"Burial_ID","REF_Gender","REF_Osteo_Sex","REF_Osteo_Age","Simons_Osteological_Information","Other_Osteological_Information","Inventory","REF_Site","Notes","Coin_note" "AbI55","Male",,,,,,"AbI",, "Alf54","Male",,,,,,"Alf",, "Alf59","Male",,,,,,"Alf",, "Alf89","Male",,,,,"Lozenge-shaped plate; Fragment, Fe; Fragment, Ae; Pottery sherds, 5","Alf",, "Alt01","Male",,,,,"Mount, rectangular, Ae","Alt",, "Alt02","Male",,,,,"Sword beads, glass, 2; Rivets, Fe, 2; Shaft fragments, Fe, 2; Bands, flat, Fe, and pice of bone, probably together with BU8 part of a composite belt.","Alt","Contained cremation 44 in a Roman pot.", "Alt04","Male",,,,,,"Alt","Cut Grave 3", "Alt16","Male","Male","28",,,"Strap mount, triangular, gilt Ae; Staples, Fe, 4; Nails, Fe, 2; Wooden cups, Ag rim, 2","Alt","Disturbed cremation 46.", "Alt39","Female","Male","50+",,,,"Alt","Half under the next garden not excavated.", "Alt42","Male","Male","30-35",,,"Sword-bead, amber; Sheet fragments, Ae, 2","Alt",, "Alt45","Male","Male","Adult",,,,"Alt",, "Alv","Male",,,,,"Kimmeridge shale bracelet","Alv",, "And06","Male","Male","30-35",,,"Fragments, Fe, 2","And","Modern disturbance at head end", "And23","Female","Undetermined","Adult",,,,"And","Plough damage", "And33","Male","Undetermined","Adult",,,"Sheet fragment, Ae; Binding, sheet Ae; Clips, Ae with Fe rivets, 5","And",, "And49","Male","Male","25-30",,,"Wire fragments, Fe; Shield board attachment, Fe","And",, "ApD063","Male","Male","45+",,,"Purse-bar, Fe; Sheet fragment, Ae","ApD","Damaged by plough. Together with Graves 62 and 72 below mound.", "ApD099B","Male","Male","45+",,,,"ApD","?Cut Grave 93", "ApD107","Female","Female","45+","Sinusitis",,,"ApD",, "ApD117","Female","Female","45+","Fracture",,"Mount, rectangular, Ag foil on Ae","ApD",, "ApD134","Female","Female","25-30","No further information",,,"ApD",,"Roman Ae coin, (pierced, PE7-b) c. mid-3rd century" "ApD145","Male","Male","30-35",,,,"ApD",, "ApD151","Female","Female","45+",,,,"ApD",, "ApD152","Male","Male","20-25",,,,"ApD",, "AstCli12","Female","Female","Mature adult","No further information",,"Ear pick and scoop, Ae","AstCli",, "BA08","Male",,,,,"Sheet clip fragments, Ae, probabaly from shield.","BA",, "BA18","Female",,,,,"Ring, Ae, of folded-over sheet; ?Finger ring, Ae; Ring, Fe","BA",, "BA26","Male",,,,,"Mounts, animal-shaped, tinned/silvered and gilt Ae, a pair,; Mount, disc-shaped, Ae; Mount, rectangular, Ae","BA",, "BA56","Female",,,,,,"BA","Cut by Grave 57", "BA59","Female",,,,,,"BA","Uncertain relationship with Grave 60.", "BA66","Male",,,,,,"BA",, "Bar34","Female",,,,,,"Bar","Inv Sep 140 iv, 18", "Bar48","Female",,,,,"Small pieces, Fe, several","Bar","Inv Sep 143 iv 5, 15, 19, 4", "BDen","Female","Female","35",,,,"BDen",, "BeaII3","Male",,,,,,"BeaII","Aerodrome", "BeckA02","Male","Female","25-30",,,,"BeckA","Feet slightly disturbed by pit.", "BeckA06","Male","Male","25-35",,,,"BeckA",, "BeckA13","Male","Male","35-45",,,,"BeckA",, "BeckA14","Male","Male","28-35",,,"Strip, Fe","BeckA",, "BeckA22","Male","Male","40-50",,,,"BeckA",, "BeckA25","Male","Male","20-30+",,,,"BeckA","Lower part of legs removed by quarrying.", "BeckB05","Male","Female","Young adult",,,,"BeckB",, "BeckB07","Male","Male","25-35",,,,"BeckB",, "BeckB47","Male","Male","Adult",,,,"BeckB","Right side of skeleton destroyed by drain.", "BeckB51","Male","Male","25-40",,,"Shield appliqu?, Fe","BeckB",, "BeckB64","Male","Male","Young adult",,,,"BeckB",, "BeckB77","Male","Male","Adult",,,,"BeckB",, "BeckB92","Male","Male","25-35",,,,"BeckB",, "BeckB94","Male","Male","Adult",,,,"BeckB",, "BeckB95","Male","Male","Adult",,,,"BeckB",, "Ber006","Male","Male","25-30",,,"Late Roman belt fitting, Ae","Ber",, "Ber008","Female","Female","25-30",,,,"Ber",, "Ber022","Female","Female","18-29","F?",,"Ring, Fe","Ber","Grave damaged.", "Ber028","Male","Male","30-49","BONE-FORMER=sub-clinical DISH, Fracture",,"Sheet fragments from a ?bowl, Ae","Ber",, "Ber034","Male","Male","25-30",,,"Object, Fe; Strip, Ae","Ber",, "Ber035","Female","Undetermined","11-12",,,"Strip, Fe; Fitting, Ae; Romano-British sherds, 4","Ber",, "Ber051","Male","Undetermined","20-25",,,,"Ber",, "Ber052","Male","Male","30-35",,,"Sheet fragments, Ae, 2; Glass rod","Ber",, "Ber053","Male","Male","30-35",,,"Pin, wood","Ber","Partially destroyed at head end.", "Ber069","Male","Male","25-30",,,,"Ber",, "Ber073","Female","Female","20-25",,,"Pin fragments, Fe, 3; Romano-British sherds, 15","Ber",, "Ber102","Female","Female","18-29","No further information",,"Strip, Ae; Fragments, Fe, 2","Ber",, "Ber107","Female","Female","18-29","No further information",,"Brush-holder, Ae; Plate with four holes, Ae; Fragments, Fe; Toilet set, Ae; ?Pin-fragment, Fe; Small perforated disc, Ae","Ber",, "Ber110","Male","Male","45+",,,"Mount, rectangular, Fe; Lunate flint/chert scraper","Ber",, "Ber128","Male","Undetermined","09",,,,"Ber",, "Ber134/1","Female","Female","50+","BONE-FORMER=sub-clinical DISH",,,"Ber","Fragments of an adolescent/adult skeleton.", "Ber141/1","Male","Male","30-35",,,"Plate, rectangular, Ae; Hook or clench, Ae","Ber","Additionally theskeleton of a c 14 year old child.", "Bi39","Male",,,,,"Belt-attachments, Ag/white metal 2; Openwork belt-ornaments, Ag, 3; Nails, Fe, 2","Bi",, "Bi43","Male",,,,,,"Bi","Double burial. The other burial without grave goods.", "BlaP22","Male",,,,,,"BlaP",, "BloodH11","Female","Undetermined","13-45+",,,"Chatelaine etc, Ae, Fe; Silver bar; Wool combs, Fe & wood, pair","BloodH",, "BloodH12","Female","Female","26-45",,,"Chatelaine, Fe; Curved rod, Fe, 2 fragments","BloodH",, "BloodH22","Female","Undetermined","25-35",,,"Fitting, lozengiform, Fe, 2; Chatelaine, Fe; Ring, Fe, fragments; Rod, with flat ovoid head, Fe; Lace tag, Ae; Plate, Fe, fragment; Sheet with rivet, Ae","BloodH",, "BloodH23","Female",,,,,"Ring, Fe, 5; Rods, Fe, 2; Loop, Ae; Purse-mount, Ae; Chain links, Fe, 4","BloodH","Disturbed/robbed", "Bos074","Male",,,,,"Rod, Fe; Stud, tinned Ae; Swastika-shaped stud, Ae with silver sheet; Cruciform mount, Ae; Purse-mount, Fe; Clasp, Ae","Bos","Multiple burial", "Bos087","Male",,,,,"Ring, Fe; Nail, Fe","Bos",, "Bos093","Female",,,,,"?Diamond, Fe; Chatelaine, Fe; Fittings, Ae, 2; Sceatt, Ag; Toilet set (scoop, pick, spatula and two more), Ag","Bos",,"Solidus (mounted pendant PE7-a), Sigebert III, 638/9-656 minted at Marseille. (Grierson & Blackburn 1986, 85-89 and 130-31.; Sceatta, Ag, Primary Series Rigold B, tentatively ascribed to London (Metcalf 1994, 104). BMC type 27b; North I, 126." "Bos095","Male",,,,,"Nail, Fe","Bos",, "Bos096","Male",,,,,,"Bos",, "Brch","Male",,,,,,"Brch",, "BrD6","Female",,,,,"Bracelet, Ag; Ring, very small","BrD","Avent 1975 No. 135. Avent numbered this context Grave 52, but Brugmann (pers. comm.) gives the correct grave number as Grave 6.", "BrDTM","Male",,,,,"Spear or knife","BrD","Dug by Thomas Mantell 1810 (Evison p. 44). Drawing no 14.; According to Evison this is a single grave-assemblage.", "BroL019","Male","Undetermined","Adult",,,"Sheet mount, Ae; Fragments, Fe, 4","BroL","Double burial", "BroL100","Male","Undetermined","Adult",,,"Objects, Fe, 3; ?amber bead","BroL",, "Broom","Male",,,,,"Dish, Ae, with handles, Fe; Lamp, Fe; Cauldron, Fe; Rouletted pottery urn, Frankish type; Drinking horn","Broom",, "BSEd","Male",,,,,,"BSEd",, "BuD000C","Male",,,,,"Balance, Ae; Roman coins, Ae, 14+, re-used as weights; Strips, Fe, 3; Pebbles, sandstone, 2","BuD","Old excavation","Sestertius, Faustina II (under Antoninus Pius, c 160).; Sestertius, 2nd century, fabric suggests Hadrian (117-138).; Sestertius, Antoninus Pius (138-161).; Dupondius, Antoninus Pius (138-161).; As, Caracalla (211-217).; As, Caligula (37-41).; Antoninianus, Allectus (293-296).; Antoninianus, Carausius (286-293).; Antoninianus, Tetricus I (270-274).; Antoninianus, Claudius II (268-270).; Antoninianus, Tetricus I (270-274).; False Antoninianus ('barbarous radiate') Carausius (286-293).; Antoninianus, Claudius II (269-270).; Centenionalis, Constantine I (306-337); date c 320." "BuD000D","Male",,,,,,"BuD",, "BuD000F","Female",,,,,,"BuD",, "BuD001","Female","Female","45+",,,"Bracelet, Ae; Ring, Fe, 2; Ring, Ae; Diamond, Fe","BuD",, "BuD004","Male","Undetermined","Old?",,,,"BuD","Partially