Ctx,Spot-date,Roof,wt,Fab,Brick,wt,Fab,Floor,wt,Fab,Other,wt,Fab,Tot sh,Weight,Comments,Discard,Box 304,17-19C,18,774,2271,2,41,3033,,,,1,43,3090,20,815,"Mostly frags post-med red peg tile in smooth dense orange fabric. 1x Curved corner fragment of pantile, 16mm th.",Discarded,BM.02 305,17-19C,1,75,2271,1,21,3033,,,,1,196,Limestone,3,292,Incl shapeless lump white chalk/limestone (196g),Discarded,BM.02 306,17C?,,,,9,863,3033,,,,,,,9,863,Red brick frags,Discarded,BM.02 306,18-19C,1,126,2271,6,1443,3033,,,,1,224,3090,8,1793,"1x orange pantile frag with square nib. 1 large piece post-med pegtile, 14mm th. Scraps 17C brick",Retained: pantile; Discarded remainder,BM.02 306,Med,1,506,2276,,,,,,,,,,1,506,Med peg tile with conical peghole 22x17mm,Discarded,BM.02 306,17-19C,21,1695,2271,,,,,,,3,270,3090,24,1965,Fresh pegtile frags. Some with circular nail holes 10-15mm dia. Three pantile fragments.,Discarded,BM.02 307,17C?,,,,1,1010,3032,,,,,,,1,1010,"broken brick. 1 end missing; 63mm th, 108mm w. Fresh red HM type as small found bricks",Discarded,BM.03 307,17C?,,,,1,1630,3032 nr 3033,,,,,,,1,1630,broken brick. 1 end missing; 62-65mm th x105mm w x >175mm L. Fresh red HM type as small found bricks,Discarded,BM.03 307,18-19C,7,1230,2271,,,,,,,1,384,3090,8,1620,"Fresh red pantile edge & corner, 16-18mm th. Rest fresh pmed pegtile - large frags incl complete top 124mm wide, 14mm thick, 2 circ nailholes c15mm diam, positioned c50mm apart (centre-centre). All w pasty orange-red fabric. ","Retained pegt with complete width, pantile. Discarded remainder",BM.03 307,18-19C,10,1349,2271,,,,,,,,,,10,1349,"Pegtile frags as above. Incl complete lower width 150mm, 15mm thick. Large fresh frags. 1 other frag w complete width 150mm - v unusually has 2 incised or impressed parallel arcs - poss caused by a horseshoe? (retained). [A lot of the peg tile from 307, 306 & 304 looks medieval in my opinion: it has quite a crude finish to my view with finger marks from handling, irregularities in the surface and misshapen pegholes and where pairs of pegholes survive these are often unevenly spaced and at different distances from the top. CEP 29/7/16]",Retained: 1 w imp.; remainder discarded,BM.04 308,18-19C,3,54,2271,1,13,3033,,,,1,33,3090,5,102,"Pantile edge, pmed tile",Discarded,BM.04 309,17-19C,4,441,2271,3,335,3046,1,191,?coarse version of 1977 or 2318,,,,8,967,"Pmed tile frags. Early brick scraps. 1x worn edge orange unglazed pmed quarry tile frag 35mm thick, worn upper surface w yellow clay pellet inclusions",Discarded,BM.04 506,17-19C,4,238,2271,,,,,,,,,,4,238,"Frags pmed pegtile, 13-14mm th",Discarded,BM.05 509,18-19C,2,456,2271,,,,,,,,,,2,456,"Fresh pmed pegtile, 13, 15mm th, each w circular pegholes 13, 15mm dia tapering to base.",Discarded,BM.05 509,18-19C,,,,,,,,,,2,595,,2,595,Fresh orange pantile end 16mm th with squared nib 58x24mm x10mm H. Fresh red pantile fragment 14mm th. ,Discarded,BM.05 519,17-19C,3,227,2271,,,,,,,,,,3,227,"Fresh pmed pegtile, 2 joining.. 