"File Name","Description","Creation date","Supporting documentation file names (this should be enclosed separately and include any abbreviations, codes or notations used)","Software used","Software version","DG comments" "RRS_at_HB_Appendix-H_Pottery_Tables_114-115.xslx","Pottery raw data and supplementary data to support figures in volume 2 of the publication",,,"Microsoft Excel",2007, ,,,,,, "Sheet Name","Sheet Description","Number of rows","Field name (Please start a new cell for each row)","Field description (inc. units of measurements, description of codes, etc. used within each field).",, "Codes_Conditions","Codes used to describe conditions",17,"Code","Abbreviation",, ,,,"Condition group","Description of condition group",, ,,,"Description","Description of code",, "Codes_Position","Codes used to describe the location of the condition",32,"Code","Abbreviation",, ,,,"Description","Description of code",, "Codes_Abrasion","Codes used to describe abrasion level",6,"Code","Abbreviation",, ,,,"Description","Description of code",, "Codes_Misc","Miscellaneous codes descriptions",3,"Code","Abbreviation",, ,,,"Description","Description of code",, "Table_114","Data for all Romano-British Pottery",6182,"ID","Unique id code",, ,,,"Field","Field number",, ,,,"Field and phase","Combined field and phase",, ,,,"Phase","Phase number",, ,,,"Feature","Feature number",, ,,,"Sub-phase","Sub-phase description",, ,,,"Group no","Pottery group number",, ,,,"Context","Context number",, ,,,"Samples","Sample code",, ,,,"RF","Recorded find number",, ,,,"Mortarium nos","Mortarium numbers",, ,,,"Description","Context description",, ,,,"Date","Pottery date",, ,,,"Ware",,, ,,,"Fabric type","Fabric type (e.g. GRB2)",, ,,,"No","Number of sherds",, ,,,"G ","Weight in grams",, ,,,"Abrasion","Abrasion code",, ,,,"Part","Part code or description",, ,,,"Form","Form (e.g. Bowl, cup)",, ,,,"Form description","Description of form",, ,,,"Forms.description for table","Description of form for table",, ,,,"rimd","Rim diameter",, ,,,"Rim %","Rim percentage ratio",, ,,,"Vessel","General vessel form type",, ,,,"Vessels for tables","General vessel form type used in tables",, ,,,"Vessel codes.description for table","Description of general vessel form type used in tables",, ,,,"Condition","Condition description code",, ,,,"Detec1","Decoration 1 technique (e.g. Slip)",, ,,,"Decmotif1","Decoration motif 1 code",, ,,,"Decpos1","Position of decoration motif 1 code",, ,,,"Dectec2","Decoration 2 technique/type (e.g. Incised, rouletted)",, ,,,"Decmotif2","Decoration motif 2 code",, ,,,"Decpos2","Position of decoration motif 2 code",, ,,,"Dectec3","Decoration 3 technique/type (e.g. Painted)",, ,,,"Decmotif3","Decoration motif 3 code",, ,,,"Decpos3","Position of decoration motif 3 code",, ,,,"Comment","Comment text",, ,,,"joins","joins pottery sherd from another context",, ,,,"same","Same as vessel from context",, ,,,"Mentioned in report","Mentioned in report and catalogued",, ,,,"Old context where changed","Previous context number",, ,,,"Key mortaria","Specific example of mortaria for dating",, ,,,"Edate","Earliest date",, ,,,"Ldate","Latest date",, "Table_115","Data for all coarseware pottery",4939,"ID","Unique id code",, ,,,"Field","Field number",, ,,,"Phase","Phase number",, ,,,"Sub-phase","Sub-phase description",, ,,,"Group no","Pottery group number",, ,,,"Context","Context number",, ,,,"Description","Context description",, ,,,"Samples","Sample code",, ,,,"RF","Recorded find number",, ,,,"Mortarium nos","Mortarium numbers",, ,,,"Date","Pottery