goat, pig, deer, and dog. A high percentage of butchery was found. Not quantified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,175,400, 16145,Cremated animal bone in graves. No species specified.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16146,"The majority of bones came from pits, ditches and layers in the settlement area, with very few associated with the cemetery and boundary alignment. Dominated by cattle. A single oyster shell.",736,TRUE,203,,355,,46,,36,,2,,1,,4,,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 16147,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16148,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16149,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16150,No report,21,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 16151,Most faunal remains are undated with only 84 assigned to Roman phases.,84,TRUE,11,,12,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 16152,no data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16153,The most common identified animals were horse and sheep.,53,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 16154,,34,FALSE,3,,3,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,50, 16155,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16156,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 16157,"Assemblage dominated by cattle then sheep/goat. The animal bone data implies that they had a fairly restricted diet, based largely on beef and mutton. The absence of diversity from wild birds, deer and hare is unusual among villa sites, and points to a more simple lifestyle.","1,768",TRUE,204,,251,,36,,64,,3,,2,,,,,,,,1,,,,,9,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,240,360, 17001,"The bones recorded showed no signs of any species selectivity different from that of a normal domestic settlement, with sheep being most common, followed by cattle and pig. A goose skeleton found in late levels of the temple.",850,FALSE,263,,180,,27,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,11,,,,,37,,1,TRUE,4,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 17002,Only information from 1967-8 excavation report. Dominated by cattle.,77,FALSE,22,,42,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 17003,"Only 443 bones identified to species, dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. An almost complete chicken skeleton found in a pit. Fish identified as eel.","1,007",TRUE,19,,37,,,,4,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,26,1,,TRUE,11,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 17004,"A sizable assemblage, though only 15% identified to species. Dominated by sheep/goat. Includes a partial horse skeleton from a gully and a horse skull from a ditch.",814,FALSE,36,,19,,2,,13,2,2,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 17005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17006,A small assemblage completely dominated by sheep/goat. A group of 7 partially articulated sheep skeletons came from a single pit south of the enclosure.,278,TRUE,244,7,9,,4,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,125, 17007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17008,Moderate sized assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Other wild mammal comprise stoat/martin and other wild bird comprises crow/rook.,"2,982",FALSE,265,,308,,31,,44,,8,,,,,1,,,,,2,,,1,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400,1 17009,Assemblage dominated by cattle.,"1,107",FALSE,40,,304,,13,,77,,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 17010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17011,A small assemblage dominated by cattle.,40,FALSE,6,,11,,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 17012,Small assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Old wild mammal comprises weasel. Wetland fowl comprises goose.,291,TRUE,80,,79,,31,,8,,9,,,,2,1,,,,,1,,,5,,,,1,TRUE,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,425, 17013,No data except mention of oyster shell from Roman contexts.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 17014,"Assemblage not quantified by species but includes cattle, sheep/goat and horse.",293,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 17015,"Assemblage dominated by pig and domestic fowl, then sheep/goat and cattle. This dominance of pig is especially prevalent in 4th C AD contexts within the main villa building ranges. Cattle and red deer phalanges are very abundant. Evidence for horse butchery. Other wild mammal comprises fox, badger and stoat. Wetland fowl comprise duck, goose, and wader. Other wild birds comprise pigeon, teal, crow/rook, jackdaw, jay, blackbird, starling, passerine, raptor, golden plover, plover and woodcock. Fish comprise flatfish, eel, trout, salmon, herring, bass, gilthead and horse mackerel. Also many oyster shells and other marine shell (whelk, mussel).","3,164",TRUE,367,,223,,"1,168",,42,,7,,6,,45,,,2,,,,35,,8,,884,,204,TRUE,294,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400,216 17016,A small assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Most of the skeleton of a mature male dog was recovered (from corn dryer?).,535,FALSE,47,,60,,6,,4,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 17017,A neonatal sheep skeleton found beneath alter Roman building and another partial neonatal sheep skeleton found in the 'dark earth'. Articulated legs of a juvenile sheep/goat found in an upper ditch/pit fill. Oyster shell found.,"1,024",FALSE,139,3,122,,16,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,80,325, 17018,"Small assemblage of sheep/goat, cattle and pig. Not quantified.",205,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,150, 17019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17021,No report on animal remains but oyster and mussel shells recorded.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 17022,Marine shell noted but no animal bone report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 17023,Animal bone from late Iron Age enclosures and 2nd-4th C AD Roman settlement. Both periods heavily dominated by cattle. Much horse from the Roman samples. The fill of a late Iron Age pit produced articulated sheep elements along with cattle and horse remains. An articulated right horse leg was recovered from a Roman ditch fill associated with other animal remains.,"1,310",FALSE,77,1,340,,15,,88,1,1,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 17024,A moderately small assemblage not quantified to species. Number is approximate.,"3,000",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 17025,"Small assemblage mainly comprising cattle, sheep/goat and horse.",316,TRUE,9,,10,,2,,8,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 17026,"Limited numbers identified to species, comparing equal amounts of sheep/goat, cattle and horse. Five oyster shells came from the enclosure.","1,807",FALSE,58,,59,,,,57,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,250, 17027,"Cotswold Archaeology assemblage mostly derives from Roman contexts and only 164 bones identified to species. However, no quantification of species is provided in the report. Species comprise horse, cattle, sheep/goat, pig and dog. Dominated by cattle. Limited evidence for domestic fowl. Much animal bone from MoLA excavation but no quantified data in the report.","1,500",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 17028,"Oyster shell recovered from the bathhouse. Bones from antiquarian excavations comprised cattle, pig (12 boars tusks) and deer along with much oyster shell.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 17029,"A substantial animal bone assemblage from later Iron Age and Roman contexts, though not all was analysed. Dominated by cattle and sheep/goat in both phases . Both roe and red deer found in equal quantities in both phases. A single mallard bone from Iron Age contexts and 4 mallard, 3 heron, 2 jackdaw and 2 pigeon from Roman contexts. A low proportion of head and foot bones in the Roman assemblage and some increase in size of animals in the Roman period. Evidence for butchered horse bones, especially in the Iron Age assemblage. Evidence for two donkey teeth (Roman). Other wild mammal comprises otter and a single stoat or weasel ulna. 135 fragments of oyster shell.","20,000",TRUE,990,,"1,299",,202,,243,,24,,1,,,,,,,,16,,,5,,49,,8,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,4 17030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17031,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17032,Assemblage dominated by sheep/goat and cattle. 174 bones (not in quantification) derived from an immature sheep burial. Evidence for dog skinning.,"2,019",FALSE,362,1,348,,39,,104,,11,,,,15,,,,,,,2,,,,2,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400,4 17033,Very small assemblage.,131,FALSE,1,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 17034,Small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat. Inhumation accompanied by a small dog skeleton.,100,FALSE,55,,36,,2,,7,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 17035,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17036,A small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. Cattle scapulae produce butchery marks consistent with processing to produced cured/salted meat.,312,FALSE,80,,62,,10,,17,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,210, 17037,"Just 500 fragments from hand collected samples. Dominated by sheep/goat. Wetland fowl comprises duck, other wild bird comprises raven and fish comprises eel.","1,141",TRUE,69,,30,,11,,3,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,420,1 17038,"Significant assemblage though only a small % able to be assigned to specific phase. Dominated by sheep/goat. Wild mammal comprises fox. Wild birds comprise thrush, jackdaw and woodcock. Butchery marks on dog and horse. A young sheep skeleton and two articulating sheep/goat hind limbs found.","6,364",FALSE,"1,694",2,367,,118,,191,,22,,,,3,,,3,,,,9,,5,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400,3 17039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17040,Assemblage dominated by cattle then sheep/goat. 15 oyster shells present. An articulated cattle humerus/radius present in early Roman levels. Also partial horse limbs in early and late Roman contexts.,974,FALSE,110,,162,1,50,,31,2,3,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 17041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17042,"Bones of sheep/goat, cattle, horse, deer and bird recovered but no further data.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17043,"A very small assemblage (61 bones) from the earlier late Iron Age-early Roman settlement with just 6 sheep/goat identified. This are not included in quantification below, which derive mostly (70%) from the late Roman midden of possible ritual significance. Dominated by cattle, then horse. Other mammal comprises fox. Cattle assemblage dominated by elements of the skull. Most cattle show evidence for butchery and also 8% of horse. Cattle skulls found in the ritual pit.","3,230",FALSE,86,,"1,072",1,21,,100,,6,,,,,1,,,,,,,,2,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,325,420, 17044,"Assemblage almost entirely from the middle-late Iron Age settlement (the few later bones have been ignored here). Most unidentified, but known species dominated by sheep/goat. A fish vertebra found in mineralised samples.","1,151",FALSE,91,,53,,10,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,1, 17045,"Bones of seven species can be identified (mostly from late Roman contexts); horse, cattle, sheep, pig, red deer, and toad. Two red deer antler tines came from the upper fills of the corn-dryer.",241,FALSE,23,,21,,4,,4,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 17046,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17047,"2002 excavation: Just 127 bones from non-grave features, with only 29 identified (17 cattle and smaller numbers of sheep/goat, horse, pig and dog.). Two dog burials in cemetery 1, while a grave in Cemetery 1 contained parts of a fused cattle proximal tibia. Three shell fragments from a single valve of a large muscle shell were found in the fill of a grave of a young adult female. 2004 excavation: 820 bones, mostly from grave fills, often redeposited (especially in those graves from the Linear Ditch) but some deliberately placed. Cattle are again the most common species represented, but horse bones are almost as common as sheep/goat, with pig bones fairly rare. Deer are represented mainly by antler fragments. A domestic fowl bone in one of the graves. Some of the cattle bones originated from the articulated remains of an immature individual found in a colluvial layer. Also oyster shell.",951,FALSE,,,17,1,,,,,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 17048,"A sizeable assemblage from late Roman contexts (the few early Roman bones are not included), dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. Very slight evidence for horse butchery. A complete crow skeleton appears to have been deliberately placed on the base of an elongated pit/ditch terminal. Also in another pit/shaft a horses head was placed on top of part of a sheep, with a facepot sherd found above this. A deposit of sheep's heads and feet in a pit may represent waste from processing of hides or else a ritual deposit. Fragments of at least 158 oysters.","3,771",FALSE,957,1,621,,72,,54,1,19,,,,1,1,,,,,,1,,,,10,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,420,1 17049,Only two bones from Roman features.,2,FALSE,,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,475, 17050,"Animal remains comprise red deer (antler and bone), cattle and sheep.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 17051,"Animal bone comprised cattle, deer and pig. The only other animal parts mentioned are deer antlers, boars tusks and cock spurs. Much oyster shell as well as whelks and mussels.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 17052,"Bones of cattle sheep/goat, deer and pig discovered.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17053,"No record of animal bone, but oyster shell mentioned.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17054,"The large assemblage was dominated by cattle then sheep bones. A substantially complete horse skeleton (missing only its off-fore leg), was found in the upper fills of a quarry pit. Two complete animals (a sheep and a goat) had been carefully placed around each other, on the base of a shallow, subrectangular pit. An undamaged late Roman Black Burnished ware jar had been placed between the animals. Other ABGs comprise a partial cock burial, two complete dogs and two partial dogs, and 2 complete sheep. Little is stated of the context of these ABGs. A total of 996 marine shell fragments, mostly oyster, but mussel shells and occasional fragments from other species.","15,320",TRUE,65,4,211,,5,,22,1,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 17055,"No available specialist reports or accurate quantification but large quantities of animal bone from later iron Age-early Roman pits, including one with semi-articulated remains of at least 6 sheep (one sheep skull was lying on a large pottery sherd), the left side longs bones of at least two cattle and a pig pelvis and skull. Another pit contained at least five sheep/goat with a preponderance of foot bones, along with a lower cattle hind limb and a dog skull. One more pit produced disarticulated sheep, cattle and pig bones (mostly sheep), along with two human skull fragments.",17,FALSE,11,6,3,,2,1,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,70, 17056,A small assemblage with just 76 identified to species. Dominated by cattle and sheep/goat.,293,FALSE,29,,27,,1,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,120, 17057,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,62,FALSE,19,,39,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,360, 17058,A limited assemblage dominated by cattle.,57,FALSE,4,,14,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 17059,"Small assemblage of horse, cattle, sheep and possibly dog. No NISP counts of species. Butchery marks were present on a number of fragments.",98,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,250, 17060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17061,"A total of 1544 bones from 1991 excavation and 742 bones from 1993 excavation. Sheep/goat dominated during LIA-early Roman period, then cattle in later Roman period. Includes a skeleton of a dog from within a grave. Sieving produced fish bones of eel and domestic fowl.","2,286",TRUE,360,,306,,58,,41,,133,1,,,11,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,1,350, 17062,"Small assemblage with no quantification, but including cattle, sheep/goat, dog and horse. Mostly represented by head and foot bones.",73,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 17063,No data due to poor preservation.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17064,Small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat.,226,FALSE,37,,25,,14,,4,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 17065,"A modest sized assemblage dominated by sheep/goat. Fish comprises eel. An oval pit contained the articulated remains of a calf, while another pit contained the disturbed remains of a cattle skeleton and a pit within the hearth group contained articulated remains of five piglets. A dog skeleton lay underneath a prone inhumation burial.",261,TRUE,41,,14,2,2,5,4,,10,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,TRUE,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 17066,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17067,"No quantification or report on the animal remains, though bones are present. A shallow pit (not excavated) contained the skeletal remains of a (?) horse. Also a dog skull (along with half a shale bracelet and ceramic box tile) came from the corn-dryer - a structured deposit?",2,FALSE,,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 17068,A small assemblage with no identification.,36,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 17069,The small faunal assemblage from the evaluation includes identifiable bones of sheep/goat (including immature individuals) and cattle. This is not quantified. The Late Roman assemblage from the excavation is dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. Other wild birds comprise blackbird/thrush.,"1,976",TRUE,327,,256,,17,,38,,14,,2,,2,5,,,,,1,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,450,2 17070,"A very fragmentary cattle skull was recovered from a ditch terminus with a few other cattle bones, and single examples of sheep and pig. Other contexts produced horse, sheep and cattle. An eel bone recovered from the flots.",310,TRUE,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 17071,A sample of only 21 fragments of animal bone was recovered from the evaluation and excavation due to the acidic soil conditions; predominantly cattle.,21,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 17072,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17073,Moderate sized assemblage dominated by cattle. A partial cattle skull was discovered in a ditch. 2 oyster shells were found.,"1,624",FALSE,128,,301,1,80,,17,,8,,,,,,,,,,11,,,,,5,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 17074,"A small range of domestic animals was identified and these include cattle, sheep/goat and pig. A total of 29 oyster shell fragments recovered.",314,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 17075,Very small assemblage and few details.,85,FALSE,6,,8,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,350, 17076,"A total of 175 bones were hand-recovered, mostly from the early Roman ditch. Dominated by cattle.",175,FALSE,11,,51,,3,,9,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,100, 17077,Animal bone recovered but no further details.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17078,The assemblage of bone from the watching brief was very small (only 46 fragments) and only two species were identified. All from later Iron Age phase.,46,FALSE,7,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,1, 17079,"The most common species represented are cattle, horse and sheep/goat, with pig, dog, bird, fish (a possible shark vertebra) and amphibian also present. Fragments of oyster shell recovered.",289,FALSE,35,,71,,3,,15,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 17080,No information on animal bone. Oyster shell found in small quantities.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 17081,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17082,"A small assemblage nearly all Roman in date (17 Iron Age bones not included here: 1 horse, 3 cattle, 1 sheep/goat). Roman bones dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. High incidence of dog bones appears to be from a skeleton in a pit. Also high incidence for dog gnawing of bones [NB there is a problem with phasing for this site, as pit with dog skeleton marked as Roman in animal bone report and early/mid Iron Age in main text.]",315,FALSE,77,,58,,8,,10,,33,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,50,400, 17083,"The faunal assemblage is dominated by cattle and sheep, with smaller quantities of pig. A few examples of horse and possible bird are also represented. No species quantification. Oyster shell recovered.","1,238",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 17084,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17085,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17086,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17087,A modest sized assemblage dominated by sheep/goat. A number of oyster shells found.,449,FALSE,243,,141,,26,,27,,11,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 17088,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17089,"Cattle, sheep/goat, horse, and pig bones found along with large quantities of oyster shell.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,425, 17090,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17091,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17092,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17093,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17094,A small assemblage of fragmented disarticulated animal bone (dominated by sheep/goat) and one articulated skeleton (probable goat) were recovered.,211,FALSE,50,1,6,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,100,400, 17095,Limited bone retrieval and not quantified by period.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17096,"Only 11 bones can be securely placed into the Romano-British period, all from cattle and sheep. Romano-British contexts accounted for 56 Oyster shells.",11,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 17097,Oyster shell mentioned in report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 17098,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17099,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17100,A sheep's jaw found in one grave.,1,FALSE,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,150, 17101,No details from 2002-4 excavations,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17102,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17103,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17104,Animal bone recovered but not reported on or quantified by period.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17105,Small assemblage and no report. 2 pieces of oyster shell,69,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 17106,"Sheep and cattle together comprise nearly 75% of the assemblage, but dominated by sheep. Domestic fowl comprised mainly leg bones from two individuals. A total of 54 oyster shells was recovered.","3,133",FALSE,"1,700",,780,,272,,269,,,,,,49,2,,19,,,,14,,,,10,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,330,430, 17107,"No data except a previous investigation of the site in 1930 revealed a hypocaust, within which was the skull and upper vertebrae of a cow. Coins dated from later 3rd C AD.",1,FALSE,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 17108,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17109,Bone recovered but no further details.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17110,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17111,Animal bone recovered but no report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17112,"Large quantity of bone found during the excavations, comprising horse, cattle, sheep and pig. Many oyster shells found.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 17113,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17114,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17115,Animal bone found including antler. Oyster shell found.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17116,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17117,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17118,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17119,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17120,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17121,Oyster shell found in Roman levels.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 17122,Red and roe deer antler found. Large volumes of oyster shell along with some cockle and mussel shell recovered from Roman contexts.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 17123,"No report on the animal remains though 'pig, cattle and sheep bones were everywhere'; red and roe antler also found. A large rectangular pit was filled with bones of cattle sheep and red deer and little else. These are here interpreted as potential ABGs. Large quantities of oyster shell (200 in one context alone), along with some mussel and periwinkle shells.",3,FALSE,1,1,1,1,,,,,,,,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 17124,Many oyster shells found along with cattle and sheep bones. Roe deer antler recorded.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 17125,"Animal bone assemblage not quantified except by box in the interim report (10 boxes). Species noted comprised cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse and domestic fowl. A fairly large assemblage of oyster shell along with some mussel, one whelk and one cockle.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 17126,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17127,"A total of 159 fragments of animal bone were recovered from the site, the species identified were horse, cattle, sheep/goat, pig and frog. Many bones showed signs of butchery.",159,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 17128,Small assemblage dominated by cattle. Other wild mammal comprises fox.,56,FALSE,4,,15,,,,,,1,,,,2,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 17129,"Small assemblage with a high proportion of red deer bone/teeth (11 from one mid Roman context). One pit contained two articulated sheep skeletons, one mature and one immature.",249,FALSE,5,2,18,,,,1,,2,,,,15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,325, 17130,Cattle and sheep/goat bones from the burials.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,150, 17131,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17132,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17133,"Animal bone comprised cattle sheep, badger, cat and dog, along with domestic fowl. The badger was an articulated individual found in the villa hypocaust in the same context as an articulated cat. A small articulated dog found in the lower fills of the well. Oyster and mussel shell found.",19,FALSE,2,,13,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,1,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,275,350, 17134,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17135,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17136,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17137,A small assemblage of animal bone associated with Roman finds. Sheep/goat bones identified.,22,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17138,"Horse, cattle and sheep/goat identified.",16,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 17139,"A small assemblage, dominated by sheep/goat then cattle and horse. The species are not quantified by period. Articulated horse cervical vertebrae came from a ditch fill.",87,FALSE,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 17140,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17141,A very small assemblage with only cattle identified.,7,FALSE,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 17142,"Bones from cattle and sheep/goat dominate the assemblage collected, though a single piece of deer antler was recovered from a pit.",176,FALSE,6,,5,,,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,300, 17143,Several fragments of animal bone recovered.,13,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,1, 17144,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 17145,"A substantial assemblage dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. 22 roe deer bones catalogued but only 2 measurable bones (remainder could be antler but unspecified). A single badger bone and a single raven bone found. A cattle skull lay near the base of one pit, with 4 human burials in the upper fills. Most of a horse skeleton was found in a pit along with pottery, querns and other 'refuse'.","3,349",FALSE,"1,433",,"1,085",1,106,,593,1,105,,,,2,,,2,,,20,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,1,300,1 17146,"A moderate sized assemblage from the 20010-11 excavation of the main settlement site. Dominated by sheep/goat and cattle. In the area of the main domestic buildings, a large pit contained an articulated cow skeleton, associated with the closure of the deposit. Two sheep metapodia with a circular perforation cut into the proximal articular surface.","1,140",FALSE,131,,110,1,27,,20,,4,,1,,1,,,1,,,2,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 17147,"Animal bone was recovered from two major areas of the shrine enclosure - earthworks on the outer perimeter, and from within the interior. Dominated by sheep/goat. Includes mallard. ABG of elements from a minimum of two four-month lambs (in same area as neonate on shrine boundary). Also two contexts from the central shrine area contained associated bone groups - a single skeleton of a lamb in a 'shallow scoop' (interpreted as a foundation deposit), and a group of lamb/sheep bones (MNI 3) from a ploughsoil deposit, with a predominance of head and foot elements.",292,FALSE,34,3,11,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,400, 17148,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18001,No data due to acidic soil conditions.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18002,"Abundant marine shell found including very abundant cockle, and a small number of winkles, oysters, limpet, whelk, Thick Top-shell, Smooth Venus, Cross-Cut Carpet-Shell, scallop and mussel. Some of the shells pierced, presumably for suspension. Some bone recovered, unusually preserved for Cornwall, though the bulk was fragmentary and unidentified. No quantification, but sheep or goat, cattle, pig, horse, dog, goose and mallard duck (author notes 'This material will be written up in more detail in the series 'Notae de Ossibus in Cornubia inventis; Manipulus II'. Cornish Studies forthcoming').",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,120,250, 18003,"A range of species of bird bones represented suggesting exploitation of sea-birds. 35 of the bird bones were recovered from three 3rd century AD midden deposits which were largely made up by limpet shells (bones from these deposits also included separately under Phase 1), though the rest were from disturbed deposits. Of particular note are the bones of the now extinct Great Auk (included in 3rd century midden). Other species included Great Northern Diver, shag (included in 3rd century midden), cormorant (included in 3rd century midden), partridge, pheasant/fowl, goose (included in 3rd century midden), mallard (included in 3rd century midden), coot (included in 3rd century midden), lapwing, woodcock (included in 3rd century midden), snipe (included in 3rd century midden), herring/lesser black backed gull, great black backed gull, barn owl, song thrush, thrush, sparrow and crow (included in 3rd century midden). Evidence of butchery on a number of species. Notable that there were no definite domestic fowl, and only one possible example. 339 fish bones identified to species (uncertain how many unidentified fragments there were), and only 38 were from the stratified 3rd century midden deposits. Collection was by hand and therefore biased towards larger species. Species included Elasmobranch (included in 3rd century midden), conger eel (included in 3rd century midden), cod, gadidae, whiting (included in 3rd century midden), Pollack (included in 3rd century midden), black sea bream (included in 3rd century midden), red sea bream (included in 3rd century midden), sea bream (included in 3rd century midden), Ballan wrasse (included in 3rd century midden), wrasse (included in 3rd century midden), mackerel (included in 3rd century midden), flatfish. Ballan Wrasse dominate the assemblage. Of the mammal bones recovered, most were from midden deposits disturbed during the 19th century. Of the 3,142 large mammal bones, determinate and indeterminate, only 30% were from well stratified levels dated to the 3rd century AD. These 3rd century bones have also been included separately under Phase 1, as with the bird and fish bones above. Of the total, 212 were rabbit, and these have been excluded from the figures below. Rabbit was present even in the well stratified assemblages, indicating recent disturbance.","3,374",FALSE,496,,389,,158,,5,,,,41,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,43,TRUE,339,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,700,62 18004,"Much bone and shell from a probable midden, though much of it unstratified and not well provenanced. An interesting group of clipped dog whelk shells (see below). The results from the excavation and the earlier collection made by the amateur archaeologist are similar, though only the excavated material is included here (a single hare bone was also recovered by the amateur, not found in the 1992 excavation). The vast majority of the excavated bone was of 2nd-4th century date. The assemblage is highly fragmented and as a result only a small fraction could be identified to species?203 (11.5%) of the 1758 pieces. Despite good preservation and recovery no fish bones were present. Eggshell was found in the micromorphological samples. The main animals present, in order of abundance, were cattle, sheep (possible including some goat) and pig. Horse, red deer, dog, cat, hare and domestic fowl were also present in small numbers. Mussels and limpets dominated the excavated assemblage marine mollusc assemblage, followed by flat periwinkle, dog whelk, purple top shell and smaller amounts of other species including cockles, scallop and oyster. The dog whelk is also not a food species and, interestingly, over half of the shells of this species had had their spires cut off, suggesting extraction of the purple dye from the gland of the animal inside. An enigmatic find was a fossil bivalve (Venericardia) from a 4th century layer which may be evidence for early fossil-collecting. Also large numbers of land snails.","1,758",TRUE,28,,47,,33,,2,,1,,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,FALSE,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,200,370, 18005,"A small quantity of mammal, bird and fish bones was recovered from the excavated cist and from midden deposits, probably broadly contemporary with pottery of Late Iron Age?Early Romano-British date. Identified bones only in the total fragment count (except for fish, as unidentified fish bones were quantified in the report). The shell midden produced 71 identifiable bones, mostly sheep or goat. Other midden deposits produced 19 fragments of identifiable mammal bone. Apart from the three major domesticates (cattle, sheep or goat and pig), which were almost equally represented, two fragments belonging to dog were recovered (no other detailed quantification for mammals). 14 bird bones from stratified deposits, 10 from a midden. These included Manx shearwater, shag, grey heron, galliform, razorbill, guillemot, puffin and great auk. Butchery marks on the great auk bone and the fact that the bird remains were recovered from contexts also containing the bones of domestic mammals suggests that they represent food remains rather than natural casualties. 89 identifiable fish bones recovered from a total of 459 hand recovered and sieved fish bones, the majority from a midden. At least eight species are represented in the sieved material: common eel, conger eel, whiting, pollack, bass, red sea bream, ballan wrasse, and mackerel. Flat fish also but not identified to species. Middens dominated by limpets.",563,TRUE,50,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,TRUE,459,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 18006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18007,No data - acidic conditions.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18008,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18015,A small amount of bone recovered during the 1976 excavation. Wetland fowl was duck. Identified bone only in total fragment count. Marine molluscs included mussels and limpets.,8,FALSE,,,4,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 18016,"Only tiny burnt fragments survived, no identified bone.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18020,Limpets present in the marine shell assemblage. Sheep predominant in the animal bone assemblage. Bones generally poorly preserved. Roe deer tentatively identified. Beaver also present. No quantification by fragment count.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18031,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18033,No clear data from Roman contexts.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18034,"Small fragments of one and shell only, due to acidic soil conditions. Cockle-shells found together in a ditch.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,600, 18035,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18042,,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18043,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18045,"No quantification by fragment count, but 1g present, all calcined, poor preservation, but sheep bone present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 18046,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18047,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18048,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18049,"Bone very fragmentary - poor preservation. No species certainly identified, but cattle probable.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18050,Little data - only identified specimen was part of a phalange of a sheep.,,FALSE,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 18051,"Some finds of limpet shell and oyster. Mussel shells present but uncommon, and lobster claws also seemingly present. Very few bones recovered but included horse, sheep or goat, bird bones, two of which were woodcock.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 18052,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18053,"No quantification, poor preservation, but cattle, pig, sheep and horse present as well as oyster and mussel shell.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,150, 18054,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18055,"No data, very poor preservation.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18056,"207 fragments identified. Some marine shell - Three limpets, three winkles and bivalve fragments. Mussel present in enviro sample.",303,FALSE,145,,48,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,600, 18057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18058,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18059,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18061,"Midden material was principally mussel and limpet shell. Also, no quantification and little detail, but fish, crab, and many animal bones present including sheep/goat, cattle, pig, horse, cat, goose, rodent, fish (including wrasse and hake). Also dog cockles, thought to be inedible.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 18062,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18063,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 18064,"Butchery marks were recorded. In addition to cattle, sheep/goat, pig, two red deer bones were identified and an offcut of antler. The detailed breakdown of NISPs is not separated by site in the report and includes Bronze Age material, so the detail is not included below. There were 96 fragments from the IA/Roman site.",96,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 18065,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19001,"Just 107 fragments, no further data in the assessment report.",107,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,55, 19002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19004,"Animal bone and shell poorly preserved, so very little data, though beetles from the well show that domestic animals, perhaps cattle or horses, were kept at the settlement, and much of the organic material from the well was thought to be stable manure. 18 identifiable fragments of bone only (no total fragment count). Some fish vertebrae recovered from the military phase well, and fish vertebrae also identified from civil settlement phases.",18,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,65,400, 19005,"Oyster, cockle and limpet shells were recovered from a refuse pit outside the enclosure. Little bone data - 10 bones only, no identification.",10,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 19006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19008,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19013,"No precise data, though cattle skull and teeth represented. Also a single unidentified fish bone.",13,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 19014,"No data other than that molluscs (oyster, periwinkle or rough winkle), a bovid tooth, and another bone were found in the fill of the grave.",2,FALSE,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,230,390, 19015,Fragmentation average. Tiny assemblage. 2 fragments of possible crow.,11,FALSE,4,,3,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400,2 19016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19019,No data - acidic burial environment,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19020,"No definitely late Iron Age or Roman data - the quantified assemblages are provided only with Bronze Age and mid-late Iron Age dates, though the mid-late Iron Age data have been included below. The unspecified deer include 26 Red deer fragments and 4 Roe deer fragments, elements unspecified. Also 34 unspecified bird NISP. Periwinkle, limpet, oyster, great escallop, cockle, mussel, venus shells, thick topshell, purple topshell, spiny cockle, dog whelk all noted in marine mollusc assemblage.","16,174",FALSE,907,,"2,076",,"1,109",,12,,6,,,,,,,,,,29,,,,,,,,TRUE,12,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 19021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19022,"No data, bone preservation poor.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19026,"A large group of marine molluscs from a shell midden layer. This midden is not well dated, but did not contain post-Roman material and so may be associated with the enclosure. Species included Blue Mussel (dominant), clam (next most common), Common Periwinkle, limpet and Common Cockle. 23 stratified pieces of faunal material and 34 unstrat. No further detail.",23,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 19027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19028,No identification - bone poorly preserved.,56,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 19029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19031,"Single bone only, possibly from a bird.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19032,No Roman data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19033,Burnt bone recovered from one of the ditch samples but not identified to species.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19035,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19038,"Three cattle teeth only, probably result of acid soils.",3,FALSE,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 19039,"Fragments of animal bone and marine shell trodden into surface of building floor, though no precise quantification or identification.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19042,"8 bones and 18 teeth were excavated, including cattle, pig, sheep and horse, probably all Iron Age. No precise quantification.",26,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,, 19043,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19044,1 small fragment of a medium to large mammal.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 19045,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19046,"Animal bone and shell was recovered from late Iron Age or Romano-British contexts, including a burnt cow longbone any oyster shell from the same context.",1,FALSE,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 19047,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19048,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19049,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19050,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19051,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19052,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19053,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19054,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19055,"No data, but Bray's PhD thesis states that 'burnt bone which, together with the nature of the most common ceramic vessels, possibly indicates domestic activity somewhere in the vicinity. Several animal teeth were also retrieved, possibly also indicating the slaughter and butchery of livestock'.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19056,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19058,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19059,"Marine shell included oyster, limpet, cockle, scallop, mussel and winkle. Notable that mollusc shells were abundant in the area of the bathhouse, indicating dining whilst bathing. Edible snails also abundant in this area. Some of the oyster species were not found in Britain in the Roman period and are thought to have been imported. No quantification of faunal remains in report, but species are listed. These included horse, pig, wild boar, cattle, domestic fowl, hare, mallard, woodcock, song thrush, salmon, red sea bream, crow, rook, starling, cat dog, sheep/goat.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,20,400, 19060,Most bone too fragmentary due to acid soil conditions for identification. Sheep or goat recorded in most of the pits. No quantification.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19061,"No bone recovered, probably due to acidic soil.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19062,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19063,"Oyster shells and abundant (over 300) periwinkle present. Also cockle, whelk, limpet, otter shell, razor shell, dog whelk and venerupis. Bones were found in the ditch fill though there is no quantification. Principal animals represented are cattle, sheep or goat, pig, red deer and horse. Also some indeterminate bird and fish. A tibia of horse had been smashed, suggesting consumption.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19064,"The midden contained abundant marine shell including 'The Queen', mussel, cockle, otter shell, periwinkle, peppery furrow shell, razor shell, limpet . No oyster from the midden but some recovered from the flower beds. Casual finds of cockle. No quantification of bones but cattle, sheep or goat, pig, roe deer and fox present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 19065,"80 fragments including a tooth, burnt and not identified in the report.",80,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 19066,"No data, absence of bone likely due to acidic soil.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19067,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 19068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20001,"Most of the animal bone came from ditches and gullies of early Roman date. Livestock appeared to have arrived at the site on the hoof, whilst infant remains perhaps suggest that they were raised on site as well. The remains of a juvenile red deer were present in the form of an astragalus/calcaneus. Of most interest, however, was the recovery of a great auk coracoid from a possible 1stC AD ditch - a now extinct species. No data presented in the report. Marine shell consisted of cockles (mostly), mussels and winkles, though oysters were absent.",651,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250, 20002,"Only animal bone from the IA sites are included here, much may be earlier than the LIA. The bone from the Roman fort is omitted. A horned sheep carcass was found possibly in association with one of the pit inhumations. Vole and amphibian also present. Unidentified bones not quantified. Helix aspersa common and only present in Roman layers.",448,FALSE,285,1,79,,60,,24,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,43, 20003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20004,"Unpublished report supplied by Robin Bendrey. Data include phases 1-8, though these were too small to include separately. The sub-Roman phase produced the greatest quantity of material and is probably the only one which is statistically viable. The deer bones are both red deer, though the elements are not given in the report. Other wild animal remains include a butchered fox tibia, mallard, teal, duck, pigeon/rock dove, crow, golden plover, thrush ?redwing, wagtail, and salmon/trout. These primarily derived from the Roman and sub-Roman levels.",811,TRUE,105,,103,,15,,19,2,3,,,,,,,,,,2,3,,2,,16,,5,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,500,8 20005,"Awaiting full zooarch report. 103 fragments were recovered from the evaluation trenches including specimens of sheep/goat, pig and bird. Marine shell appears to have been relatively abundant from these trenches, mainly from one ditch, predominantly of oyster, but also including a small quantity of scallop shells, one limpet and one mussel shell.",103,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 20006,"Quantities of cattle bone was noted from the site, but no report exists.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20007,Some sheep/goat bones recovered - no specialist report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20008,"The animal bone from funerary and non-funerary contexts were discussed separately in the report. Little raw data are given. Total fragment count only refers to the non-funerary assemblage. This group had been heavily gnawed and appeared to have been quite mixed. Of the Roman burials (not the sub-Roman ones), one had animal bones deliberately placed around the head of the individual and, remarkably, included remains of cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse and dog, with several sets of articulating groups including a left forelimb of a juvenile pig, a right forelimb of a juvenile sheep, and the cervical section of a cattle backbone. Another burial contained the mandibles of a pig and a sheep, 8 ribs (cattle and sheep-sized) and fragments of a right sheep radius and a left pig femur. Another inhumation included the skull of an adult sow which had been decapitated, as shown by chop marks on the atlas, an articulating lamb right forelimb (probably neonatal due to porosity). Other bones included a sheep tooth and femur shaft.",321,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 20009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20014,Animal bones and oyster shell were noted to have been recovered though no specialist report was provided.