12, 14mm th. One partial PH 17mm dia with thickening around base.",,BM.05 607,17-19C,3,479,2271,,,,,,,,,,3,479,Fresh pmed pegtile; 13-14mm th. Patch of grey mortar with chalk &red clay/grog grit on top of one.,Discarded,BM.06 612,17-19C,,,,,,,1,209,?coarse version of 1977 or 2318,,,,1,209,"Corner quarry tile in same fabric as 309. Sl bevelled sides, worn upper surface - unglazed. Set back from corner on top is a v definite nail- or pin-hole from manufacture in the Flemish style - poss Dutch/Flemish?",retained for OA fabric sample,BM.06 616,17-19C,1,35,2850?,1,5,3046,,,,,,,2,42,"Unusual rooftile edge - from angled tile w traces ash glaze. The fabric is similar to 2850, but with finer sand. Poss a gutter or ridge tile? (Retained). Scrap red brick",Rooft retained. Discarded x1,BM.06 629,17-19C,1,19,2271,,,,,,,,,,1,19,Frag pmed pegtile,Discarded,BM.06 632,17-19C,1,8,2271,4,53,3033/3046,,,,,,,5,64,Scraps. 1x brick overfired,Discarded,BM.06 710,17-19C,2,395,2271/2276 ,,,,,,,1,25,"cream; freq medium quartz sand clear/white, scatter of red grog/sandstone R 0.5-3mm and brown sandstone grit/pebble 1-6mm",3,427,"Fresh frags pmed pegtile. 1x worn frag Anglo-Neth tin-glazed wall tile in cream fabric w blue , ochre & green dec - design uncertain c1575-1625?",Retained WT; discraded PT,BM.07 713,c1680-1800,1,14,3090,,,,,,,,,,1,14,"Small curved edge frogment of pantile with dark blackish brown glaze, 15mm th",Discarded, 813,undated,,,,,,,,,,1,3,3102,1,3,amorphous black scrap of fired clay,, 814,17C?,5,140,2271,,,,1,164,2497,1,118,3067?,7,422,"Worn frags pmed pegtiles & . 1x worn Flemish-style quarry tile edge 27mm w dribble of green glz on underside. 1x corner Anglo-Neth tin-glazed wall tile in cream fabric with symmetrical blue scrolls/floral dec in corner, 19mm thick, c1575-1625. ",Retained 1 WT; Discarded rest,BM.07 814,17C?,1,18,2586,,,,,,,,,,1,18,1x small frag worn ridge tile unglz. 11mm th,Discarded,BM.07 814,Med,1,41,2271,,,,,,,,,,1,41,"1 small glazed frag medieval tile w grey core & greenish-br glz on top, with rounded edge, possibly ridge tile; 16mm th",Discarded,BM.07 814,Roman,,,,,,,,,,1,500,2452,1,500,1x unglz dense orange Roman tile edge 37mm thick. Kn tr edge.,Discarded,BM.07 814,Roman,1,98,2459,,,,,,,,,,1,98,Tegula fragment of flange from lower RH corner: flange type7 and lower c/a type B >70mm L,Discarded,BM.07 814,Roman,1,52,2459,,,,,,,,,,1,52,"Imbrex, burnt, 14mm th",Discarded,BM.07 814,Roman,1,51,2452,,,,,,,,,,1,51,"Imbrex, 18mm th",Discarded,BM.07 815,17C?,5,140,2271,,,,,,,,,,5,140,Worn frags pmed pegtile incl 1 w nail hole. Post-Rom tot wt 184g.,Discarded,BM.07 815,Med,1,44,2271,,,,,,,,,,1,44,worn glazed med roof tile.,Discarded,BM.07 815,Roman,2,174,2451,,,,,,,,,,2,174,"Tegula: 20, 28mm th, Flange type 1: 30mm w x 59mm Hx; second flange broken ?type 7",Discarded,BM.07 815,Roman,,,,2,1015,2815,,,,,,,2,1015,"RB brick: 37mm th, 1 corner fragment 38mm th wi slight thickened lip along top arris on one edge.",Discarded,BM.07 815,Roman,1,55,2452,,,,,,,,,,1,55,Imbrex: 19mm th. ,Discarded,BM.07 815,Roman,,,,,,,,,,2,52,2452,2,52,"RB flat tile - indet, 1 burnt 22mm th",Discarded,BM.07 815,Roman,,,,,,,,,,1,66,2455,1,66,"RB flat tile 1x worn Roman cream Eccles tile, 28mm th",Discarded,BM.07 817,17C?,2,49,2271,1,40,3032 nr 3033,,,,,,,3,89,"Scrap