"Hardware/Operating System","Software ","Software Version","Date of Creation","","Location (each locational term should be added on a new row)","Creator (if more than one individual/organisation, add on a new row)","","","Copyright Holder (if more than one individual/organisation, add on a new row)","","","Scale of Data Capture","Scale of Data Storage","Assessment of Data Quality","Method of Data Capture","Purpose of Data Creation","Filename(s) (each filename should be added as a new row)","Description","Projection Type","File Type","Source ","Table Attribute (each new attribute/notation should be added as a new row)","","Supporting documentation file name(this should be enclosed separately and include an abbreviations, codes or notations used)" "","","","Start Date","End date","","First Name","Last Name","Organisation","First Name","Last Name","Organisation","","","","","","","","","","","Code","Description","" "","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" "PC - Microsoft Windows 8","ESRI ArcGIS ","10.2","01-Sep-12","01-Mar-15","UK","Stuart ","Brookes","University of Oxford, Faculty of History ","Dr Stephen","Mileson","University of Oxford, Faculty of History ","","","medium risk of spatial displacement ","Digitisation using ArcGIS.","To create a GIS of all known medieval settlements and field systems from the South Oxfordshire area. ","parishes.shp","Digitised fields of the 14 parishes in the South Oxfordshire hundred of Ewelme. ","OSGB36 ","Polygon","Historical map","","","" "","","","","","England","Damon ","Ortega","University College London, Institute of Archaeology","Dr Stuart","Brookes","University of Oxford, Faculty of History ","","","","","","1300_all_Interp.shp","Digitised fields of 14 parishes in the South Oxfordshire classified according to their land use type. ","OSGB36 ","Polygon","Historical map","","","" "","","","","","Oxfordshire","Alessio","Palmisano","University College London, Institute of Archaeology","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","" "","","","","","South Oxfordshire","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""