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,410, 20015,"12 ABGs of sheep are counted here denote the 12 lambs recovered from the l.3rdC AD pit. These were identified from 991 bone fragments but only 12 are entered in the NISP to denote their presence. No butchery was recorded on the sheep, though it was on the pig (70) and cattle (5) bones in the same feature. 6 bird bones were identified but not species.","1,086",FALSE,151,12,156,,96,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,200,350, 20016,"Unusually high proportions of pig - fits pattern of LIA sits with long distance contacts - continues into 3rdC and reduces by 4thC. Burning and butchery in all phases. High proportion of pig skull and extremities - could be preservation. Most body parts from cattle and sheep represented. Specialist does not mention possibility of livestock processing and salt preserving. No butchery on horses and no articulated remains were recovered. Red deer represented by foot bones and radius; roe deer by a scapula. Wetland wildfowl includes swan (1 LIA; 2 Rom), mallard (8 LIA; 5 Rom), duck sp. (1 LIA; 1 Rom), white-tailed eagle (1 LIA), curlew (1 LIA; 1 Rom), guillemot (1 LIA), and greenshank (1 LIA). Fish and birds possibly under-represented through lack of sieving; fish include eel (1 LIA), sea bream (2 Rom), and 5 unid (all LIA). Other wild mammals are all fox bones - fur?. Substantial quantities of marine shell were retrieved from phases 1 & 2 (LIA) and 7 (LR). Species included cockle (highly abundant), winkle (HA), mussel (moderately abundant), carpet shell (rarely abundant), periwinkle (RA), and oyster (rarely abundant). Most of the material was recovered from middens. The size of these in the 1stC AD contexts suggests that marine shell played a significant part of the local diet. Limpets found in the inhumation.","1,743",FALSE,383,,370,,406,,27,,,,,,4,2,,1,,,,,,5,,17,,23,TRUE,8,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 20017,"The total fragment count included earlier Iron Age samples which weren't divided in the report (typically presented in the archive). The cattle, sheep and pig NISP were given by phase and only these have been recorded here, but other species are presented by NISP from all phases. These have been presented here however, since they appear to be quite significant and show some similarities to other sites around Poole Harbour, i.e. wildfowl, though they may be over-represented. The specialist suggests that these mostly occurred in the LIA and Roman phases. Evidence for dog skinning was seen in the Roman phase. Wild mammals included remains of badger and the large baleen whale (ulna?). Wetland fowl include curlew (1), woodcock (3), herring gull (1), guillemot (1), and duck sp. (1). Other wildfowl include buzzard (1) and wagtail (5). Fish bones include 1 ballan wrasse and an unid. No sieving. Large quantities of winkle and limpet shells were recovered from LIA and Roman phases, though only 8 oyster shell in the Roman phase.","5,333",FALSE,"1,610",,732,,158,,95,,22,,,,,7,,1,,,,,,2,,7,,7,TRUE,2,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300,6 20018,"Over 15500 fragments of animal bone were recovered from the site from all three phase, but the number from each phase and species is not given. Only MNIs are presented. Biometric data are presented but predominantly by range and SD. Saw marks were only noted on horncores and antler. Dog bones were found with butchery marks, but the phase is not given. One cow skull may have been pole-axed, but again the phase is not given. Evidence for polled cattle was also noticed. Because a range of wild animals were recovered from phase 3 deposits 1 NISP has been placed in categories of taxa present. Wild mammals included red and roe deer, hare, badger, marten and fox. No butchery is mentioned on these, though a section on 'the contribution of hunting to the economy' is given. Fowl included duck, chicken, crane, wood pigeon, jackdaw, rook/crow, buzzard, hen harrier, and raven. Other species were noted in earlier phases. One cow which died when it was giving birth was buried in a pit. The forelimbs of the calf were coming through the pelvis of the cow. Sawn red deer antlers relate to working - illustrated. An awl was made from a fish bone.",,FALSE,1,,1,1,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,1,1,1,,,,1,,1,,1,,1,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100,1 20019,"Animal bone survival was very poor due to high soil acidity levels. This is supported by high numbers of loose teeth to bone fragments in the samples. Bones from small mammals, birds and fish were not encountered, perhaps due to poor preservation and a lack of sieving. Cut marks were noted on cattle pelvis and humerus bones. No evidence for Roman-style cleaver butchery.","1,001",FALSE,29,,433,,38,,98,,,,,,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 20020,Wetland fowl included a greylag goose bone.,428,TRUE,106,,71,,21,,8,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 20021,"The assemblage derives entirely from ditch and pit features, predominantly the latter. Both feature type includes a number of articulated body parts of different species. The NISP data in the report does not differentiate ABGs from the fragment count. Some of the carcasses had been gnawed by dogs. One ditch included a left hind limb from a horse and a separate right ankle joint. One pit included a butchered calf, whilst the base of another produced the remains of a juvenile and a neonatal sheep plus at least three adult dogs. A near complete short and stocky canid skeleton had been butchered at the ankle. Another pit produced 8 ABGs consisting of the mandibles of a juvenile dog and hind limbs of a juvenile sheep (upper fill), a partial skeleton of a juvenile sheep (mid fill), and a partial right cattle hind limb, a pair of cattle mandibles, and a near complete skeleton of a butchered female sheep (lower fill). Another pit produced 18 bone groups. Most of these were articulated fore- and hind limbs of cattle and horse found in middle fills plus horse mandibles and a dog skull. Three cattle skulls two with their cervical vertebrae lay at the base of the pit. Other wild mammals include 8 weasel bones, and wetland fowl includes a woodcock bone. Rodents and frog/toad bones were common in some pits suggesting that had been left open for a time.","4,142",TRUE,952,5,471,7,60,,223,4,681,5,,,,,,,,,1,,,8,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,100, 20022,"The highest proportion of animal bones came from a single pit (602 frags) though many of these were from dogs, including puppies. Goat identified here. Other groups were also recovered from ditch, pit, grave and quarry features. These were quantified by feature type, so bones from graves can be separated from the main group if required. A group of associated cattle vertebrae, a sheep forelimb, a juvenile dog skull, a sheep left hind limb, a pair of butchered cattle hind limbs, and the partial skeleton of a pigeon, all derived from pits. Three graves included ABGs including an immature chicken, lower forelimbs of a lamb, and the head and neck of a lamb. 22 of 23 hare bones came from one pit (ABG?). Other wildfowl include pigeon (ABG), crow/rook and starling. The fish were unidentified.","1,160",TRUE,186,4,65,3,9,,12,,239,1,,,,,,,,,,23,,,,38,1,,TRUE,6,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,100,400,25 20023,"A very large number of articulated bone groups were recovered from the site, particularly from sheep. LIA/ER: The LIA/ER SFB contained a number of ABGs within internal features including a partial cow skeleton, whilst a 'sizable dump of sheep/goat carcasses was found lying on the floor' under a layer of colluvium. A variety of ages was represented by this group from neonatal to elderly. No butchery marks were noted. 9 partial skeletons were found in 8 graves as goods: 4 left forelimbs of neonatal lambs, 2 sets of vertebrae and two forelimbs of mature sheep, left side of a split skull and jaw of a male pig, and the forelimb of a very large juvenile pig/wild boar (these are the only pig remains from this period), a butchered juvenile/neonatal cattle pelvis. ER: A number of foetal, immature and mature sheep partial skeletons dated to this phase, mostly placed in abandoned features. Three graves included bone groups, two of which were probably grave goods including the forelimb of a foetal sheep, and three bones of a neonatal cow including the pelvis. LR: 8 of 16 bones groups from this phase were from one pit and 5 from the cistern (see plant remains). The former included all partial sheep skeletons from at least 7 individuals (butchery marks were noticed on two immature groups) and the latter included a partial juvenile sheep, a near complete neonatal sheep, a partial immature dog, a partial adult dog, and a near complete elderly dog. Wild mammal bone were all from polecat, and wild fowl was crow/rook. One red deer specimen was unspecified to element. Preservation was generally good. Marine shells were well represented and include periwinkle, oyster, cockle, mussel, and limpet. Periwinkle and oyster were most numerous. Although a range were present in most phases it is unlikely that marine shells were a major component of the diet and were perhaps more of a speciality.","2,648",FALSE,380,64,223,5,24,2,35,3,16,3,,,1,,,,,,1,,,4,,4,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400,1 20024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20025,"The pig was represented by skull, fore and hind limbs and pelvis body parts, placed over the front of the woman. Pig bones included cut marks. A sheep (thought not to have been goat) forelimb was placed behind the woman. A cow molar was also present in the backfill, but was unlikely to have been a grave good.",,TRUE,1,1,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 20026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20027,No data - minimal excavation,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20028,No data - antiquarian excavation,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20030,"Many animal bones were recovered, 'ox long bones' being noted, but only a small quantity were properly analysed, mostly small fragments of burnt bone recovered from the late Roman layer. The remains were identified mostly as cattle and sheep extremities, found alongside the burnt wood. It maybe that this material is highly mixed and consists of a dump of material from other sources. Dog gnawing was noted on the cattle bones.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 20031,"A very high proportion of identified animal bone specimens in the assemblage suggests severe recovery bias - no mention of sieving, though rodents and amphibians present in the assemblage. The remains were very well preserved. See burial data for animal bones as grave goods. 13 complete or partial lamb skeletons, mostly 3-6months old, were recovered from a shallow pit. None included butchery and the deposit appears similar to the pit deposit at Norden, Corfe. Buckland-Wright suggests winter starvation/disease. Heavy-bladed butchery was noted on Iron Age cattle remains in the halving of an axis (decapitation) and horncore removal. Flesh removal was carried out with knives. A couple of long bones appear to have been split on the long axis, though most included spiral fractures. Late Roman cattle bones showed signs of heavy chops. A LIA horse skull had been split in two, one of which being placed in a grave. A late Roman horse metapodial appeared to have been deliberately fractured. 2 new-born kittens and 5 immature cats were recovered from a single pit, suggesting domesticated cats. Other wild mammal include two weasel bones from a grave backfill. Wetland fowl includes a corncrake (not strictly a wetland bird, but is related to rails and moorhens, and is included here as a game bird). Other wildfowl includes a jackdaw and skylark. The skylark was from a late Roman context, otherwise all wild animal bones were from Iron Age contexts.","2,575",FALSE,"1,197",13,621,,79,,74,,40,,7,7,,,,,,,,,,2,,2,2,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400,2 20032,"Numerous animal bones were recovered but most were unstratified, as were many oyster shells assumed to have been Roman. Butchery evidence is noted with cattle, sheep, pig and horse all present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 20033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20035,"In general, the faunal remains were well preserved, but made brittle by the chalk geology. Significant quantities of animal bone were recovered from the middle Iron Age phase, though comparatively few from the late Iron Age and early Roman phases. Material from the latter have been included together here. Very little associated data could be gained from this small sample. Two partial cattle skeletons and one partial sheep skeletons dated to the LIA phase. The cattle were both skull and neck remains with skinning marks on the face. These animals were around 3 years old at death. The sheep skeleton was more complete, though it had been butchered and a few lamb bones were found in association. A small number of domestic fowl and goose bones were recovered, though these all appeared to be middle Iron Age in date. A LIA dog skeleton was found during the Wheeler excavations but no other bones after the EIA were covered in the specialist report. A small number of marine shells were quantified in the Wheeler report however; limpet, mussel (only in IA 'B' sample) and oyster were thought to have been consumed, whereas other taxa were argued to have been kept as curios or pendants. These included sea snail, scallop, common and rough cockle.",100,TRUE,59,1,17,2,12,,11,,1,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 20036,"Very little information was given about the faunal assemblage other than the basic NISP data. One cat bone may have been Iron Age. A roe deer specimen was not identified to element (in the report), and wetland fowl was represented by a goose bone. Marine and terrestrial molluscs recovered including oyster (3), cockle (1), limpet (18), winkle (3), garden and common snail (5 each). Specialist suggests all but garden snail would have been eaten.",144,FALSE,73,,55,,7,,3,,,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,375, 20037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20038,Post-ex is yet to be carried out - analysis of the faunal remains is noted to be currently undertaken,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20042,"Only cattle, sheep/goat and horse were identified, and no NISP quantifications were given.",112,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,375, 20043,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20044,"The faunal assemblage was not analysed but it was recorded as including bones of sheep, cattle, and domestic fowl, as well as oyster, cockle and mussel.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,175,400, 20045,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20046,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20047,"A very small quantity of animal bone included sheep, pig, cattle, horse, domestic fowl, cockleshells and oyster shell. It was too small to quantify. One group of bones was thought to have been the remains of a predator (fox?) since they included mallard, pheasant, partridge, chicken and turkey. 11 fossil sea urchins (echinocorys scutatus) were recovered from different deposits spread amongst six of the structures at the site. These may well have been picked up on the sea shore.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 20048,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20049,The faunal assemblage was meant to be analysed and published in a later issue of the proceedings. See burial data for animal bone as grave goods.,,FALSE,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,150, 20050,Raw data not presented in report. 2 articulated groups of cattle bones (foot bones) are associated with the roundhouses. Articulating sheep vertebrae were recovered from a LIA pit. The partial and butchered skeleton of a dog was recovered from LIA/ER rubble layer. Butchery consists both chop and cut marks - fuller details by phase in report. Most marine shell was from limpet and winkles and small numbers of whelk. No mussel shell found and the single occurrence of cockle. Oyster shell were few. The shell assemblage is surprisingly small for a site located close to the coast.,"6,086",FALSE,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 20051,"No phasing of the faunal assemblage was given in the absence of site chronology. Around 40 of the material derived from pits, and a number may have been associated with burials; one horse skull may have been a special deposit (see burial data). 93 roe deer and 20 red deer specimens were quantified, though only 13 bones were noted to be from bones as they were measured; otherwise elements found were not specified. 3 worked antler fragments were noted in the finds assemblages - all red deer (see other finds). 16 bones of 'fowl' are recorded here as domestic fowl. One goat bone present. Of the wild mammals 9 are fox, 5 are badger, 1 is polecat and 1 is pine marten. Single raven and owl bones were also present. Perforated sheep metacarpi are illustrated. A significant number of biometric data are also recorded. Oysters are mentioned in the main report.","3,997",FALSE,"1,155",,"1,593",,517,,389,1,196,,,,6,3,,7,,,97,,,16,,16,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350,2 20052,"In addition to the 3670 identified specimens, 3772 could not be identified. Lots of biometric data are given. Horse is very well represented, although the report mentions that a horse burial was recovered (position on plan). A large shed and worked red deer antler was detailed in the finds report but not the animal remains - it is included here with 1 specimen added to the total count. One badger bone was identified.","7,442",FALSE,"1,215",,"1,353",,73,,945,1,75,,,,,1,,,,,,,,1,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,125,400, 20053,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20054,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20055,"Bird and fish bones were found in samples. The two bird bones were not identified to taxa. A total of 74 marine shells were retrieved, the majority being cockle (78%), with periwinkles, mussels, oysters and carpet shells also being present. 37 rabbit bones were omitted here, as they likely derived from one intrusive individual.",152,TRUE,31,,21,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 20056,"Animal bone was recovered in small quantities, said to be the 'usual domesticated animals'.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350, 20057,"All the animal bone derived from one of the large chalk quarries, which are thought to have post-dated the field-system, other than 6 fragments of bone from one of the late Roman graves (see burial data). Vole bones were recovered in some quantity and one bird bone was not identified to species.",243,TRUE,24,,5,,5,,9,,10,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 20058,"The assemblage was divided into EIA, MIA/LIA, LIA, LIA/ER, and ER groups. The MIA/LIA groups has been included here as 'late Iron Age', though it must be remembered that some of it is early, whilst the LIA, LIA/ER, and ER assemblages are included as a single group due to the small sample sizes. Butchery marks were mainly small knife cuts on foot bones or at main articulations reflective of skinning and dismemberment. Goat and sheep identified. Worked antler was recovered, though the specialist suggests that this was EIA in date. Wetland fowl includes single duck (MIA/LIA) and great northern diver bones (LIA/ER). 5 unidentified bird bones were recovered.","3,852",TRUE,607,,480,,125,,78,,15,,1,,,,,2,,,5,,,,,1,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 20059,"Animal bones were recovered (over 100 frags) including specimens from cattle, sheep, pig, horse and mouse.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 20060,"Good preservation of the faunal remains due to the chalk geology. Only material from the Iron Age, early Roman and late Roman assemblages are included here. The late Roman faunal assemblage is reportedly primarily from the settlement occupation preceding the layout of the urban cemetery. Bones from the post-Roman settlement are not included but they are detailed on the microfiche if required. Butchery is discussed in some detail for the main dom and wild mammals. Horse bones found butchered in each phase. A horse metapodial and a tibia were both sawn through in ER contexts. Rodent and amphibian bones were numerous due to sieving, which also helped the recovery of neonates and other small taxa. Counts for horse, dog and cat may well be inflated by the NISP including specimens from ABGs, though dispersed remains from these species were certainly present. The sheep/goat ABGs were mostly from foetal/neonatal and infant carcasses. Two horse skulls were placed together in an Iron Age pit, both facing the same way. 2 partial dog skeletons and 1 partial cat skeleton were recovered from early Roman deposit. A kitten mandible was recovered from a late Roman deposit. Deer, and especially roe deer, are exceptionally well represented. The body part data for these (indeed all major mammals) is given in the report, which doesn't specify antler. The only reference to antler is to a chopped roe deer example in the late Roman phase. The number of deer 'skull' fragments is given (not including teeth), and some of these could contain antler. Unfortunately, the bird remains will be under-represented here since only MNI counts were given for these taxa in the report the MNIs are used here). An early Roman deposit included a 'fighting cock', though little detail was given on this find. Wetland fowl included: (IA) mallard (2), wigeon (1), curlew (1), gull (1); (ER) heron (1), gull (1); and (LR) mallard (4), goosander (1). Other wildfowl included: (IA) raven (2); (ER) jay (1), jackdaw (2), stock dove (7), thrush (3), sparrow (1); and (LR) stock dove (1), raven (1). Fish remains were not identified to species/genera, though body parts were specified.","12,876",TRUE,"3,601",21,"1,660",,386,,281,2,369,2,95,1,39,,,343,1,,,8,,,,12,1,12,TRUE,5,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,300,18 20061,"Most of the animal bone was in very good condition. Sieving produced remains of small mammals, including mouse and vole teeth, and small birds. Fine mesh sieving produced a number of fish bones. 413 specimens from 12 species were identified, predominantly perciform species. 303 specimens came from the late Roman special deposit (see site summary) and included remains of eel sp., conger eel, herring, salmon, ling, Gravidae, mullet, scads, wrasse. Other species present in the full assemblage were bass, and flatfish sp. Only eel and salmon were recovered from LIA/ER samples. All the species are common in Poole Harbour today, though the salmon and the eel may have come from the Corfe. Unfortunately, the (mammal (fish analysed separately)) bone specialist only separated the faunal assemblage into an 'Iron Age' and a 'Roman' group. Also, instead of the total number of bones is only given from the identified portion of the assemblage, whilst loose teeth were also not counted. From the IA bones, 6 were identified as pheasant, 1 of swan, and 1 vertebrae as hare (questionable?). Of the Roman bones, 40 cat bones derive from 3 individuals, of which an adult and a juvenile were clearly burials. 3 were badger, 40 were pheasant, 4 were wood pigeon, 2 were rock dove, and 1 from carrion crow.","5,269",TRUE,"1,875",,"2,060",,306,,231,,76,,40,,30,9,,42,5,,,10,,3,,115,,1,TRUE,413,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400,53 20062,"The dating is generally tentative, but the zooarchaeological assemblage appears to belong broadly to the Romano-British period. Despite a general lack of sieving (though it was carried out) the faunal assemblage is substantial for the area excavated. Preservation varied but was mostly very good. Body parts quantified. Butchery quantified. Sheep/goat remains overwhelmingly dominated, of which 454 fragments could be identified to sheep and 19 to goat. Very few sheep bones had evidence for butchery (104) as did cattle (37) and pig (32). The use of knives appears to have been most common, with the low level of marking perhaps representing a high level of butchery skill (further detail in report). No butchery found on horse bones. Sheep ABGs were restricted to a few limb elements. A near complete dog skeleton was found in one of the structures, whilst 2 further lesser partial skeletons came from other structures. No butchery was evident on dog bones. 18 cat bones from four groups were identified. Cut bones were noted on a cat hind limb ABG. Wild mammal remains are well reported on. A cetacean atlas was recovered, most likely from a dolphin or a porpoise. Vole and black rat were also recorded. Bird bones were poorly represented. 22 of the of the 62 chicken bones came from a partial skeleton. Both hens and cocks were present as noted from spurred metatarsals and medullary bone. 7 goose bones were found; although the exact species was not identified, the authors question whether this was a bird other than greylag. 10 ducks bones were found to be smaller than mallard and larger than teal, indicating that they may have been from other species of sea duck. 11 bones were identified as Great Auk (now extinct - see article in Environmental Archaeology); some of these included butchery marks. 6 bones were from razorbill and a 7th either from razorbill or guillemot. 1 bones from a gannet, 7 from a black-headed gull, 6 from smaller gulls, and 6 from the great northern diver. Other bird species include woodcock (1), pigeon (7), raven (2), crow/rook (1), jackdaw (3), magpie (1), and thrush sp. (3). Also, despite the lack of sieving, fish bones were well represented (and likely under-represented) with 763 specimens being identified. Of these around 400 were identified to taxa including bream (104 - 4 species), cod (67), pollack (17), saithe (1), hake (1), ling (1), bass (15), scad (76), wrasses (25), conger eel (16), common eel (1), John Dory (2), mullet (2), plaice (1), guilthead (3), and dogfish (1). Body parts quantified. Marine molluscs were highly abundant (over 16kg) with taxa including limpets, thick topshell, edible periwinkle, flat periwinkle, whelk, common mussel, oyster, edible cockle, off-shore cockle, pea mussel, and barnacle (quantification in appendix). Around three times as much limpet shell (9.3kg) was identified by weight compared to oyster (3.7kg), plus limpets shells are lighter and less robust than oyster.","13,649",TRUE,"4,384",3,960,,676,,37,,102,3,18,1,2,1,,1,,,,3,,1,,41,1,55,TRUE,763,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,1,400,18 20063,Not analysed - bone from a number of sites along the pipeline.,249,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,250, 20064,A puppy was buried with one of the inhumations.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 20065,"19 bones were recovered, though these appear to be prehistoric.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20066,14 fragments of animal bone were recovered.,14,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20067,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20068,"A very small quantity of animal bones were recovered, but not formally dated.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20069,A mussel shell was identified from a context with building material and Roman pottery.41 bone fragments were recovered from a LIA/ER pit and RB subsoil. Bone preservation was good.,41,FALSE,3,,8,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 20070,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20071,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20072,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20073,The animal bone was very poorly preserved in the acidic soils.,14,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 20074,The animal bone assemblages was minimal; the only notable find was a near complete cattle skull placed in a ditch fill.,22,FALSE,,,1,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 20075,"The faunal assemblage was very well preserved, but apart from the animal burials, none of the remains have been kept in context for dating. Two cattle skulls were found to have been pole-axed, though none of the sheep skulls were found in this way. No evidence for horse butchery was found. Some horse metrics given. No details on the deer bones was supplied. Of the 487 fish bones, only 6 were identified to species: ballan wrasse (2) and sea bream (4). Both species can be found in southern British waters between April and July. 97% of the fish were late Roman and 3% were early Roman. Also a large number of mussel shells were recovered from a late Roman pit, many of which were unopened which suggests that they may have gone off after reaching the villa. The ABGs were usefully quantified separate to the remaining animal bones. Pre-dating the 2ndC AD structures, four sheep/goats were placed in pits which is thought by the excavators to have been ritual in nature. Three pits dating to the 4thC AD and placed close to the entrance of the villa contained complete skeletons of two horses and a goat(/sheep) skeleton respectively. The goat was buried with a 4thC AD BB ware beaker close to its head (see photo), whilst one of the horse burials also included late Roman sherds. Both horses appeared to have been small in stature, but relatively old (c.10 years +). Three dogs skeletons were recovered from Roman pits.","6,292",FALSE,850,5,288,,87,,122,2,78,3,9,,,,,,,,38,,,,,,,,TRUE,487,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 20076,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20077,Animal bones were noted to have been recovered in quantity but none were analysed.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20078,"Many limpet and snail shells were found placed around the body, seemingly as grave goods.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,290,400, 20079,"A considerable number of cattle bones and a lesser quantity of pig bones were noted during the excavations. Remains from a buzzard, a crow, a raven and a starling, plus hare bones, are mentioned to have been found in the shaft during the 19thC AD excavations. Marine shells recovered include oyster, cockle, periwinkle and limpet, with one or two examples of mussel and whelk.",,FALSE,,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,395,4 20080,"Knife marks were identified on the foot bones of horse, cattle, sheep and dogs (see site summary for associated evidence). In addition, a concentration of sheep metapodials from at least 17 animal was found in three pits possibly associated with the processing of sheep skins. Biometrics available in archive. More detailed discussion of butchery in report. A complete late Iron Age horse burial was excavated just south of the main occupation area. Articulated dog bones were recovered from 7 IA pits. Some other cattle and horse elements also appear to have been deliberate placements of body parts (see report for details). Most of the antler recovered appears to have been worked. Other elements included a radius, femur, metatarsus and a phalanx, all associated with the Roman structure along with other butchery waste. Bird bones include (IA) mallard (2), goose (2),crow (1), blackbird (1), gull (1), dom fowl (2), and (Rom) dom fowl (3), and white-tailed eagle (1). Rodents and amphibians were relatively common. A shark tooth, thought possibly to be blue shark (a summer migrant), may have been picked up at the coast.","7,961",TRUE,"1,705",,631,2,116,,155,2,347,7,2,,4,8,,,,,,8,,,,5,,5,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400,3 20081,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20082,"All the faunal remains are considered as a whole and are discussed as being from the villa. No sieving appears to have been carried out; there is a complete lack of smaller taxa and an over-representation of cattle (not discussed by the specialist). Body parts are quantified for all species, even for deer, though these are not differentiated between red and roe deer. Only 6 antler fragments are counted out of the 140 total. The cleaver is thought to have been predominantly used in butchery practice. Cattle and deer toe/foot bones were found with skinning marks. Marine shell included 364 oyster shells. Other taxa include limpet, whelk, cockle, spiny cockle, mussel, and scallop. Only cockles were found in quantity, and from the same ditch context (may be a single deposit). Helix aspersa were also relatively common.","14,558",FALSE,741,,"1,081",,201,,67,,47,,6,,,,,,,,140,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,140,375, 20083,Cattle bones recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20084,"Faunal remains included horse, cattle, sheep and pig, as well as oyster shells. Some of the horse bones from the base of a pit may have been articulated.",,FALSE,1,,1,,1,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 20085,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20086,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 20087,"The animal bone from Roman contexts were quantified by context type. These data have all been included in the main form. Phase 1 includes only those bones from the settlement features (AD100-300), remains from burials have been removed. Phase 2 includes only those from the later Roman burial phases (not all were grave goods); material from the Durotrigian burials are not separately phased due to their low number, but grave goods from this group included pig (1) and chicken (3). Full details on grave goods are in the report. The number of AGBs have been counted from the text where possible and the number bones from these have been removed from the NISP counts (with the number of ABGs being re-added). See report for full details on ABGS, but examples include two semi-articulated sheep buried in shallow pits within one of the Roman buildings. A number of sheep and goat skulls appear to have been processed in similar fashion and deposited in pit features. These may have been early stages of carcass processing or preparation of hides/skins. Domestic fowl were commonly placed as grave additions (7), as were two dogs (LR), a pig skull (ER), and two graves with sheep parts (LR). Both sheep and goats were identified and quantified. One bone from stoat/weasel was found in building rubble (included here in wild mammal remains, whilst bones of mole (intrusive?), water vole, black rat, and frog were also recovered. A semi-articulated buzzard skeleton came from building decay. A jackdaw ABG came from a pit. Single duck/mallard and crow/rook bones were also identified. Fish include 6 sea bream bones from the late Roman burial area. Urban type butchery found on the cattle bones (see above for sheep processing). Metrical data are stored in archive (contact Mark Maltby?). Marine shell (quantified) were predominantly oyster, though common cockle, spiny cockle, carpet shells, common mussel, limpets, whelks, winkles, saddle oyster, and great scallop. Knife marks were found on the edges of some oyster shells. Also, of interest was part of a sea urchin shell.","3,570",TRUE,454,8,505,4,62,3,128,3,41,3,,,,1,,,,,,,,1,,10,9,1,TRUE,7,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400,3 20088,"The articulated groups of sheep, dog and domestic fowl bones were not treated separately in the quantification, and their relative frequencies are vastly over-representative. Sheep was identified separately, but not goat. The total number of articulated groups of sheep bones is not clear from the report. 5 is likely to be a minimum number. There appears to be good evidence for decapitated caprine skulls in a number of pits which points to early stages of sheep processing (see also evidence from Alington Avenue). These tended to be, but not restricted to, animals between 6-12 months of age. A number of deposits were placed as grave goods (see burial data). Butchery marks were noted on a horse pelvis and two tibiae, plus the scapula of a domestic fowl. Two specimens of red deer were not stated as being either antler or bone. Wild mammals include fox and weasel bones. Wetland fowl includes wigeon, and other wildfowl include crow/rook and raven (9 bones from 1 ABG). Frog/toad bones were well represented due to sieving and 1 vole bone was also present.","5,379",TRUE,"3,494",5,257,,11,,48,,74,1,,,,,,,,,2,,,2,,101,2,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,50,400,10 20089,"Although 953 fragments of animal were recovered from the site in total from Iron Age to post-medieval contexts, only 80 (22 from IA and Roman contexts) could be identified to species because of the acidity of the soil and the results of burning and fragmentation. A possible pike tooth came from the LIA/ER settlement.",22,FALSE,5,,9,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 21001,"A scatter of animal bone from the cemetery and no evidence for bone placed specifically in any of the graves. A sheep burial found in a pit, radiocarbon dated to the late Iron Age/early Roman period, so associated with the cemetery. Limpet shells found, uncertain date.",1,FALSE,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,130, 21002,"Large quantity of animal bone but no quantification by NISP from 1972-3 excavations, only from the much smaller 1979 excavation (0.13ha; dated late Roman). Cattle formed the majority (especially in 1972-3 excavations), then sheep/goat, horse, pig, fallow deer (metacarpal), red deer (antler), dog, domestic fowl, badger (a complete skeleton) and fox. A complete horse skull buried in the floor of one building, along with a few bones from different horses. A stone-lined well to the NW of a late Roman building contained horse and cattle skulls (and complete pottery vessels) suggested as ritual offerings at a time of abandonment. Oyster shells recovered, along with some mussel and cockle shells.","1,410",FALSE,603,,611,1,75,,24,2,41,,4,,,1,,,,,1,12,,3,1,30,,,TRUE,3,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,425, 21003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21004,"No Report on the animal remains. The large quantities of marine shells (oyster, whelk), most of which were found outside the entrance to the southern building, would seem to represent domestic food refuse in the late/post-temple period. Red deer antler recovered.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,350,450, 21005,"Animal remains recovered but not all quantified by NISP (only weight: 1091kg). The species count in the report is provided as a % of the whole group and NISP data is calculated from this. Heavily dominated by cattle, then pig. Other wild mammal comprises otter. A cattle skull (radiocarbon dated to the late/post-Roman period) was found in rubble.","8,255",FALSE,495,,"4,787",,"2,889",,80,,80,,1,,,,,,,,80,1,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,430,600, 21006,"The total assemblage is c 85000 bones from all contexts (late Bronze Age to post-Roman), though only a limited number studied. These comprised bones from Early to late Iron Age contexts (dominated by sheep/goat) and so are not quantified here. A series of cattle burials were made in the central plateau area, dating from the late Iron Age. These included at least two burials of complete adult cows and a large number of bones (1490) of neonatal calves placed in 10 shallow pits.",12,FALSE,,,12,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,60, 21007,"A small assemblage from late Roman levels, mostly of cattle and sheep. A single fragment of oyster shell. Six bones were also recovered from the late Iron Age saltern (4 sheep and 2 cattle).",177,FALSE,34,,23,,3,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 21008,"A reasonably large assemblage from the late Roman ditch and pit complexes (much of the assemblage derives from two square pits), dominated by cattle then sheep/goat. Charred and calcined fragments are particularly noticeable in some feature assemblages. Fish comprise eel, stickleback and flat-fish, probably flounder. Wetland fowl comprises goose. Three sawn offcuts of red deer antler. Some evidence for horse butchery. Very few marine molluscs recovered.","2,002",TRUE,108,,147,,16,,25,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,2,,1,TRUE,30,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350, 21009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21010,"A modest sized assemblage dominated by cattle. Only the smaller assemblage (826 identifiable to species) from the 1996-7 excavations are broken down into phases. Wetland fowl comprises duck and wild fowl comprises crow. One early Roman ditch deposit contained twelve cattle mandibles (5 chopped) and relatively large quantities of loose teeth, probably primary butchery waste. Butchery marks on one horse bone.","5,783",TRUE,540,,860,,122,,57,,26,,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,18,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,80,450,2 21011,"No report of animal remains. Animal ABGs found in a number of pits in the settlement: Dog skeletons found in at least three pits (one with two dogs, one with an iron collar on, another with a single dog with an iron collar), one pit with remains of two horses and a cow",7,FALSE,,,1,1,,,2,2,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 21012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21013,Animal bone recovered but no further details. Oyster shell recovered from building.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 21014,Animal remains found but no report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21015,Modest sized assemblage with only 42% identifiable to species. The bones of a near complete foetal sheep / goat were uncovered from an occupation layer.,348,FALSE,86,1,47,,11,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 21016,"About 50% of animal bone was from the late Roman well with the rest from the villa. Dominated by cattle. 6 supposed fallow deer bones found in the villa building. Ten deposits of animal bones were found within the late Roman villa building, all sheep or lambs, buried in shallow pits. One was a complete skeleton though all were ABGs. Interpreted as foundation deposits. Also large quantities of bone from the well, mostly cattle, though also horse, dog and sheep/goat. Most show evidence of butchery, and no evidence for specific ABGs. Also frequent evidence for 200 oysters, whelks and mussels. Fish bones found in the well (carp).",581,FALSE,76,10,330,,33,,45,,46,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,5,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,375, 21017,A very small bone assemblage.,17,FALSE,3,,3,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 21018,"A small assemblage indicates that sheep, cattle and pigs were exploited, with beef cattle predominating. A partial calf skeleton found in a ditch.",135,FALSE,12,,30,1,4,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,175,425, 21019,"The assemblage mostly consists of bones from domesticated mammals, though the relative frequency of these differentiated by phase (increase in sheep/goat during late Roman period). There is a possible increase in cattle size at Yarford from the late Iron Age/early Roman to later Roman periods. Several species of wild mammals were present in the assemblage, including red deer, roe deer, and a small amount of hare. Other birds comprise duck, golden plover, woodcock, godwit, blackbird, song thrush, starling, wren, pigeon/dove and crow/rook. Fish comprise flounder, bass and salmon.","4,425",TRUE,368,,366,,284,,36,,19,,,,29,35,,14,,,,5,,,,82,,6,TRUE,18,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400,47 21020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21021,A moderate sized assemblage dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. Two Roe deer and one Red deer bone/antler. Marine shell recovered across the site: Mostly oyster but also limpet and mussel.,"2,322",FALSE,465,,352,,47,,24,,7,,,,,,,,,,3,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 21022,Few details on the animal bone. They include parts of 2 articulated skeletons (probably young pig). Also evidence for salt water limpet shells.,772,FALSE,,,,,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 21023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21025,Animal bone found though no quantification or report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21027,"A considerable assemblage, mainly dating 2nd-1st C BC, but continuing into 1st C AD (minimal nos from Roman contexts not included here). 1665 NISP from 2002 excavations (Cattle are most numerous, followed by sheep/goat but no quantification), and 6759 NISP from 2011-12 excavations. Only limited numbers of identifiable bones are phased, and these are dominated by sheep/goat. Dog and sheep skeletons (including a decapitated sheep) have been found within disused storage pits of middle to late Iron Age date, along with and an arrangement of horse skulls and metalwork. Also articulated and butchered faunal remains found upon the backfilled bank material within the inner enclosure ditch, probably marking the decommissioning of this enclosure. A single bone of raven was recovered","8,424",TRUE,620,2,138,1,115,,37,2,17,2,,,2,1,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50,1 21028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21029,Significant sized assemblage though limited identification to species. Dominated by sheep/goat and cattle.,"4,261",FALSE,211,,178,,65,,29,,7,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,325, 21030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21031,"A very small quantity of animal bone was recovered from the site, primarily cattle bone with some sheep. Two oyster shells were recovered.",15,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,425, 21032,"A moderate assemblage though species breakdown is presented by NISP for 3 main domesticates only and then only from the principle bones. Cattle dominate, then sheep/goat. Other species comprise domestic fowl, horse and dog. A massive dump of butchered cattle remains came from a cellar within a building associated with a metalled yard and thought to have been a slaughterhouse. (and area for bone-working)","1,501",FALSE,132,,274,,23,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,380, 21033,"A significant sized assemblage (449) from early Roman contexts associated with the military works depot. Dominated by cattle, then pig then sheep/goat. Also wild boar and fox. Just 9 fragments form the 2005 excavation.",458,FALSE,90,,227,,110,,11,,3,,,,1,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,70, 21034,Many animal bones revealed but no quantification or report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21035,Modest sized assemblage dominated by sheep/goat. Other wild fowl comprise teal and rook/crow. A single carp vertebrae.,360,FALSE,198,,87,,29,,11,,7,,,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,2,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350,2 21036,"Animal remains found in small quantities but no report, except note of an eel bone.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,325, 21037,A small quantity of animal bone dominated by sheep/goat. Other wild fowl comprises corncrake. Oyster shell and perch bones from late Roman contexts.,64,FALSE,40,,16,,2,,3,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,4,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350,1 21038,"Small assemblage dominated by sheep/goat. A deposit under the floor of the building contained human bone along with an articulated sheep leg, while another similar deposit contained a young sheep skull and five hind feet, in association with a human infant bone.",81,FALSE,56,2,15,,3,,2,,,,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,300,350, 21039,"A small assemblage associated with the villa, dominated by sheep/goat. Horse bone shows evidence for butchery. Wetland fowl comprises duck.",249,FALSE,46,,21,,5,,4,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,220, 21040,A small assemblage of the usual domesticates. The large part of a horse hind limb came from a ditch.,55,FALSE,14,,18,,5,,16,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,1,300, 21041,"Very few bones due to soil conditions, but includes horse, cattle and sheep/goat.",20,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 21042,All bone unidentifiable.,6,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 21043,A small assemblage dominated by cattle. Other wild mammal comprises fox.,294,TRUE,10,,22,,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,270,400, 21044,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,165,FALSE,7,,17,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 21045,About 30 animal bones were found,30,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 21046,A small assemblage of 13 unidentified bones and an oyster shell came from the evaluation to the south of the villa.,13,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 21047,"Only just over two hundred animal bones were recorded from the site, and as soil conditions were advantageous to survival, it may either reflect a limited sampling strategy or a lack of widespread ritual involving animals. Around two-thirds of all animal bones recorded were from ovicaprids, with cattle and pig accounting for most of the remainder. At least six structured deposits within the temples, all but one containing selected remains of at least two animals (sheep/goat, cattle, pig). Also red deer antler in two of these deposits. Includes a small number of oyster and limpet shells.",,FALSE,138,6,30,1,40,3,2,,1,,1,,,5,,,,,5,3,,,,3,,,TRUE,3,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400,5 21048,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21049,Diagnostic bone fragments were recovered from three Roman contexts associated with the limekiln. The fox bone showed signs of skinning.,6,FALSE,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,250, 21050,Small assemblage and no further details.,88,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 21051,A small assemblage and no report.,33,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 21052,"Sheep, cattle and pig found, not quantified by NISP. Sheep most dominant by MNI. During the final phase of occupation in the later 4th C AD, a small pit dug in one room contained bones of three young sheep as well as an infant burial. Red deer antler found. Oyster, winkles, limpets and mussels found, with oyster by far the most abundant. A small quantity of moderately well preserved, though fragmented animal bone was recovered from the 1998 evaluation, almost all from the Romano-British ditch.",8,FALSE,3,3,1,,1,,1,,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,360, 21053,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21054,"No quantification or report. Whole and partial animal and human burials associated with middle-late Iron Age phase of activity, including: ox skull with angular sandstone inserted in the eye sockets with a bead rim jar; a horse skull on the pit floor with limestone laid over it; articulated dog burial at the base of the pit with upper fills including a complete jar. Also a burial of three sheep in a pit close to the north wall within one of the late Roman buildings.",6,FALSE,3,3,1,1,,,1,1,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 21055,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21056,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21058,"Horse, roe deer, cattle, sheep/goat, pig, chicken, frog/toad, vole and shrew recovered during the evaluation, but not phased in report. No report from the excavation.