pmed pegtile w nailhole & one corner scrap 13mm th, scrap early brick: pmed total wt (76g). ",Discarded,BM.07 817,Roman,,,,,,,,,,2,940,2452,2,940,"RB brick/flat tile: 28, 38mm th, 1 corner fragment. trace of arched signature on 1 frag,",Discarded,BM.07 817,Roman,,,,,,,,,,1,313,3060,1,313,"RB flat tile 28mm th, burnt",Discarded,BM.07 817,Roman,1,249,2452,,,,,,,,,,1,249,Tegula 28mm th; flange type 1: 27mm w x 54mm Hx,Discarded,BM.07 817,Roman,5,291,2452,,,,,,,,,,5,291,Imbrex 18-23mm th,Discarded,BM.07 818,17C?,1,27,2586,2,3,3032,,,,,,,3,35,Scraps pmed pegtile 16mm th & 17C brick.,Discarded,BM.08 818,Roman,,,,,,,,,,1,111,2455,1,111," worn Roman brick/flat cream Eccles tile, 29-34mm th",Discarded,BM.08 818,Roman,,,,,,,,,,1,65,3024,1,65," worn Roman flat tile, 20mm th",Discarded,BM.08 819,17C?,5,202,2271,2,545,3046,,,,1,5,U,8,884,"Scraps pmed pegtile, 2x OF; 13-15mm th. larger frag 17C brick 55mm th, 102mm w. 1 burnt blackened indet scrap.",Discarded,BM.08 819,Roman,,,,1,517,2815,,,,1,137,2455,1,517,Corner fragment of Roman brick with knife/wire cut edges & wsire trimmed base; 36mm th. worn Roman Brick in cream Eccles fabric 38mm th.,Discarded,BM.08 820,17C?,3,199,"2271, 2586",1,253,3046,,,,,,,4,452,2x pmed pegtile (171g) one with three finger tip depressions from handling on upper surface;13-14mm th. 1x (29g) prob med peg fragment 11mm th - grittier (fab 2586). 1x dense pmed brick frag 50mm thick - prob Tudor? ,Discarded,BM.08 820,Roman,1,361,2452,,,,,,,1,481,2459,2,843,"2x Roman (841g) incl brick fragment 39mm th & tegula, 21mm th, flange type 13/15, 20-24mm w, 38mm H",Discarded,BM.08 825,Roman,1,281,2459,,,,,,,1,373,2459,2,665,"Roman. Brick fragment 38mm th & tegula 21mm th, flange type 5, 27mm w, 47mm H",Discarded,BM.08 830,Roman,,,,,,,,,,1,55,2452,1,55,"Roman flat tile, 22mm th.Prob flat bit from tegula",Discarded,BM.08 831,16-18C?,,,,5,66,3046,,,,,,,5,66,Scraps soft red shapeless ?brick or fired clay,Discarded,BM.08 905,18-19C?,,,,1,163,3033,,,,,,,1,163,Edge frag soft red brick 80mm thick; burnt black/sooted on surface,Discarded,BM.08 906,,1,10,2586,5,62,3030,,,,,,,2,72,1 abraded pmed pegtile 11mm th; broken scraps of brick,Discarded,BM.08 911,17C?,,,,3,1370,3046,,,,,,,3,1370,"17C-type red brick end 105mm wide, 60mm thick. Scraps of 2 others incl cindery brick ?waster - poss fabric 3032 overfired",Discarded,BM.08 5001,17-19C,8,332,2271,,,,,,,,,,8,332,Frags pmed pegtile 12-14mm th,Discarded,BM.09 5001,c1575-1625,,,,,,,,,,1,143,3067?,1,143,"Corner frag Anglo-Netherlands tin-glazed wall or floor tile. Cream fabric, 16mm thick, shows part of flower vase motif within a lozenge with blue & white foliage in corners forming lozenges with adjacent tiles (Korf 1963 nos 159-65 & Canterbury parallel). Slightly worn",retain,BM.09 5011,16-18C?,,,,1,6,3047,1,235,UKN,,,,2,241,Burnt/refired (black throughout) frag quarry tile 41mm thick. Amorphous scrap of brick,Discarded,BM.09 5019,17-19C,5,551,2276,,,,,,,,,,5,551,"Fresh frags pmed pegtile 13-14mm th, 3 corner fragments",,BM.09 5021,17-19C,26,2925,2271/ 2276,,,,1,227,2318,,,,27,3152,"Fresh frags pmed pegtile, 13-15mm th incl circ nailholes, some very crude irregular with surplus clay meaasuring 14, 12x17, 28x12, 31x11mm. 1 w 2 peholes centred 42mm apart. 