Silchester Insula IX and forum basilica Iron Age coins by site period and context,,, ,,, Insula IX,,Forum Basilica, Period 0 (Late Iron Age),,Period 2 (c. 15 b.c.?a.d. 40/50), "No. 3, AR Southern",Upper fill of Ditch 11631 (0),"A5, AR Southern",Fill of well F423 (2.5) "No. 20, AR Western",Upper fill of Ditch 11631 (0),"A11, AE Eastern",Fill of well F423 (2.5) ,,"A15, AE Southern Gaul ",Posthole F1536 under metalled surface (2.4) Period 1 (Claudio?Neronian),,Periods 3?4 (c. a.d. 40?80/85), "No. 2, AR Southern ",Accumulation over clay floor (0/1),"A1, AR ? Tincomaros",Deposit in pit F246/566 (3.3) "No. 4, AR ? Verica, ",Clay floor of roundhouse (1),"A2, AR ? Tincomaros",Dark earth 556 (3.9) "No. 6, AR ? Eppillus",Clay floor of roundhouse (1),"A3, AR Tincomaros",Gravel metalling 1760 outside building (4.10) "No. 7, AE Eppillus",Fill of Pit 14245 (1),"A4, AR ? Verica ",Lowest fill of pit F246/566 (3.3) "No. 8, AE Eppillus",Floor surface/slump into Post-hole 13818/15068 (1),"A6, AE/AR ? Eastern",Dark earth 1313 (3.9) "No. 9, AE Eppillus (?)",Fill of Pit 15016 (1),"A7, AE Rvii ",Dark earth 556 (3.9) "No. 14, AE Cunobelin",Cleaning in SW area (1?),"A10, AE South-Eastern, ",Fill of scoop F625 sealed by building (3.3) "No. 15, AE Cunobelin",Accumulation against S baulk (0/1),"A12, AE SA, ",Dark earth 556 (3.9) "No. 16, AE Cunobelin ",Cleaning in NW area (1?),"A13, AE/AV British KBo ",Dark earth 1313 (3.9) "No. 19, AE Cunobelin",Fill of Pit 9165 (1?),"A14, AE/AV British KBo ",Dark earth 2225 (3.9) ,,"A20, Potin Gaul ",Gravel metalling 941 outside building (4.10) Period 2 ( late C1?early/mid C2 a.d.),,Period 5 (c. a.d. 85?Hadrian), "No. 5, AR ? Verica ",Cleaning in NW area (1/2),"A9, AE Cunobelin","Fill of F401, construction trench for colonnade of timber basilica (5.2)" "No. 10, AE ? Sego",Accumulation assoc with ERTB2 (2),"A18, AE Belgic Gaul","Fill of F401, construction trench for colonnade of timber basilica (5.2)" "No. 11, AE Tasciovanus, ",Accumulation assoc with ERTB1 (2),"A19, AR Belgic Gaul",Demolition of timber basilica (5.31) "No. 21, AR South-Western, ",Gravel assoc with ERTB2 (2),, "No. 23, AE South-Western ",Hearth assoc with ERTB roundhouse (2),, "No. 24, Potin Belgic Gaul, ",Cleaning in NE area (1/2?),, ,,, Periods 3 and 3/4 C2 a.d.,,, "No. 1, AR Southern",Fill of Post-hole 4648 (3?),, "No. 12, AE ? Tasciovanus",Fill of Drain 3656/6751 assoc with House 1/ MRMB 3 (3/4),, "No. 17, AE Cunobelin",Accumulation assoc with House 1 (3),, "No. 22, AE South-Western, ",Fill of Post-hole 5514 (3),, ,,, Unstratified,,Unstratified, "No. 13, AE ? Tasciovanus, ",Cleaning,"A8, AE Andoco",Victorian backfill (9) "No. 18, AE Cunobelin, ",Cleaning in SW area,"A16, AR Armorican Gaul ",Victorian backfill (9) "No. 25, AE Germanus Indutilli L",Cleaning,"A17, Potin Belgic Gaul",Victorian backfill (9)