ObjID,PublishedCatalogueNumber,PublishedCatalogueEntry,ObjectFullName,ObjectSimpleName,ObjectPrimaryMaterial,TechComments,KNumber,GridLocation,CatNote,XRadioGraph,GridNo,WeightInGms 2057,1,"

1                      [K280]            

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. Constructed of sheet metal over a cast copper-alloy core. Triple rivet-housings each end; four gold rivets remain (two full length or nearly so). Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: animal ornament each side and on the shoulders. The sides show the same motif of a pair of interlacing zoomorphs in a confronted attitude, their necks twisted together, with biting jaws (only small details in the corners differ each side). The shoulders have identical single creatures (but rotated 180 degrees, relative to each other). Filigree: Style II ornament in triple-strand beaded wire; each side the design is raised on a thin sheet lattice, cut-out to match the pattern; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; granules (mostly collared) for the eyes of the creatures; rivet-housings covered with beaded wire, including collars at rivet-holes; wire at base trimmed flat on underside, to sit flush on hilt-plate/guard. Interior: the core has a concave underside. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at ends. Apex dented. Set: probably a suite with hilt-collar pair 87 and 88. L. 45mm; W. 19mm; H 16.5mm; Th. edge 2mm.

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,280,"[K280] TH168, no location","(Note: the photo taken before conservation shows a small fragment of metal in attached mud, probably silver sheet, but it was no longer with the object when it was recorded)",34,,32.74 2234,2,"

2                      [K457]            

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. Constructed of sheet metal over a cast copper-alloy core. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II/interlace: animal ornament each side and on one shoulder. The design one side comprises a quartet of serpents forming a central quatrefoil knot; the other side shows two affronted zoomorphs with interlacing bodies and jaws. One shoulder also shows a serpent; the other shoulder has non-zoomorphic interlace. Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; each side the design is raised on a thin sheet lattice, cut-out to match the pattern; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; collared granules for the eyes of the serpents; rivet-housings covered with beaded wire, including collars at rivet-holes; wire at base trimmed flat on underside, or flattened by contact with hilt-plate/guard. Interior: a fragment of iron tang remains inside the concave core. Wear/marks: heavy wear overall, some wires lost; but the flattening of the filigree both sides, below the apex (with striations and edge-wire damage), was possibly caused by a tool (?tongs). Set: probably a suite with hilt-collar pair 85 and 86.

L. 42.5mm; W. 14.5mm; H. 15.5mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Th. core edge 2mm; Wt 15.33g; X-ray: L33

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,457,"[K457] TH224, no location",,33,,15.33 2405,3,"

3                      [K1030]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. Torn open, one half pushed in, and missing its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex originally (torn). Style II: animal ornament each side and on the shoulders. One side shows two affronted zoomorphs with interlacing bodies and jaws; the other side has two similar creatures in a different interlacing scheme. The shoulders have identical single creatures (but rotated 180 degrees, relative to each other). Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire; each design is raised on a thin sheet lattice, cut-out to match the pattern; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) covers the rivet-housings. Interior: sheet join for rivet-housings visible one end. Wear/marks: heavy wear at apex, edges and ends. Filigree wire at base flattened on underside in places by contact with hilt-plate/guard.

L. 29mm; W. 23mm; H. 13mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 8.14g; X-ray: L34

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,1030,"(K1030] BA0392, grid O10",,34,O10,8.14 2232,4,"

4                      [K455]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. One side edge pulled outwards. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: animal ornament each side and on the shoulders. The sides show identical designs of four interlacing zoomorphs, some sharing head/jaw and body parts, and forming a central quatrefoil knot. The shoulders show identical single creatures with oval heads (but rotated 180 degrees, relative to each other). Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) covers the rivet-housings, with beaded wire collars for the rivet-holes. Interior: remains of a light-brown beeswax core-filler at the apex. Wear/marks: heavy wear overall, the cap sheet partly worn away, and with small dents, but the flattening of the filigree at the centre on both sides was possibly caused by a tool (?tongs). Cut mark on the spread basal edge (?levered). Filigree wire at the base flattened on the underside by contact with a hilt-plate/guard.

L. 40mm; W. 16mm; H. 17mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 14.49g; X-ray: L2, L7, L8, L29

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,455,"[K455] TH234, no location",,2; 7; 8; 29,,14.49 2086,5,"

5                      [K309]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. Missing one end, one side slightly bowed out, and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings at the remaining end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: animal ornament on the sides and shoulders. Sides have similar designs of four interlacing zoomorphs that share bodies, forming a central quatrefoil knot. Shoulders have identical single serpents with four-twist interlace bodies (but rotated 180 degrees, relative to each other). Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; on the sides the designs are mounted on additional sheet backings that were repoussé worked (or die-impressed with the pattern) and then lattice cut; granules for the eyes of the serpents; rivet-housings covered with beaded wire; wire at base trimmed flat on underside, or flattened by contact with the hilt-plate/guard. Interior: visible joins between sides, ends and apex/shoulders. Small ‘X’ incised one side. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at ends. Small dents on apex. Set: probably a suite with hilt-collar pair 89 and 90

L. 46mm; W. 12.5mm; H. 20mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 11.30g;X-ray: L31, L41

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,309,"[K309] TH164, no location","(Note: from mud in interior: three fragments of silver-gilt sheet, 606: [K1850], one garnet gem-setting, 618: [K1851])",31; 41,,11.3 2335,6,"

6                      [K558]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. One side pushed in slightly, the apex dented and flattened, and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II/interlace: animal ornament one side, showing two affronted zoomorphs with interlacing bodies and jaws, forming a central quatrefoil knot; the other side has irregular non-zoomorphic interlace, including a single Stafford knot. Shoulders have non-zoomorphic interlace. Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) covers the rivet-housings; beaded wire collars for rivet-holes; the sheet body of the pommel lips under the wire at the basal edge. Interior: sheet join at apex. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at edges. 

L. 44mm; W. 13mm; H. 17mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 14.19g; X-ray: L1

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,558,"[K558] TH031, no location",,1,,14.19 2532,7,"

7                      [K664]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. Twisted, and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each ends; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II/interlace: animal ornament one side and on both shoulders. The side shows two affronted and interlacing zoomorphs, which share body elements. The other side has irregular non-zoomorphic interlace. Shoulders have identical single knotted serpents (but rotated 180 degrees, relative to each other). Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; granules for the eyes of the serpents; incised layout marks are visible on the side with the interlace design; herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires), separated by beaded wires, covers the rivet-housings; beaded wire collars for the rivet-holes separated by figure-of-eights; the sheet body of the pommel lips under the wire at the basal edge. Interior: no joins visible, apex obscured (by mud that is irremovable). Wear/marks: heavy wear overall, with missing and unseated wires at the ends. Shallow dents to the apex. 

L. 45mm; W. 11.5mm; H. 18mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 13.20g (incl. small amount of mud); X-ray: L32

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,664,"[K664] TH075, no location",,74,,13.2 2554,8,"

8                                [K686]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. Sides pinched together, one end pushed into the interior, and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: animal ornament each side. Both designs are similar and show two affronted zoomorphs with interlacing bodies and jaws; one side the creatures’ jaws form loops and interlock with a separate central element; triquetra knots occupy the corners on the same side. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand (formed of a central beaded wire flanked by thinner two-ply twisted wires) on flat sheet; the shoulders are filled with C-scrolls in beaded wire, and single scrolls also accompany the Style II designs, some forming eyes to the creatures; edges framed by beaded wire with an inner border of herringbone band (of two-ply twisted wires, with a thinner beaded wire innermost); herringbone pattern also covers the rivet-housings. Interior: no sheet joins visible. Wear/marks: moderate wear overall, heavy at the ends, but the flattening of the filigree near the apex one side was possibly caused by a tool (?tongs). On one side several incised marks are on the sheet backing under the filigree (they are not layout marks). Filigree wire at the base flattened in places on the underside by contact with hilt-plate/guard.

L. 43mm; W. 14mm; H. 19.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 8.57g; X-ray: L1

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,686,"[K686] TH069, no location","(Note: from mud in interior: one gold nail, 658: [K1918], one fragment of silver-gilt reeded strip, 613: [1919])",1,,8.57 2152,9,"

9                      [K375]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. One end and apex flattened, sides misshapen, and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II/interlace: animal ornament both sides. One side shows a knotted serpent above a band of regular non-zoomorphic interlace (a possible layout mark is behind the serpent and a sheet crease behind the interlace); the other side has two affronted zoomorphs with interlacing bodies and jaws. Shoulders have identical interlace designs (but pattern rotated 180 degrees). Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; a granule was used for the eye of the serpent; annulets combine with the Style II design one side; herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) covers the rivet-housings. Interior: multiple sheet joins and several incised lines. Wear/marks: heavy wear at apex, edges and ends, cap almost completely worn away. Filigree wire at base flattened on underside one end by contact with hilt-plate/guard.

L. 46mm; W. 18mm; H. 16mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 11.33g; X-ray: L32

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,375,"[K375] TH134, no location",,32,,11.33 2136,10,"

10                    [K359]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. Missing one end, one side pushed in with a dent on the basal edge (?levered). Made of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings at the remaining end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II/interlace: animal ornament both sides: one side shows two affronted zoomorphs with interlacing bodies and jaws; the other is filled with interlace formed from the body and jaw elements of a single creature. Shoulders have identical double Stafford knots (but pattern rotated 180 degrees). Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; granules for eyes of creatures; rivet-housings covered with herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires), with beaded wire collars for the rivet-holes; the sheet body of the pommel lips under the wire at the basal edge. Interior: sheet join lengthways on one shoulder. Remains of an off-white calcite core-filler at apex. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at ends and apex; but the flattening of the filigree both sides and scratches on the apex were possibly caused by a tool (?tongs).

L. 39mm; W. 13.5mm; H. 19.5mm; Th. edge 1–1.5mm; Wt 10.37g; X-ray: L31

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,359,"[K359] TH121, no location",,31,,10.37 2582,11,"

Part of catalogue number 11, for catalogue entry see K585

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace and serpent ornament,Pommel,Gold,,714,,,117,, 2362,11,"

11                    [K585, K714]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace and serpent ornament. Found in three fragments, badly misshapen, and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; one set is torn open; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex (torn). Style II/interlace: similar design each side of a band of linked Stafford knots, with centrally a serpent with a knotted body, and below a band of four-twist interlace. Shoulders have bands of five-twist interlace (but pattern rotated 180 degrees). Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) covers the rivet-housings, with beaded wire collars for the rivet-holes; the sheet body of the pommel lips under the wire at the basal edge. Interior: multiple sheet joins at the sides and remaining end, and a reinforcing patch at the apex. Wear/marks: moderate wear at edges, ends and near the apex, which is also dented.

L. 38.5mm; W. 10.5mm; H. 19mm; Th. edge 1–1.5mm; Wt 9.04g; X-ray: L117

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace and serpent ornament,Pommel,Gold,,585,"[K585] TH022, [K714] BA0198, no locations",(Note: fragment [K714] recovered on site with gold mount [K5] from pommel 74),120,,9.04 2537,12,"

12                    [K669]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. Slightly twisted, and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: animal ornament each side. Both show similar designs of two zoomorphs, addorsed, but in separate panels, each with an interlaced body and jaw; one side an additional central panel holds a coiled serpent. Shoulders have identical single creatures (but rotated 180 degrees, relative to each other), each with a simple head/jaw biting its serpent-like body. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire (the thinner flanking wires are spiral beaded) on flat sheet; edges framed in the same; panels separated by a herringbone band one side (formed of two-ply twisted wires), and by combination beaded and twisted wires on the other (forming herringbone-with-spine); annulets for eyes of larger creatures; herringbone pattern also covers the rivet-housings, with beaded wire collars for the rivet-holes; wire at base trimmed flat on underside, or flattened by contact with a hilt-plate/guard. Interior: no sheet joins visible. Wear/marks: light wear overall; the flattening of the filigree near the apex one side is from an impact (?recent) or possibly from a tool (?tongs). Apex dented

L. 46mm; W. 12mm; H. 16.5mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 10.85g; X-ray: L1

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,669,"[K669] TH079, no location",,1,,10.85 2561,13,"

13                    [K693]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree serpent interlace. Missing both ends and its core, sides squashed and torn. Constructed of sheet metal, with an additional plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II/interlace: different designs each side (both partly obscured). One side is divided into two panels, each holding an interlaced serpent, the creatures confronted. The other side has interlace, though the filigree annulet at the top of the design suggests an ‘eye’ and a certain quasi-zoomorphic character. Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; herringbone bands (formed of two-ply twisted wires) divide and partly frame the panelled side, with thicker beaded wire at the edges; incised layout marks are visible under the (unobscured) filigree serpent; the annulet forming the ‘eye’ is of beaded wire; the shoulders are also decorated with herringbone banding. Interior: sheet joins lengthways on both shoulders. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at edges. Apex dented.

L. 37.5mm; W. 17mm; H. 16.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 6.69g; X-ray: L2, L9

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree serpent interlace,Pommel,Gold,,693,"[K693] TH044, no location",,2; 9,,6.69 2130,14,"

14                    [K353]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree serpent ornament. Constructed of sheet metal over a cast copper-alloy core. Paired rivet-housings each end; parts of two gold rivets and one of copper alloy (possibly indicating a repair). Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: similar design each side, of serpents concealed in semi-regular interlace. Shoulders also have serpent interlace. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed by beaded wire; herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) covers the rivet-housings, with beaded wire collars for the rivet-holes. Interior: core underside concave. Wear/marks: heavy wear overall, the cap sheet torn and partly worn away, and some wires lost; but some of the wire flattening was probably caused by a tool (?tongs) that has left impressions below the apex both sides.

L. 48mm; W. 17.5mm; H. 20.5mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 32.21g; X-ray: L11

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree serpent decoration,Pommel,Gold,,353,"[K353] TH126, no location",,11,,32.21 2064,15,"

15                    [K287]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree Serpent ornament. Constructed of sheet metal. Single rivet-housing each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: similar design each side, of a serpent with a knotted body; one side with a ring. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire; the thick framing comprises bands of herringbone-with-spine (formed of a pair of two-ply twisted-beaded wires with a central plain wire), flanked by further plain wires and normal herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires); a band of herringbone-with-spine also divides double lines of collared granules on each shoulder; the sheet backing both sides shows light repoussé working (from the front) around the design; granules for the eyes of the serpents; standard herringbone pattern covers the rivet-housings, with beaded wire collars at the rivet-holes; the sheet body of the pommel lips under the wire at the basal edge. Interior: sheet joins at shoulders. Wear/marks: heavy wear to apex, edges and ends, cap sheet ragged and flattened.

L. 42mm; W. 13mm; H. 15.5mm; Wt 7.84g; Th. edge 1.5mm; X-ray: L30, L41

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree serpent ornament,Pommel,Gold,,287,"[K287] TH152, no location",Note: from mud in interior: two fragments [K1826] of pommel 63,30; 41,,7.84 2977,16,"

16                    [K1200]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. Constructed of sheet metal, but without its core. Paired rivet-housings of plain sheet each end; four gold rivets, full length, bent (L. est. 18–19mm). Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II/interlace: animal ornament each side, with similar designs based on the motif of two affronted zoomorphs; the creatures have interchangeable body and jaw elements in an asymmetrical interlace; together with a third non-zoomorphic interlace strand. Shoulders have identical regular interlace (but pattern rotated 180 degrees). Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; shoulder interlace includes plain wire; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires. Interior: apex reinforced with a sheet patch; end/shoulder joins reinforced with short lengths of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear overall. Apex dented. Filigree wire flattened on underside of base from contact with a hilt-plate/guard.

 L. 40mm; W. 11mm; H. 20mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 15.90g

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,1200,"[K1200] BA0320, grid J8",,1,J8,15.9 2472,17,"

17                    [K1097]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. Missing one end, sides misshaped, and one side partly detached along an original join. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings at the remaining end; two gold rivets, full length, bent. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: different animal ornament each side: one design shows four interlaced zoomorphs (forming a central saltire); the other has two affronted creatures. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire; each side the design is raised on a thin sheet lattice, cut-out to match the pattern; sides framed by herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires) with thicker beaded wire at the edges; herringbone pattern also fills the shoulders and covers the rivet-housing, with a figure-of-eight collar for the rivet-holes. Interior: remains of wood at the apex. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at the apex and edges. Small tears/holes in sheet.

  L. 37.5mm; W. 17mm; H. 16.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 6.69g; X-ray: L2, L9 [1919]

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,1097,"[K1097] BA0179, grid L10","(Note: found on site with one fragment of silver reeded strip, 613: [K1091], and five fragments of die-impressed sheet, 606: [K1091]. From mud in interior: one fragment of gold, 682: [1953]; one fragment of silver, 690: [1954])",30; 41,L10,6.69 2170,18,"

18                    [K393]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. One end torn and pushed in, and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: almost identical animal ornament each side, of two affronted zoomorphs with interlacing bodies and jaws forming regular interlace. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire; the designs on the sides are raised off the pommel body in each case on a precisely cut lattice made from thick sheet; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; shoulders have a line of collared granules, arranged in order of decreasing size, surrounded by herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires); herringbone pattern also covers the rivet-housings, with beaded wire collars for the rivet-holes. Interior: no sheet joins visible. Wear/marks: moderate wear at edges; flattening of the filigree below the apex both sides, with slight impressions, probably caused by a tool (?tongs). Apex scratched. Filigree wire flattened on underside of base from contact with a hilt-plate/guard.

L. 38.5mm; W. 17.5mm; H. 17mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 11.62g; X-ray: L2, L7, L8

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,393,"[K393]TH129, no location",,2; 7; 8,,11.62 2578,19,"

19                    [K710]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. One side ragged along its edge (?levered); one end pushed into the interior. Constructed of sheet metal over a partly surviving cast silver core. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: identical animal ornament each side, of two zoomorphs with interlacing bodies and jaws. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) fills the shoulders and covers the rivet-housings. Interior: core concave, tilted and missing one end (corresponding with the possible levering damage to the pommel side). Wear/marks: light wear overall. Apex dented and punctured.

L. 40.5mm; W. 18mm; H. 20mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 16.06g; X-ray: L30

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigreeanimal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,710,"[K710] BA0195, grid I12","(Note: found on site with one fragment of silver die-impressed sheet, 600: [K24])",30,I12,16.06 2237,20,"

20                    [K460]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. Slightly squashed together with damaged wires, one end torn, and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: almost identical animal ornament each side, of two confronted zoomorphs with twisted necks, oval heads and interlacing bodies (one side, one head is missing its ear/crest). Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; the shoulders have curving bands of alternating (two-ply) twisted and beaded wires (forming a band of herringbone one side); combination twisted and beaded wires set vertically also cover the rivet-housings, with beaded wire collars for the rivet-holes. Interior: sheet joins visible along one shoulder/apex, and at one side and end. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at edges; but the flattening and unseating of the wires one side, below the apex, was probably caused by an impact or a tool (?tongs). Apex scratched. Filigree wire flattened on underside of base from contact with a hilt-plate/guard (or possibly trimmed).

L. 45.5mm; W. 11mm; H. 20mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 11.91g; X-ray: L31

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,460,"[K460] TH223, no location","(Note: from mud in interior: one boss-headed rivet, 629: [K1897",31,,11.91 3055,21,"

21                    [K1278]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament. Missing both ends (i.e. rivet-housings) and its core; one side pushed in. Constructed of sheet metal, with an additional plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: one side has animal ornament, the design showing two affronted zoomorphs with oval heads and interlacing bodies. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet, with incised layout marks behind. The other side has curving bands of decoration, divided and delineated in triple-strand: both sides of a central arch are filled with herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires); the remaining bands are filled with collared granules (with double collars of beaded and plain wires); the shoulders have herringbone fill also with a beaded wire mid-rib; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires. Interior: a small amount of mud (irremovable, P. Greaves pers. comm.). Wear/marks: moderate wear overall. Apex dented. 

L. 32.5mm; W. 13mm; H. 18mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 7.81g (small amount of mud); X-ray: L2, L9

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,1278,"[K1278] BA0367, grid N12",,2; 9,N12,7.81 2158,22,"

22                    [K381]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree serpent ornament. One side bowed out, and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II/interlace: identical serpent design each side, forming irregular interlace, the creatures with almond-shaped heads. Shoulders have identical interlace designs (but pattern rotated 180 degrees). Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed by double/triple beaded and plain wires; thick and thin beaded wires, set vertically, cover the rivet-housings, with beaded wire collars at the rivet-holes. Interior: apex underside reinforced with a sheet patch. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at edges. Edge wire snapped and filigree flattened one side (with a corresponding dent in the interior), probably caused by a tool (?tongs). Filigree wire flattened on the underside of the base from contact with a hilt-plate/guard.

L. 39mm; W. 19mm; H. 18.5mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 12.93g; X-ray: L33

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree serpent ornament,Pommel,Gold,,381,"[K381] TH130, no location",,33,,12.93 2070,23,"

23                    [K293]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree ornament. One end and core missing, and misshapen by a large dent one side. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings of rolled sheet remain at the intact end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: an identical design each side of branching lines, probably a highly abstract version of the motif of a pair of cornered animal heads (see pommel 68). Filigree: the branching lines and inner frame on the sides and shoulders are formed from stripwork (flat fillets of sheet) flanked by beaded wires, on flat sheet backgrounds; the outer frame comprises herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires) with beaded wire outermost. Interior: two incised ‘X’ marks. Wear/marks: moderate wear at edges. Apex dented. Filigree wire flattened on the underside of the base from contact with the hilt-plate/guard, or trimmed to sit flush.

L. 45mm; W. 12.5mm; H. 18mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 11.84g; X-ray: L3, L9

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree ornament,Pommel,Gold,,293,"[K293] TH157, no location","(Note: from mud in interior: three gold nails/rivets, 657: [K1828]; one silver nail/rivet, 675: [K1829])",3; 9,,11.84 2084,24,"

24                    [K307]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace. Sides dented. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Interlace: a similar design both sides, each with a central figure-of-eight, with surrounding interlace. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed with beaded wire; herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) runs the full length of the apex/shoulders, and also covers the rivet-housings; the sheet body of the pommel lips under the wire at the basal edge. Interior: pommel body and rivet-housings formed possibly from a single piece of sheet, as no joins are visible; apex underside reinforced with an additional sheet patch; over this are remains of an off-white calcite core-filler. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at apex.

L. 44mm; W. 12.5mm; H. 14mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 11.75g; X-ray: L31

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace,Pommel,Gold,,307,"[K307] TH180, no location","(Note: from mud in interior: one fragment of gold sheet, 682: [K1848]; one cross-hatched foil 695: [K1849])",31,,11.75 2585,25,"

25                    [K717]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace. One end and its core missing, one side pushed in and the other dented on its edge (?levered). Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings at the remaining end; one gold rivet, full length, bent. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Interlace: an identical design each side incorporating Stafford knots in the corners, but with filigree collared granules one side. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; granules have beaded-wire collars; edges framed by double beaded wires; shoulders filled with beaded wire figure-of-eights framed by herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires); herringbone pattern also covers the rivet-housings, with a beaded wire collar for the undamaged rivet-hole; the sheet body of the pommel lips under the wire at the basal edge. Interior: sheet join at the intact end for the rivet-housings. Wear/marks: moderate wear overall, heavy close to the apex. 

L. 46mm; W. 10mm; H. 16.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 9.96g; X-ray: L31

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace,Pommel,Gold,,717,"[K717] BA0200, no location",(Note: found on site with gold boss 638: [K18]. From mud in interior: one gold mount [1924] from hilt-guard 409),31; 117,,9.96 2053,26,"

26                    [K276]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace. Badly misshapen and torn, with one end and its core missing. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings at the remaining end; no rivets. Soldered to the end is a hilt-plate tip with one hole (i.e. it is one with the pommel); a corresponding ‘plate’ flange runs around the basal edge. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Interlace: similar pattern of twisted interlace each side. Shoulders have identical bands of five-twist interlace (but pattern rotated 180 degrees). Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed by combination beaded, plain and two-ply twisted wires (forming herringbone banding); rivet-housings covered with beaded and twisted wires, with beaded wire collars at the rivet-holes; double collar of beaded and plain wire at the rivet-hole of hilt-plate. Interior: sheet join lengthways. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at the apex. Scratches on sides (possibly recent).

L. 27mm; W. 42mm; Wt 9.19g; X-ray: L34

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace,Pommel,Gold,,276,"[K276] TH154, no location","(Note: from mud in interior: two silver nail/rivet fragments, 675: [K1815])",34,,9.19 2076,27,"

27                    [K299]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace. Constructed of sheet metal over a cast copper-alloy core. Paired rivet-housings each end; two gold rivets remain, full length (L. 19mm). Interlace: similar, semi-regular interlace each side, somewhat inexpertly executed. Shoulders have interlace also, the same pattern (but rotated 180 degrees each shoulder). Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire (the thinner flanking wires are spiral beaded) on flat sheet; one annulet was added at one end on one side, and multiple annulets and one figure-of-eight intersperse with the design the other side; edges framed by beaded wire (the thinner wires are spiral beaded); herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) covers the rivet-housings and apex, with figure-of-eight collars for the rivet-holes. Interior: core underside is concave, and broken on one edge (old break). Wear/marks: moderate wear overall, but the flattening of the filigree both sides, below the apex, was possibly caused by a tool (?tongs). Filigree wire flattened on the underside of the base from contact with a hilt-plate/guard. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-collar pair 105 and 106.

L. 52mm; W. 15.5mm; H. 20mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 25.08g; X-ray: L31, L41

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace,Pommel,Gold,,299,"[K299] TH166, no location",,31; 41,,25.08 2518,28,"

28                    [K650, K1252, K1255, ?K1123]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace. Reassembled from three fragments, missing one end, parts of both sides and its core (additionally, two further small fragments [K1123] are possibly of this pommel). Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings at the remaining end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex (visible in truncated section, before rejoining, as a separate layer over the sheet body). Interlace: a different irregular design each side. Shoulders have identical interlace (but pattern rotated 180 degrees). Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; alternating beaded and plain wires, set vertically, cover the rivet-housings, with beaded wire collars for the rivet-holes. Interior: incised with three lines: ‘///’. Wear/marks: light wear overall, but moderate at ends and edges. 

L. 40mm; W. 12mm; H. 19mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 9.85g; X-ray: L30, L52, L88, L90

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace,Pommel,Gold,,650,"[K650] TH053, no location; [K1123] BA0447, grid M6; [K1252] BA0340, grid N9; [K1255] BA0344, grid N10",,30,,9.85 2900,28,

Part of catalogue no. 28. For catalogue entry see K0650

,Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace,Pommel,Gold,,1123,,,90,M6, 3029,28,"

Part of catalogue 28, see K650 for catalogue entry.

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace,Pommel,Gold,,1252,,,88,N9, 3032,28,

Part of catalogue no. 28. For catalogue entry see K0650

,Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace,Pommel,Gold,,1255,,,52,N10, 2569,29,"

29                    [K701]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace. Missing both ends (i.e. rivet-housings), the sides twisted and pinched together. Constructed of sheet metal, with an additional plain sheet cap over the apex. Interlace: a similar irregular and dense design each side. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire (the thinner flanking wires are spiral beaded); on the sides the sheet background has been repoussé worked (from the front, between the pattern); edges framed by beaded wires (with innermost a two-ply twisted wire at the top of one side); shoulders have double rows of collared granules (with spiral-beaded wire collars) framed by herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires). Interior: remains of a calcite-wax core-filler at the apex. Wear/marks: light wear overall. Apex scratched and slightly dented.

L. 47.5mm; W. 12mm; H. 18.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 7.97g; X-ray: L117

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace,Pommel,Gold,,701,"[K701] TH068, no location",,117,,7.97 2872,30,"

30                    [K1004]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace. One side pushed in and torn, and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Interlace: one side is a looping pattern; the other side is a twisted pattern. Shoulders have identical two-twist interlace (but pattern rotated 180 degrees). Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; on the sides the sheet background has been repoussé worked (from the front between the wires); edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) set vertically covers the rivet-housings, with beaded wire collars for the rivet-holes. Interior: not visible. Wear/marks: moderate wear at edges and ends. Apex scratched. Filigree on the damaged side flattened by an impact (?recent) or possibly by a tool.

 L. 43.5mm; W. 10mm; H. 19mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 15.36g; X-ray: L30

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace,Pommel,Gold,,1004,"[K1004] BA0073, grid K10",,30,K10,15.36 1865,31,"

31                    [K88]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace. One side pushed in (?levered), one end torn and partly missing, and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings of reeded sheet at the intact end (one remains at the damaged end); one gold rivet, upper part only. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Interlace: an identical, irregular looping pattern each side. Shoulders have identical regular interlace (but pattern rotated 180 degrees). Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed with double/triple beaded wires. Interior: sheet join lengthways; Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at edges and ends. Apex scratched.

L.41mm; W. 12mm; H. 15mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 6.94g; no X-ray

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace,Pommel,Gold,,88,"[K88] BA0065, grid K10",,,K10,6.94 2235,32,"

32                    [K458]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; parts of three gold rivets, one possibly full length, but bent (L. 12mm). Plain sheet cap over the apex. ?Style II/interlace: a different, incoherent and fragmented pattern each side, interspersed with collared granules; overall the designs have a quasi-zoomorphic character. Shoulders have identical ?Style II/interlace designs (but rotated 180 degrees each shoulder). Filigree: ?Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet (some of the thinner flanking wires are spiral beaded, and occasionally wires are missing); granules have spiral-beaded collars interspersed with the design both sides; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; beaded wire covers the rivet-housings, with collars for the rivet-holes. Interior: blackened remains of a beeswax core-filler at the apex. Wear/marks: light wear overall. Apex dented one side, with a corresponding dent in the filigree on the other face, possibly indicating damage from a tool (?tongs). 

L. 39mm; W. 17mm; H. 21mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 10.31g; X-ray: L3, L9

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace,Pommel,Gold,,458,"[K458] TH236, no location",,3; 9,,10.31 2565,33,"

33                    [K697]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace. Tall example. Missing both ends (i.e. rivet-housings), sides pinched together and one end twisted. Constructed of sheet metal, with an additional plain sheet cap over the apex. ?Style II/interlace: a different irregular pattern each side, each forming a quatrefoil centrally. One side possibly includes zoomorphic elements, perhaps two creatures; the other side the interlace is formed of three writhing strands. Shoulders have identical regular interlace (but pattern rotated 180 degrees). Filigree: ?Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; edges framed by beaded wire. Interior: not visible (some mud remains and is irremovable: P. Greaves pers. comm.). Wear/marks: light wear overall. Apex dented and scratched.

L. 44mm; W. 7mm; H. 26mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 15.42g (some mud); X-ray: L1, L29

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace,Pommel,Gold,,697,"[K697] TH052, no location",,1;29,,15.42 2330,34,"

34                    [K553]

Pommel in gold of round-back form with filigree animal ornament. Slightly squashed, one side pushed in, one end bent upwards (?levered), and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: animal ornament each side. Both designs show different versions of a pair of affronted creatures; the zoomorphs have interlacing bodies and jaws; one side the creatures have oval heads; the other side the creatures have U-shaped jaws that join together, and the necks are connected by a ring. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; a single collared granule is central one side and a small figure-of-eight is included on the other; shoulders filled with collared granules in lines separated by beaded wires; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) covers the rivet-housings, with beaded wire collars for the rivet-holes; the sheet body of the pommel lips under the wire at the basal edge. Interior: sheet join on one shoulder. Wear/marks: light wear overall, focused at the top, edges and ends. Apex dented and scratched.

L. 49mm; W. 17mm; H. 16mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 9.79g; X-ray: L3, L9

",Pommel in gold of round-back form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,553,"[K553] TH005, no location","(Note: found in mud in interior: four silver fragments, 690: [K1908])",3; 7; 8; 9,,9.79 2448,35,"

35                    [K1073]

Pommel in gold of round-back form with filigree animal ornament. Missing both ends (i.e. rivet-housings), sides spread, and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal, with an additional cap of plain sheet over the apex. Style II/interlace: animal ornament each side. Both designs show different arrangements based on the motif of two affronted creatures (one side the motif can be alternatively ‘read’ as showing two confronted creatures, cf. pommel 56). The zoomorphs have interlacing bodies and jaws with interchangeable elements. Shoulders have identical four-twist interlace bands (but pattern rotated 180 degrees). Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; on each side the design is raised on a sheet lattice, roughly cut-out to match the pattern; edges framed by beaded wires. Interior: no sheet joins visible. Wear/marks: heavy wear around the apex and edges.

L. 31mm; W. 23mm; H. 16mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 9.25g; X-ray: L34

",Pommel in gold of round-back form with filigree animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,1073,"[K1073] BA0167, grid M10",,34,M10,9.25 2129,36,"

36                    [K352]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal and garnet cloisonné ornament. Both sides spread, one end dented and twisted with the rivet-holes torn open; some wires unseated and some garnets fractured. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II: animal ornament both sides. On the side with the garnet cloisonné frame are two inserted filigree panels (the edge of one has lifted), each holding an identical zoomorph (mirrored). The other side is decorated entirely by filigree and has four creatures confronted (that share body parts), with interlocking oval jaws that combine to form two quatrefoil knots. A single interlacing creature decorates each shoulder (but rotated 180 degrees, relative to each other). Cloisonné: the cellwork is shallow (D. 1.5mm), and is comprised mainly of stepped cells; the flat red stones are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire; on the sides the sheet backing has been die-impressed to set the designs in greater relief; edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) covers the rivet-housings; the sheet body of the pommel lips under the wire at the basal edge. Interior: the reverses of the die-impressed sheet backings are visible. Remains of an off-white beeswax core-filler at the apex (calcite was also present, but was not mixed with the wax filler; it could represent a separate (?top) layer in the overall core structure). Wear/marks: moderate wear overall, heavy at edges and around the apex; but the flattening of the filigree near the apex with scratches one side was possibly caused by a tool (?tongs). Hole in the sheet body one side. 

L. 40.5mm; W. 22mm; H. 14mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 10.45g; no X-ray

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree animal ornament and garnet cloisonné decoration.,Pommel,Gold,,352,"[K352] TH110, no location",,,,10.45 3005,37,"

37                    [K1228]

Pommel in gold of round-back form, with filigree interlace and serpent ornament, and one side a panel of garnet cloisonné. Missing both ends (i.e. rivet-housings) and its core, the sides spread; the cloisonné panel and one flanking filigree panel are torn at their join and partly separated from the apex. Constructed of sheet metal, with an additional cap of plain sheet over the apex. Style II/interlace: one side has irregular looping, non-zoomorphic interlace. Shoulders have Style II serpents with plaited bodies. Cloisonné: the narrow central panel inlaid with garnets one side comprises three rectangular frames with saltire patterns, formed in shallow cellwork; the flat triangular stones are backed by ‘standard’ cross-hatched gold foils. Filigree: the gold panels flanking the cloisonné panel were separately applied to the pommel side, inserted into cut-out frames; they are filled with collared granules in zones divided by herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires); on one panel the herringbone bands form a cross; the interlace and Style II is in triple-strand beaded wire; the sheet backing to the interlace design was repoussé worked (from the front), or possibly the sheet was die-impressed before the wires were set, and it is also in a herringbone frame; edges framed by beaded wire; granules for the eyes of the serpents. Interior: apex underside reinforced with a sheet patch. Sheet join one end, possibly for the missing rivet-housings. Panel frames visible on the reverse. Wear/marks: moderate wear close to the apex. L. 44mm; W. 13mm; H14 mm; Th. edge 1.5mm

","Pommel in gold of round-back form with filigree interlace and serpent ornament, and one side a panel of garnet cloisonné.",Pommel,Gold,,1228,"[K1228] BA0138, grid M9",,2; 9,M9,6.9 2534,38,"

38                    [K666]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form, with filigree serpent and interlace ornament, and on one side a small cloisonné setting. One edge pulled out and cut (?levered), and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal, with a narrow flange extending around the base. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Style II/interlace: the cloisonné setting is flanked by two panels of serpent interlace, the creatures shown confronted. Non-zoomorphic interlace fills the other side. Shoulders have identical regular interlace (but pattern rotated 180 degrees). Cloisonné: small shallow rectangle of cellwork (D. 1.5mm) with a saltire pattern filled with a decayed inlay of unidentified type. Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; beaded wire divides the panels and frames the edges, and embellishes the otherwise plain rivet-housings, including collars for the rivet-holes. Interior: vertical sheet joins both sides (with a corresponding, overlapping join visible on the exterior one side, behind the interlace). Wear/marks: light wear overall. Scratches on apex.

L. 44mm; W. 16mm; H. 21mm; Wt 10.21g; X-ray: L2, L7, L8, L9

","Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree serpent and interlace ornament, and on one side a small cloisonné setting.",Pommel,Gold,,666,"[K666] TH090, no location",,2; 7; 8; 9,,10.21 2126,39,"

39                    [K349]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace and on one side a cloisonné panel. Missing both ends (i.e. rivet-housings), and without its core. Constructed of sheet metal, with an additional cap of plain sheet over the apex. Interlace: two panels of interlace flank the cloisonné panel, and a different irregular interlace design fills the other side; the overall finish is inexpert with misaligned sections. Cloisonné: the trapezoidal panel (H. 16mm; W. 14mm) has cells filled with a corroded inlay of unidentified type. The stepped pattern is somewhat irregular, but is based on a central cross with expanded terminals. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet (one single strand was substituted with a short length of two-ply twisted wire); beaded wires also frame the edges and cloisonné panel; each shoulder has a single line of collared granules framed by herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires); one collared granule was also added in one bottom corner of one side; the sheet body of the pommel lips under the wire at the basal edge. Interior: cloisonné panel backed by a sheet patch; several other sheet joins. Wear/marks: scratches in interior (possibly from removal of core).

L. 44mm; W. 15mm; H. 22mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 10.96g; X-ray: L32

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace and on one side a cloisonné panel.,Pommel,Gold,,349,"[K349] TH137, no location","(Note: from mud in interior: one fragment of corroded silver/copper-alloy, 691: [K1864])",32,,10.96 2548,40,"

40                    [K680]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace and on one side cloisonné ornament. Sides misshapen. Constructed of sheet metal over a cast copper-alloy core (a small part is missing, and it came loose during conservation). Paired rivet-housings each end; two gold rivets one end, one bent, but full length. Apex has an empty, flattened, square gem-setting. Interlace: the filigree decoration one side comprises irregular interlace. Shoulders have ring interlace (the pattern rotated 180 degrees). Cloisonné: shallow geometric cellwork, formed mainly of stepped cells and filled with a decayed inlay of unidentified type. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet (the thinner flanking wires are spiral beaded); edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; fine beaded wire also covers the rivet-housings; the sheet body of the pommel lips under the wire at the basal edge. Interior: a patch of sheet reinforces the underside of the apex. Wear/marks: moderate wear overall, heavy at the apex, edges and ends; rivet heads worn down and wires missing on rivet-housings; but the flattening of the interlace and cellwork on the sides was possibly caused by a tool (?tongs).

L. 50.5mm; W. 21mm; H. 17mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 21.58g (pommel 11.99g; core 9.59g); no X-ray

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace and one side cloisonné decoration.,Pommel,Gold,,680,"[K680] TH070, no location",,,,21.58 2242,41,"

41                    [K465]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form, with garnet cloisonné one side and on the shoulders, and filigree interlace the other side. Sides bowed out and one end torn open; one garnet lost and two fractured. Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Cloisonné: shallow cellwork of flat garnets. The side cloisonné has a central cross with stepped and axe-shaped arms, flanked by cellwork of stepped (including split-mushroom) and fish-scale forms. Shoulders have identical patterns of stepped and mushroom shapes. Garnets backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Interlace: the other side has a simple interlace band in filigree, interspersed with collar granules. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire (the thinner flanking wires are spiral beaded) on flat sheet; granules have collars of spiral-beaded wire also; the design is framed by bands of herringbone (formed of two-ply twisted wires) and an outer two-ply twisted-beaded wire; plain rivet-housings framed with herringbone banding and plain wires. Interior: no sheet joins visible, but small dents from a ?tool. Wear/marks: moderate wear overall, but one rivet-housing is more worn down. Wire at the base flattened on the underside by contact with a hilt-plate/guard.Midway along one basal edge is a tool mark (?levered).

L. 42.5mm; W. 17.5mm; H. 14mm; Th. edge 1–1.5mm; Wt 11.75g; X-ray: L4, L7, L8, L9

","Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné one side and on the shoulders, and filigree interlace the other side.",Pommel,Gold,,465,"[K465] TH229, no location","(Note: from mud in interior: gold filigree object 680 and four small silver fragments, 690: [1899])",4; 7; 8; 9,,11.75 2331,42,"

42                    [K554]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace and on one side a gem-setting. One end torn (at rivet-housings). Constructed of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; no rivets. Plain sheet cap over the apex. Interlace: a different irregular pattern each side; centrally one side is a quatrefoil knot in a round frame. Shoulders have identical interlace (the pattern rotated 180 degrees). Gem-setting: corresponding with the position of the quatrefoil knot, on the other side, is a round setting with a plain sheet bezel, its gemstone lost. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; beaded wire also frames the edges, roundel and gem-setting; herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) covers the rivet-housing, with plain wire collars at the rivet-holes. Interior: an off-white material was discovered at the apex in conservation; it is probably remains of a core-filler (not analysed). Sheet joins visible at the ends for the rivet-housings. Wear: light wear overall, moderate at edges; apex flattened and dented; scratches inside gem-setting (possibly from removal of stone); flattening and a dent in the filigree on one side, near the apex, possibly from a tool (?tongs).

L. 46mm; W. 9.5mm; H. 18mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 11.21g; X-ray: L1, L9 

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace and one side a gem-setting.,Pommel,Gold,,554,"K554] TH008, no location",,1; 9,,11.21 2137,43,"

43                    [K360]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with cloisonné ornament. Both ends missing (i.e. rivet-housings) and without its core, sides spread, and with a dent at the end of one side (?levered). Constructed of sheet metal, with an additional plain sheet cap over the apex. Cloisonné: shallow cellwork filled with a decayed inlay of unidentified type. Similar geometric pattern both sides (obscured by corrosion product); X-radiograph indicates a central diamond composition, with the overall scheme including mushroom-shaped and stepped cells. Shoulders have identical rows of three mushroom-shaped cells. Filigree: edges framed by beaded wire. Interior: sheet joins at the apex. Wear/marks: heavy wear to filigree edging.

L. 38.5mm; W. 19.5mm; H. 16mm; Wt 9.51g; no X-ray

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with cloisonné ornament,Pommel,Gold,,360,"[K360] TH144, no location",,,,9.51 2349,44,"

44                    [K572]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with cloisonné ornament. Missing both ends (i.e. rivet-housings) and its core, and twisted. Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: shallow cellwork filled with a decayed inlay of unidentified type. Sides have different geometric patterns (obscured by corrosion product), including mushroom-shaped and arrow-shaped cells. Shoulders have matching patterns of stepped cells. Filigree: edges framed by beaded wire. Interior: sheet join widthways. Wear/marks: heavy wear to filigree edging and apex.

 L. 45mm; W. 10mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 8.23g; X-ray: L30

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with cloisonné ornament,Pommel,Gold,,572,"[K572] TH039, no location",,30,,8.23 2178,45,"

45                    [K401, K1018, K1025]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with cloisonné ornament. Found in three fragments; one side broken at an original join; missing both sides, and all the remaining cellwork is empty (i.e. no stones/backing foils). Plain apex and paired rivet-housings each end cast, the rest made of sheet metal; rivet-housings have vertical reeds; one gold rivet, full length (L. 22mm). Cloisonné: partial border of rectangular cells one side. Shoulders have matching geometric stepped patterns (rotated 180 degrees each shoulder). Wear/marks: ?light wear overall. Interior scratched. Apex/shoulders scratched and dented, possibly caused by a tool (?tongs).

L. 50mm; H. 24mm; W. rivet-housings 13mm; Wt 15.82g; X-ray: L33, L53

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with cloisonné ornament,Pommel,Gold,,401,"[K401] TH115, no location; [K1018] BA0403; [K1025] BA0397, grid N7",,53,,15.82 2886,45,

Part of catalogue no. 45. See K0401 for catalogue entry.

,Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with cloisonné ornament,Pommel,Gold,,1018,,,33,N7, 2893,45,

Part of catalogue no. 45. See K0401 for catalogue entry.

,Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with cloisonné ornament,Pommel,Gold,,1025,,,33,N7, 2937,46,"

46                    [K1160, K1272]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné ornament. One end found detached [K1272] (now rejoined), and without its core; a few stones missing or fractured and others sunken. Cast plain apex, the rest made of thick sheet metal (Th. 0.6mm). Paired rivet-housings each end, widely spaced, of rolled sheet; three gold rivets, full length but bent (L. 18–19mm). Cloisonné: an identical geometric pattern each side and on each shoulder inlaid with garnet. The design is comprised of a central mushroom-shape, surrounded by stepped cell forms and unusual eye-shaped stones, that together create an abstract facemask; borders of square and rectangular cellwork. Shoulders have single mushroom-shaped and two stepped cells each. The garnets at the pommel edges are shaped with a curved outer face. Cells backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Interior: no sheet joins visible. Wear/marks: light wear overall. Apex slightly dented and scratched, and one shoulder scratched also. Cut mark and dent on one basal edge (?levered). Set: pommel outline matches mark on hilt-plate 280; boss-headed gold rivets 629 may also be part of this set with plate 281.

L. 42mm; W. 17.5mm; Th. edge 3.5mm; H. 20mm; Wt 24.02g; X-ray: L3, L7, L8

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Pommel,Gold,,1160,"[K1160] BA0407, grid O14; [K1272] BA0361, grid N12",,3; 7; 8,O14,24.02 3049,46,

Part of catalogue no. 46. See K1160 for catalogue entry

,Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Pommel,Gold,,1272,,,,N12, 2972,47,"

47                    [K1195]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné ornament. One end twisted, some stones sunk but none lost. Plain apex and rivet-housings cast, the rest made of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end, plain except for vertical reeds and minor filigree additions; one gold rivet, full length but bent (L. 19.5mm). Cloisonné: very similar geometric design each side, with quatrefoil arrangements of mushroom-shaped cells; frame of small rectangular paired garnets, spaced by gold lidded cells. Shoulders have lines of three mushroom-shaped cells, topped by a circular garnet. Each of the flat red garnets is backed by a cross-hatched gold foil of ‘standard’ type. Cellwork appears somewhat inexpert. Filigree: short lengths of herringbone band (formed of two-ply twisted wires) separate the rivet-holes, which have beaded wire collars. Interior: sheet join widthways, covered by the remains of a calcite-wax core-filler at the apex. Wear/marks: light wear overall. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-collar pair 159 and 160.

L. 45mm; W. 15.5mm, H. 19.5mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 15.66g; X-ray: L4, L7, L8

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Pommel,Gold,,1195,"[K1195] BA0309, grid K13",,4; 7; 8,K13,15.66 2583,48,"

48                    [K715]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Slightly misshapen, with one lost garnet, others sunken, and without its core. Plain apex, probably cast, the rest made of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; one gold rivet, upper part. Cloisonné: different geometric cellwork each side. One side shows a central mushroom quatrefoil; the other has a pattern of alternating stepped, mushroom- and arrow-shaped cells. The flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Shoulders have identical decoration, comprised of single lines of two mushroom shapes. Filigree: Rivet-housings covered by alternating beaded and plain wires, set vertically, with double collars in the same for the rivet-holes. Interior: joins visible at the apex. Wear/marks: moderate wear to the filigree; incised ‘X’ on underside of one of the rivet-housings.

L. 36mm; W. 12mm; H. 16mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 9.40g; X-ray: L3, L7, L8

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Pommel,Gold,,715,"[K715] BA207, grid J12","(Note: found on site with part [K1] of cloisonné mount 544. Attached by mud: one small fragment of silver-gilt sheet, 690: [1923])",3; 7; 8,J12,9.4 2542,49,"

49                    [K674]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné ornament. One side bowed out, some cells ruptured with a few stones lost or broken, others sunken, and without its core. Paired rivet-housings each end; two gold rivets, full length but bent (L. 20–21mm). Constructed of sheet metal, with an additional plain sheet cap over the apex. Cloisonné: a different pattern each side. One side shows a central design of garnet crosses, alternating with (‘stepped rhomboid’) gold crosses formed using lidded cells (some sunken); two of the flat stones are red glass, opaque in appearance, and probably repairs. The other side shows a pattern of stepped, mushroom- and arrow-shaped cellwork. Shoulders have identical arrangements with mushroom-shapes also. Each cell is backed by a cross-hatched gold foil of ‘standard’ type. Filigree: edges framed by thick beaded wire; rivet-housings covered with finer beaded wire. Interior: no joins visible. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree and rivet heads. Apex dented and scratched. Dent on bowed edge (?levered). Set: possibly a suite with mounts 499–502.

L. 45mm (not including rivets); W. 20mm, H. 17mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 20.97g; X-ray: L4, L7, L8

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Pommel,Gold,,674,"[K674] TH076, no location",,4; 7; 8,,20.97 2069,50,"

50                    [K292]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Missing one end, and without its core; several stones lost. Paired rivet-housings at the intact end; no rivets. Cast plain apex, the rest made of sheet metal. Cloisonné: different geometric design each side. One side shows a fish-scale pattern, formed of curved-stepped cells, infilled with arrow-shaped cells. The other side has alternating rows of mushroom- and arrow-shaped garnets. Shoulders have identical lines of arrow-shaped garnets. Rivet-housings covered with two rows of small rectangular garnets; one rivet-hole retains a cap of a circular garnet. The flat red stones on the sides and shoulders are backed with cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. The garnets on the edges of the shoulders, pinker in hue, were cut with a curved outer face. Interior:a hole in the sheet shows the cast structure of the apex. Small area of copper corrosion (?from a missing core). At the complete end two tabs attach the rivet-housings, with empty fixing-holes at the other end. Wear/marks: light wear overall. Dent on one basal edge from the point of a ?blade (?levered). Marks on apex ends, possibly from a tool (?tongs). Set: possibly a suite with hilt-collar pair 163 and 164.

L. 45mm; W. 14mm, H. 18mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 16.00g; X-ray: L4, L29

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Pommel,Gold,,292,"[K292] TH184, no location","(Note: from mud attached: fifteen small silver sheet fragments, 690: [K1827])",4; 29,,16 2229,51,"

51                    [K452]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Sides slightly pinched, a few stones and foils lost, other stones broken. Plain apex, possibly cast, the rest made of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end, of thick rolled plain sheet with reeded junctions; one gold rivet, full length but bent (L. 20mm). Cloisonné: shallow cellwork. Identical design each side of ten semi-circles arranged in fish-scale pattern, formed of curved and stepped cells. Most cells are filled by flat red garnets, interspersed by sub-triangular lidded gold cells. Shoulders have two mushroom-shaped cells each, end-to-end. The flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Interior:remains of a wooden core at the apex with a calcite core-filler. Wear/marks: moderate wear to apex and rivet-housings.

L. 46mm; W. 12mm, Th. edge 1mm; H. 19mm; Wt 16.98g; X-ray: L4

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Pommel,Gold,,452,"[K452] TH232, no location",,4,,16.98 2061,52,"

52                    [K284, K327]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné geometric and animal ornament. Found in two fragments; one end twisted off is now rejoined; multiple cells ruptured with garnets/foils lost and other stones sunken. Cast plain apex, the rest made of sheet metal. Enclosed rivet-housings each end; the underside of the undamaged housing shows there were holes for two rivets each end originally. Cloisonné: a different design each side. One side has a geometric arrangement of rounded and triangular arches, delineated in rectilinear cellwork, and infilled with stepped and arrow-shaped cellwork, the arrows forming crosses or quatrefoils. On the rivet-housings are equal-armed garnet crosses. The other side has Style II animal ornament in cloisonné. The garnets are flat, except at the pommel edges, where stones with an angled edge were used. All the stones were backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. The shoulders have lines of three mushroom-shaped cells. Lidded gold cells were used both sides, especially around the animal design. Style II: the animal design is of two affronted creatures, quadrupeds in profile, with back-turned heads and extended forelimbs that enwrap the neck of each adversary; it is again framed by a border of rectilinear cellwork. On the rivet-housings are beak-shaped garnets. Interior: sheet join lengthways. The torn open underside of one rivet-housing [K327] shows the construction. Wear/marks: light wear overall. One rivet-hole at the intact end [K284] is torn from extraction of the rivet.

L. 53mm; W. 14mm; H. 21mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 19.08g; X-ray: L4, L120, L133

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné geometric and animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,284,"[K284] TH170, [K327] TH186, no locations","(Note: found during conservation with fragment [K284]: two fragments of die-impressed silver sheet, 606: [K2096]).",4,,19.08 2104,52,

Part of catalogue no. 52. For catalogue entry see K0284

,Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné geometric and animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,327,,,120; 133,, 1922,53,"

53                    [K145, K808, K1167]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné animal ornament. Found in three fragments, the ends detached (now rejoined); basal edges badly damaged with the cellwork ruptured and multiple stones lost, fractured or sunken; and without its core. Plain apex and rivet-housings cast (with a break at the join of the apex and shoulder one side), with the remainder made of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end, plain, except for reeding at the junctions with the pommel body; one gold rivet, full length (L. 22mm). Cloisonné: one side has geometric ornament, the other has Style II animal ornament. The geometric design is half missing, but probably included a quatrefoil of mushroom-shaped garnets centrally, as well as stepped forms. The flat red garnets were backed by two types of cross-hatched gold foils: ‘standard’ foils were used on the side with geometric decoration, and in the animal design for the legs and probably heads/jaws of the creatures; different ‘boxed 3×3’ foils were used for the neck and body parts of the animals. A square of millefiori glass (blue and red checked) is set between the creatures’ heads. The shoulders have curved garnets with backing foils (pattern type obscured). Gold lidded cells were used to create the background to the animal ornament. Style II: the design is of two confronted creatures, quadrupeds shown in profile, their jaws interlocked and forelimbs entwined. A quatrefoil with a central swastika is formed by the crossed heads and jaws (cf. pommel 74). Interior: no sheet joins visible. Wear/marks: ?light wear overall. Scratches and dents, including to the apex.

L. 32.5mm; W. 14mm; H. 17.5mm; Wt 20.31g; X-ray: L3, L53 

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,145,"[K145] US0011, [K808] BA0128, no locations; [K1167] BA0406, grid O12",,53,,20.31 2676,53,

Part of catalogue 53. For catalogue entry see K0145

,Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,808,,,53,XX, 2944,53,

Part of catalogue no. 53. For catalogue entry see K0145

,Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with garnet cloisonné animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,1167,,,3,O12, 2132,54,"

54                    [K355]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with cloisonné animal ornament. One side and shoulder pulled out (?levered), and without its core. Plain apex and edge-frame cast, the cellwork and rivet-housings made of sheet metal. Paired rivet-housings each end; one gold rivet, full length. Cloisonné: the sides have animal ornament. The shoulders have identical geometric cellwork, with stepped, mushroom-shaped and equal-armed cross forms. The cells are filled with a decayed inlay of unidentified type. Style II: the animal ornament is different each side (the cellwork is somewhat inexpert). One design shows two confronted creatures, quadrupeds in profile, with interwoven jaws and limbs. The other side (obscured by corrosion product) has a variation of the same motif, with the creatures transformed into zoomorphs formed of long interlacing strands. Filigree: rivet-housings covered by a combination of wires (beaded wires, a two-ply twisted wire, and three twisted wires that are ‘unfinished’ strip-twisted wires, forming herringbone pattern). Interior: thethin backing sheet of the pommel body is torn in places. Wear/marks: light wear to filigree. Apex has a slight dent. Set: probably a suite with hilt-collar pair 165 and 166.

L. 40.5mm; W. 21mm; H. 20mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 17.40g; X-ray: L32

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form with cloisonné animal ornament,Pommel,Gold,,355,"[K355] TH032, no location",,32,,17.4 2153,55,"

55                    [K376]

Miniature pommel of cocked-hat form in gold with garnet cloisonné animal ornament. The enclosed base had a slot (L. 5mm W. 2mm) for the weapon tang that is torn open; the pommel body is twisted slightly with some garnets sunken. Constructed of thick sheet metal (Th. 0.6–0.8mm). A horizontal pin (missing) was housed in the pommel’s broadened width (in the semi-circular side projections); the siting is visible in the exposed interior; it would have fastened through the end of the blade tang. Cloisonné:identical geometric cellwork both sides, including stepped, split-mushroom and other curved forms; the V-shaped cell at the apex has unusually thick walling. A band of spaced rectangular garnets runs the length of the top and shoulders. Cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ pattern back the flat garnets. Style II: hidden in the geometric pattern is the zoomorphic motif of two confronted creatures, quadrupeds shown in profile, with jagged jaws. Wear/marks: light wear overall; tool/blade mark and scratches visible on the base. Set: part of asuite from a seax/knife hilt with 167, 168, 169 and 225; the cap-fitting 169 bears a scratched outline of the pommel, which was set on it, as well as corresponding damage from removal.

L. 29mm; W. 12.5mm; H. intact side 11mm; Wt 9.74g; X-ray: L6

",Miniature pommel of cocked-hat form in gold with garnet cloisonné animal ornamemt,Pommel,Gold,,376,"[K376] TH095, no location",,6,,9.74 2124,56,"

56                    [K347]

Pommel in gold of round-back form with incised animal ornament inlaid with niello and filigree herringbone. Missing its ends (i.e. rivet-housings) and core, the sides pinched together at one end. Constructed of sheet metal, with an additional cap of plain sheet over the apex. Style II: identical animal ornament both sides, in each case incised out of a layer of gold sheet separately attached, forming a double-sheet thickness.The design is of two confronted creatures, quadrupeds in profile, with looped jaws; they have interlacing necks and limbs, and each bites the other. Black niello inlay outlines the body and adds details of eyes, hips and feet. Filigree: shoulders filled with herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires); edges framed with flat beaded wire. Interior:not visible. Wear/marks: light wear to edges. Apex dented and torn. Horizontal marks below the apex on both sides, probably from a tool.

L. 32mm; W. 7mm; H. 17mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 6.90g; X-ray: L3, L9

",Pommel in gold of round-back form with incised animal ornament inlaid with niello and filigree herringbone,Pommel,Gold,,347,"[K347] TH132, no location","(Note: from mud in interior: one silver rivet with boss and gold boss-washer, 661: [K2088])",3; 9,,6.9 1804,57,"

57                    [K27, K358]

Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form, cast with animal-heads, with incised Style II ornament, and panels of niello lines, all framed by imitation wire. Sides pinched together, one end torn and lifted (?levered); one panel [K27] found detached (now rejoined). The concave animal-snout ends indicate the pommel fitted between two bosses on its hilt-guard. A sprue scar from the casting remains at one end (on the snout), filed flat. Style II: the animal decoration repeats each side. The large head each end has a jagged maw, representing possibly a wolf or bear. Pairs of bird heads with curved beaks flank each of these, but are visible only from above. Surmounting the apex both sides is a boar head, depicted wearing a helmet, with tusks and a blunt snout (an alternative interpretation of the head, when viewed directly from the front, might be of a moustached warrior). Viewed from above the boar heads terminate the short arms of a cross formed by the thick imitation wire, with the long arms concluded by different heads with spoon-like snouts. These in turn form nasal guards to the ‘wolf’ heads. Centrally each side was incised the motif of a pair of creatures, quadrupeds in profile, with interlacing limbs and necks (the direction of interlace is different each side). Line decoration:the panels each side with line decoration were made and inserted separately. The black niello-inlaid patterns are different each side (in contrast with the symmetry of the animal decoration): one side the lines are vertical; the other side they curve at 45 degrees. Interior: hollow, with the stubs of two integral rivets each end (four in total), one cut. Wear/marks: light wear overall, but the apex has multiple scratches. Cut mark along one basal edge. Roughly incised lines were recorded on the pommel body behind the detached panel [K27], before reattachment; this was probably done to assist the grip of the solder/adhesive.

L. 60mm; W. (bird heads) 15mm; H. 27mm; Wt 44.23g; X-ray: L11

",Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form cast with animal-heads with incised Style II decoration and panels with niello lines all framed by imitation wire,Pommel,Gold,,27,"[K27] BA0217, grid J12; [K358] TH096, no location","(Note: from mud in interior: triangular mount 491; several fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1866, K1869])",11,J12,44.23 2135,57,

Part of catalogue no. 57. For catalogue entry see K0027

,Pommel in gold of cocked-hat form cast with animal-heads with incised Style II decoration and panels with niello lines all framed by imitation wire,Pommel,Gold,,358,,,11,, 3207,58,"

58                    [K1430, ?K1466]

 Small part of a pommel in gold with filigree ornament. Plain sheet apex and one attached shoulder panel (a further fragment with filigree [K1466] may be from this object). Interlace: the shoulder panel is filled by a three-twist band. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet. Wear/marks: light wear overall. Apex scratched.

L. 18.5mm; W. 7.5mm; Wt 2.06g; X-ray: L44

",Small part of a pommel in gold with filigree ornament,Pommel,Gold,,1430,None,(Note: [K1430] part of soil block 4; [K1466] part of soil block 14),44,,2.06 3243,58,

Part of catalogue no. 59. For catalogue entry see K1466

,Small part of a pommel in gold with filigree ornament,Pommel,Gold,,1466,,,,, 2468,59,"

59                    [K1093]

Fragment from the end of a pommel in gold. A pair of rivet-housings and a small part of one side with filigree decoration; no rivets. Filigree: rivet-housings covered in C-scrolls of beaded wire; remnants of triple-strand beaded wire ornament on the side fragment; edges framed with beaded wire, and beaded wire collars at rivet-holes. Interior: sheet joins show the rivet-housings were attached separately. Wear/marks: moderate wear. 

L. 17.5mm; W. 8mm; H. 10mm; Wt 1.07g; X-ray: L44

",Fragment from the end of a pommel in gold.,Pommel,Gold,,1093,"[K1093] BA0186, grid M11",,44,M11,1.07 3178,60,"

61                    [K1832]

Fragment from the end of a pommelin gold. A pair of rivet-housings with filigree decoration; two gold rivets, upper parts (L. 8–9mm). Filigree: housings covered in herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires), with beaded wire collars for the rivet-holes. Wear/marks: light wear. Rivets cut. 

L. 10mm; H. 4mm; W. 4mm; Wt 0.83g; X-ray: L39, L41

",Fragment from the end of a pommel in gold with filigree decoration,Pommel,Gold,,1401,"[K1401] soil block 7, no location","(Note: attached by mud with: pommel fragment 62; hilt-ring fragment 237; hilt-plate 317; two silver reeded strip fragments, 613: [K1836]; one gold boss, 637: [K1831]; one silver rivet, 673: [K1834]; seventeen very small fragments silver sheet, 690: [K1837])",64,,0.83 3611,61,"

Fragment from the end of a pommel in gold.  A pair of rivet-housings with filigree decoration; two gold rivets, upper parts (L. 8–9mm). Filigree: housings covered in herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires), with beaded wire collars for the rivet-holes. Wear/marks: light wear. Rivets cut.

L. 10mm; H. 4mm; W. 4mm; Wt 0.83g; X-ray: L39, L41

",Fragment from the end of a pommel in gold,Pommel,Gold,,1832,"[K1832=K295] TH132, no location",,,, 3612,62,"

62                    [K1833]

Fragment from the end of a pommelin gold. A pair of rivet-housings with filigree decoration; no rivets. Filigree: housings covered in herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires), with a beaded wire collar for the intact rivet-hole, and a single S-scroll set between the holes. Wear/marks: moderate wear. 

L. 12mm; H. 7.5mm; W. 5mm; Wt 0.60g; X-ray: L39, L41

",Fragment from the end of a pommel in gold,Pommel,Gold,,1833,"[K1833=K295] TH132, no location","(Note: attached by mud with: pommel fragment 61; hilt-ring fragment 237; hilt-plate 317; two silver reeded strip fragments, 613: [K1836]; one gold boss, 637: [K1831]; one silver rivet, 673: [K1834]; seventeen very small fragments silver sheet, 690: [K1837])",,,0.6 2083,63,"

63                    [K306, K1826]

Pommel in silver of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace and cross. Constructed of silver sheet over a cast silver core. Parts of the apex, one shoulder and both ends of the sheet cap are missing; two fragments [K1826] found detached are probably from the damaged side but do not join(one is very small). Single rivet-housing each end; no rivets. Interlace/cross: one side is a central equal-armed cross; in the corresponding position on the other side are the remains of a round frame, surrounding a void that probably had contained a gem-setting. Different non-zoomorphic interlace flanks each centre. The intact shoulder has a line of three figure-of-eights. Filigree: in silver; interlace/figure-of-eights in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; cross in herringbone-with-spine (formed of a pair of two-ply twisted-beaded wires with a central thinner beaded wire, worn flat); gem-setting and edges framed with two-ply twisted-beaded wire with flanking beaded wires. Interior: core underside concave. Wear/marks: moderate wear at edges and apex; but the flattening of the filigree at the top of the cross was probably caused by a tool (?tongs).

L. 56mm; W. 16.5mm; H. 19mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 27.77g; no X-ray

",Pommel in silver of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace and cross,Pommel,Silver,,306,"[K306] TH191, [K1826=K287] TH152, no locations",(Note: from mud adhering: four fragments of silver die-impressed sheet [K1847] from warrior panels 596; ten fragments [K1847] of unassociated die-impressed sheet. Two pommel fragments [K1826] found with pommel 15),33; 41,,27.77 3605,63,

Part of catalogue no. 63. For catalogue entry see K306

,Pommel in silver of cocked-hat form with filigree interlace and cross,Pommel,Silver,,1826,,,,, 1938,64,"

570                  [K161, K241, K713, K823, K1036, K1069, K1182, K1196, K1233, K1716]

Fragments from possibly two strip-mounts in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges. Found in fifteen fragments and incomplete; consolidated into five parts with some loss of inlay. Formed out of thick silver plate, probably set on a flat or flattish surface originally. Two parts, [K713, K1182] and [K1036, K1069], preserve butt-ends; a third part [K161, K823, K1716] has an angled end. Fixing-holes are spaced regularly every 11–13mm along the gilded edge, with occasional additional holes along the ungilded edge; two silver rivets with gilded, domed heads remain in situ (L. 9–10mm), and these appear to have been originally bent. Niello: the mount is decorated with rows of opposed triangles, with a zigzag band between. Wear/marks: ?light wear. ?Blade scratches in one place on the reverse [K241]. Set: suite with mounts 567–569 and 571.

L. largest 78mm; W. 14mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 29.68g; X-ray: L102, L129

",Strip-mounts in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges.,Large mount,Silver,,161,"(Grid location: [K823] BA0120, grid L9; [K1036] BA0387, grid O10; [K1069] BA0163, grid M11; [K1182] BA0295, grid K9; [K1233] BA0145, grid M9. No locations: [K161] US0027, [K241] TH179, [K713] BA0197, [K1196] BA0311, [K1716=K832] US0122)","(Note: fragment [K713] found with mount 459. Fragment [K1036] found on site with a fragment of silver sheet, 606: [K1037]. Fragment [K1233] found on site with hilt-collar 119 and two fragments of silver reeded strip, 611: [K1232]. Fragment [K1716] found on site with two fragments of reeded strip, 613: [K832], a fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K1717], two fragments of die-impressed silver sheet, 606: [K2067], and four very small fragments of copper alloy, 691: [K2068])",129,,29.68 2063,64,"

64                    [K286]

Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with gilding and a garnet one side. Paired rivet-housings both ends; one silver rivet, upper part. Moulded double-line frame around each side and shoulder; the gilding was possibly restricted to this framing and the ends (i.e. sides and shoulder panels left silver). Gem-setting: a flat triangular garnet in a gold sheetbezel with a filigree collar of two beaded wires; the stone is backed by a cross-hatched gold foil of ‘boxed 3×3’ type. Interior: hollow, with a triangular opening cast in the body for the gem-setting (the reverse of the foil is visible). Wear/marks: heavy wear overall, the top of one rivet-housing and one side of the apex are particularly worn. Scratches on the apex and sides. A small fracture-dent to one edge (?levered). Cut marks on one shoulder and end. 

L. 39mm; W. 11.5mm (13.5mm with garnet); H. 16mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 10.81g; X-ray: L32, L41

",Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with gilding and a garnet set one side,Pommel,Silver,,286,"[K286] TH189, no grid location","(Note: found in conservation: one fragment of silver sheet, 606: [K1825])",32; 41,,16 2695,65,"

65                    [K827]

Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form. Missing part of one edge (fractured, possibly by levering). Paired rivet-housings both ends; two silver rivets one end, upper parts, bent ends. Plain except for a moulded single-line frame, each side and shoulder. No gilding visible, but proved by XRF analysis. Wear/marks: moderate wear at apex. Scratches on sides and shoulders. Small dents one side, close to the fracture. 

L. 39.5mm; W. 12mm; H. 16mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 8.18g; X-ray: L32

",Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form,Pommel,Silver,,827,"[K827] US0120, no location",(Note: from mud in interior: gold boss 648),32,,8.18 2233,66,"

66                    [K456]

Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with gilding. Paired rivet-housings both ends; one silver rivet, upper part. Plain except for a moulded single-line frame around each side and shoulder; the gilding was possibly restricted to this framing (i.e. sides and shoulder panels left silver). Interior: hollow. Wear/marks: moderate wear overall, but heavy one end.

L. 48.5mm; W. 13mm; H. 19mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 17.27g; X-ray: L33

",Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with gilding,Pommel,Silver,,456,"[K456] TH226, no location",(Note: from mud in interior: three silver fragments [K1896] from pommel 77),33,,17.27 2336,67,"

67                    [K559]

Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form. Paired rivet-housings each end; three silver rivets, upper parts. Plain, no gilding. Interior: hollow. Wear/marks: light wear. A long dent both sides, below the apex, is possibly from a tool (?tongs). Dent on one edge also (?levered). 

L. 43.5mm; W. 14mm; H. 19mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 19.35g; X-ray: L10

",Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form,Pommel,Silver,,559,"[K559] TH040, no location",,10,,19.35 2579,68,"

68                    [K711]

Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with low relief animal and interlace ornament, gilding and niello inlay. Worn and corrosion pitted. Odd numbers of rivet-housings: two at one end (one is broken and partly missing), three at the other end; no rivets. The decoration is framed by moulded beading at the pommel edges (worn away in places). Style II: one side shows a bearded human head between detached animal legs with fronded feet. The other side has centrally two affronted zoomorphs, each with a single hind leg and a back-turned head with U-shaped jaws (the detail is very worn at the apex); in the corners are the heads of boars with characteristic tusks and blunt snouts, with a triangular punch used for the teeth. The black niello inlay, like the gilding, is now largely lost, but was used to highlight the details of the eyes, boar teeth, the hair of the head/beard, and to infill body parts. It is not certain the gilding totally covered all surfaces, and it is possible the human and animal characters were left silver, creating a bichrome finish. Interlace: the shoulders are filled with looping geometric interlace with a central niello strand (the patterns are rotated 180 degrees, relative to each other). Interior: hollow. Wear/marks: heavy wear to the apex and edges. Set: possibly a fit with sword-ring 82.

L. 49mm; W. 16mm; H. 18mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 19.87g; X-ray: L10

","Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with gilded low relief animal ornament, gilding and niello inlay",Pommel,Silver,,711,"[K711] BA0202, grid L12",(Note: found on site with hilt-plate fragment 351),10,L12,19.87 1816,69,"

69                    [K39, K1007]

Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with low relief animal ornament, gilding and niello inlay. Found in two fragments (rejoined), missing one side and part of one end (breaks old). Paired rivet-housings each end (broken one end); three silver rivets, upper parts. The gilding survives in the recesses. Style II: the remaining side shows animal ornament, of two affronted zoomorphs with interlacing jaws and bodies. The shoulders possibly had similar creatures (obscured by corrosion). The black niello was inlaid in channels along the individual strands. Interior: hollow. Wear/marks: moderate wear overall. Damage to the side edge (?levered). Flattening at the apex, possibly from a tool (?tongs). Set: possibly a suite with hilt-collars 186187 and mounts 533–535.

L. 47mm; W. 10.5mm; H. 15mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 9.37g; X-ray: L42, L140 

","Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with low relief animal ornament, gilding and niello inlay",Pommel,Silver,,39,"[K39] BA0231, grid J12; [K1007] BA0079, grid M11",,42; 140,J12,9.37 2875,69,

Part of catalogue no. 69. For catalogue entry see K0039

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with low relief animal ornament, gilding and niello inlay",Pommel,Silver,,1007,,,42; 140,M11, 1927,70,"

70                    [K150]

Fragment of a pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with low relief animal ornament. Apex with parts of both sides and shoulders. No gilding (confirmed by analysis). Style II: possibly identical animal ornament each side originally, showing two affronted creatures (probably quadrupeds) with interwoven forelimbs and back-turned heads. Shoulders plain except for moulded line framing. Interior: hollow. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 23mm; W. 13mm; H.13mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.57g; X-ray: L34

",Fragment from a pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with low relief animal ornament,Pommel,Silver,,150,"[K150] US0016, no location",,34,,2.57 2291,71,"

71                    [K514, K1684, K1901]

Pommel in cast silver of round-back form with an animal-headed band and incised ornament. Found in three fragments (rejoined, breaks old), small parts of both sides missing. Gilded originally (detected by XRF analysis). Style II: the apex is surmounted by a band with terminals in the form of boar heads with blunt snouts (but tuskless) and incised almond-shaped eyes. The rest of the hemispherical surface bears incised animal ornament separated by bands of herringbone pattern. One side shows two quadruped creatures affronted but separated, with heads that bite their own herringbone-filled bodies; the other side shows a mirrored pair of confronted, knotted serpents. Further identical interlaced serpents occupy oval panels on the shoulders (the patterns rotated 180 degrees). A zoomorphic cross is formed, viewed from above, by the animal-head band and shoulder panels. Interior: hollow, one cast-in rivet each end, both broken. Wear/marks: light wear. One edge has a dent (?levered). Set: probably a suite with hilt-collar fragments 189 and silver fragments 605.

L. 31mm; W. 22mm; H. 15mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 10.43g; X-ray: L28, L106

",Pommel in cast silver of round-back form with an animal-headed band and incised ornament,Pommel,Silver,,514,"[K514] TH214, [K1901=K495] TH217, no locations",(Note: [K1684] part of soil block K512),28,,10.43 3462,71,

Part of catalogue no. 71. For catalogue entry see K0514

,Pommel in cast silver of round-back form with an animal-headed band and incised ornament,Pommel,Silver,,1684,,,28,, 3680,71,

Part of catalogue no. 71. For catalogue see K0514. 

,Pommel in cast silver of round-back form with an animal-headed band and incised ornament,Pommel,Silver,,1901,,,,, 2017,72,"

72                    [K240, K1447, K2092]

Pommel in cast silver of round-back form. Found in four fragments (three rejoined; breaks old). Two rivet-holes at the remaining end; no rivets. No gilding. Rune: lightly incised centrally one side is a possible rune mark, though it is faint and difficult to distinguish from other scratches. Interior: hollow, cast surface visible, including flashing; copper corrosion (from alloy). Wear/marks: light wear. Dent/?tool mark on shoulder. Filing marks on basal edge.

L. 48.5mm; W. 14.5mm; H. 21mm; Th. basal edge 1.5mm; Wt 17.12g; X-ray: L43, L64

",Pommel in cast silver of round-back form,Pommel,Silver,,240,"[K240] TH179, soil blocks 10 and 16, no locations",(Note: [K1447] part of soil block 10; [K2092=K1615] part of soil block 16),43,,17.2 3224,72,

Part of catalogue no. 72. For catalogue entry see K0240

,Pommel in cast silver of round-back form,Pommel,Silver,,1447,,,64,, 3965,72,

Part of catalogue no. 72. For catalogue entry see K0240.

,Pommel in cast silver of round-backed form,Pommel,Silver,,2092,,,,, 2071,73,"

73                    [K294]

Pommel in cast silver of round-back form with low relief gilded interlace, and one side a gold mount with filigree and cloisonné ornament. Paired rivet-housings each end; one silver rivet, upper part. Cast interlace: one side has a panel of dense triple-strand interlace. Filigree/cloisonné: the other side has a mount of gold sheet. At its centre is a simple cloisonné design, of a circular red garnet flanked by beak-shaped garnets; the flat stones are backed with cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. It is flanked by filigree interlace formed of triple-strand beaded wire, with collared granules beneath the garnet ‘beaks’; beaded wire also edges the inner frame and cloisonné setting; a thicker two-ply twisted-beaded wire forms the outer border. The top of the pommel is inlaid with a filigree herringbone band (formed of two-ply twisted wires). Style II: it is possible the filigree interlace on the mount together with the cloisonné beaked-roundel was intended as an animal design that could be ‘read’ as a pair of creatures with interchangeable beaked heads. Interior: four bent nails, three for securing the side filigree mount and one for the top filigree band. Wear/marks: light overall, moderate to the filigree band. A triangular punch was applied haphazardly over one side and the top.

L. 52mm; W. 14mm; H. 14mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 22.35g; X-ray: L10

","Pommel in cast silver of round-back form with low relief gilded interlace, and one side a gold mount with filigree and cloisonné ornament",Pommel,Silver,,294,"[K294] TH167, no location","(Note: found during conservation: one silver nail/rivet fragment, 675: [K1830])",10,,22.35 1782,74,"

74                    [K5, K596, K597, K604, K1347, K1968]

Pommel in cast silver of round-back form with incised and gilded ornament, and filigree mounts. Found in six fragments (five rejoined); missing one shoulder (with mount), parts of both sides/apex and one end. Paired rivet-housings each end (broken one end); no rivets. Interlace: one side is incised with a quatrefoil knot (with swastika) in a single line frame (gilded). Filigree mounts (scrollwork): the other side had an inserted semi-circular mount (L. 29mm) of gold sheet [K5] that was fixed in place by sheet tabs that extend beyond its frame. It is divided into zones by a curving band and straight element, both in triple-strand filigree. The two largest curved zones are filled by S-scrolls in beaded wire; the mount edges are framed by plain wire; the reverse has been repoussé worked to enhance the design. The shoulder has a smaller in situ mount filled with a curved band of triple-strand filigree. Interior: the reverse of the shoulder mount is visible through a void cast in the shoulder; it shows the same method of fixing with tabbed edges. Wear/marks: moderate wear to the filigree and cast shoulder.

L. 40.5mm; W. 15mm; H. 15mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 8.30g (gold mount Wt 1.22g); X-rays: L37, L42, L44, L101, L102, L124

",Pommel in cast silver of round-back form with incised and gilded ornament and filigree mounts,Pommel,Silver,,5,"[K5] BA0198, [K596, K597, K604] TH021, [K1374] TH247 [K1968=K1347] TH243, no locations","(Note: fragment [K1968] attached by mud to: silver fragment [K1347] from hilt-collar 182; silver fragment with interlace [K1969] from hilt-guard pair 409; fragment [K1973] from helmet-crest 590; one silver fragment, 688: [K1971]; one silver fragment, 687: [K1972]; fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1970]. Mount [K5] found on site with fragment [K714] of pommel 11)",37,,8.3 2381,74,

Part of catalogue no. 74. For catalogue see K005

,Pommel in cast silver of round-back form with incised and gilded ornament and filigree mounts,Pommel,Silver,,604,,,124,, 2373,74,

Part of catalogue no. 74. For catalogue entry see K0005

,Pommel in cast silver of round-back form with incised and gilded ornament and filigree mounts,Pommel,Silver,,596,,,42,, 3151,74,

Part of catalogue no. 74. For catalogue entry see K005

,Pommel in cast silver of round-back form with incised and gilded decoration and filigree mounts,Pommel,Silver,,1374,,,124,, 3749,74,

Part of catalogue no. 74. For catalogue entry see K005

,Pommel in cast silver of round-back form with incised and gilded ornament and filigree mounts,Pommel,Silver,,1968,,,,, 4039,74,

Part of catalogue no. 74. For catalogue entry see K005

,Pommel in cast silver of round-back form with incised and gilded ornament and filigree mounts,Pommel,Silver,,597,,,44,, 1797,75,"

75                    [K20, K163, K290, K530, K744, K903, K904, K907, K942, K983, K1112, K1185, K1204, K1376, K1726]

Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace, and niello and glass ornament. Incomplete, assembled from fifteen fragments: nine from the sides/shoulders; three from single cylindrical rivet-housings each end; three from two sword-rings, one for each shoulder (one [K290] is almost complete). The sword-rings were cast separately, each with a single square-sectioned shank (both broken, L. 6mm); that projecting from [K290] has a fixing-hole. Cast decoration: both sides of the pommel and sword-rings have sunken gilded panels filled with double/triple-strand interlace, densely woven and regular; sunken bands of gilded herringbone decorate the rivet-housings. At the centre of the more-complete side of the pommel is a triquetra knot. Surrounding it and juxtaposed with the other interlace panels the same side are raised triangles detailed with triple silver teardrops on backgrounds of black niello. The same black inlay also originally framed the ungilded pommel edges and filled a dog-tooth edging on the rivet-housings. Gem-settings: the other side of the pommel has corresponding triangular settings, one of which retains an inset of translucent green glass; probably all were similarly furnished. Filigree: a channel runs over the top of the pommel and sword-rings, filled by remains of a thick herringbone band in silver (formed of two-ply twisted wire). On the sword-rings the channel is flanked by moulded beading. Interior: hollow, the casting is relatively thin in places. A dowel of wood (Fraxinus excelsior) survives fixed in the interior of one sword-ring [K290]; it fits into a slot in the pommel body. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate on the top of one sword-ring [K290]. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-collar pair 188 and hilt-guard pair 409.

L. rejoined body fragment 50.5mm (est. original L. 80mm); W. body 12.5mm. W. rivet-housing 18.5mm; H. 30mm; Th. edge 1–1.5mm; Wt 30.16g (includes wood 0.41g); X-ray: L42, L95, L104, L116, L125, L139

","Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,20,"(Grid location: [K20] BA0228 grid L12; [K983] BA0259, grid M11; [K1112] BA0440, grid N6; [K1185] BA0307, grid M14; [K1204] BA0322, grid N11. No grid locations: [K163] US0029, [K290] TH147, [K530] TH214, [K744] BA0203, [K903, K904] BA1038, [K907] BA1050, [K942] BA1051, [K1376] TH244, [K1726]","(Note: fragment [K744] part of finds group BA0203; fragments [K903, K904] part of finds group BA1038; fragment [K942] part of finds group BA1051; fragment [K1185] found with fragment 688: [K1193]; fragment [K290] found with one fragment of socket 607/08: [K2188]; fragment [K1726] part of soil block 15)",104,L12,30.16 1940,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K0020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,163,,,125,, 2067,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings,cast interlaceand niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,290,,,,, 2307,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlaceand niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,530,,,125,, 2487,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,1112,,,125,N6, 2612,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,744,,,,, 2771,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,903,,,139,, 2772,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,904,,,125,, 2775,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace, niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,907,,,125,, 2810,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,942,,,95; 115,, 2851,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,983,,,139,M11, 2962,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,1185,,,125,M14, 2981,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,1204,,,42,N11, 3153,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,1376,,,125,, 3504,75,

Part of catalogue no. 75. For catalogue entry see K020

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello and glass decoration",Pommel,Silver,,1726,,,139,, 1875,76,"

76                    [K98, K242, K291, K301, K807, K831, K964, K1087, K1384, K1385, K1445, K1483, K1623, K1629, K1631, K1640, K1641, K1642, K1649, K5014, K5065]

Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay, and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament. Incomplete, assembled from twenty-six fragments (old and recent breaks). Separately cast in five parts: pommel body; one cylindrical rivet-housing each end; one ‘sword-ring’ each shoulder (only a small part survives of one). The structure was held together by a large single rivet each end cast into the interior of each sword-ring; the longest surviving shank (L. 9mm) is broken/?cut level with the base of the rivet-housing. Cast decoration: zones of cast and gilded ornament in low relief decorate one side of the pommel and the sword-rings, and the top/shoulders of all; the pommel edges and parts of the ornament were left ungilded for contrast. Double/triple-strand interlace predominates, with dot-infilled quatrefoil knots on the shoulders. The ends of the complete sword-ring show masks; the centre has a scrolled triskelion in a sunken panel. Small panels of faux cellwork, niello inlaid, are at the ends of the rivet-housings. Gem-setting: on the flat apex, in a square frame of imitation twisted wire, is a flat purplish-pink garnet (fractured). It was backed by a cross-hatched silver foil of ‘standard’ type. Style II: at the centre of the pommel, on the side with cast interlace, is a triangular platform, with smaller triangles at its vertices, bearing a design in silver of three serpent-like creatures with fan tails arranged in a triquetra, on a field of black niello. The inlay also decorated the tops of the sword-rings. Filigree/cloisonné mounts: the other side was originally decorated with seven gold sheet mounts, attached by small rivets, of which three remain. The largest [K301] (H. 20mm) fills the frame of the pommel body (one end is bent); two silver pin heads remain in situ in the corners.It has a central cloisonné roundel with an outer ring of flat garnet and blue glass insets, forming cryptic crosses (on an angle); the garnets are backed by cross-hatched foils of ‘standard’ type; filling the middle is a ring of decayed colourless glass, set in a round bezel with a frame of beaded wire; central to it is a cabochon garnet (fractured) in another beaded-wire bezel. Looping interlace, in filigree triple-strand beaded wire, flanks the cloisonné roundel, together with annulets (of two beaded wires) and short strands of herringbone (of two-ply twisted wire); the sheet backing was repoussé worked between the design. Two smaller filigree mounts decorate the intact sword-ring: one is crescentic [K807] (L. 19.5mm) and one is semi-circular [K1629] (L. 10.5mm); one gold pin remains in situ with the crescentic mount, which is filled with S-scrolls of beaded wire; the semi-circular mount is filled with annulets in the same. The mount’s edges and the roundel are framed in beaded wire. Filigree herringbone bands were also inlaid in cast channels (some lifted/frayed) on the edges of the pommel and rivet-housings. Interior: a large fragment of the original wax core survives from the pommel, now loose; it bears an impression at its top from the cross-hatched foil that backed the apex garnet. The cast structure of the pommel appears thin. Wear/marks: light wear to edges, and to the top of the more complete sword-ring. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-collar pair 188 and hilt-guard pair 409.