3 pairs of joining tiles and several tiles of similar character suggestive of parts of same tile or same batch of tiles. three rooftile with multiple finger tip depressions from handling. 1x worn frag prob Flemish quarry tile with traces green glaze on white slip, 24mm thick. This & one rooftile covered in mortary deposits all over",retain FT & finger marks?,BM.09 5022,17-18C,3,187,2586,,,,2,663,2318,,,,4,850,"Fresh pmed pegtile 12-15mm th incl corner frag. Fragments (joining) from corner of ?Flemish quarry tile - 180+mm long x 30mm thick, worn surface - no evid of glaze, but patchy burning /sooting on surface",Discarded,BM.09 5022,17-18C,2,89,2271,,,,,,,,,,2,89,"med pegtile fragments - 1` corner with peghole 11mm dia with halo of surplus clay around top. One tiny scrap in very sandy fabric (light orange, freq medium quartz <0.5mm) ?2586.",Discarded,BM.09 5034,17C?,,,,18,663,3033,,,,,,,18,663,"Prob 1 burnt brick - red, early, 55-60mm th; 1 corner fragment.",Discarded,BM.10 5065,17-19C,3,132,2271,5,465,3046,,,,,,,8,597,"Pmed tile fragments, 13-16mm th, one with wiped margin 20mm wide alongside edge and another with thick lump of grey ashy mortar attached. Early brick scraps 52mm th",Discarded,BM.10 5066,18-19C?,1,258,2276,,,,,,,1,244,2586,2,502,"1x frag pantile 13mm th [not convinced of this - apart from a slight curvature in all other respects of surface and edge finish and fabric, this looks just like the peg tile. CEP] 1x corner frag thicker pegtile 16mm th with square (diamond) nailhole 16x16mm; frags of mortar with mineralised wood attached to underside.",retain peg tile; discarded pant,BM.10 5067,c1575-1625,,,,,,,,,,1,84,3064,1,84,"Corner Anglo-Neth tin-glazed wall tile 13mm thick, bevelled edges, polychrome 'Jacobean' design - symmetrical - uncertain",retain WT,BM.10 5069,17-19C,1,26,2586,,,,,,,2,112,3090,3,138,"Pmed pantile fragments, both with curving edges; 10 & 12mm th. Thick pmed pegtile edge fragment 16mm th",Discarded,BM.10 5074,18-19C,,,,,,,,,,2,67,3090,2,67,Fresh fragments of pantile including corner; both sooted on one side; 13mm th,Discarded,BM.10 5084,20C,3,921,2271,1,22,3038,,,,,,,4,943,Scrap from edge of modern frogged brick in Fletton type fabric (C20). Fresh pmed pegtile - prob 18/19C? 1 complete width 150mm x13mm th; other fragments 13 & 15mm th,ret complete width,BM.10 5092,18-19C,1,105,2276,,,,,,,1,164,3090,2,269,Fresh red pantile fragment with rounded edge; 15mm th. Fresh pegtile 12mm th.,Discarded,BM.10 5099,pmed,,,,,,,,,,1,7,2586,1,7,scrap of indet tile with two narrow parallel linear raised ridges 3mm w x 1mm h & 14mm apart,Discarded,BM.10 5100,17-19C,2,600,"2271, 2586",,,,,,,,,,2,600,2 large frags from separate pegile incl corner w 2 circ nailholes 13-14mm dia centerd 45mm apart & 26 & 30mm from top edge; surviving size >100mm w x >175mm L x 14mm th - poss from a narrow tile? (if pegholes symmetrical in tile total width would be 135mm) Fabric is different (2271) - poss 18/19C? Second frag is lower corner frag 14mm th withpatches of white sandy mortar on underside.,retained with pholes,BM.10 5102,L19-20C,1,203,2271,1,345,yellow fireclay,,,,2,508,3090,4,1056,"1x corner frag yellow fireclay curved fireback or furnace lining 28mm th- scorched int, clean ext with stamp '--64'. 