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21059,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21061,A small quantity of animal bone in poor condition. No further details.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21062,"Articulated animal remains within the middle Iron Age pits, but not directly associated with the late Iron Age burials.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21063,"A moderately substantial assemblage dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. Wetland fowl comprises mallard. Other wild fowl comprise corvid, thrush and passerine. Deposition of six adult dogs and two neonates in the well during the late Roman period, along with a juvenile cat, a domestic fowl and a small but unspecified number of sheep/goat and cattle (a token 1 indicated here). Some horse butchery indicated. Note that ABGs are included in the NISP count for the individual phased assemblages but not for the overall assemblage in the report. Also there is clearly an error in the phased assemblages in the report as material relating to the late Roman well is included in the late Iron Age/early Roman phase. For these reasons, the phased assemblage are not included here.","2,256",FALSE,783,1,331,1,86,,64,,109,8,1,1,1,2,,,,,,,,,,5,1,3,TRUE,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,380,18 21064,"Animal bone recovered from late Roman middens but not quantified by NISP. Sheep predominate, then cattle and pig. Also dog and horse.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21065,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21066,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21067,A small assemblage dominated by cattle.,117,FALSE,22,,62,,4,,29,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,350, 21068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21069,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21070,Almost no animal bone from Roman contexts.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21071,No data due to poor preservation.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21072,Assemblage dominated by sheep/goat then cattle. Wetland fowl comprises mallard and other wild fowl comprise partridge and crow. Fish comprises eel. An unphased Roman pit contained 3 complete sheep skeletons. Evidence for horse butchery.,"4,379",TRUE,513,3,470,,26,,64,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,TRUE,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,125,400,2 21073,A small assemblage and no indication of species.,32,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 21074,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21075,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21076,Animal bone recovered but no report. Oyster and mussel shell found.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 21077,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21078,Animal bone recovered but no further information.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21079,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21080,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21081,"There is mention of the remains of horse, cattle, pig, sheep and dog near to the inhumation burials, along with oyster shells.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 21082,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21083,A small quantity of animal bone in association with the late Roman building. All probably sheep.,6,FALSE,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 21084,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21085,"A small assemblage of cattle, sheep/goat, pig, and horse, not quantified by species.",400,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 21086,"'Seven boxes' of animal bone, not yet reported on.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21087,A small assemblage comprising cattle and sheep/goat.,62,FALSE,6,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 21088,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21089,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21090,A small assemblage from late Roman contexts.,53,FALSE,6,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 21091,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21092,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21093,"Several hundred fragments of animal bone within the mound in the cave, mostly sheep/goat with some cattle, pig and dog. It remains uncertain if any of these represent Roman activity.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21094,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21095,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21096,Animal bone recovered but no further detail.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21097,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21098,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21099,"A substantial bone assemblage but not quantified by NISP for the later stages of excavation. The MNI for these stages indicates that sheep/goat were dominant, followed by cattle, then pig and horse and dog. The later Roman phase also had domestic fowl, fox and hare. An almost complete pony burial is thought to date from the late Iron Age/early Roman phase.","1,600",FALSE,914,,608,,22,,46,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,,1,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 21100,"'Over 5000' animal bones recovered with 2062 examined and 1950 identified to species. No precise figures, and a mixture of NISP and MNI provided for different areas of the site, so overall species counts are not possible. Dominated by sheep then cattle and pig. Large quantities of domestic fowl (73 bones from one building range). A partial dog skeleton from the debris layer in the western range. Marine (oyster) shell noted.","5,000",FALSE,1,,1,,1,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,425, 21101,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21102,"Unquantified assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat, then pig and horse. A single duck bone",5,FALSE,1,,1,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 21103,An extensive scatter of oyster shells was noted when a field adjacent to the villa was ploughed. This was thought to be the midden of the villa.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 21104,"Unquantified assemblage of deer, sheep, pig and cattle. Also the shells of oysters, cockles, limpets and periwinkles.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 21105,"Unquantified assemblage of cattle, sheep, pig, and red deer. Part of the atlas bone of a Biscayan Right Whale found amongst the stones surrounding the Roman well and assumed to be Roman in date. Also cockle and oyster shells, though only the latter certainly dated to the Roman period.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350, 21106,"A small sample of animal bone was recorded from the 1986 excavation, all dated to the late Roman period. Cattle accounted for 80% of the bones and many of these, together with the remaining sheep and pig remains, showed signs of butchery and occasionally burning.",162,FALSE,20,,130,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,425, 21107,A small assemblage dominated by cattle. Apparently no sheep/goat(?). Small numbers of mussel and oyster shell.,43,FALSE,,,15,,1,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 21108,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21109,Animal bones recovered but no further information.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 21110,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21111,"Unquantified assemblage dominated by cattle bones, then sheep and pig. Shells of oysters, cockles and mussels recognised.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 21112,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21113,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21114,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21115,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21116,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21117,"An unquantified assemblage of cattle, sheep/goat, horse, pig, dog and cat, along with domestic fowl. Absence of deer bone, though some evidence for antler working.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 21118,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21119,No animal bone report. A sheep burial was found in a pit within one of the rooms within the end of the aisled building. The animal's head had been cut off and placed by its legs and is interpreted as a foundation burial.,1,FALSE,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,300, 21120,Fieldwalking in the vicinity of the adult stone coffined burial found large volumes of oyster shell.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21121,'Abundant' animal bone but no report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21122,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 21123,A small assemblage and none identified to species. A single oyster shell found.,93,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 21124,"The species identified were cattle, sheep/goat and horse. No quantification of species.",42,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 21125,A total of 133 fragments of animal bone were recovered from the topsoil and the surface of the exposed features.,133,FALSE,38,,12,,2,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 21126,"A total of 22 animal bone fragments were recovered including cattle, sheep/goat and horse.",22,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 21127,"No quantification or 'formal report' on the animal remains, which were dominated by sheep, then cattle and pig with little horse, hare and domestic fowl. Oyster shells were common. A series of pits to the north of the temple contained at least nine Red deer antler burials, and as this was the only flat open area on the ridge, it is likely that it was used for the main cult rituals.",15,FALSE,1,,1,,1,,1,,,,,,,9,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,275,400, 21128,"A substantial (though unquantified) faunal assemblage including sheep, cattle, pig and horse (a single '1' placed in all categories where species are accounted for). A dog skeleton recorded. Wild animals include wild boar, red and roe deer, otter, beaver, fox and polecat. Also freshwater fish and many birds (inc. rook, thrush, owl, buzzard, puffin, kite, white-tailed eagle, goshawk, crow, heron, swan, goose, duck, cormorant, grebe, teal, widgeon, pintail, pochard, gannet and Pelican).",13,FALSE,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,1,,,,,1,,,,1,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,-50,1 21129,"A substantial assemblage came from the settlement though it remains unquantified (a single '1' placed in all categories where species are accounted for). Bones of horse were especially common, but all main domesticates were recovered. Also evidence for cat, dog (skeleton of a large dog lacking the skull came from one 'hut' mound), beaver, otter and large numbers of birds (rook, thrush, owl, buzzard, kite, white-tailed eagle, heron, swan, goose, duck, cormorant, grebe, teal, widgeon, pintail, pochard and gannet). Salmon and roach bones found along with limpet shells.",10,FALSE,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,,1,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,-50,1 21130,"The assemblage is dominated by sheep/goat, followed by cattle and a small proportion of pig. Also red deer antler and an unidentifiable bird bone. A few fragments of marine shell were recovered, comprising one cockle and two oyster.",726,FALSE,206,,117,,68,,5,,1,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,360,1 21131,"Small assemblage comprising sheep/goat (55%), cattle (23%), pig (6%), horse (6%), dog (5%), domestic fowl and crow/rook. Also fish bone. Limpet and oyster recovered.",101,FALSE,55,,23,,6,,6,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400,1 21132,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22007,"No data - animal bone fragments noted from fill of Iron Age ditch, but not quantified or identified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22008,Bone survived very poorly - all clearly modern or else very small fragments. No identifications possible.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22010,"Many animal bones present on site, especially dominant were cattle and then horse, though sheep and pig are also present. Most animals were butchered on site at young adult or sub-adult phase. The total fragment count does not include all fragments as indeterminate bone fragments were not quantified in all of the reports.",598,FALSE,46,,362,,2,,32,,3,,,,3,2,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 22011,"The list below includes only the bones identified and measured in the report - many others were fragmentary and not quantified. The report states that the predominant food animals are cattle, sheep and pig, with a lesser number of pig slaughtered than sheep. Some equine teeth are also present. Domestic fowl, red deer, wild boar (listed as pig below), brown hare, shellfish are all represented. Two cattle mandibles belong to animals of around 18 months at time of slaughter. Other vertebrates include dog, fox, wild cat, field vole, wood mouse, mole, frog or toad, bat, water vole and several small song birds.",,FALSE,43,,11,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22031,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22050,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22055,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22058,No detailed data but animal bone was reportedly recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22062,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22063,"Faunal remains were poorly preserved and the collection was heavily biased towards tooth. Little can be deduced regarding the animal husbandry regime from the data, apart from the presence of cattle and sheep. As the bone was poorly preserved the figures provided in the report are estimates.",70,FALSE,24,,16,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 22064,"The acidic subsoil meant that bones were poorly preserved and most were calcined fragments too small for identification. Cattle teeth and occasionally horse teeth formed a large proportion of the bones that survived, although there is likely to be a bias towards preservation and identification of the bones of these large animals. Cow, sheep and horse were present in Romano British contexts.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,300, 22065,52 fragments of bone reported but none of it is identified in the report.,52,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 22066,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22067,"Bone recovered during the excavations came predominantly from medieval and post-medieval contexts. One sheep skull came from a context which included Roman pottery, but post-medieval pottery also came from the same context and so it cannot be regarded safely as being of RB date.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22070,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22071,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22072,"The acidic subsoil meant that bones were poorly preserved and most were calcined fragments too small for identification. Cattle teeth and occasionally horse teeth formed a large proportion of the bones that survived, although there is likely to be a bias towards preservation and identification of the bones of these large animals. Cow, sheep and horse were present in Romano British contexts.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 22073,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22074,"At the industrial area few features contained any quantity of bones, though cattle and sheep were most important, the latter perhaps less important in the third century than the second. Pigs made only a minor contribution to the economy. Horses and dogs were present only in small numbers. Deer and hare bones suggest very limited hunting or opportunist exploitation. At the cemetery almost complete piglets were cremated and deposited in three of the mausolea and pig, sheep, fowl and cattle are present in a small number of the other cremations (see burial data for more detail). A small number of unburnt animal bones were recovered from the cemetery area. It is possible that the skull of a mature horse, which may have been complete when deposited, has some significance (included as an ABG below). The rest is interpreted as residual rubbish. The presence of pig and fowl in some of the cremations (along with other animal bones in small numbers) may be evidence for animal sacrifice.",962,FALSE,416,1,435,,90,5,35,1,6,1,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,10,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,80,350,2 22075,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22076,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22077,No useful data. A tooth was found and was identified as possibly being dog or deer (an odd identification!).,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22078,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22079,"Some worked bone artefacts and animal remains recovered, but no detailed data nor dating evidence.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22080,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22081,No data - some evidence for bone/antler working.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 22082,,32,FALSE,2,,4,,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,200, 23001,"Very few bones from Iron Age features - NISPs for IA features = Cattle - 16; Sheep - 18; Pig - 3; Horse - 2. Only the bones from the Roman phases are included in the fields below. Sheep were the most numerous, though cattle nearly as numerous and probably more important economically. Pigs relatively few. Most animals were mature at death though six of the sheep bones from the IA deposits were from immature animals of less than two years old and several bones from lambs were present in both of the major Roman phases. Evidence from pig jaws suggests that they were mostly killed between two and three years old. Piglet (2-6 weeks old) bones from one post-hole context interpreted as being almost certainly from the same individual, but interpreted by excavator as not likely to be a ritual deposit as not all of the animal was present and that preservation of bone too good for the rest of the animal to have decayed. Excavator argues that the carcass perhaps decayed in the area immediately adjacent to the pit and then parts of it fell in when the pit was originally dug. Though ritual deposition is surely a possibility.",262,FALSE,136,,76,,20,1,14,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 23002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23003,"The material was generally fragmented and often had poor surface integrity. Most of the bone was recovered from the western ditch, which contained pottery dating from between the 1st and 4th centuries AD. One of the canine bones was identified as dog or fox. Cattle contributed the greatest number of fragments to the assemblage, followed by horse, while there were low numbers of pig, dog and particularly sheep/goat. The bone from Enderby was associated with activity occurring between the middle-late Iron Age and the middle-late Roman period. The assemblage was fragmented and preservation was generally rather poor, which is reflected in the small number of butchery marks observed. No remains from wild mammals, small mammals, birds or fish were recovered from the site. Given the general poor preservation of the assemblage, it is unsurprising that small species are not present and likely that juvenile bones are also under-represented, since they are more likely to erode and fragment in adverse burial conditions. It is notable that the proportions of sheep/goat and pig are smaller than is usual for assemblages of this period, suggesting differential survival of larger bones. Wild animals usually form only a small proportion of the bones at Iron Age and Roman sites and therefore it is perhaps no surprise that they are not represented in this small assemblage.","1,194",FALSE,5,,122,,32,,95,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 23004,Few animal bones were recovered and those which were highly fragmented (full report hopefully arriving as part of grey literature from Cotswold).,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23006,The bone was in fair condition. Cattle dominated the assemblage. Part of an ox cranium was recovered from the fill of a gully and was thought to represent a structured deposit.,291,FALSE,30,,65,,8,,1,,2,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 23007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23008,"The discovery of pairs of cattle mandibles and horse mandibles from the pre-Roman IA ditch raises the possibility of structured deposition. A cattle metacarpal recovered from a late third to fourth century ditch had a hole drilled into the proximal articulation, suggesting possible bone working. No further quantification is provided. However, generally, the assemblage of animal bone is seen as consistent with a cattle-based economy. The skeletal evidence suggests a predominance of butchery waste from most phases, although in the early-to-mid 2nd to third century contexts associated with the trackway there is a slightly greater emphasis on food debris.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 23009,"Cattle, sheep, pig, horse and chicken all indicate animal husbandry. Neonates and juvenile sheep indicate that stock nay have been bred on this farmstead. In addition the well contained a significant amount of animal bone, including remains of skeletons of a chicken, a lamb, the bones of a calf's foot, a calf skeleton, two juvenile sheep, three juvenile ravens, and many small vertebrate skeletons including fox, pine marten, weasel, mole, hare, field and water vole, wood mouse, shrew, frog or toad, birds of the sparrow, finch and thrush families and freshwater fish of the tench or roach family. All of the domestic animals were juveniles which do not appear to have been exploited, except perhaps for their skins. The skeletons of the three juvenile ravens may represent ritual, although it is also possible that they were persecuted by shepherds. The carcasses and their context seem to be associated with the abandonment of the well and its final backfilling, perhaps suggesting against ritual significance. The bones are not well quantified in the report and NISPs aren't listed, although where complete or partial skeletons have been discussed in the reports these have been included as ABGs below. The presence of the red legged ham beetle is of significance because it is associated with dried meat or fish and its occurrence in the well may perhaps reflect an association with imported food such as garum fish sauce, perhaps in one of the amphorae represented by sherds in the well.",,FALSE,3,3,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,350,3 23010,"Individual species are not precisely quantified in the report. Most was reportedly recovered from the roundhouse gullies and associated features with only 8 per cent from the enclosure ditches. The bone was mostly poorly preserved and most identified elements were teeth. Cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse were all identified. Cattle dominate and probably contributed the most to the diet. Butchery evidence was noted from samples of cattle, pig and sheep in the form of knife marks. Horses did not produce butchery marks and may have been husbanded for riding or traction and not diet.",626,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 23011,"The total fragment count below and the quantities of NISPs include only the fragments recovered from IA phases, excluding those from earlier prehistoric and post-medieval contexts. The two unspecified deer fragments are respective fragments of Red and Roe deer, but the report did not indicate whether the fragments were bone or antler. The Red Deer fragment came from the earlier phase and the Roe Deer the later phase. The wild mammal NISPs include 21 badger bone fragments, all apparently from the same individual. Other species present include the house mouse, field vole, water shrew and frog or toad. The phasing data have been divided into the IA unenclosed phase at the site, up to the end of the first century BC (Phase 1), and the period of enclosure. from the end of the first century BC through to the mid-first century AD (Phase 2). Unfortunately the report does not list the unidentified bone by phases (providing only a total number for unidentified bone fragments), and so the fragment total in the phasing tables is based only on number of identified fragments in each of the two phases.","4,103",TRUE,267,,485,,181,,18,,6,,0,,,,,,,,2,1,,22,,1,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-175,50,3 23012,"126 animal bone fragments were recovered from the fill of the enclosure ditch, generally in poor condition and not quantified. Cattle, horse and sheep/goat were identified. Cattle bones were by far the most well represented.",126,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 23013,No Roman data (though IA animal bone is presented in the report),,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23014,"14 antler fragments were recovered, probably red deer although fallow is a possibility. All of the fragments are burnt and two of them bear clear saw marks (possibly shaved, as the sawn surfaces were very irregular). A few indeterminate fragments and some mouse-sized mammal fragments may be intrusive.",14,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 23015,"Only the mid to late Iron Age material has been included in this record. The phasing from the site suggests an intensification in animal husbandry during the different phases of the mid-to-late IA settlement, but as the site does not continue into the Roman period they have been included together here and not as separate Iron Age phases. The animal husbandry of the site clearly centred around the raising of cattle and sheep. The majority of the bone was found in phases 2 and 3 (mid-to-late IA), perhaps representing a greater and sustained period of animal husbandry during this period, but perhaps suggesting patterns of disposal changed. The assemblage appears to mainly reflect food waste. A partially complete cattle carcass may reflect structured deposition, and it did not have evidence for butchery marks. Only a few fragments of Red and Roe deer bone were found on the site, mostly of mid-to-late Iron Age date. The majority of fragments were red deer antler, teeth and foot bones (quantities not indicated in report). All of the antler fragments had saw marks. As well as the domestic species 44 NISP of water voles, field voles, mice and other rodents were recovered as well as 9 NISP of frog (these were not included under the wild animal NISPs below).","4,663",TRUE,894,,859,1,131,,101,,15,,,,,11,,4,,,,,,,,,,3,TRUE,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-400,-50,6 23016,Very little bone was preserved due to acidic soil conditions. Fragments of a single cattle lower molar of LIA date and a few calcined fragments identifiable as cattle and sheep/goat were recovered from RB contexts.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-150,150, 23017,A small quantity of unstratified animal bone was recovered. The species list is in the site archive and is not published.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23021,"Bones were generally in good condition although they were fragmentary and complete bones were uncommon. Other taphonomic factors affecting the material were recorded, 1% of the assemblage had been burnt, 8% recently broken, 10% showed signs of canid gnawing and 6% of fragments have butchery marks on them. Fifty-eight bone fragments could be refitted to make fourteen conjoined fragments. The absence of sieved samples may lead to a negative bias in the number and variety of small mammals, fish and bird bones recorded in the assemblage. Although the sample was very small, the anatomical elements found were more indicative of general food refuse than specific butchery, industrial or tanning waste as most fragments came from limb bones. There were no phalanges and very few vertebra, rib and skull fragments. A total of 122 fragments were recorded, of which 48% could be identified to species. Few bones were identified to species from the Iron Age phase (21 fragments), although cattle were found in the greatest quantities, but sheep/goat and horse were also present. However, the majority of bones came from Roman contexts (46 identified fragments), of which cattle were the most common species found, but horse was also significant as were sheep/goat remains. Pigs were also present, but in much lower numbers, and dog. Note - the Roman bones are presented as only with a broad Roman period date and so the Phase 2 Ageing data includes animal remains from across the Roman period at the site.",122,FALSE,7,,36,,3,,11,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 23022,Unidentifiable animal bone fragments were recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23024,"Cattle, sheep/goat, pig, dog, deer and horse were identified. Examples of marine oyster and freshwater mussel were also recovered. The assemblage is interpreted as representative of domestic waste, mainly from butchery and food preparation. Cattle bones were the most frequently recovered (likely to be partly down to preservation and recovery). Gnawing was evidenced on 14 bones, butchery on 22, predominantly on cattle but also on sheep/goat. The small size of the probably complete dog skeleton has been suggested as evidence for a pet rather than a working dog.",603,TRUE,26,,123,,8,,29,,10,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 23025,Animal bones included a pig skeleton of unusually large size (not securely dated and thought to probably be a modern skeleton and therefore not included in the table below) as well as several piglets (from the same pit as the pig so presumably also not ancient and these have also not been included).,219,FALSE,11,,9,,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,50, 23026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23027,"A brief examination of the bone identified cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse and dog. Cattle bones were the most common, comprising 75% of the identified bone. Most of the identified fragments were mandible or tooth fragments.",97,FALSE,15,,73,,5,,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 23028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23031,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23034,"A small number of animal bones were recovered. The bones were recovered by hand and also from sieving of bulk soil samples. Burnt bone and tooth enamel were in better condition than shaft fragments, which were poorly preserved with an abraded appearance, suggesting that the soil conditions were not conducive to good bone survival. There is evidence for mammals of both medium (e.g. sheep or pig) and large (cattle or horse) size in the assemblage, although the only positively identified species was cattle. The total fragment count is not listed in the report.",,TRUE,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,150,1 23035,"Context (13) in Trench 9 contained one cattle metacarpal, two large mammal shaft fragments and 1 horse tooth. Context (40) in Trench 7 contained two cattle molar fragments from the same tooth, and three large mammal shaft fragments. The bone condition was fragmented but the surface condition was good.",9,FALSE,,,3,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,325, 23036,Only two faunal remains fragments are recorded; a cattle molar and a large mammal shaft fragment.,2,FALSE,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 23037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23039,"A small number of bones were recovered. Although, the bones poorly preserved and fragmented, cattle, sheep/goat and red deer were identified. A deciduous tooth and fragment of metatarsal suggest the presence of young ungulates at the site, while the antler, although shed, indicates the utilisation of nearby natural resources.",43,FALSE,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-400,43, 23040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23041,"A large quantity of animal bones were recovered from the ritual area, contained within a series of pits and the boundary ditch and entranceway to the enclosure. Spatial patterning of the bones showed strong evidence for species selection and deposition within particular zones. The main faunal assemblage was apparently deposited over a short period, around 20-30 years, beginning shortly before the conquest. The site was overwhelmingly dominated by pig bones. These are interpreted as likely to represent the remains of feasting, although there was limited evidence for butchery, cooking and other foods. Some portions of the pigs may have been offered as sacrifice and some consumed. Aside from the main domesticates and a single roe deer bone, 4 vole/mouse and 1 amphibian bone were noted. The dog bones included 303 bones from 3 animals, buried as complete or partially complete skeletons, although buried separately. The orchestrated arrangement of one of the dog burials is suggestive of a sacrifice and their presence at the entrance of the enclosure may suggest a symbolic role as guardians.","6,931",TRUE,38,,32,,"6,750",,,,3,3,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,40,70, 23042,"The assemblage was sieved but only the identified bones from the sieved assemblage were included in the total fragment count. The bone was recovered from two areas, though there was little difference in processing, disposal or taphonomy between the two areas. The assemblages were not closely phased and may include bone of mid and late Iron Age. Bone was generally in good condition. The unspecified deer include unspecified bone or antler from roe deer. 150 NISPs of red deer antler were recovered from a single ditch, apparently placed as a single deposit during the final occupation of the site. In almost every case the antler showed cut, shop or saw marks. All antlers were from stags several years old. In addition to those included below vole were represented.","5,563",TRUE,568,,724,,153,,122,,19,,,,3,184,,,,,1,1,,1,,3,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,15, 23043,Only 'countable' fragments were quantified. Cattle and sheep/goat were the only species present. No quantification was available.,31,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 23044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23045,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23046,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23047,"Eval and Excavated assemblages combined below. A total of 4.8kg of animal bone was collected during the NA eval. An assessment only was undertaken on the bone. Fragmentation was fairly heavy. The frequency of surface abrasion was low. Six instances of Canid gnawing were seen which suggests the presence of dogs/foxes at the site. The most abundant taxon present was cattle followed by sheep/goat with much smaller quantities of horse and pig. Albion excavation data was also assessment only - 3542 animal bones recovered. Most were brittle and fragmented. Most of the 5 bird bones were domestic fowl, but no precise quantification. ABGs were present and are included in the NISP count and included an incomplete calf skeleton, 3 cattle bone groups, a piglet skeleton and a pig vertebra.","3,582",TRUE,189,1,567,,43,,115,,11,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,5,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,100,400, 23048,,48,FALSE,,,3,,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,25,150, 23049,"Fragmentation and bone surface abrasion were both high. No complete bones were present. No evidence for canid gnawing or butchery were observed, however both could have been obscured by the heavy surface abrasion.",10,FALSE,2,,5,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 23050,detailed results were not provided in the assessment report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23051,The report is an assessment only and therefore only limited detail is provided. Only the identified fragments are quantified. The phased bone came only from the Romano-British phase. The wetland fowl was from a goose.,43,FALSE,16,,20,,2,,5,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 23052,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23053,Animal bone was recovered but not reported on in the report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23054,The animal bone assemblage was very limited in size with just 22 fragments and the bones do not appear to have been recovered from well-dated contexts. They have therefore not been included here.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23055,"No bones were recovered, thought likely to be a result of very poor preservation.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23056,Only 57 animal bones were recovered. Material was retrieved both by hand and through sieving and was recovered from features of the early Roman period. The available evidence indicates that bone preservation at the site was poor: the small amount recovered; the degree of fragmentation and abraded one surfaces.,57,TRUE,,,11,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 23057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23058,"The majority of the assemblage was from Roman and medieval contexts, where the species observed are typical for both periods. Unfortunately due to the small amount of material present (95 fragments from Roman contexts, 62 fragments from medieval contexts) little can be said of the animal economy of the site beyond the species present. Little material was recovered from the burials or post-medieval and modern features. The wetland fowl fragments were identified as goose. The deer were red deer although it is not clear whether the fragments were antler or bones.",95,FALSE,14,,39,,7,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 23059,"Animal bones were recovered from Iron Age and Roman phases on the site but were not well quantified in the report. Cattle skulls are drawn attention to, and it is suggested that they may have been ritual deposits, although this is only a possibility. The main domesticates appear to have been present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 23060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23061,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23062,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23063,"More animal bone was recovered from Roman contexts than for the Iron Age period. The state of preservation for bone on the site was generally good, but the fragmentation was high. Some bones were broken and fragmented in antiquity signifying a chosen method of disposal. The results showed a range of common domesticates with the dominance of cattle and sheep/goat being what would be expected for such an Iron Age and Roman landscape. The Roman assemblage was only broadly dated to the Roman period and the phasing data here was broader than the 2nd-4th century range selected for Phase 2.",235,FALSE,27,,78,,4,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 23064,Very little faunal evidence due to acidic burial environment.,63,FALSE,,,24,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 23065,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23067,"Bone was in fair condition, though a high degree of fragmentation had occurred. The bone was only presented by phase as proportions in graph format, making quantification by phase difficult. However, only 93 of the bones were of Iron Age date, with 232 from Roman contexts. There were a greater proportion of sheep in Iron Age contexts compared with Roman, but similar proportions of cattle in both. Red deer and horse were only recovered from Roman contexts, whilst pig was only Iron Age.",341,FALSE,28,,64,,4,,18,,2,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 23068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23069,"Bone was badly fragmented but cattle, sheep, horse, pig, dog, domestic fowl, crow and mouse identified. Majority of bone from late Roman contexts. Cattle bones dominated. An increase in the relative proportions of cattle to sheep was identified between the Iron Age and Roman contexts.","1,397",TRUE,61,,132,,6,,58,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,1 23070,Total fragment count is approximate. Bone preservation moderate. Sheep and cattle present. No quantification.,220,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 23071,Problem with assigning animal bones to contexts. Report explains that 1970-71 excavation contexts were overwhelmingly Roman in date so only bones from these excavations included here.,663,FALSE,76,,79,,14,,3,,3,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 23072,"A small number of objects of worked bone, no other data.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23073,Preservation fair but fragmentary - the majority cattle or cattle sized though no precise quantification.,120,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 23074,231 fragments but bone from RB and Saxon contexts not clearly separated in the report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 23075,"The state of preservation for bone on the site was generally good, but the fragmentation was high.",260,FALSE,12,,142,,12,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 24001,"Animal bones recovered, but none demonstrably of RB date. The assemblage more characteristic of an IA assemblage.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24002,"Reports in the 1997 monograph are not well recorded or quantified. However, two articulated canine burials were interpreted as possible deliberate burials. The report in the 1997 APS report is better and provides quantification. The data here is based upon the 1997 APS report but includes the above dog burials. This assemblage was not sieved. The pre-Roman assemblage is dominated by cattle and sheep in similar proportions. A lamb skeleton was part of a probable votive deposit of probable mid-to-late 3rd century date.",397,FALSE,79,1,76,,12,,8,,7,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400,1 24003,"Approximately 150,000 animal bones recovered during excavation, around 1/4 of which were stratified. The list below includes only those stratified and identified. Domestic animals dominate - cattle, sheep, pig, horse and dog and some from goat. ABGs include a dog, a partial ox carcass and a carefully buried calf burial. The latter was seen as more likely to be of IA date rather than RB, due to only small quantities of RB pottery being recovered from the pit in which it was recovered (the argument being that a greater quantity ought to be expected if the burial was Roman). The bird assemblage was notable for the very high proportions of corvids and birds of prey (eagle/buzzard/kite and hawk), mostly from Iron Age deposits. Most fishbones were from large salmon. One unusual and unexplained fishbone was present - that of a freshwater African catfish, not known to have ever inhabited British waters. It is likely to have been imported from the Nile region during the Roman period, perhaps as a talisman or a curio. Worked bone and antler objects seem not to have been included in the general zooarchaeological assemblage and worked bone and antler is therefore generally not included below. However, a worked fragment of a probable Dolphin vertebra has been included under wild mammal.","150,000",FALSE,"7,424",,"3,777",2,"1,724",,381,,559,1,1,,2,,,4,,,,3,,12,,106,,16,TRUE,13,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400,282 24005,"Not sieved. The bones are not well quantified in the report (listed by total number from context rather than NISPs), but cow, sheep/goat, deer (possibly roe) and horse were recovered from probable LIA/Roman contexts.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 24006,Limited data. Bones of cattle and sheep/goat were found.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 24007,A small number of animal bones were recovered but these are not detailed in the report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24008,"Several ABGs are recorded and the site has evidence for structured deposition. Dog bones were recovered from one of the pits, with ribs, parts of femur, humerus and atlas probably from one animal and a fragmented skull from another. Cut marks indicate disarticulation of limbs and removal of the head. Cattle bone deposits in the storage grain pits may represent structured deposition (a skull in one and a skull overlying an articulated spine and ribs, possibly with associated limbs, in another), as might a partial burnt sheep/goat skeleton in a posthole. Red deer antler was present as a sawn tine fragment and as a worked antler punch (both also recovered from the storage pits). Other wild animals present in the assemblage were frog/toad and water vole.","3,403",FALSE,201,1,226,1,86,,43,,7,1,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-500,50, 24009,"Animal bones were recovered and house mouse was seen as evidence for domestic occupation. An inverted horse skull may represent a structured deposit. Chicken egg shell present in the environmental samples (mid-late 1st century sample). A high degree of fragmentation amongst the bones. Some waste from bone working (six bones), including working of two horse bones, though no evidence for horse consumption. Oysters present.","3,356",TRUE,650,,271,,162,,33,,7,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,6,,6,,5,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,-100,400,4 24010,"Poorly quantified in the report, but cattle, pig and sheep were found, some of which indicate burning. The animal bones weren't closely dated. Other animal bones identified included wood mouse, vole, snake, newt and frog/toad.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-300,50, 24011,"The bone was fragmentary and poorly preserved. Teeth indicated the presence of horse, cattle and sheep/goat.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-300,50, 24012,"Taxa identified were horse, cattle, sheep, pig, dog, fowl, duck, and field vole. Almost 59% of the bones could be identified to species. Bones of horse were the most frequent at 22% of all bones but these include 40 from feature 172 which are probably from a single animal. After excluding this group of horse bones, cattle are the most frequent at 25% of all bone and 52% of the identified bone. Sheep form 23% of the identified bone and pig and horse account for just 5% and 7% respectively. The other species are uncommon. Four of the five fowl bones and two of three dog bones are also from ditch 172. A single bone of mallard was found in ditch 130 and a vole bone in ditch 182.",206,FALSE,19,,42,,4,,7,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 24013,"The animal bones are not individually quantified but 252 bones were recovered which included horse, cattle, sheep/goat, pig, dog, fowl, duck and field vole. Cattle were dominant.",252,FALSE,23,,64,,3,,16,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350,1 24014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24017,"Voles and blind snail shells were recovered from one of the grave pots, and blind snail shells in another. A chicken ABG was found beneath the knees of one of the probable female burials, a probable specifically ritual deposit. James Rackham writes 'The 23 bones deserve minimal comment, and include fragments of cattle, sheep, dog, pig and an unidentified wild bird. However the sheep humerus, small find 108, from context 029 was found in association with the base of a samian bowl in grave 028. It derives from a juvenile animal and is complete except for the unfused proximal epiphysis and may have been butchered at the distal end, although the mark could have been made during excavation. There is nothing particular about the bone to support an inference that it was a grave offering other than its find location. The normal joint with this bone in might be expected to include the scapula but offerings need not abide by common practice'. Bones of boar and red deer also noted by Preston.",23,FALSE,6,,6,,1,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300,1 24018,,110,FALSE,2,,32,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,40,400,1 24019,"Limited data but cattle, sheep/goat, horse, pig and dog were present, as were oyster shells.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 24021,"Cattle, sheep, pig, horse, dog and bird were represented at the site. The total number of fragments were not provided, only those of identified species.",91,FALSE,49,,42,,5,,8,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,350,3 24022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24026,Animal bone was recovered but was poorly preserved. The most common species were cow and horse.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,275, 24027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24028,,90,FALSE,7,,31,,6,,11,,4,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 24029,"For the earlier investigations preservation was poor and no data existed for the first phase at the site. Bone from Phase 2, mid-2nd to mid-3rd century, was better preserved. The sample is dominated by cattle bones with those of horse the next most frequent species. Such a high proportion of horse, although in general unusual, is not uncommon on late Iron Age sites in Lowland Britain, but less so on Roman sites although found on a number of native and villa sites (King 1978). These horses are small pony sized animals and all are adult. They probably reflect the typical native ponies used for riding. Bones of sheep were the next most frequent species and then pig. Oyster shells were present in small numbers. The 2001 excavation produced further animal bone, and this assemblage did include Iron Age data, although some was from the enclosure which seems more likely to be of mid rather than late Iron Age date. However, as mid and late Iron Age faunal remains were not differentiated, they have been included here, and the specialist suggests that the Iron Age assemblage is characteristic of a late Iron Age site. The phasing data for the late Iron Age at the site only includes that from the 2001 excavation (as IA bone was not available from the earlier investigations) whilst the phasing data for the mid-2nd to 4th century Roman occupation incorporates the 2001 and earlier data.",339,FALSE,52,,69,,8,,25,,3,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,350, 24030,Most bones were fragmentary.,87,FALSE,11,,29,,4,,1,,4,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-200,400, 24031,"The bone was reported to be in good condition, but the report is only available in the archive. The collection however includes cattle, sheep, pig, horse and a single red deer bone. A domestic dominated assemblage which is typical of rural sites of Iron age and Roman date. Some of the sheep, presumably in Iron age contexts are very small and gracile. The number of horse bones in the sample is relatively high and appears to reflect a pattern emerging from Lincolnshire sites of these periods. 