Acc no,,Description,Details,Other details,Location,Original context description,Date,Permanent location,Context Slag,,,,,,,,, GLSGA:1988/955,B87,BRONZE SLAG,Lumps of bronze - smelting slag,,,None,None,Gatehouse Upper : 1988,None GLSGA:1988/1375,M33,Slag,Grey cinder? slag fragment,,,None,None,Gatehouse Upper : 1988,None GLSGA:1991/121/3,M63,METAL SLAG,piece of metal slag,,WEST CLOISTER WALK TRENCH,"SOUTH END BONE HOLE "" DEPTH 22 INCHES""",1954,Gatehouse Lower :,In C12 post-hole (2081) GLSGA:1991/131/2,M68,[SLAG],"1 piece of slag, possibly bronze",,trench S. of St Michael's Chapel,"4 FOOT 6 INCHES DOWN, BELOW 14TH CENTURY SURFACE",1954,Gatehouse Lower,In (1318) layer of dark soil GLSGA:1991/277,B163,BRONZE SLAG,Lump of bronze slag,,NORTH TRANSEPT - SOUTH TRENCH,COPPER FOUND BY FEET OF SKELETON (IN FRONT OF ALTAR),15.8.1956,Gatehouse Upper,Possibly in grave fill (3775) GLSGA:1991/283,L43,LEAD,2 fragments of lead slag,,CLOISTER TRENCH III,APPROX. 20' FROM EAST,1956,Gatehouse Upper,No exact context GLSGA:1991/284,I76,IRON,"Iron slag , corroded mass.",,EAST OF WEST CLOISTER TRENCH,"9'3 FROM SOUTH WALL 2' FROM WEST END OF DRAIN DEPTH 2'6"" IN BROWN CLAY.""",1955,Gatehouse Upper,No exact context GLSGA:1991/303,B166,BRONZE SLAG,Bronze slag,,"CLOISTER TRENCH I (1956), EXTN. 3 - 1/4",,1957,Gatehouse Upper,No exact context but in locality of Saxon glass furnace 3 GLSGA:1991/310,B175,BRONZE WASTE,Small lump bronze waste,,,,1957,Gatehouse Upper : 1991,No context GLSGA:1991/328,M93,Slag,,,cloister east walk III,"10'6"" from west, depth 1'6"", dirty clay above stony layer",1957,Gatehouse Upper,No exact context but in locality of Saxon glass furnace 4 GLSGA:1991/345,B173,BRONZE LUMP,Piece of bronze,,Lady Chapel south trench,"25'6"" from Lady Chapel wall, depth 3'8""",1962,Gatehouse Upper,Missing GLSGA:1991/560,B177,copper alloy waste,3 fragments of very corroded bronze or bronze waste,,Abbot's Hall ,"South 4'6"", West 33'0"", under mortar spread",1964,Gatehouse Upper,No exact context but beneath mortar bedding of Abbot's Hall GLSGA:1993/80/6,M116,SLAG,1 lump of copper slag,COPPER SLAG 900 = 1050,CL I,"6'2"" from E end of trench, dark clay with charcoal, mortar floor",1956,Gatehouse Upper,Probably from layer (3141) above glass furnace 1 or 2. GLSGA:1998/3/316,M315,SLAG,Lump of unknown slag,SLAG,CH1,BOTTOM OF DITCH,1957,Gatehouse Lower : 6.1998,In base of late Saxon ditch fill (139) GLSGA:1998/3/339,M321,SLAG,Lump of unknown slag,SLAG,Dorter trench 1,GREY CLAY. 6' W of W face of E dorter wall ; depth 3' 10',1959,Gatehouse Lower : 6.1998,In fill (5246) of robbed Norman foundation. Furnace at other end of trench. GLSGA:1998/3/341,M323,,slag,Lump of slag from furnace structure,D2,,1959,Gatehouse Lower ,Context not identified but furnace in trench D1 nearby GLSGA:1998/3/353,I207,SLAG,Lump of iron slag,IRON SLAG,Dorter trench 5,"depth - 12""",1959,Gatehouse Lower : 6.1998,Context not identified but furnace in trench D1 nearby GLSGA:1998/3/358,I209,SLAG,2 lumps of iron slag,IRON SLAG,Dorter trench 3,"depth 20""",1959,Gatehouse Lower : 6.1998,Context not identified but furnace in trench D1 nearby GLSGA:2008/3/64/2,M530,IRON SLAG,"2 lumps of clay or slag with rusty iron content, possibly iron slag or kiln debris",IRON SLAG,cloister east walk,(4) sub cobbled surface and over kiln floor,1957,Gatehouse Upper Radford box : 21.4.2008,Context not identified but associated with Saxon glass furnace 4 GLSGA:2008/3/73/2,M530,IRON SLAG,"2 lumps of clay or slag with rusty iron content, possibly iron slag or kiln debris",IRON SLAG,cloister east walk,(4) sub cobbled surface and over kiln floor,1957,Gatehouse Upper Radford box : 21.4.2008,Context not identified but associated with Saxon glass furnace 4 GLSGA:2008/3/64/2,M517,IRON SLAG,2 pieces of iron slag,IRON SLAG,cloister east walk,(3) cobbled surface,1957,Gatehouse Upper Radford box : 21.4.2008,Context not identified but near Saxon glass furnace 4 Added 08/03/11,,,,,,,,, GLSGA:2008/3/31/1,I228,* iron slag,"4 lumps of heavy, iron rich fired clay/slag. Number '40' inscribed in circle on top right of original envelope, also 'tile/ash/clay' in a different hand.",,East to west cloister trench.,"Burnt layer. From E end 10' 6"", from surface 2' 5"" to 2' 9""",1955,Gatehouse Upper Radford Box : 21.4.2008,Context 2021: tile/ash/clay layer within Saxon glass furnace 1 GLSGA:2008/3/58,M512,* iron slag,1 piece of iron slag,,CH 1,28',1957,Gatehouse Upper Radford box : 21.4.2008,Context 100: topsoil