2x fresh frags red pantile, incl corner & edge frag, 12 & 15mm th - prob 19C. 1x corner fragment pegtile 12mm th with pegh 14mm dia centred 22/50mm from top/side edges; circular impression next to peghole probably from punch used to make hole wide wiped margin down side 22mm wide; edges at 96? angle",?,BM.10 5115,L19-20C,3,304,2586,,,,,,,1,18,UKN,4,322,"Pmed pegtile frags in softer ?later fabric incl 1 w square nail hole 14x13mm tapering to base cented 26/31mm top and side edge; 15mm th. Small fragment of plain white glazed wall tilewith bevelled edge, 8mm th in cream sandy fabric, C19-C20",,BM.10 5130,17-19C,11,887,2276,1,20,3046,1,894,2318,,,,13,1801,"Fresh frags pmed pegtile 13-15mm th, incl corner fragment with circ nailholes 14mm dia - set close together centred 40mm apart; >107mm w x 12mm th. 1x large corner frag poss Flemish quarry tile 33mm thick x >145mm w, upper surf unglz & scorched black- poss used as hearth tile",retain FT?,BM.11 5131,17-19C,5,514,2276,,,,,,,,,,5,514,Fresh frags pmed pegtile 13-15mm th. Patches of white and grey mortar on surfaces and edges indicating reuse,Discarded,BM.11 5132,17-19C,35,2497,2276,,,,,,,1,316,2276,36,2813,"Fresh frags pmed pegtile 13-14mm th; 10 edge fragments, 4 corners of which 3 have a peg hole, all small and irregular/squashed, 8-10n w x>12mm L, complete on24mm L; all narrow to small hole of 8mm at base. 1 frag curved tile 15mm th - poss ridge tile or pantile?",,BM.11 5133,17-19C,1,95,,2,3,UNK,,,,1,18,2816,3,98,"Pmed pegtile corner fragment, 13mm th. Tiny scraps brick. Small curved fragment 10mm th, possibly pantile, but could be apex of ridge tile; not typical pantile fabric",Discarded,BM.11 5135,18-19C?,,,,,,,,,,2,419,3090,2,419,"Fresh corner frags pantile, 14-15mm th",Discarded,BM.11 5145,17-19C,1,17,2276,,,,,,,,,,1,17,Pmed pegtile 14mm th,Discarded,BM.11 5147,16-18C?,,,,,,,1,69,2318,,,,1,69,"Prob flaked frag of quarry tile, unglz",Discarded,BM.11 5153,17-19C,1,150,2276,,,,,,,,,,1,150,Fresh lower corner frag pmed pegtile 14mm th,Discarded,BM.12 5154,18-19C?,1,153,2276,,,,,,,2,215,2279,5,611,"2 Fresh frags pmed pantile incl curved edge and rounded corner; 15mm th. Lmed-EPMed pegtile corner, quite rough finish, finger marks both sides from handling; 13mm th.",Discarded,BM.12 5154,Med-EPM,1,171,2276,,,,,,,,,,,,"Corner of pegtile, rusty brown colour, very fine sandy fabric, 13mm th fairly neat",Discarded,BM.12 5154,Med,1,37,2273,,,,,,,,,,,,small frag poss med grittier tile w circ hole c.14mm dia,Retained,BM.12 5158,18-19C?,2,64,2276,,,,,,,1,89,2276,1,93,"med pegtile 13-14mm th. Prob pantile frag - v hard-fired, red with grey core; 14mm th. Could be ridge tile.",Discarded,BM.12 5159,18-19C?,,,,,,,,,,2,181,3090,2,181,Fresh pantile fragments 15mm th,Discarded,BM.12 5160,16-18C?,,,,,,,1,673,2318,,,,1,673,"Edge frag ?Flemish quarry tile, unglz, cut bevelled edge, base also v smooth cut surface with areas of fine organic impressions ?grass. worn; patches of burning on surfaces. 