80 fragments were also recovered during the 2001 evaluation and these are presented below. Cattle and cattle size bones dominate this assemblage with sheep or goat reasonably common. Other species identified include horse, dog and pig. A few of the bones have been gnawed by dogs and a small number show chop marks. The dental evidence indicates the presence of immature and adult sheep (or goat) and adult cattle.",271,FALSE,12,,16,,4,,7,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,1 24032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24034,Animal bones were recovered but no data is provided in the report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24035,"No useful quantification in the report, although cattle, sheep and pig were present.",426,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,325, 24036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24037,,96,FALSE,8,,24,,2,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 24038,Animal bone was recovered but is not reported on.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24039,9 bone fragments were found during the 2001 excavation.,9,FALSE,,,2,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 24040,"The bone recovered was for the most part in a fragmented to extremely fragmented condition, and a small proportion of the material was burnt, mostly calcined. Very little of the material was potentially identifiable. The identifiable material consisted of cattle, sheep/goat, mollusc, rodent, and amphibian (very rare), in decreasing order of abundance. The bone has been quantified in the report by minimum number of individuals, although the number of identified fragments for the main domesticates is presented as a percentage of the identified fragments, and so the numbers have been arrived at by calculating back from these percentages. They may therefore not be precisely accurate. Only 26% of the entire assemblage was able to be identified. The commonest species retrieved was cattle, which were kept until they were c. 3-4 years old before being slaughtered. Sheep and goat were almost as common as cow, and such a percentage of these species is normally typical of Iron Age settlements. The next commonest animals were horse. Many of the examples were mature and exhibit some signs of butchery and gnawing, indicating that the bones were probably discarded, later being chewed by dogs, of which two species were identified (but not quantified). Other species included roe deer, to which two fragments could be attributed (though whether the fragments were antler or bone is not specified) and also bird, although very few examples of avian bones were identified.","2,723",FALSE,184,,283,,50,,100,,,,1,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,8 24041,"A group of 3 cattle skulls from a ditch terminal of mid-to-late IA date may represent structured deposition. The bone specialist notes a difference between Iron Age and late Iron Age/early Roman assemblages with cattle more common in the IA than goat and sheep (as are the cattle size fragments in comparison to those of sheep size), whereas in the LIA/Early Roman group bones of cattle and sheep are equally abundant, suggesting a chronological change in husbandry practices.","1,069",FALSE,153,,224,,44,,28,,4,,,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,,1,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 24042,"Cattle, sheep, pig, horse, dog, and bird were found. The bone was poorly preserved.",72,FALSE,4,,13,,5,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,250, 24043,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24045,"Limited data. Cockle and mussel, cattle, pig, vole and fish, tiny fragments of eggshell and beetle fragments were present.",,FALSE,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,,, 24046,Animal bone was not divided by period in the report and was not easily quantifiable. It has therefore not been included.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,,, 24047,"No quantification but the specialist writes 'between 30 and 40 animal bones were retrieved during investigations along Pennygate Drain, Spalding (total weight 625g). The bones were in generally good condition and came from one context. The majority of the bones retrieved were of cattle and represented both adult and juvenile individuals. A lot of the material was skull fragments and teeth, though none of these bones indicated evidence for butchery. A few shattered leg bones were also found, some with butchery marks. One fragment of bone had been burnt. Sheep was the next dominant species in the assemblage. The teeth present are characteristic of fairly young individuals. Fragments of leg bones and vertebrae were also present. There was no indication of butchering. A single pig jaw fragment and two bird bones, possibly chicken, were also retrieved. The assemblage examined was too small to make an objective comment upon. However, the amount of cattle bones recovered is unusually high, as sheep are normally expected to be the dominant species during this period.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 24048,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24049,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24050,The majority of this material can be closely dated by ceramic evidence to the mid or mid-late 2nd century.,186,FALSE,18,,42,,3,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 24051,,16,FALSE,4,,4,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 24052,The animal bone was not identified. Oyster shell was present.,128,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 24053,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24054,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24055,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24056,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24057,"Only a few bones were recovered. The specialist notes 'The bone, deriving from context [126], comprises: the distal part of a cattle humerus (in 2 pieces) whose epiphysis is fused and which shows evidence of dog gnawing; the shaft of a gracile radius of sheep whose distal end shows evidence of dog gnawing; a cattle mandibular incisor with extensive wear; and a fragment (in 4 pieces) possibly from the horizontal ramus of a horse mandible. The gracility of the sheep radius is typical of Iron Age or very early Roman animals.",,FALSE,1,,2,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 24058,"The pages on the animal bones are largely missing from the 1998 grey lit excavation report. However, the specialist report in the eval. Report states that 'the animal bones from the late Iron Age and early Roman features are typical of the small gracile animals found on sites of Iron Age date and it may be that the dominance of sheep bones, which occur with twice the frequency of cattle bones in the small sample, indicates that grazing of sheep flocks on pastures on the silts was the focus of the animal husbandry at the site. The presence of bones of young lambs in the collection indicates that breeding was taking place at the site and that occupation, if seasonal, certainly included the late spring and summer. The only other species identified, pig, is represented by only one bone in the collection of 107 fragments'. The one page available from the excavation report confirms the greater preponderance of sheep/goat. House mouse bones were also found. Horse were also present, as were eel and other edible fish, although not in particularly high numbers.",107,FALSE,26,,10,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,75, 24059,"Little animal bone recovered, just single bones of a sheep and cattle. Both bones were small and gracile, and typical of the size and conformation of bones of Iron Age date.",,FALSE,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 24060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24061,"Data only from the Hall Lane investigations (225m from New Vicarage site) and only an assessment is available. Environmental samples were sieved and bones were recovered but these were not quantified in the report. The condition of the bone was generally good. The small assemblage is dominated by the bones of cattle, with sheep or goat a significant element. Pig bones are relatively uncommon and the only other taxa specifically identified are horse and domestic dog. The anterior part of a vertebral column and a few ribs of cattle were recovered, and a large part of a cow skull, but most of the assemblage appears typical of food waste. Part of an eel vertebra was recovered during environmental sampling.",287,FALSE,31,,73,,5,,5,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 24062,"The animal bone was poorly preserved. Bones of cattle and sheep size were found but few were identified positively. Other species included mole, common shrew, house mouse, wood mouse, mouse (unspecified), vole, and a bone from a redwing or songthrush (burnt and so the specialist suggests possibly roasted and eaten). Some of the assemblage came from sieved environmental samples.",496,TRUE,94,,94,,12,,15,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,60,1 24063,"No data from the main site, although the enclosure to the south east produced a very small assemblage in poor condition.",24,FALSE,,,7,,,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 24065,"Bone was poorly preserved. The 1998 report did not make it clear which came from Iron Age and Roman contexts, though 193 fragments were reported on. The 2001 report did not differentiate between Bronze Age, Iron Age or Romano-British contexts in the bone report, though 'the bulk of the animal bone derives from this phase of activity'. The figures have been included but must therefore be regarded with some caution. Samples were sieved but the bone from these were not quantified and have therefore not been included.","1,516",FALSE,87,3,284,,5,,56,,23,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,-100,300, 24066,A tiny assemblage of 7 bones.,7,FALSE,1,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,250, 24067,"Data was only available from the 2005 excavation, from which only 53 fragments were recovered. The preservation was mixed, but some was very poor. The small assemblage included both immature and adult cattle and sheep, and immature horse. A few of the bones are butchered and a similar proportion dog gnawed.",53,FALSE,4,,16,,2,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 24068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24069,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24070,The bones were fragmentary and none were precisely identified with several 'cattle sized' and 'sheep sized' fragments.,15,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 24071,An animal burial was reportedly found but appears not to have been studied. The report suggests that it was probably a dog.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 24072,"These samples are very small but it is possible that the clear increase in fragments of sheep/goat and sheep size relative to cattle and cattle size bones between the early Roman and later Roman phases indicates a change in the general availability of cattle and sheep during this period. If correct then this is likely to reflect a change in the local animal husbandry. Two tiny pieces of bird eggshell were recovered from a late Roman context, a hearth.",215,TRUE,34,,75,,10,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,100,400, 24073,"The assemblage was reasonably well preserved and contained 261 fragments of which 141 were identified to species. The wild mammal bone was a fox. In addition, 4 NISPs of small mammals were found.",261,TRUE,51,,63,,5,,7,,3,,1,,3,,,,,,,,,1,,,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 24074,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24075,"All animal bone came from RB contexts. At least two adult horses are represented from the elongated stone-capped pit, though cattle, dog, sheep and corvid are also represented from this pit. An additional pit contained bones of a third adult horse. A dog skull is seen as a possible 'placed' deposit. The horse deposits have not been interpreted as burials, but rather as animals that were slaughtered and butchered on site. The specialist writes 'If the carcasses were butchered then this involved the removal of the meat but little of the processing of the bones normally associated with cattle butchery and subsequent processing. This apparent absence of reduction of the major bones and the articulation of the vertebrae indicates that both animals were dismembered on site, although many of the bones were disposed of elsewhere. Although the evidence is limited one is inclined to suggest that these animals may have been eaten, not inconceivably as part of a ritual'.",141,FALSE,8,,20,,,,69,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300,1 24076,"Bone was poorly preserved. Partial skeletons of a sheep and a calf were found, and horses may possibly have been buried. Individual NISPs for species were not quantified, but cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse, dog, red deer and chicken were present, as well as frog/toad and small rodents.","1,321",TRUE,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 24077,"The animal bones were in poor condition. Small vertebrates included frog/toad, newt and snake with occasional vole and rodent bones. A further 56 fragments were recovered during the 2004 excavations.",166,TRUE,28,,62,,9,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 24078,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24079,"Preservation was good. Cattle bones dominate the assemblage with a typical range of other domestic and wild species and egg shell present. The bone and charred remains are representative of typical Romano-British domestic food debris. The assemblage was sieved but bone fragments from the samples are not quantified in the report. The NISPs therefore relate only to the excavated bone. Cattle bones predominate in the assemblage, and other finds included sheep, horse, pig, roe deer, dog and cat. The cattle NISP includes one partial skeleton. The deer was an unspecified bone or antler from a Roe Deer.",,TRUE,20,,43,1,4,,5,,1,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,200,300, 24080,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24081,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24082,"Fragments of cattle, horse, red deer, sheep (or goat) were present in the probable Iron Age contexts",,FALSE,4,,8,,,,4,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 24083,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24084,"No quantification but an environmental sample produced evidence for cattle, sheep and a fish.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 24085,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24086,"Most of the bone was well preserved. The bones from the Romano-British phase being completely calcined and a few merely charred. Fifty seven (7.3%) of the bone fragments show evidence of dog gnawing, indicating that the deposits were accessible to scavenging dogs which may have removed or destroyed a proportion of the original bone dumped on site, but this is not 'high' although evidence of canid scavenging is more marked on the cattle bones (16%) than on the sheep/goat (10.7%) or pig (6.4%) bones. Fragmentation was low. Four fragments of very large bird were recovered. All were from juvenile birds, the epiphyses incompletely formed, and indicate birds of swan size or larger such as a crane or an eagle. The porous and fragmented condition of the bones probably prohibits their specific identification. A single calcined fragment of tarsometatarsus shaft may be a chicken, but cannot be specifically identified because of its condition. The red deer is identified only from a fragment of antler beam showing evidence of working, in that it was sawn, a tool likely to have been used by a boneworker at this date. A partial neonatal dog was also recovered from an environmental sample, in a dumped deposit.",997,TRUE,187,,235,1,43,,10,,7,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,3,TRUE,29,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,50,400,10 24088,"Aside from the main domesticates, crow/rook, buzzard, wood mouse, water vole, field vole and amphibians were found. 31 of the dog bones represent the bones of at least 4 neonate puppies, with at least 2 deposited in one of the corn driers and at least two others deposited in a pit. 1 male dog skeleton was also found (only included as 1 in the NISP).","1,544",FALSE,69,,198,,3,,34,,95,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400,11 24089,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24090,"The contexts producing animal bone were not dated at the time of the production of the bone report. Mussel and oyster shells, cattle and sheep bones reflect other dietary elements and the presence of eel vertebrae in a rubbish pit suggests consumption of this species too. However, it is unclear whether these were IA/Roman (although they probably were).",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24091,39 animal bones were recovered but the deposits from which they came were not dated in the report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 24092,"This small assemblage includes both immature and adult cattle and sheep, and immature horse. A few of the bones are butchered and a similar proportion dog gnawed.",53,FALSE,4,,16,,2,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 24093,"The animal bone is dominated by domestic species, mainly cattle bones, followed by sheep/goat, and two fragments each of horse, pig and dog. There is some evidence of butchery on these bones, while the evidence of bone working is very limited. The cattle bones contained juveniles.",30,FALSE,4,,11,,2,,3,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 24094,"A very small bone assemblage was found although fragments were not quantified. Horse, sheep sized and cattle specimens were recorded.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 24095,73 fragments of animal bone were recovered but were not identified.,73,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 24096,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24097,Bone was well preserved but only a small amount was recovered and half was not phased. The Roman assemblage amounted to 97 fragments.,97,FALSE,12,,25,,4,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 24098,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24099,"Generally preservation was good allowing the identification to species of a high proportion of the fragments recovered. The assemblage is comprised of the major domesticates and no wild species were noted. Cattle appear to be the dominant species, although this assertion is tentative given the small amount of material.",29,FALSE,5,,18,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,175,325, 24100,"Assessment only, from both evaluation and excavation. Environmental samples from the evaluation were sieved and recovered bone but only the excavated material was properly quantified in the report. However, fishbones, small rodents and amphibians were recovered from a late 2nd to 3rd century environmental sample. The bone is in good condition with no more than five of the fragments showing evidence for surface erosion. Eight of the bones carry evidence of dog gnawing and several have been butchered. A significant number (89 fragments) have been burnt and calcined or charred. Bone from the excavations included ABGs within the NISP counts. The number of ABGs for each species is uncertain, although a complete adult horse burial is represented as well as a juvenile equid skeleton from a waterhole context. Partial piglet skeletons were also present and the waterhole assemblage was regarded as unusual for refuse disposal. The excavated assemblage also included bones in late Iron Age/early Roman contexts and mid-Roman contexts of the whale/porpoise family (included under 'other wild mammal NISP'. The unspecified deer NISP is red deer. The hand collected assemblage appears to contain little in the form of wild animal resources. Some of the bird remains require further confirmation of species. However, the utilisation of wild species seems to be rather limited. This may be an effect of collection bias, due to the small size of many wild faunal remains (fish, waterfowl, eels etc.).","4,758",FALSE,401,,530,,129,,390,,28,,,,,,,,,,1,,,2,,18,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400,8 24101,"The excavated animal bone assemblage from the 2003 investigations comprised 203 stratified fragments and 34 of unstratified bone. However, the phasing for contexts in which the bone was recovered were not made clear in the report and so the bones have not been included here. The assemblage from the 2005 investigations included oyster and mussel shells. One of the oyster shells had been worked, perhaps as a decorative panel, although its function was not certain. The animal bone report was an assessment only. 798 bone fragments from Roman contexts were recovered. Sheep/goat bones dominated the assemblage and cattle bones were also well represented. Fowl, goose and hare or rabbit (included although if rabbit, presumably intrusive) were also found. 2 amphibian bones were also found.",788,FALSE,197,,90,3,27,,25,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,2,,2,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 24102,"No data was available from the evaluation. The 2005 report provides information on 11 oyster shells and 75 animal bone fragments. Red deer is noted in the report as being present, but no countable bone fragments were recognised (though an antler tine fragment is noted and therefore included below). Most of the material is derived from the infills of boundary ditches. Cattle are the dominant domestic species at the site accounting for 74% of bone fragments. Sheep/goats account for only 11% of the domestic species by numbers of identified fragments. Pig remains are infrequent accounting for only 1% of domestic animal remains. The bones of horses are much more frequent and account for 13.5% of domestic species. The horse bones have been treated the same way as those of cattle and some have certainly been butchered. The author of the report considers it likely that both cattle and horse would have been supplied to the nearby temple (database record number 24123), though no teeth or bones of young animals were found providing no evidence for on-site breeding.",75,FALSE,8,,55,,1,,9,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-25,400, 24103,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24104,3 animal bones were recovered during the second evaluation.,3,FALSE,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 24105,The condition of the bone was very poor with frequent fragmentation.,11,FALSE,4,,5,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 24106,A very small assemblage was recovered.,13,FALSE,8,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,325, 24107,"Bone fragments of sheep/goat, small fish, field vole and mole were identified in an environmental sample (but were not quantified). Goose was represented by a single fragment in the hand collected assemblage.",55,FALSE,3,,23,,2,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 24108,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24109,"Twenty bones from the Romano-British ditch were in fair condition and 12 were identified to species: a small horse scapula, young goat horn cores, a dog canine and cattle metacarpal, jaw and heavily chopped calcaneum were recovered.",20,FALSE,7,,3,,,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 24110,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24111,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24112,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24113,"The second watching brief produced 15 fragments of animal bone by hand, with a further 176 fragments collected during environmental sampling. The hand-collected assemblage was of an overall moderate condition, the sieved remains were of a poor overall condition, the majority of which was unidentifiable to species or size category. The assemblage represents mainly cattle and sheep/goat remains. No evidence of pathology, butchery or gnawing was noted on any of the remains. The majority of the assemblage was recovered from a linear gully and probably represents general domestic waste.",,TRUE,7,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24114,"A small assemblage of 5 animal bones from Romano-British contexts was recovered, with just 3 identifiable to species.",5,FALSE,,,2,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,125, 24115,"Cattle are the most predominant species within these assemblages followed by sheep/goat, horse then pig. There is an emphasis on large mammal sized ribs and vertebrae within the assemblage, especially within trench 7. This may suggest that the area was used for a specific activity such as primary butchery, where the main cuts of meat would have been take elsewhere for processing and consumption. Cattle, horse or large mammal sized remains dominate the assemblage, which may be a result of preservation bias. Pig remains occur in very low numbers, which may support this poor preservation theory, the animals are often slaughtered young and therefore do not survive well in poor conditions. Very little aging information was gained from the assemblage, providing little information towards the husbandry practices utilised within the area. The 'other wild fowl' box includes a NISP of a corvid. The roe deer antler was shed.",843,FALSE,31,,38,,8,,15,,3,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,150,1 24116,"The condition of the bone was variable though generally reasonable. The environmental samples were sieved for fish bones but none were found. Cattle dominated in both the Iron Age and Roman phases. The assemblage included one articulated horse skeleton from a Roman pit, possibly a structured deposit. Two articulated cattle were also found, but these were not dated and so have not been included. A rabbit bone was recovered from a Roman context, but this is presumably intrusive. A single beaver bone was recovered from a mid/late IA deposit. A butchered horse bone from the Iron Age phase indicates horses were eaten.","1,004",TRUE,74,,136,,11,,60,1,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 24117,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24118,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24119,"A total of 178g of animal bone was recovered from seven contexts. Much of the material consisted of fairly small fragments, probably from cattle and sheep bones.",17,FALSE,7,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 24120,"The evaluation produced 77 fragments. The bone was in good to moderate condition. Sheep/goat are the most predominant, closely followed by cattle, with very small amounts of pig and dog also occurring within the assemblage. The skeletal elements represented and the butchery evidence suggests general domestic waste, incorporating both butchery and food waste. Potential skinning and horn removal identified within trench 1 may indicate small-scale craft industry. Carnivore gnawing has been noted throughout most of the trenches, indicating the remains may have been left open to scavengers as part of or after the disposal process.",77,FALSE,12,,10,,2,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 24121,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24122,Just one cattle bone.,1,FALSE,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 24123,The small assemblage was exceptionally well preserved. Cattle and equid were approximately equal.,22,FALSE,,,11,,,,10,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 24124,A small assemblage of 21 bones were recovered. None were identifiable to species.,21,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 24125,"171 fragments were recovered in total, but only 42 were from stratified contexts. This record includes only those from the stratified contexts. The assemblage is small in size and therefore provides limited information on animal husbandry and utilisation. The main domestic species are represented within the assemblage, with little or no apparent inclusion of wild species. The few bird remains were not identified to species. The skeletal element representation suggests that the assemblage comprises predominantly of butchery waste. Few meat bearing bones are represented and therefore may suggest that meat bearing joints were removed from site for use elsewhere. The butchery evidence is consistent with jointing and meat removal. Frequent occurrences of carnivore gnawing within the assemblage suggest the remains have been left open to scavengers after or as part of the disposal process. The unstratified bone assemblage appears to reflect the make-up of the stratified assemblage.",42,FALSE,3,,8,,2,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400,1 24126,"766 fragments were recovered, but 178 of these were recovered from a layer of 'dark earth', the origin of which is uncertain, so these have been excluded from the statistics. The bones were presented across two reports from two phases of evaluation, and whilst dating for the bones were provided in the second report, the bones were presented only by trench rather than by period in the first report, and the dating of the bones was not made clear, making it difficult to arrange into phases. The phasing data for the bones therefore contains only the 272 bones from the second report. The assemblage generally suggests a producer economy raising and utilising the animals on site. The skeletal element representation suggests the remains represent a mixture of both food and butchery waste from intensive occupation. The remains, specifically those from the late Iron Age phased deposits from within trenches 2 and 5, suggest a very strong emphasis on sheep/goat husbandry. However, the ratios of sheep/goat and cattle remains within the assemblages from the 2nd phase of evaluation are not as strikingly different as the patterns assessed within the earlier phase of works and cattle numbers have a higher predominance and may have contributed more meat to the diet economy that the earlier assemblage suggests. This may indicate a change in husbandry emphasis during the occupation of the site. The presence of foetal remains suggests the breeding of the animals on site. The tooth wear aging evidence suggests a mixed economy utilising sheep/goat not only for meat, but retaining the animals to an older age to maximise wool and milk production. Pig remains are present within the assemblage in much smaller numbers, suggesting lesser importance within the economy of the site. This could suggest that the local environment was not suitable for the raising of pigs and therefore the sheep/goat economy had been maximised or this could be an economy more associated with intensive occupation within the Iron Age period. Shellfish included oyster and mussel.",469,TRUE,112,,61,,13,,7,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 24127,"The assemblage weighed 12500g. The assemblage is characterised by domestic species in particular the three common stock species. Sheep/goat is the most prevalent species in the both phases of occupation at the site both in terms of NISP and MNl, followed by cattle and then pig. There is little change in the management strategy of these three species from the Late Iron Age through to the Romano-British period. Sheep/goat appear to have been managed for milk, wool and meat whilst both cattle and pigs appear to have been managed for prime beef and pork respectively.",503,FALSE,133,,107,,14,,13,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 24128,A small group of 13 bone fragments were recovered.,13,FALSE,2,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 24129,"The bulk recovered animal bone from Site 7 was not studied in detail the post-excavation programme and only a scanned estimate of the bones was available. The unspecified red deer NISP was an unspecified red deer bone or antler. No NISPs were provided in the report for the environmental samples, but cattle, sheep/goat, pig, possible chicken, house mouse, beaver, bank vole, field vole, vole, rodent, mole, stoat, small bird, toad, frog, frog/toad, grass snake, slow worm and small fish were present. The high number of snake bones were considered notable, thought likely to represent a midden making an attractive habitat for snakes. The presence of beaver was also notable, implying trade in the species. Cockle shell also suggested trade.",254,FALSE,48,,92,,16,,17,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,350, 24130,"Limited data was presented in the report. Only the main species were quantified, and there was no list of total fragments recovered. The fragment count therefore only includes identified species. Dog are recorded as being 'mostly from the second period', and they have therefore all been included under Phase 2, though caution should be used when interpreting the bone from different phases. Miscellaneous bones that weren't quantified include fragments of small red deer size, roe deer, hare and rabbit. 52 bird bone were mostly of domestic fowl, but were not quantified. The 52 bones have all been included as domestic fowl here, but again, caution is needed. Oyster present in the later excavation assemblage, along with a further 393 bone fragments (including goose, raven and domestic chicken).","3,492",FALSE,"1,161",,"1,567",,271,,140,,43,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400,1 24131,"Rapid assessment only. Approximately 67% of the NISP belong to the common domestic stock species with cattle as the most frequently identified. Horse bones are just as common as sheep/goat bones at 19% each. In similarity with previous sites some horse bones have pathological changes caused by traction. A horse metatarsal from was recorded with a perforation through the proximal articulation, the reason for this modification is uncertain at present. Other species identified include dog, red deer and two avian species. Five chicken bones were recorded and several bones from a large Corvid, most probably a raven were recovered. The significance of the latter species can not be assessed in the absence of a date for the context although it should be noted that in certain periods this bird has 'symbolic' significance. Differential preservation within contexts suggesting the incorporation of residual elements was noted for a few contexts. The unspecified deer includes two fragments of unspecified red deer bone or antler.",213,FALSE,33,,77,,8,,34,,5,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,5,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,225,10 24132,"All bone was from late Roman contexts. The horse bone NISP also include a partial horse skeleton. Cattle is the most common species and appears to have been managed for the production of prime beef. Sheep/goat and pig were also important and horse carcasses were exploited for meat, perhaps for consumption by dogs. Pathological changes associated with occupational stress (i.e. traction) were recorded on the lower thoracic region of a partial horse skeleton from the phase 2 assemblage.",152,FALSE,29,,62,,4,,13,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,200,400, 24133,"Cattle bones are more common than sheep/goat and pig although overall the numbers involved are small. The partial skeleton of a goat was identified from one context, the elbow joint of this individual exhibits severe signs of arthropathy. Horse, dog, fox and goose are the other species identified from the site.",49,FALSE,8,1,12,,1,,7,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 24134,"The assemblage is too small to suggest animal husbandry or utilisation practices on site, save the presence of cattle and sheep/goat. The remains are in a moderate condition.",13,FALSE,3,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 24135,"The remains are from cattle and equid (horse family) no other species were present. The bone was of a good to moderate condition, with no evidence of butchery, pathology or gnawing noted.",6,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 24136,The results of the identification of the animal bone and shell from the Romano-British features tend to support the inference from the soil samples that the features include domestic debris. The bones indicate the presence of all the main farm animals and also by inference dogs.,30,FALSE,4,,5,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,300, 24137,"The total fragment count includes only the sum of the identified bones - not all bones were quantified. 120 bird bones were found, and some were of domestic fowl and some as large as geese. The bird bones were not quantified by species and these have been included as 1 NISP each in domestic fowl, wetland fowl and other wild fowl to indicate presence. The ABGs include 5 sheep/goat cremations placed in pits in two of the buildings and skeletons of a pig and a sheep in two separate buildings. The skeleton of a partridge was also found within another building. It is not clear whether the overall bone count includes these ABGs, but it seems likely that it does. The other wild mammal NISP includes the bones of 50 fox which seem likely to be the skeleton of a single fox, although this is not stated in the report. The report divided the bones chronologically into two periods: second century and third and fourth century. The ABGs are not closely dated, but an attempt has been made to place them into phases according to the dates of the buildings in which they were placed here in the phasing data. Where buildings are of several phases or span the second/third centuries they have been included under mid-Roman. Only cattle, sheep, pig and horse were allotted phases in the report.","4,277",FALSE,"1,060",6,"2,342",,400,1,208,,85,,12,,,,,,,,,,,50,,1,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400,1 24138,The bone was poorly preserved. Three fragments of oyster shell were found. A horse cranium was recovered from a ditch and may have been a structured deposit.,107,FALSE,2,,12,,2,,45,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 24139,"The condition of the bone was good but the assemblage is too small to provide meaningful data on animal husbandry and utilisation, save the presence of the species. Cattle are the predominant species within the assemblage, followed by sheep/goat, pig and fowl.",38,FALSE,4,,8,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 24140,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24141,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24142,"75 bone fragments recovered, but no dating was available in the report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24143,The bones were not closely dated in the report. Only a small assemblage was recovered.,40,FALSE,2,,7,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 24144,The assemblage was poorly preserved and several bones were also undated (not included). Only a limited number of identifiable species of Iron Age date were present.,67,FALSE,2,,2,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 24145,The bone was of moderate to poor condition. The bone was from ditches from possible Roman and undated contexts and the dating of the assemblage must therefore be treated with caution. The cattle NISP may contain a partial ABG and may be inflated.,297,FALSE,4,,34,,6,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,175,400, 24146,The animal bone assemblage was very small.,8,FALSE,1,,2,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 24147,Condition of the bone was poor. Only 18 fragments were hand excavated. The majority of the bones were burnt.,260,TRUE,4,,15,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 24148,"Assessment only. The bone was generally well preserved. There is a clear pattern of exploitation focused on cattle, a feature typical of Roman Britain and also high numbers of ovicaprids - considered typical of a native diet. Furthermore, whilst pig are present, including juvenile animals which are considered distinctive of Romano-British faunal assemblages, the numbers of this species are relatively small compared to cattle and ovicaprids. The unspecified deer NISP include red deer antler or bone which was not detailed in the report. Cats were considered to be large and were possibly wild cats. A near complete rook skeleton was found, and included within the NISP. Wild animals included fox,","4,811",FALSE,318,,871,,44,,39,,24,,21,,,,,,,,6,1,,1,,4,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,150,250,16 24149,"No close dating information presented in the report, and bones are presumed to have been of late Iron Age to Roman in date. However, caution must be applied as some medieval and Bronze Age material may be included.",542,FALSE,72,,88,,12,,13,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 24150,Humberside Archaeology Data: 2001 fragments - 695 identified. Unspecified deer was red deer. Phasing data relates to: Phase 1 = 2nd century; Phase 2 = 3rd century; Phase 3 = first half of 4th century; Phase 4 = late 4th century. Northamptonshire Archaeology data: Only a small assemblage was recovered. The sheep/goat ABG is a possible partial skeleton of a neonatal lamb. Wild fowl fragments were unidentified birds. Marine shell included oyster and whelk. Some of the shell showed evidence of possible puncture marks.,"2,074",TRUE,298,1,339,,73,,22,,22,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300,2 24151,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24152,"No raw data except for an overall number of fragments and percentages of main domesticates. The figures below have therefore been established by working back from the percentages of identified fragments (285). Caution must therefore be applied to the figures. Overall preservation of the bone was good. The assemblage is dominated by cattle (58%), followed by: sheep/goat (33%), pig (5%), horse (4%) and deer (1%). The deer was unspecified. A single fish vertebra was recovered from a pit. Some of the sheep/goat bones definitively belonged to sheep. No goat bones were identified. As the site is Roman in date, the horse remains might incorporate horses, donkeys, mules and hinnies. Although dog bones are not present in the assemblage, the large gnawing marks on some of the bones indicates their presence on the site. 5% of the bones show signs of butchery. Especially the large cattle carcass was divided into handier portions. The presence of all parts of the skeleton including heads and feet makes it likely that at least some animals were butchered on site. Butchery marks seen on the bones were caused by cleavers and knives.",505,TRUE,94,,165,,14,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 24153,"The site appears to be based upon sheep/goat based economies, with evidence of the animals being bred on or near site; some animals were butchered for meat at a prime meat age with some animals being retained to an old age probably for the purpose of breeding and wool production. Limited aging data within the cattle assemblage, especially for the Romano British phases and, points to prime beef cattle being present within the assemblage. However the sample size is too small to be convincingly conclusive for the sole utilisation of cattle being for meat. There is no evidence for onsite breeding present within the assemblage. Pig remains within the assemblage are relatively low in all phases of activity. As pigs are often slaughtered young, the preservation of the remains should always be taken into account as younger remains are often fragile and more susceptible to fragmentation and decay. However, the predominance of sheep/goat remains and the presence of neonatal/infant lamb bones indicate that preservational loss should be minimal. The lack of pig remains maybe due to the lack of woodland within the fenland environment, without pannage it would be difficult to maintain large numbers of pigs. Equids, like pigs, were again only present in small numbers, utilised for traction and riding. Hare was found in the environmental samples but not quantified.","1,003",TRUE,85,,51,,10,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,50,400,3 24154,"Preservation was good but fragmentation was high. Cattle (and cattle-sized) bones were most commonly recorded, with horse, sheep/goat and pig also represented. Age data were limited but neonatal, sub-adult and adult cattle were noted suggesting that this animal was raised locally. Sub-adult sheep and pigs were slaughtered in order to target prime meat.",86,FALSE,6,,21,,1,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 24155,The animal bone was a small assemblage and was phased only as prehistoric/Roman and so must be treated with caution.,14,FALSE,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 24156,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24157,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24158,"Data from two evals (279 frags from the first, 67 from the second). The remains were generally of a good to moderate overall condition. Oyster shell was present and the near complete skeleton of a juvenile dog was recovered from the first eval.",67,FALSE,13,,13,,6,,1,,3,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400,1 24159,"The remains were generally of a moderate to poor overall condition. Some bones were burnt and all burnt bones were identified as sheep/goat or medium sized mammal. No evidence of butchery, gnawing or pathology was noted on any of the remains. The skeletal element representation suggests that the remains were predominantly domestic butchery refuse.",49,FALSE,19,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 24160,"The overall condition of the bone was moderate. A total of 4 fragments of bone displayed evidence of butchery marks. Evidence of carnivore gnawing was noted on 4 fragments of bone. Cattle remains were the most predominant within the assemblage. The remains were from a mixture of skeletally mature and younger individuals, which may suggest a mixed economy, with some animals being slaughtered at a young age for meat or seasonal cull, and some animals being retained to maturity. Two mandibles recovered from deposit 204 suggested that some animals were being retained to old age, which would also indicate possible milk and traction usage. There was a noticeable number of equid remains also present. Visual observation of the equid remains suggest that there were more than a single individual represented and therefore suggesting that Equids may have had a more prominent role on site than commonly observed. However, the small assemblage size may bias the perceived abundance patterns and therefore should be treated with a certain amount of caution. The skeletal element representation within the assemblage suggests that the remains were probably a mixture of domestic food and butchery discard.",109,FALSE,8,,39,,4,,17,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 24161,"The animal bone assemblage is dominated by cattle with horse and pig also present, but the latter only represented by a single bone. The medium mammals may be sheep/goat which, otherwise, is absent from the assemblage. Smaller faunal remains (fish, bird etc.) were not recognised in the samples which may suggest that the features were not close to settlement, but in an area set aside for a specialised function such as butchery",425,FALSE,,,52,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 24162,"Several sheep teeth were found in the environmental sample, otherwise no data.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24163,No information provided in the report. Shell was also found.,468,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 24164,"Many of the bones were poorly preserved and there may be preservational bias. 322 bones were recovered by hand, whilst more were recovered from the environmental samples, but these were not quantified. Fish were noted in the environmental samples. The red deer antler was sawn off. A sheep metatarsal showed evidence of having been worked. The presence of house mouse was seen to indicate that the excavation had focussed on an area of habitation. No changes in environment or animal husbandry were discernible from the environmental evidence.",322,FALSE,56,,102,,21,,18,,5,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,-100,325, 24165,Only a small assemblage was recovered. Preservation was variable. A single oyster shell fragment was found.,38,FALSE,8,,4,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 24166,"Fragments from a single oyster shell were found. Only 21 fragments of bone were recovered from the excavation, whilst 74 were recovered from environmental samples. Preservation was variable and many bones were not identified to species. Identified species included horse, pig and sheep/goat.",95,TRUE,1,,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,150, 24167,"Finds from the eval and excavation included here. In the eval (253 fragments), only a small assemblage of bone was found, and the bulk of this was from an adult cattle (bull) ABG. The remainder of the bones include cattle, horse and sheep/goat. Environmental sampling also produced evidence for eel, small fish and oyster. In the excavation (321 fragments hand collected, 506 sieved) oyster was represented, unspecified deer included Red Deer (uncertain element), wetland fowl was goose, and wild fowl was corvid and pigeon. The sieved assemblage included eel, other fish, various small mammals. Possibly also periwinkle.","1,080",TRUE,85,,41,1,6,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,2,TRUE,10,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200,2 24168,"329 of the bones were hand recovered, 74 were sieved. The bone was in moderate condition. The assemblage was presented by trench, rather than by phase/period and so dating of the bones is not clear. Caution must therefore be applied to the figures.",403,TRUE,38,,48,,8,2,5,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,375, 24169,"Only a small assemblage was recovered and many bones were not identified to species. Bone from the environmental samples was not quantified. Cat is also mentioned in the report but not included in the quantification of hand excavated bones, so presumably came from the samples. A few fragments of oyster and cockle are also mentioned in the report. Egg shell was also recovered from the environmental sample.",130,FALSE,15,,57,,3,,7,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,100,350, 24170,329 fragments of animal bone were recovered. No further detail available as the specialist report had not yet been undertaken.,329,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 24171,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24172,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24173,The small assemblage was of moderate condition. The sheep ABG was an articulated limb. Oyster and cockle were represented.,44,FALSE,2,1,9,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,325, 24174,No Roman data.