Site unit no.,Flot. sample,Vertical context,Horiz. context,Site deposit description,Site deposit type,Micro deposit type,Descriptive key to Micro Deposit Types,Trench,Purity,Phase,TS sample no. 1852,Y,9,,Fill,4,4.4,Fill/collapse with heterogeneous aggregates,H20c,a,5i,97.06 1853,Y,9,,Yellow clay fill,4,5b3/6b3 + 5a3.2/3.3,Deposits rich in calcitic ashes/thick layer of ashes from plants ?burnt in-situ and lenses of moderate and well prepared plaster,H20c,a,5i,97.06 2391,Y,2,,"Packing below 2390, S: above ?paved surface",4,5a2.2/ 5b2,Packing/fill with heterogeneous aggregates or deposits with fine pseudomorphic vegetal voids,J18a,a,2f,97.18 2818,Y,3,,Destruction debris,4,5b1 + 4.3a,"Deposits rich in herbivore dung, and fill/collapse with unburnt structural aggregates",I19c/d,a,2e,97.13 3458,Y ,2\3\4,,Burnt destruction layer,4,4.2b,Burnt occupation deposits and heterogeneous fill,I14a/b,a,,96.10 4278,Y,7,,Room cleaning,4,4.2a,Burnt occupation deposits andfill/collapse with burnt structural aggregates,H19a/b,a,4c,97.12 5526,Y,4,,Deposits down to white line over SW corner,4,5a2.2 + 5b1,"Packing/fill with heterogeneous aggregates, and deposits rich in herbivore dung",I19a,a,2a,97.18 1258 (1253),Y,7,,Destruction fill,4,5b5b/6b + 4.3b,Thin lens of charred remains and fill/collapse with burnt structural aggregates,H20d,a,4d,97.21 1836 (lower),Y,8,,Brown soil,4,5a3.3 + 5b5,"Plaster floors of silty clay loam, well mixed, 5-10% vegetal voids, and thin lenses of deposits <0.4mm thick with a) calcareous sediments b) charred remains",H20c,a,5g,96.02 1836 (upper),Y,8,,Brown soil,4,5a3.3 + 5b5,"Plaster floors of silty clay loam, well mixed, 5-10% vegetal voids, and thin lenses of deposits <0.4mm thick with a) calcareous sediments b) charred remains. Sequence rubified.",H20c,a,5g,96.03 1838 (1835),Y,8,,Brown soil = room fill,4,4.4,Fill/collapse with heterogeneous aggregates,H20c,a,H [5g],96.01 1858 = 1871,Y,9,,Crumbly brown soil/aggregate,4,5b4 + 4.2a/b,"Deposits with finely fragmented charred plant remains, trampled, and burnt occupation deposits and fill/collapse",H20c,a,J,97.10 "2390, 2370",Y ,2,,General fill below m-b red/grey packing,4,5a2.3 + 5b2,"Packing comprising burnt and unburnt aggregate hard-core, and deposits with fine pseudomorphic vegetal voids",J18a,b,2f,97.18 4231=4247,Y,6,,Fill,4,4.1/5a2.3,Fill/laid packing or packing comprising burnt and unburnt aggregate hard-core,H19b,a,3c,96.06 4249 (4254),Y,7,,Destruction fill,4,4.3b,Fill/collapse with burnt structural aggregates,H19a/b,b,4b,96.04 5412 = 5417,Y,9,,Destruction debris,4,6b1 + 4.2a,"Thick layer of charred and siliceous plant remains, predominantly epidermises, burnt in-situ, and burnt occupation deposits and fill/collapse with burnt structural aggregates",H20c,a,J,97.11 2825,Y,4,,Ash to top of brown surface,5,5b1,Deposits rich in herbivore dung,I19c/d,a,2d,97.03 3474,Y,2\3\4,,Burnt debris layer,5,5a1 + 5b3,"?Floor/surface comprising thin layer of aggregates, and deposits rich in calcitic ashes",I14a/b,b,4a/b,96.09 4246,Y,5,,Room fill,5,4.5,Loose heterogeneous aggregates,H19b,a,3a,96.05 5310,Y,8,,Layer over 5313,5,5b4 + 4.4,"Deposits with finely fragmented charred plant remains, trampled, and fill with heterogeneous aggregates",H20d,a,4,97.01 1418 = 1388,Y,5,,Charred fig horizon,5,6b2/4.4,"Deposits with well preserved large charred plant remains and heterogeneous aggregates, and or fill/collapse with heterogeneous aggregates",I20- J20c,a,3e,96.16 "3460, 3459",Y,2\3\4,, Phytolith layer,5,5a2.2 6b1,"Packing/fill with heterogeneous aggregates, and thick layer of charred and silicoeus plant remains, predominantly epidermises, burnt in-situ",I14a/b,a,,96.10 3083,Y,4,,Fill of pit,7,7c,Fill of pit without phytolith lenses,"K14a, Pit 96/45",b,2a-d,96.13 3478,Y,2\3\4,,Fill of pit,7,7a,Phytolith lining at base of pit,"I14a, Pit 96/29",b,4b,96.07 3478,Y,2\3\4,,Fill of pit,7,7b,Fill of pit with phytolith lenses,"I14a, Pit 96/29",b,4b,96.08 5501,Y,4,,Fill of pit,7,7a/b,Phytolith lining at base of pit/ fill of pit with phytolith lenses,"I19b, Pit 97/69",b,2b,97.04 3066 = 3067,Y,,,Fill of pit,7,7a + 7b,Phytolith lining at base of pit and fill of pit with phytolith lenses,"K14a, Pit 96/34",c,03-Apr,96.12 4511,Y,4,,10 litre sample from R6,8,6b2,"Layer of well preserved charred plant remains, burnt in-situ","K19c, R6",d,2c,97.17 4535,Y,4,,Sample trench in courtyard R3,9,5a2.2 + 5a3.1 + 5b3,"Packing/fill with heterogeneous aggregates, and plaster floor of sandy silt loam, poorly mixed, and deposit rich in calcitic ashes",K19a,d,2b,97.09