layer,note,date,person,WallBlock "SIEBP042","UR corner not measured because of socket - used LR for width and depth, UL for height - also no depth for peritenia; so I used the depth from block 41","5/14/2004","Eiteljorg","E042" "SIEBP076","corner marked LR was actually LL so no measurement for LR - used UR for LR width and depth and LL for height - fitted well with 77 ","5/17/2004","Eiteljorg","E076" "SIEBP108","no UL so LL for width & depth, UR for height","5/17/2004","Eiteljorg","E108" "SIEM021","Measurements from total station yield LR corner that is too high by a bit more than 5 cm - since LL was measured at a point 5 cm above the corner, assumed the same for LR and lowered it accordingly, by 5 cm.","5/13/2004","Eiteljorg","E021" "SIETP001","UR not there ""all patched""; used UL and LR","5/11/2004","Eiteljorg","E001" "SIETP002","UR, UL not there; used height of block to left (E1) & used x,y values of lower point coordinates - assumed thickness of rough panel to be 2 mm.","5/12/2004","Eiteljorg","E002" "SIETP004","Block itself had no upper corners; so used height of block 3 (to right), 1.394, & x,y from below","5/12/2004","Eiteljorg","E004" "SIETP007","No maximum height for boss - used 2 cm.","5/13/2004","Eiteljorg","E007" "SIETP008","Depth of peritenia band not given - assumed 6 mm. back from smooth band - as in B001","5/13/2004","Eiteljorg","E008" "SIEBP039","No height for peritenia along bottom is given - used height of string course below (right and left were the same)","5/13/2004","Eiteljorg","E039" "SIEBP056","no measurement for UL (mis-labeled) so used LL of block above (64) less 1 mm. - also no depth for peritenia so used depth for block below (47)","5/14/2004","Eiteljorg","E056" "SIEBP073","no measurement for depth so peritenia so used depth for block below (64)","5/14/2004","Eiteljorg","E073" "SIEBP080","no depth for peritenia - used ave. of 8mm. found on blocks 47 & 64","5/14/2004","Eiteljorg","E080" "SIEBP089","no depth for peritenia - used ave. of 8mm. found on blocks 47 & 64 - also no depth for right side (eroded) so used depth from neighboring block (90)","5/14/2004","Eiteljorg","E089" "SISTP001","block has three surfaces (plus connecting surfaces) - peritenia (left), smooth band (bottom), and rough panel. Rough panel is well defined by survey points except for depth on right, which is taken to be the same as the depth on the left. We used 2 mm. as the thickness of the rough panel. The normal bevel to the peritenia surface is missing, and the connecting surface was taken to be perpendicular to the face of the block. Two measurements for the height of the smooth band on the right were given, 36 mm. and 35 mm. - 35 was used Top surface added - 10 cm. deep","3/26/2004","Eiteljorg","S001" "SISTP002","block has two surfaces (plus connecting surfaces) - smooth band (bottom and left) and rough panel. Total block except UL is well defined by survey points. UL height taken from UR of S1 - UL depth not provided; taken from LL sketch indicated smooth band on left, but photo disputes that (Tasos' drawing shows such a smooth band as well) - no measurements for such a band -> we will assume no band","3/26/2004","Eiteljorg","S002" "SISTP003","block has two surfaces (plus connecting surfaces) - smooth band (bottom, right, and left) and rough panel. Also has cutting in UR. Only one depth right and one left - applied to all points (with 2 mm. difference between rough panel and smooth band) - depth for cutting supplied. Assumed common heights/widths to provide all needed points.","3/26/2004","Eiteljorg","S003" "SISOP009","UR corner taken from other dimensions","3/25/2004","Eiteljorg","S009" "SISOP010","faces on north and west could be determined by three points taken on each surface. Intersection provided line of NW edge of block. Top and bottom elevations provided yielded final version of that edge; connected that edge to block 9 for original block. West face not possible with data present.","4/7/2004","Eiteljorg","S010" "SISMP013","width of right edge defined by note that 13 is 1 mm. from 14 on right edge, but 14 has only a point for UL; so both the UR and LR of 13 have a width defined by 14's UL corner","3/25/2004","Eiteljorg","S013" "SISMP014","no depth for 14 anywhere - used average of two right-side depths on 13 for all corners of 14. LL used width from UL & height from 13 UR. LR used LL height & width from 15 LL plus 1.1 mm. gap. UR - constructed from coordinates of 14 UL & LR.","3/25/2004","Eiteljorg","S014" "SISMP015","no depth for 15 anywhere - used average of two right-side depths