disturbed", "BuD006","Female","Female","20-30",,,"Shaft, Fe","BuD",, "BuD014","Female","Undetermined","20-30",,,"Shaft, Fe; Wire, Ae; ?playing piece, bone; Stud, Ae with silver disc; Diamond, Fe; Slip-knot ring, Ae, with a tab folded over it, probably part of knife; Binding, Ae, for ?knife sheath","BuD","Mechanical damage.","Centenionalis, probably Constantine II, (pierced, PE7-b); rev.: VIRTVS EXERCIT, date 319/20." "BuD018","Female","Female",,,,"Rings, Fe, 2, for the keys","BuD","Machine damage.", "BuD027","Male","Male","45+",,,"Shield appliqu?s, discs with knob in centre, Fe, 2","BuD",, "BuD029","Female","Female","20-30",,,"Ring, Ag; Lock with key fragment, Fe","BuD",,"Imitation of tremissis, Ae gilt (mounted as pendant PE7-a), type ultimately derived from tremisses struck for Justinian I in Italy c. 540. Rigold attributes this piece to east or north-west Gaul." "BuD030","Female","Male","30-45",,,,"BuD",, "BuD032","Female","Undetermined","30-45",,,"Earscoop, Ae","BuD",, "BuD033","Male","Undetermined","45+",,,,"BuD",, "BuD035","Female","Undetermined","12-18",,,,"BuD",, "BuD038","Female","Female","20-30",,,"Finger ring, Au; Diamond, Fe, 2; Fragment, Fe; Weaving batten, Fe","BuD",, "BuD039","Male","Undetermined",,,,,"BuD",, "BuD042","Female","Female","45+",,,,"BuD",, "BuD053","Female","Female","20-30",,,"Diamond, Fe; Purse-mount, Fe","BuD",, "BuD055","Female","Undetermined","00-06",,,"Spoon, Fe; Fossil","BuD",, "BuD056","Male","Male","30-45",,,"Belt mounts, T-shaped with eyes, tinned Ae, 3; Belt mounts, rectangular, tinned Ae, 1, Ag, 1; Disc-shaped mount with projection, silvered Ae, possibly part of zoomorphic plaque","BuD",, "BuD059","Female","Female","20-30",,,,"BuD","Disturbed by Grave 58.", "BuD060","Female","Female",,,,"Bars, Fe, 2; Diamond, Fe; Animal tooth","BuD",, "BuD062","Female","Female","45+",,,"Ring, Fe","BuD",, "BuD065","Male","Male","45+",,,"Shaft/sharpening steel, Fe; Shafts, Fe, 2","BuD",, "BuD067","Female","Female","20-30",,,"Bracelet, Ae, wire with slip-knot","BuD",, "BuD071","Male","Male","20-30",,,"Ring of band, Ae, probably from sword; Band with lines, Ae, broken; Ring, Fe; Shield appliqu?s, pair of disc-headed rivets, Fe, 2","BuD",, "BuD075","Female","Undetermined",,,,"Spoon, Fe; Weaving pick, bone","BuD",, "BuD090","Male","Male","45+",,,,"BuD",, "BuD091","Male","Undetermined","20-30",,,,"BuD",, "BuD092","Female","Female","20-30",,,"Ring, Ae; Band, Ae; Rings, Fe, 3","BuD",, "BuD093","Male","Undetermined","30-45",,,"Sword bead, reticella glass bead; Shield appliqu?s, rhomboid, silvered Fe, 2; Rod, Fe; Bands, Ae, 2; Buckle loop, Fe, fragments; Ring, Ae","BuD",, "BuD096a","Male","Male","40+",,,,"BuD","Double grave with bodies placed side by side.", "BuD096b","Male","Undetermined","20-30",,,,"BuD",, "BuD098","Male","Undetermined","Adult",,,,"BuD",, "BuD107","Female","Undetermined",,,,"Fragments, Fe; Rivet, Ae","BuD",, "BuD110","Female","Female","20-30",,,"Bracelet, Ae; Spoon, Fe; Loop, Ae","BuD","Also skeleton of unborn child.","PADA-related Rigold class PIIB, Ag, (mounted as pendant PE7-a), Kentish, late 7th century. ; PADA (runic) Rigold class P III, Ag, (mounted as pendant PE7-a), Kentish, late 7th century." "BuD127","Female","Undetermined",,,,"Spoon, Fe; Rings, Fe, 3","BuD",, "BuD128","Male","Undetermined","Adult",,,,"BuD",, "BuD129","Female","Undetermined","Young adult",,,"Pottery bottle, wheel-made; Bracelet, Ae, slip-knot; Thong tag, Ae; Girdle-hanger, Ae; Perforated bone","BuD",,"Antoninianus, Valerian I (253-260) (pierced, PE7-b)." "BuD131","Male","Undetermined","Young adult",,,,"BuD",, "BuD132","Female","Female","Young adult",,,,"BuD",, "BuD133","Female","Female",,,,"Fragments, Fe, with three Ae rivets","BuD",, "BuD134","Female","Undetermined",,,,,"BuD",, "BuD137","Male",,,,,"Bowl, Ae","BuD",, "BuD141","Female","Undetermined","Young adult",,,"Bracelet, Ae; S-shaped wire, Ae; S-hook, Ae; ?box of black ?oak and ?antler fragments","BuD",,"Denarius, Clodius Albinus (193-196), (pierced, PE7-b)." "BuD155","Female","Undetermined",,,,"Bars, Fe, 2; Loop, Ae","BuD",, "BuD157","Female","Female","Young adult",,,"Chatelaine, Ae; Bone lid to a box; Purse-mount, Fe; Pottery bottle, wheel-made","BuD",, "BuD160","Female","Undetermined","45+",,,"Ring, Fe; Rod fragments, Fe; Pointed fragment, Fe","BuD",, "BuD222","Female","Female","50+","No further information",,"Ring, Ae; Object, Fe","BuD","Cut Grave 235.", "BuD230","Male",,,,,,"BuD","Cut Grave 229.", "BuD232","Female",,,,,,"BuD","Cut Grave 223. Cut by Grave 231.","Plated gold coin (mounted as pendant, PE7-a), copying tremissis of Justin I or II." "BuD245","Female","Female","35-45",,,"Chape, Ag; Rings, Ae, 3; Stud, Ag, 2","BuD",, "BuD250","Female","Female","30-49","BONE-FORMER=sub-clinical DISH",,"Weaving batten, Fe; Flat-cut garnets, 7; Diamond, Fe; Purse-mount-shaped mount, Ae; Chatelaine, Fe; Ring, Ae","BuD",, "BuD251","Male","Undetermined","40-45",,,"Pottery bottle","BuD",, "BuD264","Male","Male","30-49","No further information",,,"BuD","Cut Graves 263 and 347.", "BuD265B","Male","Undetermined","25-30",,,"Balace and pans, Ae; Weights, Ae, re-used Roman coins, 11; Weight, Ae & Pb; Ingot, Ae; Roman coins, Ae and silvered Ae; Washer or rivet head, Ae; Strip, Ae; Shaft, Fe; Awl, Fe; Lump, Pb or Ag; Roman bird of prey motive, Pb, fragment; Nail, Fe","BuD","Cut Grave 359.","Ae nummus of AD 367-75. GLORIA NOVI SAECVLI (Gratian). RIC IX, Arles 15.; Ae Roman sestertius, 2; Brass sestertius of Trajan (AD 98-117), 2; Brass sestertius of Septimus Severus (AD 193-211); Ae Roman dupondius or as; Ae Roman coin, 2; Silvered bronze nummus of AD 330-35, CONSTANTINOPOLIS type.; Brass sestertius of the second century (Hadrianic or Antonine)" "BuD297","Male","Male","30-35",,,"Cabouchon mount, Ae, glass; Ring, Ae; Sheet mount, Ae, 2; Rivets with sheet, Ae, 5","BuD",, "BuD323","Male","Male","30-49","No further information",,,"BuD","Cut Grave 324.", "BuD331","Female",,,,,"Coin, Iron Age","BuD",,"Iron Age Ae coin, British Iron Age potin, Class I (Hobbs 674 etc.), 1st century BC" "BuD336","Female","Undetermined","30-40",,,"Chain, Fe; Ring, Fe; Tube, Ae, with binging, Fe","BuD",, "BuD339","Female","Female","18-29","No further information",,"Ring, Ae","Bur",, "BuD353","Female","Undetermined","30-35",,,"Rod, Fe; Diamond, Fe","BuD","Cut Grave 352. Relationship to Grave 346 unclear.", "BuD354","Female","Undetermined","25-30",,,"?ring, Fe; Chain, Ae; Strip, Au, from tablet-woven band","BuD",, "BuD373","Female","Undetermined","35-40",,,"Diamond, Fe; Shaft, Fe; Ring, Ae; Ring, Fe","BuD",, "BuD375","Male","Male","25-30",,,"Cleat, Fe","BuD",, "BuD376","Female","Undetermined","07-08",,,"Chatelaine fragment, Fe; Wheel-turned pottery bottle","BuD",, "BuD381","Male","Undetermined","30-40",,,"Heart-shaped studs, Ae, 2; Nail, Fe, 3; Ring, Fe; Purse-mounts, Ae, 2; Purse-mount/firesteel, Fe; Rod, Fe; Fragments, Fe","BuD","Cut by Grave 406", "BuD391A","Female","Female","35-45",,,"Hooked implement, Fe","BuD","Stacked on Grave 391B.", "BuD391B","Female","Female","20-25",,,"Inventory not recorded in detail as the grave is considerably earlier than grave A.","BuD","Stacked under grave 391A","Ae coin. Silvered bronze radiate of Tetricus I (AD 270-74). PAX AVG. cf. RIC 100.; Ae coin. Silvered bronze radiate of Tetricus I (AD 270-74). AX AVG. cf. RIC 100." "BuD393A","Male","Male","25-30",,,,"BuD",, "BuD412","Female","Undetermined","15-20",,,"Ring, Ae","BuD","Cut Grave 430.", "BuD413","Female","Female","22-27",,,,"BuD",, "BuD414","Male","Male","30-49","No further information",,"Looped spike, Fe; Awls, Fe, 2; Object, Fe","BuD",, "BuD423","Male","Male","40-50",,,"Awl, Fe","BuD",, "BuD437","Male","Male","35-40",,,"Fauchard, Fe; Roman coin, silvered Ae; Purse-mount/firesteel, Fe","BuD",,"Silvered bronze radiate of Carausius (AD 286-93)" "Bur026","Female",,,,,,"Bur",, "Bur032","Female",,,,,,"Bur","Buried with child.", "Bur042","Female",,,,,"Chatelaine, Fe; Purse-mount, Fe; Toilet set, Fe","Bur",, "Bur047","Male",,,,,,"Bur",, "Bur076","Female",,,,,"Plate fragments, Ae; Rings, Ae/Fe","Bur",, "Bur083","Female",,,,,"?awl, Fe; Chatelaine, Fe & Ae; Spoon, Fe; Firesteel, Fe; Pair of loops on a ring, Ae; Hasps, Ae, 2; Studs, Ae, 2; Lace tags, Ae, 2","Bur",, "Bur121","Female",,,,,"Plate fragments, Ae; Spike, Fe; Pyrites; Openwork disc, silver plated Ae; Ring, Ae","Bur",, "But1306","Male",,,,,"Ring, Fe, may be from a wooden