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24175,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24176,"Just 10 fragments of animal bone were recovered, all from 2nd century contexts. The remains were of moderate to poor condition.",10,FALSE,3,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 24177,"Oyster, mussel and cockle shell were found. A group of bones were found from the inhumation burials and these are included. The unspecified deer is a bone or antler from a Roe Deer. A rabbit bone was presumably intrusive and has not been included. The wetland fowl were goose and include a goose ABG. Eel bone was found during the environmental sampling, but bone from the samples was not quantified.",451,FALSE,53,,90,,6,,25,,3,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,,,1,,2,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 24178,"The remains were recovered from a series of pits and ditches predominantly dated from the 2nd ? 3rd century Roman period. A rabbit bone from an early 2nd century context has not been included below as it is likely to be intrusive. Cattle are the more abundant species identified, followed by sheep/goat, one fragment positively identified as sheep, equid, pig, dog and domestic fowl. The assemblage provides limited information on the animal utilisation and husbandry practices undertaken on site save these presence and use of the identified species. Eggshell was recovered during environmental sampling.",96,FALSE,15,,23,,1,,5,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,100,300, 24179,"A small assemblage of just 27 fragments were found. They were generally in good to moderate condition. No evidence of butchery, burning, gnawing or pathology was noted on any of the remains.",27,FALSE,3,,6,,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 24180,Assessment report only. Bone preservation was generally poor. In order to present the phasing data as it is presented in the report Phase 1 here relates to 2nd-3rd century in the report; Phase 2 3rd-4th century; and Phase 3 4th-late 4th century. The assemblage is a very small one however.,207,FALSE,1,,53,,,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 24181,Identified bones only were quantified. A small assemblage. Bone in poor condition. Oysters present.,22,FALSE,6,,12,,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 24182,A tiny assemblage. Only identified bone quantified.,16,FALSE,6,,8,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 24183,A small assemblage. Only identified specimens quantified.,16,FALSE,5,,10,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 24184,A small assemblage. Only identified specimens quantified. Oyster present.,66,FALSE,25,,12,1,8,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 24185,Tiny assemblage. Identified bone only quantified.,23,FALSE,5,,11,,4,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 24186,"Bone was not separated into phases in the report and as the site spanned the early-late Iron Age the bone has not been included here. However, 37 cattle, 34 sheep, 5 horse, 16 pig, 1 deer and 1 bird specimens were found.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 24187,"A tiny assemblage. Only identified bone quantified. Sheep absent. Uncertain whether a neonatal calf ABG was included in the cattle NISP count, though seems likely. Also a horse ABG. The tine was probably Roe deer and had been sawn. The dog ABG was a skull.",20,FALSE,,,13,1,3,,2,1,1,1,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 24188,"Very little bone. Fragments of a molar tooth and a shoulder blade provide evidence for cattle. A sheep mandible was also present. This had a newly erupted permanent fourth pre-molar, indicating that the animal was relatively young, perhaps around two to three years old. A horse cheek-tooth was also retrieved.",,FALSE,1,,2,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 24189,A few small fragments were unquantified. Antler was sawn and apparently from red deer.,58,FALSE,5,,11,,1,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 24190,"Total count includes only identified fragments. Wild mammals included 6 dog and 3 polecat. Unspecified deer elements included 1 Roe Deer. Wild fowl and other fowl included swan, duck, corvid, sea eagle, grey plover, woodcock, dove.","1,994",FALSE,744,,901,,189,,56,,28,1,1,,,,,,,,1,19,,9,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 24191,"Small assemblage recovered, no data provided. Duck present in Roman contexts.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350, 24192,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24193,Small assemblage recovered but no data.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24194,"Small assemblage, combined sieved and hand collected group. Cat present but not countable, so 1 included in cat NISP. All bones early Roman. Occasional scraps of mussel and winkle shells.",25,TRUE,15,,6,,3,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,150, 24195,"Small assemblage present but not quantified. Mainly sheep/goat, some horse and a partial skeleton of an old sheep (included as an ABG).",1,FALSE,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,50, 24196,"Assemblage present but no quantification. Red deer represented by considerable number of antler, some sawn.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24197,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24198,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24199,39 oyster shells also recovered (only from Roman phases). Preservation good though fragmentation high.,"1,674",TRUE,741,,159,,43,,15,,1,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 24200,"Animal bones recovered, including some from pits, but no data in report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24201,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24202,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24203,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24204,"1 fox, 1 raven, 33 oyster shells and 1 whelk shell included the wild remains (other than 1 vole and 1 frog bone). The assemblage is fragmented but in good condition.",306,TRUE,53,,116,,10,,8,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300,1 24205,Many faunal remains recovered but no data.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 24206,A fragment of cockle shell from a LIA sample. Otherwise a very poorly preserved assemblage of only 10 identifiable fragments (total fragment count not given). No NISP count for IA and Roman data.,10,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 24207,,648,FALSE,73,,76,,2,,18,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,-1, 24208,Data not clearly separated from other RB site excavated nearby so not included here. The earlier excavation produced 489 animal bones however. Marine shell included common whelk and oyster. The wild mammal was Baleen whale and Small whale (!).,489,FALSE,41,,102,,6,,3,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 24209,"Data from latest excavation not clearly separated from other RB site excavated nearby so not included here. However, 316 fragments were recorded in the earlier adjacent WYAS excavation. Marine shell included common oyster.",316,FALSE,1,,93,,4,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,175,300, 24210,"Oyster shells present. Identified species only in the fragment count. Unspecified deer included 6 Red deer and 2 Roe deer, elements uncertain. Wetland fowl was goose, other wild fowl woodcock and crow. Fish remains included smelt and eel and Salmonidae. The late well contained much faunal remains, including numbers of horse bones and the remains of three dogs. The authors suggest this is not ritual deposition in this case as the well was being filled with other refuse. Phasing data arranged into four groups for phasing as: Phase 1- LIA/ER; Phase 2 - 1st-2nd century; Phase 3 - 2nd-3rd century; and Phase 4 - mid-3rd-4th century.",872,TRUE,223,,411,1,57,,100,,78,5,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,1,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400,2 24212,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25002,"The animal bones suffered from a high level of fragmentation. Most came from soil samples. Pig bones predominated in one of the ditches although cattle were an important element in the two deeper ditches. House mouse teeth are amongst the earliest known from Britain and suggest domestic occupation. The presence of snake bones in several ditch deposits may indicate that they were tolerated or encouraged to reduce pests. Other species identified include field vole, water vole, shrew, wood mouse, bank vole, frog/toad, thrush and passerine.","15,464",TRUE,235,,327,,258,,,,10,,,,,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-400,50,9 25003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25005,"A small assemblage of bone was recovered from one IA and 15 Roman features. While this activity could not be tightly dated, it predominantly belonged to the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. At least one pig ABG was present although it is not clear if there were more.",119,FALSE,29,,28,,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 25006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25008,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25009,"Bones were generally in good condition. Although cattle predominate, sheep/goat were also found in a significant numbers. Three bones were positively identified as sheep, but none as goat. Horse was found in greater numbers than pig and dog, which were present in similar numbers. A number of articulated remains were found dated to the Roman period ? the front leg and partial skeleton of a dog were found respectively, as well as a partial horse skull and a cattle hoof. A nearly complete domestic fowl (chicken) skeleton was also found. It is unclear whether these ABGs have been included as 1 in the NISP count in the report.",764,FALSE,85,,134,,12,,28,1,15,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 25010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25012,A tiny assemblage. Only the identified bone was quantified. Bone was not well represented and was poorly preserved.,13,FALSE,3,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 25013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25014,Only two molars were recovered.,2,FALSE,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 25015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25016,"Bones from the excavation varied in preservation, mostly being moderate to poor. Notably, of five fragments of antler, four were recovered from the pit containing human neonates (one fragment identified as roe). A fragment of red deer antler had been sawn in preparation for working. The wild animal was badger. Birds included 4 corvid and 1 unspecified. A puppy ABG was recovered from the kiln (presumably included within the NISP count). Of the identified bones from the eval. cattle predominate, with sheep (or goat), pig, deer and dog also identified. Horse bone appeared to be absent, but may be represented among the unidentified 'cow-sized' fragments. The proportion of sheep to cattle was low, which may in part be a result of preservation conditions, or collection bias. A cattle ABG was noted as a possible 'special' deposit.","1,903",FALSE,135,,255,1,39,,25,,160,1,,,1,1,,4,1,,3,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,50,400,5 25017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25022,Oyster shells were found as well as small amounts of animal bone- no species quantification.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 25023,Only 20 fragments were found and the majority were unidentifiable and unstratified.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 25024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25025,"Large quantities of animal bone were recovered including evidence for structured deposition, but there is no detail in the short published report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25026,"927 fragments were recorded of which 502 were identifiable. Roman bone was not separated from specimens of other periods and species were not quantified. However, the specialist notes that the main species represented were cattle and dog (due to a dog skeleton burial). Other species that were less frequently represented were: pigs; sheep/goat; domestic fowl; horse; and small mammals.",927,FALSE,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 25027,"Data were not presented separately from the two sites in the report, although only a small assemblage of 317 fragments were recovered in any case, and only 40 were identifiable to species. 85% of the identified bones were recovered from the other site in the report (database 25028) and so the bones have not been included in the data below, but there were 5 sheep/goat, 19 cattle, 2 horse, 9 dog (possibly one skeleton) and 5 goose. These were recorded as number of recorded anatomical units, not as NISPs.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25028,"Data included here are from two separate evaluation reports. In the first of the reports two sites were reported on, and data were not presented separately from the two sites, although only a small assemblage of 317 fragments were recovered in any case, and only 40 were identifiable to species. However, 85% of the identifiable bones were from this site, and so they have all been included in the table below, but they must be treated with some caution. These were recorded as number of recorded anatomical units, not NISPs. There were 5 sheep/goat, 19 cattle, 2 horse, 9 dog (possibly one skeleton) and 5 goose.",432,FALSE,15,,46,,2,,5,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350,5 25029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25031,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25035,A small amount of data from the 1982 report on excavations by H. Houldsworth and those of Greenfield. Antler tine was sawn. Oyster shell present.,,FALSE,13,,107,,5,,,,1,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 25036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25042,Few bones as preservation extremely poor. Assemblage was also sieved. All contexts producing bone were Iron Age.,139,TRUE,15,,44,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 25043,Bones from environmental samples only listed.,"1,313",TRUE,100,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 25044,"Little data in the report but at least two ABGs were found, one of which was a pig, lying in the bottom of a ditch with its front and back feet close together as if it had been bound (therefore a possible structured deposit). Red deer fragments also present.",2,FALSE,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,250, 25045,"Bone v. poorly preserved and little survived. No quantification, but cattle sheep, pig, horse all present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-25,300, 25046,Assemblage present but no quantification given,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25047,"Large assemblage but little quantification, though several ABGs are listed - 2 horses, 1 deer, 4-5 pigs, 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 hare, 2 stoat or weasel, + 66 lower jaws of sheep/goat + sheep/goat skulls.",79,FALSE,66,,,,,5,,2,,1,,1,,,,,,,1,,1,,2,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,100,300, 25048,Fragment count is identified bones only. Wild mammal was fox.,102,FALSE,28,,45,,14,,6,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 25049,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 25050,No quantification. A cat (or possibly polecat) ABG buried in a coffin.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,80,125, 25051,"Assemblage present but not quantified. Cattle, sheep/goat, pig, dog, bird (domestic fowl) present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26001,The assemblage is dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Fragmentation was high. The assemblage is likely to be of mid-Iron Age in date and should therefore be treated with caution when being compared to late Iron Age and Roman groups.,669,FALSE,102,,152,,17,,13,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,-50, 26002,The assemblage was dominated by cattle and sheep/goat.,540,FALSE,102,,108,,13,,14,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,75, 26003,Cattle bones were recovered as well as cattle sized bones. It is not clear how many of the bones were positively identified as cattle.,7,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,125, 26004,Animal bone was recovered but was not quantified or identified to species in the report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26008,Just three cattle bones were recorded.,3,FALSE,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,125, 26009,"11.1kg of bone was recovered, but the total number of fragments were not quantified. The fragment count below therefore includes only those of identified species. The state of preservation of the bone was generally considered to be moderate to good. The assemblage is dominated by cattle, followed by sheep/goat; this is fairly typical for the Roman period in this region.",144,FALSE,51,,69,,7,,15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,175,400, 26010,"Only 37g were recovered, but not otherwise quantified in the report. Just one bone was identified to species. Little can be said of the animal economy of the site, other than cattle were present, due to the poor preservation and paucity of material.",,FALSE,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 26011,"Only a small amount of bones (75) were recovered and it was not clear which dated contexts the bones were recovered from. The bones have therefore not been included here, as many are likely to have been of non-Roman date.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26012,"A small assemblage of animal bone was recovered. Approximately 80% of the bone could be identified to taxon. Fragmentation was moderate to heavy, depending on context, and bone surface abrasion was at a low level. Two instances of butchery were noted, both on large ungulate ribs, and 15% of the bone exhibited evidence of canid gnawing. No evidence of burning was observed",37,FALSE,8,,16,,2,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 26013,20 grams of bone was recovered (no further quantification). None was identifiable to species.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 26014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26015,"Preservation of the animal bone at this site was poor to moderate. Fragmentation was moderate to high and surface abrasion was moderate to high with bone exhibiting signs of erosion, weathering and other taphonomic damage in many instances. Evidence for butchery was low. The species present were cattle, ovicaprid (sheep/goat), horse, pig and dog. No wild species were present, nor was there any evidence of bird or fish remains.","3,132",FALSE,41,,151,,11,,36,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 26016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26017,"Sheep, cattle, dog and rat were represented. Sheep and cattle were not quantified.",264,FALSE,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,325, 26018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26019,"The 2002 assemblage is considered first. Fragmentation was fairly high. The bones were presented as minimum anatomical elements, not NISPs. Skinning was noted on horse bones. Three cattle ABGs and a Raven skeleton were recovered from the well, dated from the first to third centuries AD. The author suggests pest control or accidental death for the raven and butchery waste for the cattle ABGs, though the possibility of ritual should not be discounted. The single deer element was a tine of unspecified deer. In the 2010 assemblage fragmentation was moderate to heavy. Some changes through time can be seen in the relative percentages of the major domesticates and in carcass utilisation (i.e. fluctuations between primary butchery and domestic waste). These probably reflect the changing demands and circumstances of the site inhabitants and changing functions of the site as evidenced by the archaeology. As with many local farmsteads /villa the animal economy seemed to rely largely on cattle and sheep/goat.",838,TRUE,224,,416,,83,,65,,19,,1,,,2,,,1,,,,,,,10,,,FALSE,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,-100,400,7 26020,"5kg of animal bone was recovered (no overall quantification of bone fragments and the total fragment count below includes only identified species and small hoofed and large hoofed animals). Fragmentation was high. The assemblage was dominated by sheep/goat followed by cattle, with smaller numbers of pigs and a few horses.",203,FALSE,91,,62,,17,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,70, 26021,No data though all bones were from the common domesticates.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,350, 26022,"The assemblage was subject to fairly high fragmentation. The assemblage was dominated by cattle, followed by smaller numbers of sheep/goat, horse and chicken. Unusually no pig was observed. Canid gnawing was the only evidence for dogs on the site.",45,FALSE,8,,21,,,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 26023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26024,"The Roman material from Glapthorne Road (882 fragments) was dominated by sheep/goat followed by cattle with much smaller numbers of pig, horse and dog. Birds were only represented by chicken, and wild species by very low numbers of deer, the bone size suggests red deer. It is unclear whether the total NISP count includes the cattle and pig ABGs. Detailed phasing information was only available for the main domesticates so the phasing data included here reflects only these species, though the dog, deer and fowl were all from Roman contexts. Additional bone (599 fragments) from Creed Road investigations (no phase data for this material). The remains here were in moderate to poor condition, with a high frequency of rootmarking and longitudinal cracking resulting from weathering. Most (68.8%) of the Creed Road assemblage was not identifiable to species, but all five of the normal domesticated species were present, as well as domestic fowl. Sheep/goat was by far the most abundant species, followed by cow and pig. Deer remains suggest at least some use of wild resources. Remains from all areas of the body were present, suggesting the domesticates were slaughtered and consumed on site. The bird NISP is not specified as domestic fowl, but the presence of domestic fowl are mentioned in the report and so all bird fragments have been included here as domestic fowl. The species of deer was not identified, nor was it clear whether the NISPs were antler or bone.","1,481",FALSE,454,,279,2,61,2,4,,4,,,,2,,,,,,2,,,,,5,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,375, 26025,"10.3kg of bones was recovered. Cattle and sheep dominated. Pig, deer and horse were present in small quantities. Sawn antler suggests on site working of antler.",173,FALSE,52,,70,,7,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,375, 26026,"9.02kg were recovered. The assemblage was dominated by cattle and considerably lower numbers of sheep/goat. A bird element appeared to be goose. No wild species were present, and the assemblage is dominated by cattle, with considerably lower numbers of sheep/goat. Other species were present in ?trace? quantities. No neonatal elements were observed.",112,FALSE,24,,76,,2,,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,175,400,1 26027,"Limited quantification in the report. 27.2kg were recovered. Preservation was good. The species represented are those expected from a late Iron Age /Roman site in the area. They comprise cow, sheep/goat, pig and horse. The low incidence of wild species, as typically seen on middle and late Iron Age domestic settlement sites, indicates a reliance on domesticates. The one exception to this is the presence of a complete shed red deer antler and the recovery of cut antler tines as antler working debris in the pits within the Iron Age enclosure. But this collected antler resource used for craft exploitation is not accompanied by any other deer bone exploited as a food resource.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 26028,"Fragmentation was high. 13.17kg was recovered, and the bones were quantified using minimal anatomical units (MAU) in the report, but have been included in the NISPs fields below. Caution should be exercised in interpreting the assemblage therefore. Phases 1 and 2 at the site were mid-to-late Iron Age and so bone from these phases is not included here and all bone is early Roman. A dog skeleton (ABG) was discovered and has been added to the NISP count as a single NISP, as it was apparently not included in the MAU count in the report. The assemblage was dominated by the main domesticates, with pigs in much lower numbers than cattle and sheep/goat. Dogs and horses occurred in low numbers. Wild species and birds were present as trace species only. A single neonatal pig element was seen.",333,FALSE,45,,65,,5,,11,,3,1,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 26029,"The bone from Iron Age/Roman phases was grouped together in the report, and it is important to note that this assemblage may therefore include bone earlier than late Iron Age.",309,FALSE,80,,51,,10,,5,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 26030,"The report states that 'the majority of the material came from the upper secondary and final fills of the two terminals of the enclosure ditch' which may have been late Iron Age in date. The enclosure ditch bones have therefore been included here, although it should be noted that the assemblage may contain earlier Iron Age material.",212,FALSE,85,,81,,15,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,25, 26031,"Late Iron Age animal bone was not presented in isolation, although the non-Bronze Age bone comprised only a small assemblage.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26035,Animal bones were recovered but not quantified in the report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26042,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26043,"The bones were very fragmentary. The horse bones were mostly teeth and may only have been from 2 animals. The deer bone was only possibly red deer, and this was considered doubtful. 177 oyster shells, 2 mussels, 2 whelks and 2 cockles were recorded.",327,FALSE,137,,135,,17,,30,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,1,,2,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400,4 26044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26045,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26046,The assemblage is dominated by sheep/goat in large proportions. The site also produced bones of a pigeon. Deer was represented by bones but the species is not identified in the report.,"1,358",FALSE,375,,152,,52,,30,,4,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,65,3 26047,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26048,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26049,"The small assemblage was from a site of predominantly mid-to-late Iron Age date, but with some early Iron age pottery. The data should therefore be regarded with caution, as the date of the material is not clear. The small assemblage was seen as a possible reflection of the site's specialist metalworking status.",17,FALSE,3,,9,,3,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 26050,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26051,"The assemblage was very small, suggested by the specialist to be a possible reflection of the status of the site as a pottery-manufacturing site. A horse burial was discovered. There was no particular treatment to suggest that it was a special deposit.",69,FALSE,3,,2,,1,,3,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,300, 26052,"Preservation of bone was good but fragmentation was high. It should be noted that deposits were not sieved, and this could account for the total lack of fish bones and for the paucity of small mammal and bird bones. The deer was Red Deer but whether it was bone or antler is not stated. The wild animal bone was badger and the wetland fowl included 3 duck, a swan and a crane. The other wild fowl were a raven and partridge. The site showed evidence for a shift in the economic importance of animals, with sheep/goat of most importance in phase 1 and cattle becoming more prominent in phase 2. Pigs also became less important at this stage. The increase in the importance of cattle also continued during the Roman period.","22,726",FALSE,"2,961",,"2,184",,"1,032",,217,,74,,,,,,,,,,1,4,,1,,,,5,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200,2 26053,"No detailed data, but the reports states 'of the total of 2,367 fragments of animal bone in the series of quarry-pits, the majority which could be identified were those of cattle and sheep. The assemblage mostly represents domestic refuse, presumably discarded from carcasses and joints of meat. This is supported by the fact that the greatest number of complete or almost-complete bones are those of non-meat bearing type, while the most broken fragments are limb-bones. The appearance of butchery marks on a small number of individual bones and of cuts on most of the cattle-ribs tend to confirm this suggestion'.","2,367",FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,325, 26054,"No quantities provided in the report. Sheep, cattle, pig, horse and dog were present. No wild animals were present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 26055,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26056,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26058,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26059,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26061,"No data but cattle, sheep, pig and domestic fowl were all present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,25,150, 26062,Bones were quantified as minimum number of individuals. Caution should be applied to interpretation of the assemblage therefore.,8,FALSE,6,,3,,3,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 26063,"Bones were noted to be very fragmentary. Cattle, sheep, pig, horse, dog and possibly deer (identification uncertain and species unspecified so these have not been included) were represented.",556,FALSE,197,,289,,21,,25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250, 26064,"Two oyster shells were found. The condition of bones was variable. The unspecified deer were red deer antler and bones (numbers of each not specified). The bones appear to be domestic refuse, all parts of the animals being represented. The total fragment count includes only those of identified bones.",756,FALSE,334,,326,,35,,39,,15,,,,,,,,,,6,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 26065,Common oyster and freshwater mussel were present. Only a small quantity of bone was found but most was well preserved. The total fragment count includes only the identified species.,868,FALSE,308,,480,,36,,39,,4,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 26066,"Only a small assemblage was reported on in the 1999 report. ABGs appear to be included in the individual bone count. Possible ritual activity was suggested by some of the groups including a cattle leg ABG and a group of bones from small pigs apparently buried together. One feature included 9 cattle mandibles from 7 mature animals, apparently with the teeth deliberately removed and 'seeded' in and around the jaws. Sheep jaw bones were also placed against the wall of one of the buildings, and a headless sheep was also recovered. A headless badger skeleton was also recovered from the 4th century filling of the well (reported in 1979 report). Eggshell also noted in the 1979 report, probably chicken. Bone poorly quantified in this report however and only weights given, but cattle dominated and horse, sheep and deer were also present, as well as pig, dog, fox and birds. There was at least one articulated sheep and cow. Nisp counts are provided in the 1974 report and have bee added here. Wild fowl (pheasant) included in the fowl NISP, but uncertain how many, so 1 has been placed in Wild Fowl to indicate presence.",588,FALSE,137,1,102,1,47,1,23,,2,,,,,,,1,,,3,,,,1,7,,,FALSE,,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,-50,400,1 26067,Sieved animal bone was not included in the quantified assemblage. The deer were red deer but whether bone or antler is not clear. The wild animal NISP was fox. A single oyster shell was present but unphased.,363,FALSE,49,,86,,19,,15,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 26068,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26069,Assessment only. The bone data is based on a random sample of approximately 57 per cent of the bone from the site. The sieved assemblages were not included in the sample. Bone was in relatively good condition. 7 of the deer bones were Red Deer of unspecified antler or bone and 5 were unspecified deer species or element.,"2,246",FALSE,33,,517,,82,,100,,13,,,,,,,,,,12,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 26070,"The bone assemblage was of fair to poor condition. The relative numbers of species follows the usual Roman pattern, with cattle dominant and sheep second. There are fewer numbers of pig and horse and a single humerus of roe deer implying little reliance on wild food resources.",126,FALSE,29,,50,,5,,4,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 26071,"Much of the bone was fragmentary and poorly preserved. A single cattle juvenile partial skeleton was found in one pit. This is a small faunal assemblage generally comprising domestic species. Cattle bones dominate the assemblage, which is partly a consequence of fragmentation and preservation factors. However, Middlemore Farm is consistent with evidence from numerous other sites, which has shown that there was a greater emphasis on beef in the Roman period than in the preceding Iron Age. The largest quantity of bone derived from a single pit, which contained the partial skeleton of at least one cow, amid further cattle, horse and sheep/goat bones. The reason for the deposition of the partial skeleton is not clear, as there is a lack of butchery marks or other evidence. Unusually, pig remains, which are often quite frequent on Roman sites, are limited to a single bone at Middlemore Farm. Perhaps the paucity of pig may reflect the fact that this is a farmstead rather than a higher status site such as a villa. With the exception of the bone from the pit, the assemblage seems to represent general domestic refuse and has probably been incorporated in the deposits rather than being a primary reason for the creation of the features.",621,TRUE,21,,46,1,1,,6,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 26072,"A small assemblage was recovered from the excavation- preservation was poor and fragmentation was high. An assemblage from the earlier watching brief included a horse femur and two neonatal sheep/goat metapodia, although the rest of the assemblage was not quantified by count, only by weight (2.7kg). These listed fragments have been included in the NISPs below and have been added to the total fragment count.",22,FALSE,5,,7,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 26073,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26074,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26075,,271,FALSE,11,,97,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 26076,"Only identified species were quantified, and only 28 fragments were from Roman contexts. Fragmentation was high.",28,FALSE,10,,13,,2,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 26077,"A total weight of 2312g of animal bones was recovered. The assemblage seems to be represented mainly by meat bearing bones, some displaying butchery marks and cuts. No further quantification or identifications.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26078,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26079,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26080,"A small assemblage was recovered. Preservation was fair, fragmentation medium to high. Gnawing marks by scavengers have been observed on a number of bones and this suggests that some (or all) of the material is not in a primary deposit. No quantification.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 26081,"Assessment only. Fragmentation, mostly the result of old breaks, varied from moderate to heavy with context as did abrasion. The assemblage from the Roman contexts consists of a range of common domesticates plus (red) deer. Cattle appear to be the dominant species. The taxa are those expected for the Roman period and the dominance of cattle is not unexpected. The presence of deer bone as opposed to antler could suggest a high status for the site, however only two fragments are present. The mixed nature of the material involved (in terms of both taxa and anatomical elements present) suggests the genesis of the assemblage to be kitchen or butchery waste.",104,FALSE,22,,43,,6,,3,,2,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 26082,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26083,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26084,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26085,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26086,No good detail or quantification.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26087,No quantification or good identification.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26088,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26089,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26090,No detailed identifications. The fragments were presumed to be of Romano-British date.,51,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 26091,"485 fragments were recovered from the LIA contexts and 166 were from the Roman farmstead. Overall, the preservation of the animal bone is generally assessed as fair to medium; although several deposits did yield relatively well-preserved bones. Throughout the site the frequency of dog-gnawed bone is relatively low. An adult horse was associated with the fill of a the Roman well. The Roman assemblage was not closely phased, and so the Phase 2 dating must be regarded as only broadly Roman in date.",651,FALSE,60,,81,,15,,13,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 26092,A small group of animal bone was found. No detail is provided and the bones are only quantified by weight (112g).,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26093,Assessment only. Sieving took place but only the excavated bones are quantified in the report. The assemblage is tiny.,29,FALSE,9,,8,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 26094,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26095,"The faunal assemblage is evidently large, but unfortunately the assessment report deals with only a small proportion of it. Of 524kg bone in 106 boxes, only 7 boxes (3 Iron Age and 4 3rd-4th century) have been examined. The lack early or mid-Roman assemblages therefore undoubtedly skews the dating and caution must be applied to the phased bone groups. ABGs included some early and mid Roman examples, and therefore the early-to-mid Roman phase includes only ABGs. ABGs are given a bit more attention in the report and are aged. There was a sieved assemblage but again, only 2 of 8 boxes were analysed. Oyster was found. The estimated totals of hand recovered bones are 2998 recordable bones, 591 ageable teeth/mandibles and 454 measureable bones. The NISP count below refers to only the identified 195 bones of the 7 boxes examined and the 2 boxes of sieved bones (out of 8 boxes in total). The sieved bones also included a bag with 'c.150 foetal and juvenile pig bones' - these have not been included as they sound like potential ABGs. The general ABGs were not included in the total fragment or NISP count. Birds were unspecified. The deer were red deer in the late Roman group, but the element was unspecified. Roe deer were present in the late Roman group but not quantified.",328,FALSE,117,5,87,8,51,,15,5,2,7,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,6 26096,"The size of the animal bone assemblage was regarded as small relative to the size of the site and the extensive excavations. This may partly reflect preservation conditions. The total fragment count includes only identified specimens. The animal bone report also did not clearly divide the bone into different areas within the site, and all bones from phase 2 (c.200-1 BC) have been included here, as contexts of these phases were principally from Area 6 (this site). Some caution is therefore needed.",82,TRUE,9,,21,,1,,8,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-200,-1, 26097,"The size of the animal bone assemblage was regarded as small relative to the size of the site and the extensive excavations. This may partly reflect preservation conditions. The total fragment count includes only identified specimens. The animal bone report also did not clearly divide the bone into different areas within the site, and all bones from phases 3-4 (transitional late Iron Age-Roman) have been included here, as contexts of these phases were principally from Area 5 (this site). Some caution is therefore needed. Other wild mammal was pole cat, wetland fowl was duck and other wild fowl was rook/crow. 2 fish bones were present but not identified to species.",300,TRUE,83,,130,,16,,31,,8,,,,2,2,,,,,,,,1,,,,1,TRUE,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400,1 26098,"Only a small assemblage were recovered and 'most dated to the late 4th-5th centuries'. The most common taxa are cattle, sheep/goat, pig, and horse. Among the bird bones was a white-tailed eagle. The single red deer element was unspecified. Wild animal was fox and other wild fowl also included corvid and pigeon. Wetland fowl were duck and goose. Oysters were present including a large assemblage in one context.",183,FALSE,53,,77,,22,,10,,5,,1,,,,,,,,1,,,1,,3,,2,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,450,8 26099,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26100,The faunal remains for the kiln site and the Iron Age enclosure were presented. Phase 1 here deals with the Iron Age enclosure and Phase 2 the kiln site. The deer were red deer but whether bone or antler was not specified.,"3,149",FALSE,"1,072",,868,,281,,205,,48,,,,,,,,,,21,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100,5 26101,"The assemblage was sieved but no remains were recovered from sieved samples. The NISP count included ABGs, but these were in parenthesis and could be removed. It is slightly unclear precisely how many ABGs were represented, but at least three sheep ABGs are noted in the report. A partial pig burial was unphased and has not been included, although it is possible that this also related to structured deposition as a closure deposit in a ditch, as possibly do the sheep ABGs. Most of the animals at the site were domestic, with sheep and cattle making the greatest contribution to the assemblage. Where it was possible to distinguish between sheep and goat bones, only sheep were observed. It would therefore appear that cattle and sheep formed the basis of the economy, with pigs considerably less well represented. Horse bones were most common in Phase 2-3 deposits but also occur in Phases 1 and 4. Dogs were only represented by a single bone in Phase 4 but their presence is suggested by gnawed bones in all phases. Evidence for wild animals was scarce, suggesting that hunting did little more than supplement the diet. Bird bones were extremely rare; domestic fowl occurred as single bones in Phases 2-3 and 4. Other wild fowl was pigeon. The phase groups were not large enough to reliably indicate change in husbandry techniques over time, although there does not appear to be a shift towards cattle husbandry as seen at many other Roman sites. Oyster shells were also found.","1,496",TRUE,214,3,172,,36,,30,,1,,,,,1,,1,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300,1 26102,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26103,"The total fragment count from the Bungalow excavation site includes a horse ABG skeleton placed in a quarry pit. However, no quantification in the Bungalow assessment report, other than that the total number of fragments were 724, so this record focusses only on the 2758 fragments bone from the 'Land Off Higham Road' excavation. The assemblage was reasonably well preserved. ABGs clearly included in the bone count, and at least 3 dog ABGS account for high numbers of dog (one complete skeleton from within one of the inhumation burials). 2 horse ABGs also present. A cat ABG was also present. The deer were red deer but the elements were unspecified other than 2 Red Deer antler offcuts. Other wild fowl were corvid and wetland fowl goose.","2,758",FALSE,338,,707,,54,,92,2,178,3,11,1,,2,,,,,4,1,,,,19,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,75,425,3 26104,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26105,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26106,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26107,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26108,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26109,"Most bones fragmentary. No teeth included in the count. Total fragment count includes only identified bones. Ageing in report based on epiphyses and eruption only, not tooth wear.",698,FALSE,107,,364,,79,,36,,19,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,50, 26110,Most bones fragmentary. Teeth not included. Total fragment count includes only identified bones.,158,FALSE,74,,68,,6,,10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 26111,"Excavations over 25+ years makes quantification difficult as only data up to 1997 is published. Several ABGs appear to relate to structured deposits, in the military phase and in the 3rd century. ABGs appear to be included in the NISP count, though this is not explicit in the report. Marine shell included oyster (over 30,000 shells), whelk, scallop, mussels and other shellfish. The data below are based on a volume on the faunal remains from 1979-1997, though these are now out of date. Note the Phasing here is phase 1 - 50 BC to AD 80; Phase 2 AD 80 - 280; Phase 3; AD 200-400; Phase 4 AD 400-450. Deer were 231 red deer, 20 roe deer, 1 fallow. Wetland fowl included domestic goose, brent goose and mallard. Other fowl included bantam, pheasant, teal, crow, partridge and pigeon. Wild animal were all fox.","16,708",FALSE,"2,159",,"3,161",,"1,550",,238,,59,,6,,,,,,,,218,74,,21,,103,,182,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,-50,450,124 26112,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26113,"No overall quantification but a number of ABGs associated with the shrines, some placed in pits in the floor and most likely to be votive. Whole carcasses predominantly sheep/goat and seemingly young animals. Lower legs of cattle also deposited. Some burials appear to have been interred with coins, some possibly in the mouths of animals. Also a domestic fowl ABG. ABGs included below something of an estimate based on data in report.",14,FALSE,,5,,6,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 26114,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26115,"Important note - phase 2 and 3 in phasing data and both are mid-Roman - Phase 2 is mid Roman settlement assemblage; Phase 3 is mid Roman shrine assemblage. 35.9% of total assemblage could be identified to species. Bones in good condition. Sheep dominant species, in contrast to usual pattern at RB 'native' sites. Majority of sheep ewes. Great majority of horse adult, a number were butchered. ABGs in Nisp count. Wild species included red deer, roe deer, wild boar and hare. Some deer antler worked. Almost 4400 of the bones were recovered from the shrine and some were clearly structured deposits.","16,157",FALSE,"4,049",,665,,630,,122,,132,4,3,,4,,,3,,,4,5,,10,,74,,18,TRUE,2,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,100,350,44 26116,"No quantification. Limited assemblage found. Sheep/goat predominant, cattle also present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26117,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26118,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26119,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26122,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26123,"Volume of material low, though preservation good. Most bones from IA contexts. Freshwater mussel also present.",603,FALSE,274,,250,,62,1,6,,11,,1,,,7,,,,,,,,1,,4,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,1 26124,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26125,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26126,"Assemblage recovered but no data. Imported shell fish included freshwater mussels, whelks and oysters.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,175,400, 26127,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26128,"Assemblage recovered, no data in report (in archive).",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26129,Assemblage present but no quantification available.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,-100,450, 26130,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26131,Assessment only - no detailed species data.,669,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 26132,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26133,"No detailed data from different periods presented in the report, though 339 bones recovered.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 26134,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 27002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 27003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 27004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 27005,"Approximately 3500 identified specimens were recovered, of which around 3000 came from Well 4. The material from the well was interpreted in the 1971 English Heritage lab report as being domestic rubbish. However, there were 'great numbers?of bones of young, newborn and foetal piglets, puppies and lambs', indicating ritual deposition. Unfortunately useful quantities are not given in the report. However, cattle, sheep, pig, horse, dog, cat, red deer, fox, small rodents and birds of various species are listed. One sheep specimen is regarded as very large. The red deer specimens included a sawn of fragment of antler and a skull with both antlers sawn off. Well 4 contained many thousands of animal bones of cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs and other small animals including rodents, organic matter, mussel and oyster shells. A re-evaluation of the dog remains has shown that the site has some of the smallest and largest dogs known from Roman Britain, and is atypical for Roman Britain in the number of large dogs represented. At least 13 canid ABGs are represented; 12 from wells and 1 from an inhumation burial (although whether it was deliberately included is uncertain). The ABGs range from complete craniums to complete skeletons. Those from the well are believed to have derived from backfilling of the well in the mid-4th century. The dating of the inhumation burial is uncertain. The dogs may have an important ritual association with the temple.