Context no,Type,Overlain by,Overlies,Same as,Description,Length (m),Width (m),Depth (m),Samples,Finds,Section no,Plan no,Period 3100,"D",,3101,,"Modern overburden",,,2.2,,,1,, 3101,"D",3100,3102,,"Interface between 3100 and 3101. Coal and cionders - assoc with railway use of site or 19thC industry",,,0.2,,,1,, 3102,"D",3101,3103,,"Alluvium",,,0.6,,,1,, 3103,"D",3102,3104,,"Timber-lined drain, oriented NE-SW.",,,,,,1,, 3104,"D",3103,3105,,"Alluvium",,,1.24,,,1,, 3105,"D",3104,3107,3106,"Alluvium directly overlying ship timbers. Much decayed wood.",,,0.20,,,1,, 3106,"Finds ref",,,3105,"Finds ref for finds within 3106",,,,,"true",,"Sketch on ctx sheet", 3107,"D",3104,3108,,"Group of 15-20 timber frags on port side of bow",,,0.15,,"true",,2, 3108,"D",3107,3109,,"Fill of 3109. Dump of metalworking debris - slag, burnt clay, charcoal, soot, ash etc",,,0.30,,"true","2, 3","1, 2, 3", 3109,"C",3108,3110,,"Irregular cut in the edge of bank 3112, or natural erroded edge of bank.",5,1.93,,,,2,1, 3110,"Void",,,,"Void",,,,,,,, 3111,"Void",,,,"Void",,,,,,,, 3112,"D",3113,,,"Bank of inlet, composed of pre-Holocene fluvial sand",,,,,,2,1, 3113,"D",3108,3112,,"Alluvial fill of inlet, on which ship is resting",,,,,,"2, 4",3, 3114,"T",3105,"3115, 3140",,"Port side hull plank, displaced and not attached to other timbers. This is the highest surviving plank",,,,,,"3, sketch on reverse of ctx sheet",, 3115,"T","3114, 3140",3116,,"Port side hull plank. Displaced by piles and trench sheets. Not attached to other planks. Possibly originally part of plank 3116.",,,,,,3,, 3116,"T",3115,3117,,"Port side hull plank. In situ but disturbed at E end by trench sheet. Attached to 3117.",,,,,,3,, 3117,"T",3116,3118,,"Port side hull plank. In situ, but disturbed at E end by trench sheet. Attached to 3116.",,,,,,3,, 3118,"T",3117,3119,,"Port side hull plank. In situ, but disturbed at E end by trench sheet. Not attached to adjacent planks.",,,,,,3,, 3119,"T",3118,3120,,"Port side hull planki. In situ, but disturbed at E end by trench sheet.",,,,,,3,, 3120,"T",3119,3121,,"Port side hull plank. In situ but disturbed by pile and trench sheet.",,,,,,3,, 3121,"T",3120,3122,,"Port side hull plank. Attached to hull plank 3122 and frame 3129 and 3130.",,,,,,3,, 3122,"T",3121,"-",,"Port side hull plank. In situ, but disturbed by pile and trench sheet. Attched to frames 3129 and 3130. This is the lowest visible plank.",,,,,,3,, 3123,"T",3124,3121,"3120?","Port side hull plank. Not in situ. Attached to plank 3124.Same as 3120?",,,,,,3,, 3124,"T",3125,3123,,"Port side hull plank. Not in situ. Attached to plank 3123 and frame 3130.",,,,,,3,, 3125,"T",3127,3126,,"Port side hull plank. Disturbed by pile. Not attached to other timbers.",,,,,,3,, 3126,"T",3125,3124,"3118?","Port side hull plank. Disturbed by pile and trench sheet. Not attached to other timbers. Possibly same as 3118",,,,,,3,, 3127,"T",3105,3125,,"Port side hull plank. Uppermost plank on W side of section. Not attached to other planks.",,,,,,3,, 3128,"T",3125,3124,,"Port side hull plank. Disturbed by pile. Lying horiziontally. Not attached to other timbers.",,,,,,3,, 3129,"T",3114,3145,,"Port side frame, vertical. Nine notched faces for locating hull planks, each plank being secured by a single treenail. Evidence of long scarf joint (inside to outside). Bottom edge (against stem post 3145) shows signs of rot in antiquity.",,,,,,"3,5 and sketch on ctx additional sheet.",, 3130,"T",3104,3145,,"Port side frame, vertical. Rests on stem post. Evidence of long scarf joint (inside to outside). Signs of rot in antiquity at the base, just above stem post.",,,,,,"3, 5","Sketch on ctx additional sheet.", 3131,"T",3132,3145,,"Stem post (port). Displaced by pile, pushing lower (E) end down. Upper end cut off in antiquity.",,,,,,"4 and sketch on ctx additional sheet",3, 3132,"T",3105,3131,,"Port side hull plank. Partly in situ within rebate on stem post",,,,,,4,3, 3133,"T",3105,3134,"3136?","Starboard hull plank. Part of small area of planking, with 3134 and 3135. No planks above this one survived.",,,,,,4,3, 3134,"T",3133,3135,"3137?","Starboard hull plank. Displaced by pile. Attached to planks 3133 and 3135.",,,,,,4,3, 3135,"T",3134,3112,"3138? 