box; Strap end, Ae","But","Cut by pit.", "But1674","Female","Female","17/21-45+",,"Sinus R femur-osteomyelitis",,"But",, "But2297","Male","Undetermined","25-35",,,,"But","Cut and largely destroyed by pits.", "But2962","Female","Undetermined","17/21-45+",,,"Chatelaine, Fe; Strap end, Fe; Ring, Fe with Ae sheet; Openwork roundel, Ae, with inset; Rod, Fe, with openwork terminal, with Ae surface","But",, "But3243","Male","Undetermined",,,,"Staples, Fe, 2","But","Cut and largely destroyed by pits", "But3362","Female","Undetermined","17/21-45+",,,"?awl or bodkin, Fe","But","Cut by pits.", "But3659","Male",,,,,"Ferrule; Counter, quartz; Cleats, Fe, 2","But","Cut by pit, cellar and kiln.", "But3871","Male","Undetermined","17/21-45+",,,"Ring, Ae","But",, "But4222","Female",,,,,,"But",, "But4275","Female","Female","17/21-45+",,,"Chatelaine, Fe; Sheet fitting fragments, Ae, ; Strap ends, Ae, 2; Rod, Fe; Garnets, 19","But",,"Thrymsa of the Constantine group (mounted as a pendant, PE7-a); Pada thrymsa of the PaIII type (mounted as a pendant, PE7-a)" "Cam05","Female",,,,,"?Button, ??; Fragment, ??","Cam",, "Cam94B","Female",,,,,,"Cam",, "CasD013","Female","Female","18-29","No further information",,,"CasD",, "CasD016","Female","Undetermined","06-07",,,,"CasD",, "CasD031","Female","Female","25-35",,,"Nail, Fe; Strip, Ae","CasD",, "CasD053","Female","Female","30-49","No further information",,"Clasps, Ae, pair; Rings, Fe, 3; Diamond, Fe; Stud, Fe; Fragment, Fe, originally identified as a BR3-f","CasD",, "CasD061","Female","Undetermined","03",,,,"CasD","Cut by Grave 62.", "CasD076","Female","Undetermined","08-10",,,,"CasD",, "CasD088","Female","Female","18-29","No further information",,,"CasD",, "CasD094","Male","Male","30-49","No further information",,"Nail/stud, Fe","CasD",, "CasD096","Female","Female","18-29","No further information",,,"CasD","Cut by Grave 97", "CasD099","Female","Undetermined","45+",,,"Strap distributor, Ae","CasD","West edge of grave unexcavated.", "CasD120","Female","Female","13-17","No further information",,"Chatelaine, Fe; Object, Fe","CasD",, "CasD134","Female","Female","13-17","Dental enamel pearls",,"Finger ring, Ag; Strap-end, Ae; Ring, Fe; Sheet objects, Ae","CasD",, "CasD161","Male","Undetermined","35-45",,,"Objects, Fe, 2","CasD","Disturbed", "CasD167B","Female","Female","35-45",,,,"CasD","This grave is a reburial in an older grave.", "CasD182","Undetermined","Male","18-29","NMT=unusual skeletal variant",,"No finds","CasD","Cut by Grave 183.", "CasD183","Female","Female","18-29","Periostitis",,"Mount, Ae; Chatelaine, Fe; ?firesteel, Fe; Spatulate blade, Fe","CasD","Cut Grave 182.", "CasDI","Female",,,,,"Scales, Ae; Die with Style II, Ae; Weight, Ae, 2; Roman coins, re-used as weights, 2; Objects, Ae, 2; Mount, Ae; Hanging bowl; Bowl, Ae; Ring, Ae","CasD","Could be a mixed grave.","Roman coin, identification impossible; Roman coin of LUGDUNUM, Constantine II, DN CONSTANTINO NN NC; BEATA TRANQVILLITAS; altar inscribed VOTIS XX." "CasDII","Female",,,,,"?weaving batten","CasD","Could be a mixed grave.", "ChatTumxii","Female",,,,,,"Chat","Nenia pl 8; Avent No. 72", "ChBI03","Female",,,,,,"ChBI","""Much probably lost""", "ChBII08","Female",,,,,,"ChBI",, "ChBII09","Female",,,,,"Chatelaine, Fe","ChBI",, "ChBII32","Female",,"Child",,,"Rivets, Fe, 3","ChBI",, "ChBII39","Female",,,,,"Rod, Fe","ChBI",, "ChBII57","Female",,,,,"Belgic pot, wheel-turned; Belgic dish, wheel-turned","ChBI",, "ChD09","Female",,,,,,"ChD",, "ChD14","Female",,,,,,"ChD","Inv Sep 170 vii, 8", "ChDA","Female",,,,,"?Crystal ball; Vessel with handle, Ae, only fragments; Small round turquoise stone","ChD","=Tumulus V see Douglas 1793, 20-21 pl. 5 fig 1; Avent 1975 no 162", "Chr14","Male",,,,,,"Chr",, "Chr23","Male",,,,,,"Chr",, "Chr28","Male",,,,,,"Chr",, "Clip","Male",,,,,,"Clip",, "Cod01","Male",,"Adult",,,"Sheet, Ae; Shield mounts, Ae/Fe, 3; Bowl with ring tripod base, Ae","Cod",, "Cod30","Female","Female","30-49","Skeleton no 337, ; BONE-FORMER=sub-clinical DISH",,"Toilet set, Ag; Fittings for bed, Fe; Bowl, Ae; Fittings for purse, Ae; Chain, Fe; Finger ring, Ag; Coin, Ae; Sceat, Ag","Cod","Also numbered 308","Tremissis (mounted as pendant, PE7-a) of DAGOBERT I, Arles mint, AD 629-39.; Ag sceatt of series B, late 7th C.; Ae coin - information missing" "Cow","Female",,,,,"Instruments (?chatelaine), Fe","Cow",, "Desb1","Female",,,,,,"Desb",, "Did07","Female","Undetermined","15",,,"Strip, Ag","Did",,"Ae coin (pierced, PE7-b), Obv: House of Constantine; Rev: Fel Temp Reparatio; Mint: Illey; AD 348-360." "Did12","Female","Undetermined","03-05",,,"Ring, Ag; ?Chatelaine, Fe; Pottery sherd","Did",, "Duck","Female","Female","18-23",,,"Thread picker; Rivet, Fe","Duck","The grave also contained two other skeletons: ?male c. 15 years and child 3 years old.", "EEw","Male",,,,,,"EEw",, "EH005","Female","Female","25-29",,,,"EH",, "EH007","Male","Male","30-49","NMT=unusual skeletal variant, BONE-FORMER=sub-clinical DISH",,,"EH",, "EH012","Male","Male","30-49","Periostitis",,,"EH",, "EH014","Female","Female","50+","Osteomyelitis",,,"EH",, "EH015","Female","Undetermined","12",,,,"EH","Cut Grave 19", "EH028","Male","Male","35-45",,,"Nail, Fe; Object, Fe","EH",, "EH033","Male","Male","18-29","Periostitis",,"Shield braces, Fe, 2","EH",, "EH046","Male","Male","23-59",,,"Object, Ae; Glass fragment; Disc, ceramic","EH",, "EH048","Male","Male","30-49","Fracture, Spondylolysis",,,"EH",, "EH049","Female","Female","25-35",,,"Nails, Fe, 2","EH",, "EH051","Male","Male","19-25",,,"Fragments, Fe; Rings, Ae, 2; Rivet, Fe","EH","Cut Grave 37.", "EH061","Female","Female","25-35",,,,"EH",, "EH079","Female","Female","30-49","Spondylolisthesis",,"Belt ring, Ae; Bag mounts, Ae, 14; Ring, bone; Tube, Ae; Fragments, Ae","EH",, "EH083","Female","Female","18-29","NMT=unusual skeletal variant, Spondylolysis",,"Girdle-hanger, Fe; Ring, Fe; Studs, Fe with sheet silver head, 2; Ring fragments, Fe; Double looped link, Fe; Fragments, Fe","EH",, "EH088","Male","Male","18-25",,,"Stud, Fe; Stud heads, Ae sheet, 2","EH",, "EH090","Undetermined","Female","50+","Fracture, NMT=unusual skeletal variant",,,"EH","Found below Grave 91.", "EH091","Female","Undetermined","18-29","No further information",,"Ring, Ae","EH","On top of Grave 90. Cut by drainpipe.", "EmpII026C","Male","Male","20-25",,,"Rivet, oval, Ae; Buckle, Fe, small fragment; Annular brooch, Ae, fragment; Buckle loop, Ae","Emp","Triple grave. A: 10-12 years, no grave goods, B: 12-14 years, fragments of spearhead and buckle.", "EmpII036","Male","Male","Adult",,,,"Emp",, "EmpII045","Male","Male","17-25",,,"Bowl, Ae; Plate, rectangular, Ae, with a rectangular slot at one end and a rivet, Fe, at the other.; Fragment, Ae, with rivet, Fe; Nail, Fe","Emp",, "EmpII056","Male","Male","17-25",,,,"Emp",, "EmpII074","Male","Male","25-30",,,,"Emp",, "EmpII092","Male","Male","20-30",,,,"Emp",, "EmpII119B","Male","Male","Adult",,,,"Emp","Quadruple burial: A: Male, 30-50, shield boss, knife, studs, Ae, buckles, Fe. C: Male, 22-30, spearhead, bead, fragments, Ae+Fe, fragments of ?annular brooch, Ae. D: Infant, 2, Beads, amber, 15.", "Eris104","Male","Male","18-29","No further information",,"Bridle mounts, Style I, Gilt/Silvered Ae","Eris","Horse burial in the same grave. Now numbered Grave 323 of site ERL104", "Farth","Male",,,,,,"Farth",, "Fin006","Male","Male","50-60",,,"Awl, Fe; Barrel-padlock, Fe+Cu; ?tool blade fragment, Fe","Fin",, "Fin007","Female",,"02-05",,,"Cylindrical sheet, Au, ?bead; Chatelaine, Fe; Pouch or leather box fittings, ,Ae, 2; Pottery bottle, wheel-made; Roman handled pottery flagon; Glass fragment; Coffin fittings, Fe, 3","Fin",,"Solidus Sigebert II/III (AD 634-56) (mounted as pendant, PE7-a), minted at Marseilles. Obv: S (tilted) IG (reversed) RTVS. Crude bust r, with dotted drapery. Rev: ELEG (MON?) ET. Cross with forked arms and feet, on ?globe flanked by large MA within pearled wreath. 