"Phytolith sample numbers, associated contexts and context descriptions.",, The top five samples are from slumps associated with Well 8328 and the bottom five samples from the well shaft itself,, ,, Sample,Context,Description 2626,8363,Floor or levelling deposit with areas of burning. Slumps over Well 8328 2723,8428,Occupation deposit with high amounts of burning and charcoal 2774,8442,Clay floor surface slumping into Well 8328 2942,8452,Occupation layer. Possible floor or levelling deposit slumped into Well 8328 containing burning and charcoal 3025,9183,Occupation / accumulation layer. Possible the floor of an Iron Age structure. Earliest slump into Well 8328 before the well fills begin 2980,9170,Blue/grey clayey well deposit with some charcoal 3189,9152,Highly organic fill of well 3197,9258,Well fill with high amounts of wood and burning. First fill of secondary shaft 3214,9309,"Highly organic peaty well deposit, containing plant remains and animal dung. Possible a stable floor?" 3380,9663,Well fill with high amounts of organic material and four whole pots. Possible ritual deposition