3134?","Starboard hull plank. Angled end to fit rebate of stem post. Attached to planks 3133 and 3134.",,,,,,4,3, 3136,"T",3105,"3160, 3161","3133?","Starboard hull plank. Disturbed by trench sheet. Part of small section of planking, with 3137 and 3138.. Possibly same plank as 3133. Within layer 3113",,,,,,5,, 3137,"T",3136,"3160, 3161","3134?","Starboard hull plank. Part of small section of disturbed planking, with 3136 and 3138. Possibly same plank as 3134.",,,,,,5,3, 3138,"T",3105,"3160, 3161","3135?","Starboard hull plank. Part of small section of disturbed planking, with 3136 and 3137. Possibly same plank as 3135.",,,,,,5,3, 3139,"T",3105,3145,,"Port side hull plank. Found by the joint at the lower end of the stem post. Not attached to other timbers.",,,,,,4,3, 3140,"T",3114,3115,,"Port side hull plank. Not in situ. Disturbed by pile and trench sheet.",,,,,,3,, 3141,"T",3119,3142,,"Port side hull plank. Attached to frmes 3129 and 3130.",,,,,,3,, 3142,"T",3141,3120,,"Port side hull plank. In situ but damaged at both ends by pile and trench sheet.",,,,,,3,, 3143,"T",3125,3128,,"Port side hull plank. Displaced by pile.",,,,,,3,, 3144,"T",3125,3145,,"Port side hull plank fragment. Badly displaced and fragmentary.",,,,,,3,, 3145,"T","3129, 3130, 3131",,,"Stem post (E). Joined at W end to stem post section 3131. Not lifted.",,,,,,5,4, 3146,"T",3147,"3129, 3130",,"Stringer attached to the ionside of the port frames 3129 and 3130. Under rider 3147.",,,,,,5,, 3147,"T",3104,3146,,"Rider, port side. Notched around stringers, opposite frame 3129.",,,,,,,, 3148,"T",3131,3113,,"Timber found alongside starboard side of stem post. Possibly part of a repair to the starboard rebate of stem post. There was no apparent attachment to stem post, but it may have been displaced by a pile.",,,,,,,, 3149,"T","3113, 3150",3113,,"Hull plank, possibly from port side but too badly displaced to be certain.",,,,,,,, 3150,"T",,,,"Treenail found loose at the point of the bow in ctx 3105.",,,,,,,, 3151,"T",,,,"Treenail found loose at the bow in ctx 3105.",,,,,,,, 3152,"T",,,,"Treenail found loose at the bow in ctx 3105.",,,,,,,, 3153,"T",,,,"Treenail found loose at the bow in ctx 3108.",,,,,,,, 3154,"T",,,,"Treenail found loose at the bow in ctx 3106.",,,,,,,, 3155,"T",,,,"Piece of wood found loose in ctx 3106.",,,,,,,, 3156,"T",,,,"Treenail found loose at the bow in ctx 3108.",,,,,,,, 3157,"T",,,,"Treenail found loose at the bow in ctx 3108.",,,,,,,, 3158,"T",,,,"Piece of wood found loose in ctx 3108.",,,,,,,, 3159,"T",,,,"No sheet",,,,,,,, 3160,"T",3138,3165,,"Hull plank, displaced by pile and trench sheet. Possibly from starboard side. Possibly same as 3161.",,,,,,,, 3161,"T",3138,3165,"3160?","Hull plank, possibly from the starboard side but badly displaced. Possinly part of same plank as 3160",,,,,,,, 3162,"T",3147,3129,,"Stringer. Attched to frame 3129 and under rider 3147.",,,,,,,, 3163,"T",,,,"Finds reference for treenails and timber frames found displaced by lifting of, and below, frames 3129 and 3130. Displaced by trench sheet.",,,,,,,, 3164,"T",3149,,,"Hull plank fragment.Found adjacent to stem post. Possibly from starboard side, but badly displaced.",,,,,,,, 3165,"T","3149, 3160, 3161",,,"Frame (floor). First frame on port side, displaced from stem by pile.",,,,,,,, 3166,"D",,,,"Silty clay accumulation between frame timbers. Pottery and treenails.",,,,,"true",5,, 3167,"T",3133,,,"Treenail found loose at the bow in ctx 3113.",,,,,,,, 3168,"T",,,,"Treenail found loose at the bow in ctx 3106.",,,,,,,, 3169,"T",,,,"Treenail found loose at the bow in ctx 3106.",,,,,,,, 3170,"T",,,,"Treenail found loose at the bow in ctx 3106.",,,,,,,, 3171,"T",3113,,,"Treenail found 40 cm norh of stem post.",,,,,,,,