40% gold content.; Debased tremissis (mounted as pendant, PE7-a), Rigold type PaIA. 30% gold content." "Fin008","Female","Female","25-30",,,"?sheath-mount, Ae, associated with wood; Chatelaine, Fe; Pin-beater, bone/antler","Fin","Partly robbed overnight during excavation.", "Fin016","Female","Female","30-40",,,,"Fin",, "Fin031","Female","Female","Adult",,,"Ring, Ag, at necklace; Tool (chisel or steel), Fe; Purse-mount/firesteel and fitting, Fe","Fin",, "Fin057","Female","Female","35",,,"Eggshell fragments; Leather ?pouch with disc, antler, and rings, Fe, 2; Fittings, Ae, 2, for ?pouch or small box","Fin",, "Fin061","Female","Female","20",,,"Ring of strip, Au","Fin",, "Fin062B","Female","Female","20",,,"Fittings, Ae, for leather pouch or small wooden box, 4; Rod fragment, Fe","Fin","Double burial also containing a male c. 18 years with knives, 2, buckle, and various fittings. A further wooden box may belong to this body.", "Fin068","Female","Undetermined","06",,,"Shoe fitting/lace tag, Ae","Fin","The beads could not be identified and are therefore not in the report by Brugmann, and are identified from the drawings and descriptions only.", "Fin070","Female","Undetermined","03-05",,,,"Fin","Cut by Grave 71.; The beads could not be identified and are therefore not in the report by Brugmann, and are identified from the drawings and descriptions only.", "Fin083","Male","Male","30-40",,,"Firesteel/purse-mount, Fe","Fin",, "Fin084","Female","Female","35-40",,,,"Fin",, "Fin095","Male","Male","18",,,"Pottery bottle, wheel-made; Shoe fittings (buckle, counter-plate, strap-end), tinned Ae, pair","Fin",, "Fin096","Female","Female","Adult",,,,"Fin",, "Fin120","Female","Female","40+",,,,"Fin",, "Fin124","Female","Female","30-35",,,"Staple or fragmentary buckle loop, Fe","Fin",, "Fin132","Female","Undetermined","05",,,,"Fin","The beads could not be identified and are therefore not in the report by Brugmann, and are identified from the drawings and descriptions only.", "Fin138","Female","Female","25",,,"Chatelaine, Fe, and hanger loop, Ae; ?leather pouch with fittings, Ae","Fin",, "Fin144","Male","Male","20-25",,,"Tool, ?chisel, Fe","Fin",, "Fin147","Female","Female","Adult",,,,"Fin",, "Fin157","Female","Female","20",,,"Finger ring, Ag; Chatelaine, Fe; Girdle-hanger, Ae and Fe; Pendant/pin ?nail cleaner, Fe; Shoe-fittings (buckle, strap plate, lace tag), Ae, pair; Wheel-made pot; Angle bracket fitting, Fe, fragmentary, for a wooden object","Fin",, "Fin159","Male","Male","40-45",,,"Biconical jar, wheel-made; Fittings/?repair clips, Fe, for wooden object","Fin",, "Fin174","Female","Female","17-20",,,"Disc-headed stud, Ae (from necklace); Glass bead suspended from necklace on rod, Ae; Object, gilt Ae, re-used as necklace fitting; Strap fittings (buckle and plate (BU9-a), counter-plate), Ae; Chatelaine, Fe; Ring, Fe; ?spoon, Fe; Fittings for leather pouch/small leather box, Ae","Fin","The beads could not be identified and are therefore not in the report by Brugmann, and are identified from the drawings and descriptions only.", "Fin180","Female","Female","30",,,"Belt-plate, Ae; Bracelet, Ae; Chatelaine, Fe; Circular band with spike, Ae; Spoon, Fe; Firesteel/purse-mount, Fe; Pin-beater, Ae; Fittings for leather pouch/box, Ae; Lace tag, Ae","Fin",, "Fin182","Female","Female","40+",,,,"Fin",, "Fin187","Female","Female","25",,,"Wheel-made pottery jar; Fittings for small leather ?box, Ae","Fin",, "Fin192","Female","Female","17-25",,,"Chatelaine, Fe; Ring, Fe","Fin",,"Roman Ae coin (pierced, PE7-b) with an Emperor bust, probably of Trajan." "Fin198","Male","Male","40+",,,"Shoe fittings (buckle, plate), Ae, pair","Fin",, "Fin200","Female","Undetermined","10-12",,,"?belt-slide, Ae re-used as necklace fitting; ?key, Ae, re-used as a necklace-ring; Bone ring, fragment, ?pouch/bag fitting; Triangular back-plate, Ae, cut down and possibly re-used as chatelaine fitting","Fin",, "Fin204","Male","Male","25-30",,,"Strap-attachment, Ae, to ?sword; Bowl, Ae; Massive loop and ring, Fe, belonging to substantial wooden object; Coffin fittings, Fe, 17","Fin",, "Fin211","Male","Male","Adult",,,"Fragments, Ae, 2","Fin","Most of the grave disturbed by chalk extraction; possibly it was also robbed in antiquity. Only the foot end of the grave remained intact.; A second individual (adult ?female) was later buried in the same grave.", "Fo2","Male","Male","30-49","NMT=unusual skeletal variant",,"Hanging bowl, Ae; Hook-ended strip, Fe","Fo",, "Fon24","Male",,,,,"Ring, Fe; Whetstone","Fon",, "Fril104","Male",,,,,,"Fril","Grave 13 in Swanton 1973 is grave 104 in Dickinson & H?rke 1992.", "GaH","Male","Male","Adult","BONE-FORMER=sub-clinical DISH",,"Hanging bowl, Ae","GaH",, "GaL","Female",,,,,"Coffin fittings, Fe; Arrowheads, 2; Whetstone","GaL","Disturbed", "GarS07","Female","Female","17-20",,,"Chatelaine, Fe; Spoon, Fe; Glass pieces, 3","GarS",, "GarS12","Female","Female","26",,,"Chatelaine and satchel, Fe","GarS",, "GarS19/20","Female","Female","Middle aged",,,"Ring, Ae","GarS","Buried with a child, 4-5 years old.", "GCh002B","Female","Female","Adult",,,"Ring, Ae; Nails, Fe, 2; Tube, Ae","GCh",, "GCh115","Male","Male","Adult",,,"Hone; Purse-mount, Fe; Strap-end, tongue-shaped, Ae & Ag","GCh",, "Gil27","Female",,,,,"Chatelaine; Chatelaine pendants, Ae, 4","Gil","Inv Sep 12 pl iv, 23", "Gil41","Female",,,,,"Chatelaine, Fe; Toilet set; Rectangular belt plate with openwork bird, Ag","Gil","Faussett 1856, 16 pl xi, 2 (ii fig 7)","Gold tremissis (pierced, PE7-b), Visigothic, of Justinian I (AD 527-65). Obv. ?IYSTINI ?NVSNC. Bust of Emperor right, diademed with backswept hairstyle, wearing paludamentum, cross on breast.; Rev. ?V TIVHT IT?VH.1 (In exergue CONO). Barbarous Victory moving right, wreath in right hand.; On both sides pearled very thin metal. Good yellow gold, and in mint condition, or nearly so.; Visigothic imitation of tremissis of Justinian I, struck in reigns of Amalaric - Athanagildo or subsequently after Justinian's death. Looks like a debased one in series, possibly not long before issues in the name of Leovogildo and Hermenegildo c. 580. Possibly third quarter of 6th century." "Gil76","Female",,,,,"Chatelaine, Fe & Ae; Chatelaine holder, Fe; Long nails, Fe, ""several""","Gil","Faussett 1856, 25 iii 3", "GilM1973","Female",,,,,,"GilM",, "HadR017","Female",,,,,,"HadR",, "HadR029","Female",,,,,,"HadR",, "HadR052","Female",,,,,"Ring, Fe","HadR",, "HadR053","Female",,,,,,"HadR",, "HadR057","Female",,,,,,"HadR",, "HadR063","Female",,,,,,"HadR",, "HadR064","Female",,,,,,"HadR",, "HadR092","Female",,,,,"Ring, Ae; Girdle-hanger, Ae","HadR",, "HadR095","Female",,,,,"Girdle-hanger, Ae","HadR",, "HadR098","Female",,,,,"Knob ring, Ae","HadR",, "HadR102","Female",,,,,,"HadR",, "HadR112","Female",,,,,,"HadR",, "HadR123","Female",,,,,,"HadR",, "HarF11","Female",,,,,"Toilet set, Ag; Rings, Fe, 3; Object, Ae; Strip, Ae","HarF",, "HarF18","Female",,,,,"Sceattas, 2; Plaited wire chain, Ag, with zoomorphic terminals.; Bracelet, Ae; Purse-mount/firesteel; ?Chatelaine with bracelet, Ae, ring, Fe, with glass bead, tool, Fe, and a sheet tube, Ae, enclosed in three bars.; Dresshooks, Ae, 2","HarF",,"Sceatt, Ag, Rigold Series B, variety BI.B. Minted at London?, c. 685-95. Obv.: ISAM[VATVAV]; Rev.: []VSAVM[]; Sceatt, Ag, prpbably imitation of series BI.C. Origin uncertain, c. 690-700? Obv.: O[]TAVS[]OO; Rev.: []VMSVAO" "HarF20","Female",,,,,"Bracelet, Ae; Sheet object, Ae; Fragment, Ae","HarF",, "HarF22","Female",,,,,"Chatelaine, Ae; Tool, Fe; Loop, Fe; Hook, Ae; Point, Fe","HarF",, "HarF28","Female",,,,,"Decorated disc, Ag, 2, with interlace; Chatelaine, Fe; Ring, Fe; Tool, Fe; Rods, Fe, 2; Object, Fe, 2; ?Steel, Fe; Shoelace tag, Ae","HarF",, "HarF33","Female",,,,,"Toilet set, Ag; Ring, Fe; Disc, Au, and garnet, 2","HarF",, "Hol3","Male",,,,,,"Hol",, "Hol7","Male","Male","Middle aged",,,"Spatula, Ae; Purse-mount, Fe","Hol",, "Hol8","Male","Male","20-30",,,,"Hol",, "HoR31","Female",,,,,"Strip fragment, Ag; Clips, Ae","HoR",, "IxF","Female",,,,,"Bindings, Fe, for ?bed","Ix",, "IxM","Male",,,,,"Bowl, sheet Ae","Ix",, "KHL12","Female",,,,,,"KHL",, "KHL21","Female","Female","17-25",,,"Spoon, Ae; Rings, Ae, 2; Disc, Ae; Roman coins, Ae, 2; Nail, Fe","KHL",,"Roman Ae coin, Irregular Otho-Vespasian"" and ""hybrid plated denarius: Obv Otho ... Rev Vesp .. ; date: 69+.; Roman Ae coin, VICTORIAE DD AUGG Q NN (Constans); date 341-48." "KHL26","Male","Undetermined","17-25",,,,"KHL",, "KiD096","Female",,,,,"Buckle-plate, Ae","KiD",, "KiD142","Female",,,,,"Ear-scoops, 2, on ring, Ag; Bracelet, slip-knot, Ae; piece of stone, blue; piece of resinous substance; Small catch, Ag; Fossil; Suspension device for