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 27006,"Preservation of animal bone was poor and fragment counts for all phases were low. Cattle, sheep and pig were represented. 47 unidentifiable fragments were retrieved from the IA phase, all from one context and burnt. All of the identified bone fragments were retrieved from the Roman phase. The majority of the bones came from contexts of 1st to 2nd century date.",151,FALSE,1,,7,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 27007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 27008,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 27009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 27010,"Few bones were retrieved from Iron Age features at the site. The bones of the primary domestic animals, cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse were identified. Sheep were most common comprising the bulk of the identified remains. A single bone of domestic fowl was recovered from ditch group B; domestic fowl are known in the Iron Age but are much more frequent from the Roman period onwards. Ditch 4037 in Area 4 contained a particular concentration of sheep bones, possibly representing primary butchery waste. Skull fragments, metapodials and phalanges were present in the fill of the ditch, perhaps confirming that the feature was used to dump rubbish away from the focus of settlement. Very little bone was recovered from the structures in Area 3; most of the bone was recovered from the ditches. However, this may reflect the shallowness and truncation of the features rather than necessarily a preference in waste deposition. Small fragments of burnt bone were recovered from hearth 3079. Very little butchered bone was recovered, perhaps reflecting truncation and fragmentary nature of the assemblage. A single butchered cattle mandible had the tip of the condyle chopped off probably during disarticulation from the skull. No gnawing was noted on any Iron Age bones, however, this does not take into account the possibility that many bones may have been completely destroyed by gnawing.",120,TRUE,32,,10,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-300,50, 27011,"The total fragment count was not provided for the site and so the total given below is for fragments of identified species only. The data for phase 3 in the report (phase 2 in this zooarchaeological form) has 6 listed as minimum number of individuals for pig and 2 for minimum number of individuals for dog, although no bone fragments are listed for either and a note states that 'fragment data was not calculated for all domesticated mammals). The minimum number of individuals data has been used for NISP values in these two cases. Wild fowl included crow, pheasant, thrush, swallow, kite, water rail and house sparrow. Numerous small rodents were also recovered, as well as amphibians. The zooarchaeological data from Phase 2 in this record (Phase 3 in the report) was derived from the fill of the well. The group included bones from at least six cattle, with evidence for butchery. At least 20 sheep were also represented, three of which were deposited whole, two as lambs and one as a three and a half year old adult. 17 sheep skulls were represented. The skeletons of four piglets were also identified from the well deposit, one between one and two weeks and one possibly foetal or neo-natal. Near complete skeletons of two dogs were also recovered from the well, one an adult male of 18 months, the other a puppy of five to twelve weeks.","1,211",FALSE,456,31,156,,25,,3,,6,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,60,,5,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400,12 27012,No Roman data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 27013,"Only the total number of identified fragments are provided in the report. Deer unspecified NISP includes a NISP of unspecified Red Deer and a worked antler object. Some of the cattle, sheep, pig, horse, cat, chicken, goose, thrush, woodcock and crow were recovered from the well. Other species included pigeon, song thrush and mistle thrush.",310,FALSE,141,,46,,66,,4,,,,3,,,,,,,,2,,,,,25,,16,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,350,425,8 27014,Only the identified fragments are provided in the report.,32,FALSE,14,,7,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,1, 27015,No animal bone was recovered except for a worked bone pin beater.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 27016,"The total fragment count only includes identified fragments. Animal bone was recovered from the fill of the well, including almost complete skeletons of a horse and an immature cattle, indicating deposition soon after death. Bones from other horses and cattle were also represented. Sheep were mainly represented by skull and foot bones, showing signs of butchery and gnawing. The pig bones comprised two adults and two piglets (though these were presumably not complete ABGs as the pig fragment count is so low and the cattle and horse ABGs are included in the fragment count in the bone report). Red deer was represented by fragments of sawn antler. The complete horse and cattle carcasses as well as the sawn antler may indicate ritual activity.",300,FALSE,36,,129,1,11,,122,1,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,300,400, 27017,"Most of the fragments were in poor condition. Horse, cow, pig and sheep/goat were noted in the report. The identified species were not quantified.",83,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 27018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 27019,"53 per cent of the bone was recovered from a single pit, dated to the late 2nd and 3rd century AD. Most of the bones from this pit were cattle. The bones was in poor condition. There was no quantification, but cattle, sheep/goat and horse were found.",385,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 27020,A small quantity of bone (3g) was found. No further information available.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 27021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 27022,"Fragmentation was fairly heavy with only 15% of identifiable long bones complete. The total number of fragments was not quantified and the total fragment count therefore includes only the fragments identified to species. Only broad phasing was provided with fragments divided into Iron Age and Roman phases and the phasing data provided here reflects only these broad chronological divisions (Phase 1 = Iron Age; Phase 2 = Roman). The sheep/goat NISP include 5 fragments that were identified only as sheep/goat/roe, but as sheep/goat are more common they have been included as such rather than as Roe deer. The other wild fowl includes a single fragment of unidentified bird. The animal bone represents a small assemblage containing the remains of major domesticates utilised at the site and which is roughly comparable to other assemblages in the region.",269,TRUE,66,,153,,15,,29,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,375,1 27023,"A very small assemblage (less than 400 grams) of vertebrate remains of Iron Age/Romano-British date were collected during the excavation. The assemblage is mainly represented by teeth of cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse, almost all in a fragmentary condition. A handful of cattle and sheep/goat bones is also present. A fairly high proportion of the bone fragments is burnt, in some cases even calcined. The poor preservation is probably due to soil conditions unsuitable for bone preservation. The bone was not quantified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,125, 27024,"The report arranges the animal bone into different areas of the site, and should be referred to should detailed information about the spatial distribution of the animal bones at the shrine and enclosures be needed. ABGs were present although it is unclear in the report whether the NISP include the ABGs. The sheep/goat bones appeared to show evidence for the sacrificial offering of lambs, involving burnt votive offerings. Freshwater eel, duck and hare bones were associated with the shrine deposits. ABGs included four cattle limb bones that were clearly votive deposits, placed in the floor of the shrine, whilst an additional cattle ABG was a joint of meat included with the inhumation burial. Interpretation of the animal bone assemblage must be made in the knowledge that it contains material from an identified ritual site. Ritual activity is apparently indicated by those assemblages directly associated with the circular shrine and even the deposit of burnt sheep/goat bone in one of the ditch fills of the earlier enclosure (Enclosure 1) may also reflect ritual activity. The composition of the bone from the ditch fills of the later, southern enclosure (Enclosure 2) seems to indicate that this material is much more likely to derive from the everyday slaughter, butchering and consumption of the community's livestock. However, this is consistent with the interpretation of the site as a shrine, as feasting would have been an important part of any ritual or religious ceremony and it is likely that live animals were brought to the shrine for ritual sacrifice and consumption.","2,668",TRUE,340,,418,6,136,,11,,3,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,18,1,1,TRUE,3,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,500, 27025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28002,No data from Gifford excavation and very little from Williams' work due to acidic soil resulting in poor preservation.,8,FALSE,1,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,70,325, 28003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28004,No data - acidic soil conditions.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28005,"Suggestion in the 2009 summary (based on excavations from King Street) that some of the animals may have been brought in to provide skins for tanning, as much leather preserved in brine pits and composition of bone assemblages is perhaps indicative of hides only for some species in some areas. Bone evidence very poorly preserved due to acidic soils. Bone from the King Street excavation was mostly recovered by hand with some from sieving. Countable bones only included. Waterlogging in some contexts meant some bone was well preserved, though only 80.5 countable bones identified. Some limited evidence of cattle horn working with a cattle skull showing possible deliberate removal of horns. A single horn core and a horn sheath also possibly evidence for horn working activity.",81,TRUE,8,,62,,7,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,70,360, 28006,"No data, acidic soil conditions.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28008,,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28009,"Very little bone survived due to acidic conditions. Small assemblage, poorly dated, and no fragment count.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28010,"Little survival of bone due to acidic soil, only four fragments identified to species. All burnt. Non-identified bone not quantified.",4,FALSE,2,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,250, 28011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28014,"Mussel shell fragments recovered from the brine tank deposits. Faunal remains were recovered from the two brine tanks and were generally well preserved, though bone preservation from other contexts was extremely poor. Some groups of articulating bones present including dogs. Evidence for short episodes of dumping of particular waste as opposed to ongoing disposal of general refuse. One tank seems to have had a cattle foundation deposit. Deliberate selection of heads and upper forelimbs. One unusual find is a cattle mandible, charred and holed midway along the horizontal radius, and of a chopped and charred fragment. This technique recorded from other Roman sites, e.g. Lincoln, though the reason for the practice uncertain. Also evidence for brined and smoked beef product in the form of a suspension hook hole through a scapula. An unusual cattle skull had five projectile points (used for target practice?). As well as cattle skulls also evidence for deposition of sheep heads (no evidence for goat). Amongst the deposits were two Red Deer hind heads, fitting in with the pattern of cattle and sheep heads. Also two fragments of shed Red Deer antler. Unstratified bones from within the tanks include a single bone from a Raven, not included in the data below.",293,FALSE,35,,109,,19,,12,,109,,,,7,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,100,300, 28015,Animal bone recovered but no data in report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28016,"No data, though the body wore a fox-skin arm band.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28022,"Eight fragments only, poor preservation.",8,TRUE,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,200, 28023,No data from certain Roman contexts.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28028,"Poor preservation meant limited bone assemblage. Just eight bones from different phases, ranging from late Iron Age to c. AD 200. Sheep and pig occur across phases.",250,FALSE,4,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 28029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 28030,"Tiny assemblage, no detail.",7,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,70,120, 29001,Only 25 burnt bones identified to species. Large amounts of unidentified cremated animal bone fragments found throughout the charcoal layers on the shrine platform.,782,FALSE,4,,14,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,175, 29002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29004,"Numerous (but unquantified) bones of cattle, pig, sheep/goat were found along with red deer antler. A small quantity of oyster shells recovered.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350, 29005,Animal remains found in 1980-1 comprise three pig's teeth and two oyster shells. Earlier excavations apparently found large quantities of animal remains and 'cartloads of oyster shells'.,3,FALSE,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,350, 29006,Horse burials noted in summary but no report or quantification (2 noted here),2,FALSE,,,,,,,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,150, 29007,"Bones of cattle, pig sheep/goat and deer were found but not quantified. Also one oyster shell",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,300, 29008,"A small but unquantified assemblage comprising cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse, deer and hare.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 29009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29010,"No NISP quantifications of animal remains. High proportion of cattle remains. Also red deer, horse, domestic fowl and possible donkey. Other birds comprises goose, raven, sparrow and herring gull. Quantities of oyster mentioned.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,410, 29011,Animal bone recovered but no report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29014,A very small amount of animal bone recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 29015,"No animal bone report or quantification for site (red deer, sheep/goat and cattle mentioned), but cattle burial in a pit recorded. Not well dated but assumed to be contemporary with triple ditched enclosure. The head and neck vertebrae were articulated, but appeared to have been removed from the body of the skeleton prior to decomposition, and redeposited at one end of the pit.",1,FALSE,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 29016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29018,The preservation of animal bones on this site was very poor.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29019,Animal bone poorly preserved and no identifications.,58,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,325, 29020,"The major domesticates (cattle, sheep/goat and pig) are all represented together with horse and domestic fowl. Cattle remains are most frequent. In the later evaluation to the NW of the main settlement a shallow linear ditch was recorded containing a partial semi- articulated horse skeleton. The size of the horse skeleton was consistent with an animal dating to the Iron Age or Romano-British periods.",87,FALSE,18,,52,,9,,7,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 29021,"A small number of cremated animal fragments were found. The only hand-collected animal bone recovered included a small number of cow and sheep or goat teeth, and small unidentifiable bones.",12,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 29022,The assemblage is exclusively composed of the remains of domestic mammals. Includes a cow skull and limb bones from Roman ditch.,50,FALSE,7,,35,1,5,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,60,350, 29023,Animal bone did not survive well and the only identified species was cattle.,5,FALSE,,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,250, 29024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 29030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30001,No data due to poor survival.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30008,No data due to high soil acidity,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30010,Animal bone and oyster shell mentioned.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 30011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30016,Animal bone recovered but no data.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30027,"No data, though animal bone mentioned in the general report from the late Roman ditch.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30028,A total of three fragments of large mammal bone were hand-collected.,3,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,65,250, 30029,A poorly preserved single cattle tooth was recovered.,1,FALSE,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350, 30030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 30031,Animal bones mentioned as part of a deposit in a ditch but no report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31005,"The only animal bones recovered were from the earliest excavations and were recovered from a Flavian well. No quantification, though pig, sheep and fowl present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31008,,9,FALSE,3,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 31009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31010,Animal bone recovered but not well quantified. Fish bones present.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31013,Tiny assemblage. Identified fragments only included in total fragment count.,8,FALSE,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 31014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31019,A single horse tooth recovered. Poor preservation.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,250, 31020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31021,Limited animal bone assemblage. All burnt. No data on species.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31022,Bones recovered but no data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31023,"No quantification, though some bones recovered. Also oyster shell.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,360, 31024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 31029,"The only animal bone preserved was that included in the cremation deposits. Only a restricted range of taxa was identified - pig, sheep/goat, cattle and domestic fowl. Complete animals placed on some pyres, including multiple species in some cases. No of fragments for each deposit are presented together, with no identification of individual fragments by species. See report for further information, though suggested ABGs for animals included in cremation pyres are included here.","1,519",FALSE,,1,,,,21,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,10,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,300, 31030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32002,"Countable elements only are quantified in the report, and the total fragment count includes only those identified. Deer was red deer though whether bone or antler was not specified.",99,FALSE,16,,63,,6,,9,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 32003,Tiny assemblage. Countable only bones were used - likely underrepresentation of fragments in the count therefore. Identified species only were quantified.,14,FALSE,3,,10,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 32004,"Only countable elements included, and the total fragment count includes only identified species.",90,FALSE,16,,48,,3,,23,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,125,400, 32005,"No data, poor preservation.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32006,"Bone very poorly preserved. Total fragment count includes identified examples only. For the phasing data phase 1 equates to the pre-temple period (c. AD 50-120), phase 2 to the timber temple building (c. AD 120-75) and phase 3 to the stone temple phase (c. AD 175-350). Deer may have been red deer. One group of domestic fowl were recovered from one context and are likely to be from the same bird (in the pre-temple phase). Slight increase in deer in phase 2 possibly due to 'over-enthusiastic misidentification of cattle teeth'. Butchery marks were present on some horse bones.",504,FALSE,140,,208,,98,,18,,5,,,,,,,,,,12,,,,,27,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,350, 32007,"No data, but oyster shells present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32008,Poor preservation of bone accounted for low number of fragments.,271,FALSE,14,,28,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,125, 32009,266 fragments only. Bird unspecified.,266,FALSE,18,,67,,6,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300,1 32010,Bone preservation very poor and none from Roman contexts.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32012,"Only jaws, loose mandibular teeth and long bone ends were counted, and only identified fragments were quantified. Some dog gnawing. Deer was red deer. Wetland fowl was duck. Some of the chicken bones possibly pheasant.",135,FALSE,27,,68,,17,,14,,5,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,6,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 32013,"Counts only made of jaws, loose mandibular teeth and long bone ends. Only identifiable bones recorded. Only 1 cattle bone from this site.",1,FALSE,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,100, 32014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32019,,37,FALSE,7,,12,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,25,400, 32020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32023,,23,FALSE,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 32024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32025,"No quantification, but large quantities of animal bones have been found, mainly cow, some horse and deer and possibly pig.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32026,"7 fragments of LIA/RB bone, all cattle.",7,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 32027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32028,No data as bone preservation was poor due to acidic soil.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32030,"Bone in poor condition. Aside from the quantified bones there were also some bird bones including fowl from a sieved assemblage. Fowl has been ticked to indicate presence, though quantities are unknown.",785,TRUE,38,,101,,18,,7,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 32031,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32032,"No data, though large quantities of immature bones of pig, ox and sheep are mentioned in the 1960 report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32033,'Countable' elements only quantified. Total fragment count includes identified species only.,98,FALSE,45,,43,,6,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 32034,No data other than raw count of fragments.,228,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 32035,"117 fragments discovered, no further data in assessment report.",117,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,120,350, 32036,Eel bones found.,38,FALSE,8,,7,,2,,4,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 32037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32038,Very little identifiable bone was recovered. Bone quantified as minimum number of individuals only.,5,FALSE,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 32039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32041,"38 fragments, no further information.",37,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 32042,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32043,"123 fragments recorded, but no data on species.",123,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 32044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32045,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32046,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32047,6 unidentified fragments.,6,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32048,,42,FALSE,2,,31,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 32049,"Animal bone is not presented by period or phase in the report, so caution must be applied. As Roman features seemingly dominated, the assemblage has been regarded as Roman here. Deer unspecified, but juvenile Roe deer bone present.",300,FALSE,90,,173,,4,,17,,,,,,,,,,,,16,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 32050,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32051,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32052,"Oyster present. Unclear if all of the bone is presented, or just a selection.",108,FALSE,9,,47,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 32053,Only one set of bones mentioned in the report - the complete forelimb of a horse from the stoke hole of one of the kilns.,5,FALSE,,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,325, 32054,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32055,"A large number of animal bones were also found, though these were not examined by a specialist.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32056,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32058,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32059,"No individual species data. A cattle ABG discovered. Also a crow ABG. Horse, cattle, red deer, roe deer, sheep, pig, dog, cat, hare, crow all represented (1 placed in each box to indicate presence). Also a worked antler tool.",439,FALSE,1,,1,1,1,,1,,1,,1,,1,,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,1 32060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32061,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32062,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32063,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32064,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32065,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 32066,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 33001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 33002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 33003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 33004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 33005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 33006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 33007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34001,"Small assemblage recovered, no data for bone from Roman contexts.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34002,Small assemblage of bone. Dating not provided but as most features seemingly Roman included here. Mostly sheep/goat but individual NISPs not provided.,36,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 34003,"The state of preservation was poor with the majority of the faunal remains recovered in a highly fragmented state; completeness of bones was generally less than 30%. Only sheep/goat, cattle, bird and equus recovered. Not well dated in report but most said to be from Roman contexts so all included here. Butchery evidence low.",457,FALSE,36,,29,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 34004,"Assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat, with immature animals indicating breeding of horse, cattle and sheep. Report notes presence of small IA cattle and larger sized animals indicating transition. Highly fragmented assemblage, only 570 specimens identified. Evidence for butchery of horse on one bone, interpreted as dismembering of horse carcasses for feeding dogs, as gnaw marks also present. One dog ABG recovered from a ditch. Only fish bone from a freshwater eel.","1,752",FALSE,251,,244,,14,,29,,6,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,225,1 34005,"Small assemblage. Cattle most frequent. Some evidence for horse butchery. Partial skeleton of a crow or rook found in late Roman well, plus a starling. Red deer present but not quantified (1 therefore placed in deer unspecified NISP).",151,FALSE,30,,58,,16,,17,,3,2,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,360,7 34006,"Cattle and sheep most frequent. Light cut marks on horse bones possible suggestive of butchery, with dog gnawing also. Comparison of assemblages from the two phases suggested by author to indicate change towards greater emphasis on cattle in phase 2. No goat identified within sheep/goat.",893,FALSE,79,,149,,7,,39,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 34007,"Animal remains survival poor, v. small assemblage. Total is identified count only.",35,FALSE,13,,15,,3,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,230, 34008,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34009,No data (poor preservation),,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34010,Tiny assemblage.,4,FALSE,1,,2,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 34011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34012,Small assemblage due to acidic soil. No quantification of individual bones.,115,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 34013,Bone in poor condition.,96,FALSE,6,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 34014,Bones very fragmentary. Dominated by cattle sheep/goat and pig. No quantification.,922,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 34015,Only data associated with the fort,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34016,"Animal bone well preserved but fragmentary. Total fragment count includes only those fragments identified. The deer NISP includes red and roe deer, but mostly red deer. A near complete red deer stag carcass was found in the well, with a complete set of antlers further up the well fill, likely to be the same animal. A notably high number of red deer bones were found - this does not include the stag ABG in the well, so the count is genuinely high. Many bird bones recovered, with ABGS including a decapitated chicken. Also eagle, a raven, duck, woodcocks, woodpigeon. Juvenile domestic fowl present. A high ratio of wild to domestic taxa in the bird assemblage noted. No clear phase data presented for bird bones. In addition to the bones presented in the 2006 report, the 1959 report also includes quantified data for identified bones (but no total fragment count), and these have been included below (these were 159 cattle, 7 horse, 49 sheep, 17 pig, 2 dog, 1 cat, 8 chicken, 1 hedgehog).","7,211",FALSE,"1,225",,"4,098",,935,,181,,65,,4,3,,,,,,1,241,,,1,,91,1,22,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,370,79 34017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34018,Bone poorly preserved due to acid soils. No data other than cattle teeth present.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34019,"2.3 kg recovered, well preserved. Cattle bones had butchery marks. No quantification. Juvenile cattle present. Also juvenile horse bone. Near complete cattle skull also present.",61,FALSE,2,,18,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 34020,No data other than an oyster shell.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34022,"Specialist notes that a selective method was used including mandibular teeth and a restricted suite of articular ends/epiphyses and metaphyses of the girdle, limb and foot bones used in counts. Caution should be used when interpreting numbers. Preservation fair.",313,FALSE,5,,19,,7,,4,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,325, 34023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34024,"V. limited animal bone assemblage, no quantification in report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34026,No bone survived.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34027,Butchery marks present on horse in Phase 3 (early to mid-3rd century). Wetland fowl included a goose and a crow was also represented. Oyster and possibly mussel present.,"2,222",FALSE,119,,187,,85,,16,,4,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,15,,2,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,250,1 34028,"Bones quantified using a method which 'records and counts all mandibular teeth, mandibles if one or more teeth are present, and a selected group of 'regions of identification' of girdle, limb and foot bones'. Only hand recovered bone. Tiny IA assemblage (2 bones) and as not closely dated this has not been included. Deer included 1 red and 1 roe deer.",134,FALSE,54,,71,,,,1,,4,,1,,,,,,,,2,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 34029,"A pig ABG included in NISP for pig in a late Roman phase. 7 red deer in unspecified NISP, though bones and antler both noted, including a cast antler and a sawn tine, plus a late Roman or medieval skull with antlers sawn off. Not stated in report, but 231 dog from single phase seems likely to represent one individual burial. Wetland fowl is goose. Wildfowl includes buzzard. Possible evidence for horse butchery in late Iron Age and early Roman phases with possible chopping on horse skulls and other bones. The remains of at least four dogs were placed within one of the barrels, representing possible structured deposition (though this not suggested in the report) - some were immature.","5,371",FALSE,985,,"1,760",,169,1,84,,249,1,,,,,,,,,7,1,,,,17,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400,1 34030,"Two fox skeletons recovered from the early to mid Roman well (despite notes on butchery marks from other bones, no note of evidence for skinning on the fox remains). Fish fins also found in well.",694,FALSE,29,,77,,18,,13,,5,,,,,,,,,,,7,,2,2,,,,TRUE,6,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 34031,"Whilst fairly small, the animal bone assemblage from Roman phases still forms 25% of the animal bone from the site, attesting to not insignificant activity at the site during the RB period.","3,796",FALSE,"1,105",,389,,205,,36,,6,,1,,,,,,,,5,18,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 34032,"Oyster shell present in several Roman contexts. Animal 'countable elements' used for quantification in report, meaning that the bone assemblage is smaller than it should be if only NISPs were used. Total fragment count includes identified (and counted) bones only. Worked antler included sawn beams and tines. Red deer was present though the bone and antler elements were not distinguished, hence the deer is unclassified. Notable that horse elements were more common than sheep/goat, and report suggests that the stock enclosures likely to be particularly associated with horses and cattle.",162,FALSE,17,,95,,10,,26,,8,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,420, 34033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34035,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34036,No data other than that a fish vertebra was recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 34037,No clearly Roman data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34038,Bone very poorly preserved - no data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34040,"No data, although some of the tile had animal paw prints including wolf, stoat and fox.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34042,"Animal bone not divided by phase in specialist report, and as there were prehistoric and medieval phases it has not been possible to include that here. In any case it was a small assemblage with approx. 200 bones recorded.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34043,Bone too fragmented and abraded for analysis. Sheep and cattle present.,160,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,300, 34044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34045,Tiny assemblage from BUFAU excavation - 139 fragments only from LIA and Roman contexts. Wetland fowl was duck. No data available for CA assemblage.,139,FALSE,5,,18,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 34046,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34047,Animal bone poorly preserved. No data.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34048,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34049,Fragment count contains identified species only. Bone recovered in sieved environmental sample included fish.,139,TRUE,6,,70,,8,,21,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 34050,"Tiny assemblage, bone preservation poor. Identified bones only in the fragment count. All from enclosure ditch.",17,TRUE,3,,11,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,600, 34051,No data - poor preservation,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34052,"Burial conditions were only marginally suitable for the preservation of bone. Only a small amount was discovered during excavation, and over half of that collected, mainly fragments, was not sufficiently well preserved to be identifiable, and most of the remainder (29 items) were cattle teeth, with one cattle metatarsal bone. A sheep/goat vertebra and tooth were also tentatively identified. Cattle clearly predominated but, because of the small size and poor preservation of the assemblage, it was difficult to assess the significance of this.",29,FALSE,1,,28,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,-50, 34053,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34054,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34055,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34056,"Preponderance of horse notable. Suggested as indicative of horse breeding on site, and juvenile horse also present. Seemingly at least one horse ABG.",509,FALSE,115,,134,,27,,156,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 34057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34058,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34059,"No overall fragment count presented - all bones from well. Unclear in some cases which are ABGs and which NISPs in the report, and the reporting is not precise, so caution must be applied with these data. In most cases the ABGs are probably in the NISP count. Unspecified deer includes 1 piece of fallow deer antler. Red deer represented by sawn antler pieces. Skeletons of several dogs in well. Numerous antler and bone fragments from red deer may have come from at least two adults and one young animal. Wild animals included fox and weasel.",514,FALSE,148,7,240,9,54,3,48,1,7,5,,,1,3,3,2,,,1,,,10,1,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,300,425, 34060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34061,Animal bone found but no quantification. A possible spindle whorl was made from a sea urchin.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34062,"Uncountable bones placed in parentheses in the report, and these have been included in the NISP count here. Note - phase 2 contains bones spanning the late Iron Age through to the Roman period. The red deer was a piece of worked antler tine. Some cut marks on horse bones, indicating processing of horse carcasses.",273,FALSE,100,,109,,14,,30,,5,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,350, 34063,Small assemblage includes the uncountable bones that are placed in parentheses in the report. Other wild fowl was crow.,30,FALSE,10,,10,,4,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300,1 34064,,22,FALSE,1,,8,,1,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,175,300, 34065,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 34066,"Cattle, sheep, horse, pig and dog present. No quantification.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,175, 34067,No precise quantification of species. V small assemblage.,73,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 35001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35002,"Assemblage very poorly preserved and highly fragmented. Almost half the assemblage came from the adult male horse burial and many also came from the heavily fragmented burial of a dog skull. Unfortunately, none of the tables with the NISP data were included with the online report. 148 oyster shells identified.","4,449",FALSE,,,,,,,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-25,300, 35003,"Assemblage generally well preserved. Sheep identified (phase 2), but not goat. Assemblage was sheep-dominated, similar to other Yorks Wolds sites. Two bird bones were noted but not identified. Atypical deposits were commonly found in phase 2 deposits and included a large number of burnt bones in a pit (burning was otherwise rare on site and not associated with waste disposal - it is notable that this deposit also contained a large quantity of burnt cereal remains), a pit with articulated but butchered sheep and pig body parts (the number f sheep and pig ABGs is not given, so these are recorded as '1' here), another pit with a large number of sheep metapodials (associated with skin-processing or bone-working), and dogs placed in boundary ditches (one skull in phase 2; one partial skeleton in phase 4). Phase 2 dog bones are over-represented by the fragmented dog skull. Phase 1 refers to the unenclosed settlement. The remaining phases relate to those set out in the report regarding the linear farm. Some rodent and frog bones recovered.","5,872",FALSE,629,1,192,,126,1,58,,46,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,75,250, 35005,"The vertebrate assemblages from the Roman phases were well-preserved. Only assemblages from Area 1 dating to the LIA/ER and later Roman phases included here, plus small faunal assemblage were also recovered from the 1990s investigations. These are recorded here respectively under Phases 1, 2 and 3. Oyster present in both phases. Some contemporary bone was recovered from other areas along the excavation route, though the samples were very small. The cattle and caprovid bone was waste from initial carcass preparation and from subsequent butchering; animals of all ages were represented, suggesting that the animals were probably reared and consumed at the site. The late Iron Age/early Romano-British (2013 report) assemblage amounted to 636 fragments, mostly from ditch or gully fills. The cattle remains included a part skeleton, primarily cranium fragments and vertebrae. A cattle cranium, with one of its horncores deliberately removed was identified from another context. Dog remains were augmented by the presence of a part skeleton from a ditch fill. A couple of bird bones, a goose phalanx and an immature chicken tibiotarsus were also identified, together with seven fragments of cat. Recorded bone from Phase 5 amounted to 2013 fragments, again, mostly from ditch or gully fills. A considerable quantity of bird bone was identified (133 specimens). These were mostly the remains of three part skeletons, a goose and two chickens. A part pig skeleton, the rear half of the animal, was recovered from a gully fill, and a similar collection of juvenile pig bones representing at least two individuals was identified from the fill of a pit, whilst eight pig bones from the fill of a ditch were also likely to be from just one animal. In both these cases, the animals were juveniles. Eight specimens identified as 'other' were not specified any further, apart from one red deer antler which was found sawn, but it was uncertain whether it was shed. The 1990s investigations included one goose bone.","2,814",TRUE,298,,309,2,117,4,41,,98,,7,,,1,,,,,,,,,,3,2,2,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,400, 35006,"Animal bones recovered and identified, but these were not related to context or dated.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35007,"The faunal assemblage was divided into four phases: 1-2 (AD100-225), 3-4 (AD225-325), 5 (AD325-350), and 6A-B (AD340-410). A number of whole or partial skeletons were recovered representing animal burials (sheep = 4; cow = 5; pig = 3). A horse skull was placed in a primary ditch fill, and six other skulls (some with other body parts) were placed in the waterhole and are thought to possibly represent votive deposits (pig = 1; cow = 2; horse = 1; dog =2). A few other ABGs were also recovered. Wild mammals include fox (1), wetland fowl includes goose (4), duck (3) and crane (1 - butchered cmc). Cleaver marks were marginally more common than knife marks on the three main livestock species. 5 horse bones were butchered (3 cut, 1 chopped, 1 with both), reflecting meat removal, disarticulation and skinning.","6,099",FALSE,944,4,799,9,216,5,103,3,24,2,,,,,,,,,,2,,1,,10,,8,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,410, 35008,"34 animal burials were identified in total, across each period. Many of these included the remains of more than one animal. Different ages were represented, and whilst most were partial articulations, a couple of whole skeletons were present. Full details on all the burials are given in the report. The total fragment count of over 22000 bones is largely a reflection of the high number of animal burials. The total hand-collected disarticulated assemblage equalled 895 fragments. Sheep/goat remains tended to dominate the main assemblages throughout each phase, with an increasing importance of pig in the late Roman period. Sheep were positively identified (87), but not goat. The specialist amalgamated the late Iron Age phases (Periods 2.1 and 2.2) and early-mid Roman phases (Periods 3.1 and 3.2) together. Skeletal element representation for cattle and caprovids indicated the presence of waste from both primary and secondary carcass preparation and also refuse of a more domestic nature. Evidence of butchery was noted throughout the assemblage, mainly in the form of chop marks, and most commonly encountered on cattle remains. Processing of cattle carcasses was achieved by the use of a heavy chopper, and although knife marks were recorded they were more common on the bones of sheep or pigs. Characteristic of the material was the cattle shaft fragments that had been split longitudinally; most being radii and metapodials. Although noted from other phases, it was recorded mostly from Period 2.1 material. From the same phase there was also a horse metapodial shaft which had been treated in the same fashion. The intensive butchery was for the systematic reduction of the carcass into smaller joints and subsequently, certain long bones were chopped longitudinally for the extraction of marrow. In later phases, cattle metapodials were more typically chopped transversely across the shaft. Several cattle scapula from Periods 3.1 and 3.2 showed evidence for the removal (or partial removal) of the spinus process. Evidence for butchery in Period 4 again was recorded mainly on cattle remains and included several heavily chopped pelves fragments. Only 22 fragments representing wild mammals were identified, of these 18 were from deer or hare, whilst the remainder were fragments identified as hedgehog, rat and small mammal. Bird remains were scarce and were only identified from Periods 3 and 4, early-mid and late Roman. Their remains were dominated by domestic chicken, although fragments of goose (5), duck (12), wader (3) and crow/rook were also present (6). One flatfish bone present. Only the hand-collected data are given in the tables. Biometrics are presented. 231 contexts yielded marine shell, 223 of which included a total of 1136 oyster shells . Limpets and mussels were also brought to the site, but in much lower numbers. Two species of land snail were present, of which Helix aspersa are edible and are thought to have been imported during the 1stC AD (see report for reference). The range of oyster shell sizes suggest that they were harvested from a relatively small, wild population.","22,000",TRUE,328,34,238,8,110,4,69,,32,3,4,,2,,,3,,,4,9,,,,,,20,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,6 35009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35012,"Four articulated animal bone groups dated between the m.1st and 3rd centuries AD, though radiocarbon dating of the horse ABG suggests it may have been the earliest, and possibly LIA. The groups consisted of cow ribs and part of a leg in a pit (2nd C AD+), a cow with missing skull and forelimbs in a pit (c.3rd C AD), a horse leg in a ditch fill (1stC AD?), and a sheep/goat hind limbs, ribs and vertebrae in a ditch. All examples were apparently adult. All bones counted from phases 3 (LIA) and 4 (ER). High proportion of goat in LIA phase, along with buzzard; thrush sp., tawny owl and goose in LIA/ER phase; goat, goose, corvid and oyster shell (minimally) present in Roman phase.","4,484",TRUE,466,1,504,2,90,,119,1,32,1,1,,,,,,,,,1,,,,5,,10,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250,5 35013,"Small amount of animal bone recovered, but not yet divided by phase or site area.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35014,Faunal remains still in the preliminary stage of analysis.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35015,Animal bone yet to be fully analysed.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35016,"Animal bones were recovered from the field boundary ditches, though no detailed analysis has yet been carried out.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35017,"The majority of the remains were recovered from Roman-period features, and though a few (3) likely dated to the LIA most of the assemblage can be considered 2nd-3rdC AD. The assemblage was highly fragmented. 20 oyster shells were also recovered.",106,FALSE,4,,22,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 35018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35019,Small quantities of burnt and unburnt bone were recovered from enviro samples.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35020,"The animal bone was only assessed from the site, though further data may be forthcoming. Marine shell seen in flot.",821,TRUE,211,,52,,15,,6,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,375, 35021,"The animal bone assemblage was only at an assessment stage and had not been fully analysed nor phased, though provides good potential for further analysis. The deer specimen derived from a red deer. More data possibly accessible from specialist (Jen Wood). Oyster present.","5,479",TRUE,749,,410,,133,,46,,11,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400,30 35022,"Animal bone only assessed to a basic level, and not phased beyond the main site dating. One bird bone was recovered but not identified to species.","1,300",TRUE,150,,119,,35,,39,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 35023,Only a very small assemblage recovered.,282,FALSE,12,,17,,2,,7,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 35024,Material only assessed. 