L. rejoined body fragment 48mm (est. original L. 80mm); W. body 20.5mm; W. rivet-housing 17.5mm; H. 27mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 37.40g (gold mounts Wt c. 5.00g; wax core Wt 1.82g); X-ray: L43, L69, L80, L94, L126, L127, L140

","Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,98,"(Grid location: [K98] BA0045a, grid L11; [K807] BA0118, grid L9; [K964] BA0243, grid M8; [K1087] BA0183, grid K12; [K5014] grid L12; [K5065] grid H9. No grid locations: [K242] TH179, [K291] TH181, [K301] TH156, [K831] US0122, soil blocks 8/15/17/18)","(Note: fragment [K98] found on site with one fragment of silver reeded strip, 607/08: [K99]; fragment [K831] found on site with one fragment of silver sheet panel 600 and two fragments of reeded strip, 613: [K832]; [1445] part of soil block 8; [K1483] part of soil block 15; [K1623, K1631, K1640, K1641, K1642, K1649] part of soil block 17; [K1384, K1385] part of soil block 18)",,L11,37.4 2019,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,242,,,,, 2068,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,291,,,,, 2078,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Gold,,301,,,,, 3863,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,5014,,,,, 2462,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Gold,,1087,,,127,K12, 2675,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Gold,,807,,,80,L9, 2699,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,831,,,140,, 2832,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,964,,,140,M8, 3161,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,1384,,,127,, 3162,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,1385,,,127,, 3260,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,1483,,,127,, 3401,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,1623,,,140,, 3407,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Gold,,1629,,,80,, 3409,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,1631,,,140,, 3418,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,1640,,,126,, 3419,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,1641,,,126; 131,, 3420,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,1642,,,140,, 3427,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,1649,,,94,, 3780,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,1445,,,43,, 3914,76,

Part of catalogue no. 76. For catalogue entry see K0098

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, cast interlace and niello inlay and mounts with cloisonné and filigree ornament",Pommel,Silver,,5065,,,,, 1913,77,"

77                    [K136, K149, K189, K417, K536, K876, K908, K994, K1337, K1403, K1448, K1896, K2093, K2158, K5090]

                        Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament, mounts with filigree, and a gem-setting. Incomplete, including missing one end and much of the other (i.e. rivet-housings), found in seventeen fragments, some twisted (possibly from removal). The ‘sword-rings’ [K149, K189, K1448], one on each shoulder, were cast separately with one large rivet each (largest L. 17mm); both are broken and bent. Cast decoration: one side has cast triple-strand interlace separated into panels and surrounding a round frame at the centre. A band of similar interlace (worn) runs over the top of the pommel and rings. Filigree mounts (scrollwork): the other side of the pommel has four mounts made of gold sheet (a fifth original mount is missing): the largest [K136] (L. 38mm) and one other [K5090] (L. 12mm) were set on the pommel body; two smaller eye-shaped mounts [K876, K1403] (L. 17–18mm) decorate the sword-rings. All have bands of S-scrolls. The large mount is framed by two-ply twisted-beaded wire; single-ply beaded wire forms the scrolls, delineates the bands and frames the other mounts. The central part of each mount was set in relief by repoussé working from the reverse. Gem-settings: centrally on the large gold mount is a cabochon rock crystal, in a plain bezel with a filigree collar (formed of a central two-ply twisted-beaded wire flanked by thinner beaded wires); the stone is set over a fixing-hole. Another gem-setting (missing its stone) was located correspondingly on the other side, as indicated by the partly surviving cast frame. Interior: one sword-ring [K189] contains remains of a pewter core and also has beeswax, possibly as a fill; beeswax was identified in the other sword-ring also [K1448], and it is likely it has a metal core too, but covered by the wax. Wear/marks: the tops of the sword-rings show heavy wear; moderate wear to the filigree (a few scrolls missing). Apex dented, possibly from a tool (?tongs).

L. 67mm; L. large mount [K136] 38mm; W. 13mm; H. 28mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 19.62g (gold mounts 2.97g); X-ray: L4, L7, L8, L9, L42, L43, L47, L64, L80, L98, L125, L140

","Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Silver,,136,"(Grid location: [K994] BA0293, grid L14; [K5090] grid F10. No grid locations: [K136] US0002, [K149] US0015, [K189] US0055, [K417] TH127, [K536] TH214, [K2093=K762, K2158=K763] BA0203, [K876] US0133, [K908] BA1045, [K1337] TH242, [K1896=K456] TH189, soil blocks 7/10)","(Note: fragment [K417] found with one small fragment of silver 690: [K1889]; fragments [K2093, K2158] part of finds group BA0203; fragment [K908] found with two fragments of silver sheet [K909, K910]; fragment [K1403] part of soil block 7; sword-ring [K1448] part of soil block 10; fragment [K1896] found in mud inside pommel 66; [K5090] found with mount 515",80,,19.62 1926,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Silver,,149,,,125,, 1966,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Silver,,189,,,43,, 2194,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Silver,,417,,,98,, 2313,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Silver,,536,,,125,, 2744,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Gold,,876,,,64,, 2776,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Silver,,908,,,47,, 2862,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Silver,,994,,,125,L13, 3114,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Silver,,1337,,,140,, 3180,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Gold,,1403,,,64,, 3225,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Silver,,1448,,,42,, 3675,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Silver,,1896,,,,, 3939,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Gold,,5090,,,,, 3966,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Silver,,2093,,,,, 4032,77,

Part of catalogue no. 77. For catalogue entry see K0136

,"Pommel in cast silver of cocked-hat form with double sword-rings, gilded low relief ornament and mounts with filigree and a gem-setting",Pommel,Silver,,2158,,,,, 2693,78,

78                    [K825]

End fragment from a pommel in cast silver with gilded low relief decoration. Enclosed rivet-housing with a cast-in rivet stub projecting from the underside (L. 4mm). Style II: on each side of the bulbous rivet-housing is a bird head with a curved beak. Interlace: the small remaining portions of the side and shoulder have irregular interlace (?Style II) with niello inlay; too little survives to make sense of the pattern. Interior: hollow. Wear/marks: moderate wear.

L. 20mm; W. 11mm; H. 10.5mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 2.78g; X-ray: L42

,Fragment from the end of a pommel in cast silver with gilded low relief decoration,Pommel,Silver,,825,"[K825] US0118, no location",,42,,2.78 2024,79,"

79/84 [K247, K1625]

Sword-ring in cast silver. Two parts: a plain squat ring-rivet in a collar. Ring-rivet has a hollow underside; rivet broken (L. 7.5mm), with a square shank. D-shaped collar has one small and one large hole (for the rivet), with a raised band around the edge. Ungilded. Wear/marks: moderate to one edge of ring-rivet. 

L. 11mm; W. 12mm; H.14mm; Wt 3.15g; X-ray: L43–44

",Probably part of a sword-ring in cast silver,Sword-ring,Silver,,247,"Grid location: [K247] TH179, [K1625], no locations","(Note: [K1625] part of soil block 17) The relationship of the parts of sword-rings 79/84 and 80/81/83 was only realised late in 2016, once cataloguing was at an advanced stage, thus the original catalogue numbers are retained.",44,,3.15 3403,79,"

Part of catalogue no. 79, see K0247.

",Sword-ring in cast silver,Sword-ring,Silver,,1625,,,43,, 2308,80,"

80/81/83          [K531, K626, K627]

Sword-ring in silver. Three parts: a plain squat silver ring-rivet in a U-shaped ?silver collar with a silver sheet covering (edges corroded and delaminating). Ring-rivet ?complete, plain and bulbous ring, traces of gilding on the underside; rivet has a round-facetted shank (L. 16mm; Diam. 2.5mm). 

L. 12.5mm; W. 12mm; H. 23mm; Wt 5.19g; X-ray: L43, L47, L102

",Sword-ring in cast silver,Sword-ring,Silver,,531,"[K626â??K627] TH050, [K531] TH214, no locations","The relationship of the parts of sword-rings 79/84 and 80/81/83 was only realised late in 2016, once cataloguing was at an advanced stage, thus the original catalogue numbers are retained.",43,,5.19 2403,80,"

Part of catalogue no. 80, see K0531

",Sword-ring in silver .,Sword-ring,Silver,,626,,,47,, 2404,80,"

Part of catalogue no. 80, see K0531.

",Sword-ring in silver.,Sword-ring,Silver,,627,,,102,, 2320,82,"

82                    [K543]

Sword-ring in cast silver of fixed form. Decorated both sides with an incised bird head (ungilded). Underside has a single cast-in rivet stub (L. 2mm; Diam. 3mm). Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a fit with pommel 68, or hilt-plate pair 372–373.

 L. 30mm; W. 21mm; H. 17mm; Wt 22.26g; X-ray: L28

",Sword-ring in cast silver of fixed form,Sword-ring,Silver,,543,"[K543] TH030, no location",,28,,22.26 1929,85,"

85                    [K152, K398, K726]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament. Probably from the upper grip. Cut and torn apart; assembled from three fragments. Collar body constructed of two strips of sheet metal, one for each side. Style II: each side had three panels of animal ornament. The large central panels have different designs that are hard to interpret due to the cut damage: one probably holds a pair of interlacing serpents; the other has at least one zoomorph. The four smaller panels (two each side flanking the central panels) repeat the same design (mirrored) of a single serpent with an interlaced body. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire; each design is raised on a thin sheet lattice, cut-out to match the pattern; collar edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; collared granules for the eyes of the serpents with the heads outlined in thin beaded wire; each end was a vertical band formed of four beaded wires. Interior (reverse): vertical ?blade scratch [K398]. Two vertical sheet joins. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate in places. Angled cut marks (across the central panel each side). Some flattening to the filigree near the cut marks. Set: pair with hilt-collar 86, suite with pommel 2

L. 68mm; H. 12.5mm; Th. edge 1.5mm. Wt 7.77g; X-ray: L24, L44

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,152,"[K152] BA0198 and [K398] TH115, no locations; [K726] BA0204, grid M12)",,,,7.77 2175,85,

Part of catalogue no. 85. For catalogue see K0152 

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,398,,,24,, 2594,85,

Part of catalogue no. 85. For catalogue entry see K0152

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,726,,,44,M12, 1783,86,"

86                    [K6, K854]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree serpent ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Cut and misshapen, in two fragments; damage prevents a clear join. Collar body constructed of two strips of sheet metal, one for each side. Style II: each side had three panels of serpent interlace. The larger central panels are difficult to interpret owing to the cut damage. Two different designs are repeated for the four smaller panels each side. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire; each design is raised on a thin sheet lattice, cut-out to match the pattern; collar edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; collared granules for the eyes of the serpents/creatures with the serpent heads outlined in thin beaded wire; each end was a vertical band formed of beaded wires. Interior: one vertical sheet join each end. Wear/marks: light wear. Cuts at an angle (across the central panel each side). Some flattening to the filigree, possibly from a tool. Set: pair with hilt-collar 85, suite with pommel 2

L. 25/30mm; H. 14.5mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 10.98g; X-ray: L36

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree serpent ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,6,"[K6] BA0214, grid L12; [K854] SCC0010, grid I10",,36,L12,10.98 2722,86,

Part of catalogue no. 86. For catalogue entry see K0006

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree serpent ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,854,,,36,I10, 2260,87,"

87                    [K483, K879]

                        Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament. Probably from the upper grip. Found in two fragments (rejoined), torn and misshapen. Collar body constructed of one strip of sheet metal. Style II: animal ornament in one panel each side. Both are similar designs (only small details are different), comprising multiple zoomorphs with interlacing bodies and jaws. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire; each design is raised on a thin sheet lattice, cut-out to match the pattern; inner edges framed by beaded wire, outer edges framed by four-ply twisted-beaded wire; sides are separated each end by a vertical band formed by spaced beaded wires set on a strip of gold; granules for the eyes of the creatures; top edge, wire trimmed flat. Interior: one vertical sheet join. Wear/marks: light wear overall. Set: pair with hilt-collar 88, probably a suite with pommel 1.

L. 59mm; H. 20.5mm; Th. edge 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 19.64g; X-ray: L21, L53

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,483,"Grid location: [K483] TH211, no location; [K879] BA0009, grid K12","Note: fragment [K879] found on site with: hilt-ring 219, hilt-plate 334, mount 420)",53,,19.64 2747,87,

Part of catalogue no. 87. For catalogue entry see K0483

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,879,,,21,K10, 2077,88,"

88                    [K300]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Cut and torn open. Collar body constructed of one strip of sheet metal. Style II: animal ornament in one panel each side, the designs identical, each comprising four zoomorphs with interlacing bodies and jaws, forming a central quatrefoil. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire; the design each side is raised on a thin sheet lattice, cut-out to match the pattern; inner edges framed by beaded wire, outer edges framed by four-ply twisted-beaded wire (the lower edge has two such wires with a central thinner beaded wire, forming herringbone-with-spine); sides are separated each end by a vertical band formed by spaced beaded wires set on a strip of gold; granules for the eyes of the creatures; bottom edge, wire trimmed flat. Interior: one vertical sheet join. Wear/marks: light wear overall. Scratches one end. Wire cut on top edge at tear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 87, probably a suite with pommel 1

L. 43mm; W. 20mm; H. 22mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 28.77g; X-ray: L24, L29

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,300,"Grid location: [K300] TH171, no location","(Note: from mud adhering: two cut garnets, 693: [K1844]; a gold fragment, 682: [K1845]; two fragments of silver reeded strip, 613: [K1846])",24; 29,,22.77 3391,89,"

89                    [K1613]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Probably from the upper grip. Torn open, some wires missing. Collar body constructed of two strips of sheet metal (Th. 0.25mm). Interlace: one inserted panel each side (lifted in places) with identical interlace patterns. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; the sheet panels mounting the designs have been repoussé worked (or were possibly die-impressed) and then cut to form a lattice backing; panel and collar edges framed by beaded wires; sides separated by vertical bands of herringbone-with-spine (a pair of two-ply twisted-beaded wires with a central plain wire). Interior: two vertical sheet joins, and one additional patch. Wear/marks: light wear overall. At the torn end and on the opposite side the filigree is flattened/damaged, possibly from a tool or impact. Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 90, probably a suite with pommel 5.

L. 32mm; W. 23mm; H. 14.5mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 9.62g; X-ray: L26

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1613,None,(Note: [K1613] part of soil block 16),26,,9.62 2329,90,"

90                    [K552]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Torn open, some wires missing. Collar body constructed of two strips of sheet metal. Style II: one inserted panel each side originally, with identical animal ornament, of eight zoomorphs with interlacing bodies and jaws; a quatrefoil knot is formed centrally, flanked by two other diagonal knots. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire; the sheet panels on which the designs were mounted have been repoussé worked (or were possibly die-impressed) and then cut to form a lattice backing; edges framed by beaded wires; sides separated by vertical bands of herringbone-with-spine (a pair of two-ply twisted-beaded wires with a central plain wire). Interior: vertical sheet joins at centre and one end. Wear: light wear overall. Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 89, probably a suite with pommel 5.

L. 80mm; H. 17mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 12.84g; X-ray: L27

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,552,"[K552] TH015, no location",,27,,12.84 2164,91,"

91                    [K387]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with Filigree animal ornament. Probably from the upper grip. Cut and torn open, some wires unseated; preserves partially the oval section of the grip. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Style II: a continuous band of animal ornament runs around the top, comprising zoomorphs with U-shaped jaws; with interchangeable body and jaw elements. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; below the animal ornament is a thick band of herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires); edges framed by thick beaded wires; top edge wire is flattened in places from contact with a hilt-plate/guard. Interior: one vertical sheet join. Two incised lines (unrelated) on the opposite side. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at edges. Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 92.

L. 43mm; W. 23mm; H. 14mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 10.16g; X-ray: L45

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,387,"[K387] TH125, no location",,45,,10.16 2337,92,"

92                    [K560]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Cut open and flattened. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Style II/interlace: different arrangements each side originally. One side showed two bands: the narrower top band has simple twisted interlace; the bottom band shows animal ornament, comprising interlaced zoomorphs with U-shaped jaws; with interchangeable body and jaw elements. The other side (cut in half) had a single panel filled with similar creatures, interspersed with collared granules; in each case the zoomorphs have interchangeable body parts. Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; granules have collars in the same; the sides and the collar edges are framed by single/double beaded wires. Interior (reverse): one vertical sheet join. Top edge wire bent over onto reverse at one end. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 91.

L. 86mm; H. 13.5mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 13.80g; X-ray: L77

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,560,"Grid location: [K560] TH028, no location",,77,,13.8 1794,93,"

93                    [K17, K1052]

                        Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Probably from the upper grip. In two fragments (no join possible), torn open at the sheet joins, some filigree wires unseated, but almost complete; one fragment is folded [K17]. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal (Th. 0.2mm), forming one decorated panel for each side originally. Interlace: the panels hold interlace that appears regular, but is in fact asymmetrical (and not identical each side). Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; each panel was die-impressed with the pattern before the wires were soldered in place; herringbone bands (formed of two-ply twisted wires) run along the top and bottom edges; beaded wire frames the collar outer edges. (Vertical bands of filigree, to separate the sides, are missing from the ends.) Interior (reverse): the back of the die-impressed sheet is visible [K1052]. Wear/marks: light wear. Some more substantial abrasions/scratches may be from removal. Set: pair with hilt-collar 94.

L. 18mm/28mm; H. 19mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 7.77g; X-ray: L36, L52

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,17,"[K17] BA0196, grid M12; [K1052] BA0377, grid M7",(Note: fragment [K17] found on site with part [K716] of cloisonne mount 557),36,M12,7.77 2427,93,

Part of catalogue no. 93. For catalogue entry see K0017

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1052,,,52,M7, 2092,94,"

94                    [K315, K555]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Probably from the lower grip. In two fragments (the join is between a cut edge wire), torn open at the sheet joins, but almost complete. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal (Th. 0.3mm), each forming one side originally and each with two panels. Interlace: the panels hold interlace that appears regular, but is in fact asymmetrical (and not identical each side). Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; each panel was die-impressed with the pattern before the wires were soldered in place; one double beaded wire annulet added to one design [K315]; herringbone bands (formed of two-ply twisted wires) frame three sides; beaded wire frames the collar outer edges. (Vertical bands of filigree, to separate the panels, are missing from the ends.) Interior (reverse): the back of the die-impressed sheet is visible. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 93.

L. 47.5mm; H. 20mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 11.81g; X-ray: L24, L52

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,315,"Grid location: [K315] TH170, [K555] TH011, no locations",(Note: from mud adhering: one silver rivet 674: [K1857]. Fragment [K555] found with fragment [K1909] of hilt-collar 95).,52,,11.81 2332,94,

Part of catalogue no. 94. For catalogue entry K0315

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,555,,,24,, 2552,95,"

95                    [K684, K1909]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Torn open and misshapen, found in three fragments (rejoined). Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal (Th. 0.3mm). Interlace: one panel originally each side with interlace, somewhat crudely executed. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; panels separated by vertical beaded wires in triple-strand; collar edged with single beaded wire. Interior (reverse): vertical sheet patch sealing the single vertical join and a small (?repair) patch one edge; ‘X’ incised one side [K684]. Wear/marks: light wear. Filigree flattened in places from ?impacts/damage.

L. 54mm; H. 19mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 11.94g; X-ray: L24, L35, L41

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,684,"[K684] TH048, [K1909=K555] TH011, no locations",(Note: fragment [K1909] found with fragment [K555] of hilt-collar 94,35; 41,,11.94 3688,95,

Part of catalogue no. 95. For catalogue entry see K1909

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1909,,,,, 2587,96,"

96                    [K719]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Preserves the oval section of the grip, with a dent to one edge (?levered). Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal, one for each side. Interlace: two bands each side with regular non-zoomorphic interlace (identical, except one band is flipped over). Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet, and the bands are separated horizontally by the same; ends have vertical bands edged with beaded wire and filled with lines of collared granules; collar edged with single/double beaded wires. Interior: one vertical sheet join each end. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at the centre one side. Filigree flattened one end from an ?impact.

L. 28.5mm; W. 18mm; H. 15.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 8.08g; X-ray: L26

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",719,"K719] BA0199, no location","(Note: found on site with hilt-plate 283. Found in mud adhering: one fragment of die-impressed silver sheet, 606: [K719]; one gold rivet, 657: [K1921]; one silver rivet, 673: [1922]; one gold filigree fragment 681: [K1920]; fragments of copper-alloy liner, 691: [K709])",26,,8.08 1779,97,"

97                    [K2]

                        Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace, scrollwork and herringbone ornament. Probably from the upper grip. Misshapen and torn in places (including at one sheet join), and dents on the bottom edge (?levered), but preserves generally the oval section of the grip. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal (with some patching), each forming one side. Interlace/scrollwork/herringbone: one side is a band of twisted interlace and above it a band of S-scrolls, set between bands of herringbone. The other side is covered by herringbone pattern. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire and scrolls in fine beaded wire on flat sheet; herringbone pattern formed of two-ply twisted-beaded wires; a beaded wire runs across the middle both sides, and beaded wires also frame the collar edges and ends. Interior: patches of sheet each end cover the vertical sheet joins. Wear/marks: light wear. Filigree (herringbone pattern) flattened one side, from an ?impact/tool. Set: pair with hilt-collar 98.

L. 34mm; H. 17mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 6.07g; X-ray: L24

","Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace, scrollwork, and herringbone ornament",Hilt-collar,Gold,,2,"(Grid location: [K2] BA0208, grid L12",(Note: found on site with hilt-collar 118. From mud in interior: six fragments [K1873] of hilt-collar 190),24,L12,6.07 2055,98,"

98                    [K278]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace and herringbone ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Only slightly misshapen and damaged; preserves the oval section of the grip. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal, each forming one side (with one patch). Interlace: two bands each side filled with interlace separated by herringbone bands. One side the pattern is the same (but reversed) of simple twisted interlace with a scrolled flourish at the end of one; the other side has two different patterns, one of linked rings and one of regular interlace. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; the backing sheet shows layout marks beneath the wires and has been repoussé worked from the back between the pattern; herringbone bands formed of two-ply twisted-beaded wires; a beaded wire runs across the middle both sides, and beaded wires also frame the collar edges and ends. Interior: vertical sheet joins each end, one covered by a patch of sheet. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 97.

L. 40mm; W. 13mm; H. 18mm; Wt 7.59g; X-ray: L26

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace and herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,278,"[K278] TH188, no location","(Note: found attached in cleaning: ten small silver sheet fragments, 690: [K2073])",26,,7.59 2098,99,"

99                    [K321, K512]

 Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Probably from the upper grip. Found in two fragments (rejoined) and missing some wires from one end; possibly torn apart at the original sheet join. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal, one for each side. One fixing-hole each end; no nails/rivets. Interlace: two bands each side, the different interlace patterns are repeated (but flipped). Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; interlace bands separated by herringbone bands (formed of two-ply twisted-beaded wires); beaded wires form the outer collar edge and also frame the surviving vertical herringbone band separating the sides (that from the other end is missing). Interior: sheet join at the rejoined end. Wear/marks: light wear. Flattening of the wire one end [K512] from damage. Set: pair with hilt-collar 100.

L. 32.5mm; H. 13mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.42g; X-ray: L54, L135

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,321,"Grid location: [K321] TH321, no locations",(Note: [K512] from soil block K512),54,,3.42 2289,99,

Part of catalogue no. 99. For catalogue entry see K0321

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",512,,,135,, 1882,100,"

100                  [K105, K739]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Probably from the lower grip. Found in two fragments (no join possible) and almost complete, torn apart at sheet joins and misshapen. Collar body probably constructed from two strips of sheet metal, each forming one side. Gem-setting: centrally one sideis a small circular bezel with a hole at its centre, missing its stone, and/or possibly nail. A second definite fixing-hole is at one of the tab ends. Interlace: two interlace bands each side originally, irregular and looping. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; interlace bands separated by herringbone bands (formed of two-ply twisted-beaded wires); beaded wires form the outer collar edge and framed the (missing) vertical bands that separated the two sides. Wear/marks: light wear. The two halves show different degrees of tarnish.  Set: pair with hilt-collar 99.

L. 50/46.5mm; H. 18mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 8.61g; X-ray: L35, L57

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,105,"K105] BA0022, grid L11; [K739] BA0204, grid M12",(Note: fragment [K105] found on site with hilt-plate 305; fragment [K739] part of finds group BA0204),57,L11,8.61 4071,100,

Part of Catalogue no.100. See K105

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,739,,,35,M12, 2566,101,"

101                  [K698]

            Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Almost complete, torn open with frayed/unseated wires. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal (Th. 0.3mm). Interlace: one panel each side originally with similar looping interlace. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire (the thinner flanking wires are spiral beaded) on flat sheet; combination spiral-beaded and beaded wires also edge the collar, and vertical triple-strand bands separated the sides. Interior (reverse): one vertical sheet join, with a corresponding overlapping join on the front. Wear/marks: light wear. Filigree flattened at the centre of the collar from an impact(s) or a tool (?tongs). Set: pair with hilt-collar 102.

L. 46mm; H. 16.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 5.66g; X-ray: L21, L29

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,698,"[K698] TH051, no location",,21; 29,,5.66 2149,102,"

102                  [K372, K1121]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Almost complete, found in two fragments (one small), torn open and twisted, with ragged ends with unseated wires. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal. Interlace: one panel each side originally with similar looping interlace (one side obscured/damaged). Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire (the thinner flanking wires are spiral beaded) on flat sheet; combination spiral-beaded and beaded wires also edge the collar, and vertical triple-strand bands separated the sides. Interior (reverse): two vertical sheet joins, with one corresponding overlapping join on the front. Wear/marks: light wear. Filigree flattened at the ends, probably from a tool (?tongs). Cut marks on exterior. Set: pair with hilt-collar 101.

L. 45mm; H. 17.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 9.17g; X-ray: L55, L89

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,372,"[K372] TH128, no location; [K1121] BA0448, grid P8",,55,,9.17 2898,102,

Part of catalogue no. 102. For catalogue entry see K0372

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1121,,,89,P8, 1798,103,

103                  [K21]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Probably from the upper grip. Torn and opened out. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal (a split in one); the sheet is lipped over the top edge (where the collar contacted the hilt-plate/guard). Interlace: similar irregular looping pattern in one panel each side originally. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; the panels are framed on the inner edges with beaded and plain wires; thicker bands of herringbone-with-spine separated the sides and edge the collar (formed of double/triple arrangements of three-ply twisted-beaded wires with central thinner plain wires); and the top edge has a further beaded wire trim. Interior (reverse): one vertical sheet join each end. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 104.

L. 42mm; H. 14mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 9.00g; X-ray: no x-ray

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,21,"[K21] BA0234, grid L12",,,L12,9 2163,104,

104                  [K386]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Probably from the lower grip. Torn open and misshapen. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal; the sheet is lipped over the bottom edge (where the collar contacted the hilt-plate/guard). ?Style II: one panel each side originally with a different design. Both are weakly zoomorphic: one comprises looping interlace that terminates in a ?serpent head; the other also has a single ?head element with the interlace ‘body’ forming a series of Stafford knots. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; the panels are framed on the inner edges with beaded and plain wires; thick bands of herringbone-with-spine separate the sides and edge the collar (formed of double/triple arrangements of three-ply twisted-beaded wires with central thinner plain wires); and the bottom edge has a further beaded wire trim. Interior: one vertical sheet join each end. Wear/marks: light wear. At the torn ends the filigree has been flattened and partly lifted. Set: pair with hilt-collar 103.

L. 55mm; H. 16mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 14.75g; X-ray: L36

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,386,"[K386] TH103, no location","(Note: from mud adhering, one cut garnet, 693: [K1874])",36,,14.75 2144,105,"

105                  [K367]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Torn open one side and cut open at an angle on the other, and badly misshapen; it remains connected by the beaded wire edging. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal. ?Style II: originally one panel each side had looping interlace that is weakly zoomorphic, with at the ends curled elements that might be ?serpent heads. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire (the thinner flanking wires are spiral beaded); interspersed with the pattern both sides are occasional collared granules (with spiral-beaded collars); sheet backing possibly repoussé worked; panel and collar edges framed by double/triple beaded wires. Interior (reverse): two vertical sheet joins with ragged edges, one each end. Wear/marks: light wear. Filigree flattened (with an undulating surface) at the damaged ends, probably by a tool (?tongs). Set: possibly a pair with hilt-collar 106, possibly a suite with pommel 27.

L. 74mm; H. 15.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 10.90g; X-ray: L27

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,367,"[K367] TH099, no location",,27,,10.9 1903,106,"

106                  [K126, K804, K857, K874, K1367]

 Fragments of a hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Incomplete, six torn and twisted fragments are possibly from the collar (three join). Constructed of sheet metal. Interlace: probably like collar 105, originally with one panel each side of looping interlace (possibly weakly zoomorphic). Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire (the thinner flanking wires are spiral beaded); sheet backing lightly repoussé worked from the front; between the strands are occasional collared granules (spiral-beaded collars); panel and collar edges framed by double/triple beaded wires also. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-collar 105, possibly a suite with pommel 27.

L. largest 29mm; H. 21mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 7.11g; X-ray: L52, L88, L135, L136

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,126,"[K126] BA0043, grid L11; [K804] BA0119, grid L9; [K857] SCC0002, grid K11; [K874] SCC0009, grid J10; [K1367] TH244, no location","(Note: fragment [K874] found on site with one garnet, 693: [K875]; fragment [K1367] found with one very small fragment of gold 682: [K1977])",135,L11,7.11 2672,106,

Part of catalogue no. 106. For catalogue see K0126

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,804,,,52,L9, 2725,106,

Part of catalogue no. 106. For catalogue see K0126

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,857,,,88,K11, 2742,106,

Part of catalogue no. 106. For catalogue see K0126

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,874,,,136,J10, 3144,106,

Part of catalogue no. 106. For catalogue see K0126

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1367,,,88,, 1885,107,"

107                  [K108]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree serpent interlace. Probably from the upper grip. Slightly flattened, some wires unseated and a small tear at the original sheet join, but preserves the oval section of the grip. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Style II/interlace: one panel each side of irregular interlace, the patterns different. One side the interlace is weakly zoomorphic with a serpent head in one corner; the interlace the other side is non-zoomorphic, though a gap at one corner of the design may indicate the loss of a similar head element. Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; a granule for the eye of the serpent; layout marks under the filigree one side; panel and collar edges framed by beaded wires also. Interior: one sheet join one end. Wear/marks: light wear. Filigree flattened at the centre on both sides from impacts (?recent) or a ?tool. Cut mark one edge. Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 108.

L. 30.5mm; W. 13mm; H. 14mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 7.67g; X-ray: L26

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree serpent interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,108,"[K108] BA0025, no location",,26,,7.67 2567,108,"

108                  [K699]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree serpent interlace. Probably from the lower grip. Only slightly misshapen, and two wire strands lost, but preserves the oval section of the grip. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Style II/interlace: one panel each side of looping interlace, the patterns different. On one side serpent heads are located in each bottom corner; the interlace the other side is non-zoomorphic. Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; panel and collar edges framed by beaded wires also. Interior: one vertical sheet join one end. Wear/marks: light wear. Small area of flattening of wires one side (?recent). Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 107.

L. 53mm; W. 16mm; H. 16mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 14.59g; X-ray: L21

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree serpent interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,699,"[K699] TH083, no location",,21,,14.59 2457,109,"


109                  [K1082, K1148]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal and interlace ornament. Found in two torn fragments (rejoined at edge wire), missing much of one edge, and flattened out. Collar body probably constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Style II/interlace: different designs in single panels each side originally. One holds animal ornament, a pair of quadruped creatures in profile, arranged ‘head-to-tail’ with interwoven arched bodies and extended limbs. The panel the other side has irregular interlace, interspersed with filigree annulets. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire (the thinner flanking wires are spiral beaded); annulets in spiral-beaded wire; the backing sheet has been repoussé worked both sides, from the front, between the filigree patterns; the bodies of the Style II animals are formed of herringbone bands (of two-ply twisted wires) edged with spiral-beaded wire; triple-strand beaded wire forms the limbs and U-shaped heads, with thinner wires for the claws/toes; the hips are filled with granules and the eyes of the creatures are also granules (in collars); vertical herringbone bands separated the panels each end; the surviving collar edge is formed of two-ply twisted-beaded wire. Interior (reverse): one vertical sheet join [K1082]. Wear/marks: light wear overall. Filigree flattened in one area [K1082], possibly by a tool (?tongs). Set: pair with hilt-collar 110.

L. 45mm; H. 14mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.47g; X-ray: L77, L83, L89

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal and interlace ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1082,"[K1082] BA0177, grid M11; [K1148] BA0474, grid L16",,89,M11,3.47 2925,109,

Part of catalogue no. 109. For catalogue entry see K1082.

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal and interlace ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1148,,,77; 83,L16, 2493,110,"

110                  [K1118]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal and interlace ornament. Torn open and crumpled, but complete. Collar body probably constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Style II/interlace: different designs in single panels each side originally (like 109). One holds animal ornament, a pair of quadruped creatures in profile, arranged ‘head-to-tail’ with interwoven arched bodies and extended limbs. The panel the other side has irregular interlace. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire (the thinner flanking wires are spiral beaded); the backing sheet has been repoussé worked both sides, from the front, between the filigree patterns; the bodies of the Style II animals are mainly formed of herringbone bands (of two-ply twisted wires) edged with spiral-beaded wire; the neck of one creature is the exception, as it is instead filled by a concertinaed beaded wire; triple-strand beaded wire forms the limbs and U-shaped heads, with thinner wires for the claws/toes; the hips are filled with granules and the eyes of the creatures are also granules (in collars); vertical herringbone bands separate the side panels each end; one collar edge and these bands are framed by two-ply twisted-beaded wire; the other edge is mounted with a single strand of beaded wire. Interior (reverse): only one vertical sheet join is visible. Wear/marks: light wear. Filigree flattened in places from damage. Set: pair with hilt-collar 109.

L. 32.5; H. 16.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 6.75g; X-ray: L53

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree animal and interlace ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1118,"[K1118] BA0439, grid P13",,,P13, 2921,111,"

111                  [K1144]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Probably from the upper grip. Torn open and rolled, but complete. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal. Interlace: one panel each side originally, filled with identical ribbon interlace. Filigree: the interlace is outlined in triple-strand beaded wire; one side the interlace ribbons are infilled with collared granules, and the other side they are infilled with concertinaed beaded wire; the backing sheet has been repoussé worked from the front between the ribbons; the panels and edges of the collar are framed with narrow bands comprised of beaded and plain wires. Interior: two vertical sheet joins. Wear/marks: light wear. Filigree flattened from an impact(s) or possibly by a tool. Dent, possibly recent. Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 112.

L. 25mm; W. 17mm; H. collar 12.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 4.98g; X-ray: L53

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1144,[K1144] BA0462. Grid P6,,53,P6,4.98 2556,112,"

112                  [K688]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Probably from the lower grip. Torn open one end at the panel join. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Interlace: one panel each side, filled with identical ribbon interlace. Filigree: the interlace ribbons are outlined in triple-strand beaded wire and infilled with concertinaed beaded wire; the backing sheet has been repoussé worked from the front between the ribbons; the panels have inner frames of herringbone band (formed of two-ply twisted wires), with beaded wires of different thicknesses used for the outer frame. Interior: one sheet join one end. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 111.

L. 50mm; H. 15mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 8.94g; X-ray: L21

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,688,"[K688] TH087, no location",,21,,8.94 2048,113,"

113                  [K271]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace. Torn open one end at the panel join. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal, one for each side. Interlace: one panel each side is filled with identical interlace, comprising a pair of linked figure-of-eight ribbons, each with an interlocking ring at its centre. Filigree: figure-of-eight ribbons outlined in beaded wire and infilled with concertinaed beaded wire; rings in triple-strand beaded wire; the sheet backing both sides was die-impressed with the pattern before the wires were mounted; in the corners are annulets of beaded wire; panel and collar edges framed in herringbone band (formed of one two-ply twisted wire and outermost a thicker two-ply twisted-beaded wire). Interior: one vertical sheet join each end. An ‘X’ scratched one side. Wear/marks: light wear overall.

L. 33mm; W. 17mm; H. 13mm; Wt 5.01g; X-ray: L26, L29

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,271,"[K271] TH179, no location",,26; 29,,5.01 3035,114,"

114                  [K1258]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree herringbone ornament. Probably from the upper grip. Cut open, two wire strands lost. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal. Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone pattern fills the collar (formed of two-ply twisted wires); collar edges mounted with three-ply twisted plain wires. Interior (reverse): two vertical sheet joins. Wear/marks: light wear. Ends cut straight (90 degrees to the edge). Light cut mark on the surface of the filigree. Set: pair with hilt-collar 115.

L. 62mm; H. 19mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 8.08g; X-ray: L35

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1258,"[K1258] BA0347, grid N10",,35,N10,8.08 2338,115,"

115                  [K561]

 Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree herringbone ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Cut open and twisted, the edge wires broken in multiple places. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal. Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone pattern fills the collar (formed of two-ply twisted wires); collar edges mounted with three-ply twisted plain wires. Interior (reverse): two vertical sheet joins. Wear/marks: light wear. Ends cut straight (90 degrees to the edge). Set: pair with hilt-collar 114.

L. 75mm; H. 15mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 9.80g; X-ray: L23

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,561,"[K561] TH035, no location",,23,,9.8 2180,116,"

116                  [K403, K782]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with triangular projections and filigree scrollwork. Found in two fragments, torn and opened out. Collar body constructed of two strips of sheet metal, one for each side. Six fixing-holes: four at the corners, and one at the centre of each triangular projection (one torn); no nails/rivets. Scrollwork: two bands of scrollwork each side originally, comprising mainly volute scrolls, with occasional C-scrolls and fragments. Filigree: scrolls formed of spiral-beaded wire on flat sheet; the sides are separated by a band of herringbone-with-spine (a pair of two-ply twisted-beaded wires with a central spiral-beaded wire); ordinary herringbone banding (of two-ply twisted wires) forms an inner frame to the mount, with thicker beaded wire forming the outer edge; the filigree is untidy in places. Interior (reverse): one vertical sheet join at the centre. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 60mm; H. 22mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 5.15g; X-ray: L118, L135

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with triangular projections and filigree scrollwork,Hilt-collar,Gold,,403,"[K403] TH115, [K782] BA0090, no locations",,135,,5.15 2650,116,

Part of catalogue no. 116. For catalogue entry see K403

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with triangular projections and filigree scrollwork,Hilt-collar,Gold,,782,,,118,, 2359,117,"

117                  [K582, K882]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace. Probably from the upper grip. Found in two fragments (rejoined), almost complete, torn at the panel joins, and some wires missing. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal (with patches). Interlace: one panel each side originally, filled with similar looping interlace. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; panel and collar edges framed by beaded wire; sides separated by vertical bands that only partly survive (they probably originally comprised bands similar to collar 118). Interior (reverse): two patches cover the vertical sheet joins. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 118.

L. 36.5mm; H. 9mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 4.82g; X-ray: L37, L52, L117

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,582,"[K582] TH022, no location; [K882] BA0501, grid O18",,37; 117,,4.82 2750,117,

Part of catalogue no. 117. For catalogue entry see K0582

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,882,,,52,O18, 2588,118,"

118                  [K720]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree animal ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Torn open at a join between panels. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal (with a patch). Style II/interlace: one panel each side. One side has irregular non-zoomorphic interlace. The other side the design incorporates animal ornament, of two abstract Style II creatures, together with linked rings. Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; panel and collar edges framed by beaded wire; sides separated by vertical bands, only one fully survives, comprising herringbone-with-spine (a pair of two-ply twisted-beaded wires and a central thinner plain wire). Interior (reverse): the patch covers the vertical join. Wear/marks: light wear. Several cut marks to the top edge. Dented at the complete end. Reverse has scored marks close to one edge, from the preparation of the sheet body. Set: pair with hilt-collar 117.

L. 54.5mm; H. 10mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 6.98g; X-ray: L36

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,720,"[K720] BA0208, grid L12",(Note: found on site with hilt-collar 97),36,L12,6.98 3008,119,"

119                  [K1231]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace. Both ends cut and incomplete, and misshapen. Collar body probably constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Interlace: five panels remain of unequal size (of possibly six originals, three each side), filled with interlace, including two with quatrefoil knots. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; panels separated by vertical bands of herringbone-with-spine (formed of a pair of two-ply twisted-beaded wires with a plain central wire) flanked by thinner beaded wires; one vertical band (dividing the collar sides) is a variation with two beaded wires in place of the central plain wire; collar edges framed by double beaded wires. Interior (reverse): one vertical sheet join. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 120.

L. 25mm; H. 7mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.48g; X-ray: L52

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1231,"[K1231] BA0145, grid M9",(Note: found on site with a fragment [K1233] of mount 570 and one fragment of silver reeded strip 611: [K1232]),52,M9,2.48 2460,120,"

120                  [K1085]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree animal ornament. Incomplete, one end and the bottom edge wire are missing. Collar body constructed from sheet metal. Style II/interlace: four panels remain of unequal size (of possibly six originals, three each side); one larger central panel one side is filled with abstract animal interlace, comprising four creatures with U-shaped heads/jaws (that share body/jaw elements); three other panels have non-zoomorphic regular interlace. Filigree: Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; panels separated by vertical bands of herringbone-with-spine (formed of a pair of two-ply twisted-beaded wires with a plain central wire) flanked by thinner beaded wires; one vertical band at the remaining end (dividing the collar sides) is a variation with two beaded wires in place of the central plain wire; collar edges framed by beaded wires; layout marks behind one interlace pattern. Interior (reverse): one vertical sheet join at the complete end. Wear/marks: light wear. Cut marks on both edges and the backing sheet is pierced in places. Set: pair with hilt-collar 119.

L. 36mm; W. 10mm; H. 8.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.58g; X-ray: L52

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1085,"[K1085] BA0181, grid M11",,52,M11,2.58 2243,121,"

121                  [K466]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace. Possibly from the upper grip. Torn open, folded and flattened, the edge wire partly detached. Collar body constructed from a strip of sheet metal with a small additional piece appended one end. Two fixing-holes at the squared and finished end; the unfinished end has one fixing-hole; no nails/rivets. Interlace: six panels of unequal size are filled with interlace, including ring interlace in the two central panels and one end panel. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; panel and collar edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; fixing-holes have beaded-wire collars. Interior (reverse): one sheet join. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 122

L. 44mm; H. 8mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 4.32g; X-ray: L24

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,466,"[K466] TH239, no location",,24,,4.32 1842,122,"

122                  [K65]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace. Possibly from the lower grip. Complete, but torn open and tightly folded, some wires unseated/lost. Collar body constructed from a single strip of sheet metal. Two fixing-holes each end; no nails/rivets. Interlace: six panels of different sizes, originally three each side; filled with interlace (the designs partly obscured), including ring interlace. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; panel and collar edges framed by double/triple beaded wires; fixing-holes have beaded-wire collars. Interior (reverse): plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 121.

L. 25.5mm; H. 8mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 8.13g; X-ray: L36

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,65,"[K65] BA0035A, grid K10","(Note: found on site with boss-headed rivet 623. In mud attached: one fragment of silver beaded wire 689: [K1785], one gilt copper-alloy fragment 691: [K2074])",36,K10,8.13 2890,123,"

123                  [K1022, K1140]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree animal ornament. Probably from the upper grip. Incomplete, in two fragments (with a join at the edge wire only); the wire was cut on one edge and the collar torn apart. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Style II: one panel each side originally, filled with a similar design (flipped), of a pair of interlaced ?serpents with U-shaped heads/jaws, each biting the tail of the other. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; possible layout mark on [K1140]; panels separated by vertical bands: the one surviving band comprises two beaded wires with centrally an unusual twisted square-sectioned wire; collar outer edges mounted with thick wrapped-beaded wires, with thinner beaded wires on the inner edges. Interior (reverse): one vertical sheet join [K1022]. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 124.

L. 28/35mm; H. 6.5mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 3.17g; X-ray: L88, L117

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1022,"[K1022] BA0400, grid N7; [K1140] BA0493, grid Q9)",,88,N7,3.17 2917,123,

Part of catalogue no. 123. For catalogue entry see K1022

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1140,,,117,Q9, 2539,124,"

124                  [K671, K965]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree animal ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Incomplete, found in two fragments (one edge wire only joins), torn apart and straightened, some wires missing/unseated and part of one panel missing. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Style II: one panel each side originally, filled with a similar design (flipped), of a pair of interlaced ?serpents with U-shaped heads/jaws, each biting the tail of the other. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; panels separated by vertical bands of three wires (two beaded wires and centrally an unusual twisted square-sectioned wire); collar edges framed with thick wrapped-beaded wires, with thinner beaded wires on the inner edges; bottom edge wire flattened from contact with a hilt-plate/guard. Interior (reverse): one vertical sheet join. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 123.

L. 95mm; H. 9mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 5.87g; X-ray: L54, L135

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,671,"[K671] TH059, no location; [K965] BA0241, grid K12",,54,,5.87 2833,124,

Part of catalogue no. 124. For catalogue entry see K0671

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,965,,,135,K12, 2666,125,"

125                  [K798, K1239]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace. Probably from the upper grip. Incomplete, two joining fragments (one edge wire only joins); the edges were cut and the collar torn open. Collar body constructed from sheet metal. Interlace: one panel each side filled with a similar band of regular interlace. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; the designs are set on separately inserted sheet backings, pierced with small holes between the pattern; collar edges framed and panels separated with thick four-ply twisted-beaded wires, with thinner beaded wires on the inner panel edges; top edge wire trimmed. Interior (reverse): no sheet joins visible. Wear/marks: light wear. ‘X’ mark scratched on reverse of back-sheet. Set: pair with hilt-collar 126.

L. 28/36mm; H. 9.5mm; Th. 1.5–2mm; Wt 6.81g; X-ray: L53, L138

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,798,"[K798] US114, [K1239] US148, no locations",,53,,6.81 3016,125,

Part of catalogue no. 125. For catalogue entry see K0798

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1239,,,138,, 2058,126,"

126                  [K281]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace. Probably from the lower grip. Cut open one end (with multiple cut marks) and pulled apart at an original sheet join. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal (Th. c. 0.2mm). Interlace: one panel each side filled with a similar band of regular interlace. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; the designs are set on separately inserted sheet backings, pierced with small holes between the patterns; collar edges framed and panels separated with thick wrapped-beaded wires, with one or more thinner beaded wires on the inner panel edges; bottom edge wire trimmed. Interior (reverse): one vertical sheet join each end. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 125.

L. 56mm; W. 17mm; H. 12mm; Th. edge 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 11.80g; X-ray: L36

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,281,"[K281] TH173, no location","Note: from mud in interior: one gold nail 658: [K1819], one gold sheet fragment 682: [K1820], and a textile fragment [K1821])",36,,11.8 1912,127,"

127                  [K135]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace. Slightly misshapen, with a lifted and torn bottom edge (?levered), but preserves generally the oval section of the grip. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal (with patches). Interlace: a band of interlaced Stafford knots runs around the collar. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; a single column in the same wire combination forms a break in the band at one end; collar edges framed by double beaded wires. Interior (reverse): vertical joins each end covered by the patches. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 46mm; H. 7.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.93g; X-ray: L35

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,135,"[K135] US0001, no location",,35,,3.93 1853,128,"

128                  [K76, K811]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace. Possibly from the upper grip. Found in two fragments, and missing a small section of edge wire; torn open at the original sheet join, and misshapen/folded. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Interlace: decorated with a continuous band of regular interlace. Filigree: interlace formed from three plaited strands of beaded wire, set on flat sheet; collar edges framed by thicker beaded wire. Interior (reverse): plain. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate in places. Some flattening of the filigree from damage. Set: pair with hilt-collar 129.

L. 31mm; H. 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 2.69g; X-ray: L90, L135, L136

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,76,"[K76] BA0060, grid M10; [K811] BA0111, grid J11",(Note: small fragment of gold beaded wire 681: [K1787] found with [K76]),135; 136,M10,2.69 2679,128,

Part of catalogue no. 128. For catalogue entry see K0076

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,811,,,90,J11, 2724,129,"

129                  [K856]

  Possibly from the lower grip. Cut open and misshapen. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Interlace: decorated with a continuous band of regular interlace. Filigree: interlace formed from three plaited strands of beaded wire, set on flat sheet; collar edges framed by thicker beaded wire. Interior (reverse): one sheet join. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate in places. Some flattening of the filigree at the ends from damage. Set: pair with hilt-collar 128.

L. 66.5mm; H. 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.83g; X-ray: L77

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree interlace,Hilt-collar,Gold,,856,"[K856] SCC0012, grid I10",,77,I10,3.83 1785,130,"

130                  [K8]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree scrollwork. Probably from the upper grip. Complete, but torn/?cut open at the ?butt-join and twisted. Collar body constructed probably from one strip of sheet metal (Th. c. 0.3mm), shaped to fit a raised band on the grip. Scrollwork: continuous double band of mainly volute scrolls (alternately turned through 180 degrees), but there are also C-scrolls and double C-scrolls, along with annulets and figure-of-eights. Filigree: scrolls/annulets/figure-of-eights formed of spiral-beaded wire on flat (rounded) sheet; edge wires spiral-beaded also, but the central thicker wire is a standard bead. Interior (reverse): a small piece of beaded wire was soldered (?accidentally) into the interior. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 131.

L. 49mm; H. 6mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.53g; X-ray: L137

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree scrollwork,Hilt-collar,Gold,,8,"[K8] BA0188, grid M12",(Note: from mud adhering: five very small fragments of silver sheet 690: [K1877]),137,M12,3.53 3092,131,"

131                  [K1315]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree scrollwork. Probably from the lower grip. Cut open at the original butt-join. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal, shaped to fit a raised band on the grip, with a narrow flange protruding along both edges. Scrollwork: continuous double band of mainly volute scrolls (alternately turned through 180 degrees), but there are also C-scrolls and double C-scrolls, along with annulets and figure-of-eights. Filigree: scrolls/annulets/figure-of-eights formed of fine spiral-beaded wire on flat (rounded) sheet; edge wires spiral-beaded also, but the central thicker wire is a standard bead. Interior: one sheet join near one cut end. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate in places. Set: pair with hilt-collar 130.

L. 44mm; W. 27mm; H. 4mm; Wt 5.18g (includes stuck fragment); X-ray: L72, L83

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree scrollwork,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1315,"[K1315] TH0242, no location",(Note: one small piece of copper-alloy 691: [K1965] is stuck between the edges),72; 83,,5.18 2478,132,"

132                  [K1103]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree scrollwork. Possibly from the upper grip. Incomplete, ends torn and crushed, and bent upwards. Collar body possibly constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Scrollwork: a continuous band of S-scrolls (some missing) fills the collar. Filigree: S-scrolls formed from single strands of beaded wire; collar edges mounted with thicker two-ply twisted-beaded wires (mostly missing on one edge). Interior (reverse): no sheet joins visible. Wear/marks: heavy wear to edges. Flattened ends probably caused by a tool (?tongs). Set: pair with hilt-collar133.

L. 22mm; W. 19mm; H. 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 1.57g; X-ray: L44

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree scrollwork,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1103,"[K1103] BA1026, no location",,44,,1.57 2793,133,"

133                  [K925]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree scrollwork. Possibly from the lower grip. Twisted and misshapen, the ends cut, but possibly complete. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal. Scrollwork: panelled S-scrolls formed a continuous band around the collar. Filigree: S-scrolls formed from single strands of beaded wire; double beaded wires separate each panel; collar edges mounted with thick two-ply twisted-beaded wires; in places solder has flooded the decoration. Interior (reverse): two sheet joins. Wear/marks: heavy wear to edges. Set: pair with hilt-collar132.

L. 47mm; H. 3mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.89g; X-ray: L136

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree scrollwork,Hilt-collar,Gold,,925,"K925] BA1048, no location",,136,,2.89 2099,134,"

134                  [K322]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree ornament. Coiled, with torn ends, but possibly complete. Collar body constructed of sheet metal. Filigree: decorated with a continuous band of collared granules (with spiral-beaded and beaded-wire collars); inner double border of spiral-beaded and plain wires; collar edges mounted with thicker two-ply twisted-beaded wires. Interior (reverse): no sheet joins visible. Wear/marks: light wear. Deep dents and scratches one end. 

L. 29mm; H. 5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.46g; X-ray: L90


",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,322,"Grid location: [K322] TH170, no location","(Note: from mud attached: one fragment of reeded strip, 613: [K1861])",90,,2.46 2721,135,"

135                  [K853]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Probably from the upper grip. Cut open at the original butt-join and straightened. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone pattern runs the collar length (formed of two-ply twisted wires); one collar edge has a beaded wire of the same thickness; the other edge has a thicker two-ply twisted-beaded wire. Interior (reverse): sheet join one end and remains of a covering patch. Wear/marks: light wear. Green (copper) corrosion deposits visible (under the microscope) between the wires, possibly from the solder. Set: pair with hilt-collar 136.

L. 61mm; H. 5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.28g; X-ray: L89

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,853,"[K853] BA0010, grid K10",(Note: found on site with fragment [K113] from mount 471),89,K10,2.28 2343,136,"

136                  [K566]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Possibly from the lower grip. Cut open at the original butt-join and slightly misshapen, but preserves the general form of the grip. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal (and a small patch). Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone pattern runs around the collar (formed of two-ply twisted wires); one collar edge has a beaded wire of the same thickness; the other edge has a thicker two-ply twisted-beaded wire. Interior: the remains of the patch that covered the sheet join are visible at each end. Wear/marks: light to moderate wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 135.

L. 44mm; W. 26mm; H. 5.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.99g; X-ray: L136

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornamet,Hilt-collar,Gold,,566,"[K566] TH041, no location",,136,,3.99 1902,137,

137                  [K125]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Cut at both ends with wires frayed and incomplete. Constructed from one strip of sheet metal (with a patch). Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone pattern runs the collar length (formed of two-ply twisted wires); beaded wire along one edge only; clear butt-join. Interior (reverse): a small patch covers the single join in the sheet strip. Wear/marks: light wear. Some flattening to filigree from damage. Set: pair with hilt-collar 138.

L. 73mm; H. 6mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.97g; X-ray: L82

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,125,"[K125] BA0004, grid L11",,82,L11,3.97 1919,138,"

138                  [K142, K927]

Two joining fragments of a hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Both are curved and twisted, and show the incomplete collar was cut at the original butt-join; the other ends are also possibly cut and with frayed/lifted wires. Constructed from sheet metal. Filigree: herringbone pattern (of two-ply twisted wire) covers the fragments; beaded wire along one edge only. Interior (reverse): one sheet join on fragment [K142]. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 137.

L. 25/26mm; H. 6mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.71g; X-ray: L89, L136

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,142,"[K142] US0008, [K927] BA1043, no locations",,136,,2.71 2795,138,

Part of catalogue no. 138. See K0142 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,927,,,89,, 2965,139,"

139                  [K1188, K1323]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Two rejoined fragments, folded and twisted. Ends angled at 45 degrees, and each with two fixing-holes; no nails/rivets. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone pattern ran the collar length (formed of two-ply twisted wires); edges framed with beaded wire of the same thickness; fixing-holes have twisted-wire collars. Interior (reverse): plain. Wear/marks: moderate wear overall, heavy at one finished end. Flattening of the filigree at the other finished end from damage (?tool). Set: pair with hilt-collar140.

L. 55mm; H. 6mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.89g; X-ray: L89


",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1188,"[K1188] BA0302, grid M14; [K1323] TH242, no location",,89,M14,3.89 3100,139,

Part of catalogue no. 139. See K1188 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornamet,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1323,,,89,, 2324,140,"

140                  [K547, K1178]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Misshapen, two rejoined fragments; one end torn and missing a small part, and folded flat. The complete end is angled at 45 degrees and has two fixing-holes; the torn end has another fixing-hole; no nails/rivets. Collar body constructed mainly from one strip of sheet metal (but with additional patches on the reverse one end). Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone pattern runs the collar length (formed of two-ply twisted wires); edges framed with beaded wire of the same thickness; fixing-holes have twisted-wire collars. Interior (reverse): multiple sheet joins one end. Wear/marks: moderate wear overall, heavy in places. Set: pair with hilt-collar139.

L. 87mm; H. 8mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 5.69g; X-ray: L92

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,547,"[K547] TH038, [K1178] BA0043, no locations",,,,5.69 2955,140,

Part of catalogue no. 140. See K1178 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1178,,,92,, 3859,141,"

141                  [K5010, K5011]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Incomplete, two joining fragments; one end cut, the other ends torn with frayed wires. Collar body constructed from sheet metal. Filigree: when complete two continuous herringbone bands (of two-ply twisted wire) ran either side of a central beaded wire of the same thickness; collar edges framed with thicker beaded wires. Interior (reverse): one sheet join close to break. Wear/marks: light wear. Further cut marks on reverse close to break.

L. 47mm (joined); H. 5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.78g; no X-ray

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,5010,"[K5010, K5011] grid E8",,,E8,2.78 3860,141,

Part of catalogue no. 141. See K501 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,5011,,,,E8, 2941,142,"

142                  [K1164]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Opened out, one end folded back. Both butt-ends have one fixing-hole; no nails/rivets. Collar body constructed from one long strip of sheet metal (with an additional small piece at one end). Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone pattern runs the collar length (formed of two-ply twisted wires). Interior (reverse): one vertical sheet join at one end from the added sheet. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 56mm; H. 4.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.87g; no X-ray

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1164,"[K1164] BA0419, no location",,,,1.87 2350,143,"

143                  [K573]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Slightly misshapen one side, but preserves the oval section of the grip. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Filigree: two continuous herringbone bands run around the collar (formed of two-ply twisted wires), separated by a beaded wire of the same thickness; collar edges mounted with beaded wires also, but of different thicknesses; the original butt-join in the band is clearly visible covered by a narrow piece of sheet. Interior: one sheet join. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at edges. Filigree flattened where the edge is distorted, possibly caused by a tool (?tongs).

L. 31.5mm; W. 12.5mm; H. 4.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.30g; X-ray: L21, L28

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,573,"[K573] TH026, no location",,21; 28,,2.3 3315,144,"

144                  [K1537]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Cut open at the original butt-join and coiled. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal (with a patch over the join, cut in half). Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone pattern runs the collar length (formed of two-ply twisted wires); one collar edge mounted with a beaded wire. Interior (reverse): sheet joins each end from the divided, cut patch. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 28mm; H. 2.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.45g; X-ray: L139

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1537,"[K1537], no location",(Note: [K1537] part of soil block 11),139,,1.45 1899,145,"

145                  [K122]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Probably from the upper grip; preserves its oval section exactly. Collar body constructed from two strips of sheet metal (with a patch over each join). Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) runs around the collar (there are two manufacture joins). Interior: sheet joins from the two patches, opposite each other on the long sides. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 146.

L. 26mm; W. 16mm; H. 3mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 1.51g; X-ray: L37

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,122,"[K122] BA0007A, grid K10","(Note: found on site with two fragments of silver reeded strip, 611: [K123-124)",37,K10,1.51 2166,146,

146                  [K389]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal with a patch over the join (cut in two). One small fixing-hole on the reverse each end; no nails/rivets. Cut open at the original butt-join. Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone pattern runs the collar length (formed of two-ply twisted wires). Interior (reverse): sheet joins from the patch. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar145.

L. 50mm; W. 17mm; H. 3mm; Th. 1mm; Wt 2.28g; X-ray: L120

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,389,"[K389] TH106, no location",(Note: from mud attached: one fragment of silver-gilt sheet 690: [K1875]),120,,2.28 2141,147,"

147                  [K364, K1470]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Found in two fragments (rejoined). The opened out collar has one butt-end, and one end with a projecting sheet tab, for an overlapping join. Four fixing-holes are spaced along the length; no nails/rivets. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Filigree: a band of herringbone pattern runs the collar length (formed of two-ply twisted wires); edges framed with beaded wires of the same thickness; fixing-holes have beaded-wire collars. Interior (reverse): plain. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 74mm; H. 3.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 1.69g; X-ray: L77, L95

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,364,"Grid location: [K364] TH108, [K1470], no locations",(Note: [K1470] part of soil block 14),77,,1.69 3247,147,

Part of catalogue no. 147. See K0364 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1470,,,95,, 1893,148,"

148                  [K116]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Incomplete, both ends cut, and opened out. Collar body constructed from sheet metal. Filigree: continuous herringbone bands (formed of two-ply twisted wires) form inner borders to a plain sheet centre; outer collar edges framed with thicker beaded wires; a soldered join is visible in the edge wire, at the point where the collar bends. Interior (reverse): at the bend there is a patch covering a join, and a reinforcing strip of flattened beaded wire is soldered to it. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 55mm; H. 5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.98g; X-ray: L53

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,116,"[K116] BA0070, grid L10",,53,L10,3.98 2346,149,"

149                  [K569]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Incomplete and misshapen, one end torn and probably a small part missing; one butt-end retains a sheet tab. Collar body constructed probably from one strip of sheet metal. Filigree: four zones of herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) interposed with three panels of reeded sheet (of ?four originals); collar edges framed by beaded wires. Interior (reverse): two short pins (L. 3–4mm) with tri-lobe attachments. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar150

L. 43mm; W. 17mm; H. 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.13g; X-ray: L37

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,569,"[K569] TH013, no location",,37,,2.13 3158,150,"

150                  [K1381]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Incomplete, approximately half only, one end cut; the other butt-end retains a sheet tab. Collar body constructed from sheet metal. Filigree: two zones of herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) separated by one panel of reeded sheet; collar edges framed by beaded wires. Interior (reverse): plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar149.

L. 35mm; W. 5mm; H. 5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.03g; X-ray: L77

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1381,"[K1381] TH244, no location",,77,,1.03 2723,151,"

151                  [K855, K5034]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree serpent ornament. Found in two fragments. The opened out collar has one butt-end with two fixing-holes [K5034], and the other end has a projecting sheet tab with two holes, for an overlapping join; no nails/rivets. Collar body constructed from one strip of sheet metal. Ornament divided into zones. Style II: interlaced serpents with semi-naturalistic heads are contained in pairs of panels, one creature per panel, with four in total. Filigree: serpents formed of triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet with the wires separating to form the heads; granules for the eyes; layout marks are visible underlying the Style II designs and other parts of the composition; panel and collar edges framed by thick beaded wires, with thinner plain and beaded wires used for the inner edges of the serpent panels; the Style II panels are interposed with sections filled with a mix of herringbone bands (formed of two-ply twisted wires), plain and beaded wires; one small panel holds two beaded-wire annulets. Interior (reverse): plain. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate on collar edges. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-collar152.

L. 51mm; H. 6mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.73g; X-ray: L71, L90

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree serpent ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,855,"[K855] SCC0011, grid I10; [K5034] grid J5",,90,I10,3.73 3883,151,

Part of catalogue no. 151. See K5034 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree serpent ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,5034,,,,, 3099,152,"

152                  [K1322]

Hilt-collar fragment in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. One end is cut at an angle, the other has a projecting tab with two fixing-holes; no nails/rivets. Collar body constructed from sheet metal. Filigree: two panels and a vertical section, all with a combination of filigree, including plain wire, triple-strand beaded wire, and herringbone band (formed of two-ply twisted wires); collar edged with beaded wire. Interior (reverse): plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-collar151.

L. 33mm; H. 5.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.10g; X-ray: L136

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1322,"[K1322] TH242, no location",,136,,1.1 2858,153,"

153                  [K990]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Incomplete, both ends broken/?cut with a small part missing, and straightened out, the sheet-metal backing strip lifted, and wires unseated. Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone-with-spine runs the length of the collar (formed of a pair of three-ply twisted-beaded wires with a central thinner beaded wire). Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 154.

L. 67.5mm; H. 3mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 2.55g; X-ray: L82

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,990,"[K990] BA0278, grid M8",,82,M8,2.55 3053,154,"

154                  [K1276]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Complete, cut open at the original butt-join. Wires set on a sheet strip. Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone-with-spine runs around the collar (formed of a pair of three-ply twisted-beaded wires with a central thinner beaded wire). Interior (reverse): one overlapping sheet join. Wear/marks: moderate wear (the central beaded wire is worn flat). One of the pair of thicker wires is cut, midway along the length. Set: pair with hilt-collar 153.

L. 50.5mm; H. 2mm; Th. 1.5mm; Wt 2.59g; X-ray: L136

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1276,"[K1276] BA0365, grid N12",,136,N12,2.59 2449,155,"

155                  [K1074]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Probably from the upper grip; the outline suggests the grip possibly had a hexagonal section. Complete, except for a short length of the central wire; the ends are cut at an angle. Wires set on a sheet strip. Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone-with-spine runs around the collar (formed of a pair of four-ply twisted-beaded wires with a central thinner beaded wire). Interior (reverse): one sheet join, close to one end. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Flattening on the top edge, possibly from contact with a hilt-guard/plate. Another cut-mark close to one end. Set: pair with hilt-collar 156.

L. 42mm; W. 24mm; H. 3mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 4.59g; X-ray: L50

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1074,"[K1074] BA0168, grid M11",,50,M11,4.59 2407,156,"

156                  [K1032, K1369]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Found in two fragments (rejoined), but complete, except for part of the central wire; ends cut at an angle (i.e. collar cut open). Wires set on a sheet strip. Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone-with-spine runs the collar length (formed of a pair of four-ply twisted-beaded wires with a central thinner beaded wire). Interior (reverse): one sheet join [K1032]. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Flattening on the bottom edge, possibly from contact with a hilt-guard/plate. Set: pair with hilt-collar 155

L. 84mm; H. 3mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 7.45g; X-ray: L44, L82

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1032,"[K1032] BA0391, grid L7; [K1369] TH244, no location",,82,L7,7.45 3146,156,

Part of catalogue no. 156. See K1032 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with filigree herringbone ornamet,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1369,,,44,, 2547,157,"

157                  [K679]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form, combining bands of herringbone filigree and garnet cloisonné. Probably from the upper grip; preserves exactly the oval section of the grip. Complete, except for a short length of filigree wire and one missing stone (others fractured/sunken). Constructed of sheet metal. Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone-with-spine runs around the collar (formed of a pair of two-ply twisted-beaded wires with a central thinner beaded wire and flanking wires also). Cloisonné: a band of rectilinear cellwork runs above the filigree band, set with red garnets cut with beaded surfaces (to imitate a beaded hilt-ring); one cell instead has an amber inlay, probably a repair. Garnets backed by gold foils (type not visible through the stones). Interior (reverse): one horizontal sheet join. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree edges and ends. Small secondary indentations over the cell walls in places. Set: pair with hilt-collar 158.

L. 31mm; W. 18.5mm; H. 6.5mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 6.36g; X-ray: L6

",Hilt-collar in gold of lrow form combining a bands of filigree herringbone and garnet cloisonné,Hilt-collar,Gold,,679,"[K679] TH078, no location",,6,,6.36 2347,158,"

158                  [K570]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form, combining bands of herringbone filigree and garnet cloisonné. Probably from the lower grip; preserves exactly the oval section of the grip. Complete, except for minor damage, and three missing garnets (other stones fractured/sunken). Constructed of sheet metal. Filigree: a continuous band of herringbone-with-spine runs around the collar (formed of a pair of two-ply twisted-beaded wires with a central thinner beaded wire and flanking wires also). Cloisonné: rectilinear cellwork with red garnets cut with beaded surfaces (to imitate a beaded hilt-ring). Garnets backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (exposed where stones are missing). Analysis of backing paste from a loose gold foil identified a wax and glue composition. Interior (reverse): one horizontal sheet join. Seam on bottom edge split. Wear/marks: moderate to filigree edges and ends. Dent one edge (across both bands, fracturing a garnet) and filigree damaged one end. Set: pair with hilt-collar 157.

L. 46mm; W. 23mm; H. 7mm; Th. edge 5mm; Wt 10.91g; X-ray: L6 

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form combining bands herringbone filigree and garnet cloisonné,Hilt-collar,Gold,,570,"[K570] TH004, no location",,6,,10.91 2932,159,"

159                  [K1155]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably from the upper grip; preserves the general oval section of the grip. Crushed and torn at one end/edge, with multiple garnets/foils lost. Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: three panels each side with geometric decoration, separated at the ends by narrow vertical panels. On the side panels mushroom- and arrow-shaped cells dominate, some forming quatrefoils, juxtaposed with stepped cell-forms. The narrow end-panels have a design of four split circles. The inlaid flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (some foils exposed where stones are missing). Analysis of backing paste from one cell identified a wax and glue composition. Other cells had remains of a plant gum, possibly an adhesive. Interior/edges: one vertical sheet join in the interior, and joins on bottom/top edges. Wear/marks:light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 160, possibly a suite with pommel 47.

L. 29mm; W. 16mm; H. 14mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 8.31g; X-ray: L65

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1155,"[K1155] BA0415, grid O11",,65,O11,8.31 2718,160,"

160                  [K850]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Preserves the general grip form. Crushed one side/end, the cellwork ruptured in several places, with multiple garnets/foils lost and other stones fractured (the cellwork was possibly deliberately removed one end).Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: three panels each side with geometric decoration, separated at the ends by narrow vertical panels. On the side panels mushroom- and arrow-shaped cells dominate, some forming quatrefoils, juxtaposed with stepped cell-forms. The narrow end panels have rows of circular cells. The inlaid flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Analysis of backing paste from one cell identified a wax and glue composition. Interior/edges: one vertical sheet join, and joins on top/bottom edges. Wear/marks:light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 159, possibly a suite with pommel 47.

L. 46.5mm; W. 16mm; H. 15mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 12.40g; X-ray: L26

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné,Hilt-collar,Gold,,850,"[K850] SCC0018, grid J10",,25,J10,12.4 2590,161,"

161                  [K722]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Cut open and damaged with multiple garnets lost, sunken or broken. Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: three panels each side originally, separated by vertical gold lidded columns; each panel has three bands. One side the bands are filled by repeating patterns of stepped (split-arrow) cells that run in alternate directions; on the other side (cut open) the stepped stones align in the bands to form arrow shapes. The inlaid flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Interior: plain, no joins visible. Two widely spaced small holes, possibly fixing-holes; no nails/rivets. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-collar 162or hilt-collar 181

L. 51.5mm; W. 17mm; H. 14mm; Th. edge 2.5mm; Wt 14.35g; X-ray: L38

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné,Hilt-collar,Gold,,722,"[K722] BA0192, grid M12",(Note: found on site with fragment [K47] from helmet-crest 589),38,M12,14.35 1881,162,"

162                  [K104, K324]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Found in two fragments (rejoined), cut open, some stones lost, fractured or sunken, but otherwise complete; preserves the general grip form. Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: one panel each side, separated into six vertical rows, with gold lidded columns at the ends. Mushroom-shaped cells dominate, flanked by split-arrow and stepped cells. One side only lidded gold cells frame the top edge. The inlaid flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (partly obscured by silt in-wash). Interior: one vertical sheet join [K324]. Wear/marks:light/?moderate wear. Dents on the basal edge in two places, possibly from a tool (?levered). One end [K324] has a cut mark. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-collar161.

L. 36mm; W. 17.5mm; H. 18mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 10.53g; X-ray: L25

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné,Hilt-collar,Gold,,104,"[K104] BA0021, grid L11; [K324] TH170, no location",(Note: three tiny fragments of copper-alloy sheet 691: [K1863] found during conservation with [K324]),25,L11,10.53 2101,162,

Part of catalogue no. 162. See K0104 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné,Hilt-collar,Gold,,324,,,,, 2321,163,"

163                  [K544]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné ornament, including serpent interlace. Probably from the upper grip; preserves to an extent the oval section of the grip. Cut on its edge and torn open, but largely complete; one side is extensively damaged with multiple garnets/foils lost. Constructed of sheet metal, with a lip running around the bottom outer edge. Cloisonné: two bands of decoration each side (they alternate top and bottom), separated at the ends by narrow vertical panels. The wider band each side has geometric ornament, with rows of arrow-shaped and split-arrow cells; the narrower band on the complete side has Style II animal ornament. The vertical end panels include mushroom-shaped cells one side, juxtaposed with arrangements of rectangular garnets with crosses formed in the gold framework. The inlaid flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Style II: the zoomorphic design in the narrow band is comprised of a serpent with a plaited body. The badly damaged side has the remains of a probably similar design. Interior: one vertical sheet join. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 164, possibly a suite with pommel 50.

L. 27mm; H. 11.5mm; Th. edge 2–4mm; Wt 6.81g; X-ray: L25, L29

","Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné, including serpent interlace",Hilt-collar,Gold,,544,"[K544] TH016, no location",,25; 29,,6.81 2345,164,"

164                  [K568]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Cut open and extensively damaged, with multiple stones/foils missing, but otherwise complete. Constructed of sheet metal, with a lip running around the top outer edge. Cloisonné: two bands of geometric decoration each side, combining mushroom- and arrow-shaped cells, including quatrefoil arrangements, and split-arrow cells. The inlaid flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. The side panels were separated each end by narrow vertical panels that possibly included cross-shaped cells (damaged). Interior: one vertical sheet join, sprung open from damage. Scratches and possibly the impression from a blade tip. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 163, possibly a suite with pommel 50.

L. 46mm; H. 14mm; Th. edge 2–4mm; Wt 12.15g; X-ray: L19, L25, L29

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,568,"[K568] TH010, no location",,19; 25; 29,,12.15 2835,165,"

165                  [K967]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with cloisonné animal ornament. Probably from the upper grip. Both ends compressed with the cellwork flattened (?recent); preserves roughly the grip form. Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: one main panel each side has Style II animal ornament, with geometric decoration in smaller panels at the ends (one is destroyed) and in narrow bands around the top and bottom edges. The geometric designs include mushroom-shaped cells, as well as equal-arm cross and stepped cells. The cellwork is filled with a decayed, unidentified inlay. Style II: a different design each side (both partly obscured). One was probably of two creatures, quadrupeds in profile, ‘head-to-tail’; the remains of the other design suggest irregular zoomorphic interlace (like on collar 166). Interior/edges: one vertical sheet join in the interior, and joins on the top and bottom edges. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 166, suite with pommel 54.

L. 22mm; W. 19mm; H. 19.5mm; Th. edge 2.5mm; Wt 21.24g; X-ray: L45

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with cloisonné animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,967,"[K967] BA0266, grid I10",(Note: found during cleaning: two fragments of silver reeded strip 613: [K1939]),45,I10,21.24 2528,166,"

166                  [K660]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with cloisonné animal ornament. Probably from the lower grip. One edge dented (?levered), but preserves well the oval section of the grip. Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné:one main panel each side has Style II animal ornament, with geometric decoration in smaller panels at the ends and in narrow bands around the top and bottom edges. The geometric designs include mushroom-shaped cells, as well as an equal-arm cross and stepped cells; the ends hold quatrefoils formed of mushroom cells. The cellwork is filled with a decayed, unidentified inlay. Style II: a different design each side, both showing a pair of creatures. One is of quadrupeds, in profile, ‘head-to-tail’; the other side shows zoomorphs in an irregular, writhing design, with interlacing heads/jaws. Interior/edges: one vertical sheet join each end of the interior (one is sprung), and joins on the top and bottom edges. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 165, suite with pommel 54.

L. 40.5mm; W. 17mm; H. 19mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 19.95g; no X-ray


",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,660,"[K660] TH089, no location",,,,19.95 2147,167,"

167                  [K370]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné animal ornament. From the upper grip of a seax; preserves exactly the egg-shaped section of the grip. The lip around the top edge fits hilt-ring 225. Largely undamaged, except for the loss of a few garnets. Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: two panels each side with Style II animal ornament, separated by vertical columns of chevron cellwork, and framed at the top and bottom by horizontal bands with different stepped patterns. The lower band includes split-mushroom and split-arrow forms. The inlaid flat garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils: ‘boxed 3×3’ type foils were used mainly for the body parts of the creatures, set predominantly with lighter pink-orange coloured garnets; ‘standard’ type foils were used in the remainder of the zoomorphic/geometric cellwork, together with red coloured garnets (some foils exposed where garnets are missing). The creatures’ eyes are formed of tiny spherical granules of dark red glass. Style II: two creatures, identical quadrupeds in profile, are mirrored each side of the collar in a confronted attitude; the body of each forms a loop and is interlaced with the front and back limbs. Interior/edges: one vertical sheet join internally, and one join on the top edge. Wear/marks: light wear. Dents/scratches bottom edge, possibly from removal. Set: part of asuite for a seax/knife hilt with pommel 55, hilt-collar 168,cap-fitting 169 and hilt-ring 225.

L. 30mm; W. 18mm; H. 16mm; Th. edge 2mm. Wt 18.94g; X-ray: L5

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,370,"[K370] TH135, no location",,5,,18.94 2226,168,"

168                  [K449]

Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné animal ornament. From the lower grip of a seax; the closed base has a tang-slot (L. 19.5mm; W. 5mm) with the wear mark from a single-edged knife or seax blade (L. 28mm; W. 5mm). Preserves exactly the egg-shaped section of the grip and tapers slightly to the base. Complete, except for the loss of a few stones/foils (one empty cell shows backing paste), and a large dent one side (recent). Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: one panel each side with Style II animal ornament, separated at the ends by vertical columns with different patterns, of chevron and honeycomb cellwork, and framed at the top and bottom by bands of matching stepped cellwork, combining split-mushroom and split-arrow forms. The inlaid flat garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils: ‘boxed 3×3’ type foils were set with the pink-orange coloured garnets used for the bodies of the creatures; ‘standard’ type foils were used for the remainder of the zoomorphic/geometric cellwork with red coloured garnets (some foils are exposed where garnets are missing). The creatures’ eyes are formed of tiny spherical granules of dark red glass (one missing). Style II: the animal ornament each side is identical, but mirrored, comprising two quadruped creatures shown in profile and interlinked: one has a body formed into a loop and interlacing limbs (its attitude is very like the creatures on hilt-collar 166); its rear leg links to the second creature that has an S-shaped body, also wrapped by its extended limbs. Interior/edges: no sheet joins visible. Wear/marks: moderate wear (many minor dents/scratches). Fine striations run over the closed end, parallel with the blade scar, possibly from polishing of the blade. Abrasions to the edges. Set: part of asuite for a seax/knife hilt with pommel 55, hilt-collar 167, cap-fitting 169 and hilt-ring 225.

L. 31mm; W. 16.5mm; H. 22.5mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 29.95g; X-ray: L5

",Hilt-collar in gold of high form with garnet cloisonné animal ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,449,"[K449] TH235, no location",,5,,29.95 2131,169,"

169                  [K354]

Capped hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament. From the upper grip of a seax; the lip around the bottom edge fits hilt-ring 225. Complete, except for the loss of a few garnets, and a slight dent in the lip that runs around the bottom internal edge. The flat piece of the cap was cast, with the remainder of the collar constructed of sheet metal. Egg-shaped in section with a small rectangular slot (L. 5.5mm; W. 2.5mm) centrally for the weapon-tang. Cloisonné: two panels each side of geometric stepped cellwork (identical, except for one cell), comprising mainly split-mushroom and split-arrow cell-forms, separated each end by two cells forming chevron pattern. Inlaid with flat red garnets backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Interior/edge: the cast surface of the cap is visible on the reverse. One vertical sheet join in the interior. One join on the bottom edge. Wear/marks: moderate wear; many minor dents/scratches on the cap. A scratched outline on the top of the cap matches exactly pommel 55, with contact marks also around the tang-slot and a small (?blade) scratch probably caused at the pommel’s removal; there are also abrasion marks from a pin (lost) that had secured the pommel to the tang. Set: part of asuite for a seax/knife hilt with pommel 55, hilt-collars 167 and 168 and hilt-ring 225.

L. 32.5mm; W. 20mm; H. 8.5mm; Wt 17.26g; X-ray: L5

",Capped hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,354,"[K354] TH136, no location",,5,,17.26 2246,170,"

170                  [K469]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with cloisonné ornament. Probably from the upper grip; preserves exactly the oval section of the grip. Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: one panel each side, separated by gold lidded vertical columns at the ends. Identical geometric pattern of stepped cells both sides. The cloisonné is without stones/foils, and is instead filled with a decayed inlay of unidentified type. Interior/edges: two vertical sheet joins in the interior. Bottom edge shows sheet construction clearly. Wear/marks:moderate wear. Sides scratched. Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 171.

L. 31mm; W. 18.5mm; H. 9.5mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 4.40g; X-ray: L24

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,469,"[K469] TH218, no location",,24,,4.4 2550,171,"

171                  [K682]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with cloisonné ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Torn open and misshapen, with multiple cells ruptured, but otherwise complete. Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: one panel each side originally, separated by gold lidded vertical columns at the ends (one missing). Different geometric pattern of cells each side. One uses a single stepped cell form; the other has a row of mushroom-shaped cells (on different orientations) with surrounding stepped and trapezoidal cells. The cloisonné is without stones/foils, and is instead filled with a decayed inlay of unidentified type. Interior (reverse): one vertical sheet join. Wear/marks:light wear. Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 170.

L. 81.5mm; H. 9mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 9.48g; X-ray: L75 

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,682,"[K682] TH042, no location",,75,,9.48 3024,172,"

172                  [K1247]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Torn open, one end badly damaged, with multiple garnets/foils lost, but preserves the general oval section of the grip. Constructed of sheet metal (Th. 0.4–0.5mm). Cloisonné: each side has a band of geometric decoration formed of mushroom-shaped and split-arrow cells, separated each end by two square cells. The inlaid flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Interior (reverse): one sheet join at one end. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 173.

L. 38mm; W. 13mm; H. 5.5mm; Th. edge 2.5–3mm; Wt 4.38g; X-ray: L6

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1247,"[K1247] BA0336, grid N9",,6,N9,4.38 2103,173,"

173                  [K326]

Hilt-collar fragment in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Torn both ends, with multiple garnets/foils lost. Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: remains of a band of geometric decoration formed of mushroom-shaped and split-arrow cells, terminated by two square cells. The flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Interior (reverse): three small ?fixing-holes. One sheet join. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 172.

L. 42mm; H. 6.5mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 2.56g; X-ray: L74

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,326,"[K326] TH170, no location",,74,,2.56 2871,174,"

174                  [K1003]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably from the upper grip. One end bent upwards (?levered), and the majority of the garnets missing, but preserves the oval section of the grip. Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: a continuous geometric band of split-arrow cells runs around the collar. The inlaid flat red garnets were backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (multiple examples exposed where garnets are missing). Analysis of backing paste from one cell identified a wax and glue composition. Interior (reverse): no sheet joins. Wear/marks: light wear; multiple scratches, dents and nicks (from removal). Definite cut mark on one edge. Top edge has a series of deliberate, fine incised marks, and a scratched grid pattern. Set: pair with hilt-collar 175.

L. 30mm; W. 20mm; H. 6mm; Th. edge 4–6mm; Wt 6.15g; X-ray: L38

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1003,"[K1003] BA0078, grid M11",,38,M11,6.15 2512,175,"

175                  [K644, K1126]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably from the lower grip. In two fragments, torn or cut open, missing multiple garnets/foils, but preserves roughly the oval section of the grip. Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: a continuous geometric band of split-arrow cells ran around the collar. The inlaid flat red garnets were backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (exposed where garnets are missing). Interior (reverse): one sheet join [K1126]. Wear/marks: light wear; multiple scratches and dents. One outer edge possibly cut, and cut marks on one interior edge [K1126]. Mark on underside from a pointed implement (?blade, ?levered). Two edges have deliberate, fine incised marks. Set: pair with hilt-collar 174.

L. 53mm; H. 5.5mm; Th. edge 5–8mm; Wt 12.25g; X-ray: L23, L122

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,644,"[K644] TH053, no location; [K1126] BA0453, grid P11",,23,,12.25 2903,175,

Part of catalogue entry no. 175. For catalogue entry see K0644.

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1126,,,122,P11, 2160,176,"

176                  [K383]

Hilt-collarin gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably from the upper grip. Torn open, the cellwork ruptured with multiple garnets/foils missing (especially on the damaged side). Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: two panels each side with geometric patterns formed of split-arrow and other stepped cells inlaid with garnets, separated by smaller panels at the centre of each side and at the ends. The intact square centre panel one side is empty; it and the damaged example the other side may never have held stones (or perhaps had different inlays). The end panels are each formed of two square cells. The inlaid flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (exposed where stones are missing). Interior (reverse)/edges: one sheet join in the interior. One join top edge. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 177.

L. 34mm; H. 4mm; Th. edge 2–4mm; Wt 4.61g; X-ray: L75

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,383,"[K383] TH113, no location",,75,,4.61 2360,177,"

177                  [K583]

Hilt-collar fragment in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably from the lower grip. Cut one end. Constructed of sheet metal, with additional flanges of sheet around the top and bottom edges (torn). Cloisonné: on the intact side are remains of two panels of geometric decoration formed of split-arrow and other stepped cells inlaid with garnets, separated by a central square cell. This cell is filled with a greenish corrosion product, probably a decayed inlay, but of unidentified type. The flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Interior (reverse): one possible fixing-hole; no nail/rivet. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: probably a pair with hilt-collar 176.

L. 37mm; H. 5mm; Wt 6.93g; X-ray: L54

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,583,"[K583] TH022, no location",,52; 54,,6.93 2157,178,"

178                  [K380]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Possibly from the lower grip. Torn open, with multiple garnets/foils missing (other stones sunken). Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: two panels each side have geometric patterns formed of stepped cells, including split-arrow and split-mushroom forms. These are separated by small square panels at the centre of each side and at the ends. The intact square panel displays an equal-arm cross. Narrow end panels have square garnets (in one case spaced by a lidded gold cell). The inlaid flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Interior (reverse): plain (the collar was possibly torn open at the sheet join). Wear/marks: light wear. 

L. 56mm; W. 33mm; H. 6mm; Th. edge 3mm Th. ends 7mm; Wt 8.96g; X-ray: L23

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,380,"[K380] TH097, no location",,23,,8.96 3052,179,

179                  [K1275]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Possibly from the upper grip. Torn open and missing multiple garnets. Constructed of sheet metal. Cloisonné: a band of stepped pattern ran around the collar. The inlaid flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (exposed where garnets are missing). Interior (reverse): plain. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 48mm; H. 4.5mm; Th. edge 3–4.5mm; Wt 3.37g; X-ray: L23

,Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1275,"[K1275] BA0364, grid N12",,23,N12,3.37 2073,180,"

180                  [K296]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Possibly from the lower grip. Torn open and twisted, a gouged dent in the cloisonné one side, and missing multiple garnets/foils. Constructed of sheet metal, with a flange on the inside basal edge. Cloisonné: one panel each side originally, of stepped cells, and smaller panels at the ends. The inlaid flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Interior (reverse): plain. Wear/marks: light wear. 

L. 53mm; H. 6mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 7.82g; X-ray: L121

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,296,"[K296] TH158, no location","(Note: in mud adhering: one fragment [K1840] of hilt-ring 232, gold hilt-plate fragment 322, gold mount 522, one small silver sheet fragment, 690: [K1841])",121,,7.82 2433,181,"

181                  [K1058]

Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Cut open and misshapen, missing stones/foils. Constructed of gold sheet. Cloisonné: three panels each side originally, with patterns of stepped cells , including split-arrow forms, separated by gold lidded sections. The inlaid flat red garnets are backed by gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Interior (reverse)/edges: one vertical sheet join in the interior; sprung at one edge. One join on one edge. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a pair with 161

L. 32mm; W. 15mm; H. 5mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 3.75g; X-ray: L74

",Hilt-collar in gold of low form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1058,"[K1058] BA0155, grid M8","(Note: found with: one fragment [K1946] of gold mount 419, one fragment [K1947] of gold hilt-plate 358).",74,M8,3.75 2075,182,"

182                  [K298, K1347, K1542]

Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief. Probably from the upper grip. Assembled from seven fragments, and missing parts, but preserves the hexagonal section of the grip. Gilding survives only in the recesses of the decoration. Style I: one side of the collar is decorated with three panels, corresponding with the angled surface, filled with highly stylised animal ornament (it is possible to identify leg elements). Line/punch decoration: the other side has incised horizontal lines, interspersed with dog-tooth bands formed with a triangular punch, and centrally a zone of incised honeycomb pattern (imitating cloisonné). Dog-tooth trim also ran around the top and bottom edges. No inlay survives in the punchwork, but possibly niello filled the ornament originally. Interior (reverse): a filed down sprue scar. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 183.

L. 32.5mm; W. 16mm; H. 17mm; Th. edge 1–1.5mm; Wt 7.55g; X-ray: L101, L102, L126

",Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-collar,Silver,,298,"Grid location: [K298] TH148, [K1347] TH243, [K1542], no locations","(Note: found during cleaning with [K298], two fragments copper-alloy ?liner, 691: [K1880]. Found with [K1347]: one fragment [K1968] of pommel 74; one fragment [K1969] of hilt-guard 409; two fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1970]; one fragment of silver-gilt, 688: [K1971]; one fragment of ?mount, 687: [K1972]; one fragment [K1973] of silver-gilt helmet crest 590. Fragment [K1542] part of soil block 6)",,,7.55 3124,182,

Part of catalogue no. 182. See K0298 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-collar,Silver,"Fragment with this number forms part of pommel catalogue no 74, see K0005.",1347,,,101; 102,, 3320,182,

Part of catalogue no. 182. For catalogue entry see K0298.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-collar,Silver,,1542,,,126,, 1958,183,"

183                  [K181, K187, K528, K743, K755, K936, K1152, K1253, K1306, K2089]

Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief. Probably from the lower grip. Assembled from ten fragments, missing parts and misshapen. Gilding survives only in the recesses of the decoration. Style I: one side of the collar was decorated with three panels. The remains show highly stylised animal ornament (it is possible to identify leg elements). The central panel has a beaded frame. Line/punch decoration: the other side has incised line ornament, arranged on the vertical and horizontal, interspersed with dog-tooth bands created with a triangular punch. Dog-tooth trim also runs around the top and bottom edges, and decorated at least one end (the other is worn smooth). No inlay survives in the punchwork, but possibly niello inlay filled the ornament originally. Interior (reverse): possible filing marks [K743]. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 182.