32mm th, >130mm w",?retain,BM.12 5162,16-17C?,1,67,2276,,,,,,,,,,1,67,Edge frag pegtile - unusually thick 18mm poss late med or 16C?,,BM.12 5177,17-19C,3,588,2276,,,,,,,,,,3,588,L Med- E pmed pegtile fragments. One corner fragment 13mm th has very crude rough finish and roughly formed oblong tapering nailhole (made blind) with small square hole in base 3mm sq from nail. The other two tiles 13 & 14mm th have a slightly neater finish. One with striations down surface preserves a complete width of 160mm and has some sort of impression possibly part of palm of hand or heel of foot.,"retained 2, discarded 1",BM.12 5179,17-18C?,,,,4,1171,3046,,,,,,,4,1171,"Brick end W100mm, Th60mm prob 17C? Rough finish. Burning on base surface",Discarded,BM.12 5182,17C?,1,60,2276,1,475,3032,,,,1,133,2452,3,679,"17C-type red brick corner 65mm thick, 105mm w; rough finish to surfaces, creased or fissured, some possibly organic impressions. Pmed pegtile, 12mm th, rough finish, striated surface; circular peg/nail hole 8mm dia centred 30/45mm from top/side edges. 1 worn scrap prob Roman 19mm thick (133g)",Discarded,BM.12 5183,17-19C,4,316,2276,1,48,3032 nr 3033,,,,,,,5,389,"Frags pmed pegtile13, 15mm th, scrap early brick",Discarded,BM.12 5183,17-19C,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,"Sieved sample <5002>. (25 pieces/380g) Scraps brick, tile, stone, coal - discarded",Discarded,BM.12 5187,16-18C?,,,,,,,1,41,2815/2452?,,,,1,41,"Quarry tile frag 33mm th - burnt, red coarse sandy fabric [I cannot equate the fabric to any of the Med/Pmed floortile fabrics - I am inclined to think this may be Roman brick in fabric 2815/2452; also burning tends to be commoner on RB than later material.]",Discarded,BM.12 5192,17-19C,1,47,2276,,,,,,,,,,1,47,Frag pmed pegtile 14mm th,Discarded,BM.12 5194,18-19C,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,Sieved sample <5000>. (25 pieces/183g) Scraps pantile & brick - discarded,Discarded,BM.12 5239,17-19C [I would suggest more likely late 15-17C],25,3197,2276,,,,,,,,,,25,3197,"Large fresh fragments (a lot of fresh breaks from excavation, but older breaks also fairly unabraded) Lmed-E pmed pegtile - 1 complete width 145mm x 13mm thg= x >160mm L. There were four other thinner fragments 12-13mm th including a lower LH corner and a frag with a peghole oval 22mm L tapering to 11mm at the base. All the remaining frags are thicker 14-16mm and a slightly rough finish - the fabric has created a lumpy effect to the surface and mos thave fine striations from wiping, the underside rough and sanded. There are various irregulairities and two have clear finger marks from handling and a third has a single finger tip in the underside. A minimum of 5 tiles is represented (5 lower LH corners, 4 top LH, 2 lower RH, 1 upper RH). 