on 13 for all corners of 15. UL constructed from coordinates of LL and UR of 15. LR also from coordinates of other corners (LL & UR). ","3/25/2004","Eiteljorg","S015" "SISBP029","more points than needed for peritenia resulted in some choices for its depth. No real problem here.","3/31/2004","Eiteljorg","S029" "SISTP005","block has two surfaces (plus connecting surfaces) - smooth band (bottom and right) and rough panel. No certain evidence for top or left smooth bands. Also has cutting in UL. Smooth band depth for UL from depth of rough panel. All left side points from one measaurement (#406)","3/30/2004","Eiteljorg","S005" "SISTP006","block has two surfaces (plus connecting surfaces) - smooth band (bottom and left) and rough panel. No certain evidence for top or right smooth band Smooth band depth not given but assumed to be 3 mm (on basis of #5). Used 1357 rather than 415 for UR. Block in 3 fragments now with total width between of .051 top and .050 bottom -> reconstruct original with UR to left by .051 and LR to left by .051. Show current state as simple surfaces with lines to indicate breaks.","3/30/2004","Eiteljorg","S006" "SISOP012","in order to make block appear to be correct, we had to assume the notes were wrong and that point #1359 (total station number, not sequence number) was taken at the elevation of the bottom of the block, not 5 cm. above that level ","3/25/2004","Eiteljorg","S012" "SIEBP096","no depth for peritenia - used ave. of 8mm. found on blocks 47 & 64 - ","5/14/2004","Eiteljorg","E096" "SISMP019","used height from measurment # 463 for LR but Width and depth from measurement 463 ","3/25/2004","Eiteljorg","S019" "SISMP018","only depth for LL - no width for UL - used width from ""Mid left"" for both UL and LL - used height from LR for LL","3/25/2004","Eiteljorg","S018" "SISBP080","block has plug in the UR that seems ancient (very well finished). Some dims for the plug were not present; so underlying block dims were used (with of bevel and depth of peritenia). Width of peritenia at bottom not clear on drawing - 55 mm. used. Original assumed to fit in place of plug.","3/30/2004","Eiteljorg","S080" "SISBP089","no measured depth for peritenia. Took 5 mm. from block below","4/1/2004","Eiteljorg","S089" "SRSBP099","UR & LL needed coords from other corners - width for UR - depth for LL","4/6/2004","Eiteljorg","S099" "SISBP098","LL needed height and width constructed from other corners","4/6/2004","Eiteljorg","S098" "SISBP095","nothing for UL; construct from other corners","4/6/2004","Eiteljorg","S095" "SIEBP077","depth for UL not included but measure of width & height included what looked to be a good measurement for depth - used it","5/17/2004","Eiteljorg","E077" "SISMP022","used right side of 21 for left of 22 for width - 4 mm. gap at top & 2 mm. gap at bottom estimated via photograph (SWALLLHOR1.jpg). LR depth taken from UR ","3/25/2004","Eiteljorg","S022" "SISBP038","beam socket/cutting here removed all of the LL - used UL corner of 29 for both the block itself and the peritenai bevel.General outline of cutting entered and copied at depth of .136.","4/1/2004","Eiteljorg","S038" "SISBP056","depth of peritenia used points called upper and lower. One called top was not used. The difference was trivial. Upper left of block is damaged and not retrievable; used same width for peritenai surface as measured for bottom.","4/1/2004","Eiteljorg","S056" "SISBP075","nothing for UL; construct from other corners","4/6/2004","Eiteljorg","S075" "All layers with a boss","all bosses are shaped as truncated pyramids with the outer corners moved 1 cm. in each direction - this is entirely arbitrary","5/13/2004","Eiteljorg","loss" "SIEBP055","used point data for main portion of block then dimensions plus depth of peritenia to make up peritenia band and bevel, using point data from 1450 & 1452 to provide depth of peritenia and assuming consistent depth along top and bottom","8/20/2008","Eiteljorg","E055" "SISMP016","drawing shows peritenia only (on left, at jamb), nothing of remainder except LL - data points give X,Z of UR, and LR is broken away - made LR from elevation and depth of LL plus width of block 17; UR from data point plus depth of LL","8/20/2008","Eiteljorg","S016" "SRSMP024","as S016, can be reconstructed with width of peritenia bevel edge assumed constant, top assumed level, and point 1351 providing LR as well for width","8/20/2009","Eiteljorg","S024" "SISMP028","LR corner dimension said to be ""from cutting"" but not cutting shows in drawings or photos ","8/20/2009","Eiteljorg","S028"