L. 40.5mm; H. 17mm; Th. edge 1–1.5mm; Wt 9.17g; X-ray: L43, L102, L126

",Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-collar,Silver,,181,"[K1152] BA0468, grid J6; [K2089=K1210] BA0318, grid J13; [K1253] BA0342, grid J14. No locations: [K181] US047, [K187] US053, [K528] TH538, [K743, K755] BA0203, [K936] BA1037, [K1306] US181)","(Note: fragments [K743, K755] part of finds group BA0203; fragment [K936] part of finds group BA1037)",126,,9.17 1964,183,

Part of catalogue no. 183. See K0181 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-collar,Silver,,187,,,43,, 2305,183,

Part of catalogue no. 183. See K0181 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-collar,Silver,,528,,,126,, 2611,183,

Part of catalogue no. 183. See K0181 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-collar,Silver,,743,,,126,, 2623,183,

Part of catalogue no. 183. See K0181 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-collar,Silver,,755,,,126,, 2804,183,

Part of catalogue no. 183. See K0181 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-collar,Silver,,936,,,102,, 2929,183,

Part of catalogue no. 183. See K0181 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-collar,Silver,,1152,,,126,J6, 3030,183,

Part of catalogue no. 183. See K0181 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-collar,Silver,,1253,,,124,J14, 3083,183,

Part of catalogue no. 183. See K0181 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-collar,Silver,,1306,,,126,, 3962,183,

Part of catalogue no. 183. See K0181 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with gilded animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-collar,Silver,,2089,,,,, 2146,184,"

184                  [K369]

Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with line and punch ornament, gilding and black niello inlay. Complete, including a copper-alloy liner; possibly from the lower grip; preserves exactly the oval section. Line/punch decoration: gilding survives only in the horizontal bands that run round the collar (possibly they were the only parts originally gilded). A diamond-shaped punch was used continuously within the lowermost band, giving a beaded effect. The two gilded bands above were punched on the raised portion between the parallel lines, with a small triangular tool (though much of this is worn away). A larger triangular punch was used to form the dog-tooth pattern on the four silver bands interposed with the three gilded bands. These were filled with black niello inlay (mostly now lost). Interior: cast copper-alloy liner. Wear/marks: heavy wear at the ends. Damage to top and bottom edges (?levered). Scratch one side (?recent). Set: pair with hilt-collar 185.

L. 46mm; W. 22mm; H. 16mm; Th. edge with liner 5–6mm; Th. collar edge 1.5–2mm; Wt 24.67g; X-ray: L33, L143

","Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with line and punch ornament, gilding and black niello inlay",Hilt-collar,Silver,,369,"[K369] TH116, no location","(Note: from mud in interior: one fragment of gold filigree strip, 681: [1872])",33; 142; 143,,24.67 1796,185,"

185                  [K19, K430, K537, K1446, K1570, K1589, K2090, K2091]

Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with line and punch ornament, gilding and black niello inlay. Assembled from fifteen fragments (twelve rejoined), but missing one end and without its copper-alloy liner; possibly from the upper grip. The upper edge is distorted (?levered). Line/punch decoration: gilding survives only in the horizontal bands that run round the collar, and in the small punched triangles decorating the two uppermost bands (possibly the bands were the only parts originally gilded). A diamond-shaped punch was used continuously around the lowermost band, giving a beaded effect. A larger triangular-shaped punch was used to decorate the four silver dog-tooth bands interposed with the gilded bands. These were filled with black niello inlay. Interior (reverse): plain. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Set: pair with hilt-collar 184.

L. 40mm; H. 15mm; Th. edge 1.5–2mm; Wt 5.40g; X-ray: L47, L140

","Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with line and punch ornament, gilding and black niello inlay",Hilt-collar,Silver,,19,"[K19] BA220; [K430] TH127; [K537] TH214; K438, no locations)",(Note: [K1570] part of soil block 3; [K1446] part of soil block 8; [K2090=K1608] part of soil block 12; [K1589] part of soil block 13; [K2091=K1667] part of soil block K438),47; 140,,5.4 2207,185,

Part of catalogue no. 185. See K0019 for catalogue entry.

,"Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with line and punch ornament, gilding and black niello inlay",Hilt-collar,Silver,,430,,,140,, 2314,185,

Part of catalogue no. 185. See K0019 for catalogue entry.

,"Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with line and punch ornament, gilding and black niello inlay",Hilt-collar,Silver,,537,,,140,, 3223,185,

Part of catalogue no. 185. See K0019 for catalogue entry.

,"Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with line and punch ornament, gilding and black niello inlay",Hilt-collar,Silver,,1446,,,140,, 3348,185,

Part of catalogue no. 185. See K0019 for catalogue entry.

,"Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with line and punch ornament, gilding and black niello inlay",Hilt-collar,Silver,,1570,,,140,, 3367,185,

Part of catalogue no. 185. See K0019 for catalogue entry.

,"Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with line and punch ornament, gilding and black niello inlay",Hilt-collar,Silver,,1589,,,103,, 3963,185,

Part of catalogue no. 185. See K0019 for catalogue entry.

,"Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with line and punch ornament, gilding and black niello inlay",Hilt-collar,Silver,,2091,,,,, 3964,185,

Part of catalogue no. 185. See K0019 for catalogue entry.

,"Hilt-collar in cast silver of high form with line and punch ornament, gilding and black niello inlay",Hilt-collar,Silver,,2090,,,,, 2081,186,"

186                  [K304]

Hilt-collar in cast silver of low form with gilded animal ornament in low relief and black niello inlay. Probably from the upper grip; preserves exactly the hexagonal section. Gilding survives in the recesses of the decoration. Style II: three panels each side, corresponding with the angled surface, with animal ornament. One side they are filled with serpents; the other side the panels hold small zoomorphs with U-shaped jaws that bite their own bodies. The niello was inlaid in channels along the strands forming the animals and also around the panel frames. Interior: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Filing marks top edge and a tool mark (?levered). Copper corrosion in places from the alloy. Set: pair with hilt-collar 187, possibly a suite with pommel 69,and mounts 533–535.

L. 41.5mm; W. 14mm; H. 10.5mm; Th. edge 1–3.5mm; Wt 7.65g; no X-ray

",Hilt-collar in cast silver of low form with gilded animal ornament in low relief and black niello inlay,Hilt-collar,Silver,,304,"[K304] TH160, no location",,,,7.65 1937,187,"

187                  [K160, K186, K595, K953, K1364]

Hilt-collar in cast silver of low form with gilded animal ornament in low relief and black niello inlay. Probably from the lower grip; preserves the hexagonal section. Almost complete, reassembled from five fragments. Gilding survives in the recesses of the decoration only. Style II: originally three panels each side, corresponding with the angled surface, with animal ornament. One side shows small zoomorphs with U-shaped jaws and a single leg each (half of one panel is missing); the other side the panels hold interlacing leg elements. The niello was inlaid in channels along the strands forming the animals and also around the panel frames. Interior (reverse): plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Filing marks bottom edge. Set: pair with hilt-collar 186, possibly a suite with pommel 69,and mounts 533–535.

L. 50mm; W. 14mm; H. 11mm; Th. edge 1.5–3mm; Wt 10.16g; X-ray: L126

",Hilt-collar in cast silver of low form with gilded animal ornament in low relief and black niello inlay,Hilt-collar,Silver,,160,"[K953] BA0253, grid L8. No locations: [K160] US026, [K186] US052, [K595] TH021, [K1364] TH244)",(Note: fragment [K953] found with one fragment [K954] of silver mount 571),,,10.16 1963,187,

Part of catalogue no. 187. See K0160 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of low form with gilded animal ornament in low relief and black niello inlay,Hilt-collar,Silver,,186,,,126,, 2372,187,

Part of catalogue no. 187. See K0160 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of low form with gilded animal ornament in low relief and black niello inlay,Hilt-collar,Silver,,595,,,126,, 2821,187,

Part of catalogue no. 187. See K0160 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of low form with gilded animal ornament in low relief and black niello inlay,Hilt-collar,Silver,,953,,,126,L8, 3141,187,

Part of catalogue no. 187. See K0160 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-collar in cast silver of low form with gilded animal ornament in low relief and black niello inlay,Hilt-collar,Silver,,1364,,,126,, 1811,188,"

188                  [K34, K53, K180, K947, K993, K1026, K1169, K1189, K1238, K1248]

Remains probably of a pair of hilt-collars in cast silver of high form with gold filigree mounts. Found in ten fragments, partly rejoined, but both incomplete. Cast interlace/?Style II: oneside of each collar had a panel of trapezoidal shape, filled with fine triple-strand interlace that is densely woven, in low relief and gilded. Back-to-back animal heads with scrolled jaws probably framed the ends of both collars, in silver with niello inlay, including a non-joining fragment [K1169]. They are not typical Style II. Gem-setting: a small part of a round frame, possibly a gem-setting, remains with the cast interlace from one side of one collar. Mounts: on the other side of each collar was cast a blank frame into which corresponding trapezoidal mounts of gold sheet were fixed. Holes on the mounts align with holes on the silver collar fragments and parts of two small silver rivets remain in situ. They are different sizes, the smaller mount probably coming from the collar of the upper grip. The larger of the two has eight holes, some of which are oddly located, possibly suggesting a repair. The mounts have similar filigree ornament. Each has a central quatrefoil knot in a panel, with looping interlace in flanking panels. Also on the larger mount some wires are missing, where the additional fixing-holes were added. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; two annulets in the same wire combination are central to the interlace on one mount; herringbone bands separate the panels (of two-ply twisted wires, flanked by beaded wires); beaded wire also edges the mount. Reverses: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Flattening to filigree on one mount, possibly from an impact/?tool. Damage to one collar end possibly also from a tool. Set: possibly a suite with pommel 76 andhilt-guard pair 409; the cast bottom edges of the collars are shaped, and probably slotted originally into the hilt-guards.

L. joined collar fragments 34mm; H. joined collar fragments 18mm; L. mounts 31/41.5mm; H. mounts 11–11.5mm; Th. collar edge 2mm; Th. mount edge 0.5–1mm; Wt 10.45g (gold mounts Wt 3.02g); X-ray: L55, L88, L98, L101, L104, L125, L131

",Pair of hilt collars in cast silver of high form with gold filigree mounts,Hilt-collar,Silver,,34,"[K34] BA0224, grid M10; [K993] BA0291, grid M14; [K1026] BA0396, grid O10; [K1169] BA0414, grid O12; [K1189] BA0303, grid M14; [K1248] BA0335, grid N13. No locations: [K53] US0188, [K180] US0046, [K947] US0138, [K1238] US0147","(Note: found with fragment [K53]: four fragments of silver sheet, 691: [K1781, K1783]; one fragment of C-section silver edging, 614: [K1782]; one fragment die-impressed silver sheet, 606: [K1784])",98,M10,10.45 1830,188,

Part of catalogue no. 188. see K0034 for catalogue entry.

,Pair of hilt collars in cast silver of high form with gold filigree mounts,Hilt-collar,Silver,,53,,,125,, 1957,188,

Part of catalogue no. 188. see K0034 for catalogue entry.

,Pair of hilt collars in cast silver of high form with gold filigree mounts,Hilt-collar,Silver,,180,,,104,, 2815,188,

Part of catalogue no. 188. see K0034 for catalogue entry.

,Pair of hilt collars in cast silver of high form with gold filigree mounts,Hilt-collar,Silver (?),,947,,,101,, 2861,188,

Part of catalogue no. 188. see K0034 for catalogue entry.

,Pair of hilt collars in cast silver of high form with gold filigree mounts,Hilt-collar,Silver,,993,,,125,M14, 2894,188,

Part of catalogue no. 188. see K0034 for catalogue entry.

,Pair of hilt-collars in cast silver of high form with gold filigree mounts,Hilt-collar,Silver,,1026,,,125; 131,O10, 2946,188,

Part of catalogue no. 188. see K0034 for catalogue entry.

,Pair of hilt-collars in cast silver of high form with gold filigree mounts,Hilt-collar,Silver,,1169,,,,O12, 2966,188,

Part of catalogue no. 188. see K0034 for catalogue entry.

,Pair of hilt-collars in cast silver of high form with gold filigree mounts,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1189,,,88,M14, 3015,188,

Part of catalogue no. 188. see K0034 for catalogue entry.

,Pair of hilt-collars in cast silver of high form with gold filigree mounts,Hilt-collar,Gold,,1238,,,55,, 3025,188,

Part of catalogue no. 188. see K0034 for catalogue entry.

,Pair of hilt collars in cast silver of high form with gold filigree mounts,Hilt-collar,Silver,,1248,,,125,N13, 1982,189,"

189                  [K205, K814, K1359, K2075]

Four fragments of cast silver related in style and form (none join). Two fragments [K814, K2075] at least appear to be part of a collar of some sort; the remaining two are pitted from heavy corrosion. Three have remains of incised animal ornament. The most complete [K814, K2075] both demonstrate a return ?top edge, with part of an oval slot, possibly for a tang, and also have imitation twisted-wire trim. No traces of gilding. Style II: fragment [K814] has animal ornament, showing two affronted quadruped creatures with jaws that bite their own bodies, which are infilled with herringbone pattern; the two other fragments have remnants of similar ornament. Wear/marks: light wear on the most complete fragment [K814]. Set: probably a suite with pommel 71 and silver fragments 605.

L. largest 20mm; H. 8.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.16g; X-ray: L125, L140

",Four fragments of cast silver related in style and form,Hilt-collar,Silver,,205,"[K814] BA0129, grid J11. No locations: [K205] US0071, [K1359] TH243, [K2075=K1065] BA0158","(Note: found with [K2075]: one fragment [K2082] of silver hilt-plate 375; one fragment [K1065] of silver-gilt sheet object 607/08; two fragments [K1065] of reeded strip, 613: [K1065]; one fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K1065])",140,,3.16 2682,189,

Part of catalogue no. 189. See K0205 for catalogue entry.

,Four fragments of cast silver related in style and form,Hilt-collar,Silver,,814,,,125,J11, 3136,189,"

Part of catalogue no. 189, see K0205

",Four fragments of cast silver related in style and form,Hilt-collar,Silver,,1359,,,140,, 3948,189,

Part of catalogue no. 189. See K0205 for catalogue entry.

,Four fragments of cast silver related in style and form,Hilt-collar,Silver,,2075,,,,, 3231,190,"

190                  [K1454, K1461, K1607, K1618, K1657, K1659, K1660, K1696, K1873]

Remains from one or possibly a pair of hilt-collars cast in copper alloy, imitating filigree wire, with gilding. In thirty-two fragments, the largest curved, and the remainder very small and abraded (some almost disintegrated, or pieces of detached gilding). Imitates filigree herringbone-with-spine ornament.

L. largest 12.5mm; H. 3mm; Th. 2mm; Wt 0.84g; X-ray: L24, L87, L105, L106

","Remains from one or possibly a pair of hilt collars cast in copper alloy, imitating filigree wire, with gilding",Hilt-collar,Copper alloy,,1454,"[K1873=K2] BA0208, grid L12. No locations for other fragments","(Note: [K1454] part of soil block 10; [K1461] part of soil block 21; [K1607] part of soil block 13; [K1618] part of soil block 16, [K1657, K1659, K1660] part of soil block 5; [K1696] part of soil block K512; [K1873] found inside hilt-collar 97)",105,,0.84 3238,190,

Part of catalogue no. 190. See K1454 for catalogue entry.

,"Remains from one or possibly a pair of hilt collars cast in copper alloy, imitating filigree wire, with gilding",Hilt-collar,Copper alloy,,1461,,,106,, 3385,190,

Part of catalogue no. 190. See K1454 for catalogue entry.

,"Remains from one or possibly a pair of hilt collars cast in copper alloy, imitating filigree wire, with gilding",Hilt-collar,Copper alloy,,1607,,,106,, 3396,190,

Part of catalogue no. 190. See K1454 for catalogue entry.

,"Remains from one or possibly a pair of hilt collars cast in copper alloy, imitating filigree wire, with gilding",Hilt-collar,Copper alloy,,1618,,,105,, 3435,190,

Part of catalogue no. 190. See K1454 for catalogue entry.

,"Remains from one or possibly a pair of hilt collars cast in copper alloy, imitating filigree wire, with gilding",Hilt-collar,Copper alloy,,1657,,,,, 3437,190,

Part of catalogue no. 190. See K1454 for catalogue entry.

,"Remains from one or possibly a pair of hilt collars cast in copper alloy, imitating filigree wire, with gilding",Hilt-collar,Copper alloy,,1659,,,105,, 3438,190,

Part of catalogue no. 190. See K1454 for catalogue entry.

,"Remains from one or possibly a pair of hilt collars cast in copper alloy, imitating filigree wire, with gilding",Hilt-collar,Copper alloy,,1660,,,87,, 3474,190,

Part of catalogue no. 190. See K1454 for catalogue entry.

,"Remains from one or possibly a pair of hilt collars cast in copper alloy, imitating filigree wire, with gilding",Hilt-collar,Copper alloy,,1696,,,105,, 3650,190,

Part of catalogue no. 190. See K1454 for catalogue entry.

,"Remains from one or possibly a pair of hilt collars cast in copper alloy, imitating filigree wire, with gilding",Hilt-collar,Copper alloy,,1873,,,,L12, 2169,191,"

191                  [K392]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Possibly from the upper grip; preserves the oval section of the grip exactly. Wear/marks: light wear. Beading slightly flattened on one edge, possibly from contact with a hilt-guard/plate. Original soldered join in the ring is visible. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-ring 192; a possible match to the impression on hilt-plate 318.

L. 26mm; W. 19.5mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 2.68g; X-ray: L20

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,392,"[K392] TH143, no location",,20,,2.68 2247,192,"

192                  [K470]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Possibly from the lower grip; preserves the oval form of the grip exactly. Wear/marks: light wear. Beading slightly flattened on one edge, probably from contact with a hilt-guard/plate. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-ring 191; a possible match to the impression on hilt-plate 244.

L. 50mm; W. 22mm; Diam. 2.5mm; Wt 4.96g; X-ray: L49

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,470,"[K470] TH238, no location",,49,,4.96 1833,193,"

193                  [K56]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Possibly from the upper grip; preserves the general oval section of the grip. Possibly broken open at the original soldered butt-join. Wear/marks: light wear. Beading slightly flattened on two edges, probably from contact with the grip and a hilt-guard/plate. Possible tool/cut mark. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-ring 194.

L. 37.5mm; W. 24mm; Diam. 3mm; Wt 8.10g; X-ray: L20

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,56,"K56] BA0062, Grid L11",,20,L11,8.1 2680,194,"

194                  [K812]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Possibly from the lower grip. Broken open at the original soldered butt-join and misshapen. Wear/marks: light wear. Beading slightly flattened on the inside edge, probably from contact with the grip. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-ring 193.

L. 59mm; W. 21mm; Diam. 3mm; Wt 12.78g; X-ray: L48

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,812,"[K812] BA0112, grid J10",,48,J10,12.78 2351,195,"

195                  [K574]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Possibly from the upper grip. Cut open, one end bent up, but preserves generally the oval section of the grip. Wear/marks: moderate wear to one edge. Beading flattened across one edge, possibly from contact with a hilt-guard/plate, but it is also damaged where the side is lifted (?levered), with flattening probably caused by a tool (?tongs). Set: possibly a pair with hilt-ring 196.

L. 32mm; W. 24mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 5.26g; X-ray: L20

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,574,"[K574] TH019, no location",,20,,5.26 2560,196,"

196                  [K692]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Possibly from the lower grip. Cut open and misshapen. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Beading slightly flattened in one place, possibly from contact with a hilt-guard/plate/grip. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-ring 195.

L. 75mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 5.44g; X-ray: L45

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,692,"[K692] TH091, no location",,45,,5.44 3203,197,"

197                  [K1426]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Possibly from the upper grip; preserves exactly the oval section of the grip. Wear/marks: light wear. The beading is flattened on top and bottom edges, possibly from contact with a hilt-guard/plate and other hilt-fittings. Scratches on one edge from a ?tool/light cut marks. 

L. 27mm; W. 16.5mm; Diam. 2.5mm; Wt 4.65g; X-ray: L20

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,1426,"Grid location: [K1426], no location",Note: [K1426] part of soil block 4,20,,4.65 1917,198,

198                  [K140]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Possibly from the upper grip; preserves the oval section of the grip. Slightly misshapen. Original soldered butt-join visible. Wear/marks: light wear. Cut mark one side.

L. 26mm; W. 20mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 2.79g; X-ray: L37

,Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,140,"[K140] US0006, no location",,37,,2.79 2168,199,"

199                  [K391]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Possibly from the upper grip. Possibly broken open. Original soldered, angled join in the ring visible. Wear/marks: light wear. Beading flattened in two places, possibly from damage or from contact with other parts/fittings of the hilt. 

L. 28mm; W. 21mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 2.43g; X-ray: L37

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,391,"[K391] TH145, no location",,37,,2.43 2066,200,"

200                  [K289]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Possibly from the lower grip; preserves the oval section of the grip. Wear/marks: light wear. Dented on one edge with a cut mark (?levered with a blade). Beading slightly flattened on several edges, possibly from contact with the grip, a hilt-guard/plate and other fittings.

L. 36mm; W. 23.5mm; Diam. 2.5mm; Wt 6.46g; X-ray: L20

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,289,"[K289] TH169, no location",,20,,6.46 2911,201,

201                  [K1134]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Ends cut at an angle and one end bent. Wear/marks: light wear. Small area of damage.

L. 36mm; W. 35mm Diam. 2mm; Wt 2.38g; X-ray: L49

,Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,1134,"[K1134] BA0498, grid Q9",,49,Q9,2.38 2762,202,"

202                  [K894]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Misshapen, but possibly complete. Possibly broken open at the original soldered butt-join. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 76mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 5.28g; X-ray: L20

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,894,"[K894] BA1065, no location",,20,,5.28 2854,203,"

203                  [K986]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Possibly broken open at the original soldered butt-join and misshapen. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Flattening of the beading, possibly from contact with other hilt parts. 

L. 50mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 5.27g; X-ray: L50

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,986,"[K986] BA0281, grid M8",,50,M8,5.27 2435,204,"

204                  [K1060]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Broken open and misshapen, but possibly complete. Wear/marks: light wear. Small area of flattening, possibly from contact with a hilt-plate/guard. Cut mark one end.

L. 47mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 2.83g; X-ray: L50

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,1060,"[K1060] BA0154, grid M8",,50,M8,2.83 2451,205,"

205                  [K1076]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Broken open and misshapen. Wear/marks: light wear. Pinched one edge, the beading flattened, perhaps by a tool (?tongs). Cut mark one end.

L. 79mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 5.17g; X-ray: L50

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,1076,"[K1076] BA0170, grid M11",,50,M11,5.17 2597,206,"

206                  [K729, K956]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Possibly complete, two fragments with an uncertain join (they are not certainly the same ring, but the beading is very similar); all ends broken, two possibly broken at the original soldered butt-join. Wear/marks: light wear. Beading is pinched one edge [956], possibly caused by a tool (?tongs). Cut marks one end [K729].

L. 22/27mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 1.99g; X-ray: L45, L49 

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,729,"[K729] BA0204, grid M12; [K956] BA0251, no location",(Note: fragment [K729] part of finds group BA0204),49,M12,1.99 2824,206,

Part of catalogue no. 206. See K0729 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,956,,,45,, 1805,207,"

207                  [K28]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Incomplete and opened out, one end has a cut mark. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 57mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 2.77g; X-ray: L50

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,28,"[K28] BA0226, grid L12",,50,L12,2.77 2997,208,"

208                  [K1220]

Length of thick gold beaded wire, probably a hilt-ring. Probably incomplete, ends cut at an angle, and opened out. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 40.5mm; Diam. 1.5mm; Wt 1.13g; X-ray: L49


","Length of thick gold beaded wire, probably a hilt-ring",Hilt-ring,Gold,,1220,"[K1220] BA0297, grid M8",,49,M8,1.13 2794,209,"

209                  [K926]

Hilt-ring fragment of thick gold beaded wire. Bent into a loop, one end cut at an angle. Wear/marks: light wear. Cut mark one side. 

L. 22mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 1.37g; X-ray: L49

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,926,"[K926] BA1035, no location",,49,,1.37 2495,210,"

210                  [K1120]

Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire. Incomplete and misshapen, one end cut at an angle, the other end broken (possibly at butt-join). Wear/marks: light wear. Beading slightly flattened on one edge, possibly from contact with a hilt-guard/plate.

L. 42mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 2.06g; X-ray: L45

",Hilt-ring of thick gold beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Gold,,1120,"[K1120] BA0434, grid P12",,45,P12,2.06 2652,211,"

211                  [K784]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, three-ply twisted-beaded wire. Possibly from the upper grip. Cut open and misshapen; a small piece of gold sheet each end, which originally formed a single piece that wrapped the soldered join (i.e. cut in half). Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-ring 212.

L. 45mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 2.29g; X-ray: L49

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree, three-ply twisted-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,784,"[K784] BA0104, no location","(Note: found on site with: one silver locking pin 676: [K786], one fragment of silver sheet 690: [K785], one fragment die-impressed sheet 606: [K785], one fragment [K787] of silver bracket 685)",49,,2.29 2248,212,"

212                  [K471]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, three-ply twisted-beaded wire. Both ends cut at an angle (i.e. cut open) and misshapen. A small piece of gold sheet in the middle of the length wraps the original soldered butt-join. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-ring 211.

L. 70mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 3.12g; X-ray: L120

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree, three-ply twisted-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,471,"[K471] TH220, no location",,120,,3.12 2885,213,"

213                  [K1017]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, three-ply twisted-beaded wire. Possibly from the upper grip; preserves partly the oval section of the grip.  Broken open at the original soldered butt-join in the ring. A fragment of sheet each end is from a patch that covered the join (i.e. torn in half). Wear/marks: light wear. One area of beading is pinched flat (two sides), possibly by a tool (?tongs). Set: possibly apair with hilt-ring 214.

L. 27.5mm; W. 22mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 2.08g; X-ray: L49

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree, three-ply twisted-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,1017,"[K1017] BA0404, grid L7",,49,L7,2.08 2839,214,"

214                  [K971]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, three-ply twisted-beaded wire. Possibly from the lower grip. Cut and opened out. Wear/marks: light wear. Cut mark on length. Set: possibly apair with hilt-ring 213.

L. 71mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 2.42g; X-ray: L45

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree wire, three-ply twisted-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,971,"[K971] BA0273, grid M9",,45,M9,2.42 1877,215,"

215                  [K100]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, three-ply twisted-beaded wire. Straightened out, cut at one end and the wires frayed at the other end; probably incomplete. Fragment of gold sheet one end (probably from a piece that would have covered the original butt-join). Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 58mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 1.87g; X-ray: L120

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree wire, three-ply twisted-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,100,"[K100] BA0058, grid K11",,120,K11,1.87 2420,216,"

216                  [K1045]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, three-ply twisted-beaded wire. Broken open at the original butt-join in the ring and misshapen; the patch of sheet one end originally covered the join. Wear/marks: light wear. 

L. 61mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 4.21g; X-ray: L82, L83

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree wire, three-ply twisted-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,1045,"[K1045] BA0384, grid M7",,82; 83,M7,4.21 3057,217,"

217                  [K1280]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, three-ply twisted-beaded wire. Cut open and misshapen. A thinner beaded wire is mounted on one edge. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: probablya pair with hilt-ring 218.

L. 53mm; Diam. thicker wire 1.5mm; H. 2mm; Wt 1.49g; X-ray: L45

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree wire, three-ply twisted-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,1280,"[K1280] US0155, no location",,45,,1.49 2471,218,"

218                  [K1096]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, three-ply twisted-beaded wire. Ends broken and misshapen; probably incomplete. A thinner beaded wire is mounted on one edge. Wire flooded by solder in places. Wear/marks: light wear. Cut mark one end. Set: probablya pair with hilt-ring 217.

L. 39mm; Diam. thicker wire 2mm; H. 2.5mm; Wt 2.13g; X-ray: L44

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree, three-ply twisted-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,1096,"[K1096] BA0147, grid M10",,44,M10,2.13 1906,219,"

219                  [K129]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, wrapped-beaded wire. Possibly from the upper grip. Broken open at the original soldered butt-join. A thinner beaded wire (broken, incomplete) was mounted on one edge and a thin strip of sheet is attached to the inside edge. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: probably a pair with hilt-ring 220

L. 39mm; W. 30mm; Diam. wrapped-beaded wire 2.5mm; H. 4mm; Wt 5.94g; X-ray: L123

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree, wrapped-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,129,"[K129] BA0009, grid K10",(Note: found on site with: one fragment [K879] from hilt-collar 87; hilt-plate 334; gold mount 420),123,K10,5.94 2989,220,"

220                  [K1212, K1343]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, wrapped-beaded wire. Possibly from the lower grip. In two fragments, one end of each is cut (i.e. ring cut open); other ends are breaks (recent). A thinner beaded wire runs around the top/bottom edge. The composite wire was formed by wrapping a beaded wire around a thin core wire, which is visible in the end sections (Th. 1mm). Wear/marks: light wear. Set: probably a pair with hilt-ring 219.

L. 56.5/41.5mm (joined 71mm); Diam. wrapped-beaded wire 3mm; H. 4mm; Wt 10.00g; X-ray: L48

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree, wrapped-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,1212,"[K1212] BA0323, grid N8; [K1343] TH243, no location",,48,N8,10 3120,220,

Part of catalogue no. 220. See K1212 for catalogue entry.

,"Hilt-ring of gold filigree, wrapped-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,1343,,,48,, 2592,221,"

221                  [K724]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, wrapped-beaded wire. Possibly from the upper grip; preserves the general oval section of the grip. Wear/marks: light wear. Pinched one edge, where the ring is misshapen, possibly caused by a tool (?tongs). Set: hilt-rings 221–224 have a similar wire diameter, possibly they represent two pairs. 

L. 30mm; W. 23.5mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 2.71g; X-ray: L123

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree, wrapped-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,724,"[K724] BA0206, Grid L12","(Note: found on site with: one fragment of die-impressed silver sheet, 604: [K15])",123,L12,2.71 2143,222,"

222                  [K366]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, wrapped-beaded wire. Probably complete, both ends cut, opened out. The composite wire was formed by wrapping a beaded wire around a thin core wire, which is visible in places (Th. 1mm). Wear/marks: light wear. Set: hilt-rings 221–224 have a similar wire diameter, possibly they represent two pairs.

L. 65mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 2.46g; X-ray: L138

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree, wrapped-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,366,"[K366] TH133, no location",,138,,2.46 1909,223,"

223                  [K132]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, wrapped-beaded wire. Possibly from the lower grip. Cut open; one end crushed, possibly by a tool. The wrapped-beaded wire has broken and shifted in places, revealing the core wire (Th. 1mm). The wire is fused/melted in places and solder is visible from manufacture. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: hilt-rings 221–224 have a similar wire diameter, possibly they represent two pairs.

L. 45mm; W. 21mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 3.06g; X-ray: L120

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree, wrapped-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,132,"[K132] BA0057A, grid J10","(Note: found on site with: hilt-plates 284 and 335; one fragment of die-impressed silver sheet, 606: [K2081])",120,J10,3.06 2434,224,"

224                  [K1059]

Hilt-ring of gold filigree, wrapped-beaded wire. Possibly from the lower grip; slightly misshapen, but preserves the general oval section of the grip. The composite wrapped-beaded wire has broken and shifted in places, revealing the core wire (Th. 1mm). Wear/marks: light wear. One small area of damage, the wire flattened one edge, possibly caused by a tool (?tongs). Set: hilt-rings 221–224 have a similar wire diameter, possibly they represent two pairs. 

L. 42mm; W. 24mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 4.20g; X-ray: L49

","Hilt-ring of gold filigree, wrapped-beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Gold,,1059,"[K1059] BA0153, grid M8",,49,M8,4.2 2558,225,"

225                  [K690]

Plain hilt-ring cast in gold. Flat with an egg-shaped section. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: part of asuite for a seax/knife hilt with pommel 55, hilt-collars 167–168 and cap-fitting 169.

L. 33mm; W. 22mm; H. 2.5mm Wt 7.77g; X-ray: L6

",Plain hilt-ring cast in gold,Hilt-ring,Gold,,690,"[K690] TH084, no location",,6,,7.77 2971,226,"

226                  [K1194]

Hilt-ring cast in silver, imitating thick beaded wire. Possibly from the upper grip. Half only, two rejoined fragments (recent break), ends cut at an angle. No gilding. Cast/filed flat on one edge, probably so it was flush with hilt-guard/plate. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-ring 227.

L. 34mm; W. 29mm Diam. 3 mm; Wt 4.05g; X-ray: L48

","Hilt-ring cast in silver, imitating thick beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Silver,,1194,"[K1194] BA0315, grid K13",,48,K13,4.05 2982,227,"

227                  [K1205]

Hilt-ring cast in silver, imitating thick beaded wire. Possibly from the lower grip. Incomplete, about half only, one end cut at an angle. No gilding. Cast/filed flat on one edge, probably so it was flush with hilt-guard/plate. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-ring 226.

L. 45mm; W. 21mm; Diam. 3mm; Wt 3.65g; X-ray: L48

","Hilt-ring cast in silver, imitating thick beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Silver,,1205,"[K1205] BA0319, grid N8",,48,N8,3.65 2023,228,"

228                  [K246]

Curved fragment from a hilt-ring cast in silver with gilding, imitating thick beaded wire. Both ends broken. Cast/filed flat on one edge, probably so it was flush with a hilt-guard/plate. Wear/marks: light wear. Beading slightly flattened on another edge, possibly from contact with other hilt-fittings.  Set: possibly a pair with hilt-ring 229.

L. 23mm; W. 20.5mm; Diam. 3mm; Wt 1.68g; X-ray: L49

","Curved fragment from a hilt-ring cast in silver with gilding, imitating thick beaded wire",Hilt-ring,Silver,,246,"[K246] TH179, no location",,49,,1.68 3145,229,"

229                  [K1368]

Curved end fragment of a hilt-ring cast in silver with gilding, imitating thick beaded wire. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Beading slightly flattened on one edge, possibly from contact with a hilt-guard/plate.  Set: possibly a pair with hilt-ring 228.

L. 17mm; Diam. 3mm; Wt 1.43g; X-ray: L48 

",Curved end fragment of a hilt-ring cast in silver with gilding imitating thick beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Silver,,1368,"[K1368] TH244, no location",,48,,1.43 2770,230,"

230                  [K902, K1227]

Hilt-ring cast in silver with gilding, imitating thick beaded wire. Half only, found in two fragments (rejoined), one end cut at an angle [K1227]. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 22mm; Diam. 3mm; Wt 2.88g; X-ray: L48, L64

",Hilt-ring cast in silver with gilding imitating thick beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Silver,,902,"[K902] BA1038, no location; [K1227] BA0135, grid L9",(Note: fragment [K902] part of finds group BA1038),64,,2.88 3004,230,

Part of catalogue no. 230. See K0902 for catalogue entry. 

,Hilt-ring cast in silver with gilding imitating thick beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Silver,,1227,,,48,L9, 2249,231,"

231                  [K472]

Hilt-ring cast in silver, imitating thick beaded wire. Possibly from the lower grip; preserves the general oval section of the grip. Found in two fragments (recent break); missing a small section. No traces of gilding. Wear/marks: light wear. Slight flattening of the beading on the inside and one other edge, probably from contact with a hilt-guard/plate, the grip or other fittings.

L. 49mm; W. 15mm; Diam. 2.5mm; Wt 2.98g; X-ray: L49

",Hilt-ring cast in silver imitating thick beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Silver,,472,"[K472] TH240, no grid location",,49,,2.98 3275,232,"

232                  [K1498, K1840, K2156]

Hilt-ring cast in silver with gilding, imitating thick beaded wire. Incomplete, about half only, found in five fragments. Cast flat on the inside edge, probably so it was flush with the grip. Wear/marks: moderate wear. The beading is slightly flattened on one edge, possibly from contact with a hilt-guard/plate. Set: possibly the same ring or a pair with hilt-ring 233.

L. 30mm; H. 2mm; Th. 1.5mm; Wt 0.76g; X-ray: L64, L103, L121

",Hilt-ring cast in silver with gilding imitating thick beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Silver,,1498,"[K1498], [K1840=K296] TH158, [K2156=K1481], no locations","(Note: [K1498] part of soil block 20; [K2156] part of soil block 15. Fragment [K1840] found with: hilt-collar 180; hilt-plate 322; mount 522; one silver sheet fragment, 690: [K1841])",64,,0.76 3619,232,

Part of catalogue no. 232. See K1498 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-ring cast in silver with gilding imitating thick beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Silver,,1840,,,,, 4030,232,

Part of catalogue no. 232 see K1498  for details.

,Hilt-ring cast in silver with gilding imitating thick beaded wire.,Hilt-ring,Silver,,2156,,,,, 3258,233,"

Two small curved fragments of cast silver with gilding, imitating thick beaded wire, probably from a hilt-ring. (The fragments have now been joined.) Wear/marks: flattened, possibly by a tool (?tongs). Set: possibly the same ring or a pair with hilt-ring 232.

L. 13mm; H. 2mm; Th. 1mm; Wt 0.20g; X-ray: L100, L103

",Two joining small curved fragments of cast silver with gilding imitating thick beaded wire probably from a hilt-ring,Hilt-ring,Silver,,1481,No locations,(Note: [K1481] part of soil block 15; [K1746] part of soil block 9),103,,0.2 3524,233,

Part of catalogue no. 233. See K1481 for catalogue entry.

,Two joining small curved fragments of cast silver with gilding imitating thick beaded wire probably from a hilt-ring,Hilt-ring,Silver,,1746,,,100; 103,, 1960,234,"

234                  [K183]

Curved fragment of a hilt-ring cast in silver, imitating thick beaded wire. One end cut. No traces of gilding. Beading cast/filed flat on the inside edge, probably so it was flush with the grip and a hilt-guard/plate. Wear/marks: moderate wear.

L. 19mm; Diam. 2.5mm; Wt 0.60g; X-ray: L48

",Curved fragment of a hilt-ring cast in silver imitating thick beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Silver,,183,"[K183] US0049, no location",,48,,0.6 2173,235,"

235                  [K396]

Hilt-ring cast in silver, imitating thick beaded wire. Incomplete, both ends broken, and misshapen. No traces of gilding. Wear/marks: light wear. Cut marks.

L. 35mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 0.99g; X-ray: L45

",Hilt-ring cast in silver imitating thick beaded wire.,Hilt-ring,Silver,,396,"[K183] US0049, no location",,45,,0.99 3375,236,"

236                  [K1597, K1635]

Curved piece from a hilt-ring cast in silver, imitating thick beaded wire. In two rejoined fragments (recent break). No traces of gilding. Cast/filed flat on one edge, probably so it was flush with the hilt-guard/plate. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Multiple cut marks.

L. 39mm; Diam. 2.5mm; Wt 1.68g; X-ray: L48

",Curved piece from a hilt-ring cast in silver imitating thick beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Silver,,1597,No locations,(Note: [K1597] part of soil block 1; [K1635] part of soil block 17),48,,1.68 3413,236,

Part of catalogue  no. 236. See K1597 for catalogue entry. 

,Curved piece from a hilt-ring cast in silver imitating thick beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Silver,,1635,No location,,48,, 3614,237,"

237                  [K1835]

Slightly curved fragment of cast silver with gilding, imitating thick beaded wire, probably from a hilt-ring. Cast/filed flat on the inside edge, probably so it was flush with the grip. Wear/marks: light wear. Slight flattening of the beading on one edge, possibly from contact with a hilt-guard/plate.

L. 18mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 0.30g; X-ray: L39, L41

",Slightly curved fragment of cast silver with gilding imitating thick beaded wire probably from a hilt-ring,Hilt-ring,Silver,,1835,"[K1835=K295] TH165, no location","(Note: attached by mud with: pommel fragments 61 and 62, hilt-plate 317, one gold boss, 637: [K1831], one silver rivet, 673: [K1834], two silver reeded strip fragments, 613: [K1836], seventeen very small fragments silver sheet, 690: [K1837])",,,0.3 3715,238,"

238                  [K1935]

Curved fragment from a hilt-ring in cast silver with gilding, imitating thick beaded wire. Cast/filed flat on the inside edge, probably so it was flush with the grip. 

L. 15.5mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 0.31g; X-ray: L135

",Curved fragment from a hilt-ring in cast silver with gilding imitating thick beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Silver,,1935,"[K1935=K833] SCC0021, no location","(Note: attached by mud with: mount 438, nine fragments of reeded strip, 613: [K1934]; one silver nail, 674: [K1936]; five small fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1937])",,,0.31 2624,239,"

239                  [K756]

Small curved fragment of a hilt-ring cast in silver, imitating thick beaded wire. No traces of gilding. Cast/filed flat on the inside edge, probably so it was flush with the grip. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 13.5mm; H. 2.5 mm; Wt 0.41g; X-ray: L48

",Small curved fragment of a hilt-ring cast in silver imitating thick beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Silver,,756,"[K756] BA0203, no location",(Note: [K756] part of finds group BA0203),48,,0.41 2044,240,"

240                  [K267]

Small curved fragment of cast silver, imitating thick beaded wire, probably from a hilt-ring. No traces of gilding. Wear/marks: light wear. The beading is slightly flattened on one edge, possibly from contact with a hilt-guard/plate. 

L. 8mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 0.12g; X-ray: L64

",Small curved fragment of cast silver imitating thick beaded wire probably from a hilt-ring,Hilt-ring,Silver,,267,"[K267] TH179, no location",,64,,0.12 2288,241,"

241                  [K511, K1705]

Two small fragments of a hilt-ring in cast silver with gilding, imitating thick beaded wire. No join, but probably from the same ring. Cast/filed flat on the inside edge, probably so it was flush with the grip. Wear/marks: moderate wear. 

L. 15mm; H. 2mm; Th. 2mm; Wt 0.18g; X-ray: L95, L105

",Fragments of a hilt-ring in cast silver with gilding imitating thick beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Silver,,511,"[K511] TH215, [K1705], no locations)",(Note: [K1705] part of soil block K795),105,,0.18 3483,241,

Part of catalogue no. 241. See K0511 for details.

,Fragment of a hilt-ring in cast silver with gilding imitating thick beaded wire,Hilt-ring,Silver,,1705,,,95,, 3349,242,"

242                  [K1571, K1695, K2018]

Four fragments of cast copper alloy with gilding, imitating thick beaded wire, possibly from one hilt-ring or a pair. Two join [K1695]. Material confirmed by XRF. Cast/filed flat on the inside edge, so it was flush with the grip. Wear/marks: not possible to determine. 

L. largest 10mm; Diam. 2mm; Wt 0.12g; X-ray: L105, L106, L140

","Fragments of cast copper alloy with gilding imitating thick beaded wire, possibly from one hilt-ring or a pair",Hilt-ring,Copper alloy,,1571,No locations,(Note: [K1571] part of soil block 6; [K1695] part of soil block K512; [K2018] part of soil block 15),140,,0.12 3473,242,

Part of catalogue no. 242. See K1571 for catalogue entry. This K no. consisted of two joined fragments weighing  0.07g.

,Fragments of cast copper alloy with gilding imitating thick beaded wire possibly from one hilt-ring or a pair,Hilt-ring,Copper alloy,,1695,,,105,, 3799,242,

Part of catalogue no. 242. See K1571 for catalogue entry.

,Fragment of cast copper alloy with gilding imitating thick beaded wire possibly from one hilt-ring or a pair,Hilt-ring,Copper alloy,,2018,,,,, 2060,243,"

243                  [K283]

Pair of hilt-plates in gold of oval form with garnet bosses. From the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, with a rectangular slot cut in the centre of each plate for the weapon tang (bottom plate: L. 18mm; W. 9.5mm; top plate: L. 15mm; W. 4.5mm); the bottom plate (grip side) has a side-flange, damaged at one tip; the top plate (pommel side) is flat. Three rivet-holes each end on each plate; the holes at the tips of the top plate are covered by the garnet bosses, with corresponding flat bosses on the bottom plate; four gold rivets of six originals still fix the plates; one is cut (L. 16mm, complete examples to top of garnet bosses). A gold double-washer is in situ on the bottom plate, held in place by one rivet. Bosses: the gemmed bosses on the top plate are set with cabochon garnets, in plain bezels with filigree collars (no gold foils are visible through the garnets). The collars are different: one boss has a collar of single-strand beaded wire, like the flat bosses on the bottom plate; the other garnet boss has a collar of triple-strand beaded wire (like the bosses on hilt-plate 244). This suggests one gemmed boss may be a repair (both Diam. 6.5mm). Interior/reverses: a liner of cast copper alloy is in situ behind the bottom plate, gripped by the flange edges. Between the plates is sandwiched substantial organic fragments, probably preserved horn, the remains of the hilt-guard. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree collars. Marks on bottom plate around tang-slot from a hilt-collar or grip. Patination from a pommel on top plate, and possible ?tool/blade scratches associated. Set: probably a pair with hilt-plate pair 244.

L. 59.5mm; W. 21.5mm; H. both plates 15.5mm; H. flange 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 16.23g; no X-ray

",Pair of hilt-plates in gold of oval form with garnet bosses,Hilt-plate,Gold,,283,"[K283] TH176, no location","(Note: found in mud adhering: one fragment of silver reeded strip, 613: [K1824]; one cut garnet, 693: [K2079]; one fragment of silver-gilt sheet 690: [K2080])",,,16.23 2340,244,"

244                  [K563]

Pair of hilt-plates in gold of oval form with gemmed bosses (stones missing). From the lower guard of a sword. One end bent; some tearing. Constructed of sheet metal. A gold rivet (L. 14mm) through each end still fixes the plates. The bottom plate (blade side) has a side-flange and slot for the sword blade (L. 62mm; W. 5mm) running the length of the centre (it also has a flanged edge). The top plate (grip side) is flat with a corresponding rectangular slot for the blade tang (L. 33mm; W. 7.5mm). Bosses: on the bottom plate the rivets are set in flat bosses (Diam. 8mm) with filigree collars of single-strand beaded wire; on the top plate are the gemmed bosses (Diam. 6mm) with triple-strand beaded wire collars surrounding plain bezels; the stones (?garnet) that would have covered the heads of the rivets are missing. Interior/reverses: behind the bottom plate is a cast liner of copper alloy, gripped by the edges of the side-flange and blade-slot flange. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Top plate: flattening to one filigree collar with associated scratches, possibly from a tool; an oval impression with beaded indentations (L. 51mm; W. 21mm) from a hilt-ring surrounds the tang-slot. Bottom plate: longitudinal scratches parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing. Set: probably a suite with hilt-plate pair 243. Hilt-ring 192 is a match for the oval mark on the top plate.

L. 86mm; W. 23.5mm; H. flange 2mm; H. both plates 14mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 21.96g; X-ray: L19, L28, L29

",Pair of hilt-plates in gold of oval form with gemmed bosses (stones missing).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,563,"[K563] TH023, no location",,19; 28; 29,,21.96 2731,245,"

245                  [K863]

Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of garnet bosses. Cut, twisted and folded. A top plate (pommel side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, flat originally with a slot cut for the weapon tang at the centre (destroyed by damage). Three rivet-holes each end, those at the tips covered by the gemmed bosses; one silver rivet stub, underside of one boss. Bosses: each boss (Diam. 7mm) has a plain bezel with a filigree collar of triple-strand beaded wire; the red garnets are cabochon cut (one is sunken); no gold backing foils are visible through the garnets. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree collars. Around the innermost two rivets at one end and around the tang-slot are marks from a pommel with a beaded-wire base. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-plates 246–248.

L. 19mm; W. 15mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 2.81g; X-ray: L59

",Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of garnet bosses,Hilt-plate,Gold,,863,"[K863] SCC0008, grid K10",,59,K10,2.81 2570,246,"

246                  [K702]

Hilt-plate in gold with gemmed bosses (one complete with its garnet). Torn and misshapen. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with originally a side-flange and a rectangular slot cut for the weapon tang (torn open); a ‘stepped’ join is visible on the flange interior (see 248). Three rivet-holes each end, those at the tips covered by the bosses; one head of a ?copper-alloy rivet under the intact boss. Bosses: each boss (Diam. 7mm) has a plain bezel with a filigree collar of triple-strand beaded wire; one retains its cabochon garnet (sunken); no gold backing foil is visible through the stone. Wear/marks: light wear. ?Tool scratch one end. Mark from a hilt-collar or grip around the tang-slot. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-plates 245 and 247–248.

L. 41mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 5.56g; X-ray: L57, L64, L142

",Hilt-plate in gold with gemmed bosses (one complete with its garnet).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,702,"[K702] TH046, no location",,57; 64; 142,,5.56 2458,247,

Part of catalogue no. 247 see K0777

,Hilt-plate in gold with gemmed bosses (missing stones).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1083,,,59,M11, 2645,247,"

247                  [K777, K1083]

Hilt-plate in gold with gemmed bosses (missing stones). In two rejoined fragments, torn and twisted, missing part of one side. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal, flat originally with a rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut centrally (destroyed). One rivet-hole each end, the holes surrounded by the settings (one torn); no rivets. Bosses: each boss (Diam. 10mm) has a plain bezel with a filigree collar of triple-strand beaded wire; both are missing their stone. Wear/marks: light wear. Scored line on reverse edge [K1083]. Mark from a hilt-collar around the tang-slot. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-plates 245–246 and 248.

L. 68mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.98g; X-ray: L59, L63

",Hilt-plate in gold with gemmed bosses (missing stones).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,777,"[K777] BA0093, no location; [K1083] BA0180, grid M11",,63,,3.98 2535,248,"

248                  [K667]

Hilt-plate in gold with a garnet boss. One end torn off and missing. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form with a side-flange (a ‘stepped’ join at one end: see 246) and a slot for the blade centrally with a standing flange. The boss at the tip covers a rivet-hole; no rivet. Boss: the boss has a plain bezel with a filigree collar of triple-strand beaded wire; the red garnet is cabochon cut; no gold backing foil is visible through the stone. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-plates 245–247.

L. 99mm; W. 36mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 9.73g; X-ray: L18

",Hilt-plate in gold with a garnet boss.,Hilt-plate,Gold,,667,"[K667] TH043, no location",,18,,9.73 2704,249,"

249                  [K836]

Hilt-plate in gold with gemmed bosses (one complete with its garnet). Twisted, some tearing. A top plate (pommel side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with smoothed edges, flat and of oval form originally with a sub-rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut at the centre (with ragged edges). Multiple rivet-holes each end, those at the tips covered by the bosses; one gold rivet in situ, bent, ?complete (L. 15.5mm). Bosses: each boss (Diam. 7mm) has a plain bezel with a filigree collar of triple-strand beaded wire; the red garnet is a flat-topped cabochon; a gold foil backs the stone (the pattern is obscured by in-wash); a second round foil is loose from the other empty boss, with a weak cross-hatched ‘standard’ pattern. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree collars. Around one hole, one end, are multiple smaller holes and indentations (from manufacture or repair). The hole with the rivet has ragged edges on the reverse side (possibly caused at removal). Patina/mark from a pommel. Set: probably a suite with hilt-plate 250.

L. 40.5mm; W. 14.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.20g; X-ray: L40

",Hilt-plate in gold with gemmed bosses (one complete with its garnet).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,836,"(Grid location: [K836] BA0023, grid L10)",(Note: found on site with two fragments of silver die-impressed panel 600),40,L10,3.2 2639,250,"

250                  [K771]

Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of garnet bosses (one stone detached). Twisted. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal, flat and of oval form originally with a rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre. One rivet-hole each end, the holes covered by the bosses; two gold rivets, bent but complete (L. 18.5–19mm). Bosses: each boss (Diam. 7mm) has a plain bezel with a filigree collar of triple-strand beaded wire; the garnets are flat-topped, red cabochons; gold cross-hatched foils backed the stones, one is exposed: it appears plain (but is partly obscured). Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collars. Mark around tang-slot from a hilt-collar/ring or grip. Fine scratches from wear/?polishing. Set: probably a suite with hilt-plate 249.

L. 50mm; W. 15mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 4.81g; X-ray: L40

",Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of garnet bosses (one stone detached).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,771,"[K771] BA0097, no location",,40,,4.81 1835,251,"

251                  [K58, K402]

Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of garnet bosses. Two joining fragments, torn apart and crumpled, and missing a small part of one side. A top plate (pommel side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, flat and of oval form originally with a slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre (damaged), and three rivet-holes each end; those at the tips are covered by the bosses; no rivets. Bosses: both have red cabochon garnets in plain bezels with filigree collars of triple-strand beaded wire (Diam. 7mm); there are no gold foils behind the stones. Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collars; surface scratched. Pecking around one rivet-hole [K402]. Patination mark from a pommel [K58]. Set: probablya pair with hilt-plate 252, both possibly a suite with hilt-plate 253.

L. 44mm; W. 16.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 1.97g; X-ray: L22, L62

",Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of garnet bosses,Hilt-plate,Gold,,58,"[K58] BA0038, grid L11; [K402] TH115, no location","(Note: found with [K402], one very small silver fragment, 690: [K1888])",22,L11,1.97 2179,251,

Part of catalogue no. 251 - see K0058.

,Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of garnet bosses,Hilt-plate,Gold,,402,,,62,, 1837,252,"

252                  [K60, K143]

Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of garnet bosses. Found in two fragments (rejoined), incomplete, bent and torn. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form with a side-flange, three rivet-holes each end, and with an oval slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre; the holes at the tips are covered by the bosses; no rivets. Bosses: both have red cabochon garnets in plain bezels with filigree collars of triple-strand beaded wire (Diam. 7mm); there are no gold foils behind the garnets. Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collars. Impression from a hilt-collar or grip. Patination from a double-washer around the paired rivet-holes one end. Set: probably a pair with hilt-plate 251, both possibly a suite with hilt-plate 253.

L. 29mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.91g; X-ray: L60, L63

",Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of garnet bosses,Hilt-plate,Gold,,60,"[K60] BA0053a, grid K10; [K143] US0009, no location",(Note: found with hilt-plate 277),60,K10,3.91 1920,252,

Part of catalogue no. 252 see K0060. 

,Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of garnet bosses,Hilt-plate,Gold,,143,,,63,, 2538,253,"

253                  [K670]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with gemmed bosses (one with garnet). Crumpled and torn in places. A bottom plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal, flat originally with a lipped edge, a rectangular slot (L. 22mm; W. 5.5mm) for the weapon tang cut in the centre. One rivet-hole each end, the holes covered by the bosses; no rivets; holes are torn and expanded on the reverse where the rivets have been pulled out. Bosses: the intact boss has a red cabochon garnet; that without its stone is badly damaged; the stones were set in plain bezels with filigree collars of triple-strand beaded wire; a cross-hatched gold foil backs the garnet (visible through the rivet-hole), probably of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear to the filigree collars. Plate surface covered in light scratches. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-plates 251–252

L. 81mm; W. 21mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 5.04g; X-ray: L16

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with gemmed bosses (one with garnet).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,670,"[K670] TH049, no location",,16,,5.04 2979,254,"

254                  [K1202]

 Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold with part of a gemmed boss (no stone). Ends torn. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, with originally a side-flange, one edge remaining from the slot cut in the centre of the plate for the blade. Boss: only a small part remains of a plain bezel with a filigree collar of triple-strand beaded wire; it covered a rivet-hole originally. Wear/marks: ?moderate wear. Longitudinal scratches parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing.

L. 73mm; H. flange 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.11g; X-ray: L133

",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold with part of a gemmed boss (no stone).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1202,"[K1202] BA0331, grid N13",,133,N13,3.11 1810,255,"

255                  [K33]

End fragment from a hilt-plate in gold with a garnet boss. Torn and crumpled. From a plate of the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and three rivet-holes; that at the tip covered by the boss; no rivets. Boss: red cabochon garnet in a plain bezel with a filigree collar (Diam. 6.5mm) of two beaded wires (the thinner wire is spiral beaded); the garnet is backed by a cross-hatched gold foil, probably of ‘standard’ type (obscured by in-washed silt). Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collar. Set: possibly part of the same hilt-plate as fragment 256 and probably a suite with hilt-plate 257.

L. 15mm; H. flange 1.5mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 1.01g; X-ray: L63

","End fragment from a hilt-plate in gold, with a garnet boss",Hilt-plate,Gold,,33,"[K33] BA0210, no location",(Note: a small fragment of copper alloy is trapped by the crumpled surface of the plate),63,,1.01 3251,256,"

256                  [K1474]

End fragment from a hilt-plate in gold with a garnet boss. Torn, sheet folded (obscuring boss). Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and one rivet-hole at the tip covered by the boss; no rivet. Boss: red cabochon garnet (sunken) set in a plain bezel with a filigree collar (Diam. 7mm) of two beaded wires (the thinner wire is spiral beaded); it is not possible to see if the stone is backed by a gold foil. A blackish material visible in the rivet-hole on the reverse may be remnants of a filler or adhesive (not examined). Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collar. Set: possibly part of the same hilt-plate as fragment 255 and probably a suite with hilt-plate 257.

L. 13mm; H. flange 1.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.60g; X-ray: L44

","End fragment from a hilt-plate in gold, with a garnet boss",Hilt-plate,Gold,,1474,[K1474] Part of soil block 14,,44,,0.6 2447,257,"

257                  [K1072]

Hilt-plate in gold with a garnet boss. Missing one end (and boss), one side torn, and folded lengthways. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form with a sub-rectangular slot cut for the weapon tang at the centre. Three rivet-holes at the complete end (two are expanded from rivet removal), with that at the tip covered by the boss; two torn rivet-holes the other end; no rivets. Boss: red cabochon garnet in a plain bezel with a filigree collar of two beaded wires (the innermost, thinner wire is spiral beaded); the garnet is backed by a cross hatched gold foil; the foil type is not identifiable. Wear/marks: heavy wear to the filigree collar. Extensive light scratches. Lightly incised around the tang-slot on the reverse is a layout mark. Set: probably a suite with fragments 255256.

L. 51mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 2.59g; X-ray: no x-ray

",Hilt-plate in gold with a garnet boss,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1072,"[K1072] BA0164, grid M11",,,M11,2.59 2062,258,"

258                  [K285]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with gemmed bosses (missing stones). Twisted, and damaged one end. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and a rectangular slot (L. 10mm; W. 4.5mm) for the weapon tang cut in the centre. Three rivet-holes each end, those at the tips are surrounded by the bosses; the flat head of a copper-alloy rivet remains in one of the settings and the stub of another copper-alloy rivet is in the other hole. Bosses: both have plain round bezels with filigree collars of a single beaded wire (Diam. 6.5mm); the lost stones would have covered the rivet heads. Reverse: the flange is lipped and grips the remains of a non-metal liner, possibly of horn (not examined). Over this, removed in conservation, was the further substantial remains of the organic guard, identified as probably horn. Wear/marks: moderate wear overall; extensive light scratches over the surface; light wear to filigree collars. Impressions from double-washers around the paired rivet-holes each end, and a mark around the tang-slot from the grip or a hilt-collar. On the reverse the flange lip is crimped, with possible manufacture tool marks.

L. 51mm; W. 19mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 2.48g; X-ray: L37, L41

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with gemmed bosses (missing stones).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,285,"[K285] TH149, no location",(Find association: a silver die-impressed sheet fragment [K2132] from helmet-band 593 found in mud adhering),37; 41,,2.48 2049,259,"

259                  [K272]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with a gemmed boss (missing stone). Missing one tip (and the corresponding boss), the end torn. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, flat originally with a smoothed edge and a sub-rectangular slot (L. 8mm; W. 6mm) cut crudely for the weapon tang in the centre. Three rivet-holes at the remaining end; that at the tip is covered by the boss; no rivets. Boss: the plain round bezel is surrounded by a filigree collar of a single beaded wire (Diam. 5mm). Reverse: the plate edges are lipped on the reverse and grip the remains of an iron liner. Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collar. Mark from a hilt-collar or grip one side of the tang-slot.

L. 44mm; W. 16mm; H. edge 1.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 1.01g; X-ray: L37

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with a gemmed boss (missing stone).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,272,"[K272] TH123, no location",,37,,1.01 1814,260,"

260                  [K37]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with a glass boss. Torn and missing one end (and one boss). A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and a rectangular slot for the weapon tang (L. 11mm; W. 5mm) cut in the centre. Three rivet-holes at the remaining end (and one additional smaller piercing); the two beside the boss have damaged its filigree collar; no rivets. Boss: the hole at the tip is covered by the boss (Diam. 10mm), which has a plain bezel with a collar of triple-strand beaded wire. The flat glass inlay is a transparent yellow-green. A cross-hatched gold foil of ‘standard’ type backs the stone (it is not visible through the glass but through the torn-open rivet-hole on the reverse). Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collars. Running around the tang-slot is a beaded impression from a hilt-collar/ring (c. L. 30mm; W. 17mm). Cut marks/scratches at both ends, and bezel and stone damaged, possibly all caused at removal (possibly by a tool).

L. 50mm (not including torn strip); W. 20mm; H. flange. 2.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 4.16g; X-ray: L40

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with a glass boss,Hilt-plate,Gold,,37,"[K37] BA0190, grid M12",,40,M12,2.5 1789,261,"

261      [K12, K1234]

Hilt-plate in gold with gemmed bosses (stones missing). Found in two fragments (rejoined), torn apart and bent. A plate from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, originally flat and of oval form with a rectangular slot cut for the weapon tang at the centre. Three rivet-holes one end, four at the other end(the extra hole may indicate a repair); those at the tips are covered by the bosses; no rivets. Bosses: both (Diam. 4mm) have plain bezels with filigree collars, each of two beaded wires of different thicknesses. Wear/marks: heavy wear to filigree collars and tips; extensive light scratches. Rivet-holes expanded on reverse from rivet removal. 

L. 38mm; W. 18mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.22g; no X-ray

",Hilt-plate in gold with gemmed bosses (stones missing).,Hilt-plate,Gold,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",12,"[K12] BA0227, grid L12; [K1234] BA0142, grid M9","(Note: from mud adhering, one fragment of die-impressed sheet, 606: [K12])",,L12,3.22 3011,261,

Part of catalogue 261 see K0012 for details. Weight of this fragment 1.9g.

,Hilt-plate in gold with gemmed bosses (stones missing).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1234,,,,M9, 2258,262,"

262      [K481, K769, K860]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with gemmed bosses (one with garnet). Found in three fragments (torn edges, rejoined); one side torn and bent. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed with a double thickness of sheet metal (separated in places), flat with smoothed outer edges, and with an oval slot (L. 42mm) for the weapon tang centrally. One rivet-hole each end, the holes covered by the bosses; no rivets. Bosses: one end the bezel is split and lifted, the contents lost, with part remains only of a filigree collar of two beaded wires. The boss the other end is intact (Diam. 6.5mm), including its red cabochon garnet; a folded gold foil is visible through the rivet-hole at the reverse (it cannot be seen through the stone); it has a faint cross-hatched pattern, possibly of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: heavy wear to the intact filigree collar, and a small cut mark. Extensive scratches. Marks from a hilt-collar or grip around the tang-slot. 

L. 81mm; W. 20.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 4.36g; X-ray: L59, L63, L91

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with gemmed bosses (one with garnet).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,481,"[K481] TH211, [K769] BA105, no locations; [K860] SCC0004, grid K11","(Note: fragment [K769] found with one fragment of silver reeded strip, 613: [K770])",63,,4.36 2637,262,

Part of catalogue no. 262 see K0481 for details

,Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with gemmed bosses (one with garnet).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,769,,,59,, 2728,262,

Part of catalogue no. 262 - see K0481 for details. 

,Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with gemmed bosses (one with garnet).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,860,,,91,K11, 2341,263,"

263                  [K564]

Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of bosses. Torn open and bent. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of thick sheet metal with multiple additional strips on the reverse, including around the whole outer edge; originally of oval form and flat, and with an oval slot for the weapon tang cut out of the centre (torn open). Three rivet-holes each end, those at the tips covered by the bosses; no rivets. Bosses: both of sheet metal and attached separately, but no joins are visible; without collars and pierced to allow the passage of the rivets. Wear/marks: moderate wear; small dents and extensive scratches. Mark with beaded indentations from a hilt-collar/ring. Set: probably a pair with hilt-plate 264.

L. 49mm; W. 19mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet >0.5mm; Wt 12.38g; X-ray: L18

",Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of bosses,Hilt-plate,Gold,,564,"[K564] TH029, no location",,18,,12.38 2059,264,"

264                  [K282]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with a pair of bosses. Only slightly bent. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of thick sheet metal (Th. 0.7mm) with additional strips on the reverse around the outer and inner edges; a slot (L. 62.5mm; W. 5mm) for the blade runs most of the length with a standing flange. The sides of the standing flange have been pecked to give a textured effect (perhaps to reflect the light). One rivet-hole each end, the holes covered by the bosses; no rivets. Bosses: both of sheet metal and attached separately (Diam. 8–8.5mm; H. 4.5mm), but no joins are visible; they are without collars and pierced to allow the passage of the rivets. Wear/marks: light wear. One boss has a small dent. Longitudinal scratches, parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing. Set: probably a pair with hilt-plate 263.

L. 91mm; W. 22.5mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Th. sheet >0.5mm; Wt 23.68g; no X-ray

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with a pair of bosses,Hilt-plate,Gold,,282,"[K282] TH150, no location","(Note: attached by mud: gold hilt-plate 331; one fragment [K1823] from silver hilt-plate 381; one fragment [K2085] from silver hilt-plate 385; one fragment [K1975] from silver hilt-plate 386; one fragment of silver-die-impressed sheet 606: [K1976]; two cut garnets 693: [K2094, K2095]; one fragment [K2135] of silver band 593)",,,23.68 2529,265,"

265                  [K661]

Pair of hilt-plates in gold from the upper guard. The bottom plate is bent, the top plate half survives, and both are torn. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form, with a side-flange to the bottom plate, and with rectangular slots cut in the centre of both plates for the weapon tang (bottom plate: L. 11mm; W. 5mm). Three rivet-holes at each remaining end, those at the tips of the bottom plate were covered by bosses; two gold rivets, bent (L. 14/17mm); the longer rivet fixes the plates at one end and has a domed head. Boss: only one of the pair of bosses is intact (Diam. 6.5mm). It is made of gold sheet and pierced for the rivet. Filigree collars of a single beaded wire remain for both. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Some flattening/abrasion, possibly from a tool. Beaded impression on the bottom plate around the tang-slot from a hilt-collar/ring. Faint patination from a pommel on the top plate. 

L. 47.5mm; W. 16mm; H. flange 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 5.40g; X-ray: L57, L64

",Pair of hilt-plates in gold from the upper guard,Hilt-plates,Gold,,661,"[K661] TH088, no grid location",,57; 64,,5.4 3013,266,

Part of catalogue no. 266 -  see K0317. 

,Hilt-plate in gold with one remaining boss,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1236,,,62,L9, 2540,267,"

267                  [K672]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with a pair of bosses and filigree trim. Crumpled and torn. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, with a side-flange and a long slot cut for the blade running centrally. One rivet-hole each end, the holes covered by the bosses; no rivets. The filigree trim comprises a length of beaded wire mounted all the way round the basal edge of the flange. Bosses: made of sheet gold and pierced for the rivets, with filigree collars (Diam. 9.5mm) of a single beaded wire each. A black residue inside the bosses may be remains of an organic filler (not examined). Reverse: sheet patch one side. Wear/marks: heavy wear to filigree; extensive light scratching over the surface, some possibly from polishing. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-plate 266 and fragments 268–269

L. 69mm; W. 23mm; H. flange 3.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 8.73g; X-ray: L17

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with a pair of bosses and filigree trim,Hilt-plate,Gold,,672,"[K672] TH064, no location",,17,,8.73 3152,268,

268                  [K1375]

Fragment of hilt-plate in gold with filigree trim. Torn and crumpled. Constructed of sheet metal. The filigree trim runs along the edge of the remains of a side-flange and is formed of a single length of beaded wire; the same wire type forms a collar to a rivet-hole. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree. Set: possibly from a suite with hilt-plates 266–267 and fragment 269.

L. 14.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.84g; X-ray: L44

,Fragment of hilt-plate in gold with filigree trim,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1375,"[K1375] TH244, no location",,44,,0.84 3932,269,"

269                  [K5083]

Fragment of hilt-plate in gold with filigree trim. Torn and folded, part of the tip of a plate with a side-flange, with parts from one or more rivet-holes. Constructed of sheet metal. The trim is formed of a single length of beaded wire, set on the edge of the flange. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree trim. Scratch-damage (?tool). Set: possibly from a suite with hilt-plates 266–267 andfragment 268.

L. 22mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Th. edge wire 1mm; Wt 1.48g; X-ray: L71

",Fragment of hilt-plate in gold with filigree trim,Hilt-plate,Gold,,5083,[K5083] grid D14/E14,,,,1.48 2326,270,"

270                  [K549]

Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of bosses. Bent, flattened, and torn in places. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form with a side-flange and rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre. Three rivet-holes each end, those at the tips covered by the bosses; no rivets: Bosses: made of gold sheet (Diam. 8mm) and pierced for the rivets, both flattened, with filigree collars of a single beaded wire each. Wear/marks: heavy wear to filigree collars. Scratches focused close to rivet-holes (possibly from removal of washers). Beaded impression around tang-slot from a hilt-collar/ring. Set: possibly a pair with hilt-plate 271.

L. 54mm; W. 22mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 5.87; X-ray: L17


",Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of bosses.,Hilt-plate,Gold,,549,"[K549] TH012, no location",,17,,5.87 1894,271,"

271                  [K117]

Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of bosses. Folded in half and torn in places. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form with a side-flange and a rectangular slot (W. 7mm) cut in the centre for the weapon tang (torn each end). One rivet-hole each end, the holes covered by the bosses, and one additional hole in one case (?repair); no rivets. Bosses: made of sheet gold and pierced for the rivets, with filigree collars (Diam. 9mm) of a single beaded wire each. Wear/marks: heavy wear to filigree collar one end. Extensive light scratching over surface. One boss/collar flattened, possibly by a tool. Small possible cut mark one edge. Impression from a hilt-collar/ring around tang-slot (beaded indentations). Set: possibly a pair with hilt-plate 270.

L. 48mm; W. 36mm; H. flange 2.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 8.09g; X-ray: L39, L41

",Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of bosses,Hilt-plate,Gold,,117,"[K117] BA0020, grid K10",,39; 14,K10,8.09 2328,272,"

272                  [K551]

Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of bosses. Bent. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal, originally flat and of oval form, with a smoothed edge, and an oval slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre. One rivet-hole each end, the holes covered by the bosses; one gold rivet, square-section shank, incomplete (L. 10mm). Bosses: made of sheet gold and pierced for the rivets, with filigree collars formed from single beaded wires. Wear/marks: light wear; light scratches. Beaded impression around slot from a hilt-collar/ring.

L. 46mm; W. 23mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 5.65g; X-ray: L17

",Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of bosses,Hilt-plate,Gold,,551,"[K551] TH014, no location",,17,,5.65 3007,273,"

273                  [K1230]

Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold with a boss. Torn ends, and bent. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form with a side-flange and remains of a slot for the blade in the centre, also with a flange. One rivet-hole at the end covered by the boss; one gold rivet, bent, incomplete (L. c. 7mm). Boss: made of sheet gold and pierced for the rivet with a filigree collar of a single beaded wire (Diam. 7mm). Reverse: fragment of corroded copper alloy at the tip, probably all that remains from a base-metal liner. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree. 

L. 50mm; H. flange 3.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 2.84g; X-ray: L61

",Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold with a boss,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1230,"[K1230] BA0141, grid M9",,61,M9,2.84 2421,274,"

274                  [K1046]

Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold with a boss. Torn ends, and bent. From the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and remains of a slot for the weapon tang at the torn edge (originally cut in the centre). Three rivet-holes at the intact end; no rivets. Boss: the hole at the tip is covered by the boss, made of sheet metal and pierced at its top for the rivet, and with part of its filigree collar of a single beaded wire (half missing). Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree collar; light scratches. Deeper scratches around rivet-holes.

L. 21mm; W. 17mm; H. flange 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 1.47g; X-ray: L44

",Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold with a boss,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1046,"[K1046] BA0378, grid M7",,44,M7,1.47 1954,275,"

275                  [K177]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold with a boss. Torn edges. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange. One rivet-hole covered by the boss; one gold rivet in situ, complete but bent (L. 17mm), with a square-section shank. Boss: made of gold sheet and pierced for the rivet (its flat head is visible at the top), and with a filigree collar (Diam. 7mm) of a single beaded wire (detached at join). Wear/marks: moderate wear to top of boss/rivet. Filigree collar flattened in one place from damage. 

L. 13mm; H. flange 3.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.93g; X-ray: L46

",End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold with a boss,Hilt-plate,Gold,,177,"[K177] US0043, no location",,46,,0.93 1838,277,"

277                  [K61]

END FRAGMENT FROM A HILT-PLATE IN GOLD WITH A BOSS. Torn edge bent over the boss. Constructed of sheet metal. A rivet pierces the boss (L. 17mm), with a square-sectioned shank, its head visible at the top. Boss: made of gold sheet with a small hole for the rivet and a filigree collar of a single beaded wire (Diam. 6mm). Wear/marks: light wear to the filigree collar. 

L. 14mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.75g; X-ray: L60

",End fragment from a hilt-plate in gold with a boss,Hilt-plate,Gold,,61,"[K61] BA0053B, grid K10",(Note: found with one fragment [K60] of hilt-plate 252),60,K10,0.75 2236,278,"

278                  [K459]

Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of bosses. Ends folded. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal, of oval form and flat originally with a smoothed outer edge, and with a rectangular slot (L. 22mm; W. 7mm) for the weapon tang cut centrally. One rivet-hole each end, the holes covered by the bosses; no rivets. Bosses: made of sheet gold and set in plain bezels with collars of filigree triple-strand beaded wire (Diam. 10mm). Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree. Extensive light scratching over surface. One boss dented. Fine grid pattern scratched near slot. Set: a pair with hilt-plate 279

L. 42mm; W. 21mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 5.15g; X-ray: L17, L29

",Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of bosses,Hilt-plate,Gold,,459,"[K459] TH233, no location",,17; 29,,5.15 2155,279,"

279                  [K378]

Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of bosses. Twisted, torn in places. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, of oval form originally with a side-flange and a long slot for the blade running much of the length. One rivet-hole each end, the holes covered by the bosses; no rivets. Bosses: made of sheet gold and set in plain bezels with collars of filigree triple-strand beaded wire (Diam. 11mm). Reverse: rivet-holes torn from removal of rivets. Wear/marks: light wear to filigree. Extensive light scratching over surface. One boss dented. Set: a pair with hilt-plate 278

L. 73mm; W. 19mm; H. flange 3.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 8.25g; X-ray: L58, L64

",Hilt-plate in gold with a pair of bosses,Hilt-plate,Gold,,378,"[K378] TH101, no location",,58; 64,,8.25 2339,280,"

280                  [K562]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with a boss-headed rivet. Misshapen. A top plate (pommel side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, flat originally, the outer edges smoothed, and with a rectangular slot for the weapon tang (L. c. 20mm; W. 7mm) cut out of the centre. Three rivet-holes each end, those at the tips surrounded by filigree collars (Diam. 9mm) of a single beaded wire each; in one was the gold boss-headed rivet, possibly complete (Diam. 8mm; L. 15mm). Wear/marks: light wear. Running around the tang-slot and the innermost two rivets each end is a wear mark from a pommel. Set: probably a pair with hilt-plate 281. Pommel-mark matches pommel 46.

L. 54mm; W. 20mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 6.29g; X-ray: L16

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with a boss-headed rivet,Hilt-plate,Gold,,562,"[K562] TH017, no location",,16,,6.29 2238,281,"

281                  [K461]

Hilt-plate in gold. Cut open one side and one half twisted. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of a sheet metal, originally flat and of oval form, with a rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre (destroyed). One rivet-hole each end surrounded by a filigree collar (Diam. 10mm) of a single length of beaded wire; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear. Mark around tang-slot from a hilt-collar or the grip. Scratches on reverse (possibly from removal). Three lines ‘III’ faintly inside on reverse one end. Set: probably a pair with hilt-plate 280 and suite with pommel 46. Three gold boss-headed rivets (629) are a reasonable fit with the collars and may be from the set (but damage prevents their certain association). 

L. 57mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 8.43g; X-ray: L56

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,461,"[K461] TH225, no location",,56,,8.43 2647,282,"

282                  [K779]

Hilt-plate in gold with a boss-headed rivet. Twisted and torn. A plate from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, flat originally, with a long slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre. Three rivet-holes each end, one at one tip covered by the boss (the bossed rivet from the other end is lost). Bossed rivet: boss made of sheet gold with a filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire (Diam. 6.5mm); the stub of the shank is bent over on the plate reverse. Wear/marks: heavy wear to filigree collar. 

L. 31.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 1.86g; X-ray: L63

",Hilt-plate in gold with a boss-headed rivet,Hilt-plate,Gold,,779,"[K779] BA0106, no location",,63,,1.86 2576,283,"

283                  [K708]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form. Both sides and ends bent upwards (?levered), and torn in places. A plate from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a rectangular slot (L. 13mm) for the weapon tang cut in the centre (torn one side), and three rivet-holes each end; those at the tips have filigree collars of beaded wire; one copper-alloy rivet fragment in one hole; a copper-alloy boss-core is in situ in one collar (the interior from one of the missing bosses). Reverse: fragments from a cast copper-alloy liner were found during cleaning (and other associated fragments [K709] are possibly related); copper corrosion from contact with the liner remains on the gold sheet. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree collars. Extensive scratches, some deep. 

L. 59mm; W. 15mm; H. flange Th. sheet <0.5mm; Diam. collars 7.5mm; Wt 5.78g; X-ray: L41

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form,Hilt-plate,Gold,,708,"[K708] BA0199, no location","(Note: found on site with fragments of copper-alloy liner, 691: [K709]; hilt-collar 96; one fragment of die-impressed sheet, 606: [K719]; one gold boss-headed rivet, 630: [K14]. In conservation further fragments were found mud adhering: one gold filigree fragment, 681: [K1920]; one gold rivet 657: [K1921]; one silver rivet, 673: [1922])",41,,5.78 1911,284,"

284                  [K134]

Hilt-plate in gold with a boss-headed rivet. Torn/cut and folded. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal with an additional thin strip on the reverse around the outer edge. Originally of oval form and flat with a smoothed edge, and a rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre (possibly cut open). Two rivet-holes each end, possibly indicating misalignment in manufacture or repair (one being normal). Bossed rivet: boss made of sheet gold with a filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire; the stub of the shank protrudes on the plate reverse. Reverse: incised ‘X’ mark. Wear/marks: light wear. Possible blade scratches one edge. Mark from missing boss-headed rivet at the other tip. 

L. 43mm; W. 19.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 9.25g; X-ray: L57, L64

",Hilt-plate in gold with a boss-headed rivet,Hilt-plate,Gold,,134,"[K134] BA0057c, grid J10","(Note: found on site with: hilt-ring 223; hilt-plate 335; one fragment of die-impressed silver sheet, 606: [K2081])",57; 64,J10,9.25 2514,285,"

285      [K646, K647, K991]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with one boss-headed rivet. Rejoined from three torn and crumpled fragments. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal, flat originally with a rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre. One rivet-hole each end surrounded by a filigree collar of a single strand of beaded wire (Diam. 8mm). Bossed rivet: boss probably formed of sheet gold, the rivet is bent flat on the reverse. Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collars. Light scratches. Mark from a hilt-collar or grip one end of the tang-slot. ‘X’ incised on the reverse one end.

L. 75.5mm; W. 25mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 6.07g; X-ray: L58, L59, L91

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with one boss-headed rivet,Hilt-plate,Gold,,646,"[K646] TH053, [K647] TH053, no location; [K991] BA0279, grid M13)",,58,,6.07 2515,285,

Part of catalogue 285 - see K0646 for details.

,Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with one boss-headed rivet,Hilt-plate,Gold,,647,,,59,, 2859,285,,Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with one boss-headed rivet,Hilt-plate,Gold,,991,,,91,M13, 2634,286,"

286                  [K766]

Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Ends torn, tip folded. From the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal. Three rivet-holes at the tip; two gold rivets, complete but bent (L. 18mm), one has a bossed head, and ends expanded. Wear/marks: light wear. Light scratches. ‘X’ incised on reverse. 

L. 21mm; W. 13mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 1.96g; X-ray: L59

",Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,766,"[K766] BA0103, no location",,59,,1.96 3277,287,"

287                  [K1500]

Hilt-plate in gold. Torn open and one half twisted. A top plate (pommel side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, of oval form originally with a side-flange and a rectangular slot for the weapon tang (W. 4.5mm) cut in the centre (torn open). Three rivet-holes each end, those at the tips surrounded by filigree collars of beaded wire (Diam. 5.5mm); no rivets. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree collars. Incised ‘X’ on the reverse between the holes at one end. Around the innermost rivets each end are wear marks from a pommel. Cut marks and blade scratches on the sides and reverse.

L. 47mm; W. 17.5mm; H. flange 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 5.25g; X-ray: L57

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1500,"[K1500], no location",[K1500] part of soil block 20,57,,5.25 2361,288,"

288                  [K584, K725]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form. Rejoined from two fragments; cut open one edge and torn in half. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and a sub-rectangular slot (L. 14mm; W. 7mm) for the weapon tang cut in the centre. Three rivet-holes each end; no rivets. A collar of beaded wire surrounds the hole at one tip;at the other end is a solder scar from the missing collar. Wear/marks: moderate wear at tips. Beaded impression (L. 26mm; W. 15mm) around the tang-slot from a hilt-collar/ring. Around the other two rivet-holes each end are rectangular marks left by washers. 

L. 57mm; W. 21mm; H. flange 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Diam. collar 7mm; Wt 5.51g; X-ray: L57, L60

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form,Hilt-plate,Gold,,584,"[K584] TH022, no location; [K725] BA0204, grid M12",(Note: fragment [K725] part of Finds Group BA0204),57,,5.51 2593,288,

Part of Catalogue no. 288 see K0725 for entry

,Hilt-plate in gold of oval form,Hilt-plate,Gold,,725,,,60,M12, 2325,289,"

289                  [K548]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form. Bent to a curve. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of a double thickness of sheet metal (separated in places on the edge) with a side-flange and a rectangular slot (L. c. 20mm; W. 7mm) for the weapon tang cut in the centre. One rivet-hole each end, with filigree collars of beaded wire; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear; extensive light scratches. Beaded impression around tang-slot from a hilt-collar/ring, with a small blade-point mark one side (from ?levering). Set: possible set with two gold boss-headed rivets (630).

L. 56mm; W. 22mm; H. flange 2mm; Th. edge <1mm; Wt 10.48g; X-ray: L18


",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form,Hilt-plate,Gold,,548,"[K548] TH003, no location",,18,,10.48 2879,290,"

290                  [K1011]

Hilt-plate in gold. Bent, and torn in places (the dent across the width may be recent). A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form, with a side-flange and a long slot (W. 4mm) for the blade cut centrally. One rivet-hole each end, with filigree collars (Diam. 9mm) of beaded wire (one misshapen); no rivets. A sheet join is visible at one tip. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree. Fine longitudinal scratches parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing.

L. 55mm; W. 25mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 8.39g; X-ray: L133

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1011,"[K1011] BA0076, grid M10",,133,M10,8.39 2823,291,"

291                  [K955]

Hilt-plate in gold. Folded, split at one end, and with multiple other tears. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword (blade side). Constructed of sheet metal, originally oval in form, with a side flange and a long slot for the blade in the centre (also with a flange); the side-flange is lipped on the underside, probably indicating it had gripped a metal liner. One rivet-hole each end with filigree collars of beaded wire (one damaged); holes torn; no rivets. A sheet join is visible at one tip. Wear/marks: moderate wear overall, light wear to filigree collars (some flattening); extensive scratches. 

L. 52mm; W. 19mm; H. flange 2.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 4.30g; X-ray: L61

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,955,"[K955] BA0242, grid K12",(Note: found with a fragment [K1335] of hilt-plate 383),61,K12,4.3 2334,292,"

292                  [K557]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with filigree trim. Misshapen, edges kinked. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and a long slot for the blade cut the length of the centre (L. 52mm; W. 5mm). One rivet-hole each end; no rivets. One has a damaged filigree collar of beaded wire (Diam. 9.5mm); the other has solder remains from its missing collar. The side-flange has a short length of beaded wire each side, mounted on separate sheet backings set in cut recesses. Sheet join on flange reverse. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree elements. Extensive light scratches and small dents. Longitudinal scratches run parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing. Layout marks and an incised ‘X’ on the reverse. Set: boss 649(pictured) fits approximately within the filigree collar.

L. 85mm; W. 24.5mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 8.06g; X-ray: L39

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with filigree trim,Hilt-plate,Gold,,557,"[K557] TH037, no location","(Note: in mud adhering: two fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1910])",39,,8.06 2648,293,"

293                  [K780, K1137]

Hilt-plate in gold. Found in two fragments, cut open one end and torn lengthways (now rejoined). A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, originally with a side-flange and a long slot for the blade running the length of the centre. One rivet-hole each end, both torn; no rivets. Each has remains of a surrounding filigree collar of beaded wire, and solder remains from other missing wires (on the inner edge). Wear/marks: light wear; extensive light scratches. Longitudinal scratches run parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing. ‘X’ incised on reverse.

L. 61mm; W. 16mm; H. flange 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 5.80g. X-ray: L61

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,780,"[K780] BA0084, no location; [K1137] BA0495, grid Q9",,61,,5.8 2914,293,

Part of catalogue no. 293 - see K1137 for entry.

,Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1137,,,,Q9, 2090,294,"

294                  [K313]

Hilt-plate in gold. Torn, missing one end. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange formed of a double thickness; a long slot for the blade originally ran the length of the centre, also with a flange. Two rivet-holes with filigree collars of beaded wire; one located at the mid-point each side (there was probably also one each end originally); no rivets. Wear/marks: ?light wear; extensive light scratches. 

L. 84mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 7.89g; X-ray: L58, L64

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,313,"[K313] TH170, no grid location",(Note: in mud adhering: two fragments of silver sheet 690: [K1854]),58; 64,,7.89 2423,295,"

295                  [K1048]

Hilt-plate in gold. Missing one end, ends torn, and crumpled. Possibly from the lower guard (grip side). Constructed of sheet metal with a slight side-flange; the remains suggest a wide slot originally cut in the centre for the weapon tang. One rivet-hole at the remaining tip with a filigree collar of beaded wire; no rivets. Wear/marks: moderate wear to the filigree collar, and some flattening from damage. Rivet-hole expanded, probably from rivet removal.

L. 28mm; H. flange 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.83g; no X-ray

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1048,"[K1048] BA0382, grid O8",,,O8,0.83 1932,296,"

296                  [K155]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn ends, and flattened. A plate from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with remains of a side-flange and the edge of the slot for the weapon tang (originally cut in the centre of the object). One rivet-hole (edges destroyed) and part of a second at one edge with remains of a filigree collar of beaded wire; no rivets. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive scratches. Flattening to the filigree collar from damage. ?Blade scratches surround the rivet-hole (probably from rivet or washer removal). 

L. 26.5mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.67g; X-ray: L62

",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,155,"[K155] US0021, no location",,62,,0.67 2714,297,"

297                  [K846]

Hilt-plate in gold. Missing one end, torn and badly misshapen. A plate from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange of thicker sheet (Th. 0.6mm) added separately. Three rivet-holes at the remaining end; no rivets. That at the tip has part of a filigree collar of beaded wire remaining. Wear/marks: light wear; light scratches. Cut marks on flange.