date",, ,,,"Ware","Pottery ware (e.g. AM - amphorae, CW - coarsewares)",, ,,,"Fabric ","Fabric type (e.g. GRB2)",, ,,,"No","Number of sherds",, ,,,"G ","Weight in grams",, ,,,"Abrasion","Abrasion code",, ,,,"Part of vessel","Description of the part of the vessel",, ,,,"Form","Form (e.g. Bowl, cup)",, ,,,"Form description","Description of form",, ,,,"Vessel","General vessel form type",, ,,,"rimd","Rim diameter",, ,,,"Rim %","Rim percentage ratio",, ,,,"Condition","Condition description code",, ,,,"Dec Technique 1","Decoration 1 technique (e.g. Slip)",, ,,,"Dec motif 1 ","Decoration motif 1 code",, ,,,"Dec position 1","Position of decoration motif 1 code",, ,,,"Dec technique 2","Decoration 2 technique/type (e.g. Incised, rouletted)",, ,,,"Dec motif 2","Decoration motif 2 code",, ,,,"Dec position 2","Position of decoration motif 2 code",, ,,,"Dec Technique 3","Decoration 3 technique/type (e.g. Painted)",, ,,,"Dec motif 3","Decoration motif 3 code",, ,,,"Dec position 3","Position of decoration motif 3 code",, ,,,"Comment","Comment text",, ,,,"joins","joins pottery sherd from another context",, ,,,"same","Same as vessel from context",, ,,,"Old context where changed","Previous context number",, "Figure_150_calculated_data","Calculated data used to create Figure 150 in text",17,"Field and phase","Field and phase of data",, ,,,"Fabric Type","Fabric type code",, ,,,"Nos_Ratio","Number of sherds ratio",, ,,,"G_Ratio","Weight in grams ratio",, ,,,"RimP_Ratio","Rim percentage ratio",, "Figure_160_data","Data used to create Figure 160",23,"Field and phase","Field and phase of data",, ,,,"Sum of No","Sum of number of sherds",, ,,,"Sum of G","Sum of weight in grams",, ,,,"Sum of Rim %","Sum of rim percentage present",, ,,,"EVES","Estimated vessel equivalent",, ,,,"Av g","Average weight in grams?",, ,,,"Brok","Brokeness",, "Figure_161_data","Data used to create Figure 161",28,"Field and phase","Field and phase of data",, ,,,"Rel nos","Relative % of nos of sherds",, ,,,"Rel g","Relative % of weight of sherds (g)",, ,,,"Rel EVES","Relative % of rim EVES (estimated vessel equivalents)",, "Figure_163_calculated_data","Calculated data used to create Figure 163",33,"Field and phase","Field and phase of data",, ,,,"Spec","Specialist pottery",, ,,,"CW","Coarseware",, "Figure_163_raw_data","Data used to create Figure_163_calculated_data",46,"Ware","Pottery ware code",, ,,,"Type","Pottery type: Specialist or coarseware",, ,,,"61 P1","Field 61 Phase 1",, ,,,"61a P1i","Field 61a Phase 1i",, ,,,"61a P1ii","Field 61a Phase 1ii",, ,,,"62 P1","Field 62 Phase 1",, ,,,"63 P1","Field 63 Phase 1",, ,,,"63 P1a","Field 63 Phase 1a",, ,,,"63 P1b","Field 63 Phase 1b",, ,,,"63 P1c","Field 63 Phase 1c",, ,,,"63 P1d","Field 63 Phase 1d",, ,,,"64 P1","Field 64 Phase 1",, ,,,"Phase 1 total","Phase 1 total",, ,,,"61 P2","Field 61 Phase 2",, ,,,"61a P2","Field 61a Phase 2",, ,,,"62 P2","Field 62 Phase 2",, ,,,"64 P2","Field 64 Phase 2",, ,,,"Phase 2 total","Phase 2 total",, ,,,"61 P3","Field 61 Phase 3",, ,,,"61a P3i","Field 61a Phase 3i",, ,,,"61a P3ii","Field 61a Phase 3ii",, ,,,"61b P3","Field 61b Phase 3",, ,,,"62 P3","Field 62 Phase 3",, ,,,"63 P3","Field 63 Phase 3",, ,,,"63 P3a","Field 63 Phase 3a",, ,,,"63 P3b","Field 63 Phase 3b",, ,,,"63 P3c","Field 63 Phase 3c",, ,,,"63 P3d","Field 63 Phase 3d",, ,,,"64 P3","Field 64 Phase 3",, ,,,"Phase 3 total","Phase 3 total",, ,,,"61a P4","Field 61a Phase 4",, ,,,"62 P4","Field 62 Phase 4",, ,,,"63 P4","Field 63 Phase 4",, ,,,"Phase 4 total","Phase 4 total",, ,,,"Grand total","Grand total of all phases",,