chatelaine, Ae; Instrument, Fe; Bolt of lock; Bits of Fe; Nails","KiD",, "KiD161","Female",,,,,"Suspender, Ae; Nails, Fe","KiD","Faussett 1856, 71 iii 9", "KiD205","Female",,,,,"Chatelaine, Fe; Hanging bowl, Ae; Two-handled pan with trivet, Ae; Coffin fittings, Fe","KiD","Faussett 1856, 78 i 2", "KiD235","Female",,,,,"Nails, ""some""","KiD","Faussett 1856, 82 iv 10", "KiD253","Female",,,,,,"KiD","Faussett 1856, 85 iv 12", "KiD299","Female",,,,,"Gaming piece, bone; Bracelet, Ae, 2; Object, Ae; Chatelaine, Fe; Coin, Ae; Square mount, bone; Pin-beaters, ivory, 2; Barrel padlock, Ae; Oval ring, Ae; Firesteel, Fe; Handle, Fe; Staple, Ae; Bell, Fe; Fragment of yellow earth","KiD","Faussett 1856, 91-93 ii 8","Ae coin (pierced, PE7-b) of Claudius Caesar and Carausius. The former is of the second or middle module, and has, on the obverse side, the head of Claudius, laureated, with this legend: TI. CLAVDIVS CAESAR. AVG. P.M. TR. P. IMP.; on the reverse, Pallas, or Minerva, marching, with a helmet on her head; an uplifted spear, in the act of throwing it, in her right hand, and a shield in her left; the legend, s.c.; Ae coin, the head of Carausius on the obverse side, with this legend: IMP. CARAVSIVS. P.F. AVG; on the reverse is a female figure, standing, with a laurel branch in her right hand, and a spear in her left, with this legend: PAX. AVG. This medal is of the third size." "LAcreBOB91","Male","Male","Adult",,,,"LAcre",, "Lec014","Female","Female","13-17","No further information",,"Finger ring, Ag; Wool combs, Fe, 2","Lec",, "Lec017","Female","Undetermined","04-05",,,,"Lec",, "Lec018","Female","Female","Adult","Osteochondritis dissecans",,"Sheet spiral finger ring, Ag, 3; ?Belt fitting, rectangular plate with rivets, Ae, 2; ?Belt fitting, rectangular sheet, Ae; Toilet set, Ae; Object, Fe; Tubes, silver coated Ae, 2; Pin fragments, Fe,3; Bar, Fe; Ring, Fe, 4; Ring, Ae, 2; Rod fragments, Fe; Platelets, Fe, 2; Roman coins, Ae, 3; Nails, Fe, 5; ?Beaver tooth; Beads, glass & crystal, 3; Sheet fragments, Ae, 3; Roman altar fragment, limestone","Lec",,"Ae Roman coin, copy, c. AD 348-360, obv.: illegible; rev.: FEL TEMP REPARATIO.; Ae Roman coin, AD 364-378, obv.: DN GRATIANUS [AVGG AVG]; rev.: GLORIA NOVI SAECVLI, minted in Arles.; Ae Roman coin, 4th century, illigible." "Lec025","Female","Female","45+",,,"Toilet set (pin & spatula), Ae; Girdle-junction, Fe; Fitting, Ae","Lec",, "Lec040","Male","Male","30-49","Spondylolysis, NMT=unusual skeletal variant",,"Fragments, Fe; ?spatulate tool, Fe; ?spokeshave. Fe; Whetstone; Fragments, Fe & wood; Angled fragment, Fe","Lec",, "Lec047","Female","Female","35-40",,,"Toilet-set (pins & scoop), Ae; Nail/pin fragment, Fe","Lec",, "Lec065","Male","Male","45+",,,"Oolitic limestone, fragment","Lec","Three bodies in this grave, inhumation 065 overlain by 66/1and 66/2.", "Lec084","Female","Undetermined","03",,,"Handle fragments, Fe","Lec",, "Lec092","Male","Male","16-18",,,"Cauldron (Gotlandskessel); Decorated strips, Ae, from shield","Lec",, "Lec101","Female","Female","45+",,,,"Lec","Cut by Grave 100 and cut Grave 102.", "Lec102","Male","Male","Adult",,,"Stud, lozengiform, Fe, from shield","Lec","Cut by Grave 101", "Lec106","Male","Male","40-45",,,"Leaf-shaped stud, Fe, from shield; Band, Ae, presumably from wooden or leather vessel; Sheet fragments, Ae, 4","Lec",, "Lec112","Male","Male","20-25",,,,"Lec",, "Lec115","Male","Male","30-35",,,"Stud, Ae; Fragments, Fe, covered with organic remains (?wood)","Lec","Cut by Grave 116.", "Lec136","Female","Female","20-25","Dental",,,"Lec",, "Lec138","Female","Female","18-29","No further information",,"Chatelaine, Fe; Curved srip fitting, Ae; ?peg, Fe","Lec","Cut by Ditch 53", "Lec145/2","Female","Female","40-45",,,"Fragments, Fe; Pin fragment, Fe; Hoop and fragments, Fe","Lec","Part of double grave", "Lec148","Female","Undetermined","00-06","No further information",,"Bell, Fe; Sheet necklace rings, Ag, 2; Sheet fragment, Ag, 2; Strip, Ag, 2; Ring fragments, Fe","Lec","Cut by ditch 117.", "Lec155","Male","Male","18-29","No further information",,"Baldric fittings, Ae & Fe, 5; Sheet fragments with rivets, Ae; Ring, Fe","Lec","Cut Grave 164 and probably Grave 39.", "Lec172/1","Male","Male","30-49","No further information",,,"Lec","Overlay and may have cut Grave 172/2.", "Lec172/2","Female","Undetermined","00-06","No further information",,"?necklace ring, Fe; Sheet fragments, Ag, 2","Lec","Below and may have been cut by Grave 172/1. Cut by Ditch 94.", "Lec177","Female","Undetermined","03",,,,"Lec",, "Lec178","Male","Male","45+",,,"Fragments, Fe","Lec",, "Lec179","Female","Female","30-49","NMT=unusual skeletal variant",,"Latch-lifter, Fe; Sheet fragment, Ae","Lec",,"Ae imitation of Vanimundus sceatt (pierced, PE7-b), date 670s" "Lec180","Female","Female","20-25",,,"Strip, Ae; Wire finger ring, Ae","Lec",, "Lec183","Male","Male","50+","Aural disease",,,"Lec","Cut Grave 182.", "Lec187","Female","Female","30-49","No further information",,"Weaving batten, Fe","Lec",, "Lod","Male",,,,,,"Lod",, "Low","Male",,,,,"Hanging bowl, Ae; Purse-mount/firesteel, Fe; Wood and leather fragments","Low",, "LWitI106","Male",,,,,"Bowl, sheet Ae","LWitI",, "LymII01","Male",,,,,"Axe-head, Fe; Needle, Ae; Coin, Roman, Ae","LymII",,"Ae Roman coin, obv.: head of Constantine to right, laureate, bust robed, holding eagle sceptre, (CON)STAN(TINUS AVG) VOT; rev. globe above altar inscribed IS R(B)EAT (ATRANQUILLITAS) XX I PT?; mint of Trier." "LymII31","Male",,,,,"?Brooch, Ae; Fittings, Ae, for ?pouch","LymII",, "MaDB12","Male","Male","25-30",,,,"MaD",, "MaDC7","Female","Female","18-29","No further information",,,"MaD",, "MaDD02","Male","Male","17-25",,,"Triangular plate, Ae",,, "MaDD10","Female","Female","18-29","Fracture",,"Ring, silvered Ae","MaD",, "MaDE1","Undetermined","Undetermined","07-12","Leprosy",,,"MaD","Double burial with MaDE2.", "MaDE2","Female","Undetermined","13-17","No further information",,"Five sided crystal; Quartz pebble, polished; ?fittings, Fe & Ae, some embossed, some probably from leather purses.; Fragments of Roman glass, 4","MaD","Double burial with MaDE1.", "MaDE3","Female","Undetermined","07-12","?Leprosy",,"Cylindrical locket/box, Ag; Clip, Fe, from purse","MaD",, "MaDF2","Female","Undetermined","00-06","No further information",,"Chatelaine, Fe; Openwork girdle-hanger; Glass fragment; Needles, bone, 2","MaD",, "Mel07","Female",,,,,,"Mel",, "Mel09","Female",,,,,"Hood-fastener, Ae; Small plates, Ae; Rings, Ae, 2; Ring, Fe; Lace-tags, Ae, 2","Mel",, "Mel11A","Female",,,,,,"Mel","Disturbed by a later male burial with a probable BU7.", "Mel12","Male",,,,,,"Mel",, "Mel19","Female",,,,,,"Mel",, "MelSG065","Female","Female","25-35",,,"Suspension loop, Ae; Split pin with applied head, Ae; Suspension ring, Fe","Mel",, "MelSG069","Female","Undetermined","30-49","Spondylolisthesis",,,"Mel",, "MelSG075","Female","Female","50+","No further information",,,"Mel",, "MelSG077","Male","Male","18-29","Periostitis",,,"Mel","Below Graves 78, 79, 80.", "MelSG078","Female","Female","30-49","Perthes' disease; +foetus","+foetus",,"Mel","Above Grave 77, below Graves 79, 80.; Foetus of less than 6 months gestation associated with this skeleton.", "MelSG079","Male","Male","50+","Fractures, misc, sinusitis",,,"Mel","Above Graves 77, 78, below Grave 80", "MelSG080","Male","Male","50+","Spondylolysis, fractures, trauma, osteomyelitis",,"Sharpening steel; Strap stiffener, Ae; Fragment, Fe","Mel","Above Graves 77, 78, 79.", "MelSG081","Female","Undetermined","07-12",,,,"Mel","Cut Grave 82", "MelSG082","Female","Female","18-29","No further information",,"Ear pick, Ae; Chatelaine, Fe; Nail, Fe","Mel","Cut by Grave 81", "MelSG089","Female","Female","30-49","Trauma",,"Spangle, Ag","Mel",, "MelSG094","Undetermined","Undetermined","60+",,,,"Mel","Truncated by Grave 95", "MelSG095","Female","Female","30-49","Trauma, fracture",,,"Mel","Truncated Grave 94", "MelSG107","Female","Female","45-87",,,,"Mel",, "MH010","Female","Female","45-55",,,"Ring, Fe; Tube, Fe; Looped object, Fe","MH","Cut Graves 71 and 72. BU9-a and rod, Fe, possibly from one of these.", "MH017","Male","Male","35-45",,,"Fragments, Fe, 2","MH","Could have been disturbed.", "MH035","Male","Male","50-60",,,,"MH","Probably cut by Grave 16.", "MH040","Male","Male","30-49","No further information",,,"MH","Cut