L. 38mm; H. flange 3mm. Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 3.25g; X-ray: L59

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,846,"[K846] BA0015, grid L11",(Note: found with hilt-plate 306),59,L11,3.25 2259,298,"

298                  [K482]

Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Ends torn, and crumpled. A plate from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, originally oval in form with a side-flange; the torn edge has the remains of a slot for the weapon tang (originally cut out of the centre). Three rivet-holes at the intact end; that at the tip surrounded by a filigree collar of beaded wire (Diam. 4mm); no rivets. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree collar. Extensive light scratches. Rivet-holes expanded, probably from removal of rivets. 

L. 31.5mm; W. 16.5mm; H. flange 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.75g; X-ray: L62

",Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,482,"[K482] TH211, no location",,62,,0.75 2841,299,"

299                  [K973]

Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn, and crumpled. A plate from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with remains of a slight side-flange. Three rivet-holes at the end, two torn, and that at the tip surrounded by a filigree collar of two-ply twisted wire; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collar. Light scratches. 

L. 28mm; W. 15.5mm; H. flange 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.88g; X-ray: L63

",Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,973,"[K973] BA0271, grid location M10",,63,M10,0.88 2976,300,"

300                  [K1199]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn edges, flattened. Part of a plate from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange. Three rivet-holes, that at the very tip surrounded by a filigree collar of beaded wire (join visible); no rivets. Side-flange is lipped on the underside, possibly it had gripped a liner. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree collar. Extensive dents and scratches. Damage to collar and rivet-hole at tip, both possibly from removal. Set: possible set with two gold boss-headed rivets (630).

L. 24mm; L. 13mm; H. flange 2.5mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 0.82g; X-ray: L62

",End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1199,"[K1199] BA0314, grid K14",Note: found with one fragment [K1029] of hilt-plate 372 and hilt-plate 388),62,K13,0.82 3014,301,"

301                  [K1237]

Fragment of hilt-plate in gold. Part of one end only, badly torn and twisted, of a plate from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with remains of a side-flange. One rivet-hole at the tip with a filigree collar of beaded wire and originally two holes behind it (both torn open). Wear/marks: flattening of the filigree collar from damage, possibly from removal. 

L. 29mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 1.45g; X-ray: L63

",Fragment of hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1237,"[K1237] US0146, no grid location",,63,,1.45 2096,302,"

302                  [K319]

Fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. One end only and part of one side, torn and folded. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard, probably from a sword-hilt. Constructed of sheet metal, originally probably of oval form, with a side-flange and a long slot for the blade running the length of the centre. One rivet-hole at the remaining tip surrounded by a filigree collar of beaded wire (lifted at join); hole torn; no rivet. Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collar. Extensive light scratches. 

L. 59mm; W. 23mm; H. flange 2.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 2.20g; X-ray: L61, L64

",Fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,319,"[K319] TH170, no location","(Note: one small fragment of silver-gilt sheet, 690: [K1859]; one small fragment of silver-gilt reeded strip, 613: [K1860])",61; 64,,2.2 2595,303,"

303                  [K727]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn on three edges. Possibly part of a plate from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal; the long curved finished edge has a lip (possibly it had gripped a metal liner); remains of a filigree collar of beaded wire one end, but the rivet-hole it had surrounded is missing. Wear/marks: light wear. Possible blade scratch one edge. 

L. 58mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.99g; X-ray: L63

",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,727,"[K727] BA0204, grid M12",(Note: part of Finds Group BA0204),63,M12,0.99 2730,304,"

304                  [K862]

End fragment of a gold hilt-plate. Torn in multiple places, and flattened. Possibly part of a plate from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange. One rivet-hole with a filigree collar (Diam. 9mm) of beaded wire (two joins visible in the collar, indicating manufacture from two short lengths of wire); no rivet. Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collar.

L. 17mm; W. 22mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.74g; X-ray: L62

",End fragment of hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,862,"[K862] BA0005, grid K11","(Note: part of soil block K862. Also found on site with fragment [K94] of hilt-guard set 409. In conservation additional finds from mud adhering: two fragments of silver socket 607/608; nine other fragments of silver sheet 690: [K1718]; two fragments of silver reeded strip, 609: [K1719] reeded strip; one garnet, 693: [K2185])",62,K11,0.74 2703,305,"

305                  [K835]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn edges, flattened and crumpled. Part of the bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard, probably of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal; one edge has a crease from a flattened side-flange; the other has one edge from a slot for the blade (with the tattered remnants of a flange also). A small fragment of beaded wire remains from a filigree collar for a rivet-hole. 

L. 35.5mm; H. flange 3.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.73g; X-ray: L93

",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,835,"[K835] BA0022, grid L11",(Note: found with one fragment [K105] of hilt-collar 100),93,L11,0.73 1870,306,"

306                  [K93]

Hilt-plate in gold. Ends folded, and twisted. A top plate (pommel side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, probably originally of oval form and flat, with a long rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre (distorted). Three rivet-holes each end; three gold rivets one end, bent, all possibly cut (L. c. 12mm). Wear/marks: light wear. At the sides of the tang-slot are faint marks from a pommel. Possible blade scratches (perhaps from pommel removal). Set: possibly a suite with hilt-plates 307–309.

L. 31mm; Th. sheet >0.5mm; Wt 3.90g; X-ray: L59

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,93,"[K93] BA0015, grid L11",(Note: found with hilt-plate 297),59,L11,3.9 2562,307,"

307                  [K694]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form. One tip folded, and torn in places. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, flat originally, with a rectangular slot (W. 7.5mm) for the weapon tang cut in the centre (torn open, the tear folded back to the rivet-holes one end). Three rivet-holes each end; two gold rivets (shanks only, bent). Wear/marks: light wear. Marks from a hilt-collar/ring or grip around the tang-slot and from a boss at one tip. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-plates 306, 308–309.

L. 45mm; W. 17mm; Th. sheet >0.5mm; Wt 3.85g; X-ray: L58

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form,Hilt-plate,Gold,,694,"[K694] TH057, no location",,58,,3.85 2348,308,"

308                  [K571]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form. Misshapen. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal, flat originally,with a long oval slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre (L. 30mm; W. 5mm). One rivet-hole each end; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear; light scratches. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-plates 306–307 and 309.

L. 55.5mm; W. 14mm; Th. sheet >0.5mm; Wt 4.20g; X-ray: L41

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form,Hilt-plate,Gold,,571,"[K571] TH024, no location",,41,,4.2 2225,309,"

309                  [K448]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form. Twisted. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, flat originally, with a long slot cut for the blade running much of the length. One rivet-hole each end, with slight impressions left by bosses; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear; scratches and dents. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-plates 306–308.

L. 62mm; W. 17mm; Th. sheet >0.5mm; Wt 5.26g; X-ray: L58

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form,Hilt-plate,Gold,,448,"[K448] TH230, no location",,58,,5.26 1839,310,"

310                  [K62]

Hilt-plate in gold. From the upper guard (pommel side). Bent and torn, one end almost detached. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form and flat, with a rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre (distorted). Three rivet-holes each end; no rivets. Wear/marks: ?moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Running around the tang-slot and the innermost rivets at each end is a dark patina from a pommel, with impressions around one rivet-hole from its filigree beaded-wire base. Fainter marks around holes at tips from bosses. Possible blade scratches on reverse.

L. 44mm; W. 19mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 5.39g; X-ray: L41

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,62,"[K62] BA0054, grid L10","(Note: from mud adhering, one small fragment of cast silver, 688: [K2086])",41,L10,5.39 2054,311,"

311                  [K277]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form. One end bent. A top plate (pommel side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, originally flat, with a rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre (L. 10mm; W. 5mm). Three rivet-holes one end, four at the other (indicating possibly a repair); no rivets. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Running around the edge and the innermost rivets each end is a dark patina left by a pommel with a filigree beaded-wire base. 

L. 46mm; W. 18mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 3.80g; X-ray: L39, L41

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form,Hilt-plate,Gold,,277,"[K277] TH177, no location",,39; 41,,3.8 2254,312,"

312                  [K477]

Hilt-plate in gold. Missing both ends, torn and folded. A top plate (pommel side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, originally flat, with a rectangular slot cut for the weapon tang at the centre (destroyed). Two rivet-holes remain one end. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Lightly incised on the reverse are three lines with a strike through, forming a  III  mark. Marks from a pommel around rivet-holes. 

L. 31mm; H. flange 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 2.32g; X-ray: L91

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,477,"[K477] TH211, no location",,91,,2.32 2998,313,"

313                  [K1221]

Hilt-plate in gold. Torn and bent. A top plate (pommel side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with an additional thin strip around the outer edge (on the reverse); originally of oval form and flat with a rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre (damaged). Three rivet-holes one end, four the other (the extra hole possibly indicates a repair); no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear. Extensively dented and scratched. Marks around tang-slot and holes from a pommel and bosses. Lightly incised ‘X’ mark on the upper surface (would have been covered by pommel). Possible tool marks on reverse (probably from removal). 

L. 44mm; W. 26mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 5.46g; no X-ray

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1221,"[K1221] BA0330, grid N11",,,N11,5.46 2516,314,"

314                  [K648, K1225]

Hilt-plate in gold. Found in two fragments (rejoined), missing one end and part of one side, with torn edges. A top plate (pommel side) from the upper guard.  Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form and flat, with an oval slot for the weapon tang cut out of the centre (only part remains). Three rivet-holes at the remaining end; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear. Faint marks from a boss surround the hole at the tip, and marks from a pommel along the sides. Scratches on reverse, possibly from a blade (from ?removal). Incised layout marks for rivet-holes. 

L. 58mm; W. 20mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.35g; X-ray: L63, L92

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,648,"[K648] TH053, no location; [K1225] BA0144, grid N9","(Note: fragment [K1225] found with one fragment of gold sheet, 682: [1224])",63,,3.35 3002,314,

Part of Catalogue no. 314 - see K0648 for entry

,Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1225,,,92,M9, 2719,315,"

315                  [K851]

Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn, and edge twisted. A top plate (pommel side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, flat originally with a slightly lipped edge. Three rivet-holes at the tip; no rivets. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Two incised lines in a ‘V’ shape between two of the holes. Faint marks from a pommel. 

L. 24.5mm; W. 14.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.73g; X-ray: L62

",Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,851,"[K851] SCC0019, grid K10",,62,K10,0.73 2446,316,"

316                  [K1071]

Hilt-plate in gold. Crumpled and with a torn edge. Possibly a top plate (pommel side) from the upper guard. Constructed of a double thickness of sheet metal, separated in places; flat originally with a long rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre (distorted). Three rivet-holes each end; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear. Scratches around rivet-holes. Mark around tang-slot and rivet-holes possibly from a pommel

L. 26.5mm; W. 13mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 1.92g; X-ray: L59

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1071,"[K1071] BA0166, grid M10",,59,M10,1.92 2072,317,"

317                  [K295]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form. Cut open one side, bent lengthways, and missing a small part of one tip. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and an oval slot (L. 23mm; W. 11mm) for the weapon tang crudely cut in the centre. Three rivet-holes one end, four at the other (indicating either the misalignment of a rivet originally or possibly a repair); no rivets (one [K1834] found in cleaning is probably not original). Wear/marks: heavy wear: hole worn at one tip, other tip is broken (probably from combined wear and removal). Impression around tang-slot from a hilt-collar or grip (L. 34mm; W. 16mm). Fainter impressions from washers and bosses around rivet-holes. Extensively dented and scratched, in places possibly by a blade. A small blade-point mark is also at the edge of the collar/grip impression (?from levering).

L. 66mm; W. 24mm; H. flange 3.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 4.84g; X-ray: L39, L41

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form,Hilt-plate,Gold,,295,"[K295] TH165, no grid location","(Note: from mud adhering: gold pommel fragments 61 and 62; one gold boss, 637: [K1831]; one silver rivet, 673: [K1834]; silver hilt-ring 237; three fragments of silver reeded strip, 613: [K1836]; seventeen small fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1837])",39; 41,,4.84 2128,318,"

318                  [K351]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form. Slightly flattened, torn at one tip (possibly by a tool). A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and a rectangular slot (L. 11mm; W. 6mm) for the weapon tang cut in the centre. Three rivet-holes one end, four at the other (indicating possibly a repair); one bent gold rivet, one end cut, the other expanded. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Scratches focused near rivet-holes (possibly from removal of washers). Beaded impression/patina (L. 24.5mm; W. 17mm) around tang-slot from a hilt-collar/ring, and marks around rivet-holes at tips from bosses. Copper corrosion on reverse, possibly from a liner. Set: collar/ring impression matches size of hilt-ring 191.

L. 59mm; W. 23mm; H. flange 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 4.70g; X-ray: L16

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,351,"[K351] TH120, no location",,16,,4.7 1834,319,"

319                  [K57]

Hilt-plate in gold. One end twisted and torn, the side-flange detached in places and a small part missing one end. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form with a rectangular slot cut in the centre for the weapon tang (damaged). Five holes at each end (instead of the usual three, indicating possibly a repair); no rivets. Reverse: copper corrosion in places and small fragments found associated during cleaning, probably remains of a liner. Wear/marks: light wear. Mark from a washer around two rivet-holes and from a boss around the hole at the tip. 

L. 22.5mm; W. 19mm; H. flange 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.28g; X-ray: L59

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,57,"[K57] BA0056, grid M10",,59,M10,3.28 2095,320,"

320                  [K318]

Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn ends and the side-flange detached where the tip is bent up. Possibly a bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, probably originally of oval form, with part remains of a rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre. Three rivet-holes at the remaining end; no rivets. Side-flange is lipped on the underside; possibly it had gripped a metal liner. Wear/marks: heavy wear at tip, the sheet worn through. Multiple blade scratches at rivet-holes, possibly from removal of washers. ‘X’ lightly incised between rivet-holes on reverse at tip. Slight impression around tang-slot, possibly from a hilt-collar or the grip.

L. 39mm; W. 16.5mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 2.51g; X-ray: L60

",Half fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,318,"[K318] TH170, no location","(Note: found in mud adhering: one fragment of silver-gilt sheet, 690: [K1858])",60,,2.51 2261,321,"

321                  [K484]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Tip folded over, end torn. Part of a plate from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange. Three rivet-holes at the tip; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear; light scratches. 

L. 14mm; W. 20mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.55g; X-ray: L62

",End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,484,"[K484] TH211, no location",,62,,0.55 3618,322,"

322                  [K1839]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn edge, folded. Probably a plate from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with two rivet-holes; no rivets. Wear/marks: rivet-holes expanded from forced removal of rivets. Mark from boss around hole at tip.

L. 18mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 1.23g; X-ray: L121

",End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1839,"K1839=K296] TH158, no location","(Note: in mud adhering: hilt-collar 180; mount 522; one fragment [K1840] of hilt-ring 232; one small silver sheet fragment, 690: [K1841])",,,1.23 3950,323,

323                  [K2077]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. From the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange. Three rivet-holes at the tip; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear. 

L. 26mm; W. 32mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.53g; no X-ray

,End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,2077,"[K2077=K1028] BA0395, grid L7",(Note: found stuck inside mount 411),,L7,0.53 2712,324,"

324                  [K844]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form. Slightly misshapen: tips and one side bent. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal, flat originally, with a rectangular slot (L. 21mm; W. 8mm) for the weapon tang cut centrally. One rivet-hole each end; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear. Beaded patina/impression (L. 48mm; W. 20mm) from a hilt-collar/ring around the tang-slot. Impressions from bosses at tips, around rivet-holes. 

L. 76mm; W. 22mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 5.51g; X-ray: L16

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form,Hilt-plate,Gold,,844,"[K844] BA0014, grid M9",(Note: found on site with garnet boss 617),16,M9,5.51 1787,325,"

325                  [K10]

Hilt-plate in gold. Twice folded, torn open each end. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal, of oval form and flat originally, with a rectangular slot (W. 6mm) for the weapon tang cut in the centre. One rivet-hole each end (torn open); no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear; extensive light scratches. Beaded impressions around rivet-holes from bosses.

L. 24mm; W. 22mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 4.83g; no X-ray

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,10,"[K10] BA0232, grid K12",,,K12,4.83 2093,326,"

326                  [K316]

Hilt-plate in gold with side-flange. Torn open one side and twisted. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form, with a side-flange and a rectangular slot for the weapon tang cut centrally. One rivet-hole each end; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear. Patina/impression from a boss at one tip. 

L. 43mm; H. flange 1mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 5.08g; X-ray: L52

",Hilt-plate in gold with side-flange,Hilt-collar,Gold,,316,": [K316] TH170, no location","(Note: from mud adhering: one fragment of gold sheet, 682: [K2097])",52,,5.08 2145,327,"

327                  [K368]

Hilt-plate in gold. Torn open and misshapen. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form and flat, with on the reverse additional strips around the outer edge; an oval slot for the weapon tang was cut in the centre (destroyed). One rivet-hole each end; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear. A possible blade/tool scratch on reverse. Beaded indentations from a hilt-collar/ring around the tang-slot and from bosses at the tips. 

L. 77mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 11.23g; X-ray: L56

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,368,"[K368] TH102, no location",,56,,11.23 2223,328,"

328                  [K446]

Hilt-plate in gold. Torn/?cut open one side, bent, and missing one tip. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of thick sheet metal with smoothed outer edges, originally of oval form and flat, and with a rectangular slot (L. 23mm) for the weapon tang cut in the centre (torn open). Two rivet-holes each end (one only part remains at the damaged end) instead of the usual one hole each end (possibly indicating a repair); no rivets. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Marks from a hilt-collar or the grip around the tang-slot, and from a boss at the intact end. Scratches around rivet-holes at damaged end. On the reverse of one side is a small incision and other marks made by the tip of a blade, which has lifted the edge also (?levered). Set: boss pair 638 match closely the boss-mark at the tip. 

L. 66mm; W. 24mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 9.42g; X-ray: L56

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,446,"[K446] TH227, no location",,56; 64,,9.42 1856,329,"

329                  [K79, K649]

Hilt-plate in gold. In two joining fragments, torn and misshapen. A plate from the lower guard (grip side). Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form and flat with a lipped edge, and with an oval slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre. One rivet-hole each end; no rivets. Wear/marks: ?moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Tarnish covers much of the display surface. Marks from missing bosses around rivet-holes.

L. 30/39.5mm; W. 23mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.24g; X-ray: L61

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,79,"[K79] BA0041, grid L10; [K649] TH053, no location","(Note: found during cleaning of [K79]: one cut garnet 693: [K1788]; one fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K1789]; two fragments of silver-gilt reeded strip, 613: [K1790]. Found during cleaning of [K649]: two fragments of silver-gilt die-impressed sheet, 606: [K2078])",,L10,3.24 2517,329,

Part of Catalogue no. 329 - see K0079 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,649,,,61; 64,, 2920,330,"

330                  [K1143]

FRAGMENT OF HILT-PLATE IN GOLD. Badly torn, missing one end and part of one side. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and one rivet-hole at the intact end; no rivet. The side-flange is lipped on its underside, possibly it had gripped a metal liner. Wear/marks: ?light wear. 

L. 41mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 1.55g; no X-ray

",Fragment of hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1143,"[K1143] BA0486, grid K5","(Note: found during cleaning: one silver sheet fragment, 690: [K1956]; one silver-gilt reeded strip fragment, 613: [K1957])",,K5,1.55 3601,331,"

331                  [K1822]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form. One edge dented. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and a long slot (L. 55mm; W. 3.5mm) for the blade cut in the centre. Two rivet-holes each end instead of the usual one (possibly indicating a repair); one complete gold rivet, bent, end flattened (L. 21mm). Reverse: remains of a copper-alloy liner; a lip around the edge of the side-flange held it in place. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Longitudinal scratches parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing. Faint marks from missing bosses.

L. 87mm; W. 23mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm. Wt 11.01g; no X-ray

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1822,"[K1822]=[K282] TH150, no location","(Note: found with: hilt-plate 264; one fragment [K1823] from silver hilt-plate 381; one fragment [K2085] from silver hilt-plate 385; one fragment [K1975] from silver hilt-plate 386; one fragment of silver die-impressed sheet, 606: [K1976]; two cut garnets, 693: [K2094, K2095]; one fragment [K2135] of silver band 593)",,,11.01 2172,332,"

332                  [K395]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form. Misshapen, edges lifted. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and a long slot for the blade running the length of the centre; it has been torn each end (original L. 55mm), splitting the rivet-holes; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear; extensive light scratches (some recent, one edge). Longitudinal scratches run parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing.

L. 82.5mm; W. 24mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 8.13g; X-ray: L39

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form,Hilt-plate,Gold,,395,"[K395] TH104, no location",,39,,8.13 2591,333,"

333                  [K723]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form. Torn open one end, misshapen, and multiple other tears also. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and a long slot for the blade centrally; this had a low standing flange, which has angled cut marks along its edges, perhaps as decoration. Two rivet-holes at the intact end instead of the usual single hole (possibly indicating a repair); one is torn open at the other end; no rivets. The side-flange is lipped on the underside, so probably it had gripped a liner. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Longitudinal scratches parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing. Overlying these are brighter scratches that are recent. Marks from missing bosses around rivet-holes.

L. 85.5mm; W. 21mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 9.55g; X-ray: L40

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form,Hilt-plate,Gold,,723,"[K723] BA0205, grid M12",(Note: found on site with gold mount 414),40,M12,9.55 2748,334,"

334                  [K880]

Hilt-plate in gold. Torn in places and twisted. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form with a side-flange, and with a long slot for the blade centrally with an inverted flange. One rivet-hole each end; no rivets. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Fine longitudinal scratches parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing. Patinas from bosses surround rivet-holes.

L. 79.5mm; W. 21mm; H. flange 2.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 5.58g; X-ray: L40, L138

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,880,"[K880] BA0009, grid K10",(Note: found on site with: one fragment [K879] of hilt-collar 87; hilt-ring 219 gold mount 420),40; 138,K10,5.58 1910,335,"

335                  [K133]

Hilt-plate in gold. Torn and folded. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form with a side-flange and a long slot for the blade centrally. One rivet-hole at each end; one gold rivet in situ, head only. Reverse: the side-flange is lipped on the underside and at one end it grips the remains of a cast copper-alloy liner (other fragments removed loose during cleaning). Wear/marks: moderate wear at tips; extensive light scratches. 

L. 49.5mm; W. 46.5mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 6.49g; no X-ray

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,133,"[K133] BA0057b, grid J10","(Note: found on site with: hilt-ring 223; hilt-plate 284; one fragment of die-impressed silver sheet, 606: [K2081])",,J10,6.49 1780,336,"

336                  [K3, K479]

Hilt-plate in gold. Two rejoined fragments, missing one end, flattened and torn edges. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form with a side-flange, and with a long slot for the blade centrally with an inverted flange. One rivet-hole at the remaining end; no rivets. Reverse: the side-flange is lipped on the underside, where it had gripped a copper-alloy liner, a small fragment of which remains at the tip. Wear/marks: light wear; light scratches. A faint outline from a missing boss surrounds the rivet-hole.

L. 57.5mm; W. 21mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.10g; X-ray: L91

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,3,"[K3] BA0189, grid I9; [K479] TH211, no location",,,I9,3.1 2256,336,

Part of catalogue no. 336 - see K0003 for catalogue entry

,Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,479,,,91,, 3036,337,"

337                  [K1259]

Insert of gold for a hilt-plate. Slightly crumpled, torn one end, and the sheet-metal construction has separated in places. It comprises a blade-slot (L. 49mm; W. 3mm) with a standing flange for insertion into a plate from the lower guard of a sword. Wear/marks: light wear. A line is incised roughly around the flange.

L. 53mm; W. 8mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 2.12g; X-ray: L63 

",Insert of gold for a hilt-plate,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1259,"[K1259] BA0348, grid N10",,63,N10,2.12 2250,338,"

338                  [K473]

Hilt-plate in gold. Torn apart, the fragments folded and twisted together. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and originally a long slot for the blade the length of the centre (destroyed). One rivet-hole each end, and two additional holes through the flange one side; no rivets. Wear/marks: light wear; extensive light scratches. Longitudinal light scratches run parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing. Marks around holes at the ends from missing bosses.

L. 44mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 4.95g; X-ray: L91

",Hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,473,"[K473] TH211, no location",,91,,4.95 3874,339,"

339                  [K5025]

Two gold hilt-plate fragments. Possibly two sides of a single plate, deliberately twisted together. Missing one end. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and originally a long slot for the blade in the centre. One rivet-hole at the intact tip; no rivet. Wear/marks: light wear overall. Light scratches parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing, and other small dents. 

L. 37mm; W. 19mm; H. flange 2.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.80g; X-ray: L68 

",Two gold hilt-plate fragments,Hilt-plate,Gold,,5025,[K5025] grid J14,,,,3.8 1821,340,"

340                  [K44]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Crumpled and torn. Part of the bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, remains of a side-flange one edge, and part of the blade-slot on the other edge. 

L. 41.5mm; H. flange 2.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.56g; X-ray: L62, L6

",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,44,"[K44] BA0229, grid J10",,64; 62,J10,0.56 2358,341,"

341                  [K581]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold with torn ends. Part of the bottom plate from the lower guard of a sword (blade side). Constructed of sheet metal; one edge has a side-flange; the other edge is part of the slot cut for the blade. Wear/marks: light scratches parallel with the blade-slot edge, possibly from polishing. 

L. 62mm; W. 10mm; H. flange 2.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 2.40g; X-ray: L63

",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold with torn ends,Hilt-plate,Gold,,581,"[K581] TH022, no location",,63,,2.4 2779,342,"

342                  [K911]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn and crumpled. Part of the bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal; one edge has a side-flange (flattened); the other has one edge from the slot for the blade (also with tattered remnants of a flange). Reverse: the lipped edge of the side-flange grips small fragments of copper alloy, all that remains of a liner.

L. 61mm; W. 11mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.88g; X-ray: L62

",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,911,"[K911] BA1039, no location",,62,,0.88 2940,343,"

343                  [K1163]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Ends torn, folded. Part of the bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal; one edge has a side-flange; the other has one edge from the slot cut for the blade. Wear/marks: fine longitudinal scratches parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing.

L. 40mm; W.10mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 1.43g; no X-ray

",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1163,"[K1163] BA0416, grid O13",,,O13,1.43 2993,344,"

344                  [K1216]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn on the two short edges. Part of a bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal; one long edge formed the original edge of the plate, the other may be one edge of a slot for the blade. Wear/marks: ?light wear. 

L. 30mm; W. 8mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 1.02g; X-ray: L91

",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1216,"[K1216] BA0325, grid N11",,91,N11,1.02 1836,345,"

345                  [K59]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Ends torn. Possibly part of the bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal. Flattened creases indicate the plate had a side-flange, and probably a blade-slot with a flange also on the opposite edge.

L. 27mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.51g; X-ray: L62

",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,59,"[K59] BA0029, grid L11",,62,L11,0.51 2975,346,"

346                  [K1198]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn on two edges, forming a rectangle. Possibly part of the bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal; an original flanged edge is flattened but remains as a crease; the opposite straight cut edge may be part of a blade slot. Wear/marks: ?moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Incised line parallel with the blade slot edge. Possible blade scratches on reverse.

L. 22mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.52g; X-ray: L88

",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1198,"[K1198] BA0313, K13","(Note: found in mud adhering: one fragment of gold beaded wire, 681: [K1959]; six fragments of silver reeded strip, 613: [K1960]; nine fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1961])",88,K13,0.52 1942,347,"

347                  [K165]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Bent at tip, torn back edge. Possibly part of a plate from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal with one rivet-hole; no rivet. Wear/marks: light wear with scratches. Faint mark around the hole from a boss. Tool mark to one edge (?tongs).

L. 13mm; W. 17mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.57g; X-ray: L91

",End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,165,"[K165] US0031, no location",,91,,0.57 2671,348,"

348                  [K803]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn one edge, other edges finished. Possibly part of a plate from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal with one rivet-hole; no rivet. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive fine scratches. Mark from boss around rivet-hole.

L. 25mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.69g; X-ray: L91

",End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,803,"[K803] BA0117, grid L9","(Note: from mud adhering: one fragment of silver-gilt sheet, 690: [K1932])",191,L9,0.69 3017,349,

349                  [K1240]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn back edge. Constructed of thick sheet metal with a side-flange and a rivet-hole; no rivet. Wear/marks: moderate wear to tip.

L. 18mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. sheet >0.5mm; Wt 0.88g; X-ray: L63

,End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1240,"[K1602] SCC0014, grid J10","(Note: from mud adhering: one garnet with gold foil, 693: [K1962])",63,,0.88 3380,350,

350                  [K1602]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Constructed of sheet metal with a rivet-hole; no rivet. 

L. 11mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.17g; X-ray: L64

,End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1602,"[K1602] SCC0014, grid J10",,64,,0.17 1809,351,"

351                  [K32]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Edges torn. Constructed of sheet metal with one finished, curved edge with a lip (for gripping a liner).

L. 49mm; Th. edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.39g; X-ray: L62

",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,32,"[K32] BA0202, grid L12",(Note: found with pommel 68),62,L12,0.39 1891,352,"

352                  [K114]

Side fragment from a hilt-plate in gold. Constructed of sheet metal, a crease indicating possibly an original side-flange. 

L. 23mm; H. flange 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.56g; X-ray: L90

",Side fragment from a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,114,"[K114] BA0069, grid M12",,138,M12,0.2 2844,353,

353                  [K976]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Ends torn. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange (split).  

L. 23mm; H. flange 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.56g; X-ray: L90

,Side fragment from a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,976,"[K976] BA0268, grid M10",,90,M10,0.56 2974,354,"

354                  [K1197]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Crumpled, one finished outer edge; other edges torn. Constructed of sheet metal. Three sides remain of a rectangular slot for the weapon tang, originally cut in the centre of the plate. 

L. 28mm; W. 16mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 1.06g; X-ray: L63

",Side fragment from a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1197,"[K1197] BA0312, grid K13",,63,K13,1.06 3006,355,"

355                  [K1229]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Crumpled and torn. Constructed of sheet metal with flattened remains of a side-flange one edge (with a lip). Wear/marks: line of three small triangular indents, probably a tool mark. 

L. 21mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.23g; X-ray: L88

",Side fragment from a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1229,"[K1229] BA0139, grid M9",,88,M9,0.23 3122,356,"

356                  [K1345]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Crumpled and torn. Constructed of sheet metal with flattened remains of a side-flange one edge (with a lip). Wear/marks: moderate wear. Longitudinal scratches, parallel with the edge, possibly from polishing; other scratches on a different alignment. 

L. 28mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.39g; X-ray: L88

",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1345,"[K1345] TH243, no location",,88,,0.39 3723,357,

357                  [K1943]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange. Part of a rivet-hole at one edge. Wear/marks: one edge cut at an angle.

L. 23mm; H. flange 2.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.64g; X-ray: L93

,Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1943,"[K1943=K1033] BA0390, grid O10",(Note: found attached by mud with: gold filigree mount 419),,O10,0.64 3727,358,

358                  [K1947]

 Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold. Torn and crumpled. Constructed of sheet metal with part of a rivet-hole at one end.

L. 24mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.69g; X-ray: L74

,Side fragment of a hilt-plate in gold,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1947,"[K1947=K1058] BA0155, grid M8",(Note: found attached by mud with: gold and garnet hilt-collar 181; one fragment [K1946] of gold filigree mount 419),,M8,0.69 2176,359,"

359      [K399, K881]

Hilt-plate in gold with a fixed hilt-collar with filigree decoration. One end of the plate is torn and partly missing, and much of one side of the hilt-collar is also lost. A top plate from the lower guard (grip side). Constructed of sheet metal with one rivet-hole at the intact end surrounded by a filigree collar of beaded wire (Diam. 8mm); the other end has remains of a rivet-hole; no rivets. Filigree:the hilt-collar originally had four panels of scrollwork each side, set on flat sheet, some divided into double registers; these are filled by C-scrolls and volute scrolls formed from spiral-beaded wire; the panels are separated by vertical herringbone bands (of two-ply twisted wires); the ends are separated by thicker bands of herringbone-with-spine (formed of two-ply twisted-beaded wires and thinner beaded wires); inner borders to the panels formed of thinner spiral-beaded wires; the top and bottom edges are framed by thicker beaded wire. Reverse/interior: multiple sheet joins are visible from the attachment of the hilt-collar to the plate. Wear/marks: light wear to the filigree, and some flattening from damage. A faint incised ‘V’ layout mark on the surface of the plate between the hilt-collar and the collar of the rivet-hole.

L. 62.5mm; H. hilt-collar 10mm; Th. wire edge 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 6.38g; X-ray: L55, L88

",Hilt-plate in gold with a fixed hilt-collar with filigree decoration,Hilt-plate,Gold,,399,"[K399] TH115, no location; [K881] BA0499, grid Q10",,55,,6.38 2749,359,

Part of catalogue no. 359 see K0399.

,Hilt-plate in gold with a fixed hilt-collar and filigree decoration,Hilt-plate,Gold,,881,,,88,Q10, 2097,360,"

360      [K320, K1063, K1250]

Three fragments from one or more hilt-plates in gold with filigree decoration. None join and all are twisted and torn; two are fragments of tip ([K320] and [K1250]) and are probably from the same plate, originally oval in form and flat; the other [K1063] is possibly the same plate, or might be a fragment from a matching plate. The most complete tip fragment [K320] has a hole on the reverse near the tip with solder scarring, probably where a fixing nail/rivet was attached; the other tip fragment [K1250] has a torn hole in the corresponding location. The edge of a slot for the weapon tang remains on one fragment [K320]. Filigree: on each of the tip fragmentsis a cross set in high relief with beaded wires inlaid centrally along each arm; the plate outer edges are framed with thick gold banding also; beaded wire was also used to frame the tang-slot edge on fragment [K320]; layout marks are visible (under a microscope) behind the design in one case [K320]. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Possible blade scratch on the reverse of one fragment [K320].

L. 22/30/32mm; W. largest 22.5mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 6.07g; X-ray: L60, L92 

",Three fragments from one or more hilt-plates in gold with filigree decoration,Hilt-plate,Gold,,320,"[K320] TH170, no location; [K1063] BA0156, grid M8; [K1250] BA0337, grid N9)","(Note: attached in mud with fragment [K1250], one gold foil 695: [K1963])",60,,6.07 2438,360,

Part of catalogue no. 360 - see K0320 for catalogue entry.

,Three fragments from one or more hilt-plates in gold with filigree decoration,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1063,,,92,M8, 3027,360,

Part of catalogue no. 360 - see K0320 for catalogue entry.

,Three fragments from one or more hilt-plates in gold with filigree decoration,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1250,,,92,N9, 2559,361,"

361                  [K691]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with garnet cloisonné trim. Both ends bent, torn with the cellwork ruptured and some garnets/foils lost. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, of oval form originally and flat, with a rectangular slot (L. 13mm; W. 5.5mm) for the weapon tang cut in the centre. Three rivet-holes each end; no rivets. Cloisonné: a continuous band of repeating stepped pattern forms the trim, using a single T-shaped form. The flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ pattern (some foils exposed by damage). Wear/marks: moderate wear. Dented and scratched around the rivet-holes (probably from removal of washers). ‘X’ incised on reverse. Marks from a hilt-collar or grip and from bosses round the rivet-holes at the tips. Several scratches, possibly from a blade. Set: a pair with hilt-plate 362

L. 40mm; W. 19mm; H. trim 4mm; Th. sheet 0.5–1mm; Wt 13.61g; X-ray: L38

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with garnet cloisonné trim,Hilt-plate,Gold,,691,"[K691] TH047, no location",,38,,13.61 2431,362,"

362                  [K1056]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with garnet cloisonné trim. Twisted, one end torn open with the cellwork ruptured, some garnets/foils lost, and other stones sunken. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form and flat, with a long slot for the blade cut along the centre. One rivet-hole each end; no rivets. Sheet join underside of edge at intact tip. Cloisonné: a continuous band of repeating stepped pattern forms the trim, using a single T-shaped form. The flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ pattern (some foils exposed by damage). Wear/marks: light wear. ‘XX’ incised on reverse. Scratches possibly from a blade close to rivet-holes. Longitudinal light scratches, possibly from polishing. Set: a pair with hilt-plate 361

L. 71mm; W. 16.5mm; H. trim 4.5mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 19.26g X-ray: L19

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with garnet cloisonné trim,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1056,"[K1056] BA0152, grid M8",,19,M8,19.26 2635,363,"

363      [K767, K1150]

Hilt-plate in gold with garnet cloisonné trim. Three rejoined fragments, torn and twisted, multiple stones/foils lost and some stones sunken. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Constructed of sheet metal, originally of oval form and flat, with an oval slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre (torn open). Three rivet-holes each end; fragments of two copper-alloy rivets in situ one end. Cloisonné: one side has bands of square cells each end with chevron forms in between; the other side has square and rectangular cellwork; the sides are divided by lidded gold cells at the tips. The flat red garnets are backed with cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (one foil has a pattern of different size). Two cells are filled with a green corrosion material, perhaps a decayed enamel/glass (possibly indicating a repair). Reverse: a black residue at one tip may relate to the organic material of the guard (not examined). Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Impression one end around the rivet-hole at the tip from a boss, and an impression from a hilt-collar or grip near the tang-slot; rivet-holes torn one end, probably from removal. Set: a pair with hilt-plate 364.

L. 60mm; H. trim 2mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.63g; X-ray: L60

",Hilt-plate in gold with garnet cloisonné trim,Hilt-plate,Gold,,767,"[K767] BA0092, no location; [K1150] BA0478, grid K16",(Note: fragment [K1150] was found during conservation with two fragments [K2175] of die-impressed silver sheet from zoomorphic band 594),60,,3.63 2927,363,

Part of catalogue no. 363 - see K0767.

,Hilt-plate in gold with garnet cloisonné trim,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1150,,,,K16, 2151,364,"

364      [K374]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with garnet cloisonné trim. Twisted and torn, multiple stones/foils lost and some garnets sunken. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal, flat originally with a slot for the blade in the centre. One large rivet-hole each end, with two smaller holes at one end and multiple holes of the same size around the edge (possibly some are from a repair); no nails/rivets. Cloisonné: one side has a repeating pattern of square cells, the other combines chevron, square and stepped cells; the side trims are divided by single lidded gold cells at the tips. The flat red garnets are backed with cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear overall; extensive scratches and dents on outer surface. Impressions around rivet-holes from missing bosses. Possible cut mark on one edge. Set: a pair with hilt-plate 363.

L. 80mm; W. 21mm; H. trim 2.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 8.22g; X-ray: L15

",Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with garnet cloisonné trim,Hilt-plate,Gold,,374,"[K374] TH138, no location",,18,,8.22 2913,365,"

365                  [K1136]

Hilt-plate in gold with garnet cloisonné trim and gemmed bosses (stones missing). Torn almost in half and twisted with the cellwork ruptured and some garnets/foils lost. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal (of double thickness in places), originally with parallel sides and rounded ends, and flat, with a long slot for the blade the length of the centre (destroyed). One rivet-hole each end covered by the bosses; no rivets. Bosses: both have filigree collars formed of two beaded wires around plain bezels. Cloisonné: each side has a band of rectangular cells filled with flat red garnets, where remaining. Only one gold backing foil of ‘standard’ type is visible, exposed by a lost garnet (no others are visible behind the in situ stones). The bands are separated at the tips by gold lidded cells. Reverse: one sheet join. ‘X’ incised one end. Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collars. Longitudinal scratches parallel with blade-slot, possibly from polishing. 

L. 76.5mm; H. trim 3.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 9.33g; no X-ray

",Hilt-plate in gold with garnet cloisonné trim and gemmed bosses (stones missing).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1136,"[K1136] BA0497, grid M5",,,M5,9.33 2642,366,"

366                  [K774]

Hilt-plate in gold with remains of a garnet cloisonné trim. Torn and squashed, and missing most of its garnets/foils. Probably from the upper guard (possibly the top plate). Constructed of sheet metal with a slot cut in the centre for the weapon tang. Two rivet-holes at the less damaged end; no rivets. Cloisonné: the trim was formed from small rectangular slots cut in the plate edge, but only a few red garnets remain, cut with angled edges. Cross-hatched gold foils with ‘standard’ pattern back the stones. Reverse: shows a sheet join. The cloisonné construction is exposed on the reverse. Set: a suite with hilt-plates 367–369.

L. 50mm; H. trim 2.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.72g; X-ray: L61, L64

",Hilt-plate in gold with remains of a garnet cloisonné trim,Hilt-plate,Gold,,774,"[K774] BA0086, no location",,61; 64,,3.72 1864,367,"

367                  [K87, K806]

Hilt-plate in gold with originally a cloisonné trim (all stones missing). Badly misshapen and torn, in two fragments that partly join. Probably from the upper guard (possibly the bottom plate). Constructed of sheet metal with originally an oval slot cut in the centre for the weapon tang (destroyed). Two rivet-holes at the less damaged end. Cloisonné: the trim was formed by small rectangular slots cut in the plate edge into which the stones were set; all the stones would have been backed by patterned gold foils, one of which remains in one cell, of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: the rivet-hole at the tip is surrounded by an impression left by a boss with a filigree collar. Set: a suite with hilt-plates 366 and 368–369.

L. 30/38mm; H. trim 2.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 4.78g; X-ray: L91

",Hilt-plate in gold with originally a cloisonné trim (all stones missing).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,87,"[K87] BA0016, grid J10; [K806] BA0113, grid J10",,91,J10,4.78 2674,367,

Part of catalogue 367 - see K0087 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-plate in gold with originally a cloisonné trim (all stones missing).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,806,,,91,J10, 2604,368,"

368                  [K736, K778]

Hilt-plate in gold with remains of a garnet cloisonné trim. Two joining fragments, misshapen and torn, and almost all its stones/foils lost. Probably from the lower guard (possibly the top plate). Constructed of sheet metal, probably originally of oval form and flat, with an oval slot cut in the centre for the sword tang. One rivet-hole at each tip; one gold rivet in situ with a large flat head (L. 23.5mm). Further single fixing-holes are at each edge. Cloisonné: the trim is formed by small rectangular slots cut in the plate edge, but only a single garnet remains in situ; no backing foils survive. Reverse: some fine scratches may be laying-out marks. Wear/marks: a black residue (not examined) covers the plate in the vicinity of the rivet head. Impression from a boss around the rivet-hole. Set: a suite with hilt-plates 366–367 and 369.

L. 38/55mm; H. trim 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 7.57g; X-ray: L60

",Hilt-plate in gold with remains of a garnet cloisonné trim,Hilt-plate,Gold,,736,"Grid location: [K736] BA0204, grid M12; [K778] BA0087, no location",(Note: fragment [K736] part of finds group BA0204),60,M12,7.57 2646,368,

Part of catalogue no 368 - see K 0736 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-plate in gold with remains of a garnet cloisonné trim,Hilt-plate,Gold,,778,,,60,, 3940,369,"

369                  [K5091]

Hilt-plate in gold with originally a cloisonné trim (all stones missing). Torn and misshapen. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Constructed of sheet metal with evidence of the original slot in the centre for the blade and remains of a standing flange around the slot. One rivet-hole at each tip; no rivets. Cloisonné: the trim was formed by small rectangular slots cut in the plate edge, in which the stones with backing foils would have been set. Wear/marks: light scratches parallel with blade slot, possibly from polishing. Set: a suite with hilt-plates 366–368.

L. 64mm; W. 30.5mm; H. trim 3mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 9.78g; X-ray: L68

",Hilt-plate in gold with originally a cloisonné trim (all stones missing).,Hilt-plate,Gold,,5091,K5091] no location,,,,9.78 2344,370,"

370                  [K567]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with cast animal ornament in low relief. One end bent. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a seax with a side-flange and a slot in the centre (L. 36mm; W. 4mm) for the single-edged knife blade. A single rivet-hole each end surrounded by a filigree collar of beaded wire (Diam. 8mm); no rivets. Style II: each side shows a procession of animal quadrupeds in profile, eight in total, with contoured bodies and looped jaws; they link together and most biting the hind-leg of the creature in front; the pair at one end bite each other’s front limbs; eyes punched. Reverse: a flange around the blade-slot was added separately of sheet metal. A black residue in places may be small remains of the organic guard (not examined). Wear/marks: light wear overall. Deep scratch/?cut at the bent end, across the collar (possibly from removal). Fine longitudinal striations parallel with the blade-slot, possibly from polishing.

L. 74mm; W. 23mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 21.44g; X-ray: L19

",Hilt-plate cast in gold of oval form with animal ornament in low relief,Hilt-plate,Gold,,567,"[K567] TH004, no location",,19,,21.44 1915,371,"

371      [K138, K419, K593, K761, K799]

Hilt-plate in cast silver of oval form with gilding. Rejoined from five fragments; only missing small parts of one end and one side. A bottom plate from the lower guard of a sword with a side-flange and a long slot (L. 57mm; W. 5mm) for the blade in the centre. One rivet-hole each end; one silver rivet fragment in situ. Wear/marks: moderate wear to ends; extensive light scratches. Cut mark on one edge(at missing section). Marks from missing bosses around rivet-holes.

L. 91.5mm; W. 21mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. edge 1–1.5mm; Wt 14.42g; X-ray: L42, L43, L47

",Hilt-plate in cast silver of oval form with gilding,Hilt-plate,Silver,,138,"[K138] US0004, [K419] TH127, [K593] TH021, [K761] BA0203, [K799] US0115, no locations",(Note: fragment [K761] part of finds group BA0203),42,,14.42 2196,371,

Part of catalogue no. 371 - see K0138 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-plate in cast silver of oval form with gilding,Hilt-plate,Silver,,419,,,43,, 2370,371,

Part of catalogue no. 371 - see K0138 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-plate in cast silver of oval form with gilding,Hilt-plate,Silver,,593,,,42,, 2629,371,

Part of catalogue no. 371 - see K0138 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-plate in cast silver of oval form with gilding,Hilt-plate,Silver,,761,,,47,, 2667,371,

Part of catalogue no. 371 - see K0138 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-plate in cast silver of oval form with gilding,Hilt-plate,Silver,,799,,,43,, 1936,372,"

372      [K159, K239, K1029, K5084]

Hilt-plate cast in silver of oval form. Rejoined from four fragments; missing part of one half. A plate from the upper guard (possibly the top plate) with a side-flange and remains of the rectangular slot (W. 5mm) in the centre for the weapon tang, the edges bent downwards. Three rivet-holes originally each end; a small part of one silver rivet in situ. The larger hole, off centre, at one tip matches that on the plate’s pair (373). Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive scratches, some deep (possibly from a blade/tool). Copper corrosion on interior and exterior surfaces (from alloy). Set: a pair with hilt-plate 373.

L. 70mm; W. 19mm; H. flange 6mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 10.89g; X-ray: L64, L101, L124

",Hilt-plate cast in silver of oval form,Hilt-plate,Silver,,159,"[K159] US0025, [K239] TH179, no location; [K1029] BA0314, grid K13; [K5084] grid J4",(Note: fragment [K1029] found with hilt-plate fragments 300 and 388),124,,10.89 2016,372,

Part of catalogue no. 372 see K0159 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-plate cast in silver of oval form,Hilt-plate,Silver,,239,,,101,, 2897,372,

Part of catalogue no. 372 see K0159 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-plate cast in silver of oval form,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1029,,,64,K13, 3933,372,

Part of catalogue no. 372 see K0159 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-plate cast in silver of oval form,Hilt-plate,Silver,,5084,,,,, 2056,373,"

373                  [K279]

Hilt-plate cast in silver of oval form. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard with a side-flange and a rectangular slot (L. 12mm; W. 5.5mm) for the weapon tang in the centre; edges bent upwards from removal. Three rivet-holes each end; no rivets. The larger hole at one tip (Diam. 4.5mm) has associated scratches, possibly from filing and may be a secondary modification (it might have been made to fit a sword-ring). Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive scratches. Deeper dents, and multiple tool/cut marks close to the rivet-holes and tang-slot (some possibly relate to the removal of other hilt-fittings, whilst those on the edge may indicate levering). Marks from a hilt-collar or grip surround the slot. Copper corrosion from the alloy. Set: a pair with hilt-plate 372; sword-ring 82 fits the large hole approximately.

L. 73mm; W. 22mm; H. flange 6mm; Th. edge 1mm;Wt 14.94g; X-ray: L38, L41

",Hilt-plate cast in silver of oval form,Hilt-plate,Silver,,279,"[K279] TH182, no location","(Note: found in mud adhering: two fragments of silver reeded strip, 613: [K1816]; five fragments of die-impressed silver sheet, 606: [K1817]; twenty fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1818]; silver hilt-plate fragment 406)",38; 41,,14.94 1803,374,

374                  [K26]

End fragment from a hilt-plate cast in silver with line ornament. Bent upwards (?levered) with fractured edges. Part of a top plate (pommel side) from the upper guard with a side-flange decorated with three incised lines. One complete rivet-hole at the tip and parts of two others; no rivets. Wear/marks: moderate wear to the line ornament. Marks from pommel rivet-housings around the two rearmost rivet-holes. Set: probably a suite with hilt-plates 375–377 and fragment 378.

L. 24mm; W. 17mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.48g; X-ray: L92

,End fragment from a hilt-plate cast in silver with line ornament,Hilt-plate,Silver,,26,"[K26] BA0204, grid M12",(Note: [K26] part of finds group BA0204),92,M12,1.48 1956,375,"

375      [K179, K522, K837, K2082]

Hilt-plate cast in silver with line ornament. Bent into a U-shape and one tip flattened; found in 4 fragments (rejoined), and missing one side. A bottom plate (grip side) from the upper guard. Probably of oval form originally with a side-flange decorated with three incised lines and remains of an oval slot for the weapon tang at the centre. Three rivet-holes each end; no rivets.  Wear/marks: ?moderate wear; extensive light scratches. The flange edge has dents and cut marks that with the bent form suggest levering. An impression from a hilt-collar or grip surrounds the tang-slot. Marks from bosses around the holes at the tips. Scratches from washers around the innermost holes. Set: probably a suite with hilt-plates 374, 376–377 and fragment 378.

L. 31mm; W. 21mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 5.46g; X-ray: L42, L140

",Hilt-plate cast in silver with line ornament,Hilt-plate,Silver,,179,"[K179] US0046, [K522] TH214, [K2082=K1065] BA0158, no locations; [K837] SCC0023, grid J10","(Note: fragment [K179] found with fragment [K180] of hilt-collar pair 188. Fragment [K522] found with two fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1904]. Fragment [K837] found with: one fragment [K838] of die-impressed panel 600; one fragment of silver reeded strip [K841] from socket 607/08; five fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1938]. Found with [K2082]: one fragment [K1065] of silver bracket 607/08; two fragments of reeded strip, 613: [K1065]; one fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K1065]; one fragment [K2075] of silver hilt-collar 189)",140,,5.46 2299,375,

Part of catalogue no. 375 see K0179 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-plate cast in silver with line ornament,Hilt-plate,Silver,,522,,,42,, 2705,375,

Part of catalogue no. 375 see K0179 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-plate cast in silver with line ornament,Hilt-plate,Silver,,837,,,42,J10, 3955,375,

Part of catalogue no. 375 see K0179 for catalogue entry.

,Hilt-plate cast in silver with line ornament,Hilt-plate,Silver,,2082,,,,, 2947,376,"

376                  [K1170, K1269]

Two rejoined fragments of a hilt-plate cast in silver. Part of one side only with a curved side-flange decorated with three incised lines. Fragments show different discolouration/tarnishing. Set: probably a suite with hilt-plates 374–375, 377 and fragment 378.

L. 32.5mm; W. 9mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.20g; X-ray: L47

",Two re-joined fragments of a hilt-plate cast in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1170,"[K1170] BA0418, grid location O9; [K1269] BA0359, grid N12","(Note: fragment [K1269] found with one fragment of silver reeded strip, 613: [K1270])",47,O9,1.2 3046,376,

Part of catalogue 376 see K1170 for catalogue entry.

,Two re-joined fragments of a hilt-plate cast in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1269,,,47,N12, 2931,377,

377                  [K1154]

Fragment of side-flange from one side of a hilt-plate in cast silver. Decorated with three incised lines. Set: probably from a suite with hilt-plates 374–376 and fragment 378.

L. 23mm; H. flange 4.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.49g; no X-ray

,Fragment of side-flange from one side of a hilt-plate in cast silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1154,"[K1154] BA0411, grid O9",,,O9,0.49 3045,378,"

378                  [K1268]

Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver with a side-flange. One line of decoration is visible on the flange, beneath covering corrosion. Set: possibly from a suite with hilt-plates 374–377.

L. 12mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.31g; X-ray: L101

",Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver with a side-flange,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1268,"[K1268] BA0358, grid M15",,101,M15,0.31 1790,379,"

379      [K13, K995]

Half of a hilt-plate cast in silver. Two rejoined fragments, missing the tip, with bent, old break edges, and flattened. A plate from the upper guard with a side-flange. Part remains of the rectangular slot (W. 5mm) for the weapon tang that was originally in the centre of the plate. Three rivet-holes at the tip end; lower part of one silver rivet in situ, bent. Traces of gilding. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Dents to edges, possibly tool marks. Set: possibly part of hilt-plate 380or its pair.

L. 35mm; W. 20mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 5.36g; X-ray: L22, L44

",Half of a hilt-plate cast in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,13,"[K13] BA0218, no location; [K995] BA0288, grid M8",,22,,5.36 2863,379,

Part of catalogue no. 379 see K0013 for catalogue entry.

,Half of a hilt-plate cast in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,995,,,44,M8, 2918,380,"

380      [K1141, K1180, K1217]

End of a hilt-plate cast in silver. Three rejoined fragments. Slightly flattened. A plate from the upper guard with a side-flange. Three rivet-holes at the tip; one silver rivet fragment in situ. Traces of gilding. Wear/marks: ?moderate wear. Filing marks on basal edge. Set: possibly part of hilt-plate 379or its pair.

L. 26mm; W. 19mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 2.85g; X-ray: L43, L124

","End of a hilt-plate cast in silver,",Hilt-plate,Silver,,1141,"[K1141] BA0488, grid Q11; [K1180] BA0328, grid N9; [K1217] BA0326, grid N8",,124,Q11,2.85 2957,380,

Part of catalogue no. 380 see K1147 for catalogue entry.

,End of a hilt-plate cast in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1180,,,43,N9, 2994,380,

Part of catalogue no. 380 see K1147 for catalogue entry.

,End of a hilt-plate cast in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1217,,,43,N8, 3602,381,"

381      [K1823, K2083]

End of a hilt-plate cast in silver. Two rejoined fragments, missing a small part of the tip. A plate from the upper guard with a side-flange. Three rivet-holes; that at the tip is large (Diam. 4mm). Traces of gilding (mercury detected by analysis). Wear/marks: ?moderate wear. Copper and iron corrosion on surface. Set: possibly same plate as 382 or a pair; possibly a set with boss-headed rivet pair 666, which fit the hole.

L. 23.5mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.10g; no X-ray

",End of a hilt-plate cast in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1823,"[K2083=K1493], [K1823=K282] TH150, no locations","(Find associations: [K2083] part of soil block 15. Fragment [K1823] found with: gold hilt-plates 264 and 331; one fragment [K2085] from silver hilt-plate 385; one fragment [K1975] from silver hilt-plate 386; one fragment of silver die-impressed sheet, 606: [K1976]; two cut garnets, 693: [K2094, K2095]; one fragment [K2135] of silver band 593)",,,2.1 3956,381,

Part of catalogue no. 381 see K1823 for catalogue entry.

,End of a hilt-plate cast in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,2083,,,,, 3312,382,"

382      [K1534]

End fragment of a hilt-plate cast in silver. A plate from the upper guard with a side-flange. A small part of the sub-rectangular slot (W. 7mm) for the weapon tang remains at the broken edge that was originally in the centre of the plate. Three rivet-holes; that at the tip is large (Diam. 4mm). Wear/marks: ?moderate wear. Set: possibly same plate as 381 or a pair; possibly a set with boss-headed rivet pair 666, which fit the hole.

L. 28.5mm; W. 20mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.34g; X-ray: L42

",End fragment of a hilt-plate cast in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1534,"[K1534], no location",(Note: [K1534] part of soil block 9),42,,3.34 1975,383,"

383      [K198, K944, K1335]

End of a hilt-plate in cast silver with gilding. Three rejoined fragments. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard with a side-flange. Part of the slot for the blade remains, one edge that was originally in the centre of the plate. One rivet-hole at tip; no rivet. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Mark from a boss around the rivet-hole. Some copper corrosion on surface (from alloy). Set: possibly part of the same plate as 384, but no join.

L. 32.5mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 3.34g; X-ray: L43, L47

",End of a hilt-plate in cast silver with gilding,Hilt-plate,Silver,,198,"[K198] US0064; [K944] US0135; [K1335] BA0242, grid location K12",(Note: fragment [K1335] found with hilt-plate 291),43,,3.34 2812,383,

Part of catalogue 383 see K0198 for catalogue entry.

,End of a hilt-plate in cast silver with gilding,Hilt-plate,Silver,,944,,,43,, 3112,383,

Part of catalogue 383 see K0198 for catalogue entry.

,"Hilt-plate fragment of cast silver with flange, and gilding",Hilt-plate,Silver,,1335,,,47,K12, 2847,384,"

384      [K979, K1209, K1338]

SIDE OF A HILT-PLATE IN CAST SILVER WITH GILDING. In three rejoined fragments, slightly bent. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard with a side-flange. Part of the slot for the blade remains that was originally in the centre of the plate. One rivet-hole at tip; no rivet. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Set: possibly part of the same plate as 383, but no join (so could be from different suites).

L. 51mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 5.44g; X-ray: L43, L47

",Side of a hilt-plate in cast silver with gilding,Hilt-plate,Silver,,979,"[K979] BA0262, grid I11; [K1209] BA0310, grid K8; [K1338] TH242, no location","(Note: fragment [K1209] found with: one fragment [K1208] of silver reeded strip from socket 607/08; one fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K1215])",47,I11,5.44 2986,384,

Part of catalogue no. 384 see K0979 for catalogue entry.

,Side of a hilt-plate in cast silver with gilding,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1209,,,43,K8, 3115,384,

Part of catalogue no. 384 see K0979 for catalogue entry.

,Side of a hilt-plate in cast silver with gilding,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1338,,,47,, 2025,385,"

385      [K248, K2085]

Side of a hilt-plate in silver-gilt. Three rejoined fragments. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard of a sword. Made of sheet metal with a side-flange. The other long edge is part of the slot for the blade that was originally at the centre of the plate. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Both ends cut and slightly bent.

L. 60mm; W. 8mm; H. flange 6.5mm; Th. sheet >0.5mm; Wt 3.10g; X-ray: L98

",Side of a hilt-plate in silver-gilt,Hilt-plate,Silver,,248,"[K248] TH179, [K2085=K282] TH150, no locations","(Note: fragment [K2085] found with: gold hilt-plates 264 and 331; one fragment [K1975] from silver hilt-plate 386; one fragment [K2083] from silver hilt-plate 385; one fragment of silver die-impressed sheet, 606: [K1976]; two cut garnets, 693: [K2094, K2095]; one fragment [K2135] of silver band 593)",98,,3.1 3958,385,

Part of catalogue no. 385 see K0248 for catalogue entry.

,Side of a hilt-plate in silver-gilt,Hilt-plate,Silver,,2085,,,,, 3756,386,"

386      [K1975, K2084]

Side fragment of a hilt-plate in silver. Two rejoined fragments, one end bent. A bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard. Made of sheet metal with a side-flange and a small part of the slot for the blade that was originally in the centre of the plate. Wear/marks: ?light wear; extensive light scratches. Fine longitudinal scratches also, possibly from polishing. 

L. 48mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. sheet >0.5mm; Wt 1.62g; no X-ray


",Side fragment of a hilt-plate in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1975,"[K1975=K282] TH150, [K2084=K1493], no locations","(Note: fragment [K1975] found with: gold hilt-plates 264 and 331; one fragment [K2083] from silver hilt-plate 385; one fragment [K2085] from silver hilt-plate 385; one fragment of silver die-impressed sheet, 606: [K1976]; two cut garnets, 693: [K2094, K2095]; one fragment [K2135] of silver band 593. Fragment [K2084] part of soil block 15)",,,1.62 3957,386,

Part of catalogue no. 386 see K2084 for catalogue entry.

,Side fragment of a hilt-plate in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,2084,,,,, 2609,387,

387                  [K741]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver. Possibly from the lower guard (possibly the top plate). Possible traces of gilding. One rivet-hole; no rivet. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Cut mark on flange edge with a curl of metal.

L. 23mm; H. flange 3.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.70g; X-ray: L42

,End fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,741,"[K741] BA0203, no location",(Note: [K741] part of finds group BA0203),42,,1.7 3722,388,

388                  [K1942]

End Fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver. Possibly from the lower guard (possibly a top plate) with remains of a side-flange. Part of one rivet-hole; no rivet. Wear/marks: cut mark on flange edge.

L. 20mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. edge 0.5–1mm; Wt 0.85g; X-ray: L64

,End fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1942,"[K1942=K1029] BA0314, grid K13","(Note: found with hilt-plate 300, and fragment [K1029] of hilt-plate 372)",,K13,0.85 3809,389,

389                  [K2028]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in silver with a side-flange. Possibly cast. Part of one rivet-hole; no rivet. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. 

L. 16mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.10g; X-ray: L42

,End fragment of a hilt-plate in silver with a side-flange.,Hilt-plate,Silver,,2028,"[K2028=K1534], no location",(Note: [K2028=K1534] part of soil block 9),,,1.1 3230,390,

390                  [K1453]

End of a hilt-plate in silver. Three rejoined fragments (recent breaks). Possibly from the lower guard. Possibly cast. Part of one rivet-hole; no rivet. Faint double lines of fine punched triangles decorate. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 14mm; Th. edge 1mm Wt 0.88g; X-ray: L94

,End of a hilt-plate in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1453,"K1453], no location",(Note: [K1453] part of soil block 10),94,,0.88 3960,391,"

391                  [K2087]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in silver. Made of sheet metal with a chamfered edge, and part of a rivet-hole along the break edge. Possible traces of gilding. Wear/marks:mark from a missing boss around rivet-hole.

L. 12mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 0.27g; no X-ray

",End fragment of a hilt-plate in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,2087,"[K2087=K542]TH214, no location","(Note: found with: five fragments of silver die-impressed sheet from panel 600; two fragments of silver die-impressed sheet from panel 602; two fragments of silver die-impressed sheet, 606: [K542]; two fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K542]; one fragment of silver reeded strip, 613: [K2105])",,,0.27 2732,392,

392                  [K864]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in silver. Made of sheet metal with a side-flange and part of one rivet-hole remaining. Possible traces of gilding. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Deeper scratches one side of the flange. Dented tip. Rivet-hole torn (visible on reverse).

L. 19mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 1.01g; X-ray: L42

,End fragment of a hilt-plate in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,864,"[K864] US0123 SCC, no location",,42,,1.01 3239,393,"

393                  [K1462]

End of a hilt-plate in silver. Three rejoined fragments (recent breaks). Possibly from the lower guard (possibly the top plate). Made of sheet metal with one rivet-hole; the rivet was found in situ; it is incomplete with a bent shank, but retains a circular washer (L. 17mm; Diam. washer 8mm).

L. 19mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 1.81g; X-ray: L64

",End of a hilt-plate in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1462,"[K1462], no location",(Note: [K1462] part of soil block 21),64,,1.81 2803,394,"

394                  [K935]

Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver. Part of a side-flange (broken), and the other edge may be part of a blade-slot. Possibly a bottom plate (blade side) from the lower guard. 

L. 14mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.40g; X-ray: L43

",Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver with a side-flange,Hilt-plate,Silver,,935,"[K935] BA1037, no location",(Note: part of finds group BA1037),43,,0.4 2806,395,"

395                  [K938]

Small side fragment from a hilt-plate in cast silver. Part of a side-flange, and the other edge may be part of a blade-slot. Possibly from the lower guard (blade side). Gilding. Wear/marks: light wear. Longitudinal scratches, possibly from polishing.

L. 15.5mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.99g; X-ray: L43

",Small side fragment from a hilt-plate in cast silver with a side-flange,Hilt-plate,Silver,,938,"[K938] BA1051, no location",(Note: [K938] part of finds group BA1051),43,,0.99 1867,396,

396                  [K90]

Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver. Part of a side-flange. Possible traces of gilding. Part of a rivet-hole on one broken edge. 

L. 12mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.51g; X-ray: L43

,Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver with a side-flange,Hilt-plate,Silver,,90,"(Grid location: [K90] BA0012, grid K10)",,43,K10,0.51 1944,397,

397                  [K167]

Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver. Part of a side-flange.

L. 20mm; H. flange 4.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.03g; X-ray: L101

,Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver with a side-flange,Hilt-plate,Silver,,167,"[K167] US0033, no location",,101,,1.03 1977,398,

398                  [K200]

Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver. Part of a side-flange. Gilding. Wear/marks: cut marks on basal edge of flange. Surface scratched.

L. 12mm; H. 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.64g; X-ray: L43

,Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver with a side-flange,Hilt-plate,Silver,,200,"[K200] US0066, no location",,43,,0.64 2199,399,

399                  [K422]

Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver. Part of a side-flange. Traces of gilding. Wear/marks:moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Cut marks on basal edge of flange. 

L. 25.5mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.40g; X-ray: L47

,Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver with a side-flange,Hilt-plate,Silver,,422,"[K422] TH127, no location","(Note: in mud adhering: one silver nail/rivet fragment, 675: [K1891]; three very small fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1892])",47,,1.4 2386,400,"

400                  [K609]

Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver. Part of a side-flange, bent and dented. Possible traces of gilding. Wear/marks:scratches to edge. 

L. 15mm; H. flange 3.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.76g; X-ray: L43

",Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver with a side-flange,Hilt-plate,Silver,,609,"[K609] TH021, no location",,43,,0.76 2769,401,

401                  [K901]

Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver. Part of a side-flange. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches.

L. 17mm; H. flange 6mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.55g; X-ray: L102

,Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver with a side-flange,Hilt-plate,Silver,,901,"[K901] BA1034, no location",,102,,0.55 2809,402,

402                  [K941]

SMALL SIDE FRAGMENT OF A HILT-PLATE IN CAST SILVER WITH A SIDE-FLANGE. Possible traces of gilding. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. 

L. 17mm; H. flange 3.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.88g; X-ray: L43

,Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver with a side-flange,Hilt-plate,Silver,,941,"[K941] BA1051, no location",(Note: [K941] part of finds group BA1051),43,,0.88 2432,403,

403                  [K1057]

Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver. Part of a side-flange. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. Cut marks on flange edge.

L. 16mm; H. flange 3mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.72g; X-ray: L101

,Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver with a side-flange,Hilt-plate,Silver,"Fragment(s) from this number included in catalogue no. 600, see K24.",1057,"[K1057] BA0151, grid M9","(Note: in mud adhering: one fragment of silver die-impressed sheet, 606: [K1945])",101,M9,0.72 3222,404,

404                  [K1999]

One side of a hilt-plate in silver. Joined from four smaller fragments. Made of sheet metal with a side-flange. Possible traces of gilding. 

L. 32mm; H. flange 5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.55g; X-ray: L43

,One side of a hilt-plate in cast silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1999,"[K1999=K1445], no location",(Note: [K1999=K1445] part of soil block 8),,,1.55 2030,405,

405                  [K253]

Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in silver. Made of sheet metal with a side-flange. Wear/marks: curved impression from a hilt-collar or grip.

L. 20mm; H. flange 3.5mm; Th. sheet 1mm; Wt 0.68g; X-ray: L98

,Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,253,"[K253] TH179, no location",,98,,0.68 3944,406,"

406                  [K2071]

Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in silver. Made of sheet metal with a side-flange.

L. 12mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 0.27g; X-ray: L38, L41

",Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,2071,"[K2071]=[K279] TH182, no location","(Note: in mud adhering: silver hilt-plate 373: two fragments of silver reeded strip, 613: [K1816]; five fragments of die-impressed silver sheet, 606: [K1817]; twenty fragments silver sheet, 690: [K1818])",,,0.27 3811,407,

407                  [K2030]

Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in silver. Made of sheet metal with a side-flange and one rivet-hole.

L. 19mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. sheet >0.5mm; Wt 0.68g; no X-ray

,Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,2030,"K2030=K1548], no location",(Note: [K2030=K1548] part of soil block 9),,,0.68 3706,408,

408                  [K1926]

Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in cast silver. Part of a side-flange and rivet-hole.

L. 19mm; H. flange 4mm; Th. >0.5mm; Wt 0.51g; X-ray: L47

,Small side fragment of a hilt-plate in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1926,"[K1926=K761] BA0203, no location",[K1926] part of finds group BA0203,47,,0.51 1815,409,"

409                  [K38, K41, K63, K94, K137, K151, K231–K232, K244, K379, K425, K529, K642, K826, K931, K1242, K1334, K1387, K1449–K1450, K1531, K1562, K1567(2), K1569, K1582–K1584, K1667, K1924, K1929, K1969, K1979, K5026, K5037, K5061]

pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts, with filigree interlace and a garnet gem-setting. Thirty-two silver fragments and five gold panels, with some distortion from damage (probably removal), forming remains of an upper and lower guard; both guards cast singularly with top and bottom plates and sides. Upper guard: three gold panels [K38, K41, K1450], two fragments of silver frame [K529, K1334] and one silver tip [K1387, K1449] are of this guard (Wt 8.70g). A large rivet-hole at the tip penetrates both plates, damaged from removal. Fixing-holes on the gold mounts align exactly with holes remaining on the cast silver fragments of frame [K529, K1334]. Each side of the guard originally had three panels: one of cast and gilded interlace, and two blank recesses for gold mounts (making space for four mounts in total). One long rectangular mount survives ([K41]: L. 31; W. 9mm; Th. 1mm) and two small mounts ([K38]: L. 13mm; W. 7mm; Th. 0.5mm). The tips may also have had cast interlace, but the one tip remaining is corrosion covered. Lower guard: over half survives (Wt 28.62g), sufficient to reconstruct the form, including on the top plate the partial outline of an oval slot (W. 13.5mm) for the passage of the tang, and on the bottom plate is a slot for the blade. Fine triangular punch marks in bands decorate both plates (largely covered by copper corrosion on the bottom plate). On one end of the top plate is a false boss with an imitation gilded filigree collar; part of a collar only remains at the other end; the bottom plate probably had likewise originally. Three panels decorated each side, corresponding with the upper guard: one of cast interlace and two blank recesses, into which a total of four further gold mounts were originally set. Two gold mounts remain [K379, K1924]. The frames of the panels on both guards are decorated with alternating bands of zigzag and leaf ornament with backgrounds of black niello inlay. One remaining small fragment could come from either guard ([K1969]: 0.23g). Cast interlace: the triple-strand interlace in low relief in the side panels and at the tips is tightly woven and all was probably gilded originally, as were the bosses of the lower guard, creating a contrast with the black and silver niello framing and silver plates. Filigree mounts: the five rectangular mounts are made of sheet gold, with two fixing-holes in each case; the head of one silver rivet remains on one mount [K379]. Each has filigree decoration, of looping interlace or quatrefoil knots, executed in triple-strand beaded wire; a single annulet in beaded wire is at the centre of one [K38]; on two mounts the motifs are separated by herringbone bands (formed of two-ply twisted wires, flanked by beaded wires); on these larger mounts, and on that with the gem-setting, the backing sheet has been repoussé worked from the front; beaded wire frames the edge of each (detached on one small mount). Gem-setting: one mount ([K379]: L. 24.5mm; W. 9mm; Th. 1mm) has at its centre a shattered red cabochon garnet; no foil is visible behind the stone; the sheet bezel is plain with a collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate at the tip of the lower guard. Longitudinal scratches on the bottom plate of the lower guard, possibly from polishing. Set: probably a suite with pommel 76 and hilt-collar pair 188

Upper guard: L. largest 27.5mm; H. 13/18.5mm; Th. 1mm

Lower guard: L. 99mm (est. original L. 105mm); W. 25mm; H. 14.5mm; Th. 1mm

Total Wt: 37.55g (gold mounts Wt 4.48g

X-rays: L31, L43–L44, L47, L64, L89, L95, L99–L102, L104, L117, L125–L126

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,38,"(Grid location: [K41] BA0240, grid I10; [K63] BA0024, grid L11; [K94] BA0005, grid K11; [K5026, K5061] grid G8; [K5037] grid M10. No locations: [K38, K1929=K761] BA0203, [K137] US0003, [K151] US0017, [K231] US0097, [K232] US0098, [K244] TH179, [K379] TH139, [K425] TH127, [K529] TH214, [K642] TH050, [K826] US0119, [K931] BA1037, [K1242] US0151, [K1334] TH242, [K1387], [K1449â??K1450], [K1531], [K1562, K1567, [K1569, K1582â??K1584, [K1667], [K1924=K717] BA0200, [K1969=K1347] TH243, [K1979=K1372] TH244)","(Note: mount [K38] and fragment [K1929] part of finds group BA0203. Fragment [K94] found with hilt-plate 304 and others in finds group BA0005. Fragment [K232] found with two fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1799] Fragment [K425] found with one gold foil, 695 [K1893]. Fragment [K931] part of finds group BA1037. Fragment [K1387] part of soil block 18. Two fragments and one mount [K1449â??K1450] part of soil block 10. Fragment [K1531] part of soil block 9. Fragments [K1562, K1567] part of soil block 2. Three fragments [K1569, K1582â??K1584] part of soil block 3. Fragment [K1667] part of soil block K438. Mount [K1924] found inside pommel 25 and with boss 638: [K18]; Fragment [K1969] found during cleaning with: one fragment [K1347] of hilt-collar 182; one fragment [K1968] of pommel 74; two fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1970]; one fragment of silver, 688: [K1971]; one silver decorated fragment, 687: [K1972]; and one fragment [K1973] of silver-gilt helmet crest 590. Fragment [K1979] found with three fragments of silver-gilt reeded strip, 613: [K1372]; one fragment [K1978] of silver socket 607/08; and two silver fragments, 690: [2159])",117,,37.55 1818,409,"

Part of catalogue no. 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Gold,,41,,,117,I10, 1840,409,"

Part of catalogue no. 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,63,,,43; 126,L11, 1871,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,94,,,126,K11, 1914,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-plate,Silver,,137,,,126,, 1928,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,151,,,126,, 2008,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,231,,,98,, 2009,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,232,,,102,, 2021,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,244,,,104,, 2156,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Gold,,379,,,117,, 2202,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,425,,,98,, 2306,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,529,,,126,, 2510,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,642,,,102,, 2694,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,826,,,126,, 2799,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-plate,Silver,,931,,,43,, 3019,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1242,,,64,, 3111,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,1334,,,126,, 3164,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,1387,,,125,, 3226,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,1449,,,44,, 3227,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Gold,,1450,,,89,, 3309,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,1531,,,126,, 3345,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,1567,,,,, 3347,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,1569,,,126,, 3360,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,1582,,,,, 3361,409,"


Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,1583,,,126,, 3362,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Boss,Silver,,1584,,,95; 100,, 3703,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Gold,,1924,,,,, 3709,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,1929,,,,, 3750,409,

Part of catalogue 409 see K38

,Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,1969,,,,, 3760,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,1979,,,,, 3875,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,5026,,,,, 3886,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,5037,,,,, 3910,409,"

Part of catalogue 409, see K0038 for catalogue entry.

",Pair of hilt-guards in cast silver with panels of gilded interlace and gold mounts with filigree interlace and a garnet gem setting,Hilt-guard,Silver,,5061,,,,, 4066,409,"

Part of catalogue no 696, see K1409 for entry

",Hilt-plate in silver with gilding,Hilt-plate,Silver,,2189,,,,, 2557,410,"

410                  [K689]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with filigree scrollwork. Partly misshapen and torn in places. Made of sheet metal with stepped ends, with one fixing-hole each side and one hole on the ?top side; no nails/rivets. Filigree: two bands each side with filigree scrollwork, mostly S-scrolls in beaded wire; at the tip are joined S-scrolls on the horizontal; herringbone banding (of two-ply twisted wires) frames the bands; the ?top is also decorated with herringbone bands edged with beaded and plain wires; the panel at the tip is framed by bands of beaded and plain wires; beaded wire also forms collars to the fixing-holes and is mounted on the outer edges. Interior: sheet joins visible. Wear/marks: light wear. Two incised layout lines on the ?top, one each side of the herringbone band.Filigree flattened at the end and on one edge, possibly from an impact or tool. Set: pair with mount 411.

L. 26.5mm; W. 28.5mm; H. 13.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 5.57g; no X-ray

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with filligree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,689,"[K689] TH093, no location)",,,,5.57 2896,411,"

411                  [K1028]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with filigree scrollwork. Flattened and torn open. Made of sheet metal with stepped ends, with one fixing-hole each side, and one at the tip; no nails/rivets. Filigree: two bands each side with filigree scrollwork, mostly S-scrolls in beaded wire; at the tip are ‘joined’ S-scrolls on the horizontal; herringbone banding (of two-ply twisted wires) frames the bands; the ripped open ?top is also decorated with herringbone bands edged with beaded and plain wires; the panel at the tip is framed by bands of beaded and plain wires; also beaded wire forms collars to the fixing-holes and is mounted on the outer edges. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 410.

L. 27.5mm; H. 32mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 5.47g; no X-ray

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with filligree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1028,"[K1028] BA0395, grid L7",(Note: gold hilt-plate fragment 323 found stuck in interior),,L7,5.47 2840,412,"

412                  [K972]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with serpent ornament with niello. Torn in places and incomplete. Made of sheet metal with angled ends over a copper-alloy core-liner. Three fixing-holes, only one penetrates completely through the guard; two nail/rivet fragments in situ, one ?silver and one ?iron. Style II: an interlacing serpent with a dot-filled body, eye and mouth, forms a band around the entire curve, inlaid in black niello. Interior: the base-metal core-liner surrounds bone or antler remains of the guard. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. 

L. 22mm; W. 18mm; H. 9mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 6.42g; X-ray: L38

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with serpent ornament in niello,Small mount,Gold,,972,"[K972] BA0272, grid L8",,38,L8,6.42 2454,413,"

413                  [K1079]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard. Torn and incomplete. Made of sheet metal over a copper-alloy core-liner; one angled end remaining one side. Two fixing-holes, only one fully penetrates; one ?iron nail in situ. Undecorated. Interior: the core-liner is filled by bone or antler, remains of the guard.

L. 13mm; W. 14mm; H. 9.5mm; Wt 2.58g; X-ray: L95, L100

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard,Small mount,Gold,,1079,"[K1079] BA0173, no location",,95; 100,,2.58 1807,414,"

414                  [K30]

Mount in gold of sub-triangular form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. One end bent up and torn; probably flat or slightly curved originally. Made of sheet metal with three fixing-holes, one each corner/vertex; all show damage (probably caused at removal); no nails/rivets. Filigree: two registers of scrollwork feature volute scrolls and fragments; the scrolls, the dividing wire and the collar to one fixing-hole are formed from spiral-beaded wires; the mount edges are framed by herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires, flanked by spiral-beaded wires). Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 15mm; W. 10mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.49g; X-ray: L62

",Mount in gold of sub-triangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,30,"[K30] BA0205, grid M12",(Note: found with gold hilt-plate 333),135,M12,0.49 1896,415,

415                  [K119]

Mount in gold of sub-triangular form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. Tip and end bent; probably flat or slightly curved originally. Made of sheet metal with three fixing-holes; no nails/rivets. Filigree: two zones of scrollwork feature C-scrolls in beaded wire and fragments; the zones are divided and framed by herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires); beaded wire around the mount edge. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: moderate wear.

L. 20mm; W. 10mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.82g; X-ray: L118

,Mount in gold of sub-triangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,119,"[K119] BA0026, grid K9)",,118,K9,0.82 1822,416,

416                  [K45]

Mount in gold of sub-triangular form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. One end bent up; probably flat or slightly curved originally. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole each end; no nails/rivets. Filigree: two zones of scrollwork feature C-scrolls in beaded wire; the zones are divided and framed by herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires); beaded wire around the mount edge. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: ?moderate wear. Some flattening caused possibly by an impact or tool.

L. 20.5mm; W. 9.5mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.76g; X-ray: L135

,Mount in gold of sub-triangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,45,"[K45] BA0211, no location",,135,,0.76 3945,417,"

417                  [K2072]

Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. One tip bent, one torn at fixing-hole; probably flat or slightly curved originally. Made of gold sheet with a fixing-hole at each vertex; no nails/rivets. Filigree: two C-scrolls centrally of beaded wire; edges framed with herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires framed by beaded wires). Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a suite with mounts 418419 and 478479.

L. 10mm; W. 8mm; Th. edge <0.5mm; Wt 0.19g; X-ray: L14, L15

",Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,2072,"[K2072]=[K1201] BA0317, grid N8",(Note: found inside pyramid-fitting 575),,N8,0.19 3264,418,"

418                  [K1487]

Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. Misshapen and torn. Made of gold sheet with a fixing-hole at each vertex; all torn; no nails/rivets. Filigree: C-scrolls of beaded wire fill the body of the mount, with one volute scroll; edges framed with herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires, flanked by beaded wires). Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a suite with mounts 417, 419 and 478479.

L. 19.5mm; W. 10mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.42g; X-ray: L91

",Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1487,No location,(Note: [K1487] part of soil block 15),91,,0.42 2408,419,"

419                  [K1033, K1061, K1946]

Three fragments in gold with filigree scrollwork. Probably the same grip-fitting. Misshapen and torn. Made of gold sheet; one fragment [K1033] has two remaining fixing-holes; no nails/rivets. Filigree: scrollwork formed of C-scrolls in beaded wire; edges framed with herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires with beaded wire outermost); beaded wire also forms collars to the fixing-holes. Reverses: plain. Wear/marks: moderate wear on one fragment [K1033]. Set: possibly a suite with mounts 417418 and 478479.

L. largest 17mm; Th. edges 0.5mm; Wt 0.67g; X-ray: L73, L94

",Fragments in gold with filigree scrollwprk,Small mount,Gold,,1033,"K1033] BA0390, grid O10; [K1061] BA0148, grid M10; [K1946=K1058] BA0155, grid M10",(Note: fragment [K1033] found with gold hilt-plate fragment 357; fragment [K1946] found with gold and garnet hilt-collar 181),93,O10,0.67 2436,419,

Part of catalogue no 419. See K1033 for catalogue entry.

,Fragments in gold with filigree scrollwprk,Small mount,Gold,,1061,,,93,M10, 3726,419,

Part of catalogue no. 419. See K1033 for catalogue entry.

,Fragments in gold with filigree scrollwprk,Small mount,Gold,,1946,,,,M10, 2746,420,"

420                  [K878]

Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. Misshapen, probably curved originally. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole at each vertex; one torn open; no nails/rivets. Filigree: composition of concentric triangles in herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires, flanked by beaded wires); the bands frame scrollwork of C-scrolls in beaded wire. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: moderate overall, heavy across the centre, some wires flattened. One edge dented (?levered). Set: possibly a suite with mounts 478479.

L. 19mm; W. 21.5mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 1.43g; X-ray: L80

",Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,878,"[K878] BA0009, grid K10)","(Note: found with one fragment [K879] from hilt-collar 87, with hilt-ring 219 and hilt-plate 334)",80,K10,1.43 2846,421,"

421                  [K978]

Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. Bent ends, but with its original concave and curved section. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole at each vertex and a flange of sheet along the basal edge; two holes torn open; no nails/rivets. Filigree: bands of herringbone (formed of two-ply twisted wires, flanked by beaded wires) frame the mount edges and divide the mount into zones filled with scrollwork, of C- and V-scrolls in beaded wire. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a suite with mounts 478479.

L. 25mm; W. 19mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 1.21g; X-ray: L135

",Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,978,"[K978] BA0265, grid I10",,135,I10,1.21 2477,422,"

422                  [K1102]

Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. Folded and torn at the top, and another tip bent; with a slightly concave and curved section. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole at each vertex; one torn open; one repaired; the head of one silver rivet remains in the repaired hole. Filigree: three zones delineated by lengths of beaded wire; filled by scrollwork, including C- and V-scrolls and volute scrolls in beaded wire; mount framed by herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires) with a beaded wire outermost; the repair shows a short replacement section of edge wire formed of two-ply twisted wire on the appended patch of sheet. Reverse: sheet join at repair. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 28mm; W. 13.5mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 1.46g; X-ray: L52, L54

",Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1102,"[K1102] BA1027, grid J8",,52; 54,L12,1.46 2964,423,

423                  [K1187]

Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. Folded; probably originally concave and with a curved section. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole at the apex and a sheet flange at the curved base (part remaining); no nail/rivet. Filigree: two zones of scrollwork ornament divided by a length of herringbone band (formed of two-ply twisted wires); S-scrolls in beaded wire; fixing-hole has a collar of thin beaded wire; mount edged by thicker beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 15mm; W. 15mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.06g; X-ray: L118 

,Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1187,"[K1187] BA0299, grid L14",,118,L14,1.06 2670,424,"

424                  [K802]

Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree frame. Probably a grip-fitting. Partly misshapen, but it retains a slightly curved section. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole at each vertex; no nails/rivets. The mount was left plain except for filigree borders. Filigree: a length of two-ply twisted-beaded wire runs around two sides on the inner edge; the outer edge and the collars of the fixing-holes are framed with spiral-beaded wire. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 12mm; W. 15mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.41g; X-ray: L135

",Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree frame,Small mount,Gold,,802,"[K802] BA0110, grid J11",,135,J11,0.41 1786,425,"

425                  [K9]

Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree animal ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Concave and curved section. Top edge slightly bent. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole at each vertex; one torn open; no nails/rivets. Style II: the filigree design shows two biting zoomorphs with looping jaws/heads. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; beaded wire also frames the mount and fixing-holes. Wear/marks: moderate to heavy wear in places, but also flattening from damage (?tool). Cut edge, and a small mark on the reverse possibly from the point of a ?blade (?levered). Set: pair with mount 426.

L. 13mm; W. 13.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.19g; X-ray: L37

",Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree animal ornament,Small mount,Gold,,9,"[K9] BA0239, grid K12",,37,K12,1.19 2262,426,"

426                  [K485]

Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree animal ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Concave and curved section. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole at each vertex; one torn open; one gold nail in situ (L. 10mm). Style II: the filigree design shows two biting zoomorphs with looping jaws/heads. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet (some wires lifted); beaded wire also frames the mount and fixing-holes. Wear/marks: moderate to heavy wear in places, but also flattening from damage (?tool). Sheet has a small perforation made from the reverse by the point of a ?blade (?levered). Set: pair with mount 425.

L. 14mm; W. 14mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.33g; X-ray: L135

",Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree animal ornament,Small mount,Gold,,485,"[K485] TH211, no location",,135,,1.33 3205,427,

427                  [K1428]

Mount in gold of rectangular form with a triangular projection and filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. The apex of the triangle is missing (probably originally with a fixing-hole); bent at the ends. Made of sheet metal with surviving fixing-holes at each end of the rectangular part; no nails/rivets. Filigree: the rectangular body is filled with a band of volute scrolls; the triangular part holds C-scrolls; the scrollwork and the framing are formed of spiral-beaded wire. Reverse: a join shows the triangle was formed from a separate piece of sheet. Wear/marks: light wear. Fixing-holes ragged on the reverse; probably caused at removal.

L. 23.5mm; W. 9mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.60g; X-ray: L90

,Mount in gold of rectangular form with a triangular projection and filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1428,"[K1428], no location",(Note: [K1428] part of soil block 4),90,,0.6 3206,428,

428                  [K1429]

Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. Preserves original curvature. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole each end; no nails/rivets. Filigree: band of C-scrolls in beaded wire; edge framed with thicker beaded wire. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Fixing-holes ragged on the reverse; probably caused at removal. Set: pair withmount 429.