10 bird bones were unidentified. Three goose bones and one corvid bone identified. Oyster present.,"1,285",TRUE,136,,113,,15,,21,,5,,10,,,,,,,,,1,,,,1,,3,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200,1 35025,"Assemblage at assessment stage. 2 mustelid bones (weasel/stoat), 1 goose bone, and 1 unidentified bird bone.",254,TRUE,6,,13,,1,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,2,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 35026,Only 2 unidentified fragments recovered.,2,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,150, 35027,Very small assemblage; poor preservation.,90,FALSE,10,,10,,,,8,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 35028,Very small assemblage - poor preservation.,6,TRUE,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,70, 35029,Assemblage at assessment stage only. Oyster present.,762,TRUE,43,,70,,3,,15,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 35030,Only a small assemblage. Generally poor preservation.,319,TRUE,21,,56,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 35031,Small assemblage at assessment stage. Not phased properly. Poor preservation. Oyster present.,53,FALSE,3,,6,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 35032,A complete LIA cattle burial was excavated. Oyster present.,887,TRUE,131,,69,1,13,,28,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,200, 35033,"Small assemblage only assessed, but oyster present.",200,FALSE,42,,21,,4,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 35034,"Fish bone found in samples, plus oyster and cockle.","1,624",TRUE,90,,89,,46,,30,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 35035,Poor preservation.,43,TRUE,5,,3,,1,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 35036,Small assemblage not well preserved.,625,FALSE,27,,57,,10,,7,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,100, 35037,The assemblage was small and poorly preserved. It primarily consisted the skeleton of a young horse.,236,TRUE,9,,11,,2,,128,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,100,300, 35038,The vast majority of the bone (over 90%) came from one of the enclosure ditches. The assemblage was not sieved. Poor preservation; acidic soil. Only MNI by species given in the report; recorded here instead of NISP. Red deer represented by a tooth. Domestic fowl represented by one bone only.,132,FALSE,1,,9,,2,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,150, 35039,"A very small quantity of animal bone was quantified, but the date of the material was not. A range of marine shell species were recovered from Albion Road, but no date was ascribed to these and they could easily have been medieval.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35040,"An abundance of well preserved animal bone was said to have been recovered from the watching brief site, though no quantification was given. These were predominantly bones of domestic mammals, whilst the lack of sieving probably precluded the recovery of fish and bird bones. 1480 animal bone specimens were recovered from the trial trench excavations however. Preservation of this assemblage was more variable, with a large proportion showing extensive evidence of gnawing. A horse and a cattle bone showed signs of butchery. 2 specimens of red deer were intimated to have been post-cranial, but this is not certain. Wild bird bones included two of mallard, goose and cormorant. A ditch deposit appeared to contain the semi-articulated remains of four to five Individuals (268 bones), all exclusively identified as sheep, and interpreted as a 'special deposit'. All biometric data are given in the report. Oyster shell was prevalent on both sites. The upper valves on several shells bore small knife marks, made when opening the shells. A small amount of mussel shell was also recovered.","1,480",FALSE,79,4,56,,8,,8,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,1,,4,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 35041,"Preliminary assessment of the abundances of species identified within the plot 53 and 55 assemblages suggests an economy with a strong emphasis on cattle, with sheep/goat and pig in a lesser role. Quantified data not given in the report - may be available from the specialist (Jen wood). Animal burials were mentioned in the main text, but not in the animal bone report.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 35042,"The site yielded the largest animal bone assemblage from the entire pipeline, including a large number of animal burials or partially articulated animal skeletons. This material has yet to be fully analysed and quantified. A calf and a lamb were placed with the 10 neonates in the post built structure (see site summary). Periwinkle noted from samples, as well as eggshell and fish, including eel.",,FALSE,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,-100,375, 35043,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35044,"Faunal remains indicate a mixed sheep- and cattle-based economy, with occasional pig consumption throughout all phases; domestic animals were represented by low numbers of cat and dog bones. There was no evidence for poultry, but this could be the result of poor preservation conditions of the site. Unfortunately, no quantified data was given in the report due to the assessment phase of the work. Animal burials were present but no details given in the assessment.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 35045,"A small animal bone assemblage was assessed from the site, but no data available.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,150, 35046,"A small, unquantified assemblage still at assessment stage.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35047,"A small to moderate assemblage of animal bone was recovered from plot 134. Sheep/goat predominated, but no data were given in the report. Assemblage only at assessment stage.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35048,"The animal bone assemblages from these two plots were rather small, perhaps due to poor preservation. No quantified data given in the report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,350, 35049,Very few faunal remains recovered.,,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35050,"Plots 182 and 184 produced a moderately-sized animal bone assemblage, with good potential to provide further information. It predominantly consisted of cattle remains and a smaller number of sheep/goat, with pig and equid representing a much smaller percentage. No data were given in the assessment.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,400, 35051,Few animal bones recovered,,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,150, 35052,The plot produced a small animal bone assemblage with an emphasis on cattle. No data present as yet.,,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,375, 35053,"A moderate animal bone assemblage was fully analysed but no quantification data were given in the report. Cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse, red deer (a shed but butchered antler), domestic fowl, a small mammal species, and limpets were all identified. One context produced 11 sheep metapodials, many with articulating phalanges and some with fine cut marks. Other contexts also contained smaller concentrations of sheep mandibles or metapodials. This may be concentrations of raw material for working, though no other evidence for bone working was noted in the report, or for the preparation of skins.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 35054,None of the animal bone assemblage had been analysed for the assessment report but was deemed to be potentially important. One context produced a single Helix pomatia L. (the 'Roman' or 'edible snail') ? the only hand-collected shell of interpretative value perhaps representing human food waste.,"2,564",TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,120,350, 35055,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35056,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35057,"From the early-mid Roman settlement, very small amounts of bone were recovered from the samples including remains of small mammals, amphibians, several fish vertebrae and a ?snake vertebra. The identified component consisted of 62 sheep bones representing at least three individuals. A wide range of elements were present and these bones could represent parts of whole skeletons. From the eastern peripheral area, a large proportion of the remains (1038 fragments) were from deposits of later Roman date. These have yet to be quantified to taxon, though identifications have been made. Many of the cattle bones showed butchery marks and the numerous unidentified fragments probably resulted from the extensive chopping of the bones. Several crania, both pig and caprovid, had been split longitudinally, whilst a horse mandible had clearly been chopped to separate the two sides of the jaw. Additionally, a horse humerus fragment showed both chop and knife marks on the shaft. Knife marks were also visible on some of the bird bones. A large red deer antler fragment, the main beam of which had been chopped/sawn, may be an indication of craft activities. Antler would have been used for the manufacture of tools and personal items such as combs. A range of species were identified from these deposits, which typically included cattle, caprovids, pigs, horse, dog and cat. Wild mammals were represented by single fragments of roe and red deer and hare, whilst birds, including goose, chicken and duck were also recorded. Also, with the exception of a single periwinkle, all of the small quantity of shell was oyster valves, recovered from 16 contexts.","1,200",TRUE,9,3,11,,3,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 35058,"Only summary analysis of the faunal remains were carried out, and the sieved remains were yet to be quantified and analysed. Over 90% of the assemblage could not be identified to species as a result of the poor preservation of the remains. Oyster present.",599,TRUE,1,,41,,13,,10,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,125,400, 35059,Few animal remains were recovered due to the highly acidic soils encountered at the site. The pig bones from the inhumation include the right half of a skull and a scapula from an animal aged c.7-11 months.,30,FALSE,3,,10,,4,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250, 35060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35061,Only a few calcined bones and tooth enamel survived on the site.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35062,Small animal bone assemblage poorly preserved. Much of the material derived from a cattle burial which dated to the 4thC AD,275,FALSE,19,,10,1,1,,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,200, 35063,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35064,"A large quantity of bone was recovered from the well as well as from the remainder of the site. The assemblages were not quantified by NISP, though some MNI data were given for particular groups. The well assemblage was divided into 4 groups, with the first three dating to the 4thC AD, whilst the 4th group was said to have been 5th and 6thC AD, though there is no indication from the excavation report for such a date. Minimum numbers from well groups 1-3 included 66 cattle, 173 sheep/goats, 15 pigs, and 10 horses. Some red deer bones were found mixed in with food debris in these layers, as were remains of domestic fowl, raven, buzzard, corncrake, and starling. Deposit 4 included these domesticates, plus red deer, roe deer, field vole, badger, toad, finch and tit, of which the first three were recovered as largely complete skeletons. Two juvenile red deer skeletons were present, whilst cast antlers plus cranium attached antlers from three other individuals were also present. Limb bones from a weasel present. The roe deer was only represented by cast antler. Some biometric summary data given. From the remainder of the site, a number of animal burials and other discreet deposits were recovered, including cremated lamb bones mixed with charcoal, a perinatal calf, a calf with no foot bones, and 2 sheep burials.",,FALSE,,2,,2,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,375, 35065,"A large quantity of animal bones was noted to have been recovered including cattle, horse and pig, as well as oyster and limpet.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 35066,"A very small assemblage was recovered, but was too poorly preserved for detailed comment.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35067,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35068,"Animal bone found in the cremation pits included sheep/goat, cattle, chicken and goose. However, soil conditions (although a neutral pH) did not favour the survival and recovery of faunal remains. Only cattle and horse remains were identified in very small numbers.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,70,350, 35069,Cattle identified but faunal remains were few.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35070,Preservation was generally poor. Two 2ndC AD pits produced much of the assemblage: one with very burnt medium-sized mammal remains and the other with a partial calf skeleton.,146,FALSE,1,,16,1,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 35071,"No quantified data was given, but taxa recorded from the site included horse, cattle, bird, pig and sheep/goat.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 35072,"Part of a dolphin cranium was recovered 'in the clay lining of a pit'. It was poorly preserved, and originally assumed to be human, but was later confidently ascribed as cetacean (after discussion with a number of specialists), probably from white-sided dolphin or a white-beaked dolphin. Dressel 2-4 amphora was recovered from the same feature.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 35073,"A small faunal assemblage was recovered but not quantified in the report, including cattle, sheep/goat, pig, dog and horse.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 35074,"68 animals were placed in the well, including 15 dogs and puppies, 28 cats and kittens, 20 sheep, 1 goat, 2 cows, 2 horses, and 22 wild animals (Deer? Foxes? Badgers? No details!).",68,FALSE,21,21,2,2,,,2,2,15,15,28,28,,,,,,,,,,22,22,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 36001,"Animal bone assemblage was very poorly preserved. Identified cattle and sheep were largely confined to isolated teeth specimens. Horse, dog and pig specimens were also identified. The assemblage was not quantified. Two oyster shells were recovered. An articulated cow leg was found in pit with the cemetery.",717,FALSE,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 36002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36003,Soil too acidic for preservation.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36005,"Cattle, horse and dog identified from the faunal assemblage.",18,FALSE,,,1,,,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 36006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36008,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36010,"No data given, though remains of domestic mammals were said to have been scarce, wild fauna was absent, whilst a few oyster shells were present.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 36011,Animal bone unlikely survived due to acidic soils.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36013,A reasonably complete dog skeleton was recovered. Oysters were present. The raw data are not presented.,200,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 36014,A very small bone assemblage was recovered. Hare bones were found in late Roman deposits associated with a chalk surface. The other wild mammal bone was from a fox (tibia).,51,FALSE,30,,8,,8,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,1,1,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 36015,"A large number of animal bones were recovered form the site, particularly from the well. The assemblage was not quantified, but is stated to have been curated in full. The species present are recorded here by 1 NISP. Remains from 7 or 8 red deer were recovered. A large number of antlers were found as well as phalanges, metapodials and vertebrae. Some antler were sawn, whilst most were still attached to the frontal bones. The skeleton of a horse was noted to have been placed in the pre-villa ditch fill.",,FALSE,1,,1,,1,,1,1,1,,1,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 36016,The skeleton of a dog was recovered just outside one of the buildings.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,410, 36017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36019,"Many animal bones were recovered but have not been analysed, and now the material is unstratified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36021,"7 goat bones present, with 21 positively identified as sheep. Red deer bones include a pelvis and a tibia. 24 dog bones are possibly fox. Wetland fowl includes greylag goose (7), mallard (5), duck (1) and plover (5). Other wildfowl includes golden eagle (1), pigeon (13 - 12 ABG), barn owl (2), finch (1), jackdaw (1), crow (47 - 41 ABG), raven 12. 45 bird bones were unidentified. Frog and water vole present. The animal bone report was written before the phasing had been completed for the site. The archive, bone and database, is held by Yorkshire Museum and could now feasibly be phased. The material may be worth reanalysis. Despite the lack of phasing information, only a very small proportion of the material is thought to derive from the late 1st and 4thC AD deposits, with the vast majority of the bones are thought to be 2nd-3rdC AD in date. These are recorded as 2nd/3rdC AD here, but it must be recognised that this is tentative. Biometric data are present. No details on butchery, though cattle appear to have been heavily butchered. Disarticulations around the acetabula are noted. No horse bones were found to have been butchered - those in the town at Cataractonium were however.","24,606",FALSE,"2,143",3,"3,284",,926,,750,1,155,8,3,,2,2,,,,,,2,,,,81,,18,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300,26 36022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36023,"Since the late Wilf Dodds completed his report in1966, some of the bones have been lost. As a result, it was not possible to fully quantify the material. Remains of at least six cattle were recovered, mostly mature or aged beasts, thought to have been of relatively small size. Sheep were recovered in very small numbers (not known how many), representing three individuals, and all were comparatively young. Pig were represented mainly by jaws and teeth - a minimum of three. Red deer was represented by a fused distal tibia. One fowl was represented by fourteen bones and fragments (ABG?).",,FALSE,3,,270,,3,,4,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,350, 36024,"Goat was identified from a horncore. Marine shell included mussel, limpet, and oyster.",240,FALSE,169,,42,,29,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,140, 36025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36026,"1175 animal bones from the earlier excavations and 553 from the later excavations. The latter dated to the late IA/early Roman settlement and is included here with the contemporary 'Phase 3' material from the earlier excavation (recorded here in Phase 2). From the later (2014) excavation, a quarry pit contained a partial dog skeleton. Other features contained another dog ABG and a horse ABG - details not yet available. Sieving not mentioned. 8 limpet shells and a cockle shell were also recovered, both from the LIA/ER settlement phase.","1,728",FALSE,526,,145,,8,,26,1,46,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,350, 36027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36028,Only three burnt sheep-sized fragments were recovered from one of the ditches.,3,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,350, 36029,Bone preservation was exceptionally poor and no specialist work was carried out on the small assemblage,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36030,"A small quantity of animal bones was recovered from the 1992 excavations but which amounted to no more than one standard-sized plastic storage crate. Almost all the material derived from Roman deposits (2nd-4thC AD). A range of species were represented in the assemblage which included cow, sheep/goat, pig, horse, dog, cat, and chickens. Oyster and mussel shell was produced during the 1992 excavations.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,400, 36031,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36032,Only the Roman dated hand-collected and sieved samples have been included in the total fragment count here. Burnt remains were distributed across the site.,"2,247",TRUE,105,,185,,21,,22,,3,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,4,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,325, 36033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36034,"The acidic soils were not conducive for good bone survival, but a small assemblage was recovered none-the-less, likely aided by on-site sieving, though much was very poorly preserved. Some butchery was noted, seemingly knife marks indicating disarticulation of sheep carcasses.",623,TRUE,13,,61,,2,,8,,1,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,150, 36035,"Goat identified. Three red deer elements were unspecified to element. Butchery marks were evident on cattle and sheep bones, demonstrating the use of both cleavers and knives. Evidence for decapitation was noted where a cattle axis had been chopped through. Filleting marks were noted on femur and pelvis elements.","1,084",FALSE,79,,117,,14,,14,,3,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 36036,The middle Iron Age assemblage is not included here with the few bones from Roman field boundary contexts.,40,FALSE,1,,9,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 36037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36038,"Animal bone present, but no report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36039,"Cattle, horse and pig were all represented in material from the ditch fill from Enclosure A.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 36040,"All the faunal remains recorded here derive from the 1950s excavations. A large assemblage was recovered, though the total number of fragments was divulged. The numbers recorded here are a percentage.",,FALSE,23,,40,,16,,13,,4,,,,1,,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,40,75, 36041,"A small quantity of animal bone. Marine shells included oyster (most numerous), cockle, and mussel, plus examples of helix aspersa.",110,FALSE,31,,60,,10,,6,,1,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 36042,"The extensive animal bone collections from the Roman period material, as with the earlier material, is yet to be analysed and reported on.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36043,"A small assemblage of animal bone, much burnt, was recovered from 10 contexts, only 14 fragments of which were identified.",14,FALSE,13,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,80, 36044,A small assemblage in generally good condition but quite fragmented was recovered from the site's ditches.,144,FALSE,7,,13,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 36045,"Only 12% of the assemblage could be identified to species. Both sheep (6) and goat (2) were identified. Deer species not specified, though two specimens were of antler; one had been chopped, whilst the other appeared to be an off-cut. A calf, less than 1 year old, and sheep were buried next to a neonate inhumation. The calf was fully articulated but had been decapitated, with its head placed back into the deposit, whilst some long bones had been filleted. The sheep displayed no butchery marks and was also articulated, but had also been decapitated; its head placed over its pelvis. It was about 12-18 months at death. The second sheep, not associated with the other group, was partially articulated with some evidence for dismemberment. It was around 3-3.5 years at death. No articulated horse bones were recovered; one was butchered (knife mark of metatarsal). A dog radius had also been cut.","3,768",TRUE,62,2,142,1,32,,32,,20,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,450, 36046,The faunal assemblage was not sufficient enough for inclusion in the report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36047,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36048,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36049,A sheep jaw was placed in the grave of the infant.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,250, 36050,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36051,Animal bone in generally poor condition. One horse skull had been butchered; cut marks to the occipital condyles suggested that the annual had been decapitated. A tit-sized bird bone was recovered from a ditch. Winkle and limpet shells were recovered in some quantity.,534,TRUE,34,,55,,5,,19,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300,1 36052,"Only a very small assemblage of hand-collected vertebrate remains was recovered and most was collected from the fills of the northern enclosure ditches. In general, preservation was rather poor and many fragments were damaged by surface erosion and fresh breakage. Identified remains were few - only 19 from a total of 187 fragments. Remains of cattle, horse, sheep/goat and pig were present. The remains appeared to be primary butchery waste, but given the small size of the assemblage, the interpretative value of the remains was limited.",187,FALSE,3,,10,,1,,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400, 36053,A beam of a shed red deer antler had been worked. Other taxa include rat and frog.,379,TRUE,12,,35,,5,,3,,1,,1,,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,400, 36054,Animal bone was recovered but no specialist analysis carried out.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36055,,13,TRUE,2,,5,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 36056,Only material from part of the Phase III excavation was analysed and reported. A number of phased samples were divided though the resulting numbers of bones were small. The phased assemblages have been amalgamated here into a late Iron Age/early Roman phase and a 1st-2ndC AD phase. Body part data suggested the presence of entire carcasses. The bird bones were 2ndC AD in date. Limpet and whelk shells were identified from one of the roundhouses along with animal bone.,590,TRUE,259,,78,,10,,27,,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250, 36057,"A large and well preserved assemblage was recovered from a relatively small area of excavation, suggesting a high potential for the site. Cattle, sheep, pig and horse were all identified.",790,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 36058,,38,TRUE,9,,14,,1,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 36059,Preservation of the bones was extremely poor. Only cattle remains and one sheep/goat specimen could be identified from the small assemblage.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 36060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36061,Animal bone recovered but no data from the assessment.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36062,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36063,"The material was treated as a single 2ndC AD assemblage. Of the 294 fragments, 177 represented a single sheep skeleton.",294,FALSE,2,1,4,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,175, 36064,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36065,A group of neonatal sheep bones was placed with a female inhumation. Other identified remains dating to phase 1 (grave backfill) included a fish bone and a small tit-sized bird. A group of skull and foot bones from at least two butchered roe deer carcasses were recovered from a sub-soil layer which could only be phased as 'pre-phase 2'. These remains were thought by the specialist to have been medieval rather than Roman.,21,FALSE,17,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,130, 36066,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36067,"The assemblage was well preserved, but fragmentary. Not properly quantified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,350, 36068,"A quadruple horse burial was placed close to the IA square barrow. This was radiocarbon dated c.AD50 +/-35yrs. The burial was badly plough-damaged, and while two skeletons were partially complete and excavated in situ, the remains of two other individuals were identified only by zooarchaeological assessment. A small assemblage recovered, but the data were not separated by phase.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,25,100, 36069,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36070,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36071,"No NISP data but species identified include cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse.",117,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,70, 36072,"Small quantity of bone including cattle, sheep/goat and pig.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36073,"Very small, poorly-preserved assemblage containing cattle, sheep/goat and pig.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36074,"Only cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse noted during the assessment scan. Preservation was extremely poor.",388,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 36075,"Preservation was generally poor, and no detailed analysis yet carried out. Species identified include cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse and red deer (antler). One context produced articulated vertebrae of cattle from a young adult animal with the epiphyses mostly fused. One cervical vertebra had a patch of eburnation on the caudal epiphyses, perhaps suggestive of draught work. One horse bone had clearly been chopped (possibly for working - see finds). Oyster shells were present, but bird bones were absent.","1,253",TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 36076,"The small vertebrate assemblage was poorly preserved and contained the remains of horse, pig, cattle and a single bird fragment.",143,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 36077,Animal bone not yet analysed.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36078,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36079,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36080,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36081,"Much of the animal bone material may have pre-dated the 1stC BC; stratigraphic analysis had not been undertaken. A high proportion of horse was found, mostly disarticulated from different contexts. Oyster shell was found unstratified.","2,959",FALSE,85,,173,,21,,124,,28,,,,1,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 36082,"Material still being analysed - raw data only from the University of York excavations. Phased groups recorded here include 1st-e.3rdC AD (Phase B), and 3rd-4thC AD (Phases C and D). Cattle, horse, sheep, pig, goat and red deer bones display butchery marks. The butchered deer bones include worked/sawn antler fragments, but cut marks to a few limb bones was also seen. There were no dumps of heavily chopped up limb bones, but four examples of cattle scapula modified for smoking or steeping in brine were noted, whilst a red deer scapula may have been similarly treated. Both sheep and goats were identified. Of the 67 red deer bone fragments from the late 4thC AD phase, 54 came from the well with the majority associated with a single sub-adult animal (13-16 months old) that had been butchered (cut marks on humerus): possibly a doe (no antler buds). From the same feature, a complete antler from a mature male was also recovered. The late Roman well also included several other ABGs in including the skeleton of a 6 month old dog, a butchered partial calf skeleton, 3 cattle skulls, 2 pig skulls and a horse skull (see archive for details). A large number of amphibian bones and a few rodent bones present. Birds were minimal but included thrush (1), crow/rook (2), and goose (1), plus 9 unidentified bird bones.","17,043",TRUE,"1,326",,"3,584",4,645,2,459,1,159,,1,,62,19,1,,,,,1,,3,,9,,1,TRUE,3,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-50,450,3 36083,"A moderate sized assemblage from all phases of the site, dominated by cattle, sheep/goat and pig. Other wild mammal comprises polecat. Wetland fowl comprise goose, duck and wader. Other wild fowl comprise rook/crow, raven, herring gull, and sparrowhawk. Shellfish comprise oyster, mussel, winkle and crab. Groups of bones from three adult dogs and three neonatal puppies were found, but no complete skeletons. At least one of the dogs (a very old individual) appears to have received a more 'ceremonial' burial between the bath and the boundary wall. Seven of the red deer antler fragments were burnt. The LIA/ER phase is associated with the circular buildings while the ER phase is associated with the 2nd C AD villa. The LR phase is associated with the ephemeral building remains to the SE of the then ruined villa.","1,884",FALSE,474,,465,,311,,40,,54,6,,,2,13,,1,,,,5,,2,,39,,6,TRUE,2,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,1,400,19 36084,Only three bones survived the soil conditions.,3,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,80, 36085,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36086,Three cattle horns found associated with one of the timber roundhouses.,3,FALSE,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,150, 36087,"At the assessment stage only 116 animal bones assigned to the Roman period (33,926 bones still unassigned). No further information. Dense spreads of oyster and limpet shells were associated with the shrine complex.",116,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,300,400, 36088,"Animal remains, including cattle, found during excavations, but unquantified.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 36089,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36090,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36091,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36092,"Quantities of animal bones were recovered but these were not further analysed. The Roman occupation layer did, however, contain shell fragments from oysters and limpets.",110,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,300, 36093,Very small amount of animal bone recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36094,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36095,"Animal bone and oyster shell was relatively common, but no specialist analysis had been carried out. A very small quantity of animal bone derived from the later evaluation of the northern site and included horse and cattle bone, plus limpet.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,300, 36096,"Bones of cattle, sheep/goat, and pig were recovered from a number of features, but no specialist analysis was carried. Oyster and limpet shells were also recovered.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,325, 36097,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 36098,"123 animal bone fragments and one oyster shell were recovered during the hand excavation of Roman deposits, with no bones retrieved from the soil samples.",123,TRUE,30,,34,,1,,21,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,175,400, 36099,"The fairly small assemblage contained cattle, sheep, pig, horse, dog, cat, rabbit, chicken and a bone of a flat fish such as plaice. The bones of a 2 - 3 month old pig were recovered, as were those from a virtually complete skeleton of an 8 - 12 month old sheep (see site summary). Other than the sheep skeleton, none of the material was dated.",,FALSE,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,190,360, 36100,Animal bone recovered but not dated. Oyster and mussel shell recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 37001,No specimens were recovered of IA or RB date.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37002,"Only a very small assemblage of poorly-preserved animal bone was recovered, mostly tooth fragments (50).",51,FALSE,,,42,,,,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 37003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37004,A cattle burial was found in an adjacent trial trench but was undated.,49,FALSE,7,,35,,5,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 37005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37008,Remains of burnt sheep bones were found in one of the pits. Other zooarchaeological remains include oyster shell (2) and a young pig scapula (also burnt).,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,110,170, 37009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37012,"Only three fragments of horse teeth were recovered, likely deriving from the same mandible.",3,FALSE,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 37013,"The assemblage is highly fragmented and poorly preserved. Identified specimens were restricted to cattle and horse, probably due to the poor preservation. Sheep and dog partial skeletons appear to have been modern burials.",456,FALSE,,,174,,,,41,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,350, 37014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37016,"The assemblage was too poorly preserved and highly fragmented to warrant detailed data being given in the report. Cattle, sheep and horse were mentioned in the report, some with evidence for burning.",192,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350, 37017,Poorly preserved assemblage,771,FALSE,16,,57,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 37018,,59,FALSE,,,6,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 37019,"The animal bone assemblage from Roman features consisted of 214 fragments, of which, 185 came from a partial pig skeleton. The juvenile pig was deposited in a pit within the Roman enclosure. Oyster shell also present.",214,TRUE,3,,2,,15,1,1,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 37020,Many of the bones were thought to have been intrusive and are not reliable.,267,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 37021,"Three archive boxes of animal bone were also recovered from the site, predominantly consisting of cattle bones and pig bones, with other species which require further analysis. (update: A complete cow skeleton was recovered from the ditch at the north western corner of the complex. Also dog burials in a ditch)",3,FALSE,,,1,1,,,,,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 37022,The bone recovered from the site mostly came from a ditch slot. This comprised highly fragmentary and poorly preserved remains of what appeared to be cattle bone and teeth.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 37023,No data - poor preservation,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37024,"No overall quantification of taxa was given, though some contextual analysis was undertaken.","1,385",TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,350, 37025,"A total of 17 animal bone fragments were recovered from the evaluation, and only 2 of these (both horse) were firmly dated as Roman in date.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37026,Only a sheep molar was recovered; the soil was acidic.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37027,The faunal assemblage all appears to be post-medieval in date.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37028,"No NISP data given in the assessment. Cattle dominated (c.60-70%), followed by sheep/goat (c.30%) and smaller amounts of pig and horse. An almost complete dog skeleton was also noted. Some indeterminate bird bone was also present but no definite evidence for deer was detected.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 37029,Only 10 fragments of animal bone were recovered and these were heavily burnt and fragmented.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37031,"Animal bones was moderately preserved, and included remains of cattle, sheep/goat and pig. Burnt bone and juvenile cattle appear to have been a feature of the assemblage.",17,FALSE,2,,6,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 37032,No data - acidic soils,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37034,The assemblage was very poorly preserved and highly fragmented.,583,TRUE,17,,30,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 37035,A limited assemblage dominated by cattle in both phases. Early Roman horse deposits represented only by teeth. Burnt animal bone also found in parts of the site.,374,FALSE,7,,99,,3,,23,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 37036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37038,No faunal remains survived due to the high acidity of the soil.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37039,"The animal bone assemblage derived from a number of sites located across the town and from a range of context types. The specialist gave the NISP for each context, but no dating was ascribed. The date of the whole assemblage stretches full period of Roman occupation. The faunal remains were very fragmentary in general (28% identified to taxon). Cattle probably over-represented. Bulls and cows thought to have been present, and most animals were mature when slaughtered. 21 horse teeth, all from the same skull, were found from a layer overlying a 2ndC AD road. These fragments have been included here as a single specimen. Three red deer metapodials came from a mid-2ndC AD pit - remnants of a skin? Single cat (tibia) and hare (mandible) bones also derived from the same pit. 31 bird bones were recovered from across the settlement, but the specialist was unable to identify any to species. It is likely that many were domestic fowl (all 31 are given as chicken here to show how many bird bones were present, but some may not have been domestic fowl). The presence of numerous fish bones, oyster shells and one cockle shell suggest that marine resources may have been important considering that sieving was not routinely undertaken.","1,236",FALSE,61,,174,,36,,32,,17,,1,,3,,,,,,,1,,,,31,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,400, 37040,"No bird, fish, or smaller mammal bones were recorded in the assemblage, though the condition of the bones was poor. The partial skeleton of a horse was recovered, but not dated. The fresher appearance of its remains suggested a modern burial.",126,TRUE,21,,27,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,70,300, 37041,"Animal bones were few, and were probably concentrated on the later 1st and 2ndC AD, but included 9 oyster shells.",233,FALSE,22,,35,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,400, 37042,No specialist reports,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37043,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37045,"Animal bones were recovered, but many could not be differentiated between the villa and the later funerary material. Oyster shell was said to have been recovered from Roman levels.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,300, 37046,"The small animal bone sample appears to have been a reflection of the limited, hand-collection recovery strategy employed by the excavations, despite good levels of preservation afforded by the riverside location. Cuts, borings and shatter fractures on the livestock bones were all suggestive of meat filleting and marrow extraction. Horse, hare and red deer bones were all noted to have had butchery marks.",211,FALSE,49,,100,,5,,37,,,,,,3,,,,,,,2,,,,,2,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 37047,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 37048,"The assemblage may suffer from residual/intrusive elements, but preservation was generally good. All body parts of cattle, sheep/goat and pig are represented. Sheep/goat bones included 30 sheep and 1 goat specimen. A roe deer tibia present. 20 oyster shells were recovered from Roman contexts. Wildfowl include 23 goose bones and 1 duck bone (3 bird bones not identified to taxon). A rabbit bone was thought to be intrusive and water vole present. Butchery marks, indicative of both carcass reduction and meat removal. Chop marks to cattle mandibles were quite common and these suggest that all sources of meat including tongue and cheek meat. Longitudinal chops to the long bones of cattle may also indicate the extraction of marrowfat, and two butchered horse bones were also noted.","2,069",TRUE,127,,624,,81,,11,,9,,,,,,,1,,,,6,,,,6,,24,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,300, 37049,No bone - acidic soils.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38001,the faunal assemblage was poorly preserved and highly fragmented. 9% was burnt.,177,FALSE,18,,52,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,375, 38002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38003,"Very little animal bone was recovered from the Roman ditches, mostly due to the small area of investigation over the main site.",92,FALSE,2,,10,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,250, 38004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38007,,365,FALSE,37,,53,,4,,3,,8,,,,,1,,,,,7,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 38008,No sieving carried out an assemblage too small for meaningful analysis.,642,FALSE,51,,75,,7,,18,,6,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 38009,"Soil conditions were poor and most of the material was badly eroded. The material from the ritual monuments and the post-Roman contexts have not been included here. The assemblage is reported by feature contexts, i.e. pit alignment, field-system, and enclosures A-F. No distinct chronological groupings are given though some dating resolution could be taken from the different areas of the site. Minimal variation in livestock relative frequencies was noted between different feature types. 37 red deer antlers were recovered from the pit alignments and 8 from field boundaries. The deposition of so many antler in the pits may have had a ritual function. 5 bird bones were noted as 'chicken size' but the specialist was cautious over the identification. Nine marine shells were quantified, and identified as oyster, mussel, and cockle. 8 of the 16 fish bones were identified as herring and haddock.","2,061",TRUE,167,,322,,15,,33,,24,,,,,45,,,,,,,,,,5,,,TRUE,16,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 38010,The small quantity of finds is biased by the excavation methodology (see site summary).,54,FALSE,9,,10,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 38011,"The upper fill of the burial ditch almost exclusively contained cattle bones, and these were almost exclusively skulls (including mandibles) and right forelimbs, from the shoulder to the foot. From these elements it was deduced that a minimum of 162 cattle were slaughtered for interment in the ditch. Isotopic study showed that the cattle were not raised on the Magnesian limestone but were imported from further afield. Very few of the bones were found to have been gnawed by scavengers, suggesting that the carcass parts were well protected and/or deposited quickly. Butchery marks were very scarce, indicating a very careful method of dismemberment; two occipital condyles had been chopped through suggestive of decapitation.","12,779",FALSE,6,,"2,807",,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,350, 38012,"The overall condition of the bone was good, but fragmentary. 4432 specimens came from the Iron Age/early Roman and mid-late Roman villa settlement. Plus 8421 specimens came from the later Roman well. The well assemblage is quantified separately here, but is contemporary with the late roman settlement phase. The late Iron Age assemblage included 1 complete and 2 incomplete dog skeletons - see site summary for structured deposit. The red deer antler fragments all came from one pit (8201) and none included working, though worked antler was found on site (see finds data). Some butchery details given for main domesticates. No evidence for horse butchery. Summary biometrics of cattle, pig, sheep, and dog given. Of the well assemblage, 3 of the 17 sheep/goat skulls were from goats. Butchery marks were common, and body part ratios different at different levels for main domesticates. Some butchery detail is given, including some horse (humerus, mandible, ribs and vertebrae) and dog (mandible) butchery. No indications of ABGs was noted in the report for any of the species, but this likely reflects the level of mixing - the number of dog and badger specimens was particularly high (i.e. 6 badgers was represented by 101 bones). Large numbers of frog, mole, rodent species (identified in report) bones were recovered from the well, plus a few hedgehog bones.","12,853",FALSE,"2,299",,"1,833",,631,,631,,"1,688",3,,,3,6,,,,,,16,,101,6,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,375, 38013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38014,"The phased assemblage groups represent material which was closely dated to the three main phases of occupation, as set out in the site summary. However, a relatively large quantity of animal bone was recovered and analysed which could only fit into dated groups which crossed to of these phases. This material has only been recorded here in the main assemblage form. A large number of ABGs, including full skeletons as well as 'atypical'/'structured' deposits, were recovered from the site, from all phases. The full fragment count, including that from the ABGs, is included in the main zooarchaeological data form, but these are removed from the phased groups, where each ABG is included in the NISP as '1' alongside the disarticulated material. The excavation report includes full details of each animal burial and 'atypical/structured deposit'. The specialist discusses possible sacrificial contexts in some detail. One deposit included a large quantity of burnt and worked red deer antler. Of the 7109 sheep/goat specimens, 1894 were from sheep (16 ABGs) and 985 were from goats (7 ABGs). Chickens tended to be associated with human burials. One horse bone, metacarpal, was found butchered. Some pathology relating to draught activities were noted on some horse bones. 57 deer antler fragments had been sawn or cut, many were off-cuts from working. Roe deer antler was noted as being worked in the main report text, but roe deer antler do not appear to have been quantified in the specialist report, though many antler frags were placed under 'deer sp.'. Only roe post-cranial specimens were identified; 3 of these were from an articulated forelimb. 112 domestic fowl bones were from ABGs. Wild fowl included buzzard (3), crow/rook (4), kittiwake (1), and pigeon (1). 13 bones were identified as 'bird'. Fish specimens include eel (2), cyprinid (2), and herring (1). Marine molluscs include oyster (16) and mussel (4). The sieving produced a large quantity of microfauna (not quantified here) including mole, rat, house mouse, wood mouse, water vole, field vole, small vole, pygmy shrew, small shrew and amphibians.","32,834",TRUE,"7,109",29,"5,073",12,"2,611",12,441,5,307,5,2,,,108,,10,1,1,163,2,,,,125,5,1,TRUE,6,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,410,8 38015,"Animal bones were recovered from the site, but details of these were not included in the edited specialist report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38016,"All the antler fragments, including part of a skull with antler still attached, included evidence for working. A late Roman pit included articulated cattle remains. This included most of the trunk minus the skull and limb bones.",333,TRUE,47,,69,1,1,,11,,,,,,1,16,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 38017,No data from the faunal remains in the report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38020,"A quantity of animal bone was noted as being recovered, but not analysed.