File Name,Description,Creation date,"Supporting documentation file names (this should be enclosed separately and include any abbreviations, codes or notations used)",Software used,Software version Crummy_Small Finds_Silchester_Insula IX_Period 0,"Summary catalogue of small finds from Silchester Insula IX, Period 0, prepared by Dr Nina Crummy, Consultant.",22/03/2017,,Excel,Excel 2013 ,,,,, Sheet Name,Sheet Description,Number of rows,Field name (Please start a new cell for each row),"Field description (inc. units of measurements, description of codes, etc. used within each field).", Ditch 11631,Sheet contains table of data for small finds from context Ditch 11631. The table has headings as defined in the accompanying metadata.,64,Context,Context number, ,,,Context description,Text, ,,,Small Find Number,Number, ,,,Material,Material type, ,,,Identification,Description of find type, ,,,Dimensions,mm, ,,,Notes,Free text, ,,,Functional Category,Number, ,,,From sieved sample?,Yes / No, ,,,Date,Period, ,,,Illustrated,Figure number, ,,,,, Post hole structures_alignments,"Sheet contains individual tables of data for small finds from each feature studied. Name of feature appears above table. Each table has the same headings, which are defined in the accompanying metadata",23,Context,Context number, ,,,Context description,Text, ,,,Small Find Number,Number, ,,,Material,Material type, ,,,Identification,Description of find type, ,,,Dimensions,mm, ,,,Notes,Free text, ,,,Functional Category,Number, ,,,From sieved sample?,Yes / No, ,,,Date,Period, ,,,Illustrated,Figure number, ,,,,, Trackways,"Sheet contains individual tables of data for small finds from each trackway context studied. Name of feature appears above table. Each table has the same headings, which are defined in the accompanying metadata",54,Context,Context number, ,,,Context description,Text, ,,,Small Find Number,Number, ,,,Material,Material type, ,,,Identification,Description of find type, ,,,Dimensions,mm, ,,,Notes,Free text, ,,,Functional Category,Number, ,,,From sieved sample?,Yes / No, ,,,Date,Period, ,,,Illustrated,Figure number, ,,,,, Structures 9&10,"Sheet contains individual tables of data for small finds from each feature studied. Name of feature appears above table. Each table has the same headings, which are defined in the accompanying metadata",22,Context,Context number, ,,,Context description,Text, ,,,Small Find Number,Number, ,,,Material,Material type, ,,,Identification,Description of find type, ,,,Dimensions,mm, ,,,Notes,Free text, ,,,Functional Category,Number, ,,,From sieved sample?,Yes / No, ,,,Date,Period, ,,,Illustrated,Figure number, ,,,,, Enclosures,Sheet contains table of data for small finds from enclosure contexts. The table has headings as defined in the accompanying metadata.,8,Context,Context number, ,,,Context description,Text, ,,,Small Find Number,Number, ,,,Material,Material type, ,,,Identification,Description of find type, ,,,Dimensions,mm, ,,,Notes,Free text, ,,,Functional Category,Number, ,,,From sieved sample?,Yes / No, ,,,Date,Period, ,,,Illustrated,Figure number, ,,,,, Wells,"Sheet contains individual tables of data for small finds from each well context studied. Name of feature appears above table. Each table has the same headings, which are defined in the accompanying metadata.",11,Context,Context number, ,,,Context description,Text, ,,,Small Find Number,Number, ,,,Material,Material type, ,,,Identification,Description of find type, ,,,Dimensions,mm, ,,,Notes,Free text, ,,,Functional Category,Number, ,,,From sieved sample?,Yes / No, ,,,Date,Period, ,,,Illustrated,Figure number, ,,,,, Pit Groups,"Sheet contains individual tables of data for small finds from each pit group context studied. Name of feature appears above table. Each table has the same headings, which are defined in the accompanying metadata.",189,Context,Context number, ,,,Context description,Text, ,,,Small Find Number,Number, ,,,Material,Material type, ,,,Identification,Description of find type, ,,,Dimensions,mm, ,,,Notes,Free text, ,,,Functional Category,Number, ,,,From sieved sample?,Yes / No, ,,,Date,Period, ,,,Illustrated,Figure number,