L. 19mm; W. 5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.50g; X-ray: L80

,Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1429,No location,(Note: [K1429] part of soil block 4),80,,0.5 3369,429,"

429                  [K1591]

Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree decoration. Probably a grip-fitting. Misshapen; probably curved originally. Made of sheet metal, with one fixing-hole each end; no nails/rivets. Filigree: band of C-scrolls in beaded wire; edge framed with thicker beaded wire. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Several scrolls lost or damaged. Fixing-holes ragged on the reverse; probably caused at removal. Set: pair withmount 428.

L. 18mm; W. 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.35g; X-ray: L93

",Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree ornament,Small mount,Silver,,1591,No location,(Note: [K1591] part of soil block 1),93,,0.35 2117,430,"

430                  [K340]

Fragment of a mount in gold with filigree scrollwork. Possibly from a grip-fitting. Misshapen and torn, three edges remain. Made of sheet metal with two fixing-holes in the surviving corners; no nails/rivets. Filigree: two lines of scrollwork, mainly C-scrolls, in beaded wire; the same wire type also divides the two lines of scrolls, edges the mount, and forms collars to the fixing-holes. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. 

L. 14mm; W. 4mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.15g; X-ray: L38, L41

",Mount in gold with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,340,"[K340] TH170, no location","(Note: in mud adhering, one fragment [K2191] of die-impressed silver sheet from panel 600)",136,,0.15 2111,431,"

431                  [K334]

Mount in gold of sub-rectangular form with rounded ends and filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. End bent; possibly flat or slightly curved originally. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole each end; one gold nail in situ. Filigree: a band of scrollwork fills the central length, of C-scrolls formed of spiral-beaded wire, and the same wire forms collars to the fixing-holes; bands of herringbone (formed of two-ply twisted wires) run along the inside long edges; outer edge framed by beaded wire. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 20mm; W. 5mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.51g; X-ray: L136

",Mount in gold of sub-rectangular form with rounded ends and filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,334,"[K334] TH170, no location",,136,,0.51 1934,432,

432                  [K157]

Mount in gold of rectangular form with slotted ends and filigree herringbone ornament. Possibly a grip-fitting. Part of one end missing. Slight original curvature. Made of sheet metal; the slots probably served as the means of attachment; no nails/rivets. Filigree: a band of herringbone decorates (formed of two-ply twisted wires); edges framed by beaded wire. Reverse: one sheet join. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 21.5mm; W. 4.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.45g; X-ray: L80

,Mount in gold of rectangular form with slotted ends and filigree herringbone ornament,Small mount,Gold,,157,"[K157] US0023, no location",,80,,0.45 3912,433,"

433                  [K5063]

Mount in gold of sub-rectangular form with rounded ends and filigree herringbone ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Misshapen from flat, or possibly slightly curved originally. Made of sheet metal, with one fixing-hole each end; one torn open; no nails/rivets. Filigree: a band of herringbone decorates (formed of two-ply twisted wires); holes have collars of two-ply twisted wire also; edge framed by beaded wire. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: moderate wear to edge.

L. 16.5mm; W. 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.33g; X-ray: L70

",Mount in gold of sub-rectangular form with rounded ends and filigree herringbone ornament,Small mount,Gold,,5063,[K5063] grid F8,,,,0.33 2636,434,"

434                  [K768]

Mount in gold with filigree herringbone ornament. Possibly a grip-fitting. Slightly misshapen, but preserves its original curvature. Made of sheet metal, the tips bent over each end, as perhaps the means of attachment. Filigree: decorated with a band of herringbone (formed of two-ply twisted wires). Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Filigree flattened at the middle, from an impact or possibly a tool.

L. 17mm; W. 2mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.27g; X-ray: L93

",Mount in gold with filigree herringbone ornament,Small mount,Gold,,768,"[K768] BA0098, no location",,93,,0.27 3336,435,"

435                  [K1558]

Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Flat. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole each end; one small gold nail was in situ when found, with a kinked shank (L. 3mm). Filigree: line of collared granules centrally surrounded by a frame of herringbone band (of two-ply twisted wires); beaded wires of different thicknesses flank the band, the thickest forming the edge to the mount. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Flattening of the filigree across the centre from an impact or possibly a tool. Fixing-holes ragged on the reverse; probably caused at removal.

L. 20mm; W. 5.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.63g; X-ray: L93

",Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1558,No location,(Note: [K1558] part of soil block 2),93,,0.63 4031,436,"

436                  [K2157]

Mount in gold with filigree ornament and a garnet boss. Incomplete, two fragments, torn ends, no join; the complete end has been lifted. Made of sheet metal with a fixing-hole on the reverse at the back of the boss. Gem-setting: at the remaining end is a red cabochon garnet in a plain bezel with a filigree collar; no gold foil is visible behind the stone. Filigree: a beaded wire and thinner plain wire in combination frame the mount edges (plain wire on the inner edge) and form the collar to the garnet boss; granules with collars of plain wire form a band centrally on the other fragment. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. ‘joined’ 11mm; W. 5mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.27g; no X-ray

",Mount in gold with filigree ornament and a garnet boss,Small mount,Gold,,2157,"[K2157=K237] TH179, no location",(Note: found with two fragments [K237] of die-impressed sheet from helmet-band 593; five fragments [K2174] from zoomorphic band 594; one fragment [K237] from warrior band 596),,,0.27 2958,437,

437                  [K1181]

Mount in gold of sub-rectangular form with rounded ends. Possibly a grip-fitting. Slightly misshapen; possibly curved originally. Made of sheet metal with one nail (L. 4.5mm) fixed on the reverse one end; that the other end is missing. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 18.5mm; W. 4mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 1.05g; X-ray: L92

,Mount in gold of sub-rectangular form with rounded ends,Small mount,Gold,,1181,"[K1181] BA0329, grid N9",,92,N9,1.05 2701,438,"

438                  [K833]

Mount in gold of trapezoidal form with filigree scrollwork. Possibly a grip-fitting. Torn and misshapen both ends; each end angled originally. Made of sheet metal with remains of two fixing-holes one end (probably the other end was the same with holes at each corner); no nails/rivets. Filigree: geometric composition with the lozenge shape at the centre formed of herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires, with beaded wires medially); to the sides are complementary bands of mainly figure-of-eights (with single annulets), formed of beaded wire and in a few cases twisted wire; the zones between are filled with scrollwork: C-scrolls, volute scrolls and fragments; the geometric bands are outlined in beaded wire, the mount edges have herringbone banding innermost and beaded wire outermost. Reverse: plain, with impressions from the wires. Wear/marks: moderate wear.

L. 58mm; W. 18mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.50g; X-ray: L135

",Mount in gold of trapezoidal form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,833,"[K833] SCC0021, no location","(Note: found in mud adhering: nine fragments of silver reeded strip, 613: [K1934]; silver hilt-ring 238; one silver nail, 674: [1936]; five small fragments of silver sheet, 690: [1937])",135,,3.5 2257,439,"

439                  [K480]

Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree scrollwork. Possibly a guard-tip fitting. Curved and convex at the middle; one end torn. Made of sheet metal with originally a fixing-hole at each corner; torn open one end; no nails/rivets. Filigree: the rectangular form is divided into four panels of unequal size by a cross formed from triple-strand pattern (with a central beaded wire, flanked by thinner two-ply twisted wires); the panels are filled mainly by C-scrolls of fine beaded wire, and the same wire type forms collars to the fixing-holes; herringbone banding (of two-ply twisted wires) frames the inner long edges with beaded wire outermost. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: heavy wear; the beaded wire of the cross has been flattened. Set: pair with mount 440, probably a suite with 441–442.

L. 33mm; W. 11mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 1.60g; X-ray: L90


",Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,480,"[K480] TH211, no location",,99,,1.6 2860,440,"

440                  [K992]

Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree scrollwork. Possibly a guard-tip fitting. Curved and convex at the middle; one edge torn. Made of sheet metal with a fixing-hole in each corner; no nails/rivets. Filigree: the rectangular form is divided into four panels of unequal size by a cross formed from triple-strand pattern (with a central beaded wire, flanked by thinner two-ply twisted wires); the panels are filled mainly by C-scrolls of fine beaded wire, and the same wire type forms collars to the fixing-holes; herringbone banding (of two-ply twisted wires) frames the inner long edges with beaded wire outermost. Reverse: plain. Possible impression from a guard tip. Wear/marks: heavy wear; the beaded wire of the cross has been flattened. Set: pair with mount 439, probably a suite with 441–442.

L. 29mm; W. 12mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 1.86g; X-ray: L37

",Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,992,"[K992] BA0276, grid M8",,37,M8,1.86 3157,441,"

441                  [K1380, K1687]

Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree scrollwork. Possibly a guard-tip fitting. Torn; rejoined from two fragments; one half curled and holed; but retains part of its original curvature and convex section. Of sheet metal with a fixing-hole each corner; one torn open; one silver-gilt nail in situ (L. 5mm). Filigree: rectangular form originally divided into four panels by a cross formed from triple-strand pattern (with a central beaded wire, flanked by two-ply twisted wires); panels filled mainly by C-scrolls of fine beaded wire, and the same wire type forms collars to the fixing-holes; herringbone banding (of two-ply twisted wires) frames the inner long edges of the mount with beaded wire outermost. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: heavy wear at middle. Set: pair with mount 442, probably a suite with 439–440.

L. 23mm; W. 10mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 1.46g; X-ray: L80, L90 

",Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1380,"[K1380] TH244, [K1687], no locations",(Note: [K1687] part of soil block K512),90,,1.46 3465,441,

Part of catalogue entry 441. See K1380 for catalogue entry.

,Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1687,,,80,, 3163,442,"

442                  [K1386, K1685]

Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree scrollwork. Possibly a guard-tip fitting. Torn; rejoined from two fragments. Made of sheet metal with a fixing-hole in each corner; one gold nail, bent (L. 4mm). Filigree: the rectangular form was originally divided into four panels by a cross formed from triple-strand pattern (with a central beaded wire, flanked by two-ply twisted wires); the panels are filled mainly by C-scrolls of fine beaded wire, and the same wire type forms collars to the fixing-holes; herringbone banding (of two-ply twisted wires) frames the mount’s inner long edges with beaded wire outermost. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: heavy wear across the middle. Set: pair with 441, possible suite with 439–440.

L. 29.5mm; W. 9mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 1.41g; X-ray: L64, L80, L83

",Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1386,No locations,(Note: [K1386] part of soil block 18; [K1685] part of soil block K512),80; 83,,1.41 3463,442,

Part of catalogue no. 442. See K1386 for catalogue entry.

,Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1685,,,64,, 2255,443,"

443                  [K478]

Mount in gold of strip form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a guard-tip fitting. Both ends torn and missing; convex at the middle (dented possibly by the guard tip). Made of sheet metal. Filigree: divided into four panels by a thin cross formed of beaded wire; the panels are filled with scrollwork, mostly S-scrolls in beaded wire, set on an angle, the orientation changes in opposing panels; beaded wire frames the edges of the mount. Wear/marks: heavy wear to the convex middle. Set: suite with mounts 444–447.

L. 39mm; W. 9mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.91g; X-ray: L72


",Mount in gold of strip form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,478,"K478] TH211, no location",,72,,2.91 3033,444,"

444                  [K1256]

Mount in gold of strip form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a guard-tip fitting. The U-shaped curvature is original. Made of sheet metal, with two fixing-holes each end; three torn open; no nails/rivets. Filigree: divided into four panels by a thin cross formed of beaded wire; the panels are filled with scrollwork, mostly S-scrolls in beaded wire, set on an angle, the orientation changes in opposing panels; thicker beaded wire frames the edges of the mount. Wear/marks: heavy wear, focused at the middle. Set: suite with mounts 443 and 445–447.

L. 30.5mm; W. 11mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.85g; X-ray: L137

",Mount in gold of strip form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1256,"[K1256] BA0345, grid N10","(Note: from mud adhering, on gold cross-hatched foil, 695: [K1964])",137,N10,2.85 2555,445,"

445                  [K687]

Mount in gold of strip form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a guard-tip fitting. The misshapen U-shaped curvature is original. Made of sheet metal with two fixing-holes each end; all torn open; no nails/rivets. Filigree: divided into four panels by a thin cross formed of beaded wire; the panels are filled with scrollwork, mostly S-scrolls in beaded wire, set on an angle, the orientation changes in the panels one side only; thicker beaded wire frames the edges of the mount. Wear/marks: heavy wear, focused at the middle. Two incised, angled lines on the reverse, forming a ‘//’ mark.Set: suite with mounts 443–444 and 446–447.

L. 39.5mm; W. 12mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 5.13g; X-ray: L137

",Mount in gold of strip form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,687,"[K687] TH067, no location",,137,,5.13 2102,446,"

446                  [K325]

Mount in gold with filigree scrollwork. Possibly part of a guard-tip fitting; probably of strip form originally (see set, 443–445, 447). Missing one ?half, the torn edge bent. Made of sheet metal with two fixing-holes at the remaining end in the corners; no nails/rivets. Filigree: two bands of scrollwork fill the remaining body of the mount, of S-scrolls in beaded wire, set on an angle, the orientation changes in each band; thicker beaded wire frames the edges of the mount; the bands are divided by a length of beaded wire; thicker beaded wire frames the mount. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Two incised, angled lines on the reverse, forming a ‘//’ mark. Set: suite with mounts 443–445 and 447.

L. 21mm; W. 12mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.65g; X-ray: L135

",Mount in gold with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,325,"[K325] TH170, no location",,135,,1.65 2819,447,"

447                  [K951, K1440]

Two fragments of one or more mounts in gold with filigree scrollwork. No join and torn edges; probably parts of 443 or 446, but again no joins were proved. Made of sheet metal with remains of fixing-holes at the corners; no nails/rivets. Filigree: both fragments have bands of S-scrolls in beaded wire, set at an angle, running in different directions; bands divided by lengths of beaded wire; thicker beaded wire frames the mount. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Set: suite with mounts 443–446.

L. 11.5/12mm; W. 12mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.03g; X-ray: L89

",Mount in gold with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,951,"[K951] BA0254, grid K12; [K1440], no location",(Note: [K1440] part of soil block 8),89,K12,1.03 3217,447,

Part of catalogue no. 447. See K951 for catalogue entry.

,Mount in gold with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1440,,,89,, 2668,448,

448                  [K800]

Mount in gold of strip form with filigree herringbone ornament. Possibly a guard-tip fitting. Flattened out. Tapered along its length with a stepped narrower end. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole at the narrow end and two at the wider end; no nails/rivets. Filigree: the length is filled by herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires); edges mounted with beaded wires. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Reverse: possible impression from a guard tip at the narrow end. Set: pair with mount 449.

L. 56mm; W. 10mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.59g; X-ray: L80

,Mount in gold of strip form with filigree herringbone ornament,Small mount,Gold,,800,"[K800] BA0108, grid J10",,80,J10,2.59 3204,449,

449                  [K1427]

Mount in gold of strip form with filigree herringbone ornament. Possibly a guard-tip fitting. Tapered along its length with a stepped wider end; bent at the narrower end. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole at the stepped end (torn open) and two at the other narrower end (with torn edges); no nails/rivets. Filigree: the length is filled by herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires); edges mounted with beaded wires. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Some wires displaced. Set: pair with mount 448.

L. 32.5mm; W. 8mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.39g; X-ray: L80

,Mount in gold of strip form with filigree herringbone ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1427,No location,(Note: [K1427] part of soil block 4),136,,1.39 2678,450,"

450                  [K810]

Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree interlace. Possibly a grip- or guard-tip fitting. Retains partly its original U-shaped curvature. Made of sheet metal with a fixing-hole in each corner; no nails/rivets. Interlace/?Style II: a band of interlace fills the mount, with two small filigree sections at the ends lending a zoomorphic character. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; mount and fixing-holes framed with the same wire type. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: heavy wear, filigree wires worn flat. One long edge has cut marks. Set: probably a suite with mounts 451–453.

L. 19mm; W. 7.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.97g; X-ray: L142

",Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree interlace,Small mount,Gold,,810,"[K810] BA0109, grid J10",,142,J10,0.97 2082,451,"

451                  [K305]

Mount in gold of strip form with filigree serpent interlace. Probably a guard-tip fitting. Retains its original U-shaped curvature. Made of sheet metal with two fixing-holes each end in the corners; four nails in situ (L. 6–6.5mm); two or three of the nails are gold, but one is definitely silver with a smaller head (possibly a repair); the mount was possibly buried still attached to the guard as organic remains, probably horn, were attached to one nail. Style II: each side has a panel with a serpent with an interlaced body; the design is different in each case (the head of one has almost completely worn away). Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; mount edges/panels and fixing-holes framed with the same wire type. Wear/marks: heavy wear, focused at the middle, including some lost wires. Set: suite withmounts 450 and 452–453

L. 18mm; W. 10mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.60g; X-ray: L120, L131, L133

",Mount in gold of strip form with filigree serpent interlace,Small mount,Gold,,305,"[K305] TH151, no location",,120; 131; 133,,2.6 2241,452,"

452                  [K464]

Mount in gold of strip form with filigree interlace. Probably a guard-tip fitting. Ends bent outwards, with a convex centre. Made of sheet metal with two fixing-holes each end in the corners; one gold nail in situ (L. 5mm). ?Style II: each side has a panel (of unequal size) with a different interlace design, with additional filigree sections lending a zoomorphic character. Filigree: ?Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; mount and fixing-holes framed with the same wire type; annulets in the opposite panel corners (one missing). Wear/marks: heavy wear, focused at the middle. Set: pair with mount 453, suite with 450–451

L. 46mm; W. 11mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.53g; X-ray: L118

",Mount in gold of strip form with filigree interlace,Small mount,Gold,,464,"[K464] TH216, no location",,118,,3.53 2589,453,"

453                  [K721]

Mount in gold of strip form with filigree interlace. Probably a guard-tip fitting. Flattened out. Made of sheet metal with two fixing-holes each end in the corners; no nails/rivets. ?Style II/interlace: each side has a panel (of unequal size) with a different interlace design, with additional filigree strands lending a zoomorphic character. Filigree: ?Style II/interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on flat sheet; mount and fixing-holes framed with the same wire type; annulets in the opposite corners of the smaller panel. Wear/marks: heavy wear, focused at the centre, with multiple wires lost. Set: pair with mount 452, suite with 450–451

L. 50mm; W. 10.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.26g; X-ray: L76

",Mount in gold of strip form with filigree interlace,Small mount,Gold,,721,"[K721] BA0193, grid M12","(Note: found with one fragment of silver reeded strip, 608: [K43])",76,M12,3.26 2603,454,"

454                  [K735]

Mount in gold with filigree interlace. Probably a grip-fitting. Misshapen, originally of rectangular form and curved; cut and torn one end. Made of sheet metal with four fixing-holes, one in each corner; no nails/rivets. Interlace: a band of ribbon interlace occupies the larger of two panels. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on a repoussé worked sheet backing (modelled from the front, between the wires); the narrow panel is filled with annulets of beaded wire, and the same wire type forms collars to the fixing-holes; thick beaded wire frames the mount edges and separates the panels. Reverse: shows the repoussé working. An additional piece of sheet is attached at one corner. Wear/marks: light wear. Flattening of the wires in two places from an impact or possibly a tool. Set: pair with mount 455.

L. 32mm; W. 14mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.51g; X-ray: L45

",Mount in gold with filigree interlace,Small mount,Gold,,735,"[K735] BA0204, grid M12",(Note: [K735] part of finds group BA0204),45,M12,2.51 2826,455,"

455                  [K958]

Mount in gold with filigree serpent interlace. Probably a grip-fitting. Misshapen, originally of rectangular form; missing one end, the edge badly torn. Made of sheet metal with two fixing-holes in the corners at the remaining end; no nails/rivets. Style II: serpent interlace occupies the larger of two panels. Filigree: Style II in triple-strand beaded wire on a repoussé worked sheet backing (modelled from the front, between the wires); the narrow panel is filled with two lines of annulets of beaded wire, divided by a length of beaded wire; the same wire type also forms collars to the fixing-holes; thick beaded wire frames the mount edges and separates the panels. Reverse: shows the repoussé working. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with 454.

L. 27mm; W. 14.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.83g; X-ray: L45

",Mount in gold with filigree serpent interlace,Small mount,Gold,,958,"[K958] BA0249, grid K12",,135,K12,1.83 2091,456,"

456                  [K314]

Mount in gold of trapezoidal form with filigree interlace. Probably a grip-fitting. Now flat, but the form, with angled ends, suggests an original curvature (see 457); one end torn and one end cut. Made of sheet metal with a fixing-hole at each corner originally (one torn open); one silver nail/rivet head in situ. Interlace: a band of regular interlace fills the body of the mount. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; the backing sheet was probably die-impressed; mount edged with three-ply twisted-beaded wire, with an inner frame at the bottom edge comprised of a two-ply twisted-beaded wire and two beaded wires; the fixing-holes have collars of beaded wire also. Reverse: the die-impressed pattern is visible. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 457.

L. 56mm; W. 12mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 4.91g; X-ray: L38, L41

",Mount in gold of trapezoidal form with filigree serpent interlace,Small mount,Gold,,314,"[K314] TH170, no location","(Note: found in mud adhering: two small fragments of die-impressed silver sheet, 606: [K1855]; three small fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1856])",38; 41,,4.91 2409,457,"

457                  [K1034]

Mount in gold of trapezoidal form with filigree interlace. Probably a grip-fitting. Curved with angled ends, one end torn. Made of sheet metal with a fixing-hole in each corner; no nails/rivets. Interlace: a band of regular interlace fills the central length of the mount. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; the backing sheet was probably die-impressed; mount edged with three-ply twisted-beaded wire, with inner borders along the long sides of herringbone band (of two-ply twisted wires) edged with beaded wire; the fixing-holes have collars of beaded wire also. Reverse: the die-impressed pattern is visible. Wear/marks: light wear overall, moderate to the edge wire. Set: pair with mount 456.

 L. 38mm; W. 15mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 4.98g; X-ray: L54

",Mount in gold of trapezoidal form with filigree interlace,Small mount,Gold,,1034,"[K1034] BA0388, grid O7",,54,O7,4.98 2417,458,"

458                  [K1042]

Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree interlace. Made of sheet metal; four gold nails on the reverse, gripping the remains of a plate of copper alloy; the front edges of the mount extend beyond the deeper body of the fitting. Interlace: a symmetrical interlace design fills the single panel. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire on a flat backing sheet; the panel is framed in beaded wire also. Wear/marks: moderate wear to filigree, heaviest at the edges. Set: possibly a suite with mounts 494–495.

L. 15mm; W. 10.5mm; Th. 4mm; Wt 1.56g; X-ray: L120

",Mount in gold of rectangular form with filigree interlace,Small mount,Gold,,1042,"[K1042] BA0375, grid M7",,120,M7,1.56 1819,459,"

459                  [K42]

Mount in gold of a bird and fish. Possibly a grip-fitting. Both animal heads bent, but an original curvature is partly preserved. Made with a double thickness of sheet metal, into which the animal art was incised; four nails fixed on the reverse (L. 4.5mm). Style II: in profile is shown the bird landing on the fish. The bird has a curved beak, gripping talons and semi-naturalistic feather detail. Fish-scales decorate the body of the fish. Reverse: the backing layer of sheet is torn in places. Differential tarnishing and fold marks on the nails suggest the mount was originally fitted to an object of Th. 3mm (with the nail tips hammered over on its reverse). Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches. 

L. 24mm; W. 11.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.13g; X-ray: L120, L133

",Mount in gold of a bird and fish,Small mount,Gold,,42,"[K42] BA0197, no location",(Note: found with one fragment [K713] of mount 570),120; 133,,2.13 3274,460,"

460                  [K1497]

Mount in gold of zoomorphic form with filigree scrollwork. Possibly a grip-fitting. Originally symmetrical but missing one end/head and a corresponding fin/foot/hoof the other side (indicated by a tear in the sheet at the edge). Made of sheet metal; probably flat or slightly curved originally; five fixing-holes remain; no nails/rivets. Style II: the mount was double-headed originally. The remaining semi-naturalistic head is wolf- or horse-like with an ear, jaw/muzzle and almond-shaped eye; the sheet backing was repoussé worked (from the reverse) to set the head in low relief. Filigree: the banded ornament, details of the head and fin, and the edges of the mount are all delineated in beaded wire; the curving body of the mount is filled by four contoured bands of scrollwork, comprising S-scrolls, also of beaded wire (a few are missing). Wear/marks: moderate wear to some of the beaded wire. 

L. 40mm; W. 19mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 1.49g; no X-ray

",Mount in gold of zoomorphic form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1497,No location,(Note: [K1497] part of soil block 20),,,1.49 2664,461,"

461                  [K796]

Mount in gold of fish form with filigree ornament. Possibly a grip-fitting. Bent both ends. Made of sheet metal; possibly flat or slightly curved originally. Two gold nails are fixed on the reverse, one each end (L. 2.5mm–5mm); that at the tail is flattened. Style II: the fish is depicted semi-naturalistically with a hooked (kype) jaw like a male salmon/trout, four fins and a fan tail, and with a scaled body and tail. Filigree: the head and mouth, lateral line on the body and tail of the fish are defined by either double or triple-strand wire patterns (the latter is formed of a central beaded wire with flanking two-ply twisted wires); two-ply twisted wires were used for the fish-scale pattern also, and form the herringbone pattern infilling the fins; annulets of beaded wire decorate the eyeless head, and the same wire type edges the mount. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Cut mark across the middle. 

L. 23mm; W. 5mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.93g; X-ray: L80

",Mount in gold of fish form with filigree ornament,Small mount,Gold,,796,"[K796] BA0132, grid J11",,80,J11,0.93 3441,462,"

462                  [K1663]

Mount in gold of fish form with filigree ornament. Possibly a grip-fitting. Bent and split open at the head, at the fixing-hole. Made of sheet metal; possibly flat or flattish originally; the tail end has a metal flange added for attachment. Style II: the stylised fish has a pair of fins each side of a strip body and a fantail. The head was probably pointed originally, and it is possible the fish was intended to represent a pike. The missing nail/rivet would have formed the eye. Filigree: the lateral line of the fish, the eye/head surround and the edge of the mount are delineated in double and triple-strand pattern (formed of a thick beaded wire with thinner flanking plain wires); thin beaded and plain wires also form herringbone pattern filling the body, fins and tail. The tail is separated from the body by bands of herringbone-with-spine (formed to two-ply twisted wires and a central plain wire). Reverse: multiple overlapping seams indicate several pieces of sheet were joined to form the backing. One join at the tail is from the appended sheet flange. Wear/marks: moderate overall.

L. 30mm; W. 12mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 1.42g; X-ray: L80

",Mount in gold of fish form with filigree ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1663,No location,(Note: [K1663] part of soil block K438),80,,1.42 3316,463,"

463                  [K1538]

Mount in gold with a bird head each end and filigree scrollwork. Possibly a grip-fitting. Bent, but probably curved originally, and one head crumpled. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole each end at the back of each eye and two at the edges of the wider centre; no nails/rivets. Style II: the profiled bird heads were probably the same originally, with curved beaks, but are mirrored (they are semi-naturalistic and not typical of Style II). ?Gem-settings: the eye of each head is formed of a small round bezel; these may have held stones, but none remains. Filigree: two bands of S-scrolls decorate the central body of the mount; the scrolls are formed of beaded wire; beaded wire also frames the bands and mount edges, and forms collars to the gem-settings and some of the fixing-holes; dummy nail-heads formed by repoussé flank the fixing-holes on the edges of the mount; a medial line of triple-strand beaded wire separates the bands of scrollwork (the central beaded wire has worn flat). Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: moderate wear. The medial wire bears two small cut marks.

L. 21.5mm; W. 11mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 1.02g; X-ray: L80

",Mount in gold with a bird head each end and filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1538,No location,(Note: [K1538] part of soil block 11),80,,1.02 2074,464,"

464                  [K297]

Mount in gold of swastika form with bird heads and filigree scrollwork. Misshapen, probably flat or slightly curved originally; one head torn and cut marks. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole at the eye of each of the four heads; the possible silver head of a nail/rivet is in one. Style II: the profiled bird heads have curved beaks (they are semi-naturalistic and not typical of Style II). ?Gem-settings: the eye of each bird is formed of a small round bezel; these may have held stones (set over the nail/rivet heads), but none remains. The larger empty bezel at the centre of the mount possibly had a stone also. Filigree: the body of the mount is filled with scrollwork, mostly S-scrolls of beaded wire; beaded wire also frames the mount edges and gem-settings, and forms hatching on the bird beaks. Wear/marks: moderate wear. One cut mark runs across the centre, another cuts the beak of one bird. 

L. 38mm; W. 33mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.55g; no X-ray

",Mount in gold of swastika form with bird heads and filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,297,"[K297] TH159, no location","(Note: from mud adhering: two fragments of silver reeded strip, 613: [K1842]; two fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1879])",,,3.55 2245,465,"

465                  [K468]

Mount in gold with a bird head, filigree ornament, and one garnet boss. Probably a grip-fitting. Bird head bent; retains a slight original curvature to the bottom edge. Made from sheet metal with three fixing-holes, at the eye of the head and in the bottom corners, all covered by gem-settings; no nails/rivets. Style II: the profiled bird head has a curled beak (its depiction is not typical of Style II). Gem-settings: only one of the three settings retains its stone, a red cabochon garnet; a cross-hatched gold foil backs the stone, but the impression is faint (the type cannot be identified). Filigree: the body of the mount is filled by small annulets of beaded wire; a line of collared granules runs along the bottom edge and others fill the beak and head of the bird; the mount is edged with thicker beaded wire and the bezels of the gem-settings also have collars. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Scratches on the reverse, possibly from the point of a blade.

L. 20mm; W. 22mm; Th. 0.5mm; Wt 1.21g; X-ray: L80

",Mount in gold with a bird head filigree ornament and one garnet boss,Small mount,Gold,,468,"[K468] TH241, no location",,80,,1.21 3906,466,"

466                  [K5057]

Mount in gold with a zoomorphic head and filigree ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Curved section widthways; the ‘head’ is twisted and torn, possibly where there was a fixing-hole originally; no nails/rivets. Made of sheet metal, with a flange along the basal edge also for attachment. The ‘head’ mimics the bird heads seen on other mounts. Filigree: herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires) decorates the lower body of the mount and frames the edges. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. 

L. 12.5mm; W. 11mm; Th. 0.5mm; Wt 0.37g; X-ray: L70 2012

",Mount in gold with a zoomorphic head and filigree ornament,Small mount,Gold,,5057,[K5057] grid L11,,,,0.37 2167,467,"

467                  [K390]

Mount in gold with one head remaining of a pair of bird heads and filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting; possibly from the upper grip. Misshapen and torn; curved widthways originally. Made from sheet metal with probably four fixing-holes originally, at the eye of each head and at the corners; no nails/rivets. Style II: the profiled bird head has a curved beak (its semi-naturalistic depiction is not typical of Style II). Gem-setting: the eye of the bird is formed of a plain bezel, which probably had held a small stone, covering the nail/rivet head. Filigree: the body of the mount shows a geometric arrangement of bands, filled with collared granules and edged with beaded wire, which form a triangle centrally; the zones between are filled mainly with C- and S-scrolls of beaded wire; the beak of the bird is also filled with collared granules; beaded wire also forms a collar to each gem-setting. Reverse: two faint incised lines, forming a ‘//’ mark. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Set: pair with mount 468.

L. 20mm; W. 21mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 2.84g; X-ray: L80

",Mount in gold with one head remaining of a pair of bird heads and filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,390,"[K390] TH117, no location","(Note: found with one small fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K1876])",80,,2.84 2252,468,"

468                  [K475]

Mount in gold with bird heads and filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting; possibly from the lower grip. One head bent forward and one corner bent back and torn. Made from sheet metal with four fixing-holes, one at the eye of each head and one in each corner; no nails/rivets. Style II: the profiled bird heads have curved beaks, are confronted (mirrored), and joined at the beak tips (their semi-naturalistic depiction is not typical of Style II). Gem-setting: the eye of each head is formed of a plain, empty bezel; the stones that covered the nail/rivet heads are missing, but one setting retains a cross-hatched gold foil of ‘standard’ type. Filigree: the body of the mount shows a geometric arrangement of bands, filled with collared granules and edged with beaded wire, which form a triangle centrally; the zones between are filled mainly with scrollwork, C- and S-scrolls of beaded wire; the beaks of the birds are also filled with collared granules; beaded wire also forms collars to the gem-settings. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Set: pair with mount 467.

L. 39.5mm; W. 24mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 4.36g; X-ray: L142

",Mount in gold with bird heads and filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,475,"[K475] TH211, no location",,142,,4.36 1829,469,"

469                  [K52]

Fragment of mount in gold, originally with bird heads and filigree ornament. See mount 470. Probably a grip-fitting. Rolled, with a torn edge, the ornament obscured. Made of sheet metal with three fixing-holes remaining; no nails/rivets. Filigree: bird beaks outlined in triple-strand beaded wire; heads decorated with herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires); eyes formed from collared granules, which also form bands in between the herringbone bands; beaded wire forms collars to the fixing-holes. Reverse: joins from multiple small pieces of sheet. Set: pair with mount 470

L. 16.5mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.73g; X-ray: L89, L90, L92, L116

",Fragment of mount in gold originally with bird heads and filigree ornament,Small mount,Gold,,52,"[K52] BA0191, grid N12","(Note: from mud adhering: three fragments of silver reeded sheet, 613: [K1777]; one fragment of silver tray [K1778] from helmet-band 593; one fragment of edging, 614: [K1780]; two fragments [K2136] of silver sheet from socket 607/08; one fragment [K1779] of silver die-impressed sheet 604)",89; 90; 92; 116,,0.73 2142,470,"

470                  [K365]

Mount in gold with bird heads and filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. One head and end folded and torn, but the remaining form suggests a curved section originally. Made of sheet metal with five fixing-holes; no nails/rivets. Style II: the profiled and mirrored pair of bird heads have curved beaks and angled head-surrounds typical of the style; they can also be interpreted as a mask. Filigree: the heads are backed by a rectangle framed by herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wire) with an outer thicker beaded wire; a vertical column of herringbone band also separates the heads (completing the angled head-surrounds), terminated by one of the fixing-holes; the rectangular frame is filled with C-scrolls formed of beaded wire; the bird beaks are outlined in triple-strand beaded wire; the heads are filled with narrow curved herringbone bands; the eyes and the spaces in between the curved bands are filled with collared granules; beaded wire also forms collars to the fixing-holes. Reverse: joins from multiple small pieces of sheet, perforated in places. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 469

L. 22mm; W. 18mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 1.79g; X-ray: L80

",Mount in gold with bird heads and filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,365,"[K365] TH081, no location","(Note: from mud adhering: one small fragment of silver filigree, 689: [K1870]; one small fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K1871])",80,,1.79 1890,471,"

471                  [K113, K923]

Mount in gold with bird heads and filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip- or guard-fitting. Rejoined from two fragments, part of one end missing and torn the other end; preserves partly its original curvature. Made from two pieces of sheet metal (it was broken apart at the join) with one fixing-hole one end, remaining from probably four originals; no nails/rivets. Style II: a pair of profiled and mirrored bird heads decorated each end originally. Those remaining have curved beaks and angled head-surrounds typical of the style; they can also be interpreted as a mask. Filigree: the rectangular body of the mount is divided into zones by a cross formed of herringbone-with-spine (formed of a pair of two-ply twisted-beaded wires with a plain wire between, flanked by thinner beaded wires; some wires lost); the four zones are filled with S-scrolls in beaded wire set at an angle; the bird heads and the mount are outlined in thicker beaded wire, with thinner beaded wires used for the detail of the heads (triple-strand beaded wire was used for the head-surrounds); granules and collared granules form the eyes and small annulets decorate the heads. Reverse: sheet join. Incised ‘X’ mark. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Filigree flattened at the centre, with wires lost, possibly caused by a tool. Set: pair with mount 472.

L. 21.5mm; W. 9mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.31g; X-ray: L135 

",Mount in gold with bird heads and filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,113,"[K113] BA0010, grid K10; [K923] BA1040, no location",(Note: fragment [113] found with hilt-collar 135),135,K10,1.31 2791,471,

Part of catalogue no. 471. See K113 for catalogue entry.

,Mount in gold with bird heads and filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,923,,,135,, 3098,472,"

472                  [K1321]

Half fragment of a mount in gold with bird heads and filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip- or guard-fitting. Made from sheet metal, curved originally, with two fixing-holes remaining at the end; no nails/rivets. Probably torn apart at an original sheet join (see mount 471); one of the bird heads is bent back. Style II: the bird heads, in profile, were mirrored originally, with curved beaks and angled head-surrounds typical of the style; they can also be interpreted as a mask. Filigree: the remaining body of the mount has two surviving zones of S-scrolls in beaded wire; separating these down the middle of the mount is a ridge of herringbone-with-spine (formed of a pair of two-ply twisted-beaded wires with a plain wire between, flanked by thinner beaded wires); the bird heads and the mount are outlined in thicker beaded wire (triple-strand beaded wire was used for the head-surrounds), with thinner beaded wires used for the detail of the heads and for the small annulets; collared granules form the eyes. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 471.

L. 23mm; W. 11mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.05g; X-ray: L80

",Mount in gold with bird heads and filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1321,"[K1321] TH242, no location",,80,,1.05 2868,473,"

473                  [K1000]

Mount in gold with filigree scrollwork and garnet gem-settings. Probably a grip-fitting; possibly from the upper grip. One edge bent over, but it preserves its original curvature. Made from sheet metal with one fixing-hole at each corner; no nails/rivets. Style II: the two gem-settings together with the bolder lines in filigree form a design that can be interpreted either as a pair of confronted birds or as a face-mask. The birds, in profile, have curved beaks, pear-shaped hips and taloned feet (the depiction is not typical of Style II). (Note, the necks of the birds, as shown on mount 474, are omitted in this case) Gem-settings: the head/eye of each bird is formed of a red cabochon garnet in a plain bezel with a filigree surround; cross-hatched gold foils of a rare type, of a ‘standard’ pattern overlain by diamond ‘boxes’, back the garnets. Filigree: Style II/face-mask in triple-strand beaded wire (the thinner flanking wires are spiral-beaded); the edges of the mount and gem-settings are framed with a similar but double combination of thicker beaded and thinner spiral-beaded wires; the space surrounding the zoomorphic decoration is filled by scrollwork in spiral-beaded wire, many of the elements formed of paired wires, including C- and S-scrolls, annulets and figure-of-eights; the fixing-holes have collars in the same wire type. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 474, possibly a suite with 475.

L. 25mm; W. 26.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 4.54g; X-ray: L77

",Mount in gold with filigree scrollwork and garnet gem-settings,Small mount,Gold,,1000,"[K1000] BA0283, grid M13",,77,M13,4.54 2231,474,"

474                  [K454]

Mount in gold with filigree scrollwork and garnet gem-settings. Probably a grip-fitting; possibly from the lower grip. Misshapen, but it suggests an original curvature widthways. Made from sheet metal with one fixing-hole at each corner; one torn; no nails/rivets. Style II: the two gem-settings together with the bolder lines in filigree form a design that can be interpreted either as a pair of confronted birds or as a face-mask. The birds, in profile, have curved beaks, necks, pear-shaped hips and taloned feet (the depiction is not typical of Style II). Gem-settings: the head/eye of each bird is formed of a red cabochon garnet in a plain bezel with a filigree surround (Diam. 6mm); cross-hatched gold foils of a rare type, with a ‘standard’ pattern overlain by diamond ‘boxes’, back the garnets. Filigree: Style II/face-mask in triple-strand beaded wire (the thinner flanking wires are spiral-beaded); the edges of the mount and gem-settings are framed with a similar but double combination of thicker beaded and thinner spiral-beaded wires; the space surrounding the zoomorphic decoration is filled by scrollwork in spiral-beaded wire, many of the elements formed of paired wires, including C- and S-scrolls, annulets and figure-of-eights; the fixing-holes have collars in the same wire type. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Set: pair with mount 473, possibly a suite with 475.

L. 35mm; W. 21mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 6.52g; X-ray: L77, L83

",Mount in gold with filigree scrollwork and garnet gem-settings,Small mount,Gold,,454,"[K454] TH228, no location",,77; 83,,6.25 1848,475,"

475                  [K71, K1010]

Mount in gold with filigree interlace and scrollwork. Possibly a grip-fitting. Misshapen, rolled and torn, a small fragment from one edge rejoined. Made from sheet metal with one fixing-hole at each of the three remaining corners and one midway along each of the straight edges; no nails/rivets. Interlace: the body of the mount is filled with a panel of regular interlace. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire (the thinner flanking wires are spiral-beaded); bands of scrollwork flank the interlace, of C-scrolls formed from paired spiral-beaded wires; the sheet backing has been repoussé worked (from the front); punctuating the interlace design are collared granules, the collars of spiral-beaded wire; the fixing-holes have collars in the same; annulets and figure-of-eights also occur in places; thicker beaded wire frames the panel and bands, and other edges. Reverse: sheet patch. Wear/marks: moderate wear. Set: possibly a suite with mounts 473 and 474

L. 34mm; W.18mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 6.58g; X-ray: L135, L138

",Mount in gold with filigree interlace and scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,71,"[K71] BA0030, grid K11; [K1010] BA0082, grid L11",,135,K11,6.58 2878,475,

Part of catalogue no. 475. See K71 for catalogue entry.

,Mount in gold with filigree interlace and scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1010,,,138,L11, 2606,476,"

476                  [K738]

Mount in gold of pelta form with filigree ornament. Missing one scrolled terminal. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole; no nail/rivet. Filigree: beaded and twisted wires frame the mount, including bands forming herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires) that fill the neck and curving pelta; triple-strand beaded wire forms a collar to the fixing-hole. Wear/marks: light wear. Cut mark at top edge. Set: pair with mount 477.

L. 13mm; W. 10mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.39g; X-ray: L64

",Mount in gold of pelta form with filigree ornament,Small mount,Gold,,738,"[K738] BA0204, grid M12",(Note: part of finds group BA0204),64,M12,0.39 2733,477,"

477                  [K865]

Mount in gold of pelta form with scrolled terminals and filigree ornament. Cut, missing its upper neck portion (see mount 476). Made of two pieces of sheet metal with one fixing-hole; no nail/rivet. Filigree: a band of herringbone (formed of two-ply twisted wires) fills the curving pelta, and a small part of a second band remains at the truncated neck; beaded wire frames the mount and band ornament, and forms a triple-strand collar to the fixing-hole. Reverse: join between the two sheet pieces. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 476.

L. 14mm; W. 7.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.34g; X-ray: L80

",Mount in gold of pelta form with scrolled terminals and filigree ornament,Small mount,Gold,,865,"[K865] US0124 SCC, no location",,80,,0.34 1817,478,"

478                  [K40]

Mount in gold of eye-shaped form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. Bent, but with a concave and curved section originally. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole each end and a third centrally at one edge, and with a flange along the basal edge; the holes at the ends are torn open; no nails/rivets. Filigree: bands of herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires, flanked by beaded wires) are interspersed with C- and S-scrolls in beaded wire. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear in places. Flattening of the filigree in places from damage. Set: pair with mount 479, possibly a suite with 417–421.

L. 18mm; W. 9mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.78g; X-ray L55

",Mount in gold of eye-shaped form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,40,"[K40] BA0236, grid L12)",,55; 142,L12,0.78 3050,479,"

479                  [K1273]

Mount in gold of eye-shaped form with filigree scrollwork. Probably a grip-fitting. Concave and curved section, bent one end. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole each end and a third centrally at one edge, and with a flange along the basal edge; the holes at the ends are torn open; no nails/rivets. Filigree: bands of herringbone (formed of two-ply twisted wires, flanked by beaded wires) are interspersed by C-, S- and V-scrolls in beaded wire. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Flattening of the filigree in places from damage. Set: pair with mount 478, possibly a suite with 417–421

L. 23.5mm; W. 9mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.73g; X-ray: L54

",Mount in gold of eye-shaped form with filigree scrollwork,Small mount,Gold,,1273,"[K1273] BA0362, grid N12",,54,N12,0.73 2842,480,"

480                  [K974]

Mount in gold of L-shaped form with filigree animal ornament. Possibly a grip-fitting. Bent, possibly curved originally. Made of sheet metal, with three spaced fixing-holes; one gold nail in situ (L. 5mm). Style II: a procession of zoomorphs with biting jaws and ribbon bodies fills the mount. Filigree: zoomorphic jaws in triple-strand beaded wire; bodies in herringbone band (formed of two-ply twisted wires); fixing-holes have collars of beaded wire, and there is one annulet in the same; thick beaded wire frames the mount. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. 

L. 24.5mm; W. 7mm; Th. beaded edge 1mm; Wt 1.42g; X-ray: L89

",Mount in gold of L-shaped form with filigree animal ornament,Small mount,Gold,,974,"[K974] BA0270, grid M10",,89,M10,1.42 2788,481,"

481                  [K920]

Mount in gold of cross form with filigree ornament. Missing one arm. Made of sheet metal, flat, with five fixing-holes; one arm has two holes at its end (one is possibly a repair), with the head of a silver nail/rivet in one. Filigree: the arms have lines of annulets of beaded wire, which also form collars to the fixing-holes; herringbone banding (formed of two-ply twisted wires) forms framing with beaded wire at the outer edge; curved lengths of beaded wire also decorate the centre (surrounding the central fixing-hole). Reverse: one sheet join at the junction of one arm. Wear/marks: moderate wear. 

L. 19.5mm; W. 15mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.64g; X-ray: L80

",Mount in gold of cross form with filigree ornament,Small mount,Gold,,920,"[K920] BA1044, no location",,80,,0.64 3867,482,"

482                  [K5018]

Mount in gold of cross form with filigree ornament and a central garnet boss. One arm torn and folded back. Made of sheet metal, probably flat or flattish originally, with a single fixing-hole at the reverse of the garnet; the head of a silver nail/rivet remains in situ. Gem-setting: red cabochon garnet in a plain bezel; a cross-hatched gold foil backs the stone, probably of ‘standard’ type. Filigree: the arms are filled with C-scrolls of spiral-beaded wire; thick beaded wire edges the mount and forms a collar to the gem-setting. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 20.5mm; W. 15.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.32g; X-ray: L70

",Mount in gold of cross form with filigree ornament and a central garnet boss,Small mount,Gold,,5018,[K5018] grid M11,,,,1.32 2264,483,"

483                  [K487]

Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with filigree interlace. Probably a grip-fitting. Torn basal edge, missing the edge-wire. Curved section widthways. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole at the tip; no nail/rivet. Interlace: a looping interlace design fills the form, the single strand terminates at the fixing-hole. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; the design is raised on a thin sheet lattice, cut-out to match the pattern; the outer edge of the mount is framed by thick beaded wire, with a thin beaded wire innermost, and the fixing-hole has a collar in the same. Reverse: plain except for a possible blade scratch. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 484.

L. 13mm; W.10.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.09g; X-ray: L135

",Mount in gold of tongue-shaped mount form with filigree interlace,Small mount,Gold,,487,"[K487] TH211, no location",,135,,1.09 3357,484,"

484                  [K1579]

Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with filigree interlace. Probably a grip-fitting. Curved section widthways. Made of sheet metal with one fixing-hole at the tip; no nail/rivet. Interlace: a looping interlace design fills the form, the single strand terminates at the fixing-hole. Filigree: interlace in triple-strand beaded wire; the design is raised on a thin sheet lattice, cut-out to match the pattern; the outer edge of the mount is framed by thick beaded wire, with a thin beaded wire innermost, and the fixing-hole has a collar in the same. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 483.

L. 13mm; W.10mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.04g; X-ray: L135

",Mount in gold tongue-shaped mount with filigree interlace,Small mount,Gold,,1579,No location,(Note: [K1579] part of soil block 1),135,,1.04 2942,485,"

485                  [K1165]

Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with incised animal ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Flat or slightly curved originally. Made of sheet metal with a nail fixed on the reverse (L. 3.5mm). Style II: a small quadruped creature inhabits the mount, depicted in profile, with a contorted rear leg, bent back on itself and piercing the hip; its stepped jaw (bent) forms the outline of the apex. A circular punch was used for the eye. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: suite with mounts 486487.

L. 13mm; W. 8mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.35g; X-ray: L136

",Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with incised animal ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1165,"[K1165] BA0421, no location",,136,,0.35 2186,486,"

486                  [K409]

Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with incised animal ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Flat or slightly curved originally. Torn at the apex (head). Made of sheet metal, the stub of one copper-alloy nail/rivet pierces the mount (possibly a repair). Style II: a small quadruped creature inhabits the mount; the head, with a stepped jaw, is torn and bent back. It is depicted in profile, with a contorted rear leg, bent back on itself and piercing the hip. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: suite with mounts 485 and 487.

L. 10mm; W. 7mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.25g;X-ray: L136

",Mount in gold of tongue-shaped mount form with incised animal ornament,Small mount,Gold,,409,"[K409] TH115, no location",,136,,0.25 2364,487,"

487                  [K587]

Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with incised animal ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Flat or slightly curved originally. Torn, missing one end. Made of sheet metal with a nail fixed on the reverse (L. 3mm). Style II: a small quadruped creature inhabits the mount, but is missing its head. It is depicted in profile, with a contorted rear leg, bent back on itself and piercing the hip. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: suite with mounts 485486.

L. 9.5mm; W. 7mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 0.22g; X-ray: L136

",Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with incised animal ornament,Small mount,Gold,,587,"[K587] TH022, no location",,136,,0.22 1872,488,"

488                  [K95]

Mount in gold with a forked end. Forks bent; the other end appears like part of a hinge, suggesting it joined something. Made of thick gold sheet, without decoration, and slightly curved along the length and width. Three bent, fixed nails remain on the reverse (L. straightest 8mm); a fourth is indicated by a solder patch on the empty fork. Reverse: two dots midway between the original four nails may indicate where further fixings had been intended in manufacture, but not implemented. Wear/marks: moderate wear; extensive light scratches.

L. 35mm; W. 10mm; Th. sheet 1mm; Wt 4.41g; no X-ray

",Mount in gold with a forked end,Small mount,Gold,,95,"[K95] BA0008, grid K10",,,K10,4.41 1799,489,"

489                  [K22]

Mount in gold of triangular form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Tip bent, with a small cut mark (?levered). Curved section widthways, with a lip around the front edge. Made from sheet metal with a fixing-hole on the reverse at each vertex; one gold nail, flattened; other holes expanded from nail removal. Cloisonné: geometric cellwork with a central zone of rectilinear forms and a triangle, flanked by bands of stepped cells, and a circular cell at the apex (cf. mount 490); the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 490.

L. 12mm; W. 12mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 1.13g; no X-ray

",Mount in gold of triangular form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,22,"[K22] BA0209, no location",(Note: found with mount 493),,,1.13 2651,490,"

490                  [K783]

Mount in gold of triangular form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Curved section widthways, with a lip around the front edge. Made from sheet metal with a fixing-hole on the reverse at each vertex; one gold nail, bent (L. 6mm); other holes expanded from nail removal. Cloisonné: geometric cellwork with a central zone of rectilinear forms and a triangle, flanked by bands of stepped cells, and a mushroom-shape at the apex; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Two small cut-marks at one point on the lip (?levered). Set: pair with mount 489.

L. 12.5mm; W. 12mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 1.08g; X-ray: L76

",Mount in gold of triangular form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,783,"[K783] BA0099, no location",,76,,1.08 4063,491,"

491                  [K1868]

Mount in gold of triangular form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Missing one garnet covering a fixing-hole, but otherwise complete. Slight curvature widthways. Made from sheet metal, with a lip around the back edge, a flange of sheet at the base, and three fixing-holes on the reverse; no nails/rivets. Cloisonné: geometric cellwork with a central zone of rectilinear forms, topped by a semi-circular cell, and a frame of rectilinear forms; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. The fixing-holes are torn on the reverse from the mount’s forced removal. One side a small slot has been made by a pointed implement, a ?blade (?levered).

L. 15mm; W. 14mm; Th. edge 2.5mm; Wt 1.05g; X-ray: L11

",Mount in gold of triangular form with garnet cloisonne decoration,Small mount,Gold,,1868,"[K1868=K358] TH096, no location","(Note: found inside pommel 57, with three fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1866, K1869])",,,1.05 2108,492,"

492                  [K331]

Mount in gold of triangular form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Made from sheet metal; at the apex is a small point, now bent, but originally it probably projected straight, and together with the flange of sheet at the base it would have secured the mount in position. Cloisonné: geometric cellwork with a central triangular cell, within a border of rectilinear forms; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. 

L. 15.5mm; W. 9.5mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 1.11g; X-ray: L137

",Mount in gold of triangular form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,331,"[K331] TH170, no location",,137,,1.11 2586,493,"

493                  [K718]

Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork and a garnet gem-setting. Probably a grip-fitting. Bent, but probably flat originally. Made from sheet metal; the back of the gem-setting projects on the reverse, with three fixing-holes; two gold nails in situ (L. 4mm). Gem-setting: the triangular flat red garnet is set in a plain bezel, backed by a cross-hatched gold foil of ‘standard’ type. Filigree: a border of S-scrolls of beaded wire surrounds the garnet; a thicker beaded wire edges the mount. Wear/marks: moderate wear to the edge wire.

L. 14.5mm; W. 12mm; Th. 2.5mm; Wt 0.98g; X-ray: L134

",Mount in gold of triangular form with filigree scrollwork and a garnet gem-setting,Small mount,Gold,,718,"[K718] BA0209, no location",(Note: found with mount 489),134,,0.98 2961,494,"

494                  [K1184]

Mount in gold of rectangular form with garnet and glass cloisonné ornament. Edges damaged and some inlays broken. Made from sheet metal; the front edges of the mount extend beyond the deeper cloisonné body; copper staining on the reverse, and possibly small remains of a back-plate. Cloisonné: geometric cellwork of stepped forms in garnet, with a central lozenge of glass and two corresponding triangles at the ends. The glass is of millefiori type, with an opaque red and blue chequered pattern (like pommel 53 and mount 495, but the glass has not been analysed). Each of the flat red garnets is backed by a cross-hatched gold foil of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Set: possibly a suite with 458 and 495.

L. 13.5mm; W. 7mm; Th. 3mm; Wt 0.95g; no X-ray

",Mount in gold of rectangular form with garnet and glass cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1184,"[K1184] BA0298, grid L14)",,,L14,0.95 3003,495,"

495                  [K1226]

Mount in gold of rectangular form with garnet and glass cloisonné ornament. Some stones broken, but otherwise undamaged. Made of sheet metal; the front edges extend beyond the deeper body of the mount; there is a fixing-hole in each corner on the reverse, with the stubs of four silver nails/rivets in situ. Cloisonné: geometric cellwork with a central square of millefiori glass, with an opaque red and blue chequered pattern (like pommel 53 and mount 494). Stepped cellwork surrounds the centre with semi-circular cells at the corners; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Cross symbols are concealed in the pattern. Reverse: copper corrosion covers the back, possibly from contact with a copper-alloy back-plate (see 458 and 494). Wear/marks: ?light wear. 

L. 14.5mm; W. 11mm; Th. 2.5mm; Wt 1.59g; X-ray: no x-ray

",Mount in gold of rectangular form with garnet and glass cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1226,"[K1226] BA0136, grid J9",,,L9,1.59 2605,496,"

496                  [K737, K788]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. Originally of U-shaped form with stepped ends. Rejoined from two fragments; torn apart and misshapen, some garnets/foils missing. Made from sheet metal with a fixing-hole at each end on the reverse; holes have ruptured edges; no nails/rivets. Cloisonné: fish-scale cellwork decorates each side with square cells at the ends; an oval lidded gold cell originally separated the patterns at the centre; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 497.

L. 17/19mm; W. 8mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 2.79g; X-ray: L44, L74

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,737,"[K737] BA0204, grid M12; [K788] US0106, no location",(Note: [K737] part of finds group BA0204),44,M12,2.79 2656,496,

Part of catalogue no. 496. See K737 for catalogue entry.

,Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,788,,,74,, 3093,497,"

497                  [K1316]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. Originally of U-shaped form with stepped ends. Ends bent outwards, some garnets/foils missing. Made from sheet metal, with a fixing-hole at each end on the reverse (one torn open); no nails/rivets. Cloisonné: fish-scale cellwork decorates each side with square cells at the ends; the patterns are separated at the centre by an oval lidded gold cell; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 496.

L. 30mm; W. 7.5mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 2.61g; X-ray: L73

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1316,"[K1316] TH242, no location",,73,,2.61 2251,498,"

498                  [K474]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. Misshapen, one side torn at a severe fold, some cells ruptured with garnets/foils missing (other stones sunken); originally of U-shaped form. Made from sheet metal, with two fixing-holes each end (torn open one end); heads of three silver nails/rivets in situ. Cloisonné: each side has an identical geometric pattern, comprising two bands of stepped cells divided by a central line of rectangular cells; a rectangular lidded gold cell (lifted), set vertically, originally separated the sides at the centre; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. 

L. 34mm; W. 8mm; Th. edge 2.5mm; Wt 5.40g; X-ray: L134

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,474,"[K474] TH211, no location",,134,,5.04 2100,499,"

499                  [K323]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. Of U-shaped form, the sides of different length. Probably from the upper guard. Ends damaged, with multiple garnets/foils missing. Made from sheet metal with originally three fixing-holes each end; one is torn open one end; two copper-alloy nails/rivet stubs in situ the same end. Cloisonné: a different geometric pattern each side; the longer side shows a central row of split-mushroom cells (aligned to form whole ‘mushrooms’) with stepped and further split-mushroom cells at the edges; the other side has a pair of stepped rhomboids with flanking stepped forms; the sides are separated at the tip by a lentoid gold lidded cell; the flat red garnets were backed by cross-hatched gold foils of 'standard' type (multiple exposed examples). Wear/marks: light wear. Three incised lines one edge, forming a ‘|||’ mark. Set: with mounts 500–502.

L. 29mm; W. 8mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 4.27g; X-ray: L74

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,323,"[K323] TH170, no location","(Note: one silver nail/rivet and washer, 675: [K1862], from adhering mud)",74,,4.27 2150,500,"

500                  [K373]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. Of U-shaped form, the sides of different length. Probably from the upper guard. One side bent outwards, with some garnets/foils missing. Made from sheet metal, with on the reverse three fixing-holes one end, containing three copper-alloy nails/rivet stubs; two empty fixing-holes the other end, one torn open. Cloisonné: a different geometric pattern each side; the longer side shows a central row of split-mushroom cells (aligned to form whole ‘mushrooms’) with stepped and further split-mushroom cells at the edges; the other side has a pair of stepped rhomboids with flanking stepped forms; the sides are separated at the tip by a lentoid gold lidded cell; the flat red garnets were backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (multiple exposed examples). Wear/marks: light wear. Set: with mounts 499 and 501–502.

 L. 24mm; W. 8.5mm; Th. edge 4mm; Wt 4.69g; X-ray: L123

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,373,"[K373] TH105, no location",,123,,4.69 2278,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,501,,,107,, 2641,501,"

501                  [K773]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. Of U-shaped form, the sides of different length. Probably from the lower guard. One side bent outwards; torn on the reverse; some garnets/foils missing. Made from sheet metal with on the reverse three fixing-holes one end, and two fixing-holes the other end; no nails/rivets. Cloisonné: a different geometric pattern each side; the longer side shows a central row of split-mushroom cells (aligned to form whole ‘mushrooms’) with stepped and further split-mushroom cells at the edges; the other side has a pair of stepped rhomboids with flanking stepped forms; the sides are separated at the tip by a lentoid gold lidded cell; the flat red garnets were backed by cross-hatched gold foils of 'standard' type (some exposed examples). Wear/marks: light wear. Set: with mounts 499–500 and 502.

L. 30mm; W. 10mm; Th. edge 4mm; Wt 7.19g; X-ray: L73

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,773,"[K773] BA0096, no location",,73,,7.19 2125,502,"

502                  [K348]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. Of U-shaped form, the sides of different length. Probably from the lower guard. One side bent outwards with some garnets/foils missing. Made from sheet metal with on the reverse three fixing-holes one end, and two fixing-holes the other end; one stub of a copper-alloy nail/rivet in situ. Cloisonné: a different geometric pattern each side; the longer side shows a central line of split-mushroom forms (aligned to form whole ‘mushrooms’; except the last in the line that is more ‘arrow’ shaped) with stepped and further split-mushroom cells at the edges; the other side has a pair of stepped rhomboids with flanking stepped forms; the sides are separated at the tip by a lentoid gold lidded cell; the flat red garnets were backed by cross-hatched gold foils of 'standard' type (multiple exposed examples). Wear/marks: light wear. Set: with mounts 499–501.

L. 28mm; W. 10mm; Th. edge 4mm; Wt 6.77g X-ray: L123

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,348,"[K348] TH122, no location",,123,,6.77 2837,503,"

503                  [K969]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. One side twisted and damaged, with several garnets/foils lost and other stones fractured. Originally of U-shaped form with stepped ends (the position of the step alternates each end). Probably from the upper guard. Made from sheet metal with one fixing-hole on the reverse each end; two copper-alloy nail/rivet stubs in situ. Cloisonné: a continuous geometric band of arrow-shaped and stepped cellwork decorates the mount; the flat red garnets were backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (some foils and a backing paste are exposed in places). Wear/marks: light wear. Two lines, forming a ‘//’ mark, are incised on the reverse. Set: pair with mount 504 and a suite with 505–506.

L. 24.5mm; W. 6mm; Th. edge 2.5mm; Wt 3.13g; X-ray: L121

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,969,"[K969] BA0275, grid L8",,121,L8,3.13 2924,504,"

504                  [K1147]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. Slightly misshapen, with a single garnet lost. Of U-shaped form with stepped ends (the position of the step alternates each end). Probably from the upper guard. Made from sheet metal with one fixing-hole on the reverse each end; two copper-alloy nail/rivet stubs in situ. Cloisonné: a continuous geometric band of arrow-shaped and stepped cellwork decorates the mount; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 503 and a suite with 505–506.

L. 28mm; W. 6mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 3.81g; X-ray: L74

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1147,"[K1147] BA0481, grid location K16",,74,K16,3.81 1895,505,"

505                  [K118]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. One side twisted, the cellwork ruptured with multiple garnets/foils lost and other stones sunken. Originally of U-shaped form with stepped ends (the position of the step alternates each end). Probably from the lower guard. Made from sheet metal with two fixing-holes each end on the reverse; one copper-alloy nail/rivet stub in situ. Cloisonné: a continuous geometric band of stepped cellwork decorates the mount; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 506 and a suite with 503–504

L. 34.5mm; W. 7mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 4.79g; X-ray: L121, L131

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,118,"[K118] BA0064, grid L10",,121; 131,L10,4.79 3023,506,"

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. Sides bent apart and one is heavily damaged (by an impact or possibly a tool) with multiple garnets/foils lost. Originally of U-shaped form with stepped ends (the position of the step alternates each end). Probably from the lower guard. Made from sheet metal with one fixing-hole each end on the reverse; no nails/rivets. Cloisonné: a continuous geometric band of stepped cellwork decorates the mount; the flat red garnets were backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (some exposed examples). Wear/marks: light wear. Two lines with a crossing line are incised on the reverse one end, forming a ‘//’ mark. Set: pair with mount 505 and a suite with 503–504

L. 62.5 mm; W. 8mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 5.54g; X-ray: L134

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1246,"[K1246] BA0338, grid N9",,134,N9,5.54 1883,507,"

507                  [K106, K5031]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. Two torn joining fragments with some garnets/foils missing. Originally of U-shaped form with stepped ends (the position of the step alternates each end). Possibly from the upper guard.  Made from sheet metal with on the reverse two fixing-holes each end; no nails/rivets. Cloisonné: the same geometric pattern of mushroom-shaped and stepped forms decorates each side with borders of rectangular cellwork on two sides; the sides were originally separated at the centre by a large rectangular gold lidded cell; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (multiple exposed examples). Reverse: sheet join one end. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: with mount 508.

L. 17.5/23mm; W. 8mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 2.17g; X-ray: L70, L120

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,106,"[K106] BA0068, grid M11; [K5031] grid L9",,120,M11,2.17 3880,507,

Part of catalogue no. 507. See K106 for catalogue entry.

,Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,5031,,,,, 2253,508,"

508                  [K476]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. Sides splayed, ends torn, with multiple garnets lost. Originally of U-shaped form, probably with stepped ends (badly damaged). Possibly from the lower guard.  Made from sheet metal with on the reverse possibly two fixing-holes each end; no nails/rivets. Cloisonné: a similar geometric pattern of mushroom-, arrow-shaped and stepped forms decorates each side, and one side also has borders of rectangular cellwork (cf. 507); the sides are separated at the centre by a large rectangular gold lidded cell; the flat red garnets were backed by cross-hatched gold foils of 'standard' type (multiple exposed examples). Wear/marks: light wear. Set: with mount 507

L. 44.5mm; W. 8.5mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 3.35g; X-ray: L134

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,476,"[K476] TH211, no location",,134,,3.35 2869,509,"

509                  [K1001]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. Misshapen, some garnets/foils missing; originally of U-shaped form. Made from sheet metal with two fixing-holes each end; no nails/rivets. Cloisonné: a similar geometric pattern of stepped cellwork each side; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Reverse: one sheet join at the centre. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 510

L. 22.5mm; W. 9mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 2.98g; X-ray: L121

",Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1001,"[K1001] BA0258, grid K12","(Note: one small fragment of die-impressed silver sheet, 606: [K1940], from adhering mud)",121,K12,2.98 3143,510,

510                  [K1366]

Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament. Badly damaged one side and end (the cellwork removed in one place) with multiple garnets/foils missing. Of U-shaped form. Made from sheet metal with two fixing-holes and a flange of sheet at the intact end (holes expanded from removal); no nails/rivets. Cloisonné: a geometric pattern each side of stepped cellwork; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (exposed in places). Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 509

L. 21mm; W. 9mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 2.75g; X-ray: L121

,Mount in gold from the tip of a hilt-guard with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1366,"[K1366] TH244, no location",,121,,2.75 1793,511,"

511                  [K16]

Mount in gold of bird form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Original slight curvature to the width, but head bent. Two missing garnets, other stones sunken and fractured. Made from sheet metal with one fixed nail (L. 8.5mm) at the reverse of the head, bent at its tip; a flange of sheet at the tail is also for attachment. Style II: the bird is depicted in profile with a curved beak, an angled head-surround (typical of the style), a curled wing and taloned leg. Only the tail differs from its pair (see 512), having three instead of four ‘feather’ bars at the tail, and the two are also mirror images of one another. Cloisonné: the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (two are exposed by missing garnets). Lidded gold cells were used between the garnet inlays to create the zoomorphic design (though the joins are virtually invisible). The eye of the bird is formed by a tiny droplet of dark glass. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with 512, possibly a suite with 513.

L. 22mm; W. 9.5mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 2.31g; X-ray: L76

",Mount in gold of bird form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,16,"[K16] BA0237, grid K12",,76,K12,2.31 2459,512,"

512                  [K1084]

Mount in gold of bird form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Original slight curvature to the width. Three missing garnets, other stones sunken. Made from sheet metal with one fixed nail at the reverse of the head, bent at its tip; a flange of sheet at the tail is also for attachment. Style II: the bird is depicted in profile with a curved beak, an angled head-surround (typical of the style), a curled wing and taloned leg. Cloisonné: the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (two are exposed by missing garnets). Lidded gold cells were used between the garnet inlays to create the zoomorphic design (though the joins are invisible). The eye of the bird is formed by a tiny droplet of dark glass. Wear/marks: light wear. Blade scratch on the reverse. Set: pair with 511, possibly a suite with 513.

L. 22mm; W. 9mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 2.45g; X-ray: L76

",Mount in gold of bird form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1084,"[K1084] BA0178, grid J12",,76,J12,2.45 2105,513,"

513                  [K328]

Mount in gold of fish form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Original slight curvature to the width. Three missing garnets. Made from sheet metal with one fixed nail (L. 5mm) centrally on the reverse, bent at its tip; a flange of sheet at the tail is also for attachment. Style II: the fish is depicted splayed with both eyes, an open mouth, a fantail and two fins. The cloisonné on the body is fish-scale pattern. The ‘feathered’ tail is the same type as on birds 511–512. Cloisonné: the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (one is exposed by a missing garnet). A lidded gold cell separates the garnet ‘feathers’ at the tail. Slightly different coloured garnets were chosen for the head and eyes. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: possibly a suite with mounts 511–512.

L. 24.5mm; W. 10mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 1.50g; X-ray: L134

",Mount in gold of fish with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,328,"[K328] TH170, no location",,134,,1.5 2376,513,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,599,,,,, 2352,514,"

514                  [K575]

Mount in gold of bird-headed form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Original slight curvature to the width. Made from sheet metal with one fixed nail (L. 5mm) centrally on the reverse, bent over; a flange of sheet at the butt-end is also for attachment. Style II: the head is depicted in profile with a curved beak and an angled head-surround (like mounts 511 and 512). The head-surround terminates in a Stafford knot that fills the back of the mount. It is a mirrored pair with mount 515. Cloisonné: the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Lidded gold cells were used to create the knot design (though the joins are invisible). The eye of the bird is formed by a tiny droplet of dark glass. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 515.

L. 15mm; W. 9mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 1.40g; X-ray: L76

",Mount of gold of bird-headed form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,575,"[K575] TH018, no location",,76,,1.4 3858,515,"

515                  [K5009]

Mount in gold of bird-headed form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Original slight curvature to the width Missing one garnet and its backing foil. Made from sheet metal with one fixed nail (L. 5mm) centrally on the reverse, bent over; a flange of sheet at the butt-end is also for attachment. Style II: the head is depicted in profile with a curved beak and an angled head-surround (like mounts 511 and 512). The head-surround terminates in a Stafford knot that fills the back of the mount. Cloisonné: the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type; the beak has a slightly lighter garnet. The eye of the bird was formed by a tiny droplet of dark glass. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 514.

L. 15mm; W. 10mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 1.44g; X-ray: L70

",Mount in gold of bird-headed form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,5009,[K5009] grid F10,(Note: found with gold mount [K5090] from pommel 77),,,1.44 1849,516,"

516                  [K72]

Mount in gold with birds in garnet cloisonné. Probably a grip-fitting; possibly from the upper grip. Original slight curvature to the width. Two missing stones (one at a fixing-hole). Made from sheet metal with a separate flange of sheet at the ?top edge and two fixing-holes on the reverse for attachment; two nails (L. 5mm; one now missing). A small fragment of copper alloy at the ?top edge may be from the weapon-hilt construction. Style II: the design is of a pair of birds, in profile and back-to-back, with heads with curved beaks and angled head-surrounds, and in each case a banded body and single leg. A triangular wing is shared, forming the centre of the mount. Also a mask can be interpreted in the design. Cloisonné: different triangular, stepped and square garnet forms fill the body bands and the triangular ‘wing’ between. Cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type back the flat red stones. Slightly darker garnets were used for the head-surrounds. The remaining ‘eye’ cell has a corroded ?blue glass inlay. Lidded gold cells were used between the inlayed cells of the zoomorphic design. (An additional garnet was added between the beak and leg one side only, possibly to create deliberate design asymmetry, cf. 517) Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 517.

L. 25mm; W. 21mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 3.99g; X-ray: L72

",Mount in gold with birds in garnet cloisonné,Small mount,Gold,,72,"[K72] BA0031, grid L11",,22,L11,3.99 2848,517,"

517                  [K980]

Mount in gold with birds in garnet cloisonné. Probably a grip-fitting; possibly from the lower grip. Flattened, one missing and one part-missing stone. Made from sheet metal with a separate flange of sheet at the ?bottom edge and two fixing-holes on the reverse for attachment; no nails/rivets. Style II: the design is of a pair of birds, in profile and back-to-back, with heads with curved beaks and angled head-surrounds, and in each case a banded body and single leg. A triangular wing is shared, forming the centre of the mount. Also a mask can be interpreted in the design. Cloisonné: different triangular/curved, stepped and square garnet forms fill the body bands and the triangular ‘wing’ between. Cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type back the flat red stones (exposed at one broken garnet). Slightly darker garnets were used for the head-surrounds. One cell on one beak is filled with a corroded blue-green paste, possibly a decayed glass inlay (not examined). Lidded gold cells were used between the inlayed cells of the zoomorphic design. Wear/marks: light wear. Fixing-holes torn from removal. Set: pair with mount 516.

L. 34mm; W. 21mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 4.82g; X-ray: L76

",Mount in gold with birds in garnet cloisonné,Small mount,Gold,,980,"[K980] BA0264, grid I10",,76,I10,4.82 1855,518,"

518                  [K78]

Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with an animal head and garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Original slight curvature to the width. Made from sheet metal, except for the projecting animal head cast in relief; a flange of sheet at the butt-end and a small tongue of sheet the other end, below the muzzle of the head, were for attachment. A small circular punch was used for the eyes of the head. Cloisonné: geometric cellwork of stepped, mushroom- and arrow-shaped forms; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: with mounts 519520.

L.19mm; W. 9mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 1.35g; X-ray: L76

",Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with an animal head and garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,78,"[K78] BA0042, grid K11",,76,K11,1.35 2596,519,"

519                  [K728]

Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with an animal head and garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Original slight curvature to the width. Made from sheet metal, except for the projecting animal head cast in relief; a flange of sheet at the butt-end and a small tongue of sheet the other end, below the muzzle of the head, were for attachment. A small circular punch was used for the eyes of the head. Cloisonné: geometric cellwork of stepped, mushroom- and arrow-shaped forms; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: with mounts 518 and 520.

L. 19mm; W. 8mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 1.52g; X-ray: L120, L133

",Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with an animal head and garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,728,"[K728] BA0204, grid M12",(Note: [K728] part of object group BA0204),120; 133,M12,1.52 3333,520,"

520                  [K1555]

Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with an animal head and garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Original slight curvature to the width. Made from sheet metal, except for the projecting animal head cast in relief; a flange of sheet at the butt-end and a small tongue of sheet the other end, below the muzzle of the head, were for attachment. A small circular punch was used for the eyes of the head. Cloisonné: geometric cellwork of stepped and mushroom-shaped forms; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: with mounts 518–519.

L.18mm; W. 9.5mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 1.37g; X-ray: L76

",Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with an animal head and garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1555,"[K1555], no location",(Note: [K1555] part of soil block 2),76,,1.37 3242,521,"

521                  [K1465]

Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with an animal head and garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Original slight curvature to the width. One missing garnet and foil, and one other stone and foil loose and removed. Made from sheet metal, except for the projecting animal head cast in relief; a flange of sheet at the butt-end and a small tongue of sheet the other end, below the muzzle of the head, were for attachment.  A small circular punch was used for the eyes of the head. Cloisonné: fish-scale cellwork; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. A grey-black backing paste is visiblein one of the empty cells (not examined). Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 522.

L.18mm; W. 8mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 1.39g; X-ray: L76

",Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with an animal head and garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1465,"[K1465], no location",(Note: [K1465] part of soil block 21),76,,1.39 3201,523,"

523                  [K1424]

Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Original slight curvature to the width. Made from sheet metal; a small lip of sheet projects at the rounded end and a flange of sheet projects at the butt-end, the means of attachment. Cloisonné: fish-scale cellwork; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 20mm; W. 8mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 1.42g; no X-ray

",Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1424,"[K1424], no location",(Note: [K1424] part of soil block 4),,,1.42 1925,524,"

524                  [K148]

Mount in gold of oval form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Possibly a grip-fitting. Curved widthways, one tip bent. Made from sheet metal with three fixing-holes on the reverse; no nails/rivets. Cloisonné: geometric cellwork, comprising a central square flanked by stepped forms, with rounded cells at the ends; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: ?moderate wear. A long dent across the face from an impact or possibly a tool.

L. 25mm; W. 6.5mm; Th. 2mm; Wt 1.06g; X-ray: L134

",Mount in gold of oval form with garnet cloisonné,Small mount,Gold,,148,"[K148] US0014, no location",,134,,1.06 2165,525,"

525                  [K388]

Mount in gold of oval form with garnet cloisonné ornament. Possibly a grip-fitting. Curved widthways. Missing two garnets and one foil. Made from sheet metal with two fixing-holes on the reverse; two silver nails/rivet stubs in each, the flat head of one is visible in the empty cell one end. Cloisonné: geometric cellwork with a central cross (stone broken) flanked by stepped and mushroom-shaped forms, and with rounded cells at the ends; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (one exposed). Wear/marks: light wear. Cut mark one edge and a small hole in the reverse sheet.

L. 25mm; W. 8mm; Th. 2mm; Wt 2.24g; X-ray: L120, L133

",Mount in gold of oval form with garnet cloisonné,Small mount,Gold,,388,"[K388] TH140, no location",,120; 133,,2.24 2688,526,"

526                  [K820]

Mount in gold of cross form with garnet and glass cloisonné ornament. Two of the arms are bent back in the same direction; possibly flat or flattish originally; some garnets and foils missing. Made from sheet metal with two fixing-holes at the ends of two arms, and one hole at the end of each of the other two arms; four gold nails remain in situ. Cloisonné: a similar geometric pattern on each arm with garnet inlays, but the large central dark red stone is glass (microscope examination confirms the presence of tiny glass bubbles); the triangular garnets around the central stone suggest a sunburst pattern; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (in-washed mud obscures many). Wear/marks: ?light wear.

L. 23mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 2.46g; no X-ray

",Mount in gold of cross form with garnet and glass cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,820,"[K820] BA0130, grid J10",,76,J10,2.46 1905,527,"

527                  [K128]

Serpent mount in gold. Possibly cast. Twisted, but probably originally flat or mounted on a slightly curved surface. Body of moulded, solid form, depicted writhing, with a flat underside with three fixed nails (L. 5.5mm). The head is round and flat with pitchfork jaws and has drilled eyes that probably originally held false rivet-heads (see 528). Slightly smaller than serpent 528. Wear/marks: light wear; light scratches. A possible cut mark is on the underside at the tail, possibly from removal. Set: pair with mount 528.

L. 58mm; Diam. head 5.5mm; Th. body 2mm; Wt 5.13g; X-ray: L81

",Serpent mount in gold,Small mount,Gold,,128,"[K128] BA0055, grid L11",,81,L11,5.13 2811,528,"

528                  [K943]

Serpent mount in gold. Possibly cast. Twisted, but probably originally flat or mounted on a slightly curved surface. Body of moulded, solid form, depicted writhing, with a flat underside with evidence for four fixed nails, including one at the head and one at the very tip of the tail; three nails survive (L. 6mm), bent, one is broken off. The head is round and flat with pitchfork jaws and has drilled eyes, holding two decorative non-functional rivet-heads. Wear/marks: light wear; light scratches and dents. Set: pair with mount 527.

L. 108mm; Diam. head 5.5mm; Th. body 3mm; Wt 10.74g; X-ray: L82

",Serpent mount in gold,Small mount,Gold,,943,"[K943] BA0287, grid L8",,82,L8,10.74 2684,529,"

529                  [K816]

Serpent mount in gold. Probably cast. Slightly misshapen, but probably originally flat or mounted on a slightly curved surface. Moulded, solid form with a flat underside with two fixed nails remaining, both bent (L. 6mm); one other nail is missing, shown by a scar. Naturalistic, depicted writhing, with small punched round eyes and a short tongue projecting from an incised mouth (possibly also for attachment). Slightly smaller than serpent 530. Wear/marks: light wear; light scratches and dents. Set: pair with mount 530.

L. 37.5mm; Th. body 2.5mm; Wt 3.26g; X-ray: L81

",Serpent mount in gold,Small mount,Gold,,816,"[K816] BA0122, grid L9",,81,L9,3.26 2882,530,"

530                  [K1014]

Serpent mount in gold. Probably cast. Twisted, but probably originally flat or mounted on a slightly curved surface. Moulded, solid form with a flat underside and originally four fixed nails, only one remains (L. 9mm), with scars showing where the others were attached in drilled holes. Naturalistic, depicted writhing, with small punched round eyes and a short tongue projecting from an incised mouth (possibly also for attachment). Wear/marks: light wear; light scratches and dents. Cut marks on underside at head and neck. Set: pair with mount 529.

L. 54mm; Th. 3mm; Wt 4.47g; X-ray: L81

",Serpent mount in gold,Small mount,Gold,,1014,"[K1014] BA0071, grid L10",,81,L10,4.47 2568,531,"

531                  [K700, K1365]

Serpent mount in gold. Probably cast. Twisted, but probably originally flat or mounted on a slightly curved surface; head [K1365] detached and found separately. Moulded, solid form with a flat underside; scars from two fixed nails remain on the reverse of the body, one at the mid-point and the other near the end of the tail. Naturalistic, depicted writhing, with a double incised line at the neck. No definite join between the body and the bulbous duck-like head was provable. The head was probably made separately and attached, and the lower jaw was formed from a piece of sheet; it is peeled back on the reverse (possibly where a third nail was fixed). The punched eyes are inlaid with black niello. Wear/marks: light wear; light scratches and dents. Set: pair with 532.

L. body 93.5/head 13mm; W. head 5mm; Th. body 4.5mm; Wt 25.61g; X-ray: L80, L81

",Serpent mount in gold,Small mount,Gold,,700,"[K700] TH081, [K1365] TH244, no locations",,81,,25.61 3142,531,

Part of catalogue no. 531. See K700 for catalogue entry.

,Serpent mount in gold,Small mount,Gold,,1365,,,80,, 2599,532,"

532                  [K731, K883]

Serpent mount in gold. Probably cast. Misshapen, but probably originally flat or mounted on a slightly curved surface; head [K731] detached and found separately, and the tip of the tail missing. Moulded, solid form with a flat underside; a scar from a fixed nail remains on the reverse of the body at the mid-point (two other nails were probably sited at the head and tail). Naturalistic, depicted writhing, with a single incised line at the neck. No definite join between the body and the bulbous duck-like head was provable. The head was probably cast separately and the lower jaw was formed from a piece of sheet, part missing on the reverse. The punched eyes are inlaid with black niello. Wear/marks: light wear; light scratches and dents. Set: pair with 531.

L. body 80mm/head 13mm; W. head 4.5mm; Th. body 4mm; Wt 21.10g; X-ray: L81

",Serpent mount in gold,Small mount,Gold,,731,"[K731] BA0204, grid M12; [K883] BA0500, grid Q10",(Note: [K731] part of finds group BA0204). Silver rivet 675: [K652/K883] found in a box with 538: [K652] and 532: [K883]),,M12,21.1 2751,532,"

Part of catalogue no. 532, see K731 for entry

",Serpent mount in gold,Small mount,Gold,,883,,,81,Q10, 2354,533,"

533                  [K577]

Mount in cast silver of tongue-shaped form with gilded low relief interlace ornament and niello inlay. Remains of gilding, front and back. Interlace: regular interlace fills the mount, with originally black niello inlaid in incised channels along the strand sections, now mostly missing. Reverse: plain, except for a scar from a patch of ?solder/adhesive. Wear/marks: the decoration is flattened in places, probably from an impact. Scratches/dents to edge. Set: possibly a suite with mounts 534–535, pommel 69 and hilt-collars 186–187.

L. 14mm; W. 13.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 1.36g; X-ray: L95

",Mount in cast silver of tongue-shaped form with gilded low relief interlace ornament and niello ornament,Small mount,Silver,,577,"[K577] TH033, no location",,95,,1.36 2481,534,"

534                  [K1106]

Mount in cast silver of tongue-shaped form with low relief interlace ornament and niello inlay. Remains of gilding. Interlace: regular interlace fills the mount, with originally black niello inlaid in incised channels along the strand sections, now mostly missing. Reverse: plain, except for a scar from a patch of ?solder/adhesive. Wear/marks: light wear. Copper corrosion in places from the alloy. Set: possibly a suite with mounts 533 and 535, pommel 69 and hilt-collars 186–187.

L. 12mm; W. 10.5mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.75g; X-ray: L103, L116

",Mount in cast silver of tongue-shaped form with low relief interlace ornament and niello ornament,Small mount,Silver,,1106,"[K1106] BA1022, no location","(Note: one silver fragment, 690: [K1955], from mud adhering)",103; 116,,0.75 2659,536,"

536                  [K791]

Mount in cast silver with a bird head and low relief interlace ornament. Probably a grip-fitting; possibly from the upper grip. Slightly curved widthways with all three of its silver nails in situ (L. 5–5.5mm). Gilding remains across the whole front surface, including over the nail heads. Style II: the bird head is shown in profile and is semi-naturalistic, its eye formed by the head of one nail (but it is without the head-surround typical of the style). The curved beak is infilled with hatching. Interlace: the neck of the bird expands to form the triangular body of the mount, which contains fine triple-strand interlace. Filigree: two of the fixing-holes retain collars (Diam. 3mm) of gold beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collars. Set: pair with mount 537.

L. 20mm; W. 20mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.38g; X-ray: L77

",Mount in cast silver with a bird head and low relief interlace ornament,Small mount,Silver,,791,"[K791] US0109, no location","(Note: one fragment of silver reeded strip, 613: [K1930], from mud adhering)",77,,2.38 3303,537,"

537                  [K1525, K1603]

Mount in cast silver with a bird head and low relief interlace ornament. Rejoined from two fragments (?recent break). Probably a grip-fitting; possibly from the lower grip. Slightly curved widthways with three fixing-holes; one fragment of a silver nail in situ. Traces of gilding remain. Style II: the bird head is shown in profile and is semi-naturalistic (but it is without the head-surround typical of the style). The curved beak is infilled with hatching. Interlace: the neck of the bird expands to form the triangular body of the mount, which contains fine and dense triple-strand interlace. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 536.

L. 28mm; W. 25mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 2.41g; X-ray: L138

",Mount in cast silver with a bird head and low relief interlace ornament,Small mount,Silver,,1525,No locations,"(Note: [K1525, K1603] from soil block 11)",138,,2.41 3381,537,

Part of catalogue no. 537. See K1522 for catalogue entry.

,Mount in cast silver with a bird head and low relief interlace ornament,Small mount,Silver,,1603,,,138,, 2520,538,"

538                  [K652, K1249]

Mount in gold of a fish between birds. Torn in several places, twisted, and the head of the fish detached. Made of a double thickness of sheet metal, into which the animal ornament was incised, with further pieces of sheet added to the reverse as background between the birds and fish; four fixing-holes in total, at the eye of each bird and at the centre of each wing-coil; no nails/rivets. Style II: the fish is depicted with a fantail, four fins, a scaled body (imitating ‘honeycomb’ cloisonné cellwork), and is divided by a ‘lateral’ or ‘dorsal’ line (L. 55mm). The head (L. 13mm) is double-sided, with eyes formed by punched circles. The birds are shown crouched and in profile, with curved beaks, legs with pear-shaped hips and taloned feet, ‘feathered’ bodies, and strongly-grooved coiled wings (Diam. 20mm) and tails; each beak is defined with a deep Y-shaped groove. Either side of the tail of the fish is a small beaked creature with an angled head-surround, single leg, and a feathered tail and body. Reverse: multiple sheet joins; the ‘background’ sheet pieces have unfinished edges. Wear/marks: a deep scratch or cut mark is visible across the body of one bird.