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38023,"Unusually high proportion of pig, and a low proportion of sheep/goat, but assemblage was not sieved. Both goat and sheep identified. Chicken, rook/crow and raven identified (15). An articulated goat leg was buried in a small pit, together with 41 sherds of 4thC AD pottery from a single vessel. Another pit contained the hind leg of a horse, associated with a cow skull, whilst another contained limestone blocks, and fragments of a horse skull in the upper fill (55 frags), and cow skull fragments in a lower deposit. A pit contained a juvenile pig, dumped into the feature with limestone blocks. Another pit contained a small lap-dog (105 frags) missing its skull and mandibles, along with limestone blocks, 4thC pottery and further dumps of animal bone. This feature lay underneath one corner of the apsidal ended stone-footed building associated with a corn drier. A partial raven skeleton was found in a posthole.","1,955",FALSE,48,1,216,2,209,1,14,2,3,1,,,2,8,,3,,,2,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400,16 38024,Cremated sheep bone was identified.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38026,Material very poorly preserved and not fully analysed.,696,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 38027,"In total, 2091 animal bone fragments and three oyster shells were recovered during the hand excavation of features, and the subsequent processing of soil samples, with a further 590 fragments being recovered from earlier evaluation excavations. The assemblage predominantly dates to the 2ndC AD, though a small amount of material may date slightly earlier or later. 105 sheep bones represented a single animal deposited in a pit (recorded here as one specimen), a number of which were found to have been butchered. One passerine bone and two unidentified bird bones were recovered. Joint changes were found associated with three cattle metatarsals and two naviculo-cuboids, which may be a result of old age or traction.","2,681",TRUE,245,1,635,,46,,36,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200,1 38028,"A small amount of material derived from a ditch fill, all thought to be from a sheep/goat tooth.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38031,Only 5 animal bone fragments were recovered. Soil preservation was poor.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38035,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38037,"Nearly 40000 animal bone fragments came from Castleford, the vast majority coming from the 1stC forts and the mid-2ndC AD vicus phase. The overall total for the vicus sites are recorded here, including the final abandonment phase. This phase is not, however, recorded separately, with only the occupation phases I (c.AD71-86), II (c.AD86-140), and III (c.140-180) being included individually. Because of the short time span of phase I, the data from this phase has been amalgamated here with phase II. A large and detailed faunal report is included in the publication; body part and biometric data also given. 48 goat specimens were identified. 5 horse bones indicated skinning. Red deer and roe deer were relatively common from the fort, but comparatively rare from the vicus area. 46 birds bones were present but not identified to species, mostly (40 bones) from phase III (presumably many were from domestic fowl). The contents of some phase III vicus pits was indicative of the marketing of dressed meat joints and the slaughter of cattle and sheep from a more restricted age range. A dump of highly butchered and smashed cattle limb bones was associated with the possible mansio.","8,334",FALSE,"1,397",,"2,882",,700,,52,,197,,,,1,,,4,,,,20,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,71,400, 38038,A very small quantity of animal was recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38039,Oyster shell recovered from occupation layers.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,75,400, 38040,"Animal bone only quantified by weight (675g) and includes sheep/goat, cattle, horse and pig in order of fragment abundance (a token '4' indicated here to denote presence).",4,FALSE,1,,1,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 38041,"The only animal remains comprised burnt bone recovered from the gully terminal of a roundhouse, suggested as a possible ritual deposit.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38042,Just 8 fragments of unidentified animal bone recovered. Phase uncertain.,8,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 38043,"The animal assemblage from the well is dominated by sheep/goat followed by dogs, cattle, pig, cat, horse and chicken. They include a number of AGBs though the exact numbers of are unknown so a token '1' is indicated where it is likely that there was an ABG. A high % of the identifiable sheep/goat were goat (NISP: sheep 71, goat 38). Other wild fowl comprise crow, rook and buzzard(?). At least two crows and one rook are represented by partial skeletons. The equid bones possibly derive from a donkey.","4,677",TRUE,489,1,343,1,328,1,20,,450,1,44,1,,,,2,,,,,,,,43,1,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350,21 38044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38045,A very small amount of sheep bone was recovered.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38046,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38047,Animal bone preservation was poor. Possibly intrusive rabbit bones were recovered.,143,FALSE,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,450, 38048,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38049,"Preservation and fragmentation was poor at the site. The late Iron Age material solely consisted of 35 cattle bones (and 1 horse bone) from a single pit, representing at least 2 individuals. Skull, limb and foot bones were all present, with foot and hock bones remaining articulated, suggesting that the remains were part of a rapidly buried, primary deposit. The early Roman assemblage was small and largely restricted to cattle and horse bones in ditches. The middle Roman assemblage derived from a greater range of contexts, reflected in the much higher proportion of sheep/goat bones. The late Roman assemblage was also sheep/goat dominated, but was smaller in quantity again. The post-Roman assemblage differed most significantly from the others in its composition. Deriving mainly from the sunken-feature buildings (late 4thC-5thC AD), but also a pit. The pit feature included 15 'lengths' of antler and hundreds of smaller fragments (only the 'lengths' are quantified here). One tine had been polished. The presence of an unshed pedicle and numerous fractured skull fragments indicate that the antler derived from hunted stags. Also present were 5 cattle bones and 1 very large, unfused and butchered pig humerus, likely from a wild boar. The SFBs differed in that one only contained 5 fragments, whilst the other contained 1785 fragments. The latter included single bones from badger, red deer, chicken, 12 sheep/goat, 26 cattle and 61 pig. 14 of the pig bones derived from a partial skeleton. For the phasing recorded here, phase 1 relates to the late Iron Age and early Roman group, phase 2 to the middle and late Roman group and phase 3 to the sub-Roman group (phased as 'late Roman', but is potentially 4th-5thC AD).","6,345",FALSE,301,,137,1,77,1,48,,,,,,3,15,,,,,,,,2,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,500, 38050,Identified animal bones were few and very poorly preserved.,312,FALSE,1,,14,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 38051,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 38052,Faunal assemblage too small and poorly preserved.,54,FALSE,1,,1,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,250, 39001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39002,"A substantial assemblage, though bones were highly fragmented with limited numbers identified to species. Dominated by cattle then sheep/goat. Wetland fowl comprise goose and mallard. A cattle skull placed in an early Roman pit, while two horse skulls found in an early Roman ditch (no other evidence for other horse bone). Most dog bones comprised those of two adult animals in a single deposit in a 2nd C AD enclosure ditch. Most of sheep bones from late Roman phase are from a single context. Large numbers of butchered cattle remains, all with use of a cleaver. Note: in Phased assemblage, phase 1 = AD 50-120; phase 2 = 120-200; phase 3 = 200-400","12,978",TRUE,352,,"1,109",1,173,,122,2,50,1,,,6,,,1,,,,,,,,2,,3,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,50,400, 39003,"A substantial assemblage with just over 50% catalogued (33,769) and 21,330 identified to species. The assemblages quantified here derive from an area outside the east gate of the Roman fort and the fort ditches to the south of the road and vicus structures that lie beyond the road outside the east gate. These are all dated late 3rd to late 4th/5th C AD. Dominated by cattle, then sheep/goat and pig. Other wild mammal comprise fox, polecat and badger (the latter two comprising one bone each). 245 red deer fragments, most of these being antler (used in antler working), though the exact breakdown is not given here, so recorded under unspecified deer. Wild fowl represented by goose, duck, swan, crane, black grouse, dove, golden plover, wader, raven, barn owl, sparrowhawk, buzzard, herring gull and corvids. As the assemblage was not sieved only two unidentified fish bones recorded.","61,000",FALSE,"4,305",,"15,275",,"3,621",,839,,490,,16,,,,,1,1,,245,28,1,29,,352,1,125,TRUE,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,400,42 39004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39006,"A substantial assemblage dominated by cattle then sheep; also pig, horse, dog, cat (possibly wild?), fox red deer domestic fowl and goose. Two layers produced partial sheep skeletons. [NOTE: Most quantification is in microfiche which is lost in the copy using; Must source another copy]","8,000",FALSE,2,2,,,,,,,33,,1,,,2,,,,,,,,4,,2,,2,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 39007,"A total of 782 bones recovered from the 1963/4 excavations, but not analysed by period and no further information. 332 bones from the 1987 excavation dominated by cattle. A cattle skeleton found under the floor of a late Roman building during the latest excavations.","1,114",FALSE,14,,51,1,7,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 39008,Small quantities of animal bone recovered but no further details.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39012,A very small assemblage due partly to collection strategy and poor preservation. Dominated by cattle. Partial skeletons of sheep and pig found in late 4th C AD contexts.,183,FALSE,30,2,101,,12,1,24,,2,,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,425, 39013,"Small assemblage (215 fragments) dominated by cattle remains, with horse bones also relatively numerous. Most of the Roman material was probably butchery waste from both primary and secondary carcass preparation. Heavily butchered large mammal bones, probably mainly cattle, were characteristic. Ten fragments of bone from the roadside ditch in the northern excavation",225,FALSE,1,,36,,,,13,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 39014,Four fragments of unidentified bone,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 39015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39016,"The only faunal remains comprised a pig skeleton, probably modern.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39017,The only identifiable animal bone comprised fragments of cattle tooth enamel. Other unidentifiable burnt bone was recovered from sieved and hand-collected samples.,2,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350, 39018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39021,A modest assemblage from the Time Team evaluation with just 54 fragments identified to species.,133,FALSE,6,,44,,1,,2,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 39022,Animal bone recovered but no quantification or report in the specialist section specifically on bones from the Butterwick Road site.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 39023,Small assemblage dominated by cattle.,414,FALSE,10,,26,,2,,3,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 39024,"A small assemblage of hand-collected bone. Four shallow pits recorded in the central part of the 2006 site yielded goat and cattle horncores, suggesting that they were refuse pits related to horn working.",83,FALSE,4,,15,,4,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 39025,A very small assemblage.,8,FALSE,,,1,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,70, 39026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39027,An extremely small assemblage of animal bone was recovered,7,FALSE,2,,4,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39029,"A very limited quantity of bone from the 2001 evaluation, mostly comprising cattle. Pig also identified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,70,300, 39030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39031,Fragments of animal recovered but no further information.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,90, 39032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39035,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39036,Relatively large quantities of animal bone came from the ditch fill. Dominated by cattle then sheep/goat. Some of the horse bones from the northern ditch terminal came from one animal - probably a disturbed burial.,382,FALSE,47,,67,,5,,24,1,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,100, 39037,"A small assemblage and very fragmented, comprising cattle, sheep/goat and pig.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,70, 39038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39039,"A small assemblage of bones, most of which were in a fragmentary state, mostly of cattle and sheep/goat. Also two pig, six horse fragments, and a dog bone.",220,FALSE,35,,176,,2,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,325, 39040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 39041,"Animal remains recovered, including fish remains. No quantification so a token '1' indicated here.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,70, 39042,Just two animal bones recorded.,2,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 39043,"An assemblage of over 100 animal bones, though no further information.",100,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 39044,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40006,"Direct evidence for animal husbandry is confined to the faunal remains from a single pit, associated with the phase II or Phase III palisade enclosure, comprising cattle, sheep/goat, pig and possibly fowl.",437,FALSE,3,,30,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,125, 40007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40008,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40013,Minimal finds of animal bone due to soil conditions. Horse and cattle represented. No NISP count. Parts of cattle skulls found from inner enclosure ditch terminal.,1,FALSE,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 40014,A very small assemblage mainly due to reasons of poor preservation.,9,FALSE,,,8,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,50, 40015,Modest sized assemblage dominated by cattle then sheep/goat.,57,FALSE,12,,37,,3,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 40016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40020,Unquantified assemblage in poor condition. Cattle and horse remains found in enclosure ditch terminals and sheep/goat also found on yard surface.,3,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,200, 40021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40022,Some extremely small fragments of bone recovered but no identification.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,300, 40023,"Over 200 bone fragments recovered, most identified as cattle or probable cattle.",200,FALSE,1,,41,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 40024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40027,"Faunal remains were poorly preserved though small quantities of cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse encountered. Quantities of marine shell, specifically limpets and periwinkles (with occasional oyster and mussel), also recovered, mostly from a late Iron Age midden.",167,FALSE,3,,7,,5,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 40028,"Limited quantity of animal bone (quantified by weight only), including cattle and possible sheep/goat.",5,TRUE,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,150, 40029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40031,"Small assemblage, mostly of cattle, but also pig, sheep and dog.",47,FALSE,2,,15,,3,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 40032,"A small but unquantified assemblage from Iron Age/Roman contexts including pig, sheep and bird bones. Mussel, limpet and periwinkle shells found in probable Iron Age/Roman contexts.",3,FALSE,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 40033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40035,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40036,A fragment of burnt bone recorded.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 40037,"An unquantified assemblage of cattle, pig, horse and dog noted from the larger Roman enclosure.",4,FALSE,,,1,,1,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,80,250, 40038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 40041,A small assemblage though many other unquantified bones were not able to be discerned to species.,52,FALSE,6,,43,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 40042,"Red deer antler recovered, along with fragments of horse.",4,FALSE,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41001,"Not a large assemblage, though notable that Red Deer bones/teeth were present in the inner ditch. Bones very fragmentary and mostly bones of head and teeth represented. Fragments of possible antler not included below (unquantified in report), but thought to be Red Deer antler, thought to be shed antler and not cut/sawed.",45,FALSE,1,,13,,,,3,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 41002,Three cattle teeth,3,FALSE,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,300, 41003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41004,1 cattle bone only.,1,FALSE,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,70,200, 41005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41008,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41010,"A small amount of burnt bone was recovered, though not closely dated. The fragments were too small to be attributed to species, but their extreme calcination raises the possibility that they derive from a disturbed cremation.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41015,Only identified bone quantified - very small assemblage. Oyster present.,6,FALSE,2,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,250, 41016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41024,"Bones generally in a very poor state of preservation, though 3774 of 5785 identifiable. Important to note that the bone from all trenches was amalgamated in the faunal remains report, and it has not been possible to separate bone from the fort from that from the vicus here. Three phases presented - Flavian-Trajanic; Hadrianic/early Antonine; Antonine-late third century. The individual phase data included here relate to these three phases. Stratified bone which was not closely dated is included only as Romano-British. Most Red Deer elements were antler, and much had been sawn or cut, indicating some sort of antler industry on site.","5,785",FALSE,654,,"2,704",,305,,31,,12,,,,3,49,,,,,,2,,,,5,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,90,300, 41025,"A small bone assemblage. The dog element was a tooth which may have been dog, fox or wolf.",4,FALSE,1,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 41026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41031,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41035,"No bone well stratified and so all undated and the data fields have been left blank below. Several fragments of cockle shell recovered. A vast accumulation of animal bones was present, though limited data in the report and all undated. Minimum numbers of 20 sheep, 18 cattle, 17 dog, 8 pig, 3 wolf, 2 horse, 2 red deer, 1 fox, 1 badger, 2 cat, 1 rabbit, 5 mouse, 2 roe deer, 1 bat, 9 vole, 2 mole given. Many animals associated with the human remains display cut marks. A number of red deer antlers were found seemingly in association with the human bones, which were apparently of Roman date. These were uncast and accompanied by the skeletal remains of at least two red deer. Also associated were the antlers of two roe deer. The majority of antlers, a large number, were found in the surface layer, and most were cast though there were a small number of uncast portions. At least two antlers had tines sawn off.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41040,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41041,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41042,"Calcined animal bone from the cremations included pig, sheep-sized, possible dog and unidentified mammal bones, as well as one possible avian. The calcined nature of the bone made identification difficult.",25,FALSE,,,,,2,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 41043,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41044,"No precise quantification though horse tooth and bits of small bones and horn recovered, as well as fragments of bird (partridge or similar) and squirrel associated with the burial.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41045,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41046,"Acidic soil conditions meant that only cremated bone survived. Adult humans were burnt on biers and frequently accompanied by the remains of animals. Some of these were in the form of meat joints, but in other cases the entire carcass of the animal had been placed on the pyre. Pig was conspicuous by its rarity. Unusually, complete horse carcasses were occasionally placed on the pyre. In several cases women had been cremated accompanied by horses and military equipment. 63 bones were classified as unspecified bird.",777,FALSE,,,24,,6,,46,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,310, 41047,No report,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41048,"Some of the cremations included animal bone, but no quantification in the report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41049,Animal bone recovered but no report.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 41050,,"1,191",FALSE,10,,94,,5,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,350, 42001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42006,"Abundant animal remains recovered, though precise contexts uncertain and many likely to be Neolithic. Bones included bones and teeth of dog, sheep, horse, cattle, pig and fox, red deer and large canine remains (wolf or large dog), some bones showing splitting for extraction of marrow. Also antlers of fallow deer (fallow given in the 1912 report, unclear if this is correct) and Roebuck bones. Cockle shells also present, seemingly in context alongside LIA/Romano-British pottery. Also a red deer antler weaving comb. A pierced boar's tusk, found with human remains, and several other bones more likely to be Neolithic rather than Romano-British.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42008,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42010,Five small fragments of calcined bone only.,5,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 42011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42015,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42017,"Very little data as most animal bones from unstratified, undated deposits. Two bones only from Roman dump deposit.",2,FALSE,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,200, 42018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42020,"Three minute fragments of calcined bone recovered from a Romano-British context, not identified.",3,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,27,379, 42021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42022,"No quantification, but evidence for bird, medium-sized mammals and pig recovered from cremation deposits suggesting possible pyre deposits.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42027,"Preservation of animal bones was extremely poor, the extant finds were mostly calcined. Species present appear to be only cattle, pig and sheep with the exception of some bird bones associated with the human cremation (chicken sized).",157,FALSE,,,7,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,77,250, 42028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42030,"Assessment only. Bone was poorly preserved and there is no precise quantification. Cattle, sheep, pig, horse, chicken, red deer and fish all identified.",,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,350, 42031,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42032,"Identifiable fragments only included in total fragment count. Important to note that some of the bones may have been from the fort and not the vicus, the report does not distinguish clearly between the two. Evidence for sawing of antler from Red Deer - all antler cast and no evidence for hunting. Other wild animal included hedgehog and three bones identified in the report as boar. The fish bones included salmon. The 15 unspecified red deer included 4 antler. A small number of oyster and whelk present.",719,FALSE,59,,572,,36,,10,,12,,,,,3,,,,,15,,,5,,2,1,,TRUE,2,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 42033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42035,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42037,"A few bone fragments recovered, none identified.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42040,"The entire excavated assemblage was very fragmented and consisted of rib and long bone shaft fragments unidentifiable to species, due to the acidic environment. Very small quantities of tiny fragments of burnt bone were recovered from ten of the environmental samples but, with the exception of a possible pig metapodial, none could be identified.",20,FALSE,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,80,200, 42041,No report,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42042,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42043,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 42044,"Animal bone is mentioned from the 1940s/1950s excavations, comprising cattle, horse, pig and red deer, as well as oyster shell. No bone report for the 1980s/1990s excavation. Several pieces of unworked red deer antler noted.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,70,350, 42045,"No data from earliest work, but animal and fish bone present in report from 1980/89/90 excavations. Bones recorded using unique anatomical zones. The 25 unspecified deer included 10 red deer and 15 roe deer unspecified elements. Fowl not specified but domestic fowl assumed here. Wetland fowl included swan, goose, duck. Other wild fowl included Raven, Kite (prob a single bird), Black Grouse, Wood Pigeon. Few fish remains recovered and now precise quantification, but eel, smelt, salmon, plaice, mullet all present. Shellfish rare but oyster, common mussel present.","3,334",TRUE,629,,"1,560",,284,,195,,174,,4,,,,,,,,25,4,,,,18,,5,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,72,200,19 42046,"No data -poor preservation, burnt bones and teeth only.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43001,"A large assemblage, but the main assemblage is not broken down into phase so of limited value. 6238 identified to species, dominated by sheep/goat and cattle. Other wild mammal comprise fox. The assemblage of the infilling of the well was also quantified separately and presumably belongs to the early 4th C AD (listed under Phase 1). This includes ABGs though the numbers are not certain, so a token '1' is indicated here.","16,693",FALSE,"2,465",1,"2,185",1,"1,008",1,169,,138,1,,,66,40,1,53,22,1,,,,4,,,,,TRUE,2,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,340, 43002,"Animal bone recovered but no quantified information in report. All main domesticates found, along with deer.",1,FALSE,1,,1,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,350, 43003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43004,"No quantification of assemblage within the report, though all main domesticates are represented.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,325, 43005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43006,"A moderate sized assemblage from the late Iron Age-Roman settlement, with most coming from the later Roman period, where cattle dominated. Wetland fowl comprises duck. Small quantity of oyster shell.","4,653",FALSE,157,,177,,51,,15,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,1,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,40,350, 43007,"The animal bone assemblage derives from the Bear Field excavations and 75 High Street - both are dominated by cattle overall. Only those from the High Street are broken down by phase, which shows cattle dominated in the later period only. Other wild mammal comprises fox. Oyster shell also found. A dog burial found in an early Roman ditch, another in an early Roman pit and one from the floor of a building. Other species unquantified comprised domestic fowl, duck, goose and raven (a token '1' indicated here).","2,199",FALSE,561,,"1,064",,153,,69,,3,3,1,,,3,,,,,,3,,1,,1,,1,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350,1 43008,"A small assemblage of cattle, horse and sheep, not quantified in the published report.",80,FALSE,1,,1,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,350, 43009,"A highly fragmented assemblage (2128 hand collected and 7284 from sieving) that is not quantified by species within the report, but includes cattle, sheep/goat, horse, pig and eel. Extensive evidence for butchery and it is likely that much of the cattle bone was partially articulated when deposited in ditches.","9,412",TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,325, 43010,Small identified assemblage dominated by sheep/goat and cattle. The remain include a near complete sheep skeleton of an adult sheep from the fill of a posthole (part of a 2-post structure).,241,FALSE,70,1,63,,25,,15,,2,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,250, 43011,Animal bone recovered but no further information.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 43012,"The assemblage from the 1997 excavation remains unquantified, but includes a partially articulated horse lying on the metalled entrance causeway (later Roman+). Just 13 fragments of identified bone came from the late Iron Age/early Roman ditches to the north of the settlement.",162,FALSE,,,9,,4,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 43013,A small assemblage noted within the cave.,106,FALSE,70,,25,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,425, 43014,"Unquantified remains of cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse, red deer (antler only), badger, dog, cat, hare, and domestic fowl. A number of horse skeletons mentioned, along with cuttlefish remains. Also much oyster, with some whelk, mussel, limpet, cockle and winkle.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 43015,A small assemblage associated with the late Roman structures. Wetland fowl comprises mallard.,134,FALSE,31,,9,,1,,10,,3,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,1,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,280,325, 43016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43017,"A moderate concentration of animal bone within the settlement ditches, including horse, cow and sheep/goat.",185,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,125,175, 43018,"The animal bone assemblage is dominated by cattle and suggested as reflecting a seasonal cattle production site. It is suggested that sheep/goat and pig were not slaughtered on site, but arrived on site in a ready-butchered condition. ABGs from the main phase of activity comprise two juvenile cattle burials in circular pits, one of which was skinned and place with parts of an adult individual. Also the partial remains of a foal were found in a cut in the top of a ditch. These remains were all widely distributed across the site (see plan). Further animal burials came from the later (3rd C?) phase of activity. Cut into the top fill of a ditch was a circular pit with a burial of a calf. A further possible juvenile (?)cattle burial was found elsewhere in the ditch. 2,098 bones came from the ABGs.","2,691",TRUE,39,,"1,745",3,6,,20,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,100,300, 43019,"Forty-five bone and teeth fragments are included in the debris recovered from the ditch fill, the species represented being domestic cattle, sheep, pig and horse, with sheep being dominant.",45,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 43020,"Very limited assemblage from Roman contexts, mostly due to poor preservation. Also limpet, periwinkle, whelk, mussel, cockle and oyster.",11,FALSE,7,,4,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,275,350, 43021,"No report on the animal remains. However, a group of bones was found in the shallow fill below a large curved capstone of a drain by a building to the west of the settlement. All the bones were of sheep/goat, and comprised a partly scorched and fragmented skull, three juvenile lower mandibles, two older upper mandibles, and a fragment of a goat horn-core. This group was probably in position when the large capstone was put in place.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,325, 43022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43026,Animal bone recovered but no further details.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,150,350, 43027,"Unquantified assemblage of cattle, sheep, pig, horse, dog, fox, and ?swan. Oyster, limpet and winkle shells also found. There were two fragmentary cattle skulls from the lower filling of the main ditch.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,120, 43028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43031,A small number of pig bones packed into the fill at the bottom of a rock-cut posthole may have been a structured deposit.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43032,A small assemblage dominated by cattle. Seven bones were burnt.,84,FALSE,1,,29,,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,300, 43033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43034,Unquantified assemblage of mainly sheep with some cattle and bird bones.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 43035,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43037,"Animal bone from the Roman phase of one of the excavation areas (The Waitrose site) was quantified. This all dated later Roman, and is dominated by cattle.",301,FALSE,25,,46,,6,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,300,375, 43038,"Initial assessment of the animal bone from the 2012-13 excavations shows that cattle was the most common species recovered with some sheep/goat and pig as well as a few fragments of dog, horse and red deer.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 43039,"Palaeoenvironmental remains from topsoil included oyster shell and the teeth of sheep/goat, but it is not possible to be certain whether these derived from the Roman occupation of the site.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 43040,Animal remains recovered but no further information.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,300, 43041,"Significant sized assemblages from Iron Age site (A) and Roman building (D) though only 12.3% identified to species. Iron Age assemblage from building dominated by cattle, whereas Roman assemblage dominated by sheep. Two postpits in Roman building contain partial skeletons (ABGs): a sub-adult cow and adult sheep. Also four individual sheep/goat skeletons from nearby ditch. These dominated the Roman assemblage.","3,964",FALSE,208,5,197,1,35,,15,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,1,325, 43042,"No specific evidence associated with the late Iron Age/early Roman building, though cattle hoof prints were found.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43043,"A modest sized assemblage dominated by cattle and sheep/goat. Many bones display evidence of butchery, including dog bones.",374,FALSE,25,,29,,7,,1,,1,,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,20,225, 43044,"'Several hundred' fragments of animal bone recovered from the 1930s excavations (200 indicated here) including cattle, sheep/goat, horse, pig, red deer, badger & otter.",200,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,100, 43045,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43046,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43047,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43048,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43049,"Animal bone seemingly from Iron Age contexts, dominated by sheep/goat and cattle. Includes most of the skeleton of an immature lamb.",522,FALSE,158,1,150,,40,,29,,12,,,,,,,,,,18,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,-100,50, 43050,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43051,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43052,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43053,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43054,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43055,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43056,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43057,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43058,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43059,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43060,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43061,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43062,"Substantial assemblage, mainly remains from cattle, sheep/goat and pig. Lesser quantities of horse, dog, goose and fowl were also identified, as well as wild species represented by hare, goose (13 frags), mallard and godwit. Bones from cattle dominated the assemblage. Eight fragments of oyster shell.","2,645",FALSE,362,,544,,126,,3,,11,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,20,,14,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,360,2 43063,"An unquantified assemblage of cattle, sheep/goat and pig along with limpet, periwinkle, whelk, oyster and mussel.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 43064,"Unquantified assemblage of domestic animals (cattle, sheep/goat & pig) along with red deer. Also periwinkle, limpet, mussel and dog whelk.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,200, 43065,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 43066,"An unquantified assmblage of animal remains, mostly cattle and sheep/goat.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,200, 44001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44002,"Animal bone recovered, but not quantified or described by period.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44007,A small assemblage from Roman contexts in the fort/vicus area. All burnt and very little identified.,99,FALSE,,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,125, 44008,"Substantial amounts of animal recorded including from likely late Iron Age deposits (mostly under a later Roman building), which were dominated by cattle, but also include much red deer antler. The late Roman assemblage also dominated by cattle, then pig and sheep/goat. This also includes hare, fish, duck & domestic fowl, red and roe deer (mostly antler).","5,346",FALSE,908,,"3,289",,984,,45,,13,,,,5,74,,,2,,,3,,,,2,,1,TRUE,1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 44009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44012,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44015,Animal bones recovered but poorly preserved. Also oyster shells.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 44016,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44018,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44022,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44023,No animal bones survived the acidity of the soil.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44026,Animal bone recovered but no further details. Oyster shells recovered from the outer ditch.,1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,, 44027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44029,A large number of animal bones came from the same layer as the human skeletal material in the cave but no indication of date.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 44031,Thirty one pieces of unidentifiable burnt animal bone were recovered from one of the pits.,31,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,100, 44032,An early Roman pit contained the remains of approximately two sheep/goat carcasses and a single neonatal/foetal sheep/goat remains. All skeletal elements were represented suggesting that the entire carcass was present. Butchery was noted on two fragments of bone from the cremated carcasses.,3,FALSE,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,50,200, 44033,"18 fragments if identifiable animal bone were recovered, all from the horse family.",18,FALSE,,,,,,,18,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-50,100, 44034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45001,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45002,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45004,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45006,Just 45 bones from all Iron Age and Romano-British contexts.,45,FALSE,7,,19,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,400, 45007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45008,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45010,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45011,A large number of oyster shells with two or three mussels recovered from one of the buildings outside the fort.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45012,No finds report,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45014,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45015,No finds yet analysed from the excavations.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45016,"Bone very fragmentary, including cattle, pig, red deer, sheep and birds. Marine molluscs also present (oyster, mussel, swan mussel). No quantification.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,87,250, 45017,No data - calcined bone recovered but not examined.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45018,"Very little data available but large quantities of animal bones were recovered, though only a small proportion were collected and studied. Deer present, apparently predominantly red deer but roe deer also present, and there is evidence for antler working. Most bones were of the main domestic species.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45019,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45020,"A small animal bone assemblage and most material not identified to species due to high level of fragmentation. Less than 1000 (precise number uncertain) fragments and only 33 identified to species. Detailed quantification presented only by frequency of occurrence in contexts, not by NISP.","1,000",FALSE,13,,17,,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,75,130, 45021,"Small assemblage due to acidic soil. Total number of fragments approx. 870 from all phases, with approx. 28% identified. Animal bones separated into two broad phases in the report, Iron Age and Romano-British. Iron Age not included here as mid-Iron Age material in the assemblage - RB material only in data below. Total fragment count includes only identified fragments.",55,FALSE,12,,18,,9,,10,,6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 45022,"Approx. 1000 fragments identified (85% of the total). Unspecified deer included at least 1 red deer, roe also present. Antler only, no deer bone. Poor preservation and no sieving. High level of residuality suggest analysis by stage meaningless for the size of the sample, though phased data is included here anyway - phase 1 = early-mid/late 2nd century and phase 2 = late 2nd-mid-3rd century. Identified bone only included in the total number of fragments for the phase data, and only main species are phased in the report. In addition to the quantified species, other species included roe deer, fox and cat. Birds included goose, teal, domestic chicken, crane, oystercatcher, lapwing, grey plover, woodcock and carrion crow. Fish included mackerel, plaice and a fish of cod type. Amphibians included frog. Also probable boar amongst the pig bone. Marine shellfish included mussel, cockle, oyster. Also edible snail.","1,176",FALSE,169,,257,,96,,40,,,,2,,,,,,,,6,13,,2,,,,,TRUE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,120,250, 45023,"Bone well preserved in comparison to other Welsh sites. Identified bones only in the total fragment count. Phasing data included here relates to Phase 1 - Iron Age; Phase 2 - c. AD 80-160; Phase 3 - 3rd/4th century. Wild animals included 6 fox NISPs. Wetland fowl included 3 goose and 1 duck. Wild fowl included 1 raven. Much of the deer antler was cut through, apparently with a saw. Skeleton of a dog recovered from one of the buildings.","7,075",FALSE,"2,986",,"2,931",,"1,062",,31,,7,1,1,,6,16,,2,,,,14,,6,,8,,4,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,-100,325,1 45024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45028,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45029,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45030,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45031,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45032,"Fragmentary animal bones recovered, no quantification.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 45033,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46001,Animal bone did not survive well on the soils.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46002,No data - poor soils,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46003,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46004,Much of the material had been burnt and consisted of small fragments. None were identified to species.,106,TRUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 46005,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46006,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46007,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46008,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46009,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46010,"Cattle, sheep and horse bones recovered but only in very small quantity. Poor preservation. Marine shell comparatively abundant from the site. Building C produced numerous limpets and periwinkles which had been consumed.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,150,400, 46011,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46012,"Animal bone recovered, but the specialist report is not yet available.",1,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,100,350, 46013,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46014,"Fragmentary bones common: cattle, pig and horse identified (many young). Long bones commonly found split. Mussels, limpets, cockles and periwinkles recovered. 1st-2ndC AD dates given here, but later activity also possible.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,1,200, 46015,No animal bone preserved due to acidity of the soils.,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46016,No bone recovered due to acidic soils,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46017,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46018,No data - acidic soil,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46019,No data - acidic soil,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46020,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46021,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46022,"The bathhouse produced numerous animal bones and 'a very large mass of shells' from some rooms. None were quantified, but the report states the identification of specimens from cattle, sheep/goat, pig, hare, cat, and red deer antler (some with evidence for sawing). Marine shells included oyster (dominated), cockles, mussels, whelks, and limpets.",,FALSE,1,,1,,1,,,,,,1,,,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,FALSE,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,100,400, 46023,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46024,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46025,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46026,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46027,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46028,"Some faunal remains recovered, but none were determinably Roman in date due to Bronze Age activity.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46029,"No quantification of animal bones evident, though the report notes the presence of cattle, horse, sheep/goat, pig, dog, cat and red deer (bones and antler - at least one shed), plus two 'bird' bones and single bones of duck, grouse and fish (vertebra). Some antler implements and working frags were recovered, as was the skull and antler of a roe buck (antler appears relatively common). Teeth are quantified from two structures, but not all, whilst bones were not quantified. Cattle generally dominant. Oyster, mussel, limpets, periwinkles, scallop, whelks, carpet shells, and cockles also present.",,FALSE,1,,1,,1,,1,,,,1,,1,1,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,TRUE,1,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,200,400, 46030,"Bones of cattle, horse, deer and pig were identified but not dated.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46031,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46032,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46033,"Small numbers of animal bone were recovered from different huts. Horse, cattle and sheep bones are mentioned in the report.",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,1,400, 46034,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46035,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46036,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46037,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46038,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46039,No data,,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,,, 46040,"Animal bone was recovered from two huts, some of which came from the hearth area, but all the remains were to fragmented from identification (those from the hearth area were also heavily calcined).",,FALSE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,FALSE,,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,250,450,