Graves 38 and 39. Probably from disturbed graves are Roman brooch, beads, 2, and clench nails, Fe, 5", "MH064","Female","Undetermined","18-20","F?",,"Fragments, Fe; Rod, Fe, 2; Object, Fe","MH",, "MH068","Female","Undetermined","13-17","No further information",,"Studs, Ae, 2; Fragments, Fe, 3; Rods, Fe, fragments; Rings, Fe, 3; Diamond, Fe, perforated; Sheet fragments, Ae","MH",, "MH079","Male","Undetermined","30-49","No further information",,"?chisel, Fe","MH",, "MH081","Male","Male","Adult","No further information","The published report estimate the age at death as 45-55","Shield mounts, bird-shaped, Ae, 3; Sheet fragments, Ae, 5; Ring, Ae; Hone; Maple wood case, decorated (contained tweezers and shears)","MH",, "MH089","Male","Male","20-25",,,,"MH",, "MH091","Male","Undetermined","Juvenile",,,"Bindings, Fe, 2; Rivets, Fe, 2; Bowl, Ae, with two handles and trivet; Fittings, Ae, for possible wooden lyre","MH",, "MH093","Male","Male","30-49","No further information",,"Strips, Fe, 3, from ?scabbard; Oval ring, Fe; Stud, Ae; Fragments, Fe, 7; Rivets, Fe, 4; Fitting, Ae","MH",, "MH094","Female","Male","50+","No further information",,"Ring, Fe, 2; Rivet, Ae; U-shaped strap-end, Ae","MH",, "MH095","Female","Female","50+","Trauma, fracture","The published report estimates the age at death as 45-55","Ring, Fe, 2","MH",, "MH097","Male","Male","35-45",,,"?rod, Fe","MH",, "MH102","Female","Undetermined","35-45",,,"Object, Fe, 2; Diamond, Fe; Ring, Fe, 2; ?Rod, Fe","MH","Cut by Grave 96", "MH105c","Female","Female","30-49","No further information",,"Roman coin, Ae; Wire loops, Ae, 2; Toilet set (scoop and pin), Ae; Rectangular fitting, Ae; Rods, Fe, 2; Springs, Ae, 2; Pin-catch, Ae; Circular garnet inlay in case, Au, setting; Circular bone piece; Cut half of tooth; Plate, Fe; Rings, Fe, 2; Strips, Au, of tablet-woven braid","MH","Triple grave containing also an adult male (with spearhead, knife and pin) and a juvenile.","Ae Roman coin (pierced, PE7-b), AE3 of House of Valentinian, Gloria Romanorum issue, AD 364-378.; Ae Roman coin, dupondius of 1st or 2nd century AD, illegible" "MH106","Female","Female","16-19",,,"Ring, Fe; Penannular ring, Fe","MH",, "MilC","Female",,,,,"Wire, Ae; Ring, Ag; Bracelet, Ae","Mil","Avent No. 171", "Monk03","Female",,,,,,"Monk",, "Monk33A","Female",,,,,"Fragment, Fe","Monk",, "MT001","Male",,,,,"Tag-end, Ae sheet","MT",, "MT022","Male",,,,,,"MT","Partially destroyed by quarry.", "MT035","Male",,,,,"Ring, Fe","MT","Probably disturbed a female grave, containing wrist-clasps and small-long brooch and perhaps more.", "MT042","Male",,,,,"Potsherd","MT","Uncertain relationship with probable Grave 41, probably cut Grave 23.", "MT061","Male",,,,,,"MT","Cut possible Grave 432.", "MT068","Male",,,,,"Shield appliqu?, Fe","MT","Grave disturbed by machining. Cut Grave 100.", "MT085","Male",,"Young mature adult",,,,"MT","Cut Grave 102, cut by Grave 64.", "MT097","Male",,"Young adult",,,"?strap-union, Ae; Rod or large pin, Fe; Fittings, Ae, and wood from a lyre; Sheet fittings, Ae, tack, Ae, and nails, Fe.; Strip fragments, Fe, 4; Staples, Fe, 4","MT","Double grave, with female inhumation indicated by cruciform brooches and wrist-clasps.", "MT126","Male",,"Young mature adult",,,"Wrist-clasp, Ae","MT",, "MT154","Male",,,,,,"MT","Cut by Graves 140 and 141, and by Slot 28.", "MT157","Male",,,,,,"MT","Cut Grave 163 and Cremation Pit 175.", "MT177","Female",,,,,"Sheet strip, Ae, fragment; Rod, Fe, fragment","MT","Cut Grave 183. Cut by Grave 182. Uncertain relationship with 204 (may be East end of grave).", "MT211","Male",,"Young adult",,,,"MT","Cut Grave 212 and Pit 226, uncertain relationship with Grave 213", "MT215","Male",,,,,,"MT",, "MT216","Female",,,,,"Staple, Fe; Potsherds, 8; Rod, Fe; Sheet fragment, Ae; ?tag-ends, Ae, 2; ?wrist-clasp, Ae, fragment","MT","Apparently two graves of uncertain relationship. The pair of annular brooches (A+B) possibly belongs to a ?later and larger grave.", "MT218","Male",,"Older mature adult",,,"Gold-leaf fragments","MT","Cut by Grave 217/227 and circular Ditch 210.", "MT225","Male",,,,,"Tack, Ae; Hooked fitting, Fe","MT",, "MT238","Female",,"Young adult",,,"Wooden tub, Fe frame; ?rivet, Ae; Gold leaf, fragments; Bent strip, Fe; Rod or nail, Fe, fragments; Rivets, Fe, 2","MT","An earlier male grave (at least spearhead) may have been disturbed. Cut circular Ditch 210.", "MT255","Male",,,,,,"MT",, "MT258","Female",,"Young adult",,,"Staple, Fe","MT","Cut by Grave 245.", "MT259","Male",,,,,,"MT",, "MT265","Male",,"Young adult",,,,"MT","Cut probable Grave 408, cut by Ditch 273/282.", "MT276","Female",,"Infant/Juvenile",,,,"MT",, "MT284ACD","Female",,,,,"Sheet, Ae, fragments","MT","Cut by Post-hole 285. Relationship to Grave 286 unknown and it is likely that two knives and a buckle belong to Grave 286.", "MT288","Female",,"Older mature adult",,,,"MT","Cut grave 269, cut by Ditch 273/282.", "MT293M","Female",,,,,,"MT","Two graves, one disturbing the other. Relationship with Grave 300 uncertain. Here only the beads ""M"" have been included as securely associated.", "MT299PQRS","Female",,,,,,"MT","One grave disturbing another. Only objects supposed to belong to the undisturbed grave are included here.", "MT306","Female",,,,,,"MT","Cut by Grave 305.", "MT309","Female",,,,,,"MT","Cut Grave 328, cut by Grave 245.", "MT319","Male",,,,,"Staple, Ae; Rivets, Ae, 5; Sheet fragments, Ae, 2; All set in wood","MT",, "MT322","Female",,"Young adult",,,"Pin, Fe, perhaps from a brooch; Sheet strip, Ae","MT","Uncertain relationship to Grave 325.", "MT325","Female",,"Adult",,,"Ring of strip, Ae","MT","It is possible that there are two small graves of uncertain relationship here because of curious distribution of teeth and grave goods.", "MT333","Male",,,,,"?Purse-mount-fragment, Fe; Flakes, Fe; Fragments, Fe, in wood; Studs, Fe, 2, in wood; Rivets, Fe, 2, in wood","MT","Cut into earlier female Grave 336.", "MT342LMNS","Female",,,,,,"MT","Cut Grave 345, uncertain relationship with Grave 346.", "MT359","Female",,,,,,"MT","Cut by Grave 360.", "MT367","Male",,,,,,"MT","Probably cut into an ealier grave with a Late Roman belt set.", "MT369BCFGHJK","Female",,,,,"Wrist-clasps, Ae, 2 pairs",,"Upper female burial which cut and disturbed another. Uncertain relationship with Grave 371.", "MT371HJ","Female",,,,,,"MT","Distribution of objects and grave profile suggest that one burial was cut through the eastern part of another. Uncertain relationship with Grave 369.", "MT374","Male",,,,,"Rivets, Fe, 3","MT","Cut Grave 373 with ring, Ae, and annular brooch, Ae.", "MT375","Female",,,,,"Ring, Ae","MT","Cut Pit 372.", "MT380","Male",,,,,"?shield appliqu?, Ae","MT","Cut Grave 381.", "MT384","Female",,"Infant/Juvenile",,,"Finger ring, Ag, Late Roman; Zoomorphic mount, gilt Ag; Ring, Fe; Tag-ends, Ae sheet, 3; Curved strips, Ae, 2; Fragment, Fe, with wood attached","MT","Cut Grave 387.", "MT400","Female",,"Younger mature adult",,,"Pin fragment, Fe, of possible brooch pin","MT","Probably cut by Grave 402, uncertain relationship with Grave 403.", "MT410","Female",,"Adult",,,,"MT","Cut possible Grave 270.", "Muck120","Male",,,,,,"Muck",, "Muck557","Male",,,,,,"Muck",, "Muck588","Male",,,,,"Fragments of organic material and metal, Fe","Muck",, "Muck600","Male",,,,,"Wooden cup/dish","Muck",, "Muck846","Female",,,,,,"Muck",, "Muck948","Male",,,,,,"Muck",, "Muck950","Male",,,,,,"Muck",, "Muck954","Male",,,,,,"Muck",, "Muck961A","Male",,,,,,"Muck","Overlay Grave 961B.", "Muck962","Female",,,,,"Rings, Fe, 2; Fitting, Ae; Sheet fragments, Ae, 2","Muck",, "Muck965","Male",,,,,,"Muck",, "Nar","Male",,,,,,"Nar",, "NLuf","Male",,,,,,"NLuf",, "Nor34","Male","Male","25-35",,,,"Nor",, "Nor42","Male","Male","20-30",,,,"Nor",, "Nor55","Male","Male","25-35",,,,"Nor","Also bones from a 15-21 year old ?female.", "Nor60","Male","Male","15-20",,,,"Nor",, "Nor64","Male","Male","35-45",,,,"Nor",, "PerD","Male",,,,,,"PerD",, "Pet20","Male",,,,,"Purse-mount, Fe; Sword bead, glass","Pet",, "Pet21","Male",,,,,"Sword bead, amber; ?Leather purse; Ear-scoop, Ae; Battle axe, Fe; Disc, Fe","Pet",, "Pol043","Female","Undetermined","30",,,"Objects, Fe","Pol","Double grave.", "Pol084","Male","Male","18-22",,,"Purse-mount, Fe; Ring, Fe; Objects, Fe","Pol",, "Pol085","Male","Male","30-35",,,"Purse-mount, Fe; Purse