L.120mm; W. 55mm. Th. edge 1–2mm Wt 62.20g; X-rays: L141

",Mount in gold of a fish between birds,Large mount,Gold,,652,"[K652] TH045, no location; [K1249] BA0334, grid N13",(Note: silver rivet 675: [K652/K883] found in a box with 538: [K652] and 532: [K883]),141,,62.2 3026,538,

Part of Catalogue no. 538. See K1249

,Mount in gold of a fish between birds,Large mount,Gold,,1249,,,,N13, 2085,539,"

539                  [K308, K655–K659, K1314]

large cross mount in gold with animal ornament and gem-settings. Found in seven parts. Arms folded, gem-settings mostly detached, and three of an original six stones remaining; the incised sheet decoration is intact. The arms were probably originally all folded one way, as it was found as a ‘parcel’ with some of the detached settings within the bent arms. Mount body formed from a double thickness of sheet metal (separated in places). ‘Unfolded’ the cross takes the Latin form with an elongated lower arm, which is slightly expanded at its midpoint, and the three short arms are also slightly flared. The oval and round bases for the gem-settings have central holes for fixing the mount to its stave backing, as well as smaller surrounding holes, which align with those on the settings; the one in situ setting at the end of one transverse arm retains the broad heads of three silver nails/rivets; two others are in mount [K657], and the stubs of several more are visible on the reverses of mounts [K659] and [K1314]; some might have been cut, but show no clear evidence. The cross outline was also influenced by zoomorphic elements, most notably the pairs of pointed animal ears at the ends of the short arms, and four bird heads with curlew-like beaks surround the centre. Style II: the arms of the cross were filled with animal ornament that was incised into the top layer of sheet, in places cutting through it. In total, fourteen creatures inhabit the arms in various interlacing arrangements. A pair of quadruped creatures on the top arm have eyeless confronted heads, with flexed and interwoven bodies, and limbs that interlace. In a small panel below is another eyeless quadruped with an almond-shaped head that bites its own body. The transecting arms hold similar versions of one motif (but not simply rotated or mirrored), showing two creatures, head-to-tail, with splayed jaws and looping limbs; one of the four is missing its forward-drooping ear. The bottom arm has a procession of seven creatures with S-shaped bodies; they again mostly have forward-facing ears and bite back on themselves with U-shaped jaws; the creature at the narrow end of the line has an almond-shaped head. Eye and ‘fur’ detail, for birds and beasts, was added by punching. Gem-settings: the large oval setting [K656] (L. 49mm; W. 40mm) fitted at the centre; the larger of the two round settings [K657] (Diam. 30mm) fitted the end of the top arm, and the other [K658] (L. 26mm; W. 25mm) was mounted on the transverse arm opposite the one in situ; loose garnet [K308] (Diam. 20mm; H. 6.5mm) is the right size to have come from the in situ setting, though its distortion prevents absolute certainty; mount [K659] (L. 25.5mm; W. 23mm; H. 7.5mm) from the mid-point of the lower arm retains its stone, a flat-topped cabochon garnet, drilled with two concentric circles; damage to one edge has been repaired with a gold collar, but scientific analysis (PIXE) has suggested the replacement chip of garnet is a different stone. The attachment points on the D-shaped garnet mount [K1314] (L. 21mm; W. 15mm; H. 6.5mm) align well with those at the base of the lower arm, but the setting with its plain bezel is different from all the others, which have dog-tooth bezels. The loose cabochon garnet [K308] is concave on its underside (i.e. forming a plano-concave lens). A cross-hatched gold foil is set behind the garnet of mount [K1314]; it is a ‘boxed 4×4’ type (but with one misplaced line resulting in one box of 4×5 squares). Filigree: the wire combinations of the settings are not all the same. Identical filigree wire bands decorate the collars of two of the detached mounts [K657–K658] and that in situ, comprising a central three-ply twisted-beaded wire flanked by thinner spiral-beaded wires. Mounts [K659] and [K1314] have a variation: the central wire is instead of two-ply twisted-beaded type with flanking beaded/spiral-beaded wires. The large central setting [K657] has a collar of herringbone-with-spine pattern, formed of a pair of three-ply twisted-beaded wires with a central plain wire and flanking beaded wires. Wear/marks: light wear. The filigree collar at the bottom edge of the D-shaped mount [K1314] has been flattened and discoloured; scientific analysis (XRF) of the discoloration identified elevated ferrous levels; possibly this is from contact with an iron fitting, or else perhaps from a blade or tool used in dismantling. Some of the fixing-holes on the reverse of the settings are torn from removal. Joins indicating the separate attachment of the sheet for the transecting arms are visible both sides of the large oval centre.

L. 114mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 175.25g (settings: 30.55g; garnet [K308]: 4.35g); no X-ray

",Large cross mount in gold with animal ornament and gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,308,"K308] TH163, [K655â??K659] TH001, [K1314] BA0102, no locations)","For the individual elements, see the constituent K number entries for detailed photographc coverage.",,,175.25 2523,539,

Part of Catalogue no. 539. See K308.

,Large cross mount in gold with animal ornament and gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,655,,,,, 2524,539,

Part of Catalogue no. 539. See K308.

,Large cross mount in gold with animal ornament and gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,656,,,,, 2525,539,

Part of Catalogue no. 539. See K308.

,Large cross mount in gold with animal ornament and gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,657,,,,, 2526,539,

Part of Catalogue no. 539. See K308.

,Large cross mount in gold with animal ornament and gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,658,,,,, 2527,539,

Part of Catalogue no. 539. See K308.

,Large cross mount in gold with animal ornament and gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,659,,,,, 3091,539,

Part of Catalogue no. 539. See K308.

,Large cross mount in gold with animal ornament and gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,1314,,,,, 2327,540,"

540                  [K550]

Strip-mount in gold with Latin inscriptions and gem-setting. Folded in half, the metal fractured at the bend, with a crushed gem-setting one end, missing its stone (and foil); the other end is finished with a straight edge (unfolded L. est. 168mm). The fracture in the strip shows a tarnished metal, which does not have the appearance of gold, and it might be silver, indicating a veneer of thin gold sheet over a silver bar. However, this could not be confirmed by scientific (XRF) analysis. On either side of the gem-setting were attached cast gold serpents on thin sheet backings (W. across mount 27mm); the bodies take the form of thick, imitation (spiral-beaded) filigree wire; the eyes are punched. Three fixing-holes were spaced the length of the strip; that at the centre of the gem-setting has an in situ gold nail/rivet (L. 10mm) with a rectangular sheet washer. A further two gold rivets secure the corners of the gem-setting, and hold in place the gold serpents on their sheet backings. Gem-setting: D-shaped (L. 22.5mm; W. 14.5mm) with a plain sheet bezel; a join in it is visible on the interior edge. Filigree: the crushed filigree collar was formed of a two-ply twisted (?spiral-)beaded wire, set centrally, flanked each side by a spiral-beaded wire. Inscriptions: the strip is inscribed both sides, and each is terminated by a beast head with a tri-forked tongue. The inscription (Text 1) and beast head on the obverse were finished with black niello inlay that stands slightly proud of the surface; on the reverse it (Text 2) is crossed out in places and is without inlay, and so may have been a first unsatisfactory attempt; the inscriptions also contain important palaeographical differences (Prof. R. Gameson); Text 1: (top line) surge . dne . disepentur inimici tui et (bottom line) fugent qui oderuntteafacie tua; Text 2: (top line) surge d[omi]ne disepintur [i]nimictiui et fugiu[n]* quio de (bottom line) runete afac-ie tua a diuve nos d[eu]s. Both texts are versions of Numbers 10, 35: ‘Arise, O Lord, and may your enemies be torn apart and those who hate you will flee from your face’. Wear/marks: ?light wear. On the reverse, a scratched outline mirrors the position of the gem-setting on the front.

L. 89.5mm; W. 16mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 79.69g; no X-ray

",Strip-mount in gold with Latin inscriptions and gem-setting,Large mount,Gold,,550,"[K550] TH027, no location",,,,79.69 1831,541,"

541                  [K54, K112, K130, K467, K545, K1055, K1324, K1510]

Roundel-with-disc in gold and garnet cloisonné, with animal-ornamented panels and a glass gem-setting. Found in nine fragments. Roundel [K130] is bent, with part of its edge missing, but was convex in section originally; the triangular cloisonné panels and gold panels with incised animal ornament were made and inserted separately; all the panels are present, but some cannot be rejoined owing to damage: animal panels [K54, K467, K1324, K1510]; triangular cloisonné panel [K112] (L. 17.5mm; Th. 2mm). These parts, as well as the roundel [K130] and smaller disc [K545], were all constructed from gold sheet. The roundel has remains of four fixing-holes at the cardinal points; the stubs of three silver rivets remain. The cylindrical column [K1055] (L. 25mm; Diam. 12–13mm; Wt 20.73g) was probably made in gold sheet also but is notably heavy, and possibly it has a fill of solder, though the interior is sealed and this could not be confirmed by XRF analysis. It is slightly tapered to its end that joined the small disc, which has a rectangular peg that slots into a recess in the base of the disc; six holes surround the peg, four of which match with those on the disc (the extra holes may indicate misalignment or repair). At its other end, which fitted the centre of the larger roundel, are four fixing-holes together with a stub of metal with torn edges that protrudes from the core, and which joins with a silver washer (Diam. 18mm) found on the reverse of the roundel [K130]; four fixing-holes surround the roundel’s central hole that align with those on the washer; two silver rivets/nails with flat heads remain in situ. At the outer edge of the roundel on the reverse are two more fixing-holes; probably there were four originally arranged cardinally that fastened the whole mount to its host object (est. Diam. roundel: 67mm). Fully assembled the mount would have had a height of approximately 65mm. Gem-setting: The smaller apical disc [K545] (Diam. 26mm; H. 9mm, Th. edge 2mm) is dominated by its cabochon of millefiori glass (Diam. 14mm), in opaque white, blue and red; it was made separately in its plain bezel (it detached in conservation), with a filigree collar formed of thick and thin beaded wires; it was fitted into a recess in the top of the small disc, and was fastened by silver rivets (stubs remain), that ran through the holes in the disc and into the top of the column. Cloisonné: surrounding the cabochon setting on the apical disc is a band of geometric cellwork of stepped and square elements, concealing cryptic crosses. The composition of the larger roundel is likewise governed by cross-arrangements, formed by the juxtaposition of the rectilinear and triangular panels. Various stepped cell-forms predominate with occasional square and mushroom shapes. The flat red garnets (some cut with a slightly curved surface) are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (some are exposed in places). Lidded gold cells were used for the centres of the triangular mounts. Four vertical, spaced bands of long and short rectilinear cloisonné decorate the column section [K1055]. Style II: a total of eight panels with animal ornament decorated the mount. At the centre of the roundel, four small panels surrounded the column (two panels were made as one [K1324]); three contain interlaced serpents and one is plain interlace ([K1510]: 13.5mm; W. 6mm; Th. 0.5mm); the designs were incised into a single thickness of sheet. Four larger panels were set between the triangular cloisonné panels on the mount in a cruciform arrangement; these also have incised animal ornament, but cut into a double thickness of sheet (a thicker front sheet, backed by thinner sheet); in places the incising has cut through the top sheet. Two of slightly greater width ([K54]: L. 17mm; W. 11mm; Th. 1mm), set in opposition, hold similar but not identical pairs of zoomorphs that bite each other’s bodies and have single hind legs only; the two smaller mounts have single quadruped creatures that bite their own bodies. Wear/marks: light wear, but multiple cells disrupted with garnets lost in places. Cut marks on the side of column [K1055]. The sheet construction of the roundel and disc has separated in places. A sheet join is visible on the reverse. Some assembly marks visible, where parts are detached: one empty panel has an ‘X’ and one an ‘I’; an ‘||\’ mark is on the reverse of triangular cloisonné mount [K112]; an ‘I’ is at the centre of one triangular mount that has lost its lidded cell; a small ‘X’ mark is at the base of column [K1055]. Mount [K467] has a dark residue on its reverse, possibly from an adhesive (not examined). When the apical disc and its gem-mount were separated, various incised marks were seen on the sheet of the disc (behind the mount), including ‘layout’ marks for the fixing-slot.

 L. 63mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 70.66g; X-ray: L120, L133, L138, L142–L143

",Roundel-with-disc in gold and garnet cloisonné with animal-ornamented panels and a glass gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,54,"[K467] TH237, [K545] TH020, [K1324] TH242, [K1510], no locations; [K54] BA0063A, grid J10; [K112] BA0067, grid K10; [K130] BA0019, grid L10; [K1055] BA0150, grid M10","(Note: [K54] found on site with one fragment [K55] of silver panel 596. A fragment of silver rivet, 675: [K2171], found attached by mud with [K467]. A fragment of silver reeded strip, 613: [K2172], found attached by mud with [K1055]. Four small fragments of silver-gilt sheet, 606: [K1967], found attached by mud with [K1324]. Mount [K1510] part of soil block 20)",142,J10,70.66 1889,541,

Part of Catalogue no. 541. See K54.

,Roundel-with-disc in gold and garnet cloisonné with animal-ornamented panels and a glass gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,112,,,133,K10, 1907,541,

Part of Catalogue no. 541. See K54.

,Roundel-with-disc in gold and garnet cloisonné with animal-ornamented panels and a glass gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,130,,,143,L10, 2244,541,

Part of Catalogue no. 541. See K54.

,Roundel-with-disc in gold and garnet cloisonné with animal-ornamented panels and a glass gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,467,,,142,, 2322,541,

Part of Catalogue no. 541. See K54.

,Roundel-with-disc in gold and garnet cloisonné with animal-ornamented panels and a glass gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,545,,,142,, 2430,541,

Part of Catalogue no. 541. See K54.

,Roundel-with-disc in gold and garnet cloisonné with animal-ornamented panels and a glass gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,1055,,,,M10, 3101,541,

Part of Catalogue no. 541. See K54.

,Roundel-with-disc in gold and garnet cloisonné with animal-ornamented panels and a glass gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,1324,,,120,, 3287,541,

Part of Catalogue no. 541. See K54.

,Roundel-with-disc in gold and garnet cloisonné with animal-ornamented panels and a glass gem setting,Large mount,Gold,,1510,,,138,, 2047,542,"

542                  [K270]

Eye-shaped mount in gold and garnet cloisonné. Damaged on one edge and slightly misshapen, with multiple cells disrupted and garnets/foils missing, and other stones sunken; probably flat originally; it is also missing its central ‘eye’ setting (a large cross-hatched gold foil remains) and the inlays from the surrounding curved sections; there is a hole off-centre and several very small punctures are visible in the gold foil. Constructed mainly from gold sheet, some thick (Th. 0.6mm), with a flange of sheet around much of the edge, below a filigree trim of two beaded wires; there is a deliberate break in the flange and trim either side of one pointed end. Exceptions are the two vertical inserts of silver plate at the corners of the inner ‘eye’, which separated the curved inlays. Two fixing-holes in the central part retain silver nails/rivets (one behind the central ‘eye’); one has a flat rectangular head (W. 5mm); the torn hole off-centre may be a third. Two further fixing-holes are punched through the sheet edge-flange. Cloisonné: bands of garnet cloisonné surround the ‘eye’, forming lozenges where they cross each end. The cell shapes include mushroom, square and various stepped forms, with several cross patterns hidden in the geometric arrangement; each cell was backed by a cross-hatched gold foil of ‘standard’ type (exposed where garnets are missing); some copper corrosion is seen in empty cells. The large gold foil in the central ‘eye’ is a different ‘boxed 3×3’ type, and the cell might have held an inlay of translucent glass. The inlays in the surrounding curved sections (without foils) were perhaps of contrasting polished bone, but none survives. Backing pastes behind the gold foils have been identified as a wax-glue mix. Wear/marks: light wear. On the reverse there is a neat scored line one side, possibly a manufacture or ‘assembly’ mark. Other possible blade scratches may be from removal, and one at least of the nail/rivets was possibly cut. Flattening of the filigree trim and cellwork at the damaged, turned edge is possibly from an impact. Set: pair with mount 543, a suite with mounts 544–547.

L. 74mm; W. 52mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 38.20g; no X-ray

",Eye-shaped mount in gold and garnet cloisonné,Large mount,Gold,,270,"[K270] TH185, no location","(Note: one small fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K2160], from mud adhering)",,,38.2 2711,543,"

543                  [K843]

Eye-shaped mount in gold and garnet cloisonné. Slightly misshapen, probably flat originally; some garnets and backing foils missing, and many stones sunken; it is also missing its central ‘eye’ setting (a large cross-hatched gold foil remains) and the inlays from the surrounding curved sections. Constructed mainly from gold sheet, some thick, with a flange of sheet around much of the edge (with part of a fixing-hole), below a filigree trim of two beaded wires; there is a deliberate break in the flange and trim either side of one pointed end. There is evidence for six fixing-holes in the central part (visible on the reverse): one at the edge of the ‘eye’ retains part of a silver nail/rivet with a flat square head (W. 2.5mm). The nail/rivet rests against a small silver wall piece, one of two that originally divided the curving sections framing the central ‘eye’ (see 542). Cloisonné: bands of garnet cloisonné surround the ‘eye’, forming lozenges where they cross each end. The cell shapes include mushroom, square and various stepped forms, with several cross patterns hidden in the geometric arrangement; each cell was backed by a cross-hatched gold foil of ‘standard’ type (exposed where garnets are missing). The large gold foil in the central ‘eye’ is a different ‘boxed 3×3’ type, and the cell might have held an inlay of translucent glass. The inlays in the surrounding curved sections (without foils) were perhaps of contrasting polished bone, but none survives. Backing pastes behind the gold foils have been identified as a wax-glue mix. Wear/marks: light wear. On the reverse there is a scored ‘X’ mark one side, possibly an ‘assembly’ mark. Other marks are possibly from removal, including blade scratches around the fixing-holes. Set: pair with mount 542, a suite with mounts 544–547.

L. 73mm; W. 53mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 36.98g; no X-ray

",Eye-shaped mount in gold and garnet cloisonné,Large mount,Gold,,843,"[K843] BA0013, grid K11",(Note: found with shard of modern vessel glass [K92]),,K11,36.98 1778,544,"

544                  [K1, K5005]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with ends angled at 45 degrees. Folded, torn and snapped; found separately as two fragments; multiple cells disrupted with garnets lost, fractured or sunken. Constructed of sheet metal, thick at the edges, with two fixing-holes on the reverse one end, and one at the other; no nails/rivets. A flange of sheet extended along each long edge, below a filigree trim of beaded wire, but both features are absent at each angled end (a smaller fixing-hole pierces the flange at one end only). Possibly flat or set on a slightly curved surface originally. Cloisonné: the geometric pattern comprises mushroom, square and various stepped forms, concealing several crosses. The garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Backing pastes behind the gold foils identified as a wax-glue mix. Wear/marks: light wear. One end has abrasion (?blade) marks on the reverse, surrounding the fixing-holes, possibly caused at removal. Set: pair with mount 545, a suite with mounts 542–543 and 546–547.

L. 35/38mm; W. 15mm; Th. edge 3.5mm; Wt 31.31g; X-ray: L119

","Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné, with ends angled at 45 degrees.",Large mount,Gold,,1,"[K1] BA0207, grid J12; [K5005] no location","(Note: found on site with pommel 48 and one fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K1923])",119,J12,31.31 3854,544,

Part of Catalogue no. 544. See K1 for entry.

,"Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné, with ends angled at 45 degrees.",Large mount,Gold,,5005,,,,, 2580,545,

Part of Catalogue no. 545. See K463.

,"Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné, with ends angled at 45 degrees.",Large mount,Gold,,712,,,73,, 2240,545,"

545                  [K463, K712]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with ends angled at 45 degrees. Cut in two, bent, and found separately; part of one edge detached and part of one angled end missing; multiple cells are disrupted with garnets and foils lost or the stones fractured, and most of the remaining garnets are sunken. Constructed of sheet metal, thick at the edges, with three fixing-holes on the reverse; no nails/rivets. A filigree trim of beaded wire extends along each long edge, with a flange of sheet below; both features are absent each end. The flange is pierced in one place by two additional fixing-holes. Possibly flat or set on a slightly curved surface originally. Cloisonné: the geometric pattern comprises mushroom, square and various stepped forms, concealing several crosses. The garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Backing pastes behind the gold foils have been identified as a wax-glue mix. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 544, a suite with mounts 542–543 and 546–547.

L. 44mm/78mm; W. 15mm; Th. edge 3–4mm; Wt 29.88g; X-ray: L73, L134

","Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné, with ends angled at 45 degrees.",Large mount,Gold,,463,"[K463] TH212, [K712] BA0201, no locations","(Note: fragment [K712] found on site with a gold boss-headed rivet, 622: [K29])",134,,29.88 1904,546,"

546                  [K127, K643]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with ends angled at less than 45 degrees. (The orientation of the angle alternates each end.) Found in two separate fragments, the join is torn and badly damaged (preventing an actual join); the larger part is folded; multiple cells are disrupted with garnets and foils lost, and many of the remaining garnets are sunken. Constructed of sheet metal, thick at the edges, with two fixing-holes on the reverse one end; no nails/rivets. A filigree trim of beaded wire (Diam. 1.5mm) extended along each long edge, with a flange of sheet below, possibly cut in one place; both features are absent each end. The flange is pierced by two additional smaller fixing-holes. Possibly flat or set on a slightly curved surface originally. Cloisonné: the geometric pattern comprises mushroom, square and various stepped forms, concealing several crosses. The garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: Light wear. Blade scratches across the reverse (from the point of a ?knife), probably from removal. Set: pair with mount 547, a suite with mounts 542–545.

L. 40mm/78mm; W. 15.5mm; Th. edge 3.5mm; Wt 41.68g; X-ray: L72, L122

","Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné, with ends angled at less than 45 degrees.",Large mount,Gold,,127,"[K127] BA0047, grid O20; [K643] TH053, no location",,122,O20,41.68 2511,546,

Part of Catalogue no. 546. See K127.

,"Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné, with ends angled at less than 45 degrees.",Large mount,Gold,,643,,,72,, 2549,547,"

547                  [K681, K1313]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with ends angled at less than 45 degrees. (The orientation of the angle alternates each end.) Two joining fragments found separately, cut in two, with the garnets and cloisonné cellwork stripped from one of the cut ends; multiple other cells are disrupted with some garnets and foils lost, and most of the remaining garnets are sunken. Constructed of sheet metal, thick at the edges, with a total of seven fixing-holes on the reverse (one on the flange); no nails/rivets; the ragged hole at the centre was possibly also the site of a fixing-hole. A filigree trim of beaded wire extended along each long edge, with a flange of sheet below; both features are absent each end. Probably the mount was set on a flat or slightly curved surface originally. Cloisonné: the geometric pattern comprises mushroom, square and various stepped forms, concealing several crosses. The garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (exposed in places by missing stones). Wear/marks: Light wear. Blade scratches in places on the reverse (from the point of a ?knife), and cut marks to the beaded wire and flange at one edge, probably from removal. Solder scars remain from the stripped cloisonné. Set: pair with mount 546, a suite with mounts 542–545.

L. 171mm; W. 15mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 34.43g; X-ray: L66

","Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné, with ends angled at less than 45 degrees.",Large mount,Gold,,681,"[K681] TH073 and [K1313] TH054, no locations",,66,,34.43 3090,547,

Part of Catalogue no. 547. See K681

,"Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné, with ends angled at less than 45 degrees",Large mount,Gold,,1313,,,66,, 2224,548,"

548                  [K447]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné. Curved, damaged at one end; some cells disrupted and two stones lost, with other stones sunken. Constructed of sheet metal, thick at the edges. A ragged flange of metal runs along the base of each of the long edges, perforated by the remains of multiple fixing-holes, many torn; the mount shows no other means of attachment; no nails/rivets remain. A filigree trim formed of two beaded wires, of different thicknesses, runs along each long side, above the flange; except for breaks at both ends one side, with corresponding breaks in the flange. Cloisonné:the continuous geometric pattern comprises a central line of mushroom-shaped cells, together with several different stepped forms. The garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Some flattening of the beaded wires from damage (not from wear). Set: pair with mount 549.

L. 70.5mm; W. strip 12.5mm; W. incl. flange 13mm; Th. 4–6mm; Wt 15.61g; X-ray: L119

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné,Large mount,Gold,,447,"[K447] TH210, no location","(Note: two small silver fragments found in attached mud during cleaning, 690: [K1895])",119,,15.61 2425,549,"

549                  [K1050]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné. Misshapen, curved originally; some stones fractured and others sunken (none is lost, but one is loose). Constructed of sheet metal, thick at the edges. A flange of metal runs along the base of each of the long sides, perforated by multiple fixing-holes, many with torn edges, which are the only means of attachment; no nails/rivets remain. A filigree trim formed of two beaded wires, of different thicknesses, runs along each long side, above the flange, except for breaks at both ends one side, with corresponding breaks in the flange. Cloisonné:the continuous geometric pattern comprises a central line of mushroom-shaped cells, together with several different stepped forms. The garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. There is a puncture, possibly from a blade-point one end on the reverse. Set: pair with mount 548.

L. 63mm; W. strip 12.5mm; W. incl. flange 13mm; Th. edge 4–6mm; Wt 16.31g; X-ray: L119

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné,Large mount,Gold,,1050,"[K1050] BA0383, grid O8",,119,O8,16.31 2050,550,"

550                  [K273]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné. Slightly curved, probably flat originally; some stones/foils lost one end, and several sunken. Constructed of sheet metal, thick at the edges, with an additional piece of sheet appended one end, and a flange of sheet along the base of each of the long sides. Four fixing-holes on the reverse; no nails/rivets remain; the sides and one end are set at a slight angle. Filigree trims also run along each long side, above the flanges, and partly around one end, formed of two beaded wires of different thicknesses; with a break midway along one side and at one end (there is a corresponding break in the flange on the long side). Cloisonné:the continuous geometric pattern comprises a central line of arrow-shaped cells, together with several different stepped forms. The garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘boxed 3×3’ type. Backing pastes behind the gold foils have been identified as a wax-glue mix. Wear/marks: light wear. There are lots of small dents on the reverse, impressed from the interior of the mount, presumably during manufacture of the cloisonné. Set: pair with mount 551, possibly a suite with mounts 552–555

L. 119mm; W. 21mm; Th. edge 3.5mm; Wt 35.86g; X-ray: L65

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné,Large mount,Gold,,273,"[K273] TH174, no location","(Note: found during cleaning: two small fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1812, K1813]; three fragments of silver-gilt die-impressed sheet, 606: [K2162])",65,, 2161,551,"

551                  [K384, K400, K645, K1139]

Four torn fragments of a Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné. Only two fragments join, with approximately half of the original impaired, and parts missing; it would originally have had the same form, decoration and manufacture as its pair (550). Evidence for three original fixing-holes remain on the reverse; no nails/rivets. Cloisonné:it was probably decorated originally with a continuous geometric pattern, of a central line of arrow-shaped cells (see 550). The remaining garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘boxed 3×3’ type (some are exposed where stones are lost). Backing pastes behind the gold foils have been identified as a wax-glue mix. Wear/marks: the more intact parts and filigree wire suggest only light wear. Set: pair with mount 550, possibly a suite with mounts 552–555

L. largest 60mm; W. largest 20.5mm; Th. edge 3.5–4mm; Wt 24.07g; X-ray: L66, L73, L75, L83, L90

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné,Large mount,Gold,,384,"[K384] TH123, [K400] TH115 and [K645] TH053, no locations; [K1139] BA0419, grid Q17",,73; 83,,24.07 2177,551,

Part of Catalogue no. 551. See K384.

,Strip-mount fragment in garnet cloisonné,Large mount,Gold,,400,,,75,, 2513,551,

Part of Catalogue no. 551. See K384.

,Strip-mount in garnet cloisonné,Large mount,Gold,,645,,,66,, 2916,551,

Part of Catalogue no. 551. See K384.

,Strip-mount in garnet cloisonné,Large mount,Gold,,1139,,,90,Q17, 2139,552,"

552                  [K362]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with one pointed end. The pointed end is bent, but the mount was probably flat or slightly curved originally (L. est. 110mm); the other, butt-end is angled slightly on its edge; a few stones are missing, and a small number are fractured or sunken. Constructed of sheet metal, thick at the edges, with a flange of thin sheet along the base of each of the long sides. Filigree trims run above the flanges, each formed of a single length of beaded wire. The reverse shows four fixing-holes; no nails/rivets remain. Cloisonné:the continuous geometric pattern comprises a central line of mushroom-shaped cells, off which different stepped forms spring. The mushroom-shaped garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type; the remaining cells are backed by foils of ‘boxed 3×3’ type. Backing pastes behind the gold foils have been identified as a wax-glue mix. Wear/marks: light wear to the filigree edging. Cut mark to the basal edge of the butt-end.Reverse is scratched, and there is also a cluster of small dents, impressed from the front of the sheet, which might have been made at manufacture. Set: pair with mount 553, a suite with mounts 554–555, and possibly also 550–551.

L. 86.5mm; W. 18mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 23.57g; X-ray: L134

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with one pointed end,Large mount,Gold,,362,"[K362] TH107, no location)",,134,,23.57 2541,553,"

553                  [K673]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with one pointed end. Butt-end bent over, the cellwork damaged and some garnets/foils lost, and others sunken; probably flat or slightly curved originally (L. est. 110mm); the butt-end is angled slightly on its edge. Constructed of sheet metal, thick at the edges, with a slight flange of thin sheet metal along the base of each of the long sides. Filigree trims run above the flanges, each formed of a single length of beaded wire also. The reverse shows four fixing-holes, two each end, the edges ragged (probably from the forced exit of the nails/rivets); no nails/rivets remain. Cloisonné:the continuous geometric pattern comprises a central line of mushroom-shaped cells, off which several different stepped forms spring. The mushroom-shaped garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type; the remaining cells are backed by foils of ‘boxed 3×3’ type. Backing pastes behind the gold foils have been identified as a wax-glue mix. Wear/marks: light wear. Multiple small holes are punched through the reverse one end, in a pattern resembling the layout of the garnets (perhaps from a repair), while other small dents were impressed from the front of the sheet (perhaps done at manufacture). Set: pair with mount 552, a suite with mounts 554–555, and possibly also 550–551.

L. 85mm; W. 18mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 21.06g; no X-ray

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with one pointed end,Large mount,Gold,,673,"[K673] TH065, no location",,,,21.06 2531,554,"

554                  [K663]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with one pointed end. Bent to a curve; probably originally slightly curved (L. est. 75mm); one garnet and its gold foil are missing; other stones sunken. Constructed of sheet metal, thick at the edges, with flanges of metal along each of the long sides. Filigree trims decorate each side, formed of single lengths of beaded wire, running above the sheet flanges; but both are deliberately missing at one end, one side, and along the curved edge of the point. The reverse has three fixing-holes at one end and two at the other; the hole edges protrude outwards, indicating the mount was torn from its fixings; no nails/rivets remain. Cloisonné:the geometric pattern comprises a central line of mushroom-shaped cells, off which several different stepped forms spring. The mushroom-shaped garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type; the remaining cells are backed by foils of ‘3×3 boxed’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. There are small dents on the reverse, impressed from the front of the sheet, which might have been made at manufacture. Set: pair with mount 555, a suite with mounts 552–553, and possibly also 550–551.

L. 62mm; W. 18.5mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 16.10g; X-ray: L66

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with one pointed end,Large mount,Gold,,663,"[K663] TH066, no location",,32,,16.1 2536,555,"

555                  [K668]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with one pointed end. Bent in two places with dents both sides (possibly recent) and torn on the reverse; multiple cells disrupted at one end, with some garnets/foils lost; many other stones are sunken; probably originally flat or slightly curved. Constructed of sheet metal, thick at the edges, with flanges of thin sheet along each of the long sides. Filigree trims decorate each side, formed of single lengths of beaded wire, running above the sheet flanges; but both are deliberately missing at one end, one side (gap L. 14mm), and along the curved edge of the point. The reverse has four fixing-holes; the hole edges protrude outwards, indicating the mount was torn from its fixings; no nails/rivets remain. Cloisonné:the geometric pattern comprises a central line of mushroom-shaped cells, off which several different stepped forms spring. The mushroom-shaped garnets are probably backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (though they are largely obscured by silt in-wash); the remaining cells are backed by foils of ‘3×3 boxed’ type. Wear/marks: light wear to the filigree beaded wire at the edges. There are small dents on the reverse, impressed from the front of the sheet, which might have been made at manufacture. Set: pair with mount 554, a suite with mounts 552–553, and possibly also 550–551.

L. 69mm; W. 17mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 13.00g; X-ray: L66

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with one pointed end,Large mount,Gold,,668,"[K668] TH055, no location","(Find association: one small fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K1917], found during cleaning)",66,,13 1846,556,"

556                  [K69, K445, K1062, K1948]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts. Four parts, found separately (one small filigree mount is missing); the join between the two main parts of the strip is damaged, but it does not appear it was soldered. Both parts of the strip-mount [K445, K1062] are misshapen, but were probably flat or slightly curved originally. Some stones are damaged and many are sunken, but none has been lost. One filigree mount [K1948] was found associated with part [K1062] and might have been in situ with its paste filler (see below), as it is of the correct size (L. 25mm; W. 8mm; Th. 1mm); however, the recess with the paste on part [K1062] is too distorted to receive it; a further mount [K69] is possibly also from this strip-mount, as it is of similar proportions (L. 23.5mm; W. 9mm) and bears an identical serpent design. The strip-mount is constructed from sheet metal, thick at the edges, with a total of three fixing-holes on the reverse; one hole is torn open; the flat, round head and stub of one silver nail/rivet remains in one. A trim formed of a single length of beaded wire runs along each long side.As originally assembled (L. est. 180mm), the strip-mount would have comprised four rectangular sections of cloisonné ornament, spaced by the three filigree mounts; the central filigree mount spanned the unsoldered join; the paste surviving inside one recess is a wax-calcite mix; it probably served as an adhesive for the filigree mounts and set them level with the cloisonné, as they show no other means of attachment Cloisonné: the geometric pattern is the same in each of the sections, comprising centrally a quatrefoil of mushroom-shaped cells, off which other stepped and mushroom forms spring. The garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (exposed in places by missing stones). Style II: both rectangular filigree mounts bear the same design of an interlaced serpent; in each case the interlace is formed wholly by the interwoven length of the creature (cf. mount 557). Filigree: the serpent bodies are formed of beaded wires in triple-strand pattern; beaded wire also edges both mounts; the heads and the tips of the tails were carved in gold, the heads with incised mouths and ribbed necks. Wear/marks: light wear to all components. The reverse of each cloisonné part has three lines: ‘III’. Set: pair with mount 557, possibly a suite with 558–561.

L. 81mm/83.5mm (combined L. 162mm); W. 12mm; Th. edge 3.5–4mm; Wt 26.24g (filigree panels: 1.61g, 1.72g); X-ray: L76, L118, L143

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,69,"K69] BA0059, grid K10; [K445] TH213, no location; [K1062]=[1948] BA0149, grid M10","(Note: [K1525, K1603] from soil block 11)See entries for individual K numbers for detailed illustrations of each fragment.",76,K10,26.24 2222,556,

Part of Catalogue no. 556. See K69.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,445,,,143,, 2437,556,

Part of Catalogue no. 556. See K69.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,1062,,,118,M10, 3728,556,

Part of Catalogue no. 556. See K69.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,1948,,,,, 1935,557,"

557                  [K158, K556, K662, K716, K1402]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts. Five parts, found separately; the join between the two main parts of the strip was not soldered. One part [K716] is dented with the cloisonné of one panel damaged (at the end of the mount), with several stones missing and its edge wire partly detached; the other mount [K662] is folded across one of its empty recesses; other stones are sunken. One part of the strip-mount is curved [K716], the other was probably flat or slightly curved originally. They are constructed from sheet metal, thick at the edges, with a total of four fixing-holes, two on each part; parts of three silver nails/rivets remain, with flat round heads; that with the longest shank (L. 5mm) was possibly cut. A trim formed of a single length of beaded wire runs along each long side.As originally assembled, the strip-mount would have comprised four rectangular sections of cloisonné ornament, spaced by the three filigree serpent mounts; one filigree mount [K556] (L. 23.5mm; W. 9mm; Th. 1mm)fits neatly in the recess spanning the unsoldered join in the strip. Two others [K158, K1402] have identical designs and proportions; one is now bent [K158]. The mounts show no means of attachment and probably were held in place with adhesive paste (cf. mount 556). Cloisonné:the geometric pattern is the same in each of the sections, comprising centrally a quatrefoil of mushroom-shaped cells, off which other stepped and mushroom forms spring. The garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (exposed one end by missing stones). Style II: each filigree mount shows the same design of a serpent, the flexed body of which is interwoven with a band of interlace (cf. mount 556). Filigree: each serpent body is formed of beaded wires in triple-strand pattern; beaded wire also edges the sheet mounts; the heads and the tips of the tails were carved in gold, the heads with incised mouths and ribbed necks. Wear/marks: light wear, including slight flattening to the filigree edging and two serpent mounts. There is an ‘X’ incised on the reverse of one cloisonné strip-mount [K662] and an overlapping ‘XX’ incised on the other [K716]. Set: pair with mount 556, possibly a suite with 558–561.

L. 39mm/81.5mm; W. 11mm; Th. edge 3.5mm; Wt 26.76g (filigree mounts: 1.44g, 1.56, 1.57g); X-ray: L76, L118, L122, L135

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,158,"[K556] TH025, [K662] TH058, [K1402], no locations; [K158] BA0059, grid K10; [K716] BA0196, grid M12","(Note: part [K716] found on site with fragment [K17] from hilt-collar 93. One small fragment of die-impressed silver-gilt sheet, 606: [K1916], found in mud on mount [K662]. One small fragment of silver-gilt reeded strip, 613: [K2161], found in mud on part [K716]. Mount [K1402] part of soil block 7)",135,,26.76 2530,557,

Part of Catalogue no. 557. See K158.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,662,,,122,, 2333,557,

Part of Catalogue no. 557. See K158.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,556,,,76,, 2584,557,"

Part of catalogue 557, see K0158 for details

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,716,,,118,M12, 3179,557,"

Part of catalogue no. 557, see K158

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,1402,,,,, 1866,558,"

558                  [K89, K154, K169, K275, K312, K513, K797, K1439, K1741–K1742, K5008]

                        Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts. Found in eleven parts. The cloisonné strip was manufactured in two sections [K275, K513] that abut (L. original est. 225mm), though they were not soldered or otherwise fixed; one filigree mount [K169] was set in the recess at their junction. Twisted at removal, the cellwork is disrupted in places with garnets and gold backing foils missing. Constructed of sheet metal with multiple fixing-holes at the ends and on the length; some of the hole edges are ragged indicating the strip was torn from its fixings. The long edges are trimmed with single lengths of filigree beaded wire, and with sheet flanges. Assembled it originally had a curved form and was set on a flat or flattish object. A total of thirteen rectangular or curved slots held the filigree mounts decorated mainly with serpents, twelve survive (rectangular L. 18–21mm; W. 6.5–7.7mm/curved L. 20.5–21mm; W. 5.5–6mm; Th. 1mm): three were in situ; nine others [K89, K154, K169, K312, K797, K1741–K1742, K5008] were found separately and have been reallocated to their positions on the basis of their fit and the ‘assembly’ marks on the reverses of some (not all are assigned with absolute certainty; in some cases the fit is poor due to distortion). In most cases the recesses for them were cut out, and possibly these sheet cut-outs were used as the backings for some of the small mounts. Style II: most have a design of an interlaced serpent, the body of the creature forming the interwoven pattern. Mainly the heads are carved in gold, without eyes, but with incised mouths and ribbed necks. Two (one in situ; [K154]) may be replacements as they have serpents with different head-forms. The smallest curved mount [K1439] from one end has a non-zoomorphic interlace pattern. The in situ mounts and the curved mounts that only fit in their original slots show that all the serpents ran in one direction. Filigree: the bodies of the serpents, the interlace, and the heads of the two ‘replacements’ are formed of beaded wires in triple-strand pattern (on the in situ ‘replacement’ mount the thinner wires are spiral-beaded); beaded wire was also used to edge the small mounts (on mount [K89] this was trimmed, to adjust the fit); the in situ ‘replacement’ has a serpent head with an eye formed from a large gold granule (with a collar of spiral-beaded wire); the other [K154] has a U-shaped head, as well as ‘layout’ marks beneath its filigree. Cloisonné: the same geometric pattern repeats on the long edges of the frame for most of the length, and was adapted for the short sections, showing a line of ovals flanked by repetitions of stepped forms; the design changes to a purely stepped pattern in the bottom section of the mount. Each flat red garnet was backed by a cross-hatched gold foil of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. The beaded-wire edge of one mount [K1741] has been cut (possibly at removal). An ‘X’ mark is incised at the top of part [K275]. The filigree mounts from the upper section of the strip-mount have a series of different ‘X’ marks on their reverses, probably as an aide to assembly. Set: pair with 559, suite with 560–561;possibly a suite with 556–557.

L. 96/107mm; W. 19–19.5mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 80.79g; X-ray: L76, L117, L70 2012

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,89,"[K89] BA0018, grid J10; [K797] BA0131, grid J10; [K5008] grid N7. No locations: [K154] US0020, [K169] US0035, [K275] TH162, [K312] TH172, [K513] TH131, [K1439], [K1741â??K1742]","(Note: silver rivet with washer, 673: [K2164], found in one empty recess on part [K275]: two small fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1903], in mud adhering on [K513]; mount [K1439] part of soil block 8; [K1741â??K1742] part of soil block 6). See other K numbers, especially K0513, for additional images of the elements.",76,J10,80.79 1931,558,

Part of Catalogue no. 558. See K89.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,154,,,117,, 1946,558,

Part of Catalogue no. 558. See K89.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,169,,,76,, 2052,558,

Part of Catalogue no. 558. See K89.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,275,,,,, 2089,558,

Part of Catalogue no. 558. See K89.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,312,,,76,, 3857,558,

Part of Catalogue no. 558. See K89.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,5008,,,,, 2290,558,

Part of Catalogue no. 558. See K89.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,513,,,,, 2665,558,

Part of Catalogue no. 558. See K89.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,797,,,76,J10, 3216,558,

Part of Catalogue no. 558. See K89.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,1439,,,76,, 3519,558,

Part of Catalogue no. 558. See K89.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,1741,,,76,, 3520,558,

Part of Catalogue no. 558. See K89.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,1742,,,76,, 1844,559,"

559                  [K67, K109, K131, K371, K438, K789, K847, K885, K1317, K1456, K1544, K5066]

Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts. Found in twelve parts. The cloisonné strip was manufactured in two sections [K131, K371] that abut (original L. est. 225mm), though were not soldered or otherwise fixed; one filigree mount [K5066] was set in the recess at their junction. They were twisted at removal, with a break on one edge, and the cellwork disrupted in places with some garnets and gold backing foils missing. Constructed of sheet metal with multiple fixing-holes at the ends and on the length; some of the hole edges are ragged indicating the strip was torn from its fixings; two silver nail/rivet heads remain [K131]. The long edges are trimmed with single lengths of filigree beaded wire, and with sheet flanges. Assembled it originally had a curved form and was set on a flat or flattish object. A total of thirteen rectangular and curved slots held the mounts decorated mainly with serpents, twelve survive (rectangular L. 18–21mm; W. 5.5–7.5mm/curved L. 20–25mm; Th. 1mm): two in situ (one missing); ten others [K67, K109, K438, K789, K847, K885, K1317, K1456, K1544, K5066] were found separately and have been reallocated to their positions on the basis of their fit and the ‘assembly’ marks on the reverses of some (not all are assigned with absolute certainty; in some cases distortion prevents a fit). Style II: most of small mounts show an interlaced serpent, with the body forming the pattern, but on two mounts [K67, K1456] the design is subtly different, showing a flexed serpent interwoven with a separate knot. Mainly they have heads carved in gold, without eyes, but with incised mouths and ribbed necks. One is missing its head [K789]. Another [K438] may be a replacement as it has a serpent with a different head form. The smallest curved mount [K109] from one end has a non-zoomorphic interlace pattern. The in situ mounts and the curved mounts that only fit in their original slots show that all the serpents ran in one direction. Filigree: the bodies of the serpents (with the head of [K438]) and interlace are formed of beaded wires in triple-strand pattern; beaded wire was also used to edge the small mounts (on mount [K1317] this was trimmed, to adjust the fit). Cloisonné: the same geometric pattern repeats on the long edges of the frame for most of the length, and was adapted for the short sections, based on a line of ovals and stepped forms; it changes to a purely stepped pattern in the lower portion of the bottom section of the mount. Each flat red garnet was backed by a cross-hatched gold foil of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. The edge-flange and beaded wire has been cut in one place on the edge of the strip-mount [K371]. Both parts have ‘X’ marks incised on them. The filigree mounts from the upper section of the strip-mount have a series of different line and curved marks on their reverses, probably to aide assembly. Set: pair with 558, suite with 560–561; possibly a suite with 556–557.


L. 85mm/105mm; W. strip 14.5–19mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 82.50g; X-ray: L75–76, L83, L117, L70 2012

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,67,"[K67] BA0050, grid K10; [K131] BA0039, grid I12; [K847] SCC0015, grid K10; [K5066] grid M11. No locations: [K109] BA0003, [K371] TH119, [K438] TH114, [K789] US0107, [K885] BA1005, [K1317] TH242, [K1456], [K1544]","(Note: [K1456] part of soil block 21; [K1544] part of soil block 6; seven small fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K2163], found in soil adhering to mount [K131]; two small fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1966], found in soil adhering to mount [K1317])",117,K10,82.5 1886,559,

Part of Catalogue no. 559. See K67.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,109,,,117,, 1908,559,

Part of Catalogue no. 559. See K67.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,131,,,75; 83,I12, 2148,559,

Part of Catalogue no. 559. See K67.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,371,,,,, 2215,559,

Part of Catalogue no. 559. See K67.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,438,,,117,, 2657,559,

Part of Catalogue no. 559. See K67.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,789,,,76,, 2715,559,

Part of Catalogue no. 559. See K67.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,847,,,117,K10, 2753,559,

Part of Catalogue no. 559. See K67.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,885,,,76,, 3094,559,

Part of Catalogue no. 559. See K67.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,1317,,,76,, 3233,559,

Part of Catalogue no. 559. See K67.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Filigree panel,Gold,,1456,,,76,, 3322,559,

Part of Catalogue no. 559. See K67.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,1544,,,76,, 3915,559,

Part of Catalogue no. 559. See K67.

,Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,5066,,,,, 2545,560,"

560                  [K677]

Rectangular mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts. Slightly misshapen from flat; both ends show damage; the sheet edge from one end is missing, revealing the manufacture in section view; a few garnets are sunken. Constructed of sheet metal, thick at the edges of the cloisonné; flanges of thin sheet metal extended along the basal edge of each long side originally, together with filigree trims of thick beaded wire. The reverse has four fixing-holes; the hole edges protrude outwards, indicating the mount was torn from its fixings; no nails/rivets remain. The cloisonné forms a frame to the two recesses with the filigree mounts decorated with Style II serpents. Style II: the body of each serpent forms interlace and they have carved eyeless heads with incised mouths and ribbed necks; one head has been truncated to fit it into the available space. Filigree: the body of each is formed from beaded wires in triple-strand pattern on a flat gold sheet backing; the edges are framed by beaded wire also. Cloisonné: the bands of cloisonné, forming an ‘H’ arrangement, show the same geometric pattern using oval and stepped forms. The flat red garnets are backed by gold foils with cross-hatched patterns of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear, including some flattening of the beaded wires. Cut marks around the frame of filigree mount. Part of the edge-flange and filigree wire has been cut away one side, along with part of the sheet reverse. Set: pair with 561, suite with 558–559;possibly a suite with 556–557

L. 40.5mm; W. 19.5mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 11.72g; no X-ray

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,677,"[K677] TH060, no location",,,,11.72 1845,561,"

561                  [K68, K696, K952]

Rectangular mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts. Twisted one end, from flat; three garnets/foils missing, other stones sunken. Constructed of sheet metal, thick at the edges of the cloisonné; flanges of thin sheet metal extend along the basal edge of each long side, together with filigree trims of thick beaded wire. One ragged fixing-hole each end; no nails/rivets remain.The cloisonné forms a frame to the two recesses with the filigree mounts, found separately [K68, K952], and decorated with Style II serpents (both: L. 17mm; W. 6mm; Th. edge 1mm). Style II: both show the same design of an interlaced serpent; the body of each forms the interwoven pattern. The carved eyeless heads have incised mouths and ribbed necks. Filigree: the serpent bodies are of beaded wires in triple-strand pattern on a flat gold sheet backing; the edges are framed by beaded wire also. Cloisonné: the bands of cloisonné, forming an ‘H’ arrangement, show the same geometric pattern using oval and stepped forms. The flat red garnets are backed by gold foils with cross-hatched patterns of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Part of the edge-flange has been cut away one side, along with part of the sheet reverse. Set: pair with 560, suite with 558–559;possibly a suite with 556–557.

L. 40.5mm; W. 19.5mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 10.54g; X-ray: L76

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,68,"[K68] BA0034, grid L10; [K696] TH056, no location; [K952] BA0252, grid L8)",,76,L10,10.54 2564,561,"

Part oc catalogue no 561, see K68

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,696,,,,, 2820,561,"

Part of catalogue no. 531, see K68.

",Strip-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné with filigree serpent mounts,Large mount,Gold,,952,,,76,L8, 2133,562,"

562                  [K356]

Edge-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné of L-Shaped form. Slightly twisted, some garnets/foils missing and other stones sunken. Constructed from sheet metal with thick framing, with cloisonné on both sides and the outer edges. There is a niche to the interior edge (c. Th. 2mm; D. 4–5mm); small fragments of wood mixed with soil remain in it; protruding out of it is one gold nail/rivet (with associated gold sheet) and a sheet tab (L. 7.5mm; W. 7mm) with an empty fixing-hole. Lengths of filigree beaded wire are mounted along the interior edges. Cloisonné: the two sides have matching bands of geometric ornament, concealing two quatrefoil patterns: formed of four mushroom-shaped cells, or two mushroom-shaped and two arrow-shaped cells. The narrower outer edges of the mount have stepped bands, divided by lidded gold cells at the corner-edge. The flat red garnets are backed by gold foils with cross-hatched patterns of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: with mounts 563–564

L. 79mm; W. 29.5mm; H. 8mm; Wt 27.91g (soil with organic left in niche); X-ray: L65

",Edge-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné of L-shaped form,Large mount,Gold,,356,"[K356] TH034, no location","(Find association: one small silver sheet fragment, 690: [K1867], from mud adhering)",65,,27.91 2134,563,"

563                  [K357]

Edge-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné. Bent and split, from straight (L. est. 80–90mm); multiple cells disrupted with some garnets/foils missing and other stones sunken. Constructed from sheet metal with thick framing, with cloisonné on both sides and the outer edge. There was a niche to the inner edge originally. Protruding from it is a double-folded sheet tab (L. 10mm; W. 7mm) with a fixing-hole, and small fragments of wood-like material remain with soil in it also. The mount was designed to be mounted to a flat board (c. Th. 2–2.5mm; D. 5mm). Lengths of filigree beaded wire are mounted along the interior edges. Cloisonné: the two sides have matching bands of geometric ornament, concealing two quatrefoil patterns: formed of four mushroom-shaped cells, or two mushroom-shaped and two arrow-shaped cells. The narrower outer edge of the mount has a continuous stepped pattern (partly destroyed). The flat red garnets are backed by gold foils with cross-hatched patterns of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear.Set: with mounts 562 and 564.

L. 48mm; H. 8mm; Wt 19.42g (soil with organic material left in niche); X-ray: L74

",Edge mount in gold and garnet cloisonné,Large mount,Gold,,357,"[K357] TH034, no location",,74,,19.42 2533,564,"

564                  [K665, K1145]

Edge-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné of L-Shaped form. Found as two separate fragments, badly damaged at the join and on one side of the corner fragment; multiple cells disrupted with some garnets/foils missing and many other stones sunken. Constructed from sheet metal with thick framing, with cloisonné on both sides and the outer edges. There is a niche to the interior edge (c. Th. 2.5mm; D. 4.5mm); small fragments of wood with soil remain in it together with pieces of gold sheet from attachment tabs. The mount was designed to fit to the corner of a flat board. Lengths of filigree beaded wire are mounted along the interior edges. Cloisonné: the two sides had matching bands of geometric ornament (damaged, cf. mount 562), concealing two quatrefoil patterns: formed of four mushroom-shaped cells, or two mushroom-shaped and two arrow-shaped cells. The narrower outer edges of the mount have stepped bands. The flat red garnets are backed by gold foils with cross-hatched patterns of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Some copper corrosion is visible, probably from the solder used to attach the cellwork. Set: with mounts 562–563.

L. 40mm/35mm; W. 32mm; H. 8–9mm; Th. sides 2.5–3mm; Wt 26.13g; X-ray: L74, L122

",Edge-mount in gold and garnet cloisonné of L-shaped form,Large mount,Gold,,665,"[K665] TH077, no location; [K1145] BA0466, grid L16)",,74,,26.13 2922,564,

Part of Catalogue no. 564. See K665.

,Edge mount in gold and garnet cloisonné of L-shaped form,Large mount,Gold,,1145,,,123,L16, 2521,565,"

565                  [K653]

Wing-shaped mount in gold and garnet cloisonné. Slightly bent but curved originally; some garnets fractured, others sunken. Constructed from sheet metal, thick at the edges and for the vertical wall element at the centre (Th. 1.2mm). The reverse has five fixing-holes. Flanges of sheet metal extend around part of the outer edge, together with a filigree trim of beaded wire, but with deliberate breaks on two sides. The interior of the mount is divided into two zones: one is enclosed on all sides and holds the remains of a bone (mammalian) inlay; the other is empty and possibly never held an inlay. Cloisonné: the ornament forms a band around two-thirds of the edge (W. 8mm). The continuous pattern of arches arranged in fish-scale pattern is formed of stepped and arrow-shaped cellwork (cf. pommels 50–51). The flat red garnets are backed by gold foils with cross-hatched patterns of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 566.

L. 57mm; W. 56mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 29.96g; X-ray: L72

",Wing-shaped mount in gold and garnet cloisonné,Cloisonné mount,Gold,,653,"[K653] TH080, no location","(Note: one small fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K1913], and one shank of a silver rivet, 673: [K1914], from mud adhering)",72,,29.96 2522,566,"

566                  [K654]

Wing-shapedmount in gold and garnet cloisonné. One end bent over and on the opposite side the cloisonné frame is ruptured and dented; some garnets/foils lost; slightly curved originally. Constructed from sheet metal, thick at the edges and for the vertical wall element at the centre. Four fixing-holes, in two groups; no nails/rivets. Flanges of thin sheet metal extend around part of the outer edge, together with a filigree trim of beaded wire, but with deliberate breaks on two sides. The interior of the mount is divided into two zones, both now empty (cf. mount 565, which has a bone inlay). Cloisonné: the ornament formed a band around two-thirds of the original edge (W. 8mm). The continuous pattern of arches arranged like fish-scales is formed of stepped and arrow-shaped cellwork (cf. pommels 50–51). The flat red garnets are backed by gold foils with cross-hatched patterns of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 565.

L. 57mm; W. 50mm; Th. edge 3mm; Wt 26.90g; X-ray: L72

",Wing-shaped mount in gold and garnet cloisonné,Large mount,Gold,,654,"[K654] TH085, no location","(Note: two small fragments of die-impressed silver sheet, 654: [K1915], from mud adhering)",72,,26.9 2087,567,"

567                  [K310]

Eye-shaped mountin silver with geometric niello inlay and filigree trim. Small parts of one end and edge missing. Made of thick silver plate. Convex in section with three fixing-holes remaining, of probably four originals in a cardinal arrangement; no nails/rivets. The central ‘eye’ is empty, but has a plain ‘bezel’ inserted separately from the reverse; no stone remains, if there ever was one, as there is no evidence of any backing. Niello: the mount is decorated with a geometric pattern of triangles inlaid with black niello (missing in places). Filigree: the central ‘eye’ space is framed with a thick length of gold beaded wire. Reverse: filing marks. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Set: pair with mount 568, suite with 569–571.

L. 48mm; W. 28mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 9.51g; X-ray: L142

",Eye-shaped mount in silver with geometric niello inlay and filigree trim,Large mount,Silver,,310,"[K310] TH175, no location","(Note: eleven silver sheet fragments, 690: [K1852, K1881], from mud adhering)",142,,9.51 2397,568,"

568                  [K620, K638, K1021]

Fragments of an eye-shaped mount in silver with geometric niello inlay. One fixing-hole remains one end; no nail/rivet.  Niello: the mount was decorated with a geometric pattern inlaid with black niello, probably identical with mount 567. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Reverse: filing marks. Set: pair with mount 567, suite with 569–571.

L. largest 20mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 3.33g; X-ray: L129

",Eye-shaped mount in silver with geometric niello inlay,Large mount,Silver,,620,"[K620, K638] TH050, no location; [K1021] BA0401, grid N7",(Note: fragment [K1021] found on site with silver rivet [K1020]),129,,3.33 2506,568,

Part of Catalogue no. 568. See K620.

,Eye-shaped mount in silver with geometric niello inlay,Large mount,Silver,,638,,,129,, 2889,568,

Part of Catalogue no. 568. See K620.

,Eye-shaped mount in silver with geometric niello inlay,Large mount,Silver,,1021,,,129,N7, 1859,569,"

569                  [K82–K83, K168, K182, K251, K350, K421, K431, K538, K619, K867, K929, K975, K982, K1005, K1098, K1111, K1285, K1296, K1615, K1630, K1669, K1700, K2170, K5044, K5051]

Mount with a ‘fantail’ in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges. Found in thirty-two fragments, with multiple small parts missing; bent and broken along its length, but originally of a long, tapered form with a fantail, and with a slight curvature to the width; the other, narrow end (curled over) finishes in a notched butt-end. Formed out of thick silver plate. Holes are spaced regularly every c. 11mm along both edges (with extra holes at the butt-end); fifteen silver rivets with gilded, domed heads remain in situ; the shank of each is bent over, and they together suggest a thickness of c. 3–5mm for the object to which the mount was attached. Niello: the mount is decorated with a geometric pattern inlaid with black niello (much is lost), imitating cloisonné ornament. Central is a line of mushroom shapes, of decreasing size, with flanking stepped forms, and edged with chevron banding. The ornament is contained by the wide gilded borders (W. 5mm). Wear/marks: ?light wear. The tail edge was possibly levered, with cut-marks on the underside, and there are also potential blade scratches on the reverse (probably from removal). Set: suite with mounts 567–568, 570–571.

L. 212mm; W. 33mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 67.87g; X-ray: L79, L127–L128, L132, L71 2012

",Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,82,"[K82-83]BA0011A-B, grid K10","(Note: [K82, K83] found together on site with a shard of modern glass [K84], and a small fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K2070], found in mud adhering to [K82]. Fragment [K168] found in mud with two fragments of silver-gilt socket 607/08: [K1792]. Fragments [K350] found with two fragments of die-impressed silver sheet panel 600: [K1865]. Fragment [K431] found with one gold foil, 695: [K1894]. Fragment [K929] part of finds group BA1037. Fragment [K1615] part of soil block 16. Fragment [K1630] part of soil block 17. Fragment [K1669] part of soil block K438. Fragment [K1700] part of soil block K795. Fragment [K2170] found with one fragment of helmet-crest 590: [K541], one fragment of silver panel 600: [K1906], and one fragment of die-impressed silver sheet, 606: [K1907])",128; 132,K10,67.87 1860,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,83,,,128; 132,K10, 1945,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,"Fragment(s)with this number formed part of Catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.",168,,,128; 132,, 1959,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,182,,,127; 132,, 2028,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,251,,,127; 132,, 2127,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,350,,,127; 132,, 2198,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,421,,,128; 132,, 2208,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,431,,,128; 132,, 2396,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,619,,,128; 132,, 2315,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,538,,,128; 132,, 2473,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Uncertain,,1098,,,128; 132,, 2486,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,1111,,,128; 132,, 2735,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,867,,,128; 132,, 2797,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,929,,,128; 132,, 2843,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,975,,,128; 132,M10, 2850,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,982,,,128; 132,M12, 2873,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,1005,,,127; 132,M11, 3062,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,1285,,,128; 132,, 3073,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,1296,,,127; 132,, 3393,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue 595, see K156.",1615,,,,, 3408,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver gilt,,1630,,,128; 132,, 3447,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,1669,,,128; 132,, 3478,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,1700,,,128; 132,, 3893,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,5044,,,,, 3900,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,5051,,,,, 4049,569,

Part of Catalogue no. 569. See K82.

,Mount with a 'fantail' in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges,Large mount,Silver,,2170,,,,, 2018,570,

Part of Catalogue no. 570. See K161.

,Strip-mounts in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges.,Large mount,Silver,,241,,,129,, 2581,570,

Part of Catalogue no. 570. See 161.

,Mount fragment of silver with a gilded border and geometric niello ornament,Mount with niello,Silver,,713,,,129,, 2411,570,

Part of Catalogue no. 570. See 161.

,Strip-mounts in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges.,Large mount,Silver,,1036,,,129,O10, 2444,570,

Part of Catalogue no. 570. See 161.

,Strip-mounts in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges.,Large mount,Silver,,1069,,,129,M11, 2691,570,

Part of Catalogue no. 570. See 161.

,Strip-mounts in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges.,Large mount,Silver,,823,,,129,L9, 2959,570,

Part of Catalogue no. 570. See 161.

,Strip-mounts in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges.,Large mount,Silver,,1182,,,102,K9, 2973,570,

Part of Catalogue no. 570. See 161.

,Strip-mounts in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges.,Large mount,Silver,,1196,,,129,, 3010,570,

Part of Catalogue no. 570. See 161.

,Strip-mounts in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges.,Large mount,Silver,,1233,,,129,M9, 3494,570,

Part of Catalogue no. 570. See 161.

,Strip-mounts in silver with geometric niello inlay and gilded edges.,Large mount,Silver,,1716,,,129,, 1841,571,"

571                  [K64, K592, K641, K747, K895, K932, K946, K954, K968, K988, K1002, K1039, K1114, K1142, K1149, K1168, K1191–K1192, K1219, K1235, K1287, K1528, K1599, K5046, K5085]

Fragments possibly from a single strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay, and a gilded edge. Found in twenty-seven fragments and incomplete, with extensive loss of the inlay. The mount was formed from several parts made out of silver plate and riveted together: one long strip in fragments (original L. est. >160mm); one turning section [K747, K1192] (L. 38mm); and two pointed ends, [K64] (L. 49mm) and [K1168]. The turning section was perhaps one of two originally. The main body of the strip was probably set on a flat or slightly curved surface (though the largest section [K592] is severely bent), and one of the pointed ends has a pronounced curve that is original. Turning section [K747, K1192] fits to [K64], the fixing-holes aligning. Fixing-holes are spaced regularly every 11–13mm along the gilded edge, with occasional additional holes (every c. 20mm) along the ungilded edge; parts of twelve silver rivets remain in situ, some with gilded, domed heads; the shanks of many are bent over; one rivet (L. 4.5mm) has a hammered and expanded end [K1599]; they together suggest a thickness of c. 3mm for the material to which the mount was attached. A fragment of silver backing sheet remains with one rivet detached from part [K64] and other backing sheet remains in situ on [K592] (with the mount, this would have sandwiched the material the object was fitted to). Niello: the mount is decorated with a geometric pattern of interlocking triangles inlaid with black niello. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Several fixing-holes have been torn or expanded by forced removal. Cut mark on [K1168]. Set: suite with mounts 567–570.

L. largest 55mm [K592]; W. 15mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 48.05g; X-ray: L102–L103, L129–L131, L71–L72 2012

","Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,64,"(Grid location: [K64] BA0037, grid K10; [K954] BA0253, grid L8; [K968] BA0257, grid M12; [K988] BA0286, grid I10; [K1002] BA0294, grid L12; [K1039] BA0374, grid M7; [K1114] BA0436, grid M16; [K1142] BA0487, grid K5; [K1149] BA0480, grid L16; [K1168] BA0424, grid O9; [K1191-K1192] BA0305, grid M14; [K1235] BA0143, grid M9; [K5046] grid N7; [K5085] grid E12. No locations: [K592] TH021, [K641] TH050, [K747] BA0203, [K895] BA1052, [K932] BA1037, [K946] US137, [K1219] US0145, [K1287] US0162, [K1528], [K1599])",(Note: Fragment [K747] part of finds group BA0203; Fragment [K932] part of finds group BA1037. Fragment [K954] found with a fragment [K953] of hilt-collar 187. Fragment [K1528] part of soil block 20. Fragment [K1599] part of soil block 1),130; 131,K10,48.05 2369,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,592,,,130,, 2414,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,1039,,,130,M7, 2489,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,1114,,,130,M16, 2509,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Mount with niello,Silver,,641,,,130,, 2615,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,747,,,129;,, 2763,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,895,,,130,, 2800,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,932,,,130,, 2814,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,946,,,130,, 2822,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,954,,,130,L8, 2836,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",968,,,103,M12, 2856,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,988,,,102,I10, 2870,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,1002,,,130,L12, 2919,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,1142,,,130,K5, 2926,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,1149,,,130; 131,L16, 2945,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,1168,,,"129, 130",O9, 2968,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Mount with niello,Silver,,1191,,,130,M14, 2969,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,1192,,,130,M14, 2996,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,1219,,,102,, 3012,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,1235,,,130,M9, 3064,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,1287,,,130,, 3306,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,1528,,,130,, 3377,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,1599,,,130,, 3895,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,5046,,,,, 3934,571,

Part of Catalogue no. 571. See K64.

,"Strip-mount in silver with pointed ends, geometric niello inlay and gilded edges",Large mount,Silver,,5085,,,,, 2154,572,"

572                  [K377]

Pyramid-fitting in gold with garnet and glass cloisonné. Slightly twisted, a small number of fractured or sunken garnets. Body and cellwork constructed of sheet metal, with an attachment bar on the reverse. Cloisonné: the geometric design on each of the four sides is the same. A central inverted triangular frame partitions the cellwork: the resulting spaces are filled with stepped forms, together with a single mushroom form, and three triangular settings of opaque blue glass. A single flat square garnet is set at the apex. The garnets at the edges are shaped to fit and those at the corners of the apex were cut in three planes; all are a slightly different purple-red colour, to contrast with the orange-red flat stones. All the garnets are backed by gold cross-hatched foils of ‘standard’ type. Interior/reverse: hollow. The upper surface of the attachment bar is rounded. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with fitting 573.

L. 21mm; W. 21mm; H. 13.5mm; Th. base 2mm; W. bar 3mm; Wt 13.27; X-ray: L14, L15

",Pyramid-fitting in gold with garnet and glass cloisonné,Pyramid-fitting,Gold,,377,"[K377] TH142, no location",,14; 15,,13.27 2239,573,"

573                  [K462]

Pyramid-fitting in gold with garnet and glass cloisonné. Some fractured garnets. Body and cellwork constructed of sheet metal, with an attachment bar on the reverse. Cloisonné: the geometric design on each of the four sides is the same. A central inverted triangular frame partitions the cellwork: the resulting spaces are filled with stepped forms, together with a single mushroom form, and three triangular settings of opaque blue glass. A single flat square garnet is set at the apex. The garnets at the edges are shaped to fit and those at the corners of the apex were cut in three planes; all are a slightly different purple-red colour, to contrast with the orange-red flat stones. All the garnets are backed by gold cross-hatched foils of ‘standard’ type. Interior/reverse: hollow. The upper surface of the attachment bar is rounded (Th. 2.5mm). Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with fitting 572.

L. 21mm; W. 21mm; H. 13.5mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 13.11g; X-ray: L14, L15

",Pyramid-fitting in gold with garnet and glass cloisonné,Pyramid-fitting,Gold,,462,"[K462] TH222, no location",,14; 15,,13.11 1884,574,"

574                  [K107]

Pyramid-fitting in gold with filigree and garnet cloisonné. A small part of one side is missing at the lower edge, with a few cells/garnets lost (from removal of its attachment loop, see 575). Constructed of sheet metal over a cast copper-alloy core. Gem-setting: a square table-cut garnet is set at the apex in a plain bezel with a filigree frame comprised of two beaded wires. Cloisonné: each side has a shallow triangular panel inlaid with flat red garnets. Two slightly different designs repeat on adjoining sides (rather than alternating as on 575). One pattern comprises a central triangle with a border of rectilinear cellwork; the other design includes stepped, curved and rectilinear elements. All the stones are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Filigree: the pyramid edges have bands of collared granules framed by double/triple beaded wires. Interior/reverse: hollow; a bar for attachment was cast with the copper-alloy core (Th. 2.5mm). Wear/marks: moderate wear to the filigree at the edges. Set: pair with fitting 575.

L. 18.5mm; W. 18mm; H. 18mm; Th. copper-alloy base 3mm; Wt 9.27g; X-ray: L14, L15

",Pyramid-fitting in gold with filigree and garnet cloisonné,Pyramid-fitting,Gold,,107,"[K107] BA0017, no location",,14; 15,,9.27 2978,575,"

575                  [K1201]

Pyramid-fitting in gold with filigree and garnet cloisonné. Complete, but missing part of its copper-alloy core, misshapen, and one garnet lost. Constructed of sheet metal with a small attachment loop at the base on one side. Gem-setting: a square table-cut garnet is set at the apex in a plain bezel with a filigree frame of two beaded wires. Cloisonné: each side has a shallow triangular panel inlaid with flat red garnets. Two slightly different designs repeat alternately (rather than adjoining as on 574). One pattern comprises a central triangle with a border of rectilinear cellwork; the other design includes stepped, curved and rectilinear elements. All the stones are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Filigree: the pyramid edges have bands of collared granules framed by double/triple beaded wires. Interior/reverse: part of the cast copper-alloy core remains in the hollow interior. Wear/marks: moderate wear to the filigree at the edges. Set: pair with fitting 574.

L. 18mm; W. 20mm; H. 18mm; Wt 8.92g; X-ray: L14, L15

",Pyramid-fitting in gold with filigree and garnet cloisonné,Pyramid-fitting,Gold,,1201,"[K1201] BA0317, grid N8",(Note: gold mount 417 from mud in interior),14; 15,N8,8.92 2227,576,"

576                  [K450]

Pyramid-fitting in gold with garnet and glass cloisonné. Complete, multiple stones sunken. Made from thick sheet or possibly cast. Base has an attachment bar with rounded openings either side. Gem-setting: the empty square setting at the apex had a millefiori, translucent glass inlay, found loose in conservation; it shows a red cross on a blue background. Cloisonné: a bold pattern of triangular and trapezoidal garnets decorates each side, with smaller triangular stones at the chamfered basal edges; edge-cut stones were used for the long edges. The garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘boxed 3×3’ type; the glass stone at the apex was backed by a foil of ‘standard’ type. Interior/reverse: hollow. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with fitting 577.

L. 20mm; W. 20mm; H. 21.5mm; Wt 15.26g; X-ray: L12, L13

",Pyramid-fitting in gold with garnet and glass cloisonné,Pyramid-fitting,Gold,,450,"[K450] TH219, no location",,12; 13,,15.26 2342,577,"

577                  [K565]

Pyramid-fitting in gold with garnet and glass cloisonné. Damaged on three sides; missing some stones/foils. Empty square gem-setting at the apex (cf. 576); it retains a foil. Base, misshaped, with an attachment bar with rounded openings either side. Cloisonné: a bold pattern of triangular and trapezoidal garnets each side, with smaller triangular stones at the chamfered basal edges; edge-cut stones were used for the long edges. The garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘boxed 3×3’ type, with a foil at the apex of ‘standard’ type. Interior/reverse: hollow. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with fitting 576.

L. 20mm; W. 18mm; H. 21.5mm; Wt 15.30g; X-ray: L13, L29

",Pyramid-fitting in gold with garnet and glass cloisonné,Pyramid-fitting,Gold,,565,"[K565] TH006, no location",,29,,15.3 2228,578,"

578                  [K451]

Pyramid-fitting in gold with garnet and glass cloisonné. Complete, a few garnets fractured or sunken. Constructed of sheet metal with a round, possibly cast base. Style II: the sides have alternate animal designs. Two sides show a serpent with small round eyes and an interlaced body. The other design can be read either as a helmeted head or as two confronted zoomorphs with eyes and ‘tails’ that cross at the peak of the helmet. The small circular cells for the eyes might have held tiny glass inlays (cf. 167–168, 511–512, 514–515). The cellwork forming these designs has remains of an unidentified decayed inlay, in contrast with the surrounding garnet inlays. Cloisonné: the garnets at the edges are cut with faceted surfaces, including unusual bifid forms; they are a purple-red colour, to contrast with the flat orange-red garnets that form a border around the base; these are also rare semi-circular and triangular forms. All the garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. A flat square of millefiori glass is set at the apex, of opaque red and white checks, with tiny crosses in the white squares. Interior/Reverse: the interior is hollow; a bar for attachment is at the base. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with fitting 579.

Diam. 23–23.5mm; H. 21mm; Wt 16.51g; X-ray: L12, L13

",Pyramid-fitting in gold with garnet and glass cloisonné,Pyramid-fitting,Gold,,451,"[K451] TH231, no location",,12; 13,,16.51 2943,579,"

579                  [K1166]

Pyramid-fitting in gold with garnet and glass cloisonné. Misshapen, possibly by an impact to one side, a few garnets fractured, lost or sunken. Constructed of sheet metal with a round, possibly cast base. Style II: the sides have alternate animal designs. Two sides show a serpent with small round eyes and an interlaced body. The other design can be read either as a helmeted head or as two confronted zoomorphs with eyes and ‘tails’ that cross at the peak of the helmet. The small circular cells for the eyes might have held tiny glass inlays (cf. 167–168, 511–512, 514–515). The cellwork forming these designs has remains of an unidentified decayed inlay, in contrast to the surrounding garnet inlays. Cloisonné: the garnets at the edges are cut with faceted surfaces, including unusual bifid forms; they are a purple-red colour, to contrast to the flat orange-red garnets that form a border around the base; these are also rare semi-circular and triangular forms. All the garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. A flat square of millefiori glass is set at the apex, of opaque red and white checks, with tiny crosses in the white squares. Interior/Reverse: the interior is hollow; a bar for attachment is at the base. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with fitting 578.

Diam. 23–23.5mm; H. 21mm; Wt 16.52g; X-ray: L12, L13

",Pyramid-fitting in gold with garnet and glass cloisonné,Pyramid-fitting,Gold,,1166,"[K1166] BA0412, grid K7",,12; 13,K7,16.52 2079,580,"

580                  [K302]

                        Pyramid-fitting in cast silver with gold mounts, with filigree and garnet cloisonné. Complete, except for one broken tear-drop garnet and one lost garnet at the apex. The cast edging imitates beaded wire (but there is no evidence the silver body of the mount was gilded). Each side has a gold trapezoidal mount of flat gold sheet, fixed by three silver rivets, the heads gilded. Cloisonné: the apex is decorated with a shallow rectangular frame divided into triangular cells, filled with flat red garnets, with a ‘X’ shape formed by the cellwork. At the centre of each mount is a triform arrangement of tear-drop cabochon garnets, in plain bezels with filigree collars. All the stones, including at the apex, are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type (exposed where stones are missing/broken). Filigree: between the arms of the garnet triforms are neat conical spirals of beaded wire, three on each mount; scrollwork fills the remaining space on each mount, S-scrolls predominating, formed again of beaded wire; the same wire type forms an inner frame to each mount and frames the bezels of the triform gem-settings; the outer edge of each mount is framed by thicker, two-ply twisted-beaded wire. Interior: hollow except for the solid bar with a rounded interior edge for attachment (Th. 3.5mm); the stubs of the rivets fixing the mounts are visible. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with fitting 581

L. 24mm; W. 24mm; H. 19mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 18.07g; X-ray: L14, L15

","Pyramid-fitting of cast silver with gold mounts, with filigree and garnet cloisonné",Pyramid-fitting,Silver,,302,"[K302] TH161, no location",,14; 15,,18.07 2159,581,"

581                  [K382, K676, K849, K999, K1254]

Pyramid-fitting of cast silver with gold mounts, with filigree and garnet cloisonné. Found in five fragments; all four original gold mounts survive; one is torn. More than half of the cast silver body is missing. The mounts retain most of the silver rivets that attached them. The ornament and manufacture was essentially identical to that for complete fitting 580. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with fitting 580.

W. 21mm; H. 19mm; Th. base 2mm; Wt 11.24g; X-ray: L22, L29, L80, L124

",Pyramid-fitting in gold with filigree and garnet cloisonné,Pyramid-fitting,Silver,,382,"[K999] BA0290, grid M14; [K1254] BA0343, grid N10. No locations: [K382] TH112, [K676] TH062, [K849] SCC0017",,22,,11.24 2544,581,"

Part of catalogue no. 581, see K382

","Pyramid-fitting of cast silver with gold mounts, with filigree and garnet cloisonné",Sword-pyramid,Gold,,676,,,80,, 2717,581,"

Part of catalogue no. 581, see K382

","Pyramid-fitting; of cast silver with gold mounts, with filigree and garnet cloisonné",Pyramid-fitting,Gold,,849,,,22,, 2867,581,"

Part of catalogue 581, see K0382

","Pyramid-fitting of cast silver with gold mounts, with filigree and garnet cloisonné",Pyramid-fitting,Gold,,999,,,22,M14, 3031,581,"

P_art of catalogue no 581, see K382

","Pyramid-fitting of cast silver with gold mounts, with filigree and garnet cloisonné",Pyramid-fitting,Silver,,1254,,,124,N10, 2543,582,"

582                  [K675]

Button-fitting in gold and garnet cloisonné. Missing two garnets/foils. Manufactured from sheet metal with a dog-tooth bezel and filigree collar. Cloisonné: the geometric design has stepped forms at the centre with an outer ring of hoof-shaped and pointed garnets, all cut with a slightly curved surface. The stones are backed by gold foils with cross-hatched patterns of ‘standard’ type. Filigree: the collar is formed of a three-ply twisted-beaded wire with flanking beaded wires. Reverse: loop fitting (L. 11mm). Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with 583. Fits in bead 584.

Diam. 14mm; H. 17mm; Wt 3.27g; X-ray: L22


",Button-fitting in gold and garnet cloisonné,Button-fitting,Gold,,675,"[K675] TH082, no location",,22,,3.27 3202,583,"

583                  [K1425]

Button-fitting in gold and garnet cloisonné. Small dent on one side and the apex has suffered a slight impact. No stones lost; two sunken. Manufactured from sheet metal with a dog-tooth bezel and filigree collar. Cloisonné: the geometric design has stepped forms at the centre with an outer ring of hoof-shaped and pointed garnets, all cut with a slightly curved surface. The stones are backed by gold foils with cross-hatched patterns of ‘standard’ type. Filigree: the collar is formed of a three-ply twisted-beaded wire with flanking beaded wires. Reverse: loop fitting (L. 8.5mm) with washers. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with 582

Diam. 14mm; H. 15mm; Wt 3.19g; X-ray: L22

",Button-fitting in gold and garnet cloisonné,Button-fitting,Gold,,1425,"[K1425], no location",(Note: [K1425] part of soil block 4),22,,3.19 2632,584,"

584                  [K764]

Barrel-shaped stone bead. Cream-coloured, tinted orangey-red (probably stained by the soil environment). Lathe turned and drilled (Diam. hole 5mm), with concave ends. The stone is probably a type of microcrystalline/cryptocrystalline quartz, possibly magnesite (not confirmed by analysis). Set: fits 582.

Diam. 19mm; H. 10mm; Wt 5.30g; no X-ray

",Barrel-shaped stone bead,Bead,Stone,,764,"[K764] BA0085, no location",,,,5.3 1921,585,"

585                  [K144]

Small buckle in gold with a rectangular back-plate. Loop and tongue cast separately; back-plate (L. 10mm; W. 7.5mm) formed of sheet metal folded around the axis of the loop; a hole was cut in the plate for the hinge of the tongue; two gold rivets. Undecorated, except for two lines at the back-end of the tongue. Wear/marks: light wear; light scratches and nicks. 

L. 16mm; W. loop 12mm; Th. 4mm; Wt 2.03g; X-ray: L77

",Small buckle in gold with a rectangular back-plate,Buckle,Gold,,144,"[K144] US0010, no location","(Note: found on site with a fragment of cloisonn? cell-wall, 683: [K121], and a gold cross-hatched foil, 695: [K1791])",77,,2.03 2553,586,"

586                  [K685]

Small buckle in gold with a rectangular back-plate. Loop and tongue cast separately; back-plate (L. 12.5mm; W. 12mm) formed of sheet metal folded around the axis of the loop; a hole was cut in the plate for the hinge of the tongue. Three gold rivets with bossed heads and filigree collars of beaded wire are set on the back-plate; a band is lightly incised across its width also, formed by two faint parallel lines. Wear/marks: light wear; light scratches and nicks. Filigree wires show some flattening.

L. 21mm; W. loop 17mm; Th. 5mm; Wt 5.40g; X-ray: L77

",Small buckle in gold with rectangular back-plate,Buckle,Gold,,685,"[K685] TH061, no location",,77,,5.4 2825,587,"

587                  [K957, K959]

Buckle in silver with filigree decoration. Loop [K959] and tongue [K957] cast separately (and found separately); the tongue has a broken oval ‘tongue-shield’; the hinge of the tongue was soldered to the underside of the shield. The tongue-shield (W. 11mm; Th. 2mm) probably once had an inlay. Found with the loop were remains of a back-plate of silver sheet, most likely of rectangular form originally. It is decorated one side with a framework of triangular punchwork, and the same punch was used to edge the flat underside of the loop. Filigree: the buckle-loop has a band of recessed gold filigree, of herringbone pattern (formed of two-ply twisted wires); the edge of the tongue-shield has a frame of silver beaded wire; Wear/marks: light wear. The gold filigree on the loop has been flattened by the end of the tongue.

L. tongue 16.5mm; W. loop 29mm; H. loop 2.5mm; Wt 6.06g; X-ray: L101, L127

",Buckle in silver with filigree decoration,Buckle,Silver,,957,"[K957] BA0250, grid K12; [K959] BA0248, grid K12)",,101,K12,6.06 2827,587,"

Part of catalogue no. 587, see K957

",Buckle in silver with filigree decoration,Buckle,Silver,,959,,,127,K12, 2080,588,"

588                  [K303]

Cross pendant in gold with a central garnet and filigree decoration. One arm detached and one arm bent. Takes the cross pattée form, with a round centre (Diam. 17mm) and flaring arms with concave ends (W. 12–14mm). Loop for suspension on the top arm. Constructed of sheet metal; the broken arm shows a hollow structure. A CT scan has shown the cabochon garnet is plano-concave and that behind the stone is a void; no gold foil was set behind the garnet. Possibly the void was for a relic, but Keyence digital-microscope examination looking through the stone showed no surviving trace of any object behind it (except fine remains possibly of mould). Gem-setting: the large flat-topped garnet is set in a plain bezel with a filigree collar. Filigree: the arms are filled with scrollwork, mainly volute scrolls, and occasional annulets, all in beaded wire; there is some variation in the patterns; the loop is decorated with two bands of S-scrolls and terminates on the reverse in a triangular projection also with scrolls; the gem-setting is framed by a pair of beaded wires with a thinner plain wire between; the reverse wire combination (of a beaded wire flanked by plain wires) forms triple-strand on the loop, dividing the bands of scrolls; further thick and thin beaded wires frame the edges of the arms and loop. Wear/marks: light wear. The filigree on the reverse of the loop has been flattened in places or possibly cut. The loop is slightly squashed.

L. 64.5mm; W. 50mm; H. 9.5mm; Wt 24.38g; X-ray: L73

",Cross pendant in gold with central garnet and filigree decoration,Cross pendant,Gold,,303,"[K303] TH190, no location",,73,,24.38 1824,589,"

589                  [K47, K678, K546]

                                Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded, with animal ornament and animal-head terminal. Originally two parts, and the tang of the head broken (rejoined; [K47]); the curved channel [K546] is bent and fractured in several places (L. 102.5mm). The channel is slightly wider and its side-walls taller at one end than the other (H. 6.5–9.5mm; W. 10.5–12mm; Th. 1.5mm); ten unevenly spaced fixing-holes, some in pairs, run the length of the base. The basal edge of the channel at the wider end has been filed to a bevel, and the sides are slightly angled. The elongated animal-head [K678] was cast in relief with incised almond-shaped eyes and strap-work resembling a head-bridle; hollow on the reverse; butt-end with broken tang and two fixing-holes (L. 56mm; W. 8.5mm; H. 8mm; Wt 14.88g). The tang slots neatly into the narrower end of the channel and the fixing-holes align with those at the end of the channel. A complete silver nail pierces the animal-head with a bent shank, and parts of four other silver nails/rivets remain in situ in the channel, but with flat heads, and with shanks cut. Overlying the nails/rivets and filling much of the length of the channel are remains of a calcite-wax paste (D. 4mm) with small associated fragments of wood. Style II: both side-walls of the channel have animal ornament in low relief, each a different design, concealing a total of twelve creatures (the schemes are the same as on 590, but they are mirrored and vary in small details). One side has a continuous regular interlace pattern formed by the interwoven bodies of four serpents; the other side has eight creatures, with at the wider end a pair of quadrupeds with entwined limbs, and the remaining two-thirds contains three pairs of interlaced serpents with different head forms. Punches were used to add small circular eyes. Other dot, circular and notch punches were used to decorate the large animal-head terminal. Wear/marks: light wear; gilding is missing on the snout-end of the animal-head, possibly from wear. Filing marks on the channel reverse. Possible cut marks around one fixing-hole one end that contains the shank of a cut nail/rivet, and further probable cut marks along one edge (all tarnished). Flattening of the decoration one side from an impact. Set: pair with crest section 590, probably a suite with cheek-pieces 591–592

L. 128mm (head and channel; L. 102.5mm channel only); W. 12mm; H. 9.5mm; Th. walls 1.5mm; Wt 74.58g; X-ray: L78–L79

",Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,47,"(Grid location: [K47] BA0192, grid M12; [K546] TH009, [K687] TH067, no locations)",(Note: fragment [K47] found on site with hilt-collar 161),79,M12,74.58 2323,589,"

Part of catalogue no. 589, see K47.

",Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,546,,,78,, 2546,589,"

Part of catalogue no. 589, see K47.

",Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,678,,,79,, 1808,590,"

590                  [K31, K49, K73, K139, K363, K397, K519, K535, K541, K616, K629, K868, K950, K1012, K1158, K1177, K1257, K1261, K1652, K1882, K1973, K5019, K5033]

                        Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded, with animal ornament and animal-head terminal. Originally two parts, found in twenty-five fragments, but largely complete as rejoined and preserving the original curvature; the curved channel (L. 142.5mm) was torn open at one end, but the majority of the fragmentation is probably post-depositional (the breaks are tarnished but largely unworn). The channel is slightly wider and its side-walls taller at one end than the other (H. 7.5–9mm; W. 11–12mm; Th. 1.5mm); nine spaced fixing-holes (some in pairs, the order similar to 589) run the length of the base. The base edge of the channel at the wider end has been filed to a bevel, and the sides are slightly angled. The elongated animal-head, found in two pieces [K363, K397], was cast in relief with bug-like oval eyes and strap-work resembling a head-bridle; hollow on the reverse; tang at the butt-end (L. 56mm; W. 10mm; H. 8mm; Wt 14.58g). The tang slots neatly into the narrower end of the channel (corrosion patinas on the tang and channel match, confirming the association). Two silver nail/rivet heads remain with the two fixing-holes on the tang, and parts of two other silver nails/rivets of the same type remain from the channel. Also contained in the largest section of channel [K1012] were remnants of a wax paste. Style II: the two side-walls of the channel have animal ornament in low relief, a different design each side, concealing a total of twelve creatures. One side has a continuous regular interlace pattern formed by the interwoven bodies of four serpents. The other side has eight creatures: the wider end probably showed a pair of quadrupeds but part of the design is missing (cf. 589); the remaining two-thirds contains three pairs of interlaced serpents with different head forms. Punches were used to add small circular eyes. Other circular, dot, triangular and semi-circular punches were used to decorate the large animal-head terminal. Wear/marks: light wear. Filing marks on the channel reverse and on the animal-head reverse. Interior of the channel has incised lines, perhaps to aid the adhesion of the paste filler. Possible cut mark on the animal-head terminal, at its end, where it joined the channel. Set: pair with crest section 589, probably a suite with cheek-pieces 591–592

L. 175mm (head and channel); W. 11.5mm; H. 7–9.5mm; Th. walls 1.5mm; Wt 55.18g; X-ray: L69, L79, L83, L87, L94–L96, L101–L102, L120, L124, L133, L138, L143, L70–L71 2012 

",Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,31,"(Grid location: [K49] BA0225, grid L12; [K73] BA0036, grid F9; [K1012] BA0080, grid M12; [K1158] BA0432, grid K15; [K1177] BA0427, grid E10; [K1257] BA0346, grid N10; [K1261] BA0350, grid N10; [K5019] grid G10; [K5033] grid F7).",For a full set of views of the animal head terminal see K397,138,,55.18 1826,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,49,,,79,L12, 1850,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,73,,,79,F9, 1916,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,139,,,79,, 2140,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,363,,,143,, 2174,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,397,,,94; 95; 96,, 2393,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,616,,,79,, 3868,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,5019,,,,, 2296,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,519,,,79,, 2312,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,535,,,79,, 2318,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,541,,,79,, 2497,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,629,,,79,, 2736,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,868,,,79,, 2818,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,950,,,87,, 2880,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,1012,,,,M12, 2935,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,1158,,,79,K15, 2954,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,1177,,,124,E10, 3034,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,1257,,,79,N10, 3038,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,1261,,,120; 133,N10, 3430,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,1652,,,79; 83,, 3661,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,1882,,,,, 3754,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,1973,,,,, 3882,590,

Part of catalogue no. 590. see K31.

