Tree and shrub taxa represented.,,, *This grouping has been used for small twigwood fragments of a ring porous type with large vessels and uniseriate rays where no large aggregate rays were present or had not yet developed and therefore it cannot be said with certainty that Castanea (an introduced species) was not present,,, " **Evergreen types, all others are deciduous",,, ,,, Family,Sub-family,Species/Taxon,Common Name TAXACEAE,,Taxus baccata,Yew (waterlogged wood only)** ULMACEAE,,Ulmus sp.,Elm FAGACEAE,,Fagus sylvatica,Beech ,,Quercus sp. (robur/petrea),Oak ,,Quercus/Castanea*,Oak/Sweet chestnut BETULACEAE,,Alnus glutinosa,Common alder ,,Alnus /Corylus type,Alder/hazel ,,Betula pendula/ pubescens,Silver/downy birch ,,Corylus avellana,Hazel SALICACEAE,,Salix/Populus sp.,Willow/aspen (the 2 are anatomically indistinguishable) ERICACEAE,,Erica/Calluna,"Heathers, lings**" ROSACEAE,Maloideae (formerly Pomoideae),(Maloideae),"Pomaceous fruits, e.g. apple, pear, whitebeam, hawthorn" ,,Crataegus type,Hawthorn ,,Sorbus type,"Whitebeams, e.g. rowan, service-tree" ,Amygdaloideae (formerly Prunoideae),Prunus sp.,"Cherry type, e.g. bird cherry, blackthorn" ,,Prunus spinose,Blackthorn FABACEAE,,(Fabaceae) e.g. Cytisus/Ulex,Gorse/broom CORNACEAE,,Cornus sanguinea/mas,Dogwood CELASTRACEAE,,Euonymous europeus,Spindle tree AQUIFOLIACEAE,,Ilex aquifolium,Holly** ACERACEAE,,Acer campestre,Field maple OLEACEAE,,Fraxinus excelsior,Ash CAPRIFOLICEAE,,Sambucus nigra,Elder