fittings, Ae, 2","Pol",, "Pol102","Female","Undetermined","20",,,,"Pol","Double grave.", "Prit18","Male",,,,,,"Prit",, "Prit25","Male",,,,,"Scabbard fittings, studs, tinned Fe, and rectangular mounts, Ae","Prit",, "Prit32","Female",,,,,,"Prit",, "PritPI","Male",,,,,"Garter buckles (type BU-7), Ae, 2; Drinking horns, Ae mounts, 2; Coptic bowl, Ae; Vat, Ae; Cauldron. Ae; Gaming board and pieces and dice; Flagon, Ae; Hanging bowl, Ae; Tub, wood; Folding stool; Lyre; Crosses, Au, 2; Merovingian tremissis, Au, 2; Bowl, Ae; Lamp, Fe; Spoon. Ag; Organic matertial such as textiles, leather, fur","Prit",,"Merovingian gold tremissis of the moneyer Ioannes (John) of Cadolidi or Capolidi, probably early 7th century in date; obv.: a very crude bust with a diadem, probably facing left; rev.: an unusual cross, probably derived from a Byzantine 'cross-on-steps' design. The location of Cadolidi/ Capolidi is uncertain.; Merovingian gold tremissis of the moneyer Vitalis of Paris, dating to the late 6th or early 7th century; obv.: a bust with a diadem facing right, issued in Paris; rev.: a cross amcr?e, possibly over a globe, name of the moneyer. The coin belongs to a series that was in use from AD c.570/580-c.670." "PritPII","Male",,,,,,"Prit",, "Pud10","Female",,,,,"Spikes, Fe, 2","Pud","Partly destroyed.", "Ris56","Female",,,,,,"Ris",, "Ris86","Male",,,,,"Sword-bead, glass","Ris",, "RodD","Male",,,,,"Mount, Ae; Skillet, Ae, same type as Salisbury Racecourse (=Sal); Studs, silver plared Fe, 2; Loops & ring, Ae; Strap-end, Ag","RodD",, "RouD","Female",,,,,"Fittings, Fe, for ?bed; ?Coin, Au","RouD",,"Merovingian gold tremissis, struck by Gratus of Sion (c. 605-15)" "Sal","Male",,,,,"Skillet, gilt Ae, same type as Rodmead Down (=RodD)","Sal",, "Sar060","Male",,,,,,"Sar",, "Sar115","Female",,,,,,"Sar","arch cant vi 1866 175-176 vi 6", "Sar1860","Female",,,,,"Coptic bowl, Ae; Purse-mount; Fragments, Fe; Weaving batten","Sar","Latest coins 610-41(or 14) and 613-28; See chapter 7.5.5 for further discussion of the integrity of this grave group","PE7-a, 4" "Sar210","Female","Undetermined","Infant/Juvenile",,,"Rivet, Ae","Sar","Brent 1868, 310.", "Sar256","Male",,,,,"Small annular brooch/buckle, Ae","Sar",, "Sew19","Female","Undetermined","35-45",,,"Needle","Sew",, "Sew41","Female","Female","35-45",,,"Spangles, Ae, and rod, Fe, associated with necklace","Sew",, "Sew45","Male","Male","45+",,,,"Sew",, "Sew55","Male","Undetermined","Adult",,,,"Sew",, "SH27","Male",,,,,"Purse-mount, Fe; Pin or awl, Fe","SH",, "SH31","Male",,,,,"Shiels appliqu?s, fish-shaped, gilt Ae, pair; Strip, Ae; Small object, Fe; Objects, Fe, wrapped in textile","SH","The grave was robbed.; Complicated and debated relationship with nearby graves and other structures.", "SH36","Male","Undetermined","Adult",,,,"SH","Cut ditches 569, 570. Cut by cremation 2114.", "SH40","Male",,,,,"Sword bead, amber","SH","Part of the same debated structure as Grave 31.", "SH41","Male",,,,,"Ring, Ae; Ring, Fe; Mount, rectangular, Ae; Fragments, Fe, very small","SH","Cremation 2138 is cut into the grave fill.", "SH49","Male",,,,,,"SH",, "SH51","Male",,,,,,"SH",, "ShavF3","Male","Male","Young to middle aged",,,"Rivets, Fe, 7; Strap-end, Fe; Strap fitting, Fe","ShavF",, "Shu011","Female",,,,,"Hasp, Ae; Roman coin, Ae","Shu",,"Roman Ae3 coin" "Shu019","Female",,,,,"Chatelaine, Fe; Purse-mount/Firesteel, fe","Shu",, "Shu032","Female",,,,,,"Shu",, "Shu036","Male",,,,,"Fittings for pouch, silvered Ae","Shu",, "Shu055","Female",,,,,"Earscoop, Ae","Shu",, "Shu067","Female",,,,,,"Shu",, "Shu121","Female",,,,,,"Shu",, "Sib086","Female",,,,,"Instrument, Fe","Sib","Grave beneath the same tumulus as Sib087 and lying parallel to it.", "Sib087","Male",,,,,,"Sib","Grave beneath the same tumulus as Sib086 and lying parallel to it.", "Sib101","Female",,,,,"Key, Ae","Sib","Fausset 1856, 118 ii 6", "Sib172","Female",,,,,"Chatelaine, Fe; Spindlewhorl-like beads, 4; Nail-like fragments, Fe","Sib","Faussett 1856, 130 xi, 1, 3, iv, 13, 8, 17, 16, 2, 1, 7.","Merovingian gold tremissis (mounted pendant, PE7-a), mint of Verdun; obv.: + VIRDV NOIEIL Diademed bust right with horizontal reversed S below. Pearled border; rev.: + (G)ISELENOMON Cross with anchor-shaped top, similar border. 65 % gold.; Merovingian electrum tremissis (mounted pendant, PE7-a), mint of Marsal; obv.: MARS (on side) (A)LLOVIIO Crude bust r. with star on breast; rev.: + TOTOMONETARIO Plain cross with C? in lower angles, within pearled wreath. 48 % gold." "SnCorS14","Male","Male","Oldish",,,,"SnCor",, "SnCorS20","Male","Male","Aged",,,"Fragments, Fe, 2; buckle, Fe, with 3 rivets, Ae, probably a type BU7 - identified too late for the analysis","SnCor",, "SPTip008","Male","Male","50+","No further information",,"Nail fragment, Fe; Wheel-turned pottery vessel","SPTip",, "SPTip009","Male",,,,,"Roman glass fragments; Limpet shell","SPTip",, "SPTip016","Female",,,,,"Rods, Fe, 2; Ring, ?Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip023","Male",,,,,"Nail or knife tang, Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip039","Male",,,,,"Wheel-turned pottery vessel; Nail, Fe; Fragment, Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip042","Male","Male","18-29","No further information",,"Nail, Fe; Fragment, Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip056","Female",,,,,"Glass fragment, pierced by rivet; Fastener, Fe, and numerous glass bead fragments (no details in report)","SPTip",, "SPTip059","Female",,,,,"Chatelaine, Fe; Ring, Fe; Roman key, Ae; Purse-mount/firesteel, Fe; Clip with wire-ring, Ae","SPTip",, "SPTip068","Male","Male","30-49","?Perthes' disease",,,"SPTip",, "SPTip073","Female","Female","13-17","Dental",,"Chatelaine, Fe","SPTip","A double burial. It seems as if the grave goods belong to the older and lower of the two skeletons.", "SPTip076","Female",,,,,"Fragments, Fe, 5; Sheet fragments, Ae; Shoe buckles (buckle and plate, counter-plate, strap-ends), Ae, related to BU3-d; Roman coin, Ae; Scales, Ae; Pot, wheel-turned","SPTip",,"Roman Ae coin" "SPTip113","Male","Male","18-29","No further information",,,"SPTip",, "SPTip148","Female",,,,,"Fragment, leather; Nail. Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip161","Female",,,,,"Chatelaine, Fe & Ae, 2; Clip with ring, Ae; Armlet, Ae","SPTip",, "SPTip165","Female",,,,,"Chatelaine, Fe & Ae; Miniature spearhead pendants, Ae","SPTip",, "SPTip179","Female",,,,,"Fragments, Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip187","Female",,,,,"Pottery bottle, wheel-turned; Chatelaine, Fe; Leather and mineral-replaced textile fragments; Bone toggle","SPTip",, "SPTip194","Male","Male","30-49","Supra-acetabular cyst",,"Nail, Fe; Roman coin, Ae; Wheel-turned pottery vessel","SPTip",,"Roman Ae coin, silver plated" "SPTip196","Male","Male","30-49","No further information",,"Curved fragment, Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip208","Female","Male","50+","Fracture",,,"SPTip",, "SPTip212","Male","Male","30-49","No further information",,"Disc-headed rivets (for belt?), Ae with sheet silver appliqu?s, 3; Nail, Fe; Eggshell fragments","SPTip",, "SPTip213","Female",,,,,"Pin/?awl, Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip218","Male",,,,,,"SPTip",, "SPTip227","Male",,,,,"Fragment, Fe","SPTip","Disturbed.", "SPTip237","Female",,,,,"Fittings for a ?pouch, Fe & Ae; Chain complex, Fe; Rod, Fe; Fragments, Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip250","Male","Male","50+","Fracture, BONE-FORMER=sub-clinical DISH",,"Shield rim clip, Ae","SPTip",, "SPTip254","Male",,,,,,"SPTip",, "SPTip255","Male",,,,,,"SPTip",, "SPTip258","Male",,,,,,"SPTip",, "SPTip263","Male","Male","30-49","No further information",,,"SPTip",, "SPTip265","Female",,,,,"Openwork mount, gilt Ae; Chatelaine, Fe; Ring, Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip288","Male",,,,,"Fragments, Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip289","Male",,,,,"Shield rim mounts, Fe, 2","SPTip",, "SPTip292","Male",,,,,,"SPTip",, "SPTip300","Female",,,,,"Chatelaine, Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip304","Male",,,,,"Fragment, Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip315","Male",,,,,"Coffin fittings, Fe; Mount, Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip318","Male","Male","30-49","Fracture",,,"SPTip",, "SPTip323","Female",,,,,"Ring, Ae; Fragments, glass, 