,Helmet-crest channel cast in silver and gilded with animal ornament and animal-head terminal,Helmet,Silver,,5033,,,,, 2065,591,"

591                  [K288, K453, K740, K1509]

Helmet cheek-piece cast in silver and gilded, with animal ornament and a gold collar. Originally two parts, but tabs broken off and found separately [K740, K1509]; the original form is preserved with a curved surface and back edge, and a front edge at 90 degrees. The cheek-piece [K453] and tabs were originally cast as one, with a D-shaped slot cut in each tab. The gold collar of thick beaded wire [K288] was made separately to slot over the tabs (L. 83mm; Diam. wire 3mm), the wire on a base of thick gold sheet; the beading is slightly flattened in places from contact and the cheek-piece has corresponding indentations. The whole side of the cheek-piece is covered by Style II animal ornament in low relief, separated into four zones; these are defined by thin silver zigzag bands formed by neat lines of triangular punchwork infilled with black niello. The front edge also has animal ornament in a zigzag frame. Style II: the smallest zone at the top corner holds a single hybrid creature, with the body of a quadruped but the head of a bird, indicated by a curved beak. The head has an angled surround that is actually a serpent, and the hind leg has a curled toe that also transforms into a serpent. The adjacent band and the last band show processions of animals that are essentially the same species of quadruped with S-shaped bodies and again serpent head-surrounds, and also incorporated into the designs are interlaced Stafford knots. The third band from the front-edge holds a parade of different interlaced creatures, zoomorphs with ribbon bodies and hind legs only. The separate narrow triangular panel on the front-edge holds a pair of interlaced serpents. In all, sixteen creatures and ten serpents (including on head-surrounds) decorate the cheek-piece. Reverse: gilded and plain except for tarnish marks. Wear/marks: light wear. A small ‘X’ is incised on the reverse of the gold collar [K288], with filing marks. Copper corrosion covers a small patch of side, probably from the silver alloy. A small number of scratches/abrasions are possibly recent. Set: pair with 592, probably a suite with cheek-pieces 589–590.

L. 83mm (incl. tabs L. 96mm); W. 79.5mm; D. 20mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 122.28g (incl. gold collar 25.15g); X-ray: L79

","Helmet cheek-piece cast in silver and gilded, with animal ornament and a gold collar",Helmet,Gold,,288,"Grid location: [K288, K453, K740, K1509], no locations",,79,,122.28 2230,591,

Part of catalogue no. 591. see K288.

,"Helmet cheek-piece cast in silver and gilded, with animal ornament and a gold collar",Helmet,Silver,,453,,,,, 2608,591,

Part of catalogue no. 591. see K288.

,"Helmet cheek-piece cast in silver and gilded, with animal ornament and a gold collar",Helmet,Silver,,740,,,,, 3286,591,

Part of catalogue no. 591. see K288.

,"Helmet cheek-piece cast in silver and gilded, with animal ornament and a gold collar",Helmet,Silver,,1509,,,79,, 1874,592,"

592                  [K97, K594, K772, K1223, K5004]

Helmet cheek-piece cast in silver and gilded, with animal ornament and a gold collar. Originally two components, but found as five parts, the tabs [K594, K1223] and front edge [K97] broken off the cheek-piece (break edges worn); the cheek-piece is also badly misshapen. The silver cheek-piece [K5004] was cast with the two attachment tabs and its front edge; each tab has a D-shaped slot for attachment (L. 5.5mm; W. 4mm). The gold collar [K772] of thick beaded wire was made separately to slot over the tabs (L. 83mm; Diam. wire 3mm), the wire on a base of thick gold sheet. Style II: the gilded animal ornament, in low relief, and zigzag framing decorating the cheek-piece is identical to that on its pair (cf. 591), though mirrored. Reverse: gilded but plain with tarnish marks. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Set: pair with 591, probably a suite with crest 589–590.

L. 89.5mm; W. 55mm; Th. edge 1.5–2mm; Wt 116.07g (incl. gold collar 23.14g); X-ray: L61, L64, L130, L137, L139, L67 2012

","Helmet cheek-piece cast in silver and gilded, with animal ornament and a gold collar",Helmet,Silver,,97,"[K97] BA0044, grid M20; [K1223] BA0146, grid M9; [K5004] grid R6",(Note: nail/rivet 668 found in mud on reverse of K5004),137; 139,M20,116.07 3853,592,

Part of catalogue no. 592. see K97.

,"Helmet cheek-piece cast in silver and gilded, with animal ornament and a gold collar",Helmet,Silver,,5004,,,,, 2371,592,

Part of catalogue no. 592. see K97.

,"Helmet cheek-piece cast in silver and gilded, with animal ornament and a gold collar",Helmet,Silver,,594,,,137; 139,, 2640,592,

Part of catalogue no. 592. see K97.

,"Helmet cheek-piece cast in silver and gilded, with animal ornament and a gold collar",Helmet,Gold,,772,,,79,, 3000,592,

Part of catalogue no. 592. see K97.

,"Helmet cheek-piece cast in silver and gilded, with animal ornament and a gold collar",Helmet,Silver,,1223,,,139,M9, 1825,593,"

593                  [K48, K51, K96, K228, K234–K235, K237, K243, K250, K255, K523, K794, K834, K970, K1031, K1432, K1437, K1515, K1529, K1541, K1551, K1556, K1561–K1562, K1574, K1577, K1608, K1627, K1634, K1643, K1650, K1676, K1692, K1734, K1778, K1801, K2000, K2031, K2098, K2131, K2132, K2133, K2134, K2135, K2137]

Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors. Originally three components, assembled from 112 fragments. The silver band (thirty-seven fragments) was made of two rigid and curved pieces that formed a tray to the decorated sheet band with rounded edges: [K51, K96, K234–K235, K243, K250, K255, K523, K794, K834, K970, K1541, K1561, K1577, K1608, K1627, K1634, K1650, K1676, K1692, K1734, K1778, K2000, K2031, K2098, K2135, K2137]. Two fragments of sheet were found in situ in the tray with remains of a wax-glue backing paste that was a foundation to the band (impressions remain of the backs of the die-impressed decoration); now shrunken, this paste possibly had raised the band up flush with the tray edge, and it was probably also an adhesive, though there is also a line of small fixing-holes; no nails/rivets. Larger square holes in the tray were probably the means of attachment to the cap of the helmet. The in situ fragments, fixing-holes, and joins with other fragments, help to locate the remains of the sheet band within the tray, though the placement of many other pieces remains speculative. The largest rejoined sheet section (L. 120mm; W. 15mm) fits in the largest surviving tray section. In all, it is estimated half of the sheet band remains (in seventy-five fragments): [K48, K228, K237, K794, K1031, K1432, K1437, K1515, K1529, K1551, K1556, K1562, K1574, K1627, K1643, K1801, K2131, K2132, K2133, K2134]. The tray and sheet together suggest an original length of c. 480–500mm. A die (c. L. 55mm; W. 15mm) with five warrior figures framed by a beaded border was used to impress the pattern, perhaps a total of nine times. Only one fragment [K48] has a cut edge surviving, which may come from the front of the sheet band; so possibly one continuous piece of long sheet was used, though it is also possible the band was formed of sections. The warrior figures are almost identical, and each carries a spear and shield, except that the lead warrior holds his spear at a slight angle. They appear either to be kneeling or running. All are naked except for a pelleted belt, from which a knife or sword is suspended. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Numerous cut marks on the edge of the silver tray suggest the levering of the decorated band.

L. 120–125mm (largest fragments helmet-band/sheet-band); W. 17mm (helmet-band); H. tray 4mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 55.32g; X-rays: L37, L41, L84, L89–L90, L92, L95, L116

","Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,48,"(Grid location: [K48] BA0238, grid L12; [K51] BA0191, grid M12; [K96] BA0040, grid L10; [K970] BA0274, grid M9; [K1031] BA393, grid L7; [K1778=K52] BA0191, grid N12).",,,L12,55.32 1828,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,51,,,90,M12, 1873,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,96,,,,L10, 2005,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,228,,,,, 2011,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,234,,,,, 2012,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,235,,,,, 2020,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,243,,,,, 2027,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,250,,,,, 2032,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,255,,,,, 2300,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,523,,,95,, 2406,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,1031,,,,L7, 2662,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also formed part of catalogue no. 607.8 see K35, catalogue no. 685 see K516",794,,,,, 2702,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,834,,,,, 2838,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,970,,,,M9, 3209,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,1432,,,,, 3214,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue 595, see K156 and catalogue no. 596 (see K55).",1437,,,,, 3292,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1515,,,,, 3307,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,1529,,,,, 3319,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,1541,,,,, 3329,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,"Fragments with this number also form part of catalogue 691, see K204, catalogue no. 695 see K413",1551,,,,, 3334,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also form part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.",1556,,,,, 3339,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,1561,,,,, 3340,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 409 see K38; catalogue no. 596, see K55, and catalogue no. 597, see K237, and catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1562,,,,, 3352,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 596, see K55 and in catalogue no. 604, see K15.",1574,,,,, 3355,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no.596, see K55, and catalogue no. 600, see K24, and catalogue no. 606, see K7, and catalogue 614 see K11",1577,,,,, 3386,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,1608,,,,, 3405,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1627,,,,, 3412,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,1634,,,,, 3421,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,1643,,,,, 3428,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,1650,,,,, 3454,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,1676,,,,, 3470,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,1692,,,95,, 3512,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,1734,,,,, 3579,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1801,,,,, 3781,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,2000,,,,, 3812,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,2031,,,,, 3971,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,2098,,,,, 4004,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,2131,,,,, 4005,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,2132,,,,, 4006,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,2133,,,,, 4007,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,2134,,,,, 4008,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,2135,,,,, 4009,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) from this number formed part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.",1778,,,,, 4010,593,

Part of catalogue no. 593. see K48.

,"Helmet-band in silver-gilt, inset with a silver-gilt sheet band, showing a continuous procession of kneeling or running warriors",Helmet,Silver,,2137,,,,, 1948,594,"

594                        [K171, K207, K209, K598, K795, K905, K966, K1113, K1115, K1171–K1172, K1179, K1203, K1363, K1392–K1393, K1406, K1412, K1416–K1419, K1473, K1495, K1517, K1519, K1532, K1550, K1593, K1664, K1690, K1931, K1944, K2128–K2130, K2145, K2174, K2175–K2176]

Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures. Assembled from 118 fragments. Original length estimated at a minimum of c. 550mm; possibly a single length of sheet was used, as only one section with a cut straight edge was identified, placed at the front. A single fixing-hole is present, but other torn holes might indicate others. A die (c. L. 70mm; W. 20mm) of five creatures with beaded top and bottom borders was used to impress the pattern, possibly a total of eight times; a margin of sheet was left above and below the beaded borders of the design; the quality of the imprint varies slightly along the length. Style II: the creatures in the procession are essentially the same and move to the left, but with heads reversed; only slight differences between them indicate the repetition of the five-creature cycle. They are quadrupeds, depicted in profile and rearing, each with a hind leg, with a pear-shaped hip and wedge-shaped foot. The shoulder of the front leg is easily discernible, but the limb is reduced to a line that wraps the body of the creature in front (it is either footless, or the foot is ‘behind’ the body of the lead creature in each case). The bodies are filled with hatched lines. Each head has a single eye and gaping jaws. The beast at the front cut edge was truncated, indicating the length was trimmed after manufacture. Wear/marks: ?light wear. 

L. largest 150mm (530mm as reconstructed); W. 25mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 24.57g; X-ray: L53, L102–L103, L125, L135

",Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,Fragment with this number also included in Catalogue 607/8,171,"(Grid location: [K966] BA0256, grid H11; [K1113] BA0437, grid P14; [K1115] BA0435, grid I7; [K1179] BA0422, grid K8; [K1203] BA0308, grid K8; [K1944=K1053] BA0371, grid K8; [K2175=K1150] BA0478, grid K16).",,,,24.57 1984,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,207,,,,, 1986,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,209,,,,, 2375,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,598,,,,, 2488,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragments with this number are also included in catalogue no. 687, see K805",1113,,,125,P14, 2490,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,1115,,,,I7, 2663,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) from this number also included in Catalogue no. 598, see K1146, catalogue no. 600, see K24 and catalogue no. 604 see K15, and catalogue no. 606, see K7.K2109, K2254 were originally part of this and pictured top right of photograph",795,,,,, 2773,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) from this number formed part of catalogue no. 601, see K858",905,,,,, 2834,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,966,,,,H11, 2948,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,1171,,,,, 2949,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,1172,,,,, 2956,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,1179,,,,K8, 2980,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,1203,,,,K8, 3140,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) retaining this number also included in catalogue no. 595, see K156, and catalogue no. 600, see K24,.and catalogue no. 606, see K7., and catalogue 614 see K11",1363,,,,, 3169,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) from this number also included in catalogue no. 595, see K156 and catlaogue no. 597, see K237,and catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1392,,,,, 3170,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1393,,,,, 3183,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,1406,,,,, 3189,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragments(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 596, see K55.",1412,,,,, 3193,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also form part of catalogue no. 597, see K237, and catalogue no. 602, K4, and catalogue no. 606, see K7..",1416,,,,, 3194,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also form part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.",1417,,,,, 3195,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7., catalogue 691 see K204",1418,,,,, 3196,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,1419,,,,, 3250,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) from this number form part of catalogue 600, see K24, and catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1473,,,,, 3272,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 596, see K55, catalogue no. 597, see K237., and catalogue no. 602, K4, and catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1495,,,,, 3295,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1517,,,,, 3297,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,1519,,,,, 3310,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,1532,,,,, 3328,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,1550,,,,, 3371,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 596, see K55.",1593,,,,, 3442,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) from this number also included in catalogue no. 596, see K55, catalogue no. 597 see K237, and catalogue no. 602, see K4.",1664,,,,, 3468,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue 596, see K55, catalogue no. 597 see K237, catalogue no. 600 see K24, catalogue no. 603, see K216, and catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1690,,,,, 3711,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,1931,,,,, 3724,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,1944,,,,, 4001,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,2128,,,,, 4002,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,2129,,,,, 4003,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,2130,,,,, 4020,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,2145,,,,, 4050,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,2174,,,,, 4051,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,2175,,,,, 4052,594,

Part of catalogue no. 594. see K171.

,Sheet band in silver-gilt showing a continuous procession of creatures,Helmet,Silver,,2176,,,,, 1933,595,"

595                  [K156, K166, K1218, K1333, K2143=K1363, K1373, K1392, K1397, K1400, K1409, K2139=K1437, K2140=K1615, K2141=K1621, K1624, K2011]

Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior. Assembled from twenty-two fragments. Originally rectangular, though possibly tapered and narrower at the top. The design was impressed on the reverse with a die (c. W. 60mm; H. 55mm) and enough survives to understand generally the image. It shows a horse at the gallop and in harness, but the head of the animal is missing. Much of the rider is lost also, but he was helmeted and in a tunic, with a spear overarm and a shield at the waist. A second figure and possibly a third survives from the original scene. Naked at the front of the horse is an assailant who holds one of the creature’s front legs, stabbing a knife at its flank with the other hand. Less certain (but paralleled on related designs) is the association of the fragment placed at the back of the horse bearing a small figure, who is also naked except for a belt and has outstretched arms. A further detail is the ‘sun’ disc, infilled with a ring of dots, between the helmeted head of the warrior and the back of the horse’s head. Wear/marks: ?light wear. 

L. 52mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 3.19g; X-ray: L94

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior,Helmet,Silver,,156,"[K1218] BA0332, grid N13; [K2011] grid E8",,94,,3.19 1943,595,"

Part of catalogue no. 595, see K156.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7 and catalogue no 607.8 see K35",166,,,,, 2995,595,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K156.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior,Helmet,Silver,,1218,,,,N13, 3110,595,"

Part of catalogue no. 595, see K156.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior,Helmet,Silver,,1333,,,,, 3150,595,"

Part of catalogue no. 595, see K156.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 597, see K237.",1373,,,,, 3174,595,"

Part of catalogue no. 595, see K156.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1397,,,,, 3177,595,"

Part of catalogue no. 595, see K156.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also form part of catalogue no. 597, see K237 and catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1400,,,,, 3399,595,"

Part of catalogue no. 595, see K156. 

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,"Fragments from this number also included in catalogue no. 598, see K795, and catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1621,,,,, 3402,595,"

Part of catalogue no. 595, see K156.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1624,,,,, 3792,595,"

Part of catalogue no. 595, see K156.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior,Helmet,Silver,,2011,,,,E8, 4014,595,"

Part of catalogue no. 595, see K156.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior,Helmet,Silver,,2139,,,,, 4015,595,"

Part of catalogue no. 595, see K156.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior,Helmet,Silver,,2140,,,,, 4016,595,"

Part of catalogue no. 595, see K156.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior,Helmet,Silver,,2141,,,,, 4018,595,"

Part of catalogue no. 595, see K156.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt showing a mounted warrior,Helmet,Silver,,2143,,,,, 1832,596,"

596                  [K55, K201, K237, K429, K493, K506, K748, K819, K829, K961, K1013, K1109, K1328, K1361, K1412, K1423, K1437, K1476, K1495, K1503, K1562, K1574, K1577, K1593, K1596, K1621, K1664, K1667, K1690, K1694, K1772–K1773, K1847, K2181–K2182, K5017, K5039, K5067]

Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right. Originally eighty-two fragments, from a minimum of six identical panels, most less than half surviving. A rectangular die (W. c. 55mm; H. 50mm) was used to impress the pattern on the reverse of each panel of silver sheet. Several were cut, in two cases truncating the design, although it is not always clear if this relates to manufacture or removal. There are only a few fixing-holes, but their general absence probably results from the lack of beaded edging that could be certainly associated; many fragments with this type of border remain unattributed (606), as it was common to multiple panels and bands (593–595, 597–598, 600, 602). The fragments overall allow almost the entire design to be reconstructed. The design shows the warriors parading to the right with spears held point-down on the side facing the viewer; the other arm holds a shield at shoulder height; and a scabbarded weapon is worn at the left waist (the side hidden). The central warrior wears a knee-length tunic, belted at the waist, with a ‘textile’ pattern; the figures either side wear belted hauberks, with a dotted texture. All look skyward as they march, and they wear helmets with cheek-pieces and bird-headed crests; the beaks are curved like raptors and the helmet caps are filled with herringbone pattern. They appear shoeless. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Set: a suite with panel-band 597.

L. largest 44mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 7.40g; X-ray: L33, L41, L94, L96, L104, L135

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,55,"[K55] BA0063B, grid J10; [K1013] BA0081, grid K10; [K5017] grid L10; [K5039] grid I10; [K5067] grid K8",,,J10,7.4 1978,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,201,,,,, 2206,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,429,,,,, 3866,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,5017,,,,, 2270,596,"

Part of catalogue 596, see K0055

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,"Fragments with this number also part of catalogue 691, see K204.",493,,,,, 2283,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,506,,,,, 2484,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,1109,,,,, 2616,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,748,,,,, 2687,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,819,,,,, 2697,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,829,,,,, 2829,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,961,,,,, 3105,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,1328,,,94; 96,, 3138,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,1361,,,,, 3253,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,1476,,,,, 3280,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also form part of catalgue no. 597 see K237, and in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1503,,,,, 3374,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) from the same number form part of catalogue no. 597 see K237, catalogue no. 600, see K24, catalogue no. 606, see K7 and catalogue no. 607/8 see K607/8",1596,,,,, 3445,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,"Renumbered from K438.Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 409 see K38; catalogue no 606, see K7, catalogue no. 682 see IK86",1667,,,,, 3472,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also formed part of catalogue no. 597, see K237., 613 see K50",1694,,,,, 3550,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,1772,,,,, 3551,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,1773,,,,, 3626,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1847,,,,, 3888,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,5039,,,,, 3916,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,5067,,,,, 4057,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,2181,,,,, 4058,596,"

Part of catalogue no. 596, see K55.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,,2182,,,,, 2014,597,"

597                  [K237, K435–K436, K813, K828, K933, K1290, K1319, K1332, K1373, K1382–K1383, K1392, K1400, K1405, K1407, K1416–K1417, K1420, K1423, K1480, K1495, K1503, K1556, K1562, K1596, K1636, K1664, K1690, K1694, K1770–K1771, K1774, K2012]

Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left. Originally seventy-four fragments, from a minimum of six identical panels; only one survives to full width; one is represented by only a single fragment. A rectangular die (c. W. 51mm; H. 47mm) was used to impress the pattern on the reverse of each panel of silver sheet. One panel was cut down, possibly to fit a small trapezoidal space, but cuts to other panels may relate to removal rather than manufacture. A few fixing-holes only occur, but their general absence is probably the result of the lack of edging that could be certainly associated; many fragments with the same type of beaded border remain unattributed (606), as it was common to multiple panels and bands (593–596, 598, 600, 602). The fragments overall allow almost the entire design to be reconstructed. Three warriors are shown parading to the left with spears held point-down, carried on the side away from the viewer; on the side open to view shields are carried at waist height and scabbarded swords are worn the same side (on the left of the body), the pommels just above the rims of the shields. The first and third warriors wear knee-length tunics, belted at the waist, but with different ‘textile’ patterns. The central figure wears a belted hauberk with a dotted texture (compare with 596). All look skyward as they march, and they wear helmets with cheek-pieces and bird-headed crests; the beaks are curved like raptors and the helmet caps are filled with herringbone pattern. They appear shoeless. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Set: a suite with panel-band 596.

L. largest 52mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 8.64g; X-ray: L95

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also in catalogue no.593, see K 48; catalogue 596, see K55, and catalogue no. 606, see K7.",237,"[K813] BA0107, grid J10",,,,8.64 2212,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,Fragment with this number also part of 613 see K50,435,,,,, 2213,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,,436,,,,, 2681,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Sheet,Silver,,813,,,,J10, 2696,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,,828,,,,, 2801,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,,933,,,95,, 3067,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,,1290,,,,, 3096,597,"

Part of catalogue no 597, see K237

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Gold (?),,1319,,,,, 3109,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also formed part of catalogue 603, see K216 and catalogue no. 606, see K7., and catalogue 614 see K11; and catalogue 615 see K46",1332,,,,, 3159,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,,1382,,,,, 3160,597,

Part of catalogue no. 597 see K237

,Linked Style II quadruped die-impressed band,Die-impressed band,Silver,"Fragment(s) from this number also included in catalogue no.597, see K237.",1383,,,,, 3182,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,,1405,,,,, 3184,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,,1407,,,,, 3197,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,,1420,,,,, 3200,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching right,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also form part of catalogue no 596, see K55.",1423,,,,, 3257,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,,1480,,,,, 3414,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1636,,,,, 3548,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,,1770,,,,, 3549,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,,1771,,,,, 3552,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,,1774,,,,, 3793,597,"

Part of catalogue no. 597, see K237.

",Sheet panels in silver-gilt showing three warriors marching left,Helmet,Silver,,2012,,,,, 2923,598,"

598                  [K1146, K795, K1621, K1701, K1769, K1775, K2138, K2152]

Sheet band in silver-gilt showing moustached heads. Assembled from nine fragments and incomplete. The pattern was impressed on the sheet from the reverse. At least six heads were depicted originally, though the band might have been longer, as two head fragments do not join. The top and bottom sheet edges extend beyond the beaded borders; there is no border to the surviving short edge, but this was cut. The heads are linked by their moustaches and they are also shown helmeted. There are very slight differences between them and probably more than four heads were depicted on the original die. A fixing-hole penetrates the cheek of one head on the large fragment. Wear/marks: ?light wear.

L. largest 25mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 1.07g; no X-ray
",Sheet band in silver-gilt showing moustached heads,Helmet,Silver,For the conservation records please see catalogue no. 594,1146,"[K1146] BA0472, grid J7)",,,J7,1.07 3479,598,"

Part of catalogue no. 598, see K1146.

",Sheet band in silver-gilt showing moustached heads,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7, catalogue 613 see K50",1701,,,,, 3547,598,"

Part of catalogue no. 598, see K1146.

",Sheet band in silver-gilt showing moustached heads,Helmet,Silver,,1769,,,,, 3553,598,"

Part of catalogue no. 598, see K795.

",Sheet band in silver-gilt showing moustached heads,Helmet,Silver,,1775,,,,, 4011,598,"

Part of catalogue no. 598, see K795.

",Sheet band in silver-gilt showing moustached heads,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",2138,,,,, 4013,598,"

Part of catalogue no. 598, see K795.

",Sheet band in silver-gilt showing moustached heads,Helmet,Silver,,2152,,,,, 2398,599,"

599                  [K621, K793, K1008]

Fragments of a sheet panel in silver showing dancing warriors. Just three fragments remain in poor condition, two rejoined. It is possible they are from the same panel, though they could also be fragments from a pair of panels. The pattern was made by impressing the sheet from the reverse with a die. The image probably originally showed two similar warriors in tunics with ‘horned’ headdresses, holding pairs of spears. The sheet does not appear to have been gilded. Wear/marks: not possible to determine.

L. largest 36mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 0.80g; no X-ray

",Sheet panel in silver showing dancing warriors,Helmet,Silver,,621,"[K1008] BA0077, grid J9",,,,0.8 2661,599,"

Part of catalogue no. 599, see K621.

",Sheet panel in silver showing dancing warriors,Helmet,Silver,,793,,,,, 2876,599,"

Part of catalogue no. 599, see K621.

",Sheet panel in silver showing dancing warriors,Helmet,Silver,,1008,,,,J9, 1801,600,"

600                  [K24, K75, K120, K146, K153, K191, K195, K210, K226, K229, K502, K510, K518, K520–K521, K527, K540, K542, K600–K601, K606, K613, K640, K746, K757, K763, K785, K795, K830, K838–K840, K910, K934, K960, K1023, K1057, K1070, K1081, K1088, K1095, K1099, K1117, K1161, K1176, K1271, K1291, K1303, K1326, K1350, K1363, K1473,  K1533, K1577, K1596, K1670, K1677, K1690, K1714, K1778, K1865, K1906, K1912, K1952, K2057, K2150, K2191, K5030, K5077]

Fragments of a large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders. Assembled from ninety-six fragments of silver sheet, and largely incomplete, including around thirty fragments of gilded border. Possibly the large covering comes from a helmet neck-guard. It is likely multiple dies were used for the different contiguous panels, and possibly additional dies were used for the beaded and herringbone-with-spine framing that surrounds them, the patterns impressed from the reverse. Wide gilded borders separated the zones of silver animal ornament. Style II: there are remains of six panels of different shape with animal ornament, which it is proposed were probably part of a greater number in some form of symmetrical arrangement. One narrow band holds a serpent with a plaited body, the head separated. A large rectangular or trapezoidal panel, with one folded edge, has a design of at least three interlaced zoomorphs, two with interlinking jaws. The four other partially surviving panels show related zoomorphs. A V-shaped fragment of gilded border joins the large zoomorphic panel and has one curving edge with fixing-holes. Another smaller fragment of gilded border has a single hole. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. largest 107mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 9.77g; X-ray: L45, L79, L87, L89, L90, L92 L94, L96, L98–L101, L103, L107, L116, L127, L132, L136

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,24,"(Grid location: [K24] BA0195, grid I12; [K75] BA0032, grid K10; [K120] BA0027, grid K11; [K838] SCC0023, grid J10; [K839â??K840] BA0023, grid L10; [K960] BA0247, grid K12; [K1023] BA0399, grid N7; [K1057] BA0151, grid M9; [K1070] BA0160, grid K9; [K1081] BA0175, grid M10; [K1088] BA0184, grid K12; [K1117] BA0441, grid P16; [K1161] BA0413, grid K15; [K1176] BA0410, grid M14; [K1271] BA0360, grid N12; [K5030] grid L12; [K5077] grid I8).",,,I12,9.77 1852,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",75,,,,K10, 1897,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,120,,,100,K11, 1923,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,146,,,,, 1930,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,153,,,,, 1968,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,191,,,,, 1972,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,195,,,100,, 1987,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,210,,,,, 2003,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,226,,,,, 2006,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",229,,,,, 2377,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,600,,,,, 2378,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,601,,,,, 2383,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,606,,,,, 2390,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",613,,,,, 3838,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,2057,,,,, 2279,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",502,,,,, 2287,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,510,,,107,, 2295,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,518,,,96; 94,, 2297,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,520,,,,, 2298,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,521,,,,, 2304,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,527,,,,, 2317,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,540,,,,, 2319,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) from this number form part of catalogue no. 602, see K4, and catalogue no. 606, see K7.",542,,,,, 2445,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1070,,,,K9, 2456,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1081,,,94,M10, 2463,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1088,,,,K12, 2470,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1095,,,93; 96,, 2474,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1099,,,,, 2492,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1117,,,99,P16, 2508,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,640,,,,, 2614,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,746,,,,, 2625,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,757,,,,, 2631,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7., catalogue no. 613 see K763",763,,,,, 2653,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",785,,,,, 2698,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,830,,,87,, 2706,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,838,,,98; 100,J10, 2707,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,839,,,,L10, 2708,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,840,,,,L10, 2778,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,910,,,89,, 2802,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,934,,,,, 2828,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,960,,,103,K12, 2891,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) from this number form part of catalogue no. 602, see K4 and catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1023,,,,N7, 2938,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1161,,,,K15, 2953,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1176,,,99,M14, 3048,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1271,,,,N12, 3068,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1291,,,,, 3080,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1303,,,,, 3103,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,Fragment(s) with this number also formed part of Catalogue 607/8 see K35,1326,,,,, 3127,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number form part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35",1350,,,94; 116,, 3311,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment with this number also included in catalogue no 688, see K184.",1533,,,,, 3448,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1670,,,,, 3455,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1677,,,,, 3492,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1714,,,93,, 3643,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1865,,,,, 3685,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1906,,,,, 3691,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1912,,,,, 3732,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,1952,,,,, 3879,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,5030,,,,, 3926,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,5077,,,,, 4025,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,2150,,,,, 4068,600,"

Part of catalogue no. 600, see K24.

",Large sheet covering with silver panels of animal ornament within gilded borders,Helmet,Silver,,2191,,,,, 2726,601,"

601                  [K858, K905]

Sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament. Found in four fragments, missing parts of both ends and the sides. The leaf-shaped form possibly indicates the silver sheet once covered a helmet nasal-guard. The decoration was die-impressed on the reverse, possibly using a single die originally intended for a different purpose, since the design was truncated along both long edges. The display side was heavily gilded. Style II: remains of four creatures that bite their own bodies; only that originally at the centre is complete. Wear/marks: light wear. 

L. 34mm; W. 14mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 0.52g; no X-ray

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,858,"[K858] SCC0001, grid H9",,,H9,0.52 1781,602,"

602                  [K4, K185, K542, K760, K1023, K1340, K1416, K1493, K1495, K1664, K5020, K5052, K5054, K5079]

Fragments from a sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament. Originally nineteen fragments, some joined, which are related in style; they are not certainly all from one panel, nor the same die pattern. The pattern(s) was impressed on the reverse of the thin sheet with a die(s), with a beaded border with a margin of sheet left around the edge. Two joined fragments taper to a broken point with a fixing-hole. Style II: the fragments include zoomorphic body, leg and foot elements, but there are no full heads. Stafford knots occur on two fragments.  One fragment has an angled straight edge that may be cut. Wear/marks: light wear. 

L. largest 24mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 1.91g; no X-ray

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,4,"[K1023] BA0399, grid N7; [K5020, K5054] grid M12; [K5052] grid M13; [K5079] grid F9",,,,1.91 1962,602,"

Part of catalogue no. 602, see K4.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,185,,,,, 2628,602,"

Part of catalogue no. 602, see K4.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,760,,,,, 3117,602,"

Part of catalogue no. 602, see K4.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7.",1340,,,,, 3270,602,"

Part of catalogue no. 602, see K4.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no. 606, see K7. and in catalogue no. 613 see K50; catalogue no. 675 see K223",1493,,,,, 3869,602,"

Part of catalogue no. 602, see K4.

",Sheet panel iin silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,5020,,,,, 3901,602,"

Part of catalogue no. 602, see K4.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,5052,,,,, 3903,602,"

Part of catalogue no. 602, see K4.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,5054,,,,, 3928,602,"

Part of catalogue no. 602, see K4.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,5079,,,,, 1993,603,"

603                  [K216, K1332, K1353, K1690, K5055]

Sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament. Originally nine fragments, all but one rejoined. The pattern was impressed on the reverse of the thin sheet with a die. Possibly one original straight edge remains, with parts of a plain frame. Style II: enough survives to indicate one zoomorph with a U-shaped head, with jaws that bite its own bifurcated body. A looping, front limb may be present, coming off the body. Further animal elements may be represented by the fine lines below the border at the bottom edge.

L. 38.5mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 0.70g; no X-ray

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,216,[K5055] grid N9,,,,0.7 3130,603,"

Part of catalogue no. 603, see K216.

",Sheet panel iin silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,1353,,,,, 3904,603,"

Part of catalogue no. 603, see K216.

",Sheet panel in silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,5055,,,,, 1792,604,"

604                  [K15, K170, K212, K218, K790, K795, K1186, K1574, K1779]

Fragments of silver sheet with herringbone ornament. Nine fragments, two joined, of ungilded border decoration. The largest piece, formed of the joined fragments, has a turning end, and five fixing-holes; the fragment of iron corroded to it is possibly not original as it does not appear to have been fastened to the silver sheet. Two other fragments have single fixing-holes, one with the head of a silver nail/rivet in situ, its shank cut; the other shows the border coming together at a point. The herringbone pattern (W. band 6mm) was die-impressed on the reverse of the thin sheet. Wear/marks: ?light wear.

L. largest 34mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 2.46g; X-ray: L105, L89–L90, L92, L116

",Silver sheet with herringbone ornament,Helmet,Silver,,15,"[K15] BA0206, grid L12; [K1186] BA0300, grid L14",,"89-90, 92, 105, 116",L12,2.46 1947,604,"

Part of catalogue no. 604, see K170

",Silver sheet with herringbone ornament,Helmet,Silver,,170,,,,, 1989,604,"

Part of catalogue no. 604, see K15.


",Silver sheet with herringbone ornament,Helmet,Silver,,212,,,,, 1995,604,"

Part of catalogue no. 604, see K15.

",Silver sheet with herringbone ornament,Helmet,Silver,,218,,,,, 2658,604,"

Part of catalogue no. 604, see K15.

",Silver sheet with herringbone ornament,Helmet,Silver,,790,,,,, 2963,604,"

Part of catalogue no. 604, see K15.

",Silver sheet with herringbone ornament,Helmet,Silver,,1186,,,,L14, 3557,604,"

Part of catalogue no. 604, see K15.

",Silver sheet with herringbone ornament,Helmet,Silver,,1779,,,,, 1990,605,"

605                  [K213, K1027, K1068]

Fragmentary silver sheet with animal ornament. Three ungilded fragments with torn edges and corroded; the original decoration is difficult to identify. The reverse is largely flat, indicating the design was not impressed with a die, so must have been cast or incised. Fixing-hole on one fragment [K213]. Style II: the fragments show quadruped creatures in profile, possibly forming a band of the ornament originally with S-shaped bodies infilled with herringbone pattern, and long scissor-like jaws that bite their own bodies; the pair on the largest fragment are confronted and have forelimbs that join. A twisted border runs along one edge. Wear/marks: wear not possible to discern. Set: with pommel 71 and collar fragments 189.

L. largest 44mm; W. 9mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 1.22g; no X-ray

",Silver sheet with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,213,"[K1027] BA0396, grid O10; [K1068] BA0162, grid M11)",,,,1.22 2443,605,"

Part of catalogue no. 605, see K213.

",Silver sheet with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,1068,,,,M11, 2895,605,"

Part of catalogue no. 605, see K213.

",Silver sheet with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,1027,,,,O10, 1784,606,"

606                  [K7, K12, K75, K115, K166, K188, K203, K224, K229–K230, K237, K260, K345, K432, K502, K512, K542, K613, K719, K758, K762–K763, K785, K795, K866, K871–K873, K918–K919, K968, K1016, K1023, K1037, K1091, K1264, K1293–K1294, K1312, K1332, K1336, K1340, K1342, K1363, K1392–K1393 K1395, K1397, K1400, K1409, K1416, K1418, K1460, K1473, K1493, K1495, K1503–K1504, K1515, K1517, K1562, K1577, K1596, K1598, K1621–K1622, K1624, K1627, K1636, K1667, K1677, K1690, K1701, K1721, K1784, K1794, K1796, K1801, K1811, K1817, K1825, K1847, K1850, K1855, K1883, K1907, K1916, K1940, K1945, K1967, K1976, K1983, K2004, K2014, K2017, K2022, K2037, K2067, K2069, K2078, K2081, K2096, K2138, K2144, K2146, K2148, K2151, K2162, K2167, K5043, K5050, K5069]

Small fragments of unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed ornament. Three hundred and ninety fragments, mostly small in size (L. >10mm), which could not be joined or definitely associated with decorated sheet panels and bands 593–604, although the majority almost certainly originate from them. All are thin sheet and most have gilding on one side. Many are fragments of beaded border, the type common to many of the panels and bands (593–598, 600, 602), and a number have fixing-holes (but no nails/rivets). A few are notable; one fragment [K866] shows ‘dotted’ mail with an overlaid diamond pattern, not paralleled among the warriors on the reconstructed sheets; joined fragments [K762, K1342] show a beaded border with abutting (?zoomorphic) elements; fragment [K1016] shows part of a bird-headed helmet, which does not fit with the existing marching warrior panels (596–597) and fragment [K7] shows part of a mailed figure, possibly holding two spears. These could be from panels and bands otherwise not evidenced, or be parts unrecognised from the existing corpus. One other fragment [K542] shows part of the ‘sun’ disc that occurs on the mounted warrior panel 595; it may be the only fragment remaining from a second panel struck from the same die. 

L. >0.15mm; Wt 11.74g; X-ray: L4, L26, L31L33, L38, L41, L43, L58, L65, L79, L84, L94L96, L100L107, L116, L120L122, L124L125, L135, L142

",Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,7,"[K7] BA0213, grid M11; [K12] BA0227, grid L12; [K75] BA0032, grid K10; [K968] BA0257, grid M12; [K1016] BA0405, grid L7; [K1023] BA0399, grid N7; [K1037] BA0387, grid O10; [K1091] BA0179, grid L10; [K1264] BA0353, grid M15; [K1721] BA0247, grid K12; [K1940=K1001] BA0258, grid K12; [K1945=K1057] BA0151, grid M9; [K2081=K133] BA0057B, grid J10]",,,M11,11.74 1892,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,115,,,,, 1965,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,188,,,,, 1980,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,203,,,103,, 2001,606,"

Part of catalogue no. 606, see K0007

",Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,224,,,,, 2007,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,230,,,102; 116,, 2037,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,260,,,,, 2122,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,345,,,,, 2209,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,432,,,,, 3818,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2037,,,,, 3848,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2067,,,,, 2412,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1037,,,,O10, 2466,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,Fragments with this number also form part of catalogue 613 see K50,1091,,,,L10, 2502,606,"

Part of catalogue 606, see K0007

",Unattributed silver sheet fragment with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,634,,,,, 2505,606,"

Part of catalogue entry 606, see K0007

",Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed sheet fragment,Helmet,Silver,,637,,,,, 2626,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,758,,,,, 2630,606,"

Part of catalogue no. 606, see K7.

",Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,762,,,,, 2669,606,"

Part of 606, see K0007

",Unattributed silver sheet fragment with die impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,801,,,99,, 2734,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,866,,,,, 2739,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,871,,,,, 2740,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,872,,,,, 2741,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,873,,,,, 2786,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,918,,,,, 2787,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,919,,,,, 2853,606,,Unassigned die-impressed silver sheet fragments,Helemet,Silver,,985,,,,K12, 2884,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Sheet panel iin silver-gilt with animal ornament,Helmet,Silver,,1016,,,,L7, 3041,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1264,,,,M15, 3070,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1293,,,,, 3071,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1294,,,,, 3089,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1312,,,,, 3113,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1336,,,,, 3119,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1342,,,,, 3172,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,"Fragments with this number also form part of catalogue 691, see K204",1395,,,,, 3237,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1460,,,,, 3281,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number form part of catalogue 607/8, and catalogue no. 613 see K50",1504,,,,, 3376,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1598,,,106,, 3400,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1622,,,,, 3499,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1721,,,,, 3562,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1784,,,,, 3572,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1794,,,,, 3574,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1796,,,,, 3589,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1811,,,,, 3595,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1817,,,,, 3604,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1825,,,,, 3629,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1850,,,,, 3634,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1855,,,,, 3662,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1883,,,,, 3686,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1907,,,,, 3695,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1916,,,,, 3720,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1940,,,,, 3725,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1945,,,,, 3748,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1967,,,,, 3757,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Miscellaneous sheet fragment,Sheet,Silver,,1976,,,,, 3764,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,1983,,,,, 3785,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2004,,,,, 3795,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2014,,,,, 3798,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2017,,,,, 3803,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2022,,,,, 3892,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,5043,,,,, 3899,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,5050,,,,, 3918,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,Fragment with this number also part of catlogue 687 see K805,5069,,,,, 3942,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2069,,,,, 3951,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2078,,,,, 3954,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2081,,,,, 3969,606,"

Part of catalogue 606, see K0007

",Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2096,,,,, 4012,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2151,,,,, 4019,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2144,,,,, 4021,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2146,,,,, 4023,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2148,,,,, 4036,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2162,,,,, 4046,606,

Part of catalogue no. 606. see K7.

,Unattributed silver sheet with die-impressed decoration,Helmet,Silver,,2167,,,,, 1812,607,"

607/08             [K35–K36, K43 K99, K147, K162, K164, K166, K171, K190, K193–K194, K196–K197, K206, K222, K252, K258, K526, K611, K628, K630–K632, K745, K750, K776, K794, K818, K822, K841, K889, K906, K917, K922, K924, K937, K1065, K1090, K1100, K1130, K1151, K1208, K1211, K1213, K1326, K1331, K1350, K1409, K1411, K1413, K1458–K1459, K1504, K1516, K1524, K1548, K1553, K1576, K1594, K1596, K1626, K1628, K1678, K1689, K1718, K1792=K168, K1793=K175, K1978=K1372, K2121=K1506–K2122=K1553, K2136=K1614, K2166=K762, K2188, K5062, K5070–K5071, K5081]

Silver-gilt sheet coverings from a socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip. Two sheet-metal parts re-built from sixty-six fragments that would have fitted back to back (largest L. 115mm; W. 56mm; H. 81mm), probably around a wooden shaft (c. 36mm × 36mm) with an oval base (no organic remains survive). The base sheet is heavily misshapen (L. 110mm). The gilding is one side of the sheet only. The two small rectangular slots (L. 11mm; W. 5.5–7mm) would have aligned on the front and back of the shaft. Two bands of riveted silver-gilt reeded strip of different widths (forty-six fragments) were fitted around the top of the bracket (11mm strip) and around the base (14mm strip) to hold the two coverings in place. The narrower strip (11mm strip) has eight reeds arranged in two groups of four, divided by a channel, along which fixing-holes were spaced; the holes align with holes around the top of the bracket.  The wider curved strip (14mm strip) has two channels that are separated by three bands, each of three or four reeds. No nails/rivets remain. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Around the top of the bracket is a scored line, offset 11mm from the edge, which matches the edge of the reeded strip; tarnishing around the base matches the wider reeded band. There are possible blade scratches on the reverse of the wider reeded strip; dents around fixing-holes from forced removal; an impression around the rectangular slot one side; and a possible tool mark. The crumpled base suggests lifting/?levering. Set: possibly the base to cross 539.

L. 115mm; W. 56mm; H. 81mm; Wt 90.38g; X-ray: L94–L95, L97–L102, L116, L128, L132, L70 2012

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,See also catalogue 613,35,"(Grid locations: [K35] BA0212, grid L12; [K43] BA0193, grid M11; [K99] BA0045B, grid L11; [K822] BA0121, grid L9; [K889] BA1002, grid G7; [K1090] BA0187, grid M11; [K1130] BA0458, grid P11 [K1151] BA0479, grid L16; [K1208] BA0310, grid K8; [K1211] BA0321, grid J8; [K1213] BA0324, grid N8; [K1718] soil block K862, grid K11; [K5062] grid G7; [K5070] grid O12)",,,L12, 1813,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,36,,,,, 1820,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,43,,,,M11, 1876,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,99,,,,L11, 1924,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,147,,,,, 1939,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,162,,,100,, 1941,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,164,,,100,, 1967,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,190,,,,, 1970,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,193,,,100,, 1971,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,194,,,100,, 1973,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,196,,,100,, 1974,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,197,,,100,, 1983,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,206,,,100,, 1999,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,222,,,100,, 2029,607,"

Part of catalogue 607/8, see K0035

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,252,,,98,, 2035,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,258,,,94; 116,, 2388,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,611,,,97; 116,, 2303,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,526,,,,, 2450,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,Fragments with this number also part of catalogue no. 613 see K50,1065,,,,, 2465,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1090,,,99; 100,M11, 2475,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,Fragments with this number also form part of catalogue 691. see K204,1100,,,95,, 2496,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,628,,,,, 2498,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,630,,,99,, 2499,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,631,,,95,, 2500,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,632,,,99,, 2613,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,745,,,99,, 2618,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,750,,,,, 2644,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,776,,,,, 2686,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,818,,,,XX, 2690,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,822,,,99,L9, 2709,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,841,,,,J10, 2757,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,889,,,,, 2774,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,906,,,99,, 2785,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,917,,,99,, 2790,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,922,,,,, 2792,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,924,,,99,, 2805,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,937,,,99,, 2907,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1130,,,,P11, 2928,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1151,,,,L16, 2985,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1208,,,,K8, 2988,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1211,,,95,J8, 2990,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1213,,,,N8, 3108,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,Fragments with this number also form part of catalogue no. 613 see K50,1331,,,,, 3149,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,"Fragments with this number also form part of catalgue 613, see K50",1372,,,101; 102,, 3188,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1411,,,96,, 3190,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1413,,,,, 3235,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1458,,,97,, 3236,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1459,,,,, 3283,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,Fragments with this number also form part of catalogue no. 613 see K50,1506,,,,, 3294,607,"

Part of catalogue 607/8, see K0035.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1516,,,97,, 3302,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,"Fragments with this number also form part of catalogue 613, see K50",1524,,,,, 3326,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1548,,,100; 101,, 3331,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,"Fragments with this number also form apart of catalogue 613, see K50.",1553,,,,, 3354,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,"Fragments with this number also form apart of catalogue 613, see K50.",1576,,,,, 3372,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1594,,,97,, 3404,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1626,,,98; 116,, 3406,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,"Fragments with this number also form apart of catalogue 613, see K50.",1628,,,,, 3456,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,"Fragments with this number also form apart of catalogue 613, see K50.",1678,,,,, 3467,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,"Fragments with this number also form apart of catalogue 613, see K50.",1689,,,,, 3496,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1718,,,98,, 3556,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,2136,,,,, 3570,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1792,,,,, 3571,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1793,,,,, 3759,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,1978,,,,, 3911,607,

Found with K290

,"Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,5062,,,,, 3919,607,

Part of catalogue no. 607/8 see K35

,"Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,5070,,,,, 3920,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/7, see K35

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,5071,,,,, 3930,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,5081,,,,, 3994,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,2121,,,,, 3995,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,2122,,,,, 4041,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35.

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,2166,,,,, 4065,607,"

Part of catalogue no. 607/8, see K35

","Silver-gilt sheet covering from socketed base, trimmed with reeded strip",Socketed base,Silver,,2188,,,,, 3497,609,"

609                  [K1719]

One fragment of silver reeded strip with nail, 4mm wide. Pattern of two reeds. Ungilded. Bent rivet (L. 10mm) in one fixing-hole; incomplete second fixing-hole at the broken end. Wear/marks: ?light wear.

L. 11mm; W. 4.5mm; Th. 1mm; Wt 0.29g; X-ray: L43

",Silver reeded strip with nail,Reeded strip,Silver,,1719,"[K1719] soil block K862, grid K11",,,K11,0.29 3864,610,"

610                  [K5015]

One fragment of silver reeded strip, 4mm wide. Pattern of four reeds. Ungilded. One thin nail (L. 4mm) in one fixing-hole; possibly an incomplete second fixing-hole is at the broken end. Wear/marks: ?moderate wear.

L. 22mm; W. 4mm; Th. 1mm; Wt 0.22g; no X-ray

","Reeded strip, 4mm",Reeded strip,Silver,,5015,"[K5015], grid N6",,,,0.22 1862,611,"

611                  [K85, K123–K124, K385, K507, K517, K683, K707, K1124, K1232, K1274, K1327, K2123=K1331, K2124=K1592, K2125=K1478, K2127=K1331, K5076]

Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide. Found in seventeen fragments, some rejoined; three lengths are c. 100mm or more; two short lengths are curved [K507, K1327, K5076; K2127]; one short piece with two finished ends was possibly a clip [K2124, K2125]. The pattern comprises two pairs of reeds either side of a channel. Holes were punched regularly every 9–12mm along the central channel. Ends mainly finished straight; one is slightly angled [K683]. Total surviving length c. 600mm. Gilding both sides. One curved length [K507, K1327, K5076] has a silver nail in situ (L. 9mm); it is bent and was possibly folded on the reverse originally (suggesting a material thickness of c. 5mm). Wear/marks: light wear. One fragment [K683] has an additional fixing-hole off centre, placed between two original holes, and is possibly a repair.

L. largest 116.5mm; W. 5–6mm; Th. 1mm; Wt 15.18g; X-ray: L95, L101, L124, L139

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,85,"(Grid location: [K85] BA0066, grid L9; [K123, K124] BA0007B-C, grid K10; [K707] BA0235, grid K12; [K1232] BA0145, grid M9; [K1274] BA0363, grid N12; [K5076] grid E8)",,,L9,15.18 1900,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,123,,,139,K10, 1901,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,124,,,139,K10, 2162,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,385,,,,, 2575,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,707,,,,K12, 2284,611,

Part of catalogue 611 see K85 for entry.

,"Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Copper alloy,,507,,,,, 2294,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,517,,,,, 2551,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,683,,,,, 2901,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,Fragments with this number also form part of catalogue 613 see K50,1124,,,101,, 3009,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,1232,,,95,M9, 3051,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,1274,,,124,N12, 3104,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,1327,,,,, 3925,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,5076,,,,, 3996,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,2123,,,,, 3997,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,2124,,,,, 3998,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,2125,,,,, 4000,611,"

Part of catalogue 611, see K0085 for entry.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 5mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,2127,,,,, 2302,612,"

612                  [K525, K2126=K1513]

Two clips of silver reeded strip. Both have identical dimensions. One [K2126] is almost complete, with two silver nails in situ; it fastened a thickness of c. 4mm. Both have the same pattern, comprising two pairs of reeds either side of a channel. The more complete example is gilded; the incomplete clip [K525] was possibly left plain. Wear/marks: ?light wear.

L. 19mm; W. 7mm; Th. 1mm; Wt 2.77g; no X-ray

",Clips of silver reeded strip,Clip,Silver,,525,No locations,,,,2.77 3999,612,"

Part of catalogue 612, see K525 for entry

",Clip of silver reeded strip,Clip,Silver,,2126,,,,, 1827,613,"

613                  [K50, K74, K80, K102, K110, K208, K215, K220, K227, K245, K268, K333, K407, K416, K423–K424, K426, K435, K508, K532–K533, K599, K605, K749, K763, K770, K832, K859, K861, K869, K888, K913–K916, K930, K981, K1013, K1015, K1040, K1065, K1075, K1091, K1124, K1156–K1157, K1173, K1207, K1214, K1262, K1270, K1288, K1301, K1304–K1305, K1320, K1331, K1348, K1354, K1360, K1362, K1370, K1372, K1410, K1413, K1416, K1433, K1451, K1459, K1478, K1480, K1491, K1493–K1494, K1504, K1506, K1513, K1524, K1545, K1553, K1566, K1576, K1586, K1590, K1592, K1617, K1628, K1666, K1668, K1678–K1680, K1689, K1694, K1699, K1701,  K1715, K1743–K1744, K1777, K1790, K1795, K1803, K1814, K1816, K1824, K1836, K1842, K1846, K1860–K1861, K1884, K1902, K1908, K1919, K1928, K1930, K1934, K1939, K1957, K1960, K1987, K1992, K2003, K2021, K2036, K2053,  K2061, K2099–K2103, K2105, K2108–K2117, K2153–K2155, K2161, K2165, K2172, K5012, K5016, K5021, K5024, K5029, K5049, K5059–K5060, K5072, K5074, K5078, K5080]

Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 8mm wide. Found in over six-hundred fragments (min. 642–max. 674), multiple pieces rejoined, with a total surviving length estimated at c. 3100–3400mm (the longest is 93mm [K749, K1506, K1553, K1680]). There is some variation in width, 7–9mm, but the average is 8mm. The majority of the fragments are straight, but a small number are curved [K1566, K1592, K5080]. The pattern comprises eight reeds in two bands of four, separated by a central channel, along which most of the fixing-holes were drilled. The spacing of the holes on the larger fragments varies: most are 14mm–17mm, some are 9mm–13mm, and a few are closer. Several have remains of silver rivets [K245, K533, K1413, K1478, K1553, K1678, K1679], mostly with small domed and gilded heads. Only one rivet [K1553] is certainly complete (L. 15mm); two others [K1413, K1678] are bent, possibly deliberately, as a means of fastening (suggesting a thickness of 3–4mm for the material to which the strip was attached). Some ends were finished at 90 degrees [e.g. K532, K930, K1173, K1305, K1433], others at an angle of 45 degrees [e.g. K1091, K1433], with one more acute [K1680] at 20 degrees; typically these cut edges appear deliberately flattened [e.g. K50, K532, K930, K1173, K1305, K1331, K1628, K1680]. One joined fragment [K1348, K1491, K1493–K1494] is attached to a sizeable, crumpled piece of silver-gilt sheet (L. 47mm). Wear/marks: light wear (no flattening to the reeding from use). Multiple fragments are bent, curled or folded from removal.

L. largest fragment 93mm; W. 7–9mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 132.18g; X-rays: L1, L24, L29, L38, L39, L41, L43, L45, L47, L61, L64, L77, L84, L88–L90, L92, L94–L96, L100–L105, L107, L116, L118, L124, L129, L135 

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,See also catalogue 607/8 for images,50,"(Grid location: [K74] BA0033, grid L10; [K80] BA0048, grid L11; [K102] BA0052, grid K11; [K110] BA0002, grid K10; [K859] SCC0003, grid J11; [K861] SCC0006, grid J10; [K981] BA0261, grid K12; [K1013] BA0081, grid K10; [K1040] BA0372, grid K8; [K1075] BA0169, grid M10; [K1091] BA0179, grid L10; [K1156] BA0409, grid K7; [K1157] BA0417, grid O11; [K1207] BA0316, grid N8; [K1214] BA0324, grid N8; [K1262] BA0351, grid N10; [K1270] BA0359, grid N12; [K1790=K79] BA0041, grid L10; [K1939=K967] BA0266, grid I10; [K1957=K1143] BA0486, grid K5; [K1960=K1198] BA0313, grid K13; [K2161=K716] BA0196, grid M12; [K2172=K1055] BA0150, grid M10)",,,,132.18 1851,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,74,,,,L10, 1857,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,80,,,,L11, 1879,613,

Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide

,Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,102,,,,K11, 1887,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,110,,,,K10, 1985,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,208,,,,, 1992,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,215,,,,, 1997,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,220,,,,, 2004,613,"

Part of catalogue 613, see K0050

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded sheet,Silver,,227,,,,, 2022,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,245,,,64; 47,, 2045,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,268,,,107,, 2110,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,333,,,,, 2184,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,407,,,,, 2193,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,416,,,,, 2201,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,424,,,,, 2203,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,426,,,,, 2382,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,605,,,,, 3817,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2036,,,,, 3834,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2053,,,,, 3842,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2061,,,,, 3861,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry


",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,5012,,,,, 3865,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,5016,,,,, 2285,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,508,,,,, 2309,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,532,,,,, 2310,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,533,,,,, 2415,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1040,,,,K8, 2440,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1075,,,101,M10, 2617,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,749,,,,, 2638,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,770,,,,, 2700,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,832,,,,, 2727,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,859,,,,J11, 2729,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,861,,,,J10, 2737,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry


",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,869,,,,, 2756,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,888,,,,, 2781,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,913,,,124,, 2782,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,914,,,,, 2783,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,915,,,,, 2784,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,916,,,101,, 2798,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,930,,,,, 2849,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,981,,,,K12, 2881,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also part of catalogue no. 596,(see K55.",1013,,,,K10, 2883,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1015,,,,, 2933,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1156,,,,K7, 2934,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1157,,,,O11, 2950,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1173,,,,, 2984,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1207,,,,N8, 2991,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1214,,,,N8, 3039,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1262,,,,N10, 3047,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1270,,,,N12, 3065,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1288,,,,, 3078,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1301,,,,, 3081,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1304,,,,, 3082,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1305,,,,, 3097,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1320,,,,, 3125,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1348,,,,, 3131,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1354,,,,, 3137,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1360,,,,, 3139,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1362,,,,, 3147,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1370,,,,, 3187,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1410,,,,, 3210,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1433,,,,, 3228,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1451,,,,, 3255,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1478,,,,, 3267,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,"Fragments with this number also form part of catalogue 691, see K204",1490,,,,, 3268,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1491,,,,, 3271,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1494,,,,, 3290,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1513,,,,, 3323,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1545,,,,, 3344,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1566,,,,, 3364,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1586,,,,, 3368,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1590,,,,, 3370,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1592,,,,, 3395,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1617,,,,, 3444,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

","Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry",Reeded strip,Silver,,1666,,,124,, 3446,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1668,,,,, 3457,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1679,,,,, 3458,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1680,,,,, 3477,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1699,,,,, 3493,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1715,,,,, 3521,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1743,,,,, 3522,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1744,,,,, 3555,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1777,,,,, 3568,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1790,,,,, 3573,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded sheed,Silver,,1795,,,,, 3581,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1803,,,,, 3592,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1814,,,,, 3594,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1816,,,,, 3603,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1824,,,,, 3615,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1836,,,,, 3621,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1842,,,,, 3625,613,"

Part of catalogue 613, see K0050

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1846,,,,, 3632,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1853,,,,, 3639,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1860,,,,, 3646,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1861,,,,, 3663,613,"

Part of catalogue 613, see K0050

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 8mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,1884,,,,, 3681,613,"

Part of catalogue 613, see K0050.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 8mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,1902,,,,, 3698,613,"

Part of catalogue 613, see K0050.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 8mm wide",Reeded strip,Silver,,1919,,,,, 3708,613,"

Part of catalogue 613, see K0050.

","Reeded sheet in silver-gilt, 8mm wide",Reeded sheet,Silver,,1928,,,,, 3710,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1930,,,,, 3714,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1934,,,,, 3719,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1939,,,,, 3737,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1957,,,,, 3740,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1960,,,,, 3768,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1987,,,,, 3773,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,1992,,,,, 3784,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2003,,,,, 3802,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2021,,,,, 3870,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,5021,,,,, 3873,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,5024,,,,, 3878,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,5029,,,,, 3898,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,5049,,,,, 3908,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,5059,,,,, 3909,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,5060,,,,, 3921,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry


",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,5072,,,,, 3923,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,5074,,,,, 3927,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,5078,,,,, 3929,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,5080,,,,, 3972,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2099,,,,, 3973,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2100,,,,, 3974,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2101,,,,, 3975,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2102,,,,, 3976,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2103,,,,, 3977,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2104,,,,, 3978,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2105,,,,, 3979,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2106,,,,, 3981,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2108,,,,, 3982,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2109,,,,, 3983,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2110,,,,, 3984,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2111,,,,, 3985,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2112,,,,, 3986,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2113,,,,, 3987,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2114,,,,, 3988,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2115,,,,, 3989,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2116,,,,, 3990,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2117,,,,, 4027,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2153,,,,, 4028,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2154,,,,, 4029,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2155,,,,, 4035,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry

",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2161,,,,, 4040,613,"

Part of catalogue no. 613, see K50 for catalogue entry


",Reeded strip in silver-gilt. 8mm wide,Reeded strip,Silver,,2165,,,,, 4043,613,"

Part of catalogue 613, see K0050.

","Reeded strip in silver-gilt, 8mm wide.",Reeded strip,Silver,,2172,,,,, 1788,614,"

614                  [K11, K23, K77, K81, K173, K176, K233, K238, K249, K418, K420, K515, K617, K622, K635, K824, K842, K945, K1086, K1159, K1190, K1243, K1332, K1344, K1363, K1475, K1577, K1761, K1780, K1782, K1974=K1349, K2029=K1548, K2192=K397, K2193=K794]

Edging in silver-gilt with a u-section. Found in forty-three fragments, now joined into six parts; incomplete and probably not all from one object; the sections suggest a c. 4–5mm thickness to the material to which they were fitted. Total surviving length c. 800mm. One largely complete piece has angled ends at 90 degrees [K420, K515, K617, K824, K1780, K1974]; a fragment of wood (species not identified) remains in it with a corroded iron nail from the object it was originally fitted to, but it does not pierce the edging. Two sections of different length were straight except for upturned ends; the longer one [K842] is now bent, but would have been c. 170mm long. Another straight section has two broken ends. Two sections are curved, but their curvature is different, and their recesses are on different sides. That [K23, K81, K173, K418, K1332] recessed on its inside edge has fixing-holes at its middle, two each side, with a fillet of sheet inserted via a slot and held in place by two in situ silver rivets; possibly this was the chape to a sword scabbard. Wear/marks: ?light wear. A silver corrosion product covers much of one of the curved sections. 

L. largest 148mm; W. 7mm; H. 6–8mm; Th. 1–1.5mm; Wt 104.93; X-ray: L83–L87, L89–L90, L92–96, L99–L101, L116, L123 

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,11,"[K11] BA0230, grid L12; [K77] BA0061, grid L9; [K81] BA0049, grid L11; [K842] SCC0024, grid J10; [K1086] BA0182, grid M11; [K1159] BA0429, grid J7; [K1190] BA0304, grid M11; [K1780=K52] BA0191, grid N12",,85,L12,104.93 1800,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,23,,,86,, 1854,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,77,,,85,L9, 1858,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,81,,,84,L11, 1950,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt with rivet and backing,Edging,Silver,,173,,,86,, 1953,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,176,,,86,, 2010,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,233,,,84,, 2015,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,238,,,84,, 2026,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,249,,,85,, 2195,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,418,,,84,, 2197,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,420,,,85,, 2394,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

","U-edging fragment in silver-gilt, corner section",Edging,Silver,,617,,,85,, 2399,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,622,,,85,, 2292,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

","U-edging fragment in silver-gilt, corner section",Edging,Silver,,515,,,123,, 2461,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,1086,,,86,M11, 2503,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,635,,,99,, 2692,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,824,,,86,, 2710,614,"

Part of catalogue  no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,842,,,83,J10, 2813,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,945,,,86,, 2936,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,1159,,,87,J7, 2967,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragments in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,1190,,,85,M11, 3020,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,1243,,,85,, 3121,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,1344,,,86,, 3252,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,1475,,,85,, 3539,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,1761,,,87,, 3558,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,1780,,,,, 3560,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,1782,,,,, 3755,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,1974,,,,, 3810,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,2029,,,,, 4069,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,edging,Silver,,2192,,,,, 4070,614,"

Part of catalogue no. 614, see K11

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,edging,Silver,,2193,,,,, 1823,615,"

615                  [K46, K236, K618, K623, K742, K948, K963, K984, K996, K1024, K1067, K1089, K1119, K1132, K1263, K1266–K1267, K1311, K1332, K1633, K1806=K268, K5073]

Edging in silver with a u-section. Found in twenty-five fragments, now joined with nine main parts (L. 23–83mm), but incomplete; none of the sections join, but this could be due to the damage to the ends. Formed of sheet metal, ungilded; a number of the sections preserve original curvatures; two curved pieces have finished ends, at 90 degrees. Total surviving length c. 400mm. The edging was mounted to a material of c. 4mm thickness; it is without any fixing-holes. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Scratches in the interior may be cut marks from removal. 

L. largest 83mm; W. 5.5–6mm; H. 5mm Th. 1mm; Wt 29.33g; X-ray: L84–L87, L101, L103, L107, L116, L124

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,46,"[K46] BA0194, grid M11; [K742] BA0003, grid I12; [K984] BA0284, grid M13; [K996] BA0280, grid M13; [K1024] BA0398, grid N7; [K1067] BA0161, grid M11; [K1089] BA0185, grid M11; [K1119] BA0443, grid P9; [K1132] BA0446, grid P8; [K1263] BA0352, grid N10; [K1266] BA0355, grid M15, [K1267] BA0356, grid M15; [K5073] grid F13",,85,M11, 2013,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K46

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,236,,,86; 87,, 2395,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K46

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,618,,,86,, 2400,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K46

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,623,,,85,, 2442,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K46

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,1067,,,103; 116,M11, 2464,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K46

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,1089,,,84; 87; 116,M11, 2494,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K46

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,1119,,,86,P9, 2610,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K46

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,742,,,86,I12, 2816,615,"

Part of catalogue 615, see K0046

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,948,,,101,, 2831,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K46

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,963,,,87,, 2852,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K46

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,984,,,86,M13, 2864,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K46

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,996,,,86,M13, 2892,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K46

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,1024,,,86,N7, 2909,615,"

Part of catalogue 615, see K0046

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,1132,,,85,P8, 3040,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K46

",U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,1263,,,85,N10, 3043,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K0046

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,1266,,,124,M15, 3044,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K0046

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,1267,,,124,M15, 3088,615,"

Part of catalogue no. 615, see K0046

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,1311,,,86,, 3411,615,

Part of catalogue no. 615. For catalogue entry see K046

,U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,1633,,,85,, 3584,615,

Part of catalogue no. 615.  For catalogue entry see K046

,U-edging fragment in silver-gilt,Edging,Silver,,1806,,,,, 3922,615,"

Part of catalogue 615, see K0046.

",U-edging fragment in silver,Edging,Silver,,5073,,,,, 2088,616,"

616                  [K311, K394]

Pair of gold bosses with filigree collars. The bosses are deep in form and made of thick metal sheet. The closed base of each is pierced by a single silver nail/rivet, off centre. One [K311] contains a calcite-wax filler. Gem-settings: it is possible the bosses once held stones, raised level with the top of each by the filler. Filigree collars decorate the plain bezels formed of thick and thin beaded wires. Wear/marks: light wear. Both bosses have a dent one side, possibly made by a tool. In each case the nail/rivet was cut level with the reverse.

Diam. 17mm; H. 10–11mm; Th. sheet 1mm; Wt 12.19g; X-ray: L74, L137 

",Gold boss with with filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,311,"[K311] TH183, [K394] TH141, no locations",(Note: boss [K311] found with three fragments of silver sheet [K1853]),137,,12.19 2171,616,"

Part of catalogue no. 616, see K311

",Gold boss with filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,394,,,74,, 1868,617,"

617                  [K91]

Garnet boss with a filigree collar. Stone fractured. A join in the sheet body of the boss is visible one side. The reverse is closed, except for a central hole with a silver rivet/nail stub. Gem-setting: the cabochon garnet is set in a plain sheet bezel with a filigree collar formed of two beaded wires; no gold foil is visible behind the stone. Wear/marks: light wear. Bezel, collar and reverse are dented.

Diam. 11mm; H. 5.5mm; Wt 1.32g; X-ray: L22

",Garnet boss with filigree collar,Boss,Garnet,,91,"[K91] BA0014, grid M9",(Note: found on site with hilt-plate 324),22,M9,1.32 3338,618,"

618                  [K1560, K1800, K1851]

Set of three small garnet bosses with filigree collars. All are torn open at the reverse, from the forced extraction of the rivets that fixed the bosses; one [K1800] has lost part of its filigree collar. Gem-settings: the small cabochon garnets are set in plain sheet bezels with filigree collars formed of two wires, a thicker beaded wire and a thinner plain wire. The stones have gold foils behind them; probably all are patterned, but only one [K1560] was clearly visible through the torn reverse as a cross-hatched foil of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear.

Diam. 4.5mm; H. 2–2.5mm; Wt 0.30g; X-ray: L31, L41, L79, L84

",Garnet boss with filigree collar,Boss,Gold and garnet,,1560,"(Grid location: [K1560] soil block 2, [K1800=K233] TH179, [K1851=K309] TH164, no locations)","(Note: boss [K1560] part of soil block 2. Boss [K1800] found with C-edging fragment, 614: [K233]; two fragments of die-impressed sheet [K1801] from helmet-band 593; one fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K1802]; six fragments of reeded strip; 613: [K1803]; one gold rivet, 657: [K2179]; one fragment of gold filigree, 681: [K2183]. Boss [K1851] found in mud in interior of pommel 5, together with three fragments of silver die-impressed sheet, 606: [K1850])",79,,0.3 3578,618,"

Part of catalogue no. 618, see K1560

",Garnet boss with filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1800,,,,, 3630,618,"

Part of catalogue no. 618, see K1560

",Garnet boss with filigree collar,Boss,Garnet,,1851,,,,, 3531,619,"

619                  [K1753, K1886]

Pair of small bosses with filigree collars, missing stones. One [K1753] is flattened. Both have single fixing-holes, but no nails/rivets. Gem-settings: the plain sheet bezels have filigree collars formed of two beaded wires of different thicknesses. A copper-alloy fragment remains in the interior of boss [K1753], but is probably intrusive. Wear/marks: light wear. One [K1753] has been partly flattened.

Diam. 6–7mm; H. 2.5mm; Wt 0.79g; X-ray: L46, L94–L96

",Boss with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold (?),,1753,No location,(Note: boss [K1753] part of soil block 2. Boss [K1886] found in mud adhering with fragment [K397] from helmet-crest 590),46,,0.79 3665,619,"

See catalogue no. 619, see K1753

",Boss with filigree collars,Boss,Gold,,1886,,,,, 3154,620,"

620                  [K1377]

Small boss with a filigree collar, missing its stone. A fixing-hole on the reverse is torn open from the forced extraction of a rivet. Gem-setting: the plain sheet bezel has a filigree collar formed of a single beaded wire. Wear/marks: heavy wear to one edge.

Diam. 7mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.20g; X-ray: L44

",Boss with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1377,"[K1377] TH244, no location",,44,,0.2 3314,621,"

621                  [K1536, K1686]

Pair of gold bosses with filigree collars. One boss [K1536] retains its rivet shank, soldered into the interior, bent but complete (L. 20mm; Diam. 1.5mm). Bosses made of thick sheet with filigree collars formed for three beaded wires each, arranged in order of decreasing thickness. The hollow interior of the boss with the rivet has remains of a wax filler. Wear/marks: light wear to the filigree collars. Both bosses are dented, possibly by a tool; probably caused at removal.

 L. 20mm; Diam. 13mm; H. bosses 5–5.5mm; Wt 4.56g; X-ray: L120, L133, L139

",Gold boss with filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1536,No locations,(Note: boss [K1536] part of soil block 11. Boss [K1686] part of soil block K512),139,,4.56 3464,621,"

Part of catalogue no. 621, see K1536

",Boss with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1686,,,120; 133,, 1806,622,"

622                  [K29]

Gold boss-headed rivet with a filigree collar. The hollow boss of sheet metal is slightly misshapen; the rivet (Diam. 1–1.5mm) is bent but complete. The filigree collar is formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear to the filigree collar. The boss is lightly scratched, perhaps from polishing.

L. 20mm; Diam. 10mm; Wt 1.33g; X-ray: L37

",Boss-headed rivet with a filigree collar,Rivet,Gold,,29,"[K29] BA0201, no location",(Note: found with part [K712] of cloisonn? mount 545),37,,1.33 1843,623,

623                  [K66]

Gold boss-headed rivet with a filigree collar. Boss of sheet metal with a bent but complete rivet (Diam. 1.5mm). The filigree collar is formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: moderate wear to the filigree collar.

L. 26mm; Diam. 10mm; Wt 0.98g; X-ray: L37

,Gold boss-headed rivet with filigree collar,Rivet,Gold,,66,"[K66] BA0035B, grid K10",(Note: found on site with hilt-collar 122),37,K10,0.98 1949,624,

624                  [K172]

Gold boss-headed rivet with a filigree collar. Boss of sheet metal with a complete rivet (Diam. 1mm) soldered into the hollow interior. The filigree collar is formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: moderate wear to the filigree collar.

L. 17mm; Diam. 8.5mm; H. boss 2.5mm; Wt 0.50g; X-ray: L46

,Boss-headed rivet with filigree collar,Rivet,Gold,,172,"[K172] US0038, no location",,46,,0.5 3332,625,

625                  [K1554]

Gold boss-headed rivet with a filigree collar. Boss of sheet metal; the rivet shank (Diam. 1mm) bent flat on the reverse is missing its lower half; the shank is split at its top and soldered into the boss’s hollow interior. The filigree collar is formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear to the filigree collar. Boss dented. Rivet possibly cut.

Diam. 8mm; H. boss 3mm. Wt 0.63g; X-ray: L44

,Boss-headed rivet with filigree collar,Rivet,Gold,,1554,None,(Note: [K1554] part of soil block 2),44,,0.63 2621,626,"

626                  [K753]

Gold boss-headed rivet with a filigree collar. Rivet bent but complete (Diam. 1.5mm), the filigree collar damaged; collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear. 

L. 15mm; Diam. 5.5mm; Wt 0.63g; X-ray: L46

",Rivet with bossed-head and filigree collar,Rivet,Silver,,753,"[K753] BA0203, no location",(Note: [K753] part of finds group BA0203),46,,0.63 2109,627,"

627                  [K332]

Gold boss with a filigree collar, pierced by a rivet. Complete, the head of the free-moving rivet (Diam. 1.5mm) is hammered and worn flush with the apex. The boss is of sheet metal and has a filigree collar formed of two beaded wires, one thick and one thin. The hollow boss interior has a dark paste filling it, possibly remains of a wax filler (not analysed). Wear/marks: moderate wear to the filigree collar. Boss is slightly dented and polished.

L. 24mm; Diam. 11mm; H. boss 5mm; Wt 1.64g; X-ray: L46

",Gold boss with filigree collar and rivet,Rivet,Gold,,332,"[K332] TH170, no location",,46,,1.64 2660,628,"

628                  [K792]

Gold boss with a filigree collar, pierced by a rivet. Complete, the rivet bent (Diam. 1mm), its head hammered and worn flush with the apex. The boss is of sheet metal and has a filigree collar formed of two wires: one of thick beaded wire and one of two-ply twisted wire. Wear/marks: light wear to the filigree collar. Boss is polished.

L. 16mm; Diam. 10mm; H. boss 3mm; Wt 1.04g; X-ray: L53

",Rivet with bossed-head and filigree collar,Rivet,Gold,,792,"[K792] US0110, no location","(Note: in mud adhering, seven fragments [K1931] of die-impressed sheet from zoomorphic band 594)",53,,1.04 2263,629,"

629                  [K486, K488, K1897]

Set of three gold boss-headed rivets. The rivet shanks (Diam. 1.5mm) were soldered into the hollow interiors formed of sheet metal. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Set: the bosses are a reasonable fit with the filigree collar on hilt-plate 281.

L. 16–22mm; Diam. 8mm; H. boss 4.5mm; Wt 4.63g; X-ray: L31, L46

",Gold boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Gold,,486,"[K486, K488] TH211, [K1897=K460] TH223, no locations",(Note: boss [K1897] found inside pommel 20),46,,4.63 2265,629,"

Part of catalogue no. 629, see K486

",Gold boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Gold,,488,,,46,, 3676,629,"

Part of catalogue no. 629, see K486

",Gold boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Gold,,1897,,,,, 1791,630,"

630                  [K14, K490]

Pair of gold boss-headed rivets. The low bosses are cast. Both rivets (Diam. 1.5mm) are complete, with slightly expanded ends. Slight impressions around the circumferences are from lost beaded-wire collars. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Set: they approximately fit with the collars on hilt-plates 289 or 300 (but the plates are not a set).

L. 19–19.5mm; Diam. 6mm; H. boss 2.5mm; Wt 2.36g X-ray: L46

",Gold boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Gold,,14,"[K14] BA0199, [K490] TH211, no locations",(Note: boss [K14] part of finds group BA0199),46,,2.36 2267,630,"

Part of catalogue no. 630, see K14

",Golf boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Gold,,490,,,46,, 2112,631,"

631                  [K335]

Gold boss-headed rivet. Boss formed of sheet metal and hollow. Rivet shank (Diam. 1mm) bent, but complete, with a slightly expanded end; soldered into the boss interior. Slight impressions around the circumference are from a lost beaded-wire collar. Wear/marks: ?light wear.

L. 13mm; Diam. 7mm; H. boss 3mm; Wt 0.69g; X-ray: L46

",Gold boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Gold,,335,"[K335] TH170, no location",,46,,0.69 2266,632,

632                  [K489]

Gold boss-headed rivet. Boss formed of sheet metal and hollow. Rivet shank (Diam. 1mm) complete; soldered into the boss interior. Slight impressions around the circumference from a lost beaded-wire collar. Wear/marks: ?light wear.

L. 20mm; Diam. 6mm; H. boss 3.5mm; Wt 0.75g; X-ray: L46

,Gold boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Gold,,489,"[K489] TH211, no location",,46,,0.75 3342,633,

633                  [K1564]

Gold boss-headed rivet. Boss solid. Rivet shank (Diam. 1.5mm) broken at tip; the shank is square in section. Wear/marks: ?light wear.

L. 13mm; Diam. head 4.5mm; Wt 0.42g; X-ray: L45

,Gold boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Gold,,1564,No location,(Note: rivet [K1564] part of soil block 2),45,,0.42 3502,634,

634                  [K1724]

Gold boss-headed rivet. Boss solid. Rivet shank (Diam. 1mm) cut at tip; a fragment of sheet gold overlies the boss. Wear/marks: ?light wear.

L. 10.5mm; Diam. 3mm; Wt 0.23g; X-ray: L46

,Gold boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Gold,,1724,No location,(Note: rivet [K1724] part of soil block 8),46,,0.23 2181,635,"

635                  [K404]

Gold half-boss with rivet. Solid cast half-boss of unusual form, with a slightly moulded edge. The shank of the rivet is bent and probably cut. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 12.5mm; H. 7.5mm; Wt 2.33g; X-ray: L44

",Gold half-boss with rivet,Rivet,Gold,,404,"[K404] TH115, no location",,44,,2.33 3398,636,"

636                  [K1620]

Gold boss with a filigree collar. Made of sheet metal, hollow, with a filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear. Small dent in top.

Diam. 10mm; H. 4mm; Wt 0.58g; no X-ray

",Gold boss with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1620,no location,(Note: boss [K1620] part of soil block 16),,,0.58 2363,637,"

637                  [K586, K1546, K1831, K5028]

Set of four gold bosses with filigree collars. The bosses are made of sheet metal and are pierced (Diam. 1mm) for rivets. Each has a filigree collar formed of two beaded wires of different thickness. The hollow interior of one [K5028] contains a black residue, possibly remains of a wax filler (not analysed). On the same boss the filigree collar rises up deliberately at one point. Wear/marks: light wear to all. 

Diam. 9mm; H. 3.5–4mm; Wt 3.20g; X-ray: L39, L41, L46, L62, L71 2012

","Boss, pierced, with a filigree collar; probably from a hilt-plate",Boss,Gold,,586,"[K5028] grid K7. No locations: [K586] TH022, [K1546] soil block 9, [K1831=K295] TH165","(Note: boss [K1546] part of soil block 9. Boss [K1831] in mud adhering with: gold pommel fragments 61 and 62; silver hilt-ring 237; one silver rivet, 673: [K1834]; two fragments of reeded strip, 613: [K1836]; seventeen small fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K1837])",46,,3.2 3324,637,"

Part of catalogue no. 637, see K1546

",Gold boss with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1546,,,46,, 3610,637,"

Part of catalogue no. 637, see K586

",Gold boss with filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1831,,,,, 3877,637,"

Part of catalogue no. 637, see K586

",Gold boss with filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,5028,,,,, 1795,638,"

638                  [K18, K1241]

Pair of gold bosses with filigree collars. The bosses are made of sheet metal and are pierced (Diam. 2mm) for rivets. Each has a filigree collar formed of two beaded wires of different thickness. Wear/marks: light wear. Boss [K18] is dented one side. Set: possibly a match with the marks from bosses on hilt-plate 328.

Diam. 11–12mm; H. 4.5mm; Wt 2.44g; X-ray: L37, L46

",Gold boss with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,18,"[K18] BA0200, [K1241] US0150, no locations",(Note: boss [K18] found on site with pommel 25 and a gold mount [1924] from hilt-guard 409),37,,2.44 3018,638,"

Part of catalogue no. 638, see K18

",Gold boss with filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1241,,,46,, 3165,639,"

639                  [K1388]

Gold boss with a filigree collar. Made of sheet metal and pierced for a rivet, with a filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear. Apex slightly flattened.

Diam. 9mm; H. 3mm; Wt 0.50g; no X-ray

",Gold boss with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1388,No location,(Note: [K1388] part of soil block 18),,,0.5 3095,640,"

640                  [K1318]

Gold boss with a filigree collar. Made of sheet metal and pierced for a rivet, with a filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear. Collar slightly damaged.

Diam. 8mm; Wt 0.41g; X-ray: L44

",Gold boss with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1318,"[K1318] TH242, no location",,44,,0.41 3466,641,"

641                  [K1688]

Gold boss with a filigree collar. Made of sheet metal and pierced for a rivet, with a filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. The interior has possible remains of a paste filler (not analysed). Wear/marks: light wear. 

Diam. 7.5m; H. 3mm; Wt 0.50g; X-ray: L95, L100

",Gold boss with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1688,No location,(Note: boss [K1688] part of soil block K512),95; 100,,0.5 3852,642,"

642                  [K5003]

Gold boss with a filigree collar. Made of sheet metal and pierced for a rivet, with a filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear. Boss is dented (possibly from a tool).

Diam. 7.5mm; H. 3mm; Wt 0.34g; X-ray: L70 2012

",Gold boss with a filigree collar;,Boss,Gold,,5003,[K5003] grid N3,,,,0.34 3318,643,"

643                  [K1540]

Gold boss with a filigree collar. Made of sheet metal and pierced for a rivet, with a filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear. 

Diam. 10mm; H. 4.5mm; Wt 0.86g; X-ray: L46

",Gold boss with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1540,None,(Note: boss [K1540] part of soil block 11),46,,0.86 1979,644,"

644                  [K202]

Gold boss with a filigree collar. Boss flattened. Made of sheet metal and pierced for a rivet, with a filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear. 

Diam. 8.5mm; H. 2mm; Wt 0.29g; X-ray: L64

",Gold boss with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,202,"[K202] US0068, no location","(Note: in mud adhering: one fragment of silver sheet, 690: [K1795], and one fragment of silver reeded strip, 613: [K1795])",64,, 3532,645,"

645                  [K1754]

Gold boss with a filigree collar. Boss flattened. Made of sheet metal and pierced for a rivet, with a filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. The sheet of the boss is over a silver core. It is set on a sheet backing; or this may be part of a hilt-plate. Wear/marks: light wear. 

Diam. 7mm; H. 2.5mm; Wt 0.34g; X-ray: L44

",Gold boss with a filigree collar;,Boss,Gold,,1754,No location,(Note: boss [K1754] part of soil block 2),44,,0.34 2480,646,"

646                  [K1105]

Gold boss with a filigree collar. Boss misshapen. Made of sheet metal and pierced for a rivet, with a filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Gold sheet backs the boss; probably part of a hilt-plate. Wear/marks: light wear. 

L. 10mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.71g; X-ray: L44

",Gold boss with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1105,"[K1105] BA1010, no location",,44,,0.71 3471,647,"

647                  [K1693]

Half a gold boss with a filigree collar. Torn edges. Made of sheet metal and pierced for a rivet, with a filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Gold sheet backs the boss; probably part of a hilt-plate. Wear/marks: light wear. 

Diam. 7mm; Th. sheet  <0.5mm; Wt 0.18g; X-ray: L44

",Gold boss with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1693,None,(Note: boss [K1693] part of soil block K512),44,,0.18 3713,648,"

648                  [K1933]

Gold boss with a filigree collar. Flattened and torn. Made of sheet metal and pierced for a rivet, with a filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: ?light wear.

L. 9mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.33g; X-ray: L32

",Gold boss with a filigree collar;,Boss,Gold,,1933,"[K1933=K827] US0120, no location",(Note: found in mud in the interior of pommel 65),,,0.33 1952,649,"

649                  [K175]

Gold boss. Made of sheet metal, hollow, and pierced for a rivet. Wear/marks: ?light wear. Set: reasonable fit with the filigree collars on hilt-plate 292.

Diam. 5mm; H. 4.5mm; Wt 0.77g; X-ray: L100

",Gold boss,Boss,Gold,,175,"(Grid location: [K175] US0041, no location)","(Note: found with a fragment of silver-gilt sheet from socket 607/08: [K1793], and two fragments of die-impressed sheet, 606: [K1794])",100,,0.77 2951,650,

650                  [K1174]

Gold boss with a filigree collar. Sheet metal boss torn and partly missing. Filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear. Cut marks on collar.

Diam. 8mm; Wt 0.33g; X-ray: L44

,"Gold boss with a filigree collar,",Boss,Gold,,1174,"[K1174] BA0430, no location","(Note: found on site with a fragment of silver-gilt sheet, 690: [K1175]; in mud adhering with a small fragment of gold sheet, 682: [K1958])",44,,0.33 2188,651,"

651                  [K411, K1441]

Pair of gold boss-washers with filigree collars. Made of sheet metal, pierced for rivets. Holes have ragged edges. Filigree collars formed of single strands of beaded wire. Wear/marks: moderate wear.

Diam. 5.5–6mm; Wt 0.38g; X-ray: L44

",Gold boss-washers with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,411,"[K411] TH115, [K1441], no locations",(Note: washer [K1441] part of soil block 8),44,,0.38 3218,651,"

Part of catalogue no. 651, see K411

",Gold boss-washer with a filigree washer,Boss,Gold,,1441,,,44,, 3155,652,"

652                  [K1378]

Gold boss-washer with a filigree collar. Made of sheet metal, pierced for a rivet; hole torn. Filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear.

Diam. 9mm; Wt 0.21g; X-ray: L44

",Gold boss-washer with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1378,"[K1378] TH244, no location",,44,,0.21 3079,653,

653                  [K1302]

Gold boss-washer with a filigree collar. Torn and folded. Made of sheet metal. Filigree collar formed of a single strand of beaded wire. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 3mm; Wt 0.02g; X-ray: L88

,Gold boss-washer with a filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1302,"[K1302] US0177, no location",,88,,0.02 3219,654,"

654                  [K1442, K1499, K1600]

Three gold rivet collars. Not a set. Collars formed of filigree beaded wire on sheet bases; in one case [K1442] the wire is spiral beaded. Two are broken or cut open. Wear/marks: ?light wear.

