Table 2,,,,, Kilise Tepe: Distribution of samples by excavation year and deposit class,,,,, "Abbreviations: ST, CO, OC, RF, FI, PF, MI, MX used in graphs for data by deposit class",,,,, ,Deposit,Excavation year,,, Description,class,1995,1996,1997,Total ,,,,, Natural deposit,1,0,0,0,0 ,,,,, "Tip, midden, rubbish dump",2,0,0,0,0 ,,,,, Structure (fire installation) (ST),3,2,0,0,2 ,,,,, Construction materials (CO),4,21,26,14,61 ,,,,, Occupation sequence (OC),5,10,11,6,27 ,,,,, Room contents (RF),6b,1,0,2,3 ,,,,, Fire installation fill (FI),6c,0,3,0,3 ,,,,, Pit fill (PF),7,15,18,4,37 ,,,,, Miscellaneous (MI),8,0,0,4,4 ,,,,, Mixed (MX),9,0,0,4,4 ,,,,, Total,,49,58,34,141