"File Name","Description","Creation date","Supporting documentation file names (this should be enclosed separately and include any abbreviations, codes or notations used)","Software used","Software version" "SA_Jackson-_Contesting_the_Expert-_Appendix_6_-_NDP_Data.xlsx","A table listing all NDPs as of Feb 2016, and the analysis of 50% of the 'made' plans by the author.","16-Oct-17","OTHER_Appendix_Six_Notes.pdf","Microsoft Excel","2016" "","","","","","" "Sheet Name","Sheet Description","Number of rows","Field name (Please start a new cell for each row)","Field description (inc. units of measurements, description of codes, etc. used within each field).","" "Appendix 6","A table provided by the Decentralisation Team at the Department for Communities and Local Government which lists all Neighbourhood Development Plans as of Feb 2016 (columns A, B and D). The table also includes the author's analysis of 50% of the 'made' plans (columns C, and E-N). A final version of this spreadsheet was created on 16th October 2017 following minor corrections requested by the author's PhD examiners.","1688","Neighbourhood Area","The name of the Neighbourhood Area","" "","","","Local Authority","The name of the Local Planning Authority within which the Neighbourhood Area is located","" "","","","Region","The name of the local government region within which the Neighbourhood Area is located","" "","","","Plan Progress (Stage) (1)","The stage of the plan/neighbourhood area when the data was collected. The stages used by the DCLG are as follows: 0. Plan Made; 1. Passed Referendum; 2. Referendum; 3. Passed Examination; 4. Submitted for Examination; 5. Pre-submission Consultation; 6. Designated; 7. Designating; Failed Examination","" "","","","Analysed? (2)","A sample of 50% of 'made' plans were analysed by the author. Recorded as 'yes' if analysed.","" "","","","Who was the Plan Prepared by? (3)","Parish Council, Town Council or Neighbourhood Forum. Data only recorded for the plans which have been analysed.","" "","","","Date Plan Made (4)","The date that the plan was made part of the Local Plan. Data only recorded for the plans which have been analysed.","" "","","","Does the plan have a Specific Heritage Policy?","Recorded as Yes if the plan includes a specific policy for heritage. Data only recorded for the plans which have been analysed.","" "","","","Heritage Type protected by policy (5)","The specific 'type' of heritage included within an NDP heritage policy - It became clear during analysis that only certain ‘types’ of heritage were included within NDPs, ranging from all forms of heritage to just listed buildings or conservation areas, or simply ‘built heritage’. Data only recorded for the plans which have been analysed.","" "","","","Is heritage included in the vision / objectives (6)","Recorded as Yes if heritage is discussed/included within the vision or objectives section of the plan. Data only recorded for the plans which have been analysed.","" "","","","Is the heritage or histoy of the area provided as context in Background Sections?","Recorded as Yes if heritage or historical information about the area is included within background sections of the plan to provide context for the following policies. Data only recorded for the plans which have been analysed.","" "","","","Rural or Urban Neighbourhood Area? (7)","Recorded as rural or urban depending in the location of the Neighbourhood Area. Data only recorded for the plans which have been analysed.","" "","","","Does the Plan refer to conserving local distinctiveness or historic character?","Recorded as Yes if conserving local distinctiveness or historic character is referred to within the Plan. Data only recorded for the plans which have been analysed.","" "","","","Does the Plan have a policy to protect ACVs?","Recorded as Yes if a policy to protect ACVs is present. Data only recorded for the plans which have been analysed.",""