Diam. 3.5–4 mm; Wt 0.09g; X-ray: L64, L89, L93

",Gold rivet collars,Collar,Gold,,1442,No locations,(Note: collar [K1442] part of soil block 8; collar [K1499] part of soil block 20; collar [K1600] part of soil block 1),93,,0.09 3276,654,"

Part of catalogue no. 654, see K1442

",Gold rivet collar,Collar,Gold,,1499,,,89,, 3378,654,

Part of catalogue no. 654 see K1442

,Gold rivet collar,Collar,Gold,,1600,,,64,, 3168,655,"

655                  [K1391]

Remains of a gold boss with a filigree collar. Sheet metal boss largely missing. Filigree collar, distorted, formed of a single strand of beaded wire.

L. 8mm; Wt 0.07g; X-ray: L64

",Gold boss with filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1391,No location,[K1391] part of soil block 18,64,,0.07 3102,656,

656                  [K1325]

Remains of a gold boss. Flattened and torn. Made of sheet metal and pierced for a rivet. Solder traces indicate a filigree beaded-wire collar originally.

L. 14.5mm; Wt 0.28g; X-ray: L64

,Gold boss,Boss,Gold,,1325,"[K1325] TH242, no location",,64,,0.28 2113,657,"

657                  [K336, K338, K342–K343, K405–K406, K427, K491, K651, K732, K1549, K1595, K1828=K293, K1921=K708, K2023=K1521, K2179=K233]

Small gold rivets. Sixteen in total, found loose. Most are complete (L. 17. 5–22mm) but many are bent; others are missing heads or ends (L. 12–16.5mm). Most have rounded shanks; two have square-sectioned shanks [K1595, K1921]. The heads are small (Diam. 2–3.5mm) and domed or flat; the ends of the complete examples are slightly expanded from hammering. One [K406] has a manufacturing seam running its length. The complete examples have a weight range of 0.26–0.55g. Wear/marks: two have cut marks on their shanks [K1549, K2021], and most of those missing ends were probably also cut.

L. 12–22mm; Diam. 1–1.5mm; Wt 4.98g; X-ray: L3, L9, L41, L44–L45

",Small gold rivet,Rivet,Gold,,336,No locations,,45,,4.98 2115,657,

Part of catalogue no 657 see K336

,Rivet with small domed-head,Rivet,Gold,,338,,,45,, 2119,657,"

Part of catalogue 657, see K336

",Rivet with small domed-head,Rivet,Gold,,342,,,45,, 2120,657,"

Part of catalogue no. 657, see K336

",Rivet with small domed-head,Rivet,Gold,,343,,,45,, 2182,657,"

Part of catalogue no. 657, see K336

",Rivet with small domed-head,Rivet,Gold,,405,,,45,, 2183,657,"

Part of catalogue no. 657, see K336

",Rivet with small flat-head,Rivet,Gold,,406,,,45,, 2204,657,"

Part of catalogue no. 657, see K336

",Rivet with small domed-head,Rivet,Gold,,427,,,44,, 2519,657,"

Part of catalogue no. 657, see K336

",Rivet with small flat-head,Rivet,Gold,,651,,,45,, 2268,657,"

Part of catalogue no. 657, see K336

",Rivet with small domed-head,Rivet,Gold,,491,,,45,, 2600,657,"

Part of catalogue no. 657, see K336

",Rivet with small flat-head,Rivet,Gold,,732,,,45,, 3327,657,"

Part of catalogue no. 657, see K336

",Rivet with small flat head,Rivet,Gold,,1549,,,45,, 3373,657,"

Part of catalogue no. 657, see K336

",Rivet with small flat head,Rivet,Gold,,1595,,,45,, 3607,657,"

Part of catalogue no. 657, see K336 (three examples inckuding shank frgment part of catalogue no 659 see K1605)

",Small rivet,Rivet,Gold,,1828,,,,, 3700,657,"

Part of catalogue no. 657, see K336

",Rivet with small flat-head,Rivet,Gold,,1921,,[K1921] attached by mud with hilt collar 96,,, 3804,657,"

Part of catalogue no. 657, see K336

",Rivet with small flat head,Rivet,Gold,,2023,,,,, 4055,657,"

Part of catalogue 657, see K0336.

",Gold rivet,Rivet,Gold,,2179,,,,, 2191,658,"

658                  [K414, K498K499, K1308, K1394, K1415, K1434, K1530, K1616, K1647, K1673, K1691, K1786=K73, K1819=K281, K1918=K686, K2044=K1595]

Small gold nails. Sixteen nails, found loose. All have short, tapered shanks and small domed or flat heads (each weights 0.02–0.09g). The shanks vary from rounded to square. One [K1530] has a small fragment of sheet attached. Wear/marks: one nail [K1308] has cut marks on its shank. One nail [K1819] found with object 126.

L. 3–8mm; Diam. heads 1–2mm; Wt 1.00g; X-ray: L1, L36, L45, L79

",Small gold nails,Nail,Gold,,414,"[K1786=K73] BA0036, grid F9",,45,,0.78 3825,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Nail with flat head,Nail,Gold,,2044,,,,, 2275,658,"

Part of catalogue 658, see K414

",Nail with small domed-head,Nail,Gold,,498,,,45,, 2276,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Nail with small domed-head,Nail,Gold,,499,,,45,, 3085,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Nail with a small domed head,Nail,Gold,,1308,,,45,, 3171,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Nail with a small domed head,Nail,Gold,,1394,,,45,, 3192,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Nail with a small domed head,Nail,Gold,,1415,,,45,, 3211,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Small nail with a flat head,Nail,Gold,,1434,,,45,, 3308,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Small gold nail,Nail,Gold,,1530,,,45,, 3394,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Nail with flat head,Nail,Gold,,1616,,,45,, 3425,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Nail with small domed head,Nail,Gold,,1647,,,45,, 3451,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Nail with flat head,Nail,Gold,,1673,,,45,, 3469,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Nail with small domed head,Nail,Gold,,1691,,,45,, 3564,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Small nail,Nail,Gold,,1786,,,,F9, 3597,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Nail with domed head and round-facetted shank,Nail,Gold,,1819,,,,, 3697,658,"

Part of catalogue no. 658, see K414

",Nail with a flat head,Nail,Gold,,1918,,,,, 3830,659,"

Part of catalogue no. 359, see K1605

",Fragments of nails or rivets,Nails/Rivets,Gold,,2049,,,,, 3383,659,"

659                  [K1605, K1706, K1751, K1828=K293, K2049=K1616]

Fragments of Nails/Rivets in gold. Seven in total, found loose; all incomplete. The heads are small and domed or flat; the shanks are mostly rounded, but one [K2049] has a square section. One [K1605] pierces a tab of sheet gold (L. 10mm), also with a second empty hole. The incomplete state of all, means that it is not possible to identify for certain if the fittings were nails or rivets. Wear/marks: two nails/rivets [K2049] are possibly cut, another [K1828] has a cut mark. 

L. 6.5–12mm; Diam. 1–1.5mm; Wt 0.78g; X-ray: L3, L9, L45, L64, L103–L104

",Nail/rivet fragments,Rivet,Gold,,1605,None,,64,,0.78 3484,659,"

Part of catalogue no. 359, see K1605

",Fragment of nail or rivet,Nail/Rivet,Gold,,1706,,,103,, 3529,659,"

Part of catalogue no. 359, see K1605

",Small domed head of a nail or rivet,Nail/Rivet,Gold,,1751,,,104,, 2189,660,"

660                  [K412, K496, K588, K1281, K1444, K1547, K1619, K1638]

Double-washers in gold from hilt-plates. Eight in total, found loose. Each was cut out of sheet metal (most c. L. 8mm) and has two holes (Diam. 1–1.5mm); three have rivets in situ (L. 12–14mm). There are three possible pairs [K412, K1547; K496, K588; K1444, K1619]. Several have rounded ends; others are squared. Wear/marks: one pair [K1444, K1619] show possible levering damage, with one edge lifted in each case. One [K1638] is misshapen. 

L. 7.5–12mm; W. 2.5–4mm; Th. 0.5mm; Wt 2.19g; X-ray: L37, L46, L64, L100, L105

",Double washer in gold from hilt-plate,Washer,Gold,,412,No locations,,64,,2.19 2273,660,"

Part of catalogue no. 660, see K412

",Double washer in gold from hilt plate with rivet,Washer,Gold,,496,,,37,, 2365,660,"

Part of catalogue no. 660, see K412

",Double washer in gold from hilt plate with rivet,Washer,Gold,,588,,,37,, 3058,660,"

Part of catalogue no. 660, see K412

",Double washer in gold from hilt plate,Double washer,Gold,,1281,,,46,, 3221,660,"

Part of catalogue no. 660, see K412

",Double-washer in gold from hilt-plate,Washer,Gold,,1444,,,105,, 3325,660,"

Part of catalogue no. 660, see K412

",Double-washer in gold from hilt-plate,Washer,Gold,,1547,,,64,, 3397,660,"

Part of catalogue no. 660, see K412

",Double-washer in gold from hilt-plate,Washer,Gold,,1619,,,64,, 3416,660,"

Part of catalogue no. 660, see K412

",Double-washer in gold from hilt-plate,Washer,Gold,,1638,,,100,, 3313,661,"

661                  [K1535, K2088=K347]

Remains from a silver boss with a gold boss-washer, with a filigree collar, and its pair. One silver boss [K2088] was originally whole, but it fragmented during conservation. It had covered the head of a thick silver rivet (L. 6mm; Diam. 3mm), with a broken or cut shank, which pierced the gold sheet washer. The other washer [K1535] is without its boss and rivet; a black residue on the object may be from a filler or adhesive (not analysed). The collars are formed from single strands of beaded wire. Wear/marks: moderate wear to the filigree collars.

Diam. 11–12mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.73g (gold washers 0.51g); X-ray: L3, L9, L44

",Silver boss with gold boss-washer and filigree collar,Boss,Gold,,1535,"[K2088=K347] TH132, [K1535], no locations)",(Note: boss [K2088] found inside pommel 56; [K1535] soil block 9),44,,0.73 3961,661,"

Part of catalogue no. 661, see K1535

",Silver boss with gold boss-washer with filigree collar,Boss,Silver,,2088,,,,, 3526,662,"

662                  [K1748]

Silver boss-washer with a filigree collar. Corroded. Pierced for a rivet, and with a filigree collar (wire type uncertain). 

Diam. 6mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 0.04g; X-ray: L94

",Silver boss washer with filigree collar,Boss,Silver,,1748,No locations,"[K1748] soil block 9,",94,,0.04 2817,663,"

663                  [K949]

Brass cast boss. Pitted and abraded, with part of a corroded shank 

Diam. 8.5mm; H. boss 3.5mm H. total 6mm; Wt 0.50g; X-ray: L102

",Boss,Boss,Copper alloy,,949,"[K949] US0140, no location",,102,,0.5 3107,664,"

664                  [K1330]

Silver-gilt cast boss-headed rivet. Boss solid. Rounded shank (Diam. 2mm), bent and missing its tip. Gilding survives around the boss’s circumference. Wear/marks: wear not possible to determine. Filing marks and ?cut marks on underside of head.

 L. 17mm; Diam. 7mm; H. boss 3mm; Wt 0.91g; X-ray: L46

",Silver-gilt boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Silver,,1330,"[K1330] TH242, no location",,46,,0.91 3422,665,

665                  [K1644]

Silver-gilt cast boss-headed nail/rivet. Boss solid. Shank (Diam. 2mm) cut below head.

L. 2.5mm; Diam. 3mm Th. shank 2mm; Wt 0.08g; X-ray: L103

,Silver-gilt boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Silver,,1644,No location,(Note: boss [K1644] part of soil block 17),103,,0.08 3481,666,"

666                  [K1703, K1767]

 Pair of silver-gilt cast boss-headed nails/rivets. Solid bosses. Shanks (Diam. 3mm) cut below heads. Wear/marks: wear not possible to determine. Set: possibly a fit for hilt-plates 381–382.

Diam. 5.5mm; H. head 2mm; Wt 0.70g; X-ray: L44

",Silver-gilt boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Silver,,1703,No locations,(Note: boss [K1703] part of soil block K795; boss [K1767] part of soil block 3),44,,0.7 3545,666,"

Part of catalogue 666, see K1703

",Silver-gilt boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Silver,,1767,,,44,, 3508,667,

667                  [K1730]

Silver cast boss-headed nail/rivet. Solid boss. Rounded shank (Diam. 2.5mm) broken or cut. Wear/marks: wear not possible to determine.

L. 10mm; Diam. 5mm; Wt 0.46g; X-ray: L100

,Silver boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Silver,,1730,no location,(Note: boss [K1730] part of soil block 15),100,,0.46 4056,668,"

668                  [K2180]

Silver-gilt cast boss-headed nail/rivet. Solid boss. Rounded shank, bent, with a slightly expanded, blunt tip. Gilded traces on head and shank. Wear/marks: wear not possible to determine. Cut marks on shank and head.

L. 14.5mm; Diam. 5.5mm; Wt 0.92g; X-ray: L67 2012

",Silver-gilt boss-headed rivet,Rivet,Silver,,2180,[K2180=K5004] grid R6,(Note: found in mud on reverse of cheek-piece 592),,,0.92 3321,669,"

669                  [K1543, K1702, K1704]

Set of three silver bosses. Made of sheet metal over cores of pewter. Two are partly truncated. Pierced for rivets; one has a fragment of a rivet in situ and a fragment of pierced silver sheet is attached to its base, possibly from a hilt-plate. Half a silver filigree collar of beaded wire is around the circumference of another [K1702]. Wear/marks: heavy wear to the filigree collar.

Diam. 6–7mm; H. 3–6mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.76g; X-ray: L44, L46

",Set of three silver bosses,Boss,Silver,,1543,No locations,"(Note: boss [K1543] part of soil block 6. Boss [K1702, K1702] part of soil block K795)",44,,0.76 3480,669,"

Part of catalogue no. 669, see K1543

",Set of three silver bosses,Boss,Silver,,1702,,,44,, 3482,669,"

Part of catalogue no. 669, see K1543

",Set of three silver bosses,Boss,Silver,,1704,,,46,, 3181,670,"

670                  [K1404]

Silver-gilt boss. Made of sheet metal, pierced at its apex; it is now broken into fragments. Wear/marks: wear not possible to determine.

Diam. 8mm; H. 3.5mm; Diam. hole 1.5mm; Th. <0.5mm; Wt 0.11g; X-ray: L44

","Silver-gilt boss,",Boss,Silver,,1404,No location,(Note: boss [K1404] part of soil block 7),44,,0.11 3249,671,"

671                  [K1472]

Silver-gilt boss. Made of sheet metal, pierced at its apex for a rivet. Copper-alloy core. Fine cut-marks around rivet-hole (possibly from the removal of the rivet). Wear/marks: wear not possible to determine.

Diam. 6 mm; H. 2mm; Wt 0.12g; X-ray: L44

",Silver-gilt boss,Boss,Silver,,1472,No location,(Note: boss [K1472] part of soil block 14),44,,0.12 3042,672,"

672                  [K1265, K1651]

Pair of silver rivets. Both have flat rectangular heads (L. 6mm; W. 4mm) and rounded, facetted shanks. One is complete with a slightly expanded, blunt end (Diam. 3mm). Traces of gilding on the head of one. Wear/marks: light wear. Cut marks on both shanks.

 L. 11/36mm; Wt 2.71g; X-ray: L47

",Silver rivet,Rivet,Silver,,1265,"[K1265] BA0354, grid M15; [K1651] no context",,47,M15,2.71 3429,672,"

Part of catalogue 672, , see K1265 for entry

",Silver rivet,Rivet,Silver,,1651,,,47,, 2043,673,"

673                  [K266, K434, K610, K751–K752, K1020, K1457(2), K1489, K1527, K1552, K1674, K1834=K295, K1914=K653, K1922=K708, K1981=K1394, K1996=K1434, K2015=K1467, K2024=K1521, K2033=K1563, K2035=K1573, K2045=K1595, K2050=K1616, K2051=K1644, K2058=K1675, K2064=K1706, K2164=K275]

Small silver rivets. Fifty-three in total, found loose. Most have small domed heads (Diam. 1–4mm) and rounded shanks (Diam. 1–2mm); a few have square-section shanks; most are bent. Some have traces of gilding on their heads. Most complete examples range in length from L. 10.5–22mm; two [K1552, K1674] are shorter at L. 5mm. The shanks are typically untapered, and the complete examples have blunt ends, often slightly expanded by hammering. Only one [K2164] was found with a fragment of its washer.Most have a weight range of 0.07–0.34g; thicker rivet [K751] is 0.73g. Wear/marks: some incomplete examples possibly have cut ends, and at least two others have cut marks on their shanks. 

L. 5–22mm; Diam. 1–4mm; Wt 8.06g; X-ray: L39, L41, L45, L47, L72, L79, L103

",Small silver rivets,Rivet,Silver,,266,"[K1020] BA0401, grid N7)","(Note: one rivet [K1834] attached by mud with: pommel fragments 61 and 62; hilt-ring fragment 237; hilt-plate 317; two silver reeded strip fragments, 613: [K1836]; one gold boss, 637: [K1831]; seventeen very small fragments silver sheet, 690: [K1837]; another [K1922] attached by mud with: hilt collar 96)",103,,8.06 2211,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivet with small domed-head,Rivet,Silver,,434,,,45,, 2387,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivet with a small domed-head,Rivet,Silver,,610,,,45,, 3814,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivets with small domed heads,Rivets,Silver,,2033,,,,, 3816,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivets with small domed heads,Rivets,Silver,,2035,,,,, 3826,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivet with small domed head,Rivet,Silver,,2045,,,,, 3831,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivet with small domed head,Rivet,Silver,,2050,,,,, 3832,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

","Rivets, one with small domed head",Rivets,Silver,,2051,,,,, 3839,673,"

Part of catalogue 673, see K0266.

",Silver,Rivet,Silver,,2058,,,,, 3845,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

","Rivets, two with small domed heads",Rivets,Silver,,2064,,,,, 2619,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivet with small flat-head,Rivet,Silver,,751,,,130,, 2620,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivet with small domed-head,Rivet,Silver,,752,,,45,, 2888,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivet with small domed-head,Rivet,Silver,,1020,,,45,N7, 3234,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivets with small domed heads,Rivets,Silver,,1457,,,45,, 3266,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

","Rivets, two with small domed heads",Rivets,Silver,,1489,,,45,, 3305,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivet with small domed-head,Rivet,Silver,,1527,,,45,, 3330,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivets with small domed heads,Rivets,Silver,,1552,,,103,, 3452,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Short rivet with a small domed head,Rivet,Silver,,1674,,,79,, 3613,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivet with small domed-head,Rivet,Silver,,1834,,,,, 3693,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Silver rivet,Rivet,Silver,,1914,,,,, 3701,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivet with small domed-head,Rivet,Silver,,1922,,,,, 3762,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivets with small domed heads,Rivets,Silver,,1981,,,,, 3777,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivets with domed heads,Rivets,Silver,,1996,,,,, 3796,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivets:five with small domed heads and one with a flat head,Rivets,Silver,,2015,,,,, 3805,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Rivets with small domed heads,Rivets,Silver,,2024,,,,, 4038,673,"

Part of catalogue entry no. 673, see K266

",Silver rivet with washer,Rivet,Silver,,2164,,,,, 1955,674,"

674                  [K178, K264–K265, K1414, K1467, K1501, K1521, K1563, K1573, K1588, K1612, K1675, K1757, K1857=K315, K1936=K833, K1980=K1394, K1997=K1434, K2009=K1457, K2041=K1588]

Small silver nails. Twenty-four in total, found loose. Most have small domed heads (Diam. 1.5–2mm) and rounded shanks (Diam. 1–1.5mm) that taper to points; a few have square-section shanks; a number are bent. Some have traces of gilding on their heads. Two [K178, K1573] have flat heads (Diam. 3–4mm). Complete examples range in length from L. 5.5–18.5mm. A few of the longer examples are kinked at their ends, possibly from folding, and may have been used like rivets. One [K178] pierces a small tab of sheet (L. 20.5mm) with one finished end, with part of a second fixing-hole at the other broken end. The single nails have a weight range of 0.02–0.23g. Wear/marks: two have cut marks on their shanks.

 L. 3–18.5mm; Diam. 1.5–4mm; Wt 3.24g; X-ray: L45, L52, L100, L135

",Small silver nails,Nail,Silver,,178,No location,(Note: one nail [K1857] attached by mud with: hilt collar 94; another [K1936] with hilt-ring 238),,,3.24 2041,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nail with domed head and squared shank,Nail,Silver,,264,,,45,, 2042,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nail with domed head and round-facetted shank,Nail,Silver,,265,,,45,, 3822,674,"

Part of catalogue 674, see K0178.

",Silver nail,Nail,Silver,,2041,,,,, 3191,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

","Nails, with domed and flat heads",Nails,Silver,,1414,,,45,, 3244,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nails with small domed heads,Nails,Silver,,1467,,,45,, 3278,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nail with a small domed head,Nail,Silver,,1501,,,45,, 3299,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nails with small domed heads,Nails,Silver,,1521,,,45,, 3341,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nails with small domed/flat heads,Nails,Silver,,1563,,,45,, 3351,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nail with flat head,Nail,Silver,,1573,,,45,, 3366,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nail with small domed head,Nail,Silver,,1588,,,45,, 3390,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nail shank,Nail,Silver,,1612,,,100,, 3453,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nail with small domed head,Nail,Gold,,1675,,,45,, 3535,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nail with small flat head,Nail,Silver,,1757,,,45,, 3636,674,

Part of catalogue 674 see K0266


,Silver nail,Nail,Silver,,1857,,,,, 3716,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nail with a small domed head,Nail,Silver,,1936,,,,, 3761,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nails with small domed heads,Nails,Silver,,1980,,,,, 3778,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nail shank,Nail,Silver,,1997,,,,, 3790,674,"

Part of catalogue no. 674, see K178.

",Nail with a small domed head,Nail,Silver,,2009,,,,, 2000,675,"

675                  [K223, K614(4), K1356, K1452(2), K1493, K1559, K1653, K1723, K1749, K1807=K268, K1815=K276, K1829=K293, K1830=K294, K1862=K323, K1885=K397, K1891=K422, K1900=K493, K1982=K1394, K1988=K1441,  K1995=K1431, K1998=K1434, K2001=K652/883, K2010=K1457, K2016=K1467, K2019=K1489, K2025=K1521, K2032=K1552, K2034=K1563, K2046=K1595, K2052=K1645, K2055=K1674, K2056=K1673, K2063=K1706, K2171=K467, K2187=K1493]

Fragments of silver nails/rivets and washers. Sixty-one in total, found loose; all are incomplete. Most are the same form as the dominant types of small nails and rivets, with domed heads and rounded shanks; they cannot be identified with certainty as either, however, owing to their incomplete state. Some have traces of gilding on their heads. One [1723] has a larger flat head, and there are flat-head fragments [K614]. Several are fragments [K1749, K1807, K1862] of circular washers (Diam. 6.5mm). Two nails/rivets [K223, K2187] have pieces of sheet metal with fixing-holes associated. One straight, thicker shank [K1356] with a wasted end might have served a different function. One small rectangle [K1493] with two fixing-holes might be a double-washer. Wear/marks: some shanks are possibly cut. 

L. 2–16mm; Diam. head 1.5–10mm; Wt 6.56g; X-ray: L3, L9–L10, L34, L44–L45, L47, L74, L79, L87, L94–L96, L100, L102–L103, L106–L107, L124, L131, L142

","Fragmentary silver nails, rivets, washers",Rivets,Silver,,223,No locations,,,,6.56 2391,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

","Fragments, possibly of silver nails or rivets",Nails/Rivets,Silver,,614,,,124; 131,, 3815,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragment of silver nail or rivet,Nail/Rivet,Silver,,2034,,,,, 3827,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Nails or rivets,Nails/Rivets,Silver,,2046,,,,, 3833,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragments of nails or rivets,Nails/Rivets,Silver,,2052,,,,, 3836,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragments of nail/rivet,Nails/Rivets,Silver,,2055,,,,, 3837,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragment from tip of a nail(?),Nail(?),Silver,,2056,,,,, 3844,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragments of nails or rivets,Nails/Rivets,Silver,,2063,,,,, 3132,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Rivet/nail,Rivets,Silver,,1356,,,102,, 3229,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Nail/rivet fragments,Nails/Rivets,Silver,,1452,,,45,, 3337,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Shank of nail(?),Nail,Silver,,1559,,,87,, 3431,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragment of nail/rivet shank,Nail/Rivet,Silver,,1653,,,103,, 3501,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragment of nail or rivet,Nail/Rivet,Silver,,1723,,,47,, 3527,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

","Fragment of silver, possibly a washer",Washer(?),Silver,,1749,,,100,, 3585,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Washer fragment,Rivet,Silver,,1807,,,,, 3593,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Two nail/rivet fragments,Nail/Rivet,Silver,,1815,,,,, 3608,675,

Part of catalogue no. 675. For catalogue entry see K0223

,Nail/Rivet,Nail/Rivet,Silver,,1829,,,,, 3609,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Nail/rivet with a small flat-head,Nail/Rivet,Silver,,1830,,,,, 3640,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Nail/rivet shank with head/washer(?),Nail/Rivet,Silver,,1862,,,,, 3664,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragments of silver nails/rivets,Nail/Rivet,Silver,,1885,,,,, 3670,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragment of nail/rivet shank,Nail/Rivet,Silver,,1891,,,,, 3679,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragment of nail/rivet shank,Nail/Rivet,Silver,,1900,,,,, 3763,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragment of nail/rivet shank,Nail/Rivet,Silver,,1982,,,,, 3769,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Three fragments of nails/rivets,Nails/Rivets,Silver,,1988,,,,, 3776,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Domed head of a small nail/rivet,Nail/Rivet,Silver,,1995,,,,, 3779,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragments of nails or rivets,Nails/Rivets,Silver,,1998,,,,, 3782,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Head and upper shank of a nail/rivet of silver.,nail/rivet,Silver,,2001,,,,, 3791,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragment of nail/rivet,Nail/Rivet,Silver,,2010,,,,, 3797,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Nail/rivet with domed head,Nail/Rivet,Silver,,2016,,,,, 3800,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragments of nails or rivets,Nails/Rivets,Silver,,2019,,,,, 3806,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragments of nails or rivets,Nails/Rivets,Silver,,2025,,,,, 3813,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Fragments of nails or rivets,Nails/Rivets,Silver,,2032,,,,, 4042,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

",Silver ?rivet fragment.,Nail/rivet,Silver,,2171,,,,, 4064,675,"

Part of catalogue 675, see K223

","Silver nail/rivet head, with part of a shank, and associated a piece of silver sheet.",nail/rivet,Silver,,2187,,,,, 2205,676,"

676                  [K428, K786]

Silver pin with ring, and the ring from its pair. Possibly remains of a pair of locking pins. The complete example was gilded originally (indicated by XRF analysis, owing to the presence of mercury and gold). The pin (L. 24mm; Th. 2.5mm) is solid cast with a loop one end and a square-section shank that is slightly tapered with a blunt tip. The wire ring (L. 22.5mm) is fastened with two coiled knots. The other ring (L. 22mm) is torn open, twisted and pitted by corrosion. 

L. pin 24mm; Wt 1.68g; X-ray: L102

",Silver pin with ring,Pin and ring,Silver,,428,"[K428] TH127, [K786] BA0104, no locations","(Note: [K786] found on site with: hilt-ring 211; one fragment of silver die-impressed sheet, 606: [K785]; one fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K785]; and three fragments of silver socket 607/08: [K787])",102,,1.68 2654,676,"

Part of catalogue no. 676, see K 428

",Silver pin and ring,Pin and ring,Silver,,786,,,95,, 1847,677,"

677                  [K70]

Gold strip with herringbone filigree. Rejoined from two fragments, torn apart; incomplete, one end cut. The complete end has a loop, possibly meant as a jawed head. Backing of sheet metal with four nail-holes spaced along the length, one at the loop, and with two more at the ends of the ‘jaws’; two gold nails remain (L. 5mm), including at the loop with a filigree washer. Possible part of a hilt-collar, but this is not certain given the loop/‘head’ end. Filigree: a band of herringbone (formed of two-ply twisted wires) fills the length and a narrower band decorates the loop, with beaded wires at the edges; two beaded wires form the washer for the nail at the loop. Reverse: one sheet join indicates the loop was made and attached separately. Wear/marks: moderate wear.

L. 30mm; W. loop 6mm; W. band 4mm; Th. edge 0.5mm; Wt 1.53g; X-ray: L137

",Gold strip with filigree herringbone,Miscellaneous strip,Gold,,70,"[K70] TH023, no location",,137,,1.53 2633,678,"

678                  [K765]

Gold strip with herringbone filigree. Incomplete, one end flattened; the other end torn and bent upwards. Backing of sheet metal with three nail-holes spaced along the length; one gold nail is in situ with a flattened shank (L. 9mm). Possible part of a hilt-collar or other mount. Filigree: a band of herringbone fills the length (formed of two-ply twisted wires) with beaded wire at the edges. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: moderate wear.

L. 22mm; W. 4mm; Th. edge 1mm; Wt 0.57g; X-ray: L80

",Gold strip with herringbone filigree,Miscellaneous strip,Gold,,765,"[K765] BA0095, no location",,80,,0.57 2426,679,"

679                  [K1051]

Gold strip with herringbone filigree. Bent, some wires lifted and broken, one end possibly cut. Backing of sheet metal, without fixing-holes. Possibly an inlay. Filigree: length filled by two bands of herringbone (formed by two-ply twisted wires) separated by a medial strand of beaded wire, and framed by the same wire type. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear.

L. 26mm; W. 3.5mm; Th. 1mm; Wt 0.58g; X-ray: L90

",Gold strip with herringbone filigree,Gold Strip,Gold,,1051,"[K1051] BA0386, grid M7",,90,M7,0.58 3677,680,"

680                  [K1898]

Gold ‘arm’ with herringbone filigree. Bent slightly along its length Constructed of sheet metal, forming a hollow structure with four sides; tapered to the closed butt end, with a sheet join; open at the other end that is torn. The boxed length encases a shrunken fragment of wood (species not identified). Possibly the arm of a small cross pendant. Filigree: one side is decorated with a band of herringbone (formed by two-ply twisted wires). Wear/marks: light wear. Dented one side.

L. 20mm; W. 4mm; H. 4mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 1.12g; X-ray: L4, L7–L9

",Gold 'arm' with herringbone filigree,Unknown,Gold,,1898,"[K1898=K465] TH229, no location",(Note: found in mud inside pommel 41),,,1.12 2039,681,"

    681                 [K262, K408, K341, K423, K733, K1006, K1282, K1346, K1358, K1469, K1482, K1485, K1522, K1539, K1639, K1655, K1671–K1672, K1787=K76, K1872=K369, K1920=K708, K1959=K1198, K1989=K1414, K2183=K233, K5035]

Small gold filigree fragments. Twenty-five in total. Seven [K262, K408, K1006, K1282, K1639, K1672, K1787] are lengths of beaded wire. Two are short lengths of twisted-beaded wire [K733, K1959]. Several have triple-strand beaded wire: two show interlace [K1346, K1671], one is a zoomorphic U-shaped head [K1358]. One fragment [K1482] of sheet is covered with S-scrolls in beaded wire. Five [K341, K1485, K1539, K1655, K1872] are cut lengths of herringbone; one [K341] has a further curved band of herringbone terminating one end. Several fragments have fixing-holes; one [K1872] retains a small gold nail. One further trapezoidal fragment [K5035] has a border of herringbone wire. Wear/marks: two [K1006, K1282] lengths of beaded wire are heavily worn one side, one is trimmed one side [K1639].

L. largest 31mm; Wt 4.70g; X-ray: L33, L41, L44–L45, L64, L84, L88–L90, L92– L93, L98, L100, L104, L135–L136, L142–L143, L70 2012

",Beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Gold,,262,"(Grid location: [K733] BA0204, grid M12; [K1006] BA0072, grid L11; [K1787=K76] BA0060, grid M10; [K1959=K1198] BA0313, grid K13)",,89,,4.7 2118,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",filigree Fragment,Filigree fragment,Gold,,341,,,98,, 2185,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Length of beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Gold,,408,,,136,, 2200,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Filigree fragment,Filigree fragment,Gold,"Fragments with this K number also in catalogue no. 613, see K50",423,,,,, 2601,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Filigree fragment,Filigree fragment,Gold,,733,,,64,M12, 2874,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Short length of beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1006,,,64,L11, 3059,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Length of beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1282,,,92,, 3123,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Gold sheet with filigree interlace;,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1346,,,92,, 3135,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Fragment of filigree; a Style II head/jaws,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1358,,,44,, 3246,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Torn gold sheet with part of a beaded-wire collar,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1469,,,93,, 3259,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Fragment of gold sheet with filigree scrollwork,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1482,,,93,, 3262,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Fragment with herringbone filigree; possibly from a hilt-collar,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1485,,,93,, 3300,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Small fragment with filigree,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1522,,,93,, 3317,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Fragment with herringbone filigree,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1539,,,90,, 3417,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Fragment of beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1639,,,104,, 3433,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Strip with herringbone(?) filigree;,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1655,,,,, 3449,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Fragment of gold sheet with filigree interlace;,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1671,,,100,, 3450,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Fragment of beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1672,,,88,, 3565,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Filigree fragment;,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1787,,,,, 3649,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Fragment of filigree strip,Filigree mount,Gold,,1872,,,,, 3699,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Fragment of gold sheet with filigree edging; possibly part of a hilt-collar,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1920,,,,, 3739,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Short length of twisted-beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1959,,,,, 3770,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Filigree fragment,Filigree fragment,Gold,,1989,,,,, 3884,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",Trapezoidal panel with filigree frame; possibly from a mount or hilt-collar,Filigree fragment,Gold,,5035,,,,, 4059,681,"

Part of catalogue no 681, see K262 for entry

",A triangular-shaped fragment of gold filigree.,filigree fragment,Gold,,2183,,,,, 1863,682,"

682                  [K86, K103, K111, K141, K225, K329–K330, K337, K339, K344, K410, K589–K590, K775, K845, K1064, K1131, K1206, K1224, K1245, K1251, K1379, K1471, K1486, K1667, K1820=K281, K1845=K300, K1848=K307, K1953=K1097, K1958=K1174, K1977=K1367, K2026=K1522, K2097=K316, K5032, K5086]

small fragments of gold. Thirty-five in total. Most are pieces of sheet torn from objects; one is a small annulet (L. 6.5mm). All the sheet fragments are thin and plain, like the sheet used for hilt-plates. Some strips look like pieces of plate side-flange [e.g. K86, K103, K141, K329, K1064]; one strip [K111] has solder at two points and part of a nail at one end; others have lipped edges [e.g. K845, K2097, K5032, K5086]. Two fragments have fixing-holes [K1224, K1486]

L. largest 33mm; Wt 10.19g; X-ray: L24, L29, L30–L31, L36, L41, L44, L52, L64, L74, L80, L87–L88, L90–L91, L93, L99, L116, L138, L70 2012–L71 2012

",Gold sheet fragments,Fragment,Gold,,86,"[K86] BA0046, grid M11; [K103] BA0028, grid L10; [K845] SCC0014, grid J10; [K1064] BA0157, grid M8; [K1131] BA0459, grid P11; [K1224] BA0144, grid M9; [K1245] BA0333, grid N13; [K1251] BA0339, grid N9; [K1953=K1097] BA0179, grid L10)",,138,M11,10.19 1880,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Gold strip,Fragment,Gold,,103,,,90,L10, 1888,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Strip of gold sheet,Sheet,Gold,,111,,,99; 116,, 1918,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Plain strip,Fragment,Gold,,141,,,90,, 2002,682,"

Part of catalogue no. 682, see K0086

",Sheet,Fragment,Gold,,225,,,,, 2106,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,"Strip fragment of sheet, plain and without fixing holes",Fragment,Gold,,329,,,74,, 2107,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold sheet with a flanged edge,Fragment,Gold,,330,,,138,, 2114,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Strip fragment of sheet;,Fragment,Gold,,337,,,80,, 2116,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold sheet with a flanged edge;,Fragment,Gold,,339,,,99,, 2121,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Strip fragment of gold,Fragment,Gold,,344,,,,, 2187,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold sheet,Sheet,Gold,,410,,,138,, 2366,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Annulet with a square section,Annulet,Gold,,589,,,44,, 2367,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of tarnished gold sheet,Fragment,Gold,,590,,,64,, 2439,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Strip of gold sheet,Sheet,Gold,,1064,,,93,M8, 2643,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold sheet,Fragment,Gold,,775,,,93,, 2713,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold sheet;,Fragment,Gold,,845,,,91,J10, 2908,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold sheet,Sheet,Gold,,1131,,,91,P11, 2983,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Strip fragment of gold sheet,Sheet,Gold,,1206,,,93,, 3001,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,"Rectangle, sheet-metal",Fragment,Gold,,1224,,,88,M9, 3022,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold sheet,Sheet,Gold,,1245,,,88; 116,N13, 3028,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold sheet,Fragment,Gold,,1251,,,87,N9, 3156,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold sheet;,Fragment,Gold,,1379,,,91,, 3248,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Plain strip of gold,Fragment,Gold,,1471,,,88,, 3263,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Rectangle of gold sheet,Fragment,Gold,,1486,,,88,, 3598,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Sheet Fragment,Fragment,Gold,,1820,,,,, 3624,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Tiny fragment of gold,Fragment,Gold,,1845,,,,, 3627,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Small strip of gold sheet.,Fragment,Gold,,1848,,,,, 3733,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold sheet,Sheet,Gold,,1953,,,,, 3738,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold sheet,Sheet,Gold,,1958,,,,, 3758,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold strip,Fragment,Gold,,1977,,,,, 3807,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Small fragment of gold sheet,Sheet,Gold,,2026,,,,, 3881,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold sheet;,Fragment,Gold,,5032,,,,, 3935,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Fragment of gold sheet;,Frqagment,Gold,,5086,,,,, 3970,682,

Part of catalogue no. 682 see K86.

,Gold sheet fragment.,Sheet,Gold,,2097,,,,, 1898,683,"

683                  [K121, K500, K734, K2027=K1522, K2076=K1666]

Small gold fragments of cloisonné walling. Five in total. All are vertical wall sections of sheet metal, a few millimetres high, folded to create the stepped cellwork typical of most cloisonné objects. Only one [K734] retains part of its sheet backing.

L. largest 19mm; Wt 1.55g; X-ray: L45, L64, L89, L93, L124

",Fragment of cloisonné wall,Fragment,Gold,,121,"[K734] BA0204, grid M12",,89,, 2277,683,"

Part of catalogue no 683, see K121

","Fragment of gold sheet, cloisonné) cell wall",Fragment,Gold,,500,,,64,, 2602,683,"

Part of catalogue no 683, see K121

",Fragment Cloisonné wall,Fragment,Gold,,734,,,45,M12, 3808,683,"

Part of catalogue no 683, see K121

","Fragment of gold, Cloisonné stepped cell walling",Fragment,Gold,,2027,,,,, 3949,683,"

Part of catalogue no. 683, see K121

","Fragment of concertinaed gold sheet, probably cloisonné wall.",Fragment,Gold,,2076,,,,, 2051,684,"

684                      [K274]

Silver bar with one expanded semi-circular terminal. In two pieces. Analysis of the breaks shows the object was formed of an iron bar with thin layers of wood (Fraxinus excelsior) and horn one side, wrapped front and back with coverings of silver sheet, with overlapping joins at the sides. Two further sheet joins are at each end on the front/rear of the object (depending on its original orientation). X-rays show a fixing-hole one end, now filled with corroded copper alloy, remains perhaps of a nail/rivet; the other end may be broken, but it is partly covered by ?torn silver sheet, and covering corrosion makes interpretation difficult. One possibility is that the object is the arm of a cross. Wear/marks: covered with iron corrosion in places. 

L. 61.5mm; W. 12–19mm; Th. 6.5mm; Wt 12.68g; 

",Silver bar with one expanded semi-circular terminal,Bar,Silver,,274,"[K274] TH189, no location",,,,12.68 2293,685,"

685                  [K516, K787, K794, K997, K1128, K1129, K5058]

Socket in silver with wood remains. Found in nine fragments. Undecorated and ungilded. The base was formed by four lobes, each probably with a fixing-hole originally (Diam. 3mm); two larger fixing-holes (Diam. 5mm) pierce opposite sides of the standing square socket (top L. 28mm; W. 24mm) that encased the wooden shaft of hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), the remains of which are substantial (L. 50mm; Wt 6.74g). The wood (now three fragments) was found still attached by mud to one fragment; it retains partly the square section of the shaft and preserves the cut basal end; a hole bored through the wood aligns with the fixing-holes on the socket. Small iron remains from the bore may be evidence of a rivet; no other fixings were in situ. Wear/marks: ?light wear. The socket has been partially cleaved at one edge, and there is also a deep scratch on one of the basal lobes.  

L. 35mm; W. 47mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 44.67g (wood not included, 6.74g); X-ray: L43, L71 2012

",Socket in silver with wood remains,Socket,Silver,,516,"[K997] BA0292, grid M14; [K1128] BA0457, grid I7; [K1129] BA 0455, grid P11; [K5058] grid location O5)",,,,6.74 2655,685,"

Part of catalogue no. 685, see K516.

",Socket in silver,Socket,Silver,,787,,,,, 2865,685,"

Part of catalogue no. 685, see K516.

",Socket in silver,Socket,Silver,,997,,,43,M14, 2905,685,"

Part of catalogue no. 685, see K516.

",Socket in silver,Socket,Silver,,1128,,,,I7, 2906,685,"

Part of catalogue no. 685, see K516.

",Socket in silver,Socket,Silver,,1129,,,102,P11, 3907,685,"

Part of catalogue no. 685, see K516.

",Socket in silver,Socket,Silver,,5058,,,,, 2622,686,"

686                      [K754, K1925=K761]

Curved silver sheet fragment with peltaic and fish-scale ornament. Rejoined from two fragments; torn both ends and both sides. Ungilded. Peltaic scrolls form a border to the narrower long edge, the border delineated with an incised line. The fish-scale decoration runs the other side of the line. The regularity of the scrolls and scales suggests the ornament might have been produced using a punch. Possibly it is a fragment of hilt-plate. Wear/marks: ?light wear.

L. 28mm; W. 13mm; Th. 1mm; Wt 1.33g; X-ray: L47

",Silver sheet with peltaic and fishscale ornament,Fragment,Silver,"Fragments with this number also form part of catalogue 691, see K204",754,"[K754, K1925=K761] BA0203, no location",,,,1.33 3705,686,"

Part of caatalogue no. 686, see K1925

",Silver sheet with peltaic and fish-scale ornamet,Fragment,Silver,,1925,,,,, 2416,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Die-impressed silver-gilt sheet fragment,Fragment,Silver,,1041,,,99,O7, 2455,687,"

Part of catalogue no. 687, see K 805 for entry

",Silver-gilt fragments with cast interlace and scroll ornament,Fragment,Silver,,1080,,,140,M10, 2673,687,"

687                  [K805, K815, K1080, K1113, K1122, K1138, K1260, K1755, K1972=K1347, K5027, K5056, K5069]

Silver-gilt fragments with cast interlace and scroll ornament. Twelve fragments originally, several now joined, but largely incomplete; stylistically they are related but possibly are from more than one unidentified object. Some fragments preserve parts of a plain channel or margins, but there are no fixing-holes. Probably the original object(s) was slightly curved. Cast decoration: the unusual ornament combines small zones of  triple-strand interlace, with borders of ‘granules’, round framing, and scrolls that terminate foliage-like elements filled with triangular and fish-scale patterns; these last parts were left ungilded and were possibly inlaid with niello (none survives). A number of fragments repeat elements of the same design. Reverse: plain. Wear/marks: light wear. Some have bent edges from removal.

L. largest 23mm; Th. 1mm; Wt 8.36g; X-ray: L101–L102, L125–L126, L140, L69 2012–L70 2012 

",Silver-gilt fragments with cast interlace and scroll ornament,Fragment,Silver,,805,"[K805] BA011, grid L9; [K815] BA0124, grid L9; [K1080] BA0174, grid M10; [K1113] BA0437, grid P14; [K1122] BA0456, grid P11; [K1138] BA0494, grid Q15; [K1260] BA0349, grid N10",,125,L9,8.36 2899,687,"

Part of catalogie no. 687, see K805

",Silver-gilt fragments with cast interlace and scroll ornament,Fragment,Silver,,1122,,,126,P11, 2915,687,,Silver-gilt fragments with cast interlace and scroll ornament,Fragment,Silver,,1138,,,125,Q15, 2970,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Fragment of silver gilded border with two fixing holes,Fragment,Silver,,1193,,,130,M14, 3037,687,"

Part of catalogue 687, see K805.

",Silver-gilt fragments with cast interlace and scroll ornament,Fragment,Silver,,1260,,,125,N10, 3533,687,"

Part of catalogue 687, see K805

",Silver-gilt fragments with cast interlace and scroll ornament,Fragment,Silver,,1755,,,140,, 3753,687,"

Part of catalogue no. 687, see K805

",Silver-gilt fragments with cast interlace and scroll ornament,Fragment,Silver,,1972,,,,, 3876,687,"

Part of catalogue 687, see K805

","Fragment of cast silver with relief, gilded decoration",Fragment,Silver,,5027,,,,, 3905,687,

Part of catalogue no. 687

,Silver-gilt fragments with cast interlace and scroll ornament,Fragment,Silver,,5056,,,,, 1961,688,"

688                  [K184, K219, K639, K870, K887, K1041, K1047, K1193, K1286, K1292, K1355, K1443, K1533, K1720, K1971=K1347, K1990=K1414, K2005=K1452(2), K2039=K1575, K2048=K1598, K2086=K62, K2168=K1518, K2169=K1363]

Miscellaneous small silver fragments. Twenty-four in total. Three [K639, K1193, K1286] are fragments of gilded border with fixing-holes, probably from the series of large silver niello mounts (569–571), and other silver fragments [K1292, K1533, K2169=K1363] and actual strands of niello [K1443, K1990, K2039, K2048, K2168] may have the same origin. Three [K184, K1720, K1971] are cast fragments without decoration from objects unknown. Two [K219, K887] have beaded edging. One [K870] flattish fragment has triangular punch ornament. The most highly decorated [K1047] has cast ornament imitating filigree, with a band of herringbone, crossed by a curved, beaded strand. 

(Grid location: [K887] BA1000, grid K9; [K1041] BA0370, grid O7; [K1047] BA0381, grid O8; [K1193] BA0307, grid M14; [K1720] BA0277, grid L8; [K2086=K62] BA0054, grid L10)

L. largest 16mm; Wt 6.82g; X-ray: L41, L45, L99, L101L104, L106, L128L130, L140

",Miscellaneous small silver fragments,Fragment,Silver,,184,"(Grid location: [K887] BA1000, grid K9; [K1041] BA0370, grid O7; [K1047] BA0381, grid O8; [K1193] BA0307, grid M14; [K1720] BA0277, grid L8; [K2086=K62] BA0054, grid L10)",,103,,6.82 1996,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Small silver fragment,Fragment,Silver,,219,,,,, 3820,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Niello strand,Fragment,Silver,,2039,,,,, 3829,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Fragment of niello inlay,Niello fragment,Silver,,2048,,,,, 2422,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

","Fragment of silver, cast and gilded, with imitation filigree decoration",Fragment,Silver,,1047,,,140,O8, 2507,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Fragment of silver-gilt edge;,Fragment,Silver,,639,,,129,, 2738,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Fragment of flat silver with row of punch marks,Fragment,Silver,,870,,,102,, 2755,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Silver fragment with a beaded edge and line ornament,Fragment,Silver,,887,,,140,, 3063,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

","Fragment of cast silver, of gilded border",Fragment,Silver,,1286,,,128,, 3069,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

","Fragment of silver, from the edge of an object",Fragment,Silver,,1292,,,129,, 3133,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Silver tab-like fragment,Fragment,Silver,,1355,,,102,, 3220,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Fragment of niello inlay,Fragment,Silver,,1443,,,128,, 3498,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Fragment of cast silver,Fragment,Silver,,1720,,,140,, 3752,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Fragment of silver-gilt;,Fragment,Silver,,1971,,,,, 3771,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Fragment of niello inlay,Niello fragment,Silver,,1990,,,,, 3786,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Fragments of cast silver,Fragments,Silver,,2005,,,,, 3959,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Small fragment of cast silver with a beaded surface,Fragment,Silver,,2086,,,,, 4047,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Niello fragment,fragment,Silver,,2168,,,,, 4048,688,"

Part of catalogue 688, see K219

",Fragment of silver with niello decoration,fragment,Silver,,2169,,,,, 2034,689,"

689                  [K257, K504, K1408, K1604, K1606, K1610, K1654, K1697, K1750, K1785=K65, K1805=K263, K1870=K365, K1993=K1431, K2060=K1696]

Miscellaneous small silver filigree fragments. Nineteen in total. Most are beaded wire fragments; one [K1408] is two-ply twisted wire; two [K1610, K1750] are two-ply twisted-beaded wire. Only the last two fragments have gilding. Most possibly come from pommel 63.

L. largest 10mm; Wt 0.29g; X-ray: L36, L45, L80, L96, L100, L104 L106 

",Tiny fragment of silver beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Silver,,257,[K1785=K65] BA0035A grid K10,,96,,0.29 3841,689,"

Part of catalogue 689, see K257

",Fragment of beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Silver,,2060,,,,, 2281,689,"

Part of catalogue 689, see K257

",Fragment of beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Silver,,504,,,45,, 3185,689,"

Part of catalogue 689, see K257

",Fragment of twisted wire,Filigree fragment,Silver,,1408,,,104,, 3382,689,"

Part of catalogue 689, see K257

","Filigree collar, and fragment",Filigree fragments,Silver,,1604,,,100,, 3384,689,"

Part of catalogue 689, see K257

",Fragment of beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Silver,,1606,,,104,, 3388,689,"

Part of catalogue 689, see K257

",Fragments of twisted-beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Silver,,1610,,,104,, 3432,689,"

Part of catalogue 689, see K257

",Fragment of beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Silver,,1654,,,104,, 3475,689,"

Part of catalogue 689, see K257

",Fragments of beaded wire,Filigree fragments,Silver,,1697,,,104,, 3528,689,"

Part of catalogue 689, see K257

",Fragment of twisted-beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Silver,,1750,,,100,, 3563,689,"

Part of catalogue 689, see K257

",Fragment of silver filigree wire,Filigree,Silver,,1785,,,,, 3583,689,"

Part of catalogue 689, see K257

",Beaded wire,Filigree fragments,Silver,,1805,,,,, 3660,689,"

Part of catalogue 689, see K257

",Fragment of beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Silver,,1870,,,,, 3774,689,"

Part of catalogue 689, see K257

",Fragment of beaded wire,Filigree fragment,Silver,,1993,,,,, 1969,690,"

690                  [K81, K171, K192–K193, K199, K203, K216–K217, K221, K269, K282, K346, K361, K435–K436, K493–K494, K501, K520, K534, K540, K542, K602–K603, K607–K608, K613, K624, K633–K634, K636–K637, K746, K761, K763, K785, K801, K817, K873, K888, K896, K909–K910, K921, K928, K930, K939–K940, K962, K977, K989, K996, K998, K1038, K1043–K1044, K1053, K1065, K1077, K1094, K1116, K1133, K1175, K1183, K1203, K1215, K1244, K1289, K1295, K1300, K1309–K1310, K1329, K1332, K1341, K1349–K1352, K1357, K1363, K1371, K1383, K1393, K1396, K1411, K1417–K1418, K1431, K1468, K1479, K1490, K1493, K1502, K1504–K1505, K1514, K1516, K1520, K1524, K1533, K1548, K1551, K1557, K1566–K1567, K1577, K1594, K1596, K1608, K1615, K1626–K1627, K1658, K1667, K1676, K1683, K1694, K1701, K1708, K1712, K1714, K1717–K1718, K1745, K1747, K1752, K1778=K52, K1781=K53, K1783=K53, K1789=K79, K1795=K202, K1797=K204, K1799=K232, K1802=K233, K1809=K268, K1810=K268, K1812=K273, K1813=K273, K1818=K279, K1827=K292, K1837=K295, K1841=K296, K1852=K310, K1853=K311, K1854=K313, K1856=K314, K1858=K318, K1859=K319, K1866=K358, K1867=K356, K1869=K358, K1871=K365, K1875=K389, K1876=K390, K1877=K8, K1879=K297, K1881=K310, K1883=K397, K1888=K402, K1889=K417, K1890=K418, K1892=K422, K1895=K447, K1899=K465, K1903=K513, K1904=K522, K1905=K534, K1908=K553, K1910=K557, K1911=K614, K1913=K653, K1915=K654, K1917=K668, K1923=K715, K1927=K761, K1932=K803, K1937=K833, K1938=K833, K1941=K1024, K1949=K1081, K1950=K1089, K1951=K1089, K1954=K1097, K1955=K1106, K1956=K1143, K1961= K1198, K1966=K1317, K1970=K1347, K1991=K1431, K2002=K1445, K2006=K1453, K2007=K1453, K2008=K1455, K2013=K1458, K2020=K1511, K2038=K1575, K2043=K1589, K2047=K1598, K2059=K1696, K2062=K1696, K2065=K1712, K2066=K1712, K2070=K82, K2073=K278, K2080=K283, K2136=K1614, K2149=K794, K2159=K1372, K2160=K260, K2163=K131, K2177=K506, K5040, K5042, K5047–K5048, K5055, K5064, K5068, K5075, K5082]

                        Small silver sheet and other fragments. Over one-thousand (1061) in total, with many added during conservation, found adhering to objects or from soil blocks. They range in size from small (c. L. <15mm) to very small (c. L. <5mm); a few have been joined (L. <35mm). The majority are thin sheet and flat; all are undecorated, except many have gilding on one side only, and some of these are probably related to silver-gilt socket 607/08. One joined piece [K1329, K1351] has a right angle edge (L. 16mm), which suggests it could be part of a helmet panel. Some have fixing-holes. A small number are thicker plate and may be fragments from hilt-plates or cast objects.

L. largest 35mm; Wt 54.71g; X-ray: L3–L4, L7–L9, L11, L26, L29–L30, L38–L39, L41–L43, L47, L58, L60–L62, L64–L66, L72, L75, L76, L80, L83–L107, L116, L119–L121, L124–L125, L128, L131–L133, L135, L137, L142, L70 2012–L71 2012

",Silver sheet and other fragments,Sheet,Silver,,192,"(Grid location: [K81] BA0049, grid L11; [K817] BA0123, grid L9; [K977] BA0267, grid K12; [K989] BA0285, grid L8; [K996] BA0280, grid M13; [K998] BA0277, grid L8; [K1038] BA0373, grid H15; [K1043] BA0379, grid L15; [K1044] BA0380, grid O8; [K1053] BA0371, grid K8; [K1077] BA0171, grid K9; [K1116] BA0442, grid P9; [K1183] BA0296, grid J9; [K1203] BA0308, grid K8; [K1215] BA0310, grid K8; [K1718] BA0005, grid K11; [K1789=K79] BA0041, grid L10; [K1877=K8] BA0188, grid M12; [K1923=K715] BA0207, grid J12; [K1932=K803] BA0117, grid L9; [K1941=K1024] BA0398, grid N7; [K1949=K1081] BA0175, grid M10; [K1950=K1089] BA0185, grid M11; [K1951=K1089] BA0185, grid M11; [K1954=K1097] BA0179, grid L10; [K1956=K1143] BA0486, grid K5; [K1961=K1198] BA0313, grid K13; [K2070=K82] BA0011A, grid K10; [K2163=K131] BA0039, grid I12; [K5040] grid O12; [K5042] grid M11; [K5047] grid L10; [K5048] grid I4; [K5055] grid N9; [K5064] grid E10; [K5068] grid G12; [K5075] grid I7; [K5082] grid F7)",,104,, 1976,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,199,,,103,, 1994,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,217,,,103,, 1998,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt(?) sheet,Sheet,Silver,,221,,,,, 2046,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,269,,,106,, 2123,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,346,,,,, 2138,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,361,,,,, 2379,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,602,,,94; 116,, 2380,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,603,,,94; 116,, 2384,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,607,,,94,, 2385,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081

",Fragment of silver sheet;,Sheet,Silver,,608,,,102,, 2401,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,624,,,101,, 3819,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

","Fragment of silver sheet, some gilded",Sheet,Silver,,2038,,,,, 3824,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

","Fragments of silver sheet, some gilded",Sheet,Silver,,2043,,,,, 3828,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192


",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,2047,,,,, 3840,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,2059,,,,, 3843,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Miscellaneous sheet fragment,Miscellaneous sheet fragment,Silver,,2062,,,,, 3846,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,2065,,,,, 3847,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,2066,,,,, 2271,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,494,,,100,, 2311,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,534,,,99,, 2413,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1038,,,94,H15, 2418,690,

Part of catalogue 690 see K0081

,Fragment of cast silver,Fragment,Silver,,1043,,,124,L15, 2419,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1044,,,124,O8, 2428,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1053,,,102; 103,K8, 2452,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081

","Fragment of flat, undecorated silver",Fragment,Silver,,1077,,,133,K9, 2469,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1094,,,94,, 2491,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1116,,,102,P9, 2501,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081

","Fragment, with gilded decoration",Fragment,Silver,,633,,,101,, 2504,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,636,,,99,, 2685,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,817,,,94,L9, 2764,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver sheet/plate,Sheet(?),Silver,,896,,,106,, 2777,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,909,,,99,, 2789,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,921,,,95,, 2796,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,928,,,99,, 2807,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,939,,,64,, 2808,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,940,,,101,, 2830,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,962,,,95,, 2845,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,977,,,99,K12, 2857,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of plain silver,Sheet(?),Silver,,989,,,101,L8, 2866,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver sheet with two holes,Sheet,Silver,,998,,,102,L8, 2910,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1133,,,98,, 2952,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1175,,,94,, 2960,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1183,,,102; 116,J9, 2992,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1215,,,95,K8, 3021,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1244,,,94,, 3066,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192


","Fragment of, folded, silver-gilt sheet",Sheet,Silver,,1289,,,93,, 3072,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Die-impressed silver sheet fragments,Sheet,Silver,,1295,,,,, 3077,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Die-impressed(?) silver sheet fragment,Sheet,Silver,,1300,,,,, 3086,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1309,,,94; 116,, 3087,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Die-impressed silver sheet fragments,Sheet,Silver,,1310,,,,, 3106,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1329,,,94,, 3118,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1341,,,,, 3126,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1349,,,93,, 3128,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081

",Fragment of silver sheet,Fragment,Silver (?),,1351,,,104,, 3129,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Die-impressed(?) silver sheet fragment [TBC],Sheet,Silver,,1352,,,,, 3134,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1357,,,98,, 3148,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081

",Sheet,Fragment,Silver,,1371,,,,, 3173,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

","Fragments of silver sheet, some gilded",Sheet,Silver,,1396,,,100,, 3208,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

","Fragments of silver sheet, some gilded",Sheet,Various,,1431,,,100,, 3245,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1468,,,94,, 3256,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1479,,,107,, 3279,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Die-impressed silver sheet fragments,Sheet,Silver,,1502,,,,, 3282,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1505,,,100; 103,, 3291,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Die-impressed(?) silver sheet fragments,Sheet,Silver (?),,1514,,,,, 3298,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver and silver-gilt sheet(?) [TBC],Sheet(?),Silver,,1520,,,97; 116,, 3335,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

","Fragments, very small,",Sheet,Silver,"Fragments with this number also form part of catalogue 691, see K204",1557,,,,, 3358,690,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1580,,,,, 3436,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1658,,,103,, 3461,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet(?) [TBC],Sheet(?),Spoil,,1683,,,,, 3486,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

","Mixed fragments, mainly silver sheet(?) [TBC]",Sheet(?),Silver,,1708,,,,, 3495,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1717,,,124,, 3523,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1745,,,93,, 3525,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1747,,,104,, 3530,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081

",Fragments of silver,Fragment,Silver,,1752,,,,, 3559,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,sheet,Silver,,1781,,,,, 3561,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1783,,,,, 3575,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Curved fragment of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1797,,,,, 3577,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1799,,,,, 3580,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1802,,,,, 3587,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1809,,,,, 3588,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1810,,,,, 3590,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt(?) sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1812,,,,, 3591,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1813,,,,, 3596,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1818,,,,, 3606,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1827,,,,, 3616,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1837,,,,, 3620,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1841,,,,, 3631,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1852,,,,, 3633,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1854,,,,, 3635,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1856,,,,, 3637,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet with nail/rivet hole,Sheet,Silver,,1858,,,,, 3638,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1859,,,,, 3644,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1866,,,,, 3645,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Fragment of silver sheet,Fragment,Silver,,1867,,,,, 3648,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of siilver-alloy(?) sheet(?),Sheet(?),Silver,,1869,,,,, 3652,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1875,,,,, 3653,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver sheet(?),Sheet(?),Silver,,1871,,,,, 3654,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1876,,,,, 3655,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1877,,,,M12, 3657,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1879,,,,, 3659,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet/?plate,Sheet,Silver,,1881,,,,, 3667,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Very small silver fragment,Fragment,Silver,,1888,,,,, 3668,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Fragments of silver,Fragment,Silver,,1889,,,,, 3669,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Fragments,Fragments,Silver,,1890,,,,, 3671,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1892,,,,, 3674,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Fragments of silver,Fragments,Silver,,1895,,,,, 3678,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1899,,,,, 3682,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1903,,,,, 3683,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1904,,,,, 3684,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Fragment of silver edging(?),Fragment,Silver,,1905,,,,, 3687,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet(?),Sheet(?),Silver,,1908,,,,, 3689,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1910,,,,, 3690,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Fragment of silver,Fragment,Silver,,1911,,,,, 3692,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver(?) sheet,Sheet,Silver (?),,1913,,,,, 3694,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192


",Fragments of silver sheet(?),Sheet(?),Silver,,1915,,,,, 3696,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Small fragment of silver,Fragment,Silver,,1917,,,,, 3702,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1923,,,,, 3707,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Die-impressed silver sheet fragments,Sheet,Silver,,1927,,,,, 3712,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1932,,,,, 3717,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

","Fragments of silver sheet, some gilded, some possibly die-impressed [TBC]",Sheet,Silver,,1937,,,,, 3718,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1938,,,,, 3721,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1941,,,,, 3729,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1949,,,,, 3730,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt(?) sheet(?) [TBC],Sheet(?),Silver,,1950,,,,, 3731,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet(,Sheet(?),Silver,,1951,,,,, 3734,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192


",Fragment of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1954,,,,, 3735,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet(?),Sheet(?),Silver,,1955,,,,, 3736,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Die-impressed(?) silver sheet fragments,Sheet,Silver,,1956,,,,, 3741,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver(?) sheet(?),Sheet(?),Silver,,1961,,,,, 3746,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,1966,,,,, 3751,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet(?) [TBC],Sheet(?),Silver,,1970,,,,, 3772,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Die-impressed silver sheet fragments,Sheet,Silver,,1991,,,,, 3783,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,2002,,,,, 3787,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,2006,,,,, 3788,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Miscellaneous sheet fragments,Sheet,Silver,,2007,,,,, 3789,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Fragments of silver-gilt,Fragments,Silver,,2008,,,,, 3794,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,2013,,,,, 3801,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

","Small fragments of silver sheet, some gilded and some die impressed",Sheet,Silver,,2020,,,,, 3889,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of thick silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,5040,,,,, 3891,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,5042,,,,, 3896,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,5047,,,,, 3897,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,5048,,,,, 3913,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Miscellaneous sheet fragment,Miscellaneous sheet fragment,Silver,,5064,,,,, 3917,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,5068,,,,, 3924,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Fragment,Silver,,5075,,,,, 3931,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragment of silver-gilt sheet,Sheet,Silver,,5082,,,,, 3943,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Small fragment of silver sheet.,Sheet,Silver,,2070,,,,, 3946,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

","Silver sheet fragments, possibly die-impressed",Sheet,Silver,,2073,,,,, 3953,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,2080,,,,, 4024,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",sheet,Fragment,Silver,,2149,,,,, 4033,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K0081.

",Two fragments of silver.,Fragments,Silver,,2159,,,,, 4034,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Small fragment of plain silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,2160,,,,, 4037,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

",Very small fragments of silver sheet,Sheet,Silver,,2163,,,,, 4053,690,"

Part of catalogue 690, see K192

","Small fragments of silver sheet, some gilded",Sheet,Silver,,2177,,,,, 1981,691,"

691                  [K204, K211, K214, K259, K263, K493, K495, K497, K509, K709, K754, K900, K1100, K1135, K1279, K1284, K1395, K1418, K1438, K1455, K1488, K1490, K1511, K1518, K1526, K1551, K1557, K1575, K1581, K1609, K1645, K1863=K324, K1864=K349, K1880=K298, K1887=K397, K1965=K1315, K1994=K1431, K2054=1660, K2068=K1717, K2074=K65]

Small fragments of copper alloy. One hundred and seven in total, the majority shapeless from fragmentation and corrosion. Some [e.g. K211, K497, K709] are flat with curved edges and may be from linings for gold hilt-plates; one [K497] has a flanged edge. One fragment [K509] is probably the core from a small boss, again probably from a hilt-plate. Other small fragments could be from pommel cores. Just three have cast decoration, two are heavily corroded: one has a beaded border [K1581]; one [K1526] a cross-hatched pattern with gilding; the largest fragment [K1284] has gilded three-strand interlace and a beaded border, imitating filigree. Two undecorated triangles of sheet are a pair [K900, K1135], but are not certainly Anglo-Saxon.

L. largest 13.5mm; Wt 5.41g; X-ray: L32, L36, L41, L64, L72, L83, L87, L94–L96, L100, L104–L106, L124, 

","Flat, plain fragment; possibly a hilt-plate liner",Fragment,Copper alloy,,204,"[K900] BA1057, grid J7; [K1101] BA1032, grid D10; [K1135] BA0485, grid J5; [K2074=K65] BA0035A, grid K10",,104; 105,,5.41 1988,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

","Flat, plain fragment; possibly a hilt-plate liner",Fragment,Copper alloy,,211,,,105,, 1991,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

","Flat, plain fragment; possibly a hilt-plate liner",Fragment,Copper alloy,,214,,,105,, 2036,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

","Flat, plain fragments; possibly a hilt-plate liner",Fragments,Copper alloy,,259,,,106,, 2040,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

","Flat, plain fragment; possibly from a hilt-plate liner",Fragment,Copper alloy,,263,,,106,, 2577,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry


","Fragments of copper-alloy liner, probably from K708",Fragments,Copper alloy,,709,,,41,, 3835,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragment or globule of copper alloy,Fragment,Copper alloy,,2054,,,,, 3849,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragments of copper alloy,Fragments,Copper alloy,,2068,,,,, 2272,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragments of copper-alloy,Fragments,Copper alloy,,495,,,106,, 2274,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragment of copper-alloy liner for a hilt-plate,Hilt-plate liner,Copper alloy,,497,,,64,, 2286,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

","Boss-shaped, pierced object; possibly a core/liner",Boss-headed rivet ?core/liner,Copper alloy,,509,,,104,, 2768,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Triangle of sheet copper alloy,Sheet,Copper alloy,,900,,,105,J7, 2912,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Triangle of sheet copper alloy,Sheet,Copper alloy,,1135,,,105,J5, 3056,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragment of copper alloy; possibly liner,Fragment,Copper alloy,,1279,,,105,, 3061,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragment of cast copper alloy with decoration imitating filigree interlace,Fragment,Copper alloy,,1284,,,87,, 3215,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragments of copper-alloy; possibly hilt-plate liner,Fragments,Copper alloy,,1438,,,105,, 3232,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragments of copper-alloy,Fragments,Copper alloy,,1455,,,105,, 3265,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

","Fragment of flat, gilded copper alloy",Fragment,Copper alloy,,1488,,,106,, 3288,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Small fragments of copper alloy,Fragments,Copper alloy,,1511,,,105,, 3296,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

","Fragment,",Fragments,Copper alloy,,1518,,,,, 3304,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Small fragments of copper alloy,Fragments,Copper alloy,,1526,,,106,, 3353,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragment of copper alloy; possibly liner,Fragment,Copper alloy,,1575,,,104,, 3359,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragment of copper-alloy,Fragment,Copper alloy,,1581,,,106,, 3387,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragments of copper alloy; possibly liner,Fragments,Copper alloy,,1609,,,106,, 3423,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragment of copper alloy,Fragment,Copper alloy,,1645,,,106,, 3641,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragments of copper-alloy sheet,Sheet,Copper alloy,,1863,,,,, 3642,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragment of copper-alloy,Fragment,Copper alloy,,1864,,,,, 3658,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragments of copper-alloy; possibly liner,Fragments,Copper alloy,,1880,,,,, 3666,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

","Small, shapeless fragment",Fragment,Copper alloy,,1887,,,,, 3745,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragment,Fragment,Copper alloy,,1965,,,,, 3775,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K204 for entry

",Fragments of copper-alloy,Fragments,Copper alloy,,1994,,,,, 3947,691,"

Part of catalogue 691, see K0204

",Gilt copper-alloy fragment,Fragment,Copper alloy,,2074,,,,, 2563,692,"

692                  [K695]

Large cabochon garnet. Oval, plano-concave cut. Found loose. The stone does not fit any object in the collection. Wear/marks: chipped around the base, with fractures extending into the interior. Set: although it does not fit the great gold cross (539), it is possible it formed part of its central setting.

L. 23mm; W. 18mm; Th. 8mm; Wt 6.88g; no X-ray

",Large cabochon garnet,Garnet,Garnet,,695,"[K695] TH063, no location",,,,6.88 2216,693,"

693                  [K439–K444, K503, K579, K875, K1298, K1307, K1389, K1398, K1422, K1435, K1463, K1477, K1492, K1507, K1512, K1523, K1565, K1578, K1580, K1587, K1614, K1646, K1656, K1681–K1682, K1709–K1711, K1722, K1725, K1727–K1729, K1731–K1733, K1735–K1740, K1758–K1760, K1762–K1766, K1768, K1788=K79, K1798=K204, K1844=K300, K1874=K386, K1962=K1240, K1984=K1396, K2079=K283, K2094=K282, K2095=K282, K2184=K224, K2185=K862, K2186=K888]

Small cut red garnets. Seventy-three stones found loose and mostly recovered from soil blocks (five have gold foils associated, two are detached). They take various shapes that are largely akin with the forms on the cloisonné objects in the collection, from which all probably derive. Most are flat, with a thickness of 0.4–1.6mm (sixty-three measured). The majority are stepped forms, including one arrow [K1732], five mushroom [K1435, K1709, K1735–K1736, K1760], and fifteen half-mushroom/arrow forms [K444, K579, K1298, K1398, K1512, K1578, K1580, K1587, K1710, K1731, K1737, K1758, K1759, K1762, K1766]. Other stones comprise four rectangular [K1492, K1764, K1768, K2079], seventriangular [K1307, K1614, K1682, K1722, K1739, K1798, K1962], two circular [K439, K2095], two trapezoidal [K1740, K1765], and one [K1565] unusual boat-shaped form with a slightly convex top. The last form has no parallel among the cloisonné objects of the collection.A further small number are irregular in shape and are possibly from zoomorphic designs [K1398, K1507, K1729, K1763, K1788]. Six stones are not flat but wedge shaped [K503, K1389, K1398, K1646, K1711, K1738] and these may be from hilt-plate set 366–369. A few other flattish stones were cut with slightly curved top surfaces. Three of the five gold backing foils have ‘standard’ cross-hatched patterns [K441, K1798, K1962, K2095] and two have ‘boxed 3×3’ patterns [K441, K2186].

L. 1.5 –12.5mm; Th. 0.5–1.5mm; Wt 1.68g; no X-ray

",Cut garnet,Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,439,"[K875] SCC0009, grid J10; [K1788=K79] BA0041, grid L10; K2185=K862, grid K11)",(Note: K2185=K862 soil block K862),,,1.68 2217,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K0439

",Cut garnet,Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,440,,,83,, 2218,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K0439

",Cut garnet with remains of gold foil,Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,441,,,142,, 2219,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K0439

",Cut garnet,Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,442,,,,, 2220,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K0439

",Cut garnet,Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,443,,,,, 2221,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

",Cut garnet,Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,444,,,,, 2280,693,"

Part of catalogue no.693, see K439

",Wedge-cut garnet,Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,503,,,,, 2356,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

",Cut garnet,Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,579,,,,, 2743,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,875,,,,J10, 3075,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Flat garnet, half mushroom cut",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1298,,,,, 3084,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cloisonné, loose stone",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1307,,,,, 3166,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

",Wedge-cut garnet,Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1389,,,,, 3175,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Five flat garnets, cut in different shapes",Garnets (cloisonné),Garnet,,1398,,,,, 3199,693,"

Part of catalogue no. 693, see K439

",Garnet,Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1422,,,,, 3212,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Flat cut garnet, mushroom shape",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1435,,,,, 3240,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Flat, cut garnet, stepped shape",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1463,,,,, 3254,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Flat, cut garnet, stepped shape",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1477,,,,, 3261,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with standard grid pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1484,,,87,, 3269,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Flat, cut garnet, square shape",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1492,,,,, 3284,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, zoomorphic(?) form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1507,,,,, 3289,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1512,,,,, 3301,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1523,,,,, 3343,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, boat-shaped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1565,,,,, 3350,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with 3x3 boxed pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1572,,,93,, 3356,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1578,,,142,, 3365,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1587,,,,, 3392,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, triangular form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,Fragment(s) with this number formed part of catalogue no. 607/8,1614,,,,, 3424,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

",Cut garnet of wedge form,Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1646,,,,, 3434,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

",Fragment of garnet,Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1656,,,,, 3459,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1681,,,,, 3460,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, triangular form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1682,,,,, 3476,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with standard grid pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1698,,,87,, 3485,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with standard grid pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1707,,,93,, 3487,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, mushroom form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1709,,,,, 3488,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1710,,,,, 3489,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet, flat, but irregular form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1711,,,,, 3500,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, triangular form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1722,,,,, 3503,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1725,,,,, 3505,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1727,,,,, 3506,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, curved-stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1728,,,,, 3507,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, zoomophic(?) form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1729,,,,, 3509,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cloisonné, loose stone, triangle",Cloisonné,Garnet,,1731,,,,, 3510,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cloisonné, loose stone, arrow",Cloisonné,Garnet,,1732,,,,, 3511,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cloisonné, loose stone, t shaped",Cloisonné,Garnet,,1733,,,,, 3513,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, mushroom form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1735,,,,, 3514,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, mushroom form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1736,,,,, 3515,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1737,,,,, 3516,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet, flat, but form unknown [TBC]",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1738,,,,, 3517,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, triangular(?) form [TBC]",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1739,,,,, 3518,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet, flat, but form unknown [TBC]",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1740,,,,, 3536,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, half-arrow form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1758,,,,, 3537,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, half-mushroom form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1759,,,,, 3538,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, mushroom form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1760,,,,, 3540,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, triangular(?) form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1762,,,,, 3541,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet, flat, but form unknown [TBC]",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1763,,,,, 3542,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, rectangular(?) form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1764,,,,, 3543,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, trapezoidal form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1765,,,,, 3544,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1766,,,,, 3546,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, rectangular(?) form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1768,,,,, 3566,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

",Sub-oval garnet,Garnet,Garnet,,1788,,,,, 3576,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

",Triangular garnet with gold foil,Garnet,Garnet,,1798,,,,, 3623,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

",Two garnets: leaf-shaped and stepped forms,Garnet,Garnet,,1844,,,,, 3651,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

",Small garnet,Garnet,Garnet,,1874,,,,, 3742,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Triangular, flat garnet and gold backing foil",Garnet and foil (cloisonné),Garnet,,1962,,,,, 3765,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Cut garnet of flat, stepped form",Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,1984,,,,, 3952,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

",Cut garnet,Garnet (cloisonné),Garnet,,2079,,,,, 3967,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

",Cut stepped garnet,garnet,Garnet,,2094,,,,, 3968,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

",Cut circular garnet and 'standard' gold foil,garnet and foil,Garnet,,2095,,,,, 4060,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","One garnet, flat, stepped cut.",garnet,Garnet,,2184,,,,, 4061,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

",Fragment of cut garnet,garnet,Garnet,,2185,,,,, 4062,693,"

Part of catalogue 693, see K439

","Garnet. Cut, flat, stepped. Gold foil attached to reverse with boxed 3x3 pattern",garnet and foil,Gold and garnet,,2186,,,,, 2453,694,"

694                  [K1078]

Cross-hatched gold foil of ‘special boxed’ type. Found unassociated. The foil is large in comparison to others found loose (695), but is paralleled in size by some of the foils used on larger objects (539: mounts [K659] and [K1314]; 542–543). In its crumpled state, its original form is difficult to discern. It is decorated with a cross-hatched boxed pattern. Most of the boxes hold arrangements of 4×4 grids, but one line of boxes contains a variation of 4×5; this foil type was termed ‘special boxed’ by Avent and Leigh (1977). The same 4×5 arrangement is found on foil fragment [K1299] (695) and was used on the foil backing the garnet on boss [K1314] from the cross (539). 

L. 15.5mm; Th. <0.01mm; Wt 0.13g; X-ray: L74, L83

",Cross-hatched gold foil of 'special boxed' type,Patterned foil,Gold,,1078,"[K1078] BA0172, grid K9",,74; 83,K9,0.13 2190,695,"

695                  [K413, K1222, K1283, K1299, K1390, K1399, K1421, K1436, K1464, K1484, K1508, K1551, K1568, K1572, K1585, K1601, K1665, K1698, K1707, K1776, K1791=K121, K1849=K307, K1893=K425, K1894=K431, K1963=K1250, K1964=K1256, K1986=K1396]

Gold foils with cross-hatched patterns. Thirty-eight foils found loose; probably all derive from cloisonné objects in the collection (in addition, five further foils were found with their garnets, see 693). Of varying shape, they were originally set behind the garnets on cloisonné objects. Many have lipped edges, indicating in each case the overlapping fit of the foil with its stone. All are of very thin metal, less than 0.1mm thick, and most weigh less than 0.01g. Their fine cross-hatched patterns were formed by a die. By the typology of Avent and Leigh (1977) most have ‘standard’ cross-hatched patterns; five have ‘boxed 3×3’ patterns [K413, K1222, K1390, K1421, K1572]; one [K1299] has an incomplete ‘special boxed’ pattern with 4×5 or possibly 5×5 boxes. Versions of this last pattern are seen also on the largest loose foil from the collection (694) and on the boss from the great gold cross (539). Possibly one is a plain foil [K1299].

L. 2–6.5mm; Th. <0.1mm; Wt 0.19g; X-ray: L31, L80, L83, L87, L89, L92–L93, L98, L100, L128, L132, L137

",Cross-hatched gold foil; type 3x3 boxed,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,413,"K1222] BA0133, grid L9; [K1963=K1250] BA0337, grid N9; [K1964=K1256] BA0345, grid N10",,89,,0.19 2999,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with 3x3 boxed pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1222,,,93,L9, 3060,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with standard grid pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1283,,,87,, 3076,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

","Gold backing foils, including one 5x5(?) boxed and one standard type",Patterned foils (cloisonné),Gold,,1299,,,,, 3167,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with 3x3 boxed pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1390,,,93,, 3176,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Three gold foils with standard grid pattern,Patterned foils (cloisonné),Gold,,1399,,,80; 83,, 3198,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with 3x3 boxed pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1421,,,137,, 3213,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foils with standard grid pattern,Patterned foils (cloisonné),Gold,,1436,,,93,, 3241,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with standard grid pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1464,,,87,, 3285,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with standard grid pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1508,,,137,, 3346,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foils with standard grid pattern,Patterned foils (cloisonné),Gold,,1568,,,137,, 3363,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foils with standard grid pattern,Patterned foils (cloisonné),Gold,,1585,,,87,, 3379,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with standard grid pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1601,,,87,, 3443,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foils with standard grid pattern,Patterned foils (cloisonné),Gold,,1665,,,87,, 3554,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with standard grid pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1776,,,93,, 3569,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Cross-hatched gold foil; type standard,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1791,,,,, 3628,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Cross-hatched gold foil; type standard,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1849,,,,, 3672,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Cross-hatched gold foil; type standard,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1893,,,,, 3673,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Cross-hatched gold foil; type standard,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1894,,,,, 3743,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with standard grid pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1963,,,,, 3744,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with standard grid pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1964,,,,, 3767,695,"

Part of catalogue 695, see K413

",Gold foil with standard grid pattern,Patterned foil (cloisonné),Gold,,1986,,,,, 3186,696,"

696      [K1409, K2189, K2190]

Fragment of hilt-plate in silver with gilding. Six of seven fragments rejoined, missing both ends. Possibly a top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Made of sheet metal, flat, with remains of the rectangular slot (W. 8mm) at the centre of the plate, cut for the tang of the weapon. Upper surface only gilded, with a mark around the tang-slot, probably from a grip or collar. Wear/marks: wear not possible to judge. Possibly cut one end.

L. 38mm; W. 22mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 1.79g; X-ray: L97

",Hilt-plate in silver with gilding,Hilt-plate,Silver,"Fragment(s) with this number also included in catalogue no 595 see K156, no. 606, see K7 and catalogue no 607/8 see K35.",1409,No locations,(Note: fragment [K1409] part of soil block 7; fragments [K2189=K1393] part of soil block 18; fragments [K2190=K1458] part of soil block 21),,,1.79 4067,696,"

Part of catalogue no. 696, see K1409 for entry.

",Hilt-plate in silver with gilding,Hilt-plate,Silver,,2190,,,,, 3490,697,"

697      [K1712]

end of hilt-plate in silver. Formed of eleven joined fragments (with three additional very small and non-joining fragments possibly part of the plate originally). Possibly from the lower guard. Made of sheet metal with part of a side-flange remaining. Rivet-hole at tip; no rivet. Possibly gilded originally, but heavily tarnished. Wear/marks: wear not possible to judge.

 L. 21mm; W. 17mm; H. flange 5mm; Th. sheet 0.5mm; Wt 1.84g; X-ray: L99–L100 

",End of hilt-plate in silver,Hilt-plate,Silver,,1712,"[K1712=K824] US0117, no location","(Note: found on site with: one fragment of C-section gilded edging 614: [K824]; five fragments of silver sheet, 690: [K824])",99; 100,,1.84 3850,698,"

698                  [2013.LH.59.1, K5001, K5007]

Harness mount in gilded copper alloy with interlace and a glass setting. Three fragments, found in the same field as the Hoard, but some distance from it and scattered. They are very unlikely to be part of the same deposit. The largest was found in 2009, c. 100m from the excavation area; the two others were found 40–50m away, in 2012, and 40m apart. Originally the mount took the form of a roundel with a saucer rim; it is missing half of the rim. Gem-setting: at the centre is a blue glass cabochon (not analysed) in a plain cast bezel. Interlace: lines of dots emanate from the centre, forming a cross, with the zones in between filled with triple-strand interlace that is dense and not fully coherent. Reverse: plain, except for a complete rivet on the large fragment, with an expanded end (L. 8.5mm). A hole at the edge of one of the smaller fragments shows where another rivet was (possibly there were two others originally, forming a cardinal arrangement of four rivets around the edge). Wear/marks: abraded and scratched. Wear not possible to gauge. 

L. 45.5mm; H. edge 4.5mm; Wt 15.04g; no X-ray

",Harnet mount in gilded copper-alloy with interlace and a glass setting,Harness mount,Copper alloy,,5001,,"Found in the same field as the Hoard during 2009 and 2012, but not deemed to be part of the Hoard itself",,,15.04 3856,698,"

Part of catalogue 698, see K5001

",Harness mount in gilded copper alloy with interlace and a glass setting,Harness mount,Copper alloy,,5007,,,,, 2683,987,"

Part of catalogue no. 687, see K805

",Silver-gilt fragments with cast interlace and scroll ornament,Fragment,Silver,,815,,,126,L9, 3054,1277,"

535                  [K1277]

Mount in cast silver of tongue-shaped form with low relief interlace ornament. Shaped to fit the edge of a grip, but one side missing. No evidence of gilding. Interlace: the interlace on the surviving side has incised channels that were originally probably inlaid with niello. Wear/marks: light wear. Copper corrosion from the alloy. Set: possibly a suite with mounts 533–534, pommel 69 and hilt-collars 186–187.

L. 13.5mm; W. 9mm; Th. edge 1.5mm; Wt 0.74g; X-ray: L103

",Mount in cast silver of tongue-shaped form with low relief interlace ornament,Small mount,Silver,,1277,"[K1277] BA0366, grid N12",,133,N12,0.74 3273,1496,"

276                  [K1496]

End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold with a boss. Torn edges. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange. One rivet-hole covered by the boss; no rivet. Boss: made of gold sheet and pierced for the rivet, with a filigree collar of a single beaded wire (Diam. 8mm). Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collar. One edge of collar and plate flattened, and possible blade scratches on reverse. 

L. 12mm; H. flange 1.5mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 0.74g; X-ray: L46

",End fragment of a hilt-plate in gold with a boss,Hilt-plate,Gold,,1496,[K1496] no location,(Note: [K1496] part of soil block 20),46,,0.74 3617,1838,"

522                  [K1838]

Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with an animal head and garnet cloisonné ornament. Probably a grip-fitting. Original slight curvature to the width. Several fractured garnets. Made from sheet metal, except for the projecting animal head cast in relief; a small tongue of sheet projects at the animal-head end, just below the muzzle; but it is missing its flange of sheet at the butt-end (see 521), which together formed the means of attachment. A small circular punch was used for the eyes of the head. Cloisonné: fish-scale cellwork; the flat red garnets are backed by cross-hatched gold foils of ‘standard’ type. Wear/marks: light wear. Set: pair with mount 521.

L. 16mm; W. 8.5mm; Th. edge 2mm; Wt 1.28g; X-ray: L121

",Mount in gold of tongue-shaped form with an animal head and garnet cloisonné ornament,Small mount,Gold,,1838,"[K1838=K296] TH158, no location","(Note: found attached by mud with: gold hilt-collar 180; one fragment [K1840] of hilt-ring 232; gold hilt-plate fragment 322; one small silver sheet fragment, 690: [K1841])",,,1.28 2094,3266,"

266                  [K317, K1236]

Hilt-plate in gold of oval form with one remaining boss. Two rejoined fragments, one tip bent. A top plate (grip side) from the lower guard. Constructed of sheet metal with a side-flange and originally an oval slot for the weapon tang cut in the centre. One rivet-hole each end; no rivets. Boss: one end only the rivet-hole is covered by a boss, made of sheet gold and pierced for the rivet with a filigree collar of a single beaded wire (Diam. 9mm); the other end has lost its boss but has a matching filigree collar. Wear/marks: light wear to filigree collars; light scratches. Beaded indentations from a hilt-collar/ring around the tang-slot. Rivet-holes are ragged on reverse, possibly from forced removal of the rivets. Set: possibly a suite with hilt-plate 267 and fragments 268–269.

L. 59.5mm; W. 23.5mm; H. flange 1mm; Th. sheet <0.5mm; Wt 3.02g; X-ray: L61, L62, L64


",Hilt-plate in gold with one remaining boss,Hilt-plate,Gold,,317,"[K317] TH170, no location; [K1236] BA0134, grid L9",,61; 64,,3.02 2627,,,Very small fragment of silver or copper alloy.,Fragment,Uncertain,,759,,,106,, 3599,,,Textile fragment,Textile,Organic,Found inside hilt-collar 126 (see K0281) and Staffordhsire Hoard Research Report 13,1821,,,,,