6 frags have pegholesmostly circular 13-16mm dia, though some with a hint of subsquare, and one square13mm w. One tile has 2 pegholes only 22mm apart and unevenly spaced from the top edge. Most are centred 20-25mm from the top edge but can be as much as 50mm or as little as 15mm. Most are centred 35-50mm from the nearest side edge, but one was 75mm. No joins, although they look as though they ought to!","Retained: 6 w pegholes, 1 complete width, 3 w finger marks; Discarded remainder",BM.13 5246,18-19C?,3,191,3090,1,150,UKN,,,,,,,4,346,"Pantile fragments, incl rounded corner, 14, 15, 16mm th. 1 lump prob 17C brick (brick discarded)",Discarded,BM.13 5267,17-18C,1,69,2276,,,,,,,,,,1,69,"Pmed pegtile, neat finish 15mm th creased underside",Discarded,BM.13 5268,17-19C,4,370,2276,,,,,,,1,250,3086? Cream fine sandy clay containing moderate-low density of medium quartz sand R-SR and scatter of red fe ox pellets <0.5mm,5,620,"Fresh Pmed pegtile neat finish, 13, 14mm th. Approx half of an Anglo-Neth wall tile c1575-1625, 132mm square x 15mm thick, cream fabric with blue & yellow composite scheme in Jacobean style prob forming crosses and stars of David in corner (?Herckenrode style)",retain FT ; roof tile discarded,BM.13 5275,18-19C,2,108,2271,,,,,,,1,164,2276,3,289,"Prob pantile frag - [no surely a half round ridge tile 16mm th; it has a lumpy surface from clay pellets in the fabric in common with quite alot of the peg tile from the assemblage.] 2 pmed pegtile 13 & 15mm th (or med) - one has rough striations across the surface, (possibly wood impression) [no, these are surely just fine striations from wiping the surface - why has John suddenly picked up on this, when there has been lots of rooftile with a much cruder finish that I would have said was medieval or at least late med-EPM, but JC has just described it all as post-medieval - in my opinion there is a much high proportion of medieval roof tile in the assemblge than John has indicated. CEP 9/8/16]","Ridge tile retained, rest Discarded",BM.13 5288,17-19C,3,263,2276,,,,,,,,,,3,263,Frags pmed pegtile 12-14mm th,,BM.13 5362,17-19C,1,339,2276,,,,,,,,,,1,339,"Long side/corner frag Lmed-Epmed pegtile - max surviving length 250mm, 13mm th; crude pear shaped (oval with edges squashed over) nailhole 21 x 14mm narrowing to 6mm dia at base; centred 45/55mm from top/side edges. Wiped margin 19mm w alongside edge. Band of cream sandy lime mortar 53mm w at 135-180mm from the top edge on the upper side and 188-250mm on the underside.",Retained,BM.14 5364,17-19C,3,33,2589,,,,,,,1,7,UKN,4,40,abraded fragments of pmed peg tile 12mm th. 1 indet burnt blackened scrap,Discarded,BM.14 5366,17-19C,6,163,2271,,,,,,,,,,6,163,"Flat roof tile, incl 1 pegtile, fragments 12-15mm th. Fairly neat finish. 1 corner fragment. 1 w circular peghole 12x10.5mm dia tapering to 6mm at base, centred 30mm from edge",Discarded,BM.14 5368,17-19C,17,1337,2276,,,,,,,,,,18,1337,Fresh pmed pegtile. 2 frags joining - complete width of 155mm x15mm th (retained). 1 with conical peghole 15mm dia q bit squashed at the top tapering to 7mm dia.,R: 2x 360g & 1 w pegh; rest discarded,BM.14 5368,Med,1,59,2273,,,,,,,1,185,3023/3060,2,244, fragment med pegtile - dark greenish brown glaze; 15mm th. 1x thick (18mm) worn red tile - poss Roman? (185g),Ret med glazed,BM.14 5373,17-19C,2,46,2271,,,,,,,,,,2,46,Fresh pmed pegtile 14mm th.,,BM.15 TOTAL,,319,,,88,,,11,,,53,,,462,53573,,,