2; fragment, leather","SPTip",, "SPTip326","Female",,,,,"Sheet strap-ends, Ae, 2; Openwork leather belt fragments with Ae insets","SPTip",, "SPTip334","Male",,,,,,"SPTip",, "SPTip356","Male",,,,,"Clench-bolts, Fe, 30; Nail, Fe; Staple, Fe; Fire-steel, Fe","SPTip",, "SPTip360","Male","Male","30-49","No further information",,,"SPTip",, "StM3520_3521","Male","Undetermined","18+",,,,"StM","Double grave.", "StM3520_3549","Male","Undetermined","25-35",,,"Fragment, Ae; Needle, Ae","StM","Double grave.", "StM4002","Male","Undetermined","18+",,,"Object, Fe","StM",, "StM4202","Female","Female","18-25",,,"Object, Fe; Sceattas, Ag, 2; Lamella, Ag, imprint of Series B sceatt; Decorated disc, Ag","StM","Cut by modern pipe-trench.","Sceatt, Ag, Rigold BIB, ie, with a bust, not a head (matched in Rigold BIB, 6, and BIB, 9.; Sceatt, Ag, apparently copy of Rigold BIA" "StM5352","Male","Male","16-20",,,,"StM","Cut by pit.", "StM5488","Male","Female","20-25",,,"Objects, Ae, 2","StM",, "StM5508","Female","Female","16-20",,,"Intaglio ring, Ag","StM","Cut by pit and ditch.", "StM5537","Male",,,,,,"StM","Slightly truncated by modern wall.", "StMartF","Female",,,,,,"StMartF",, "Stnl8","Female",,,,,,"Stnl",, "StroI3","Male",,,,,"Cylindrical mount with repouss?, Ae","StroI",, "StroII","Male",,,,,"Rouletted pottery bottle-vase","StroII","Swanton p. 146", "SutH01","Male",,,,,"Merovingian tremisses, Au, 37; Blanks, Au, 3; Ingots, Au, 2; Purse; Anastasius disc, Ag; Bowl, Ag; Shallow bowls, Ag, 10; Spoons, Ag, 2; Ladle, Ag; Plain cup, Ag; Coptic bowl, Ae; Hanging bowls, Ae, 3; Cauldrons, Ae, 3; Large tub, Fe bound; Drinking horns with silver-gilt mounts, 2; Cop, horn; Bowl, wood; Lamp, Fe; Chainwork; Shoe buckles and garters, Ag+Ae; Mail coat; Tongue-shaped buckle & counter plate, Au and garnets; Shoulder clasps, Au and garnets, pair; Helmet; Angones with ferules, 3; Axe-hammer; Stone sceptre with Ae Stag; Stand, Fe; Gaming pieces, ivory; Lyre; Objects of organic material, such as textiles, leater, down","SutH",,"Merovingian tremisses, Au, 37; For details see Bruce-Mitford 1975." "SutH17","Male","Undetermined","Early 20s",,"Probably male; ; Horse of large pony size","Cleats, Fe, 4; Buckle, Ae, and purse-mount, Fe, for leather purse or pouch; Garnets, 8; Glass inlay; Inlaid sword buckle with narrow rect. backplate with a corresponding silver buckle type BU4-c; Cauldron, Ae; Bowl, Ae; Horse harness, Style II","SutH",, "Swa","Female","Female","18-25",,,"Pan, Fe; Sprinkler, Ae; Spoon, Ag; Strap mount, tinned Ae; Tube, Ae; Rod, Fe; Satchel with various fittings and decorated mount; Belt mounts, rectangular, tinned Ae, 3; Fittings for bed, Fe","Swa",, "Tap","Male",,,,,"Ango, Fe, 1; Cauldron, Fe; ""Coptic"" bowl, Ae; Gold braiding; Large ring, Fe; Mounts, gilt silver, for drinking horns, 2 (?4); Lyre; Gaming pieces, bone, 30; Large cleats, Fe, 5","Tap",, "Tey","Female",,,,,,"Tey","Avent 1975 no. 156; Leeds 1936, xxxiii 2; Payne 1895, 184.", "Thet","Male",,,,,,"Thet",, "Tidw1","Male","Male","30-45",,,"The following objects cannot be attributed to any specific of the four bodies:; Ferrule, Fe; Knife, Fe; BU2-h, Ae, 2; BU9-b, Fe & Ae; Comb, antler","Tidw","The four skeletons (1-4) and their grave goods were buried together.", "Tidw2","Male","Male","25-30",,,"The following objects cannot be attributed to any specific of the four bodies:; Ferrule, Fe; Knife, Fe; BU2-h, Ae, 2; BU9-b, Fe & Ae; Comb, antler","Tidw","The four skeletons (1-4) and their grave goods were buried together.", "Tidw3","Male","Male","45+",,,"The following objects cannot be attributed to any specific of the four bodies:; Ferrule, Fe; Knife, Fe; BU2-h, Ae, 2; BU9-b, Fe & Ae; Comb, antler","Tidw","The four skeletons (1-4) and their grave goods were buried together.", "Tidw4","Male","Male","18-25",,,"The following objects cannot be attributed to any specific of the four bodies:; Ferrule, Fe; Knife, Fe; BU2-h, Ae, 2; BU9-b, Fe & Ae; Comb, antler","Tidw","The four skeletons (1-4) and their grave goods were buried together.", "Tod","Male",,,,,,"Tod","Double grave: the other a female with a pair of small long brooches.", "Un02","Female",,,,,,"Un",, "Un31","Female",,,,,"Triangular mount, Ae; Steel; Bowl, Ae","Un",, "Un37","Female",,,,,"Fragment","Un",, "Un43","Female",,,,,,"Un",, "Un62","Female",,,,,"Rings, ??, 2","Un",, "Up","Female",,,,,"Samian ""patera""","Up","Roach-Smith 1852, 161-2 xxxvii fig 1.", "Wak23","Male",,,,,"Hone","Wak","Double burial with Grave 22.", "Wak27","Male",,,,,"Rod, Fe","Wak",, "Wak34","Male",,,,,"Rod, Fe","Wak",, "Wak51","Male",,,,,,"Wak","Double burial with Grave 50.", "Wak79","Male",,,,,,"Wak",, "Wak83","Male",,,,,,"Wak",, "Wak85","Male",,,,,"Fragment, Fe","Wak",, "WG01","Male","Male",,,,,"WG","There are some doubts about the relationships of the grave goods.", "WG05","Male","Male","18-29","Also some female bones present.",,"Purse-mount, Fe, with part of buckle, Ae, in the centre.; Object, Fe, possibly an awl","WG",, "WG11","Male","Male","30-49","No further information",,"Staples, Ae, 3","WG",, "WG25","Male","Male","Adult",,,,"WG",, "WG27","Female","Undetermined","Adult","No further information",,"Ring, Fe","WG",, "WG30E","Male",,,,,,"WG","Probable double grave. The other part of the grave labeled WG30W.", "WG30W","Male","Male","Adult",,,,"WG","Probable double grave. The other part of the grave labeled WG30E.", "WG41","Male","Male","35-40",,,"Mounts, disc-shaped with rivet-plates, gilt and silvered Ae, pair, Style-I decoration.; Staples, Fe, 2.","WG",, "WG49","Male","Male","35",,,,"WG",, "WG50","Male","Undetermined","05-06",,,,"WG",, "WG51","Male","Male","Adult",,,"Sword-bead, glass","WG",, "WG62","Male","Male","Adult",,,,"WG",, "WG66","Male","Male","30-49","No further information",,"Ring, Fe, with two strap-loops.","WG",, "Whe14","Female",,,,,"Ring, Ag","Whe","Marzinzik 2003, Pl. 128.", "WHes022","Female","Undetermined","Adult",,,"Chatelaine, Fe","WHes",, "WHes024","Female","Undetermined","Juvenile",,,"?lace tag, Ae","WHes",, "WHes027","Female","Undetermined","Adult",,,"Wrist clasp, Ae","WHes",, "WHes028","Female","Undetermined","Adult",,,"Glass slag droplet; Point, Fe","WHes",, "WHes029","Female",,,,,,"WHes",, "WHes042","Female",,,,,"Ring, Ae","WHes",, "WHes043","Female",,,,,"Ring, Fe; Ring, Ae, 2; ?Purse-mount, Ae","WHes",, "WHes068","Female","Undetermined","Adult",,,"Fragment, Fe","WHes",, "WHes072","Male","Male","25-30",,,,"WHes",, "WHes113","Female","Female","13-17","Dental enamel pearl, spondylolysis",,"Object, Fe; Discs, Ae, 2; ?Purse-mounts, Ae; Girdle hangers, Ae, 2; Walnut amulet in Ae frame on a Ae ring and with 2 spangles","WHes",, "WHes117","Female","Undetermined","12-15",,,"?Purse-mounts, Ae","WHes",, "WHes118","Female","Undetermined","12-15",,,,"WHes",, "WHes123","Female","Female","50+",,,"Ring, Fe","WHes",, "WHes124","Female","Female","Elderly",,,"Ring, Fe; Glass fragment","WHes",, "WHes163","Female","Undetermined","Adult",,,"Ring, Ae; Studs, Fe, 3","WHes",, "WHes176","Male","Undetermined","40+",,,,"WHes","Cut Grave 177.", "WHes177","Female","Female","30-35",,,"Wrist clasps, Ae, pair; Wire loop, Ae; Bucket pendants, Ae, 9","WHes","Cut by Grave 176.", "WiL1873","Female",,,,,,"WiL","Double burial; the other with a spear. Questioned in Collis 1983.", "WiL4","Male","Male","45-50",,,"Fittings for box/purse, Ae","WiL","Double grave with a female, 25-30 years old.", "Win07","Female","Female","30",,,,"Win",, "Win08","Female","Female","30-35",,,,"Win",, "Win10","Female","Undetermined","60+",,,"Lace tag, Ae; Piece of sea shell","Win",, "WincLBS23","Female",,,,,,"Winc",, "WincOC","Male",,,,,"Hanging bowl","Winc",, "Wing","Female",,,,,"Bracelet, Ag","Wing","Avent 1975, No 157.", "Wood","Female",,,,,"?Bed","Wood",, "WorP22","Male","Male","25-30",,,"Plate, diamond-shaped, Fe","WorP","Cut Grave 21.", "WorP24","Male","Male","35-45",,,,"WorP",, "WorP33","Male","Male","30-40",,,,"WorP",, "WorP44","Male","Male","35-45",,,,"WorP","Relationship with Grave 45 uncertain.", "WorP49","Male","Male","50+",,,,"WorP",, "WorP81","Male","Male","18-30",,,,"WorP",, "WorP87","Male","Male","40+",,,"Ring, Fe","WorP",, "WorP93","Female","Female","30+",,,,"WorP",, "WorP95","Male","Male","18-30",,,,"WorP","South-eastern corner cut by pipe trench.",